HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-07-20, Page 8JULY se SPECIALS Copyright 'Book*, Regular $1.2$ and Use, clearing at 750• 444,03h AMon$ the Above will be found the Iollowlos Woks; When it Valk Dna. AThis Work aftaar Handle PT NOY*, In Mart Of the AOCieot Wooila Rotyrrta 1:13o Ir itoitte, by Bich. Ikrjitig T4Attl4r k ego by &some K aeroroo, When Petty went to College. Old Gordint Grabani, by thoAuthor of qiettere Or,* lielf1141444/ Merellant .4 klOo: , Alan moor 'other" of Alp New Copy- ri$lat Vol**. IVO PAPfiR AND tiNVg1.1/PES. 'Gloating Iedrioce of our Boxed Note *per euit 1:antelopes at 41, tretteis whir= rasa, litisdRIOAII0fill3.-IttO a. re, to 0 p. Or IEO PORTER oderkls Telepbtoto 100. Court floes* Stioare he Ootierfeb %tat • Tatlernort NA ft. RrnAZInLY so, MG PliOPLO WE KNOW. Mies Vo MOO lab for Toronto this week. Mrs, Wee is 00 *Visit to the Queen OW. • : te, 1).1.1eivar loftier Mutation Thursday. lea LW& !4t0Tfrona1d is reeovering trom Iiiir 411alat. "ik em. Vhs tiWansiiii is visiting his relatives at, .Migiasehroalt was a Toronto visitor the Post W .• • 1.110aPopibus,IVest Si, is visiting friends In the tom OW - Motion Asset n. Jobuston.of Preston, was in teem this week. • Capt. Willoughby add Eon left for Wiiit1.iot aeOerdaY. -Maar,- NOW lett this week on a visit to Maude end Other calve. L41.110ibeimon and children are visiting Mrs. (1. ehenamee. Olniteln W. Lk Dexter and son lemon for Depot Llarbon 40004 Cu, of Chicago, Li visiting the eine, fit. lettreeks street. To oat .• k. tg beret 1 kv e. CArrie hes Joined a C. I'. It. surveying FMK bee gone w lestowel. an/or. Geo. Jagrey, of Dale is visiting Mr. Atm U. A. roam, at present. Meiher Dino ir vedt to Li titer Serino. l Miss Edna TM returned on Friday Anse ereeititt latirees.,,of Guelph, Is visiting Mei Moreno eauowa, chureb Bt. Dr. Moe leftover, on Monday to visit Toe Oen). Nt. Cetbarines and other clues. V. J. Rutledge. Rift 09 Tuesday for Calgary and Miler points in the ZiortieWest. hesisior-Will and Den Smith ot Chicago, are on their aunual Visit to the otti home. Mr. end, Mrs. Paul Turnbull. of Petrelbe ere MoMis mar mauves at the rectory. Mire Miele NOM and Miss Agnes fravillo ot Detrett, areelsiung rehtives in town. MI Toner. of Sarnia, was the guest at Miss - Ennio oiDnibtlionsent,Ilie prat weak. Aire. It.lt,Tindiertiod babe. of London, are lb* gunge or Mr. end mreeilerdrow Duff. IS. Crewe tool deaagbtor, at Kingston. vie Werth** Mettler, eirs.Jobn Pridhare. isa Doltish and Miss Mute Donald. lett on N (61104Ogy on a row weeks visit to sautatairo., Miss _Mar Plotter, of_ MIS* Emig, IA tho Etieet Of her aunt. Mrs. came, Combos street. Met Refine, otKentueky, Is the Mekt of mr, Atutal.re J. Ortint Ataeoregor, at cute °aura RI* Ifilltram-of Clinton, Sundayod with bar mum, mina Della V1IIlnin,on. ilayileld root • P.E. end the Misses Spence, of Guelph, Ming MOM relative. 10*ln:wry hiariten, s Re MeatiodoMil and two ebildree, of heatt,reeixtims. b guests ot their mother,. airs. • Xtlikt, Of the Bank of Moldiest, lett yes. ' Mt transfer to the branch ot tbe Bank fit tien, eat. , ware or ;Wirouper, Is on a two 'wouks t hie parents, Meerut WS. JR11109 NsaaMISS Daryl Nino, Manitoba, is *AtthucEt, %-tatteetsteLtivemontus visit to ime stater, re. gatilter erltaley. ,16.4104_ IflitottAirtiVe ittilkliTte.tett tkRtkOt110. Melt , after tWo MAYS outing In tee Ot anob to. littitatOtttaa MO had Wen Ott n visit tri her rather. a Slharlta, Bates, returned to her Vo. On anesday, litligutel, at Now York, are ate men a petents, Mr. and 11 St, Misa Diet u! lite Poo Ogee smff, who Is away en tor eondrare rustecerma In the AiWnaOrtreetlet tamed Bend. Menlinerlettallertbre youngest daughter of Air. atel,..tern Hetet* Hortorioeiont Ste. Merle, Qat., te MEMO URI Inteet Of Memos, lara login, at PAW, it In toter; the Meat or Mir as, *la and etre: Itirkhrlde, Ardor berdiot ter, Mrs. bled muter, token* Webkot end three oblidien, went the OtiAt. vocek leittring (he tad litrnte. Cambridge at $tage Tilt, who haa been in 6 hardivere stersat fni tWO Yegf.. le home an a Vett eed retermithla week. am Is tieing well. Mis torriLtate to het parting, MI% end Mqvrrit. tf. Smith wet dettghter whe Neu. . ouster mane to Vancouver, V. • retn. of Port 'Ptah teal Mrs. La. warigloon. who nart men mount ,itte. Hellowia left for Mete booms on tao meta* (M, le on a Vie t tome aelot.Of 0*ZirMatirlteil O member Meta alter, and the • Veit ot Chiletta. amil Miss 6 ot AO iteghter itt larkt ttrAnitt harlot )46 W111.14ft Welee. Dee het b attot- t Jeer oqter, eteter tbolormer. garta, Me Valet, MOO . bed ttaiottiteArrAt, wissureidtto pproZdt I sit M WY ifif tee tO •Ittat flint beet it threl ,likOtatth mount end vriu oe,greittly *oh We wi.k torierionmetet teeentr. al IV r. OW is Mr. . visit. • ot tt been 6 tuber ot Bow o trk-ovoitiiroloroo 16. *mot, afre st Misr, 7.„ Wt. NOXIOUS watt's. Seem *I The Wm*, WWI; I* Vigitemsaly Itletottleistatoill. lir. IL X. Miller, of the Maid bratich Q( !bit Dripartmfot et Affrivilltufet OttaiWis woo IP towo me Mood*, last. Q4 al, alit' of iniplietien for the Seed Or0Wista' ,AssocistIon, *Oa Vide lb Call at OTAlt Onkel during Which he oiled Attention to the preeene* of atrirra of tbis moot weals Jo the 'rata- MIKA* 0040 bloderieb (whicli be eal4 • woo rH*IY dewier than mime otillic plits ns b. Iigstvisited), Me W.41 greatly Mirialeed to find watto ot tbe Went weedIllOoK Ole tienk opposite the 0. T. R, Station, but * few Viols *WV irOM the Macke, told be le of epinitin the seeds of item must hat% Welt /nought here in ties mot And on bein iivirPt out il*F0 tAken WOG lore with a vigor of greerth WItiell in 44 foot year will itilowlhatotO opregid aU Over tliO country. Mere is is list of Game AO bona tit 0o.ototioot 4r614 son 'tro -usuoy ocoi 'too wc174 Weed 1114.Conaula. It paaines viesTogrvarat'$:tal,,g74algreAlotuti o Jonouoit. o o 4 ens las ja to be gArried 101 1004 twos bribe von& Nata Mge CtIVIMIOn 14V0V. mos roe nistellsittiall. White VOcitle. 6 rate biennial wead In ('an - ..Lt. 4% YorYnststatnet Weediatneedpive, (heat 14grossa1, a lacidetity bed weed itt %and N. West. Stud* The Seeds Inc shout the same 11.0 as Wheat and seriously * *inlet IUIIIUIUIy fon ntWriig mum* p tift12/etQ0,04001a T atie,Alotanion lissweed, eitritOs.Wild WildMutoid Cal Yi01040v4W0 ibaisy. MileotY, Bindweed, Thiu ithOVO aptelen of weeds are oo- slicOoted in the Seed CootrOl Act sot etnning 23 of the worst weeds in Olin - twat Auden restricted from hoing sold 1114040We, clovers and cereal grain& Other noxlmni and dangerous weeds are; Annual Son Thistle, Spineydeayed tow Thistio,MariVecti. ilurdoce. Asionw Gomm Sheen Sarni, Oldeitweed Om) opecios, Annual and perennial), WM BuokwiteaS, Buttemnii, Milkweed, Catalik_Tcasil. liteaeonSYea • taut Dandalion, useindstonoe, uolde Shepherds Ours*, Yellow swag!, dor ramPlen, Round -leaf Mallow. oakdcavert Uoirsaroot, Prickly Lettuce is being disseminat- ed throughout 'Western Ontario purely through the tuedinra of railways. It growls about 3 to 4 feet high and way be Identified by a row of spines along the midrib or centre of the leaf. The head Is in the form of it panicle and WM produce thousands of seeds.whieh are by annentie slinliar to the Dande- lion and borkv Thistle, From observa- tions in travelling through Western Ontario, I believe tbat this is the most aggressive neW coMer of the weeds of recent introduotion into this part of the Province. It is an annual. Out like the roustikrd the seeds will retain their vitality in the soil for eeveral 'ream. nuitter would seena to be serious enough to call for action by our muni- cipal authorities, and Mr.Miller having -explatned-thelaweeir-Mayor Worship will peobably consult with the Town Council tonight. %try ,uieoly. fatoilits.--Ne ma report *owe thereelel *ewe tt*W advents- TOWNIMIIP COB . MAYOR^ ii . V026 Ve17 NW* /44P InAlUr "itek' COUOCil Mt eat 23.4Rafen chair Asa ly, got. Oive m a la nCOthi4**41Y. sliprowat a* law too of *Oder * iiitatar masa mit(4 Jaciskaue OW a tritalr if gyloo es swedes remamo rer ow" 4- carriee. abereliewiegeasersa• et s. Victory ot the Boyne vorionemorated T"*Imffli" • 19414, Ac•xc Right "Wally 1WASI Kiiiir William's mcKcasir, rePiCeiti..-4. A. &a*. ; op; Q. .co;). m Wen, ittaTel, lii.94 :J. McRae. Ulla year 10 Piinga/M01). The meat ; te,egereee, ewer, #2,50; to. scien147V12; PaNnfacigtallegaio°rrororoi‘e.rclel/P4Vorii0".10411:405)5 44trittiliig 771' Vi ile,14'. -sir:* tbeirstooreeful outcome of the ditY 0; eat le fi:, Seeorir. a",..re low, inning wesneu dint tintielY tit the good work of the rustily men ilecitlio Xlit4.440t. .o.A., larettiten of the local L. O. b. No. itIt• -IP Agri„,,t14‘feeittra foemthough this Wag to he a Distriet sitetiozipas ; ) si.% mows, stior_l. 4?„, ' pruc40.10, everyt gog, fr: I to tike aowle,goisci aiii *I day* onovviest ti local committee to VAPI7 thtiolitli. 4*,-,1•Tar„r34111N°41-4,tin oat, ntiitlibeta# 10740 4101t1C 01/110ANNON. Tempinince Colton weer., warilitisot 4441;ortitiritesaiat of .COPFINPNAIL4 loseitlesaro whim's laceya oormalt la order to *gist, Us* eigarritte mania, Another New York pity maglettat* yes "Yesterday 3 ha& wore me thirty46a hey prisoners. TairtY.thre* Of tbein ware 000tirmed oismotte Y. tom e A poossoorrost 304toosiso aaaytegagas; neetreer1 learn 'Made tbet:gratinOine dia- eOreirY that two of the itirifsat_ Olt O $ , taritther-Thil 041 etUa loatoofigottiterar 1194bk their Mau et ThIlloy.izi 5. Wetelt solution or ool000. Tbtt *mot: fact Mat oat of" thirty-five prioonere thiet -three etradoeleigerette* might 11,14 Odeon Swett 4ertteth vir4tinff iuammirto MOW* Nome direct cow - *coy ; Simms, *twat I Mir* mve cigarette Victim to ZIA itytwingtftgzetivuggi Se; A. hare photograPb tOitell• *Yorr Par that West eigaretteir ore 40Pod aud put 41*-tir Pt fret** ill his Wore, thie coMmetion la hard tO room, whom be carvetio the fcradital underatomi. Opium la iike tithiske a, fatal or to 04 1111441:100e IP° i4tdf front it an inefeea42 appetite that tiot' Z1111 onehrlif Iiins to ,billeVioar 0 Irrfgyrtawittr W4.1,300 itetrealign,A ,41 K. !tures wi be asermOnnaere eloquent nerer lOttg in coining undee dotni- aITI oation of, wbilikey. yheti opines is added, the young man eclumace of re - sot. sistiog the combitied towel/ Mid eeeirP, giltwir; ingplitaloaL mentoland morel berm is Anil perhaps it, is Jost itti Well it WS* -411Ilteqes rev. eel. Lee ar Igh A* the xesolte coidd scarcely leavis asairwr. EtaVelegitcon 0, 33, pop., gut. hren ;better. The ,rittY, optima witlw prOlnien of' beautifut weatiser, giving tospeetiativen. rs.lieco; ae, Ulmer:, le tia Otte en eigetkie stop home, mut the, Meal brethren Were 441 htivY" 4?. 44' st:.#4„clyre If OP '9) X t gPr. if SO. gave. Hing4. Y. *Ott tepee me voila The larenliag tho lith hale ore Iove)Y arches erected mut beautit'ully ,e1r"rt 7,$.44,44.143 eitizens vied with Mau anOther bat-. decorated by local brethren. and our anx314,:,ofettilttnizct4,rgisil,ptivprattrreitz,grirrittaik, er fir tit sow be ete ry the relidences Utly decorated for the Ing their plaCes of business onci oven rtno.licsa'orraartylx1,74942tvi!rtaiiIetlite.,.ioiew,19.}_risemitiv; owys..0,T,„ alo da • A suitable platform bad ,lecosoisraimi0o4,r.r. Ilest oleo ooze Toos.r.. Aug*, et throughout the fortiooqn, Ineetinfif. triltricalter.tutot.sociT.o. hale and welcoming the vIaltinitt g lodge& otos was; arm sotto -ilea fele: W. at D. Mee SNIP indeed.° elev. co.mo: ,preachinif wi overdo for the pre. Qom, tot. yololdopon sI 4,01;;LIZ/i! any pulpit, /leave it to othem tO..disouss: Ott NOW side ,of -thpirettit P -denoottee. it Simply bemosti. nt tis. WIllt ell.bilee84tbrtyllifisit"IjaalfV1144°1440inaittaugieltryt,•4t'araLwix:sheentlfr:OttieeS. evTlywunferer solorfo"af thileftm4witillitrobhilipoW: 110 2", to blunts tne sentobilitiesi and deader* 24 too tottookootioomoot /meanie it klIte Vit;,48tatelalOgIrrtt41:14g0f101ttngg b!olloll,c y asor. AMbition mut the finer Mathias, and losing their ambition, them pusItt tbeir erk. Mei* delicate itilalrations And pereell, Stetnina, sout their energy, because of ,tiolle I, 'beeettee 10 deotroYe „the. ohillt7 its deadly bold .imOti Mein, If thero „ to concentratogie mind. Whiten is .the is anything a youog moo obould guard 4 utf secret Of Ma achievetneot. as divinely oacrea, it is his ability' to unto me whole, tendency of the cigarette think Clearly, forcefully, logically. lei.cotine ItiOniCat in the youtla JO to atr.- . nreoag 01 tr.roperatie004., Iti tie bfugatre-totaanaticl De you not agree that Tim STAA is a big dollar's worth P Wags both health and morals. It not 0147 rninatbe faculties, but it tilitial. itholt merit : : asYlume are cigarette fiends. It mice* he mind. ass well. UMW of this Tule euggesticto frm othe Brantferd moat pitiable cailes of insanity In our EXpositor, a Littoral nesvspaper, is not ` creates abnormal appetitea, etrange, w tion undelinod longings, elacontent, ruralist- " The Provincial Government in ap- t of tallealpyinearVneelemnuesese iirrrreistaiabtliltiteYiletlinceinl: rded Mon to crime. In fact, the moral de- Poineing a eoranthision to eriquire into ging Lite coat of echoed books, might with eon, blairatroltre eavolitojectitinfoglIforigshttpuei. cigitLyreintgte, oprarontot haiavseo fillosotiku.eintetod ththeectoorroonteinstssloolif- Ural (*eating, impurity, loss of moral come the books. The cost of the books at- ru ageand manhood, a complete drooping Yeas the financial aspect only, while :38:3, of ilfe's standards all along the line ore 4 itsgeneraltreesuoletals.ne, or New york the contents may make or roar a life,. These hooka, of course, are eupposed arlY efitY„ *Aye i "Ninety-nine out of a to be under supervision, but it general Oral hundred bays between the ages of tett revision of contents by an independent can Mad seventeen who come before me the charged with crime bave their fingers commission of experts, would no- Ort-* disfigured by yellow cigarette stains. doubtedly modernize school sten- elph * * I am not a crank on dards." pu- this subject. I do not oare to pose as lege a refortner, but it is my opinion tbat t, to cigarettes will do wore than liquor to Tun GODERIOH STAR is a winner the ruin boys. When Yon have arraigned atid leads in an line8' d be before you boya hopelessly deaf lars through the excessive use of cigarettes, the best who absolutely refuse to work, beY heYs vrho have stolen their sisters' earnings, who do nothing but gamble and steal, you cannot help seeing that (bore is. some direct cause, and a great deal of this boyhood crime is, , tl my yen, Mind, easy to trace to the deadly cigar- , in tote: Thereis something in the poison the garotte* thereelinis 10getinto the stem of the boy and destroy all mor - fibre." `en lor in Gm middle of Was. Mai- ouglis' beautiful grove, and booths were to be seen at every vantage point, and all was ready. Before noon of the Illth our atreets were fill- ed with Orangemen of four distriCts nil visitors from nearby and faiNoff We% a feiv isporting themselves Vern $/ontreill. Oronto, Sault ate garle and even front the States.. Inner belle began to ring at half pant tort and continued thele Invitations till all Were tilled with the good things proviaed for the occasion. Horses, in the rueantinao had founa resting plitees in ail sorts of places, private stables, cherub shede, farmera' barns, &a. In some way every person and every animal found abundance and no visitor was heard complaining. After 4Inner tbe procession was formed on the agricultural grounds and marched through the villagti to Win. Mallough's grove, in tho ing order, headed by Acting Marshall Alex, Derain past master of Dungan. non L. O. L. '32'i, followed by Lucknow Brasa Band: 10Moss DIstrioe- L LItig, Tiener, Mister, " 1014, W. '11'. (4rTirtior, Goderieh District - L. o. L i43. Andrew Million, Master. Morris District - L, 0. L. Ottl, II. Sturdy, Master. Wawanoah District - L. 2. L. 4_90, Thos. Henry. Master. " 32 J. 31. NmyIIo, Arrived at the grove the bretbren and visitors, feeling quite comfortable iis the cool shade of the trees, enjoyed appropriate addresses by the local clergymen, Rey's. Robinson, Ruther- ford and 14icks, and Rev. J. G. Yel- land, of BenmIller ; Rev. J. 0. Reed, Nile- ev's. Smith, jaanriders 6 I m of Luc:know. After:the speaking came the compe- tition for the prizes for best fifer and drummer, awarded as follows; lat, R. Armstrong and II. Bradford, Dun- gannon • and. Ward Bros., Belfast ; ard,. I), 'McFarlane and H. Graham, Kinlough. After supper what was left of the crowd found its way to the Agricul- tura! Hall, whera an excellent pro- gnranatne was provided by. the follow - I g ivell-known entertainers : Will McLeod, of Seaforth : Miss Tilt • and Roy Adams, of Goderiah, and Tyisdall Bros., of Carlow. The hotel bars olosed sharp nt 10 p. and by 11 'o'clock the Village was practically in the laild.of nod. /ill who undertook to provide for the crowd were well re- warded for their pains. At one time It looked as though there was serious run an the Sterling bank, but on enquiring we found it was eirnply the patrons of the Proamery getting their June cheques cashed. A on. servative estimate of the crowd placts it at 2.500. Altogether it wan one ot the biggest events in the history ot Dungannon. Not, a hitch, not an accident, net a fight rind 001 1* drunk. is our record, and on the whole we have every reason to be proud, and nothing to be ashamed of. Next time we celebrate the 12th well have SOMO railwaye and bring the people up from Toronto and show them how it ought to be done. We must not stop Without mentioning the neat appear - ante of 14. 0. I,. 824, in their new re- galia, and we wish spec:hilly to men- tion the wonderful perfotaiance of little Josie Ward, a lad of apparently about 10 years, who beat erre of the drums throughout the day for Belfast Lodge, and did it to perfection. 'We are also pleased to note that the firing of Rainy Armstrong, an old Wawa - nosh boy, was by for the best of the day. He very kindly came from Stanley to help his old chums cele- brate style, and wo *ere glad he had no difficulty in eapturing the 1st prize. His father was here too, and it was a delight to hear and see him Nista the drum ; although getting up in years, be is a dandy. Ounngannon. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. r. Thos. G. Allen. 100 Is tho regular correspondent to Toss arm for Dungannon and noinnborhood, is icIllVfaoli to PrientiVittinidigRinaging.111PtttliT TIM STAR. G. A. Newton, Deratist,• Luoknow. At mune every day except Thursdays. New trail for extrgotig artribAZtunotto= AlUndeug RIR inenbreakalito. I4v.r.-You cam *wows heat% your work much better done ui the deutal elnee-more titno, better facilities for doing tbe work -and much more comfortable for the patient. Tint Bic Slieu.--S. J. Young's change of advertisenierit comes too late for ties week's issue of TIM STAR, bat it will appear next week. kleanwhile don't fail to call on him audi ace the genuine bar- gains. They will astouish you. PERSONAL.—We welcome lainand Mrs. Chas Agar to our village. They moved this week into the house of their late grandfather. Dlr. Chas. Durnim—it is tate, but we would like to congratulate our young neighbor, Ed. Andersoi, on his marriage te Miss Mitchell, of Col- borne township, sister of our late jew• eller, Wm. MitcheIL—We congratulate Mr. and Mis, R. J. Durnin on the arrival at their house of a nice little girl a short time ago, and at the same time offer our sympathy at tbe continued illness of their little son Chester, ana hope he may soon tecover.—airs. Thos. Robertson, of Lon- tleshorough, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Brailford.—Tas. Begley, of Wing ham, is spending a few enjoyable hall. days with his friends here.—Joe trick returned lest week to help the folks off with the harvest. Re has been Away since lest fall, up lu New Ontario.—Allie Ililes and Hilda Idclutyre,of Kincardine, are here for part of their holidays and all their young friends are glad. —Murdock McPherson, a son of Alexander Maher - son, anerchent tailor, of IIxeter and for - wetly of DungannOtt, was here frotn Ida- ho for the astir, aud took a snapshot of the Dungetultur Otange Lodge for a sou- venir. He notieed ttletki changes that he would not know the Mimosas Imugan- gatIliOn. Ile met tittered friends who knew him tbough„--Ierp. Walkom and Beulah left here Sunday for a trip by water to visit at Pint Huron and to join Itis wife.—AliiiaIdtt Whylird aud her cou ;lin, Bert °Irvin, web ti passeugeni to De- troit on the best front Oedericii on Sun. tiey.e-Miss Mary West, of Wingharm is here on a short visit: GEN/Etat Ed. Robinson, who for many year.hos beet; engaged in the butcher business lit Pontiac, lifielle hea *titled up Ma effeire there and c.atue back to Boomtown-1,1,4AM bis Wife mid family last week. Prod found the Mai. fleas hem too much to listialo, and rid anO Med will now, there the labor and the profits of the IningraMori Meat mar- ket, Their hither gettingold and will now be able tivtake wit& We may look for a amesdifig out now, Their Matta le. "We to kill live," not "We live to MitcliVione cutter. of ''Boonto.'hoir been- g Wol-.40/kroul putting op Ouitittirie ' ond repairilig others doting- the poet Week. De _was here for the Mood of his uncle, Mal. 0.Werd, who VMS bOried July txtb.- The River Valley Ottioilery Go paid tofu torblatter fst.orbetterttout the forthe bitter, to thew /outs pettO116 We would like to hear front other creameries, They alto ehlopta 00 begs last week,tweraging about Osco gettitig. We ble tobi,lr.Go famished enqdsmynieimt for Meant too 01 his neighbors an mon. day. Ire has .split born put A blot bent tothe. end, looking it one of the st Oils tieighborhood of Gar bu ago. 1( 1, now It. Ss with rge etroirralied addition, MI on stone I. It Woo ahnOot dirk before Me lost o4oto loot ito.loaro.—solo •Tteookoort• MillisttotoOlefted the improtenients to , Ins bloc Oate teineht, wall bulIt 1,014 ;kw 1,, by Autos Dente. sr of Imekaow, rimier so cam' theooltele ool-tokto, which VOW IMMO *Wee OSIt. iSti ft: The fronting and' movitig were (WM. Tor Out OW* tontreo. MOW Stiert IMitteltoileda bb +haa tooted the barapercitoKfookRA-.' GritirferiT,Miaailda a -alive booms to it. —Avatatoto) eta Wettter $latoot felt * ittlo atare et hoist their booth site "jainpoil,4"' bat they erected...sty o tic* tare at the other tide° of 'the .41 *ad they -now my they • OS Very glad, and otilt. *tut, r. theyliad a sorY;atieemorid derr kite .ftia Itothiriths pat. Opposi abight to fellows yea, Wen** tittle reports the biggeOttio Ids lbw theYoVerblid. lie sold th lj fortosni-of Keret** alortr.,-..thit apippedaboat Vktfit Welke anel•it• Wort.* very bOtJol -Nowa Are all Ito/ btiso At Which Mt a vett good erloi la meek atiorttlre siveroges rU tattlfrrirhyort all about torsi} *sat ain't • te •May frw ret koi I* the We*, et - the 5. TEC GOD/MUCH ST44, ite,",inet tie bigger than the rest, just a better than the boot,. TO TRAPII AORleAlt.TURB A Now Government Plan Is NOW • Under WOO, It is understood that the Uatiett Department and the Departmen Agriculture aro conjointly arran a programme which rilaY he regit ae the Initial step in the Omicron; policy of a series of agricOlt schools throughout the Province. brief, it is the establishment of oi In agricelture le the collegiate tutes of the Province, particul those aerving esaentiallY agrieidt districts. It is thopett that this be in arranged that a great deal of primary work now done at the tarlo Agricultural College at CM can be taken at the schools by the pHs desiring it, relieving the col of tbe pressure, now very grea that extent. The eurriculunt of classes vrould be uniform, all wool affiliated with the college,and echo would matriculate front thetn to institution at Guelph, where t would graduate. • Tere idea in view for the present is that einem of the nature mentioned should he at once established in a num- ear of the collegintes, and thee e tually at least one such Inetitntlo On MOO 1113 er arrangement. Then at eons° 1 period when the general educatio policy of the Government as enUne ed and partially provided for at last session of the Legislature ia under way; the policy of artrietilti schoole, pure and simple,being ere° at various places in the Province,co be inaugurated. It has long been p of the policy of the Conservative ty that half a dozen agricultu sohoole, offshoots of the college,eho be part of the educational equipm of the Province. Auburn. PIIRSONAL.—Misa A. Riddell is visitiu her brother, -W„ Riddell.—Mr. au Mrs. Melenight and family spent Sunday at the Nile.—Miss Sadie Carter spent a few days with her friend, Miss Slater, of Seafortb.,--Tee. Erwin, of Luck -now, le wait agairt—Mr. and Airs. S. Carter, of Brussels, visited his sister, Mrs. roto., an, recently.--Aiiss Jones la visiting her brother, Rev. Mr. Jones, of our villageri- Rev. Mr. McKay, of Ilayfield, pEliteta in the Presbyterian church nekt Su day. —Rev, Dr. McLean took Rev. Mr. S work last Sunday.--mrs. *Ai Is visiting at her elitherate-law's„ Jona Mole. — Mr, C. Ackliu has one to Wingliatu to work. --C. Beadle, ter sea baby, visited at his hoille. .a Sheppardtoi. "IlatkriiatiOnTRT1 o UNION tog ore mow with their 1.1 fold it le ,,,ta geed average orop. root troop* tram hotoottoodoo Vela of Alto celebration in Du not.. .Sotue tourists from Toro o a break* Oaten to their auto obile on 'Pesoday laat, and bad to t into gle's barn. The got turtno MOW* frtirn Gotterieh t repair, ithtul istarted book Olt TtleSd Of this week. It sea* MI automobile, ot it wouldn't Rolla,. would hi, Pktesomtf.. & :tamers Crowtotiti &pew& itie tot taboo of ?Jr. .166, Comfort', toiling On 4111 ft hitd and ammo% Ott% here and at Itieedd IMMO in r tt. Albert the loot Week, Aittlongb *OW past Glis ebtlitietit milestone Oraviford is atilt hale and bear and traveled the *Mite illotance fo. the 'far 'Weet littketette• rathlOd Mr, Mid Mrs. Y. a Bogie atid oahdr Gesterich. stient:StiOdo *it e4atiVe6 herr.-417111 MeGlatittel ot SimiloYed with friend* hero. W11116,4'ut,toodoo,A6 Moo ht Ott Old homes , Perombilikar Allit Iittkt Ormal to their ItOrne In t treelte,,Mtrit IlaWkin Torobto srm4t. wb�rit 10 the rarrost t tiro tritattbs..----Xt* I teal* u from Toronto Oen Obt #414 14. nod *tot the Wilhbs iti*O6 Two.o.A,,Xta **low went fo tendon yis lask Week And retUrtattl Iteektia.16.--446011 KAM* nob*. „ kb, the ,Ottrest I iiry Medd*, at twerott Makin*. of Gotierfalt. IPw ix at home Um* teat . Insitlitibort *ad talkiest AMA Nab* A6616 thaispholl. et &aft Meta. Are mo ft 11044taien u'Wt In theile pariestio. N. airit:Xes. Xt. Jamie Amy* WIWI aw 1006 otettteic tilos tor tivolk hooOli WO Week my th at91etij Mt- He gives the following probable the course- of a boy who begins to smoke well cigarettes; "First, cigarettes. Second, real beer and liquors. Third, craps—petty ted gambling. Fourth, horse racing— uid genabling on a bigger scale. Fifth, art larceny. Sixth, a state meson. Parari Not long ago a boy its New York em robbed bis mother and actually heat cut _her because she would not give Mm money with which to -buy cigarettes. Svery little while we See accounts in the newspapers all over thecountry of all kinds of petty thefts and misde- THE STAR gives all lhe news. WW1 Busiees Affiliated with Wingham Business College, Opens September 3rd, in the McKay Block. THREE COURSES PREPARATORY, SHORT HAND and TYPEWRITING, and COMMERCIAL. That will work in any machine. THADS THE KIND WE SELL .Monglai. 650 feet, price 13 3-4c PAY41111'S HARDWARE; Phone No. 57, 11.1•111.0410.0111141milimaink, WINWINVIAN Phone No 20 W.A.McKim Goderich •E JULY SNAPS vot_E psis. 29 in the lot. Made for this sea- son's selling, at $3.50, for $2.00 These are well made Waists of pure white Jap Silk. Front, 22 hemstitched plaits with Valenciennes insertion. Back, double box plait, hemstitched, full sleeves, Valenciennes trimmed and hemstitched. Made to sell at $3.50, 29 to clear at . go! SPOTTOL POncifal., TELEPHONE No. 25, HODGENS BROS. 111111101winmem 2nd DOOR WEST Or •In HAM I LTON ST. New Dress Muslins AT HALF THEIR VALUE . 25c American Organdy for 12 I'm2c 35 and 40c fire Organdy for 19c on sale Saturday morning THIS is the story in, it nut shell of the best bargain in Cotton Dress A Materials we,pVer offered you. Bright, fresh, crisp new American Dress Muslios. Avery yard new this week, beautiful patterns, fine quality, made-tii sell at 25, 35 and stoc, and worth the money. Part of a big iptes'aiase of American Muslins that we got ayvay below their regular price and real value, because,the jobbers wanted them out of • thy‘ray before stock taking. Will make ideal summer dresses. Evetn •,if you don't want one now, it would be good buying to get one and lay •) it aside for evening wear next winter. They are all new, and they are iii one-half regular price, so it shouldn't take long to sell the lot, About e,000 yards all told, dozens of patterns, but not very much of one design. 25C 11US1in$ 1254C • 500 yards Atneriean Organdies, beautiful designs In pinks, blues, Nile green and maul% on piniwashlte ground. Will wash well end do up nicely. Made to sell at 23c. Thia clearing lot unlade Satiirday morning, at your choice per yard....12eic 35 and 40c Organdies 19c GOO i.§41i411iif Organdy hiFmn,, lmnd.iatno patterts in mauves pinks, . et on white grOutht Vhoice goodS. Will make handsome 'dresses, regular 33 and 40e, choice on Saturday-. IPe so, 6o and 6se Cotton Dress Goods for 38c With the Uoislitis we put on sale the boirtnee of our ooesoit'a *took ot high drum • Cotton Dress Materials, Organdies, Vesting*, Colored Linen Settings, in fact all our lino tuaterisirs that 00Id At GO to Vie, lumped in one kit to elear rat Mee, only eroaugh for, *Mats, of other** plenty tor 6 hilt drool, We positively will not carry a yriedinto,neat season, and pot all these high grade -Cotton Dress lit:Aerials,, tto matter What the former price, on sole ;it your choice per yard.. .. . .. 4fte Our Splendid Hosiery Valies Our splendid, wanes in ntitiell are bringing more and more business to the nosiery Counter right along. Out. BEST stock is now, on the Slielvis and counters. All reliable eitalities„ iii most eases brought direct front the makers, • *It patio*, for* 21So • toofie illiek'cottoo zoo, rou toolit0000 666roloso re64; goo& Tuditt too -tireoplay witer* Itotit far 280 Mein tit ribbed ()Swifter* Mee. bite &OS quoutr.• toloairounn. allow* roollto:Atio Xtiotk Oottott Itoot Oottlt mtutat Wool ofobOtinootooti.ip ot4wook..44.+041,44,4,11, UM& 4o6Lace0ottoalrose lotnirk, too* idn tik,6 hootioi utioot (at stookitioo rot bOoo ioa air *no **took itto doloo4 Oottotilt000. work or too "Maim •,,..•,64, *10)004 tu.4160 Ono 1Tholt COW* X066, CierrisenMelto. Xottoa aye, tou Saishioatd1.**0 goo goolitro *Okla ot Pir Ste. 14104141 1101414111 ' &ad hilt X* 41411100041010aa New Gey Tweed Skirts Just in this loweeit. Late designs in eliteltg, stripes, tina Pain honiespunst, real stylish garment% eaeb .06 oil $4.56 $2,00 37 white and colorect_Mnslin Waists, priced up to each $2.00. The lot while they last, at each • - 50c, Special value in the very newest white Lawn Waists at •• $1.00, $1.25, $1.35 Millinery goes now at any price to clear. We don't want an old hat to enter our new millinery parlors. -Hats worth $1.50 for 25e. Others at same rates. Clothing Some clearing lines of men's and boys' Suits Trousers and boys' Knickers. Don't Forgot the PLACE ter July Bargains MoKIM'S BUSY STORE wvvymkimmm AA, • 4.1111111111.41"1"11.16411111111.411111111111111" 1 SEASONABLE GOODS Lawn Mowers of several makes from $3.5o to $12.00. Scythes We handle the famous Distou Scythes, besides several other makes. Hay Rope We handle the best American pure Manilla. Rope, made of strands from 12 to 15 feet long. Call and examine. We handle several other makes also. Binder Tvirine We handle the famous Plymouth Twine Gold Medal, 65o feet to the pound Green Sheaf, 550 feet to the pound. Cement We handle the famous National Portland Cement. Our sales already this year have exceeded the whole of last year. Thisspeak for itself. , Tho Sherwin Williams Paint This 'Paint is known the -world over; our sales were never as large. as they have beetle xhis year. When once used you will uSe no other. Harness . We have two setss, of new liarness„ the other at $9.20. In Screen Doors and Windows Ave have a large variety to choose rtefrigerataillitii of different sizes mad prices. Hanitniteke from 75e to j4,50. Something New Zenoletunt a disinfectant put up, in *bottles ata different S12eS of oantt. One gallon of Zenoloon mixed with water will inake ono hundred gallons • disinfeetatit 'Me it around yourafli s. slots bath title at $7.60, tom, room, • flies on hors 2 t'ilpi; raw spray •on. 3;1?tir or give snore in Pot Plumbing, •late arid stables' mut outhouses, ete. For g and cattle use mpful of kaeliolenin, 14 20 cups of toiling water; 4ponge or does not destmy the hair but molten. ossy., Cows not "bothered with files ik and keep to. (*tin& 'Owe Tr044h3t40 etc., we keep * tht stiffani caii give *oft pttpt atteoboth