HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-06-08, Page 5. , - I- T- 71,11'r'p- --- -1� I i . I w1w -**$#,Set$ -� - , �� � IWM9w. P- — I — �� . �i", pmaw, -VW , --� - —.1.771117,1111w, I'll, . I '77ir , � AF, J7%7T 71V 1, -. , I I . OFT 0 F—, 'W '. %� �� I .. :., � 11: " . I ­ . � .. . . I I i . -1 .. 1. ­ , I WIN, : "I, k . I 1, ­ '07"�" � , I 11 11 ,� . , - I I . , ::: . '. I ­ I rl I N ) I - "I ".-- 10 I , -1 � I . I I - - 1, - . I � . � Q 11 il �, � - so ---7--- -7 - I � I . I I " V ) r .� 11 . . 11 - I .. �­;,� . � - - -;Zt r I � � 1! 1 1 1 ; -- . 9 � , Iv - r . !! - 0, ! ! ! � 1 � � ! 9 - I 1. I ,� � , � I XIMPp 4CWA - ---- . , . I 1i 1 ! �- � � i 1��,. " T-T--, � __­ __ _ ,.r - ­ --------- — b9 mi ,� 11 - - I I- . � I . I f . I ,. I � I I I - 1 — : e��r�:;�71777� � �: !7!!!�"�!: i!;: �i "!T�;: :l � ­�- ��-- ,-.---1- -!! � !! — _: I j ­ e�l � - : �: --- j!!T I - - -- � - . : r !!!!!�7�! � ­--------­;Z-- 1�1�� =1 , III 0 4 1111 P I 1111 11 :F1 2=:IrAm" T11r1r­­,, --- �� jq� r. .. I ..... I I I I THE I-- .0 . � P4 I I -­ , I .1 . "Pd!!!!! i � 1 l,r & I . r . 1. r .. . ­­ I ­ ­ -- ­' I - ­ . .-i- , � 'r- I I I -01 I I 110101141!0:1011:1 , . 1 4 "'I'll", -0��— - , - I im A111111% Alks A"W"takmout , f , i -1-1. I .r. toit m 1.1-111 ­ - . 0 -1 .--. W-4 ACHIsiss` N, " � . . . I I -11 I., — � 441111`1:�2:1 I."641.00.�lilll!ill".�:,�.O.:: I � 11�!'.::�'-,t" ::!1:11111 WIN.= I r � 4"J_ 1114ij wx.mUm,w**4 =�` WHAT ; �, I . I ---- 1. I X M'11,, ,, I- 00 40. �\ 11 I � W#*iWA*$*q4k., i I . - �, I 11 I W . list %%" POVA0 look 6,4qr this, 4Q" I � I � I , FIA ' I I . . I was tu 80*00"t. , . r r � J t . ulty � .0 3)XAVZ­Aft# , �' , �) 1 4411IM041111111114,111100, r . I I r 1. . !Rc , in . r a vsq . low,vt � I I I 0 ....... I _Vk, uw of *Q44*11". "yo, thqvi P4044 : , " , I 11 � 4 , 11 Awor "m Of AU1110406. ul" lit tho I - ft . , I*rs" ,,t P,.r , . - ,. � , . SatUlrdlay and nday Seljlln � wata sitisreg tb* - 0 I I - I I - I I �, I At V& ImInt 0'9'1*" - * I AD tb*****. -4 .11 r r . Vow I _ , 0W*W,JAxt4 404 � I 9" ", WIsT411'au twaar � .. 114,114; 'TA4 '"V0,141 of 4-40 MoDmaw, OVI. Qftlt.. HoistigI . r ris4w '7 1 40 Kirp,W . urft""V . . to , 441wj . - . . ft* Not 9,".V. it. , T4,044*.Witbid, . I . 4"t Of naft Vo prk" WA*sd *a 400ft ce4w tavail*4,04 ". - I I , " . I ... 11kca u4l�h' : - - PC4o0r*M6tQ4k#*V" OWAO*," ' � ' I ._.. ,r pr#'110 Q iii. =",Q", 11 i0toes for thaiiiiis %we It 00 = . W`i�11'1'�te,r �.-G.-,'a "'Pid-b"a-lin" . , _*'rtO* I . 1, r.. P , ,*.*tW I .1 I , 'f i=jew *ad 04 " ARIZ . . I . 1 04 rim 48M Bomw " r kvc 034 1 � , . 1, . ,�I%si amwr 0414 := ais, ow oftat"JA r wboa tb* 0041ilcil, caught 0*IX, - I - I W. W44 6.4 A, We - ity, t�� , , I I .� I , I . . - "ziew" wo wit 0 -propor Place fir, , I .. 40*4 " - 14tolouidruji; is, %� "t 4 � �� i, r . I 'bowh $90J4 After t *, uppxpecw rMlk-A*Vf*R%Ih0WAr"J*f4* A %voiri t* to ot b 04 of *4 t I 111 , 'Wh4eft Voigumoull AMY0411IR Th 11 - , .4 ­ � tam tbi - - � pot,ill. ol, 11 . I � "061017 � , t I Ou U40Y Of 11111110kWi4k b - rOu r PMPOI 40441 TAIW1.411104 -kw . I '4141a kka � ". � I 11 -4 J4 fV444 *0diciAl. 1U*-VhA,V0sQcWJA;"u0* ­ , . . . � r r I tb* 00wo OM04 And. **44 W , kwAros of 444 0"Utoly.,0444, ,, ­�,.,f, � 4t It ; ghk,�j � %, 1, I . '. ' SW*S"w Mmk 04tO4 WN0 W111441; bWk.,4d mss,44, imithts .10 , M, J , 1W V , Olt Or. *4h%,*o4*II14kq*4 . 1. � I ^', "o dm" Wo"On's � � AQtu4 clirft�-O� 414o $94 W iport W- ". t4r iiNy bo Ipoft.Z , O"U49 111*11110OW , - - , I good. wolgbitt oyiik, thr"A M.Waouwsi bod,4 , - - il=xtim ws* thit � I - ovirit4oaviluft 11 .. 1� 'IiIiii-as 0, Vit lwj� ,14 t0d44to 's I , . for VWO. 10 orti" -04 4ir ##t&* Pi4wo. qtbart*w 'Will, W . _*4* *4 - . wh" 010 woocl ptqloi, A',Ao.rQtb , ..44is .*,"r tber botboo.. X,4teI! -P.rl . I I I . ­ . . 14%et Q4144 1 , .. 11 , �, �' , 1 2 .14. ,�.­ :441 � int�ooluco!,.�,Q*W% fw, th With. Old "O t iris: "Out JU04 t"low 14W *An. Swell 01my 4 1 1 � ;tU eg"44 lklla..),*V*�MU.04lisie. r "RoWiZor . $"" to IWO, r . r', I � . - 411to - ., 1. '2514 wit -use "T god he did �jb O. "'- . - I Klood :14, . F I , , , .= , , , r, t tivoila I � �. I .1101aftiftblets � , . .,I I . I . . I . l: , , 11 . 11 011 to hI* lit yow, sku(I vio I - . Single qQd do. - .� 0 11 r . =to remain tuoto "WU4,�,!,*� I , - "Of to rso not 1 $ to ­ V"Voctoli*01A 00*01001wri"A . I 1 .10d , , : I I of lot fti.00,16VO ,41*j V01271 I . liblo. WA9,04 , tblo ��*J I � re, , OW I u . Plegf;r 0 1 11 O"4 . I ,* r ­ . 14CW.%%e,VaM W �14%le iiAL.a im. ,. is=h'k0jV,: r ' "Ated.# And soul 1 1 " , .. ��� L ,, kiting $ V U -, ;, , , i 0,4 - tion , tath i tr 10 �­ 17 V�" t40.10 � uifs", Ve r, . . X44ft" Plata i 100h U"battli amwoo", Of cou-tlile�' ,4 goutly, tio-ulsoolb ... 1*- , 4DW "it two , *WpU,ftUJ4tA1r#Ma . _ut 1 . I . _ on t ,, k the Tit . I "AVAV lirsju* 1,*, *Mih,ft, *0 4 ej 4 U %n I foIr � I I � S111 ... $4191 ... To'"MA, -;­,�� 11 stylish pattwos"rit - � , .ts*,�.�, � I 4 3001 ­ � . . . .: I I 1, ': . . . I , . . . wo"T400 .r. , 4th*Vy * t #10110,64 01 � . I ... (1, Off �. i � u*r#A.f*-;.-*.,- , 200 lowed tkom, th 9"" �, -co an garqfofly Ull , . . , � � 0 �Lyor. ,W, 11*'00no , Stom Pq", *nd I ' 'I, r I . 1, .0 ,1� �, I - . . 0 rqt4ju, , _ I VA. 0 I kh, . 11 I Woo diNA I I I � I � , # I 11 k4e I . I- 11 . I I I I ". #WV r *k tho r of the 1 -Vixtov".04 i . . C, "o, , I . I I . � . I K. -1 , I . "Ull)=-"�t��)UT,tjqaxllo*b,oa�tIke, � 40411) fte $4 Ilu *00 . "40 Import . oojQrA,r':W*Vjaot Oft . �: Police, The� -UX%i.&tQXA4;k I 011i 4MCA0100% 04 the � , fity" 14 bilslusiiui� Olt =—�­ . I - j r 44bb 1, 4 P413 , , . .^W* rotrpj�,U$LUIlltoi)"WblVftq":hQm*o�"".V� ft*V0J4'V"he4 I, � .. � . . to so and * loo"''Wi , odlk Q0",t4Nbj,oj 0JAjm04 � the #Q1,6r hik I , = I . . jo, _ ­ . ==========11 . I , 114 'Was _ eh Are - . bQ4,14 , , . . I �� I I t. *4040 �!, r" Iffft - I ygr*ror&� . I e0MP0"4'0'f'*hQh herbs r#A JUR' WXY01W -%sioil to 04i "Itojims.14 �, I - . ,� '14kht *04iJi,aAdds*V,0ua4,. , itngiiiiod alSo"th'o li#,ou r � :' . '�'D 00�.. , � , *11 Tigo . " 0VeVt*t , - ,# - ­ . , I . � I 101 ^P P10 � I , 1�0 I of or;" , � I � I - ,rsi��t,#.�'..*, -.I,. J1�ItkP4.,*t*.4t*j,�4. *.M%.,..4�!4..*JAk.L k, �,* 'V � , - 1104 t tboy­�Ootxln, ) . . Xt Oil i . . .� '' � ".40. �. , , "god. :tboyig4t, Agreed r t4 �-9*11*oit4 bllt4VAU0044446 -4 Ot 0.4 V- she. woul . AJUS1106; � , . '. ,., ,- �Joc ­ 4*totti the. At 0*.,. 109ant 114140k I _ � :1 , . . r I .. ,�, - , , d,:tl r , 4400 r M0. i;V , , guickly, ' .1 . 0" �p I lattor'.'en coul jnjmrek� r OT OR It r ' . 1' ,,e 1. " ' .r , ', -let P"10 q4".004 WAq ,-t*VT%)411VT1001A 'l, 401"A of a I chatineo I- rf"tly � We% � I . .� : , � , �,. � r ,� r , - I � I . r � . . . � � What*%*Aii;,4Qm 'to 410% , ltroottheoq+�W , I . . 1, I 3:42t 0 Auto I* Awapl* -Ito Alt giv r � . I—— . V411 Qf"A�me;4jM ' ' I I I 14 the-. weistitIr � aD , -V0bA-t' t, Alow It bViogig '1�­ till , � L I � . ' L _ I .4WP . , sioar Uftlish, PO4� X0.104's, bight. d � r t, 34119,13k - - 0 i 11 the livir 4 I - -W � I � L fAst,j�.l ­. ' ' .. ' . .� , , 1; � , ok � j � j e One t - . --S** VO -um Moir 9,0 ,� , � 111 VPdJuul,*0^,,W , . onix 4copwil, ON" QX bil 10 lo, I 'I ­ , . i4ep"Usuio V 'Iltowis , "O4 0 I .; - I 94,11i4o"a I , �44psxy- TXQ,tMZ* ft� . � " .Airauted wh0w.,r4sIgu4 . I ,iio, 0% P I eheiksil V40 autlim, L r I 3 `tO 110 V00OX014 pu We 014IM to be, r � . . � 11 hopa QPV04 1 , IN I,aoto, I I C * C J , , r , 7. om 141i"Aal* 1,4100o "r ysr4 � go , . qjftat4�`54 - the Iiij#bt -9#mVA(.P%%s1t � . stc"t§4, vbleh, t Us it 00100 U. r r to, strong 14114wv _t , L: - _0 r , Qii'$or Q , L , . I giving tho, . I I . . I I I .1 � OW . , . , ­-4� " _� ,­ I I . , ftwithda, - �. -tuxtrul'u.0 Hg*.Av ,ft,r,blis, ,,, ,n* 4 br%h r, ., at , _** ,� I � , , t _ tA �. I r_ ,'' , , ' � tax, ; ,' r' , ' I ' � , � . I I., Alto fiblat"eyopt 14 � . best values In Serges in low I . r , , 'r , r, r that.4"OV40 It 0 b to I _ I . .. . r -, et IQ r ,, ty-Felp; I " . r. . (Jope - 14 , _ ; . . , tu%*-L0W4 & , g ll� 'All eXcelleint Suit long . I ­ ; I ono� MQV04004 411 tel � t t e Vrlt* , I rVM,dUo r � � P91A 0P tie I Q ows' 111 of tty $lgpp , I 4f "I 1W , V Women Use rerrrow"- ... r' r r , I � u6utiy,*#* . "EAS , . . , , , ,- a 40 you? A box of fifty owco. .,. . I I �k �,,i, ., L. r ' . , -,!11 ­. . I Q it co*t�d t*b)et& V,6it fifty Cell q ftb . r I . �� , I POW14 & little to fixink, tt . . t i�. - - , I# uggi " r I " ­ I ti" . tIA'. -1 � - �# , r 1 I. . � ko I . . I . � , . , 1, , . 0 I . 0, 0A40m, I-Ik� , 0 ng , 3rvQrA,U,J go A , P�t4CO tp , ' 'QuI ' � 3'' :;;��� � I Ora No. AtO4 �t-i ft0.c9no*utr&t*4,4u4 b)e % secret pro, to billo0iii *ttaqus sod ?A � 41 0 . .. . I ol??Qr but We 4:r*'ikJ" - wo 4, , , I � , I 41 . . � r _&r ­ "it 010, W46*60iltz. VithlOmki" 1% � d isudL t 0, best ,tqulok . . I I "I - I -- f" .W4010i " , , . i�., . ,ftl[(-4w#v0#qM,tI110jui0vs- of '. , O o with I , W.]� 'f . 044 *� . I .. . �fp, Thou"a4i Of traq,. , , 4,$"r# . -1. . V , or ih,.,,jj4.r:�A[,,, - I . .1 oppi", r. It. all . r wear in it at a very � , I I ; . . =" .. III 14L the ;`,00,4,4.� Orwr 001044 *, 00#9* ligs A04 skrivurs. These 4ulc" ontivirtitotis ,t I a tow .- _ , - I I r I 816 iticbev.,*t4j,hvov�� ".1 . - I . ,I;' r , , ' , . . I W, uiouagem6ok OVItIC11 . , ..# 0.11u; price. r , V , � 04nif At'". 911,��V41�'.25 � -M, & 490 P"Minket, 311001tbat the t6in Would - � . , - lit to Work. i0st 4 I I r , . I � 44 4 PL. and W04kened - Wyk - bowas � store, I . . r � ­ , . . _, r4 , v%4 , A�-Ioiteu4a.00l tilo.pt say .� �'", thOtlices are 4,;ombia - rem e4jil)4% ­ � - 1 - ­ 1. r, -I '. ­� . , r. r ,:, � , 'j, .�, r �., _� , � , . f4j,�.4W­^,1r, �­ 1. � r - � � r �. , � ,� �, , - , ; � , �� , � . -, � . ­ .. '. ; , 'r4 5i�4 4 �St L lormimner. This n(tW'4;ombjaatj6n 11 . , but, r. r drug ''I 11� . , . . 1 I - . . . ,: r ,��-,I$,� 2 "�' ' ' - role -PS p epDaideV4 1�, t'. , 14 Much W .Plus 440.0 , " ----.a— I � I .1 I � , j". ' . I - , , A,Lj4tQ'. 140 U lamilto a I 140aula in ­ I � I I A pj� d,,Wjile't� I I. L ")' I ' , * 0 . no AJ,P1tjOu'w4.* '� a to'. liver. an. by stmo . � IL uro. 'Woo i, X*yerOil . I lot, j , . I I 00 40d, I . , " I t . I Fancy WiD ' .. 1� I . . . , .0 , .� - . 11 WOOL f 'J� . ro active InediCluQuy than 1, , groultilt.tU6 otu� GorrIo will hold a, 12th of July cele. I .. � . , � - , I'll -Yot so pw�ct in �.ho union *cb Wide % rrfeot oure, . M 'I d . L 0 � L Ts��* ) Jb " . �ealth bratlon � vote . 'I .4, 'Coro 04, I . *" jqiceq � Is . I , Atr.orr y4rd..., , I I I CNOX1,091041414) . . this year. I I � L, A)34�r, twAn0fol, Jog". 0411�*Nv , a t -111 I : . I , " ­; . � ..: , .1 � .. AtIon to,ZtAo L. Ac � - that-rruit.#' has been . � L r , , ." ".. � ... ...., - �i � r',�, ,� "t. t� �'-,,', ,,,,�,6 � I . is "A ... 10 , W -re tivea act (03 the syst Hamilton a P11 er. suits I � I � _tQ Cd� condition of. it tLIieywero 'ex 08 04 ,�, , I . 1. � 11 � the docks" esilij,01,11 r f in* truth a Vatural fruit, r , , .. . . , . , Svl%'�*; 00"allid $4 * " I . I � gi . I- I 11 r 1. ., � , �: 1 "N-01 . SO L$- 4;A , � y row the 0 T R .In* efirleadld sin" t pod j)p. Ti" HAS TESTED IT.-Il'iniq teqtg 11, 1 �� %. more Called'At . ,AP,'.a'1r$, p"d TApES.TR . ,co -c 4 " Get Dr. Hamilton's pills fr= your 01 thlub thOr Which 10 worth lives, � r' '. � : .,y pgf�*�Io h I 11 S�, Wj,ft. k4ugo -of' ol r , r ' I , . , 4 I . , . .. L 1 7140, In cars, sod t)bp ziercessity of rimQu; sAgOicivally stronger than any other druggist, Orr storekeeper, � , We advertised last Week a . , , I I � , '' � , .0 #V.4*44141"l .r. . .1 . . y- � � I .. I tion, *I. w ,,, , 19 k 100411 thiq �y. 4 ee 23 that Wh ob 10 inimical to man a wel- ,� � . . t l I , � WIP00. the -041. 1*010. and tile Conv44449w known fruit. , . repeat order of these Suits, .� , , " , . � , l, r ,`prloorI"j"'. ' cents Per box* or live boxes for 401. fare perishes, Time has proved Dr. now we want to tell Vou -a .1 . I ) : . �, L�10010 r',,,,� ,' , , , , I w0s� 7$*; 850.$i-1.06'11 hd $i.25 seemed, to result in tb`0 Oft "Pressed I' ITO" c0lublUation of fruit juices By WAU from N. 0, Porlson. AP CO., Thomas, 9clectile oil. From % tow I -, I � , r . �,L 1, . �-­ ,� , , . - .., "'. I I . i __, �. - " ­ 11 ­­ ­ 1� � . ­-­. . , I " " ­ 11 .., - aouphipion ths, , Hartford Conn, U. S. A,,, au�xjug. I ­ 1� .4 _ 'I, , . I -a It 'something g"Oul"D togift and internal antbeptics are sdcTed, -bOttlfa to the ear � second repeat order has been -­ �� - , �, . t 4 -11 1 , ­ ­ , . �, I .� I . ' I ", 2. 3 a , I ., Z I I I done," hot a *as: no* gboiit 11�40 ston, Out� thOu"Md dayll of '. ,�L�' ,.a btingti, - . p. W-0 I oc.11. adjourned. . Its mangtialiture the has r son sen 'de� .11 nd i VAX40 *,140, lu, floral. .6100k Or,, toe V torA14:1008114h, goods the con 444 the whole made, into tablets ­� � it In. DO You see the , � ­�, I . I AJrQ6b fromr . I , - I I , ap that now th:1 j , 1. . ;141kufActr�ultero-,4t�tI�to-1keAV4"g whoics-ajem 'I . Th"e are Fruit-4-tiva-isold every, Mrs. Chaxlep Perkins, Exeter. jell jut aroiluction to running reason ii -the pbople are fall. - �� "., : I r ! piollk Atp�ryardl.f.All"4',J "Ir. I #.Mg ' ��,P'.,$�44 , - I whtm forsoc a box or 6 boxes for $2 $, down the cellar sit her ha re. tic, 0 the hund is of thonands of bot�. Ing In love with these I : � ' I ­ ' 'r -3$t 40, 50 and $5C 1111111111C SC4001 Board. . . re.. tb e 11, Wh*b to No -eagerly sought for - �!, " , L*r* . _ suit belp % broken collar , . . Ladies' V�stf�� :*!k',,r, -1 ,-, -r 'r Ii. 4 � A regular meeting of the Public atm—)Im LIARM 0 MA—WA. .9 - must be Rood. . some goods. $15 . 11-I . , "', , , ,: , --------------TT� --- ­- . , I � 1,,�.' , . .vi , I olr'Bo',�A I h - . �. i, Ladies! white, Listo thrg�4 sleAvAIA'ait #.. Aft-A.i- --A "-- Seim — _1,1 " A . I . �--- - �i I - 0 an ly unished. 1. � I Regular 121ci,elso4o 4 41"..�,,. -, ,,, ,� 4�44­14�.Ll­. , I .... I 25C on ay, J one 4, present Messrs. Wm,Aoheaom, char. I—. I 1. 1, — -I% I � .......... 11" L .. , . ­ � , ". I:, � �, " - I Corsets ,' .., , I , ., #�� I . man; 0. F. Carey, J. R. Oral I'd I J, r craigle. R. H, Outt, :1 , I ­. 11 . . I . I I � ., � I I , WHITE, SUAMEIR, PtRQACA-I'�raltew,-V; beautifully latest , made, and of A.D. M It4n B. C. Munuinge. The secretary's state, - 49 , cjab.4�4 M64 , ��­ , pl.�a,(I.wa,TitUt�a,by:U�,aua,lf)r�pap , . . ; I CO." airpeifetit fting 4 , .ton Corset I 114. IKOOd qeTvi0o,.at per ' 11,30, for MAk was read and filed as f lot 8; . W . . 'I, pair.. 1. � ........ . soc , - - I : I French Org6inW,iV'-r4usJttjs ­ , MoEwaa estate, C041 .................. $ 7 00 a fee. Paz, station ............... 14 85 Our classes axe much lar _ger than Lboy'were a year ago. The 11�� :" Dress Musling, pbeep beauti.ful qrQ&tIouS , . , ' direct from France, pinks, J. B:, na nv, 1mr=%o..­,..... - 228 L ,.:::::::::: 075, Jnal Butler, suppUe,,;,L:::::. J* 1;ang�dgo, repal 00 7 Jublic have learned that this . F 8 the best place In the Prov. , . ,'� . blues, mauVe0, IrOYSP at Per Yard7-4PecIaj,vaIue­..25, .35 and 40C I I a. F Bates. moving. seats. .............. 200 Gee., Morro ince to obtain a commercial 1. . I � � I . 11 .,W*,W*,4rJ. :�, . . , ; � 1, : �` . , �ino 2,60 . !.ashas ........... .nn Wien. Goal. - .... .. . I .... 10 60 XT. 'gravel ......... : .............. 209 M u u tine, I IL Education or Shorthand train - Ing. Students are entering I 11 , '1�11f;. we AC'" ,., & SON extra teaching. 12 for ay ................... pay : .. -.:: 4 8 pay 27 1 -ig-485 e, . chweek. All �aduates et goodpositions, Writenowler -,f: catalogue. I ;,:t ,ESON , . Provioual"y paid ........................ 118M 09 — ;'. � . I � ­ I I I � 1. 1. ,.� . � '', r. An application from Constable Cbe Goberfcb Sta TotAl to date .................. $T=-91 The principal's report for May show- ELLIOTT and MOLACKLAN. PAnalpalm (�,,,, Postlethwaite for position of Chief �"- . . ,­­ TX1"uo"-0UL 7L Constable, vice Constable Phalan re- � I , Pol the following totals : On roll -boys 244. girls 206, total 510. Average at- - - - ---- - I — . .1 I signIng,',yaw left over till committee i"', . I I � . - ; reportwaa considered. i. -f,-" FRIkAY, JUNE 8, 1900 I: , COMUITTRE REPORTS. . �,� 10 . Special committee on'defirin t, , THE TOWN COUNCIL th"Thd"ptles of the local police submittel rl tendance-bOrs 217. girls 232, total 440, Percentage o: atten ance, 88. A notice from the Town Clerk re granolithic walk on Trafalgar street was left with the secretary for settle- mebt I � 1 , . - . I I 1�, . I . I �;�, � � � . 1. I V "It : . ,�:J'­ Sole Agent fop . I � �> Clothing � . " , .-I < *-;� ,-� %, ",7 , , , I . XX%* ,, � , I ' � " I . , -- .1, I , .01 WALTER Ce PRI'DHAM )Al�' ". ��, , KING'S HATS. BORSALINO HATS. ,:1 , 1� � . r " .11 I. I �1: I.; , �­ ",�'3 I 1� �., � . , ,,� ,��" - 11 I ;1 SPEX 011F WIWI BUSIRG55 I ­ � I ,;, .1 �. � I 18 INGRERSING �� � . , : I I 11 ,� , . . I -- - . � - . - 11 ,� 11'i� a. set of rules and regulaqon-1. and Accounts from O.A. Nai;n, lies, — ....... � 1r, — ' recommended that Constable Pbalen's $4.3t); j. F% at,,, T - . , L I I:" . resignation be accepted, and that 4p� B Merin .n.p.� $2, Careful and Correct Fitting. _ 11 I A LONG SESSION AND MANY were paid. . � �,., loations for two policemen be asked � �', , ,. . MATT I ., First-class Le - . . ERS DISCUSSE.D. F.r. The rules were read in detailand H. D. Reed t&ndered his resignation �- . New Hardware Store nses and Frames. 11 1F ­ . -.. " cousideredby the Council, being adopt� ass, member on'tbe library board, wh Ich � Ir I . I �� 0 With one br twoeman amendments was abbepted,and1A. V6wler appoint- ' . Square Prices. f, A Breeze Over the Police Question. made,thesalary being*flxed at $5oo edfog! the remainder of 1906andthe ',­� � , . I without fees for the chief and $450 for year 1907. . , I , ""' . assistant, also Without fees, pay- Moved by A. D. McLean, second. )) - I JEWELER .1 . .:, . I �-�. ,-. - - , AND 1. . - � I As usual it was after 8.30 p. m. be- jibl nthly and of the al ipo- ed by 0. F. Carey, that the salary of hk - -,�.i--1,1. ,� ­�Ilt� - SELECT STOCK OF NEW GOOD S I - H a PARK . ,; fore the cik4uoil got-starte4 laet..V ..m.. tws�ty cents. per = I -1 I .,-. - - — ­ ­­ � - TICIAN - -ri- aside the Model school assistant for 19M be f.-t-Ff�-"-`--, --1 ,- , �' I%" I have opened out a new stock of Hardware in the Dunlop . I �, day evening,. but thli time all -the from fees. $175, Carried. .� .r�,�� ��. - . . I - - - 9 OP � �� t, - --7� - .�,.', The, Water and Light" committee , TWIses Sharman - . .11, ­. n1exabers were present., ' '� , - I reconiiiierided as follows : � Melvor, A. Bur . SOUTA I SIDE SQUARR. - . , �, . On the reading pf the riall'i ' TAM, K. -Wataon,' Parsons and V. YOU NEED GROCERIES Block, two doors West of'l�he Star office, and solicit a share ------ - I , I mites a __Al) That the circular of the A. M. Watson applied by letter for an in- - � I ­ -­ - ­ � ­ - ­ - ----- I I � t question a.rose as to the location of the Waterworks Association be filed, at all times, and our store is the right of your patronage. We have a good supply of ' � ' I ­­ ­­­­ ­­­ -- � ,44"", N p!oposed new L (2) crease in their several salaries,and the, place to make your purchases. � - I ,W I � grAuolithic walk-- oir That-thexuatter of repairs of trans- applications were laid over till next ' ., It'107 Newgate street, 0oun,,01ark Saying formers be left In the hands of -the meeting after considerable discussion. . ��,� �-, the most of, the resideiiiia wiLuted the elect We have the best Groceries In town. 11'Z r'c'&n With Power to act- (3) Tb[Lt The notes taken by the meiiibers Our bottled and canned goods, flour. Garden Tools Paints Oils Dry Colors Putty . GET MY FIGURES ,,,',� , walk on the Just& of_ the trees6 and all extensions of water maing be made while visiting the schools on the Ilth butter, eggs and other staples are ;". ,� after game discussion.'t,he nuot excellent qualities. I . : , I . 1611, tcf only'on petition of owners who agree inst. were then considered, and the se- Shelf and Heavy Hardware Nails I FOR FIRST'CLASS WORK IN � I i ; I noted for their considered and amended to so place tion, must show that the r6venue to be ders for painting the brickwork of ten- They make good eat'in possible, and locate the walk on the outside was re- to put in & houi5e service. The peti- cretary Instructed to advertise for Brushes I �111 I , C 1. the that means good healt9. . I � 1.1, I the walk. I deriveiftrom. -such extension will pay Central school (two coats) and flooring Barn Door Tracks and Hangers Ropes : I � . , . OMORM, REPORTS. at least ten per cent. on the flrat'co8t. with hard maple Division No's 1, 2, . WE DELIVER I . " Plumbing, Hot Water Heating, � I The collector reported only $347.79 (4) .T�at the vetitioners for watar and 6 of the Centril acbo 8 Forks and all other lines . . . I / of 1905 taxes unpaid, and on motion he mains on South street be notifled of The next rneethig of t ol' u home, and save . "I I s given until June 15 to collect this above requirements for extension. I. You the trouble and inconvenience of Call and tee us . OXFORD HOT AIR FURNACH - 0 wa he Board,will - �', . V) balance. I Adopted. . be on the 28th Inat. . . Your patronage Solicited I . 11-11 , . your carrying them. Call at our store. . .. . �,,. I The town solicitor reported as fol- The Finance committee recommend- -- and leave your order for what you I I , �, , I need, and our boy will deliver 11 - I : '7 lows: . ed payment of ther following accounts: A Successful Horseman jo i Eave Troughing, Roofing, etc. . 11 I M. 0. Johnston. Esq.. Town Clerk.1 George Porteri $29.18; it. H. outt goods very promptly. uu�r . We t 1� %� I Re Maitland Power Co. Bylaw. $12,00- Robert Elliott. $3.86; Win. Gar-' Never allows his horse to suffer charge vqu extra for this. 11 -L � DicAuSop,-I analogs herewith copy of a rat, iia6, Cat. Gen. Elec. Co., $11.29. G pain, He always uses Nerviline,wbich I N icholson I .�. " = to.guarantop the bonds of this company. T. R. freight. $69.70 and $74.21; H'. 8: is noted for curing stiffness, rheuma- STURDY a Co., � t I havedrafted. As far .as those clauses Ayers 004 Co., SM -88 and W.07. W. �ism, swellings and strains. Nerviline Cii J. HARPER I L' I are concerned which refer to the contmob be- - 7 "; tween the Company and the town,, and the Clark Coal Co., $38,02; Hakell & E[,m. is just as good inside as outside. F or The Square, Goderleb.' WEST STREET GODI - - 1. . 1. terms on which the guarantee is proposed to mell, ,balance, $24,33; Wm. Tsit, $3. cramps, colic and internal pain it's a -- � :, be given the bylaw might be revi4od by you Adopted. perfect marvel, In the good racing m it stan'lZ I owever, satikiled with stables Nerviline is always used -be - it in its?rew'.n...., The Public Works committee re- . a �thm as to other p I- " sions wh ch may, I th nk. be necessary, forrotv Cause it makes better horses and small- .' , he commended that the old wooden sewer er veterinary bills. Twentv-flve cents THE NORTHERN NAVIGATION COMPANY — - - -- Ready for Spring . . . " I I I on Waterloo street and Elgin avenue buys a large bottle of Nervillne; try it, HONESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO NORTHWEST _ I. following reasons: . , The aeg amending tho'gonaral act enabling be replaced by cement tile till that ON STEAUtil SAIUNQ JUNE 4th and 20th. I , , �. inunicipallues to guarantee bonds of this do- , ocription. provides that such guarantee shall sewer be extended to 0aml-ridge ­ ---- FARES To . �� be auMect to the.provisions of clause A. of IWO- street. (2)-Tbat the sidewalk on Na- Battleford, Bask. and return $89.00 Bicycle and I 11 --�. tion 7 ( Goderich Township. Brandon, Man. .1 .. ,'I as to obtai.ing the consent of the m yars. 38.65 1 Of the Onw1fdAted,lAnaldilial Act, pier street be replaced. Adopted. ' Calgary. Alba. 1. 11 40.50 FURNITURE, FURNITURE I Tbid dlause of section 700 after fit'dor. for Mr. Nesbitt, the owner of the coal mST. JAME"' Cuutteu.-The annual In history you may go back, but for up-to-date Furniturne in all . 119 for an Edmonton 11 11 1. a vote of one third at ull'the* rk Ay.ero far- hoist, aked eeting of the vestry of St. James' 42.50 Repair Works lines we have ttie latest on the market. thbr provides that no such b EDO, 01 be church, Middleton's, Moosejaw, Sask. 1. .. 36.00 m"ed until the assent of one oil extra expense he w" was held on 20th Regln� .. .. 1. elect.. pub to In moving ult. - , p r ol 1vals the hoist while unloallig a cargo of The meeting was opened with 35 ady for Spring, and if there is anything you want, this been obtained in con ormity, w1ith tao .75 KINGSTON STRFFT, GODFRIC11. Sions of ,the act r6s Strathcona, Alba. 11 I. 42.50 store can I Ptalt2lic bylT creating coal for the town last ear. thr h prayer by Rev. Rural Dean Gunne, Winnipeg, Man. 1. 11 ( e 0 SUPPly you from the very Cheapest article to the most costly. speet to suoh bylavra Is that the bylaw shall as to rend 41 . nualir by spectai rate Or for the evening and Mr. Pickles secre- Rates include stateroom berth In The best makes of Bicycl�s, new and second - CAU AND SEH US. debte. Oneoftheprovi caner eptiare, the conditions being sucl oug 3 hxl Cluff Iwas appointed chairman and other points In proportion. 32.00 ­ - . ..-- ­ -- - .- .- name A c8rtaID sPetiffto sum to be rais6d "- liable a suit for denim t The Fl, urage against The wardens for 19W are Chas. ­ sUilicidat to meat the the town. anco committe flabil ty created by law, and I am in- Will 1pvestig&te , cLined to think that IN �attlld be necessary to and deal with t* m& e Bhl'iddleton and Edward Wise second class quarters to limit of . ; John ateamer's capacity. Meal$50ceach. , � fix Ruch a Rpecific sunflu this Alray ter. t' Middleton was elected lay delegate to hand, at close prices. ,4a pQugh " rhaps not 6066iiiiar yl t, olleton, H. MarRhall, 0. Burnett, H. Steamers leave Sarnia for Soo, Port J. BROPHEY & SON r ye y to' am . the Synod. The sidesinen are: C.Mid- Arthur and Duluth, June Ist, 4tb, We have the famous Cleveland, Rambler and neArly all makes of do t, -dd At this point Conn. Elliott announc not see how otherwise th�: mDhey coal _ 11) b.rid by tbo. town in cage 0 the oom � 'La I I ipan ed that he had to leave. and Councillor Johnson. The financial report was re- da Wednesday and Friday. I de hult updn the bonds, ­1 have not been abres, Blair objOcting to this (as Conn. Clark Ilth, 13th, 18tb, then every Mon. second hand machines. Tile Leading Undertakers and Embalmers West Street, Goderich however, to fix the sum which It would be no- had left some time before) and the closed with the benediction. . CeRsary to Mtge in tw pate. because do not in ceived and adopted, and the meeting Full inyiormation regarding Georgian All parts of Bicycles can be had here. . 86W' Night and day calin will receive pen;onal and prompt attention. �el know the terms gghb lost, wh oh the . p & eglect of town business b Bay, and other sailin . , '.. any ftrGCw t* , j some of A CLOSE CAt,L.-The family and re ,�a %n be had 'Pbone 12o, o . ,a nu And for which'ib the members. only three ouneillors sidence of 0. W. Potter. Porter's Hill- H. H. (IILDERSLEEVE, 0. H. NICHOLSON, Electric Light Wiring and all 9uPPlies sold and inRtalle,]. . : I JS to give showin tip with the Mayor several from all Grand Trun Agents, or 111riameling and repairing of every description on short notice, ue. � Them am other matters Also, a well as this times, 90 had a very narrow escape from what Mile., Calli"gwood. Traffic Vgr., sarnla. - - - - I- ­ -­ ­ I � which I think 6110111d be c0rdloilly discussea oun. Elliott explained that ! with the solicitor fdr the any and with sickness at home prevented his re. mIght1have been a serious, if not a the committee 0 =m � fatal, accident on Priday night. One Our new steam plant bag induced us to put in a raodern that purpose. -but - adfoot has . - I J4VV,..Q(00`an API&jnted for mainin Conn. Blair then of the children, sleeping u tairs, had LAWN MOWER SHARPENING . 't longer. I from home ft good deal sod I have &hn &way asked t, e Mvor to have a heart -to- not been very well, and rs. Potter a been pressed for time and bailb nob boon able to heart talk with Conn. Clark, Who as left a lamp burnin 91 This Mediclue Is Breathed. ;I give the matter the aMhdor% which It should device, which is the niost perfect to be found anywbere. A wo f UL POTATO ,.. recol ve. If 06 cokincil thbosee to approve of chairman of the Finance committee in the room, and That's wl is sure to curecatarrb. . ; it exploded while afi In the house were You see it ly it Bring your Ifawn Mowers here if YOU Want them sharpened correct. I the bylaw so far,as the prftisla"s at presoatoon_ was, hardly ever present arld.was ne - , )es direct to the source of C talned In It are qotfd6rneo .!, ,1,.'We dould disougg lacting the duties of his position. ff a81001). Mr. and IMrs. Potter were the diseas _it. healing vapor repairs I Most Enormous Cr downstairs, and were startled bV one the damage ca sed by catarrhal In- - . . the legal as ,is at It, an :n1b1I% the bylaw his business requires this he should , r without Waytwlt 9 far 06noth r tone ng or a opper, Perfectly Blight Pro;f. Counva I It Is thOUght AD t6 do so. th% resign and let some other member of the children calli - .., 06 I bave out "flre.' On flammation. ' Catarrhozone always I . Doliblo tho rrop "If tile Ran's ground, and ovpry one a notin(l one. Intro- � amume i th UtJlA* lis; ,4 take this Important position. The readfiling the room n4r. Potter found cures because it goes into the.ve tiny ducod In V,ng1nnd In ILOY1 (it flf)() per I I lbs ; three months )a r its blight proof qe 006n IVO " 17VM that the pro - payments of no t sod n n I hat the stand on which the )&rnp cells and passages that ordinary rem- JOHN VULE and onorrviotiq er te since heard, , V8 to the derelict chairman. a . ow,6 r.. t I a leave Mayor said he would certainly speak stood was all ablaze; throwing mat colles can't reach, goes where the dis- 9 'f)J1TiDK tPat'11-1-4 catmed the grmiient sensation, reatilting in ' ' i the rinelpidd outri 11 - .., e.full f over It he quickly put the Ilre out be- ease actually is, Impossible for Ca, rpoord prieen of it tiF1W, '" high as 141'-'54) per fb. being paid, tLnd $250 for one !, th an. and on MISCELLANEOUS nZISMUSS. f. OAD y 6 1. the fore it had gained Bicycles, Repairs, Electric Light Supplies. tubpr, I ch � M u a 8 A bylaw to amend the bylaw fixing One of the children was Ina tell You. Don't he misled Into thinking ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE "Eve" no reren ul ul X, ul , "t much headway. tarrbozone to'fall, as any doctor will a fu 11 . bed only � M- ­ . L the rates for lawh Water services we, three feet from the stand, and had the tb r I n7thi g o nod 0 "Y"' S#'Pto`Fi'b0rlaHt, whon Nlr.(;. Al3sneysold 141Lq. of BI- T am obliged to oto . Toronto to I t and e 0 sa n 8 9 as Catarrh dorrulim for C:M ($101) rm-(Oplp I ly orra* n L - w"0 Itto-ed and I"eredul-19 ; yet three months I will therefore not be to attend . read and formally p"sed. firq, not been discovered Just when It Xone-uso it and youll soon say good. lat or, the 41111- gen detnan i ervi % ed IL dit-que rov I'l L; ell Mee r ve A complaint was made by Mr P - wa,, the - result can easily be antici. bye to catarrh. --- Rain I I 40) (87WO) for 14 lbq. of the � PAW L D1 moo . ningtoh regardin a closet w�ic�ena pated. --- - - I 0 vltrietY," Pree Pr( -nn, (E igland) Jan, Ifth, i1xil, I Action was deferred until t,14e to offensively near %is house# and the � ­ "The yiphl of I lie Mdortulo pot,tt() I he kind that brought the rem . / , solicitor could coptot With the e tOwn,emistable will exanalneund re- TOWNSHIP COUNCILS. - _.2 I rd I PC,Lny'g solicitor, t: Clinton. _.=nr" 19 reportptl to run froin 1,'o) to.,�m) I f f On, oil P pou nd of ceed tu bers, " - Er"a0i t1jileh asP01al m Port to medical health officer. WEST WAWAfqngff. - . New Yorkpr, New )'(Prk, .11M. 14, 1,1)011�.-), , ing Of the COU11201 Will be held. Two DEATHS AT REGINA -Samuel Council mat do a court of Revinlon hf --- - — - -11, I I nt rod ijeed here by i i 9 I n I ("') a t at A I 41 por I t), PVQ L, , The obstruetiou of ,th road and Pike, Who Was a resident �f Clinton IML at I I o'dork, and after hearing the a 631111111=11max- I . . COMMUMOATTOIfO AND P I sid6walk where 71 I(LI -Y, . a., I . Eldorado In re i Inf on to I ONS new build ings 1hre be- for about, A quarter of a centuryjand '"oftio th amaller ocide the nPimation ft rrentod 11, En land, making the record pr con of A -(ro1lttfi,W­D0Affl­4-Tk;�6 ing,-.rfttet.d.,t-th.�64aurewwr6l6ire6cI ­ - ,,.,,,,i gf,"o""m r%ln,= . I 01"' -t-"'­-VI'-­V-,--�- I -, all time for (lip 1'. m. an(I (, '. , - letter r ,,,�W jjg."� ly . . �Lj�a ht Vp 11 , , t. anada. April'T . L conducted a hotel on Albert street for the reAt of hc APPOMIR being d f4sed ana � hl)[13. (to) I to 8- -I- C011011y. Finhern, N. Y., 2 d , I naked the APP61ititmenj of & edimMittee to Street nVector and constable. manli yeaft, and later the Waveriv at the asKorament roll acce ted from the a,s. h8l I)( E,Idurudm for $2J)[1. April 25th laqt, to Sir, F. ,4. Bt.her 11. - COWL DIM& Otged that the parka the ( 4p r Jarylo Atrept, ,rnronto, 11) lbla ri to,eonfo skitb, thb Mantifactur,*8 com mosor on motion of Itledd ad Andaman. E Itif Bi0GR0P!tW-,T' 11 17 to the left( / t, died at Regina or, Wedn . , LA� - for $,I(). A gri,at many naleu ni:m to (H) Ibn. made . e e9' The Council then reImmr,d monaml busine ling AP -1 1 -tato growern, !�Ixperlrnental Farnin, etv.. In Canada and d- , mittee of ft "ra oil mAttets 0,1,ul. dommittee abbuld Wait on the County day o last week. Mrs. Pike (nee Miss The millut- of Inat meat na were ru M the V. H. T Pqe are nwar(� 'If Ihn hifitory of the truly wonderful potato. ated to promoM M6 Iofttjou Of tie* ouncil. at their coinib 1100fon and StOMy) predeceased him at Clinton a adopte& On motion of Andomon an iell, io-Wilil. The Special hitt Out; that the $10 tfay Voted an. Z. urray ,--�� �t;;6 - � committee of tho Conuell Will SOIAOL n of years ago. After selling the reeve and Modd and Thompoon Warn Ap. One 1b. PIFLII(ed now, within two yparn ,Ivill 7ij%I(I pnou ornen. a K I I 1Y (Or. PlAtits around flid Court =160 business to Geor Buxton, of 0019,,ted to meetthe truatean 0 Police village W arr(IR90 YOU WAnt. V,very it). h t phint all the gart, 6110 W f fanobester re the expontzen of management. I)I;Lnw(i now is worth $10. 1 antonow, nexty�% l(nip Anothef c6mmublation not enough, Mid endeavor Godatichi Mr. Pike cease A petition of J. q IM a . 1V labor. and a Flaker and othera was PM 41 Rpebubert 9011 Reed to Your rriendn. �, Md from 114mid Dfvdo IPY th? ,ard of Trido,6n fctuk the have t 6 Ut Increased. Agreed a cut ft Portion of his leisure time in have B. Ta r changed Ono 1h. plant.e(I hv 11" !Ij4h J11- laqt� raiqe(l 114) 11)9. � FIC . 416*a mo Op tod anking to No. 10 to D. No, a flesiton's Hafidbotik of CA�ad . tke county town, A feiv months since 05io"ved by Medd th n V RANZ PETER SCITUBERT, born at Vienna 1707, died 1026, wag W) to I�yw b"Allplo per a( that year. 0, Ll I'll ithe aa&006 tar thi� ad*,,ettJsefn04t,Of Cdon, SAlloWs said hL% 'had see he Wetit to Reg "t f the greatest gong composer of the 19th century. From begin- -ro voinnimp, meander. Moron. oetitiog be fmat,Dd, go I v, .VP all dw tbvr4 ate'telit"'knd 66 immis W" Ayers, of the .Whit,e StAr ,,,,,n Mr. I"%, where the climate Ell Oft an Bel wfkfW on If ri�j to end, his short life though one of Inceanant activity, won Puro."leed Floorntinq $1 por 11). car ho seemed to a ee with him. He leaven Counall re drain at buntrmon. Thompson filled with f4t)ld ()nfv bv un In Canada H. -n", otderAd 0414 )A 0141(intity stiam tbxb the otimpithy h04 n4wre- due go., Goldrdla, who In marrIed and and Itfoold Fre appOinted examlve, 00 isappointment. He tegan his musictil career In his llth iveT agreement; A10410 WtIt tho munell 1is 0IVed any Word rilbita the kb motion of u.rT.Y.ftad Andorran. W Mntmn as choir -boy in the Imperial Cbapel. He be an to compose of Is, Alao2ilot or hindo. pald extractn'81 I I � *lttithe *, r,, resides in Toronto. The remainn were and J. Itei for grant to Dtineoinnaynl Yealfrom his 18th year wrote in almost ovary containin%bisfory, ph,)t(v,, I)( ,)()Catof�q, rherko . , � ilOWS'Whieb it Wag brought, to Clinton I ho f, , the Boatil lot NOVA04V , g4talug, t1i, P,00 * I the funeral taking OA rimiltural goolet N Yn,tnotion and gepartment of music. . feA - r ss But his name is celebrated chiefly In the song form where hin genjug I Andbrwn and. ThV0'mp­-0.n"t9.01 . ap, m lold ?jr& 14WI04:11wt d(ftwoth Vft11*K*-d;*ft6 time :fo should he place from SL Paul's church,on Mon. 0 ,?4ted to lookaMr tlie tr",Tnre a. busineva has no rival. Although he received no Instruction la Comlicaltion, he ,1OX ,q.orp wr � � . I , to - 1piolt I nort; mootinir. 71io roove a Wrote hundreds of songs of Indescribable beauty. h Mocked s6*0 on , - , It otriit. W #out to" th6lt dge 10 V#rtiffing the d�ty 1krt0`rn0nu last the cemetery Clark Vroro S11 IT" BROS.9 REAC which fitt ,t*lI0 W" 400'd(d' % tAWA- 116 had Offered howovqr to there nuderthe auspices ot the empowereW � HVILO Ierq�­. ,"%ed, K,6 th - b Ono . borrow the oum loW for It is hard to conceive how the fresh, brIZht moloolieo and sweet, eed 0'rowers oao4�; to h, 4 to purpown. a foil St, � t y 11161 (oil Members Canadian 5 Robson . y chocks wore fa�g, . I ift, th& 41 4, k 11tor tug- dil'at 4eg on Friday, Mal 25th, a Eatill., ,flI`,',' '83:;J. . 1161VOt Ji - T ­-'!�­ -- ---. . - V6j;11a8P"1ot*,llV", ,RRAL I W *06 �Zfi 1W01I p)L�d of 131111911tud-Miss Edith J. 8 Arso=oils Pal $r. , natural hAnnonfes of his songs could have come from one who con .- - A bi the Vo##d il In* . , Wooda. Calvert, Mm % jh*10y ,curmtd` that 6 �*A I ,(h #nItile. 11ILM I tinually suffered from grinding Poverty and com arstive neglect. Yet I- � hist '06 'A.M.080 J, Anderson. va rem 4 a lit - � 6uKT1,Y migdos bi J, A '960W 00 i to*4 PA4" tk1b, elve gg bO real IWO of her aunt, n her "� " Ig s d I I - . ­ �-- To r ub, of M , , timilng the 1 ,9kqK"'r�i10 nj writing. 1. . me, Tufto k - .of kulti , , h they Row from his heArt GP004neously-and perfect In the moment of . , ,,Ila 66 c which , � ss% -st., th ye*** Vtom Infancy the d,,,,.,ed ; TN. h a ",4. & 'ph"' T -F o'�ad '00100ter to me t 118 Wrote with such fecundit7 and eate - uril`oyl� cot ­ OWM OW wign, %litijog *0 * & con , . - 00 and seerningly so I Of tne wkt* wtiNif, It 11W.11101.1iffewhied. here *At troubled with ast'llms, but an ex- on Mcy,11.1.130.`y� Eno 20, n.V1 carelessly, thAt he often did not recognI2 hin own couipositiong on dopp , I `*A# $00 1N�t MX WA *W%b fA� f*titit 4ubj#gt t6 duty. tended sojourn In h6r youth to tpe WA.Rccaoirrm hearift mitAble " Hark Hark the, - lochett oil hft lot* stuiij thd "ked ,001� This, W4W ^gW4 ilb. I Southern � g them. His aWkIl.g and I.i ' , penmtI6Wth6xWot,I,oe, 4biK*ftvu*4 thfm 89dibool to have the — Lark0s WAO Written in a ar-garden on tho back of g hill Of fm-.. * And the, blaililto1k,, Th6, �Jej �*4j­ju#0j(j. Al 44lij,ct- V900110ttradusttedu his ten6dy beautiful " Serenside 11 (D n. In.) has the r - " rA A . 6f AhotUet*ftA*estJonI*C6n".g lows desi'* �11 are merit of being - P Otte isria,l%&�L 'k � I . . tWA"dW0,I1MVt0*#V#t$ b# ho iii, Wanhei, and ft-Ught imocei"fully In 1.000 REWARD 61ceeditIlly Popular and at the same t t ­ 4. I" I time 8 delightful number on any 'r I r4i P , # I ift A ""loog this section for & conglilorable time. Par a Case of lacursible constiostion high -an pro 0. But to Pt the full sensuous efUct of hio melodiec . 11� it tW,do* foo, nbe ilk 04fteftjk�§ wat .,r i . 'dee fight h6 IqAtf6fi 4* A 'W Sbn was it most lovable 111tsob ,"I To a pernon who ean,t be cared of 43fd hAfftiOUCtheY Must be tendered from an Instrument IIkG 50 9MI, 4,V =-'ertevski UNN"I'tolb"i'll XCURSION bdti" MAWWrW's *im"#Vtd to' VetY highlyeste Mod by4L I wh6'knew constipation hV Dr. Itsimilton's pi 61 h*W*#Ahftfotb*#n- , W,hAt 4%bti"t ilhol do# b6f. AtRoll" " A jhe� ti , go wbeft Ito ftobson the above reward .will be Vald. 0 .atid,10 - M 1r, W# Atid , _ - na, - -1 , I I Is. � 49 00t 464W. how ,A I � .1 haA boon to ellf .. 0, � . MONTH . 0 oub3i, Uks'hkro booty 14tt 9 W ORO, 00tvilt, N hold cathartic medicine gives flueb laq 41ho Joe -it VISHO n ;T A03'Zif. M- ; , ­..... -1 , ting I . #1 A %A0 0144ew �6, 13M iti6ftJ ft#*t 40", kild thCh rftlr Wk# AX tbb lo thty,0dtth hugiffon -0 Woro satisfaqntion AS Dr. Hamilton's Pill. AMN& , I 2 ft . t MU 4 Were at h t qjk$t. Rena 1111111nediato1v follow$ fi)V . , walen with Its rich, rejonsuit sin ng Tobe and tlexible Action custains ; . in M*% Tho ihemodus, wbro boQhb CI � In. 1 and 4t,o head- the VftAlittya voice an VID the Most delicato abIdIng in feanne � : '' �h r IlikrAlit" lChO. billOttilinei I 6�e tofi tb#� ftsk4% LfMlhj� t_jed dors. Nh eript" "t ""or' " ao OtW' 't It jud"d ths' 8113,1001e,11111 Irib 6 &r exoolle co. � lit iftem me, abd Mf#,RON6 I , .19 PAIII., .. umfitig I ft In .1 hA t at% #aft 91 nothing but the to -64t I niftralt,166" is b6xcik,16"t Mt. i1hJV7at&X Won t, I I 11641"&"�qknpilth, ottv'Voy ge 111 , it t 'e ",Piro, e#RfA04nirw" pbrttl# �W I , ,ds to L 01111# .. , , (19 tho use of Dk.lfatu� . � - Pt1Wf`1fdi" � -t , 1100 a ft� 7 1 16 illb riot SOMII &# 1, T411,01PA".4's" 'A 4', 1pb, CAL , k � , I I k I . Y� i i . ) 4 I yetil, � I .............. ,,,, , .......... .. 'It. I Ut Ilk � I � - -11".., I I I I ­ ­ 11 I'll, I � I , ... I , I 1, I.- I 1i �, " �, I I 11­�. ­., --- I .. 11-11-1. I I . 7 . , I ,,, '144 W..� o t- . I . . ,� I � I 'I , , I , t I I 1..I6`1-- I , .� oil "'."'. 4"'. �Zl, kAgA& � I � I I � i� : , I I , ­ ­�L49..V, 11 I .1 � , .J-----1' I 11 I I 1� I , - , I/ � , . , I , ., . 1 1 17 1 , , I I I ..... . �;, - . ­ . t I I I I I I I I . ; , I '� - ` , I * I � . , . -1 I ­ 11 " A 1, 't, 0--- A. � -:" I . 11 �-� a , .,� � . 1, ­ .- � \ I ''I � 11 �,­ � - / . � 0, - � " 11-1-1 WAft"gi i . . , I , , A- - - .�­hm ,. L . 1, �­ % . ­ -T "I � , , gas.. - ­­ I - a ,P r 0, , -7 ��, . . , . t, P, � T -W-19- W-Z"MI , -L.�- I I - )"6v , . ­ ­­ � - Ad