HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-02-23, Page 4�1 __ - ­_ ______ -_ W 3 -- . 0-1-7 11111G Subcribtrrn Lai atM f•is►/. ..1 the Hostess Dssusca, that lits NF.W Ii .1tV 1111.6 a as towneap of Kantor dose, am Ldda Illusion, thirty saLaa above liudcrt. it. is now in full operation; sad 6e I. prepared to fat/11 orders fur ptse or other sew n Lumobe►, to any . attest and tf any dl uw:■tluae, us the soloist reuonall'• leaves. , WILLiAM WITHER.H. K,eeardtnr, 90th Ont'., leaf. It) DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. r`UII; Cupartmer.hip 6cretufur• existing • between il,• underelirned (,tnJe:r the liar, of (:,sooting said L acaster, lunke@p- err,) on this Jay dusulved by mutual con- s, lit. on-sant. J. K. G(Jt)1)IN(;. J. LANCASTER. R. TaKi:'1110i1'tCl?. - produce NOTICE. t3F,NT.'8 CLI)'I'HING. 06PFCTUB wfffia I;dtW ag &"AL �IILr t3uLKriiler ion r•bnla kis fle4ers ---+- AlY rstn et«k of (;I�ly� Css� �LL poi • an brwby »s"@sed agars•, Ptlut Cla► ti ta►ep's Grays, &Myer it* wy lit:et w M web Or "M SECOND �OLUNE OF THE IIVRQX DIUITf'A1CT. t ]BY etsAna ad a I►u►s to ►v rwlgall'" s for tb@ liberal Palet oge bestowed on him •lace bin pw4u *dor IF Clot►s, Ysaliwaky Jesus, Tweeds, and a e lt(JTC (fiY UANU �•fos�od Is Jess esA V 1111AM Ill ierties AA@Jlridr, large variety s( );Agli•b sed heavy Blsokel JOURNAi. 09 WCATION rM • Ni(: !j wru T r1( J'iuJ Facies, is•uad r( f uajlestg'a, arrival influderich, wishes to inform them -hot he Liss dl al the ►u.a,•sr mo ttp•sad ANOTErJ b Coettag• Also, Sa e#tnadse n of w flim� gaee y.rt @f lbs saaoi a said Nen. V s of the "'`le-- I•'g treat fmnhlonabls oif VPPER OAi�ADA• out h "Same DCuist Coert+ and to No dlnetai �eiaat 'JAMLH DONALDSON. All this• is r=X�, JOHN 11"ATRICK. Pus Cap@ at all Pelee& and of all gsalitiee' EDITEId tKS IA&dm OdTenetwests of lRilha}d- Ihr. ha be of Hs atsit of !Nevi iPrllil• It h abbted to bas by Nut• or &,ut acc•wtnl, will Galland settle the •arum br(.,rr ALLIA K"ATAWK. lists of the lhoost Sad signs Opp a ad C�@, Vick. >��. MAI Giantism; Winter Gluaret 11u+aw; ledw . By sas•d all tube 0,11- - Ma_ ___ ---. please the t wentieth day of February, as all Notes and R'ok sctonnT@ com&sots unsettled til- I a" - -_ - -- - Rub►se Skser, gland is Awt essay thing Goosaicx, 20ib De@nabrr. lBkl aecesaar� loge THL RET. EGLATQN JLVf.& I'f, DD. Gaon wPaaswlsagsT oP aeroeLs f few be title in ib Caltrti� L M7. the Township as1. 4�etpSj�ag 100 4'r /ha dab will be to a Lawyer aesbl(e' to neatness and to Itlt�, h dto@s is AMOI401NW BY MR. %" (i1.v. H000RIO. aaGe; wk" Lr asaU sit tT�r owe at $teen our sullecltoe. y as concerned, HE usden,gmeJ having baa apput&ted by .,II b T w Ill be sold these for cash or at -- the Court IlelpneA�the town o dgrieh, S t -1 ib 95 h d f N TFIOSAAS WA'CICIlIR. Gsderi h, INS. 11. 184A. 49 DR. P. A MCDOUGAIL.I., CAN be convoked at all ►sure, at the Britisik Hutto, (i.AsCA.Taa@•) Gode►ich, Sept. 13th, 1848, 33 - NOTICE. AL', Panama ifldehted is BREWSTER Has Excellency, the Gtvsraor Oeawnl, a i&lerim 2lepanotea,Jest i,f Combustion S'JYmds is the Store of OE Caieductan of the Jbrrwe/ •f 1!JMeeioa T un a u y e t a o ovetnygr next, at ttiw too? of 19 o'c�ock soon. TH(AIIAR aLAAOUR k CO. POIPOWtteN&aim= as walswri o the nM J. b1.TDONALD, Hber( H. D. the Fission District, will be ready w &flood w GoJerieh, Nov. ill, 1848. 47 year 1118. Its Son will be @wart• instead of prsmardr Ostasab all norn.pu'wlanCe cooaeaeJ with this duties - - --- - - ucuv, 1a order to semen to the srbeeribeu to Goderico, 11th Augalstr lt4t. Sam of his at" e, his horse is East Sue&4 GODERICff, C. W. it the advantage of sarspate.r in the plat: of .-.� (irdslick. Sotl d'1'uvtNYAer, 1#14. P"P&W R'' I• the l , Vateme tM C•sdaeton have had Rl Ru■zar PAatcx, ) CHARLES FLETCHER. ECFIVED per @hips Bollen& and "titer ,Melly 4 fowfdd otyeot is view. I. As esposi- R T A V T ff O R I T Y. Jobany, from Llyespoes4, en. Ition- troal, and for sato by 1M siubse►tben at low tion of the principles, sod provisions and aty�eeeta of the System of common !Schools Is Upper Can- )) RICOARt+ DARLIxgTall . Lands i17 The above saW of is paatpoaed Shfrlff'9 Sale of £aiib& rates, in gottntivaa, or otherwise, Bal aide. 2. The qutlNBeations, obliga",sns and m@toelrr"ondlsddnueeofTrustees Forest@ until the first of Febne", 1". JOI1N IraDOMa9D IL SIMAll l', through the agency tit as j Eancy Arinlr' gond Jsboul '1'ta, The bu,intess *Ili be eonlintu-d, "pool all Do. bleached and nob byre 3. Tis@ OR{,ortaace of s)herid it 'D. the Subaenber, aro stquerted to settle their Lesehed Ca.1coev, Nornui'School lustractioo for she elov,uon of daXRtrr'a Orae►, Goamca, "..1.teiul'ng .ceosutm due by a,u1 to Ili. I ircounts immediate either with tons or HURON DISTRICT, t BY virtwof four Do. Cotton Yarn, Pieces Curdero sad Lr swill ter ssl4led b the uonlrr.s a.L y To 11,14 : S writs of Fieri J Common Schools of the country. 4. The iso- 20th November, 18ttl. # 43W 1 1 r" wltb Mr. Geu►ge Frazer, (,udench, sell + Taros Bar Iron, assorted sizes, of the powmace and treat edvaate ra s( ■ thorough, J. I.ANCA�TFl(• •Ate eJ•ts. Fariaso issued nut of Iler AI•jeity s Court " cr &wn brand." Cbrinwn, Consensus Nebo•l edaeatiaa w t►s GoJericb 5th Sept.,948. 3211 I of ,seen'• beccli and to me directed Q Pias above ale of t4 1849. is poapttlai + P + J. K. QOODING. u + several classes of our industrious Irtiva.- Goderieh, 8th Sept., laid. - 2211 raiin@t the [Anda, and Tenements of Julia C i They also offer for sale, of recent While she entice!• which have givecharacter soul the fist day of April, JON s Ane Xippen and Amelias W. Kippers at the ilepurtrfluu from the Usited States, to the river Volume of this Journal will not be JOHN UcIJONALD. I It O S [ r C T U S AI)ViSIVUS)E:MENT. respective suits of Ross Robertson, Robert BARRELS FINE BALI sad toot siabl at, •se+hw leading sl.).et .( the N.• Sher$ H. D. OF TIFF; VIC'170RIA MAGAZINE. lModeWell, John Strachan, gen lenisn, one, Chola TEA. of warious qualities. coed \,loan avid be 0Cf1OOL ARCHITLC- SuE"ttt d OfrICR, Gogttaacy. t _ . etc . sed James Cloutia and also b virtue TURF ; for the elucidst.ou,sf and improvement January '.9th, 1819. s rrHE Subscribers In acknowledging the t' y 4%4 U. IL SEYMOUR it CO. of which the Conductors Iture already procured -------- MR. 1 of too writs of Fitri Foci�a, Issued Out of a AYD JIR t. M(K)DIF, ibatos& liberal Patronage which they have re- 'lar M, rbl s Iluroa 1h.trict Court, and --` ..g..l F.&#twit is asod Narsoim tat t e:eo a pro- P03Ti'O,\rE,NE.YT. revved during their residence in Goderich, I it J THE APPROACH NQ PP.t3R10N cure osbtrs: rd s tae owns e( flim ►,-FIE Laotin of Ilse Vs,reusA ifAolzr"I -oil r to lot L!uctiPd against the Lands and Teo- you. ,bey r t nl,l re .1 al sly rcgnto tile untie nnte I OF PARLIAAIF\err purpose, to tlye .nLNSOas .d O the ►til S Jt,we all th err tarn's w esduu a a•r.nl ' emesis O( Julia Ann Koppers aitJ Amt Gus •• _ .ort U'•,ug, &,.J cheap 1'tr, tical, iur the ('moa. dctl,o-v (I t of all acro s, f due to the firm, ! W. Koppers at thin respective buits of Robert PARLIAMENT meets' "for the Pia- (w•h ae bImPL:�\c O else t ngal') wlb eh base 6heriff's Sale of j'rall{bs. Zia Pe-ple ; whi,:h uay atrwd atu seeme.t In '"fiery rl .se their ►oaks frons lblr J.1 -c.- I Parke an.l Jo.hna Callaway. I have seized PATCH of BUSINERS. on THURS trra retommetded by school authorities in the I_h .14 and tion Sketches end T"Irs, 1%Ilcnilul. to thi>tnntite will raveenau, !HURON DISTRICT, Ill virtue of a g and taken a Execution the foll.,wmg fro• DAY, the 18th day of JANUARY next.- Reishboureaa Stales: good aloe, i( Feasible, Ea- Ill .a verse and p•n,.r, Moons Eray, 3tan•"ro of liar T. GILMOUK At Co. I We have made 'ample arrangements b gravio s ofthesrries of ,laaso(Commun Sch,sol- Ts lKif: writ of Fit,1 (•ulooy, Scnlw ,of ll•rful In6rrma"un, Review. Go,:crich, Sib Sept., 1348. 321f Percy as brlunCta,• lar Amclws W. Ktppgu, til A y t t _ "ae of the above Defendants a pati or per- whish we shall Ise enabled to tive ABRIDG• hooses which have bion adapted and reeom• District Court out of I er Majesty's lifiroagainst of new Work", and well the day, a•"t•kG from ' "'--"-- - , t I� tion of Black G. in Oho Tuwsship of. Cal• ED but COMPItEHF.NSIVE, and EARLY intended by the FAlacarwaal Committee of Fier1 District Court, gond to me directed iCatast tl r most lee Mar nthirrs u(the Jsy, xill /s►m the TO LK'1, • Ijlorne Western Division, Iluror District REPORTS of all the Proceedir a EARLY the Moicely's Privy Ceased is England. The Ea. J the Lands and Tenements of Gtrio Ilamil- pl ge@ of tM JI"suins. r FIAT handwmw tars -r horse, le ' ' g ravings will exceed is member the mood.. of ton at the suit of Joshua Calloway, i have IIrkA, tore feel coafideatthat the isde Tarot °' rintaipoing two hundred acreso/Leal; Ilouseo&theeyenfnAsofUooday,Wednes• Dc r(r Htean,boat Tavern, belonging to 'John 1 , d e the years, gond w::I themselves be worth the :ub- seized and taken in Execution, Park Lot flood ruin# country to whose service ,bey are t%•ilemi 3td, and proseoily occupied by Mr. Ike. I which band" eha.l offs for sale at flim 1 ' and Fr day. will bi inserted in the seritiia rice of the volume. prowl to dedicate their talents, will cheerfully roan. II to lots, and well ads Court f lura -e, Ili the town of Go,'erieh on next mornin s TRANSCRIPT. Those there- P P somber one, on the number side on Melbourne East r tired w the use sl K Merlin obiter of flim us which Vdsay will k, street, sad Lot number (oil on Ili• Feet Irnd its asypurt to enco&iass Their rrJeogon and a vee rt le fami! I Tuesday flit 30 h da u( March @ext at fair, who derirs to watch tho proceedings site of 11'clBaglon street o� the town of hd000rablr undertaking. The low price at •b y-6avCa •Lae tartko and J r p go toexplai" any rawiliieayun• w6ith my be male orchard well stocked with euraert fr.,t:rars of the hour n( 19 u'rhick noon. til their Rep►esenlauvem, well be enabled to to the School law i■ eomneaioa With present which the Periodical is placed, to in order that .arinoltdexriptions. fu prusimity to the liar- ]. SIcDONALD, Sltri I. D. olu so (as we shall only resort ilia speeches provlsioon,- Albert, wL:ch Iarsda 1 shall offer for sale on curry persue within the l'obmy who can real, y„erofGoderich enhances the 'll o('I sit'ta- Fuairr'e O1rICR of three who ennfine themselves to Ilia A third and pmmiaess object of the Seemed Saturday, the 951h.day of November Next, sad danz,ous fur moral and mental improvement ,ism sad as the pr,.pnoter i"des4o, that it should (:Oder'ch, 14th December 1848. 47td qt•e!tions before the Iiou4e ) br, becoming Volume will be, ,be esps.uwa at IM rrea■r at the hour of 19 u clock florin, at the Court may becon tit a subscriber •rid.pairoo of the work. camomile to be occupied, it will be let on area- . _---- - SUBSCRIBERS.to the TRANSCRIPT i reu,sss,y for carrying loan effect prrvis:ooa (louse in the Iowa of Goderieh. The YteroarA 1/AOAIIsz will en&uin twenty- enable,rano, either for one or more years. as may r D t 1 ] T' * g E 1 L t 0 D s As the sitting of(he Legislature w iii 1) of I ""tch will doubtless shortly be made by the J. McDONALD, SArr(,rH. D. four pages in tacit number printed on new types. be age" upon. for farther p"niemlarvr apply to 1-rWrinre Fn the establishment of COMMON Furiti►is OrrlcR and upoa good paper; and will form at the red JACOB 'AILSON. I M O F F A T'S considerable duration ; and as Door p,.pula- f RCHUOL LIBRARIES; and on the section of Gor:erich, 15th August, IW # 3m49 of the year • Neat Vulutane, of 2nd poxes, to- Cederich, fad February, 1P19. 5.2 lion well be tired, during that time, of, read. I bookmfor that put pool by the Board of EJuca- gether with Title Past and Index. _. - VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS ing longmtnded speeches, we have come to ! titan, &b -rt re„ewe and characteristic Notice. of. - II will be issue) 3lnothly, enmmroeinRne Ike J O {{ Jti J. E. L { N To, iYy AND the eoacluWD to report the PI'scealing@ of them will lir given in the Journal, totetha•r,Rith JxwcA CAare.LLowAT• % r i Pint of Brpember, from Ilse nf5cr of JUBf:PH NOTARY T A R T P G ■ L r c PHOENIX BITTERS the $,••ion in an abridged form ; and we the hest and ejeapest modes of pmevrn# them, )j Ii (;Arlt HArtr.Tnv. WILSON, Front-mireei, 13elleville-ohm Pub- ' romi.O that we wall do our brat to make I We bops a ws to find room i■ the Sreosd P••tP••ed better and sole Proprietor, to whom I orders for + TLa big► ."d-,test,ctakriry w►id ilia. p-.- iasal P til The above ab of Leads is 11siJ� Cunlm4gfltoller Q14CC11 s BendF, AIXi,,.s 4.e .amu;nd for Ihir u„ bi..sa"sy i..I, the 'FaAtscTlrr a faithfril recurJ of the Volume b.r wine accoacto and notices of the the dd Magazines and letters to the teEditors, o suet 'M di, "' "bias iter pr.a.rto sun", it- '-d-" 'be systems of public inetructin„ awl etncarluoal s&Lil the 6rb1 day of Pebroary, 18419. be addressed, (post- id.) The terms of nub. AND CONVEYANCER, ,wall pastic,, y ry, but aa"or- SAVINGS and DOINGS of oar Represen- y p ( JOIIN McDONALD, D• Pau.. ur t -t -uecrw tnovemrnu of other roontrie., boils Euro an scription-021E DOLLAR PER ANNUM- BTRATFORD. tydthe,.,. Ti,rreraa..r".srusirrr■w:'t►.i.ao.a talcTas. pr BheriRH. D. r r h le addition to the Proceedings of Parlia- sad Anenc■n, as well ss f,r some article. of A[AIA's Orrwr.., amantcr, 2 i.rari@My N k Month tie ndsaRes. - -_ tisk• their Lr tis., mrd U.. shri.e tsar u,. fou d V s t!w cMulou,. atii"erllanews btmloto, sorb p will,)a spertally �'u,h Nwai Godertc6, A1.wh 3, 1848. i FO it, S A L E. =>w 1WLW t��s�s meat we Shall, As usual, lay before our rea I ealenaieing and in"uuetive 1. young peraoM - rblsi@feltd' 43td Jere the latest European and American But the eduea,ional wants of Upper V - - ►�HE-BRICK COTTAGE: and iAt Tlln- t)y AST9yU, ffCTE and CFI mad XjzNXV MIT/S1L PVe Canada ell' Jof CALLUVV.4T IV Art'Cc77rr�,y „/ rise ULAUUEX sed a1DNLYa. Neon's .' as well as such a rartoty, of LITER fiat enminand attention, and determine th ' 1 1 Ding No. C89, in the Towrs of (iodench, ,., FAY A T T E �• TION. , slLtoos I•Evt:as a L1Tai tlt7atPLA311'1't.- .iRl' matter, as w111 ninon equal in value eharfetrroi the Journal a Edxoiien. _ formerly in lire poesession of Henry O*Nell, to The a til w" w, vi" flow drones mesad, air neat the rice of subsea pitons. 1 The Cnnductare rev G At I'r 11 %Mi LTn.V now rented to Mr. James Orr. The Cot• be flupon rite., -W. rt-,,-. r"r.aa, -d whir., .Ae p P peedulse u- 1 eamrn of AND pay year debts, us the cook so -counts has )-•" Intending ubsenben will furnished solicit the continued and ochre eu•apermiiun of Eta -The above sale of bands is poefpes- Uge ie very conveniently arranged, and tt cl I rw t►.w st.ai,.r,w. eat and s«.an. na "cava out■. $ S resolved That all Notes uviol Book arcoontr B/LR,Vs L'NULIt:, and SEXUC'. L...enaa., SILi&, with the Dimi(ict Superinrealtnrs, C erwmen, and other ed until the first day of ADril, 1849. doe Io him and containing wawt:led, will, pool- suited for a pmall family, half a rpauiuub I co377rtvVity. COLDS s COUGHS, COrrL'C Tat -We School officers and lrim6 .,f F; Ilsraliun In Pro- JOHN MCDONA SILT TRA!IecIIPT for 5 months, LD, aire:y no the 15th of Joy ora, be handed over wood Plied, stable, Le., gond well of water: ! clsrauasPTtO.M. Dad"i+bM,iorawiatM,Y"aaw eorlot tell forwarding robecri Finn.. M, til cOXXOPr BUAIOXS, DROPS/AS, atFiTRSHILI.lxns• p * ' P Shertf11.D. loan Allorrey for collection. }t is certainly The garden contains several ohoic• fruit of the a tabour of will be applied to reindme- the S'It6a in,d OrnQ�r GO RAILB, with some reluctance that he las o.lnpied this trees, and the whole enclosed with a al ron :Y me."F I --a' seasalsr",rq�lhou .dwt .ea.i.,r eD SIVE SH LLI LT TSAnaCtll•'r (Ors months, me the tabour of edioin# rite Journal: but the Jrua, ]9th•I849. S 59td 1-' • jLjrh-,om if ant State, "sa"rr ws, 1l E'iTa CHILLIxee• whole will be expended in defraving espeoses y ' rraduueo, u he hoe no drsirc to incur additional picket fence. Only • portion of the mupey YIG1d d IAe ala, AXYaIPCdIa, PLITU\'ireLv TaASfcRIPT, for 8 month. al ioeuned i• teatnex,nu with its exporting to tbosa who an milli owulassim-but it would be required dowr.,-the remainder in his e + ` pabllc■nsin. -_ - .- --_ - I% a saying, that awa■sity is a rnerulee" miner, three annual in.talment.. •s e,sd AGUA. rertbwseserfs..takew I Fit K SHILLING -1 • or TE (•OPiFS for t Tzsur:-Fire .L'lling4 per annum, in ad- rnd in the preseNt instance, his reluctance man waesw.tertlr...Mirin� li Iso fiamd . wr.. wordy, w TEN DOLLARS PER AAII�UAf-a!e' Vance ;and nookubi,criptiou will be taken fur SHERIFF'S SA LE. y"I'l to necessity. Apply to William ICaUersbury of the Clio- wa.4 ts.eey. u'I,w .,ceseiat. iravr.tr.yati .Ai1.Lssr able it advance, mpostage aid. lesu than one year. District Counc.Is ordering ton Army,or to re'.oatar•dY-"-61o..aMi<.,..-"T".-L- 1'•J P # ROBERT MODERWELL. 'My THIr. Its rATtartt:o, Ann I ccrtu. The \1'aRalr TaA�@Ltlrr contains the one vary Inv the Trustees of esch School See- HURON DISTRICT, t RY v(plwe M a BEIYJ. PARSONS. whole of the reading matter of the TAI -1 To' 117t: S B writ of l�rr( G'.leflah, 15th June, 18411. 20.1 t"V L N S9 a nJ C U tI P L E X ! u v, lion m their Ois:nel, or any number, not Ir- _ _ _ Godericb, August 24,.1818. 30,f OMWERAL >DZB,ILITYv g than tiny, wLl be supplied at three atnillogs&aJ -- wrXXLr Taayscalrr. per copy fon the year. Forties, leaned out of Her YnjP.ty's Hums �a //tI((}�(� �ar�rry rRq al ftp '�' - �/L. r/�------- (HrUT, GIDDINESS, pXIYXL, IIEADI r1/G+. miseeet I Nov pence r 0)•itwftaf/ M tD1 pi Ibst�o A?"l'ACfIaILG� j• l find INWARD rErER, "I'LA.NNATO RY XD►UOA Those oatending to subscribe dJring the 2F All cotnmanico:ionsyin be addoesse-1 to District Court, and to me directed against W'Si`r"or J:1iL% 1yJ jsljtl► TIS.Y, r9PUXE BLOOD, "UNDIcE, LOSS d II'PA session, will be leafed to not i( u• as sown I the Lands and Tenements of Thnstas TML P . I bit. Heil%ins, Lolocauw Ott -or, Toronto; fors/ Dig TRICTOF HURON YTiringef! LITnR 0011gPLAI1ITTO, ••posatbfe. Allsubteriptions must be pre all letters mot containing remittances, must be Charles at the suit of Robert Ellis; 1 have WHEREAS JUAN SIGNAL" Soper- .'t B LEPitaSY. L04)_->EsS. •1 prod. past -pail. . seized and taken in F.xrrntinn, as belong - is Wirt a writ -of !K k R C tl ILIA L D I S 72 A S F. S.- ' intenders of Common Schools of the ( AloxrtRAL TaAnmcalttTOmen,) Complete Bets of •he First"Volume will tie ing t.. toe said Thnmas Charley, Lot ■um- AtletchtreNt.lr-tied not Of Her llTejesly'r wt.e.rit.t.m,i a.sent.ryannerR y,ditmarn.a. )Msmbfra4lb, 11)4g� } farni.hed to parties wis!iing to obtain it, of five her three, on the North ••de of Ea.t street, Huroo.Disirtct, has absconded with •large Huron District Court, and to mo directed a,telr r..rrtMathe "'a" "'el wnwniwa d s+na+n,4 ! •-• FS►.Ibnts per copy. sum df Public Money, this •bore Reward' against the estate real a■ will Ge NIUIIT SHEATS. SERIOUS DEBILITY. NERI'OVI a „r Gat running n-imiber one thousand and , g personal C0.11PLArNTS or .Ir ".d.. ORUA�IC AFFE,;TlUSS, EM-C►TIOx Orrtt, . 1 will be �mid to an one apprehending the TO PRI \ I ERS. three in the tows n/ G,d.rieh, containing J PP g of Hoary Ellrott,,an abbcogdinR rig Conceal- PALPfTITIUNaJtY HEART. PIlNTCXSCBULIC. TO►0010, Uecember,'1935.4 48 said JOl{. BTG!iALLand recarerin the PILBO. Th..,,On,in.,,m,vurnruurcaoi.-,,ra TYPE FOUNDRY AND I'Rf\TF,RS' one-quarter of anbcreofLands bethe same amount stolen ; or the reward wiil is ed debtor, at flim out of George Brown the • i„rr,iv.or35"arsaund,,,tby Ilse or sof these Lite ]FURNISHING "'ARE IIUUSE:. -__ - more or less with the Buildings on the said tot amount recovered. The F;Ider, for the sum of fifteen ponnrls ices McJ.•.ne. ,here 4 proportion ,a.. shillings; i have seized all the estate real I rPAINSi"11wMad,eide.is ek,Lmlr,y nbforlaran. mliE Subscribers have opened a New FORI:IIiry ''RI�, Lot erected; which 1 shall offer for male at rgoney, - Ri fr .,.dred uad fort tight as well tis personal of the said Henry x it E U n A T t a x1. -1 6_ with Jo. 1 Type Foundry in the City of Now RE -PUBLICATION OF TIFF.. The Court Ifuuse in the town of GoderieA, ids, war in tenaAedua,w,wlw•.'.sorrel.-rby,Joe Lifeaaedirine•.. (York w 1 9 pPIT QUARTERLY RE�IE\V, 110 states of the Ink of Elhott,'and unless the said ,Ilioti, , here ttv are read loess ordain LONDON ell Sa+urday the 25th day of November HenryJ ' tt TXNXII. BWELLi to the-ItIGAU, SC L'K i'Y, ' to any extent In■t►eal. returN w'othlN the jnripdiction n( the said ' seLTXxtinM, su'XLLINr:,c, 1 ,fir any loud of Job Fancy EDINBURGH REVIEW, neat, at the hour of 19 O'clock noon. The above John Bignell is a remarkably Court, and pat in Ball to the #-aid actino i RCILOPULA, ,+t KING'S IML, ,.,I. I Type, Ink, Paper, Choses, GaOeyr, Brass FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, J. MrDONALD, Sherif H. D. large man, with coarse Features, about 8 feel "mat ren'., t; r. r, X X.A. ,r/are.y if .osrrrr,. 4nrnr►'r's O►ncR, within three ealen'Ier months, or cause Ibe Rules Steil. Column Rustic Composing WESTMINSTER I{)INo(;.4 and Goderch, 21stAugdat, 1848. � 303o A inches in beigth ; very round in hip .aid Claim to be die'cherged, all the iso ale , t W1OkRr1Q1l.�..•ni'.6. 1mn"n•...." `11`'me Sticks, Cases, and every article necessary .BLACKWOOD'S EUIN'G;MA(;A7,T,CF.. gohoulders, haughty in his address, and about Zeal, end perie�Ttal of the said Henry Ell"It, ave• iheue.iwee. m-e,•',al. Itel.(.dlLen.,.'s for a Printing Otlice, , I v(IE above Periodicals are reprinted in -" 60 years of ago ; hair rtraiglet sod inclined or on much thereof as may be necepsarr. � THE LIFE PILLS AID P110EIR BITTERS The Type, which are cast in new moulds, New York, flnmeolistely on their ar- RosEar ELue, to Croy, whisker" while, will be held liable for the payment, benefit I from entirely new sett of Alatrixer, with rival b the British Steamer- in a beauli- °J' An information respecting the above to P ' PURIFY TME BLOOD, 0 0 D, J ' Taorrs CeARr.rs, • and satisfaction of the said Claim. deep cuunterr, and warranted to be unaur- fol clear type, on fine white paper, and are, j . I be forwarded to g And thus remove all disease from the system, asacd b iso GEORGL BROWN, J. McUUNALD, P T Tr be sold at paces toeuit the fnit!►(ulcopieso)lheoriyinala-Blackm/fods oei heh6rstd day above of February,alRq �L f ` Sheri!/ Haroa Dis(rief. A atll o -id .m i.ee t►. LIFE PILIS and times. All the type furni"hed by us a Alaqu:ine being an exact fisc -Smile of the JOHN IHeDO. Treasure Micron District. P H CET I X BITTER S b.,".d It,. ,,.c:, uraua.ps- •, hand cast." RnRItITi s Umcs, tlJu.a i. the euia'.".. of .,a 6i t. Edinburgh edition. tJ D; Godericit, Cl �. Goderich, 47th October, 1849_ 40-3m + i. i� Printing Presses furnished, and and also. The wide•rpread fame • f theme r lemli l sberi8 It. D. GOdC►ICh, Oct. 17, 1348. 38l( _ _ I Tb• re.ai.a of there medic in•, are air put .p in .kilo P Suxarrr's Oyrlty, GOnaelce, t .r.r,pv., -d label., I"'ll,r "-Ih . P,.Pb!.t. ,aired Steam Engines of the most approved at- Periodicals renders it needles to Pay mneh f __ _ ! •• Al..eat'. Good .s.mri,..'.'• c•,.i.m.. tb. di-Itio ta,&a, PP P f Novernber 21st, 1848. 4dul - -- ATTACHMENT. s terwb. in their praise. As literary or._.ans, they - i• rbir6 w . Jr,su,s urB-J"•r rrw. N.0 wrest .o oar . STRATFORD HOTEL. A tiQde, by "blrh'wrunger, ,i-;ti.g city r . •err .v.ly Composition Rollers cast for printers. stand far in advance rot any works of a oi• ROnEw ELLrr, HURON DISTItICT BY virtue u( a , nue ... 'lir "..pr».• ..A ,.-_e so ase a,P.e,ah,r Q� Editors of Newspapers who will I milar stamp now published, wh Io the poli- or. ' u,..an"s il.aa.ba i'" oris °'e" „b.,""} i ^.." bar tures timer a much ty ss !h r bilis tical complexion ,-if each a mar e� b ■ To Nil : writ Of A t- b• .a.red shat 'I,ey are geuu,u. lie e.reb.l, ,e� 10 .w y Pe P k y THOMAS CHABLRS, ISAAC MAY, informs him friends and the I wy Ib.•! with pion,' ". Me"; be' iI ym a, be t.t.a"d ' amount to, may give the a bore pox -month@' dignity, candour, and' forbarance, not often The above sale 1..nds is poutpon- ppuhile, that he M• taken the BRICK tachment Issued out of the District ('twit, Iwr oar c.wadtrect leve w, - doa n.ud, a►-. insertion In their papery, and send their found in works ora party character. ted until the lint dal of April, 1 a49. 'PAVERN, lately in the otctopatios of Mr. o/ the District of lluron, and t,• me direct- I i:. P,ep,r,d ..d wlJby papers containing it t , thel3,tbserlberp, The emb•are the views of the three Br, sins at the East end of Stratford where ed a; afoot the estate, real as well as person- i DR. W ILLIAIK 311. 1KOPPAT, J JOHN JIicDON4M,D, ' al, of ilrnry Elliott, an absconding or con- ala •,sed",y, ,-w, .f A.u.wy wren• Nvw Torn- COCKCK(iF'1' lir O\'E:RF;\D great parties in F,n_land-Whig, Tur7, njuirots t shall be wanting on lin part to pro'- r Pare sale b .Yo 7d :Inn Streef.Vem York. and Radical-111aekirond and the Leadmt g ISherl>iH. D. sono ing comfort and COatlNlONea of hie tented debtor at the suit o. JAmes Elliott r r"atn'a Otmea l3onRR "S,, I December 71b 1817, mI5 Quarterly tie Tor t for the sum of taint three undo tell shit- BENJ. PARSONS, Q' Y J : he Ediabr!*1 Re, ]anuar Y9t6 1349 guests. I. )• Po _- _T_-. J r bttd 1. AI. ealt?rs himself that his selection of hngr,-i have seized nmol taken aft the I - Sole .9geot. - --•- eitto, \Vtftg :and the lFeelminsttr, Radical.Wine and Lfgtwrs is equal to any in the estate real as well as well so pelsonalof God@rieh, Jan. $S, 1848. 1 The Foreign quarterly it purely literary, counts and his Stabling de rttnwot Is of Ihesaid Hearst Elliott, and unless the raid ------ T being devoted principally to criticisms an FOUND. y' g P• lienry Elliuu return within the Jurisdiction I PROGRESS OF I M PROVEMENT. I foreign Continental Worka. _ the molt rd, 28tlede•e►ip8481.n. of the ,mist Court, and put in boil to the' The prime of the Re -prints are less then Stratford, 98th April, 1848. 131f P ON the .heath of Lake Ilnro!I, eighteen action within three ca!rndar months orN E W STORE AT one-third of those of the foreign copies, and mile• north of Goderich, • case of I,no a- Caose the P.m@ 10 be dlschar d. all the LY!! I while they are equally well got up, they nt-elaeVem and Frames. The owner is re- %% A RP UR H C.' Y ! ! afford all that advantage to the American quested to prove property pay charges and Last Call ! Last Call ! Inst Call ! real and �erwnel emote of flit said Henry $ _ Elliott, or to much thereof as may be neces• WAGGON AND SLEIGHS. over the English reader. remove them from the possession of the ALL persons indebted to D. MANLF,T •ary, will be held liable f a meat THE SubrrnbPrs have mneh plearnre in NO.7 EAST STREET, I TERSIS. W 7 r Subscriber. Cs., «,. ISAAC C. BHANTL, will have benefit and moi iafactioon ,if the said claims. annmtrtu ng to the inhabitants of Turk aaAaLT OProo1TN Tub PRKaa riSRIA J• PAYMENT To AK MADR IN Ant•AfCR. ersmith. Hullet, McKillop, Ribbert, and the CHLIll For anyone the four Revbws, ,o,1 DUNCAN McLEMAN. r opportunity of paying Me respsenvs atneanis J. hIcDO\.iLD, Slrrrif H. D. j per an. M!tfield, DCCember 17th, 1148. 40tf.. to WttAA&n Comarem, on do 4th still Sib of Oc- SHKelrr's Or►ILa, adj^ming Townships, that they here npem:J T11F, 13i1b@eribefs liege ICaee to inform Fnr any two do do $,fq 1. u.IwrRragn ass HURON HOTEL, (1•d.rieb, G'derlc►, 18th Nnv. !848. # 44td • NE:\V STORE in the Illls�c of llarpur- sbi• friends and the nubile at large, that For any Ihrir do do 7,00 •. - _- ___ afwr which tient the Bsiligxill call open all ole- - _____ _- her, arhere they will ales a have on hand he Is now prepsr;d to lo.:u::c orders for Fnr all four 4'she Review".... 8,00 .. ^ �� ___ • For Rlarkwooda d live Roovie 3.00 lZbe Duren a3iaionalf Mhen, u (intimi time lelielnLlAM given. CO 1SF.Y. FOR R .� A L I'i y an ample ■esortmlRt o/ &1 kinds of i,Ldtc ' 1.1/SIR}:R OR 1,IGHT WAGGON I• I For Blackwood1s, Iise4Revi.. 10,00 .. •f '7 and Gentlemen's dress OooJs; all sorts of which shall be m&nnfectured of the best CLUBBING. • Timothy Seed. taketi in payment at tOs 6igk• V.►LUABLE FARM IN COLBOR2iE. ` i)ry,Go,nlq Groceries, Crockery and liar,!- matenalq isn't by experieueed workmen. Four copies of any or all of the above 's r■a*'ao AND rmoi-ISNYD IV&RT ramAy est Mortara Prier. ware, which will be Bold no terms eq,ta!ly � Harrows and Drags made to order; works will be men one address on pay- 8 Y THOMAS M A C Q U E E N, lot September, 184&-- 34- A PA RT me portion of BLOCK G. in the rPmitonable as at their rstabliahment in Plough Castiogq Wooded• meat of the regu. bp'sto subscription for three- -- township of Colborne, Western Divi- Goderich. Being -nen of the present are, ALEXANDER MELVIN. the rnnrth copy being gratis. anrcoa AND rao►rrXrna STRAY OX. •ion, Moron District, r"ninining TWO the nlA.crlbers Are desirous of exhibiting G•tderieh, Falls. 9, Id48._ 9t/ I � Remittances and eo"riniealions omcK rARa&r•ego ARa sooSucn. IIUNURED ACR68 `F LAUD, with that sof se tiv m da t' affording orbit fact- If�IPORTANT tat of Lnado m all casae without expense •as Bnnk "oil Job Printing, executed wink YS acres denied and is good order ; fences oilier of ateommedstlen a poloy be eon- mg the neatasos &■d dtr STRAYED from the Subscriber Lot No. is repair. Then is a good Frame !louse aistent with the inerea"ing importance of TO TRAVELLERS. publishers. Tile former may always peoieh, ' 18, 3rd Cocoweio■ of Wawaoash, a [Cottage etyle] upon the premises, 35 by the Distrfet. "toy shall, therefore, study I be done through R Postmaster, by heading 7titet@s eT res If"*- crow -Tplif PHIL - Black OX mins Mn o blind ,if the off him the amotV to be remtttod taking his LiNGS per &seem d J 1'I' 3] feet ; sloe, a Frame Bern b0 by 35, and not only to yleese, brst also to benefit the THE Subscriber having leased that well- receipts still wrwarding it by mail, post- or TwILVs •sD 8ix Paeca with tlhe e6pirsit on ye with s gimhl•t bole in each here.- •I'wo Fronto Shads, each so feet lung, wick community by brmgit+4 Willits their reach 1 known and commaLnuo TAVERYip paid ; or the money may be encbaPd in a of the year. Striated frnwt the owner about the test of a Log Farm House in tolerable repair,- the best gnatity of all descriptions of Store STAND, In the Tuwnahipnl tiny, l9 miter I Ae►ll lust. A liberal reward wIM be tiTea Tlan are time rurs■log etreattw of water Griedgo, al rho most meolPrsts prices; and on from Gnderich nn the i,nndnn Rood, latest I miter, pn.LFit directed ie the publishers. •id"e paper disveariawrd wwtl &?riga Mrs to any person fining tarfotvnallea e4 said 02 through the Lot; alto of which are in the this rl"ci fo alone the ex t tfone e. occupied b Mr. James Gordan, be v Issue I . N. B. -Th« perMg' nn thea Periodicals P p. unless theparksh r ti ialto i, bin adVaa. si g P P 7 P� W t P f • g Is ►ed,ieed by the Iso Plat ( Mire lrtw to I togs to dr, @o. where be can be found, ,testing • a Ponall orcharp about lite Frame Their terms are mvari&bly-CaaA-or to intimate to his (mends affil the trstrohng about one-third the former rates, makinga Any indiviatml is the resairy becoming n - 1011N GRATTAN. if ,,,sp ",ol a first rate Well t■the cellar. metchantebh ero�hatseaat merk.e rice. " very important saving in the sopso•e to Wawanosh, Nov. i,thiS48. 4111 THM P Ion is general, that"his Mg opened um seventh iy, vie sabwerlben, shaft raeeive a PAs par• of this desirable property is AiI,1AOUR It CO. Ian ss the Prowse• far tl,o .ccoOmodauon sad sisbs.rlibers, seventh c•P/ tn,iG. ----- iC630 currency. For particular, appl to Goderich, Vow. 146 A14e. 41 of travellers. Anal a" he Intends to eon. in C: the n ICI A stn eddn•wad to the Editor met be Yen. STRACIIA V k LI7JA4S, - ---- - -- dRt it on the meet rea respectable rine, principal cities and towns 0 W� tis wig Sat be t N O 't' I C E. /�vt�ar� Pc principles Hroaghout the United States to which y &kw oNt of M riulicunrn, 1Vest-street. NOME. , Nail to span neither labour nor expense in, taro (i,dencA, Manb tt9, ld4d. 7tf there is a direct Railroad or A&br coal- P•• _ nntenn to the comfort of thews who ImIto D1sTRiCT BUILMNC 80CiE7T. - - B Ase ISabaetibe► bar w Iv&d nombtr of I g I aaaiestion from t#po City of Now Yat, y . I m y estronise rim, he hopes to sagrrit SSd TaRIm Or •DVIRv yares Ii111F, d►stA Ion■ aw.e"ag of the Daelr.y (i -6 -ii ICH. G M RE ARMS. Ac. die. Na% the mor t)t••g t+erlgdweb will M delivered Ngo of 1 J obtadS a rMn of the public favor. Nits limn sed ander, first insertion I ..... Ao 9 1 will tike Flnee at rM lkiiiah tonal ••u i 1011 JTbetmle/', Id48. I W2, gLte fe hire by ptrwwts to l+t Rp&iravL i/ eagtagr. TURDAT ,M 17th instant at 7 o'clock, flim ds retevll►sAnte,heAnieln• DAVID GUNN. 1roPhenl,oegwpatiew Ii.........--:IFn [LAOR R A 1.1�� the Rabecnben, f (t'•t eon or I,LAJN ARD SCOTT As Co., r be(Ma tA" P'i+eL ds ./ Maw•A ••x4 b• will In N. B. -Then C good Hlabhog ria The I TM Nape ens elstRt, lrmf i�aertiGe,.... • � Y• BARR�a1lt OE LA KR HURON P numbers Gams ga-•t, N. By older, I H / pp R T !1 O R , •.ilii the rrs•may a( nothing teem lg ►fr+nisas. and ttam,ttrs and other• mtiy Amb sekepermt inert TI1051.15 K i DD. tete Fa • /s yataL Owenitd oa every nccesury attention h@i Subscribers •a l:aaada may receive Over its hoer. Set J 1 1 tlrOrela,t 1?` Fee whk A Wwdtr'w well be taken u L M,IYTUOAF, asRaaiA. eNid to their horse•. D. G the if aombeta al the aearetaAtlaSrltal PGH %ash ••bMgw/nl ., y g f Qedrrrsh, Ise. 24s6, 1849. +I I poyment. N. D. VEYNOUR At Co. p�h, fob. b. 1849. ltd Credgricb, Jan. 211b, 1849. hitt Udlcer. 17- A liser'g � w ttllaw w111s Goderteh,Jan. ON190, 1 16dowihin�t6@rrl)4 eve./ .fl:.: , >w ab s -- ♦ r•aOft SP• bw.e.: r ..,I .hailer► Val . of