HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-06-01, Page 2tre OY g *fere the IOW* led Iter imeistneeePell deP011404 "UP0O iim action. 'and. teliOrt, hie 'SO t Funks to the We. Pf 004 fitlZaltr 411 1.014 fillOkett Y pkg.* also mak telswirlo *Kt till tridir w $ Ai Mit to TALE 'OP SOVTIURN tlINA. • • 'here thteoneeeeme Vile l0 • Ximt 10 Molteleitte IAA $01u440. of the * river* fully Onolouriti of the poptdie It wee ai motel ernmilitee.o, J, In ell cite* UPOIt We. tien UpOri. the witte&hit, "theni the yaretottevtotoovwtobetevheoeyame. *net riZI441x044111110todilet, . ehrei the ',411$441 of tritatike Ore volt, • • 4 Aft elently Witte( ,P1,044 *Meng lieeting teil • trancima she • did Sat one awl fen *port gum y probably 'WOW, Who ,IterdlY eeeto tunentdde •LiAtIVA. 'OA °at stool Mlineeter coixtehlett **MK hlit iikkei Wit* a beg* the, law ;ha . 'governs thee* dwelling .MttY elle tree, :114. igh04 'WhO jitonst yellow piegu parellnienl OM. through the tris Al leek When WS ceInPattion annoWieed thet 4fretet Situguetelie rit'ylelOse or, otooipbo, - the ,vidula 111 pau, thit uma of ter so I ee* evemigie Irmo oft dee** All,ANPAL * 441111001 - boa slier Wog peeled In oteeximer, the leak Nee leer ism* dere X wok* 11011041 ebk4 XXX VP* Parsams. loadies NOWT *1140110*A.fro , rued are 01111111141114:101 FM*, ItellY COM P011 HAMM etreem NMI** both heed end SePul. • - both pCM It up. 601' *WY. ot 1,111. Togriate and others st* tithOot, rtr4 /14thrthithittodrailmte4t. °P. 11,1,70atoakiti Which. ileMethint vlet written - hi A ele* ter notran4.1)"thtalot •sat Len* InOrt then * 10411 wetted Or Al lnd eraeleed caligreeltY, herd been pierced 1,7 Nast PIMA THFUL AO IT GOOD 0 01+1X+X;i0;enif tethre! Went tleadOlO OttoOilY ter ft* 4**V'' tmccAker jowl% pt dsL 7nt4140 tact1,403 AIWA AMMO the tin UP. ROM lteek," tind he in dubloui etiout peep. Meted let 'ittrie eve. b it petit to * Phiehr lt. to * tr°01**Ahtti lt" ilborktualY the-SIII:Intett4 010 place,.titaltAlrecita)1411:0444rilln :AD= , iheY Were Melte no tearer *0 esPlareek' • Mithi' feel* began to clerk lb. re. U,.*11, 014. iti,i, ii, 444bloodileo• 4 „ iiii,411I4 ' 'rtitr, ' - at • is. , It, ' NO 3iee' gen- ''''' Llink-44144111t °44,;1:44*(";113 )11/44/4hat lkOtitht: Of *lte gik 41/ g . . __ .. ,. . , ... t shoW •aigtis et Seim N'4".'44" '."1**; ' WO kilaW''filititediele oeilort WOO OM hit seekt, relittlYet . • - '. t which he; iiiitgt'; • • • • •, ' • • he: ,toilawisti$'..itillifint •'0,41c -hoot' -ciiiif with ebet genni. end nee to horn been OD reiteett fer Seen ix,,Mitutitien Of 40011%. ,ertiee, of. %ha. hewn 4r;tarm,.too. 40000, , Billoy im , Inveighed the tineeent An *god 'AO maw l'Aciukry. Pot,,,;"14 ,omoytoo.; 4- iloy vt.04 come, *ion ,i,,no ,a..n., itttov.torttit.4_ , ,,tho .4011, bo raw. ond ;mowing:04,s feet, terry telteerteht ed upon Vie they could not not, Maelt' OA, lebettlereWiin WolOntOk nen, .0119w. the. beck bent bY Yeera ertotr011ttOr OW AA WW1, I,' Nigel, lEhigeoefe -;:do •aet dOvm .;;;,47; the -alMearettee, of the,' elitgy, „fif A Iteeledet 04 neon Oren in the 0.4, .0:10, .any Ion r4PftflY.. ' ' ' '' • ..100t-01: toeete tire le Sheet* the 4w k....„, -at* 4h()(14re ,h4400U°4 °I' /1/11°1 here fii: Writtlig,..ia thegyintre or Orrice log; wipoitt. but no ons WhIcgoluah, opireeyoethet 'Ow coining OX IlitOlelletv, . lib, aatte43,400.. queatioh$ nith tbis,Iden Ivey,' ne wising Ide gig:untie le pp ,to Ofteeee,,wIka num_ .W.110 •_bed,1•Petiel.„ AO_ ea', 1071 . .1%04. do, hide ni ,the tote ot ,thor 404 the 401ns po" %r-0.0y..,tor ;the; tour,.. It 1 ' 6elteht 1104PF.00414 .404910044 in Ade% Seeking to lay WO. nt.onough. 4. aurceilitUUtriMirtation. • ' llel.lertemk orrelAuelh •Www. '144/ a'"''..irt,77 Elegkeete Dahl. 'Marl* AO* Met In tile tee Anon, •thoe ..there,, ete :mony About, it 4010etY. ' ' 04416 fallow the ONO Oh.t.. ; :, ' And Lord :111$O4404 bleed Sexed le ahle.'hOtO Jill Mlltert, Weit. ltill *".Jlikeoott claire light of rl.ew• .404.evereeit Bean Irortbarilhao nrahet tato appear ta, to: Thom' 04311a *rough bis mind what: rittnni,poottior 4041r too *00.04; 44004 :011'10 ,41.4404t•thu•44414'xiish10114, ' in an'' ' ' -. ''' .'"';' • I 'I' i ' '0.'014 nit Oil' 44. ''bOthrilet?" Aq;d°' If 'OMEleWhat lefger ihAn'ittl ,thAtOitr. of lns hed just'heen ming AO. th011me,tho Jorth'so omorlod)13, tho't it eollid not1)4: -110v!, !Salty W41. forget; it hod net been ' 'Tile Old fellOW 'et 4.0Wei ille Ill v II ',Niget,. gingecotei,:heid:ne e• hoe0..,0 ' :ons .0t Abe:same, vaines, . mow comii Jae* Wee in 004 40 the lrOtintAnt- Milili(ent and Ord' %WOO, 10,0100,5 In, en). YeatirhaMOWhell teerye right00-Mi• the Ireither, earth* . Ille,litta3veeletlX" Neogeeette: ,_reneintea,.,.eny .. right .enne the are tor, vie.,c6.020 *alitec,40. bo woro. - belled been ,peeseinieopon the *tenth* • it, Wee glitte'Voltent for ilia vote iteont '4,00"OnAU°4, WAlt- ,iteellaeft 4441n.st thts ryoloo stabln41 it Alamo. ; . --..:... . r, , ',kiwi:0'404o who come *her :414.10 .h11; ,45 ttolkment5i if lio-montre4. .. .• . nut, they at tite new ond. vetoed ally. • • to play second trddlo* tolloving 'that hlo' lime.. •.Plympton *gaup, - forsooth. he , "Nett de lee harken ..1111tA...blet • Na lAle',1•, 111,1, 4,rue AO jetakpg::p900:00.0, et the -a , .'•",, Theli'CountVgtrisiteeWOli 'hi the 401 lion(' weeld •Oonle When -Whet' •qttelltles' hint iddilePPOd:Or... jack, e Wife In .prehy .Matiel • IM elide eieWIY. , tmriittit • APIn tiretista ot ',Kixliteeote Manor.. ..Xel uctrio es44tc4rob-.4t°1-4*beyia4rerdine4144401s4444:ith011.l.:b41,'. ' In. • ' • Larry's judgment weir qulels Min keen; ; floWever...0' WS. Aiwa 'Mat urged hien ee. fer All on lAlr Y.ostri: MA- I. 10r Ao-i lira Of TOM. ugt .irell..- Pio% „litien;,--.0git..,b4yekeirotbee.. worth bowing.; .,,,o)i•0140 i pui,..010 tpusto., my. bor' hteero•ditto neibtortiteleggitttaxneeigP41$00,reeteeetton Mgt -44O,Peettn-elloilAhroAroloredmohArir ettdOwOhbrottlaticti 04310. or •I'ottineyallW,tiplto.:.-eet. -,,a44.1i,ru'aroo6„: .,t. 'or,Ii..blaiatit,,,„to.,.ne., 44tathh i 0 4, country.ovC•I'Ahit rt, trto• • lilt,' ttl, 11::: • „ritaboeli;40-.= •• eoOttAli, t' hA00,148-043°A.AgilnY 4' '°_,:ti'iPpAgg,/te, ap• 4/4 I,. .. ..ot - .1 11 ' 4 Needing the .tritie so , $ b"ard that loom: for gidn, ., , ; ,,,..., :4., • .ilte souniryskiet de. 'know her tfortkrii• 10 .my younger brother lororeet•Who Will IQ* a'..b4Iglel. , " ' • .'.. . ' • ' W*4 Ott. WaY 110 IMOY /AV WI °V'r..1). P. :mut More then hhif ine hittik, Lord • rieckett OW\Into thee 'thing* hie bin hero, ea •tlandinerk larld'W-pe thti.1 ' 4 up My eon 0 'Me Owe Thtle It ' "' • ,Ptintitten, .eretit beer. • ' '' .. . , . .. . . . T ik'll•IgiAr°;'' ts4P'44:gdrale4411,elmonsClult 011'17 cit -e11:11°1114; - ticaandirgUrnepteded ettittiliCetilistirl,t° 1°: °Silt" :16. fitrQ0111014e04,h1:11‘14°. 1•64414..;..1114%"* a VrItY: 41•,*, ,rWitililtftliritin1;ll, "IX 4)4 .stit14-.J41. :tr. ': '1°._.11•14•,,,C14. 01;..1-41--'0110,net.:17goiltt:11.. chln‘allii6teell,11104,1koItIti.4•40-en4•'oill:'etP0?-neivecierYeeb,•:eilliii,reeb'ati6talp"4:4"dellitctr...IO4aktel .- IN*. :peptic/0r bed. hews. when, ThiS was to the eireet that Petoskey', TheprelounPallell Were ,thealipiergeItinaccOt ltrotte in •uithn.,'3°A '','MY,' Yelinter breOlet'Illniell•Wito Ateil4a thee •OVOOtekr'littliteArtitA", leti'' thAt'A'''4 ,liedi •before slime tOo Mystery, *, ..lib$ braln.1104 he (alt almost akik.st the • - 4,140101 **of ; • ; nOtiOn inOfere0to i. in the Ar4X ceyLoN aRseN T to *ivy, show* or. WOW*. pur. 10 heAlthirlA. *Ad foOstis souls, 40s. Ise *NI Pef M 41100001k' 10(00DDi AM* NZ LOU** OW. 131., faro oiloo oo* -40 team +.0., reosseritiel. • • • • --•-•-•-• -Much "-the-senteAkItioit.• .. • 4ere .00.400r. ey er.; jot molly ,o0O 40,t0.4,nui., for the to noir, amommotititif the mtilvgai Jil erel 4041 Ienet lee tit'A eh° 'hue jomped the ith n, hOinian it nit * motive. the oeusertrather then Ilk 'Yere oak treOe-ille -Ettlifeeote Ctate • •• t • leen upon new that ohe's o widow ` W '14 0 • ' have tny.thlOn 4411 woer there their tie0e like 1,1131 ,41.1 teeeeme besioeit .911 tits Net a single thin +genie 00 in tida better Latey, he fouled LoCciO, tor looter than us pour whils,Cstetjee4. ;no come to pais that, the cleAOen'i•Ante. • ' twtotp -,DAtxo . he -grosequestioningnt he.- hotel .11,44 *11 ,010/1,, Imo, Me .betorehet dete tgo. ,To.egt_heodown .dO Inettare ,N, O of ,Ilge4 ,my „sone may tejoissed..ever • ,Je 1°14' ittu*401•'°4°2°- °P4 th° tm" uh44 the Flussian sehemer was st the tote Osire im, tiered not I e: ..telrenloy with,* ertietlisualt, g t eye Ilf 'CreMtkell Atm regt**, coitstitutly lroWitir would., hove f,riglitened faxik end bit lOYelY 1VO4. 0414 'than, ZaCharY ridt. 'true, that: iroaed .'YOuOicer ;bory Is solPithre la--0-401:er'/O°4t4" 10 thin of the whole eitine..' teal) at ble linger* the livea :et Or. :could talt.leiee, '•040 .:yeneffode.'Aod' :Viet •thla 'be etipPlY the beet tvoett hiseixelleitY genial tee was eo strongly. • the eVerage 00-140 'SOO &PIMA* on y 'MY bandit on the doeUmente..0 epee% need inont utta leer. bee•e7Wo .1,01;op...lonteg woo to, .tIt' ifirigseixte• lo -coltt eon ore* it exeli„renders bit - He - riW 41(44.' x)oy, tor -1,$0001 le lice a fully through Vile interview with the olerki thed. le, l'erd - bans Untrue*, . Thee • are ' 001 f halm, too if not', well Woe •ellitkirge:hle head douhtfullY, ' CHAte,TER ' XL they roliths14VegroYed, oak leave re toulhark with ase: Now, twarmeo old. blitoorle reellY the eldest eee of N 'ThIdetice lake 11; your eroaltInti about erilled ZUlu, er011eblint bellied eVerY Ito Larry and his big friend. were tit the Tbelng th, is, else, the elide OtIon.,_ of ht tbatinetY44.Patg. h.eavhealee°.eirietn"w!rete% Ittlir° II lree rditementa, niesentrifee, and MAIM hetil to Preserve. beet th. trot) Wu* i • Plaee ineident'helliie 10 loom OP in the consultetions must give Place to WWII. personal inlitrYi MOO meth a thlil ..4trItatettethnleerater LhiyA4104nree4rottaer lidtilogi,orplioP4Cettelleedt;,4'hiletredoiel'ellIderemta-na.sliollehtliblie'realleltralida. l'itt.,4ntetarell.•• th'rollAitxte4atniv'QerlYePlIttaxir il/le441.9416 Ilotent 'beget .oven ilie most amnion* porting of trio ways, whore plant and AVIS was not Intended to week he ' riamPanYr bite e4 h/' tha' Power 4' 4o ,foett , This tree represent ltio lei V ,';Ielpgeco e* eldes _en * Alarto Eings, kneked, out 0 O 1 T, t that, a y , aigolau; oust ben ogee ed me, Having strengthened theft' ballet Dowager „EmP,84.1,.. t!ir °n'Y g'„Iti„ l!''.1 , Vint Ilion 014, Ann that ean bring n tote.,, fatherit: eittoNlig6elmaltodeeferefeeii:on: ,,,,e;0,18,47410.41suoratlfloout.aw,Adoi tfilli4rodvoim inileo,,00:411tk.t7 ' Aniretirthere Will Ile Idiainems to wrestle deevaring to Imagine wit* a iturrieane Leery onew 46 Cousinwy I ''''.. " upon the Old mares s der 0'111, ,,7;Aiort")_1,419017:62_,10_Y-:swi`70tgitus'etiatr! tn'th:ag:t:ygicltrbiu:neta,P,4:01,46tat:tel;1 Ale:: V' Sto14:41:46) 11 0 1.01 lAWar 543, 1 Ibsi ; inlb:att40: fOrihnOto eit, I() liet any sleep tenight* He strengthened ids resolution by en. bring about tht,deuLer°.,,I, „171 ".„P„-rx4„., eels to.take it -away." most weeming'meoberi min if I ern '0 The little man was fUlly aroused. would etfeeteellY bIncit hia agAmmei.h0.1 to' it, • The "1 come toonorroW wi.tiatt;01:14i ,11r40;7 • with, evey one %if Them having 4 bristly De. Imes would prove could lie have declare they Iltiiiht 'deaPair 4-1)1 ever har110 te;.-bed, Zochary," he added, fog'. '61410 -11th_ 40 .flimfen:_ii,E7. t!st,...t4 ; eidm the tusks Of, eiepleitice. Met' have hoHule la,k1 his 11" Prgtetitl 1'411 ere hand trial eeel this, from India, '4 grey. epleed musteelte. Slieri 110 ihA been Present to tao AP the OlUdnese. forcing her to , give up Vie last legacy ay. wean ean do nothing here. ,,I o six hureirett, atter t,t.: y Zhle .. et,,,eaetz ,,,t.,,t ()to a natural ...goon, are nbtainame, vaunt woo,'" NM OM *Amite wail to They were %tot foolish onetIgh JO be lett to net bY w loitchtglelebared i)t to nine °elate( now. Kif midnightt 1,01 Nigel t Ii4netAllptairt taiciff riaatterei The tusks Of •-lite weir*, end sea-loyee , !fence it became a matter of soxne tenon M hex' indomitable spirit...101d he Monient wtth them that May shoukt go had eceiteloo to remember It., thonglt ill 11 VI "NM. 41Pi.. .9111 "1111. 'NW& ISM. 4.4.. ilg • irs .111111!1 11 1111 , oniY ;,09PIDD,Lott.:11, 44013. le WO, PieiS • (the 9110 in callecia): Oa! Oorrligetkoo 4t, tans; Sod" 11 guarenieeq true , end We carry. a. 1110ok ;gm 0obtrator. autattekh • • 00.0.W0, Toronto end 144"), MaciO6$111)..414,1401;".11utPi-no°h°4•4217al'!quinhOh. OPPSrrnOtago.'i/ILkteOl" Ine-44ta02:0:11°r.tio;;• iziell4egt4h1v64ul; Mhll'and Vamboese Balite:Me, wid ,te Water lend Wi_ild Prettle • • to 10 t4ei 29, lee oompo 'bottv'1)aintodr• galenolaed, ;.• This class of material' is. moot stetebla", for • •Ilreereofing 'DOW. -Oectorir • Corrugated Diclgee; Lead. 'Washers exid ,Qelvaitisect! Nails carried in stook, • Send Seetilcattene to yogi" nearest eine tor scatalogues eon prices.. Vhitit . he ..gate, • eaet as 0 rea0ed neve such an effair could be undartquen While IMO niie eiiims 2,0Yri ah._v.„ .1. -fhb Hine co e 0 II be 11. • Let'ry. • •• , ' without more or less -danger. the least; the, truth ,of we. s wit 0. `Ign:-"aid-,.-..lefttnyt la°01redwwl ist' tuily6;• into ae,rigirrelertng Kell,. to •ttie* 9!.44t5r., Of 'YOU 'IMO ,rrIkSOAS' for, reproachIng t e rArozg.tir%:tttiltig,gileuAlmilyge:' ., mo.,30),_, Ito* DOW something thin the icti'Xidsoine face ot his Young initialler', 3•11.6titeltirei „..titefi''.14..ttiOi.nt..•`'Weitl. P,r),10.A.,.._ ...r.....:itttio, two. op-Ito,:drot-d., ,o4dot, ',.;iiire•=te lengli, Omni off 7 Nee) fifty.,Olfe pun', three lebillin% :and; the. iiirl',0 net'Voleel:. henna* - . IA 1,h, A Y‘Ortci• . . . 3 -._.181VAr)";-AOAt OA ',thAtt*'. . °Master Alseio,"e: he said, hotieseit, ',TIM pecenient .notteeeit croepi !cora. MW". ::'•atoeseityette :gee In sotto of your de. tegefic'e yageogy laid away in tt holn; in ..414nutrtei"' -.cried .,,* Ale* learaelY- • • ii;u1,7-71)litsi eve the itingseote Oak. why---"., . net; nib, - ._ • • . , A 'Ord* M e soft impe11011. . 000 home With you Zachary I" 'line Thei glettote.ext lier heed. ,e A,-medielne• asolitchHkeepl the babies': lent,: Whet:Viet yeliow garcon told me In the young: roan roughly, though . is -.4ii,le irne4;it is, Woe r''' elm titld, broe and children wall.-0;r4orehstai,rer.mese•dthioei: :r ;awes Me •ermeern," toughness. 1103,:on °molten almost, oteo poly, 0We, fattier end I,. • are the 'health when tbey• ere -ill, .te• a,,, •peiceless "About •Avis 1" 000"tor. eny words. '"Go borne, Mid 'god ueurpere t "' Hinpeohe 'Neer Is Yours, been 'to beilnent . WO Yoe. Old, friend." - ' •• " ' •:.:„ end•We :arttPaOPerat• PAOY's. "OOnt• T 'Ole* .. - .4100 ''..rtthiots` ' Mell. lai, Witt share yotw uneasiness.; Zachary thrust. hie rougheed .hetor "Not ImuPeeeoleareit',.. but petiera." cure ail stometelteond • betvel*tretible, °No one else." Two, lieetle,,moy• be bettor then one* II eeroxis his eyes., Without 'another coneetered Alarle, d in his eyes there obey. the pale of ''teethint":0.11d, give sound•Imeltloo. refreeilline.eittePe '. And there la etly..PUZzle ID btFeolved." the mOther hes the Veratiteent a gov. ,. "Geed i ' This, thelit Is how the ease . • - , e :pent , analyst 4hat ••,, this - median° *lands. Tito. wanton annee went up do s• oot 'ieoettOtt• one -Pertlide 'Of the the '.eloor of .her room before trying to see hingenixtureaundineet.,.lietnn,mede PO onaleOPIOtee Jamul In, Soyealled" end , knocked ,seven distinct tiptoe upon. , eee 'if it was locked, and upon. discover. Mee. ' The Telltets 'ae.e.: etittallY goed `e•' Itio-,it le -the •feei- he come below to re. foe tbe.neWhorn baby:or.the Well „grown ' pert et lite desk, ehild. Mrs, fight. cUrriet tering,. Clot., • "Ten. *tee gentlemen in Charge, re- says- '7 ' hove Mune...Bebe& -Own l'alo , inembeing he had COM° on duty suet tete ti splendid MeOlcine fOr OUring con- . . ..beforo. I ,mede levities, begen to hustle, .sys,tipuoteionnn egodo ..tehlitoeer ITIZooeftwititttleem•onro.; . taxon*. .,KiX. note „onlida uoil...thaLoon . Iiiiiiling up . the °titer . hoeltuenterk .4nreexilibelyneete. dieuenigeriethreht'Inalltains:•-ato$5e- - 'AMA he relieved lie learned that Mrs, Evans Is net in the 1Muse at present." eine co,, • Brochville, Ont. Lorry oritted'his ,teeth end stilled a groan. "171 lut4e to Nil 'Away Item. you for, tif[ leers aro on the oaint of homing -to jafiza* ' MEDIOINAll. 14070E- WAS hoUr •or so tedayi. • I hatiee to get the armed* Once no mon could say What reeistence might be met during their adventure. For , Larry had had biller ever - the recto -geed= only brought Mesh qf 640000 to his cheeks -still he knew' there were *eye where, even the meet sttib. "Ah, terry, to the balmy; MI6 of Phil. ()soldier- yolk add that of a seer, pro. the doer '0' My eottage. It so be as 'that'll "Valgethe r Coherent epeeelf he could •mom t0'1'4Vti011f oll thoichts ere on (Men born native MaY eematteredor "Deend mien it they wIll WYOI to ience wit Chinese mobs, end believed an cringed Clelestlel almest es. danger. reach' her through her husband,'. lie ous as a Mal "relining arnuok" with sold h e mu erous r s. A, quick inventory taken on the spot disclosed the fact that both wee fairly well supplied with weapons. When terry senueribered the shrielting mob that, awoke the telleft in lhe street before Hai Wants domicile; he was seoretly the opinion that should ,they be unfortunate enough te endiltinter such a crowd in the course, of their Molt* a few (titling guns, Wore or less, would not come in amiss. . According to the clerk's narrative* Avis had loft the hotel et Shamten jiied as darkness was Jointing over the great city. • MOO tweed cent removed the Cardigitlx Dteciuriffit must be the old -eves, ritAtz tasoonceed the mortlfiritt, emu' Tigrn A cignaman had beought her 4 nate. again -a* r• imitation parholA of eavee-of--Itie-eimes Da Larry's c OP P tY. egging her to At the toot of the oak ite the Wood. covered wonderful news concerning one eoundeet may be in a polition IO tall stroll' ent or elattlinies°43tenttliAtt)1: come to him at once, that he had die- grimly, union we force his hand, -thie man, leoge a M whom herAeepost interests were- Oen - ' - - -the wth of Canticle, - - --- -- wed. Stelli*o.letip could not fail of suo- Al le Kingemote ;swung Die greet 'boss, - with Avis ocoupying the condition al _anxious ouspeseiarry hetet her to weapon altift, jeitinj the cold starlight raO, i&teti,„thie elt g steel. Like seine be in. Viking wart or o otd,-411os the re -em- What- theft! bOdittlent at one of his Saxon forebears*, They must find the vehicle hi which Marie brought down the Instrumet et she had gone away, and by bribe* or dexitruction ' With a blow thin 'pelted threats Induce the man, to take tttem to deep into the corrugated 4,1n of the.t the same lace. The deign of the Hingscete Oilt had been Here the' clerk dealer] he could help d pendenao • 01)ute-by Sove-he is dead I" goeped Larry, *low to grasp the point, t "You have said so -You even believe so; but We lee the most posithes el. denim, Besidee., even It thie be the truth, end Prove Dr, lack has creased. the Styx Veltb the grim boatman Charon, that lAttle feet would never dismay fitieh a 'Might rand Its this Count Petoskey, Why, he wotiln deliberately deceive Avis by deedorin they beld her hueband in cio ehoins--the 3 she handed the papere over WO be released, while 0 xem refueett hisb1 d must be em her head." Larry greened. sew ihe„ situation now and re. eiteed,, As never before, what an atvful love:e'en linsorttuloue mot Mitla at divine love ------- "So ' oti see," concluded milord, PEOPLE, 10111100t 0111 I infOltie,'„Oit, riNgoi)L.LOPLI!,042,19,1102111(1RegaVor,11,4., , or •.-0.1h, 4'.23,5ges•xit. colkoratt at, op Dtatotto O., X100,1114 451'000y at: ..: • *.fit! Yeer'.144ieet"Offleis4440-00,AC44inTilf.010f4-430/ANYA, OAt Lerget meicere of Sheet 'Mend '134114i:1g Meterials ,UOtler the „Eletti.sle"E'l ita a oueetton thet oPperde to A-11 the* *WY Odle& TO $0110001 MOOt the Proletsional Mao, or the Worlgognian - It io queelien ' oi vital 141Porfellde• , Word, a strangely Pathetic, hawed ', old was that which. te ci heel:tow langseote ft re be • turned and shambled oft love stoOd'`wind 04' weetheras steadily, oceoss the fleld, towards . the Wile itite as Kingscote Oak: , , i thoett, algeene gat Iheditd to bean ihititsie htohmatee, htedor Squiri IfIngeote note sleeps with hie .3. re , 4, • ,.' ON ' • Or' , eses ' ,: , fathers In the Uttle Berkshire church -- fie never once looked back. For a few Wier hint, Then, with a strartgele fiereo .givenese' of "the* undeetrehle pear tele- secoods Alatio Kingscote steed bede htlilsedgeeeinininerogusYefacirse 000n0 wyeerdre, Bburitgehrteelde,dt gesture the young fellow dung oft bis 't , A young and sturdy sapling oak now flourishes on the' spot where Wed tho ogiegrrint-liteeTia-titiztagetotyine ibouokrtaud4tingt thelait,t, cOte f,lotee,-London Answers. .. ' ,--„ - . --1---11--..., A .., • _ "John, said -the wife lust what enlielPated-AlY Woret 1104,," nnu iiblf Meer hie breath the Lorry could Mily grind hie teeth and more terventlY clutch his Weantlel, men. ily-praying„-Seaven mould .be very good to Ahern for the mike of the woman • .THE:USE OF, THE :LEM title roar, uttered a most 4001015 motorrot tor a ritiwidrowito44)e.A."ess, .;• thmot es to how he would handle tbe maker ---e' 000," complained the sick e Ituselon bear if the letter had a. (Inger wi man, "do YOU 'think it is right, to be' Ms pie. -Mild count Petoskey have Woking' of- dress- While I em -on 11112" hoed the threat he must have dropped "Why, John, it wit) be all right, no mai- '.'ter *hat WOOS; Itial.nodack. decal." down on his marrow bones instanlet, te pled for mercy, such was the terifyhig ospeot, of the speaker.' We' have no heat -anon In saying/that It txtey he all right." began milord. Dr. 3. D. Kellogg* cereetety Cordial Ls "Iltit it 1an't-4he heal of the plotter without doubt the vest Medicine eve le seen buck en it, Thine Inc a minute, introduced for dysentery, T diarrhoea, %vita would hien Avie out niter dark ill cholera end. all ' Semler coMPlaints, elle it. elly eat this. Mul knowing as she sea sickness, ete. It pronMEY ,gives noes tied the enemies' of her husband are relief exie never talls -to effect ei positive on OM Were IL's e nut -up iole depend curio Mothers should never be VsIthout on Theo end it „settles Piltoskey's hash ft bottle when theft eItildren are teeth. When I land tio him." info lied the affair been less serious who, with the big Englishman at hie 00 be contill heels, descended upon the fellow very molt as a hurricane sweeps over the boon gEttggp Num , , 1,00 VS In perhl. meattWidle ord Racket malutanied a careful neon thelr course and kept up his Ofininitiftleatilln WIth - the num U on *limn they Were Wei g soemuch . ONCE 1110ELY ESTEEMED. - after hire. Evans left the hotel door. totimrgy into row& his rominsttans.and, son rospornom* vo 1110,01000 Xisi • "A 011AvAd' 1110 Bluth vtg.0•Ortee •_,Paid.:'•;13.!Ab_cal•ahline,!hdto,.:t4,4re,, 0e4: up for 1110 second them, Mee Ito heti he euriesgy enough to_ notice partiouleely what happened Larry Weetterollited Man the- 400111,0g. stroke, 1110 „elenon„g oE his . fere. . aceomMinied then) to the streets ritar'rlos had thrown hiopty the sudden' cheMenttniigli Miteeletee'ettiletue.sottnie Sent Druggists. Ste* That Application ot Leeches:Xs Not to Ie Re- commended, , a d no sooner rebelled that 'Illorenga- stonerm Of.:the ve eie„ - feotiobehinti eattaed Min. to Seettir Leech* ore ntestly tempt by pee* ere than he uttered cry of pleasure end potnted out a native cab. delver as as aaaght. atr...411,0 the party with whom A.vis and thecoolle ------telly efolloted °011ie. heels messenger had gone. 'Roma blot io deep 3convereation wit Which was quite enough ter Larry, their Madder. • itAi. "t ere whe e ore Sthe open old, Lord. Raeliehr `Tot .tvith'eC•felitt Otto' 'Theo held Wiule boa had a blove or !elle exteing a ibm ''.e with :ord. sltr*,.*entIon4Sa. bine to appear Where ihe bleed hed" •apPearettnpon the has congested,.. They-. apply .leeches to scene-t,,the figure -At 4.worattli, clad In le 'taXe (Mt the blood Zero these, Beate. Mole OS Sur that pi* Out Contours or he TIM •Iteet, lettehes are 'known as the torn.- ;Mediterranean :leech rand come from yoinig Mine lipe IIIXO" a cereee. Ptemploo. might hey* been Manned to smile et the _Ole, et tins Mlle teethe._ weiglitihrofterie teetor into the ring In tirtionrq.4/ stem op entextonist ttio Mit metope he hod Horned litteelet extiortenee ten, to des. /Age the ney Of emit living% fee even. a bonito, roue lie xible to triforer. respeol.- 01 hew on leo, toy deer troy," °Theo let us Them tt. for ilenvelee eeixe, elite tufa et Ible **Otte that wide be the very stock of which I tun deeldediy "TIM' only eleee w0 Wight fleetire teritidlen is with the ltiOn WW1 lttoWS- ItAgrr-10. but,' la OW bright, aeliveceld lotont. notwoon casual -acqua antra. the belling their Alta Is oft deftly." llaPPY4 Withattles, ' Pink oppoXiKe EsCh il•Sooltot' southoro eeim The fellow ndglit have arranged it lino of Both% It given time, but being Three' Idoetors •Euided But Dr. Wittliuns' taken by surprise. ho became iluseated. 'alit- Pills Mine tO the Iteiae. Perhaps ha tied reasons tor remaining a sphinx: hut, whatever these wore, they attSt t**' 4119•14t118 ago th4 416113'''`Qt did not hold good when Confronted 'With Me. it:title:Went 'of Eniersarkt N. 11., Iwo very determined torelpers who de. ‘..v,•oft.,,tuloitnw.,iith.„,'Ottl"',..t,t4t!"-4,,,e4 mended on pain of Instant death in ease .8.',I 1. "Oro` them" at re that lte take them ta where he blittot bed the Jody. Witether too lir greed influenced him. the lean nudity -efiteed to Oblige them. Chinese feu wouid nramiso tete* .ntte to tho hifernet eegiolle. with .0 her. rut oloceity It asked; end abettlet he be given tell, Renee tho tiratter tho chance ore, he would not fall ter thort of reeding tho iiebtirbs !lades, If such Pleett'entela ail earth, • terry -wait arthitt plensed, .but, being cautious by onaturoi tint Altritv tintsolt iltdOlgo too elideoline Ile pit little Vigil, ie. tee Chlireite elute, eliwt ed 'to oy. Tee ttle one la114 Venterle In The ,Worrtitelt, trom, tint 11. / "So yOu've OOMI" 'You see 1 ,eni as 000d Is My War& The Hingseote Oak tonet3 go* it IS the last unit between me and thisrarichohee -40P 0 *10100 -conies tolhai; , it was Vey &idea that the relatiort. ship between thete1W0 Wee something g trr. ot tarry bedded; Ite was elides:ming to brought' ibis elienge, otter • three 4004' , the $intiii on oc • inevitable, ` Therf;the whitifits taeulites into line, so "'bat when tore bed .1000, ,C6Ocerning Ode iiill' 'girl went oft, 'hilreletitY t, * the 'tire •oeree he Might maim proper tloss and' ova •;Aire, .13eers says:- At ityottill .0iAttv not4i, Marie deer, If /ott• At lest, he Was. mdelt to 'reengnize &tap end, 'a, indt Eat, OWOM treeted you' wfillyou work." ' , 4., ' toe *twilit of the soggestion advanced net Wilittiet .'•beiiiilite, 'S114, WO lieriblY 3 see snatched; UP .the light.: 'Ile,.Oberli. by this contrittle. rind ready to *tend AIM down Arid' hee, bleed "0/4,,4 ilOthill...g ott to-bcr injunction. replied his, Wee. Whenever* lie PrOPAsed. , but Water. Ittext 0411A1t let' =4 •", Poe perilWith ontstd vIght, The lamplight ; "Then.tet us look that man up with. would 'nwell. • so that, :her , clOttilii,'Were-, %tiro e , warm. etlow ..oyee Ies, weather. • :Out, 4 Mouton% •deley, ,xotd old • ant, %ow% too email teeter. Hee legto, 004 taboo, lane .and troisoular arms,' • ' What lip lie ,to,eill'illonit this finagler feet, Wee neerlie Node. theit' pettiral , -gar ee time be4sborea,: on, his Whale lettere' OelitInued -------- elnettu, • AO. ;to inaltoltor torturo. worso Lr'ork,, tomtit, ottoottritorl, ok Atte pettoonatto 4..rt,,',Igt:4•14 1.10t;;; eseof .sUelt ne noture hod gene- Misy beamed 'open littn. Otte, leett Otey.3.he 'deemed to pointment. reSolittety.• • • 4 le' hit IteNttleittik, tairk.;•; Atter; a spaee be, 'tei • e • w '..thou t, firs not ••dt, • • t,,00nntt on filo Lett:weed.. Ids 1/6041 the' gehture the tor$ man 04104 ott, tod.,.ornotIto _ , t. 04100. to tom, grotto ed, how 'lire..0-uolt tailor •an tor three moo ns ot,tha, oat( slintilkitt' ThAt he 'CvM flUlt41 'sttlisfit4 eemmeedelt himself :10'3001i1'not. weIk touch - strenuous eititen-vOrs' euro 4eith. thh 0°411° 44044°' 444 44' OOAAttiAtatt°0‘ tthe'littAi• WArA her Wes, iP cause her the • molest - had l'ibh".im •P4Oased site 'brae 104 tleleh 315-4(1 'Loa ndotott to load; lo aspen% on 60 .$400tne. „tt, itigto,c,that, tottioo , d to t .wete bow they t, en , , • . ' • ' 00 • . , eters pertialit White Kai Wittig Wee .„„e„,„, atleelMta Pete"' delitOttiO,Ote* „_' beitid de 1100011.4 ;for her end as *,,Ifist 4totemutett lt W4k, V** Moen :tee ateee 'eltul; resort we he ri Utio,of 1)re *Whit -4-Cy we' mogsoolo, or itto e , *O4r,sr„,„.-..,..-kA, w--„ Ply:Anton, whit entertained toilet X riot% 'Mlle, he . eolt e p Mee itt,* gons • blood,' as giirel 'Otettri •""' 01 bus • "rr"r" 'eon% Odd oantempt 'tor, Ina nolli?co x v;,telki ei We ail '11)00 Wel A to tat ii0o4.41'e "1"./*" d'114' ultw"' t IN) VIOWAO he'A tAltite ;he itint IMO! itetittuttnitt; wtttttrr, • ,exilerlenea during iho Seillent`sO grAdAttllY beeenio more Mit and by It.11„amn'tiv. woo, ,dolo forward, and The' . OV",„"0„efttli„,,' down ,,,11,11o,AStAtuaA that tippeitren,tn -here 101,tritfijegueted Atte time 'alto lied taken tarentY4Oho around her waist. Their weary klaKal at Iva ay,* 0" 'n." 1MA, oildw thd tAvook of tesolleitall 1- boo her ',.eure was complete. It is ItoW n' ittatet eta tint bit Mho Tette:Mug -'wbo-WitangeteAtiMli •-• . ---tr-ecerentileefirtine"plhe -010441011*" it ra. nine mon 4,4ert-ttl,,,e,e,..; 'we feee:1_, c:21t12.14,47*-„,„ ititiottptk.4roirrttlY14,..sttbl,lht line 111n' hnassi Akigda ttbgatritinoztti.wtvtue.1,404y 1646.07t, ..0858. :010:21,11:06t:txnugo,b6 ,ttik.„1,01:1,44111010,,tm,ny I* Uhl ,* 4 . 115 I15.W'ee`z,"tere.left 1"..es"-..'""""•.."" :to 44IktIV, hie ItteSent Crate* pie tents • netsitetik. lett' In raver Ot -ere nit 'Meta?. X 'On Abe - With OtOnelitile: AAtutt 3hInth'' awvo...t'''(***; Xxirit Itaelteit Wet protebly bitter he; ,witatinno pink ppy for I tot Ahoy "nut .•byt tn. • Alit faftli tert4 eitrieOl, Ott EilttAION ."'"'" legated' tO, denting with thls,-;rulifir to ear ores, Me - • • - your The TAAY'llek411 14411,14; Uhttl th ,texteit Of ;fellowe Allan IMd Afte4, „. Vie lhtIlo eey •blood 'le The L'tkusi; at a•Ver'' bait, seittebetnt Alta lOnthattl., mitthot- '611 t**n •°-"' • n" 'teem: 4i1 15 'inthitO' !MAW the' Siete* vittch :brovotio today. To It° 1"Allt-t‘ "nlY 1441X • Y: • he beer th wa r!W4e°1..,eilnt° 43...,14414g6nikl2ettno" Illi/Olt Ring ett011t atteOelat • beVfe lietilth. 'Strength 11,00, (*IA terbut. ikiti6n 11141, 45F,Vif ...ail it, was tot oaf more oi rrirato or vow: totts/‘ too, rect --it . .6141. io,,to tut*. , eieVitregel e 111.1 lii,°`'"tlfet.*Tt&lyttlexttitoi.11.1104•.„..itel'41( loseltinttelletHtiett, erth$4.4•aehritiateltheittmtlytt•itubule, ,4•4604.11thitMteh',4,1401.4twt1111-Vollayke turo arlite.mrt Inittyothemht:hbill.lt.t4.140,kii4hatt4•04005,,Ahrei4 utkto .00,1tnateh• un.o. titikutl4;Athilhti SinghhelY ht°14464 n • v •sion,e1e ,the tellOW 'did 'Agit tildlgeitiont ; •IIPPettici *tints* tog • With ws rentld.it 6"1""StiblY dtit 11'Wl VA:faalatitilt AbtRiell IMAM later oft he, 'fifth, terve* troubito., boort. ritt146" gulabOm 1014. 50 • oss. 51 Wat ti°1 111. PUt****1 /34444*‘ • ' rt1 Alt 'leek until ha was ' fitt Om. allitttittc .0M114' * • zeth61011my ';,elletxu,seindlovoteei,reeliOdnego'rtl.hotuttit tithAAtutt isto„oirbt: 3teise,/ the ereogeenee of At, litit *illiellie'MedifitML.Cese Stork, rtost,ti mat hoe lierho:' tom*, ,Itnati geode ler Ode And Of EnglIsli llote 300147 deette VOK. tly rested onoe agetro 11 "llmmarlu" he kid, °did 1 *lei Agent "I have Celled, eir, to show Sao DOlgueta. TbeY ar,, tthe„ you our new patent casit.registeri pre.. 0104,, *nee lona, Whit it soft =new venp ail peculation, sir; mato it utter. body. snoring to each extremity, elld m ossible for y aosletant to Steel tire. rked with' from ninety .,to one hundred •40,..,annouit 0 their.:.backs are oIlve green with \ sig rusty., red long. litidioal eitrintise',. The :ends are termine. Wed: bi•tickers. ,,,, • • : , 1)-AN0Elt.' t/Zg. • , A. *Wier • Moiticitl,,' OW phivides that 'a dell Let inbet now :tippry o tortb.;HIl ▪ penny." Mr. Slone : "Don't want it.' Agent: "You don't!" Mr, SlOwtot "No, sir. The man next door put In one of them things last Monday, ofid before night. the whole stint had struck for higher wages." Is there anything More annoying may:se A them peeetittie but only a /than having YoUr" Porn stepped upon7 doefoo ellOWed apply•It. -One well. le there anything Move delightful: than khown drugglit, told - The •Elat:„tliat• he getting rid. of it? EolloWay'e Core: Cure wM do it, Try, It Mid •bo convinced., One opOlted a leech to an abraskin on a ,inaferi foreltel, *Oro deater could tot be *Mos Ito bour was late. "After' The bOOttinZt'V ettt 40A0 thh6t.nt ol • pined 'fill &8 19h1'ltatiOfl end tie ItneWinif 'at le sint women,Sidd fe410:14"itb3tfr.: ' rit Atte. it lielt air tett' net Inie */ ., • . • r_ A . • W"ilagtr and tttP611116'46*41'61 *ft sktilto •titt% k1/4 • the other hand nkt bY dotter* ift therlitine at •.b.P. mall at 1th YPt° 111".4' su•'‘.711 Thla petty proved be, darlie , 4m...we tin: folietkotti,. Atio ,frout.'.orto.,t,00.• a.. bae nr wig boxok Inc !gm) ,fmm: lothiotwelowebeetel.ehtteeko eti'yIhmottfblowt; the tNO eulXielY1 he het about answdellig their rfutabahe 44 Welt 0 Mt 1914ovilfdip 0,11w leek would eft% With lite nigely at wore. pumping hire he lted sOCOO relate ell be, IMO", ft wee not a greet diet Idle in. fores1 Meta were atoufget Out* bid oton Mgt lefiet• betel*. Ill* felt lee, 111(.4 Ituenti •Cillte Moat. Knotting Iliethinfoe MI he dI& bst04Allokeit was rsU conhI. dent thelellow would give. Ahern bath. tilt aerIes so long se Mey_could holt haw by MAW. '01 titm1rt bend; onto ha Xell tannee lese.efloo Atte Ireltittlit that rtaw oP the 'Ninny. ;,tilitt IA* kit *Mt* airtnge whin* nt 1 *Mid have bliss , its -squires Oises 4.0411,14, tist rake ef kirs doollity hiltpleata OW Pant? Frem lort,k,t ',to *on Ms, WOO* tit* tha essaltat. Itisided *tome unithown• *YAK down that 14* 100.00**, WItY ilia WY* elf trifinenot Ole Rattle Would be, - betide rtt4 bli at rstb.(se, Of oxeye, ttwitgr thlotentl.,...eSluel,°, bottle the Dublin 5.8 Not* .onict the 'Mittel?! titt '"'"' *tenting to * statement at an OHO wou wet thb tain 00,r411bf*It `‘' 040 PO" 41**10* ml in the Irish Ihdependent, which *is torn Ihne 11"re he ale"leled " 141' te Weddle 41 Ininfiettto Me more Irt MAW "he' ditoPittett° CA. the 0 not Vet vieterito et Mum Kit the In rottili that shouted tor ehtli, td cit Mod. It the Dublin Ilke props& was tar troot 11*•1414 at. SIM. a 110114 tit bet one, *It Dek colt the he poiesseed Vidor* Ito did *ot 'Me ratt t Notiiheg Weil he pool aloft rit illie )1,0 ime strW .04 ti NW ow& 10(4 in soy boner ewe Meet it * owl bow. 1.5135 wontant tor Illetiekt of hi* dew* 604 ow, "mkt witM Volt breve inie warrior Owl am *pd. y MA MIT MI 11,1111114. ilk A freak • 1-0, welds Ise110111M ,1011144. Plimibbent kept * bsigM Soho*, •eat wippionsoied with eilottry dip tot X* too* tot 111* ivesesesed leers. wieme be orMtered IPOrds k the to* Pig Miasma , It i ,4 vvill Ivo ONA0411 41 No1001.1016410100titt. knevrth *Md. Myrtle Mew, meant t ent..* perthee. Aka 10 et* MAN" rains a platint swat is* PrlielfriC_ st Ind Ow hat cesso. Arun * fry phi, Mark 1*** town 1011 it. Irselitwerd. Mk Wed bit MAL drawn 'open *Ay deed 0 obte 01 is moo iseetlikit 11 eirearkaa avekety. ea •17 lit asellaww. *Ms* the leech' ban gerged_ *Of and 'rolled off ',the itierk;t4t, by the:keen filedse profusely that; IV leek , me Mr lone, hours to stop( it; out then tha.,mano face was •tou. ttuiek,: Wane whit,. the marks 100 V the, 'adds 1 had, to use;" The TOOK% MethodentPlOyed to In- duce- e leech to fasten Melt tO the pert whence the blood la to he Is to drati,itto ton arst Otto a narrow 'Pottle, and, then litiott the,bettle,:Pfer 'the spot *bete the IMO* suPPOltert In *0; to work. It ii:does not' attach holt readily . a little 'ffiriet OltrUbbed rin.ther tint -will 'sometimes be euelstlite, The:leech. near4 • elWayoi talk oh atter it bas gorged! flelitc on n Meth Mier -Whet been al/Pileh; to et *tent atici ." Ott' -might. Quint siert and they sinit ul! the blood.•h1bi3 ortattve Is vilrY .ttiontorono, 44, thor,kdett MAY have been Opplied to 5. POOrk; who waseitifeitig from• 'Ohnlo' InteetiOut dike% and to Matter tiOW tritig•httilOt. IS Ogled 'tbe 14001111,41MAKtlrlM lidWaYita danger Of blood tieleatitng, They are verrettit014. and Millar • seitir':' Stretching theit'lredise Mona the ;glast Side 01 I* UMW lie *WI in which they lare kept. At Orinft, YOU Me1" sco thera VerlthIngeltattedlY through tht TAW. 41tOr Ibm tiri•Y antiottloulao Mit ritillititte -their diet. They kite Only '• '• I:WOO peeitele viondertul power In eXtending ott earitritellria 011ie. bodies; One, moment: thrly are istretched Out to three inellest' the riest they are :4%161, up, in * lbw etrir goad *Viler*whetters, hilt have extra. • neeY • . THEY 1,1040 A ScAfit., Some itrogooto *tate that, •01.4 0014 lion Of leeebtleolo 1201 "thi bl Mlettlfoll84' telt:tiet tate Si WOW as bit4 em tht *NC TX. WOW IA& Ilite4 Unit% Iliatti WOX-CXXSTO 'XXX VAL radiate from 4 at** Ito eat, dstS. *ad slyisii- issrs a *Sr 01 Usa aint*Ittelptihr-theve, salksti Oh the Ottorritin keit Sas mouth *Mem 'ha ton** •tettie IWO .found 35 at thr *War Edon* use, two beele 01 We. mid' en the ureme Mt. *Mr ten wee leo iissel Wet spot est' Isivs • 40 what de yOUTittlelbute the Sultan's long life despite his 111006V Asked the prominent ;TeX, "Tied Marksmenehlb answered the Cotirk. PO* (den, 'hettenuelY. areot OoteMeatieeeh"14174VIIII.* the beat 4ra** n aseete sear/kWallb, IMIth*Mit flit dOWlt At' tonirlf /ova It bald, -tete**, miv nu. • • Master t "You% til' When you" got your eitegixei Mr. PcoMetee, that „I letee added $5 A Wielith to your tnilary. 1 fie. have you didn't tuike a eiriale'rribilake 10 your figuros during the. entire AIM: fleokkeeper 'Yes,• did, Jet rine. Wielder 1. "What :was that 1" 00akkgeli. :erp 1 figured.on a bigger advettee. • 1404 Natiatating• 0111l4.7the oxctplent of a pill is the subetattee Which enfolds the, ingtedtertt$ and makes • up the Pill Mies. That ot Parineheri, Vegetable, 1411$ Is le tIonipotnided at tO preserve eke 4114.1.....416611.1011 Dwor 4t boa% NMI *OWL . , TM* Oak= 35* oeuiplar 111( As am eMer rota au econwhieed moms 01 4111ok lOator00.14. E lICYCLE HAS NO COMPETITOR .--vrheilitif410,.._ercereide or tweaks, - A Cusbloteyetee-iitiE eeitster art**. end Ridgy, Day Mud Guards, Is ;wide* indii0e3 ii10110 tie ride who never rode before,- and Mae- Whei- ride to ride the rem. • OLeititi-AND, IBLVIER PINSON IMASSRIG PellttROTi -BRANTFORD. - " Made In Cushion or fligid tame !goads. :CANADA., CYCLE AHD MOTOR- comPANIti- . quakeri, ot-Oos 'Worlds Best Bicycles:" , GOMM. OBEICir AND WOOS mums sv.INcilON: Illicitern Canada tedthr,,. _ le-dAlt•oewite OlaY 50:rib. Swim two Tanya .0.m.31, G.T.P. meow tem wow* P101.11. obt*c amok obtoolta-:, Abbate*, *IN N.E., et IS0111110114Pilo. 610.60 V* matilil W8114 if rUP lad hit 000101001. , n. PARStAllik Wellosily Stria* ?orbit% Cilinie45' .4J " (Inc miner is killed for every tens of coal produced. , ONENILLE OURTAINS *gin itio osos Lim" migiusa Dyizittura 0yOtatoloraboatootwo, MOM Milieslue Oven* 0. 1411.tioa The will(NuititDrOyTEKnOteFlitaW0INI.Dw$010411.sor. ere an exceedingly ancient institution. TheY date from MO. The pensions vary from 5125 to $650 year, and are stemilernented by free quarters, in which Mite Mooths' residence out of the twelve nisina-d°rnetenUlsdpertre'S InSt.oedutiesorare nomig oh unite' deye,, and et royal weddings one tolerate, exid supplying a guard of honor when foreign royalties visit Windsor Castle. NEW pins FOR HAT FEVER. • tw.Tuheotientlyt trrettevetuit. eple.,fooriebesthe sypirtevemeria: Ile atid , dentined exercise taken in timely advamee Of the season for the appearance of the complaint. speelat. lex in UM Mien° do no$ understand anagrrhie° atit'eablarrnrent°dwlocthri6l4ribpinitl0be 4 cations *have been legely abandoned. 'The ;,theory that it is rheumatism of lite Moot ,metebrane ,.Is not accepted. 8 rem Meted idea .'littilbutes the; In- ception Paver, .1•0‘.51,uggisiutess 'el the tivee afid• bloyelerieurig tecOM. Mended trf 'keep ibis organ111SO acne eed beelthY enritifOrt,, Fever has arrived, the euffeeir iehl find nee imir comfort or 'raft In bleycling, bid systematie' mut 'easy wheeling during ihd preceding Menthe Is Warranted t; *reaps 'modify the teVerity *net retelling etteck, Or te entirely prettent Thai GOT GOOD ONE, - their 'moisture, out they ,00n be:, tattled beta any latitude without impairingtheir mown.. Many 1004 in odor' to. !toe them froM eilhering, are rolled In pow. iforsi-ssiicti-provv,;,.tautentifif4 to the "MY wile 1* tont: ot trouti,s0,the Other day I took oh kid went Wing," "Dfd yeti ettleh enythineir: • "Not ithOt X got helot"' • 11' tatto. .Portneleed 'Vogetibrer mis so pronitod that $110•..4grteablo io the Most delicate, • *S. tittbirYtiintOtt tile let:during. 10 the world doesn't neein to_intproto nly, Itteilitind a bit." Mrs. Homebody: t IMO Irma better,.. dart lt• you •Wftt your Alvie :Menet* yothes initoriCot his fivoyo.,! hitt k • hay lenbithe keel let FOR SALE. 6 months r Baba Bed nokgialt /Um. St* 4fOrab ail pain They kayo I-wo btod fre, 1vIcr eleitieretten"-fort oe arr. e iiiirea 4.9 retti2441i: krri! swenrweore,* IgUg040), Ori3140 Comity, No* Yolk 6 200 Men Viantad at erica. In varloua par10-ot ihtt. tionlittiOrto 61' Who* Or $111re *00 Agerttit t0. bell tittle 'trade _Mock Of hertlY WO • wel groWn-hisite,tind „plank.. hooherid and, •rfisraetic, Intl du VottX6'11 tierY Prone iblo bUilineeetit telling Vita Stoeki, which IC WOW Ittnitiftl;„- ternte• ted a r.orantission Paid Week, tklitilY at *a D. RMIT�,„ , 110tderlelOit .PlertierleS, . ' ' liV100640.'Otiterld,i , totnikoroid ',tor a 011ie 01' seet0,10441 goiott Ailioairliit you Iii§o ino now entitle; atitudr,, biotin; 11e Aide an lrtiellb11 inigossiorr on me Stpeli "flow, so t" Maud: OMptiedd;Op at IS On tO new What oat., "Vorritit Mune moaning rind,,taillestook 'doing 'Asp. 'Mother Moo, 'Woo • Extermissikr • is oisos, *ht. *to, got strotusi. If Yodt. beit,Wene 04 itiook 144 •1400 10 Ol'O- OA* It ibs lett. . th4 maily thlng* 111 thto *044 to „vititou Iwo most Out GM' 'sits? tiedd the _peen* :Oilmen.00d pap*47 OrtkOr: the110',* cblrrted In the tito tunny. The Arnott MilkirsOit 01*, oniy leOttit m.thod for th. ttiro StOttritlibt14-, inksts tit* OABIRiAtit wog? t4..1.101% *nit ;novas illeturtil lietiebe • P*0*. onVrOfororicOoi **it 00:0401i:to, Aiktiook • THE AltritOrt 'INSTITOtfa, oe, Witii I *Moos ars lord thine: bawd Mt* the_ othae • rake manly oven VAI While.11:****1 What Was the **akar Wu*: isik *es, Ite 3104 hiss As sods." WM 10 CIO*1100 tly114ft..- /41trAbl+ ire's Vegetabla Pine Aroc thi kink at Ile Moly stile arissis kapok 101*0 herbs Aeon the •tow hit II* iftrelawas• the el Mos Wit ant tik Mood, ant earl hest the Tag% ere am %Atm. UM 101„ „ iotamusto by *181 iits.tr3 lacovrro- * 70,11g 114' tituitbte.„ "Olt. DO:' bbb Ye; pu.d1 Ibm "I *hali y* watt until Sunday, kaget It WA* char." tt Is118. larrike the ter. met Will • Owl Dr. • Os a 'pilot sailwly wank* 0, peso kt the body �1r ilifectiene ot Ibm tiesperoeery *awe ,•ikrit tor 11110001*seid vie fOorbltr. Ns wIR mos ism X ti eaaveriant Mud trinket kihwed Wks. Nth*. Ser. or retrials Sok aka skiseirst key sleek conaki Of tray Madre* ailmsala is edit* Soy ars wok lett