HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-07-27, Page 1AR La the largeot unty Huron, and titri Circulation T ICH STAR boa a lama, circulation than any othar NatriPaPer in this soction of tho county ot Huron %MEE xi' oz wzt*raz*.itipxiztra 'THE oovisiv /FORTY outwork YEAhs, WIMAIOs 0 E 1 lit.ONtt JULY,,:;7 CHECICING 'AAP become LISMEs4 xpOaSstrkt And we solicit ea OppertuultY la explain, ititnumy eilvaigsgeg, 4S1* lurutr4r ler Clitge9gt litrIgiVrtrter4" tholt gS. •11 ja 0. anicknIth ilefie0411an ltRePi , .of Money en Wig C4111 Wt1Ingilt oue littielie4letentltie414,004 (AatiWat.VOUrsa". tkiwiro,00,11.1.0.!rrips us t0',os,c44.,4epssilte„. s ',DARD.LOAN COMPANY 1101IERTSON. REAL End•TX: AND INsUltANCE AGENTS, " rallinlisbueiniteeteriale 40 ta, ertmeree. *ire atel- 14 e Inetealtee• Otnee. Norte HO. knelt iltelSe amain*, 4 0030004 01'MM NOlerit STRSVI, sw.A. w, WittrON; UGR. T LOST. "F" too* *bite Igo Amove. kola hialte At The tear OMete• • N " FOU •10(1UND.-in the •Iftwon eget en Eridiny X morning( ra. Geld Itingt .OWnen mn bare *MOO bY aPeliting tO Pun biases, ettbe Huron Peantai tirthRfar rovg: -Am PaYing WANTS. ArANTED. TO ILENT.-I5 to 25 Aeree of NV elattVeted Med near' DOdoeiell. Lana must be clean, Give tun. partleulare. APP1Y C,w. ft.nare et Star Defeo. bay4 ead Vogt en e tine 'ego kindly return "kriD'Ill0Fla-Part-ftWgebo botrOwed Dross Coat to the Store and (11 AN1113 NW VOTED -P. 4.Protantm. rilliLITANTED.-Good General Servant. Ap y to Mite. H. W. TriontsoN, corner St• Dori and Vieterin. streeta. 00 Gillish WANTEDIMMEDIATELY. -To wqrk in Biamit and Candy epartments. Steady employment, good wages. . Peking at CO., WM London, Ont. MIRE ABEADEEN. Nelms St, is now 1. Open for eummer business, having lately removed frOm NorthIns Large resi- dence, comfortable rooms, that tease board, • perintarept ttanelent. Rates 11 per day. FOR SAL,E QR TO LET. APRI ATE PAIPI*V"...s...".-kwi's.-1-1 ahnoot new, standard make, u•right Plano, at a -area • • • n: . • • STAR office. 807170 SUMMER TENTS FOR RENT. -11 x 0, on reasonable terms. Apply to S.Hat- sreen.lia. David street, Goderlels. LIMMER COTTAGE TO IIENT.-At 310.- Q neaetung Park. Newly frnmiebed. 8 rooms anti bathroom. Modern plumbing. Apply to W. E. Uttar. Jeweller. Goderlehs TO RENT.-Comfortuble aoven•rootn Homo near Collegiate Inetitute. Good cellar, hard and tett water in kitchen. Terms easy. Apply to Atm ago. COX. OR SALE OR TO TIENT-A &vied sever/ - 1W • roomed house. Apply to C., mahatmas, Trafalgar Street, Ooderich, MIOR SALE-Tbwline brick House, with ..L.7 awes of land, on hayfield Road, at pre - Rena ogpupied by the undersigned. Abund. 4tnee OW small fruits, such as pear& 18„1111114. Cantirrinetvg=tge Ia. bled:late% MI6. °rich, ,and will likely double in dee witMn four years. Apply on the pro to J. H. Asuman.. 'COP SALE ORTORENT.-Tero and a halt X., acres, veith sOringteeek rnneing through it, on the Huron Road, adjoining Maltiatid Cemetery. Can be bad at a bargain. Apply to MRS. LEWIS- Etareer. TaAltla FOR SALE,-100naerekibieing north •E halt of lot 112„ eon'. I, Astalel situated on the Gravel Road, between Goderie and Luela now. three-quarters of it nAla from Nile P. Os church end store:it conaidered opt% of the beet frame in the Minty of Huron. Also fifty mem situated „2nd eon. of Mantel& being north half of eaat halt of lot 11. There are two running stream,' Oe both, alao ft.rni 66x64, tame foundation, frame buildings 301E50 and 26x40; a geed frame lionse pod kitchen; Ana oreberd on tbo bontesthad. Both farms t areal' seeded at present. The 60 acre lot had Nun 31Ix64 on it. F'or sale by Mita. noon Greene -IGIARM FOR SALE Olt ItENT-Lot 2,con. 6, E. ot containing 160 norm soli a clay loam, 76 acres grass, fairly well fenced. good arteden well and Wind nal ;barn 40:00. with stone bamment, granary and horse etable 22x735, delving shed and other beginner. Homo 20x30, with kitchen and wood shod, Good orchard. Half male from church,sehool mid post office. Apply to H.& BLAKE. Crewe P, 0. 15.1m FOR SALE.-Twonew Dwellings on Angle. seY St. A comfortable Dwelling on Pieton St. Building Iota on Eigin Avease. FAME Bt., Cedar 8t. and Pine St, • WANTED. -A few Forniebed Houaca or Rooms, near the Lake front, to rent tor the Hummer season. YOUNG & ROBERTSON. NOitce OMB TO CREDITQatS, the =atter of the cringe ot Isabella bo(We" late....et the, TOM tioderieb, in the Eounty ot altiren, Wirlotr, deceneed. VTICkf hetebY given pursuant to R. S. ,0% I, Mans 120,,,tilat all ormlitore arra Others "Val Olir idialliet the. estate of 1110 said 7st, dsa••V of litehrw b ,dia on4re°rre4lated ticg opt/atom the 20.t.h daY Of. Au:feet, 1,8uo, te !too trirL7111.".rgLirw,tr nid=lintiGulY eqriptions. the fed earetoulars of their claims and the nature of hie etentritien. any, held by them. . ANI) FURTHER TAKE NOTICE tbat at. tor Mailed mentioned date Gm executers ot the said ergot° will .proeeed to distribute the (Wets( of the deeeessee among the parties on- tMed thereto, beving regard only to claim ot which they sludi then have notice, and that they will not boilable tor the mid russets or any Pert theeeet to any person or persons of whose claims notlee ehall net 'have boon received by them ab tho time of saki distribution. DATED this 19th day of July, A. D.,1906, ANNIE MAY KING, By M. O. JOHNSTON, Her Solicitor. Otis wanted •ta work on aGys' °lathing; good wages' and' always steady empinyrnent. After an' exPerlence with us in, Clinton, situations will be offered to first applicants in our proposed branch in Goderich. One of the best situations for girls today is running power machines. Write us for more partic- ulars. Jackson Mfg. Do. CLINTON, ONT. W. E. KELLY WATCHMA_KER, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN. mum Or MAIMIAGE LICENSES GODEM011, ONT. V,ERTIfintd.UN . wasted,s Acres raesi,.C.W.It'4.41‘0.44f t *0113itiqat WAIllgti".=414/01eY",j4t Tants son Jeatits--a.ttliasittee...tt yriehaut •••••••....fastit, clearance Salo et Itantteselei Peellii lIntrlorare..•...,,..1:•.*• St **t* t. .... tm* moot gsrutsies,..0. lel it.... li•t$,Ort.*". 3 Gels Wantreelenksou M0n11111e11/14118( CO. 4 Old Inetil Reindrunentraltforil •..• Bonding Satee-W. A•Meltiet 0*. ••• • . a ao.„14,,,Natietnti efteentWallesesTewo ot Godedeliv.. sptcha 8kirtvo3K.VT. Airbetket Sotte4 vureittes norsoist/,-soPitet iiittnreer atunrillidettaals ..... TooriSts' WeettneW. C. Goode 4 Blaek Tellettitilikal, etueorue consumes. 000ss altendfodgeue „ Votete7:141(trs..' ........ s' The eopelet eatwaLendea„„.• • 3 Steetnerntestiele-Siorthern Navigation en it eemerojeuteeke seeecaeseverlige ilituk Townie:4s Por MilesaThontasT1 t PAULO Salmatar MIMe Glove rant-Ster Office- SPECIAL NOTICE. Notlecti tilostiotbla heeding to nonettivertis- Ore tweed le omits a running line in tempera ty , e; epee GQ Watt to Yearly contract eevertleers whose eileertlideg poem in the sante issue,6 ceetsst linetto those who nutlet a yeavly contraet endee . hamlet& and dO not otherwise gavertiso. 8 coats a line, Local Notices., 3. B. Hawkins wants to sell his hers°, trap and hernees, Will sell horse meats ately. % • 'When you see a store paintegood nnd red, reruernber Mat it; Peutin's Ha were. Paulin says he will try to make it met while keeping tide fact In mind. Mr. R. R. S.raxows will be absent front Ma Photo Studio from August 7 to 10, both inclueive, but the Studio will bo open for the benefit of pertiee desitirat Photo Supplies, and in charged Bert Murphey. Patrons are respectfully requested to govern themselves necordinglr. NOT1(1E TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of the estate of Elizabeth Campbell Attrill. late of the Township of Col- borne in tlie County of Huron, decomed. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. led, cap. 129, that all creMtors and others having tedium against the oaten/ of the said Elizabeth Campbell Attrill, who died on or about tho day of June, IMO, are required nershotorcs-Abe-2. istalaret ;tidy lnan, to 4001 by post or deliver to 00 undersigned their Christian and aurnames, midranges and de- scaptione, the full partionlars of their claims. and the nature of tho itecurities, if any, held by them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that af- ter mid Mat mentioned date the executors of tbe said estate will proceed to distribute the asset.; of tbo deceased among the partlea :en- titled thereto. having regard only to elnime of which they !hall then 'moo notice, and that they will not be Mama for the raid meets, or ,any part thereof to any person or persons of whom claims notice shall not. have been te. calved by them at tho time of sald distribu- tion. DATED this 29th day &June, A. 0., nod DICKINSON & GARROW, Solicitora for IC. 0, Gilbert S. Wright, and Ernest Haawn, Exneeters, s.eseuee se children. Orillia-Ten-year-old boy found bottle of whiskey, drank it, and - dead. Hamilton -Intoxicated Man fell re of a thirdeltorey window and w killed. These three tragedies are the parti returns from one day's actevity on t part of the whiskey habit. Whiskey does not take a Sunday o or go on its sumnter holidays. .., Whiskey is doing business every d in the year, and the sort of business cioes is indicated in yesterday's retur from three points affected by the ha last Sunday. cYOR 8ALE OR LET. -A farm of 111 acres of tho beet day loom, belonginope, Mrs. a Prager, Goderieh. situated on this t con.. thiderlehtownshIst, 7 miles trona G erieb, 9 from Clinton and 5 from Hayfield. Fairly good buildinge, 2 orchards. Reanonable terms. For further particulars epply to JAMES COL. WELL, Blocks Arcot, Goderleh, or ED. Acn- Met, Goderich. PROPERTY FOR SALE.- The desirable property on Etta Avenue, Godetich, owned and occupied y Dr. Whitely. Good house atia two-thirds Man acre of land, with choice fruits. The bowel is heated by hot water and has ell modern improvemente. A &wean) for any portion wanting first -dam pro- tnity,vtrthltrnalcirra. rosrairzi. Apply to or address "The Apzus ron SALE. - Several hundred A copies of ted novsepapers tor sale. Jino she thingwhen you are honseolerudng. Apply at BIAR °MOE MEDICAL D' 'InftSole & TURNBULL. A. 'I'. Entmentiore M. D. W. S. Ternmeras M. B. Des„„.t Offices 102 Offices. Hamilton St. Residence 121 Night oells for the firm of Des, Emmereon and Turnbull will be answered either from 'theft' Oka, Hamilton street, or bun Dr. Terabelfe tessienee.1•10.40n dreets n. MACKLIN, M. B. rilydelan and Burgeon. Sperial attention to %Vilna (Mkt ang resigrunte West t. Gatieltrit. 'Teieltione 14T1a VETERINARY. FREEMAN, Owner gentinatel Veterinary 0 8011r000. /Comber of the Veterinary Associations ot London. EdinburgIn Ontario. Burattaltmerattoitsaimeelaity. umee, Bruce street, am:ening ettowarts Greenbouses. Phoeti111. PROFESSIONAL • A ,,,,R1ILIMit trf nor went Stteet Mut Senate. , . noteLs mom Minos; itfierst.. Goderleb Ont.- ThettentblYrefittedarld modernized. A IMMO fter tne travellee and fanner. 130,91 111.60 asdAbOtel tabs, tonnd anywhere...sal, J. MOIL ItIN-4.1ra Pandittor. THE' COLBORNE HOTS'. 1110%. jouNST0N, ihtotintitratt. 0 o.a...laisou. thtif tiWoritti prifilic house, tinder the new Whireigettient, will I* coodueted theittnponetples And the best possible Wales is gestioit4i1 the getter/et piddle. otioutgelttetpettiulty tolicited. STANtN-Ortittr 1100111ton and New- gAtia. elite* Coderleit. The POINT rix . •.'Atmettritz600t 006itotbi. eit Atitiored. 4rielft rot tdattob*Ao... • . N• EMMA .Pratt.01.9ritl Petit*, IrA $0.1641t Oleo WW1. 11: Hamilton Times: There appears be no mystery about that Winds murder. Given a morose and coars natured man, a long course of whisk soaking a.ntl abuse of his family, a the result aclihived is not astonishi The pity of it is that such brutes ea not be decently hanged or locked n before they conunit murder. MONT,REAL TEMPERANCE CRUSADE • Areithishop druches1 Expects t Work Regeneration of the Peo ple in a Few Years. BUSINESS CHANGE, GODERICH CIVIC HOLIDAY. Next Wednesday being Goderich civic holiday, Tnts STAR would ask all advertisers and correspondents to have their copy in the hands of the printers earlier than usual for next week. "Late copy" will be sure to meet with disappointment. Mr. L. B. Augustine haying bought out the -interest of Mr. Jonathan Miller in the East Street Lirery, tbe bueiness will hereafter Le carets -a -on under -Me name o Walker & Augustine. A continuance of public pat- ronage solicited. Everything will be kept up to the highest stan- dard, and satisfaction guaranteed. gaunt Xv4.4cs. iNAR,(101;1aTetht 84t, .0400, rigvey Dottie wes beriito dedge Doyle for steitUng*la fteliA the till Of the Dunlop betel, Ala Pleaaea guilty to the tharge• Re Woo oho eleargeddeintlystyith Wilfred Welterw. With titiolduir AVM w Store in the neighborhood of Ugater., to which, WALKER & AUGUSTINE. BANKING essisesamoimasise=ssemosims‘ The Sterling Bank OF CANADA HERD OFFIGE - TORONTO .• Incorporated by Special Act, of the Dominion Parliament to rttcolve Demerits. Highest current rate of iuterest paid in our Savings Dank Department on deposits of 'Sr and upwards, Interest paid and compounded POUR TIMES A YEAR. Drafts bought and sold. A General Banking Business transacted. ...**•••••y••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• GODERICH BRANCH : A. G. GA MBLE, Manager. Iffontreal, July 15. -Mgr. Benches whO Ines just returned from a pastor visit extending over 30 nariebee. wh TOWN OF GODh'RICII. Tang Nortog that the Municipal Council of tho Corporation of the town of Gotiorich in - tondo te construct cement sidewalks in the eall town as tollowe I. On the South Word side of Colborne Street between Waterloo Street and St. Patrick's Street. 2, On the South West side of Colborne Street between The Square and M. Patrickt. Street. 3. On tho South nide of SS Patriek'a Street between Waterloo Street and Wellington Street. 4. On thn South East side of Hamilton Street between Perk Lot 037 and Victoria and Neloon &meta. 5. On tho North rdde of Trafalgar Street between North Street and Victoria Street. it. On the North Aldo of Bruce Street be. tween North Sneet and Cambria Rawl. And intends to asseas portion of the final cost thereof upon the reol property to Do Bumediately benetited thereby, fronting or abutting upon mid streets es aforesaid, be. tween tho said pointe. and to levy Stleh final cost according to the frontage thereof, by twenty anneal special natesaMente ; and that n. statement showing the Wide liable to and proposed to be epeeially asses -m.1 tor tbe mid worirs and the naMen of the Demers tberookee farm tbe same :len be useerttUned from the - last revised amassment rdll find otherwise, is now Merlin the office ot the Clerk of tho Muni- cipality, and Is open for Inspection during one home. 'to estinutted east of the work IS *ino.95. of w eh PV..19 ie to be provided out Of tho general fund,' of the Municipality. A Cotner OP It/1VMM will bo held on the 00th daY et July. mos, at tho hour of 8 o'clock in the afternoon, et the Connell Chamber in the town et Godefieb, for the porponi of hear- ing omelettes against the OrepOsed unma- n/ern on the aceuraey of frontage lemur/se Menteor any other eon/plaint Which the per - sone Antenatal inky deem to melte anti which la by late cognIzeble by the Court. Drove the 12t11 day of Jule, 190n. JOHNSTON. Clerk. • ___________, AUCTIONEERINO ir-o-iiiiii-iik6ifiref.-denertd Auctioneer xx 011affaMlition Tet Gederiell, P. (). Box 16.1. Eartn.termetoe , tted all other ealea will reftleeeneelel ratted on. I'wfu buy veer en- tire stetek of Henget/Old Filtnitat*; knd WM pay ittet cosh prices. Let net keeteeritityou have to eill iti any iftleser.eall and see svhat I can sell yon. --. GEORGE BECKETT. Carioaty Shoe, elditeeleh. THE #011THERNIIINIGATIONOMPANY 1110/011TONT soncE THENSTik. BglIANNIC is been witlidr4Wa to the Georgbn. Bay Sehtice 0 All future saili00 between inclgort netrOit, Onderich and Kinensdind Aare EREDV ONCELLED es It iimitiOittijowik suAtte8 ,tefi Oro, 10., GODERICH MARKETS. Ornin prices aro unchauged, although re- ports aro in circulation about rust In the North West, that should make futures much dearer. At present the reports about rust me very con- trailictory Hops sold on Monday at 137.50. the highest over paid In Oodorldh, hut In all other lines of farm and dairy produce there has been no chartge worth noting thie week. Raspberries and choreic,' are still plentiful. and they sell at last week'. prices. Wm. Burrows &Pon shipped 1.500 Monet' of pato to Myth this week. J.F. Andrews (shipped a ear of hogs to Toron- to on Monday. Robert McLean mule a shipment of fine cat- tle to Toronto on Monday last, there being GO In the lot. Current wholesale prices corrected up to noon of Thriradall3 fbrIng wheat, standard Flour, por owt.. patent Flour, per owl.. family Bran, per tpn Short% per ton Screening's per ton Ones Barley Peas Rye Buckwheat, per bnehol Hay Butter, per lb Egos, (fresh) per dozen . Wood, per cord Cattle. export.. ‘,. .... . .... , 4 LO to Cattle, ordinary and butchers' 3 50 to Lambe, opting 9 .,0 to Sheep. tat lowt) 3 no to Huge live weight 7 40 to Hoge, deemed 8 76 to Munn, per lb 0 16 to Bacon, long clear 0 14 to Hides 7 00 to Sheep aktnn . ft 70 to Tallow, rendered 0 el to Cht.kons-barnyard chicks, per lb 0 10 to -crate fed 0 11 to Beef, fore quarters I 60 to Beet. hind quarters 0 oti to Peugeot . 0 20 to StnewberrIen... -. ..... ..... 10 to Cherries, per haeket 50 to 10 76 to 76 0 711 to 76 2 50 W 2 60 2 26 to 2 26 19 00 to 19 00 20 00 to 20 00 18 00 to 18 GO ti 35 to 0 36 0 40 to 0 43 0 60 to 0 02 0 48 to 0 48 0 48 to 0 48 8 00 to 8 25 0 16 to 0 Id 0 13 to 0 14 6 00 to 6 00 4 76 4 76 00 being the first Wednesday in August, will be Civic holiday for Ooderich, in accordance with the custom establish- ed by resolution of the Town Council some years ago. There is no special attraction out of town, and doubtless the day will be well observed by local picnics. Conencrriort.-Two weeks since, by Wattle also pleaded guilty. Walters pleading Pet gulitY. trialef tent reenited In * verllietof net guilti. inod, he Weal diselifted, And *tat e netrattlded till Wedneiday for sea. tame, when he was Again before the court. stud, cousidering the many miti- gating circtunetaticeo, allowed to go on stuipended sentence after good ad- vice go to hio future behaviour. 'MUT GPOESIVII Watris--Tho street sprinkler PI be 1:111 duty when there are cloutie of dust similar to hibudisy last, -The carman in Vieteria Park to face liataliten street, and all the others remounted and placed where they will !how to the best atl- ventage.-The many improvements to private residences In Goderich to eon., tinue.-Some special attention paid to the 2let Essex Regiment from Aug, 0 to 11. -Au up to date sporting easocia- tion„-More summer visitors, and a hundred or more cottages ereeted a- long the banks and bluffs overlooking the lake, which would readily rent during the heated term,• -•The O. P. It. pushed to ae• early completion.- ?ffore cetuent walks, and the desire is being gratified. THE POPULAR FAra.-The Western Pair, Loudon, promiees this yew' to be a great success. Entries are com- ing in fast and space is being allotted. The attraction committee have provid- ed a progranune of amusement and entertainment far exceeding anything ever attempted by the association, C. W. Williams, of Newark, New Jersey, will tnake daily ascot:miens in his air- ship, "America." The Royal Venetian Baud, one of the greatest musical or- ganizations of the day, has been en- gaged at great expense for the entire exhibition. "The Norins," high div - ere Japanese acrobats, slack wire performers, The Polite Burglars. trick house performers, The Red Raven Cadets and many othere will all ap- ear batiste the grand stand daily. d's_magrifficent electrical and pyrotechnical display of the "Car - nivel of Venice" every evening. Re- member the dates, Sept. 7th to 15111. For prize list and information write the Secy., Western Fair Office, Lon- don, Ont. a mistake of our reporter, we included the name of George Jardine with those of Beattie and Mason, who were charged with taking money from the till of the Dunlop hotel. 'We regret the publieation, aa Mr. Jardine was not connected with the charge, but was merely suphoetted as a witness in the case. 0 1111.8 WANT111).-By reference to ouradverttsing eolumna it will bealeiet that the Jackson Mfg. Co. purpose starting a branch of their boys' ready made clothing tailoring in Goderich, but they first want to train some Meal help into their ways, and are advertis- ing for girls to go to Clinton for an ex- perience. We hope they will be suc- cessful, as we feel sure that onee they are property started here they will have no trouble to get plenty of help. They now have over 85 hands in Clin- ton, and pay out over S2,600 a month, and we understand that their business cOuld be mile)] increased if they can get more beim A KINDLY GATIITCRINU.-A few days since. a big bee Was held on the farm of Thos. Hussey, of Ashfield, the gen- tian= who was injured by shot wounds at the charivari a few weeks since in that township. There were fourteen mowers and many men, in• eluding every man who took part in the affair in which Huseey was injur- ed, and some sixty tons of hay watt cut and !tamed in good condition. The act was one of a brotherly charac- ter, showing that it was not in feeling anyway thatprouipted the unfortunate event of a few weeks ago. Indeed it may safely be said that the whole neighborhood will have kindlier feel- ings for each other after their thought- ful and sympathetic gathering at the hay fielde. Well done AN INTERF.STINO CAS K. -A Lon - 11141) 9 00 0 16 0 14 7 23 0 00 0 04 0 11 0 12 6 AO 7 00 0 80 10 Or Cattle and Hogs et Toronto. Sun Office. Tuesday evening. July 24th. Another Mermen, talten place in hog Kiev% during the pant week, thin belug mind. ent with qw advance in bacon in London. ns, Melon cm, who quoted at ?teed ears in Toronto last week, today quote P.M In the Cane Way. Hogs ted and watered In Toronto Mei quoted at 67.00, and In country pointo at 117.M. or 15 cent(' idebor than one week aao. Park, Blackwell /see. Fay then quotations are unehangeti nt dream in Toronto, 57.75 fed and Watered. an $7.50 at mutant point" There wile a big run Of fairly good cattle at the JuoctIon Cnttle Unmet yeetenlay morn- ing, NInety•nlno oars with EOM cattle were unit:Med. All them were cleared before noon. •Itta altbough prince remained Mein 51.75 to With veim caw chalet) at 55.1S, Rolm, elated more reeldly than tad molt. OBITUARY. SKIM IN. -The Toronto Mall of July 7 contained a report of the death in Hamilton of Dr. Nellie Skimin, a well known linty practitioner, cousin 'of Miss E. A. Skimings, of this town. The report said : ''Deceased had been ailing for some time frotn nervotts trouble. She ,was a graduate of Queen's University having etudied under her sistee, Dr. Alice MeGilliv- ray, during the time Mrs. McGillivray eaught at Queen's, and with whom she was praktising until the thne of her death. Besides this sister deceaaed Is survived by her mother anti one broth- er, Dr. George Skimin, of Renew. City, Mo." CLENMENNINO.-There diedt-Nr Sete, day, at the residence of William A. Rutledge, Huron Road, Robert Clem denning. aged 76 years and 4 months. The deceased had been ill for some time, so his demise was not unexpect- ed te many hereabouts, but np north there will be many to whom his death will be a. surprise. In the GO's and 70's thip deceased Watt one of the best known merchants in Ashtleld and Wawanosh, hie store on the Ashneld side of Dun gannon being in those decades largely patronized by residents of both town• ships. The last twenty years was mostly spent in Goderich in retire- ment, as in this town he often met his business and political friends from the northern townships, and talked over old tittles. His funern.1 took place in Dungannon on Wednesday. NASMYTIL -Alex, Ntuttnyth, one of our well known and oldest eitizene. answered the last call on Monday and joined the grand army after a long tttof Towia Ustio. i'r,nroz churAa (larder', Party °a Thursday next. Aug, 2, .000720 tieketswere sOld at Gude, rich for the 12tit of TulY at fleatorth. A, lot ett Interesting local mailing Will be f mind au pages, 11 At 4. 0 and ti of thla week's tiran. don • (Eng.) despatch of Friday last said : " An Important judgment affecting the telatione of colonial merchants was given by Mr. Justice Phillimore, in the King's Bench. The Bank of Montreal sued the Exhibit and Trading Company, Limited, of Liverpool, to recover P.4(r. on a promissory note drawn by thcade- fondants, payable to thb Goderich Or- gan Company, and endorsed to the Bank. Payment was resisted on the ground that the promissory note had been materially nitered by the addition of the word "Limited" to the name of the payees, after the execution of the instrument, and also on the gmonnd that the note wart unetarriped. Judg- ment was given for defendants on both points." Fon MII.K DICAL151114. -At the last session of Perliament aet was passed requiring the inspection of milk cans. Thew are to he pri-;isented at the offices of weighte and measures for inspection. The teen W be charg- ed for their verification are : Two gallona and under, 10 cents each ; over two and not exceeding five gallonn, 20 cents ; over five and not exceeding ten galione, 90 cents: ; over ten gallons, 50 cents. If cans are inepected before Oct. 13, next, the leen will be only one half the sumo mentioned. .After that date all per- sona selling milk by measure in cans not properly inepected and otamped will nubject themeelvee to a cevere penalty. Each can in which mill: is sold by measure =at be clearly statnped or branded "funk can." A SIWC14611. - The annual garden Thatorpotteattle were looking in fairly geed clue*. tho average tveight being takI0 lbs. Tinto wero no Western cattle on the markets". , The Apple Crop Prospects. Ai Meat etrreitar from J. h. Thome, trait dealer, ot London, Eng., aim thin ediroete Of tlio proreecte for the apple crtagOla Of 11100.07 . joNt contlitited droneht in the &tali towline coon net csktenr tO have bid cm edlreme Oftret elfin rrOja in thin country, at; daring the ef getting. although it wile retarded team renottinlAing now Wotan) the treeZ and predneing 'PIG& verging In KOMO dflattlet8 te ebetneant. "fieperte team the Continent ;seta to tee re. Ittgregnititlgta Tar rIt_ltitte gift cans or carasidis In Great urltatn, Mop mats imeettire. tiZe, have enact offere on the prices which trey ride tetr caritr arrivals. "Atal-afflu indirseCemstaraly tiny Meets lean Or taleaMan ritsp':Co Will ter ttoosataeraosith ponetale cateeptlen et mune eteite table tole Germany la eat loco, to toe thanYanneadiati attlea the/ vete es tot Only dteti. their ewe depose to be se ahtled. autette.trettletheavr ante Old rewrite egnillett eteasteee elet Mete Ceeliteittel ,tratort4 est. emottfor h usruatter of sate es, pots Met pot 4,-- Tim attractive advortlarmenta of the lieveleign Bank will hereafter be found on page 2 of THE STA% Thursday Aug. 2 la the eorrected date fee l(nox Ohurch Garden Party. With lamb retailing all 20 cents a pound, it is no wonder so many farm- ers have bank accounts. The service in Knox church ou Sun- day next, morning and evening, will be conducted hy Key. 4. 0, Manama. Ph. D.. of Chteago. Chas, O. Lee will in a few days have Inaillmoth double store ready for bastnese. The archway has been coun pleted and the work is being rushed to completion. A gold watoh lost on Tuesday eve- ning, and advertised by small bIlls was ploked up by Miss M. McIver, West street. and promptly retuaned to the owner, The date of Knox Church Garden Peaty has been changed to Thursday, Aug, 2. A good numhor from Goderloh took In the Windsor races this week, when J. W. Smith's Missouri. Chief took 4th nlace in the 2.00 chess, againet nine other flyers. The best time was 2.054, the Goderich horse being 4, 11, 3, Dr. J. L. Turnbull's office and surgery at Lietowel bad a close call front fire on Monday morning of last week. There was considerable loss of proper. V, but we are pleased to learn that our former esteemed Gotiorich resident escaped. A horse belonging to Thomae Mc- Michael, of Willett, was taken freen Fleaforth on the evening of July 12tb, but 'teas afterward found. it is eur• mised mime i lit ri ous nd I v [duals wanted a free ride, but did not get to Ooderich jail. 'George ()retrain, sr., of Goderich townsiti p, recent) y underwen t an op- eration tor the removal of cancer from the lip; we are glad to know that. he is recovering. It required considera- ble courge for 0 man over eighty to undergo the ordeal. It was found necessary to ehange the date of Knox Church Oarden Party from Friday next (as at nest an- nounceti a to Thursday, one day earlier. party of St. Georgen Churchvvotnan'o Guild was held last Thnreday cm the beautiful lawn° of Mr. O. P. Carey, by the kind permienion of Mrs. Morrison, who at present occupier; the house and grounda. The morning wart bright,bnt after noon it clouded up end looktel threatening until the party wart through, and both beiansa and after tea raineiell lightly, but notwithstand- ing these threatenffige, the party was eine of the moet aucceeeful the Guild ban ever had. the tea and attendance being very good, and all other depart. mento equally so, and the end a nue- CtItt unfinehiny. The flab pOnd, metal, was welt petroffized. and many noVelties hooketl; the candy table was 414 Willi attended that it Wag depleted of Ito toothsome sWeetien tlie fancy table lt great attraction. a age tramber °nude, and faheyartieles being mad; the ice cream departmentwits grand gneeest, the lemonade stand Orinall17 go. the tee tableri Were eirded 'stem 5 to bend. to Gal *rm. pliyerl fitialeta pro, gramme, *Welt *AA concluded shortly eter taro tht siege of illness. The old veteran had reached the patriarehlal age of over four score years, having heen born in Haddingtonshire, Scotland, about years eince. At the age a ta he crossed to America wit it his parents, and visiting ate eral pointe in the States and in Camula he eettled in Goderich in 1845, thus having been a resident of the town 61 years. He joined the Presbyterian chureh short- ly after his arrival in tioderich, and had in bin prowermion at. hie death a member's card dat ed Febrile ry, /t4 6, signed by the late Rev. Charles Mach- er. In 1866 he wan one of the flee to offer to repel the F`enian invadere, and with many other reeiden received the medal and one amp for his ser- vices on that occasion, and a few yeare since received from the Ontario Government a eartifleato granting him 160 acres of land /04 0 1•PWard for hie loyaity during that eampaign. For several mont he preeeed Ing death the late Mr. Nasruyth looked exceed- ing frail, but in his coffin looked hie self of former years, Deeriteed was well aequainted throughout t part of Huron, as -hie 01 years of resi- dence made him known to hosts of people. and hie death will cause ey in• athetic remarke from all who knew Alex. Nasmyth. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from tile residenee of' his daughter, Mrs. If Iv riaon, Kingston street, and was at tend- ed by many old friemdn. Hems HamiltOn and Hr. Meldrum offleiated at the house and at the grave, nnd pall -bearers vvere Alex. Ingle:I, A. (I McDonald., W. IL Robert:min, 11. Dunlop, David fitoddart and Wm Skimtningo. Decerteed wan married in ZOrra, to Ann McKenzie, w ho pre- deceased hint many yeare. Thou. were nine children born to them. four only now living, Mrs. C. 0. Crahh, of town, Alexander of Toronto, Mies .1. fileEltoy of Orangeville, and Mt... Harrieon of town. Of grandchildren there are twelve now living, and of great grand -children, twentyame. 1.30, and Mellower g tl added a foie sum to tile trourees putt*, The 39rd iDIST.RtCT MAWR $01001, 111MHilltitat !MOM IN el sielei* an aminalant40(411 Pfekeint 0 the Week's Sessloss st gokterich, Monist Oth to tath. Vollowing, is the program for the tintlalflOr eehool ta be held at Ooderich August (Rh to lab, under the eopices of the Ppwortlt Leaguea of Oodeelch distriet. The aesolens of the school will behead In a large tont at Harlem Packs oVerlooking the picturesque harbor and water front, Ail sessions of thoSehool will be open to the pub- lic. • A, eollection will betaken at each 'session to defray. expenses. Provision hao been *mule for the accommodation of visitors who May wish to stay only for 000 day or for more than one day. Persous desiring to secure accommo- detion for more than one day should writnee early as possible either to the ueoretary. W. E. Elliott Goderich. or to the president, Rev. H. Graham, Goderieh. MONDAY. Avower ern. 8 11. Tu. -Werth of welcome. Rov. W.IL Gen ham, la A., Early Mothodient In Canada, liov. G. N. Ihmon. U. A. Teusoar, AUGVHT Tett nolgte.111111g- 7 to 7,45 It. m.-lanyer and praise Afternoon emaion. se gm. Devotional emus elseo Itov. U. Clement. 15 p.m.- Illble Study. The isestrapity of Palestine, Tay. A. Cour- tiers a D. 3 p. ul.••• allietion Work in Canada, Rev. le. Anderson. 3.40 p,rp.-Dleoue• 'dun. atm -New Ontario, Rev. a. A. Stead- lEven emotion- pm.- tiona wavier,. 8.16 intk.a:11..-Tho Present opportunity. Rev. A. _g. larke, U. A. Meeks 8.M p. in. • Whet Um W. al. 8. bat; eocomplialied Twenty.tive yoaro of Ito Lite, Mee. Gordon Wricht. WEntossonv, Avenel. Pan. Idoroing -7 to 7,4S a. 111.- Prayer and praise service Afternoon serenon- 2 p. rma Devotional exer- OIRCH, Rev J. W. Itublumat. 2.16 p. m. Bible study. Jou* and John the Bat Mk A.C. Connie), D. D. s - p. 114.^1)00IWItiO 114104011ary Work in Oritielt (Ioltunbia, goy. A. II Drown, B. A., II D. 840 p. tn.--Diacuptiden, test 4 pm. F. "ishwcaTi:Inue Law of Christian lionelloonce, Rev. Evening Amnion 8 p. Bong serviee. 8.16 p.tu -Opr Missions In the Now Yrovinces.ltev. W. le here 8.46 tn.- Mettle. 9 p. [IL Ad• dress, A. Jaekson, moretary Provinelal Ainn- day School A.(001E01011. Tit ease A V, Annum' Orn, :Vier:nag. 7 to 7.46 a. in. rtayor and pude° service. Afternoon seselote- 2 p. tu. Devotional exer. 0111UN, Rev. J. O. relined. 2,1A pan. Bible atm dy, rho narty mime. mtatttry, Rev. A. Courtlee. la I) O p.m. -Our t urolsners lis tho Now Provinces, nor, J. 1'. Reid, it A 3.40 9. tn. - Dloonseion, 4 9. tn. Teaeller Training, J. A. Jams:on. TUUltsDAY ICVaN 8.1.1. Maud ouncert- la the 11111V NOItil street church. At the meeting of Grand Dodge A., F. and A. M., in Toronto last week, W. Bro. W. D. Tye was elected Grand Register, being the seeond elected officer in many years that Goderich has had, We congratulate our citizen na.attain Mg so high a standing in the It Is understood that the Women's Institute will, at their next meeting, arrange the date fin. gjving a garden party in the Hospital grounds, Smith street. The Hospital will be thrown open, so that the kitchen elm be used in preparing the t OIL A bazaar will likely be one of the features of the ;Moir. Hip tnany friends will he pleased to learn that Mr. NVin. Brophey has been ptomoted by the ez. 'AO posi- tion of boss mechanic in conneetion with the many new stations being erected. It will be no trouble for Mr, Brophy). to till wadi 0 responsible notii• lion, although he niiist of nee.,sedity cover a very large territory, '1'lle Photographers' Assoriat ion of America will hold their annual eon. vent ion at. N in earn Falls fi•orn A ug.ith to 101h. Mr.10.10. Mallows will be aliment fermi his Photo Studio from August 7 to 10, both ineltisive, hut the Stmlio will be onen for the lament of parties desiring photo supplies, and in iharge of Bert Murphey. Patrons are re. spectfully requested I 0 govern them, selves aceorilingly. The Squitte• just before mindowe Saturday evening wns piel we such as cannot be Ret'll rui y business centre but. Goderich. Evi•ry seat on the Square was orennied rind many were restleating on the grami. around the Square on the side was; is. solid etrettin (if living humanity. The women were particularly well dice:sell, and their looke mat ched their gowns, for no better looking gathering of feminity could be seen any wie•re, The paat two Mark.; the bathing hoose tot the bench Mut been well pat- ronized, and the neenet; on the beitela dally have reminded us of those seen at tnanY of the seaside rest ills. 11 18 a pity the hid hints house is not oereipled from day lig h t. till darkness set In, and it would be If mothers taught or en- eout aged their childryn to swim. There are a few girls that ean swim but very few, hot were MI)1110 or the time de- voted to lean tmeftil nleasttres devotml to fiwirnming, we would inter. a more sell -reliant„ womanly lot of girls than we have today . C. P. R. Construction Notes Ttvo more of the large iron girders for the bridge nerosta the river here arrived the past week, but one of t hen) was, wrong end ittat,, and with the one brought last week wee cent up te Wingham to be turned on the "y'' there. There is atIll nothing doing on the ernss-river ceetion of the wort: here, but tbe gang who are building the huge treatin work along the honk above the G. T. R. tract: are snaltIna good progress, beinag now tvell along tO the nehetslxerbom1 of let new terve, tote The Work of elevat fig the pubiie r-coulway, at tbe foot of bather hill, in den wing rushed. the steam uhrivel and four tettno being etignised rem sv• !nettle necessary esetb from the barat oppatte the big mill Mice; the cement pier* rot the overhead badge are read y for the itrperehrgetUre, end another gang ons bonding retalifting walk te tots filo boo* of the hill Itowardo tho lite the ststIon. Planar, AuntsIT Itrrit. Morning -7 to 7,46 0. ru Prayer and Kmiec eerYlou. Afternoon session p. tn. Devotional mon- ekes, Itev.11.Nott. %In am Blida study. The Galilean Minleter, lere. A. C, Connie., D. D 3 p. M.. Savcd soeloty. Res. II. IC, Currie 8.40 p. in. Reports and 'Smitten of ',Moore for next year, 1i:rankly: statslon 8 p 111, Selig hOrV10.1, 8,16 9. m. A (I rand Campaign, Ite% ()maim Dan lel, Ph.D. 54 este. 9 p tii. Japan and Her Dee Dal', ker. NOrtaan, IL A.., missionary front Japan. On NVednesday the boys who hail been practising for Mt. leorge m stir ;dived choir, %%ere taken hy t Iii• organirit to Point Earn% where they had moat enjoyable pienie. bathing, laeromie, ineleball, bowling and tennie being freely indulged in during the afternoon. At 0 e'cloek (hey were invited by Mr. Porter to a substantial tea. which full W014 (1000. and abOnt Otter giving hearty ',beers for Mr. Porter, M r. Cuff and M r. (tokithorpe for their kindness, the part y left the Point. Eartn, arriving home In good 011ie, delighted wil It their outing. Tire ST 4. 10.1.1 vert ing ratee nre near uniform ne may be, end at r• very low when circulatimi eormidered. in feet, an Merman,. In relr relvertlei rig and 011100`f ipt rateo would be tint fin ble, but we have derided to let hem ernain ris they nye( for the preoent, ;tit bongo, nearly everything In ronnee. thin with a minting 4)(1100 leo telvme- hen made a :1, 1, getting within eel In I)! ice Tito nerittlny of advert ie• 00). inset a ing 11 *rim* t141 'rho Uttro4 V14 lot bubm" Tacedsy evenisfh htal fist pesscagete. The Deltentlie ittn4Y both up and down, and' then: drappektz out of the line. The supply steamer Ooldspte here this week and delivered light. house supplies fee this poet. The Lumber Mill (Ia.'s ground ta now cleared ready for tho tverectiou of a pa. fae flfi gine has been wasted irt preparing ter Another mill. The 8tr. Xing Edward was in port Priday and (lender with fair passenger lists and good freight bills each way. The ICIAg is a veer PoP• War boat, au it is a good titue keeper. bus a good table, and a mesteourteous staff of officers. Aa eXellndOla to giticaranc from this port was tidveettsed for Prlday, but the withdrawal of the Britannic, cancelled all calculation,. It would doutgless have been a big nieces*, 88 four rinks of bowlers and the lacrosse team made arrangements to plea, In the northern town that day. mid they would have taken many exeuridoniste wtth them, But tide is one of the things we most always expect from steamers that are put on this lino to put in spare time. The top story of the elevator is noW under way, and is being built with content, the mune an the lower part. It had been intended to put up with ceMent bricke, but at the last moment it waa changed to eeMetits Thew were many reasons for the change, the difficulty of getting bricklayer& and having to pay them suelt large wages. making it probable that the work would not be done in two mouths, was the leading one, and the foot that the cement would be lighter was also a coneideration, but cm above mentioned the lontling consideration was the probability of a long delay for want of workmen and the very high wages they wanted for working on the ele- vator. 1.48T0140111', 0111'01' 11m, lo 7,1a asul. Prayer 11114 praino uurvIro. (I 1111. ran :Mons I wombat* conducted by the new president 10h10 sourly, The Slow Join* my to Jerusalem, Rev. 'mirth,. D. D. Dieeneallm. 10 m 801)10 Experience/I of 114Inslonary Japan, Ite v. I), herniae. SeNlity, Atmywr lern. sorr11.0 11 o 1, sit North street, 110Y. (leo. Dosilel. I IL. I I. inior14 8trer), Rev. I ',retail. 11 4, •I ,Lo.1.111111•111 1ff 11111 1/001'e Semen. will follow the noble! fn 0001 eon ELrnitek,..mort ire.; North sironl,lies. 1 1. Norm.‘1T. 71 A. V interim 1 I net, Iles Coo, Danl. 1, l'h. SUMMER SPORTS. tin Sat iirday lard, 1 he 21s.., inst., a of lemehell wee playeti le•tween tenierich and It bll 1101 fahm Stretford 1'01' shop,. home team won bv it score of to to 8. There were frequent 1,11.1,1'4 1,(10 I 1 Tile 11,1 I I I WWI anl f..1 10401(1:01 6.01'0111 H11101..00 0'11 1•10.1 Ilenenote pooh,' llollitntwittili I base Simpson Yrol has,' Vost or 31,1 114,0 / 101,1 1.1 1.1 Inu It I. 11 ikon 1 ut Met oIly The (lndetiri) 1,.%•••• hall team has NV. cured the Luck now team ref, a game at Agricultural I'm L. this IEriday) ovenink ILL I 1.1,-). Adnito, (70%; obildren, I0e, 'rile 1.iirknow team are leaders in the Northern 1 45114 afla giro'. playing we'd hall, and a VIONN and exciting game mity exin•eted. Arrangements have been made le hying the Steal feed O. T. It. team here on on Civic Holiday, NVedneedity next, Augnet enmi won ihn HI rat - ford rit y I'Lpttnpionship last year, 4111 I Ill I' WI.1 I iip in the rare him year, Hee hills ftu. till:4 501110. Last week Seey, 1,0111., tiii• Oode- rich linwling A41401.04111/11, orei vial a request fentii HP' London (1)11) for• ward t Vit'Wf4, end a brief iti t iele on the town. Sheriff lir•yriol•iswne Hamel- nted with the Lue.y. ii) the adortinn, the (vault !)4,1 that. n VII) of t he (lourt I loose and V ion, of the 1041,01 WI.TV 401). tterninintnied (he (IndorivAL howlers' programme for his 1.044,11101m of the old i I IN ilowlerit, and a. brief writ e on of the own. The programme for the oernaion WIll Ito wnrk of art were v Famish., and hose for delft. nry Iho viniting bowline will be heinitifolly hound In leather. The Doili•rirli rink of le,wlere, r,,ni- fumed ••f E. I.. Dickinecm, John Lialt.. 11, iv Tieenson mad Fred Davis, skip, at he London ttitirtniniteit, wan drawn nunitist. the following rink limn St. Mary's; It. Teskey, VV. %Vett, E.Sharp and .1. 51,•AII/1111,1, Akio , and woo with sem e 2.'t to I I, I 11 the second 1, ...ter liolenson %1 Ii/h11/4 N loholeon 0:1110)0 Imould (Anent PEOPLE WE KNOW. J. W. entitle Sundaleid Heald°. A. MoD. Allan left for London on Monday. Cam Stownrt left tor Winnipeg on Monday. Ches. W. Bali, of Clinton, Sunday:id la (lode. rich. Mr. F. Smooth WOO a ploanure visit. to Chi. eago. Mimi Potty, of Himont. WM In W000 thin week. Frank Sounders, of 'reroute, was home for Idles Sadie McKay la visiting &tondo In 1.ore don this week. Mrs. Thome, Tilt left Tuesday on a month'e vhdt tp Detroit. 11:1. earwig, Mft Wectneeday for Toren to inIverelte. Mos Fred Luke end eltildren left for Toronto on Wednesday, A rotated, Fowler made a profeenlonal vinit 10 Toronto GM week, „ M r. Mee. Tat Jackman, of Ottawa, were In town this week, Rov. C Fletcaer, of Exeter. upon tho Week In aodocielt. Mae Mal Roberts, df Stratford, le 'dating Mike Lena Valcon. • Mrs. A. M. Remand Mina Rom, of Toronta, aro visiting iti totem Mimi Kano Straiten whet/1w Mrs. Ruttier. rore at tit. Catharines. Robert 601108 returned trona a long stay ta Toronto on Saturday, Dr. and Mee Goihnv returned from their To. ronto visit on Friday'. ahl.li40e4 t. lark find Wm. Marlton are on a nue- 110.41 171141 to Ilamliton. Miss 141nelair, of Ottawa, le the yytiOst of her s Istor. IN1rs. Dr. NI/Lakin). Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hull Were ShiltInu aft I IdAc,r,t4o, ea: nret eudoncensudya.y0.1 Liu, 4,, 0.. epentlIna a week in town. left far LIstowel on Wednesday. Mr. and Mni. 3. II Walker, of Chatham, aro Mrs. Calderon, a one time resident of Bodo. Holt, le elan lait 1.. Doyle, :NM (1. Whit.Oly and daughter returned last Week from a Viet, to Lucknow. John Dalt, Ir., of tho Banli of Montrent loft for Winnipeg on promotion tide week. Mho) May 1.001 Of LOW11. M eh/thing Iter friend. 1111. Mahe itobloween, of Cllitton. meenr.). 1' .1. Ai/durum) and W. 0. taulmore, of I 'nettle, Suntlayted at My. W01. 'vine'. Mr D. Millar, dry (tootle merchant., lett lest te,elneeday morning 011 IL VI110 to Alberta. W. T. Mclean, Mae b1. McLean and Miss M. Eyelet/0i, of Lueknow, were In town on Yuen. /Inv . Ntise Motilnly. of Detroit. left for home on Wednesday, after a pleasant visit. MIVI IC. Doren Dr. an/I Mrs. A riestrents of Mitchell, Sun - flayed In (Italerlell. Ole itoeatn of MaJor M1'. H0414: Mr. !nal MN. Homy illaohntono, of Sarnia, art, visiting' their cousin, Cherie., Blaoludone. West street. Messrs Swartz and N. J. Mortinov. left for Winckor tni •rftesday to spend a tow dayn at thoraces. Mrs. lima% Johneton, who areounranied her Ottorge (4) anada, le /stopping al P. Bar. dee a, Sarnia Sinew,. Rom nod Gertrude Fos loft for Lon. don Moliday for two weeks' visit with rola five. In that taly. Manager WO/Ler, of the Wo.torn Canada Slow- Mille Co., lett for Toronto Mall other points on Monday, Mr. Jtl.ol The kaismey. nt New York, a noire of Mr. John Yule, I» vatting eel:Alyce and frlorld In Ootlet Irk Mr .1 1,; Jordan. oreanlet of Knox church. lee% es for *Brantford im Monday to attond 1110 brother Ileurrs wedding. elenel Maralonaltl, of (I uellth. was In town wedneetay or, mattes' connected with tho Guelph end Ooderleh it. It Mre. Geo. N01,10 end children. NVO4t Aleut. Niel -me on Wednesday from a mouth'. visit to the Iowor Law4ronre. Mr4. SIMI nal 1 •arter aria •Intighter Evelyn, oit Toronto. are .1MIttlitlit ft few weeks at her par - not., Mr. an•i lare, Stoma% Mrs. 1'0[111.1'. of Detroit, who Wu) boon Or Itina hor parents, c amain and Mr*. A. Mc- Lean. referenced her obit on Tuesday. Mr and Alta. II. W Ball. Jr., and daughter. of Brandon, ern no a few weeks visit. to the gentleman's relatives in OtelerIch. Miss lien, of 1 he post onlesi staff. Me return- ed front her lett IA/ timing' Bond Camp, Whiell 4004, aso Is rental In the hot month*. crowded. Alfred and Metienzte voito . wh had boon roe nd thi•y weri• lin ttyptintd. li. Mahn visiting their miels, 1 01 WI bun oung, iett rt lined fight, woo he 17 311 !IL I o Ow ""N"1,:;:irn("Jo.i:KVhforrlrl.rtAndit,itr o'ntirrule:odol'°ynifiumor 1 - r•iiik. led lot pr. itodel, 4 kii1„amil after third ',mind I hey drew 1'1,'. 1 i. 1.; wan'e ' !. "j''''. orepted at to.nlysymry poll rtl'oarf,'In 1110 :Ill 41:130"(MVOW41 Land departnicaL link, 'II'," "0 11"riiii. nnd Pro."'d Int° Nth,. Mrty Itoolledtle and Mr. WIlllaal tilat Ill,' 11.8901.10 I ion, I, Pai ng 1,t, one point, t....y of teem went Sereley with the forttieee 1,...,01+ Mr and NIrs.F. Itotttledge, of I '1Inton. I he nonro tieing Iler lin 1,4 OodetIch 17, fioder inii fell off itt the to141,114, r)1 the 1),Nilr.....0,1,:, 1,1,11,........i.c.rinxolilt, ot.b141,1).norTitii;Ixatithei. throw game, /mil nt the end of thi• 15th the limn.. Die oentlent neonate highly of tho smut. was 18 to II ngainet them; they 1,r0:00,et. for ManItollau thle (rear. i•re ne to Tint MT %WO eireulat ion nnel uniform eharges 0.1 invited, Our Intel.. hours are from a.m. to 11 p.m. every vreek day, and 411/1" prene day(' noille on the Doilerich rink. 0 VP? y Timothy and num:010y, when all advertiser., will he weleorne anti have full opportunit y of verifying for Hommel van nit; 4Ta n'e 11 flapprOadl• eonsidered 10; jodge... of bowling 11t91. t ko golne. 1).11( luck ritut half wind play, and vve euppeee iiiek did riot At the Summer Hotel, Among 1 se 44,4411 011'11 41. 01 the 4sItt motor able eireulatirm. 11014,1 ante (1. E. Vishor foal NV If. ttennoty. (0„„,..irs "f (1,00, of last -on. 0. II loke and C. strews, or Hos well known flotlerleli buy, w hose re. :7,`"'1""r. rornnni frOlit tlie Tiara Were tmeilisegi itnerebier's GaTia% "insWai4 .7intior ant,i• wan nnted in them+ eoltimne soma Ann 4,1.or , snap', I.: IN Newton 'en,L e11041 and %Ira Rohl % of 101M°, 0. Wee k ago, hem been appointed mana- ger of the Hord Hank of Canada, a new brattish of whir+ in to he opened _ Meeting Calendar. In that cif y. One of the loon) papere [teenier meeting* of I 0101 tnntet ,ss No. sot, nays, of hia appointment: "Mr. Morrio 0 o l . en utio=40i rvening nest hae other et rong qua] ifirations, howernr etc AMS11.1 11100111.0 sf its (loth -rich Aranok ss h to h make the ( holee it V er V wiCf. and of % r d I l toot% s W rotten testi% eta will ha lilting one. fin ha. a long 10141 ee tett 14,,a'''1,,"„1„07.,,h,7;.",,744 t;:,,I,Jsr,',1,`,7".„7,7.4 1,4,/,.,,,41:"' sive nequaintanee with thle city end tiletrlet, and hoe. been (100 of the moot popular merehanta In the city. Ile ban had a varied and unifotenly rate peaceful hitalnece euperleners and la gentletnrin of etteeptional benne-me and enelni gifte. proaperity of the netv leraneh under hie manage. moot in agatteed." ••/. Horn. C111)11,0.. 1/0 bay it. taws in Mr and 31fra, `11-011401 1 /011 478. •tanahrer DIED. moo vo In Ontlerich fawn -Lille. on Friday. Jot, inth ISna Margarrt t water, ma -481 Gi gear:. end ti notoths NAntlyriv. In 41.-elerich. on Turselay, icily nth, late Moo. rranyth. texod 07 Para ono • ms sod ma., us, 5, crumniford, litamv mint y. Worslslee B. , we're el/41m: Mr, 41/14/1, C01111 11.10011011. Huron Road, this week I hey rot ern hone. today, manta 910a.4041 With stay here. Lot -know %lent 11101 It, Whitely, of (111cairo. tool kis ...... hor, Mr.4. Whitely, of Lueknow. and his son nobble, returned to Wars attor a weok s trip on the Iraqi, Whim; In Detroit, lint rale N Manna Valle and Godorten Mies,. linnet and Ladle Sauget of Winnipeo: mi.. Marenerne Laing, of Noe Iowa: 1100:4 110101/ 1(01 h 0f Toronto: Mien /linty tune., of London. and Mks Pre Dunbar, oft '4tratfonl, are testing the Mbews Mutts. at the Kaolin nous°. grist Mt 1? J. erldterun Inaprouling cultploot weeks, a. hicago, temninino bunincem with &IMMO%) and Medea op Western raider and novoitio. for tho trade/ Although an 01,1 veteran at the melees% hp, ad time two/Inez. la Ife toneb erlth the Intent In his lino sooma to ha on hn incroaan. mr Ity. Melt/011y. who ban bean foreman for the ((Morten Lember esee for came thee. hae been tren.ferred to Sentisamptori take Omega of the mill reoent137 pureness -At by thin eompiny. Auld left for that town ny tbri Ulna ltdwien1 on Sendai, spooning. Henry %Van oink att loo tnainstny. of tiro fedi tram. arra will tel, much naleml trout " Ireland the bat. • at• 011=on, North et.,„ celebrated her meth. day in Point n aro: ono day lag tbCrdiy at %shies wino twenty old Dino trtaada wore etworilL Although well Megend tho tit.rVe allotted tiartua mese vale and tee. the al lady took"' line enjoying many mere such aaeleeeartee. end her many trtzsaa, Inetediee Ton scan. novo aoo may. UP. (to0.11. 40bagan and eilftadiv.,virtrb, Tema aro rovietina istentia Jarel lee, am aslettNa EL-grnta and frogvach. atr, Jolingen w tn. weal danentres. Ma. Mary. of MOT"' 113 crehnettatO ILO edeeratlea a aim, Mndicen, Pgia,ana nee Lostlas of leased... rtmeneneteo At tho retielenre of William% mot dethres ge beauty cal eyelet/n=01;s go, aro 7tcitIng.tbelk' rot:Inver+, Mtn, Wm. Banta A. Itencesze. name Reed. Galcierb tOwnetilD. a0-14743 'mark t Van. lid fee weld elia llI3 02 town, Rim Chia etahee, Of Cenuallet, mod an ea:elev. July Va. at. Itobis ttortdonniett, irar.ehlog touistAn to eta*. CI 14ret1114fleiti Illaciiirea 'term. Dnaarar,orr. aacd 105e.ars melt cucattm seasswtat roma ia eat -C14 "eaSt Wok*. aw.A.11.111". 14,e;100••04