HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-06-22, Page 1f "Or ' f - 1 ' ' _ eee. o • , Nerril7ratir, 71 -9 -•;:iv? Tug (100E circulation then any other Newspaper In this section, ot the County et norms • 13) ) • • 4 • , • 4 4 rah for Cloderlohy ‘Ouly 2ncl. OUP OPTIC:EPS alwar be pleased tO aditis with' ytio as tO the best Inethed ',144KrNo ii\Tyg,s'nuNTs 41,4 tteat ).+00f business affairs with the titinoSt kcrecy, • The Oevernment, surthorixes us to we* deposit:1e. ,TliE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY . NORTII muED ()"1".' X.. HORTON, MoR. AND SZIAIIE FOUND 'TENDERS THIOUNIteeree Clalla`e Cosh ,OVitter eau halte. ,ereEMENT 161.1.1KWAIXS. .a., stone be caeling at 'Tug Seen Mike. eed 'We( • Sealee tendeers trairlogabglegogi paying vest ost thff rein. ' VI/ANTS,' JussosAttertiiecenstact cri.m.et 44010112,0,00 tbe Tow,o e.......e.-,......-eseeeeeee--oreoeferoo-reeeoe-oogese ,eleghtileh°,1 °glare" °w-"- in 'ee-e-ITANTE1). --District Meneiter far blith Seeder:atelier 101d.dratt contract may heroin ev ogee new:leen preposition! fer Gaeta et the °Moe el ehe To cit:hhe wheic ithy dbittice. Aetereeee01Meenniree 4114,,Mheiteteeee Tendepronuee Mom 'ye reato. . Parte AMarked ebeeue or other security satisfac- tory to the Colwell toy 10 per cent. of the areennut qt the emider must accompany same. ee le tattler, nerieseart1e accepted, ele O. JOHNSTON, Town Clerk. (APIs WANTED.-eForegenerel housework, V-11 AePile to Moe H. W., TlIQUAON. Perrier Viteleela shah% David street, pree E,NERATeSERVANT1VANTEB.--AeldY to„xtre. A.oeuretere. •• • , 6rrunt antatno.N.0 Nelsen sr., is noev. JL. open for suintrier borsiribee, lately regiewed tiara North St. Large resi- dente, comfortelde revues, eiret claw, board. permanent -ex transient. Rateteet ver dee. . FOR SALE OR 1rti 1.151r. liallelNEUMATIO GG)te first ebeee condition. for wee Clear or would ex- chagge for o good driver and 'pay the differ- OTICE is hereby given that the Coneltli ence. Apply to T. ed. Weer. Hotel Bedford. of the Town ot Goderie.h, will at us tire regular meeting after the expiration of 1GIARM FOR SALE on RENT-LoG 2, con- one monthefrom the eate and potting up of -Itte e:E. D. of Aehlield, cordate/Mg 150 aortae this Nonce. proceed to pima a Bylaw for the Bell a claY loam, 76 sores grass. fairly weU stopplog up and *lolling of Harbor' Lane In feneee, geed ertereEn well And wind nen I barn the Towneor Goderich, described as follow.: 40x(10. with atone namment, granary and borse COMIENCINCI at the lotersextion of the stable 22:30. driving elied and other buildings.. Northerly Malt Of Harbor Street with the HMIS* 20300. with kitchen and wood shod. Westerly limit of Harbor Lane, thence North Good orchard. Haltmile froth cherch.sebool 10 degrees Feet along odd Westerly limit of and,e0et orrice Apply ton. J. Bourg, Crewe Harbor Lami 28 feet 5 Inches, thence N-orth 12 P. 0. Ifelm degree° 30 minutee East, still following the westerly limit of liezber Lane '250 foot* in. chat to the eoutherly limit of Eforbour Quay, thou ;Weedy along the Southerly Reek of Har- bor Quay 40 feet tadre or less to the Easterly limit of RarborLane.thenee South 1.2degrees 30 minutes West along the said Easterly limit 280 feet more or too to the Northerly Walt of Harbor Street, thence Weetecey along said Northerly InnIt of Harbor Street, 48 feet more or leas, to the place of beginning. Tho hind compreeed in this description beteg all Met reart of Herber Lane lying between the Northerly limit ot Harbor Btreet and the Boutherey Ilene of Harbor Quay. AND woe. ALSO proceed to pate a Bylaw for ostehltshing and opening up a Public Highway or Moo by the extenelon NortherlY of Water Lane through parte of Iota etre and 1,C5, _Harbor fiats. more EartioularlY dee ecribee ag : Cnetemigefile at the North -Ease corner of lot 1027,11arbor fiats, thence North 21 degrees 40 minuresetest 127 feet more or les,etothe South - East corner of Hohnee' Coal ohed. thence North 12 degrees 30 minutes East along the Easterly _limiter Holmes' Coal Med, Sefeet more or lees, to the Southerly limit -of HarlierVany thence Easterly along • Southerly limit of Harbor Quay 4ifeet inches. thence South 12 degrees 30minettes Weet 20 'feet. thence South 2i de- grees 40minubeg West 141 feet, more op lees. to the NortheVestoomerof Lot 1028, thence North (10.dierreea West. alongethe present, NertherlY limit of Water Lane 40 reetenbrestelego, up the iffeee of beginning. M. O. 7onrormer. Town Clerk. Renee the. 9th day of June, 1908. DEUS WANTEIL-Tenders will be so- ftest. for painting tbe lek work of the Vent- ceived by tbe uniereigned ao to tho 26th ral Sobool Owe coats) nd flooring rooms Noe. 1, 2 Vide Of the game sehool with maple. The lowest or tenytender not necessarily aeoe_ptee. H. W. Bette Secrete* ellAlr• man Coa. Com. ' NOTICE OR MI:VI -That desirable preperty be- longing to the Estate pf the late Archi- d Dickens, effeated on the corner of Weet and Wellington streets, corner -Meg Lots 10and le, running numbers, in the Town of eGoderieb, with good two PIAUI brick houeo. modern eonvedences. This Is ono ot the Very beet reoperate] in the tone). Ads° Lot 138 and part ot Lot I37,.Pitchieson's Survey, Town of Ooderieh, Ames' to SAMUEL DICKSON, or to Jeo. Dlegreeteleestorth. nOATS 13Ahlre-For Won large Row- A.P boatoelse a large Punt. Moly to Jonsr OAKLEY', Ridgewood Perk, Oodench• RENT. -A Dwelling on Rows etrect. 1,2 Anifelltngiftiretshed or not) near Lake hont. modern conveniences. Fon BALE.-lere new Dwellings on Angle- sey St- A. comfortable Dwelling on Pleteneet, Beading Iota on Elgin Avenue. &sox St, Cedar fee and PlueSt. . WANTED. -A. few Furnisheen4Houseeoele Rooms, near the Lake trout. to rent for the 'rummer sea.son. YOUNG & ROBERTSON. Olt SALE Olt LET.. -A (Men of 111 acres; ta Fearer. Ooderielo situated ow the ilea -cone, ot tbo beet olay loam. belenging to mra GoderIch township, 7 miles from Godericte v from Qlintee and 6 from Baytield. Farly buildinge.11lenherde. B.eseenable terms. turthei particulars allele to Items Core eljeckg staeot, Godericin or L're ACK- MON, Godericb. GODERICAI, ONT., FRIDAY', JUNE 22, t Day's Sport. Athletic allow Ile. la et 11101, Cw. perethe et On Uwe et 041101.11, aye* to awootoo no. ;too so wookhoos 'If Os flaithrod ihair POW! oilialetteto 040" -Il'ITHEBBIAS The Malthinal Btfer Wee y COomeuee Limited. iraeade La etkletteet etaln Ou the Rivet Maitletel, *Uwe. • EfetOtelele frene the agid Town et WV h. Weees the ToWuship of teelimme and t,he Towtedep Gioderichereuelcipalitiett adieeent to the twid TRW* et GOdeedela! :Or the Perneleo esteleYelopiner power tied amain Boo ea ale litlehreere as uley be foe ble, Peg the delVinged,the nerele the Writer ..,,."YOrke end Oaeetrie LikhOWlane et the itelff oe.ANWOD'efwuotiederulevileo osi. 014, Ile ..miattaaa Blyer Poeter Compsny, offaitee, lute eretueeteed imitho:vea.,,sliteldulTatisauee .10011tonotebtiabedr:rutio.e/arbtemyiret%altweiedtrazahei4inBottlh:40014: PlVerreefile COmpaitY, Limited. to the eetent MUM -whole et the ilere Of 4160,040.00, WHEREda it is eeeedielle te,erant ale Paid ahlentWeet. to the home and eenestiolle kereinaftee tree Md. THEREFOltle be R enactee. and It is heyeby enacted! bY the; hienicipal Veurieti et the 'odd TOWn Of OOderiele as foUewe; 1. It shalibelaWtel fee tlieleayor and clerk in thenaerse and on 'behalf ot the Commetlen of the TOD; ot Goclerich, and under fee Corot, - ate teed. to eMalto and &line ae the Act and Heed of the cerpolothee. tbe Weitten or 'Whited guarantee or guittanteea et tbe odd UllzPor4Liori intaranteeing the elle peyment of the prinelme and interest of the Ronde or Do- hePteres et The Maitland RiVet Power Com- pany. Limited. op to tbe gum. in the amnegate of eff(1.000.00 (one hundred and fifty thous/end dollars) for wheeler), repayable in thirty An- neal instalthente treere the daY of the feria thereof. with interest In the meantime at Ito rete et four and a liWt per contum per (mourn, panne() yearly on the unpaid principal, to tbo fleiders et the said bonds or' debentures, eo that the amoent payable .for principal end interest in any year shall' be equal to the anumnt so payable In each of the ether yeara, snob guernuteo to be to the effect that upon detesilt being made by the /said Tho Maitland Inver Power Company, Lbuitea, the pay, meet of the principal or intereet secured by the gala Bonds or Debentureg or any ot then's: the Corporation of the Town of Goderich will pay to the bolder the amount so in default upon de- mand, such guarantee to be otherwine In such form and to contain such other or additional provisoea or condition./ so, shall breapproved of by the Mayor and Solicitor for the geld Town. ee Prior to the execration of tbo said guaran- tees or any of them, the said The Meitland River Power Company, lAmited. sball, with the necessary approval of their shareholders, duly given fn meeting, called for that purpose. execute and deliver to the Corporation of the Town of Goderloh, a mortgage upon their lands, buildings. plant, machinery, fixtures, privileges, rights and easementa, which sald mortgage shall bo a first charge upon all (limb property. and Mail be settled and approved of by tbe Solicitor for the sold Town, and shall provide for the indernnilleation of' the Corpora- tion of the Town of Goderich,agaleet all Mee mete ebarges and expenses, by reason of the mid boucle or debentures and the mid guaran- tee thereof, and ouch mortgage Mail turther provide tor the insumnee of the mid mort- gaged property in favor of the saki Corporation of the Town ot GoderIeh, in an amount sufficient to Indemnify the said Corporation In ease et lea, by fire tor by tlood, if the same can be ohtainedi lu such companim as shall be tip - proved of by the sald Corporation and by poli- cies centalning ivhat la knot -7,1114 the mort- gage clause,' if demanded by the mid Corpora, tion, end for the continuance of auch ineuranee during the currency of the mid bondo, and. the due paynrente of the pretniums thereof, and Finch mortgage shall alao secure tbe due per- formance of all othee terms and coedit lone In thie Bylaw contained. 3. As a condition of executing the said g-nan Beam, all monies borrowed by the mid The Maitland River Power Company, Limited, up- on the security of the wed bonds or debete rcriVO FARMS Ftalt SALTO AT A BAR - I. OATN.-Lot core Aelifield, 100 acres, each, one lot all cleared, the other lot haa acres cleared and balance rough woo° land. won fenced. swing crook. Good buildinge on both fame. Can be meld ite ono or separately. Atede On the premism or address Hmenv Homier. Dungannort I'. 0. LOR SALE.-Ituleding loosen Marketstreet, nearCerneglo Librarv. A most &Arable on- AlnilY to Mrs .-.111.Williame. pROPERTY FOR SALE.- The degirable property tee EIVir :Menne. Goderich, ovrned and occupied Dr, Whitely. Good beam and tvro-thirdso an acre of land. with choice fruits, The house is heated by het water and hie ell modern Improvements. A bargain tor any person Wanting firseclass pro- oerty at a moderate price. Apply to or addreo3 DR WHITELY, Goderich, -ureAPERS FOR, SALE. - Several hundred copies of old newepapers for sale. Jugt the thing when „you we housecleaning. Apply at STAlt OFFICE • ICE FOR SALE e-tRAIGIE BRO.S.-Ice Merchants. Ice sold leo and delivered promlly In small or lerge lots. We make especial of seagon orders. Leave Irene orders at ce, Aretdoor west of Square, Weet street, era residence, William 4treet,Goderieh. Telephone et REAL. ESTATE AGENTS -trauma noneatTeON. RF.AL ES'TATE .1 AND INSURANCE AGENTS. For selling, buying or mane town and farm property. Fire and 1,00 Ineurance North side, Court Renee Square. TELI4 PUBLIC. et. Tr4 the MAY leer olf toritteeldserfeeentesers. new teeleticed tte teat whIelt /Seer tlearese% mete heeteeePteat thee` UMW tee hind talinetietelet mat iostoalieurasu tarearels, Pellet wneti ever. after Aloe et tearseritbout et, te wattidas which Weske twee to tat:outer cow 1104../41r.letiettete' itteeettionteta ever t need *WOW It= MAO In Ow taken gala Wit this Anna to Vin eaten Print witk ge rine the ekWeie _ new Weer IWO Years Of aga IOULD0311 Whet 'Yoe eel[auteten Yeare, *leo a igt met live eerergagettuel hed been blied Item bebee Malt IniellY *thew,. I will seam twee oet grse 004 Wee. LWOW neWeeW le will notRittere any king,Of _til adviee anyeeel Ong Oren) the *net troUble to givelt triet feellteen wee an tufnrusitteriabootthistolneVilli et Mee, Joseph Aelitteee. odeldelt Gate I eel/IA(1041Y glYe 39ie the Olhlt setlefaetierh Mese Jetatelt &MON, Base Ball, Lacro f*War Fireworks. Free. 14111W ALIVOIRT1.110113NTS# ' i VOA, tIt!iit)4V,A III4r0e#,Iir. V:# 11# . ,..,..„...,...... Vi",. N104409U#_, 101101 PluP#I10100 4 the tr at4414.14.11"4"*"."" ' Northern Navigation Coo. waa iit IOWA , . ,. 4.4, A.41,11"4. 2 '4.611VOI.A. Ott Monday, tusking arrangritnents ''''• -,rt 4."*""" 1,1 with local *gent Williiini Lea fOr. the .,.„,;,....,,,, t tti- weakly tripe of the etaritner Ed* ...VP,. .. A . ,,,,+...,..P. .,. ..414:,,,,,, 4 tannic,. whirl; commence' Inn* a% he. . V. , . „,„.....,........... At tween Windsor, Detrolt,Sarnia, end* *rich enttltinerirdine, The boat will ' WI Viiitiiii114.1A11. • A IMTIVO here et 00.M. each Weileleedon Friday put Sunday,: end leatee on her , eitesilla..... 1,. do wIlWard tripe at.7',45 p, ni, the Sante avraNire'',1, Thro.aaaelrga, toe.. I day*. Tile rettelettra fetch ee ehOtild ii,t*.16.7e,ree"*"`",'"e* e 00200 ricOnaiderable. *Wont at trio. ottkvro,::.. t vet,. 4014 the new arrangement •shoifid .1k-mstlew**...,. i be * public boon, . Anew -toe" osoo te s, ibil.,iionoe, 8iem 4 el AUCTION SALES A UCTION HALE OF VALUABLE TOWN „le& PROPERTY. There will be offered tor sale at Public A.no Bon by Thomas Gundry. auctioneer, on TUESDAY, the 3rd day et July, see, at 7.3.1p. in.. at Gundryn stables, thelcouse and lot on South street Immeelletely mouth of the British Hotel, at present owned by Mrs. G. C. Tome. The eituation ie excellent, tho house is in a fair state of repair and the property is in every way a desirable one, The property will be ofrered auteect to a reserved For further particulars enquire from eltner of the undereigned. DICKINSON Se °ARROW; THOS. G UNDRY, Soles. for Mrs. Toms. Auctioneer. _ _ . _ _ HOTELS MEDICAL DRis. EatatERSON & TURNBULL. T, Extexasoto M. D. ay. 8. Tneetntru. 11. R. office; 102 °Mem, Hamilton St. 11'0"i Residence lel Night oalle for the ftrm of Dm, Emmereon and Turnbull will be answered either born their effete, ettenelton street, or from Dr. "Prirobnllei tesIdenoe,Nelsola street. -nu. A. la. strientukr, sr. n. 'Irsiciatt arid Bretton. Small attention to eye, ear. noeetute throat. °Moe and residence Old Bank ot Montreal, opeegite Post Office, West etreet. Goderk./.. Telephone No. len DENTISTRY. ael E. BALE, le D. B. Melees/et, Bloe.k, Godericb. Dr. 'Turnbnlre old stand. At Duntatmen Wedneedey afternoons. VETERINARY. vitEKWAN. Ogeoterreadeate) Veeerinary ot Stilereett. Member a the VeterinarY Associations of Lotsdern, Edinburgh. Ontario. Seneca ireseratietes eaectilty. lience meet, iedebliting Stewart's Greenhousee Phew rgeHE' IIORoN -name Goderich Gate - _I_ Thoroughly refitted and modernized. A home for the traveller and farmer. Beet S. t.50 a day hotel tobe found anywhere. -N. J. MOR RISEY. proprietor. 010FESSIONAL A ROY teacher of Phu" etc. litim et lido:meet Mock. sole tar w Stneetnod Strome. , tures to be °toed by virtue of this Bylaw. shall be pi d into the Bank of Montreal at God- erich to the joint credit of the said The Maio land River Power COmmny, Limited. and the said Corporation of the Town of Goderich, and stunt applieoble only to the, coot of con. Meeting and etteipoleg the said mocks and. to Rue purehem of ;the lands. rights and eage- tricots in conneeneer therevrith, and Audi be d out only upon the joent cheque of the in.id pany and the Mayor of the raid Town, and ne amount shall be paid thereout except to the extent of fifty per ceute of the value of the work then done, or material, machinery or reantthen furnished, op lands, rights and ease- ment's then purchaeed for or in respect of tho • worke. and then only upon a progress cer. thicate of the Eogineer or Architect appointed by the wild Tovvn to inspect the eald worke, and tho balance e3hall be paid out only after the completion of the eiald worko, and after the same shall have guvelled power to the mid town and operated the aahl water works and electrie light eyetem for the space of one month In a satiefactory manner. 4. The said The Maitland River Power Coe Limited, shall expend the Sum of XIMMI.00 in the purobario ot land and privileims, and the conatruetion of the saki dens, and the Installa- tion of plant and machinery, and the 00,100 when constructed shall be of the mote modern type and shall have all the requbdte machinery and appliance+ for the porpme of mpplying sufficient power to the mid Town to enable them to properly operate their Water and Electric Light Works, aud ale° to furnish power to all the manufae- turera now In the said Town. or who may hereafter locate therein. who Mall require the eame. to the extent of at leoet 2,000 home power. and the mid The einitiand River Power tante Limited, obeli also keep equipped and maintain the mid works In a good state of et. ficinney during the currency of the eald Bonds, so to be guaranteed aforemtd. 5. The mid The Meitland River Power Gom• pany pply the said Carolyn - non of the Town of thiderieh. and the town shall team from the mid Company, Hue lectern power to properly operate their Water Worka and electric -Light eystems at tbe price of 8700 00 per annum for the orom of thin. Y rear., and the mid Company alma atm supply ail mown and other applLances rennisite aP- My trueb power direct to the precool, machinery now u.si by the Raid Town in their mid tin,- tems.so that tbe said Town 8ball not be obliged to purchase other plant. and neeelainery in or. der to enable them to nee the said power. PM. vided that in easo the aR-C.9 made by (bomb] Coo reeratIon of les 1,-31d eyatetmi increase to the extent of twenty-five per cent. over and above the pre8ent mci thereof. then the ehanze made for met, power shall inereem tr) proportion, and upon the baste of the rate which the odd charge of $7.000.00 bews to the premot tom - thereof, but in any more the mid Corration of the Town of Godench Mall be at lihmay to apply the mid 01101in payment of the annu.al instalments; due or nerzoing due upon the mid Bones or Debentures guaranteed by therm 0. The said The Afaillend Direr Power compeny, Limited, shall have the orient -me of naing the preeent plant of the Town of &lode - rich atrean auxiliary to their proposed power 8yetern, whenever Num Khali be required for that purpose during tbe currency of the eald bowie, provided that MeV the -mid Comomy ehall at ail timea during ench penal maintain and keep the geld ausillary plant in agood asui efficient staba of repair and shall aleo repeer truce any part of ouch plant which may be ured oe broken during and ,•ley their opera - tree thereof, and 8hall further reapply ail reed nevem! for Math operattem. and aim all each cosi as dein be remit...eel by ehe mid Town for the prinime of keeping up etecun in concoction with their mid plane which the said Town shall Ise at liberty to do. when gad fb0 long ao the3 deem occometry daring the staid period.bot the, oald Town man otipp.`y one Man to tahe rare of the raid plant- ?. The, Bylaw ellen take effect on the day ef the final paseing thereof. 8. The 003/130 of the Moline cf tlie snid town el Gedericts starill he taeen en the Bylaw at the follow -lee Mani and that 18 to my: On Battled:h. the eoventh day of Jeer. I905. commenting at the near of veiny o'cleek In tbe forennen and continuing( till nye o'clock In the afternoon el tho same day, by the fol. loath:If denottreturninz otr•cers: PuBLIC MEETING A PlIblic Melling Will he held in the OPERA HOUSE ON Friday Evening, June 22. DreellSS THU Maitland Power Company Proposition( EVERYBODY INVITED, including all lady voters, for When* the gallery will be reserved. Chair to be taken at 8 o'clock. aUSINESS CHANGE. Me. L. B. Augustine having bought out the interest of Mr. Jonathan Miller in the Host Street Livery, the husinesa will hereafter he carried on under the name of Walker & Augustine. A concinuantio of public pat.' renege solicited. Everything wall" be kept up to the highest stun. duel, and satisfaction guaranteed, THE COLBORNE HOTEL THOS. D. JOHNSTON, 'PROPRIETOR. This favorite public house, under the new management, will be conducted on modern.principles, and the best possible set -vice ts guaranteed the general public. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. STAND -Corner Hamilton and New- gate streets, Godench. arOtialt fleteleXIT. Geattral A111(ii,..oter reinele Venn nteek. tied sit other sales wia getillsimiltot" letter elodeelele P. O. Box reeeivetinisemmettrestatitt I will buy ifte ca. area** ttestereate ireratt**. one will Von epotosalle Let ts* kaoritensite you hay e tneentastaititseetrean inia ere west I can eel) lee. -Clitten0,1 10.1.3LNIT. ettriteaty Shop. 0 Ranger Orange lleiebraiion IN Tail TOWN OF SEAFORTH ON JULY 12th, 1906. A cordial invitation is extended to everybody. and 130 pains are being spared to make the day trimt enjoy- able to ail who attend. Low railway rates. Bands of music. Eloquent Addre&eee. Athletic Sports, etc., etc. see bilts and dodgers for teethes pertieulars WEStre MOT, its. JAL W. ILUNIIALL W.V. L 0. e. 773. WALKER & AUGUSTINE. TO INTENDING BUILDERS We have constantly in stock a Isrge supply of Cement Bricks for sale. Call and get prices. THE GODERICH GEMENT BRICK CO. GOOERICR C. P. R. Dominion Day Rates. Excursion tickets between ell points on line of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way, and from C. P. II. station(' nearly all points on connecting Caee adian Rime, will be on sabeJnne 29 to July 2, ineinsiva at the rate of single fare for the rocind trip. Tickets good for fettle, rail and on Tuesday. .letly 3, This give, five flaws of low rates at a most delightful time for summer trips. Tickets and futther information from any OM, rag. Agent. W. E. KELLY WATCHMAKER. JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN. , Marren 07, malitIlAGE LICENSES -7- ooDEMCII. - ONT. fa* THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA BANIN1LPII MACDONALD, D. M. STEWPIRT, President. General Marager. A eteeral tanking Business Transacted • ' , SAMOS IMPARTMENT Jou* intat./.0141tate. elan lateretr tell yet be as math at YVON 'Oa lie if fte IOW teeket ne sense et thee ft:treat* pletee. Wee tie Isere OW Med* tiy- day !titbit tette for tbo 'Kind time it Wet Ole elifeettalt. iteroutsr coatoorsmit feett Ewe, * Se -1-11, ,P.o0 flatlet ad eretesent. • Alegi* IMO* ' 8.• BANKINO T4 Sterling Bank OF CANADA HERD OFFIGE - IMMO Ineorpornted by Special Act of the Dominion Parliament .to receive Depuidta: Highest current rate of interest paid in our Savings Bank Bepartment on deposits of ei and npwartLe, Interest paid and compounded FOUR TIMES A YEAR, Drafts bought and sold. A General Banking Business transacted. GODERICH BRANCH : A. G. GAMBLE, Manager. Ike - ' Poi ng Su divigtere tete. I. sits Thee -mem Been Wagon Shoo. be Feignehen 0. Drichez. denaly returnina treeeer. Polleee Bab dIvialen No. 2 at Thee J. VI can's Feed Snare bv Ctettere/ Patea, depity retarnicE Meyer. Polltcg Bab divirita No.3 at the Town Ilall try W. A. FL Cele eleputy relcannieg eCkier, Polling Bob divi0...ne eno. 4 at, N. Sletbenr Wood Seep by John V. tivte-, deputy retern leg enter. Pen:etc Sob die-tele:1 No. 5 at Meet wettene Store, was etecto he Cleerge c. Mock. elcoate retnentreoceirer. Polling Sat, diteek.,73 Zi.0., 6 at .1 a 4...ra Ravel) ere atop by Henry 1.. Moe -ea. depute re Miracle cfneer. itclerrr Sob eiertelon No. 7 at Deenia leo titles be=sti by Joen It Ceraigio, leep-ate tretteeeng ofiteer. 8, Oa 1%eniday. tte ells day ef Sale next the Maeor of elea tate Town than attene et the Coarse -1 Ceatoteem of the earl Teem et tea ifeelxk in the Layer leeks aeoeloit pereon te ewes at the troths:el velem" retool armee. veld mid at the feral gatarelog et) of tea velm be the Cemee nn beleatf of tim :ittir.a tmenter, ed Oa Mei roonoterg or , eg the t---,,,lr"g el thb s Bylaw resprofively. 9. The Ceerk of the C=Cd7 a tha etle Towel et Coder:eh stall titled iftt, ef,.0 ettn0 Et) Ore Toerne Heli at 10 o'claek in the torecom) cf aterelso, the reeth dey ef Jeer core to earn a p the nember el vette ter and teeeirot the Deane te. I ef deterece the HAI dat7 nf ile,T,Tivid l',,,ed,* at tine Centel CleaMeere ere Tewn 111091.111/1". M. 0. 3401INO ej, , Meieete 4-litace el teen t ARE tiain ; It> Teat the reetere fa a tees .. of er Itcv..eh his Lolsee, weleh its" heetee fak Ecto creeeteet - Wean reA stab sin te tfereer eett eh ' .e'areeeitet the ileasi:xelettto ee tree. fit oil tho' Mitc.:-t ctlkettlef ore tielnit o r., e'e iartet rto iiatta Pate rbe a li.,( It lleaelMtleteet fflielie weierwe , I Whitt. nee weetettele est WSW iell der dffiA111$11, tifelt t"'W the 6;4 PI -edema Owasatitintiehdity 1011 $81410.0410 SO the day tea et die Oltdadireefeelted. - 3N &Ammo.% te feeter-'• 'Viva •Xopkg,. Lwentrt, hirripue—After ts, long anti suceneeful ,rhuidnesa career in Guelph, Mr. George -13, Morris,* for. uter well known Ooderich bey. le leart ing that calf, and the Mercury in * fiecelle Nene deldi "'Mr es** witesescs Ms Pones pato of ttelamia lib la Uutripit at oail et ths I Iteridele Mee known in the busmen pia SO. e al Cite*, Entre ete* mutts Mat' Mr,' 0.,)1, erg? to so soontto leave . ea. urearawsliezi mate:ed. in a cite 14 0404101:(4F1 w ayit berm one reNd. ea eoluatti isrt la PO meresser_y to let a low knoW t . a liked, that he w been entireolereelean that the be/eve/idles of ell who henrkeewa him sr* ble-oteer, lied la the battle DOM 1,441 lee. lam him. VAnnamenc.-The stove and other Useful erticlea prettified, hi? thee town for eteursionlet picnic partfeS at Har- bor Park haa been 1,,00ken. Ana- (Alter deluge ilone by, reckless Chtteaeters, and the remelt is that a reward is offered' by the Town Council for in- formation that will lead to the con - diction of any version destroying_ town or private property. It is to be hoped the guilty will ise apprehended and eoverely punished. The outliMiticts have decided to bring tho liter! into action and stop such depredations for all time. and the general :nubile will heartily endorse such a good move. A Fan A -WAY Poer.-On Friday last President Roesevelt sent to . Con- gress a list of over 00 namee for; OM - 4 &motion as II. S. Consuls, and i the , • r, orris,Vx3 amtrealicknusimuk nutnber of those who Cleve been egis- lated out of Cantata by Cong ap- pears the name of Mr.John ELSh Hey, from Goderich, to Suva, Fiji nds. Me. Shirley's removal from Goderieh is regretted by ail here and the I hope will he general that he niny hie post in the Southern Sellf1 at; agreeable as the one he is leaving. lie was ap- pointed here in Janeary. 1902, rtOd the post, which is one of the oldest eats- blished in Ontario, will henceforeh be closed, all business being traniacted through a tenepoeary agent. EXAMe.-For the midsummer High School examinations for Welt Huron inepeetorate, the following wilt be presiding examiner° : Goderieb, In- eftecto? Tom and Principal Tigert ; Exeter, W. IL Johnston. The en- trance eandidatee will be presided over tor :Oredtton, P. Gowans; Dungannon, Geo, El, Woods and T.181, Brownlee; Exeter, Wm, McKay aro F. E. me.. .888888*8114 Mors 4100 Wiklattga. A. Doting WW11/100. Oil Morning pf Inas 12. at Holy 'Rosary church, Detroit, is yell pretty double wedding Wes soleM47,ed, the contract, • ing parties being Mips Gertrude Aga - the Hood to Mr. Dryen Alfred Mc. Coombe, end Idles Covello Hood to Mr. Arthur Cleland. The marriage was performed by Rev. Father Fisher. Kite Young couplea aro residing at 70 montealni street prior to their depar- ture for Ireland. Blerttoccadjoarane—The Leede. N. D., News of June 14. records the wed- ding af Miss Charlotte Logan, daughter of Mr. and Mre. Wm. Rey - Held* of that city, to Jeremiah E.Doo- ley.' which occurred on Tuesdav even- ing, Juno r2, The ceremony took place at the Reynolds family residence. and & moat elaborate affair, about 50 inieetel being present and the decors, tions and festive arrangenients being Most complete. The report maw Those present from out of town eronS Mr, lanetmi Illeattettl; larryfr14"...D,nra Mies bettiO Thompson. of Chunqiu ber7,, itnd Atria Hiram Bluer, of &tweed. Only re dives and itattediate Motels of bride and greem wete present. tuts beim ono of the Welty of the de High Tho brido ei a charming yonnqadrewho school the past year. She has res ed hero mince early childhood 401(1 Niie many adiublog the groom, Mr. DooloK le ono 11 me 4Theet - - - _ _ _ OODERICH MARKETS. Wheat advanced 000 cent during OM week, and wan two. Both rises were doe to millers,' newel. Lean; Goderich, Inspector Tom and Principal Field; Bengali, (I. S. How - Howard; Kintail, F. Ross; St. Helens, 0. A, Tebbuttl Varna, Geo, Baird, sr., and Zurich, George W. Shore, En- trance examinations will be held on June 27113, 2811.1 and 291.11, and the High School examinatione will begin on Saturday, Juno 30th. 13AD ALI:IOW:4T. -The other day 119 Richard Porter and his wife° were driving along the 411) con., Goderich township, they carne to a spot where a culvert had been waehed away, and the horse refusing to plow through it. was taken out. of the vehicle. The owner then tried to drive or lead it aCTOSS the cut -rent, when the horse kicked Mr. Porter in the face, break- ing hie upper jaw bone, seriously wounding his cheek's, end cutting the lower part of the nose away from the Hp. The hone got away and a neigh- bor driving hy drove Mr. Porter at once Drs. Whitely & Gallow. where his wound.s were dressed. At present the injured man in deity, well, and should no unexpected eomplicatious ensue, he le likely to recover. THE NOVI:RI:ION HANK. -The Sover- blonde in Destiny and vie Le. popular young men la t eity. We do. puty poritineater for a number at yowl, 'until ribout a year ago, whim he evae appoluted poetnuater. FOLEY-KELLY. - On Weduceday morning St. Peter's church was the scene of a pretty wedding. the .00n- DOMINION PAY CDIAlBRATION. fiethirkk Is Alive fa illeroost-1.0094 Polfesuiolle Moulted. The ileferal committee* in connec, tion With Dominion Day celebration in clorierich loWe not been laggards in the initiative, and the good work met with *Mlle a popular response that the VI1010 Froarannue box already been completed and was printed and placed heforethe public last Saturday. Ther' financial eautfassers met with lrerY ION" reinises. and the event_pre. oiler* to be a decided iliteeese. There will he foil day's *port, from eatiY morning until late at night.. The Snit *Vent Will be a ealithumplan and trades procession, for is purse of SDI There will he no less than,ten races for boyd and girls. and the prizes have heel) figured out on a liberal scale. These events will take place on the Square In the forenoon, and the adults games Kt 4 p.m. At 0110 o'clock &procession will form on the Square, headed by tlm hard liegittlental Rand, followed by the London and Goderich bates ball clubs end Winghafn and Goderich lacrosse teams. to the aglieultural grounds. *bete the battles royal will be fought to a Stash. tracting parties being Miss Kate, fourth daughter of Jno. Kelly, Church (erect, and Richard Foley, of Chicago. The church held a large congregation, tOwn and townehips being each well represented,theufficiating priest being Rev, rather McRae. The bride and many of the guests were driven to church In an automobile, the first time in Goderich that an auto has been used for such a purpose. The tethers, J.B.Reynolds and D.J.Neville, sbovved great. skill in seating the many pre- sent, and all was in order when: the bride entered ahe church leaning on her father's arm. The bride was ate slated by her sister, Esther, the groom by Will Me,Laughiln, of Chicago, and the ring bearer was Miele Lillian Farr. a niece of the bride. The bride watt eharmingly gowned In white point d'esprit,over white taffeta and ribbon. She were a hat of white chiffon, and carried a shower bouquet of midden- hair fern and whit,e roses. Miss Esther tooked "tweet in a gown of china silk trimmed with baby Irish lace and shirred ribbon; her hat wan of white chiffon and pink l'OSOS, and bhe carried a shotver bouquet of pink MRCS and maidenhair fern. Little Mimi Lillian wore a lovely drece of ,pink china alik, trimmed with Valenciennes lace and ribtione. and carried a pretty bruiket of ponies. At the concluelon of t he oere- mony the party returned to the reill- dence of the bride's parent. where congratulations were in order, and prompt at high noon the piety -rela- tives of the in Le rented fatullien--par- tOok of a eutript nous wedding luncheon, the dining room having been beauti- fully decorated with orange hicresome and fern% The party left tor the de- pot about 2:20, ag Moand M re. Richard Foley left hy the 2.51) for London, en route to their future home. Chicago The bride's ;wing away dreen wars an Hum relit of nine chiffon broadcloth, with hat to match. The drive to the illation woe rather exciting, as two carriagere (the bride'a one of the two) drove side by aide down Favet etreet, and all the time of thedrive the hridal party wag treated to immenee ',hewers of rice. At the depot the attacking party wan incretated, and the funlicule re.c.otntnenced, and hinted until the bride and groom were items re from danger in the car. Toe Wren ban of- ten epoken ahout the diecomfort came ed to bride and groom by showering rice, but It fleeing old encamps die hard. In London, Mr. and Mtn. Foley were to have a reception tendered them at the reaidenee of the groorn'e slater. hirearBrien. The pressen to were many and costly, the groom'e to the bride being a beautiful gold bracelet net with diamondie to the hrlderanaid a (limiter jewel, to the ring hearer a gar- net, ring end to the groom -moan a scarf pin. Among those present from a diotanee were Mra, Dvvver, arul M re. . C. 8,4,k er and W, J. Kelly, of Detroit; Mrn. T.O. Sullivan, of else eago, and el hot Lizzie Brown, of Blyt h. t'attle, hogs and eheep raked little the paet few daya, and poultry is co scarce a s to 130 hant ly (potable. Butter and egge are unchanged, earden 'Muff lo plentiful atm cheap, and ntrovetrenees aro plentiful and wero ,elting yeeterday at 9 etee J. F. Andrew,: whipped twii ear loads of hogs to Toronto on Mon&y. Current toholesate pricea corrected up to noon of Thursday.) Fall wheat, mondani $0 79 to 70 Spring wheat, out:deed 0 70 te 79 Floor, per cwt., patent ....... 2 fin IA 2 50 Flour, per cwt.. faintly 2 23 to 2 25 Bran, per ton 19 00 to 10 Oft Shores, per ton. 20 00 to YO Screenings, per ton. 18 00 te L8 Gate 0 in to 0 Barley 0 40 to 0 43 Nam . ..... ........ .. 0 05 to 0 en Ilya .......... 0 48 to 0 43 Buctivrit.eii: pe- r .inutinel .. 0 ie to 0 48 Hay . . .... ....... ....... ... 8 00 to 8 25 Bauer, ..... IL . . , . .. ...... 0 le to 0 10 greah) per dozen 0 13 to 0 14 . per cord ..... ..... ......, 5 00 to ft 00 Cattle, extwn. ... I 50 to 4 75 Cattle. anllnatry and butchers' . 3 54 to 4 75 Lamba, gonna.. .. , .... . 4 00 to 5 00 illece3p tat (0 .. . . . .. . to Iloga, live wet t 7 23 to 7 25 Hoge, drwicel 8 75 to 9 t70 . . 0 10 to 0 10 Bacon. one efear ... 0 14 to 0 14 Illde3 7 W to 7 Z, Slime eking „ 0 70 to 0 93 Tallow, rendered . ., . , , , 0 01 to 0 01 Chic:lima- tearnyard entekn, per lb 0 19 to 0 li " -crate fed 0 ti to 0 12 Boot, fere quarters. 4 50 to 5 &I Reef. hind nnarteri 6 00 to 7 00 Potatoes . . , . - .--- 0 PO to 0 55 Elmeehernee .. ..... .. . 10 to 10 thivIrTows Tenksf logra)tAber 00deriell DOW41/110* nay, July and. Today iit lougaut day, and from this on watch them shorten. Additionel local matterand enmity,. correspondence Will 1)00101d on pesos 4, (lend% Dta Whitely bee` brightened up hie charming tesidenta paintintit ft Is a greet itnetrOVeletellt to the firts. tent. Mr. "4.„, dehnoton taken over the Co; nom flute!, atria is now intuit posaession. A number of imprtnree tetellts tego under way. Seaforth has completed arrange*. meats for a. monster celebretion that town on Thursday. JulY " When they do It, they do it Well.' "When wo do It, we do it welt sold quick," applies to tiae Ooderleit ,Drim4 inion Day celebration. Anil the event• on Monday. July 2nd, promises to be a decided succesa. On Monday the 7.15 a. in, train out was changed to 7.10 a. In., and the 1.20 p. m. train in was changed to 1.25, while the wand p, in. train out will now leave at 2.50. The loeal Orange Lodge has twang' ed for a special aervice in the North street Methodist church on Sunday. July 1st, at 11 a. m. Rev. Mr. Ilszen, the pastor, will preach. The tug-of-war on the Square at 4 p.m., for a purse of 81Xt, promises to be a most exciting feature of the day, as it la expected Goderich township, Col- borne and Ashileld, and probably a Goderielt town team, will line up for supremacy. The tug-of-war, however, Is open to all competitors. At the «ante time there will be adults' races, fat man's raw, Jumping. putting shot, and other games, and the purses are oleo liberal. Two specie' prizes aro worthy of ((peeled mention -$5 In gold to the farmer briuging In the ittrgest lead of people in one conveyance, and 100 lbs. of the famous 5 -Star brand flour to the farmer twinging In tho largest family. Another feature of merit Is that thorn will be no entrance fee for any competition and no charge whatever to witneas the 'melte which, with the exception of base ball and lacroese, take place on the Square. A errand display of firework() lute been arranged for, and it may be said many new pieces never neon in the county tovvu, including hellions, have been ordered, which should prove a fitting close to a genuine good day, • The 38rd Regimental Band will he in attendance all day. and thee() who (levies 11 day off and a real good time should not tniss coming to Goderich on Monday, July 2nd. eign Bank in one of the younger char- tered banks of Canada ; but 'in ite four years of existence it has earned the confidence of the people. and haa be- come a favorite bank. The paid tip capital of the Sovereign $3,KeS,410, and the net profita for the year ending April 30,1900, amounted to 8187,407.3.5. from which dividend,' amounting to 0 per cent. were paid. The reeerve fund was augmented by 8E30,000, and now a- mounts to the handeonie nutn of HUM, - 000. In his speech the general mana- ger vote able to point with pride to the rapid advancement of the bank, its great increase in buelneno during the year, and the satiefaetory pogition in which it now in. The Ware of the bank loom» up bitr. and the manner in which it has been nurr.ed through its infancy show that the management in what it -should ire to lierilre groat sue - 0039. GONE TO CIA/W.-On Monday loot SPECIAL NOTICE. Notice:3 under We tmelIng to noreadverters- icr. will be etargoe, /9 ciente a running line in eon el type, Ill lima to the ; to ready can advert/owe weene ad eertederi ate Kara la the {031=41 10S003,13 memo Unis to Mom who mates a ye.lely contract 'a reler thee and do mot etheetenie advert/lee, 8 ovate a line. Local Notice*. Genies To Seavoirrn?-"Sey, where are pee feelers en tho leeta Jehr -1 are caeca to it,o_efartti with fiee crowd. weeny tt <00i CO' • ,X4114 prill3C3 end many ova" 13,5 partr.ediara nee low railway nem (note ye& a few daye Remember the date of Taub", & eerie sera to Codetteb. *me if wma cyre bother loo to any way, mike 6t- ps'Itst. to comet them et troolo a Drog gem on reale:or. Wed- reolay and Tbareoes. !Mee 2rett, 21th 2ith AII aGettlerata enestaeding may be Fed at Paulette, Hardware An estly Wien' =me., foeareeeel. -. Lots 7e21,8111, "'GM* than 1099 about LcAo eatruns. includior about & see Geode's Dreg Ere en Tworday in by special trsin, and cave that the The Power Co. Question. This evening a public meeting will be held in the Opera House to dinettes the proposal of the Maitland River Power Co., and t he bylaw to be voted on ruly The Dominion tomalley for West Huron, Mr. E. N. Lowia, ha* sent a generous check to the coat mi ttee.whieb will materially assist in making the Dominion Day eports sitteeeett. Chas. C. Lee'e change of advt. WA3 too late tor this insure lie has some genuine bargains left, and him in stock some good thinge for the hey- ing, harveeting and building seasons. The surplus trees having been re- moved from the south side of Trafal- gar atreet, in front of the Messrs. Holt. land and Todd, and Mrs. Green having rentoved her fence, the town or school authorities should cut out the low limbs opposite that property. Mr. Wilson set (I, good example on the opposite aide, ono that might be profit- ably followed. The member° of the Masonic: fluter - nits' of Goderich and neighborhood will attend divine service at St. George*e church next Sunday morn- ing, when Rev. Bro. Turnbull will prea.ch Munonic eymbois and their teaching. Vieiting brethren who in- tend to Join Maitland lodge in attend- itig thin eervice *Mould he at the lodge room, Wee. [drama, at 10.20 a.m. The Goderich bowlers have arranged to have their annual tournapient on August 71,11 and three following dews, and the gathering will, it is expected. be the largeat in the !Maury of the club. Lett year the notice was not out in time to prevent, a claeh with ether eittbe, bat this yenr there ehthild be net conflict, an oix rimer wooke is long enough to make dates to suit every- eody. Ass last year, fourteen rinks will play at once, and eel the lawn is In good condi t ion. and itunrovemente aro beiug mule to the groUnds. the 1900 tournament should be a record. There ebould be a large attendance of all (lamest of citizen's, for tlie, mat- ter 10 one of great importance to the town find only by a full dirietecrion of all 1(9 betwinge ran a eittlafaetory 4ind intelligent vote he exte-euned 011 it. Opportunity will be given 1 0 have hot li eider, of the ipurrition preeented and d 'hennaed . the various companiee comprising the alrd Regiment left hy [special train for London and went into camp that even- ing. The regimental hand from God- erich accompanied them,and the troy° at Ode end Irroked very Well indeed. Capt. Dunlop wan congratulating him- self on new recruit,the finest looking figure, be thought, to be in the ranke, but when sampling the uniforme not one could be found to fit the new man, whose effortn to get Into a pair of trousern he had taken home to try, threw his wife into fits of laughter, go tthsurd was the appearance. Our Cid- Zell, however, was not to be deterred and no doubt by tibia time In proporly and comfortably equipped. One of the boys writing from Camp to Tfin STAR ssye they have had conahlerable wet to contend with. hut they are getting into soldier like shape anti when they come marching home will let able to do thlhge pretty nearly right. THE Ornevnoonn°0 V ewe -The an- trual visit of tette popular ateamer wan again a pieasing and note.ahle event, the weather being favorable except for a lively shower ehortly, after her native' on Monday night. hefere all the 000 visitorm got up town. Tne "ntoenlight" trip that evening had cf fortiece. o Teeter hme EMSEllecezr lam area the !intim bwid. ea,„ Melee cow be. Lave el croesee. Tat doe Tbareelay, crerettb. asA night was niter dark everythiang was Meeting GaIertAar. 07nr-...41teme.nrat cf Invcrr.rgeo eatt-p, et 0 13,„ tlieiffeetee Worer-g. A Gino MOW, g ttePdtllo reeeeol Poiret 'tee natadsr titattilarestiely rt.reics .ca, "Ir. Tootle', Meedsty tweet". 4,eviivnittielte itteritiloltwetria4, el Tee& POselear kiatelleklef (.`evatatiteaterfile Ne, erneCsi orrosimareen. A f-4-rm elloset* • eee'le AMONG THE CHURCHES. The Sunda y neltord sof the liaptint chureh, meeting le the Piddle iebeney button ute 'tele eloerve Children'', Day next Hundsiy morning, and alms at their etogioe In 1)1,, 11,,fternom). The proem% Rev, Mr. 1V, ight, will make hie meriting eesenon eititable to the oc ewe 5,0 , Neill Smoley will he the annual Flower Huntley at V letenia etreet Methotlint Sabbath echool. Special mualc will be furninhed try the ecbool al the tnorning and afternoon eery ices,. The patitor Will presteh at the mornleg net vire, and Rev. 0, N. Hazen, of Nottli Street, tVill add resin the echoed in the afternoon, Next Huntley teill be obeerved an rlower 00517, or Child Feted Day, in Knox church. At the niorning (ter - vice the children and young people will occupy the centre divInlone in the and itorium of the church, and the Nermon edit he epeotally for them. The General Aneembl y diplomats and Habhath School reWardu for the cloging euar.er of the year will he dietri ifrU LOLL 1,4 1110 nucceesful echolarre Around the Harbor. A raft of loge la eepected in port In a few dayn. Mowers. G. L. Persona and 0. Sturdy have added another building to "Boat Home Row " for the homing of their evince. The echooner AIA)y, Irma Cho tharu , with a eargo of brick o for Mr. A. Fallow, arrived in port on Sunday, anti 00 Tneeday left for lianitemlin load lumber for Chatham, Revered car loado of rerwhinery for the elevator arrived the pact ars,ek Among the lot Pete 00001'311 bottoine for the cement bina. They are of iron and give an Idea of the atilt:stem tial and tire proof cemditIon the elevator Will be in when finished. The June Sessions. ifts edge pogo 5.) Boll vet. Hart, an action for price of digging an artenian lasted Dom l'ileaday till t1000 Of Wedneeday, when the jury f..13Ve ft verdict for plaintiff. and judgment will he entered after 30 dayn for plaintiff for 8122. with costs on Couray Court [male, including wet of the enattilnation of defendaut foe iliecovery. J. L.Killoran for plaintiff, ° J. M. Bent for defendant. The ttvo non -jury CaSOS on the doc- ket will be tried on a future date. The court then clotted. His Honor Judge feoyle prenided up to tho conclusion of the Lelper vs. Story 0100 on Mottday; then inn Honor Judge Holt amended the bench and twinkled till the court cloced. SUMMER SPORTS. Under the caption "A cheep game of Inerrotrue," the Wingham Advan ce nays, 'elect 00,1strich laczneso alb matie their fleet vise t the locals in this, diettirt, and before a large en- thuoiantic crowd hest by a score of 7 to 3, both teamo putting up a good clean game of lacrosse. In g (fret quarter both termite were plata e on even Itemise but Wingham home 'to -ma- log hard at the end of the quarter, with the ncore a tie, I to I. The ado cond (pewter WaS MUCh the 1131130 an the (het. Winghain home wearing down the vleItorce defence, hut Gado - rich met them well, and the quarter ended 2 to 2. Everybody wale anxious WI the third quarter began, hut tne locale were. out to win, and the quar• ter ended 5 to in favor of Wingham. The (Mirth quarter was played i n nem lelark none, and Wan uneventful. only for the soothe; of '2 more goals iry the 'oral teron, ending the game by ft 000010 of 7 to a. Mr. Geo. Allen, of t Forest t , ref erect' eat I ofactori I find had lit tle to do In the way of pen - 'dieing, no dirty work hang 00011 dur- ing the whole game. The bent of good feeling prevailed, anti thie ohould al - war.) he the crew:* OBITUARY. McKavo-John te, 10,T) of the late D. C. McKay, of flotlerteb, died at the 'Incidence of hie /incise .1a.o. A. ei cK ay , Toronto, on Thurfelay, atter a very long Illnene, he ha ring for yeare beim a [letterer from i fiam Wen y r Ina - t Mtn. The remakes 1,14-1(. hrotight Ooderieh on Friday Mid interred in the family plot in Maitland cemetery, the funeral taking place from his late father'e renidenee, erirner of Neleon and fit. Andrew etreete, at 7.15 p, Rev, Jao.A, Andes -eon %V h Ofile 1 ng rn Ieter, and the pall bearer° were nimeree. Hort eirn I th, .1. R. Artie - son, T. W. Nairn and Reg, Black. Jae A, Meg ay, of Toron to, an 11 e and Robert, of New York, a brother. were preoent tit the interment. arra, LI.. (en T II eerie y cater -noon m Elizabeth (7amphell Attrill, of Ridgewood, peeeed a wa y aft er on Saturday the tug Horton, the dredge Arnoldi and attendant crown steamed for Port Elgin, v./berg the inst- ill Will he engaged dredging for fey'? weeka, after whieti it will move to Kineardine, where there will ILO 507,12, aiderahle dredging to do. It would he a lettAnnei and a profit- atAe move if the O. T. 11. Imspie clean- ed their earn ont up town, an it wouhll he a cheaper prefer -as than Inking it up the teack fiat cane and would keep the dock much cleaner ehan it can be kept under the preoent evetem. Wen sat - eq. tho boat getting Feta Alertly after II o'clortk. On the dewnwArd trip to Detvoit Cin Tuesday, * bent 80Q passengers WCTO carriesLavd the westher viral ell that areal lie do - [fired. The boat vivo due to ratan-) here hurt evening. On her nyward trtp Mor_dair she bre-teethe ehoot. KAI ra.e. *engem for lite noel Gederiele. and the promptneso of thtlr reneetkr/ end the genera! extellence el the araug;,- re Alta for their cue while here wene a credit to the new nouuserment. Every, oars **0 appairelitly Weil diehard. • • A trell expectell large nornhee ameticea weete along the river tempting the hass ar,d pOciterei on Elatorday. Ra1,70 tSTI-112 Da fin the bite, or were Ca plentiful, Lett pickerel Wino plentiful and hungry, and theragh four was; a good string cf base/ pleketel were caught in lamer riteetbent, in fact any GEO with dereent taeltie anti over telt heal no diElettIty in getting a basket of pickerel. at her loug and painful dlneee. will be remernhered that lam fail the deepened lady left for Erigland, from which land the new n came 01,0011Y afterwarsle that ehe wan far from well. and in t he opting rame in belhgen, that death 1,701.0 imminent. [Mt, 4114. ranted. and arrived again at t he ,111 home, where all hopred renovery might lest their hopm were in vain. M LOU Attrill wan one of the loot known and mere kindly weinei, living, rind her name will he long retrieenher ed end revered by bolter of people, cal.) a woman tif a mote genet-0mi ontelre loveable elm ',weer emit(' not lee feline Her denatee l(nIX/Pa blontr ill thin pant 1,1 Huron that° will he hard to fill. The funerril took via,. ye.* erd y morning from It id eewood t,, ell Geo -tette a eluireb, Geeierleh. thence to Maitland c,eenets.ry Ile rector, Rev. Mark Turnireill, cooed isetrel the fume -rat co -stroke: The elite r wao utter:lett-hence, by the addition ne feee 1,1717ICT mem. hero, Tim teen inearege were Judge Hott, D. McDonald. C. Oarverw, IV le Flint, C. (1 ftatl. of Toronto, anal t4ratth. rof ionadon. The confeet woo oweecred with CI wealt Is floteeete, anti many frieraile Caldi 0110.10,11diltiltA.10 C7C-10 peezent nt the church coeviee, at the cm/what:10n oe which the propesolon re-fertnot. and 11,1 the cboir oattg "Lord. now tattezt thfot ttty ten:rant depart in F'"J.t.‘2: atzarted, ft-t.v °erre &Ludas etztt4,thso--==.-qa do;Nto Otb., tbo el (to to:eon meaber feel Breeettetk Ave=e, ,reeto, t7 nee Voe. eseetroo Weer stefe, pr•ftv..4',41-Am !Fa Maripme. Au% &suttee et tam bee cege Idesore eei °Melee* to Wee] Mem Cease if tee Peer. es...3 .A.,61aseirs. ees.lirree. atr• 1,4 "c"4:".". 7 , The Power Co. By -Law. tem. A letter which reeently ap- peared in your paper on the subject of the protemed wau,r development has drawn more attention to me than I ant icipated. Holmes) yeaterday ealIed en rue and Invited mo to atteend the meeting. and otiggeehed that, I might feel inclined to put frry viewra before the meeting, Nut, elan. white I Car) put feS7 041111,4n11,000 together on paper, the mornent get, ott tny leg*, tny ideas float away. and I feel in - el i neel te, /my, no did the man when ree yowling to the toanit to hie health, “Here I Mond, 1 ellfl eny no metro. God help me. Amen"' N(3137 there are many pollute in con- neetton with tide titivation which have to he looked at, and upon wide!) wo hope to he enlightened at the meeting. A to the tire:inability havlog the power developed oer the river, and broterht inte the town far Leah pri- vate Imo and martufactating PlIFFISC.14 therti con he /MO quentien. It Li ebrace ha-Or:nem re toWle otanding railvancing : anti when othes tewees. which pootet water power, aro dost81- (ping tbetn. it in hardly eurprising that come of the mote energetic and erapvprit‘ina men of Goderieti Wee anetioug, aro It in tho ewe. Wttetter the eragintering and financing Mimi - Hee thee, sure allaead et the prategteee are tot) aNnit en tee overman* leetnfetbfer reueation, hut it in ene veith Width, 1 think, the ratepayer() heve reehieg to do. All they have at, preeent to thtnk sthont io tetettrer atai Jolly 712,13 will voto 7ca en. nay en tiee bylaw. `I am net tratepaeier. and have rie ether hiteereet In the town except to e't it t'24:1,11G0 preg.teesittre. Int ceaP net eeee wine the eittepitycre ttheald hezitatee to veto ter shelve( whizh tbcrw2gmy citateds thee eiglate 'feel Intereeto, A eitiecto metro : Weeees meet peeteee.:0 arG tvitintdng their Lzwr,..3 and Mete turelevares. in miter to make them Leek test an ateteacelve. ereetd le too meets to ask the lalnk eemmittee de likedise 9 The g,ears en belle of their let wculd lg4k ail the better ler *ins cut. licaree A. tnete TOM Ifc.a,„;wafeezstiCaiet's a sper2k frir *to treerg-.,el el ants st4I wrote.. WO bare never hean.1 its•faiihog to tee wee et that WadithitUL 1 Ire , • 4 !!, ,r • •