HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-07-06, Page 2• 0,3,••••••••rer••••.../V aratiaaialLingirei. • fltUlR OF C Fri tier of MI Things Is the First w of ;bast fer wtn be 'Old 0 tibia They coat death ho IC tetly their OW* liver; they lind Ilie Wittee ate. regreaUfaa death eat) teeth eetir onlY to tuake other* lies. '' • allellttiort JO net aithelda attre tor 'PO' IIP e it' d c Man Of Meat the illtdiViduld Old *ad itsoattlYetitth bat Y • t t PIP With 7 \PDX i* iii- clikkw) 04_10444' eTsi•m., luutiaelyteti: 404 leffetee. *re nod* Mato is Me Virgin 04. given, 'Eat Itio Prdlaet, tontularmag ;,tatt hohteat alle:•11/10 slate, Sitirletit Etela er 100111welteettet ,110, w„biett ,,thte Maw lee* MOM aver/ child hall .100,ther- 'rho wale, the lbw/at-den treat es, Mr.. ,sh,,attt aims, la ganago, no Matter g t thttfoonts' opti, tits...highest -tolggienet Triterainge ef velvet remora:Mai reuMe Men ally other. e 016'11111e. aeltesignd Paine. 'the 1;641111 of W. O. C. Ghttletebe; tanum *ft ea • • where. site's. going. . • . PROM POilt 110101106114011. iii?1100:14 Sok Sba f•:` ' •••••1141, WWII NS SPNISAX 1101114. AGM KAM $AM **We itabOtale far Sae Pasting 00011101411 al wet** C10000144 MI a 1040000ea mOSOWING PAM" Do has ele MOO- as Tile tall that sty be wailed be a 1 emote a little itestagin •whet ife ahlifert iiii 10 weIght ille a olio* as Ow Shet Monitis *I OW TWOS Amos le weft • by the Wan dIt ItarrY I rie" .$e 000,004 $111100•110 Magas% trot*, .00es Slitirmae. : "Saaviteg POW* he She titear tbroligh her begrekleat fa la WM WWI Aar laltee all eette4 heetiate. ' g taw•ot bta atiMattase tallith* tliatt la IOW for lirtha91; Vigenc‘if, ,,,,, Of *11 till th9alland 1•1100,01 the OM, the liria italteetelne of hill thaw* W.re She echiablea at bet 401* In a testy aelf . let yaw Servant, civil Its the:get-a' tegettier wail the theettleette Of Moir tie- oder *ark* ta Ide Wad with w "ow* Or Whith init 4:001Pliahlith 'WWII OtinSitit DoWitd$11. datertbed 0 the read Me*" dieleteaMeelitethe in ili briffilbltaa W11.1# Ilia Villirthir tilkidittell Of ine eiht tants Xlift• are moo belt down witiett_slt htjaiatatitretad, Tha mantle Petni tiett4initelt 1144004 0111,ENGL 100.10. SY MAL ANEW AIM 11011 POISPLE., Ameirtateatelli taild ThPL Sliteealal *to• Ceialiall0001 . Weekt, There alre.2,461 neWsinple* Pahttaha4 ALWAYS IN A HORSY. of 104*mA 20 tO 4441444 lath) MIMS and textural are We* reereaftemel sad cromebettem and of whale every tiot to limp at Wow or to cry out in teal end leamdiary 101•0 14 WOW, that MI* v-4416010, /Mt 14I4.- -141L1. 2740, hi IOW 0000Po* who am maldall Was* toottor 14400 4%0 tare feldle. bitt *ma. ware callea by tits per** 3,a91 the detaiarela Itt artry jy * Wit Mey be better able tO de eraireee deettle. Melee et eh'. vikito And rttKiv‘, liahh. 004 of Ukt w$1 It tura to hAttleL the EteWintit: heal* 4t144 Itt -44twitet1 thaltt 411241" t'llca *4 "04°14 /t '49* 4411 *10Prielit aWelte •htin Wheeegretally tit+ 0040 ot that* *wet. Patel 10 mem* and to Pe$000g#r* *Iihtt growiag plans, mad were theaght. 40 elle wee tweedy per 1,000. tete now ft shit. boo* th,t•attio tier etedy4, Owe itt (*Ware the elelPtiaga Vela OttirIM0 o *MIAs pla,ce• thOt 10/10110 Mix nothing mere thee the Kai Of 1134 ha' MOO beers .1.04494,*rit $64- Wavle" 4104441a falAat4 roe* in miti-Atialti nauseiStr *M1 011*W* in OE other. -aer ideate were it QtLgtie; tossil'll'Ariint.1"sAss tettolz4 reueleet. twee 11;9 Atte". 110 par. Wititt;teet rood Visitownt r*st . Mx* •01.• ** A Wa X WRY eat tile Riga. Kettle* he W111 : bringing this W 010 Matehlog IMAM fs po, Inc 41,.* nottira preechina, With itg fosi#Crit glaCtiAt0I'Pralectr..41 aPPeal 40 Men 10 ALVO imp awn Outs, Worl to *Coition: Aral t lett the epeear ig.tt tilaco-untentl, row*, to it ruirvn, shown maw and ewe net pm/got orwohnero. tittivs too. or memai copal% or; Mit LI Ity of LM Wits elt tbe;49etrt- and thing to Mil Mei beer 0-mey tier tlflte;eftjr tc123 (*Wry lir Meneettent with, the the Writhe Oldie in eOlor rThe ehiat term et the Virgin /0 Oxot $autir attuTszi trod, ut =,gal JuIrtai. bolt itotott tq, bom 60901 Andur-rettr71141401.1 WO% iteethe Pealring 141;011g tios*e'*:ittt' :00S0iitioallr:sts.AL111; 14.,57 ;1704FEi'untriiii..14wzots* dlpoIitiun In the =tizmplerg741E7kigriwaregivir:R7ui,i,ifion744:'‘,47:::: h161tettlhatt teeth ltattlAnShint Wait :the WI 11004141 • 4LIY• blue .1s, the lavortte gator . • sato. au4 ,hout IS *gee .Sigliteen tdiflir$ rt Or a 4ig II* .hellrolln :million end a• ()tarter, ' • • .1 do; 1,v,hervI State • ahltt attY Cott °at .thla tlt°uitt 14441. tntY Tnt Solvn Perablatal trithridniPi filet WOW Ourhifle, it IS * seat. ft fliePel 1tfl 4'0.110a t fee:trulo/ot oo Mt, Charlette Absologt, the oldest Thet she never bes been. itrioWn te Inog, frarloOS objection, over Moe so. ,to Agit pot he last an 11191,2, I a, 'of Mutt *0 while 40,ttet1 teuLlit, c_111 ,plinutcht, roaring up. trete the seailtvor; :t,noe to ihn* wihallttp,,,,,011oif the 40,,, cricketer In world,, attained itta • ght tiling .000oh,, relialen le teat it PrOtitieee * nerrovet 'AtiOnt4 In sterna' WttYt 'fter'e he' 'St- Into hatala otta th too. tut net 04014 to the teee ot: the w"ers'Qouratti -mtf ,or,acra, era eighty -Waft hirE1401. 04 Darke: thtY1* ; Shell alWaY* la iltirrIt 1)04.430'. AtiegitIrt,fr:plockz,z1414:00: i.„11 ,Avair40401,11,4rxt g„:„11. 448t, Itextets414htsetkottabseheiutiieeraeliceetiej.,1414ttae, Etut Mee 1104 te lett here he ecCeunted Itht :halt then the Weet ttrut .100tChing OM 'woven datar *tzel 44e", any. Mouse on. X, teen, it eng 00104 aeattnane aomottot ot-tfto ineft *pogo /rem %A to coot sgitft otfto. f can ate lhe, girl run Met. MiLLY$ 1.,ESSON, u1 ItI rgiliertZtAenVik gittilltg.:0gAttAt 1M:tit= t:.!ttUu eir411114:11:11WW 01:' ics,Tb% The. averaae Yield Lit 04 Per 40r0, Ay. "totertc too II sable that ere. la some Serious nu,: '.6reat , '0704'400a Paellas ,,Art - ter by 'We 'selfish bests on whtelf MCA Ihdllit 4100dt ttravg 4hIcttl,C %Old ha • the ereart late blouse, Thom dotted few sot a°1 30°44-4" ls Otte of lhe Mans of bed1001041,14P dig* altre• greet ItteretiSe Penaltd1911, • reata See .tite•,fgiri NA fast. The cOltrentratiell Ot Mind on the eel!) . t 4 dile ° " IfIPPh t I to 04 with ban 111:/* PI° Pet ‘Iel* *het IheY " pftbellaitt OF EVEily tor eirtt- rrie.4 et,h Anyo Not :long etto OM the 4.1/441O4 teseipparoftiy *mod, 444 1444' and ,aq the being few Vera 't100;_wits a ILI welk;le, otwitt phy, Wh,erk bully 'had writ:A ix thilettoithlts, 4°1111'44 °Me " wer41* 'ICte°11 for tritgmi441141 Tbtt °W4Sm t t4eir vtlitn.9.• but it‘ andhation shows the intee10 sir wittoughh$ Wade; Avtio, iv too * cense* the girl rim teat. sleeker' Creldie IQ the hott0Mg nnlY twp diagnosis el /lugging Pailla la Inscle+ 0114 alelan, hOrninlitlem,b $ died itt panel; sho Put Or hall 4 whether,* mime of toitglon or in • Lett:bat ihart 40' bla "tbe r °war U°nt$ ° a" ar Ore.. - taints ' BSC/MU Mit; Of 'frfk- end .43110 the real trouble, lit hip overlooked, .110019,..:- poehat. feel' of her letithotdre4,- 131. amt. other name, 1.0 hot !Dora' .6010ide* ilisigletle"Y. ftivat1110..mmiiginlitalteuatiler °fit. "Iret erkPlviteoittrIer terre L'I'ligt imit Onlyrene,of 4 . ,Vitahns, Tho Whole *ea..- ofteftlintil. tt Iglo1110 o late lo prevent -per; ,. Loa,- Notirthrofttt haft tlften invested was tto ug and', hard ..and astiare; v 11 .. rapTi.:::,:throxitl-grighrer.Q,‘Pvrtot040Ti ttlirl: iterpoeti,ei.,-errai-,ttod---ee,--1411-ere-Als" -•. Leiv- 4-,sn-a- . anteaf.traaeltd,eefogi• ea:" elotalai' "a0,0477eatr-ra: ,ttreerixt rewttnima:041/41'. Pa, 4614:OttotAlr at:11X ottlall,;0" rementhettillgetnote.0004 woonitevabui- ' ( wraltolth"%erdli Cien eofu,•10Poslitigoit SlItiteeerattrtdbeert., ehe Weietettantws(eeee, iraheoresoll ro, law ' remermtpref4atenYughtmilatsewlfc,!itirt etw.4tritnneklattaebsse' 414,-.-e!rtet:44:gro°1fwilltchill VO,,oneere. tth,41144$11,' 11-1):, oltett:tes,°. ag. - smil.'t°toethrcly• .1rwlfrillittlfslt_ .1 ...lre.,...-,j*:Theelorptilllint9...ofen.4air nitillItvi'ltotw:-,t3rolgo''45t,.,...-',7195,. .tin• -...4.. :e...)!1..e.11,:ta..il_e!t,..149.......147.11-i...-..::!j7et,141-41ellattraat*tlitagralearrali,*•741erlitirtr-':-.. IleVetWee.tollad In unT etheP weY' '111$: C107-0;417' ,0148-0-isti-tti. —04'--isi-tt 1; theii, V. 11114.'rtf*" in a v-00.7 watt': 'relleilla When , 00t, rate. Mlle. te• green. OP' • Tho' boonna t.,00or .4t iivottort„oo,thft.„., ,eouts htttr.; . r: , -love of seili ton th the love of society., ottlet thought, the search for Int - %tit. eggtIoltreilie me hour of priaree, the tttodley titalleciseeae-e-- thick anaaarn, Jerald, , 1040,..„41,10,11eft ill; t W6O1ir 01#1:t.!$•_.: ot:',•thr 6 'Oa. I•-enr-tlettrInagille• in'ag"a <". - The Lancashire' Asylums'. Hoard lit .." That made Mille O. MVO" that she of Dia soft fosfoliffi 0- mo roar Mterr the roc_k,..... at tong „intervals', wbe. ii.;the e. oreptaint 10,4044.0 At' U01.6lose : '' ... •' • tg - . '• , e. ..h„„1,1 Ong etetiten for Adlatirette Valle/See, . thls. morning. • • • --- -- -- - ' abstract 'wed with a scroll (WO of parewa.•,A,'Negue Spot: Which, M peoplebut• 'pee ted su,S i ion, an f , a ten repeated, • , . -..,, , . . . .. , : It ettereal way et 4ialvetlen, not ea 0,1111111, Malt all have their place; tut; it brown olovot, .ribboo. . . . .stki - tw, • ea 4,.. of ei,the apeaded :sheet Mdtcate•tee' neteteity rowing4•11w4etr eeeliclieiriel.len.icinel312- ri $1 lairittho Wt. etntOi herlikn:dror,r1r,tothe: Ming deSirtible• for your exclusive use,. 10 ott17 OtO Ple" that' the wise 'wer'inen ' ECIIII COLORED SILKS -, • . 'Vet'letren4.-';e:fee*,1111.:the*litgliek.faheen litte4:, al 1-1rIft,meteaaln,tatiealloa. otit 4.thheausetkittAttel- , wlletit' :lettereltrens" 1:?. v . ' 4 rea' "4 ''. ('V We ' wa:se '4').geteg: net?' teWerciA h‘ 44'vii- 'desk. .: hitt es ItiltaPellaVey ter tal ilVefetor all .: give& to his meals. He does not live for The people. ite• tree of Igo Is not for a' these things; they 1:isrees 'ti,ifi.oryMtintsgiraids represented by the meta:tune, pongee. of elftila,thel4a;eanc! ttsnei ,re.40104117•1;:kthtp.4aliiit. ilitlf Tlte:Olteeli.ed:•'0.etil ,Q, _earreetlyar: ifettle •, Wr_a ne4.11114,146*.atttofts!laa..eathettl§weeotlritgeraeinee, M0.1,411Yett,eettret(tra'ethe.,...21....4% 0111 01 angle,par, but. tor the healing of the to hip IvOrkIan that or tussah Weaves are 's 0' lo eater and the , route .leatea, a maeistema at- a , 1,a, ,:t ale e t the ile ; EreR , r • v "Ili Zit) age The teacher win moo him a better . workmen: Ind vogue Atton the other sale Ltif ttie do ' kelt is ter leaa lilt1199s• . .i, : ' ' ,,,A. lesS Serious trouble, but one • de. end to ma, cover e dieleece. of fitteett. nibbleti oft on , , -WlattfeQurreligislt,' . is not seleeetnered cute add beeauscelte sees the'weriancal as his here. T e Peri -flan is ratiklag,tbeom Ike. . Tee Tape ti ,eaused• by whatle milled &6041.00 111.. ed19$1 treatroehtn' ,i'l hirh INT' ht.thorned rated tallekly tital SW her, titre, but, i Ali Mint° of all through end. Ile forgets hhheelt In the Perf9etien 'le drasaY "altenla°n " tttratat °c,s " "-ertaa' PI° r,e44- of' n PItr.% -This ls 4 AltingerOvis diagnosis, tor it im leIgh Windmill -Is aboul to be prn ill aeleltel7" • . -,•::: , , . . •a a . It" ' t4 ' ' ' ' :f.t'Ass art tlehillgefft the lielbsels Malarkte A' well -enema, Esso x landmark-7Ray. Millicent Lane, are you eating candy tbe eervice ,of Ote single ortes and t e Of that he, seeks to make. The saving ot trimtclae4 eWilit flaPelleive. IMO, vlyee , •.,„e cheerio tides sNireeping 'ewer the sot , , i ay ' ' ' • e• icat ' its con- ' d . ., h th stilt and with these fetes, ein, ties mode and .theil 'encountering a sud- Perrrct I 10 he 00 0 r . $ in env.n.. lt wog .inflit in the reigh.of Now, tie soon. as: the teacner teepee ' but tittle, better than Ole whose -Whole hilt own developmeht; of IA* charaNo cter Per,* ilea te(ixti cis oarfo., hoses. Veassis that, Ore*, ectlittl Vatter Triteitted •ettacitte of • -Storrtaeheaehe 'in 'Loch Zondifin.:.eral the etreatins cote • I call see the itri caP (*1St, • objeeI Is to fatieri, le4e e4r11‘ nian $ 11'had 1 $$f hit of thri "h. '411 that theY, tAttert Paaa .ttVat Itt *eV' ara idt00,11114111G1110 be Ith g $ fleeted with., it. have been rest0c4ed with Then miss preston ettate tip behind, ' 100 %p4..yff . i.:toottt be -1)07.6rted greetlyeta'Inekeitete.aeletnen-to-set aloe oWa. !Mersa* Ora, It 'Is religlon of aio tut age* nlade dm other MM. 110',44Peal 40 to the IS ith utiVorying law* Sento Is the Ott' not boo; onob one or.4,4h104, won oda, auto „ -.when the see breeke virM de Ple$ or 4 surfeit at ' Vage,Y. esPecitillY Nage Its eethe eeneerted. intio signet, 1,440' •to wilting vent 0104 ONSOU 111 0134.3 dLtS trd Nirrat. . SOcreilitS. iosioind Art, t. amoral'. avateoliet„ etc.) 10. iittif;f41,7 ., . OttLi' ,o. pht,, ,;„ts, , 0,0,* , # sr . oOttaas- thi. let mid . 0r0 l'uoil 4 4 et , iiirielv.‘ Iseetti, ,-rettleit ,..ateete .ea ' Juin tont .•ge.t suit' tiettloolare no '.'. tettroa 'Archie .ttageetite tra.• * , 0 erfroggre.....growet. ,. cOrrar, totting -a et a e e. ... . 0 Oh ,on _clots • 0114(n.a Nitluateturere Or•rd dealer* ht. an kite!, et Dinidleir 1614 wee, 100 sia,Onitter,V#000.! Olab salogioN 40.440. • . . Plans Sad ostiMatcs btroltbed oo *pp • ettettatteette neat MO/1111,1141111* i..41w11011. a Iliantaada Co r toisteil Toro Preaerte ' a Ptaperty lasatett 114f to Oath- 1-04.S.V0•4•144/S*004 Otalehltt$ and .10,,Ittilt.:1'0114,44.11.1 reistout. .1Ctoetx V, Oa T. Vra,s4r4 PitO,relddetxt, Ifroc4tnehl 11.; 04: V. E. nave*, aticrettery.Tremeas. er. Herdovele P, Oa Goodolly. Poetises 'O.; ba,leo too „P. O.; .3, Wett, Ilitiloett In 04, Vieenti, lleethWeed, P. O.; J. G. GrieVe. Winthrop ; 4; hod vaunt, v tho inspector ot to whith Thee Occult,. S„Ut. Yo. atolwietalthe emoting, Eirmennvillei I. • Stator* H.' Ideetth, toe . floldert trati -POW 'Meese* Marate 'and get Omit Card* teeeint* rod eit W. Coate) Clinton, 4514 ht. Ito. Brno. .Vetliket Clothing Stoat ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 Wanda To, ePli. nes 440,en4la' ,Y Up town edit corner Weitt St" *at sanat. want the bolt A I 'kinds OAL ay* on bancl# I '0 A Coat tb• get 2000 Ow toe 411booto rah toAfi. at kart foe tom* 1#4114,4 culture of the one through lila service 'the .soni, the vulture of the'self. as an ma , for all,, Only hi the atmosphere oi iter- i end le eheme and sulcicle ; as a Means to • broldered • where there fs e,...pestilbillte;,. :siert :itt;ftp: tft hie_ seft... bottom, end... the , se,gtteuplsg sh4..pf .gropg mats,. aed raeoron te,, ,..,_ retitle, 14101, slipped the, lemoredrop, In Ice deo •the soul grow .espand, and.. -service it le -life and peace mill pertee. with colored EXYPtien Mettle' ' ' ' t- ' :effect: le that ef'..Niagera, rapidse•Maltai erell. etariteta,atta, had .an. 'teraaealulee.: lb, September- a choir- at 360 stagers to ner mouth, ,. It„ wee in the now, ea 'Ond Itself. To live in a circle. Is to dlel l'i011., ' it Is The tentrtfogal. life that, hnds seam. , IIENFey P. COPE. Was IneStty for the Wittier( Of tatleredeth0.leacie • ot ebing • Vessele have con _Cver here we :ere busing theSe• tough pliect.n few, *094,40 the :Open. gee- end ielt bielenittut, ,,,Atabittria Poliettlii'itaiN 01, trioat..,Lehealsatnangttegeefilrfsi,daNalli vf molt , , 11 ii; P411', she ecootitilici tgltysttnycl.°111(45t,b104bItte Presten." . • • - suits or for the making „Of POI lehttitt 40Wh,.hes.rtlitr•76:..'110'.'01#11-0-'#--00' illijireg'iya iee'aches and palate' hat a 4 refer the :gat( dues. , . " ' `IblVe you any, More?"' .eratelling Octets. The suite copy thte,Stelbe weetber, 410011e. ittslc'ug•ship • to Stater Matter to the dikter, • ' •:. of the ,lineh and hatheir bog e0aee,..aose wes. tete aeorgent,, ft.litift Anterleart fled r S- "4. be rent 'Lleensed to sell crockery, tobacco, sally shook ber,head. • -ea ' a. - : t ' • • ' ' - ' • it"Ignuld Mite • ' remembered 'that • (I' and• other necessitiai for animals,'" is the °Yea' May go • Into the dressing -room , , • • : Itireetilide with ,short kilted' .Skinele,' leafing berle, *holt Mandared with, aft gelnath is a nornatfreeess. arid ehould 0 1,'DIRICIIESTI4TOMAR ' s., • • . • .• .: .. : . . .. • .10 Mot% be accomp flied •-by petit.. than elg.rt over a general shop in Caeshelten,• and eta y -there until I ball y.on."' Surrey. Now this was the very- IliSt time that . doing anY- INTERNATIONAL LESSON) stO „a Leeson 11. Tbe 'Duty• of Itnrolveness Golden. Text: Matt. II, .12. THE LESSON WORD STUDIES. , Noto-The text of the Rovlsed Verahla, if used as a Weis for these Were 'Veree fiL Them cone Peter--Htaiteg efedall text occesirete of stumbling; both tethered and internal, in the lives tilde " mai "cores aupplettlented With- 40- 'hand • - .1ean aecamo is °NEN gstoicom prn• ,tachab, Cellare'end cuffs Of entbroldered • Selig ,IsiMai is 'British, tee' -na earaaa .seetai llon or breathing.,Youth s. oin lined laid over °the colored' eloite Militia cape Nova &ono very near' the, Peu'eue people to the number of 670,000 are mina had been spoon to for ANNI)10. engaged in food dealing and cooking In thing naughty "sineet she began to ciorae and cuffs of the silk coat to width Ind, track of atesels edited 4.0 New Yerk • , -this. country, and, 146,004) in making or linen covers ere attached by Means of gold safely p es -these Mt ' set with del- rewire :•emee,ettettthed eut to pick eit tram aurope and the' hidden' shOttla - tiONEY FOR ANAEMIA. A French joiwnill relates that a Yonne oree flowers -fashioned either; from ceie tfewet.,y otos; ,eett-ehe et the °eke don, .woman slithering. from severe anaerala ored stones or with °name*. , :ono to The *florin," .fititt of the .04es was' told by an eminent physician that Plainecoloted chitton taffetas, heathd" ,Welett. seveetena,over 1000 nines, send, he could not cure her, but advised a Ing the always desirable bleek tairettite cave how, on;.tho fault% that Nerd trial of diet of Milk and honey, aided by ---- selling drink. . , • ' over. She felt .00 sorry and .ashamed to echOol, and the term was almost A white marrow_ has been e:aught for titat as soon ea she reatibed the dresting- Pr• dIela !kraut Krupp, of Essen. Ger- , , the third year in eucce-eston In one of the Many. Is to Mary a,Peardiess ' Iowa:. glove .. manufactories at •• Yereal; re°11kanrosleeggoarnroaa'°srleg;tr,ia'ght, eclobA • , ".. 4 'Young blobiettian. ' ' Somerset. Frauteln • Beast. Krupp, the world's are used for both Eton and Were Jack; Inteate-ata.,,,thoe:erttesh: invo. lo., oft, - oete ,Strolla let -the woods.' - This sinntle treat - The *iris cenvet,yariettoes. at.a.t rto,',...ognorft. there.., /Antra.; traders, sixty-etght residents in the City of Lan- drop could not get past each other,' and ' There. 1s one plibitc-house• for every Mg up,,Met te The sob end the lemon, . lato. her throat. Another big sob, corn- Weeitilieet weinam has 'deckled to metre' et '6.4115' nient;',th a let t 'monthS, Metered her, ex- den, states a return. just presented to they:made !1111yy-coligh and, choke': The „ of either the pleated', kilte.d„ or dentate -la' - dattaan •• : a are neit t billeted -body' ' • •• •• Ate London County Council. , jemon.drop VMS stack fest. Maly put .ples ag extreitcly insignificant dtpio, 0Ories.. All taeses. rts are aultuebahr the Snide island.' net, .and few three oaa' a -perelliaga young nobleman who oecla .,_ „ • , ... .. . . ei - ... • :..- • , a tb ge: an ‘; g,...±,esseta • .. . .. • - . , , • ' / Another case is • mentimed In which .. The lat,est return shows that olii Canal one land • up to her threat, And '81111 . n At A new circular s irt combines both ' .', , ' 1 ' , ' i - • dia . honey saved the life of a babe Obliged companies carry MX ,millton tOns of could feel . one sharp corneeprickinr ' MOW ,:nest as SeeretarY Of Lege,Ye". -- platted" and ,efircular. features hi its 'don, • he Saved oW rtg to the sur .and the - . . . . . • lo resort to the bottle, X •Was fed on goods yettrly, or five Mites as much ail against the outside. It seemed as it it 'Vie ..111010 salter, • Gustavus Ven.. circular tide , 'trimmed with bettlete ' tance: front effete. ' : . . eg :tns.olglifer crotegela litoltinitsrleitilfr.edigel th'ibreltheveao%:aar liesri:liorrl carry. -• he 'would '.. :_ti!ir Z. 010 PrgOigg J`egitkler1 to the Vatican-. -,t ble box pleated froat and back welt. th ,110111en-Halbeit, comes til IS blue-blooded eta hands,- tritching the battlenterit• Eleven yetsete:. •ItaVe been Imre* ", ,..A. constant use of laxatives. This alinor- hesitate to order flogging at any time, :1Imilssd$4:pasresk$eretoanii: sjeeintligAhnatie B:illeyi °the' 'shed .edges of the little Etort coat aa. xo. illa ,a00- Of an eeetelV gale • "`',"• teal conatTiori Was finally.radicallY modl- here th la singledayited ' gometimea 1 - , as it 14S the punishment of a slave, and oldest girl In adman, out to see what the companyIng ii. - . , 1 Mabee . bones are vettalted up MI the ii. .1 ,„, a to the use of honey in place of Aceordioh or sunray pleated. Whitt hee,ehei as It kTeu'l StrnveYntd had been :her sugar imtha: milk " no Englishman ought to be subjected to matter was. Annie patted Wily on the Made from handsome: deslgoaat •pielde htio hare. by the seta , .',• ,., ..,...,_._ it. vate circ ,Caltadai, for pri- - Mita" Preston-- eatitie `rdfintag but. atid Dant or his re-- .frightetialhat She Sofeititi&r. ogilln. " .bac.W.,....atinnot, her. airinic qf water, .. plaided silk. They lava broad Eton 'eed• _Ii,tt.;0, atnkweltreal"v".''44ating.4c'r.v."' -Mh-gf)tillafr: ...dr ates nrfirkle but It ditt no goo&-.Raoleattileetvas• so IllYrefalfothVallre&hr6W-ter-butek; 7•1r Is odd that: Oltat 0UthialVereekrirt• er . ' ' ...-.'colored taffeta, :coats.. piped- •with (he Mitta of the eaetillz*ael#0,11t4,,, .ebeeSt-LLYer. : •.ROtilig.7*-Witi'fillg-'VEk: - -- Itte'ett:lwr 1.1=1 lam, tied with .Windier ties of 'plaid. - -gime *Mira. . -eee fibegidee: on Which 'Wit' eli--1W-Iiiiiiit•ii6he., elate -them iiir among the Royal as' soon as she saw tehat . the trouble the, mittates. When they burn • . bathe' Feltaly tt Others of these coats are fashioned: Welder. stand )0 'As. more eroded hy them in Water ttS hot tie cart be borne, persona) friends. with circular shanefl PePhInts .. shOVI 'it „SNOW:Oars then .arly. part', Of the ' open with a dash of witch -hazel in IL After wag, she pleked Mitly right up ha her In or to improve their marksman- arms, ag if she were a little baby, and • git relsedaveletUnkattggesteig the: • :teas; :tn. 'attailiNe Weellter .. atd, Oat. glee., . erd Kesteven has inalted Jae. ran.with her, across the street and into , weeping, bathe them in rose -Water, and etre' modes and I as )(toe Meng as • t e:6aira water. three treat. , Vessels. heve lay a towel wet. 01 resewater over them members of the Stamford (Lineal Hine -a drug store. - -• ' - - pony teats.. They are cansatent with, t)een loet. Atte in• •., day, elle of theln neither. however, and .heve an. Mdivid; 'With most. of ter- for dye Minates. When they ere. blood. Clue tee.ellord, the young reeks oh his ' The druggist -poured out grime milk lumds as. wen.. The estate et Caseeii.a. flail. . lathy of their own: - The Peplums ere taastin, for thigis the loft° .or the tides yellatv.- and tee euPils dull.. Moult- the *et, sleep Mere: Whinifte Whites aim The use of motor -cycles in the United r tit , outde ta d, faced with plaided •stilite *bile the coratet , And, (he •.dreeded' eandi trellis :that are Kingdom is largely. on the ' inetease %My thought she hcaotediatia, but Miss Into a Cup, and put In some hot v,tater. shaped belts.. Of the Same, plaid, are, 'nlwaySz., Shifting; , . : •"' • ' dialler about youdiet.(says the "Moton:CyClel, but foreigners Preston said "you tuust, quickr In Smite Instances, suPplentented with, , 4 kelp W111,1aelfient Mt. et the chennel - t/ ..,,,,,,,..... are capturing the trade, as the first it, wide bretelles tterained. with ., . ge he the chi -teat -40 Wetted ',ott one 4 . FOR THE THROAT. English inachine.s, are • practically fela h l's :HU. as•thoutth,%. lent heed sponge the neck, threat, end chest with Th.e,par. lair of St, -the As soon as the hot drink touched the ststentles. of length. The milts and On. toier she has oediett the eroand, that lemon -drop; it began to It. • ' - TINY VELVET BUTTONSe. ra I. e 8--ee ` ---' ' g — ' Every morning; ' befori dre.ssing, isteng or -thee() sleeves are at 'distinctively - bath towel; not only -will this. make you cold water, and 'rub dee with a large the kingdom. According to the report veer for the rest of • the day., Before the drink was 11 down,' the 'Sleeves still reale bewildering Imola aravea her "coo, orml, to03.1ottees .ore, ' reached up throttgit e • venter and Stepney, has the highest birthrate in throat was all right, except that it' felt n -the -East; lemon -drop was down, to, end Miily's trimmed as possible and reach the hetet i sive win he cetaelltal ..riglit . over and less liable to. take cold. but -it wilt-broad- 0(eirtheration Upon the-eleevee of he 4 'T.- eh the chest and. fill out the unsightly l'afstfirortilight"t7itItiellittfetiatelit 67 per r-1-,0111lIS deep. ViOlet:colorea •Slik b itgaline gOVat i happened te the great /action: inerehent thie James and Mary...atter which' one • . 8:hPoltria,,eesh'sce istesr4.me for eating candy In . Miss Preston kissed her. 'I dont 'of ' tneeee adbriling the • lingerie ' frock.' A :' minder tot •beyen0-4,-- '-r-ehry . A •f— tones:. bee, .04 te :bee beam ends, • his efiltee fawn with tee -possible exteptieri little hollow. The throat also will poen annually. . become round and firth :, , or he 'nest ,thotlie 10 lite river is Vet -UE 1:51' WATER. HERE AND TURK, ' tshe said, -.....e think' you wflf ever forget this leason,'; , „, oantea. No.tageterairtarineeteoulel von- , .7:- . U his vegeta*. Ille''PROPfleads • colt' beauty of the eomplettlete It should be "The lessen?" said Maly. "Why,. ,I ture' to ;Agog* thA.Hooglity, J•4 kites ' ' water Is an irtialuabli; aid to '-'''• 1 the Interesting Pact* From All Parts 01 1110 remember just how it looks now: Most WO:0401a td. iheir kind th the morning, and between; Inertia in -getter. ehle. to ,Otte' itethe ,Corprefair pilot's, the The Church Of England has an In - %Weld. 'I can see the girl run fast.'" taken before retiring, Ite. well as in the • ous rplatitities. : At least three Pints a Come .of X15,000,000 a year. World; Hut even- 'they are not Infallible' day shook]. be taken, told it may be ea Only one.couple in over 11,000 live to mixthea,palt, ot tar veserets yeatge. rind 'often. ground a ship, and the most • . ther hot or cold. celebrate their diamond wedding. front'. evaoCto ' oa ela lb -d -se ad' All the. blood in a tnans body pagSee SALT BATHS. -..-...... through his head once every two .min - six years to teeth A pilot for this work. few runes In the. calm Water. It lakes , . ., utes. When -restless at night and sleepless, About 90 per cent. of the tea exported • IN 'le VAST Doit"t:t1. TOO, The world. track anywher An European be found. most soothing and conducive speeking peopie. . a hot seat. With just before retiring gni] from Asia is consigned by English. vaiterg, ter sae:passe* vett . ti_leaa- to sound plumber. The eir is so pure in the Polar re, ly lost, la at• the 'very arteettatatt *Oak tweitan the ittetter,o1 a 0.,..104,t, Per- • • . , ' ' ta • .. - e, unknown there. ' •• grans that throat and lung diseases ere ' •!• • Whiett .r610110. ' . . • lend. The Thartlea' ll •I o hlagh ' PltINCE OP WALES' "ZOO.° "'the mouth. Peru, and Wa.S introduced luto Noland The potters is a native at Chile arid by air Watter.Baletgb. , lite highest point to which a human being on ascend without itiVolving' in- jury to health is 16,600 feet. The title ''coltinel" Is derived from the •Spantell. The liana le .escorone1,4 which !lion. may ecceent for 'the EtrilLsh prenertekt. • ' The 'King 'of the flelgiang Mtdte.se only olle .appearance at public. woothip..der. Ing ,the course of the year, That It oft the atihkrepare of his accegilion to the throne. embroidered: ?talons or rh ;tiles. They fora a sort of - toerittic fit I tracing its descent to :the tW II century, but other - o aviaufd be regarded as aa undesir- eeplietner for Uthheiress. UndrOdsr aultere- larva .beeravandia •ItraPA hand. They: ;Wed Pe noes) dukes, 1mm:terabit) emelt, genlueere-and.so he but Praelein Krupp refused them Mae Ineleted ett choosing a husband reline -tee thiedietetea•of,her hearia er Mother, relatives, and guardians 0 at Mat opposed to the matc4) but Welt+, ,itrOPP remained firm, and Galata here eArl why. • $5,000,000 PER. 10la: the ,sele owner of tie world - letter) Krupp Werke, at, Essen-, which ply nearly cal the mules and navies earth With Her worionen her 40.000, end with their familieg o over 300,000 people dependent Sta The entire city of- Estee, with a der- of a anfilien Inhabitants, is her eity. _Her, income isratated be tficl,d00 a Ye*r. disql ea, Jesus waled their attention to apla the •, tibiae which they th!anselYea ha back 1318 dlemplos shottlit aeautne:a. toward Wis Went. astray, inte sin that is, abi -,ter.stunditing.11 NerSe*.,10.40). ; ;del that -they should hint:Seek in *yeti:403s- hid 011/10 Waft to bring an erring brattier to aohl tieknowledge and forsake tits evil Nver lort et -retinae! Peter 40 Ask the • eurshoth .flow oft shalt' brOther Sin apdfiSt- ethi inc. and. 1 forgive WI . .It 1110.4.V-Actiording to liebbinical Wer reit% no one could ask forgiveness of his Pea tielgither Molt then threce•tates. Peter, ilea prompted IT a generous Impulse, vem tared tb Suggest ono, Mere. forgivphisS then twidd itm Manlier peritiitted by the Si Ilebbeiletti role. , • • • ewe „Vie' See6;10 • tiewe Sevin e- bifida° atm Mullber Of times is (Ile real. meaning . oli 041 the 04000 or Aso.. :II* limit to 10r.. outri gmt:ong had ulrotrar':heen polriteit ,0ut .toah by Idea in Wastes. 1.17 'of- tele• -.cheater.: her. Tho Melt Is, rtico- by, the- altitude of -the- Vat one mmtniterig tile ameba. An Arta:teal- PreP tent . spirit f411. the 'part of the wrong- doer maltea possible even lite pro Sti forgiveness, but where- eortilW and ,reperittinett aro fund, there is 40 be no , • 23.,, The 'Attar° given us in this verse is of On Wield* valet, (hWertiOrS% and fanners 'or tam, and other Oifteera Of the king ere summoned Into the Meal ptesehea tm,give an ateatine el their eid- ministtattea. Setertilta-Literally hOnatseivants or stoves. $0 threughout the rierrattve. Eveey Subeedintite ot an ` Orlerital mom arch is Ids Slave, 14. Tolents-Probably the. Attie talent: Is hero relerred to, in Witreit Mae . the aniount WOuld be approximately $20.; 000;,• ' , •9.t. ' Iled not, wherewith to pay -The nriniltur. of .0 word In as the word i'vehemwith, is plated in this verse, indicates the( the. weal doee hot mile, la the atiginal bet is edded to irtoke the meatillig clearer In Eng11011. tottemanded , Mtn to be, tad, and hts, Wife, nod etttterto-meording ,ertzel etti40111 CI the tittle% Worattiped;;'-flowect down th bite; ,N1-4. net rit„Atilitible abelganee Merely, riot tal act 3100.51314) 111 talleilotte aease;: ' POrgete the' debb-The tellte, of the ward. tergeve here 3s1.%Veld end tentitt,OSsitily Oen hunting :oat. his telltreasereard: -• • tt. --(Medea • ellillInatealatetralle -4- 4 ;Ulf* dltd deltarli. denartus Wits; ‘v.otlrf, haw, About soyehteol cents, lii actual tutr,4 'chasing NOON tionteiter, eine Moulted' for &oath Was egnicaleilt tO 0011: %tee, Vette mealle witeee toltiett ordinary Itilitirer., addll The WOOL ot the intlebtetinesa, 'there., stey :tete. for; one NVinv was' .npnatentlY et eft-ohl tang whit.", tax ,ftnnotftr, \on .11eve , „ . lied- *Wandered- 1 ie '.tobtdous shirt. of Tit nomy .011.1100v, weft Very .anutil. Andi paylitefit of the AIM Within 11,th 01 . 31, tits tellowiserrunts«I.In tohlity,the,_ real .0110,,e•servanto.ior both 014,5to• ; Their loritr)e...1.ting;: ..ent ratted bitai,,,Tho iturtalb Whale ti eana hid aattilled tile. thattenee.delil. -113 tha•tteft*.e kit le:tilted. 'Ita atam tio 'WO' tiler) ti Steto •Wic'h 111°4.- _ . . nwr. wattt arcuate, ma old and geltig nut vd 1150. To the torincolorg-Tlitete Whose css waestri truel .thtnialutient In tte•-"ortlatnee with" the 'dorm's...et itter ng, , _ 'i. Irorn yohransI 43y• g e handsome selapesseSsed .01r1 et 'Monte -ewe, with lovely Me heir .and ,fieticed. at- Siterry'S' •tactet was ,iumlo bright tnarkilog 'eyes. She is AIM .Witb forkreed .• einem ,enado, Amor* 1,401ifolgt.killodoeluneitt.!:htehatirtu:;:eadtirrt.ba.:10„wcittatelheteottgnflatiee,N:4;,artatakati:nirpbbl :She 00.'ve. 1th hetuthther, e,,h.tleh„enVtibile;‘,IenhttbIllkisteviMatdablinfflotZlitT4fielletan4ttreerie "at tleghetetth ihtighlhgent' attlea ot th ;fee 'ad u .ters .nt the earth, but her private apart,. litrelaeMliki!ealtegr*atheret11% 114.00.111talga:thwel!4foolar rr, :1111,41in.egpititei-tetisinv-g.t?,oxinitp-4.1S.P4,, ,10.iftinr:otne,,4406;w7lovithitirinittite.Mtafte:b..ttl:, Omits ot two 'smell Vieille -ter: tollndueitGiosot,e4.111terotzt„.,pshohlutcht4.1y. ttio,400;501,1;kot, 41.110.4 Pais' vie.vve4h6..teas,t: h::04 oreatitig. a delleate uralentleetti •of net rather, has always taken WO %Ova,' frilled With Veltinefetntek'bece nit 10,,Vrattehr 10494 and It was under (110 colored gown Sounds Ike note ot spedia,Proteetleit of MS .hialestt! and Clt.: rt-ItLif km violet' ' Abe EniliresS that alle niad$ her debut th• ,>0 ,:'01.6:10glec.ingravna:,:ktatteorlitooff..wth:it•trb.1,1111:: Balla aectete. . • ot theblorang, 'vat .Made of Maefitest centered' hreea' betteate: : • WM.' ON RAfttilate. ▪ • tittle ati: • e ,itereor tiiotot ketisileVelit at MO- affeetatietis .„, trinitningsi, 1Netellotith Wales 'win Try 40 Shoat yards titChelled .-toettloge or,the' opt: .out • theatellitig lite sole 'lgartiltere, .:taventice: Colored silk parasols .velt deteeteined .attempt :ftt •be Amoy' hetet of lace to Match. - the tint were t..41.4010,:Mal 111&' 11111111. pest hi shown; oe tvett ee varietY-Or hots; hi (he hitrothlettoe ot adt• le -vender, tolitta,,;.coilataisect ot, ititta,eLtillttetenolatttedea,ovilliatttijodusisenzw en-Aktowitt .0Strittior otiti.seutinntilig,,e't4e,r4704 oteuirpolotl• Sobt'art, 'AlOth DattY$24'4•11th 'Paaer :14' ..lee :btos8001,1r else 14044 ,tatoteal- Oita!, lute 'et Parte. end ill.kk.',Otnin,..otLIA0'.: ehit iattuttwor'actot ebeptlhd Whittled teriolOglet ;.bus -lust, ;orrbitIL.wItty ala ,tta`' lirtninget and .,.:;bYttbilitti furr,,,tclot,,o, outman. nutillittiles i:01„,.ssewestilitartitnewittedull .01,1ftssl000ropeast. aveupwpolettaxiatibboted4s'w. tt,a.t4tIthelet exhfta ('Ver n period Or tive,:ieetire; :Bats. Ot allee .• • Or. 'Maas* t•• ha. well'terattnereikt, iis terviees,' tee) ,ptila i13. ada e, IS kii,000) and he reekive het -81,000 ter, evert itiouttt 0.t XitirtAn10. Ailstraita, ..tiSsistant tt. (Iwo mettility Satiny of WO, for tfte. po • ot. ' If$11,1? 101014 OrDretillitter4 'Which" ttemeui get litele'beikaa itheat' fetthatathetit tilletaanat traleg Wirth ow fon on 4, unto* 3,rtootlit040000, 1.tovetst4.,,.*041.rtiel titikit:istietriportlta.,./*Iett Ilkaittoidt,11314..:i4otittnoiltneest,tolboirftrsimormottiftatearr 111' ilIOi'UliItt'(t 1'13131141t thi 1,41,vo,,104 sftmft WM% were Me 'beacittlid maim: es there **hone at! pre.' Ira 4004 Ittrnettirett th* Wet*hi":" on lite 'Aslant - It Is an .0sentiat. Mon+ ht.totmse That the,germ cub .5111111 hft to,:rablitia 03713-. '1110 40114 1)0 1111100MM 10 loom ha - shop, pitlie, here** and otherlive 1,,i1111% . renre--,:lbteeloti arra iderretleateetl.. hat pair Whet would say I esitzett lent ter ;yea' Waif , lariet ••• No..1 haven't. Ile never lista End kilter of language Wore'• hilik itte!thetr. who moutiitt.'t telt ta. 3111 riti• Ilk We IAA taioit tip tha 44 an advarlaslati foot. toy * A kapte wear saveatip caar until niw'ra,r'4 hse ;tassels's* all thet hie oottwe avers • dbatenest. Trotter !lbw*. raw llama bare raw ta roue beide, y *Two Iowa aaft 41W Th• Mesta bra* Ma 00 taw headrest #111 Tronalr. 1 ntenlIettnt • a wall depertmeal of Wad is tewt vet we etaa Th•ii are tviewmoo, rip ate. .11`the eite $11W rem* 914, gme I* dors 14 Tho bell% ee lite Emperor idoeletieft etiVerfal, Mere hilt.* *more Milt,. tontalhed; beside% fiumenat beans, an ilionsatais of 'Marble recesSes,.. theatres, ,timiples; behold for teitsthia 6t6e14„ • .• • - pronteoades.plinted.witti.treeatlibrarteat. 11, eclair'hardly-be exPected Mot sucit &e110014 tar Yabtb „. *MA atoderat6 _tar, drateaSh stle nres itnuld leave (Ile rib, ibe digthssi90$ 01 10f ItaktOd. Tho bit 61,411 nod freaen .0teitt Itidustriesft. bathers sal on marble benches beloW kliffevont,, and Illere tea *kende sips et the stureee of the ;water, Around the Nab tt stAltitt agitation :against the imperf« Of the hasittlis strolling lllettlielvesewith nuittA. Wag tipett tire aksk, .knives or metal and ittry, and. era Government to pithibil lite tainting taking ticelf$10111t Phittitt 13'3t14 th* ilte gem tuft/hes,. -cti,''ifiltiat'k hitt, " " 14 teutitY Proolsitnta to be hostile la ingdpoted notoatts wnnl4 60flid OM* rev, 1140f% and lbe Watt...trim tireeteti dislk to the bath. atiitilalt •Mist 100711 deelarr that they wilt lake lead ortion .meor.Inillilgenre 131. NIII0S IOC ettetairt Itreet %let limece.thjaelate„thert. Thr' nrieht-ivetere.-- Evoryborly, oven Empeenr• heed lite46 bathe, widen were open lo,evervime who Mato to pay the E161,1s11 INDISPE.V.00.11L11. Mee ttt aciattwiett. It Wog. vavt altati Ilw Ihec a14I Itattwati to hive halite in their twatita, Ittnalb ta a 4ide1511it ,s-eara betare that. et 3.50a NOR ba• Wok Artlettrri •Intint 000k It* Itobtenft ht-antimit Ah.•494401;na port:- *YR thr Amen- °term %Rd 1h44t 41"9" $43Plit'd Arott‘teneral ,0:int NON* (11 terraaatts. Waihatainak The authertfki a *3*4 li Ihr Met, 1111 iha -meow- The study of Ow NOM ken: Misi Ewan road --"rd 4141*' (13 labs r,ste en at elsomeN of snorer. Fr,. oh& A (343.330 at ,),otte tient Mild el 'OM*? 11 ,41A#40 111e,eNetwavi-elow.4 • le nag**, Vernier TIOnvIt-Ull riftht-el yew NM erermerta ee the 'Vaethertnea. err there the *Me Mete Kalleera reimad6-- 12 iembae4 theiviattria p�..a. Mak *SIb.lhe• rithltInt bint :1•11ent4iNo In NM ta *war at el•ktik#011f4h gikvirid: rim* -00 an 'Ow grain of Ito -takv lkoi- rt77feit; tilt Mat ye two how ardimia. gable ILt „Alla 4111411111. 430437 37 wialait, the tart that heariF 4'at»37ilt at 'the sitim.bra. UMW to mat how Mavis") Is earrieeLew under it* rhitivh arid Ahem, beisrlidei a 0, Foreland,0003 M gate, to. Orford bless In sage*, ,has the battceestrecord for, •:•Wt•'eelte- In the *brae Weida. 11. Is not. ,auctia doily petit its , the race,' .but the afteritmea -network ettandaafillthe SOMa' .•htindretts of a:elate miles 01 Seat), •With 'tettlY narrove deep.water :`,01tarinels .bet, fatten theme plck .:up more shins than any other; • Is thee:1'100ra dangerous than atelta oh teemlet ef Ate 'great eatent. 1104' tbe,abgehet...of. *attires that it 'Of there When. covered by Ites.,tide. Stnikeft nd aa' had: air payentehLattil *Ili 'break tiltip% back like a car- rot in gale Of *ine1,1, just as it cracked 11 splendid bark of 1,2.00 tens Mt th. toad Sand lain. Year, in thie-itery triet, InettitiOg her In two 'parka righ amidships, So btut is ..this T'bortite-mOuth . trac that in the. admiralty -«vreek.bitartsthe bitek spots. that mark Ike wrecks er 1.ft tihMeroii$ that they, rantlbt. get In IP „:Plithee wilhotit 'touching 'each other 'oild look like .it.hitek Mess, .death-trap :Of the.„ distriet (1:42 Ki'illieIi ktioelt, a' sand that hes crr- lainly *Crollitted In 016.:Itlitht trite' for 1118)33' 'ft vessel '.poStelf..tntsatigo4briiken 3)4: in.111e dark hears, Vanishect. art4 heal -ht. 11 vitat riti the ''',Keittisit hltocit tetht Mitt the. greataliter Dentaelio' latid,,.we'S tolaily wrecked. Those IvIto immotaiti when a gapIs led neat, that' the lortgehorouteil 40 Olit'ire'ld ithe •tea., elle. Itiattlea-the-hreiek sand, to., he of . beech tiontewliere Remarkable :Collection of Animals end • The &teeth. .Shititgir!Tsa' eh.; eine' recen't; • landed in tertdon the witd animate; •PLIP1.4ince mot dWaTet:detrintIshieent•e4tOn-rt°In.rh. dia. 11 18 not large .eolleetion, and meet of the tatiMalte, are. *Mite Yennit. They were trapped by the *Wan(s of .cithbeeistilimanYce toitlidhillellPrintette 104tIftakitesh?AlitlirgIndill his tour. Here is Itst of the beat of the .Y•teeho°. 1,114)a Oiio fillTwo iototiougrot:,4dok'wn' tentai,e tiger, Two Toro Einnitayert bear Ohs. TsVo turritel sheep.' Tam tiler gotta TWo albino loarkieg 'deer. ,rlaaw-atr.ohoilelelghtvetettonart,eisoinet. „;•• ('Inc ,Atitehar lieer. Five aritelePett, stimase taiihuoilliotant,atelttliumite,10,00. .‘26vnInilisuitsekepdeeWelie, Otte, Tibetan', Motif() 'Two:ground thrushes; tit the Kehl Meet. • the knock, ea tv. Phellia4 • -ft• purple itheatehte. • CefadI. 111* 2P initeq rt"104: l*Httotar6001 11713 ge,43:111)1107'11!4°3 • pita when, 31 altili,Strikes flf 11 ,3* 114,/ VirenOotoo Mbollorl;, no lifeboat- or tugger fleeter Itee• 1131113 One fithbeepettfilhela, marger,',„netirly so, iles. „ Those 'Ohara- the, _etrkltert 'Vessel find. fi!ngrihosill4T16916Ylvellf4P4e1114hininValiinI13' Enendt"ivnit.: 'the& 'tat" .m1a1c001.40;.11,1/ILeIrgei611A114100`4.04 eelitta'-efely-Oweatelifetele-ebitela-Milareta, ides were tattled Safely. Sonic Of the Phellattala died on the voyage from want BACK TO CROMWELL'S DAY. The People's League Angered at -the House of Lords. House of Lords must be abolish. That is the ititeet cry amOng the Masses of Great Britain. In labor ditties fOr several weeks ahem hat, been out- spoken anger •aad, Muth ef teeth agahlet the Lords for turning down the aliens bill. Now the old` People's league has been revived, and already nunibers some • tens of thousands In all parts of Ole country. Many members of Parliament 'oft the: Liberal gide:ere open- ly 'helping the league, and all the Labor thenthere and labor letiders...ealevairldng hand tilid«glove with...it. The elle and • only rata "of the League is ,tet emelt the abolishment Of the House of Lords 113 at present leettatitated, , • - The petition pet IW CircidatiOn sys. •tematteally by .itto Leagliettla receiving ,thousands of signatures daily tre Lon., ; dere Ireland: and •Sootlitrid. The new .The Czar of Aught owns e map League may make psor fat to:the fall France made owt of, preolotta istooes... :or in the areng Of nest, year; ;Eltould Paris represen diaMead); there, by any, chance, •ht, fitil of aoraetioe, by an -opal, Militants- bY - end, general election etneratil. and ,so ' the next year or. IWO, it would The peoge of the. Willett :ides are 'nett not, ;he .tvilrPrisittil 110 the ':ttholittOn insured . by bbiely.ax coinbanies to mft Mum. Of .uvd$ .004*We-oho. eetortarto: •lobe; A941.819./P4.-' This Leber party. " does het.itiolude lite figure* Of COltadia, The 'petition to' .fite House et and Orden eonlaalliett. • * :MOO, how in Atolveraid .ciretilatteri, la The Oster* hot nitteh larger 1000 hie .M.lariet as folio -WA; heitd ot 010 when .1 fortnight old, it.V. 1. That theta Is in Parliament niteusa the 'end Of tiur.Yeare-treVellt Gt. ittopoositos .10,Aottfttergi known oo uY Mr the Markt ' tera Iles to. ttie 'age - trent tifele he ',years. ititeat novelty • vegetables is bitiCk .potato, *Mot, pas been &tit to„8. wettitforo therehiett• at tendon. .Thtit ..eeemitrki Me*: Mune from the Cofigh, and Said to bier/ ell ,eiteelent, learnt • ••• ' ' The -Beitieleatreelarreeetletheiribillte,292' egradistrihathig' atellehle rhiand.to better,tha Valhi*/ fildtatry: (tett* COM. try, Over three lhoutObut iv-10041gs *tete had last, year promote lath c poultry ititereste. The only ,eatattly yalleb„ :does not viee .fit That,the illeethers of ittle fiellitt ard 1110ItlY' ,' lieredita*,.. ettOttiMMX etith other 133? oeipgree., or Mete, Mittitif 'MCA teMiatta, A • • , ' .. • •, . ' - .. 3,'•,:• That 44oh , Mud ideation for 'eoliths ,14:trivehstitittlhel:slmit:'oenota' rentoeteutat:otuntegli:to: 'perfonVall'ever: the-Wor14. , Melt: lidielltOthe hit Ihn, eYok 1..rreost . to totolefes ,.Oppreigieil the 'PeOlde Or thetie islatide, by the reaming ot bad' . littre and, itielelection or mutilation it Such lost at ham been erlbehleareSI ". pubile to utteu: 4crosettaes. tititlIgtoethht litlett14401vb::::01:: boa' ;5',,y.Titivtist*elycluch:NiXotet'th•..,:ti,t1SPorY iPieLiritin.h.f: Olt 01114 /a TorkeY, velikii.10. allowed the commonwealth your., honorable !..tottoottclufk, hemtifery,:;;',teoltsters - tewati . *----craMs,TIP:11-*k• ''' , ,.., q .., ,. dangerous; :. atvd that lite Milton ift. ANIMATED, latillifIMPI 4Tri'l : ini "It ttffid' 1"41151Ii 6114 ti l'ildng' 'hes:m*1°16 8"11.4tt 'Ablee;•'44(itk's tAllr lk"Wntic*"t4"iiittidi*Inliit ah3144tbrukhhi: ortilinterettinot%,Patio144417moriY43thr.:400161.',:. ' -vend' -1-t"--.iii4rigitpe'itilti.-11-lecilyiiiititrtsate.1441. 41-i.IVII-i0iil'ill45-eft-iitilii'ailSkiti*-11UrVIttliLgt7ed-Atti---elnlisitilillmtlitet.e4.11°'4cown.letrit"sbellittgcheihnlirib3gk.t.41Wdetit:Iiievellyto. Ito the .. incipat.resorts this surorner. Sart ^tie, Plitheild treet,' tottleit,deer mitt The,..VIctoila stodt, loretictr ottifoliter ,ortpoototatlierfor tzgeowdoktviduatt:: violgoidotutrisottykep:Ititterilltheitt:r#040:v Intel ges: :1 4.1:11 :gm:" ie,,s:kirdiL., it Ot able 'boa* "410' Mitre 'said Athlete -of - of thole politehulating 'temtPewptatea or. Tim, wild NOMA *Pent the voyagte on so; or thorit Noakes, ae satkore, 1 hot eadna %lied. People toll disemva very tostly, theyotirti vent auftictilt 10 'fig ;ftat;ft a January to... Sete : there I - Pairlierftentlo Iska . -11telealtaltee, hatlitaellt N.; the business. 1:anent:Oil, . ' ' Dien' oftli MO lifriti" tit" tla , teak Mete in rAtt MO*. elehhoted d614•1161/11‘ 10 &II'S' (*Cent the ntiett lidding dirk wilted In strong • twee otultitn throkai, *holier.' oft clothes with their Tell** swam *1 (3* wooden otgehai.irven•harredo The WOtrek* militant taped!, WWI Mel liotell, They wilt, 11313*1* able le drag eiephant . miry Rands' about M. WA_ ,, Ibk. 0AL in the mope a the litto they are rote-. end it is tea anattE la Mr* Ileauttnd the' ' wading. • ' gii4" , •*elreatrtl of a *Woe0k0i0t he, etettaid r&ip ut-.0stobsuettt 11 7e7 Poroor et 41204 ;hal ta oThe Ai ateur:6;rdesr-1wiw"ti*"t°1"gallha:P""1": mai,n 1 an traY, whi.choek rhvIaksi e eawflly dry.'4fa. feeOrgailrarteiC rtl„ite031•41y kew lototetit 10 43044 *1178 riaonr by Mkg hsMeek �4 A43 whatikiywapal*X* Ievg*Matteratglet ilttkor 0 ENGLSH, ete rmb lelary t ark Iter A wan a 1 rtil• yr, 111