HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-06-22, Page 3'.: ' en!, 7' -- ',V --...
11114444S OM*
Malt Tait AWOL
111111.1100111 1111111MOTANT
geelliMMIOSILIg PRAT PT 0141410011 *TWO* Otrit OP 114804
' 110011"
Vow* 10,1140ak4010 ha Tleigadi The allgeldWeallitie BAH $1
• 00011100011 1101rateger The* gime Baliallifee
/10010011000 Ott ** a* dt Ito
et gome lifsimolees reett
Mit IONS Is ‘404.00,
W410004, Is 11411t, Kale Iteref ot the tea* Fresoleilis
Wonder * Use &outer kes bees Pretti thereughly,
lamp, * liaslaaataett cettage. plentlede Utreeplted tatt by Wm 14ove, but aide ota-
eanetireeted; 1104 004110440 At OR*. ttues tunt ine140.41. Of the OP ter -
Wised Meta - roe whieh throw a, lieW and lideretitillg
Mr, W. Os. Coelheil. the eirrettettr bead' .1.141* 00 Viewing In Se leper.* Mi-
er, Inta IWO thirty-nine Years fiery Poeta. will croP eut uew Sod IOW Pre -
it the poet -oast 10.* travels ltahly tor years SteOte. One Wry—
*healer et live in the mottling to ainott- the story ot the pesmogers tna the
land, abont eight Mlles *WV,. delivers liteithiehip Pere, 00101 id-
itte Mal* Balt.Paillt AIM WOW*, end. to the bey Arm/40100 atter the esx%,
ihili rest of tIW 40 free unlit $`,50 qUelos enek fte LOY eleated the city Item
Wbete ha tettirne Streed. Ms _Ow ralle Val Ita Owl *Ad here la
Wain* momosts ho hes- built the What tee Meijer A. 14. fillteldneelt
Thit*Wharte ..et the tinelertildni ie re- elites shOut that teteildent, toltevil in
matiotNe, boa Vita a ISOY OrldrarlitldtS) Meath
had hal right head enot liviay by fr, gtin “A, Mau I hake& wi% Ine Other ,day
but he 'entered the Poat,ottlee, and. has
heen regerelad eit Vilushle lierVarde
'The itMerearrie Whim he wanted 4 hoose
built Mr ItiMselt at StrOod. wee
demo, but 'not to his g4t, to
`work to Maks 0, better :int
goti the 111410. And Hien drew big
own ditOgne tt• hOnea at Slittlinitl.
Theite were pasted, by the perish oatin,
cil, :First Of ell lekl'fietvn eolid
Mendell= ot Cement, Which. he got'
end Itatalared fen the hoilding#
In 4, pony4spi 010 Of Ide AW11-
atruetion, he drove over to the cement
workit ewe Week end purchaitederdnifill
centeot to Mike utteaut for his purpone.
lie Mek he bee been. ten Years
11011041g "The Coars” he ettlie IL „
, Ile, with hie one hind, .091114ea
thonsands or 'bricks, whielr, he -carried
uP two ut tiMe, until he carriPleted a
strong building, which would take a
San Franciede Orthquake to OverthroW,
PIS two beeSdavid 1000 *4 As ths RONA et filearieliattlate Wild*
la greeter or tem haeti heen, oesittuoted for litairly * Year
proud event lark- 1W Dr. Alex* curet end _Dr C. Ce
eitee Preeelos 14*a Old** tie the .PhY140101.041
mislemskast blow Militant It hew toms. Lsissettery *t ths Voiveretty gtt.
Oloolos billitoOlk bits Eirs17 10 well Ow °age, diuoverimil We been Mode Wet
omen et Lewd ,A.NW and Lerd -Lyn& promise le revoltittenno WPM.
*get ItIttele. sad Midges 104 White ell tee exPetioseitle hue be*
1.tene. PegerMed Ott doge, the oh** Wass to
But renter Isits It been so numeriee.Uy asoartain Metleade et aergery Vitt Weld
Arend se It hist noln since IWO, end be, otted on fittnian beings to transfOrin
but ict the tiesi width lute Osgelfed Itil; algae Into Uterles, tritosplut omen*
Unlonlitt PartY. woutd be stronger WI and WM' to eubitinde the eller* and
. been For of the ooloritaLeenclidatto In Win* Of IA ante* Mr this 44010
the fleld at the leta Metal aleetton the ertertee and Vele* Of Is AIM. •
AltialtlettY Were IOW reterielet At the, 'Patient Urea Ors, Ceti* ah4
OUthrle ere 'watching NM ttoaert delta
tlgt1 are aPPereettlY Hutting wtth. their
• otrr or PROPORTION.
The nufaber Of ritenthere Fitelitimatit valits and arterteet trenaPiieeet in Varteue
*Cm Over*" Ma, twelve:\ never beee Wail. A1110)34 the Meta discOhore0
proevartton to the atrwagtla or the the eurgeone are Uwe
rfekinies. That to stiy, boa not Jo.
erased with their growth. In 1857 there
Were lex eolontel mem** Of nut ;louse
Consmoris, and there Were, Si* in
Utl7- OW Ind there Wire
m4Ttioro. 'oPEnAvoil.
Ths trenspiaritatien et vela* on
*tent" prettneree. froM' tteacttoteal
pond ot the traneitinnatten
TOMO, ertertet ' •
the *eat eVoute Ot the feet tee XrAnsPlanfe4* voIro 444 theal4Pfolf
,Tettra tled grciWing Illterilet1011.$1 pres- the new functiOna
Inut recetVeel entarratitttelmpente, , flee/ trier* tramp:tit the htOod
That le why colohial,•reproventetion in nanonottely.' After ten months ttlo
thits Henst 0a.C.OMMinut Was loge in Miletiert throttgh tile erten* la, epParo
4he Parliament. and WIRY there were entbe eit active '0 on the day of 'a*
410 Many new candeintee t.he field. Operati00.-
The aSeertatillad We are insignificant
IN LAST PAnuontrr.. compered withlhat the eXperfinentere
Cottelder the !metier to *Willa% Itoko .to':/tecoroP It by feMlYinfi thelr
were !lateen Menials. et Weemeinger MedMie fo Allman. beings, In a scientine
When Mr. Valfoue MOO*. 'Three' ree treatIse thee have Indulged Mt speemla,
;Bred. Sir Williera Doan.. Oen, Labrie, tiert te Only le Moderate extent, but their
' end Mr, 0, M, Drown, a son of qua of hYPottieses are decidedly. startling to the
the fathers of the Canadian Confedera. mind.
tiett, zhd et the, thhorh.whe„steed agate Thefhope by the tranBOantation a
ten ,weeo returne4, , ,„ vein 011 another,.vein to produce a delta
011.114, be 004104. 'Iherthree' who atlert of the 'blood from one part ot the
went under tn the gineral„wreck,wefie VanOUS .SYateM ta another, The eigold-
Ot11001:ets. One 'Wee , Mr. Berate' EaW, aanea.Ot atta)a deVlation ts that heolthY
late tinder -secretary foe, the tioar4 (f red blood 0011d be introduced into (mos
Palaf•alatal tt,a4111 044.41doorilo eve en; wIrre the hio..0e1 beeenle stagnant or
Trade. and. the. ableetadebatetr on tithed ufmealIhY. dbea hope to be -able- by
this devIation to cure diseases or the
Pettey efter M. Chamberlain,
The others. were mr. Leufs sinettur -kicheyv, and even of the brain,
arid mr, mut streyeit. bt the 2g new Softening of the brain is now incurable,
cendidatea for Paelletnent 13 were tariff but Dre. Carrel .and Guthrie expect to
wormers, of trtlem platy one was re, see UM time When by sending reet
turgIng through the brain they will be
turned. The other fear elected. were on
able to reverily the brain cells and re -
the ether Side. One. therefOre, ot ?le
store the paUent to a normal mental
, feat that the Ust of Colonial candida ea condition
at the reeent election was a record one,
colonial representetion in the Rouae is RESULTS EXPECTED.
lees, not‘geeater, thari it. was before the
If the discoveries are tarried to their
late Government went de the eolintry. logical conclusions` various affections of
Instead of the sixteen colonials in the the heart now considered incurable will
lest Parliameet, there are fifteen hi the
present one,
It is often assumed that colonials can
belong only to,one side. Ae matter of
fact, they are usually fairly divided be-
tween the mulles. Before the general,
electien Mr. Balfour had six coloniaa
supporters, Sir Henry Camebell-Ban-
nerinan seveh, and Mr. Redmond two.
Among the new candidates there was a
majority of Unionests, but, as it meltea
away in the general rout, there are now
I only four colonial niembers -who are
Unioniste—Str Gilbert Parker. Mr. Hen-
niker Heaton, Dr.1 Rutherford Harris, and
Mr. Arthur Fell; two who are National-
ists—the Hort...E. Blake and Mr. C. 11.
Devlin.; nine Liberals—Mr. C. Wason,
Mr: A Rapt, Mr. W. A. C. McArthur,
Mr. Hametr Greenwood, Mr. P. Molteno,
Mr. H. Foster -Boulton, Mr. A. C. Beck,
Mr. H.IT. Eve, and Mr. C. D. Rose, the
PoPulaa member for NewmarkeL
But whatever their:political opinions
may -be, -they aee never Little England-
- ers. Hence, wherever they sit in the
House, they are a source of strength to
the Empire.
As might be expetted, Canada carries
most weight in the preeent Parliament,
as -she did in the last. Of the fifteen
colonial members in it, seven are her
sons. The West Indies have one, and
Anstralesia four. South Africa, the last
of the `cotonies to make herself felt in
the mother country, has three, and it Is
worthy of note that until 1891 she was
represented in only one Parliament,
from 1866 to 1868, when a member t f
one of the oldest Dutch families im the
Cape Colony, Mr. P. Van der Byl, sat
for Bridgewater.
be quickly remedied. If your heaat Ls
not in the right place it will be trans-
planted. If your kidney or liver Ls not
hitohed to ,the proper kind of machinery
your veins and arteries will be dissected
and grafted together in odd waya that
will give new, healthy life to the tbs.
leased organ.
*More wonderful still, Drs. Carrel and
Guthrie, it Is deelared, have actually
succeeded in reversing the circulation of
the blood. The results which they ex-
pect to obtain from the reversal of the
blood currents have long been sought
by the medical world.
Reversal' of the Circulation in a man,
it Is said, will cure gangrene, which has
been the chief obstacle confronting sur-
geons in the healing of internal wounds.
Where ulceration of the lining of the
heart has set in reversal of the chain&
tion will soon restore the tissues to a
healthy conditIon by an increase in the
flow of blood. .The_ same result, it is
thought, can be obtained in the case of
any diseased gland.
have been confined to the- trausCianta-
tion of velns taken from the ,operated
animal itself. In time. however, they
hope to transplant veins taken from
another animal of the same series and
even from an .anlmal of a different
It was the wonder of StMdlend, thla
one -twined man building a etnemlete
hoeso. The villagere watched the
Walls ge up, and then the roof go on.
Finally he grit the eatniney-pots. on -
rind pointed and contented the trent, and
bad ritther * gnitaGY a*ParlallOa. No Was
0041M1 the City let Pere, Which errived
the MeglIng of the earth/VOW. All
the Pislertgers were Counting uP,
tattlettertill Oat cettbd g9 94torit, inct
g Wee lemetterie before theY iletieed thet
We' offleare of the shig were dieturbed
over something. No pliel earee to Matt
thorn, and When. they got Inte the bee
them wit* 401:40144 111011littr about Ps
10PPearenca, Toe OWE knoW that et
that t11114 tlie Wind Wei driving away
from them. ao that
end the usual lartdmarks—the Clitt
Hottee, Call building Mime of the city
halt end Ferry 1M1144,-itWere alt
ing. arid frearl * dletillee would appear
eau the tneemshlp slowly cern* up
the haY the appettrance Of the water
gellt was net teateitud, het the Oar
Vats strangelY deererted. Not a ferrilaoat
Or a tug wee int Sight; the quarantine
or oustoras-hotne boats did not come
out, and it was not till they approached
the Mission street wharf that they saw
the smoke, the wreckage ot the wharves
and a fireboat at work. Then a launch
apreaehed and gave -Minn news of the
disaster. It was a eitUatIon that a
:017:41:41,41.0,14441,40:1401:::4t11114;1,001):::14aC.W!..„.."14441:444:1,14:41,44iqath.d.:414011,44414iti*IPly4S"rro°"4"141:44:41::°)744upttopandig4 4741cillurciorlitri:lotioeltri:14:104":161k1:14114tr"4:4WIVIP:IF:1:114414440:14413141414.°444:!1. ''
. wan yes; we've posed au th011e etlhq
ww44.1“tetNoietat p4ptciwt:spataa.:tteetiolieetate: 03444to ittitterwogetit suititi,
witie,ti proved et- mine ot intereSt to nie.'
with geopesphy, tory, end *Mar
This is ths 041.0.0e that took place:
teringt".. - ,
aublectsP ,,.. .,,
' "What 100410 en Au Mt"
"You s,re. et 1,4 100y;. lett setio01 yetr
"qto0Silin Axil vrai' - t dO 'YOU *Mr .
"Typleferithtlit etterklialid outt.cpsig,
"Fiowoa, thorn, sM OoOdi but t
her you haven't lorgotten Want"
• Oh, :deer On." „
"OK yott do all yotir ovoid goosm wood Num voteh etopriold ei
ItYy. tn074 , _.:
DON'T KNOW. SlIrt V=S Ttt9rs'
. mily. an. ovus to, . corral ,. Yeer's 'Travel hi the Old
Ling. .
UMa erld, the' methentaties1 gOegrlotiY," .
"Ne„ Or. Don't linOW ftriathlaill litta -The colossal proportious wheat ratl-
way tranle la the United. Kingdom bee
tiL'It'W"Clt, what do you tome' roPor, 4r your now assumed era enikingly iadiCatea
geography? Wbere's Tinitalettlor in a return recently tainted by th'itioard
Sore he leered op al me With 4 grin of Trade, giving a preliminary summary
that ,plainly sight, 'You're Itylni me.' of the rallwey returne tor 1005.
ellon't.know? Wetl—er—avhereee Cane Them are now. the return showe, no
Ileirnett:..,„ tower num 22,413 miles Ot rellway ltne
"Don't know, sir," end *Milner grin- open to traffic. The number of mtles
"Dena . know wlaere Cepa Horn is; travelled by trains reached the follow -
well, now, min you tell me where Cope big astounding dimenelonsi—
C 1 t"
"Oh, yes. sir."
"Where?" . i
"In India, sir."
"Well, er--where's Ceylonr
the house Wks ready for occupation. "Don't know, sir; never 'eard of it,"
The while he farmed an acre of land, story writer could make goed use rf,
did Ids postai duties of twenty Odd rat* and the gentleman who told me about .trouroWth,,at' not know where the tea canaes
It paled as he enlarged upon the •awful Another ignorant leer was I.'
,sponse, so I thought I would coal
er horns, and guessing he Migh ,
"Well, where's Luton?" ,
football enthuelast, inquired i ruts
"Don't know, sir." r
"Don't you know where Londasi
Vs?" i. E. KELLY, Agent, Hoderich.
"No sir,"
Hopeless, I changed the sublq_. •
o day, and lived in Rochester!
The hottee te now let to good tenants.
A look through the piece was enough
to satisfy one as to the care taken in
ita construction. No builder could haVe
done it more cheaply or better. "Those
erches caused me tie:Sublet," he said quite
simple', as he pointed to e ticklish piece
of work. "Oh yes," he continued. er ever two new stores. One read, "There
did most of the carpentering. put the will be an 0 so different opening here
fioors down, and then I did all the paint- in a few days." The other read, ''There
frig." will be something doing here shortly."
Collins, a robust little man, Is just
fifty-eight years old, and is proud of
his six stripes of service. He built the
cart which takes him round with the
unceetainty they felt Over the desert-
ed anearance of the usually lively bay
With its myrlad boats."
Major Hutchinson tiotes two striking
instances of the grit of the San Francis-
cans. He went downtown immediately
after the quake and noticed the signs
Employed as Clerks, Bookkeepers and
School Teachers.
The remarkable increase &wing the
last fear years in the number of women
empleyed hi various branches of coni.
ulercial life in Japan must be regarded
as a very significant sign of the times,
says the Japan Chronicle. Not content
With the occupatiOns which have almost
exclusively belonged to females, they
have now invaded those fields which
have 1111.1e:tie been considered as be-
longing to the male sex. '
The eXperiment made In the employ-
ment of women as clerks and book-
keepers has been found satesfactory, and
we now find gtrle eMploYed by many of
the ihans and etores in Tokio and other
French Prdlessor Describes Ills VVhich
Cause Unneeded Operations.
A sensational statement was made the
other day before the Academy of Medi-
cine by Professor Dieulatoy, who said
that many persons merely suffering from
muco-mernbranous or sabulous typhlo-
colitis are wrongly operated on for ap-
pendicitis. Muco -membranous typhio-
colitis is 'characterized by periods of
cohstipation and ditierhoea, the ejec-
tions having certain characteristic fea-
tures. There is pain in the right lilac
fosse which resembles that caused by
Dr. Dieulaloy pointed out that It was
very rare for a person to suffer from
appendicitis and typhlocolitis at the
same time, and in any case appendicitis
is neither a cure for nor a result of
He expressed the opinion that the
number of errors of diagnosis and un-
necessary operations performed wore
ever on the increase. It had been dem-
onstrated, he said, that muco -membran-
ous typhlocolitis has nothing to do with
the appendbc, the ablation of which
consequently had no curative effect
what er. It was necessary, therefore.
large Cities. The employment of women thet reat cars talcen in making the
in Wee various directions wilt do much dia oafs. aS it Wae time to put an end
toward emancipating the Japanese wo- to useless surgical operations.
men, Vvho have uma new been entirely Dr. Dieulafoy said he was as much as
dependent Mi Men for the shaping of ever in favor of The ablation of the ap-
thelr desthnea, It is only natural, under pendix In cases of real appendicitis.
Dr. Doyen fully supports the views of
Dr. Dieulafoy, and says :—
"I could cite many cases where an
operation was decided upon merely be-
cause the diagnosis was insufficient.
There hets been a tendency blindly to
Where Alfonso Took Ris Bride After
' the Royal Wedding.
On the left bank of the Manzanares,
some twelve miles from Madrid, at the
end, of a dusty road, made more dusty
te-day by rushing motor hars and rumb-
ling furniture vans, liesethe Palace of the
Pardo, in which the King of Spain's
bride is now staying, say& the London
Tribune. It is little more than a hand-
some, well sithided chateau, of slight
historicel or artistic interest. , On its site
Henry 111. of Castile built himself a
hunting box, which Charles L razed In
1543 to mahie way for a more important
building; thie, however, was not com-
pleted unUl the reign of Philip II., and
indeed beers the later name of the Em-
peror _Clefeelee: "Caseates Rom• etelhe
Hispano Rea," waft eekiecheons,
imperial crowns, and eagles. It Is a
quadrangular molding with towers at
the four corners, surrounded by a deep
moat over which there Ls a bridge and
a drawbridge.
The walls of many of the rooms are
covered with tapestries, of which the
most notable are some fine Gobelins
after Teniers and some copies of Goya's
pictures made in Madrid. But perhaps
the most interesting work In the whole
building is the best painting that has
come down to us of the Admiral Gas-
per Becerra, the stories of Medusa,' An-
dromeda, and Perseus on the vault and
walls of one of the smaller rooms; but
It has been shamefully treated and tink-
ered. On the right of the staircase Is
an equestrian portrait of John of Aus-
tria, the bastard of Philip IL; It is at-
tributed to Ribero and bears an imi-
tation of his signature, but it is obvi-
ously a forgery or, at the best, a bad
copy. Elsewhere there are some fairly
good allegorical frescoes by Bayeu and
Mariano Maella, a few paintings py
Morales, two nice little Vanloos, a copy
of a Velasquez ,that ought to be burned,
and a Rubens 'in the chromo lithogra-
phic manner. In the chapel, which was
built in the reign of PhMp V., there is a
good' Se Iserdthand, by Lucas Jordan,
over the high altar.
The ,furniture is fairly good—in the
drawing room beautiful classic frames In
gold and white, covered evIth purple
damask; the curtains and screens ef
Talavera silk are unusually flne, and
there are some bronzes and candelabra
of merit. There is a profusion of china,
which, however, amounts to, nothing
more than a nice little collection of bis-
cuit figures and the inevitable gilded
and painted vases of royal parlors.
Resides the palace.Itself and an attend-
ant building, in which are the stables
and staff rooms, a little way to the
north is a pretty tele building called the
Prince's house, built by Charles IV. be-
fore he' came to the throne.
Owing to the energy of Colonel nip-
olles, the chief engineer of the royal
household, to the incessant personal at-
tention of Don Alfonso himself, and
to the labor of 200 workmen, a great
transformation to modernity bas been
made In the old house.
Prince,ss Ena's apartments are In the
west wing. No one may see her bed-
room, but the old tapestries have been
taken down end replaced in frames over
newly painted walls, On the walls ef
the dressing room la a tapestry of a
hunttne scene. and the ceiling has paint -
Inas illestrative of commerce, industry
end agriculture. In the dining room of
the euite are three tapestries after Goya's
"The Good -ter -Nothing," "The' Smu
eters" and 'erhe Pilgrims," and the
dome Is decorated with illegorical fres-
Mee of the Snanish provinces.
The little theatre hire been refitted, It
has flat benches for the 200 people who
ran equeeze into it, end a royal box n1
the hack facing the stage. Hs drop
erene le grey and bears the Initiate ef
Isabel the ip whose time it was made.
such etrcumstarices, that female educa-
tion should engage serious public often-
' lion. The number of girls receiving a
school ethic:dem, it is stated Isi now
more thaa eight times the number of
those at sehool ten years ago. More re-
markable) ate the figures given by the
Tokio Educational Society. Fifteen years decide upon surgical intervention. and
ago tbe percentage of females admitted operations have even been carried nut
to the training .scheol for teachers Was neete fever.
on patients in the early stages of ty-
less than W. Oa compared with the Men, '
bat to-deY the rate hes been comnletely "Quite recently a child was brought
revereed, the number of male applicants to me. I was asked lo proceed to an
being now about 15 per cent. of the ' otteration for appendicitis. Instead of
fottil 1 It is Sala that women, as teach- operatina I examined the child and
eft, ire proving themselves superior to found symptoms described to be simply
men, and: that thera La coneetruenity due to the nreeence of worms in the in -
more detneilcl for the former then th—e .testinee. Nevertheless. the narents were
so ronvinced trot it wni; a cafie of rumen -
MAW% There ft no doubt that the ern- recital lent an eeeeetten was nertormed
ployMent ot %smitten In the various by another surgeon the next day."
branchee of biteinese activity will steed-
ily Itterease with the advance of educe -
lion "Mang them.
ptopood phipkotent "Death An amazing discovery has been made
nets."' to Prevent Premature Modal.
a" in one of the communal
Paris. A class master neteed that ae
schools in
Mertelfirleg for tbe reception of Inane ter ten °'(1°C1c every En°111ing one of
mate becliest. where they should be kept Puells4 a tittle boy Of seven, seemed .0
under vigilant supervieton comet.. hecetae a prey la fits of delirium. rio
tent sdentt, verittereri tor note ityo or thumped his neighbors, and when re.
;nava are peoeoece hy miss tatna,4a„ proved by the master, rolled on the
floor, shrieking, and groaning like ono
ttagehY. Setedish lady, as a preven- posseesed.
IiVe or premature burial.
tdeution, she propose, tho /Ise of The child was &intently In the habit
the rifellettettliet ineented by of asking lava) 61 absence for a Inm-
ate or twit, ende the master had him
lettlatifete, by whielt any movement on
„, „„„,„,,„ , „,,„. tvatched. it wee tonna that he carried
,,a,e,:iiva:,ta.",,,,,,k,="Xe';'„„:;,t,,,, a email bottle of absinthe In hie pocket
. end Molt d nip te often tte he could ets--
"'" cape from the eleee room. It has been
time furnished.
tm* litny$ ilia in In is wrimento ers_. proved that the child's mother filled the
"to bottle for him every morning.
eel* Amfaieti eery calm Wes; fitted
mama* Ilea+
THE mrr f F011
Youthful Pupil In Parisian School Vic-
tim of Bad Habit.
mixtuous mota, ON mow
Paseenger trains 24,930,000
Good trains 154,413,000
Mixed trains .... 1,711,000
Total 40,71J0,1500
Litt t 1(W,
d mia
remarked: ._
"Well, your geography Is .ce,i
Concerning his experience . in getting teatelful. Now how about your ll
out rt newspapert under difficulties, the till right there?"
majoa writes: "Oh, yes, sir, passed all that; ity
0—Ael -,.'
"My small press had been shifted the sixth standard,"
about eighteen inches to the west, but "So ydei said before," I replied. !) STRATFORD. ONT.
was not injured. I went to work and WU tne who was the father of e
town, which appeared in the extra, de- I might as well have asked hi Our classes are much larger
set up a little account of my trip down- Victoria?"
signing it for my regular Ilse. was Nebuchadnezzar's father, or ban they were a year ago. The
scribe the "circle of Willie." ublie have learned that this
"Never mind; now, when did nee to obtalu a Commercial
the best place In ehe Prov -
brown paper which was part of a stock
to use the little stock of paper I had
for a regular lesue, 1 printed it on the
when he died?"
"Great Scott, boy, can you te
DON'T KNOW, SIRe' tiducation or Shorthand traili-
ng. Students are entering
ach week. All geminates get
I planned the extra and, not wanting ne accede to the throne,
that had been in the office four years. "No, sir." ootpositions. Write, now for
employment for everybody who will eiteror?" , ANIllilLN x ••• .• - - at ,
"Of course, the papers say there Is "Weil, who was William the Con -
can a man who has been used to office deprecatingly.
'Well, who wan he?" telinerals 349,551,610 357,989,009
' Tons. Tone.
work, but it is an absurdity, for how "Oh, I know that, sir," he anmwered.
work do much handling bricks? Ile e
"Why, he was William the Second." General merchan-
hour. Bestelee_that, the relief work has
got into a snafelef red tape that makes
""NFroonmsenSsePainviy sirbeo' y,; , _'llfz_sanan gym. Total
Mee 100 285 091 103,173,000
would need a new pair of hands every
"Oh I Where did he come from?"
wages. The worst feature of this red- Frarice. 'Was hila not William CII Nor-
a man work a week to collect a week's
see, - le& •
449 837,615 461,162,000
1905. . '
of needed goods lying Idle for no ap- "Oh, yes,. air," eagerly. RECEIPTS.
parent/reason. Tons of bread have "Well, where's Normandy, now?" Merchandise ..X 28,314,906 X28,748,01*
tepeism. though, Is to see great stores rnandy?"
ispelled -and gone-meldy at a lime when "in Frenee..eiree, , .. — Live stock . . 1,419,206 1,389,0t*
station we did not get any bread at what Is the eapttal of Franeer Minerals . , . 25,671,581,851 26,271,010
it Wee badly heeded. At due- nearest "Good, positively goid.' -fly the bye,
all for over a week, and then only in With eager response, and Mildness on Total from •
or two before It is distributed, and men The medicine was ready. end with a gods traffic . .L.55,400,052 450,408,000
the' ineereeelon of one loaf to a lomilY his uncared for face, he replied: "Why, s
are going about with their feet tied u
in rags while immense sleeks of ebees leerned that there was something amiqs, The authorized capital of all the com-
et six. Meat is cut up and Iles a day Normaruly. sir."
tions to be passed upon. In the way at wfth the method of leaching. sum of X1,3913,721,000, and the paid-dp
the i antic
are lying tied up wafting for re:ruled-, not with the hov, perfume, so much es panics amounted last year to g g
P sigh of relief I sent him home. But I
clothing and tents there is more of a And that le what we aro paying for. capital to £1,282,768,000.
The gross receipts In 1905 amounted
supply on hand than has been distribut- to X113,549,000. and the working ex-
ec; and much of the Mood supply that ........m.........-. penditure to 170,087,000, leaving net ie-
END-OF-THE-WORLDERS. ceipts ter the year of Z43362,000. This
raM and exposure. Lots of times can- is an inereese of Just over £800,000 in
ned goods were given out instead of net receipts oonapared with the previous
was absolutely needed was enofled by ,
fresh when tees!' goods. were spoiling They Predict a Battle With 200,000,000
In the depots. I do not think any of Demons From Mars. .
the main officers are responsible for
this. tee it is „regrettable that some un-
derstrapper can so tangle things up in
a time of need."
, the
t In-
d and
lag as
woos* Amoral) 9,0 phicidwED wars liANDOOMUT WOMAN PRO
ItAnuas. igEN Altailtagg.
Vide *reach of Promise Action* Am
—Osnerally beetled Wore They
Undergoing Ilex Tried tor Tliett
Trouble le 000 SO g101,04140*
Gat to Court, lat Iluebend-
At preseot one-indi ot' liSty is
gerheads with the other halt, hotly di* „7
missing the iunoterlee or gain 01* youog
Woratiet la Undergoing Iter trial et
Como Mr theft.
,"Niny" ,Bucel, as the young women
le familiarly oiled, is coneldered td he
The =written Jew, that while a WO*
Hien may seek legal redresa for clisap-
Pelritnient 01 tnetrimonial hopes a man
Muitt grin and bear it, iv slowly but
surely teeing force, remarked a solici-
tor in conversation with tho writer.
'Whether this le due to the increasing
claims Mr Equelity on the part ot the the Wattle, °meet woman ill Itelle. Plie.
fah, sex I cannot say, but within the tab, wm3 a ram 01 golden ootr. two - .
past year or two there have been sever. large blue eye* set In a Bice of faultlees
lines, end a cultured mind, are the chiet
al breach of promise cases in which a tram ot ,,Niny..„ orsvoinity. Hitr
man has figured as the plaintin. fattier mid mother, Signor and Signora
Such actions are ueually brought, not mteel, bout nomend. at one wile ow4ed
tc°0neetrcauctre, bcpumt, Petoillarecktrjonverroroutroapblo'lkeent, Deputies, in Rome.
the tinion Hotel, facing the Molitor et
exPeues, the damages claimed row- A few yetul ago her beauty ettrected
senting the estimated cost of the unfor-
tunate courtship. This not infrequently offered her his hand and heart, but he
the attennen of it young painter. who
amounts to e considerable sum. For was repultied and is now att 111111ate of
example, in a ease recently heard at
nor lacobini, the nephew of a drawl
the Rome Lunatic Asylum. Lator Sig.
Leeds, England, a Mr. Gibbs obtained
Cardinal Secrelery of State ti Wel
restitution of $780 in this way. He
might very reasonably heel clairned
In love with her, with the, 'mull, that .
mune, met her at a ball and fell Madly ,
something also for dleappointed hopes,
they were in due course Married.
tor the !tidy he lost was reputed to pos..
Signor Jecobinf did nola belle Ina
sees a fortune of $50,000. The gentle- time.heuereu dictum that beauty and
man was clerk to a firm of solicitors,
capriciousnes are inseptireible, and at.
and, u his busineee brought about tile ter it sued period er quiet married lila
acquaintance with the lady, the law—
she elopM with a Signor Agostird, who
ourieusly enough — both began arid
deserted his wile and children
ended hls romance.
t.Ith art apparatus, which sitfpclicit the
rdiFhtest movement; and aoc out of
tgft) signalled.
8ml Premise* _contains the laritest
tangiest he the Wed& 11 hostels nt bar.
thy thiiikliittit fitetieft etch havtrist
loot* than tourtraet A10**,11,410, Aids,.
ltve feentere with more 1160* OA *U.
great lit *eche
aAbl" he sighed sfeelfuily, as `he lean-
ed abeve heie "would I wore a glove
t.rort that harin,"
"Ittdietalehar replied the girl, wetuty.
"You could never be maything but a
Mat Mtn eerie Mere than ti *et,
but the ttialority gat more they
Married.,Men Who have Been Successful
in English Polities. i
There has been no more interesting
news for weeks than the announcement
of the engagement of J. Austen Chafe- garding the end of the world, but the ent. The point at which e r way
berlain, M. P., to the daughter of Col. audience applauded each alike. 11 was fettled or the centre from which they were
English paper. The idea that "Mr. Au- generally declared that exclusive signs distriuted can only be looked for in the
and wonders will cortimence In 12 extreme northern latitude.
Dundas, a retired staff °Meer, says an
sten" has at tut capitulated tO Cupid years' thne, but nothing serious will hap- Prof. Wilser's opinion coincides with
tit 1929 0 b
prophet said: lal k ed that of Dr Schlosser that mighty mi-
gratione of the brute kingdem preced-
"Socialists wIll by this time be gov- eil that of man. The conUnuous cool-
erning the world and will have adopt- tin; of the North sharpened the etruggle
ed as their trade mark the number 666. for existence and altered completely the
This will be branded or tatooed on the conditions of life, bringing new forms
forehead tif all who do not wish to oe into existence.
beheaded and are members of the So- , It Is not true, Prof. WIlser says, thnt
cialist Labor party.
"At or about this date the earth' the tropical sun has power to develop
the human gerrn. All progress has
a great man cannot have a greet nem. will be Invaded by 200,000,000 infernal ceme from the North and the new, high -
for "Mr. Austen" is exceedingly ' great demons, probably from Mers• These de. ly developed races ' had their origin
mons will begin to kill the population. there.
Chancellor of the Fechequer that tals e.e2test of battles, in which ail the Prof. Wilser points out that nothMg
Fin Ily will come Armageddon, the
In many respects. He has been the beat ,
Vona. He was an ideal Postmaster- people of the world will fight the de-
m.ons. lq known of the origtnal home of all
those great groups of mammalia which
General, and while he falls short of las 'The result will be a draw, but not spread themselves with man all over
country has known for many genera -
tether's exeeptional shillty as a fighting mtnated. Then the world. He comes to the conclualim
man in debate. he is still so far In front Until both sides have absolutely eider- that the home of all mamalla, men in -
down will come the cur- eluded. le te be found lir those inarces-
twaoinr.ldfi,r that will be the end of the sible reeking to -day buried In eternal tee
or covered by the waves of Arctic seas,
was settled at Ottawa last October, after
twelve months' lit "lion. The plaintiff,
Mr. 'Jerome Inter ale, an Italian law-
yer, sought to r ^cover damages from
Mr. Bonelli, whose daughter had broken
her engagement to marry him at her
father's instigation. The total amount
Maimed was 112,1123.64, thla being the
forsaken sultoree (13hr-elate of what the
courtship had west him. Judging from
the various items in the "bill of dama-
ges" the lover regarded the tender pas-
sion from a strictly business point ef
view and kept a record of hie disburse -
The runaway oouple went to iComo,
where they took lodging* In a large ho-
tel. A law days after their arrival some
valuable jewelary disappeared, from the
room ocempled by a bady guest at the
hotel. "telny" took a very active part
to the search for the missing Jewellery,
and Insisted on the matter being reporb,
ea to the poUce. Shortly afterwards
serne.of Signor hicobines feweitery 41.
so disappeared and there wu a reps*. '
tion of the same scant
The police WV?. greatly puzzled, and
had Signor Agostirdi companion watch -
CA, With the result that at Cernobbl her
meats even down to ouch details as
stamps and car tares.
Most !oven ars content to look upon MIS found in one of her boxes. and .'he
trunks were searched. To the great sur.
prlee of everyone, the missing Jeweler,
every hour spent watt the object el their
affections us a gain, but Mr. Internosta
--doubtless recognizing that "time is
money"—Includee, in his hill an item for
465 hour* spent artUrthe faithless lady
at the professional charge of $1.76 per
ohrdouera.i. 'arihnoce
eneroeclati:InYthaan "8"501(11: chi:lull:lead" Great efforts art 'being made to gee
aloPrPeathrsattoallela:ma. beOetnheur°ernma:shinag 0ittemsan the.beautifulswomansout of her scrape -
and to assist her tn clearing herself el
canoe sail, $2.12 ; attending at residence
were ; "Dinner hs my garden, 815 ;
at Como will soon give its verdict.
a the dishonorable accusatton. The court
and holding Miss B --es hand (four
hours), 82," and so on. Even the loss.—
tor depreciation, preeurnably—upon a
returned present Wiva not forgotten.
After losing his case III the lower court
Me plaintiff appealed to
The annual gathennes of religious so -
ail over the world, are 00 In full Migrations of the Brute Kingdom Pre-
ceded Thal of Man.
cieties and crank aseueuitions, Minims
strength. Exeter hall, In the Strand, Prof. Wilser, of Heidelberg, Germany,
London, England, has u meeting of some one of the highest authorities of ea.
One of the strangest of the meetings esting article on the original home et A draper's assistant beeame engaged to delivered on
anItli(use line following case, tor instance.
Good Friday, which WIIS
sort morning noun and night. tura) history, bus Just written an inter- • an unlicensed dog. The summons wu
his employer's daughter, The business illegal, so a second one wee made ouL
there has been that of the End -of -the- the human race. lie concludes that not
Worlders. The members of this curl- only the larger apes, but also the most ,
; was not in a flourishing condition owing Murphy was fined half a crown. Con-
ous league are aged people. Practical. ancient hordes of human beines mado to lack of capital, and the young man, stable Huggins sauntered in front of
ly all of them bad different ideas re- their way across the European einem- having a email legacy left him. lent the Murphy's residence la keep observation
money to the father, it being understood on the private life Of the dog.
that when the marriage took place he Mr. Sheehan, the member for Mid -
should become a partner. For a time Cork, heard of the vIcissitudes of
matters progressed smoothly, and the Murphy's dog. He put a printed notice
business recovered itself and became en the Parliamentary paper enquiring
protitable. Then, to the assistant o it the Chid Secretary had also heard of
amazement, the Mel broke off her en. Murphy's dog. He asked him to state
gagetnent, and her father repaid the the precise position of the clerk of the
loan, without interest, and discharged Petty Sessiorui who refused a license for
's dog. Mr. Bryce communicated
him. In such circumstances one cannot minim
be surprised that the injured man
promptly appealed to the law, with the
result that the draper, rather than have
his ingratitude expoeed, handed over a
proportion of the profit the victim's
money had enabled him to make.
Money spent upon en Intended bride
may, without doubt, be sometimee re-
garded as money Invested.
A young gentleman of moderate means
fell In love with a girl much below him
in social position. Her education being
Y Sets Many Buildings Ablaze far now
very defective, he undertook to remed
sure of Seeing Thera Burn.
A man named Kobeit, 32 years of age,
hae been (wrested at Marbach. a village
near St. Gall, Switzerland, while in the
act of setting fire to a largo houie.
He hao confetesed to being the author
was at once wrested.
"Niny" daoleree that she is innocent,
and maintains that some unknown
hand—a revengeful hasband through
some agent, partiops—had plaeed 'the
lost jewellery in her trunk. A valet
travelled with them, and he may turn
out to be the villain of the Meat
which revereed the decision and aecided
Heat les claim was within his right.
The comparative rarity of male breach
of prorolse actions is due, not to any
popular sentinaent in the matter, bUt to
the fact that such cases are generally
Nettled by the legal representatives ut
the parties before they got to the length
of a trial. Speaking from nty own ex-
perience of such compromises, the jilted
man's claim is generally both moderate
Ras Become a National lune In 1111466
A common Irish dog of unspealad
pedigree has almost/ distracted a Cab-
inet Minister, Oovenunent department,
au M.P., a Petty Sesalons clerk and a
policeman. So important has 'the 01).
noxiou.s beast become that he was Mint
ttoned in Parliament the other dee.
The doge belongs W an Irishman el
the name of Patrick Murphy, of Dub-
lin. Murphy applied for a license for
It in Irish. The clerk said ha could not,
read it. Murphy left In anger. The
police summoned Murphy tor keeping
sfter reaching his thirty-fourth year is
fascinating to men and overwhelming
to women. He is the most popUlar and
most reticent of all the younger men In
public life. In the ftrst place he is ex-
actly Itke hLs eminent father. He has
the same clear cut, finely chiselled face,
the keen eye, the firm, small mouth,
the Inevitable monocle and the ever
present orchid In his coat lapel.
He is the exception to the rule that
stsit-un LIFE APOSTLE.
Parades Streets of Paris in White Robe
and Crown.
Jost), Salomoncon, who calls him-
aelf "Msi.n," is exciting much amunement
In Parte, where he paradee the streein
dreseed Only in a flowing while robe
reaching to the knees, and wearina
owlet on hie head.
" heir Med heard,' of ir rich golden
color, Iteve never been cut He carries a
long white Met, and wearo oandate.
"Metre," who eve he fa an apostle of
llio "eimPle hen walked all over
France in hie singular coettime. M-
arcie% steeps on the eround, whatever
the weatUr may he, livre (lamely
on vegetable5. 110 `,vev that Oen
shatild tat tio tetanal mineral fro -
duct, end tvIll not eve Use flan with •his
ttlic is fifty te yetteit ht
age, deeleret thot he , weinderfully
healthy, efid ettributes it firely to Ilia
Wile Of life,
of his contemnorarles that he may he
called (fret clue. Aside from thiss.
la modeqt. eedate, etudious. Industrious
end considerate; and his father simply
adores him. It Is almoat pathetic to
weleh the elder etetesman when the
ycunger N on hie feet In the House of
The old warrior. scarred by many
fighte with the great men of the Vic -
never allowIng hie eves to leave the
torten Parliaments, site up straight.
adored object. "I conerafulete my rieht ward by some speakers. in connection send hlm bock to lierbert Gladatone,
with the nearness of the end of ,he Secretary of State for the Home De-
honnrable friend the member for FAT.
hanlon." sewn Mr. Chamberlain, In re-
woeld were the San Francisco earth- partment. The hangman's name ia Al -
qua e, the marriage of the King of exander Aimsbury Clarence Engiiiih.
and he Is believed to have gone to the
United States In February last.
Engligh la an old sailor end e mem-
ber of the naval reserve. Lost winter
when the Job of public executioner be-
came) vacant he applied for it, and after
n severe test secured the job from a
number of other applicants. ft la a
good paying job 11 there are pferee
exeeutIong. but the Home Secrete re
has been very merciful of late and the
rnurderere have been reprieve* so often
(het F,nsilinti and hie family were on
the verge of starvation.
Engliali told his wife he would like
emigrete lo the United Stake. Ile
(Mt nf literatilre and sellina lints
about Amerlen, and ono day in Febru-
ary Raid farewell to hie wife and Iwo
ehildren and wag gone. He promisted
suereesee. wrm morrled; no were Palm. tasneanthealleated ithora atone The to write oq enon oa he had ranythIne to eelflISTIANITY lel POMPF.II.
cretin and Salleieury. revenant Is Lady Dorothy, who lived in wee „ e home ee„ teem Hie eetio
For the firet time. It la helieved, in
On the other Finn@ the doohterc point the 18th century. For "an° reason 0110, want haek tn her parent% Wore ricer evidence hen tieen Mend
to the panel -Weis of Lard lefelheurne. wan Ant ntI in an nem obambee, 101n Recently Engligh wee eent for by the
lo ratecles bailee Fox. te Me, Parnell, her senftea and died a hopeleee lunette. Goverminent. for a hartaing comfria ppl 1 big le a dineevery of high inter -
of the Influence of Chrietianity In Pmn.
to Mr. Paltrier, as erne? et their redden- Ever lance those dayo her illeemboilhel
Another speaker was heroic enough
to take some exception W these state-
ments. He mad the world would drive
out the devil thee year but he would
come into power again in three yeara.
As regards the blg battle with 200,000,-
00e devile he was sure it wouldn't mat.
ter if there were 500,000.000 for the Arch-
angel Michael's bound to win.
Among the ehme serinualy put fore
Apparently Has Emigrated from Britain
to the United States.
Somewhere in the United Statea
fenglandei public exeeutioner, commonly
known es the hangman. If anyone finite
him they ere respectfully requeoted to
ferrIng to hie non (names are never men-
tioned In the House except by the
Speaker when he vvishee a member to
know that he le In disgroce). and "Mr.
Austen" refer; to hls parent aq "My
right honorable friend the member for
Weet Birmingham."
There are people here who believe
that man's usefulness as a politician
le impaired by marrlege, end that the
member for Feighagton will not be AO
ereat a man after the reremony at Lhe
rhurch, but am inclined In Geoff et the
idea. Ilsere ere and have been PO
many areal men in Witless whore mar-
rled life bellea it. Mr. Gladstone's A IITHEN11CA TED G I IOST.
wee reeponetble few meet of hN power,
foe efle looked after him. arrenged hie Rayham Hall, the family piece in Nor.
enerigemente and generelly glimmered folk. England, of the Marquis nf Towne -
him. te fleeermetteld. the peewee /If and, is the /seem sew) a writer, of a
Spain, the clze of European armaments,
the uneneployed problems, roaring ••1
meanie whirlwinda and tornadoes.
Another speaker asked If women
would have to be branded with "606"
end when the reply was In the affirms, -
!Ivo he retried the point that they would
refuee the branlIng. would goon
their beauty. The whlie-whirikered pro-
phet who fathered the "rifig" brand mid
wome.n when the time reline would. he
felt asspred, rather lose their Woke than
their heads.
with ublin Castle. The aulborities
there enquired In Cork as to the ante-
cedenta of Murphy's dog.
Mr. Bryce... Chief Secretary for Ire-
land, explained the history of the ani -
mat In the House the other day. Thum
the time of a Cabinet Mtnister and many
Covernme.nt officiate. with SOULS of the
nation'a money, was wasted because
Mr. Murphy applied tor a license for
his dog In the native tongue.
It, and for two years, she studied both
useful and polite arcompLIshments at
Ws expense. Apparently the acquieltion
of learning increased her value in her
own (wee as well aa in thou of her
lover for at the end of Met time glee
heartleaely jilted the man who had done
1/ 18 fires that have taken piece in the
so much for her, and married another
renton since 1890, but it Is estlmated
who woe wealthier. The former, thus '
robbeA of lhe fruite of his outlay, corn- 1.14h:twhrtem gdoesteranedingatthattelishet 60wastmnUttese'es;
mencea an action to recover the amount
supected. Of late fires became so fres
was paid by the hueband, who doubtless
spent on the lady's education. The bill
eL mpenies doubled their tariffs for the
quent tn the canton that Insureetca
did not wiah hin bride's former defb
Kobelt explained that after starting
cienolea advertised in court,
a flre be wouldeelimb a tree. or a hill la .
The above are but a few inetartees out
the tetetnity and watch the building burn.
of many that have come within my
ode me." naid the incendiary, forrea me
prove that very frequently a dicearded
knowledge, but they are °efficient to wtth itio grent,ee ley. ..sometaing in-
te commit the netts, and the sight et the
nuitor has serloue exenoe for impelling
enettoment. 1 was not master of my -
to the law. On the other hand, deems
are sometimes made for rldleulotie reit-
self and could not control trie deeire to
flernaq thrilled me with plumes) and
cone, an witness the ease of a man w, ho
wieheri to bring an action eneey 'to eel., e naming masa...
vindicate his penal/in " Ile argued that
the blame of a broken, eneeeerrient in
d that him
alwaya laid upon the man, on
reputation would be geflauele (thinned.
Needlesa to say, hie folly Vol no (OMNI`
than hts eoltzlimee office. — London
Tit -Bits.
lien. Pertiornentery life, Me, Memel- eferlt ts Paid to atinenr before the birth on nori' ThPil 11 bceam° Oublb that est for etudenta of archeotoey. While)
ism. rertainly tobea a man teem bin of a Towneliend or hefore the death 1
ismne cirele ranee then le tittual with a Mother of the family, and thio lift-
men who liva a 1000 culling end oscricf. quiet wraith wag reported to have been
ing life. ?teen who never reeeh lessee eeen on the doy preceding the (terrace 'Then you have nd sympathy for tbe
mail the midnipat helm hen tang since et the kite trairaine. deeming poor?' asked the poser' emelt-
garel. and thr• arnv dnwri al fureine red see Ina Mr Chanty. ,
Our Idee Cif a poor houeeiceeper la "Ma?" replied the ttett and areet mon.
.!tliatetreaPret,4 sitirr.eiter4. cillfrIcenntliitrlext".17tlet;e1111;;I: 0 Ivo:nail who mins Ito houee on bust. "WO, Mr. I have nothing but sell -teethe
they intend to neglect their dales. nest orindoles, tor num.°
' / L'
he had digappearee.
!minima BUT flYMPATIIV.
nome egravatione wore being mode cn
fin; northevext alde Of the dead city there
twin t1Pisuralt to light fl tereaeotta yea -
eel beeline the go -called reor.ograin
Chrlat, aureourieteti by the eronsti et
thoseese The vessel tie atheleeted to the
Met century of the Ciitatian era. It
wee found et a depth of about twelve
feet bitiow the surfaceL
Tho imperial kitchen of the Sultan of
Torkey te more like a tortme than a
Wee to cook his meal*, OW it hae an
armor -plated door and ts fitted with
torten which can only be evened by one
man. As each course le propared it
placed on a diver dish, which is eesied ,rf;"'
with red wax by the kelardthl. the dn.
dal responsible for Wit sovereigres food,
and then a black velvet toyer is glued
over the dish to keep Wenn. A pro -
("eaglet) of peaple foffeee the meal into
the Imperial chambee, the sells being
broken in the Sultan's presetwe, and
often Ito keienlint ie requested to tees
come nettle:4.1100*AL. The trot ef tha
elution's feed does not otteed, $1000
yeti*, for 3 it frunitly entrees, ted befied
tht to feed the ritiltentitie. tent.
biers el Me hotallteld end pity 01
tie astentes Usifttil his *brutal hm1004
of 111\000,4100 by MOO I Week.
• sir