The Goderich Star, 1906-07-20, Page 1• (10DeRICti sTAR io the county or Moon vise, Quality, Quimtity, Circulation flAMMI04141140$6.11000.00404.40 , irtiu (.10DERICEL STAR bait a circulation than ououother 11;44sT•fatisfer in this section°, the County et Mow he****00010.11410,101401 prrx0 4,,To vinwoicg"-okanim, cap trUlti Catnsilzr5r. Irtruo.la MORWSNIVICNTH , WAWA 240, IMO GODERIC1.1, ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1906. oluclatio ACCOUNT hal heefOne A BUSINESS NEOSITY arid we solicit en opportutfitY te exPeits leany advantages. We furnish theerae heat OM that derniffefe nlay Pea their hills by Chelpie and Otis aVold the Uel41314 It„ large aMentit or Money on mind. Call or write for our little booklet entitled ''SOIttateriletinVar, route's" The OoVerntuent authorizes us to accept depoaits. THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY DERICH Omen :—COR. NORTH STREET D SQUARE W. L. HORTON, MGR. LOST §listrel,; ihe -Ma dali JulY 0. some. a ile nd Goderich, a uble °glen wl, grey In color, with dark \ homier. inder confer (i, favor by leaving setae at STA nice. ..„,,,,,,............„1TS...! , ., lEaOSITION VaAN'TSPites.Honeekeeper by a 1 capable person. with beater references. .Applyttt STAH Orme). St. aaid end Victoria streets. 11,411)111. W.raNTED.-Goted General Servant. Apply to Mat II. W. Tnomeffiv, corner 1 00 011thSWANTED INMEDIATELY. De.s.rtment73TgtewarAryir.A i!litutgloittgi Can?. pl D. 6: PERMS at CO., , n, ndon, Ont. t MO ItENT.-Coutfortable eeven-roem House 1, near Collegiate Institute. Geed cellar, herd and wan water in kitchen. ,Terms easy. APVIY to aim. °go. cox. 0 UMMER COTTAGE TO RENT, -At Me - 1. nesetung Park. Newly furnished. 8 rooms and bathroom. MOdern plumbing, Apply to W. E. Klett v, Jeweller. Goderich. 4 611111E ABERDEEN. ble n Ste, is now A oPen for Rummer buflineee, having e''` -el lately removed from Ns:11h St. Large rest- ,--- donee. comfortable rooms first Matta board. pormanentor transient. leates $1 oer day. \ MENDFLRS for tbe position of Organist A. In Victoria eit. Methodist Church will bo recelyed by the ucelereigned up to Wedneie day, July 25th. Deane to begin Aug. bite A.B. DAVIsoN, RoBERT YOUNG. TEACtIERS WANTED, MEACHER WANTED.-Applicatione for Teacher for ES. No. 8, Colborne, will be received by the Trustees up to July 24, to commence duties August 20. State, salary and enclose testimonial& - CHAS. TREBLE, Sec, Trona, Sanford. FOR SALE OR TO LET. FafalOR SALE OR TO RENT -A good seven- gar Street; Goderfch. roomed house.. Apply to H. C. MUNNINoa,. 'ClOR SALE -The fine brick' Howse. with * Al acres of land, on Hayfield Road, at pro - tent occupied by the undersigned. Abund- fume of small fruits, such as pears, plums. grapes, (temente, em. An ideal place for a home and, Karam. It ts the best value In God- ericb, anal will likely double In price within louriyeare. Apply on the premeses to J. H. dIALIOUGIL FonOR SAIX QR RENT. -Two and a half the Huron Road, adjoining Maitla.nd acres, with springcreek running through Cemetery. Can bo had at a bargain. Apply to MRS. LRWIs ELLIOTT. -VIARM FOR SALE. -100 acres:Veins north half of lot 12, con. 1, Adana& situated on the Gravel Road, between Ooderlah and Luck - now, three-quarters of a. mile from Nile P. 0., church and store; it is coneidered one of the best Lonna In the County of Huron. Also fifty acrea situated on 2nd con. of Ashfield. being north half of east half of lot 11. There are two running dreams on both, aleo a barn 66:64, stone foundation, frame buildings 30x50 and 26x4,0; a good frame housd and kitchen; fine Young orchard on the homestead. Both farms areallseeded at present. The 60 acre lot has berm 30464' on it.. For sale by Mans HUGH QUOITS. OTICE ONTARIO STATUTES, IVA. The Ontario tatetutea for 19O6 have been re. oelviedfor distributicm tbo Justicee of the Pettey and all others entitled to gime, on appli- cation to the undersigned, C. SF,AGER. Clerk bf the Peace. Goderich, ilIth July, 1906. -11JOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate ot Isabella Stowe. late tie the Town of Goderleb, in the County of Huron, Widow.deceaeed. NOTIot is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. ISM, cap. 1E), that. all oritore and others having 4aime against the. estate of • the said fleabane Stowe, who died on or about the 17th day of February, 1900, aro required on or before the2Oth day of August,1908, to send by pdet or deliver to the undersigned their Christian and Hammes, addresees and do sorlptions. the full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the socurillee. if any, held bY them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that af- ter said last mentioned date the executors of the saki estate will proceed to distribute the assete of the deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to Claim of which they shall then have notice, and that they will not bo liable tor the Judd meets of any part thereof to any person or persons of whom claims notice shall not Ihaye been received by them at the time of said distribution. DATE» this 19th day of July, A. D., 190G, ANNIE MAY ICING, By M. 0. JOHNSTON, Her Solicitor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Canepboll Attrill, late of the Townehip ot Col- borne in the County of Huron, decorated. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. ft 0. 1807, cap. 129. that all creditors and others having claime against the estate of the gild IClizabeth Campbell Attrill, who died on or about the 19th day of June, 1906, are required on or before the 21st day a July, 1906, to send by poet or deliver to the undersigned their Christian and surnamee, addrettees and de- scriptions. the full par:Heelers of their claim.. and tho nature of the securities, if any, held by them. AND FURTHER TAICE NOTICE that af- ter said last mentioned date the executors of the said estate will proceed to distribute the assets of the decemeed among the parties :en- titled thereto. having regard only to claim. of which they shall theo have notiee, and that they will not be liable for the mid asset,' or nnY Part thereof to any person dr pereons of whotes claims notice shall not have been re- mixed by them at the time of saki dietribu- tion. DAUM this 29th day of June, A. D., 1906. DICKINSON &GARROW, Solicitors for E. C. Attrill. Gilbert S. Wright, and Ernest Heaton. Executors. TOWN OF aorotro_ceL Term Nance that the Municipal C.onneil ot the CorporaMon of the town of Godertch In- tends to constructeement sidewalke In the said town a.s follows : L. On the South West side of Colborne Street between Waterloo Street, and St. Patrick's St2reecite n. the South West side of Colborne Street between The Square and SL Patrick's Streets 3. On the South side of St. Pat,theket Street between Waterloo Street and Wallington Street. ARM FOR SALE 011 RENT -Lot 2. con. 4. On the South East Bide of Rendition Street Ela clay loam, 76 acres 'genes. fairly well Streets. 6. E. D. of Ashilleld. containing le0 (tern/. between Park Lot i137 and Victoria and Netson fenced, good artesian well and wind mill ; barn 5. On the North side of Trafalgar Street 40x80. with stone basement, granary and hoes° between North Street and Victoria Street. stable 22x35.driving sbed and other buildings). 6. On the North side of Bruce Street be, - House 20x30 vath kitchen and wood shed. tween North Street and,Cambria Road. Geod growl Han mile from chuech, school And intends to Mises° a portion of the final and post office. Apply to II. J. BLARE, Crewe cost thereof upon the laud property to be P. O. Ifrim immediately benefited thereby, fronting or abutting upon said streets tes aforesaid, be - FOR SALE -Two new Dwellings on tangle- tween the said points, and to levy such final seySt. A comfortable Dwelling on Malin Ste cost according to the frontage thereof, by Building lots on Elgin Avenue. Keetex Ste. Coder twenty annual epecial aasessments ; and that St and Pine St. a statement showing the lands liable to and WANTED. -A few Furnished Rolifter or propoeed to be specially assessed for the eald /looms, near the Lake front, to rent for the work, and the names of the owners thereof, co eurnmor season. • , fares the eame can be ascertained from the YOUNG & ROBERTSON. last revised effacement roll and otherwiee, le now filed in the office of the Clerk of the Muni E, 011 SALE 011 LET. -A farm of 111 acres eiren,0 and. le ootzinfoz inspectottortiheduwrol% Fraser, Goderich, situated on timing. con., is $1890.95. of which $792.19 le to be provided of the best clay loam. belonging to Mra. Ooderieb township, 7 entice from Goderieb, 9 out of the general fandit of the Municipality. from Clinton and 6 from Hayfield. Fairly A Corral' oir ItitYni1014 will be held on the good buildings, 2 orche.rds. Remonable theme. 30th day of July. KM, at the lione ef 8 o'cloek For further particulars apply to JAMES Cot, in the afternoon, at the Council Chamber In 13ineke street. Goderich, or Eo. Acri- the town of Goderieh, tor thG PG,PORe tmar- Ina complainte against the proposed aieteetv MON, Goderich. man or tho accuraay Of .frontagn 01014.914.te- month or any other complaint which the per- sons intereeted may deeire to make and whirls is by law cognizable by the Court. Lana) the 12th day of July, 1006. M. 0. JOHNSTON, Clerk. AUCTIONEERING W. KELLY wAwfugiamt, moncxxim , AND QVTICIAN, MIMS OF LIMeNtilete GOMM% BUSINESS CHANGE:' Mr. L B. Augustine having bought out the intereet Of Mr. jenathan Miller he the Eaat Street Livery, the business will hereafter he carried on under the 1141110 of Walker ris Augustine. A continuance of publlo pat- ronage solicited. Everything will be kept up to the highest stan- dard, and eatiefaction guaranteed. WALKER & AUGUSTINE. THE NORTHERN NAVIOATION COMPANY EKTROIT.KINCARDINIe Division CHANGE or TIME. Taking effect July ith. STR. "BRITANNIC" will leave Kin- cardine ea° p.m., Goderich 6.45 p.M., Sunday, Weidoesday and Friday. Arrevang at Detroit Mondays, Thursdays end Saturdays at 7 a. W. For Tickets and further info/14404o apply to W M . LBE, Agent, Goderarat H. H. GILDERSLEEVE, Manager. C. H. NICHOLSON, Traffic" Manager, Sarnia Ont. PROPERTY FOR SALE.- The desirable property on Elgin Avenue, Goderich, owned and occupied by Dr. Whitely. Good house sod two-thlras of an acre of land. with choice fruits. The home is heated by hot water awl has all modern improvemente. A n tor any person wanting first -elms pro - at a moderate price. Apply to or addrees R. TELY.Goderich. pePERS FOR SALE. - Several hundred opies of old nowespapere tor sale. Just the thingerhen you are hoineseleaning. Apply at STAR OFFICE REAL ESTATE AGENTS y01 -1k1 fl-cROBEIIATS AND INSURANCE' AGENTf3. For selling, buying or renting town and farm property. Fire and Life 'entrance. 0Mcie. North side, Court House Square. MEDICAL EsimERsON & TURNBULL. A. TeEelltriiliON, M. D. W. 8. Tuluertute., M. B. Offices 102 Orlon, Hanainon St. Ph Residence 121 Night eel's for the arm of nrs. Emmorsoe Terubull will be answered either from their ofilce, Hamilton street, or (torn Dr. Tarnbuirs residence. Nelson street. TIR. A. H. MACKLIN, M. B. thjelcian and elur..n. Special attention to 44 -Ye, ear. neat and throat. Office and residence Old Hank of Montreal. oppoento Post Office, Weet street. Goderleb. Telephone No. M. VETERINARY. FREEMAN, (tremor gradattte) Veterinary • Sergeen. Member of the VeterinarY Mons of Louden, Edinburgh, Ontario. Surgleal,OPerattOus sped...atty. office, Bruce greet, eMotning Stewarts Greenhouees. • Phone 171. PROFESSIONAL AROY ADAMS, feather of Plano, eto Studio, Rank of Montreal Block. cor- ner West Street tma Hoare. DENTISTRY. ri sabtr„ L. D. s. MeLean's X.", Block. Crodctieb. Dr. Trumbull's old stand. At Dungannon Wednesday afternoons. ECHIGIC HECKETT, General Auctioneer 906 Hamilton Street Goderich, I'. 0. Box 1 Farm, farm stock, and all other Wee will receive special attention. I will buy your en- tire stook of Household Furniture. and will pay Boot cash prices. Let me knowwhat you have tet sell in any line, or call and see what I can sell you. - OEORGE BECKETT, Curiosity Shop, Goderich. BANKING The Sterling Bank OF CANADA HERD &HU • TORONTO Incorporated by Special Act of the Dominion Parliament to receive Depoeits. Highest current rate of intereet paid in our Savings Bank Department 0. deposits of ti and upwards, Interest paid and compounded FOUR TIMES A YEAR. Drafts bought and sold. A General Banking Business transacted. COM:MICH BRANCH : A. G. GAMBLE, Manager.' MIMI° nxame.-The fullowinil are the names of puplitt Or Alfred E. Coek, IOW have been suceeee- ful in the Plane 0,114 ThhOrY hlthtnitixo tiona 11; COMIeetiOn With the Toronto CoueerYaterY Of Mesta t junlorPitino -Effie AL jackeent. Glinttela 4 rJunler ThhehYr Width inchttlea har010147, counterpoint And hintory,e- Honore. [dal: Whyard. Dlingannen Primary piano.. -Grace Wive, Loyal; eraize Warneek.004lerlelti amid Plilre Nearn- ments - Honore. Mae M. riaeiriwn, Asog_eadlne: Priateit7 Ittld1- 0Eaumerta IenneathErn-Oa july Bro. P. G. D. D. 0. M., II, Th Heed in- stalled the following officere of Huron Lodge. No. 62 I. O. G. P.c 0. II. Hum- ber, N. G.; F. 5.1. Martin, V. Go Geo. MoVioar, J. P. GI.; J. M. Proudfoot. R. S.; W. P. Clark, fin. sece 0 .A Nairn, treas.; J. Tait, R. S. Sa.D.Wil- soo, L. S. EL; E. Downing, chap.; W. Detrich, warden; II. 0, Sturdy, COIL; H. D. geed, R. S. N. G.; OA/Whitely, L. S. N. G.; Geo. Williams, 0. S. tie gag. Black, L S. Go W. Abell, L.S.V. lateees‘II,Analo,toneireem9, Ra Se G4.44; Pr;9Hrooralti,ttRee. G. Reynoias &74 W. Proudfoot, true. for this term. AN IMPORT.ANT QATHEBINO. - Thu conference on the power question. which is to be held in Galt on July 24, to formulate plans for having Niagara power distributed to the municipali- ties interested, bids fair to be largely attended and will undoubtedly be a very important gathering. A despatch from that town says: "The special committeee of the Town Council and Boned of Trade to arrange a reception /end entertaintnent for the delegates e me to the ower conference -here wcw1.1.5.-a`aatat y, and of whom there from a.0 ra,r1044.1COPILPInt 0i.t741.pilon,dmreedt In the Council charolset WI/ f IF,rg98 and outlined a short programeae. delegates will be taken for a trip over the Street Rallwey, noel will after- wards be entertained he limeheon." Goderich is sufficiently interested le the power problem to warrant sending a deputation to represent this town. HTMENEAL.-At 0 o'clook Wednes- day morning, July 11, a very pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Mary's church, Berlin, when Miss Gertrude Tylinski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. ryliostch Inecatne the bride of Mr. H.L. mllooadn fwoureepeorizt irtiwr fle44010 jiltehe.v.Tvhx6. eftieerle): flinger, the mese Wing eelehaittegi by the Rev. Pr. Zarek, of Hibernie, J,. an old friend of the (ropily, Amsted by Rev. Fr. Zinger. Tbe hrlfle wee imitated bv Miss E. C. Hood, of lawn, while IffweRoman S. Tylinski, of Ber- lin, supporttal the giemm. At the COM. elusion of the aerator:MS' the briaal party, consisting of the trineediate fciends of the fatuities, zepaired to the reeidence of the bride's father, where e. sumptuous wedding dinner was par- taken of. An unueual coincidence being that the bride's wedding day was also the anniversary of her birth, and the Cith anniversary of the ordintee thev000uctihenz p;91%_st,r. hp Road and Bridge Committee of the repeeth Connell met on Monday to consider Oriel TAW* Topics. .p ,. Tay await wee wee /AWL 40 tent* fOr STAR tO 410 of too6. There ie IMMO Wit rif forming san ups tO date spoeting alaietelation in Godes rich, The Crimeett gun le noW mounted in -Victoria Park, and its ereetiOn e reditable to this town, aolin Campbell eleiriped 210 lbs. of live chicken* to Torento on Ttleiel*V. TheV Were 444ttne lot of birds. E. R. Wattant has purehased from Colin Campbell the 2 -storey awellIng, corner of Wellesley tlettl West streets. moan in, charge of oracle Ilearallel. The street watering ilisehlpe is wkso bfa rePOYPreF1 tiVID 13 rgOellt &Caldera. Mrs. A, T. Moore's Intel( veneered dwelling, corner of Montreal and BI- • AVe.e will be ready for plaatering next week. B. 0. Kennings le extending Mo - lams' dry goods store some forty feet in the rear, which addition will make It one of the largest stores in town. Tho doors at the post office have been taken down and rehung,and now two people can enter or leave through at the same time, an almost impossi- ble feat hitherto. 4. Williamson has sold his dwelling UODER1CH MARKETS. The grain market showed but little life the past week, shipmente and deliveries being email and prices unchanged. Cattle and sheep aro practically at last week's pride», and of hogs there were no sales durtitthe we,ek. It le eald a choice lot went h PAR to Toronto, but whether that wee no to Plia weelley. ex tee necessity of some 'buyer, is unknoWn. Butter and tios are firoiq,,the ,ammand for thee° dairy prodnete InereaAng ang poilltrY is Beare° and high priced. Cherries are exceedingly plentiful and yes- terday were selling at 400, per basket. Baskets) were not obtainable yesterday, and it i. said 1,000 baiikete of fruit were waiting shipment, Tea days since they Fold at $1.40 In Brantford and London. Travellere from these entail in town this week stated that on Saturday they gold in their °Menet 25e. per basket. Raspberries are plentiful and of good quality tied retailed yesterday at tle or tor a quarter, and Rohl in cm.° lout (241 at 31.60. Vegetables are still plentiful and cheap, now potatoes being worth 80c. wholeaale. Meet of the hay in the adjoining townships has been out and bathed without getting rain. It being one of the beet preserved hay crops gathered In far many years. Current wholesale prices corrected up la moon of Thursday.) • waelltc standard *0 76 to 76 2 50 to 2 50 a 25 to 2 25 10 00 to 19 00 ' 00 to 20 to 18 HOTELS mliE /WRON HOTEL, Ooderich Ont.— ThOroWay Feritted and modernized. A home for thei traweller and farmer. Beet ;1.60 a &What.' tab° fogad aeewhere.-N. J. MOR- RISEY, proprietor. THE COLBORNE HoTEL. THOS. D. jOHNSTON, PaoveAmit. This favorite public house, under Om new management, will be conducted on modern principles, and the best possible service is guaranteed the general public, Your patrooage is respectfully solicited. STAND -Corner Hamilton nod gate streets, Goderich. - - - New- THt POINT rAPM arl pe' r P. ur. per cz,4„, Lly Bran, per ton Shorte, per ton , , Screenings, per ton Oats 19 ° Barley 0 to 0 Peals , Rye Buckwheat, per bushel Ilay Butter, per lb E , thrash) per dozen ood, per cord . Cattle. export Cattle, ordinary and betchere' .... 3 ea to 4 60 to Lambe, tiering Sheep, fat lewti I 50 to Bogs, dressed 87 7405 tot') Hogs, live weight Haum, per lb ... ........ ... .. 0 16 to Baeon, long clear . 0 It to Bidets 7 00 to Sheep Aim 00 0701 tot° Tallow, rendered Chickene-barnyard chicke per lb 0 10 to --crate fed 0 11 to 4 50 to neer, fore quartere. 6 00 to Beef, hind quarter., 0 130 to Dre. ea ea , .. . . • 10 to eIberries, basiset CO to . , Vard SINNER PESOPT Open for the season of 1906. Equipped thor- Oughly for tourists trade No better place to spend the heated term, or to enjoy an outing. Plod°, Driving and Boating Parties will find TrIg POINT Fenn the moet pleaeant Mace to visit. J. T. GOLDTHORPE, Proprietor. THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA •RANDOt,PII MACDONALD, D. ist. STEWART, President. at -,P.1 tiered Manager. A General Ba.nlan'. 4‘-‘-,,10,44"4-1,,,i'ilkni tire acted SAVINGS TOM II/LE MONElt,--Csai your tall at if in *or poelt eat have 112e ptintipid *ay *Yak 011 deposit, INTE AM arid • tint* detail frein (I 14.0 Man e eenhe '1.11:eaWirfa 710 uch " moot Ito; hottosil e. You time it year. 0 80 to 0 0 48 to 0 48 48 to 0 48 8 00 to 8 25 0 15 to 0 16 0 13 to 0 14 5 00 to 6 00 60 to 4 75 4 76 5 00 4 00 7 40 9 00 0 16 0 14 7 25 0 90 0 01 0 11 0 12 5 50 7 00 0 80 10 50 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tenders for conareth work and other 'natters. Tendert, tor m40311443 werk at Dunlop's bridge were opened from Geo. T. McKay, ICippen, per etthie yIrt s0 00 5, Potter, Colborne 4 John Jonneton. Auburn, " " 00 Habell Hununell,Godeeich " 4 87 The tender of Habell & Hummel' was accepted the tenderers to do all excavating, the work to be finished by August 18th, 1006, and Road Commis- sioner Patterson being instructed to appoint a suitable man as inspector. f.)ontractor Hardy met the committee regarding elpittnent et St. Joseph's Mr and other toattore, gv• rum ust completed ono ainet en tire Levi go, and having material and tools on hand, the eruntnittee thought it wise to let the, other abuttnent to Mr. Hardy at $5 per oubie yard, the eon - tractor to do all excavating, to straighten up the bridge and have the job finished by August 20th. A claim for cement work on if taniake bridge, between Stephen and Hay,from Nagle & Looby, of Mitchell, wee before the committee. The claim was for 15 or 16 yards which the contractors claim was not paid for. The Council had had the work measured by Mr. Hardy, who verified the tneasurement paid for, but who, on account of the water being high at time of measurement, would rather not attest it on oath. Consequently Clerk I:ane and Com. Patterson were appointed 0,0 illetVnIre the work, first notifying Nagle k, Loo- hy of the date and dine of their mea- surement. P. M. Coteirr.-On Monday the theft ne WiTesleif street to Vea. Moaleytici Oentrel so ool Inl re affHic etrifet and pu tiih Foe ki from Mrs. Swift, The freight running off the twit near MONO MI 14141)3i4h Oalird if p- lay of three or fogy nonce to he tre ns on that branch. 'No injury to anyone Oeourred through the run off. The tug Ilitron, With dredge 4.1- noldi, and 'mows In tow, arrived in port yesterday at noon, the grants made for dredging at Kincardine and Port Elgin having been used up. The contractor for putting in the granolithie walks arrived in town from London on Tuesday and has commen- gd work, starting on the west side of Ammo atrueti from the Bank of 0/001111/nW0h14; in reeeveleg hie setwariptiog to The sphscriber In Wahefield, Icap- sits, writes: "I like yogr Teer very Most/ 111413.4 it 13 1101Y3 Mid full informetion 45'040 th things which are most interesting." A good suggestion has been made in reference to the band stand ; place it on permanent wheels and move it from one point to o,nother for each band concert. The idea is a good one and is feasible. Will some councillor take the matter up? Ty, Viihlt gorersly qpifortned Pare. Girls wilat4o-o IV rip tic ..... . . More July . McKim Warm Weather Coods,-, H. Convene • 4 Poeition Wanted --House epee ..... . t Manufactucene Overma ea, Vier Pridhere July Specials-Woo:etre 4 House For Rale -bit Mallough Summer Cottage To Rent -W. o. {telly Hew Drera Muelins-Bodgene Bros a 001 Wented-Mos. 11. W Thomeou ..... ; Shawl least- Star otrtee . . . • , Hauge For Sale or gent n . g. Munifinge, t House To gent -Mrs. Notice te Creditors -M. 0 Johnston . SPECIAL NOTICE. Ntoticeii under this heading to noreadvertie era wilt bo charged 10 cents es running lino In nonparlel typo, 12 lines to tho inch ; to yearly coritract advertisers; whose ndvertieing pears in the ertme mane. meta a line ; to theme who make a yearly contract under this heading, and do not otherwitio advertise, cento line. ban to Q tallitalT tier,/iee is the of he art ffe latiarde. is is the band thet will this year pley Tod STAB that he has not in his ilithibirion. at the Canedlen Netional Wary Rath , le eff itisposing 'notate elm with pitoile hololot 1414 Qteel brenetplate„prespots ti, inaratic a netteallOP, Apple fleeter Robert Fellott informs travels seen any blight on the North- ern Spy, which is good news. He states, however, that there is some affection whieh is killing small branches on many trees. Mr. Elliott is preparing for a big season's cam- paign iti the apple business. Local Notices. Typetvritere to rent, all maker; any period, moderato rentaL-W. Ettrarr. Visitors to Grelerich who want charming vlowe of the pretty town Co Send to friends nhOilld Cad up at listormee a Studio. We keep up with the latest city ?entice. Mr. R. R. Seotows will be absent from his Photo Studio from Anima 7 to 10, both inelneive, but trio 13tnclio will be open for the benefit of partica desiring Photo Supping. end in charge of Bert elnrphoy. Patrons aro reerpectfally requested to govern therneelves accordingly. s sa(s0 4.40.66,4et , Mr. Nog -Imp Jollitre,• of Thrento, poi I, dr, pietie'410Ett 170, and wle sang 'at ii.ndx"fehd O Lit -street Methodist chnrches here le t Sunday, gedertelei! tq forte a yeten1 °lase Hi 004040. r. Jolliffe is spendieg the summer In inton, and those desirous of etudying under him are reetiested to communicate with him at Clinton. Among the settle that will be on ex. hthition at the Canedian National Ex- hibition, Toronto, Aug. 27 to Sept. 10, will he cattle raised by His Majesty the King, Lord Roseberry, Lord Roths- child and others of the English nobi- lity. There will also be herds on view from Illinois and Indiana, and a bull for which Sir (leo. Drummond paid " ' The wrestling, hoeing and sword exhibition in the Skating Rink one evening last week did not draw ti large crowd, The woe,' of eltleens were made t180 of In print without consent, and probably this had something to do with the °inoperative failure. It is said some of the Nets were wood, but THE MTall was not represented at the affair and oannot say. OBITUARY. 8wanuoti,-Tbere died on Friday, et her residence, Quoheo Street, Mem Henderson MaUsion, Widow of the late Geo. Swanson. after a long illneisS, Mted 78 years 2 months and 8 dale, 'The (beamed lady was ono of our old - eat. And beat known resident', and until the past few years was ono or onr most Active women. Tho late Mu. Swausion woo born In Thurso, a town in northern Seothind 4 ehe trier- ried in 1818. the late °merge Swan- son, and the two, lo the same year, journeyed to Canada, eettling hatiGotle- rich after visiting in Kingston. atoll - ton. ontl Phathalu, and_ in go orleh both remained until death callea them. The (hammed was the youngest of a family of twelVe, all of whom are now dead, and was At the time of her de- mise the oldest tnembee of the Pres- byteri en church at Goderieh and ono of the towu's oldest gettlers. She was the tnother of eoven children, two, Mrs. Wns. Mitchell and Miss Mary, having passed away, those left to mourn her departure being I Magnus and Mrs. David Cantelon, of Ooderieh ; William J., of Hamilton, George of Riverside, California, and John -D., of Kamloops, 13. 0, The pane bearers were her eons, Magma, 'and Wm. J., and cow eel:llama, Wm. Ma solo gr_wq.astack ; George and 4rotil ittala Maneon, of Zorra, and It. WI; te ef Stratford. The service at the nom sold 44rave was condoototi by Bey. Jas. 4. Anderseo. hl• A., fiatitor of iineh elliffeilt Wil4 (lilting he lieuse serviee stated thet doccaeed was the olden member uf tite tffittroli. Among the relativee present ot the funeral wore Mr. arid Mrs. W. Briggee and Mr. aria Mrs. W. J. Swanson and daughter, all of Hamilton i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swanson, of Winghant, and Wm. Manson, of Woodstock. at the Dunlop hoMI was again before the court, and considerable evidence was taken, the leading feature being the contrary evidence of two of the men charged, Mason and Beattie, both of whom testified on oath, each swear- ing differently as to the dlspoaition of the money after being taken from tho till. Beattie pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing the money, but swore that after taking the $75 from the till, he handed it to Mason, who, Beattie declared, put it in the buggy, where it was found hy 31r. Gla- zier. Manon, on the other handoewore that he'did not handle the money or have anythIng 'to ao with 11,. At At the c_bnclittion or 'the evidence the p. M. distnissea tlie 'charge against Mason and sent Beattie up for trial. in the rd Regimeet at leondon, and Mason irid *Beattie had both served were we knhhip tel each ether. and were driving out together tp Captain Vareo's when the theft took place. They had agreed to totem ainner to- gether at Dunlop, had been together at different hotels, and wore old asso- ciates, Mason being much the older man. Mr. J. L Kilioran defended Mason. and Beattie was undefended. On Tuesday, John H. Ryan was turn- moned before the P. by Mrs. Jane (Jummings, who alleged that the de- fendant, a tenant of here on the Lake Shore Road, had wilfully destroyed aind damaged her property. The property prineipally damaged. as claimed by the complainant was the earponter shop on the lot. The trial lasted till 4.90 p. ne, when the P. M., Raying the carte bed not been proven, dismissed It with costa against the plaintiff. P. 0. Blair appeared for the plaintiff. and M. 0. Johnston for the defendant. The case, though only one of claimed damage to property, wee brought un- der the Criminal Code. Meeting Calendar. Regular meeting of Town Connell Gibs Fri day evening. A speclalincoting of the Daughters of the Empire be held in the tsw library of tho court House Monday next at 4.15 pm. A full attendance of members la reque=11. kneintant C,au4o Cleth meeting at Resifeni Friday evcring (1.30. AMONG THE CHURCHES. Rev. Mr. Buell preached at St. George's church on Sunday morning. The rev. gentleman, though oil ihe rqt,irp4 110, pro.,0141,4 thillarkohlY ne sermon, ano es towitys liatericti to with great *wenn George's. Hey. Jas. 4. Anderson has loft fey a montha The following. pulpit euppiy has been seemed during his ab- sence' Rev, Dr. Meld ruin, of Cleveland, on July 22nd, Sunday next; Rev, Dr, Manson, of Chicago on July 20th and Aug. 5th, and Rev. W. W. Stoddard, of Fulton Mo on Aug. 12th. Mr. An- derson will be accompanied by his wife and son Hugh. the gate of their toernateent from the 7t1hitteokIthcledt3Oltlhelloft:figleirlsHttlkItthvsef olkliftat;le heinej awl° to teiehlii the iletrelia, 0141)hatttplitiktillio 4,1141,i413/31(411t,t;isvtuetir fhatvwtoleorsodtoo_ riehe'eyee-a•:eweetattwoutta, e - The omengemont tit the Goderich hewehall team with to apologise to their patrons for the delay in putting on the game with Clinton on Saturday afternoon. The visitors had agreed to be here and go to bat at 3.30, the titne advertised. At the last neument the Clinton team tafaeati to ootne, but were timelier prevailed on to come, and arritOrd at 7 pen., witieh of coerse was almost too late. It is not the first time Clinton "sports" have failed to CCM - nee( an4 ie to tie regretted that, faith receives eio tettoy rode simeas Betio one CliT`hrtuTilltiay of buet week (leder-lief and Kincardine larrosse teams met on the Agricultural Park and played a very fair game, though the 'more wee le to I in favor of the home team. The rea- son assigned for t he low ecoring by the vieltore W 104 he long drive 635 miles) which eonsiderably diminished their staying powers when the game Wan hot. The oodetior dozen who wielded the sticks were iieleher, W. Dore, .1. Murpliy, F. .Wlaikrna81100-p',Ih\lav,." VS,;(.401,11asck, fctAirdkatylt.:0Aritife. Nicholson and 0. iloaeom, Bathing near the south abutment of the Maitland River bridge is becoming a public nuisance. On recent nights the noise , Including considet.able swearing, could be often heard along the 0. T. R. track, making It exceed- ingly unpleasant for both young and old pressing that way. The swimmers ere of all ages, and they should be 41446 te et:learn'. lat tile flecencies uf life, Outing for Juiy, the loading maga- zine for outdoor sports end scenes, contains six full page repro(' two ions of our local artist aallown' best rural scenes, which it wee under the title "Scenes from the rent country." ThoV are well printed, indeed. Mr. Sallowe is element ovee.whelmed with orders for his scenic photos, and finds it very difficult to keep this large arid growing trade supplied. DIED. atrasoices. -to GadetIth, on FrIdety, July * 111106, Msay Hendee:co Mutton, relict of Rio litti Geotilf tuvaesee, ago Ili yaws, 2 amartaa and Mattel/wit. 0 Last Saturday. from a now unused robin's neat in a tree on Clitireh et reet, was a sparrow hanging by I ts nerk frorn about 5 inches of cord. The cord was full stretched and firmly fixed round the bird's neek, and it seemed as if great pains had been taken to make a neat job of it. Of course it may have been the result of an occident, od Was ft a Pe niefirneni, hy 'the robins for the sparrow's intrmion? alessra. Wm. Lee, F. B. Holmes and II. J. Mel:Owen returned from their Scranton trip on Saturday. Aa Ment- hol,* of the Ontario Coal Dealers' AnsoelatiOn, they had been Invited by tbe coal magnates to visit Scranton, to which place they made their way by epode' train hem Buffalo. The trio were 15 charge of a committee, every outlay, including visits to beautiful bathing spots, being settled by that cotnntittee. rimless $111101Vrilig, Eptrattee Examination. We give below tho names of tho sue- ranclikla.toa that wrote on the reeent Batten:ice Examination hi East Huron. In owler to pass, a cauditiate tffilet Make 40 per cont. of° the marks on each subjeot,and 60 per cent. on tho total. To obtain honoree 75 per rent. of the total number of marks must be made, The papera were a little Were difficult than usual, but a fair text fur prometiou into a High School or Collegiate Institute, or into a fifth Claes In a Public School. BRUSSELS. HONOns.--Tom Armstrong, Beatrice Batelmen, May BirteJack Leckie, Jean ellonald,Katelffetieod,Harry Moore. alter Scott, Etla Wilton. Peese-Matnie Archibald, 011a Arm- strong, Scott Atuant, Whoa'," Harr, Frank Boll, Tenn. Dickson, John R. Mattson, Elsie Dunbar, Tillie Dundee, Kitson, Arthor mat, Maggie Ruth Bngler, Kwati, Elise Few nwint Ado alerdiltier. John Hayden, E. M. ffetoewort , I. Huffman, Geo. Jorateg, ta. Love, H. McCall, I. McCal- hero,'S. McIntosh, W. 51eKee, Avon McKelvey, Gladys McQuarrie, James Wren, ()aerie Sohnook, Lealle Thuell, Florence Whitfield, John Wilbee, H. Wilbee, D.14. 5.1 Wilton, eileAFORTEL WINOlta.-Fitiesel Heat, Frank Hoch- erty, 1. a. Hinchley, F'. R. Larkin, McGinnis, Robert Peek, Orland Smi- ley, Beside Grieve, Ethel Kerr, Katie fferr, Vida McDonald, Ilelett McDon- ald, Jessie Robb, °retie, Rosa, F. A. Thompson, A. M. Turner. sms,ss", THE glARIEIN TWEIJITM Seeforth'e Orel** DISY .0* ROW of Weather autt/L ihgeleAfist Ctilhet bration. Thoro via.3 a oPOOlId trait filialiaS foe tienfortit on the 12tb* *114$441e* gatlon Inoue siStOr 04. 63 Whale elfaZ cc -allege vrovrd sateffeetory to all *lee Woe, directly Interested. Tuts STAR he .44044 tho rapasttor for tho renewing report; „, The Orange celebration to kteetorth oe tab 12th of Jule. Theveley et last week. vow outs of the large.t. and, roost successful ever held, la the county. Frc.ra early In tho mooting wale well on in the nfternoon people eatate pearlier in front all directiOns. bath by specie/ train anti prIvateconveyrtuces. until the owe wee, searcely iarge enough to bold this crowd or OAT' wad anxious pleasure seeiters. itt Otte people present. The resOurCeat) the boas seal restantante were taxed not a little to atIttPlY the demands for tho Inner num, net 'Owen), eamfortably provided tor. which spew sveM tQTP htieleereoTdrawlase5atrhor'rqu 11 g _quiet, *pet _.goed natured one, anti modal and amulets tumor mote, scented tole, tile order. Every outs tee himself quite at home. The day wee Intensely izehiroo:.:tpa:unoe: :itiotu:ilegtaniuosmi ont eopvate:00440:11 100o:feawttookhou :tau: :net anuathe wherever there was gteen ..teree .151 and shade, and apparently having a teat 'moo ste. be aeon tinting: arounti on the latelis end playing of the Var10114 nds, the Mee and. drains atul the bagpiptm kept every °natively mid in good humor. It watt a stirring day anti out, to be remembered. About 2 o'cleck the varioue lodgeteerreembled abbri,ttxtalpidroaii,,,evr,,,eniaoartni,aohntolwatreohduciydestdwwbohyeiereti.,hrmerasy04 umcforraravetle bat*, tuneetwel itp alit street to tee Aeriona twat Park. the tarteste on either one being lined by eager speetators and Mende. The unwell wall a hot one, but the brethren dtd nob anent to mind It. Thorn were some 39 or In lodges represented and nearly every lodge tied a band of some kind. The Mitchell and Sen. forth Mende wens the most conspiouous, A. ate end dem t hand also played ver nicely ma ed that there were hetweeni 4,100 lug atof Pew:to-W. Aberhart, W. Archibald, and preece a neat appearance, w Ile tho Bighlaudi bagpipes With a drummer, both play. W.A.Ourtin, P. Doyle, C. Fortieri, W. era bailie seethed in their native costunaere aileron, H. Hot -ton, W. A. Jordan, vre emote the mast plain:emote figures la Jordan, \V. 1.(`, Lowrie, I, Morrison,X. McKay, Roy MeGeoxii, W.D.McLeort, It. McKay, R. C. McKay. 1,1s011ottrke. R. Roach, A. Bela, haaainith, L. Stap- leton. 11, ateoltenann, I. Somers, Willis, It Atkinson, M. Harbour, 51. Bell, A.. Ilmixer, S. Caldwell, Ella Oheeney, B. °rich, L. C. Dietz, N. S. Govenloek, L. Hammett, B. 0. Jones, E. R. Jordan, 5.1. s. Lowrie, E. Me- Oittre, P. Ross, A. D. Scott, M.J.Seott, M. Stewart, M. Taylor, M. J. With kor, 51. Mason. CLINTON. HoNotte.-Jettn Chhiley,„ M. ekiier- tic°, W. Doherty, G. iTiola, K. least, H. Fair, MAI, Werr, MoTau- Kart, 11. CSNeiltll • ea D. Rusti,l. ‘euitt Tistle.14, . 'Taylor. Pease -U. Archer, 0. H. Anderson, 0. Bedard, L. Iletituri, S. Carling, G. Chant, S. Copp, I. Urieli, L. °rich, G. °rich, B. Draper, T. Elliott, A. Find- lay, IL Graham, P. Huller, T. tubbort, E. Hill, W. Heywood, O. liollovytty, E. )hartiedn, 1. Knox, M. Livermore, E. Lawson, I. Landsborough, L. McTav- ish, B. Mcivor, C. McCartney, C. Mil- lar, E. O'Brien, U. Potter, N, Robson, A. Trick, al. Trewartitu, NVIAa, O. N. Wise, M. TOrrallee, Bort Wiltse. 13LVV11, Ethneston, I. AI. PfetNer, aess.,- -B. Asquith, I. E. Bryant, W. A. O. Campbell, (1.Clark, Clara Copp, D. 0. Colelough, R. fe, Den holok, R. Ferguson, It. 0. 00,0, la A. (lib- retti, A E. litinklitit, 1. 11. Jru,krion, I. O. pickerel, II. Kir krotiiiell, W. J. 0. al. Morris, L. Mains, F. Plummer, 1. W. Potter, M. A. Roger, 0. Stewart. A. F. Tamblvn, 11. Hall, P. L. Whitley. I,. aVootiman. El/HOW 1C11. Ott Wed 11 Veda morn I n g 21 Ito w lens art veil heart Stratford to play a gnme with tho Ooderich club, and the match wes started shortly after II, The game was a lively one, ekipis Robert McLean and I lr, (1 ray tali ingt he lead in direotione te their players and their bowls. At the eonoltadon of the gatne at 1.30 t he visit ors adjourned to tile Bedford and dined, and then left by the 2.50 tradn for Clinton, where they played (Me grime with Lite club of that burg and left t he, 531 train for home, milking a pretty good day's trip. The local rin kit here wen hy an aggregate of l'53 to 10ll. The (iodarich baseball talon added mother victory to its list on Saturday, defeating. the nine of mir rival town, Clinton, ler a wore of 15 t,, 2 'rho triune WaH ad vottleed for 3.30 p. nharp, but an the (llinton boys did not reach town till 7, it wits late In getting etarted, the remit t I ng that I he gone, wns (sailed at the end of the 5th on aceotint of darkness. The following was the line up: Southampton might well he termed "progressive" tinder the direction of the hfeyor, Col. Belcher, last WOPICRI liftle011 haying np lesn than rote' by- laws. ripe in for a inan $6,0oo and bonus oe Et -M0 nite to grist mill; the second a loan of 410,000 for furnIte re feetoryt tho third e ferther loan of gle,000 to a etock company to enlitrge and operate allied beam -then, and Ow fourth forf$3,541 for the extension of the prevent waterworka. The bylaws teke up about ten columns of the Beacon's ewe, and sternal prove of deep intereat to every ratepayer In our slater town by the lake. Names of Additional Contributors to Ilospital Pund J. Emir, Tom. ale E. L. Dlek Merin 65 J. 0. Kelly.. . I Farr Bre, Mu. I. ilaltteld. 5 Wm. Synth J. nay)» • 1 WM. ttl0rney 10 Mem hlmeath 15 J. Galt J. Griffin . . 5 Rev Pr Meltrie Je,se thaw . 1 Mies Strang. 5 Ardatren Et Ron . 5 J efelioneht s F. Prillharn. . Rota. Jette.ton . ainrahall 25e. Mr. rt. umiak, 13. A. OM= $1 Mr. .1. A Wateen Arthur Cantelon , 5 Fred Thomenn 5 atrala thitherinna 1 /t11,.. W. It -otter 5 Ater. .. Mrs J Inketet 1 ttirt2. C. Knight I Mra 1, nem 10r A. MeIntoeh 10 Niel Mellow -ski 2.et, t o proeetie on. amoral of tho lenges also were very neatly attired and many had very pretty banner.. We have been unable to ob- tain un °Metal list of tho 'rabies nilweselnede We may Hay that the Information Bureau wee not very ellicient, and it Wild difficult. there- fore. to obtain the information desired. Bull this was not a defect peculiar to this celebrs, Um. It haft alwaye been so at former altnilar duexcantatitriaiHtioextittei tibila,,eaccurlatyr.y For ardebra- central Wilco. and tho various Iscalhoguelsdash"theeya art I ve gonad be required to reeleter with this ofiloial. mitring the Immo and hendquarters of the lodge, the number at membent preeent and the Attlee of the master, and to this °Meer able nil ',be reticent. glob, ae the names of the sue. emend prim winners In the 60V01111 competitive. °yenta, ehould be aiven as soon as tho event Molded. The neeestaary Information for a re- port could then be eaelly obtained. As it la now only the 'umber of the movers' lodges care be obtained, end while this may be natiefyinet enough to the initiated it does not mover much Information to the °Melee public,. How • ever, we notleed halve from Luean, Kirkton, Woodbine, Centralia, Greonway, Orediton, Hine arrant, Varna awl! Hayfield on the south; . Goilerteh. Clinton and Simunerbill on the west; eoverttl from vx ent Brace. Myth, Belgraye. Loniteebore, GOMM adeKillop en tha ilmitiltioiditilt•LIti1tchell on the own, besides the, Ileeerte. , NV. .1. Atlanta, Barbara flit_ktiiii,e,tve,l, P, Blesser, M11, Montgedva et y. PAgs. N. A toilet rong, Cettan- ach, 51. 13. Ileinstoce„ A. Halliday, C. Johnston, A. Nin0W1, O. Patterson, P. steheefer. ,k,ichaerei, C. Spitiks, I. W ROX 14:TE It. I !wet nun. Fran lc orfoot. Pates. O. Gallaway, V. Hardie, kV. Mellrath, S. alcit erring', McLean, C. 1110 herford, T. F. Sandereon, E. Stott, N. Underwood, I. \Vote), I 51. 1Vright. 110gtotte. 11. I.. Berri -II, 4'. Elnek hale 11. lirown, riannett, 1, Oreeti, It. M. Welly, C, lehister, 0, Kennet' y, Mann, ( Pat tOPSOn, M. SIMI lc, aV. Sitnitione, Stewart, E. V ;met One. P.8481. It's'. A itcheson, I. AOtetteson, M. It. Aitken, I. Anderson., t,‘,:ittln AP' 1110111, !limit'', A. kiroelt, lirydgee, ti• Bosh. 11. 1.)ori., 11. tionoan, KIVIOtt, 1),(411Plit, lall.fs1. .lerrnyn, NI. King, I, Knox, al. McDonald, () Masters, it. MaXWell, 10. MClitirriey, A. McCallum. A. O. Methte, 141.51ethie, (3 Moffatt, S. Orr. M. Patterson, kV. Pocock, I, Po- well, C. Itititmil, (3. itinlotil, ert.son, E, Shiell, M. Strieltzer, Troy, M. VailOttnall, ‘Vcital. troderleh ( 'thane 0, Mel,aughhn W. Doherty I. Aloe II. A mamma 0 Ilimen.rao 5 [Montt II, Mull/may 1 -ark le 0', E. Lewitt il them .1 Wiggle. I, le Donee) L. Elliott, It F Fita.thrinhori+ J. Telt let lake, Alexander Max welt piteher w na.,e‘.. Rune hoy Inning, Goderfeh, 1 4, II, 4, n 15 (110ton, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0 2 Mellaudy and Maxwell made a great battery. find A. ILI gginson a good um ;tire. Luck now next. don't forget to watch for t he pc-eget:a. cif. thirst 40 44 Themeon rn. tellace . IleLeenetil, seen M. 1.40 Oellre t'orter tO .MeMatb *data.. C A. Nairn 2.5 - • Miller . 1 11108 Adame.en Ma Mee linen ) Collected from rialto tag. coal fund, first ouartcr in tit Davies ward . VI TS All other euteterilters who hnve not paid their subseriptionn are requeated to do so at once, as work on the hospi- tal it le hoped will be completed with out further delay. Aim e Stel brow end bath cawing On Wednesday etittnipg tbgre Wan a flint and eiiciting game of imaeleall betweeo the Rig MIII end tho town lean) Which ernied In a vletory for the Big Mill. Soots, 5-3. The batteries wete Wigglelo Brost, and K neetthew for the Mill, and Tr.it nod Lew' t for town. Tait had the bet ter of t he argliment In the hos, hut aViggine Mena. had the better reipport. "file resoluta of the game wee the Retreat ion al fielding of Sturdy and Tilt in the out neld. Summary Sacrifice hits, Sturdy, k'idean twodmee hltu, Lew• ill double plitye, Algie to McCarthy, McLaughlin, Nicholcon to Thompson, Nicholson to l'homparm to IC neesitaw ; nimick out, by Tait ft, toy Jim NViggins 3, by John Wiggins ham. on India, off Tait 4, off .1iin Wiggins I. off John NViregina 5 ; bit by pitcher, Nicholson ; t on brazen, ilia Mill 6, t.,wn earned rung, Mill 2. Time I Jr, 1 ' tn• pire, Or, M well. Around the Harbor. On arriving 'it the Agricultural Park the lodge. Meat had entered In the compsititioas fleet% ap Me driving track, whore they were inepeeted by the judges lied %wizen were award- ed. to noceeeefel competitors. A swat coverer! • eilatfortietied also been erected for the smirk- er. in frtmt of the grand gand, which wae itlxtitrti by eager lielenece County Master Hanley weleoined the inanenee crowd, after which Mr. %Yin. W alto, of Mitchell. took charge ot the oroevedinga in his Lethal happy manner. and itairodecod the several epeagerte. Mayor ittennerlek wag the firsts ou the pane gramme. acid In a few wet: chocen words, Ire beLeff of the towp, he extended n woodiab welcome to the vielters, and Ottrantatlett the hope that they might all carry away witat then% the !met 1,10xot1iit morntsrico ce their vein to Soeforth. Ile alen spologthed for the appearance and condition of Main street. which, owner to 'the work in oroirreee on it, was loot le 0.4 int,itAtttl et shape as he would, wleh, but lie pronneed that the next time the. Ortiegemen vletted Senforth they would end u. street in neetSeg with the other parte of the town, and for w high no apologlea would need.) to be made.. Attu:mu-late tuldrewee wore delivered Itir Hew, Mr. 'Arkin and Rev Mr. Birks. of Sett fort Ito v. M r. W deputy grand alteddatn-,,, Mr. White. ot 'baron, and Meteire. Hewitt and orrorento. all gentlemen high ma itt the Order; alter E. J. Brigga, M. P. P., of ilartney, Meniteha, Wo malt iituritIon 'that gra.frirth hoe the die - Unruh.) of having the Wawa Orangeman who. twat part In the progesnion, in the person er --- our respected town...man, Mr. Wrp. Johnetote. Mr, Jobraton .inint41 the Order in Ireland Dn., the lit of A innea, 18e3, awl Imo ter a gratin. mem' years then meinber of 813. efelOtllaele. He walked its briekly in the procession as co. man or Pt The prize for the youngest member we. awarded to Joseph Atkinson, oe Maple. (irove 1,odge, Biddulph. Fie %Van Initiated on July itle thee, under degeneration, and is 16. y are' ot amt. 'rhe epealting eoncluded about 5[11 past ilY0 IL rid the crowd rettlrned 80 town ag4 1. Many .tarted Immediately ter home, mite J waited, for °upper, and grate a few remained around. the greet., in, OttUiliesi Until eVollintr. A more orderly or ecepeetable looking lot of people, never Ltieernbled In teentorth, mud the general/ 11v...rum and gond behartenr throughout the wee remarkable when wo consider the Inunowee number of people %trete:int and the varlets gm retie from whence they camo. This Ls a. faate re whIrtt IA tso ered i table to the Orange- men anti all who toog part in the celebration. elm following were the successful commit- ters lit Lite prise oetopetition..5t Best braes bane, 511tehell. 3'25; nth and drum band. let Purple 11111. Eaet ktiddleem. $15; and, Summer. h III, tilirt t, $5, beet dreoted lodge, Blyth, $5; lodge coming the grensiefit distance, Purple. Moll, Ste; lodge with the largest number of rnem hero, leasteaborm hest banner or flat St. •;°.,2" Paura, Heath Perth; Ind, Orient veep, outb Hero's; oaten member In the proem:Mon. Wm. Jettusbee Hentorth, No. 813, hle10111.18; yolirar ont toonda,c In the preemption, Wonky Atkin ,eon, beet fife end drum, 'Therntiale Lodge, Ne. 2414. load larIttes desire en to mar.reill tbeir very sleeer0 thanks le the basins= Men find elLizonn ‘,0 Peaforth for the ald they received ?mei Meet. le met blIng thein to. make their part In the eelebrat1011 DO 14UCCM11111. C. P. R. Constroction Notes. The crib beittg Itiddi at the fealill 0101 a the earth traoh, between the Maitland itud Strand tink ovei head bridge, no riming steadily, and the one below A ttrill'e, at the 001111 end of the same bridge, is metrly littiehed. 'nu, treck along t he bank in now within fift y feet of Wellesley nt rept HI epti, and IL plat inn of the bank below the Whider roNia,2 Itt-O is Inning graded, so there te tete a in PIllbryt.. both cant and west tat Widder'H suers. A nteard dligger arrived at t he hex - boy t ktin WeAtk, Mal In being pittetel in position jont liebow the foot of nat- bor where it will in/V7 tineti in levelling the mail and the c, 1', it. propert liet.Ween the Ink., and ILer- ilOr Cortaidern tole progrene being made at this part of the work, although there le not. toilet) (show daily, me the work Is ex tretnely rult, it being ell curves anti angle.. and engineering work that eantad be ruehed. One of the girder,' for tic, !Maitland River bridge nttived (leder:lel% on Sunday It wn.1 on three fiat rata, ita length being 110 feet, and its height 11h feet. On the end it said, "when ilefivered to l'Ililaignee ood muet be sout it Wan neell that couch it Holt Wall not pseeible, and It WAR 4eflt, tt) Sti ',NI to be turned end a11001. It Will he strong ft(M1 t 111. t wo south piers, and when joined by a fellow will form the thet groan tot the atruet lore. There will he thirteen more ouch Merritt) of whir+ it in said seven will he about ritual length. and gist about t,ighty feet.. ()refit In- termit will be manifeetiei in the proceelore of putting this heavy girder in poen ion. nw Harbor Mill Company haft rt large n m bier of men preparing for t he rebuilding; of the mIll, and it looks an if ft will not ne many weeks before the new Imilding will he ready for work. The mill ground is alreatly pret t y well cleared of the burned material. and now 0110 100k ing at the pile of horned macninery can nee that it Is so cvarpeel and [winter] hy the heat of the fire an to lee of no value except for old Iron. This Ring Edward, Huron and Brit- annie have an made regular cane the pasa. week, rind the paecenger traffie inereaning very much, and the King Edward has good freight Hate as W011 On Ha up And down gourneyo. to cents for Tier. Sian to end of mole W Vrtc34 V't)w Hit. The Tart Leaden Bruce I says : A 0081, 0111 in power is dawning, rind the wild ankrea placen in nature where otrearne re are likely to Is, t he sources and eentres of ireinst rite). The generating of power will not he confined to Niagara Fells, and other great water powern, but will N.V11111,4 general ail over the Province. A government, engineer Wan in the tecinty ef Bruce lant week taking levelm on the Saugeen river. with the view of eat Inciting its water power. Ile in renovated 0, have paid that there it) a felt el' leo feet from Walkerton to Southampton. When tale official re -e port settee; from the Government the, nitinieipelit kw of Bruce and Grey lath htt In a fusel t ion o take action undei the (3trv ern !tient scheme. \ to cents for Tit it wr An to end of sk• A sitteivo el Arm. The Kine, The new nehool iaw thew not Inter- fere with eniating contraets made for thin year. The Mercer:eel townohip grants will have to he levied this year, but eehool hoertin are Mtpeeted tenter, their extra i weenie during the ectent and next half-year for the len. provement of their accommodations end the Mere:tee of' their equipment. Each hoard using ita gtrielitional Bonds in thin way will reap Ito reward when the new scheme of distribution eorries about. The inererteed rioverintrient grantn will he ranheil according to the aecottemodation preekled and tile equipment of the nelneca. v tete says " Jor,eph Hock wag in his way, and there In upon whom he liken to play more than upon his friend. HOIIPT y. Mr. 11. ff. fitrative 1 Manager of Traderts' xv, loot week, and, needing a ohm inquired or Mr. Iloeain where get 0110. Mr. Mackin was vet able, and taking him to 8: lamplea store pointed to Mr. who ean take a joke ref well as Nothing daunted he fell in to I port outlined for hen; by Mr Ile gave Mr. Strathy'a showe that would have done for 'haft New York. Mr. Stratify ar it too, for hp proceeded to tip Mark liberolly, hut when Slack detained ho realized th Melons wore eorreet and the Meek was really the propria store (Ind one of Kinearii business men." For the float there on rattle from the Argentine # view thee year at tho Caner* al Exhibition, Toronto. 4d Cent.5 for Tilt STASS tO sseerWilima,111"' Ntt '