HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-06-01, Page 3. TP TIN 114 011 14A HOTELS T AT f EE GAR11 THAGEDY 18414 AT WTI- MOTT litrATTIMMIS 4.1,1, OW* TIIIMILNID ITURVIVOR. ITAL 0041111TATOIAT. TINIC WNW IN THREE DAYS t TIM Or A • ELECTIOCITT TOR FUTIDAN, free 61 ts o Toilet Soaps se • WOW ita 1014 Iblarard, lAs *earn al en *adages grinned last week to tiblottelate' of. the .Ciaoreile Anna* laneetMeit in INF WhO elltioliVetring W Willi, V* Moult sable* areeted tbe readatiort el laboring Watt Mc cadentelly nientioned Mat ba was **tag deg,. was' net ,enti ebligitt*tork hard blakeelt, lad Mat eigh ' ursoltut twelve henna, mut fiat be eonsitlered himself lethme* wIlea ho lifteettapilattod all Pi had. tO de M Old Trail. sari* Marne* de pop. .1411191- ' " , Tina proneurteenialt, eabien to this Country and published in the Americtill MtwepOperir,*10* excited a 'onside:ridge. ertalnat el ilnitiertlent 1.140111. theta here Whn hart been 11,001S101110440 lOole upon menereh, tts, ederittelly, Malt elldeasure; Indeed, la Ono ',of the Vadat syDatitee Irt litXtepa,-. end ' Mteettor1 halt.,ablaen 0011,110ellett Altera* Ita 'Wag .tina tabom tint,11,,t6 reenarch;:afelly Vero, • . , DOCUMENT4,TO-SIGN.', , It may thetelare sia, well,t0 mtplato nig lilea ton Os.uunared,s,at, doapzoili, to; 114.7,4,Km eVorY 4laY .0f. thst,yeeri. SO* daYS'Inelltded, MlIft,ba. kerne in mind Oast ;aste, genet* Ptinelpla no .ifillnitot; native od by' the Gpvernment and no Wit .0' Parliament *Vallkin :lbe eyes et the law until it„,reeeives,Ille SigiVreenual the soveeeSgn, „EverYthIng dene:bY the. Governmed pg •lhe ;day.,;: behalf -Of the Elate and in the aittnne of Me, seveltign 404 xur Metter 11,o*triVial may -be, and. a sovereign get, Cantlet be, complete and thereforo valid. tintil IMO received the alOvereignel signature: : • Fifteen y,sera alp it Wilmated Competent autheritiett,' that pis! htlreiber of docemolita•Meh(11/0:111,041lilltu„,,E0..dt Queen Victoria averaged, at'lettle sqvaiw 13or each wixek'dtlY throngileint- the entire. twelve ixtontlis. SInee that; .fitne' docu- ments requiring. the sigointannal of the. er ,That-watildegive, abOtt .200! British seeere haVa• elletatiottely, in- creased, and. the papersoi to eign sayer hay. PeObahle.Aliat.to...dal "ging EdWard.lembliged etvipn..1410:-;:enek, 500 a Maria Adetpaal lirrigeettla Gamic Xstatekshat ,:itartetia DeVeriaiseleht Tool akkeirsid falentt Troviebtete. When the Motkor-Or that las MAW bluibuts he toddies. that the Mutat Mare is label* TortsaPs, flVea There higAlY civilised then %bat or the set% prnetsoally myna by moo a re- markiwit PhotagrtaIla Welt h.Y O. Leinpland the Lowell Obeervatory at *OM' TWO* et a 110011 Army TM* *Wars Ara . Alikaaletarai X bat* lirttlart array is terrible, ler the 3oulit * *dully aktetninal, *hulk God, tar* enough, lhie kluti ielventitrarit Cannel tta better Mut ittv r we* 0304 °My heetelle-it Wirt tram Hut Point, at the Red el was disgraced. leoempetency anunigst Mount Erebus, whet* is alliOltre, matitainitait vgui built Wallah fursdabed with everY Modem .. record oa Could for appliance for withsterkli*g ths weather. *ad stored with *,,itookatock latr040117Y the bleaseelfusetts, M enrol^ Thia -unl4111. t;allt. tent endurance all PAY tatie treat tank. tome weals mr... Amino Ediscat„ lOtiollAr with 1141 details elf Obierve- for the boom ot woo volorerf.--smo R. le sorry reedirig:,-- otetkable foteeid of the IOW ot itleep‘ *Ma *OW POO* W ,0414I1 *orgy IS Waded. *We are geoping On the verge Ol en - other grad epoch tin the Wetict et history. It Wend net atirprise Me Or to Watat lip and Warn Met Oa el the lied,Otor *denting men Who are Wood. Va all ever Me ninth haa 044 ihtt DY the dilltet latfferieet ter Alit Illeciak *gra oe electricity by 'divot pNceoe, Flagstall, Artsena, eetehltabed KW. 'Tea, Itaertitese fer motaY, and indivitint end begun knottier practicel revelutiOrt Poreivel rteetleadsat prolesaot at jravilaOlia. *twat itatt *PK% *. eels of•micat geurislie and Vt.' 1,,$t JAMMU' tete, fe now preperteg wage p eta Vinielfrat lett. ethjedinteehr 00114'441 Aer At time in Me wide ot our rece„ ow %whooped luxe:later, begin* 4 trit't ti•oos 'and Ma -thilerieS Ind datietiOna et4Ptalll $Ott'a PartrAz who Vowed s wrhos uoltlik! oi 0411$itler aricity, trent then). • , therein the winter of loce-S, ,,,t4 fut. All taggege wtieberldened. The myrhe first great Change to eat Pt004". moue an gannu,„ atoll tit the hioti, of COO Adaret' Ott TIA,optiltallihts On each aide, hut deMended fit- ot tugging' grog , me oriel .1;if the :it is reMerilbared that at ita li,'WPAic"1414 'bY4 s'“40° 1110 Ps** au4 meil1 "WO 444 eatteTletallit it nu eel% antl earoldnil *stroll Priint to the aortis. Mira Still "1°4410li C"$/k POW Alr4.411ilitren, The vithOttil reld for a tiles it, gay, ISO() pitite,, here ,t d Thea!' Ire ectual,Pitehlitt*Pluo* tots 449144* -4"4"Ite‘ )34*" I ikk 11..ezli4"*IlAn Q414 IxsA 4,174urt^lerow don of elitelrieity lebeiliele corrY- reallY itleeeSsful ono eve; taken, ot toe 'cum 40 09C0Patit0 hY ell 40/alera eVerY reek, end OttVe; la the trig oe anal lea,„ tut, .1},trposs. instead at. ilia' traernente giatancs of -s0,050.00. and when, left bY hem. was, in' Vitelleht 'cleat* 01, thre VW; 'la covered: with dead 4 begot writ et, spee:ete ge payier, Wit stependoes .nneertaelng gen be, %wee, iClactial efOrti3Of rovilk.10110 toodoot.uteci'. it, ;about L000,..or'imouto et Orr: cones; phigate tho, pmveir 'Mere and !When Atnhialiherfe. ,onditione are favor,: gulVtillllo4 or' 0741"ver* le4-41/Y'. g°u'' '144 4 4"t 444 '414° •C°411414 oPPet ranee tho duteeities eineounwrod teL twe gendltien, Weill-etocited With "fineia"'"; and dying. OUr Wee MU day woo tem; Alfa sst op planet at 'the menthe et the ciated;....Note,only thieo hut the momente Ataltelt Cartre ltOke -iw9 reuges1 `al's t IMMO. The TIM N., 4. lot _more then bongo eahereyee it le, mead by NO BUT alrIB:Ium. The commissien of every Ofileer of the ormy and navy and the diploinatie corps, from admirals of the fleet, field marshalls, .atid timbarsadore, •down to the most youthful. subaltern or 'beard- less atache, requires the sigeature of the King4whose approval is likewise neces- sary to the drakof every important dis- patch sent ciut by: the Departesent of Foreign'Affairs. All the more important appointments, administrative as well as judicial, , .rnust have the sovereign's varItten consent. No one can relieve the, sovereign of this, pa -Mauler portion of hie work. INTEBVIEWS ALSO. algu fur Pheiegraphy .itra..few ,and, /sr, 4.11Yoteitl .1)01110114 EVen Whe VOA , , betwaan,‘ ,and .0yett 4t, thitt out ot oovernt mere ate': no prew_ling land mamma* could searcelY move Or bold muoltet, COAL. MiNgs„ Ote 10,.„ hundred negoivo•,ponaps ,unt mon .-414 Polar ,regieliff-"lu" ,,,frore their, feet and, hands being freele . "It Is prepeeteeOus tri treep” on putting thalthalf desen are ,really good. teller6 w". ltie4 Pr4%41°14' 443A tO .tolft our fillserY snow the eeel en Wheels. It IC WO eitUMSYk , It la #tOtal 14vtiverv DialVin these itle. tern ta fall en Our arrtVal at Khurd j t costly There ts lete neeessity SA111.-T-DISCOVERIE$ - reeked inaCeee81111e Sea% that. tree Ca ul lit IQ gOg 1. • t, tor it. Can 41 le ORSO.10013r* /* OW age Schaparr011i, .4144 °I' th113-1517/t1 4" b to,"4:111elr "EverY Man aractrig thollett that ee over a Wire gateirer and more woo. great, Italian eiltrg404.4er, 04overoct tire eett ere ere Many hours he Wea.eleonied bit die, nondeallY Mint Vict Celt send the (*den- ,00tic bliadrod, Ito „ , ,ova either hy eold Or 'Itriger, Or *Ito ered lent in Oat Over a tallteed traOlt. lines on. 'Me ,elttlitee Of Menlatlet *Noll ealled Nanalli". 'Or tanals Ile be?, lkarett• theY were' emote ln the: Outface: :or the olk channels rivets... :1-lxtfor^ heweVer, this great discovery' 'wee greeted with derision hy enter afis Many 'of them. being kept up, by the various. gOveroments. WM41.41001 Ittrilk` Mellen oVer the .Iffiteee ,Wheretn they are situated. ' . Tituil Pratte WM etedted \on Kergue, len Lttede,,,a. large, UninattbIted telend ,lrollymers,!helumao theY Were riot .able; tu tile Indian "Oceen--4 aubstaXttiel zleteez the phenainena_,,,, „Se tor nine binding or heevn stone, replete. With years be Went on from etteeOvery te dire every convenience. „Here .are Stores of overy lilt et last Perrot* et Niee fur- tinned seups,•vegetablea, Meat; etc., and . the , Ars t kenlintation. .Since else netS catolon ttsh, b0000na th00.040xnen0, has Increased with eerie", abound thereabonte, nies for felling the., seaki end Whales which thOn the lIkt of those vvhe have delealed for killing opposition. • . r txxiber, -and eVetx•A stuall library cf Mars through a poWerful gless,, ap- natitical hooka and cUrrent, worke of Pears niuch, the same as the moon. to flatten All this, of .courae, Aloalgit' the naked eye, mottled with light; and dark patches. Schaparrelli obterved the canals running through the . light patches, what he believed to be land, but could not detect them in the dark patches, what he 'thought *as water. But that the dark is not water but vege- tation is the result of the remarkable discoveries at Flagstaff, for the canals have been detected running continuous- ly through light and dark alike. , , by Mir enemies- or It cdteelted, al- "Everything), points to tl,e fact that The giving ` of these signatures, ar- duous es is the work entailed when a monarch Is conscientious,'constitutes but a part of the day's business. The Ger- ,/ man. and Austrian rulers require their i Cablnet Ministers to malie-tit Nast Wide. t. week verbeiffeports of . all important ,,rnatters -;ncerhing their • departments, in addition to their written -cornimmicre lions. Queen Victoria insisted i on this ,,,,,....,,,,naly., in the case Of the 'Fiireign Office, ildt- Tt'llig- Eiliteillq-detnafftte--that--he. should be kept informed about all mat- ters of moment, arict" lie 0' constantly calling upon this Minister or that,Gov-- ernment official to furnish him with, speeisa reiorts. Not a'day passes with- out seyer -04,101eirnent. fenctionaries 1 fl being .reeei din 'atidlifnee, mid tbe in- tervigat, la unity followed by some -ao• WM on the part of the so,yereign or a . the diggn,r,y in questast. N. DESPATCHES FROlvf ABROAD: Thethighout the entirD day, and often far into the night, there is a constant succession of messages. arriving for the sovereign. In London,.as also in Berlin end Viehna, the Minister -of Foreign Affairs is under orders to transmit to the monarch linmeMately on its arrival a copy of every despatch thtlt arrives from abroad, either by telegraph or by mail, and the reading and diseuesion A these despatches alone constitute a tax upon royal time and energy, WINTER AND SUMMER. Steeling. at the polar caps er circles of eternal snow and ice aFthe polee the canals run for thousands of miles to the equator. . Caves canals interseot them arid the Martian springtime when the sun melts the polar caps they fill the water and the banks take on the greenish tinge of vegetation. As would be 'natural under these artificial condi- tions the wave of vernal changes sweeps from the poles towards the equator, the very opposite of the procedure on the earth. As the Martian winter ap- proaches the canals fade, even the per- manent dark patches turn lighter in' shade, as it the vegetation. were dying, mid the general appearance is the same as the earth would look if view from a great distance at the same time of the year. There is no natural explanation that can aetount for the phenomena and the only reasonable solution is the canals are Iffe-eVei'fit lirffitelligent-and hig ciyilized life tO maintain its existence oa. a planet whose surface is an 'arid desert. NO OCEANS THERE. Like the moon Isittkia,...haa,zo, p.ceens. Ages ago they sank' iffieure-fateriat-ot evaporated and were lost in interplane- tary space. This is proVed by the spec- troscope. That it has -an atm sphere Is ; COOKS' "PERKS." M7 /strafe Says Custom Is Nothing Less Than 'Stealing. The question of a cook's perquisites was raised in the Marylebono Police Court, London, reeently, when Annie Slocombe and Prank Pallett were charged with stealing and receiving a ehicken, a -piece of bacon, and a piece of bread. Slocombe was the cook at a hotel in Lancaster -gate, Hyde Park, and Pencil is an assistant in the servide of Messrs. Evans & Paimer, green,grocers. On Tuesday night Pallott was stopped by a detective when leaving the hotel, and was foond tce be carrying a parcel con- taining the chicken and other things. He deelared that the narsel had been iven to WM by the do& for his masler. thatigh ate Might for a !hart JIme held in the neer hoe erg:emit; will be pro - out, nothing cOuld eventually Slave us, timed. tor general c nsura tlert in, great °Hundreds of poor wretches', men and power houses et the naouths of coal women, who had. net been fortunate pits. , , euough to seize allY Write). to tlerrY "Electricity will aeon have CIIMPletely them, or having done ito had• been die? taken the place ef horses. ft Will solve poseesaeci Of them by others stronger the traffic problem in critics.. MY MM. than menaselves, were left to lie electric garage, battery itself will mike 1.1K.E BOGS IN THE ROAD, electricity cheap* than horses. You Or to be butchered by the enemy. The see the neW factory going tin out there7 ,1 ba(to tr eoandl; sight was fearful." 7istni.P.sh"gaiirwrIglZieriwes" But set against that such an incident Will they inean„shalf the space of horse as lstand made by it haatitut of oill- trona, hut they will go twice aa Met, ro - n arriving veithin twa,,miles of Jag- They earl be stored on upper Boors by cer t give the infantry a chance: - °ways , who may ehantlei tp be shin. commences, we observe4 the hills on I:tett:8.1,ga itInleiTethwr;3jork TCry t!ilivIllicgove°r? ed tor the stletior of any destilUtO east- ad*, where the descent into the- valley •wrecked -on 'Kerrelen's ifthottpitable each side ot the jroad were °coupled at lost, £40,000,000 worth of property. touched 'by chance Visitors'. zails fired upon us the whole way, and "Anether thing in the ture: " Wire - The Willett Admiralty Maintains sari- again the road was covered w4th dead less telegraph will map' us to roach ilar refuges at Anteterdem Island and and dying. Wo were BO OA& a ram* any ship in any sea. Tha is a certain - St. Paul*, two. isplated points of vciP that every shot told on some part or ty dank) ,reek lutting our from the bosom ether of our toluren. On the advance "Not only will electrio power be devel- of an ocean that Ls welkagh devoid of arriving in the valley, and being hard epett at and distributed from the coal tt afflo or shipping of any kind. ' The pressed, we took up a position on the rnotiwneesr linn glee wfuotze,wr boalulsetldetowrattiejer provision depot at the firetenamed spot first height we came to, and near some is eituated within -t, ern -roomy.- cave, .reitted walls. As scarcely any Euro- production of electricity. That move - Wherein have been erected' eels for peens of the advance now remained, meat has begun and is advancing rap - sleeping.. ,there are else to be found and the enemy were increasing, the idly, In California they are transmitting General called several oflicers, about electric power 275 miles by wire, and en that reftlge pots for ,cooking, pre - Served beef, biscuits, a quantity of warm twenty of us, to form line and snow a running street oars and lighting thd clothing, bales Of blankets, and -sold- ft ont. We had scarcely done so when cities by it. That is the sort of spirit my friend, Captain Grant, who was next that. will wake the world up one of ered inside a meta) box, painted red- ' FOUR PACKETS OF MATCHES. to me, received a ball through his cheek, these days. , which broke his jaw. I lifted him off eFrom a practical standpoint, the most At St. Paul's the refuge -house has been his horse, and seated him on - Ihe tremendous thing In the problem of erected within the crater of. an extinct ground. Nothing could exceed the electricity is the fact that we only get volcano and in close proxiMitY to a bralery displayed by Brig. Shelton, abbut 15 per cent. of the energy of the natural hot bath, while the 'PrOVISi011ett v,ho commanded- the rearguard.. He coal we burn. Eighty,five per cent ,goes clothing, etc., are centaine,a in a num- was like a,,bulldog assaulted on all sides up . the chimney. If we could, find a her of water -tight casks. Ly a lot a curs trying to get a snap at way to get the energy out of the cnal So far back as the year 1880 ther,a his. head, tall, and sides. Shelton's ty some direct process without wasting was establistradeon Possessien istang, small band was attacked by horse and 65 per cent. of lt, it would so multiply in the Indian Ocean, one of.the largest foot and although the latter were fifty refuge depots in existence, and it has to am, not a man dared to come close. rem visited and repleniShed at litter- The few of us with ,General Elphin- rats civet since by British cruLsers de- stone, who had formed line to show tailed for' the duty. It consists *Of five front to the enemy when we were await- ropmy huh; fitted with tables, benchy, tng, were so delighted, not only at the and bunks, while.._..in..a! separete ,04.7,-,,..eperage displayed by Shelton. but at net store -room ,are 5,0ee pounds' o,f_ his manoeuvree to- keep off the enernY, painted -proviehme me.i--fiftv-, -complete that -vierteseereit htm-in suits of clothes. TRUE ENGLISH FASHION LaAntd,HpettorpO ulaIrstrirep6utith b0; sKetterlguerselef os he descended into the valley, not - the only people who visit it -to be the withstanding we at the time were meet desolate spot on earth, is a stone acting as targets for the marksmen of hut beat. by a pious yvhaling ceptaln „theeenanty...aa , eeintja,,!! . as a thanksgiving for having escaped ' And in. that last appalling struggle With -his life from an lee -slide. It con- tains a store of preViSiOM3 and a mum - shores, and mile on tio account be by the enemy, who with their long le - WASTE OF COAL. ItiiiN1010111* SOAP sinti GET rilttilit,Tris T140, C01111,01* *re the Samar 'task kteCARIS4 they CPA !;1.11 W44%4 rot *matt soopt yRit teMele taet event Walk There or stmuoti*.4144 Olittatint soos Pert get their TOAMIT $0041 • cu Wry paefkaget Or Write aa fOr PrernitIM .1411, • le or lite* value, le it copilot of' sou:Ka:44 pau hive rko um!, for,: , ,„„ „ ezehogn Sunright &at) equaout lox on set oomothius nee....tat,„"mt , SAVE SUNIAGIIT SOAP COUPON *to irtesellaereat tilateestalt, Torretralts* Ceiasedlos REGAL WEDDING GIFTS YOUR MERSGRAUN PIPE PRO14 BONNIE SGOTLAI1S T110 ROMANO* OF SOME VIM ' AMERICAN 0101DES, IsDOCESSES SW TN MANUFACTURE 11E1110 tscwono. NOUS QV INTERIM FROM WO HANKS AND. IDIAES. Timmer* of Costly Presents Owe Been Slhellitted, OA 'DAM Wan Parent* aid Friende. A Voted American weddlng Watt- that Of Miaa LQUiSa Pier ont Morgan', A Gorton Cobbler Math the Discovery of Its Beauty by Mere Accident. A certain Ifungarien nobleinan Was ono time travelling in Aela Minor. deughter et the lionaire. bunks Among tbe curios he collected was a er, 04 Mr. Saiterlee, a young lawyer ,Of IIIMP Ot white clay, very fight, which Considerable premise but hunted pUrae. had been dug from the soil. On hts Tbe terentony' *eta lust O. metrter of tura home the nation cants] ilit0 Ma head tin hour, bat every Minute of the fifteen that a pipe might be made of lt. Ito sent represented An eXpenditure Of tii71001 a it tO his friend the village cobbler. The year% ineeme of a sticcesstut, lawyer or latter made two pipea and kept one. doctor, the total cost being put down at 401,500; while -it \via attended by 2,500. guests, whose aggregate fortune was -Said to be "a billion dollars" at least, or ten times their weight in gold. For the reception which follOwed, the house of the great Animater in Madison Square had been, transformed into a veritable Alladln's palace, the taPestrtee Nvith w.hich the walls were decorated Mena costing. $500,000, while a Nether $10,000 was 'pent on flowers. The decoration of the °hutch cost Mr. Morgan $15,000; the bride's gown, a creatien of mttrvellous beauty, was valued at $5,000; the bridal trousseau, which included several gowns trimmed with cloth of gold, precious stones, and rare antique laces, accounted for $50,- 000 more; and the officiating clergyman was made happy with an honorarium of S1,000. The bride -coke, which was described as an "old-fashioned one,' turned the scale at A QUARTER OF A TON and contained two Costly rings, ono for a maid who was to marry, the other for a bachelor for whom a similar happy fate was in store; as well as a gold tlaimbie and a gold bachelor's button, respectively for the maid and man who were doomed to a life, of aingle un - blessedness. As for the gifts lavished on tbe bride, a mere. catalogue of them would fill several columns d would read like a and so cheapen electric power as to ip- chapter from the 'le:7 "Wins' tales. augurate a new epoch in the history of Her father's presen s.welee bonds worth the world. It is practically impossible $1,000,000, a palatial home on the Hud - to exeggerate the consequences of a dis- covery that would produce electricity direct frorn coal, or in any way to avoid the waste consequent upon the use of toilers and englees.- • • - • „AIRSHIP PROBLEM. "I have done it myself experimentally, and so have others, but not in the way to make it commercially valuable. I have. burned carbon and Chaffin salt- presents lavished on Miss Darcy when petre together twee= etzetrolite and have thus produced electricity direct. But she became Mr. Nutting's wife a few !I sm_al hole' la '-.2rer.1 into the thickest o in the shambles of Gandamak-, that was merely a scientific success. It years ago. Here are a few of the articleg of personal adornment. A rope of 400 ' the rough pipe, so that it can be con- veniently held tor turning by hand, after "Our troops at length got to the top would cost too Much to produce power large pearls, of exquisite color and tity of religious literature. At Hog Is- of the pass, where a barrier of trees in that way for commercial purposes. which process the regulation_ holes are graduated sizes; a gorgeous necklace of bored into it by means of a foot lathe. perceptible twilight along theetermina- land, one of the Crozet Croup, the Pritish Government has built quite an road. The Ghilzis were lying in wait steam engine will be driven out of use. The drying oven now claims the pipe proved by two things : first, here is a and bushes hau been forced across the "When that discovery is made, the pearls and di onds, set dice fashion, tor, or edge of the. planet, turding into ornate little "hotel" for possible cast- for the result among the hills. This It will then be possible to have reliable sto e of superb' lustre; a necklace and from which depended a single enormous for f rom six to eight hours. The ten- or out of the sunlight; second, it is a eways, and has stocked it with, was soon apparent. The greatest eon. airships that will safely carry passen- perature is that desired by the good scientific fact that no change could take amongst other luxuries; sardines in ,oll fusion ensued -again were the horrid gers. I expect to see airshipe flying be- earnrings of diamonds and turquoises, di ond sun il !housewife for quick baking, and when a pled° on the surface if there were not an tinned salmon, preserved potatoes, ;mil yells in the enemy heard and again fore my death. I do not think that they tray of pipes Ls removed from the oven were more victims added to those who will fly vere high. but they will he able " A DAZZLING BLAZE OF LIGHT," 1 each one is int dry as the preverbial atmosphere. But this atmosphere is only ginger in jars. Thefe are alo a keg et about one-third of the ,density of the rum, a small barrel of brandy, hatchets head already fallen. "Onward" was still to go a little higher than the trees and bone and baked through. Wail a native of Nairnshire, and a bro- earth's giving just as much less protee- for chopping wood, spears for killing the word. About a mile further e sec- buildings. with long rays; several diamond ban- i , gles, and a set of diamond and blue 1 rne next step is to fit its proper am- ther of the original proprietors°, the tion from heat and cold. Most of the flsh, blankets, and. ond barrier was encountered, and the "Such a discovery will make It pos- her bit to each howl. The rims of the Edinburgh Evening News. Ho wag for been held in form of vapor by this air, former, the eneney still pursuing in in- eleetricity at the rate of 50 miles an enamel Inetons in a rose -loather ease. r. exan er arro , n on a sand wheel, a bone screw is insert- nornist, but had to give up that post - water on the surface now is what has WARM UNDERCLOTHING. results were similar to those of the sible to drive ships across the sea by When Miss Helen McLaughlin was tobacco hole and stem aro ground level a number of years manager of the Eco - as a sponge absorbs moisture. In the i Some of these out-of-the-way spots creased numbers close upon the rear. hour -three days across the Atlantic Brooklyn, her bridal presents fliled four married to D Al d C 11 i been fitted in the meenschaum is care- Hamilton town council have resolved d ft th ber has lion owing to 111 health. cold season it is deposited at the poles strike one as being specially suited to When near Surkab some officers, see- tram shore to shore. in the form of dew. which freezes layer the requirements of amateur Robinson Ins; all chyme of escane was over. push- "Tee direct orecess will give the world were a solid gold dinner eervice; a neck - large furniture vans. Among them fully fitted until it makes a neat jointure I.• ask Andrew Camegle either to lay 1 t „ with the amber. The pipe is then ready the foundation stone of tho public 1lb- upon layer, to melt in the spring, be Cruaoes. For instance, there is Rose ed on by themselves for Jelalahad, eleetri-itv at sueb s low cest that electric! lace of hrill.ants. each nine an a in" • 1 ft I hi rary or perform the openeing cereinonv, according as it suits hie convenienee. it was also resolved to confer upon him el! the occasion the freedom of the burgh. The late Mr. Robert Orr, of Kinnaird, near Falkirk, who had extensive inter- rsta In Glasgow and west of Scotland as a chemical manufacturer and Iron - founder. has left bequests amounting to 11,000 to various charities. The three Olasgow Infirmaries receive 12300 each; thy Old Men's Friend Society and Olcl Women's Home, 2200 each, while 2250 goof; each to the Royal Asylum for the Mind. Falkirk Infirmary, Kelvinside U. F. church and the St. Andrew's U. F. church. son, and , a tlaeo. of ditunonds, a dia- mond collar, and a oorsage ornament of pearl -shaped brilliants such as might have filled a Queen wan envy; while amerige the almost cotuatless other preifaills-Vere trr-gola ana--stiver. plate, prieelees paintings and tapestries, and objects of art and vertu for which Eurooe had been ransacked. Equally beautiful and costly were the In smoking hN pipe the cobbler dis- covered that two spots, rubbed witb beeswax from his lingers, took on a beautiful brown and shining appear, dace. Ho rubbed it all with beeswax, and to his delight the polish covered IL So was the beauty of the meerschtium discovered. The nobleman's pipe, simi- larly treated, also took the glossy brown color'. Friends saw it, wanted one like it, and presently lumps of the clay from Asia Minor were imported, and the in- dustry began. MAKING A MEERSCHAUM. To this day every meenschaum pipe, before it leaves a maker's Isands, dipped in heated beeswax. It is kept in the liquid several minutes usually. In this time enough of the wax is absorbed to give a glossy surface about one - thirty -second of an inch thick to the bowl, and it is this surface that Mora when tho pipe is smoked. A pipe not dipped in wax will color, but there will be no life, no gloss, to the brown. It will look dead, so to speak. The waxed surface takes on a high polish; hence, the glossiness of the color produced by the nicotine working on the meerschaum from the inside. Waxing is the last stage but one in tho actual manufacture of meerschaum pipes. The first is to determine how many pipes can be got out of each block of raw material. Thls is imported from Vienna, the trade's centre, in oases whioh hold all the wny from forty to 900 blocks, arranged in layers, with a bed of cotton for each layer. Every block ai more or less shaped like an Irish potato. what fs Wog Go In the Illgtdiodir and Lowlands of Auld Scott*. SHAPING AND DRYING. After the blocks have been awed the pieces are soaked in a tub of water an- iitillayAmtmotitaktia tlatflialtdollOY cheese, Some pieces have 'to be wake for as long as an hour, others for only a few minutes. While the pipes are still wet they are roughly stateed by hand Into the stylea of pi tat previously agreed on. Next a There are now 25,040 telephone* el the National Toleptieno Compeny, LIM- ited, Working 'in the GliesifeW area. After a continuous serviCe of 33. years, Mr. J. Beaton, postmaster, Stratillt loiter, has been compelled, through lading health, to tender his resignattelt. At a nieeting of the Wick Burgh School Board the eateries of all the assistent teachers who haste been in the service ot the Board for a year were • luereased by £5. At the Court of Justielery Edlia- buegh on the lith inst. GeOrge 0Ord011 was sentenced to twelve years' penal tier. vitudo tor having killed Elizabeth Teven. dale on i7th December last, On the leth ult., John Drytnan, plate- layer, New Lanark, was run over and killed by a train, Parts ot the body were found near Carluko and other f. arts at C.arstaira, ten miles away. The annual report of the Seottlsh Burial Reform 4nd Cremation Society Limited, states that Jar the first time In the history of the society the income has exceeded all °bargee, Including terest. The death la announced, at the age el 46, of Mr. J. A. Tait. a direeter Sir William Arrol & Co. He was es - sextant to Sir John Fowler and Str Benjamin Baker In the construotion u10 Forth bridge. Owing to the growth of Metes( in- convenience has arisen through Wake. tent river bridge accommodation, and the town counoll has resolved to erect new bridge at Auchentortie at a. cost of 417,000. Ex -Sergeant Hugh Mackay, and old Cameron Highlander, who had served in the Crimea and in the Indian Mutiny, and had been for the lest 18 years of his life janitor of Abbeyhill Public school, Ectieburgh, is dead. A prominent figure in medical and Political circles in Edinburgh was re- moved by the death of Dr. Duddingston Wilson, which °catered on the lth inst. at his residence, West Newington House, after a brief illness. A buoy has been picked up on the seashore at Batvis, Lewis,t containing several letters from St. •KlId,a, together Cerselnrietter"requating-thc- finder to pest the others, which were ad- dressed to various parts of England and Scotland. The power -loom weavers in Dundee,' Ferfarshire, have copae out on strike because they did not share in the °recent aavance granted to the spinners, and Iv consequence the employers have de- cided to close the mills and factories. The lockout will affect 35,000 workmen. By the death et Mr. James Geddes Currie, depute -commission clerk of Ed- inburgh, the legal profession ln Soot. land has lost its leading authority ,on commissary law. Mr. David Wilson, a well-known jour- nalist, died at Aherdour, Fife. He distributed by, the canals and then be Isaind, amply provisioned, though gene rverv ane rif whom. with the exception tired can he used hv everybody. and carats le weight; - fin addition to the usual reiuge-hut), (amen,* NV h OM WRS Cantain Winkles. of el their nreseht exnense. The city of vases of solid sliver ; a prayer-boolc several enormous GETTING THE POLISH. reabsorbed by the air. uninhabited, and provided, moreover •1 Dr. Predon. was killed. Three rnewnvs can be onernted at s !melon with a lifeboat, in which the lonely ex- the Sh s h's 6th . rod one whose friend- INPW Vert, meld he 111 a s brittle nth/ In t bound In mother-of-peare with a plc- . In waxing only the bowl of the pipe is ARTIFICIAL CANALS. Perhaps the strongest argument to ne from his kind could easily make New Ole 1 had enloved tor veers nest) had the nieht-tiree ne in the day -lime, with- - ' ' - ure of Itturtllo's Madonna varied on the i , p aced 10 the wax; a girl holds the =- advance against the artificiality of the 7ealand When tired of the charms ef reechea within siren rif jelalabad, when out any additional cost." shell; a set of Limoges china contnitring ber bit out of the liquid while the soak - 150 pieces; no fewer than 400 vases - phenomena of the eanals is the magni- atieeeed and merclerecl." ing process goes on. Removed from the tude of the titanic task, but there is an sulltude: Snnres (Maria, too, and Antipodes is- When day breke on Jen. 13. some 20 a , Royal Worcester. Satsuma, Dresden, w„, the bowl Is diligently polished even better explanetton. As a result e 1 land would furnish comfortable retreats neleere 45 F.••roeean soldiers. end a HAD MESSAGE OF DEATH. ! and Limogee; and a bundle of cheques, . wah a cloth dipped in drop chalk and its lesser volume find Mass. gravity on for nnyone vesleng to be quite alone few Seeovs had reeehel (landfill -10k:- t - the least of which was for $5.000. water. This panelling removes the faint force on the eerth. Consequently, if one there are a comfortable little house of . . . every hut in the (toiletry hnd Death, Made in Welsh Church. Mary Amelia Tweed whose wedding to : Another fortunate bride was Miss submitted to no less than three distinct mars would be about one-third of that for a not too lengthy period. At each "Here was n fresh hod, of the enemy A Curate's Remarkable Prophecy of marks left by bulrushes. Thus a pipe is three times as much wort.? there as here supply of fishing tackle, and a 'small end olender flee men hnd not ahnve A rem n rItable incident is reported Mr. Ambrose Maginn. Is was one of the most gorgeous which even No . w York I The only time that meenschaurn, after were trcinsported to Mars he could do galvanized iron, provisions In planter, a seemed freest ile inhatiltnets to murder smoothing processes. with an equal amount of energy. Fur- library, moreover, both the islands are rev, or fwr rotted, of eteremitine tete from Maesteg, South Wales, The Rev. has eVer witnessed. "An entire uPPel ther, he would probably grow three vsited twice a year by a Government Thee sell. though so small a band, de- Meredith •Morris, curate le chnrge of Poor," wrote an et-iffiest/lent.. reporter, It has been made up Into a pipe regains .1 anything Illte Us original cohesive pro - without being any more tmwieldy than nnd seem. castaways, so that none need NEVER TO SURRENDER course on a recent Sunday night, said ding presents Garth church, in the midst of his dis- "was given up 10 a display of the wed - There were more silver , to set its color. A part of the meer- limes as large, since he could do So ship specially detailed to look out for lermeted perty Is after It has been boiled in oll he was here before. Since his museles tear being compelled to emulate Alex- that he was charged to deliver n solemn and gold plate and Jewels ttlan would seitaam pipe manufacturer's business is would increase in three dimensions. ander Selkirk for mare than a coin- to the enemy while life remained; their meesage. He had in the past adversely stock half-a-dosen JewellerY shops. .11 II 1 1- e he aeatively brief period numbers were as 1 to 10e, and most of criticised Moe who had said that they wee said OM. 87500° was 8" M"err" , seed 011, to which a certain coloring is : that of bolting pipes for ;smokers. Lin- eetiniate of the value nf the wedding • aS It was said thatsber. Evaes was court- nri• • . 1 hod seen vielons. Ile would not do so ing the cook, and in the -witness box hP wneld be twenty-seven times as strong. With this increased strength end climin- body having ambitions in thie dime- "A meesenger from' the chief of the again. 11 wouki be Well. however. for env- Mien were already wounded. stated.that he had often sent things Over [shed gravity he would be eighty-one tion to amid Pngan island, in the 1.a- district arrived and inquired for the , There were. he said, many absentees for her to cook. The chicken, however, times ft effective. Since gravity on Mars crone Group. Here, it is true, are a senior °Meer. This was major Griffiths, I from the F,nsIer communion, Including refuize-hut (of asbestos) and goodly 'Xith N. 1., who acompanled the riles- ' seven young men who had promised to stores of provisions; but on the island, senger in the hope of persuading hen come, but never meant to do RO, and t.e which is only a few miles in eIrcurnfer- to exert his influence to save the lives subsequently ssiw Men) engaged in ence, are no fewer than three active of the small band of Europeans that gambling under tree. The message he volcanoes in an ntinost constant state FUJI remained. 'f3efore , however, the hue to thiiver was from nod, tie had Major had reached the chief the enemy seen a vision, and in ii, were these seven young men, one of whom would be called to reckoning by his Maker, ond that very short ly. Remarkable to state, on Monday nfiernoon one of the young mon to whom'ale, curate had referred was killed In a local colliery. HIS VISION. Interviewed by a pressmen. the Rev. Meredith Morris said- "Yes, I have had a remarkable e.xperterse. ete elate of several of our young men filed me with grief and the deepest coneern. I spent my time from Sunday until Thursday - I mean Thursday of lest serve -in ur- gent prayer for them. The grenteet part of Wednesday night wee so spent. I was sten praying and Thursdny niter - noon hed eome. I recall Mil I seemed to go off in a faint, anti then came clearly before me. 1 raw seven young men. I distinctly reecienlzed four of them, and in the vision 1 tem (MP ef the }mune men killed and kilted at a wrYa's burdened vvith the meesage of warning. Unlit I delivered II from the pulpit, I did not enow which of thr young men it would be, end, strange ne it might neem. it brought mo r,ertafn nense of relief when the news of the fatal accident cleared up that part of the mystery. The werning message whieh eanie Mtn my eermen on Sundae night was, of course, unpremedttated." did not belong to him. Mr. Preto Palmer urged on behalf of Slocombe that it had, really become a habit and Custom anfong cooks to help themselves somewhat largely to their empinyerte goods, and she sent Ihese articles vet as a present to her young inan. They were left over from dinner, end she regarded them es her perqui- sites. The magistrate said such a hebit orid custom was nothipg less. than stealing, and sent the woman to prieon tor a month. Pellatt was discharged. OLDEST MAN IN TIM 'WORLD. fs refine n Illtle mnre than Ilne-third that on the earth, this remodelled man would be about flfty times as strong as his worldly brothers, or be able to do the work of two horses. Is PIO Years Old. and Mee in calm ..010,14Y. Stuurhean, the BUslitnan, is believed to be thesoldest Man the World. He Is an old native of Cape Colony, Add to be 146 yettra old. It is known for cer- tain that 65 years ego he Wee d Very Old man, and -that his 50n, Still hitting, is over 90 years old. lie is one of the few genuine Buslitinent still alitte, and talks of the days When lit wandered (teethe veldt whore Beaufort West neW ie. Ile holds that the farin of Stuntman's Pula and the country all round really belongs to him, and, living he lie +leen On the top or a hill ft iipidee shelter of beetles and rage, lie le a menarell of tat he sue- veye. Ile 0 in full possession of hia faculties, ned hoq it Wonderful get el terth-without `true ordecay, they are wont down ter the gums by a century and er. half ,ot use. All SIN IN THE KITCHIEN. Ile's a Very Good Kitchen Maid in the West. In British Columbia our "neat -handed Phyllle" (one wonders if Milton ever had his best china meshed) is replaced by Alt Sin, who has good points about tam, although his tailings do not lean to virtue's side. Ah Sin is clean, dili- gent, methodical (he will see that the -children do their. lessons While he -cooks- Me dinner), adaptable, and his memory is marvellous. Ho told a mistress who asked him for a cookery book to loi31: the recipe of a cake she had made that she "must have heap poor brain." I3ut sometimee he Is too adapteble-es when the rnistrees, (ping out early to Church ono Sunday, returned' to find him asleep in her bed, with her owe nightdress on. He had thought her gOne Out for the day, and Was enjoying a Ilttle Sabbath rest, he rend! He cooks eXquiSitely, but is not faSficliotte. Sad is the stOry told Of the Queen, Consort, arid though these nle of Mexico have. been nufferIng In- a pet faX terrier who fell into the hande circlets blew) with peyote none of them tensely from more ununual In oe a Chinese help. Fide Was its nettle, ' are real. When Victoria was to be the city of Mexico lightly•clad people and bathe going out on a round ot eleriVried Queen Regent it wan realized Imp netually perished on the streets, vie& one day, HS mistrese gele explielt that 41-woUld•never do. to offer her paste end on the *Ins a nurnher of ehere- triiitructikela7 Wenn, her new Crilrikto and a ritiVe cratItii waS provided, for heirds havxi dted from exposure in a hey, tie take great care 01 Pia and get Which Mance were taken from the eere temperature that te them was extremely the airier ready at seven. A few Imre lose. With the cold there haa been an later the lady returned, and, os usual, lier Masctiline &Mena. outbreak of typhme. whtch ren the her first thought was of her little dog. With the mteeption of the Queen's deoth-rate in the City of Mexleo from No Pido taro relining out at the eaund crewn and tOnle few .ntones in other tadgee Of !Welty the entire deepley le tel up to 60 per 1,000. Wait tee The kitchen. "Wong, where is stones, eVell the imperial eros,vn never the original ef her Witte. Peariuttv she made her of paste and yet eteeejo Vide," asked, "Vida he alright, he having boasted real jewele. looking heap good," replied Wong, oddly elloUgh, Moet of these pule jeseele attract inore appfeetative com- mint than the few Menne net with ((Milne etatlee, and the eightseer goes his amy rejoleing Or envioun, Word- ing to his temperament, although any t3ttete;:toe:.‘able jewellers etore dierday ton theme the *tither itif real preekitle Intrinsieally the Odra ieplay Es not worth Mora than a tam r ot a mil- AGRICULTUBAL At Um the Neer& Marittal agrleilltural exhibition held •'Riasstan port of Boston' :on Deb e Mel attractions *ore titit stead% theeOling ails, and the Pritish Otinkul tulle attention to tile Worts el RIC Austreialit tird Ganglia eheerfully, and opening the even door Willi a AiSeleeed a little figure lying linseed itt the drippingionn, add. tog with pride, "I Mete him ail the time." Aa ea Clad per annum 'a osid 'British &Minable to a well. 'trained CiffileMalL Wetiltift alWAYS IfieS• to get two MeV Wettlell 10, helti keep 4 Searet, cf eruption. -London Tit -Bits. PASTE FOR ROYALTY. Cleverly Executed Counterfeits of Crown Jewels. The visitor to the Tower of London who Is permitted to inspect the crown jewels seldom knows that a large pro- portion of the blazing gems are merely poste, and that although the Tower might be considered a safe enoughplace frost ot -the faincrus stones are In reality stetted in the vaults of the King's bank- ers, their plume being taken by clev- erly executed counterfeits in paste. The leoh-i-noor Is never on exhibition, and some of the other stones are represent- ed by proxy, though the famous ruby worn itt hie hebnet by Henry when he invaded Franco and which now blazes in the centre of the Maltese cross In the crown made for Queen -Victoria is shown. It was the early etistom to provide an ornate but inexperteive crown for had called upon the Europeans to sur- render and give up their arms. An at- tempt was then made by a few to dis- arm them by force; this was resisted, blows were exchanged, and a contest between the two parties was thus brought on, A rush was made by the infuriated and savage mob. Further re- sistance wee of no avail, and in the space of five minutes every man, with the exception of Captain Soutar, of the 44th Queen'e who had wrapped around him his regimental colors, and five sol- - Mere token rrisonere, were =marred. "Thus perished, after dreadful Nutter - Mies. thr remnants of an army that had left COW seven days peel:lowly, et:un- posed of 4.500 ',fighting men and 13.000 (emir) followere."-From "The Cobol Tre- eedy," In Blackwoods's Magazine. HAS THE EQUATOR BF.EN SHIFTF,D? While Ontario hos had a winter sea- son. according to the memoir:Ir. but without any winter thrown in, the peo- Prins 10 obtain .4 thar,a ot trade,: hitherto triettopolized by British IttimeM and Moteern tvere• exhibited from a, and cepiei catto Illekere, Dairy, uterisile. from Carnally MA ss.coeu 'ara to.to- eft and washing utensils: orehtlittil rreft taelat were aleorit• them articles. havo t):4-flo been Whelly suptilita BEGINNINO DRtINI<S. A scientist (ewe that when people were eave.dwellers their diet Consisted en. hroly of rootee and Dente, and that it ist not unnehlral to eupose that the fttoil wan often Attired aWay, In course et tittle the fruit fertnented, the auger In It wee turned into pare nleoltol, and the criveetwellers drank it and got to like IL This Whe the beginning of the =a of alcohol. gifts, hilt some estimates place tt higli as $1,000,000. ABOUT BRITISH RAILWAYS. Pictures of the Greet System of the Old is 51,634 miles. Lund. The total length of track and sidings The railways own no fewer than 22,- 443 locomotives. The passenger card/tem number 50,- 728 and other vehicles 19,815. 1,000,300,000 tons of general merchan- dise were carried last year. 21.268.500,000 Is invested in the rail- ways of thh United Kingdom. 1,108,774,000 paesengers wen, carried by our railway compnrees during 1084. There are 641.873 season ticket holii• ere, The cost of the tickets was 2.3,. 0410,060, i es In rates Arid taxen, anti 24.837,000 24.736,00er awns pnld by the rompan• for coal end mike. The solicitors' bill for the South.Eattl- ern Railway contained 10,000 folios, and amounted to 2240.000. First-class prissengers paid 23,620,000 in fares; serond clasa, 23,285,000; third ewe, R29,382,e0e. The Wel expenditure nf the rompan• es last veer reached f119,173.000, and the groan pront wee 242200.000. "See here, Aunt Dinah, I sent two !eve sfoelc, mineral. and genera) mer- brand-new shirts of my husbnnd's ehandlee waggons number 722.250, and the wag)) last week, and you have there ere 20 351 mteeellaneope wagenna. brought only one back. Now, what have I h th r 2" DOGS AS SEWER CLEANERS In Nice a system of small sewers, from 30 to 44 centimetres in diameter, Wu; recently been introduced, and the milleutty in cleaning there hes led to the wee at does tor that purpose. The doge ore trained to go through the 'sew- ers carrying a cord with which a hetet ran be drawn to and fro. In England eleetrieal engineere have for 50111e i [me ewe made nee of ferrele ter Metalline cables; in Moll Inhere The /creole ere tient 'beetle/1i the tillecte ectrrying trims Mel to their Mile. Aftereatard the trintra ere Utilized to mat the electric ablee tide 0091110n. A meerschaum should never be taken from a warm room into cold alr, nor should It be laid on a glass case or a marble slab. Any sudden change of temperature frorn hot to cold is hkely to crack the , glossy surface, which will frequently curl back at the edges of the cracks. Many smokers, havIng hrard that meerschaum will Mite, throw their pipes into wnter to Onti out If what they have heard la true. This causes a sud- den ehange of temperature und induees crucktng. MISTAKES OF SMOKERS. Not a few amokers, thinking to hasten the coloring of their pipes, pour alcohol over their tobacco. This is another pro- lific cause of cracking, the alcohol wrealcIng Mkt damage as it escapes to the pipe's surface through the puree in company with the nicotine. The permanent coloring always comes from the Inside. You have seen a incereehaurn enthustaat carefully blow smake over hia pipe, M the fond belief that he is thereby aiding in the coloring procese Well, the smoke will color the eu rf ace bu t on I y temperately. So in tho long rim all the carefully given smoke Whit go for naught. COMFORT IN THE LOSS. fly way of compeneetIon to employee Yo the rompanies paid £162,155 In 1804; to "Yee, Miss Lulu, ma'am, I woo coming fnjureil prissengere, £134,0011; and for 'round to the queslon of dal dar ehtel. humanity has been awarded . o . 1 f d 2401 Ge2 You knows dat I ain't a pusson dal pre- severan, of Parte, for hie week in TO CURE CANCER. Dr. Doyen Again Announces a New Discovery. Dr. Doyen, the eminent French scien- tist, In the course of a paper which he read before the Medical Congress, an- nounced his discovery of the fact that inoculation of the patient with the yeast bacillus of beer cures canes of cancer. The doctor thinks that further inves- tigation will develop discoveries rank- ing in value with the discovery of the antitoxin treatment by vaccination for smallpox. Dr. Walter Chase, of Boston, exhibited the results of his research in neurolo- gical work, especially epilepsy, with the aid of a cinematograph. Thirty epilep- tic convulsions were shown in detail. enabling the audience to study the ac- tion of the muscles during the seizures. This le the first time such work has been accomplished. The studies were made 'n New York. Dr. Chase also showed a series of cinematograph pictures este° t g forme of pathological motion. The ob- ject of the photographs Is the instrue. lion of medical students, and it would he easy tor copies to be shown any- where. Dr. Rammon Guiteras. of America, read n paper describing a new teethed of removing the pmslate elated, and ale° a method of opertning on the kist- noya whereby the mortality of such operations could bet decreased 25 per cent. The grand prtee of tee00 for the great- est ncientitie work for the benefit elt Lest Veer Eritish railwnye carried tends to one thing and pretends to Ammon mere te„ meeetemetee ieeelanudder, so l'se agwine to tell de truf In VIOL and reeelved £2.435.000 more 'bout dat shu't. It was din -a -way, My revenne. This was wenn-ill/theft lole man he up and died las' week„ an' with n seeing nt 17.90netfel train mites de 'Buret' Sueslety' dey didn't do nettling rnd decreased expenditure of &Th.- hut. cavort 'round, an' I neber had any - ring to lay dat man oet tn. So 1 helps Knuth( to dal ahtet for a fac'. An' oh, Mies Lulu, honey, 1 jes' wishes you could hob seen how dat nigger sot dat Owe off 1' ACC017N'rED FOR. Mrs M.'s patlenee wee much tried by a nervant who find habit of etaniling nround with her mouth open. One day. as the meld waned upon trosle, her mouth was open ail meal. nth! her nits - trees, ailing her n Revere lone. Arad "Mory, your mouth le mien." ,"Yessain;':\replied Mary, "1 opened Iti." UNINTELLIGIBLE, "I am told, professor, thate eou have mastered nearly all of the modern tans quagese•' "All but two. My wifes when she talks to the baby, and tho railroad brakeman's." Isolating the malaria germ. LIBERIA'S RUBBER FORESTS. Sir Harry Johnston, the African ex- plorer, 15 credited with the atatement that Liberia pOsseeses an almost un- limited eupply of rubber -producing trees olthough hitherto bet Mlle eaoutehouo hns been depOrted front that eountry. Within holt tt, dozen years, ho t50. MO cultivated ettlaber,troes may be yield- ina tap Liberia. Another report Le to the effect Met there ere in Liberia et toast M,000 equate mites et territory covered with dense forote ot rabbet,- 1reea. 011 eceount Of file relintral111 fit* ereaelpe demand for tubbee in &eta. cal 1 thietten, theee leiporis Cietelliert meth hetereet, D./ a Ale% _