HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-07-20, Page 5� - - I N, - Z10,10RI"T f1l I - - I ­ - , , . I, ,7-, 1 1 _,_ 'PO � I I - I—' , , - , � � � - . , - , - - , , . , n ; *01 T -, I. , � ,� -,11`�7 - .- - � " , 3111V� Jl ,.. , "�. �; � � ... ,'� � If r I 7'*`?�, "' " ' I . , I I , I � i I. " . . : e - ,',� , ,, , W I . I 1 7 W, ,,� A, 11 _ , � , , 'j I .., . � . � 4111 14_q 0 1, k_j 70, - i �V, _, , *1 , . if. , , .,c, �' , , ,. �. . . . I , �:q, � 711, 1 * �, , , , , � �. I - .4 . I I .1 - I, il- _,;,,;,. �,(#N,� , " I.. . , � I '. ­ 4b,- - - . -.0 � -_ I --- - . I . . 1. I I , " ^ . �. . I I _ I � .1 . - 17 '0,- . � , ­­ �,­ - ­ _. -1. . ___n -'r - � .. - - . . . . � lq I . I - , - - -, - lir. - I 1, I I � � 1. 1. . -1. ! t: -n " . . I � I r / 1. � . I � - . 11 � � ­_ -1.1--l- ­ ­.. � o i I 11 . � .1 - . I � ----..I- 4"I 41" 11 'T..� __ I .- - I . 0 1 6 * a 11 ifisi - W - - �. . ,� � - - - - 1 . 11 - ­- 4 wpliiiiiiiisiliiilliii� iw.- _0111iiiiiiiiii liilw�__jm -opleigelp-,i ;;ZZi-iiiiiis -- 9 I I , I - ______i11_-_ --I,- L . I, 1-111. ON I.. 1­141--momio-o-ovollw- ,,, - - -miiii , . ii __ 411111110- . ­ MI_ - N�Rai"' I �11 I I I �.. . 20.1 I** . _____ - 1� THE GODERICIR STAR � . 1 �4 - �4�7' I � I I .=00.., .� tip a ,� I,- . I . _61!=�__.0T0!!!r, !!=!�� 7- � --7,�,�!!�ft-�t!mn,--�,--,---"----,�-6.. !"I � 111110 I I I Ill _!-_,�,T_ _ � ___._____6___ , !=!!!�!T�,�!-6.1!�!!!!�­, ­.", emo I % I— �- ---------., I I- �_ , -, - ____V __ 1, , �', 'L � 1` I I ­ ---6 - .11 40 'WI-Owlt � - i,-",....Iill-. 11M.- - � 1111 0 ft"M 111101411�# %dk"- I 41 PUNLIC N"Ace ., - 1-1-1- - I . I. 1 1_----___I1 -11 �� ... � I I 111191%4 a oft I 6 . ,� - % 'a ,Oft ou i _1 . - ., . IAU "a' No$ I : 11 .. � "I we HESON & 60 MILBVR 11 X*Nwirls ,A ow us" 00MAY I 4111"o I . Ir I I . I � , ­ ------- __ I r 0100" a# ,,*W* a" Ifor" . -11 I., MANUFACTURRIVS, � - __--__1-. � - , . , I . 11 ­., r " newt A" Not" PM* f:X*&j,1-0#:Lk't*l 0064. 0; 6 . 11 , . I I , _. I , , - 6 - L' I � - . 11 1. ts,4"Y's 40 I .. 611.1 ! 16 OVIORMAKM ,, ,� . 4ULY SAR"INSt I' , � 1 6 1 � I . I . TIm )CUWM4s*?A#VW* � ' M . I 11 , I , I . I lot 1#44"141 """ ^"* "Ift'r mom"'. 6 :�,.�' ,,* panew rwitufts � h. I - � 0 f(410WIttil Issil 1;j,t Of OAQ PAW0, I I I . ? we - lit,0400-04, mrr , i 1 6 1 $0 , Wet * 04" this omw on to you. � . oWtioclUot KOXVO, Xliut� L, � . . &Mi � , . , ., 1, I � &T =04,0 00702.. U01tval,3000ty _ I IN � 111"INCIAL 1OAN" OF' xWei they . . 17 � 1. . , -, , With W 30 y IM4 ***W, r04 " at, the Vsa,**_* *04 4qAty X"V104 40014 IREUMATISM , ' , ? , 4" 0=*W-1*=.V � �­*,'%29,% Z4 14fto , Milt . . - .1 I , - '' e . I it, . . . I 0. , m kiow * 'A. I I I I L I I . - I *no* train thoVisro Ma to I" 097 Ito *V! *1 i , . I I ...., f, � iioxi I " %1. , 11 , �bu T. poir oxmt Tkow 0 Rownt ullicivro to W saivol, IP , - , I 40 100, wm'ot, 1,014 "Ai. Amix . , , . R A , imft , I I , I . ,,,, ul", i, k 1, W4 , 4 8 YA "a"'Irto", "IZV11141921 41M. .. , * - * C - ttsi'M44:904,Ty V110 04nlow. "Oralt kou�s,l,`a it A , -iti4o. 1416 4­41*04 ..o1­...f.%+9#�..*130*, -40%, I of* 0"e I'll ,"g �U,44,*,�,!���,l,t4,,ru,,tftt,7�44"4u,04 N04. , , WOO, I I � , 11 , also �1,0�0 )oIllelktuillow "llm . WMUP4U*rn*,i4UefA10i***4-­' �, ­ 40 -, 'Rob*t 4,$A 1 , . ., r I ; . . , � I . I . : . I .. I 410P. Too. KPIAtyro-TivetwoL, , �`,,"`r, 40. the 41n. "Itwo I ­_ I � . � You"'folt so 901mu , ,, ,, I . I I . . � . r , t jo](04to" -91ttivoi.4 0 'bW404101 44010. q4vm '20,444,4*9*144$i � 'i r I '14-m''CarwAs , , I I ­ . V . * - ofo, 4110� I irrbk,T ,OF, fX X PR � - I � 11 1; I W`hita "Isis, LW* A()41fWIi4�j*p*04 $4.0% 0 . ' I'T 40.pohv, Aw W to , - _ - I P� r.s_'­,*%V:4 . I'" � :. 1 I , . i pai'v* wowtim wbitf loxiet outtalavo � rx"i UQW9.4, vi� a A(oUy, gaw Torkv -TAU XINO,i, Wtvv , 0016000, (wb 11, A tit I - 4 M0401 W Solt, at 9k A", 111149i . 0" 40 ,or kidneya *4 NuNvx orti�' , tiliv). udgeroo, � k 14 , - 0 lW0% � I I . - pjrl �� 9011V11mr"Nvolkortou'. " , 14' ' tltj W041 0 .4 *1194 - N P010 AL 0 ' t OL totoWil, $*I* PrIo ' ' ; ' � ' . I I , " prida lopp, qc -, . I . - '44W. �,;4iY, I _ It vi 0 1. r I I M.VV#A1§r# *C�ri %,I* %%0A. 112. C I ims 'i U 0 4 - �rQ , �p*4 fem _t I _*L Qfk , , Wtsiviii VA ,*Per pslle OX., I � N Kulliolid �tjj . I 11 0 � , XuW_ , jl�!01� Y1 _ � - I 1^1014 I , � I , �, 04 ", ig.... I,- # ......... . .-.-­.1`k**ft*.*,4gk14,* ... v.liv****.*o'­*%vo.;�9ft; , WAIIIIAM Ill uty. � 1114TAM, _­ V I MA Ya`1 at � '. I 11 I I I � Rwy W 114,40.1 I11- ­ A. '40% 1 - ­ I , I r, 1. ;, . 100% , 'At $11AMY, �, to I :�= ­ R �_ "I C, I � p, 4*v d� Xelien? t=4-940 ,� I I � I I ' . I 11 ' . ' . ' ' ' ' '. I malcolta X ng� 11 I I � --l-O.-l- , ,, 1.000 , I I . I I - . "I � I 1 A 1A-*n'$b(ft'W*1*ti I . ' . - -avcbt L 4"Okwut liv-114. milkeri, I � RAW t * 444jrV1*_' . �, "I I , I I .1 - .1 I I I .1 , --- I'll . I I I . . . , Lit '' , , I �wAt&4*'Mcolo 'u-01vit'v eot - � lX, I I . - WL1hjj. � drick , boA I . 1p�,446ifwlk erawaitra, telmv�0 a%43q � , , ,tisi , .at VVIevri, Alt - 'wo, ,` - sta'", tu�xs,oq Im . . lie '.. I I �� � 44 1 i I , I I , ..: "" _­­��­­, 'D#UJOU'� ,Vka, Reek r in1w4tt; Men- ,onk,mpor, , "* - pa'"o-o'. I �, � � . , A P, I I .41 -4 Owing 4.4. ,* P. V0 ono'n4ve � 04 for Intorol A Ao tslto . I .. 4"a ** v4sula 12% � 11,09 PILWOMMI, � Ax* a ft 0 d1sss*"w**4, %lie- Iiillii �joljt&P,r CIA, ,p4twu I � ... .1 I � - - I �.* . I . '..". 4-.*%.%,.,-** .. .... � ��.-P,.*­P*�-k- ,� I imam ." or wwre myssak. ji� ,A.jglilWx g . I 0 11 v ile-W � . � , 'rj�jtg )011� r. ','� . I I � � r Ij ,, 0, `W 16 � 00'jjajr'r Itli tbel lot# W#4 - - I � . � - 130 - 1104111 lie - W .1 . I . � 1. I =�'i_ I , I .*,.,. 10 I 31i". iij(d*�X.P - �orftjl*.� .,re $1146I.:f'; 'matism., Ono 400s bA att 04 gwrint, rAr "luri wal"I V WOM : I . I tl;�Lt ugm &�mw"o -wi, _, 4, jj'� k �, � I . 11 ,� I I I � .r I � r, '"' ' no I I eat Ist; ATIM&O thol"Up In I 10, b& the Ungli � .1 I I � prooliratilia. � X6004*41". i=,. . Alex., 949; � F , in Co.. 11 Itt, 140uw, Mtljjfe'� EV r 0gr i4r 4% #( , - ' . . I . I I I , its V& t _af,%b,lrX$a�j,X"V ul v, 11 . �. V 14z q#Jv4b,4. . . ", I I , ,200*00*04i' NVA). aunn. JIG; 0 i I pattelm�z% w0sk, wol and; Am 10040 'extra. � ­._.. . I I . . b 0111 u- `"tsii � t owtill 11M.14 PqI�ec,0,,,W4_;kMA4 , 041"MyWou =40% bQ*14% And Da Ain go Ion; V. 0u; U"tw I be" W cod 1. L � r' . . I , , _*#on _ _QU' Isom" Rrowo.' I � -',d ' ' ' * , tilu =1 Ito � _ . � ' - ' . 'N be � f��Jil '' " L � , �_ I , � ;. , . P I i a 4G�.' WtOxIlt MON -_ %v I -W oulla"M 1 � ,�U ., � A 'Ia jis, ,xrr ar Riv . % A, 'Att , . , It, iiuou,� .T , I .!�,' � � .0 I is 0�ilfl. *-, cor * - n#nd , k . - & I � g - �4�14 NOU .;,jo4n , amsc _ � I I . _* . IN , -, a .,j)%I1AcAUX0. . . I ? pm 11 I " � , i4"'C', I Ij TM"- SCott'johia grq_ . a I � "W'Tir"Aurt go , "'M mollev ek It not Worth t 0, OVIR'l Cleo. - ��... T . � ' , , I I L I y t ocimirproor , , � VIA ,a A, a � 01� "I'll, I . . �. 1. I via n ��u% , , I r . I -WOW L , 1 7 Inho", Boy * u Irt,14 0 Mi I ou , 0k *t% sl�*=?lild WiW . .'� ikulf", lin rrarvivi 4 , - 4 with,.4;,sor . 401 *f vverr!1114 IK'4% wilo arwr ppecw"'Ili,o. , '40 J�Wjv.g Irs1wo , � , . P, 134w0t D04 , Op . . , I , r I . . � ' L , � � " vi� � . '. I ", � . -0) : At $101, 0.7; 4A, .. 0 .� , , OQ. I, � .. , 1, ;2� 1 *%vis"94'. "I'll, I I- .. orc t on 100117TImiltol 046 P I � ". , , LLL � I I ,., � . ,or 0. 00 04, 1 , I.. I I 0 oment I I % `_.'� � , 1. , ,:'" LA W,pe , , 1* 4 awtor (;4A 41 It 'g tA � , sias, 4, " " 0 `�' ' ' . - . � , . 041001p) VAMP I � I Uqalautos,�, � - . ", '' � �, �r .�_. I � I I I 2011 .* � . ,_ �0 j,;0 , 17 � _ 0 %" '- , lf4 1 ,, , . I ". . . 4- uw*)" %'T't . ID , 0 -;34�9 lmcol *1 0 rks �jn,4 ' , �.." -04�*. ya . 'T(Id. . oc" � � ,_;. " *R4W9'r1lA;f,W, - V ltrviRl, 4(i 1 *2#40, �' I :� 10 I iewriiw(iota e*0t;* v4010unil*�:iA.,U . k, I , X*41m, - I 4 rL - A I 4, a , ,I , 'ar" A . . . L ;­ '.� ,. �_,. _ I I ,Voral wo ittAray. A0KuJ*%'*jcH.T*# -,$aX4. Ov 4411 W�Q- 44"'y , I . TOWIT, 1419 41619(AM 9446W.W. 'Job r . I . ". .1 , , I The Isa PrigeL dliClor t meet of 'Itilv* L I ,� " U� 0ir gom rr Y0 -,,.,­. � - * * � i -t"", � 4 i 4,p "i IL'It �f A. 1. * �q"A m.*, 4" A P� i - w.:.� � 11, Inwin . 444 � . . I I . . I 13%4 0, I ) .. . %, ,3 14 � 11#4011"MA4 4 lotob, John: Ancr,; Im `!X , . I I #1 . . , � I '.., - ., ,? _ 00( obor bt I lie, ro 1W. fiat I V fl 410 III I � - . , I . . � , .t . I �� . � obett,'Matt k 1,46 it walker.44AW" , . SAO twice will par Oil icerwo, a" , I I I .� 3 " I . . I I . . .1. L:� . I I L.,.� . 4% X. Jo I ull "Plurp 409" TA4064.4 I - : _: I I., � '. I., L le � . � � r i, .1 '. . L 'I, � -.11 -1 ­­­­ ­­ ­ �­ FT. Altrumatism.bevAilso � 1:, I I'll .. rr . L , I � I i, I ". ; � �;.�- -I , � . 1IRPO "CROP RUPORT� , , JI ImR Co le I .. . � I . . .1 . , � . . _ ____ P-Pp=P: , �_, �, � ktow Win rob", -Brueet,fits� will r0_AtW.4'y � V11slk I . ; 11 11 . rN! 1- � - , " HA I � �11 . It - I '' ­ I , jebsvl%�,JOIWT,104114Y� J011110010 mcm ALL'BQNDS ANI) INSCUMIR 51UPIK WALT= RID H r 1, .. 11 11, . , ,,I:, 1� I I I . I ID V the , Asa th,U Miat) 110 �, S� fty, TR ,P IT r � '. o , - I . 1. 1. Thomm * tear. 4 ! 4 � , . . . 11 I I . � � I these Itu ee Org so vi . I I , I .1 1. Jae,, luWAOXII . , "6043"O"'w, ".. , T., � I r N, I X 4 . . , � , . , , I . I Sil 0 no fo , Wducy, -- W--% R L ,AM, . 11 I 1. I .1 �, j.' . L . I , : A 40 i I . . . � 109 S.W. ilopo poor 404. 40fo A . k . 10 . .i I I I I ,I �", � . . I f Ths Right P1*06 to buy frurnifthbligs arttil Clot Arkgs,-Ae wala to', bo. expected D� Vif,elg" j4ehU I , I , 1� . -1, ,� beal no '*'!' 011A8098. SUCOV840N VTJTV 4ND IZ ­­_ . I . . .'�� ,j �t t e c be no ____ , 4�i , I I 0 Itlile "ports for toe utionth of jnno of) George .o.bxl 0491410,4 tobt. a 1. ­­, ­ 11 . L . , .* Michitel Flichex", 04oX.11 u�sze) , ,� .� . � ..CR " ,. - Crionlav, I I W , � - - , ,I . A N' ' . , . ,..I � , - . I I ESON 0 ; . � 'Ir 1, , , _� --� � , . � ,;,� " �� � I I � , � I: - 11." 'I ,0�-�".t*. '1�a f;k,�oPlible, P _ a. - in the . __ ­_ �� % , I,'.'.:�� ": ,:� .."':.." � _. I � Vw_ ,,.� � . 11 L_ ,tfPj0V LAVP,"ol,I4jAlte'%q lipl;4to 'Twinia'A Corrigan. Peter retaine it to 0 on r6lTme NIMATS01mut 1. I .1.1'.. -F-1,111 -- ---- � , ... I ... "I 11 , � ; I I 'I'll � . . I ____ 1, "I are 'many repoi , , 11.111�Iii:.Ill;ll.�1,11,:Iilll,l",w,. I.. : :1 g 11:1 la � I ,I I : '' gii: ': I; 1: '' I . - 1-1. - � ­­­." - i, � � It i _1__i;z_- 'k rel � pts of 0.0010OR ri blood and' tate 0 nerve . . . , � I � - I "I 7 I . 1, . I . ­ I i . � , � . ,lp,WOU i I tit B._)3jMwr4 W411-94,04uguel Tho Purchupre of tirmiall 4 tip to 111%,will be I � �� L I - , pp . ,auid the general tone'O the r4flilIoney', L Alex� ' 'Per", Ont- 01filthat tot#4 tl* * re orte", I'd laoo thear elpty7l -F- R' 1iF,UIT-A,TlVUS Am fruit juices, 114 . � blve-kid-.11.2-40fib, ter 0 L, .w(ni fg,P 64 nu� !jVoliles, .)robn, 0. ,440 Aul RQss cation, Foramounts 'over or , �, . [am* � 'k R tUovii,tbAn fti` ldw.'. In, I rimlug� an cowbittwwitltk;)Uics-olewholet�aning I , . * bed 41;1,1k) , 0 orl � ,#r(4.)*='jM0 'It'll", . roultodtowntlecrtig N I ' ;­ 1� It , Ij u M11 Go ,( , J � sit, Sell vton ma V maille st rqut% IQ '�' ­ , , , 0 pl�w, tw)igb . the most c9eCtjvqcuro for Rheumatism. ICA On. Ilk �li Ali I 1. . �, 1� . t 10, vlwlii , or Out elitfuls,tobf the or p, tile cj4$SIQCjltijo4 X. McNabb, Robork`VA4, Doliala I ) q k coulp I d - . , '411- pymVr, Q011 , 11111 , ! "� , , 2 alp into el o1j, 1.11 and wint'r - , U � 1p Sent tOb' ' 0 � 2 M, r. an& 60 per I 'I,- 9NV4"9$ss0,A'.11_ - -� * " � ,fq* w - tho pre;sbot I - * b7t , , o'. Oct, M if 0% _ , _= Currie.' TbOMA's Brown", W V ic . , .� .. , ., , � , Quja.jj&;io.'vj4uCed , I I lso _4 ,�� _,�_�� I'VA the AwAta- Nia.' JaW , � AliMe j9p, a box or � boxes for $2.50. or. 10 r A . '­ov4-o� "�' �00414A*tea 13"y ifitcrelts I. Atwe*, 0 coull.lell ocem r.1 I-Privilesm of WATGfl REP A-IRINIG I . . , V OW ,-be ept Iti initial fuasuqllol� 0A T * 9 2�111e ' " 0410FP* to the ijaree o asses Uiay,bave an gutirely lot" Ad I,. XtWiard � g dat OVA , ' 0 , ** im I I 'Per 109 MI 411ka stroldililk I �10a&W(lbatei;j .T.0 Way,440. 9 F,dF.eWjpg4pnV if7our druggist does but at an carit :Ru MX �� I . ;,404" . besiM -To I I kii Its "Ir - ' I . : ' � , - � "I , I ",.,.­_, V*els� Ii - . propert � Eastwood 'The W. , F 4orlpt gini bwo ng k i r . . yl�., Samuel- ' T. . I 111- .1 . , r � �1 - 1.11 " K - - , , , 11 4111forent value. Uerford Val. Bat, 041 VAN, .1 . '' I 1�' r 1.1911pg ittlo.LiCa.* 0, . 4 . . t lent, � � r . '� I . � P V I , , t en, , In Dlstrlc� 1, early apples are re- RDW lt�s,ltaso Dobbin, FRUIT -A -TIM LIMES , . 11 - roo t kormwva ItIr" 0 A , 0 'e. c4in Gil In tho0olit of any atliget-lbor (or bonds Pay. . . , . , NT11N1-%'11q"A � .. . I � poitcio ,I 4. Lumsdani. Jas. I I Is Our SpeGialto I � Is. Such t t Cott- . _ alroblit a full crop, The (01 and Wal R ddell -Tobb 4 11 airtr'loillul,I)AYlainit . � _ . 1�.PR,, , ' t an I. "t'; I � . . by bolts I .� �: 41 .. ,; ., : . . I I w I medium cropi Bald- on�jban,­.jkIcbaeI Babington, Tboo �ffubacqucili to C � I . I I St X, " 1. . � '. . . lot * 0 . tillig IdA01441 if, now no- W a , : Imen III b � , I PS,Z�Ies light. If, however, to ourreT wl a o la"Psity forva , lins, W�lir Ala- sold ""it any 10i fall boadgiZ� b00 . , ... , t Olebolso". Don,odd Sinclair. Win. V � scows to Q r �13* 11100 , S . the purchoslor Ill d.flult. I It � I an. the Se"'OU a ptdd prove a wartu one, situ. Peter Campbell, Lu4wick NOW, I I �::. -11 I *1 0 - 4 The V sting ro,ate I I �.. 0 8i Toronto 06 'rO gerg ves$ ;;; I . the whole at '030 apples in District I ames Howe, qX /V-.*.- forma of autworIpM 'whop Payable by In. ­�, , I ­� I Ife- anct P, . " un%Wbatalnt..�d on application to . ­ C .., I I ... ,__ e , I . � ,� I L I 'of Tfaffig. �L �, will be gla" ll, apple buyers as - 119 Tml.laftry U ent . WE FULLY GUARANTEE OUR WORK . 11 t , - "Tora'ato stitr�, ! ­ I . . I org JK ' ' 1 early shipping Afoot C,. P. R. CONSTRUCTION. C &.efu(:_e� � This loan tot rallied Iv I 1, " I I . ,'! . . , ;:., ;D 1** 11 A: question �* � to j 7A ,,on' tbol credit of tile . St. Jo, . ls - the, *�'t�ali t are al- I _��' I Led Revenue und of Ontario and is � I . . Involve'd by Aacb,,a, ii*nol as he pro� most a full cfpp, tj fil, apples less, I - 4=3�2 1 Sh".11=11-Me thereupon. I �, .11 N. U. cautin., tho f6ulaaer of , "Ame In "'let t "rMly 7ples ?'�1001-� _�, , sepbI half tit Usti, V*40'0, atateiment Does bronpt Rr ,whirl, ot figures, froto and the winter apples only a medium Notes - of t4 Work Going 60 In //41�_� . .!,, , k . ioject� latin. , "Beyond 9 - _ r __ . 4" o"Tas th 3 ImBLap. . Which covers thieveopo fit Ill v . go., Olt _onlpaliison," ,crop. , Colborne County. -.1 L.!:,� , ill, 1 04 " .. to d ,,To o'! I .ithe exp lon. he ua�d, to ll%wrlbo In I � . I "I', �, , _ ed colus , exuacilruav ,otvtl% I " Ill Astrict 3. 21 per cout, of the - . . , . Ifterges"Wepte'ruontAt'llo. He w IS . Y ot � n SM correspondents reported the crop .I atl4ml and O.T.: . AND I %.�� says that ho. b4i sufficient. capital al- ir Clinton Nqu, Era, . I .,L � I H a PARKI OPTICIAN . , building andcolaiii"ree.with the ate, lightilI 85 per cent. medium, and 27 per . A. J. MATFMON. ,. 1 . lied with him, to. AUSTWO the PrOJect, increase of the population along the TjW w,Qx,k, �f zonstruction on that $ 1 . Provincial Treasurer. � If I . I which *111 be before. 'the Hou =txds of iftillea of th. . 0 lake shores cent. a full crop. .polio and portiod of tito 10� P,. -R, through Life ,. ont� Parliament Buildings, . - . . . ".:. In the meltutime be; will at the tributary coolptrv� T - t. ., Y, i 01 n"t I, SOlDTH SIDE SQUAM ,�� , I Itepoits 'from the Anna . , �­ I session Cornwallis valleys, District 0, indicate tovouship of 0ojb4rpA . rossing upwards one, 4W(L P-; ­ go. ori 4ith blo preliminotY sur- ,Tben. came thl Wfer , . jo prop - I I '"LL, �; I I- , - once . ) figures, and he' - & orop above medium, but not quite a favorably, considering the n7AnY 419.1, 1 � . . I " , I Vey., Ad to the WAU Street; 1301amarY. as &dl Oro& The tent caterpillar, the wNgwilliatiero I ji .till ill$ �'. � . Inbrief. be summarizes the fea, . it o t wlrty vm thi`,'y-111-1!et_-a1n1t 05% I 'I'll.. , an authority. "The noletlitern borders bud mo and canker worm have all culties that Contractor Pigott 4as bad . will n0't'b'."pV,i'i( p flirit. " (, , turee of his Proposed Ofthal'au follows: ports," he said, "Increased their ex- beea P&L-tiCUIRAY severe,- as well as to offic0untOrLoWing to the uneven and W. H. KELLY, Agent, (Ioderich. -.-- EADY FOR SUMME 1-i Len li-Frow the eastern j4hore of ports frinit 109,000,000 tonf. in eleven sevowl ininor pests in Ifferent parts difficalt nature of the country through o .."...1. I - R K . ''-I, . - .. I . - Lake Muron to the porth shore of Lake months of 1901 to 100,000,000, tong in of the valleys, an4 it 11. not improb- which the line is surveyed. Cow - - - �, Erie. fifty miles. ' eleven months of IW4 distributed able tithic - the codling moth will Inoue! . n . g fr - STOPM . . ,��J3 Depth-�_Tbirt.v. feet clear. allnonithe tweftt3'-fIVe ports On the appearlater. Windstorms and other om the Oth concessl6n up to I I MILBVkN*S -- - - ------- �_ , Width -Four hundried feet at the And boundarirline between , ?, ' " I States and Canada. The Conti" enoies will probably reduce the the division line it is nothing b t P I - caul U11111-e4l, oll winter apples to medium or succession of cutting@ and em"banne PPOTECTION FURNITURE, FUNT1.1-Dr-1 - ­ - -_ �� ��i watei line. or" 1_U1116 - __ , Oost--$50,000.000. I Volume of freight carried last YeAv 00 le.s! Sinumer and (aJj apples will be I �,. . " Looks Only one, as the difference LaUe Huron -totalled over 100.00000 :Iiqhtly above a medium arop, Graven- ments and there Rile probably not 100 The most danger in farm build[ ngsaM ive In history you may go back, but f '' 1�� I. " in level etween the the two lakes is This amount is four times greater O ad that have not had to be stock front wind storms is during the $um. or up-to-date Furniture In all t h has set very heavily. #44, where ro e steam shovel and Its at- mer njontlui, A Policy ill lines we [lave tile latest on the �jnarket. .;��.,�, f but nine feet. =the total freight passing throul.1d = ar,e sprWed tboroughly will R' if . combination of tile active princtres o -1 , � ; tem �-i'�I"" by th 01� Estimstild yearly tt affic-Over tweill- _11.1e Suez Canal, which is a t.ilditint dummy engines. Avialt just The Hurou o f "I ty thousand vessels. In "final of commerce between B uro ties yield A large crop. AoVA now to the works will reveal the vast &-. .1lost valuable vytetfto reincilles or dis- We are ready for Summer, and if there is anything you want this �,:, d j ': -� ,�,�,,., _ ry day in tg.e Scotia Kin Russets bave OU0 Lint of work that has been accorn- Weather Insurance calm dloorderso the iver,stamach-d store can supply you from the very cheapest artici,e to the most cosily. I.. Tonnage involved -Seventy million and "a and open eve got well. W."Itaildwins in Nova islied, *nd will also show Whitt a lot Al"tual Compnny will give tection, CWOLIL . . year. The freight traffict O . I ... and a policy msts only a fewyo" ars a year. I ., a L4,ke Hu- rl Si dull Pra ��'�C':fy Ir tons of freight. I , Scotia will be lighL be done before the coat. CALL AND SEE US. ;." Estimated cost -of survey. to be on- ron also exceeds the combined on- i t here ,to yex to IW_j I I I ,;, - tr9inces and cleamn..%es,of Liverpool The British Columbia crop of apples; ly bit,O A-oiNtVjll be -ready for the Rog�r Northcoul . President, Hay P. O� - ,do"u-M "",;,­�'i dertaken this ye4r-M.001). I 1. Rellerulan, X-�'.. Vice-president, Dashwoo,l, I :,.�,, I As will be noted, Mr. Cautin's State- and London, two Of the worlds greate will be about the same as last year. rails, ' � uinlop's hill to tile now . DIRTICTORS . . I ­ I . I�;- , *R, ,,imtio says eat seaports*, it also doubles that of the PnARS.-Tbe prospects for pears Dev&a statdoil, 0 9ilo litic line, the Sihis Brokenshire, Crediton P.O. . "' .1 9 , I ment deals In large figur port of Now York mud Montreal. Dur� have deteriorated during the month, road I almost, ready fo litatingand v. 11. Perkftrr,-Xx,eter P. (, r -_ . he, 'the cut-off accomplishe4 by this the land has been leiei,12 01T 4f th;s Ifeury Kati, Drvadalc P. 0. 191ok Hosuftelliq jaundlev I"oftot- J. MnPHEV. & SON 1-.�,,`; I . ng the season of IW5 wheat was e- In Districts I and 2, producing the - b Di l9t*m&'*'DlrM- 1`%t.." I " ll two lRepst commercial crop, K 4� 'r _ _1� , to Buffalo for lo the 44. �Ilsllif, I%miall 11. 0. u;q t h tdh 0 . - � .'I canal and the unsatbifactorlY waters -jeffers are point prepaxator t Wilding of iA* #l&PQA%3p0nm Finiplea. , avoldedmaybeseen, by & glance at ried from Dqluth . . Qa I we I susoll 11 0 The Leading Undertakers and Embalmers West Street, 00derich j, , &nt that thq cents per bushel andiron ore for seven- ri3ported a full crop, Bartletta a wedi. the new station Luse, with two side Chas Mont,,itb,T6m,m-" V. -d. - I "im- ;,- - 1; 1�1��' . . ,,� . � . the map, and it is eyi ty cents par ton- . um crop with many failures, Clapp's tracks at the west cornPr Of the Plot . Win. D. Battler. Zurich. I. JW Night and day calls will receive personal and prompt attention. . I 1� ,� ,. �� �� 111111111111111111111111MIJ, � . . canal, on�e opened, will afford great Favorite. ,&ujou, Bose and similar var- of five acres reserved for that purpose. lice your nearok dimetor or write for particu- , . Vj� 'Phone 120. Residence--F.Igln Aveirite. __��_, . opportunity for till Classes of M%nU- Millions of Men. tetles�,Iesa than medluin, This cou- Owing to the swampy 'tiature of the him to F. Z�llrr, accrctary,,pirtuh. .� I - ests-1, . I I . . . I , L *&L 11 � �,� , factuting wer "This lake traffic is of vital Interest dition will also bold ,glood for British land just here it, ties been found necos- I �w .1ginhleagent an� erritoryshoidd write I ­ 11-.--.--- ..--- - ... - I .---.---.--.--- . �� c I at of , z)o C � IO .t Shorten Route 400 Miles. , to minions of men. Lying in general Columbia. to dig a drain half a luile or so in I.' MAN,Gc1l.Ageut, I I .� I" �, *RCy Zurich P. 0. Dyapepolaii sour eftomisoh, Water I '11 No one will venturato contradict the direction east and west between the pLUNS.-plucaig are #Atpask it fail� length through the black soil to carrr __ Livalt- ,C . . L � - -----" ,,TV � .� � 0 . �'��*�- - _. last of these statements. Containing as 41st Rod 47th parallels, it is entirely ure, no large section repoillipig eAran a 'if the stirplus water to a low )eve . lwa:dat Conip ni:iiiialk 194now or I . � . I i� ". I I an ­ff, cl&use of satisfactory within the limits of the north temper- medium -crop. The .4mv,orimn .W�etieq Rita at present there Rile soine 40 . jl­� . It d6ei I, tilluiellf ,reproducing beet. The JriPatkeselvAr_ more Jit"lialls engaged un er Che air- DO IT NOW I i, V'", lonsiI Bof Mi. 0antili promises ate zone, on the 11pe of whi4dL popula- d bin , _r, I I �o good.- "The ca"v"' said. he. tion has most freely moved wesi�vard, lileties are'almost s, tatal fal4urle. f�rvlp I F flows, From tile . I. � ,,3 , 4� to report diyis, If 0 - ,:., . I to mal I to I today, here final settlement Is most com- PEACHES. - Corresponden i'T , -twill shorten, the routes, now w I �pqflt,' t�ar'ough the Stevens f -a foi- � . � - l L p, _, used by Vessels plying between the p=1,ta,.id where climatic conditions in- 17 per cent. of the crop of early pea.ches and J$eali MrIAS, are tu o cuttings 17 Send In votir or&.3i I, ,� i'�, east Arta west, from 400;�to WO miles . b I gest returns to capital and a failure; 17 per cent. light; 35 per feet 4eep, Nvilit *a sippil; V%yqrnl) which CQAL Sweeten the breath and clear away all wad4 I I i�, �,A . I ar . for next wintlir's supply . XCURSIONS I 1 -,V, ou. around t tt4and speedy la�bor' cent. niedium, and 31 per cent. a full has given Oil cOPtl'1%ct9r � Agal Of luid onous ruatWr from th a sysWin. 00 ,�', � P. by a so ,, . I, . , !I to all, vessels plying between 12 per cent. of the trouble to find A wlij bt�ttolp, 4P4 it gqw PrFcvok"25c, a bottle or 6 for &.00iXI 0 ovq �: Chann( .-Chicago, Milwaukee. Duluth, and crop. Late peaches, 4nfl gpt mage (if the 40 T. X14HURN VO� ml gt-,I, - i y NOMWES? I 11 I � TOA1011111I)i " Wifliallu. and per cent. light-. 48 has only been by Jurnping In a vor . . ," �j � Chicago, DaIuth4 Fort Fort,,William,the principal receiving crop, a fail ore ; 21 %,cry low prieps for 944 "ONE, � A�;� , � of Lakes Huron, Michi- centers for the produce of the North-, pop cent. medium, and 24 per cent, a large amount of material Lbat 80") t,, L - - . .. I other ports "* CASH. I �`Ii 6nd Superior. as Well - ports ern and Western Stateg and the Pro- full erop. Early 0eacbes will probably thing In the shape of a solid footing I -1 - � __ --- --- -.-- 1, 7,�: 1� ga" a � 1� I east of 01 ... land. Lakes Brie, On- vinces, together with the wheat -pro- be sufficiant to supply the demand of has been obtained, The shovel Is now ce River. I I p .'�': , tario, and the St. Lawren lf� ducing territories of the great Cans- the inarket, J)ut there will probably nearing Sharp's creek, where a tong All orders for Coal --' I ,?. I will lave aboilit one -quartet of the time dilm North-West, produced, as per be some shortggis Of good canning embankment of 8W yards or more will -FILEM BY JIJNI,� 2urn . -�� - �i ��' 'L - 111ca. I 4�"`, � Consumed and ovii1d. till delays from Govern ment recordsifor export during peaches. have to bernised in soine places twenty will be filled ror $6.50 per tot), 13� A9k for lomeaeners, paraphlef, and ci 0 " 11 - - �, f , in the St. Clair and CHERRiEs. - Cberp�es are evet feet high, which will, accordink to Beat Hard Culd. - P,,o ore It I jourt on arn 4) .1 I fog and shoals . one year 6,000,000 barrels of flour and ! return inits, InAL if4 �, Detroi 2130,000,000 bushels of wheat and corn. where being marketed, a Ufige crop'yi , ---.-.- ..- Jul V -a "A I i , " t rivers. and all dangers from 0 Foreman Hunter, necessitate the dis- - rates otm, fAmi nearest (J.P. it. agmit or "r ' collisions irr th IS f these Of this export volume 5,850.000 barrels good quality, and freer 1xvin P 11,CPL d it. iosTka, 1),I'.A_ CX.114,10r(al . " 11 " . e narro , insects I j , of 85,000 cubic yards of earth � , to Mug the road to the required level. .�,. " I I ", rive". of? from ,,-11911L.r., , 0.1ft the of flour and 170,000,000 bushels of than usual. ROBT. ELL:10'FT, � . JOSEPH KIDD, Local Ageut at Godericb. ,, " shoals, or gate in the St. Clair River o Auburn is a distance j, A; wheat and corki were caaried through. GaArza.-Grapes are reported in l7roin there on t � �� ... L� and . and Lake. and at the limekilla crossing Buffalo to the Atlantic seabonird,while good condition almost equal to of perhqpo two miles, and the rail ' way Phone No.70 South St. I I I ------- L ' ­_-_­-­' ­ -1 - .- ­ -.--- - - - 1 '4 - ,-,. L in the Detroit River. only 150,000 barrels of flour and 30,000- last year, w6ili ,some complaints of gang -M4 P0 been working froin I . , I "A canal'with only one lock is ra- 000 bushels of wheat and corn went out winter killing, especially north of 13lyLb is, we pre gi,vap 0 understand, __ - _____ _____ - If ' I I . . I ther unusual, isn't -it F' asked The by Montreal and the St. Lawrence Lake Ontario. approaching near t1be village. The _______ ,- - - - P route." . . SAIALL FRUITS. -The strawborry combined gangs will runil the work to 11 I � � � star. with 'your crop is maintaining the conditions ro- a finish, and in all probability we ulay H A R R I S 0 N ' S - 1� I � , ,,That is just the point." answered 11�,nd you are going on ported last month. The principal bear this welcoutio *nd longexpected Tj�, "Polt Brotul - -_ . ,�, the inan from St. Jo It. "The differ- preliminary survey this summner?"�ask- , I ,--, " 'West Street Hardware Store 11 tseE:, qtr.' rvall jWlt'9 , L __ - - __Z I . . - _ � - -1 I ence of level between e Huron and ed the reporter. markets ileport fair receipts of good U. 11. R. steam whistle coining through lik,tI. ( , oV13 II�11 ,q . . . , Lake Brie is but nice feet, which will "Yes" said the wizard of Lake H,_ quality, Prices are 20 per cent. higher (Iolborne about the 1.1u)e he first fillike MRrangluv% Lwly r Ito t?'N"q1t 11, - � - I I . L - . I � a, single lock. and tha,n last year. of snow will fly this fall. Monstrous Brandy Snap. I - . - - ­ -_ - - - be overcome by ron, --at an Immense cost -$25,000-7 The estimate for raspberries, black are aR FV - _ � ___.�� utilized to develop power to take ves --.,o- --- air the bo"t 13111110 In any and red, is about the same as for city, to a. NEED UROCERIFS Our opening in Goderich is satisfactory. This is the seaSon 11 I sels through the ianal by electric . llarvkonload- th. trn,le In Wedding YOU I I' , Radiant Womanhood. strawberpies. for Hay Forks, Hay Fork Rope, Binding Twine, ginding 11 I traction or otherwise at the same Oakes and Fancy Designine. (live hirn ", � , speed as self-propelling - FOREIGN C04UTRIEFI. tin order and year v%t14--tion will be at till titneR, and our store in the richt Gloves, Machine Oil, Scythes, Snaths, Stones, etc ., and we : I, crafL The The glory and satisfaction of beauti The continental apple and pear crop CASTOR I A affitured. place to inalce your purchases. :,�, route through which this canal 'Will fat womanhood can be known only to is reported medium to good. The pros. For Liffants and Chil&en. would be pleased to supply you. . ; , oresents no engineering diffIcul- those possessing the unlimited advant- We Italle the beat Orneeries in town. .. r Pa'sawflitatelver. The section is leveli _ pects for the English apple and plillun ROY N. HARRISON ... ties agesofbealth. No weakwoman can The Kind YOU Have AlWaYS BoUght our bottled and vanned goods, tiour, I., the soon light;, and the excavation of be happy and enjoy half the pleasures and pear crop have fallen off seriously, Kingston Street - - Goderich butter, 4-ggs and other staples are I i ,L� I W We have a splendid stock of ,,, uniform chalvacter. So that the. cost of life. pallid cheeks, sunken eyes, ex- and if this is confirmed by next Bears th - -_ --- - I . -ANM Dowd for their excellent qualities. . , . of construction may be computed with hausted nerves. all tell of a territle month's reports. market conditions � I They in 'i, - the welik will he materially changed for early Signature 1 I ake good eating possible, and -1- - - ,,;�11 almost abi;olute accuracy at MOW,- struggle to keep. up. What 6 e. V�. �Zv WZ that means good health. Garden Tools, Sprinkling Cans, Carpet Sweepers, etc. - 000. The costof construction will be woman needs is Ferrozone-, it renewa, and fail apples. �1 I left than that ofany other canal cd the restores and vitallizes instantl Ws a, A. McNEIM. -.---- - - WE DELIVER Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition, etc. 11 0 width and depth In the world, Chief, Fruit Division. FALL TERM OPENC SEPT. -4TH I "* I 4- I - - I 84111 11 woman's remedy,"-thaes W - Mitchell Advocate: Chief Constable --- � not only by the character of the Soil, Ferrozone makes women strong. -_ Cooper is just now collecting what is your goods to your horne. and rulive Vessel Supplies. ", butbecauseit Willha"but one lock plump and healthful because it con- known an "poll -tax." but which Is, in you I lie trouble and inconvenience of I rrr "' tains lots of nutriment, the kind that ARE YOU OFTEN reality, statute labor tax. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, etc. . � I throughout its whole length,-" Some claim vour Carrying them. Olin at our store, 1, Whence The Revenue? forms muscle. sinew, bone and nerve. . that as they have property elbewhere, at ,I leave your order for what you , I ,-How will this Immense cost of con- Vitalizim blood courses through the BILIOUS? they should not be called upon to lltay ed nfiod, and our boy will deliver our , 1 struction t* paid off' asked the news. body, ma Ing delightful color, be y a tax here. The statute says "triat Those int,prested in Bmdner,4 Col. goodq .­ry promptly. We tfon't /4' Tliis Store carries what you want, and the very . I paper man. � spirits, true *Oman's strength. F -My Read This and Learn How ^to pr,e, every pliale Inhabitant of a city, town lege work should wilte for mir (,harge vou jxtra for this. 11 11 ,h the e"I Con- cents buys a box of Forrozone in any or vill V of thin 4ge of 21 years and large Catalogue. This is the ]a .. reasonable prices court your patronage. �11 -Whyl," bib said *it vent Attacks. �war%., and undarl(10, who has not I � STURDY A CO,, . flaence which obaracteriZes jjj&j:.'��t_j Rest and beut Qorninervitkl it I �'k drug store. __ 11. 1, `9f "' ;;; toll Of 7 1-2 Cents par ton for fr4 aen assessed upon the assestille"t I oil horthanji School. in %VPmtorri ()"' The Square, Goderich. . _ traffic on the trade betikoefa Lake Hu- Jas. Johnson, or near Hensall, met Biliousness is merely a term applied of the'elty, town or village where he tarlo. We give it. praotloal traill- 11, I ecident, one da last to a condition that exists when the resides or carries on businega,mustpay ing and RAhlat nol. gl.ad1lIk!I.. to ron and Lake Brie, which 'would be with a serious a, 14 - -_ --- -1 - : .. - - --- --- - ­­_ �-I west ,freight %te In 06 world, week. He w" unloading hay Fn the body is overloaded with bile. a statute labor tax of $1 each year." ,blewwillon.�. ,%laoyofthe j � � the -10. � on having prope ,r,e,s 01- a - - -- iiba-�SWAS oly the cost barn nnd in some way. ,be was carried The complexion turns yellow, eyes The fact that a pers Xulel VM 9 �� . , ,. and ticzema ty elsewhere and pays his taxem r- ing buaineqs vo'l,�gp '.)lI(,y , is a � it w , 31 pay it in rp- " I "The Star ­�� of 0611fietruction and maintenance, and off his feet by a rope atiactied 16- the' took dull, pimples, itching . our graduate -A as teil "hera. X riLe enable to accumulate a sinking fund. bay fork. In falling he struck a fork break out, headaches are ever present. spect of that property, doe" not ex- now for A free ratalck�ll(-. I Jo Nicholson I � .4l. might point out." Biliousness has two great causes, empt him from the statute labor tax ''. "I , hatildedo"'tbat sticking In the bay. which penetrated I ZLL107r and MtLACHL.Am, Leader --- sure. , the freights paid tin the greRt lakes his body, breaking two ribs and other- constipation, and defective liver action. of $1 pOr year in Alitchell. I � prinot 6. WEST S'FREET 41 GODERICH for the season of IM have exceeded wise badly Injuring him. His condition When Dr. Hamilton's Pills are taken - . - - pul" j 4o rentO for Tim STAR to Cild of 190 ­ I : % I I . one hundred tiall1lors dollars. Over 50 is serious. they not oniv correct the bowels, but Valuable Advice to Mothers. ­ � . I ­ 1. - - ­ ?T--- , k act directl on the liver, regulating It" -_ - -_ I ,�1% , . ." I I 11 b(to searetT, n. if your child comes in from play - . - 1- ­ __ - - - ___­ -­­ __ __ - � : � �, �,, . . Unlike ordinary medicines which roughing or showing evidence of ^1 ..... 11" ll!!:: 11 �� 11 ll!! 11 11 11 ,, ,, 11 11 �� 11 , 11 1: 111111 I �.. , I and give temporap ,v;,/ ( -e -k LK.rPIief,,LDr, I o throat, or nicknem nf any I fry,e,n re ton's Flits remove cond on in t out your bottle of Nerviline. rlv�l -1 - - - - --- V I i I . f, ,which causes billononles; thus perman- Rub the chest and neck with rjervillne, LE 749di 13iffiIQ - I � * Shoes of Quality ff ", L mm� , , ent cures are effected. andvIlve Internal doseg of ten dropa of � ( � Dr. Hamilton's Pilig do ours bilipwi- Ner line in sweetened watAr every I Bicycle and I I . ness and liver His tinder all Cimino- ;wq hours. Thin will prevent any I I I ; . I Men"s $3.5o and $4.0 Shoes. atanmq. serjoi;n tiliolible No liniment or in 1'% , I � We pro" this by the statement of rellever equalo Polnon'a Nervifilnie. V ortea Repair Works 1. Sir. Fenwick Luddingtrin. of New which hall been the great family rem-� . \ - - , ,, We bre after the tnefi who waitt good Harbor, N. S., who writes : "Three edy in Canada forthe pant 50 yeare. ! ,&DVA" HAGEAVP GAJEG, born IM ja the racist celebrated of ") � , , . months ago I had no expectation of Try it 25c. bottle of Norviline ith kaeDowell in America are KINGSTON STRF.PT, GoDFPRICtl. I . evergettingfroo te6m periodicalbili- _ We 119tweglan CompoGem.' Anti hew I " tookitigs durable and stylish Shoes -*-T,-- the chief expnents of jh� LKeItIc spirit In modern music -the spirit I . olugattadke. Theywere preeelled Mr. J. A. A7earnt. of Thampoville, that Owens of) the mystery, welklineim, lonellnectil hostiluests, eadnew, I I ­ �__ . � dizziness find dreadful betillachm. hit , 11 I I stooped oyer my be" would stvim "'.s been appointed Provincial InAp - A314 W le of hill and stream, forli,pt and glen, mis a and ahadowo, the Z . I at tuodelrate p'rkes. Welif last put Ce ifth %a lover, the wanderar and �eathler.3 death. The best makes of Bicycles, new and second . for for Inv -al option diotricts. In making I and a lattuseons feeling crOPle into 111117 thin appointment the Ontario Govern- t;ieg received hill firat munic I&sono from his mother till he woo . It mildly and say that, stomach. ment, lim exemplified Ito donlre to fully 15 years old, when tie was sent to Lelliall: to study under the beat ]land, at close prices. ; 1, 1. . 1� � Dr. Hainflion"n Pills fixed up my onforce the law on the litatute hooka. nistitters in compogitlon and pianofortc He If; celebrated as a con- We linve the famoug Cleveiiind, Rambler and neatly all tnake-3 of 1i !, I liv(sr, drove till the bile outof my blood Thin new official will he employed for ductor and planint. Aa a composer he h. P written constas, concertos, I I and made trie a well man In a few the opecial pfir risre of iteeing that choral and orcheatral pieces, but bla beot knd most popular W04-10 ate 1� clecnilld hand machineq. I f"',L L . WLI o'have th I%A.qt $xso mootbli. Tinday I en oy a good a Pe^ there are no vior"ttiona or ovanfonq of his soM and pianoforte compilaitionst. in, Inualc Is to glowh* and I ,, L , �� . I I - ' a . it4h oxc0leg di ellon and the test. the albatuteo in local option ifictricts. . as brilliant As the Norigogian winter and suia.ther; It ig full 01 PSthos All parto of DicycleQ can be had here. I Is I 1� 6 _ I I � I . 6 - ' ' ' bf hNiTffi. I% amiltonla Pill4did It Such a pooltion wan Provided for smil weirdness, and often dances with elfish tubyercent. In Gowbifto", Rnamelitig and repalring of every description on abort actice. 41� - d ,. , - '�Z b Love Thee,'$ L An 44 00, oe the ,ill." the:LIquor Lleence Art no it gtvol orlog's most lar songa are "I . ;1, I _r- 1� A I Get De. Hamilton's Pills Way. Sold ri r even to tho aniendwento of lnqt, 11 With a Violet," 'With a Water Lily." 116 19 �091: known by hil Illectric l,ight Wiring and all ouppliez cOld and Installed. I t�y 1P, -1 I Ill till do,sterm. 25o per box or five bmwA P a two orchestra] cultes 11 Peer Gym," origluallY writteik ,1§ a PlIfIR600 .11 � coutl OeA 11 for $1. mail fjon, N. 0, polson & aegslon, but no Gtop-i wore taken to fill duet. There are magical haunting harmoditil In 11 As&* Peath"O and Our nev7 atealln plant has induce,l on to put in a modern I I 11 �, 11.1:1 Co.. Rxiord, Conth. U. & A., and It. The duty of eeelfirt that liquor wail ,I-,. . I I , 11, not Sold In local option munielpandeo an unearthly oriental quality in " Anitralu Dance." Aa 40", "4 for LAWN MOWER SHARPENINO f, 1 4 Kingitton, ont the piano they require an Iniarument like . " . 116�, 1, � -11 . 16., - wan left to the inspoetorli of licenizea , device. wbich in the mo2t "fect to be fouad anywheret v) ithin whose juriadiction ouch piamsi I P .1 , To its 6il $3.t*",$3 to $4-00 AhOer'. , I . , . ,tv 0 4118"Q Bring vou7 L,iwn hlowern here if you v7nnt theta ch"peatil Correct. A I I I " While the W1140 of D. mccotViAN of ex1ited. Thow oMmito are not ab- 11TAt "Rel , . . � VOW11' WWW,�, 125 � �. ion here " WAI I 0) . # Ift-fipleklo c1fietries. she fell solved from that duty now, but they ,u I ... I (" ( der anThroklo ber leg; the will have the hid of a now authority vhtch with Im greatest of Mi Prits, TEM ILLIMITABLE I -1 . - ­ � ­ - 11, , I fistdo ltsr4swj. pr&Xqqd&aIof` whotrilltravel abcrit the Province REPW96 ALMON, and Ifil fulit'vich resonant tone, faudm Per- I I a . twolt Mt' sivill I* come visiting lceal option dictrictu. tectly epry ilegrout slauslad 61 ) , , ,,#,Sh**. 1, 1 I . . , lading, Q-1115perin � like the leaves of I I I - �, I. ": � 11 . �', I : I V .. I I& Ito istl tud it, . .4=­� rtvi= likv, a beavealls diander. The M Art place, Is tho JOHN VULE9 I r. . I 1 2 " I � �. Ptilreirlto buy Atotber Oravv_n' Worm Zl 140*1 d *I%* atter 101100104n. I ew 1, . 00* . rAtt I 4at saina of 1WHOWAY's V, xthirminator IwAus* tboy know It In tag oj��%dws *#U istes7arbisa " hi b=klct form. IlLastratej. ,;Ul to Bicycles, Repairs, Ulectric Light Supplies. ) " . 1. I '%"Ore! � Maknot = ty . I I I 11, Corn, C,0"? ,I wtis entiroly jlu" of a sitto modfolno tot thole children and ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE , - . I I MI C, I b arm. a n- wyC#6W6:t1tI3$ kth#d$�;i104 twish an cffettlilill 6*1*110r0f tV6-VM0. N W1 "M A aftan C&, Limited, two. (Mt. ­_ . I . I I I .1 1. - I � I—— , i � i I .. � - 0c6**(A* It for tur Iff-iftax. 86 ,­--­'­.,­_,-.-- I C ­,­­.. 111 ­ I . I .., ­ I �. I -.1. .1 .1 . 11.1 ­­ ..., �. ­ ­­ . ­ ..., .1 .­ 1. .11 11 �. -­ , ". I (1, I � W. Uro*o, of fibieNgo, 4o 00ts 0 TiM 8TAlk, to end of 19A I � . . � �� . , s.PgC (" � - I I I- OPAU" otaTY � I . I - -1 - . I : , I 1� i I � � I I . L , , , , , - I , , � " *1 1� I � W-7- ".r "I 11 I - - - - - , 4k&,-,-, 11 7tansts I 1N. "''.1 - Lr Am � I I I I � �11 ,I. 10 . I ME I 110144A lot, ,I, .11,41, I 19, I I 4 1�. .1 I .� m � ". _�___�___,,____=;� �� �' �1' �_� ­ I I I A , ��: .1� Y311- - . I .. r � � � � L I I � . , I I � 61,r� " I� - 1) . � I 1I. I 1, I ;e ,'I 111,. I 1,� .- 1" I . ­ �, . I � . r 1. I " . I . I .e i., ! I I . . I I .1 �'._ ­ `�, .­_ . . I� I 1. � " . .1111, , 11 1. � � .� 11, 11 A. '. , �, I 11 � ) -- �', I I t 1� .­ � 115 . ,­.�,..,�L"_ "I 11 11 I'— �. ,,, I / r 11 � I � I I I - .) .1 � . 11.1 -1 , % I.. . 1. - _ _­ I , 'A ".� 11 Y > fil&._ .'11. 9 I, . 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