HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-06-01, Page 1.1111EIGODISMI le Um largest Nowspeper in the Coon *irony *ad 04"*Z••• Qua14% galudit:4 Qv*letkma Iwo. 2 me copeRiat ST I eirculetIon than Any other Newspeper iIn title sootier: ot tho County ot Huron 0000440•01004•040114100001401000.4441 • *YVON Ylellt, X,416 No. *Oa HE $TANDARD'1.00.i. c,ompANY Inaltet specialty of 14114141g tha fiepolgts of ladle& !ordia)ty invita lad* to .roalce Danis theit tteadf: gloo!ters.,ivhilii4oWO toiyo* o41t. appreclata an 'OPP"lintaitY iattiatI4 yeti the d;". faila of IteOpiog a ohe4tOng gccoollt. Cag:ar arxitatfer.ourifftlitheokletentitlee$04# (4331)0,14'1,4 r°04•14 goOtIndettt aldholfrOall ne ta dertalt*. Fee, A '4, 1.90, OR 47.00.$0 T tiMaY*14'.44 Bar 11401a,PfnlY With, fatme eotialronta toad tostiviote4bro stroast =iota .eiv-rrork-aaoungov -Amor please netity.itimeellIoNiatili S616101"0" Ont. WANTSL • GittiV144411144. 424TEDr-41.1?sb.: tVgrantierfaitliShtitethrtni,tt tpwn. WAlt,antTTISttSer:',13°14$44,1.11111.?5,1r12147.- The Cresco& '' 't . , L :WANTED 61000 iht4.0.44 le latyr,-.15 0#10 . year(' OM te hOln 1100,11. 4Pely to E. -terrace. ete ANTED. -Fur Ude et. tlederich, V V with tr tlese n bedreerne, foe two months, a Apo th "or Jtaly Will give ahaeln uritY for return 91 Hanle in good condition. Applicationts titi BOX X, Seen office. will beetuteneeren. WANTE1) lintnedlately, a Good Genoa istervant. epplYrei-,? Mns. M. Eit7","-,,., , Lighthouse Feint. ' • FOR SALE OR TO LET. Ye,OR SALE OR ET. -A farm o 111, fares Fraser, Goderloh, situated Mr e fleet Bon., of the best claY loam,'belen g to Mrs. Goderichtownship 7 /Mica teeth Gotiorieb. 9 from Clinton and'S from Barfield. Frame barn 36x00, cW= leg. hone% log stable, 2 orchards.' Reasonableterme. For,terther Particulate apply to Jamas Orin.Watt, Minolta street, Godenett, OV ACOTESON,Ooderloh. OTS Fon liALE_„-I have for sale a nnmber J1.-4 of finebuilding Lets on the Onytleld Road; corner of Britanni&- 'The fleet WO have al- ready been seld, endthe, balance att equally &Arable and will he eold at reasonable figure& Apply to W. T. mtrowny, elodepichs Tw6 IFYAAM GA ,-Lot 10 con. 3, Aahaeld, 100 =tee S FOR SALE AT A HAR- each, one lot all cleated, the other lot him 60 acres cleared and instant's rouglipaature' land. Well fenced, spring croak. Goon b on both farms. Can Weold as one or paratoir V Apply on the premises or addre HENRY Huroner, Dungannon P. O. 1 pAiliTytefilna•it5 eel:III:2 of ' egVemototnthr For particulars apply or address WItaLE4 W. Tamen, Bemniller, Ont. lb:LtOR BALE.-BuildIng lotson Market street, ion. Apply to Mes. J.H.Williame. near Carnegie 14.1wary, A Most desirable "notASTM4K-Frorti,June lpepasture for Oate tle and Homes en 'Ridgewood Park pro. perty. For terme,eto„ apply to Tooreeellue- Llete, at the Farm Hone% ATT FOR keeL10.-"Nhe desirable _L petty ,on Avennee-Goeleriche own and Oemetfied bY Dr. Wffitely. Good house and two.thirft Oran acre of land, with choice' fruit& •The honed is heated by hot water and has aliatodern improvemeute. bargain for any person wanting jirsteclass pro- perty, at a moderate price. ' Apply ta3 or address DR; IrCHITEirT, Gedetioh. Mao AMORE; FOR 'SALE. -- Several hundred copies ot old floweriest:an for eat,. Just the thing_when you aro housecleaning: pply at STAR OFFICIO. DOO TAX NOTICE. '' COURT OP REVISION.. (101MT or ItZV MON • - - - , Tatiff o7 ciTp' x,ttor, irak, -nptiqe flee Gantt, of Benetton et lb° TeWe 'et esderiett Wit hold Re eating WAG effineesent 'beeriest eon deterneintifing 150104 enehlet the '440eostnent Boll of the emerti:naWnefor tra year IDE, et the Connell r. eeiniesaldr*Towen flod'eeleb, on TIM Mballth dal 'Of .11.1n0,1906, in eight &clock In tile afternoon. Dawn itt Gederich, this .09th day Of Mae. 1900. °TICE. 4QTYwIreatTik. WARNINO TAKE WARNING The penalties of the Dog Bylaw are to be immediately enforced. Oeiners of Dogs should at once eall and pay license Get tag and save trouble. WM. CAMPBELL, Collector. ,Noincn rue attentien of Ma the Peace in called to tbe faet that by the glittratee and Justices of Ontario Statutee ot 1900, entirely now proced- ure, dealing watt the tiaras of Insane pertione. has berm substitoted foe that hitherto in tate@ 'ander the Revised- Statutes. • Particulars end forms of proceedings may be had on application to the undersigned. Bated Godeneb, 26th May, 1900. C. SEAGER, Crown .Attoruey, Huron. firdIANT LIC OT C01,1 OF 11,, 8/1$1 1\1 Tqw$,or ciapgalog VagitIttl 41.*41110 the: 1:71,1,fit744.r.t.,,,,,,,,,,,i,;:mistko etwineb Wit is $0 no OW ott ptr4 o.f• tkO 4,x43 ::istrtf4aget. stte: kte, Orton. botrokonTiotona west vela Altere street.. The gangland eget of Old Work' 10 $099.1fieet Which. Man' te be Wadden out 'et QM fieneng Anne/ 01140 11, Po 'Os *oath side 01 glide aviene. bee tweele'Vleinfine tilreek. teld Tenerife. etreet. The Cialmetert enet et the work Is $38.1,00, of willeiteiAtile bite ba vrovieed, out of the Pile* Pieds the Munailealltr- 4. On the Past ilde otOetabrie. Reed, be tweettX403 10/0'404 nelgteeeetetreet, which XT.:Alert° biS provided oet of the gen* Teltleetiniated-Ceett tbe week is $00340. set eget Maufeleantr • • UOMEIFIRBICERS' EXotallatONe.-.-The :twit excursion aver the O. P.ft. for homee ne taleth side ot Nekton street, be seeker* scans west will Joey* Toronto on tweeie the ante Mint or not 022 and Wntorleo - Taesde„y next. June 6th. le new teeter° or geese transwill be 4 dinbeg rtir, which will ali 0. Gee paetietthrs front Gegen Kona With() temple ot exatersionie carrying_ eat, C. . %Neon's. Tiedal'IllOre than ever roen's judge. ments ate besd largely upon the introductory Ant ginitee., e'en alwaye beve the advance age et nest impressions if you get your Cloth, reourtheognamt F.roviode= stahendTaaidtiootr'vs.haPtirebtwhattleine quality eta correct in etyle. no correct n Your Mese end get Year clothe* treat the House of Pridluten the Tailor. toTraosuubndleairl'a-upTphlectirentswhoof raethir:nteh::°"alidual named ' Hooligan" who has cap- igilipnaerrtar'ehave long been familiar with tivated the tun loving publics by his ability te continuously absoeb trouble and yet present eremiling countenance. "Molls= Treubles" hag been dramatixel, although the plot would balure the brain fabric of a mosquito, but tronblee are strongly in evldence and tor those like to laugh "Hooligan" will distort himself On the stage et the Victoria Open' HOttait MIXt Saturday, Jeno 2. The poor tram& troubles aro ro ludicrous Mat there is a ripple ot laughter almost from the rise to fall of the curtain each act. In addition bright mushy. splendid dancing, catchy Bono and merry complications add to the charm and tun of the entertainment. GODERILII HOTEL -COMP-ANY wishes to rent tho pri,rilego of selling Ice meth, Sede, Tater, Fancy Goods. Megazines. Newspapers. El nvenir %wow, Stationery, ace lathe lobby *teat Summer Hotel tor the sea- -son. June to September inclusive. The fixtures conidst et fine coOriter and, show ease, a first Clue .13oda. Water Fountiln, Syrup Bottles. Glassware etc. Tilde ought to be a good oppor- tuulty for a lady with one, or two daughters. Weexpeet to have a good season and many Southall viedters. grease apply at the Sum- mer lithe! immedialay. 4 BOOM No. 0, 190k of the Town of Goderich requires amenget other regulations that on or brfore the firstday et May 113011. all dogs shall be registered and licensed In the Office •of the Collector of Taxes, and &all Wear a tag as sup- plied by the Collector. The fee for 'moll registratIon is one dollar tor oadi dog and two dollars for each bitch, apd this pays nee municipal tax upon such doff or doge for the year 1900. It ono of the dune's of the town eon- stablee to enforce thie bylaw by proeocutione before the Pollee Mainstrate. 11. O. JOHNSTON, Town Clerk. IMPERATIVE PUBLIC NOTICE. RYE YOU SSW a1•301/0103,4azIOR 34 00 GODERICItt ONT0 FRIDAY,,,JU 1 t SPECIAL 'NOTICE, OBITUARY*. _ Nodes waist' tkis Siding non4virods* AV4.741orre.Ths f011Owing fro* Ole Am** eyolt*.u4,1,4 "041 t4w.00„ Toronto, Globe op Menday last Were . will be geer,W Wee a reinilegline ha eleeygee 0,000e.eie 404aa: aarn.gona aa, * gentleman well known in Clods, * Mane 4440.1I Oeffilin 11119.04 lietet elt110: Yieited tiln• 0404. Went ernalindreenieterbeeentelket:urithvethja Mee Tee MeV Yeerfi nielleeltnefe les great . new awl* not, settleeeeeten' eilvernai. affiffirer • Of ,otte WO% r 17110 death of Uro late egrinnfeldener •uceer:::*J3. koeve* sod. ene.tirkuAls04414,,"-40PIT W, deuce. Oil Church street, 4,Ate Imo of the Ptoe4e volopeoyt and IMO of .1444 ceia,, tlia.p1Oneers. or York. countytt, N'tithr011n•---One dioinitloOrn .red Saturda_y attereeint 11.0: ;his. real* Mr. Willson WU horn In ReW Ye* in riad004bur'tmositioueishde otprIficeod vtlowliqaupktd,ted, tmori w pdsorsseacqa Oreille oarless Mat eittet itt toe common ao orp 14. en and received. W*10(44.7_04, notion asstscr:,4, 9,,epran: u /Vera eif age he joined. the Ting IV 'The Brat iiettleseekerte Eteursion to e ring staff winch. Inal Opp oP tultItavo.atittwant thefotitivooankiilornealitall. to‘GAW ucesitewtranyetboiontivilteoeurlexoftntshatIOntellautloTocattrAnk, gettpiesiettarirmeeesttle,10eatten.agent, w4u. wan eager 04 AOOtbor ObolkP §'IdOo-T-TheOoder1011 wot4i during' the wilding 7041afgair ehaelc%*"ot Nil Q1144° att°t0OB°°044ts"peCir°1ateir61. Of a' lino from Ili fackville tit -Ot atee lelle snap in enameled Tweedat this tawa. Silleentellently Ile leettled 10t getag for half erica klinrea end greb Mae. Newmaiket and practised land survey- iTiAw'; Bran4aRirra'1441sTo'rtmit.,,-Mr• Thoth einsfiti\sipnegre bilitenmaldwa40° oain"pgainnyt: reula VA° Ili the Mr010 °°!°"rudtmt t° and In 1880 was made 001111111etilener Of Erle rani ter Dungannon end nu ghborhood, - savtiffirtvv410-tvoirosotwoolatiossaud take thee eallen enrelPitIVe a Volotwo Po tow eeelere tee Pe nun aneerIlniere-Pehe• tinned to fill up to the end of last year. Wit Sr When illness obliged biro to resign. Sauce that be boa bad poor health. Recently be began to rapidly decline, and at 8.00 on Saturday passed awaY. A widow awl oue- daughter, Mrs, 'ante, of Toronto, survive blot. SHAnuast.--On Victoria Day, Anne letteeete Tbeatimeted cot et the wore is $1,421,85, tit whltat eseene is to be Provider; eue ot the general lode atom amoicioalur. o. clothe emith side et Lighthouse steed, between Essex etreet aed Gebouw Arcot. . The eetimatedneest of the waken; mina er Which 0/22.90is to be peovided gut et We genere4 (uncut Of nee Minnelpality. eee 9.21 the Weel elfin ot Victoria street, be. wain eannee street and Elgin avenue, The estimated cost ot tee work is $1.629.19, of whiele;&91,9ele to be provided out of the genera tunas of the Munleieality. 0. On the east side ot Victoria street, be- tween Elgin avenue and Reeler street. The estimated cost ct the work is $1,60344. ot which1813.481s to be previned out of the general, funds of tbe Municipality. 9. ,On thesenth ado of Trafalger street. between Victoria street and North streee The estimated cost of the work Is 129180, of wbich $121.15is te be thovided out of the general funds ef the Municipality, And intends to lessees a portion of the final cost thereof upoh the real property te be immediately benefited thereby. fronting or abutting npon sold streets as aforesaid.between the sate points amine levy such final coet accord- ing to the frentagathereet. by twenty annual speciel assessments; and teat a statement showing the Iambi liable to and proposed to be specially assessed for the sent work, and -the names of the owners thereof, so far as the same can be ascertained from the last re- vised assessment roll and otherwise, IN now filed in the office of the (Mork of the. Muniel- panty, and is open for inspection during office nours. A Court of Revision will be held on the ieth day of June. I908. et tbe hour of 8 o'clock in tit° afternoon, at the Council Charaber tho Town of Goderloh, for the purpose of hearing complaints earliest the proposed assessment or die, accuracy of frontage moaeuromenta or any, other ciamplaint which tbe persons interested may desire to make and which le by law cog. nimble by tho Court. DATED the 3lltt day of May, 1000. M. O. JOHNSTON, Clerk. MIOR SUMMER VISITORS. • ' By reqficitir of the Boarder Trade, all per- sons having ateemodation for Summer Visit- ors to Boderlee are requested to 'leave their names' end pataletifars ac the. Newspaper Offitsee ot the town, vvhere lists may be kela which will be, available fpr enquieers, Any addresses sent in to Tx= STAR Office will be promptly, recorded. JAIABB MITOMELL, Secretary of Board. • Your account at Chas. C. 4e!s yet? If not, do net forget that he hands his books over to a solicitor for collection on the...first of slune,0 If you are put tO costs and incond- venience do not blante him. CHAS. C. LEE. PUBLIC NOTICE. BUSINESS CHANGE. . mr. Li B. Augustine having bought out the interest of Mr. Jonathan Miller in the East Street Livery, the business will hereafter he catried on Andel. the name of Walkee Ac A continuatice of public pat- ronage solicited. Everything will he kept tip tie the -highest stan- dard, and satitifaction guaranteed. ivinETWO OP HURON COUNTY COUN- CIL, --The council of the CountY Zane -will meet in tbo council chamber in the Town of Goderich on Tuesday. the 6th day of Julie next, at 3 o'cleek. All accounts against the count_y requiring settlement must be plac- ed with. the clerk before this date. W. LANE, rrto THE PUBLIC. Goderich Ontario, May .1.21st. To the residers of this paper and Mame who may hear of it, I *cyanid say I wag a dos- perateenffemr for five years, being blind,eaused from givinulations of the eyee,-two yeare of which I never saw my hueband% taco; ho took me to the best hospital in the United States, they turned mo away blind and told my hue. band there could bp no help tor me. He then took me to a hospital in Canada, but I got no relief what ever, after nine Week,' treatment there without sitcoms, I got a receipt for a medicine which we used eureolves and in throe weeke I besten to receive sedate sod in six Months I cetrid read anY print or thread the geed, needle. I was blind in the left eye for some time of a feltrn Over the sight but 1 nave taken it off with tbe same medielno and to.day can read print with it, and the same 'stuff cured a man sixty five years of age who had been blind for seventeen yenra, also a little girl five/ears ot age that had been blind from a small baby', and a great Many others, witi now say will not fail to eure any kind of ul. eon, felons or granulations of the eye. I would also Advise der one suffering from the same trouble to give it trial. Anyperson wanting any information aboutthis methoine will please cell at Mt% Joseph Ashton's, Wells street, Goderich Ont. I win gladly give yen the boa of satlsfaction. WALEER & Auougrum. To INTENDING BUILDERS We have constantly Itt stock a large supply of Cement Bricks ler rale. and ket tidos. THE GODERIONCTNIENT BRICK Cu. GODERICH Vit. ItELLY voyvi4inmAnnz aweAcraza Ann °MOAN. moan tar uranium maxim *Urea tietatteffiL 081T. MESA JOSF.PII AMVITON. TEM nutioN norEt, GoderIch Ont.- boroughly refitted and modernized. home/or the traVoller and farmer. Best 51.60 a day teal toile found anywhem.-N. J. MOB, RISKY, proprietor. REAL ESTATE AGENTS IsellOUNQ & ROBERTSON, REAL ESTATE ing, buying or renting town and farm AND INSURANCE AGENTS. ,"" property. Fire and Lite Ineurance. Moe. North gide, Court Homo Square. MEDICAL DRS. =MEMOS &. TURNBULL. A.1'. EMMERSON, W. Ei. Tantrum', M. B. ICE FOR SALE , eiRAIGIE BROS.-lee Merchants. Ice sold and delivered promptly in email or large lots. We make a epecialey of season orders. Leave yeur orders at pace, first door west of Square, Weat street. or at resiilence, William street, Goderich. Telephone 24. • BANKING f The Sterling Bank Offices 102 Offices. Hamilton St. 'Ph"a"el Residence 121 Night calla for "tho firm of Dm Emmerson and Turnbull will be answered either from their °Mee, Hamilton lancet, or from Dr. Turnbull% residence, Nelson street. rel. A. II. MACKLIN, M. B. Priisiciati-andienrgeon, Special altention. ta eye, ear. nose and theeet. Office and residence Old Bank et Ilinbtreal, opposite Poet Office, West street. Gotlertele Telephone No. 102. 'DENTISTRY. E, SALE, L. D. S. D. D. 8., MoLcan'e lie Blot% Goderich. Dr. Turnbull's old &arid. At Dungannon Wednesdrry ;Manama. --- PROFESSIONAL et Pim% eAD te. Ihotic ot oritreaBleek. DO* VVeat, striset arid Smatv. „ OF CANADA HERD OFFIGE- - TORONTO Incorporated by Special Act of the' Dominion Peri jelipameten.t to receive Highest current rate of interest paid in our Savings Bank Department on deposits of $r and upwards, interest paid and compounded FOUR limns A YEAR. Drafts bought and sold. A General Banking Business transacted. GODERICH BRANCH : R. JEFFREY, Manager. gown %Wits. lita ie HERE. -Mr. E. IL Ayer, the genial agent of the steamer Grey- hound, reached town yesterday to prepare for the annual visit of the popular boat on June He says he is the'cause of the presentfine weather and we shall have a good long spell of it now. Welcome 1 TEACHER'S OONVENTION.-The 29th annual meeting of the West Huron Teacher's Association will this year be held at the Agricultural College, Guelph, on Friday and Saturday, June 15th aed16th, takingard vantage of the Farmers' excursion from West and South Huron on those dates. The pro- gram is a very attractive one, and we venture the 'prediction that this will be one of the most profitable and enjoy- able conventions in the history of the Association. PUBLIC LIBRARY 110ARCri -On Sat- urday, 26th May, the Library Board met for transaction of business. Mr. HAI Reed having resigned his posi- tion as a member of the Board, on account of inability to attend the rneetings,his resignation was accepted with regret, and the matter referred to the School Bohrd to take action. The natal short hours were granted the librarian during the montha of June, July and August. The building will be open to the publie during these months from 2 to 5 in the afternoon and from 7 to 10 in the evening. The repotajoe April showed total receipts, $13.30, and ,an issue of 1000 books and periodicals. An account from George Porter for 320.05 for books supplied was ordered to be paid. The secretary was instructed to ask for tenders from the local coal dealers for 20 tons coal. As the Book committee intend shortly to make a further purchase of books they are desirous of obtaining sugges- tions from readers as to books that may be desired, and suggest that they send titles by melt to Mr. Kernighan, chairman of the committee, or enter such titles in the book provided at the library for that purpose. TOUR oP INSPECTION. -On Friday a ;e0 special train reached Goderich con - tattling the leading officials of the G. T. R. on a tour of inspection. The party was made up of 2nd vice presi- dent and General Manager Chas. M. Hays, 3rd vice preiridenCHL Fitzhugh, 4th vice president Ie. II. McGuigan, superintendent of the middle divirsion, W. 0. Brownlee, Freight Traffic Man- ager Jno. W. Loud and assistant J no. Pullen. The train was made up of managers' private car, buffet and baggages came and was run down to theelock, where roost of the tirne of the May was spent. Two or three of our citizens had opportunity to con- verse with the official party, and but for the lack of time the visitors would have been driven round the town and shown a good deal more of its beauty and advantages than they einem to be aware of. Ae it was, they were hearty in their admiration and Mgr. Hays summed it np in the now trite phrase that "Nature has done everything for Goderich and man very little." S.ev- eral suggestions emanating from the officials were used by the Council Of the Board of Trade as a basis for action at their meeting on Monday evening, and may be expected to bear fruit. THU SUMMER Ploriti..---41r. . W Fortune, the new manager of the `Summer Hotel. with a part of his f440 et, StIMMerltillsk Where he ale° wife appointed Pestelaster *Oa eitrried nn Senerel WM ll; inIndienatte tiP tO 180.4 when be Went with the r"4-1.1. A. Wave and became a third putt candidate at the gettergeleetietta "liteat 110f01). Ile received, only about 71;11 VOtett end loot Ilia deposit, which made the rtvi too. of the late 0. Cameron a esr..• t4itit,7t, Shortly attetWard. be Moved to London with/ hia faMlly and studied for the ETiocopal ministy, Ida first ;place he retool/ea tO areuten t few* eharge be ng 'at Eelhis` rent Welt years ago. Be leaves quite a amity behind hieo,.._bssides a sorrowing wire fine Watkips) the eldest &ugh, ter being teacher. end a son In a wag, ma younger ones being at home, all of whom. have the sincere sympathy not only of their own church membere, but of the citizens. ot all classes and creeds, He waa tor over twenty yeare a, wtnber of Suannerhill Orange LOdg,e. end at the time of his death chaplain of Smith' Unroll, under whose ampicee the funeral will take place this Friday from Olffiton stetion to tho ceinetery there. Blockett, widolw of the late William Sharman, sr., crossed the river after leng, and, towards the end, painful Wiriest), at the good old age pi 87 years. The deceiteed lady was widowed a few yearn Once. her married life having lasted nearly half a century, her part- ner having reached the patriarchial ago of 90 years when death claimed him. The late Mrs.Sharman was born ln Sydney, Cape Bretgn, canto to God- erich in 1852, and matoried in 1850. She had been a resident of the town for 54 years, during which period she was natieh eateerned, for she was a good neighbor,a loving parent and a staunch friend, and her tnentory will long be cherished by. all who had the pleasure of her acqualutance. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon from her late residence, Keity'sistreet, to Mait- land cemetery, Rev. G. N. Hazen, B. A., conducting the church service,end her -descendants, Robert, Walter and John Shaman, Williatn Sharman, leo and WM. Campbell, jr., and John A. Robertson, being the poll hearers, In the death of Mrs. Sharman, North street Methodist church loses a life long staunch tulherent, and her Well known personage will be tnuch missed by the members of the congregation. ROBERTSON. -On the 15th inst.,Mrs. HesterRoberteon, widow of the late Edward Robertson. of this town, °ow- pleted one hundred years, having been born in Wexford, Ireland, on the 15th day of May, 1800, and on 'Sunday, 27th day of May, the 'dear old lady passed to the great beyond, after living 12 days of her 101st year. As mentioned in THE, sTAR of the 18th ult., Mel. Robertson was not over strong on her birthday, and her weakness at that time predicted a near summons to the great white throne. Mrs. Robertson is the second resident Goderich over one hundred years old whose death Tun Swan „has chronicled ,the present GODERICH MARKETS. Wheat atiffened considerably the past week. as will be seen by our quotations, but whether the rase was caused by scarcity, through the appearance of the growing grain. or by neve. balmy., re uot iell defined. though smaller offer - Inge wee like the cense. Oats olirnbe tlusienroints, and ore at present like wheat, firm and in fair demand. J. F. Andrews shipped. two ears of hogs to Toronto on Monday. Current wholesale prices corrected up to noon of l'huraday.) Fa w . 50:77 to 77 SeprIng wheat, standard 0 7 NY 77 mar, per OWL, patent 2 to 2 50 Flour. per cwt., family 2 26 to 2 25 Bran, por ton 19 00 to 19 OD Shorta, per ton 20 00 to 20 00 Sereeninge. per ton 18 00 to 18 00 Oats 0 38 to 0 38 Barley 0 40 to 0 43 Peas 0 a5 to 0 65 fl 48 to 0 48 0 48 to 0 48 Ha i.e... ..... 8 00 to 8 25 Bu r, per lb 0 15 to 0 16 ,E ge (tresh) per dozen 0 13 to 0 14 , per cord 0 00 to 6 00 Cattle, export .......... ......... 4 60 to 4 76 CattlevorMnary and butchers, .?3 ea to 470 Lambs, spring Sheep, fat (own 3 5 a to 4 00 Hogs, live weight , 7 00 to 7 00 Hogs, dreesed 8 75 to 9 00 Hama, per lb 0 10 to 0 16 Bacon, long clear-. .. 0 14 to 0 14 Hideri . ... . ...... ...... .... 7 00 to 7 26 Sheep skins 0 70 to 0 00 Tallow, rendered 0 01 to 0 Of Chiekens-barnyard chicks, per lb 0 10 to 0 11 " --trate tad 0 11 to 0 12 Beef, tore quartera 4 60 to 6 50 Heel. hind theaters , ft 00 te 7 00 Pot:noel e 40 to 0 65 AtiCrIONEBRINO 11..IgOtte13)10831% Clamed% Auctioneer ‘34 904 mitten eet Gederich. P. O. Box um Farm, farm docks ima an tabor eami win receleetspieefin attention. Wilt buy your me- th* stock ot Honsehold Furhitille and will pay epee Odense Let me kneW what roe. Ve TO hall la pair Hite, ot ehtl, free svhat can itelt yen. - GEORGE Blf.CKETT. C deity Shop, chiflarlett. TlitSOVEkEIGN BANK OF CANADA . nomotionvicoototn, n. evrnwAirra treehlettL General Manager. A Central Itattking Business Transacted SAVINGS DUPARTUBNT vonft ititt vow -4u ton fattest and yet be tie WWI% et yolit a* R In your poltet erten% other Insecure place. Von . rink letve the ptittelpit any day With, toterest for the actital time It On deposit. INTPREST COMMINBER fent time, * Yeah :st.026 toe/kg 011,105o:1w. - Loltwhoat, per bashet Ye _ , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Page Another Cheap Sale -.1. W. Broderick (Weal) A Wonderful notate -Smith Bros Mantles, Ltekets-le. Miller CD Hotheeeekers EXOUr4tOthihlOr. Nay. Order Coal Now-Robt nett k16,60 to Beeton-G. T. r trra for Etato-,frei. Coleyell taunter Goede-W. It. Pinder ..... . Quality ell rt-Beekett & Staunton Teo pronspae-w. C. Pridham .... Remove , H. Colborne Mare LOSte-Jas. fifteenth To Maahetates--4.). eettger. Tenderelnented-einttirner eitel Wanted-rtfre. F. Jennie.. et tang Announeentent-E. I'. . thill_HaVe to umer-0. C. Leo ete Driest Menefee -Adman & non Matte Depeelte-titandard Lean ceett novnion-W011 Clerk Take Warninit--WM. Campbell Jane Etatte4Ice. Porten.. 8 Hap Wemedeelledford THE BOARD OP TRADE. A Wide Awake and Energetic Pro- gram Arranged For. - ' -- The usual monthly meeting of the Board of Trade Connell was held in Town Council chamber on Monday evening last, Mr. It. &Williams in the chair in the absence of both Pres. 0. A.Nairn and vice -pros. Rumba'. The secretary reported correspondence re- garding outside Industries, eonte of which will come up again later on. A letter from the„ Illintster of Public Works dated May Oth stated that the report of the P. 0. Inspector who heti recently visited Goderichlad not yet been received, and the secretary was instructed to write the Inspector ask- ing that the matter be expedited, The 'secretary reported the receipt of ten copies of Heaton's Handbook of Can- ada for 1000, containing two advertise- ments of Goderich. and the bill- for same woo ordered to be sent nn to the Town Council, as per agreement with the C)ouncil last fall when the work was discusled with that body. As the book reached an edition of 80,000 and will be distributed in owntnerelal and business circles all over the world, it is an exceedingly good advertising medium. A long discussion took pitme regard- ing a definite plan of bringing the town to the notice of outside industries contetnplating removal, and preparing information as to facilities and Other inducements which may be offered,and in connection with this the visit of the G.T.R. officiate on Friday last was also discussed. It was finally decided that the committee on Manufactures should wait on the Town Council and ask the appoinetment of a committee by that body for a joint conference on both these matters, and° the prepara- tion of a plan or report whieh would be, presented to a general tneeting of the Board to be called for that purpose next week. Whatever may then he decided on will .bo vigorously pushed. The same committee were empower- • Tlig TOWN coUNC114 Approve, of Petitions tor Over Three Men of NeW Sideeralice. After failing to get * quorum on ttotb Monday` and Tuesday evenings, the Town Connell got together on 'Wednesday afternoon, Coun. Young being the only absentee this time. and bearuthe report of the elerk on the nine petitions that' were in for now granolithio with the estimates and apportionment of cost. and op. proved of each, A. list of these be found in the advertisement on this Pep. the total distance la over 'three Miles, and the width will be, on Vic- toria street 0 feet, Lighthouse 4 feet. and all the others 3 feet, the average being about 6 feet and one third. The cost at 10 cents per foot will he a little over 118,000, Which will be about equally divided between p"roperty own. erg and the town, as the cromings end the percentages to owners will foot up to about half the cost. The date of the court for hearing appeals will be found in the advertisement. WEST HURON LIBERALS Hold Their Annual Meeting Elect Officers. Tux araarnIllgirveGsVititTeenPelwaga: Additional local newe On pages 4 and fi. Have you n3id your subecriptiOn to TI:onta:Aeltif?the awnings around the Square shouhl bo elevated a notch or two. 13. O. Muneings is repalring end making considerable additiona SW George's rectory, "Binghare's trees," the chestnuts around the Square, aro again in flower and prettier than ever. The work on North street has been about completed, and is much appre- ciated by residents of that street. Ooderielt Orange Lodge will have a church parade on Sunday, July lat. to which the members of neighboring lodges aro invited, 'P. 0. inspector Dr. Campbell and Col. Fisher, of London. were In town on Tuesday last on an official visit of inspection of the Post Office here. A blight or some other reason fa musing a large needier of willow trees 10 town to wither. There will be little ospranreodregret as long as the maples are Seaforth News : Mr. Jas. Hayes. of and of Goderlch, moved his family here on Friday last, and will occupy tho resi- dence which he recently purchased from Mrs. Petere. On Tuesday last the annual meeting of the West Huron Liberal Associa- tion was held at Dungannon with del- egates present from all parts of the riding. Oflieers were elected as follows : President, Jas. Young, Auburn ; first vice president, H. Morris, Loyal ; sec- ond vice president, William Bailie, Dungannon; third vice president, John Styles, Kintail treasurer, Jos. Bell, Carlow ; secretary, , Charles Ciarrow, Goderich. Addresses were given by M. G. Cam- eron, M. P. P, ; Robert Holmes, Thos. McMillan and others, discussing the political questions of the day. Resolutions were passed approving of the Goverument of Canada by Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his Cabinet. ex- pressing confidence in Hon. Geo. W. Ross as leader of the Provincial Libe- rals, and urging adherence to the prin- ciples of tariff for revenue and prefer- ential treatment of the mother land in any tariff readjustment, and also con- demning the increase of indemnity to members and of the peneione to ex - ministers voted by the Dominion Bea- rden of 1005. The trophy won by the GoderIch Rifle Association is now on exhibition in Humber ac Son's window. It is a handsome piece of silver, and is strong testimony that the Goderich boys can shoot. The front of the North street Metho. diet ahureh has granolithie steps and sidewalke and has been nicely cleaned up, and When the grass grows along the boulevard it will be a very pretty scene. Around the Harbor. Commercial Milting still yields filir return, but angling generelly results in poor bags. It is expected the iEtrig Vedward_111.41 be in port today, and on her yeturn on Saturday morning. The Maelton Dredging Company hits received the contracts to dredge the harbors of Kincardine and ePort El- gin. Babies Hotel is now on solid eon- erete foundation,and le ready for busi- ness, though it will be a couple of weeks before he painting will be coin- piTetheed. Olobe's Ottawa correspondent of Saturday last mid; "Captain James McAllister and Captain John It. Crab - have been appointed harbormas- ters at Fort William and Cioderich re- spectively." THE LATE MRS. EDWARD ROBERTSON: laorn Woxford,'Ireland. May 15, Ma anDdieduinda0yod.. °rich. May 2701, Iflea, aged 100 yearn year, and her death removed the only ed to meet Mr.Wm.Jackson,of Clinton, Woman of over one hundred years to diseues with that gentleman the ea. tabliehment here at' w branch of the Jackson clothing inditatry,as the nom- pany now require to enlarge their faci- lities', though they are at regent em• ploying over SO bantin In Clinton. The local papero were asked to in - ;site people having accommodation for summer viaitore to leave their ad- dresnen and partieulare at the newepaper offleen,no that the Informa- t ion 'nay he available for enquirere. eon nnoved to Goderich. and her part- The Council ad (turned after a molt interesting meet ner. frete the town; The deceased 'say bad been a resident of canada 87 years. having sailed for this country in 1800. In 1810 she returned to Ire- land, but the game year reeroseed the Atlantic, and dwelt in Ontario till death came. Decensed'a fam II y set t led ln Elizabeth, Lee& and Grenville, where in 10,5 she married her partner, (staff, have arrived in town, and are the late Edward Robertnon,of the same busy preparing the house for ita open- place. In 18(15 Mr. and Mrs. Robe t- ing for this season. From what THE STAR knows of Mr. Fortune, and a consideration of the plans contetnplat- ed, we have every reason to expect thnt the house will be run in man- ner to ensure its success and an en* largement for next season. Mr. For- tutle'a Imminence connections (Which In- clude that of late assistant to General Mgr. of the G. T. R. for lines west of the St. Clair Tunnel) aro zilch as to give him decided advantages in culti- vating a very desirable class of Nal - nese for the hotel, and one of his first apeeial efforte will he the entertaining of deputationn ot newspaper men from south end southwest pointa who will come here by invitation to see the old town and its beauties and advant- ages. The Board of Trade it is hoped will lend a hand to make the visit of them representative men a9 plemant as possible, and the Wink win no doubt be mutually beneficial. With the nrinswilly good facilities for lake travel which we shall have this sum- mer. we may hope for a iiitge number of taIMMer visitors and it le meat pleasing te know thlt the Hotel °Me- rida will be prepat43d to do ita full ehare for their ttroper enteetAinment. Meeting Calendar. elleguletneeeting of the TOwn Connell this lerleayeeverenn. negligee lactated! the Pnblie Rama nava nest monday evening. itiveletith Wettest Ecatiet er ant meet Id hell of le O.L. ita on Jo Inn. _Ilegeller Merlins et the egisto bestItato Tailcoat Artirelturedar ettetenen ett 4 o'caock. The Jetta Matting of the„Calividli, btatiph of thertremcie4 Inetleati beta at the home ,Mta, Wite,..Uttittreett n Thursday, Aim) a atleelotx. • • teett. Orititiecti Nein ., meet nett T Jen* etas Cr the hut a r . , aff._ enelkse. derreerk=eriDear. Clinton New Era : P. F. Lawrence, the well known and popular express and ticket agent. Goderich, was la town on Monday, having come down to see some passengers safely on their train. Dan McLaren the past few daye moved n, barn for Ed. Fisher, Carlow, and jacked the same 0 feet high foe a foundation, and one for John Graham. Ashfield, leaving it 8 feet high for a foundation. The Outdo trees+ along the vvalk at the Central school, on Trafalgar street* require trimming upward very badly. The maples are ideal ones, but the Unite; aro so low as to interfere with pedestrians. Caretaker Bisoett has adopted a plan which should keep even careless and unappreciative people from mar- ring the grata plots in front of the poet office. The miniatnre fence will add to the neatness of the front. ... While in Paris on Victoria Day, S. E. Hick sold his brick residence in that town for a cash stun of nearly fe2,800. Mr.Hick had owned the build- ing for 13 years and sold it to avoid the trouble of looking after property at a distance from'home. At a family reunion at Wm. Bur. rows', Nelson Street, last Friday, a jar of English dal -Meng preserved 26 yeare niece, was opened, and found to be in excellent coedition. They were preserved by Mrs. Burrows and tasted and looked as I( they would have kept in good order another 20 years. Engineer Lamb, of the Public Works Department, Ottawa, woe In town last Saturday inspecting the Government worke In progress; at the harbor uad the outside breakwater. Ile made a close inspection of the breakwater, and it ia underetood that plans for ite covering, somewhat dif- ferent to the original ones, lire been made, hirt we, were rumble to obtain details of the neW syntem or lInd out whether tbe work would be continued by tho old contractors or new tenders would he called for. .7L. The ()maid.- walls of the Onderich elevator will be finished next week, and then there will only he the weigh- ing and machinery room to complete, which will be partly of 000;001 and partly cement bricks, rhe main wails and grain bine are snid to be of ce- ment. hut this does not exestly state the facts, for embedded 111 every two feet (vertical) of the building there are over five tons of iron, not counting that used for fiooring and other pur- poses. The iron is all in Italie there are upright one; at every angle, and every two feet are lateral ones; hooked to the uprights and to enCh other and numbering about 250 pierev. In ad- d' tion to the iron rods; in the ronerete, the floors and joists will also be of iron. ao that one Onn understand what a eonerete billitling,reinforced with iron, the new elevator is termed) means. rhn generator is being fixed in the electrical room, so that in another week this part of the work will he in ewing and from that time the electrical arrangements; will be pushed m with all other branches; of the work . ner predeceased her Rome fourteen years. The late Mrs. Roberteon wan the mother of 11 children, 8 of whom were lielnst at her demise. rhey aire I Mr. Wm. Jacknon was in town on Captain Edward, of Sarnia • Ceptain W.M., of Port n Samuel., of Luck. Teeming afternoon antl wan ariven pow; feerge of Chicago ; Alfred. of around in Gundry's automobile with Duluth, and 'John, of Goderich ; Mrs, the Manufactures] eommittee of the James Willie, of Springeide, Age., and Board and shown aeverala 'gettable Mrs. Peter Wylie, of Goderich, The p,IrstaerleAlffratrett,;hrey.estittetiebritiraihneplormwterodf utrnieniftr funeral took place on Tneeday after- I !Joon from the residence of her non•in- the elaytline la one of tbe !omen Hake law, Captain Wylle,Lighthonee street, and two of our load induntrien have to hialtland Cemetery, the pall bearere offered to supply thin rather than GOO being her sone Edward. William, Sam- the en terpriate abandoned. Two niten net and John A., and tip officiating out of °there g(11/11 were pronounced minister, Rev. Jag, A. Andetson, of natinfactory. and Me. Jneknon, who Knox ehoreh, Tile casket WAN covered Wan well Meager! with hin treatment with lovely floral trIbutea In tnetnory anti with the town generally, exprene- of the good old patriareh who had ed himself anat,hirotr.efiTht I othitattekthone porio.o. lived to the great age of one hundred jteheitntzw(pnalledtonti7 la MP of the mom, hene- yeater. Arlen in Clio- Kturr.-The Uov. 0.M. Kitty, reran? nneennefel Indu n; it otarted lean than a dozen of St. Thimias Church, Chardon, died an& few yearn ago, and now han at the rectory last Teteeday evening. regular pay roll of stearin RO and in The reverend gentlemen was In failing pushed t,o its eitmont (*opacity to keep health and decline for the laet few Op with itn ontere. The difficulty of years, but the end came grinner than el -awing noffielent labor at Clinton Welk teltereeted. eilt off hi Middle for ito extenalon le one of the reason9 age, MOIR been 014 t's comparativeiy for the establiehment of a new brtmeh. ehort tinte in the Ministry, arid was and the enterprising managere say ve greatly beloved by the to itiondr letaricithealatittilue. pvniiinetFtwhieluy bemowsticaoLoor hew, for the ffie heti of the firm have TO coign A COLD IN oNtl nAv Tao LAXATIVE EROSIC Quinine Tablets. Druggists teens* Money' if it Cadet* OM ; Ornyolotymattre lend tech *A Sit Ponce Magistrate Humber held a court in the county jail on Wednere de y,to hoar the eviderice against Thos. Edwards, of town, and David Gaulev, of Ashfleid, who were in jail charged with limary. l'he P. M. committed Thos. Ed worth as insane, but in the case of (Wiley adjourned it till Satur- day. Mr, William Holland has much Im- proved "Westbury," on Trafalgar street, bv repainting the well known residence. By the ternoval of three or four over -crowded trees and the build- ing of the new granolithic walk out- side the trees, Trafalgar will become ono of the prettiest residential streets ti ne iml Td. rHe .rii c‘shyr. Art that he had garden right, of the Park House. peas in bloom on May a He says : Dc -siring to experiment as refeards earliness, planted three varieties of early dwarf pens on the 4th of April- McLean'e Little Gem, American Won- der, and Simmer's First Of All. The latter kind are the first to come in bloom." It is all in the type of minting you want done. If you don't care how your printing looks it will do no good for nfl to ingure with you. We could do that kind of' printing, hut will not. The difference between the kind of printing wo do and the kind we con- sider worthless is greater than the dlf- fence in price. Ail we want is what every thulium, man virrents-a chance to Hhow what we can do. The jnil park looks nice and its set- ting out ist a great improvement to tbat end of the town. Inside the jail everything in clean and in order, the walls haying been thoroughly scraped down before they were kaleomined. An old man, also an old Eluronite, named Jame; Onnn, now in the jail, would be more appropriately placed if he were in such a plane as the House of Refuge. The jail is no place for him. ------ - -...-- ----- Their Golden Wedding. The Wairpun (\Vie.) Leader of May 2 eontained a two cointnn account with portraits; of the golden wedding anni yerenay of Mr. and Alrn, J.S.Mor- rite of that eity, and en Mr.M. la it for- mer Ooderich boy, brother of Mrs. M. (1. Swanson, some extraela from the report have local In tereet. We quote: in mammon le InvItatione to aa•lat Mr and Mre. J 8 Morria In celebrating rho twenty fifth atirdvemary of their marriage. t wo Min dred glioute nietetnbled at their home In this city on Haturday evening of laet Iveell The reoei view party wit h tho boat and heetnal,who mood under n eanony of white carnatione arid ten no In the nom, corner of tho parlor, were Mr aml Mra Thoniao Merrtt, of rreok.itown, Minn.. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Itiplev. I Nhtioah, tis i. „od JtIr,,, 0. W, inter, Fond du har, MOI Eve Wein., Mra iMward Robinft, ',Mr. Guy itieharda, I 'biome% rho "bride," handooniely yawned In ailrer grey retie, and the -groom, In conventional at Ore, aenepted tho'nentrrat illation. and fined wlahom ot thole. fr1/11A.• all li a (Dimity and riirle in atriking contrast to i be youthtia eon- .lon remembered by thoaa who had ex pre,,,a,d t le name Kontlmont. twenty .five years ago. Over t heir hen& it unit t h e floral wodd Lott hone and at either auk wa. ,mapended in ailvor nombere, 11011.1(101 An abundance ot eut flowera coded In the deceratith, of tho Rea clots. rooms, 00 admirably adapted to hoanitn lity. The parlora wore In rad and white ear nationa, the reception hall In Amerlean Imam y rot -,•en. th0 living mama In fermi, LIMN and milted tsnrnationa, and the Moine oxen in red earnationa and smilax A eaterees trom (1.4h hoah prealded ever tha einAtio Mra. P,forr14, the only daughter of Mr. and Mos, William Dorn, ram born in %Vattern.' and her home hes always been with ua. /L. a ort. eallat ahe hae obtained :nem than lewd pm - minimise, having song In varione eitlea of the date. 8ho in oleo prominent in churrh mut club work of 00 ISII, r-.4 la closely Identified rt, wir li us acidol Intoreti , '''., wh tit he minlatereAl. He Kr as a etlitiol teacher ih the ate and taught et his old me eft*IfitrA at 04 need ntien, SUM - Ai et - Col. Young has received for No. 1 Company, 33rd Regiment, a sub -target contrivance, with rifle attached. which hae neon erected in the town hail. The purpose of it is to inettruct green rifle- men how to shoot, and the intricate structure ghoul(' prove of great assiet- anee. The Britieh Government are using them extensively, each eompany paying 550 or $60 n.plece, but in Can- ada they are supplied free of cost to all corpo. A short thine ninee eix of the men who were working for Battle & Co. on the breakwater here last year worts working at a dam, and, through., Imo retrt of it giving way,they were 4:,ash- ed into the river and droveneV A pa- thetic thought in eonneetion S.4 ith the fatality in that one of the drowned ie *aid to have Fawn ondaged to a young Indy of this town, and that the mar- riage woe to have taken place today. June 1st. Mr. Oen yel Newell, of Benrniller. located hie tat mare, which was ad- vertised In Tile farA a, at tho Dominion ntables, The animal original- ! „crime from there, and woe leaver- ' e;e4",..teee Mitchell Advocate by Jo- .reesteer, rend a vieltor in that ne ghborhood happened to eee the ad- vertieement and the Intelligent beast was; recovered, mnela to the delight or Mr. Newell. Another ease of the real valne of printers' ink. Mr. J Morris ea ni when but a yes,. man and has , entinvol to the vitt/ a development: „„ null he hoe grown to a summated rape& eaLrive busi- er= man in our midet. Flo it la not aueprising that Mende timer) taken on unearth! interest in the celebration otthe wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mee. Pile7rio. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching. blitid, bleeding. protruding piles. Dregglets are authorized tel re. many person41 Hands in the county, f tovrn• 1 to eure in to 14 day WIN A if PAIINTMENTfaille e 04011fts& • The Stratford Beacon of him' 20 had thin kindle cornplintont tO Ond• erich hey: -Mr. Fred T. Illgerter. of Gode lett, sa.ng "Creasing the Bar 03eh end) o'n Sunday evening the, Cent al Methodist chine% flir.Egener has flee baeitone voice of great ran and potter. and elso ie an or- gan of merit, Ile hits Iwo study. tug NV,..soitro tittle Witll Mr. Palmier.' 110. E St. 4 Mee chore ratiordt. the pterions, les *nett appreciated., lilts Irliehde knit Ifs amity lgoituliktionik atkvoutt moy 0 "N.:1 r, 7'4