HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-06-01, Page 611.4*A411:4140
. harrieesr../See
r et emitters
ste toiree
. eer.
04 aeleit.
vaNiosoe. titalotai7eiteaer torl*It
• A Ar. "WAS AlotforrEA.
tee Proctor en elkeeeratettese
ite '440$1). olt. et. vst
Alse felenoth
leurgeekee *e.
ftet, torelettY '4040
41, 410 444.
iterrekesa sltee
ie. ewer rashest .
reltehe sit.O.r. A
' 11.0.1o.
• Alletteaseei
diereetiittieteeskitill efferte rude
teereevek leteelhentee •
inteetreeele eineheete et tie
""444 vtle*O0.
her* torrent
reeriese Morse
, e
trritinINnohr...T44eerios Art-
leenteek.,1 kismet. nominee.
eutung, ehleviremor.
ree'•.heele. tutors. soiree*
• reeetteeketlea ,etway• Auer-
• •111941 -et
N V NV $001
WC*. no. 42, 0.0.2.,
reekhinite tee let aria ant
,et ,stion7 reinith,
oa tit partteutars
moron, Archie ursOtone
Viertrie car
eerie -
...00 of• (laro tbo.Most.. blot
• 'Ail*. .
AhOtt AhAlt We Ateriehre.*
Danger. iterit aWay Mir *SOSO. In
Innua of petit Ilia Alit Man aPpeitte.
04 eheh It ever. the inter
teheltke !Aetna.: Fearing the boat was
oinking, Oteere Melt have little theUght
Of the 'digliihe Or the divinity ot Mg,
OA 'Who US asleep lit the helmsman%
piece; rtidely they WOOF tem With
their tridigneat cries, wendering WAD'
One Wb,0 144 `SpOkeit Intett -WOrldriene
WO* Vetere 'igen% Andnierent noW to
glair danger:. — ,
Every Men eke Om teen nateelisient.
rd to, tille 004 tor Weaned Iles need
allneet the Same WOK* et Agee OW
lit WS life. TIM MAW .03 tentireet, when
the lastegnirellable Waves- of trinthle end
%vim* of adVeroity ?nettled reeflit t°
eeeteltheint WM. Winn he lead (One ell
that Martel Might do, then. it seente.d
though WS Wel la 'wham he had
preeed Of,,W110,,th he bad learn -
4'4 to illing. as van kus lite, Was eh.
mine or indifferebt,
16 18 ttte 0°1104 ot overt Seel,* sex%
row or testing, "Does God cam anything
about mei" It is mOrc than a specula.
tee Weary then: Theologians may
eixtre dreWn sp their speeificalions of the
merit bigh, In the porceful ways of their
ttlel MaY be aniseed with their
handiwork. But when, lleen into their
cloistered walks, •
Or grim dealt has vane stalking, then,
-with dry lips nd MOist brow they cry.
'Vaster, aro you asleep/ DO you not
Whet is there at the helm of this
great ship of WO? Is there arty one or
is it steered eutomatically, blindly hold -
lag 11,s way and' heedino neither waves
nee reeks nor other craft? lies this
univeree a. home or only an engine at
lie centre? The Inquiry beeomes pees.
Ing and pertinent, indeed, when inex-
plicable distress and anguish Hue seem
all unnecessary break down all the
mares strength and courage.
A man Cori no pore et:intent himself
ugh a far on beide, silting in the hea-
liens in royale elate, winning reverence
by reknoteness. than bis own children
would be satiated to know him onty
a eovereign. tie craves the frlendeleP
of that one; ho longs for compfetelon,
eked. dealers
rkif etas
tit appi
• cailaaaimwtallci
. 14110.ii*tallaMit ock LAWI*0114
Itu 'iltartou o
it*ras behtted PrOPerff `1101, on attether oceastert mut dee, ger.
s IC, No
VI .04 lor
waists. saY
ut the lieve Uric
wet *MOM tsr
4 :Walitng eediAri klingT1101000, filtIOUNTK.
fillorithew '410140 iVi•
RN,,GROST 'STORIES he hid Ut Enfold,. but why,' eiew Una
the Sore. We Were tie ly
1 cannot fell.
, Woe Lila who IVO 1000004 It.
gihmooko., ot. tho*rowthlt*, 4004 loy from tre Walt *
Irt°'' hell* fo antOr lte SOO* *ire
41.1*. nont eeetede ethpeete Ira • esker"
Weer:WY* 110eistene* etteh Ale triand Plivie, and inositio. waste. 11 tt It** lelletdr
love. You, eannot tin alatentee •Phtin. without 100.1)300 is a tuck
4ny ,toore poti 1.01..t ioeo .oel loom. het on the eitiendere; ,beving * wide
WO feletnt; 'WOrd. he MOO fer adonaL A geed Metter* pin* le
noh er 4 WNW/. - - ' . 01441Own the 34Ont and A arsall -pitch
, flut the pea al one who %vill con* .1,0elint Walt t1P411 The kit SO. The
rinse into onr,lives, who gide in the Mittens tee large port OAS, , Another
hour of' estreinity. dote not meet itself...to linen MO two plaits.** the ahoulder
!rho :OA remains, that often we Beene Mei 4 Very wide turnever Collar,
to- WOO to the mercy et the teinpetlf Ifere wel ht 'hunt a Wit hoe
the elements do MO worst end no b. Whed ttie .ert Cher eide of the but. ett With- * erer Med ie-,lstreg.
IOWA IhtettlY 'ileleetildle WW1
Peeks * Vie*
t ma YOU, 4:00kitatr Seata intereeting Modern etheet *tor*
°Naimoli sillott pOtatoes,,“ her mother Us are told' by Profeseor litea** 11_,Y*
tolOWared, I ensell ,tere Weed in tbe Mots in Ina WM% Wake Fmidoaaa
even. The, kindlieg* rieeer deny ithis Pitattomona.0 Pr. IlYsIgiPtitin41
ellorlairlfeette Plee eon* *AO tery:4 t,he 401.the 01 Pt-elite:herd 1110411AQui
neVer kneW .1tery WoOd Jana like Probably else fOrelleoet ectealtnt° nri°6'
/h4itt 41* et°11ehtne ligetor of MOO pluotaereaaa; Ite le in*
"Oh, What ere We gent* 10 hive for Itrieted 1,114 study Irate the WOO
ter Oiled Eillehe Weak* inee eleh **Wee Os* The etirlaus ..exhibitiene
hand je hited and ne voice is heard Mat foid. ,1)10. is the only departure Llattlild :think; sassafrito top hy
the sweles. tent often the storm trent the inallutes$ of the modal, Which 10°11 •
Seeing le ilnieh Ito, hard work and on shows the einntordent little poekett,Many ,,Seeiiatree SOOPI What bgt r'
ouoignitito The wreckage or wept on In et the linen Aide ere beentitully one on-Xigstee WOUld be gOOlil 'What le it,
r°161144 . nt IAA otesetko, tor lure tiott IL too
wawa we catila into port,
uolos,llterdoees auntiyy Ungzaer4st:oonrciettelltorflUoeurS. Tbe TtrolVilbeeleUITlli,tmolpgli016., van.e.wet :rleft
lives? it We aealeolting tor an astewer. otormaored lingerie nievette.g.t.ie!ehtrebttlahdeite A
▪ SIgiCeptible dernoristratien ire 4 •eoitiittio ro ardor*. leieney hitio So ht Hei
mathengilkei proposition we ere ton op h • d awl P SO* a
, eoUrSe • egret tt :EV( ing o. , e ou r °err opened ,an
DOOMED, TO 1)1APEOINTMENT, else, but when it, le Wert* itt -with ahlitt letting in a Whitt Of' treble Ore
le As egesittle itteelnileye in .providenee Wks, ,4:01.c., that melte zin, the elevign,11. `,Itigebtris believe I Orneltetenliethilli;
WIthette belitt One Other te trove or teetts. like a part of the rdeitier; When; nellee•e•It'enUst r-Ilite week •reeilleteeerl
With km; yet he ,ean know their love _Wider/T. The gedlivark s Med Born t*novIt uotr -
before Ps Can Comprehend their vvays. to serve to sepa ete. groin!! of tucks. or , ."Dinrier wens goor.,0141 the, jetho*
Nothing could do mare harm than to somennint Of the,Ithrd.
fully goinpre ola it. The oh d must oft the. other band, the,waist is merely rord.riato et e even r, -400:
heeethe Me Parent hefOre ho ean trader- plastered Welt 1 't of hand Work.,ring into*, Whethet it% 'here • Or tot," she
stand the wayo of the te,ther or mother IOSes a tartan. eet Mr lit et ern, Melded; "hut I Whit 'Moil the oteal4,-,
coming In, breezily. "What la it thie
bave Me absolute assurance that an at- ovntser e7001Yeibeemouberofdereasoyu tbne'odonntt 41ehmeertCaDkeanlborY ,tttrat/Y,e4 c -X ganti4
Inigidlr friend wenid nY W eur eld tnnl waists are so atttactive, Betiste *tee :The ethera 10400. , , d
protection in every time of danger or favorite material or 1.40,50, voistsisolto, , ,44,,wwve ad, teen folded,r, ...a/maitre
need. X. friend whose power velleved and cern bong ectuauy moue .ierki,v,, tas . ogra fug TrefliteoX And pototeeit
Ilk kr" the ircessItY 1111)rtiden" • " are exoenatve. neturalle, but se ieth at Allett:applo pik Somett,Oct loi*,.:'heen._,Ii,o,'
courage or en eavor wo be a foe he
d eed. The All Wise loves man leo well tenter attrea builovUtaS140* tSrt°01:414t itoheerifttle, ,b-thethltr flfttts1 Wetor,,,t1,164°*!" ...41 °uVeu'vntt
and too wisely to make plain always his "`""" the
es Of protection.
The furrowed faces and whitened A potty meet in ecru batiste, ,beed r,f5",etglit'Jionitilth, _01 ca, sionItAtith:.:,.41tin
1 ... oi7Mont*!‘ ';IdlahliVre riftl'il'Pre elee°1Periegrateded, tre
lace, and the elobroidery is
t*ays of caring for him and his &epos -
A PriErrY MODEL, ,,, , m „In ete ne, the ddor lip ette
eeeds of men may be the will of love i -i i
as truly as Use smooth ways of ease a coney striped with a narrOW Weld a this. pool, r a . ,
While Valenciennes, pointed, ,slightlY lle The IVO erowdee areehe tdm, and the
and ,compitmency. There is one at the trent Between the rews was le tare woe pose from emee ta :hence
helm,. but bis concern is more for the cf the baeiste, tweed fu the iinteat pose • on. omen* 'net like wintergreen candY1
making of strong sailors than tor the tibia tucks, end te similar tucking MM.. 'onietey; lesieted. SOPIttat •stt c,"114• 41
euctiring Of smooth asiling. The hest .1
04 the shallow pohnect yoke. Thls,,Was tow& ot we rk,
evidence of the care of the Most High outlined wile a pointed been Of Ilece, ; erremereher there area 4,6111011 Meek,
tor all the sons of men is not in e alto two strips of lace crossed the ejeon in the earner! OF Met swaMn Welee
immediate umbering of his arm for tear shoulders, The blouse was nicked Or heen cleaneckg ripe ead. Istr. Anord,
proleelion, but rattier in the manner in tulness, and was,decorated with Opens eetne tee mute be a, pleett of tee
which he causes the wind and the waves work emeroldert In empire Wreaths. r. ',And Sophie, isn't So tar "Mit Of the
the struggle 'with the tempest, the need The sleeves were short, alifi Were dm. ,;,,ray, atter aur tvat to moot lee mie
for the nerving et the sem in the hour broidered above the lace-lei:limed ONO. ,Thren told nie Onek that gesenee at
et peril all to work out his will, the embroidered batiste motels' • h•ack
will of great love, the bringing of the 444 •Wintergrecm Wee otteM InOde 100 1
mariners to his likeness in character and bands are used to trim mane eet end
'Lesson X. The Gentile 'Woman's Faith.
'Golden Text: Matt. 15, le, •
woman, yet she was not hindered by
that everything from drawing nigh and
craving tho boon that her soul longed
forer-Treneh. 'rim woman is called
Syroptrienician, to indicate that she was
a Pleenle.lan living in Syria as dieing -
gashed from Syrians living In Egypt
or elsewhere.,
• 27. The children -The rightful heirs,
here reterfing to the Jews as the Cove-
nent people of Jehovah.
The dogs -The word used in the ore
'nal is the diminutive, meaning little
LESSON WORD STUDIES. logs.... In harmony with this literal
Notte-The text of ihe Beyised N'ersion moaning Wren' translated little whelps,
is used as a basis tot, these .Word and Tyndale and Creamer both, the
whelps. The word thus does not destg-
Studies. •
Two- elsemirses at Jesus - Atter the nate the wnd dogs which Infested and
Mime% of feeding the eve thousand still infest oriental towns Mit the small
leeuweent not -only -the muthtintrenwaye peee,detts attaehed-Aweiteleilouseholde---
bet les disciples also, directingethese to Yea, Lord -The estenan actepts
go berate him unto the other side of tee the declaration et Christ. but points out
rake, teui is, buck to-taper/mum, wheel in that• very declaration la involved tee
at belt he was eat all alone he sought granting of her petition.
lbe eleeher seelueton of 'the mountain- Crumese-Probahly not crumbs in our
side to enettge In prayer. Meanwhile sense of the word. but broken pieces. rf
night had Wen and the dip read-PurPosely-cast-M-the dogs-duting.
their little craft on the lake were Mut the course •61- the meal. "It was the
distressed hy ,00ptrory winds and custom 'during the meal for the guests
oisivavhe,st .h0"0Anesdusiin camthpe fourth watch of the after thrusting their hands into the
o onto mem, walk. common dish, to wipe them on the soft
wbite part of the bread which, having
ing mon the seae Thar fear and the
Master's words, of comfort are recorded thus .sreed, they threw to the dogs." -
by Matthew, Mark and 3ohn, Matthew, MaoletT.
adding the -incident of Peter% wal*ng. ',24. For this sexing -Far the faith
on the water at the command of lee* wteeh this •saying indicates.
(Midi. 14. 2041). On the Morrow many The demon is gone out Of thy daugh-
Of theft den had seen the miracle et ter -One of the few instances in which
feeding the multitude again tound 3esus Jesus works a mittuile at a distance.
end !ripely followed him. fens, how- SO. And ehe went.away-Her faith in
ever, knowing their hearts better than the ward and power of 'Jesus was ins -
they themselves, said unto them; "Verily elicit and she fully expected to find, and
say,unto you, Te Beek me, not Inca= did find, her child well and the demon
ye einv signs, but bet:Wage eti ate of the gone out -
'loaves, and were filled. Work not tor
the meat which perialteth, hut ter the
Meat whIch elikleth unto 'eternal Ple,
white the Son et 'Man sheltleie unto
'You° OM 0, 20, 271. Then follows in
.tolin'e narrative* moor &apse of
looter, upon the }Weed ot Lite, gelut
27.65). Soon afterwerd, though probe..
.„ of th, :woos anft.tmlittieleo trot Msca,atzataetke:d phut a herd olhhungry
Eleven Melva* Eiden by Herd of Bute
Uri Anhinals in Atrlea.
Word from Blantyre., British Central
,siOptirty• 1;440. up' atl 1)etttlIal.tig401441.4 discitlett, Centtal frirn and
re the pepulatIon to flight and demob.
01,41414-4Put" :PIREVX:Oge-4""? ter'''.atiOlvie• • 4P°°08°' ot Trak lehed many of the 'huts. IsetWeenid Ott,
POW* ',Orate. onoe -vicinity tit ..tettriciettill etitt.„Mletne,Veil , 8 roan g
ton r. 04 4, .wstt, p„ tee kite noriftern end briber Milt fece.e In ran to the geterMeent build*
lottoe„., airecliwooci, b, 04 4, 0, int0 the roan: regtOn IP Atte viehttlY Or g.
04104. -1Viatinsop P. 04. 4, genate Tete and ;Men.' Ittritthew' and Mark The watchinari on duty rehreed to V,
- *nee Ilekkokereeit 04'w. :chow" ,both beettoo . tide" IlnirretY IMO non- 'neve story,',end while the flighted.
Seeforth z, *oh tbo triepoOtOr dealatt tettltorY"tiael „alt-latki, tat con, ell native Was. protesting, the lions end,
ifeelleteeektekile *Mtn they. occur, Mated Inentielth. *hien fernishea. the daily dashed into the math area. Three.
text tor our lo•day`s lessen, watcbmen were struck dottin before
111100•-•04ttaideiri, rogstOnetviliej • - they could reach their rifles, end the
110E.,..11104, .10.14.04111; ttrtg9t. Vense froin"**",thente Probably rattiVe who had previously esceped was.
, •:4rosit likewel killed. k fourth Wetchmane
yestusurys.ispee, $3040075sen.: tows, try Iffirmawity thatVast:' killed eleven natives, isut put the Ms
, ttesedent, gipteret he 04 Mg. ho Melt Retie sets tot th
leen and twenty lions made the re d
leasiee, VieereRhostidente ' 04' Ot otteYhIgliMenitit rather that t dusk. They nest "%noted two natives
a.; //t. BOW a404t1404t****;.' lettO Ct the 10114t1 14'14°1 Math on the outskirts ot the town. Ono of
Seitelt P. 04 Oormeity., 143). Abed tht 3e011a lett the the natives escaped, aod while the bodji.
all-over lace weists, white and (NM
Often the yolk is of the batiste, and the
effect is wonderfully good with theeel/IMY
net beneath. One may buy inedautone!
motivea, yokes, and fancy colidee,
embroidered batiste, and with the eel
of the home dressmaker get up eharre.
ing. waists at comparatively deet.
The many little embroidered and eriee
boleros are boons to the weinan with
a short dress allowance. The erineeos
are not exact! cheap, but they are lese
birth, .
' "Well, I'm net goitre te a'hie:et
UM% burned OP lu-dectereel Lo*
AMOS. it to perteme ihe•htiose, We can
Put It 14 that little oven on toh of ette
parlor stove, and:Mahe everybody Won-
der what It Is Melia' se. goed. It will
he fun! Came on oet to the Woodshed.
Silent ane Sophie, end teVs plck out all
we can find I" . •
so than the aborate waists .oltered• "Please, her Jones, there's a little boy
BELTS AND STOCKS. patett4ore.eback grge la see Yall.°
the sliops. "AA the beek-gate? Oring him le,
A great deal of. attentieri is being e Hite won't eeme in, sir; says he'S aw-
paid this spring to such blouse acces- 11,11 busy, and haeret got time."
series as belts and sleeks. ' It Is, atter "How big te her • .,
all, the details of a gown that Make the "About as big as my fist, sir," said
perfect effect. The belt, tor Mange, Peter.
is a very important detail, since iho The goodenatured getaffinn-wentont
waist line .is aiwaya important. Cot- to tbe hack gate. • "Well, countryman,"
cred belts to- match the shoes and he said, 'pleasantly, "what can I do for
stockings are shovvn, A belt of •, line Your them of -the--experlence ,the next Airy
linen embroidered in deft blue Is „in- The smelt boy -for Ite wee a tell' after it happened, Mr. Merchant had
tended to be worn with plain blue WW1 boy-teck off &sole dirtY hat, and •not .spolten to the man for twenty
stockings and shoes. AMA* White held it behleid hitn. "I'Ve come to tell years, •
Apparitions have, had their part In
Mien belt with scarlet dragen flee May Yole. sir. that- titreY's goti to be killed."
be destined to accompany scarlet shins, ' WON nlY big Newfoundland ,gg? history and literature, and a belief in
but one hopes noL A very beautiful And whO tent you here with ttiat I Or- this form bt phenornenit has been a
n -belt is -wide in the -back pea million?" deiced 'the gentleman,/ losing patt of the religion of the people • et
p emelt s many teatime- Mere- is—
ot WM. or omit power with which we
fete eerreleented aro ,clarpood and 400std-
tot With reterence to,their Woe. *nil
Le, what they moo indioete- Pt°14"°
elyelop takes no, siciegT het SUMO 40,i*
hog forth Certain foots. These latter
Mei Weil etteeted inittangot et the Ott°'
Ohl Of thenie. strange *Aver which is -
not mental. Ile conoidere- the Oki
14',Otale* thiet :telt *****; 10t0 • be a tits -dine thillighatie Who He inner Mont, Was Mantled
E44. tit A,114ir ,.toclit -mitt toliory emelt vets newer the Amodio. ty two of the,brutest and torn tO
4040.4,014Attlai at at tilt of teropriero, A child was eetted in front of one
*4klikoo clothing titterer. Too an4 Sidett Tete ancient ot Alm huts, and when the trantto ino-'
, ,
• omoti oototri.1•0t tatootoic, of tho ther atteM ted to rescuer it idea was 1 0.
two -chins Elden Wei the Older and,1110 wi.s°, htlet.lett..a..h.ltite..httletheatle'htl.t.P. a
..„.... natives /here ewe an
farlheresetiOrteh Leteittneelethee° 4gtliAl„Inr,;;, The Hetet :killed "large number • el
: Ontneitygeeettm=107,,70-L,4,,i-,;,-„.,...,...,,,,- ,,,."-0.1"--,„,!,. t(,-,..inifirtitsa arondainootheirhrolieuogh sttoeh6kto, viatitt,dparoltwerf.
tertill llerY and PKOPentY 'Pr. A4'•". ;mg• round seine of the hide , In whieh
W l'hC lattet.'ttti whl b..,hittilhr,LY.,16n,,l,t,i,t' Alio *nudes had barricaded ilienteelveei
, inallilend httO •PhrtlY wd, 41In A,-,,-+'--1- A large nuMber of oath,* who men,
4/44411 Y:a.r#11 *I theilkdth*On' OrIgefilllIt6intehrtirtriryt. Oniterab:IlbtfOriti:: :tree, tottb e":46aoto Ito6odlr°,,,,thootrA4.',ItIttetogQoti,i,iil
301 g14111. Alls,„0,10/,,,led, 0.-SS41„tn,,,,:whga,444`tert .Of the flitter Shirete. Where tnsAperdihe
t.fg ' 44 '''474/11.1''''‘, '''''''t.... '''''''4,1."".0. .' night They eneld IlletIngtly beer the
• t by :I' 414 Attendee._ ettkiLL-ii_e' nbenta_d tlw beseletd. "
, ,,,' Alexander' the, Groat atterilllilellei' Chertieto le .attnateril near the tlaptiant
tit destrdettoh anti left. At ,,* heap tuittatelt gitMer reseree, eetta.,l tilt)" oh'
,._ Inte, ,. Stnee then' ''-Greelte, 11°10111i, tihente need list sear. ,
Turks.lind:Ctusedees in tern heVeldlught , .
10 lebtillet it, but In, vein, ,Thovros et..
ItY.of Ty$ in• the tithe Of Our 1.0rd
:yrieirt ,giltiitio: 04015,negnithoseitti.texorellitistel, 000toOt, ttiltItitersoloiotii. Lb ,181, . , 4444 tiofr
ly 'ex that 'of .TerUSoleth.: r. a ,. A y . , ,
sit ilittit it T.A, ' .
istahee .ei Tore fro* V.itiertlituM.: • , , . . Wilts* .
- ht "t 4164' hi° thti ditdtint'n ' Per up Itt Me. itlentditins Of teyitiii
." l'yteslo bidortetheut taterdy ranee.
to a. "h000O---.PlItaathlY the moo A
ssitok,Trieta 00,tietillititAIMOS, ,...
'W id heed ri0 ileireelnete ItshAreleale
ently, Out Ivo atilt In most 'et 'A plilea
ttelott' lit' IlliiiefeheneY beYend' the
ef Gellitee =where at Aida tithe
*as It the'ileight til hit popUltrity.
-,Alt Uncleittt Spirit '.41ttallorittic rcla
eaglets II ittitli Petered In In II* losPet
tterrathNif. hi having ' an .uneltert spirit.
*tit 'WAR theeetpreeelen riven fritcpierth.
It than tether lialthew or !Ake. 10 '
, I flit" he
Inacies, the InYetell dreentee eqstat
tort .spytizons, 4- the
14.z of ottkor the dead,
olairvoyario. •pteitiOnitiens 4114 *1411,4'
ridsga .1441104teits, • What rehithin,
theeethingS•with preeence among AO 'et
gent:VOW •AnOther 'World, or -4, Me
Perim .-Of Wtiling4 •Mling,' ?Seeing, Things
With n- conecienstieW whiett iS . not ..nae,,
TOO Mee-et-80Mo 'en the eteld4'•
Ms 'of Intreleet reSeerehe •
DP,.• 31yelotietalle the world sonteihteit
of -what , he and others, heVe. learnedl
httt 'without • Stating ,COrtelUeleitei
seer' Ad ettintilitte othere to •InVestigete,-
Oeis91 Should ten You. I Itla
toes c.i.ng .or Speaking ot boa.
Iteedidoe go the mans grave
reads; 10-meraery a Frederick Gloyes
Le MOO*, *Whoa *Meer of the bent* PAINFUL ItEET.
°I4tatt*t et tigtdetti Ittalvo Ot 4stisY''• Them ers few of the
Cbsonal Isiendei_ttod gi, years sod Ave ige th. body tine wee 'surety -
MOO* Whine WO Wes' IOWA near, or oweeet teem ietintig lege
Orfordoem flarbOr. Obtob.Vr. #41„„,,. in!, 're Walking, to Ps* 'illysYtt
deeth _been 0Coaet‘eee, 7.1 and will ned, *how the suet** to
'Wing toot on Vora: tho. /111°Y.44n1'74'. get Iti* *WI* * stnedir Utenteot.
vowel* the BOPS thelltb. $ett' isintest 141,fortos,4 pabaittl_flAt
timber of thn sante Wear.' • due direetly" or iWitio PAW
The, Chapter in Eremonitielest la One wit or robox. 404 oeoro,,
Per ens 000 dee he will stele Ms eier-
elestone, gritt.etelLe ire hew- he reached
Om In the mearttime. hilwever,
,001.8 be Battened .with what Ita.Whatee
Ore Pt. • • • - •
•We duOte troM the heek,A fewinetenC-
eS ilinstratieg, the eine of' things Whtell
do„ not belong:le our noroiat Wei bid
widen are reported under such author.,
14' that the truth of the. narrative -IP
%bout g so'clock en the Morning of
ticlohar,gi, Mal feecerded in opt:,
Wes Petieetiy wide Oarake end leeking
at *Warn)* hunting OP, Weshstann!
;a Verson, lee thought, eanle, into MY
room by Inistekei end stopped, tooking
into the looking- giaes on the table. It
soon oceuered to Me it reptesented Rob -
insert Kelsey, by ,Itht dress _and Wearing
hie hair long behind. When le raged
ftlYeelf uP 'In hod' and ealled out it hi-
atantly disappeared. • The *next day I
mentioned te some friends of mine how
strange it wee. So thorooghly conviec-
el was I that I searched the local pa -
pets that dee (Saturdah .and the, fol-
lewing TueSday, believing his death
weuld he in ote of them,. On the Mt -
lowing Wednesday a mae, woo former.
lyi was my driver, came and- toid me
Ilobineon Mersey was deed. Arodeus io
know at what thno he died, wrote to
Mr. Wood, the, family undertaker at
Lingfteld- leareed from the bro-
ther-in-law of the deceased Mat he died
at 2 a.m. lie was my lirst cousin, aod
was appeehticed e formerlY to me as a
, Afterward he Ilyed with. me
se a teUrneynran, altogether elght years.
I never saw anything approaching It
before. I ism 44 years old, and neeer
feel nervelus. •ain riot afraid of the
qad er their spirits:"
Thile-nehertive IW signed- by a Mr.
Merchant, and 'attested by three oth-
ets, who essert that. Mr. Mercbant told
et the Mot Interes 44 in the book, end ire.000ttoo 1,0 tbie rige le *ewe
le:lidliount Adotteuhrtsdinioy;set ,oilut eircesteZutdio: :dicoba,atiati: b: 00 :tt tb*014,4*erpeuiithe• tiess:einitfhat
rgaidgaerkitkig. Irretel*Ottrjor et "mil girtiegueorpla'sgeTtrthed'ssak*lotwitil.144"1)141
fattier and which afterward egettrred loom 0 ato ioroe. to nnat awn.
in:tIrrrre tli:pet ah#1 1 Yp$ :4Pytislie:artta74;%,cliteNnai. TbaltP:310,3notp"heet: :04,1406:nettte:ecak°,41,,:,40144ithxnel:soceitp'4,.trirttee:::efiell.
"POrtenee qt Or, letheitldtt the geteht6t in WW1 there seen* to be 0 Alt4
eertsthek ntot•Illieli,oreltilieteteto ooloohaYeitlanlia's tied* Oofturivege,klei4oltialhatialesgb.quIle411. eltindele
clisstort, Profer•sor MOO releteie in- polo between tee Iwo ends ot
dor' et PA! garntart So. -1 )- it! roltc-ataxiejnir One% in bare leet .na
slight :nervous llikelent. do Ch- tumble to; rette the ball nttheelopt treM
touch Presteettnied e'lawsult end Al- tet, mono. 41. eote goo ,rooteotot
the ineldent which 3 preeeed 'mount.. rtooceog..04 .woteio eause, gevere ear
Vellttnif ;: ha eaor 'Melee Lenore 14 tbeettleitePi ' ' " •
Mond, Neeroraancer.,. written on door, Then etlethe etch ut the toct
Anted by Mottghtleee eutiesitYt 'hO'..en- a transverse ontiviti :-.Verit -portten'
tered the *nisei end was showtt 111t,o where'the toes , rtlaXelion,
rather tirtek mem, Unite Lenoanalee oganeerite etedieg tee bone el •this
. ;
4°4 itte "th gt neCet°b6t''' 1°9" wIttt° the sole et the too and Also usual y
table Arch' in place Is the Underlyin eende
eteue to h . .
$.1m, went' out end returned, and then,
locking et the palm .of• Mee et Ida hends!
said: 'Yen will. leee Yeelr hither in „.e.
vete Irma thla day.' You win -8°44,41..;
.4 soldier •the Wes nineteen Xcere '04w,
'tut not for long.' Ncat will merrY Yeilflg
na row and tapering where it Mins the
round pearl heckle. It Is saelloped
and embroittered in openwork and ,rals.
e.i embroidery.
eleeides the 'Men belle, which are
very popUlar, all sorts eif tsoft leather
and 'suede hens are worn.. ,.The pon-
gee shades are modIshoind a few
white and pale colors are seen. Aif
for belt buckles thee often wino un-
der the elassilication of jewelry\ to
elpensive and beautifully wreught are
they, Coral turquoise, and opal Matrix,
ease lapis, and other' semi-precious
acmes are,used to embellish these lovely
bricitleS, and one Is much More justined
In spending miMey for sueh substanti-
al treasures than tor frivolotui end nee.
ishable embroideries.
"Nobody sent me," the boy answered, • •
stputtle, rye ante by tripod. Bray has A ROMANTIC INCIDENT. '
runned ray sheer, for three days.
116.6 which wet appeal to the women who
got. to be killed.' -41he other 'Man.' , .
"Where' -did you get 14" 'IgtteeP2' in'ar"Irl"6-deend you a short account deserlie
aeked Mr. Ione&
.. emy shoo . aro mr nanseeea lee linhge,waphpeart iluaeaxpeeettelancerdwaeat tdhe wtihmee wasof
gives 'me fifteen 'Cents a•week for Yetbh- .
a young gentleMan Much attached to
ing 'em." . and who ,would willingly (hae
"Did you tell Me. ilanSoM, that Bray mYself,
had • been rurtning ilieM 7" . I loved him well .enotigid• hese made Ane
ble Wet I became engaged to be mar -
"No, she I felled you." •
*AO, that's Veil. I don't Want ..th kill
riedAlchursangd fodirdeonge srne Oe \ti Int hYs, tunrietinldwi(thhirn.
13a rytetWe'it' Sfoulgot4/linglirmYrlaWnsteoenin. irillet: a week of my rna.rrlage (June, 187se
rem runs les sheep. hew eeveiee thut when in the presence • ot mY husband
do r ,...., , . be wished . me every happiness, and re-
gretted he had not. been able to win
M soon as the.11ttle-shepheed got the ,,
Man the vell, ohd it: le agreeable ta note liessfer all the triOney in the wOrld." eeen Mr, Althurst, when ohe daY my
that the new vens are mugh more re- when h Id thf Mr Jenes took oft husband told me he (Mr. Akhurathwas
No dress occessory is more ittleortant thte 211,dinotillcollogitbea,nrIsayirng.1:n1
Idea into his head he scornfully rejected me. „
rie"c171-arnboeUtPasstwoed. yena'r et hiendd behnedri ninevaerr.
glee over. The tette nets Were quite non or ojetenge you' 0, Imbe. Now t ing he said my husbaed had been the
we ofoOird na, Hee."
isitnaesed alit. Afighpeeriterahnactse .,blhettrien teherseesatidetalatase thheiworittiotatciirmitedurgachieild ehorgallnclurraohk. altetrNaeawdeaswtiaes, ganaind gwre estoamyintghet on isguht
brier of Ahe small dot, a thing to re. ,herda• oni 0. rad Ile. ee, beg tone p't*:. When my hu.sband nod be, were ialk-
venter, end much toe. atrildng to gait fmow that the 'keeper of Mr.. Itastsom's mare fortunate. of the two, but he at,
qutet tastes. Real lace tis, black tine eheep ie *et err•tee ce cremes feuehimes ded if tirrything happened to my hus-
eolottelace Veils are scent brow' Wag littrralt 'ler Vett 1 ant golOg t° tell Mr'
have "Over ohildeen and dle lee lee
ton of e Very petigul attectio eat ed,
after the surgeon. who fleet deeeilbed it,
IMettaffe netifidgia. The pain here -
out% veclf -severe Oramn-ilite attaehs,
often - coming on, $1.041014 s Willie the
person is winking, and increasing
es long es thseeeetelse JS
de Ch. canilded Ihte estellndinA ProPheq ntt . 0 nef 1 ogee, 7
to some et his friends, but del net take removing the shoe and rubbing hi ' foot ,
it serieuslY, However, as his rather dted The pain is generally felt at the root
after a short illness en December 27, of the fourth toe, or 'between the thini
i ' ' unless quickly relieved it spreads to the
and fourth, or fourth arid Attie but
th inste
It is an Milamma-
Mo. precieely a year from the inter -
And when be became a soldier, far sev- teeseino affection.,
Neinalgia of the eche Is d Mt,
en months oath Tared! had tw° °WI" ton of the nerves follawing some infec.
Oen Oad was ap reaching hla 26th nous ellsealie, such as right fever, ,
ea and thought he had only a few to rheannatism. ,khe sldn Of the sole IN
birthday, he beearae thoroughly slum- /warm, or influenza, or t may'he .
devis to Ihre. This, was whY he, °ante to often exquisitely ender, tine there ie
- hte eke but that. he Is. Afraid ai 4 Ile, bend he tould leave hie trioney to whom
While, Ara very mutt! a ired. -A few
popular. Some grey Wills. are teem notiooto tea te, eo eorotet raise your Would be content, 'I mention this to
.bilt they tire, riot especially beeonnox ,tio•gro Ahop,7.0her twice atteert. cents sh.ow thitt he was still interested in me.
Large chiffon Veils tObtlinke to pe.Woht,.. end, toe pat into: my trerviee. Mean "Three Menthe passee,. and baby
Meat' With a meah fade veil bellegh, time rimy Be stult up While YOUt VOIR been. 'When he' viaa about a, week
White, chamPagne, greY, resedit, lireten aro oft my owe tke \mg , old. very early brie meriting' I was
and black are feserite • Caere. . One thof 'dot Alt right. thee. Good mortv•Poldillg blot. whoa te0 a cold waft of
should be coda about virearing' hoe, ing couigvyrnan,n, , • .nie through the reotne. And a feeling aa
he' liked and his wide* to him, and Pe
white chiffon veils. They ar6 '
ing.' 'The olielrillogite and **Ogee _ _ „
tibedes are MOO less so, , and era vita; L.'ECI14,4EN .SELP#OpNOLIEST.
%Aetna* even with 4.:White strew'. Thinge:hed gone his•Way lo. own, and
tatt" ' ' iDaWison Mate; tul :andel)* and
Immo Inthitig MAW ehent etirtiee, even melting Meted 'When he eat* bent°
eheePt That ge,eat tatitlY greY Hee 'anal. ;in the evening ond.settled himself for
utnna on being sold- vOrnPa fOr.Walke quiet 110-0 with Id& Ogee and beat.
*boor. ar° tot 4tYllah 66' *t'vet; and 'Presentit lie said, to :hie Wife:
potent either divides popularity With , -4%1004 heves • something. that's 4ot
PUSSia. White Shoes lit caster' ood geed, Siena Sense AO M YOU het* to
terWell ire 't6 be atot6 a greet 'deg,' :110.41,eat' -glory springs -fromAhe silent
Walking 'flee tirO ecY- than°60t;' Itt 611'* otinguest ,otoursolites.k Thall tha talk,
gannet A WOO Of' ceittiOnt The me tee man -Yenta master 01 Wm.
consult, me, hoping I might enable him
to void his fate. For, eis the gest
events had taken place, he thought that
the last would. Onethis and tbe follow-
ing days I tried to end M. de Ch. into
Profound sleep in oetler to dlesipate the
„impression that he would die an the
fourth of February, his birthday.. Mme.
Lenermand had not named a date, but
he was so atettited that I esuld not
Induce even- the slightest Bleep,
"However, as it was absolutely neces-
sary to eet rid of tits confection, lest
It should fulfill itself by self-suggestIon,
I changed My tactics -and proposed that
he should -consult one of ray somnato-
bullets, an old man -of 70 or so, nick-
named tbe prophet, beceuse he had
exactly foretold his own cure Of articular
rheumatism of four years' standing
and the care of his daughter. the pure
of the latter reeelting from les segges-
ban. M. de Ch. accepted ney proposal
eagerly. Vehen put entrierapport with
the eomnambulist his first question was,
'When shall I die?' The 'sleeper, sus:
peeting the slate of the case, replied,
after a pause, 'You will die — you
will edia. In Ateyearse.....The....affecte-was
marvelous; the young man rectelerar
his spirits and when the fourth of Feb-
,ruary passed he thought himself safe.
-1 had forgotten all this, when at the
beginning of October received an in-
vitation to the feneral of my unfortunate
patient. who had died on September
tee lege. in his 27th year, as Mme Le-
normand had foretold. To prevent the
supposition that the whole affair was
au illuslen on the part. 1 keep this let.
er eceelnvitation, as well as the record
made at .the Pre of be- Che:re vleit to
me, I have slece ieanted that the un-
fortunate man had been upder treat-
ment, for billary calculi and __died of
peritonitis caused by an internal rup-
ere are many stories of this sort,
an well' attested, enough of them to
make the reader sit up and think a bit.
t someone touched my ehoulder; my
Nate seetned to bristle nil over my head
end I shuddered. -Poising My eyes
to the dear Wed tne), I saw Mr.
Ahlutrat standing •In shirt and trousers,
looking at me. whim he eeented to pass
throut the doot. In ihe mottling 1
tenth ned it to leY husbeed. 3 lid
not hear of Mr. Althurces death or
some weeks attet, Attett 1 NUM it cor.
treeteided with that Of the apperition,
and, though niy ,tather knee/ of it be-
fore. he thought in ntv Weak state ^1
health it warp hetter I should not be
y's,' Ile will ho 'It great 'doe' betorte . at ! t it" t°Iir 0The husband edrifIrma the Mery end
then the shoes you hat* been wearing, those tdthri SOO killOWS'Whk.gqt,414w1b$,0 iiateo that tt era, six moats -atter.
ettrinaill%44111 PgftetbilliabeldY t40 Ithseetn!°1.11W°41,1L'Ullte,..teeth 441net"opo: treer'tosnit6eethieonii 4;47 -oat t Wviertodt betwatterodeted, blettittenteadautihreat
ft rfew. hour& et 'It tithe the gest *Amex gives n eft* le g *. • hoe joa -
thioit it heefin, ittioarakitie replica d 4 a talt, 1 a. in. on
3tily 10% and the date of agniaritton
MO' pattt°4* termed be,„ was ha ontenT—ner followth t being
°MY' didn't inn 11°4 It d b th bi f lb d
xe V 6 r e I In that
tote ' • tb,.,
8Yiteti* ‘-' 11' :11-04:40VIdt 11:1141:-Itih-lkatlit*Rynot7-64-placisPillit: 111-8 iErril8tA14-1 CP,
SAL11,001 ttittaViti,
itintritek InVenta '
• AIi':tlehStttan engtnee_nr. Herr Etn_tder." know' What condition Abele/Y*51,re given hY.OrOteSser I -Wit* be terms
atleti• Or Seabee*, MIS !mete glifietiniente attigepn wo. lout moot to, know tots .004 one •eceidentiellys es tea .eietenee
Rig, with*Munil ounnnen tht"tnnOth, Of, things yeti tteril',..ktiew: in you'd invaved end ,the independent attesta-
table bee 'fialtlitirg With a AtiVel ichown;' as man: nught,i linow ,tho Eon of a' newitbaner gib* that, the death
fultW4Y•• 404118114 conaoit piPei on*yo4t 'eolith not Miens been *IOWA ' the 'dee'
1600' Itthietied ,tti A Single- ateet in** wound, *o•WOuldit't haVe hied that , *MO- -War. •
Welt ttinitia Axed todly 16,theekle, 'oireo,4o„, 'loot opreogt iteet„,;„„e , !On the secend ,o/ Neveninri,, 1016,
et a, steep Induilloin. Wrote 'precipit«, -!ivh. Mere you get and Wig lap them! ittrtrett ,brilthees bettor, eey
tine MOM •Mhee 10M •ord draortago voc.ay! tkor eort, t, had a loni mita...00ot 0,
coulttellinb without mitaing a *ries of vett to unt .cootret its**, , he a. in:, g.ht. I eat up *to talkinf. In
trArt le entder thet eihree Web like The /Winn reitialne balanced in the et
Itght kelloWlett slik. the eentret at% 61 kir *batik feet fords Above the Mt; t4 *lot a mob, "14 beats Ate that Allett h 1,4 ens
reurnotthherS• deltallett• end. PlaidttOttit°40 linaltlang ihtlesimihnn,, :kiti:161tittomeklt0 . '14°1610:T01 laistItirmNy 4atowly% .64TId'ierithottlignrceelinke"
a Mit a‘, Nil table! aritt Sent ft oner: timolarranging My belongings. I Mond
I tan let sornethine 1 ivented 4ovi, ht
, r
who ts too ioet ln Omelet, while -the, Which it ig ' td tele l$ A *tot *It'll .teret heen **nine's iltilee in,hia, p!p 1.,,,st;„ ilyougfit I Must Vt. it . theh, end
• . i
44114)4114 linel '°L'' r°. ** theY "1"ble* "a '41! "6%ell UP 4114 46" t‘.41°' la '1°41 I* '61"1"/ Nt. tot Welt Miff tile Thernittg. 'So denet tonne'. be e: light la tithe* `Who
01114 illeeellre terria Mee tett or twelve! Mask* et The Mountain et the wilt ef.,onerwir t, dora loto a doh, or, ward ,..,,,,..,,, ,„.0.,,,. ,fl.is ,ounk ti, ,, ,...,,,,......,..,
itrilidlling to he tonaltineil Mittel& '
telt. 'She:Spicier seldOrit bittie or aline*, the ithtlifieet. ' ' ' away Ircen Ion* If I tote* hoe attil 03'7,4;c:44.,lo'rrit.7 Ntr';',17,y1;7tiG$"7„7 neacetty numinris tionot bo 'loofa .
bit .40,0 414646 try te- eateh 1141:, , Foe an eseerd the balloon • itself bit. peva pridrif sty Own snort What ro th the .606, moo tirai T iitti.-ieti- go to itio With :the rent freet feektng-tetietneithee- -,
but he Wilt, MUL thOUglt hot VellOnlati/i Idshho the' PfthLE f_Oilea b,,,,, tit*„._,,,,°1 ”cf. *Melte tled telnlhi 114 StIUT *111" It°' Mirtinte beil'f It look mo soled litte• The fully worth while kind tIf. roved«
bit .thas till ts tiowertut :.14. iti bird's hYdroteDI 10' Ina ulewrya * Agri" r* fog like n'triplitontner all; the thneoliod on waning bad !arming ibo leoftit161, tion.b. that vJlileti gets up a perSpiris.
a spontaneous Persistent' Wetting Pain.
Another so-called neuralgic election of
the foot is rather of a congestive chats
aoter. It comes on only when the feet
hang down, and is relieveil Whim they
are rased. - With this pain the feet often
beceme pink and then almost purplish
In color. Most of ttiese painful affee.
eons of the foot require treatment to
restore or strengthen the arch.-Yo.,uth's
Group in the St. Lawrence Where Dwelt
tbe Remnant of the Exiled •
"Rarely doe8 the world hear of the
Magdalen Islands or of the people who
occupy them, the descendants of Long -
fellow's Acadians, immortalized n
'Evangeline,' many at whom settled,
here," Writes P. T. McGrath from St.
lollies Nfld. "This group of Islets ts in
the Gulf of SL Lawrence, 150 miles
from the coast or Newfoundland. This
sprittg , they have been birought into
proMinence because of the 80,000 seals
that have been killed on their shores':
The Magdalene are an aggregation of
14 islets, some so small•as to be unin-
habited. and others sustaining about
1,800 souls, The groUp is chiefly re-
markeble for its shipwreats, for it lies
right the track of shipping Venni to
and from Monteeal. The Orli 'of St.
Lae/relict) is filled with Ice floe§ ttom
December 1,0 batty, and no &Me but the
Newfoundland sealers can force' their
way through these masses. so thet the
Magdalene and cut oft from all corn-
ratmication ,witlt the outer world seve
by the 'telegraph. No &Moroni* is.Pos-
Bible even with the neighbotir4 coasts.
Every tall a halt year's stock of prove
tions hart to be laid to, as there is no
metals of replenishing the stores Until
tiering comes.
"The settlers ere rtoich of speech and
During the last few yeara we have
been learning of the medicinal effects
of fruit juices, particularly as aide to
idgeiltien. No fruit has more yarn for-
ties purpose than the pineapple, 'sand
many experiments . with its juices peeve
it. . A freshly aut'elice of the fruit laid
on a piece. of beefsteak will in surpris-
ingly short time cause softening,. swele.
iing and partial dig.estion of the meat
toe a considerable depth from the -Bur-
taco, It is stated that , bromoline, the
active prhiciple of the pineapple, hate
been used' In- the preparation oi the .
well knolen Masquera beef jelly.
eellie reputation of the pineapple has --
suffered because it has been eaten in
too large. quantities at a time and the
fibrous part has been swallewed with -
the juice. To Wain the full digestive
earn of the juice one quadrant of a
slice ball an inch thick is arapie at one
meal. It muot noebe cooked and Should
be just ripe. The preserved fruit hat
practically no digestive power: . •
Another use other than digestive- la
in eases of diphtheria, for the juice has
a strampelyent action upon plastic ex-
edation, such- T-e's -tlie---diptrtherta-enem-
benne. When kit is appliee to it 'on A: .
swab or spray Its tint° of contact is
not aweigh tireause solution. but it is
of material service in softenbeg the
sticky and stringy. exudations so as to
admit of fie elkey detacbment. It also
softens horny epidermis in the same vvay
as, though niore slowly than, salicylic
acid. If a thin slice be kept in close
contact with a corn for eight beers it
will be softened so as to be readily re-
Don't lean over and pull your shout.
ders forward and together while you
hie reading and writing. IL you con-
tract -des .awkward habit you will be
doing a great deal toward putting eour ,
lungs and heart out of order, :You A
catet breathe deep and full when your ems
lungs are cramped, .and that's what 'I
you are doing When yoU double over
evhile reading and writing. You need to
breathe the length and breadth of
3our lungs to keep the respiratory or-
gans vigorous -to keep the heart beat-
ing regularly and healthfully. -
To understand how to rest is of more
importance than to know how to work.
The latter can be teemed if one will
give one's mind to it, but the former is
an act son* people never acquire, Rest
necesseate,s change of scene arid active
t4eeelipingUir ngiontgaliws tryveerLstftelleurildirinsiget-
ling down, with nothing to do It simp- -
ly to invoke weariness. A change is
sneetedeadt tofaealbritinesg Inatititaipltaer edideeifferethnat
tboughte into tt new channel. The man
or woman who la weary with care node
work in active employment with free-
dom from responeibility. the bralh
worker ge.tterally finds the best test in
playing heed. It Is quite a mistake al-
ways to expeet to find it In Idleness.
They Seek in vain for power Who fear
all pain.
Tolentilen may be but a synonym tor
He tannot reach earth who does hot
action, and their incitiattitil 'habits are tee& heaven.
Madded en notch patterns and their Platitudes M the pulpit- Make part.
demestathfejs,Nletualne jhat of the Bre- Seca theLnews.
toh paean!. The /meditate fifireelited -Site gezMit. Wilatal-iraik6--011- -
here lo efter Pronto had heen thine as "the Attire
prived of Canada' and :Acadia had beeh
ritVagett,. ess Longfellow tett lit MO
'British monoreh .,,bestetved . the
islands on :Vitiated Collin. for setViceit
.before Oueltee Mid to tits desetodentit
the green' tees belettge. The settler& pay
'en annual rented on the hada -et .20 'cents
an e, re 01 thelands- they 60MA end
leash • legislation. Obliges:the 'Ian lord
Tho tro.faced never heVe Mere than
half an outlook.
.Meny .4 litait Mitike ko hilsy when .
Ito le buzzing.
hunt who Wilf het wasto,hisliwo
away: waates his life.
Ore Ms Of beaver! do not come in
sitiffibers in the ettlitch.
itell'is never ter from WM hire ,hilfrIcit
to Olt Whenever a tenant nrollent it SUM tat a Olen. life deinteee„
1 "to fifteen YeMetentelf. but Most The heart 'hitt le 'hot with Poiaon.
0 a. occupants ere ten POor pir. tontiteatt leY bee ter the isoor.
ewe. don to ',itshing., tut. liaVe large Mode VI Ube..
Mtn in its ementery Witte Is (Chewed. lath 'with 'other nteige'S money
• *Au too rarely 'ere the Megdiderie
velited by tOtriSte and Iteelth seekers.
They brill 4ultitirable sunitriet
The Settlers are simple, /road *
Ontfriess, with ektworld.
Willie Oath, and .41ittta 'OM the men,
hes which so Charm the visitor to the
lovely Norman doles and pleasant Sm.,.
mit. et mit, allotted to the balloOt St %a rung ntio birtitnit irrd the tier* th vit" my; room vat, i 11,0v. \stand,
lite bodies of these spiders ore vet/ with water at the bliihes4 NMI" WA nate guattelling, dirt and Wee ing hi,,,,and my 0001.0.0y. ft dolly. n ike Wave ef itellseidelloet elttelY*
tanilsortiely decOntleil, heinl britTht *roes Sis "Milled." , oder ton/where a , looked tow ita, if. ha4 there rem e4
nulkos more apiuttet Mott the rock: of
Id or varlet underneath, ev Ile -ha Vgder tht boilMon * thtullit 111**Ilitki speeheen Or Melt , I e b Ira men
go fait '
• 'e.yeut covered, with tbe, utast de. *talk* too Mikes, , wk's t4ibie art,, tat, rtuvrhettas - through, ihe tease , Thie teissly, gore ore of 4 bore lite Morten le the
demon Meet* Mal liald Ilhele0 801k lien% .414Icktlurt4 int , tom inn, bill . n binnten entnu0i the Avnota you guy 0041.000WOMP to Me. Ito* lb* uktilool tit * tritod of meow belt lt Itielok Wills Wend of
eleven throe. , L*6,046 'Mete 16 Ito.: so otos tre. thAt "a, 01,4 utd* iiiii loot aim en; t:** toe& Via wil. I* rs.411.40141. ili hot be irsimp vomit I *now la vot6 ton an n „my. nem, 00 shttr, from Hit erit te , ,
tot • Valleys. II* Wands aro hoc.na
Vie* ronks. tn. many places condnene
Unckitn /Ode We* *Pill Writ Alvift OM rims nt 1400 nrtf tialithtthere' dtrbettb, *b." tontro144 tb6 01- kir whet mOlimil 1 Ae 6)1" lite448 age to Australia. 1 Morel and Mad et e A rattiaiageditilat spia suma molt, est! 0141114:011,I4 ttiloto airre
writ ono *IA 'haft ulk Reiwis ,hat h° othh °fit too "4441 irlt:ttli reb 44" 66 Ifintl "11 It14" 114:4*"lad de "1 it) "81 6"11Y' 1") I ea" 1 some lots ,t,the bilis slope geNdtititY the mutt oid fashioned keit than Die
* aloe oft drsiontati, patetaalest MINA* gir *km/ tnensiet-o-tneeptlag. Whet I * PeOP whirr *as theR 110180, am. Set* 1 'Writ "ell tug liiht My MM.
ftWieu tee Ittnitary
thielean donna • Matthew to a iu. la, and tNtu. thet small but rioeteet01 ginstr« ' 'MA t114/41 Wirt to_ 141 livith Non it. I put tuy bnntilA over *V rIft taut e n aftt th setin to uverheyis wrkitie toe- itlt
lay -tor tvie/ve lionk 4inclots Vittint; vnite.# HOW tivaderntier hottnktvo ekf bumf* Nve;t,-,thiliesttio moot itt tr,oktyt it tees jeer& re,saet taw Am& away their hoe. At it, 16 wet 4 Itive htmirey woria
4ttelArd 4)01, tally 44: Inelien-ot "it
afros the nikille I* net, 4/14
inn rip* Mantut *bleb lin winds
toe Abut Mt** Mt* unlethitt4/4i
beR wawilly Douses hoe e441,4 sliest go
load gout the Wtelebtel *Mot /4
11101,41 mad ikon AIM*. * *Amy wn•
houtiran/M Mot nanikat et 11*
ream% aetsfee abeliresto at maan
Ike* Seffebt sato.
The lowntoe Ado* tbet %Donn
tit. %%mei religloO, way In the Nem It Sean to east'. PAM INV= end I /girded to bed so ins to get ttet. tbe, imows. rishr tioo feet hr, and the Tho wood "wiry Am out tt
tile, and Now rephoe /Ink toktealar rag.
stedidt-ds you amdastital said to myself, 'My brain Is- Med ant: front the -Wider te the middle- et %test thing In themogim tow
"Next day I 1tOd toy setteetn4aw What ;Wetter peseta on interes.intoreatiety thr foriorkea ttott„eit tiatemi
AWN **hien was oleo dettablItd. 'hoe. M A * line art loyal, which yield *settler& Ash* Th4 doily men whe etvs. reimplanted
deorribes *ea oto wation ims. owl wet, uhroimi fghta„at won. w6 uotim *boot my ftf fittnery. in the bays are to hood Yale eity nailed the lid down.
elite gooted ef are **kiwi' iro Nattaid /Wm a WW1, remelt emt i't *** awis Vete three weeks. itig." of Elects serstre were those Who •sonstgl •
by those OW Th. brilesvi TIM ler. iniont rib* wail In Mersa OA onevikt in e sewitpapor OA mar
Inplontit 1044/4 ' ht Nor it Wows Lew. 04 tel .1110"1/46°4 hill /et be
misiesareabto. 1104 SO aviiiimalie brake Ow tot modi 1804040401 lor two ftv"
bops Ins ow mew ssafirst. MON" ft was toglistat ,s2
Of *Melt tom * tew loreadaL arinsol its avow bars** VMS net MM. Ytt My Minn mother AltfirriV
Avoid have Me*" Ihn‘ly Mete* bear res, mitoro
soil Nowa, , end btair41 loR *it ken,
*nay tbs itry Dm .1' arm
1. .:
• ,
Mod mai ve `their neigh
sa they Wm the* own.
1114471:4111 ridM 11:741grig14
Lbw tor' eh their IMO** beraseethest
.1 Monty* say. 'Tare ha dose" NI*.
**mg WM,