HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Gazette, 1849-03-08, Page 1% 1 11..4 . • . 4•.• • ! sc.ce fr.lt tits s' tt.-4/1?•-•o.,. S4 • .1. of !. •etstit ail 04 N.4.1. 711. • I 1 t h tfit lt.1.1-4 • •. moo o 11111 11 our '"- • • .•• . 0 , N $ .A0 actIli•GODERICII f . . 0 1..0; ' ; • . ';• c ; • .4. v.. ..e• lb* 1111ett. kfirw .11. STItiATFORD, ST. ICA.11/Yt M "THE QUEEN, THE LAWS, .101,UI1111 II. -.No. 111. IRE . _ . _ _ • . Vigilante blas ••r•• STRACHAN & LIZARS, tARRISTERS and Attornies-ataw -L Sol ici ton in Cietweiy and Bankruptcy. Nntaries aid qonveyeneers, Gode rinh, and Newt/int Raton District •John Strachan. Goderich. DANIEL. 1414.411.1, Stratford. April, 20. 1844. JOHN STEWART. D ARRISTER and Attornereill Law, .13 Solicitor in Chancery. &it SAL.-. Ogee. out dooill1West of W. B. Grace & Co Store, West-steeet, Goderich. February 16, 1848. 1-tw D. WATSON, D ARRISTER. Attorney at Law, Solici- / toe in Chancery. Bankruptcy; Ste &e °Filet. lately occupied by the Bank of Upper Canada. Goderich. • February 16, 1s441 I -tw ALFRED W. OTTER. IA N D and General A geut, Coureyaneer .4 ke &e. &c Office. lately occupied by the Bank of Upper Canada. Goderich. Jan I. 1,149 48 -tw I. LEWIS. LAW, C IIA Xt. E 0 V 4- CONS'S IA NC LNG GO DE R IC II. MR. LEGG°, p ARRISTER -Office. above Mr Day. .1) foot's. corner of King and H ugheon- streets, eutrauce on Ileghsou-street,„ Feb. 1, 1848. 1-tw • JOHN .1. E. LINTON, OT A II Y Puhlic. Couveyaecer, C usmr. 44. 13.. 73eratford. Stratford. Feb.. 1843. 1-5tu MESSRS. FREEMAN '•14 JUNES, 111 BaRRISCVMS, .1r.C. 8. 11. Fanntion, iissuatos. Jug% -"`•••••'"'-'11/1ti. f, /c.a. /11E-WM.. BURTON & SADLEIR, fl ARRISTERS and A ttortiies-at-Law. 1) King %wet. Hamilton., ClIE:01L0E 1-tw CHARLES A SAULL111., Feb. 1, 1:_•44-.±.. 14w MESSRS. WILLSON & CPICEMORE. TIARRISTERS and Andralee-at-Law, &c., &c. .13 Mahon Street. Haailtas. Woe B. W11.1.1.11011, C111.4 !Lite R. CaLcitiaciaR. 0-tWe ir ESSRS. DUGGAN HOLDEN 'termite, an. &it, R. 0. Dinio oto;• mujualion. :I. A. dolmas, Feb., let*. - 1 J AMES JOLLEY, SADDLE sad HARNS$S .1tAKSH, King - /JAMILTLHI. ILION. September 12,184& '1104w Da. VASTB IN DER e ift, 0 E 0 H aft . HArsrlizE. AprO 10th, 1.848. 8-te • E. C. WATSON, r AINTER AND GLAZIER, rem IlaNGER, &C. &c. GODERICU. May 10th. 1844. 12 . , J. K. GOODING, AUCTIONEER, BRITISH HOTEL, tiODERICH. TTMAIJAR SILLES ins aVerj pan et the 1)1-11 Id un reasuneble term. Sept. 15 1148. 21 -nor 1011N YOUNG, Jr., Wholesale Gro. J cer, Provisiou and Wiue Merchant. King street, Hamilton. Feu 1, 1144 ts. I -ter It AC K Y, BItOTHF.RA & Co., 111 Wholesale Gr000rs, Wine and Spirit Merchants Hamilton. Feb. 1, 184g. 14it Th1 MeGIFKRN, Saddler sad Bartow • Maker, King street, Hamilton. reb. I, teed. I -tw lir PIPER. Tin, Sheet -Lim. and Cop - 11, pm iaitb,Brisis Fouuder, and Beet ramp Maker,Pio. 50 Yonge-wt. Toronto Feb 1,1848.1-tw J ROBINSON, IMPORTER of English. Froand L411. *min Para Lieetriage Ha,. totliZe GODERTMIL HPRON DISTRICT. CANADA CONFECTIONARY Di: HAMILTON, R.TASVESET, !OPERA:H. Feb. 16. 1846. • t-tw . . 1/it. P. HJDOUlfAI..L N B CA SU trim all t.14:htit.,,i4.)z44474e1(1.0>scisssu's),...f.vertels. Da. LI EURGE HARVEY, Meuilter of the Royal College of Sur guns Edingburgh, having practised his profession for ftereral years in the I'ro vitice Nova Sootiatakes leave respeco- fully to offer his professional service.' to the inhabitance of Goderich and its vicinity. -Residence in the cottage lately occnpied by, Mrs. 31outsjonter?•. Goderich, Nov lo, 1848. . 40. h. ALEX -ANDER WILKINSON.. PROVINCIAL LAND See vertm. Orrice AT GOHElliC11. 41. Ilurou District. J 0 KIRK. PROVINCIAL L iND SURVEVOR, Civic Evorteen, &e,. 47 4Owiesioute or rttL cocar Or GO:Po:M.8 11.114C.11 54. SrltArre.te If. D. WELLINGTON HOTEL, flOR N ER of Chants and Wellington - kJ*. Waft Reset'. INGL/S. 1-tw February 1.R4R. Mat M. M. V' ANKOUGHNET, Ili 11111T411 A rrOillf 41,AT-L4111 1401.1C1ron ia ensiamerr. Hughes& litreet, HAMILTON. Sept.. ISkt. •110-ta & J. 'MONTGOMERY , Fbatiost- • • v • aide TAILORS astlill' MAKERS Isonto Sweet, 1.1.tiltLTON. _ ..„ . _ HENRY HANDS, 'FANCY BRL'D AND BISCUIT BAKER. .11 AXING removed to his New Premises on Arthur 8t. noel St Patrigkeit. hilintitcre-6L DaTainileis the he has etted them up in a superior style. for the purpose of enlarging los Bread and Biscuit business. and lie will now at all (noes keeps numerous aseortment of Bis (mite Fancy Cakes. llride's Cakes all.t Crackers of every description which le• will sell at the Lowest Possible price. • Goderich. Feb.. 14t .414:1 5 "WIL eldri filt‘ej OnilkeeWeits •il-• t etitIestri es4w ' 4.1 • • TA 1, 1701 1-Wr Goilerleh. first 76. MIR 1LIVILLIANI SHAW, Land and Genet's' It Agent. Conveyancer, , &c. &e. -N4) 13, City Buildings, King street, Toronto, (opposite the English Charlet) • References are permitted to .the follow ioggentlewuu. HAS Worship Coo ../1 A 01 Messrs. .M ;WAT & V•S1101;w1Lwar. Sulk toil; in Chancery, &e., Messrs Farce E Barristers, &c., W. B _ AR Vi: Esquire, Sheriff, 11. D. Toronto. Deo. 23. 1647. l•tt MATTHEW MACK EN DRIC K, 3ookseller, Staloner, and Bookbinder, jrixb r. rox. ‘.14TATIONERY as BOOK11;ks great variety s Bonsmo, Itrunto, and Paisonse„Ipas. etecu • ed with the matte care. sad at moderate chines at-ew KENNEDY, PARKER Co. bilEVILTEttit or-Fssouait, Lama, AND AkIllatCat, Sr.ari.s AND taxer DRY GOODS, INDIA SBA GOODS. 8se. it Usiett.Tut C. W. .? P. T. WAREA BROTHER, DRALRIta 1/1 Clocks, Watches, sad Jewelry SILVER PLATE. FANCY GOODS, & HAMILTON. PLOCKS. WATCHES, JEWELRY. and ACCORDS...101a. ossas paid Ow aid OLD Miriond SILVILIt '. f '4. 7..4 /ME It'A 4.f.Xl 1.. es, Rim MOR7'AR SOPY. Sept.. Iola. Sit-tw WILLIAM MAY, A-UCtIONEER, ESPECTSTLLY INFORMS HIS Itfrieuds sad the public that he hes 4o menoed the above business and shall be happy to attend sales, in teen or eountr) 011 reasonable lama Applieation to be sole to Mr James Geetlea. Herne Llotel-Atr Wm Rosen bury, Cortters, or Mrs. Barkwell Devon. shire Settletnent BY Use ,ftouseriser, 11115I 5uisa...3. Ls, thief) .14 he deflected at the Maitland Brewery, As wriumeash win be patios dallyety. Illtotaaa Zama. Maitland Brewery, Galerien, March, MR • Raw CASH FOR SAW LOUIS, SAWING DONinON SHARES pea UMW RMIRR 401/11 lay (Loth. •••it thst.feimikAAIrt44,I. BLALK CHERRY Skye -LUCIA, and will cs ear ;law emirevilie. e( Saw: L ter ear parties UN AF•=- • • - 111111tAt 1476101.* ' • .'"ur4""vglar --;x3;s1MilaiklBrYg' 01, ECCLE6TON'S W u•ibesst-ikattl DcrAtt. Om, door 'HOU of '1 IIickL, Druggist, and isatoordialay opposite D. .Mc .Y.dites1 Eq. Hardware StorerrookSt.,-Alitsttah. • S'ib-cribt4 beg. t •iniOnn hi. F,,.tn the giiiiefilly: teat no nes now on hand a full and timepiece easortinest. Confectionary, of tottery dawriptiou and very best quality which he offers by Whole sale or Retail at u low price at any tither house in Canada. Also all kiudsof Fancy BIteemita, Cakes, Crackers. ale.. W holesale & Retail. Couutry 31erchante will do well to call before purchasing elsewaere Konen.' Ecetzteroxe. N. 13. Bride and other rich cakes made to order after the 5.051approvedLondon and Parisian styles, and carefully pecked when tient to any part of the Province. Hamilton. Feb . 14- I _ TO kit. 1.r. That large and commodious three story house, preseutly occupied as the IICILUN SIGNAL. OvvicE ; it Coiitailla six good r0Onta and large under tit ry, suited fur a kitchen . it is situated on the north side' of the :ilarket Spare, and is well adapted as a place of business Possession will be g vett 011 the let of January 1°49. For tortes and particulars apply to the pro- prietor, MARTIN McLENNAN Goderieh, Nov. 17 84e. 40 to NI AtiLC D PROPERTv OA SAL Watitalit: ir • TOWN. LOTS. ,aithtidtp:zbivr,,, 0\ fbettlig,I=4 1**;1, 64 tatlic64"" leftgaii fraibmiu 0011,111 • atiodeaasietnikse, •r"" , 4 ;*4"' TO BE LEI' • That comfortable House and Farm known ai Claim late the Residence of Henry Itatisford. and at preseut in the occupation of J 1141.12,11e. Esq one miiLe from the Town of Goderieh. Apply to Geo Brown, Junr 5 • FARM FOR SALE. 9111E Su...Allier oLicr, "tor sale Llt Nester J. One in the screntn Concession the Toan. of CJItturne W. D., eorstaiaing On: bun.lr.- uf Land Torre on the premise- sn al L Barn wall 15 Acres under g sod etittieNtk., Lod well kneed the laud is 01 excel' mt qua ind wr to lie. of a.- Town of.GtiA•ricii. ./5110 1 the Illa isamsesistas. eassibat.iser $eal sere.; °rebid% nor cleared Ii041 reherLI with a /foxt Lull and Cattle sh.• 1. £m7 fa. A liberal .11-eviiiit allowed kur C.i.h. For further particular. apply Li W. 12,6v:coin Canada 0.44. G.A.:n.11, who etnpun-tred tu conclude a b.frga I II. VII) S1411111. Go -l. Nfireh, 1419. F!1••••• TO BE', LLT OR SOLD, ON REASONABLE TERMS, - - • k VERY DESIRABLE FA`RM, on Las, Shore &tarn loll' front isisterieb in lb. T C.Vbaroe Trst.c. lutes of which 40 rig •.re Clsone old fenced Ito. There is a good Log • /Louse !lawn. Stables. an./ ,ith..r ire is rii. •itelleat Creek or -Water. table. for a Sae aadlite situ..ti iS well adapted to carry ie. • e•ISHINO In the Winter. Apply for particular , Mr. Hwer sirm. Giderich: 0 lerirh. Sep.. 7.1i ttile. VALUABLE LOT LOT OF LAND FOR SALE. . is 0 BE SOLD. for CASII. L.71 Na. TI 1st. Conceasioa, Tetent.hip of Titek4smith is. •he Hawn Road. 17 mile. front Ciot,rich, cuts- aiaintr 100 Ares a( Thore a am, i.uw rioe Frame Ram, and Prattle Shed, aft ,toove Acre., of elloareLl Llnd. For further particulars apply to Wm. Chalk Tnekersmith. ,July tata, COTTAGE •FOR SALE. To LET 011 BOLD reasonable Sis(ma, 1101 ab -.tan ladle b tiltEriek C stage asw,en Lhetorratati Young's, Brewery. lately ucci1,' sr .Mr. E. C. Watson. eum.iating See It • 214t isa Garden and Vaca W .11 of Wive - in the premises. For particulars am to M.. •14ver Hopes. entiorTeh Merit !With tfliR. ?flt sr TO BE .LET OR SOI.i). TIIAT SUBSTANTIAL and excel - ,n ietrt ar tute&aritlg.i(th!j°proti .ittecriber. This iLiuse. containing eight rowan - with a WELL et GOOD WATER to the CELLAR. sod a LARGE GARDe:N awe:keit. 1. sliviny situated sear the Mance' Loin:ire ; and inc person leoiroo.. of puraMa.ina or lea.lax the -*me. will w treated with 4.14 at advaatimeous And libsraj tettlls, on application to WILLIAM WOODHA NI. Goderich Ave. 4 1/414. Sltw FOR SALE. PORTION o( BLOCK G, in the :I. Township of Coneree, Western Divi mon, Ilsrou District, containing Taw iff-.VDRED ACR S OP LAND, with Twenty-ive Acres slowed. and ti good order, Fences in ft There is a ;pod FRAME HOUS (Crottaao style,) apon the property. 35 by 34 feet---)%lsio a FRAM{ BA ItN 50 by 35, and Two I+ rune,13 heda, each NI feet long, with a Log Farm House. in tolerable repair There are Three ruaning streants of water through the hot two of which are in the clearing a small Oeehard about the F mato Iloriakupli a los rale Weil in ti".114;e4p,18„„or° 4414 eiostimitio Property is LerUr Parma,. lelt pa rtienlar% apply to 3111141pTIA RAN & LIZAItS. goli^itor• Westatesaa Geolerieh, 22ed Mareh, 1101 6 ter s• Foal T. .41 ()ode 4666464/n4 6"k4' I ut.1.--Restat. AWL Vic huiRs. tha Peoprieter, GEORGE FOX PALMER. IrJuly 27th !MS. 234 w OR SALE. T"g COTTAGE and Lot rannleg 5.2 to Inc T.... oi tormerty b the uf Henry O'N,iI, and now regal -Ili, Mr. James Orr.. Tb: C b- eery c mend!' arreueed. end well suite fur it small .1 ha. a .paci,o, woad shed, gable and s ell of water; the garden contain. -everal trait trees and the whole i• enclosed with a stahagpichet fence. Only a punkin 01 Sic mmey yield he required down. Me remainder in three 'al instalment.. Apply to BENJ. PARSONS: kayos. IS4S. 27-tw F Sale.-TeruIS Liberal. TH I by West Roma. and C purest yeiee T that fully au e L k River and tb in the by 1 Parer - God il-sintNe Howie at present occupied at Rofierteon, Esq situated it Goderich. containing Dining or. five bed Rooms, Kiteher a never failing spring of the ter, with stabling and other °ou nce is one of the mosteligiblt desired for a family. being beauti ted on the cliff, and cominanditie "e prospect. not ouly of tit. alio of Goderich Harbo-cr, itland and eurrounding I ttry is not a more salubrious nce Apply personally if if ottpkidoo the Pabliabe,i_ei this • _ Fs, MN& 1 tir OR D FARM AND SAW MILL. of 150 Acres ot leery pc whielare tutt' 14t100.6th ) !peasant utiv skstakii a Btu nap. ief Las Brame. On the Propene ner., i- a good Dweiblie //sue, vr• "Aqui- lie Out Banding, 'wren 11111e4 00111 tht-Toniti: i.lfwaica and 'di fromilhe Village of RAM. 1.0 g which .1111Ceit there. act excellent Rads. Te.. i,w .Mn.. i. in guAl or.ler. For funacr pertain,- • ar. enqaott. J • . STRACIIAI Ea.. BAitaisTaa. • Ga.keu.A. Clieteritip Awns* Ilth. , • KAI E, • OT situilam tweirtx:ime..its. the Moss Coliceseioni4owathlip of Gotta - rich. emiiiing 1•10•teres of LAND, 27 "resTlicisleirebo;lis and,reetered.- Fur terse of sale. &e.. empties of , ITILACHAN & LIZARS, Goderich, 27 June. 1813. ,a440,ers IV A' Steel. • )10UtE AND LOT FOR SALE. pHs: ViNfliatsitiNeM is instructed to mkt 1. for ...Lk. ots very reasonable terms the Haws L• istety in the occupation of Mr. Beth .1.we in the Town of Goiericb. T114 H -.i.. 0041,•ls 1,1411,11 stories, ant there is a eXeelleli iarden and never -failing Spring of the pun: rater. on Me preinises. Puri:haler. paying one third down. will he al iowed ropey Inc remainder ie rear's' instalment,. D. 44cLAMISE.RT. 11-c1. 12-Jittv Mfg.. -mw ic.) be gild, or Let, • ON-11EASON ABLE TEttMe, 4.F4 ir situated In the Township ot . . LA 23, Mini doncession-, intaininw 100 item 04 of tehiceare .11.1 comprising a DWELLING H01121V- e-iirable ny is wiCered br a never.failin.4 Creek. an wafer/ itte anentina of purchaser-. Pur_pit Ian. en 'tire of Wit Rostivrres 4cq.. Doi • ;Mr. t .1.1.0 Rarentiver, clin- ten Canes% ur Use subscriber. EDWARD CASHEL,. delerie5ttept. ek, ISM 1194er AND SPECULATORS. litOR _MLR. TRH EH THOUSAND 1. ACRES VALUABLE TO MY, PARK, AND FARM MLA ILle "T" MO 9 the in.• of the Baron De Tueto. IN TI:t4TOWNSHIP OF STA7(LF:Y. Tine etetedingly valuable property con- sists of a numbe '; of TOWN LOTS. in if the th wishing liege of BAYFIELD. and of a wonkier PARK LOTS. most eligibly situated on the hanks of Lake Hu- ron and Re beautiful Bayfield River. l AL.ao-A N1.111111LR OF FARM LOT -4 of the ohoioest Itiill, lathe seat Tb;rtuitiip, This -valuable estate is ourrimided by the densely populated Townshipsof (lode. rich and iftonly, and there is a lost Odoe in the Villftirft . _ The *lank of this desirable property will be m14 teethes' or separately to suit Ore tionelgdoigg of i . , ,, . , , on the inotur Riiiblibilat Tsimil . sr forties , to. William 16 449. '430. Thee me all clear of Mune* Whet* H1241.41111/, 1110400 Ats 4 4 , 0 I asool soolueed within a board fence anottito orile,„. **omit 88,16,fisoth tho, 'ref/ be -it dencription 040-1417,1414 ticulte'ral purposes There it* good _ " * to maw FRAME'ROESE, -• J,F,0 r • gr. g -utg • 1', 4 well and substantially built et the Issei PATENT • POWtADIS Mitts materials. 'The building is 32 feet by 24. - and contains one 12010 Dining Room. two A osaul‘Pin. AND .11RILtalte Sitting Rooms. four Bed Rooms. and large 4.1111141,4Z. Front Room with a full sized Cellar. F:rancl, Brother* et Co. ' tabling a never failing SPRING, of the ' UR EST IV•A 7•E/1. On the premises nt leave to rtu eru thanks to their DR - 1 nt co.tooter, there is an Orchard of choice Fruit Trees, gig colony for the very lineralsopport ail have Ilittaatitoottati surround - consisting of Apple. Plumb and Cher/ Mutined gib.e the ong peniof their iti a flourishing coodition. These desirab GENERAL RETAIL IIARDWARIk Premises are most eligibly situated at the junction of Toronto and 'Pie.ton Streets. E. B. A. Ca. havigar euccadeedit2'. in obtaialniaws and Britannia Road, at the eptrauce into sole Agency for the salt wt Goderieh. Also -- A BLOCK, OF TIIREE LOTS, Ate fronting on Toronto, Elgin, and Picton PATENY .P GAR? in Hamilton and WeeterdDettricts, wield invite Streets -being Lota No. 330, 3_77, 37. 8, public attention R., the same. They have now me cleared of timber hand samples of this most safe. economical sae This very valuable and improviug pro- beautiful light, in • variety of bewill.i., tot: Pavan- nipetertlyy ,wtoillsubeit 5°tbiedceointlheenr iejonienetlyeopruserehpaa-- ciartEernts.:(z7;,,,i.h aseht.,:ipmmakhebemesevretheunby/i7;alaypillihmenieset sera by private contract, on the MOST LIBERAL TERMS lefit0T111 day, which is 'emitted in beautiful jets The light is produced hy the Darning Of Mg of one fourth from *mall perfuratioas in Plaine. T purchase money paid down • • he Gas is generated:as it ii. used, by ths hosi and the remaiuder in ennui instalmeuts, if ft- own ceienlitatiou an the homer, wasellati: with the liquid in the Later. Tani it iJi a pit. in auy term not exceeding TEN YEARS • feet and portabb. apparatus ftw Citillilie and bowie Further particulars may be obtained by an ieriform Gas. Its constructia is stab, tat all possibility 4 application to GEoRGE BiLoWN, Jr., Esq., accident from it. not iii entirely removal, eel Wit J"liN STEWART, EIKII., the Editor of this great .implicilV of its arra.n4ement readessit lea liable to set out of order than any other kind etc paper, or the sabeeribee .....' • , Larne. ; g grge4i1c4 JOSEPH WILLIAMSON. as du the Oil and Complier Lamps kod 10 • Goderich. I at Jufte, 1848. equal I e well entieli with oe'wiihout a glass globe. '- N. B. An undisputed tide be shale. and perfectly free fromc smokabeericodeuarort given forthwith. 1 -Sew froTutheti:eiPtiaeni:l'aQit- atkr th:clental Fnaa.1 of the Ante - 0.11,...,0 A L g,L A L I apirdellevist, Inventor, sod a Di,pluata to al . . . vices Institute in 1815. a %Lorca Mu's!. wvk PROPERTY, ON THE_lime.; SABLE ROA D, mm TheiefArecnire to be 1"ted• r4 a stop to all eomplqiitt. n`lotrt poor Bette smote RALF WA V RETWERY LONDON AND_ or greatr. Tbey conee-t or all the various style* LON.DON li0 A D, IND Mingling. eine- and two Light, Side and tit Parfait. Stand/ Iteadine and Hand Limps. Bracket. plain and ornarn-ntal. Air Churches, GODERICH ANIT itALF-4-4fiLS • • • inesr or ME' 11,of 1.1:1Y -04e Ilseeteed Acr,s--S0 Hall..i .4hes SatLstiotre fifor:7:altleli:ZY.CITio:ID6: Ise ttuartnit,setaultlec.7. DICING Lot No. Second Concession Acres desired *ell cultivated endtetbeed f a King, Street. Homilla1. gootrYrItne-Hottee, Stable, CUR lloue- yr Geed -she Lampivand a Card of Sped. .N0: a good Well,and a never -failing n, it.i.zn....4.mr...tbe. he seen at the MirGazelnO_ttfiwca, spriag Ceeek.- The 'River Sable passes -1 grlit"P"Irgi thonugh * Lot, with a good Mill Site. a Tannety and Shoe 8144m the adjoining Lot.; &School. Meeting lIotise within hal( •asils; .a Grist 3Lill and Saw Mill three quarter's et ii -11116 divest/1 from mid Form. - C' ot)APPlitery 2,1-613Grodceirmiolt..1:-.7.:1/411-ult; I"A" • .14-tw. . I • NOTICE. hg R. IfJ1111. of Stretford, 'Previnceal L.1114 LYI Syrreteointenl... in (mum, to be in Gait rich =she 1.51b ul each Month, for the purpose of nu:Oilingfl, diose Who may email% ids services a.Surireyor of Lands, &c. Mill Sites, terfa emteet If *veiled. Al orders le'1 at the Reariarr Ekvrtt. .1111 les tricfly attendee to. July reit, 1048. • - 113-wr • CASIEVOR.Ali. EAT. 7c' 44 THE'SUBSC.ILLIWI i4robi.4140404* 1.11. nt be Rai, 'two. Mr MAR.. of Learn and pet .emer-hipt fne•enstre assinalautent 01 the Gout - rico ?dit.ti, Vied that he i.lprnittaresd tn. par Gala res,- on anti? v dt. proai MERCIIAllfrAatie wittWeg• row/ 0.4 the mine tis delivered IN 1.11101 .1'fiR MANUFACTURE, .1setitra lase of the Nevi:gangs. • .a . . W1LL1AA1 PIPEtto °oder kb Mille, • Sipe Sib lata. • . . • , Ar':1•-iggiturrit s.._ia._g-_'.10 - warp. .; • i c.t.N.i.D cc:pito:A./ST.7v, #1*()N ""Trettlt I nY r ri troi • ) .2.... oPo rii "vas, to virtue of a erflb • ' s ed ultrof 'Tier Ibilitegy,. C ittrt of Qu -- - - - -500 000 e / • , ach end hi re* directed against the LanA, 1; ' lithe Long wOrth. ht the sok ot John Strachads, GentleMail. our &c. ..i ArItES-OF -LAND I hare seirsi and tefres in ereeuties, es 1&. • P.w.M ole jit C titaila West. longing tothe pm John Longworth, . • 4 UCANADA CO 3/PA'A V hems fee Conceneeti C. r.....r,.bgilpIOTE" I X Godirich eoll nine acres &Mame tbasnom, motto oiler., 1 . hal I .11-r for Pale as the Court Iloilae, A foion -44 eQuilerieli. -oci Friday....ate 1 rtie 6 y .1 August use et the. hour of 12 o'clock. JOHN McDONALD, She By J. K. GOODING. Deploy. Mx/erten. May re. MIR 1 , Sheriff's Dere. .111-" The above sale of Las& is postponed • until the 1st of January. DWI. 4 Dated, 7 AnenBitty.3ItakiliC;(714DALIN1361:11eilLDIPWr: IN UE QUEEN'S przirch. T cause Is postponed until the tirst day of APRIL, 1812. John Strac an one &c r Joltn.,.bmgworth. Tne Sale 0 Land. finder Exec °film in the atio4e ..IDED111 MCDONALD: sAtriff N. D. 1. disposal. about 1.500 000 Acres r.-1. 1,7411 dispersed throeglinut most of the Town. ships in Upped Canado-nearly 500.000 Acres are situated in the ifroa T ad. well known as one of the most fertile parts of the Provitice-oit has trebled its papilla. tion in ere years and now coutains upwards of 20000 inhabitants The lands are ole red by way of LE ASE for Tea rears, or far Seib. CASH DO W.V -7414c plan ef o4.4-.804 Cailt suet the balance ta lasiaissvoits being lose away wile. ' The rents payable Ist Feb. each year are ab thd Interest at Six per Cent up- on the price of the Land. Upon most of the Lota, when LE.tSED, No Mersey is n q ur. eel //own -whilst upon the others according to !reality, title, two or three years rent, nut be paid in advanee.-but thew pay- ments' w 11 free the Settler from far t e r nails ltntilsthe 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of his Mem of i,ese The right to PURCRA6E tbe Facett •t.niin• ring the term is levered to the leuee at a fix- ed sem named no the Lesee,and an allowanon ifr made arseordieg to • I priyineet. 1tretThcir 0,IT.m.cwhideZtediteed',":1 a owlet et Lists of lona*, and any Thrther niek deposit, 1. sada" a niliteolietia law &Yost tion can be obtained, (by application if by ea to me personarly, or rerefinel ”i• 'Ir.' WISE J. McDONALD, Marti- /Arm sat sossotoit., stisoi raitiol;451:0dhailin4firl.i.ordor chs ItI C 11:----- .. -...z..-- ' Samar" Ortscs. -. Goasli4o, lotwi June,I813. tivrTICE le hereby rives that 1 shall as ts .14 1111;seif refpninsitib Sw *vow otoolue pafable to or Oteetverahle by me. as Atoolif ol Ile ll I,"00 111-trict, uniewi the ease aft id so mak Niue? pnet-paidowiwati) at the t., G'Br itZurectes nf et, sq,Thr.4.4.176" Cohorts District. 1» Ailing Umiak or 3C. W. Doily Reg. .1:ratfort4 Booms Dostroi... • - ..• • 4 aspirins ate., so_ _1,...,11 M 144444 „ -wien