HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-06-08, Page 1"NoIrn,
1rtie CIODER101 STAR basalt/4szor
in this oaten ot the 00unt$ ot Huron
circulation than any other Ilevispapir
- •
IllirVor8V.4.1=;XE12:1 0*Ir cso-crow92 ost' z4;erxXuPlq
Oittke3 Speglialty ballin!lig the deposits of
Wf4ordiallyinvite 'ladies to' make' this :Bank their head,,
splarterS while down tOwn, and Will apPreCiatet
opportunity of initiating y474 lath the de -
4. tails ot keeping Oecking .
account • ,
, 04(0 Writ'ClOt",.0411ttlebb0Hdetentitiell'',i00-004MAr•re'rnta."
Tho ilovorsonent. antheria00 0* 40k eeeellt depeilte.
Gop13 00.1cg NORTE*: 'STRAET
AND. .qtrAitt,g, w; 144"; uoi,tvoic, -gpt,
etment Sidewalks '
pet Geld Watotrallutitteg ceae
No, 5414, Elgin esoyeeseet 60164lie Any
nformattoe lettatmystere wel be eonfiden.
tial, Finder vvill teWeededs' w• 1"."36
"T" OST.-OaTueelay 'afternoon, in Gederlea
le or oe the Stetter& ,road,is Meier tearot
stand. Finder please leave at Wat STAR offloa
11GWN OF GODERICK. . • ' '
Town cle 'k, error befere MO 13th dey fif June.
APOlIrtionft in weittng leg with
sm. tee t Preatierie ot Chief of Pollee, See.
ge.en t and four ward Coestables for the Wien.
',Particulars of duties, hours,. ealerY, eta, at tele
Town Clerk's office.
TeWn Clerk.
ke to Mile A. Baunders.
WANTED,-Furnisbect !muscat Goderich,
with aot leer, than three bedrooms, for
two months. beginning June 25th to July let.
Will give abeoluto eisourity for return of same
in geed conditton. Applications to Box X,
Seen office, will peconsidered.
'ItrANTED immediatelY, 16.13004 General
TT Servant. apply to
Mus. M. Hcsremeort, Lighthouse Point.
TIOR SALE. -A comfortable house on Park
ic street, easy terme. Apply W. B. GRAHAM,
Newgate street.
-VOR SALE. -Settled offers will be received
A2 lay tact underaigned, marked "Offers for
Fenno IV to and including the 13th day of
June instant. for the materiale of tap wooden
fence surrodnding Harbor Park. The pur-
chaser to remove the fence and leave the sur-
face of the ground in good condition. Partiou-
leer at Town Clerk's office. -M. 0. JOHNSTON,
Town Clerk.
YOR SALE OR LET. -A farm of 111 acres
of the bost clay loam, belonging to Mrs.
. Fraser, Goderich, situated on the firet con..
Ooderich toetnahip, 7 miles from. Goderioh, 9
from Clinton and 5 from Hayfield. Fairly
geed buildings. 2 orchards. Reasonable term&
I, or further •partiealars apply to JAMES COL-
-well., Meeks street, Goderich, or ED. Ace-
K./MN, oderich.
OTS FOR SALE, -I have for eale a cumber
.1.1 of tine building Lots on the Hayfield Road.
. . corner of Sritannia, The_t_Hntaawo_f_taye
ready been sold, and the balance are WOE%
dearable and will be sold at reasonable tiltRICS.
Apply to
W. T. MURNEV, Hodorich.
I_ GAIN.-liot 10 con. 3,, Ashficid, 100 acree
each, one lot all cleared. the ether lot. has 60
acres cleared and balance rough pasture land.
wen fenced, spring creek. Good texiblings OR
both farms. Can be sold tie ono or separately.
Apply on the premises or address Hamar
HORSEY, Dungannon P. 0. ,,,
1.3ASTERE.-16 or 20 head of cattle can be
given pasture for tne summer months.
'or particulars apply oteraddress WESLEY W.
Fuman, BenmIller, Ont.
EOR SALM-Building lobs oo Market street,
near Carnegie Library. A most deairable
aton. Apply to Mrs. J.H.Williams.
VDASTURE.-From June est pasture for Cat -
.L tie and Horses on Ridgewood Park pro.
perty. For terms, eta, apply to THOMAS MIL-
LIAN, at the Farm House.
pROPERTY FOR SALE.- The desirable
property on Elgin Agenue, Goderich,
owned. taut ocenpied by Dr. Whitely. Good
house and two-thirds of an acre of land. vrith
choice fruite. The house is boated by hot
water and has all uiodern improvements. A
bargain for any person wanting firsteelass pro-
perty at a moderate price. Apply to or addreas
Dill WHITELY. Goderich.
TaAPERS FOR HALE. -Several hundred
1. copies of old nevntpapers tor sale. Just the
thin when you are housecleaning. Apply at
mittidtleV NolsOte Sta: 18 dew
Mien tor summer business, baying
la y removed trete Neale fie Large rest.
.denee, '.0einfertable Ilrat elites board,
neeMattenter transient, Rates el per day.
nOiall4Y .taRANGE' MEETING,: - The
• • stoneaested meeting of South Huron
1100UntrOrtMge,L0dge Wilt be Iola at Bengali,
• Weeleireeer, Jerre leril, eotaMeeelng at
One oeneelc in the atterneon. It le desirous
that there he attn. tateresen.tation tram every
Losige.--Geo. B. Hanley, W, C. M. Peter Cate
telee, Recording ele.eeetery, Clinteu,
ettentien of Magistrates and lustiest' of
the PeaCe is tailed to thie fact that by the
ntario litistutes ot 1800, entirely new mooed-
ute,elealingwith the oases Cit insane pereons,
bee been substituted for that hitherto in force
under the Ihwised Statetes.
Particelars and feriae of proceedinge may
be bad on application'teetheuedereigned.
Dated Godench, eeth May. MK
Crown Attoruey. Huron
1 wishes to rentabe privilege of gelling Ice
Cream Soda Water, Fancy Goode. Maga/Mee
Newsmen,. Souvenir Speens_, Stationery, eta.
in the lebby of tho Simmer Rotel for tee sea-
son, June tO September inclusive. The fixtures
consiet eta Ono counter ana show case, a fleet
°lees Simla Water Fottntain, Sarup Bottles.
Glatieware ete. This ought to fie a good oppor-
tunity tor a lady with one or two daughters.
We expect to have a geed season and many
Southern visitors. Pleaso apply at the Sum-
mer Hotel immediately.
By request of tbe Board of Trashe, all per.
eons havin.g accomeciation for Sunmter Visit-
ors to Goderich are requeeted to leave their
namee end particulars at the Newspaper
Offices of the town, where lists may be kept
which will be available for enquirers. •
Any addreeees sent in to Tug L,IAR Office
will he promptly recorded.
ESCHEW of aloud.
MO THE PUBLIC. Goderich Ontario, may
.1.21ist. To the readers of this paper and others
who may beer of it. I wmald say was a des-
perate sufferer for five years, beinallind,caused
from granulations of the eyes, two yeare of
which I never saw my husbaud a face; he took
me to the, best hospital ln the Ucited State%
they turned ute away blind and told my hus-
band there could be no help for me. Ho then
took me to a hoepital in Canada.. but I got no
relief ;what ever, after ,nine weeks treatment
them witheut guess& .got receipt for s.
medicine whleh we used-OurseiVes anctia thied
weeke I bezan to receive eight. and in six
menthe I could read any print or thread the
finest needle. I was bliud in the left eye for
eome time of a felon over the sight but I have
taken lt off with the same medicine mai to -day
can read print with tatted the same stuff cared
a num sixty five years of ago who had been
blind for seventeen yeare, also a little girl
flee geese of age that had been blind from a
small baby, and a great maity othere. I will
now eay it will ncit fail to auto' any kind of ul-
cers. felons qr granulakiette of the eye. I would
also rt,dVise 6.ny one s Tering from the amnia
trouble to give it aetria Any person wanting
any information about this median° will please
call at Mrs. Joseph Ashton's. Wells street,
Goderich Ont. I will gladly give you the best
of satisfaction.
mHE HURON HOTEL. Gorlerieh Ont. -
1 Thoroughly refitted and Modernized. A
home for the traveller and former. Best $1.50
a_dealeiteprlotoprbi:tfoorund anywhere. -N. J. MOR-
11-1am." I
Ontario Agricultural College
ono, CorOorsitioe Of the •Te wit Of 4.404,0,
ch intiewle to constrget /cora cut tidelitabtal III
IIEld Town ItIi fellaWa /
. L °tithe North side of 8t.Petrickso greet.
AVM Wi4fer10.0 'street tee Arthur etteet,
The estimated opet,ilt file werk It $150.20.
etwitictialitee IS te Provided, Mit Of tee
fierier*/ fltede Of the afieeelpitlity. ,
24 On the eolith siee et Newirate street,
hetWeienineteria street andAlhert Street.
"The estimated cost of Ole Work le *KU ef
whleh 4200.A0 30 he ,nreivided pet Of the
general ;lads at the teunicepality.
3,- On UMW:filth slde of Eigio avenue, be•
twat/a .Victarlit etreet and Toronto street,
Theestimated 0001 et Use work int .382.130.
of whieti $103.2t is to be provided put of the
gelteraitfinditqt the Municipality.
4., On the goat side el Cambria 1toad. be.
tweeelsaststreet and angleseeetreet.
The estimeted heat of the work is $603.80. of
which$317,25 bete be provided out of the gen.
oral funds et the Municipality.
5. On the south aide of Nelson street. be
tween Om east limit of Lot 622 and Waterloo
Therestimated cost of the work le $1,42105.
of which daitteato to be providea out of the
general funds of the Muulaipality.
6. On the (south side of LIghthouee street,
between Essex street and Cobourg street.
Theestimated civet of the work ia 3228.80,
of which 0122.991s to be provided opt of the
general tunes of the Munielpality.
7. On the West side of Vietorta street. be-
tween Napier street and Elgin avenue. .
The estimated melt of the work ie 81,520.19,
of which 16884.081s to be provided out of the
general fan& of the Municipality.
8, On the esat side of Victoida street, be-
tween Elgin avenue and Nattier street.
The estimated coat cf the work is $1,503.41,
of which 5813.49 is to be provided out of the
general funds of the Municipality.
9. On the south elde of Trafalgar street,
between Victoria street and North street.
The estimated cost of the work la 3290.80,
of which 3121.15 is to be provided out of the
general funds ot the Municipality.
And intends to assess a portion of the
final cost thereof upon the real property to be
immediately benefited thereby,' fronting or
abutting upon said streete as aforeeald,between
the said points and to lovy such final cost accord-
ing te the frontage thereof, by twenty annual
special aeseesments ; and that a statement
ahowing the lands liable to and proposed to be
epecially assessed for the said work, and the
names 0 the owners thereof. so far as the
sante can be ascertained from the heft re•
vised assessment roll an4 otherwise, Is now
filed in the office of the Clerk of the Muniel-
malty, and ls epee for inspection during office
A Court of Revision will he held on the 1815
day of Juue. 1908. at the hour of 8 o'clock in the
afternoon, at the Council Chamber in the
Town of Goderich, for the purpose of hearing
complaints against the proposed aeseesment or
the accuracy of frontage measurements or any
other camplalet which the persons interested
muy deelre to make and which is by law cog-
,nizable by the Court.
DATED the 30th day of May, 190G.
littlieelt I, eriettate-ofeeed JIP"ite
tket. •4 ••
4.1•44,4) A)1444•4•.•4.••••
Cf$11, tit Vose-4tenett
Removed to Schley. Streets-Via.e.otteeita
Mrcentioa to, Cuthitte-Parmene te hetet. t
nieuseCetter sexcentott.-,evaty..i.p“ .... 4
zee vot LeeteeSter
aebiggplatein4lineeinerele*-11,13ea:kilitttiL "" 44
r8:24cdkier ti21114eeehrs::411".-tit--W*P8I444°794litrItlfke:'cl...e::'.1:7:.:::
cettee VettSpeclithi-eileditetie
pro, V4S4 • • •
If to Ostreit...Piteatner Oreyla;0141:::, a
liardwatv--E. Pottle . a
application* Witated,-Teviti of coderieb,.
l'endetai Wanted -Mow n of Gederich
House For Sal e-W.B.Otehatti„ , ... . 1
witibotis--14cXlar'a ISM alias
Settees antler tels eeading to noteadyertis.
ors be (tamed 10 mita 4), FUORIDIC LIDO tO
11411Pa/del 0110.12 lime; te the inch: YeerlY
esetract tulvertierga whom advertising ate
Penni ia the same. issue, 0 omits& line; te
Deem Who make a yearly contract under thls
beading and do not otherwiee edverttse, 8
mute a Wm.
, Local Notices.
Laege consignment of goods arriv-
ing At Paulln'e Hardware More this week.
ANOTHER CRAolIER,-.A.nother spec-
eheaP sale at. the Goderich Bargain Stone.
AnotherJah lot of Boota end ehoeix will be
jis.ced. on the teblea le the eentre 'of the store.
our °bolas or this lot tor 60 cents fh paln Aise
t e ealence of the stook of Clotbes end Tweeds
(sod the,balance of the igook ot Groceries goes
tor halepriee. No non•enne, vre mean J ust half
price. This will be a rattling cheap sale. to
commence on Saturdey, Oth. June.
J. W. Beenxmcm.
CLOTR/NG SALM-Only about two
doz. "Piccadilly" toeual to the beat makersl
suits and trousers luta which must be cleared
sohuotrrozHIless of what theY costae make min
for new tau goods, which will be arriving
510 Double breasted summer emart coats and
110 Salts
14 "
12 '
15 " nice dark grey worsted, sold every;
where for more money 1110,50
Any adze not in stock will he procured at
above prices. PRIDRAM. THE TAILOR.
Town Twits.
BANK OHANGES.-Mr. Andrew Por-
ter, formerly of Clinton, but now of
the Teeswater branch of the Sovereign
Bank, has been appointed manager of
the Goderich branch, vice James D.
O'Connell, deceased, and will remove
bere next week. Mr. E. V. Campion
has been appointed nesista.nt manager
and accountant, and Mr. G. M. Laing
takes the teller's post.
tiremement of Mr. John Staunton,
Mr. H. B. Beckett, as appears by advt.
.on page 4, will conduct the furniture
and undertaking businese as here to -
fore, keeping up to the front with all
modern improvements: Mr. Becke
holds a diploma from tbe Canadian
College of Embalmers, and will give
personal and prompt attention to all
orders for embalming and undertak-
AN OFFICIAL VISIT. -The inceibers
of the Huron County Council and
Messrs. A. J. Blowes, Jas. Donaldson,
Oliver Harris, Thos. Hammond, James
Walker, Robert Armstrong, Peter
McDonald. Philip Herd d, Geo.Kastner,
Rob. Barry and Geo. Hainilton, of the
Perth County Council. had a delight-
ful moonlight trip on the lake onWed-
nesday evening. The trip was given
by County Treasurer Holmes, the new
tug Horton being the vesael used, and
it made good time and ran as smoothly
as a motor on a leyel road. On the re-
turn to the dock the Councillors gave
three hearty cheers for the Comino-
dore. The Perth representitives had
come up to Goderich to confer with
the Huron body regarding some
bridge matters.
To HELP THE TowN.-The joint
committee appointsd by the Board of
Trade and the Town Council, as noted
in the report of the Council proceed-
ings, met in the Council Chamber on
Monday evening and discussed several
matters of vital interest to the pro-
motion of trade and the improvement
of the town generally. A resolution
was adopted which tvill be reported to
the Town Council looking towards a
definite plan for securing industries to
be located here. Also to have "week
end" rates from Toronto during the
summer months and to advertise the
town as a summer resort in Stratford,
London and other places. These and
other matters will he reported to a
general meeting of the Board to be
called at an early date.
Saturday His Honor Judge Holt rem.
dered judgment in the King vs. Rich-
ard Brindley, The crime was that of
bigamy, the charge being marrying a
Miss Picot while his first wife was
living, the defence being that his first
wife had obtained a divorce, and mar-
ried again. His Honor rendered a
rather long judgment, quoting many
previous judgments and finding the
prisoner guilty of the charge. In his
judgment he ffiund that the evidence
proved the girl was under 14 years of
age, but that defendant was not aware
of the fact. At the request of defend-
ant's counsel. Mr. Proudfoot, and with
the assent of the Crown, Hie Honor
adjourned the court for sentence to
ffist Oct. next, and granted a reserved
case for the Court of Appeal, lot as to
the validity of the divorce obtained
by Brindley'a wife in Michigan; 2nd,
the intent, defendant haying been
advised by c,ounsel that be was free to
marry; and 3rd, through a change hav-
ing been made in the indictment. Mr.
Proudfoot a.oked for bail, which the
court allowed, the crown attorney ob-
jecting, two auretlea for $500 each be-
ing hound over for Brindley's appear-
ance on October 31st next ensuing.
How LAW 00aTil PILF UP,-Toron.
Mr. L. B. Augustine having
bought out the interest of Mr.
Jonathan Miller in the East Street
Livery. the business will hereafter
be carried on under the name of
Walker St Augustine.
A continuance of public pat-
ronage solicited. Everything will
be kept up to the highest stan-
dard, and satisfaction guaranteed.
We have constantly in stock a large
supply of Cement Bricks for sale.
Call and get prices.
IRA] 'T.E mos. -Ice Merchants. Ice cold
lota We make a Special of season orders.
and elivered pronr in small or large
Leave your elders at 0 ce, firstdoor wort of
Square, West street, orat realaence,
FRIDAY, JUNE 15th, 1906.
street. Goderieh. Teleatione 24.
The annual excursion to the Ontario Agricul-
tural College at Guelph, under the auspices of
tbe Westand South Huron Farmers' Institute
will beheld on
For selling, buying or renting toWn and farna
property. Fire and Lite Initurance Office.
North side, Court House Berme.
A. T. Trentahrtote M. D.
W. S. Toarietntee M. B.
new„,...J Offices 102
Officen, lIaMMOD SI,. '"1 Residence 121
Night calls for ' the firm of BM kannerson
and Turnbull will be anawered tabor from
their office, Hanfilton etreet, or Ham Dr.
Turattell'e resident°, Nelson street.
rryelclan and Surgeen. Special attention to
eye, ear. noaeand throat. Office and residence
Old Bank of Montreal, opposite Post Office,
West etaeet. iloderloh. Telephone No. lea.
-1 E. S_A-Ly. D. S. D. D. S., Melattee
Blocle . iderictie_ Dr. Turnbull's old
band At Dun mum Wednesday afternoons.
FREEMAN,_,ilsotior graduate) Veterinary
e) Saracen. Member of the Veterinaty
Associations of acOndon, Edinburgh, Ontario.
%leg ical operatioris a specialty. Olathe, Bruce
StaWart e Greenhouses.
AL„:011Y ADAMS, teseliee of Piano, etc.
. Stndte, Bank of Meetrettl Meek, cor.
• Weat St:attend Neese.
GECIRGE intatirre. General Atletnineer
906 Itamilton (Street Gederich, le O. Box
tee Farm, tatin 61404 mid ell abet stile* will
Ceeireepeche attention. I will bay /our en.
tire stock of Ileateehold Fermata*, and will posy
• spat cash prices. Let me knowwhid yen bave
to sell in anyline oteell. end etes :What 1 can
eat you. - (mind& Sitcitare. entMattY
S hop. Doderleb.,,)
tepeciaTbaliis will he run tor" the accommo-
dation of excursionists act follows :
Adult. Child,
Goderich 7 10 a. m. 51.2,5 li .0..,
HOlmesville ..... .,,, ..7.56 1.20
Canton 8.15 1.20 .60
Seaforth 8.27 1.16 .00
St. Colamban 8.33 1.15 Jo
Dublin 8.39 1.10 .55
Beigrave 1.25 115
Blyth 1.25 .65
Londeeboro' 1.20 .00
Arrive at Guelph at 10.10 a. m.
Centralia .... .7.15 1.20 .60
Exeter 7 23 1.25 .66
Mensal' 7.31 1.23 43
Kippen 7 MI 1.25 .65
Brueelleld 7 40 1.20 AM
Clinton 8.00 1.2t9 .00
Arrive at Guelph at 10.00 a. m.
Excursionists from Belgravd. Barth and
Loodesboro will leave by the regular morning
train going south, connecting with the excur-
Mon train at Clinton.
Returning trains willleave Guelph ist5.3D p.
m. A special train will meet excursionists
from Londesboro, Myth and Belarave.
Tickete will be good going only on excursion
Heine, valid to return the following day. Ex-
cursionists may mann on any regular train.
Att the excursion committee of tbo Weat
Heron Teachers' Association haw decided in
favor of tbe fermate' extension. all teachers
and their friends should tike a trip to the O. A.
C. en Hat 15tte A good program covering the
15th and Iftli will be tarried out.
The executive of tho W.II. T. A. urgea all
tetwhers to attend ana remain both days.
Thee° requirieg hotel arrangements made for
teem shonld write Mr. Wm. McKim Prea W.
RIG Item/all, before Jen, 8th.
These returialtig 00 Saturday" via Ltican
Crossing. should leave Guelph at Eta p.m., and
these tiy_direct lino ist 5.53 ft tn.
weelealaloatitlitee of West and Soutia
martin else tbo exenrsidn.
.The nevr reral_eorteolidated eehool building
on the college grounds, opectitga byliva fiChOOI
set:Gone el in gunning Order. ALsedoludd In-
stitute, tbts whore for feemere datighters, will
be open tor inspeetten. The new
machine Wilt be its operation in the dairy
stables every Afternoon at o'clock.
CoMMitteent arrangerbents
WM. BAILIE, Dueigannont
M. YOUNG. Carlow;
• ROBT.OARDINERtPartlither.
Preehlent. General Manager.
Geittral Pusittess Transacted
vont imt.A.10.10V0.4Csit ears InteteSt attitl yet be as M101 at
yont teell ite 4.4 leer peak de &sine other itteectite piece. Vat
(An At% the prieciptil Jeer do Willi ;detest for the fittest titne it
V Sees en depieft, Xr4TAtrWs! C011entINnItni, fent tittles Seta
' PA* talitet“ ittt 'IWO/Waft
0.4tiorkla iiirsock fizttrntrOV PCNOlt
The Sterling Bank
Incorporated by Special Act et the
Dominion Parliament to receive
Higheet current rate of interest
paid in our
Savings Bank Department
on deposits of ez and upwards,
'Interest paid and compounded
Drafth bought and sold,
A General Banking Businese
R. JEFFREY, Manager.
The week was a quiet one for all farm and
dairy ptodnete. and with the exception of a
rise of 25e. In ham, and a drop of 2c In oath,
there were no changen from lent weelec quota-
J. F. Androwe shipped two ears of live hoz]
to Toronto on Monday, paying the hight price
ever paid hero, 5725.
crownt leagesalc prtir-tt cam:eat
up to noon of Thursday.)
Fall wheat, standard 110 77 to 77
Sprtag wheat. standard 0 77 to 77
Flour, per cwt.. petent 2 50 to 2 50
Flour. per cwt.. fistula:, 2 25 to 2 23
Bran, Per 10a 19 00 to 19 00
Shorte por ton 20 CO to 20 CO
Screenings. Per ten . • • • • • • • 18 00 14 VI %
Oats el to 0
Berle/ 6 o 10 to o 43
Peas, . Q (la to 0 fe
Ilya , 0 48 to 0 48
Buckwheat, per Gushel 0 rs to 0 43
iler . e se to 8 2,
Butter, Per ih 0 15 to 0 10
VAttrrjete trta pedr . dozen .... .. Os foil to 0 14
to 0 00
Cattle, export 4 50 to 4 75
Cattle, etary an.d buteberre 3 6) to 4 75
Lturibs. settee 4 00 to 5 00
nee% fat Mali .......... .. .... e 60 to 4 00
Bogs. Ilea weight' 7 ee to 7 2.)
Hogs, deemed 8 75 to 9 00
Hamie per lb 0 10 to 0 16
Babble long clear.... .......... 0 14 to 0 ni
Hides 7 00 ta 7 23
Sheep &kiwi .... ... 0 10to 090
Tallow, remitted 0 00 to 0 04
Claleketteetranyard Ware, pee lb 9 10 to 0 11
--crate fed 0 it to 0 i..3
fleet. fora enertera... 4 50 to 0 SO
Beet Istria (slattern II 00 to ; 00
Potalocs -.000to 003
Last Week a meechant fent his boy
to one of our bottle with ,„ix plyeel of
:goods for a eteiteneete The bo
le t it on & table properly Siddre
As eilein as the bey's back WM turned
a Orison Wee seett to pkk up We pack.
rig* end take it tiAtay, and the inter.
eeted tele* bite tloW trying telacikte
the Sehei eiele thiepereen the
WIT,Stfifit Vrldisy afterneon . the
retbaille ef Mt...Wiletee, Widow Of tbet
late'WillialtiWilitell,Wereleiclett 1'00
it* PlOt, Matitland, cemetery,
Freeenee 'of relatiVee friendo'r
the .feneral beteg private. The de,
vetlagedo. livetiodeesaryt.edartobrit 4ilifiemythi4Pre.ye
aufferinK 0041 ark sithtele of. Pneutooe
NnV1%, 8Ehdewvierd",4endd4.14wastalltlio°4 titteis
town. in 184kaed had been, 0. teeldent
be b we 1( W r ad
front birth WI the death eell came.
Slave wias, Widletly nktosovinni 1)4031n1 aandinbetn.
resided et her latudie the Hayfield
Road nearly thirty yeerfe -where her
partner 140Sed, 'Way tl) year, alter tak.
log up reeldence sit the Heyfield Road
revidence. Decessed is survived by
Gaixeoerhgeildnre.n. omf reOblemwmo
Peacock, of Guelph; eire.Geo. Beckett.
of town ; Mrs. D. elavoy. of Mon -
tree!, apci Miss Isabella, at home. She
leaves also four brothers and two. els-
ters,Georgeand Jbeeph Edward, town.
James, Chicago; John, Brandon,flen.;
Mrs. Santee Porter, Goderich,and Mrs.
George McKee, Capao, Mich. The
futeral service Watt conducted by Rev.
Jas. A. Anderson, H. A., and the pelt
bearers were her sons, Wm. E, and
Geo. B., her nephew. J.S. Edward.and
bee sons-in-law, Wm. Peacock, Geo.
Beckett and D, AfeEvoy, The children
and other relatives of the late Mrs.
Wilson have the sympathy of a host
of friends in their sudden bereave.
OVONNELL.-.James D. O'Counell,
ma,nager of the Sovereign Bank, this
town, died on Friday mornitte from
typhoid fever after an Illness of two
weeks. The ilium of Mr. O'Connell
and his almost sudden death surprised
our people, for until two days before
he was reported seriously ill he had
been actively working for the' inatitu-
tion of which only a few weeks pre-
viously he had been appointed mana-
ger. ' From its commencement the
attack was a severe one, and before
three days had passed it had attained
such power that it was believed re-
covery. was impossible, though te. the
last all hoped that James D. O'Oon-
nell would be left to his wife and little
ones, and the town where he was so
well and favorably known. The de-
ceased had been a resident of (lode -
rich about six years, having been ap-
pointed deputy registrar when the
late Thos. Gibson was appointed re-
gistrar. On the decease of Mr.tiibson,
Mr. O'Connell became acting registrar
and conducted the duties of the office
until the appointment of Win. Coats,
when he resumed the deputyship and
held it until appointed to the mon:
agership of the Sovereign Bank. The
deceased was a model deputy regis-
trar, and, judged by his work in the
North street office, he would have
made a success of his recent appoint-
ment. hence...the Banklosea by his un-
expected death. The funeral took
place on Monday from his late resi-
dence, Nelson street, by It. R. to Sea -
forth, in presence of a large number
of Mende and acquaintances, Dr.Hun-
ter, Sheriff Reynolda, Chins. Garrow,
J. H. Killora,n, 'H. W.: Thutniiiht and'
Joseph Kidd being the pall bearers, all
of whom proceeded to Seaforth and
placed the remains in the grave. The
pall bearers were all members of the
Howling club, the inembers of which
marched at the head of the procession
from the house to the depot, as did
also the members of the C. M. B. A.„
deceased being president of both so-
cieties, and quite a few friends MIRO
journeyed to Seaforth to be present
at tbe interin-Wd„ Quite a number of
floral tributes wer.e placed on de-
ceased's casket in memoriam, and all
our townspeople sympathize with the
widow and her infant children, and
the other relatives', in their bereave-
Brief Town Topics.
Fruit buds are showing up well, and
the signs are that all fruits will yield
well this season.
The Union Hotel has been much Un-
proved hy placing avvnings over the
windows and entrance.
J. Kernigho.n, J. P., was acting po-
lice magistrate during the absence of
C. A. /lumber at Highgate this week .
Fred Egener was in Woodstock on
Snnday, and played morning and
evening in the Presbyterian church in
that city.
, The annual garden party of St.
Gieorge's Guild xvill be given on or
about July 18th, of which duenotice
will be given.
The Planing Mill Co has started the
foundation for the dwelling for Mrs.
A. J. Moore, corner of Montreal, Elgin
and Waterloo streets'.
At the requeet of the employees, the
Organ factory was closed on Saturday
afternoon, and will be closed every
Saturday afternoon during June, July
and August.
The fences are still going, and the
town looks prettier, and will look
prettier still, if you will only keep off
your neighbor'e lawns, and don't wear
away the corners of his lot.
Mr. E. P. Paulin hies seeured the
Acheson property on Bruce street, and
expects to move his family hero in the
course of a week or so. Kd. Beck is
moving to the Spence property on
Victoria street.
to Telegram:- Chief Jnotice Meredith
believer; that law costs are run up
by outside COCOA that keep their coun-
sel and witnessee hanging about in To-
ronto while they wait their turn.
Application wail made for a change of
venue to Toronto of a case which origin-
ated at Goderich. "Go up there and
get it disposed of In a day' , he advised
the applicant. "you may hang round
here for a week". F. Farmer. a. brewer
now of Toronto. wan ug Mra. Kuntz,
who operatee a brewery at Seaford.
near Goderich, for the sum of $415
whieh he claimed was due him as
wages. He wive in the defendant's
employ from December 10(ta to Jan-
uary last. The defendant had it COUR-
ter-claim for beer which it Was claim-
tbe workman had spoiled 80 thht, It
war) returned by elistomers. The
plaintiff denied thin. and attributed
the damage to the use of new brand
of cotoring matter. The !IMO thing
bad oceurrcd in the best Toronto
breweries. One of the plaintlffs !Idea*
Hone in ;taking the change in venue
was to call Toronto brewer') and betel.
keepefe. Rig !elicitor added Met no
fault had been totted with him While
his Wage bill *as allowed to itemise.
VW' nommen STAR. is & Wiener
end leade Oa%
IIUMeitelte..MeLAngs.,-A, eheirlidnIt
Xenis wedding kW; Ow* ak the
home of Mo. Mer.aton.
lent: t444 31r."Wa ae°thatIglinb:14altriihettQ-Otc
ifelitl number,Leon OA A, MU+
herr GOderich. Thltkereitinlq
co, ndueted./h, rho 11,0%, MoVittle.
brothitein.law of the bridek TIM
Reaming of relativee and immediate
fteruitraeolwadbo"oftlaltille.omrtreeet‘IP,rtitberled:40.ttrshet::otel (11!1;y:
end the pertalcing of the ebundanee of
spread. bade the couple left for
the east. anti ell Oleic return and
vlottina a few Immediate friends they
leave fee Wide. home in the West,
near lied Deer, Alberta, where Mr,
Humber has an establiehed business.
ANDREWS-WINTER...et/11 Saturday
morning, June find, the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Stephen Andrews, Huron
Road, was the scene of a quiet but
very pretty event, the marriage of
their eldest daughter, Mary Maud, to
a svell known citizen of Seaforth, Rob-
ert S. Winter. The ceremony was
performed by Rev, Jas. Andereon,
A., pastor of Enox church, in pres-
ence of immediate friends of the
families concerned. The groom's pres-
ent to the bride was *pretty amethyst
brooch, and her going away dress was
of grey boatmen. vrith & New York
sailor hat. The happy couple left `by the
7.15 a.m. train, on &short wedding trip
to Detroit, on the conclusion of which
they leave for their home, &Moab.
taking with them the good sviahea of
many Goderich friends.
STAUNTOreSPIeNal.---A verY pretty
but quiet wedding which has caused
quite o. flutter of locro.l interest, was
celebrated on Wednesday at the re-
sidence of Mr. and the Misses Spence,
East atreet, when Miss Hattie M.
Spence, late of THE STAR business of-
fice. was united In marriage to Mr.
John Staunton, recently of the firm of
Beckett Az Staunton, son of Mr.George
Staunton, of Fenner Cottage, Wells,
Somereetshire, Eng. About 35 rela-
tives and friends were present, and
the apartments were very prettily de-
corated with flowers and plants. Just
as the clock struck 12 noon the bridal
party took their places before the offi-
ciating clergyman, Rev. Jas. A. An-
derson, pastor of Knox church, the
bride being given away by her bro-
ther, Mr. Harry Spence, and attend-
ants being dispensed with. The bride
was daintily gowned in a white net
over silk and carried a shower of
bride's roses. The going away gown
was an Eton Quit of grey Barathea
cloth, and the hat a pretty two toned
chip In bine with pink roses. After
the impressive ceremony, congratula-
tions were extended and then the com-
pany sat down to a very dainty and
web served luncheon. Rev, Mr. An-
dereon in a neat speech proposed the
health of the happy ..touple, which
was briefly but heartily acknow-
ledged by the groom. The wed-
ding presents were a etriking testi-
mony to the high esteem in which the
db er icdi de ei4s 1 yi ea j1 due, n7,nd,y otzfretahtemtr.4buellyn! no.f
eluding& handsome silver service from
the grooin's parents, and eubstantial
cheques frorn relativea in Winnipeg.
The couple were escorted to the 3 p.m.
train and left for the honeymoon trip
to Buffalo,Niagara Fano and Welland,
and after their return here they will
leave on June 10th for Edmonton,
where M Staunton has decided to
engage in Inisiness. They will take
with them the good wishes of a large
circle of friends. Mr. Staunton han
been web thought of since conling to
Goderich, and his bride, who is Gode-
rich born, has ever been popular and
most highly esteemed, not hetet In
THE STAR office, where for over a
year she has proven herself eapable,
trustworthy and personally most es-
C. P. R. Construction Notes.
From the west end of the lot on
which the depot will be built at the
harbor to just over Dunlop's bridge is
two miles.
It looks as If there will be but little
more work along Attrill's until the
river Is bridged, and then the work
will no doubt he pushed to a finish,
The slide just weet of Dunlop's
hill bridge IltUa been filled In, and
the road bed all along the trank be-
tween the bridge and river lute been
The abutments for the bridge over
the G. 'I'. It. track at the foot of Mac-
dermott's steps are complete, and an
annex tn the southern one will be
finished in two or three weeks.
, The crib work at the foot ot Attrill's
bank, just east of the north pier for
the bridge, is being raked steadily,
and the line over Squaw inland le now
ready for the iron for the Maitland
river bridge. The first of the iron
spans may be expected any day, and
its plaeing on the abutment will im-
mediately follow.
The prose despatchen of Friday last
reported an accident which occurred
at the Orand River bridge of the 0.
& 0.1ine about 4 o'clock that after-
noon, by which a braketnan named
Edward Neil waa killed and a driver
named Sangster (not Joe Pigott, as
erroneotudy reported) wan badly in-
jured. The two men were working
with a donkey engine whieh in widen•
ing a rut at the enatern or Guelph end
of the bridge. They Mei moved the
engine Into a siding, which wan put
there for thin work, but had not quite
cleared the main line, and were fixing
the brake heamevith which something
brut gone wrong. Sangriter WWI tinder
the engine.and Neil wan standing with
his back to another train of dump cars
which wan coining down the grade
toward the bridge. Before the latter
could be stopped It struck the pro-
truding tender of the limit engine. and
cruished iNeil, causing injuries Which
remitted In his death shortly after-
ward, when he had been removed to
the Guelph General Hospital. Sang-
ster. who Is a son of Contractor Sang-
ster, wan alco badly Injured. Neil
lived at Weat Montrose,near the scone
of the aecident. He leaves a widow
ani a small family.
Connection should be made with the
ismer by every person whose property
it passen, and outelde clonets should he
done away with. Many back yards
in town require the attention of the
Board of Health.
It looka as if Donsinion day will be a
quiet one in Goderich. Is there any
reason why the old citizens who lined
to give our young folio; such glorimin
Dominion days, ehould not come to
the front again ?
Mrs, Richard Jennings, of neat eon.,
Godeeich Townehip, brought into THE
STAit office on Wednesday lant, the
first home grown strawberriee of the
season, and the horticultural editor
pronounces them A 1 in quality.
Dr. J. Freeman, V. S., who hall re-
moved to Goderich from Clinton,
makes his announcement In another
column. He comes with an eetablished
successiul reputation, and promixee to
bo a welcome citizen of the county
The game wardens, It is generall y
conceded, should he paid a selary or
fee In /*Me form or other. It doew
seem ridiculous that such officers
not receive anything for their labors,
protector John Curry among the num
The mayoralty election at Seafortli
on Monday last, caused by the resig
nation of W. II. Willis, between J. M.
Best and M. Broderick, resulted in
the election of the latter by eighty -Mx
Mr. W. 13. Elliott, ow former real
dent,who vrith the McLean Publieti
ing Compttny at Toronto. writes :
receive lent STAB etrary week. To
me It oeticnto like a long letter from
hente, keeping me posted with men
and rnsttere with which I am
liar." Mr. Elliott has beets ill since
the 2nd of February last, but hie Ged.
tent friends will be pleteed ti) learn
that he la teootating, although no
itlit'kt taints t4 Work $at.
AMONO TIM elltllictIES.
. POSPOS COSalittlilicle:
The follteffing Change* 'were' !mom -
god in the final draft of the Stationing
committee* report on Wednesdey
lost t
Wiugham Dietriet -Mimes. In-
stead of Stephen Bond, E. G. Powell;
Bowe, a. O. Matthews in addition to
Peter Myers I Whitechurch, instead of
Ches. W. BriNtol,Wellingten A. Find-
lay ; thegreve, It/steed of W. A. Find -
len 'W. W. Itivere: .
Ooderieh District -Walton, Instead
ot W. 11, Harris, to be supplied ; Lon-
desttoro', instead of Benjamin Clement,
IL E. Currie.
Exeter District -Exeter Main street.
instead of Wm. Godwin, E. A. Fear;
Elinsville, John W. Johnston ; Ansa
Craig, instead of Archibald Mellibbin,
R. S, Baker.
Conference adjourned to meet uext
year in Goderich.
The S. S. and C E. Conventions.
Sunday School and Young People'n
Societlee workere are reminded of the
two conventions which will be held in
Wesley church, Clinton, on Tuesday
and Wednesday next, June 12 and 13.
The programs which have been distri-
buted to every school and soolety in
the county show a list of subjects
which should ho both interesting and
profitable to all who attend. In addi-
tion to well known worizere and quite
a number of the clergy of the county,
Mr. C. 13. Keenleyside, of London, will
conduct a conference on missions and
g,ive two addresses, one each day, and
Rev. Einaore Harrill, the well known
president of the Bible Study School,
of Toronto, will give three addresses,
one at the C. E. convention on Tues-
day and two at the S. S. convention
on Wednesday. Both these gentle-
men are too web known to need any
special receinmendation in their re-
spective apecial fields, and the Co. Exit-
outivea aro to be congratulated on be-
ing able to secure their attendance.
The Clinton friends of all the de-
nominations are preparing to do their
part in entertaining delegates and
helping to make the gatherings plea-
sant and successful. Every S. g. In
the county and every Young People's
Society is asked to send one delegate
for each 50 of their numbers, and It is
earnestly hoped there will boa general
response to this invitation.
MIstl Yule loft for Hamlin, N. Y.. on Monday.
Miss Harland, of Clinton, Sundayed in town.
Mrs. J no. Yule was; a elinten visitor yester-
Mrs. Carleton was this wook visiting friends
In Ripley.
Roy. Father McRae left for the Forma City
Win. Acheson was visiting his children In
Seatorth on Tuesday.
Dr. W. F. Clark made a professional visit to.
Centralia on Monday.
Wm. Dilater tnade a visit to frlotals Ar
thur, Ont.. this week.
Manager Saunders, of the Organ factory, was
In Um Queen City on Tuesday,
Mrs. Sickle, of Port Huron. ts on a visit to
her mother, Mrs. Lewis Elliott.
Mrs. VI :Z. Johnston. of Sault
Made, Is visiting at the old home.
Puller. of the A tooricao Hoo, 18 visiting
her friend, Mrs Capt. McDiarinid.
Rev Jas. Hamiltnn loft yesterday to attend
the Presbyterian Assembly ln London.
Glad 14 Edna Platt. of lietrolt, Is holidaying
et her anilly residence, Victoria street
Miss 13arr. of the P. 0, staff, is spending a
few days at tho family residence, Myth.
Contractor Tromanlintiser loft 00 0 1)414414106W
trip to Montreal and other points on Wednes-
Mr Paul Harglit left ter Detroit oo Friday
last Lo accept a position MI operator that
Dudley Holtnes, barrister, af W Ingham, was
In town Tuesday. and drove home on Wednes-
day to be present at tho lacrosse tiiateh.
Mr. and Mrs D. J. Law, of Detroit. aro
geode at the tit. Lawrence. They aro 1111/011
delighted with the beauty of Dederick
Mr, and Mrs. and Misn Farr, Ennt street,
returned on Tuesday from their tnonth's visit
to Memphis, St. Louis and other points
Dr. Hayden and his 44141),Or, M1413 Hayden. of
ttheppardion, left on Tuesday on an eztended
visit to relatives In Manitoba and the North-
Mra. E. P. Paulin. n.t. present of Dashwood,
spent Sunday In (loderich, and t course of
counle of weeks will become a permanent
Mr. A. J Jordan, of Windsor, In paying hlo
annual vinit Godes-la, for Ft brief vacation,
a visit which he' always enjoys here. lie In
stopping at the Kt Lawrence.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter, of the Lake Shore
Road, loft Toenday to visit the gentleman's
mother In Dakota, and before their return will
spend is couple of weekn visiting relatives In
Mr. J.A. Campbell. of the lioderleh Content
Brick Co„ returned to town on TtiolotaY,
bringing Ihra. Campbell with him from her
borne at Orchard LOIGO, Mich , and they aro
staying at the Ht. Lawrence,
Mr. and Mr -n. E Kelly were in Ilensall on
Wednesday, attending the marriage of Mr
Ilianson, comin of Mrs Kelly The Journey
wan tondo In an automobile, leaving thrlerieh
shortly after it a tn., and reaching town on the
retnrn at 0 o
Mr. J Jordan, who WON (04 04(4 kali' of the
Toronto College of Muffle. has accepted the
position of organist, and choir master of Knox
chureh, and began Moieties last filInday, Mr.
J. come,' W4)11 FOCOTIlloortdod, and will doubtless
give ,atInfaction.
Mr. Cliarlen Seeger wan sumtnoned to Tor
onto on Wetinealay afternoon by the serious
illness of lun brother, Mr. teivrin Seeger The
latter gentleman has many old time friends
Huron who will hopo that, he may soon be re
;gored Whin wonted health,
A Alp of the pencil in bud week's mention of
the illn eta Of MIA* SI agItIO Burrows. of town,
ateted she svar at the Munkoka Sanitarium.
whieh Is not eorreel. The Intention was to
have her proceed there a few weeks ago, but
oho War 001. 41444)»1011 atrons enough to under
take the journey iler eonditIon this week In
lent atom t the same a• last.
Me, Oen, McKee. of cape'', Mich. a former
Oodorieh townnhip insistent and a 'lona time
reader of TIM 14T A It Wrio ft wok -04410 ;alter yes
terslay. being here to attend the funeral of his
flirter lo law. the late Mrs Wilsoe Ho wan
;ninth plaster -0 wit h the glotoral Improvement In
tbn old town, atei 'NU N'T Alt wan glad to notn
that he too ',prospering In hls Michigan home.
On Wedneaday, Jno Ilnehanan. ( olhorne.
Was In tnwn looking In splendid health. While
°baking heroin with Ton STAR reporter he
said, "I helped to lay that out. pointing to
the Hiner; In 19411- end he was evidently pleas
nri at the rotor plot thnt had been rabssi
the form ation ho had helped to make III
yearn since Enquiry revealed the fact that
liordon Voting WI. COP° dOltla V7,•11.
Around the Harbor.
The steam barge L. E. lAnd arrived
in port on Wednegday with a cargo of
rani Inc the Western Canada Flour
Mille Co.
The crhooner Kolfnge. from Cock-
burn Island. with eedar ponta for the
Ooderich Lumber Co., unleaded at the
lumber dock on Monday.
The steamer K 1 ng Ed ward.from the
Boo, made her first eall on Friday and
kept her reputation by being on
time, and her officers were as alert
and CHIIITC0710 ao of old and will no
doubt add to the haat's reputation an
ono of the heat pangenger boats on
the Pokers. She was in again cin Satur-
day night and took on a fair ameniat
of freight aild brut quite few psi
kengers for the epening trip.
There is some talk of ceiebrating
Daminien Day in Goderieh. Get a
hustle 011.
Meeting Calendar.
Regular meeting of Inverness ( at
thin Friday evening.
summeR liPORTla
On Friday evening ourlacco*** team
lined up with the Beatortlx twel,01014
played its first gAtne tbia 'Mont 101'
leg hy 7 to 4. Of eouree Our people
11Q004.1 to win, but a* it wee their Oat
attempt and the Seaforth men are
rattling player'', having bad practice
this season, 7 to 4 wag not eet bad.
Both sides played in good atyle. kut
previous practice and concerted pixy
was on the nide of the Midterm, though
the Goderleh team may ring the
changes the next thee the dulls cross
Smoot. RxeonT.-The following is
the May monthly report of EL S. No.
14, Stanley. Names In order of merit;
Fifth -Eleanor Hood, Edwin Gemmel!.
Sen. Fourth -Etta Jarrett, Jean Cents -
slots. N. Jones. Jun. Fourth -Jan It
Logan, Herbert Jones. Meisel 5.1mBeath.
Thitsl-OdaMelteath, James Gammen,
Hannah Dinsdate. Second -Lola Rath -
well, Arthur Jones, Allan Fisher and
Herbert Kehl, equal. Second Part -
Aunts Hood, Ida Rathwell, Alex. Mc.
Murtrie. Firet Part -Nelson Hood, G.
E. McKay. The best spellers in the
monthly veiling matches were : Sen.
Fourth, Etta, Jarrett; Junior Fourth,
Herbert Jones; third, John Kehl; Sen.
Second, Lola Itathwell; Junior Second,
Allan Fisher.
GENERAL Nor:Ia.-Garden mulles and
picnics will be all the go for the next
three weeks. -A number of June wed-
dings are announced. -The carpenters
are buoy at the new residence of J. J.
Irvine; George Dergel, of Bordhagee,
has the job. -The nuisona are busy at
the brickwork of Wm. Knechtels new
hoe/ie.-George Dundee sports a nice
new rubber tired buggy. -Statute labor
is nearly completed for this year in thie
tiection.-John Johnston, who was se-
verely hurt from the kick of a horse is
now nearly well. -McKay brothers
are busily engaged drilling wells. -
Rev. Mr. 13aker, who has been on the
Walton ourcuit for two years, has we
hear been selected for Bluevale.-A
vast amount of gravel bee been taken
from Simpson's pit this year. The
gravel In this pit le of a superior
quality, and is being largely used in
connection with the many new cement
Nore.e.-The raising of
the church shed took place on Thurs-
day last week, and the framer will
soon cotnplete the work. -Mr. Walter
Hackett took charge of the Aehfleld
circuit In the absence of Rev. Mr,
Smith at conference. -Many of the
farmers are patronizing the new
creamery at Dungannon. The cream
Is collected regularly twice a %Yea. -
Tom Hall is moving his barn this week.
He intends putting a oement founda-
tion under it. -Fred Anderson, of Ash-
field, called on friends and relativee
here on Sunday. -Misses Amy Reid
and Mary Hunter and Ede Webeter,
of Lucknow, were guests at the home
121 .Thos. Blake, on Sunday. -Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Treleaven and Miss Genie,
of Lucknow, vialted relatives here on
Siunday.-M las Lizzie Kickley return-
ed last week from Hamilton. -el. W.
Kilpatrick left on Tuesday for the
West. - Isaac Andrew, of Ashfield,
visited relatives here on Sunday. --
There WOO a good attendance at
League on Sunday night.
THE OROPS.-Most of the crops in
thle vicinity are web advanced, but
they all need a good shower of rain.
The hard frosts of late and the con.
tinued warm weather have hindered
the barley, but the other crops, es-
pecially the fall wheat, are looking
well DO far.
PERSONAL. r. Webster Stitt, of
liagersville, is at present visiting un-
der:the parental I oof, --John Fulton,
of Exeter, in on a visit to his brother
this week.- .M r. J. Scarlett attended
the funeral of the late liev.G.M. Kitty,
at Clinton, on Friday last.
0 EN satA I. NOTES. --Megars. John and
Peter Robineon are building a stone
wall under Richard Robinson's barn
at present. -Tbe farmers are now do -
their Matta.° labor. -Tuesday's shower
of rain was much needed, and conse-
quently prospects are bright for an
abundant crop in this locality. -A pair
of young foxea In the possession of
Clayton White form quite an attrac-
tion for the village. --As June Is the
month of briden, there promises to be
several wedding° near at hand. -Poor-
bal 1 neerno to be the oport just now,
aknoot every locality having some
kind of a tea:tie-The hay press gang nn -
der the management of Peter Gardner
were preeoing at J. Sholdice's thia
week. The open winter seems to have
killed the poplare In this viciniti, as
searcely any are in leaf 119 yet.- ohn
Balfour in irn preying hls place by put -
Mg up a fence of woven wire In front
of his farm.
I4 0.H
Regular meeting of MaiDand WO NO 33.
A. i? and A Al . neat Tueolay even g
Regular meeting of Eureka Cosine t. T. of
T., neat Monday evening.
Regular meeting of Oodorich ronneil No.
157 ( 0 (..F„ nest Thnrsday evening.
The members of Court Ooderlett No, 2°,2 C,0
F., aro requcated to meet In their Lodge room
gandny, 10/11, I0 III sharp, and march
to Victoria ;greet Motile:lint church. Visiting
brothers are ocirdirtily Invite -4 to attend, and
also the nelghherIng
w Arrnntwn, At Um residence of
the bride a samara, Huron Itmcil, an Ont.-D-1'1ov
MOMDCH. Juno 2. one es, ewe J'e, A. A odor
4,90. It A , Mary Alanri. eldest daughter of
Stephen Andrews, to Robert flanuael Winter,
of forth.
AVFATOV•gPit.AICEL. Ors Wetleovlay, Jona (1
rase at the bricleas lamuo, Kant strew, by Rev.
Jen. a- anderana, A, John Staunton to
henrylionco. both of Onderich.
tattle 1,1att.d. yemercat daughter al al° tato
Monne At laenvall2ce, on Sunday, Juno
23-A, Narah. wiro:of WiDliarn
O'Coeurta, GodcrCrtl, en Finlay.
13001, luta, D. °Venetia 04-0,120 vc
Tim STAn gives this 11111e
Last week w&e &rattle
newly plie ted trete,
that the/ Wet* tide
the *Wit,'
4 VIELff.
( ;smell tilot May MIL MK all present.
I31 Motels of April read and appovod. Court of
Revision war then formed, oach taking the ne.
/ani•ary declaration. Appeals were decided as
t°111t75"nul Heed Moved by Milan and McKon
itle that appeal he disarms:se& appeal not
being delivered to the clerk within the time
Iliad by statute. Carried.
Re Geo. Durnin KlettleY anfl Meltensle
inovod the appeal should have boon to raise
neighbor s asaorament instead of lower hie
14%);tiot .thite,r,otifedor,ominusattulg adnirdmiclic-edki.07Carri.ceica.
that AIWA, the appellant takes oath ho would
sell for 02.000, his attscrament bo reduced to
gt,noo, Carrt-11.
Ito win. tt. al night- McKenzie and Stdlen
moved the ansoment of CAM remain as It IA
(1114,:rveilmli.the aeranantent he reduced from 5.3,200
HO GraharfC aitHea and McKenzie
to 115,000. as the appellant on oath says that in
thrte')111137haPrs"cl* joilitairtontm! 131o4vred. CalnytTrilc.Itlov
and McKenzie the argenetnent reauced front
80.2a0 to to,on. no the appellant on oath da
claren that to be the fIctnal valn0. Crarried.
fte James Want - Htllen and McKenzie moved
the annterment of ;WO Mood, that W01110 hia
bulldinga may be put toa high the total asee-aa
n °I tnet VEPart."01f9.h(ac''"Flelec4toff and Jas. Culbert,- Nfov
ed by Klettloy and }imam. nest these a
cannot be considered, as they aro da pro
Onus to the 1st day for receiving came. Cur
Ito the Telephone CO. --NII1.05 aha Mc.
flonzie moved that the ansczament of 510 of
revenue kt relcared, ana the Mileage
recut placcd at, VAG It:stead of 47e. Carried.
ItO Jr1r710. Kenn - Moo by SIVIZOPIE10
400°F4t0.1t:(Ve'akifirg°14741thaftf:Fdr nt ,romri at
StIlea that the arace t re) realracukradig7 111;'1.
..rtutt :11.eigo(Llt cal)1,1317.4Cctre
aro! fIllos that tho :,:inant remain 0J3 1114
Re tinninel Pentla Moved hy Xlekenrle
iptgaeldtIll& 1,4c.r1.3„eranyil
hat then' re ttlye properties, arcerdIng Ira
ont ;galleon. arid tho names a/
tlehc11171pe-i. antis% Hobart Stomas litiptez
1!0_140.7t untrr he added as VS. Carried.
" ineaCtobicLeThyl4 °itiebao"nzlrot and fairlav
th the ac,...,,sraent roil as finally co944-,e4 thla
day of May, 1.000. tro arroctod. Clairrled.
Ifoverl by I -Utica and eicBcarie that Sao.
caK tIniro°v°tedr61'7c4441°tyr°/.131"4:etrilb"r°floW""jasee"cri6lineterekera)tt...4
clortt 1115. and ha Irfateaated terserd
ra7 ecnn armairolpt tstuf antairanka Garen.
':::570-11111"n1c4°cb:ecz1411.1;ebilar2;clatkitIttnt';431:trItir0.:12.141+irl. C"e'lerker3k
ono for
It Is hoped
tten when
Tnn file.13 glees all the neer&
A allseticiasea