HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-05-25, Page 5MAY ?*'"'io
'> t
1141WO''aIl seinen Shirt Wats
?g ne w Shirt SYY4iate, :`3ila Nithlte Lawns and Organdies handsome I~ttlinildery
and Ipr,ertlau, trimmed. tacked 41eev4s lar iillf`s,ai40i54, to za Very
xalhe at,1, .,• r«,s••-w n..,rs •t•e•••t•«•yx• ••••••••••rh'.' • 1•451, 14.5(
Ilam ..
Ladies' ,JaOke*>s-
•New lelectk»w int tiltort IOC threeFdugster Spring andSuottner Coats and Rain
Goats, fawn,. prep r„ verysmart styles, stud at (Nick prices, ....AM. $7 and
White*Wear Speia>ds
NIGHT I /aRS$US AND CQR$En' covuRs 4WD S1i(IRTS--dainty new
styles'apd pvices to m lit them irresistible. l,Ta,4urook. Night Dresses, very
fine qu,alitys. and neatVitinlrwed, some very elaborately 7t mmed, si es 6 1.50
CORSET COVERS -11M Lawn,. full front, dainty etntbroiilery, Val. foes
insertion rad heeding, and talk ribbon around tuck and dine. Back
cluster tusked end t mantled, Uaadsoute. Waists. $lies 32 to 42 at cell
..,,,,..,.1.........,,,, ,abc, 50$, 75C
Ladies' and Metes Fiench Balbriggan Underwear
Fine fitting qui finest finish, sites $4 to 44, at per garntent,.75c and 50c
, Carpet Specials •
showing at.....a,...,....••• .....$*.00, $1.10, $1.25 and $1.35
ENGLISH TAPESTRY CARPETS -27 inches wide in a great range of
coders and designs at, 35c, 504,,6Oc and 75c
PURE WOOL CARPETS --36 inches wide, reversible, all pure wool, and
recommended for service, at per yard ..650, 75c and 90c
UN/ON CARPETS -36 inches wide, reversible, clean stock and warranted
p colors, perfectly reversible, at per yard........ 25c, 35c, 40c and 45c
LINOLEUMS-See our range of Linoleums, 4 yards wide, at per square
yard, special "'
D 1,et1'�t14
, note of vandalism or destroying or tta-
tbe Goaerfeb %tar. sisting to destroy or ure any pltblw
TELstenoxa Gars 11.
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1900
But Many Others Seem To Be In
Hopeless Confusion and
property in the town. ' he report was
Finance committee: Recommending
payment of all accounts submitted at
last meeting adopted. Adopted.
A petition for water main en South
street was referred to engineer to cop-
sider and report.
The clerk read a draft of a form of
agreement prepared by the promoters
of the Power Oo., and Dr. Holmes on
their behalf asked that it be accepted
and sent to the town solicitor with
instructions to prepare a bylaw and
thus pet the matter before the people.
"Any old time," seems to he the
motto of some of the present Town
Councillors with regard to attendance
at its sessions, and the discussion on
Friday night showed that "any old
way" is somewhat the manner in
• which most of the business is being
dealt with. At 8.15 o'clock, only the
mayor and Oouns. Saliows, Blair and
Goldthorpe were present,and after ap-
peals over the telephone, a quorum
was had at 10 minutes to 6 and busi-
ness commenced. The minutes of the
meetings of April 24, April 80, and
May 4,were read and signed, and then
were dealt with as follows :
(1.) To put about 408 c. p. lamps on
the Square Park will cost about $100,
allowing 5 lamps between each walk.
(2) Giving list of light services put in
since last report.
'Wit WeeISietf»tt"
1Llit-a4iVesa illetn'etheworst
011$4of CIJIronio Colistipstiola 9n3
' %.era::c 5Itttt.e.t'Ca.arc t',atract lihar
tense. ',.rote ratne,gt'JCtt-endigy' state
Melte - ;..kt: the liver ,sive V$
pct *slt,Cia hila We intttaiorc.'a I.a ativc.
rruitsastivcs are the finest
Kidney and Bladder Remedy iu
the world,
pt°ait-e.tivea reduce teflammatioe and
1c„-oonpV�sqytiou si eve the over -supply of
system .stoats -and Whhuus pprevcut tttttw
fonuatieny or uric acid. Prult•tt•ttvca
q,iclke away
rile( icrtuited in Bladde backend
In the discussion the mayor thought
the present arc (amps should be
mounted at the corner of the Court
House, and an incandescent light
placed at each store doorway around
the Square, but n000ne else seemed to
have any idea on the matter and it
The solicitor's opinion on the powers
of the town to grant the petition of
the Bowling Club was favorable. and
the club will hereafter get water free
and have their arrearages cancelled.
°nun. Elliott said he was opposed to
further acti on just now in view of the
hill passed by the Ontario Govern-
ment, and he therefole offered the fol-
lowing motion:
That in view of the bill introduced
and passed by the Ontario Govern-
ment regarding the development of
electric power, we take no action on
the Power Co's proposal, and that the
clerk write the Government commis-
sion asking a report from their en-
gineer at the earliest possible day.
Iu answer to a question from Coun.
Blair he explained briefly the provi-
sions of the hill as ho had read It. The
town could ask the•Power Commission
to exaliiine the possible water power
here and prepare a report .as to its
possibilities and cost. and if the town
decided to go into it for themselves,
the Commission would finance oy build
the works and the town would pay for
it at 4 per cent., which would be a
much Netter rate than the 41y per cent.
the town was asked to guarantee. He
expressed disappointrnent at the scan-
tiness of the information given by
the promoters and the failure of their
engineer to be present as requested by
the Council. A short letter by Mr.
Bissett Thom which appeared in this
week's Star exactly expressed his views
on the proposal.
Fruit -a -lives completely cure
Headaches and Rheumatism.
Bcadaabp$ 554 Rheumatism both ratan
howel9are Either
ot ridding the kid -
tem tit waste. matter. Bruit -a -lives in.
vigort)tc and str..e then these orgasm -
Start up Itegltb� normal action -rid
the system of poisons --and purify and
with Ihieadaehelsand Rhheuhat mattiaaaginway
trait-a-tives are the ideal tonic
for everyone.
Fret. -a -byes ouild up, strengthen,
invigorate. They sharpen the apps
_study the nerves --enable one to Bleep
well -and keep the whole system in
perfect health. They are fruit Juices,
concentrated and combined with tonics
and internal antiseptics.
Sac. a box or 6 boxes for 'a.5o. Sent on
receipt of price it your drgggist does
not handle them.
14413U 'nun. RAtT,g:S•
Rq ' i Tiiigpfis IthY* Advst11t6.A4
Their 1llwut'i oc9 Sol!,
Ity a *Aar tlitte I April' td ellen*,
berg of the 8.', (.ii'T. Who are in the
inatarAICO departAlent been noti-
fts d the t. the i,ety e of rates Adopt-
Dun 11 at its**.
ti h the Domini i
sten held on Xa 2b to' i' is now in
for£,tl. Tubo new table a pliers to all
new lnenl)pra at euee, and to present
xnenuaerawho took out their in.9uidatcS
prior to July,1U(10, at their alt -Mudd
age ate that date. and members who
took tact Insurance since, that date
will be charged these rates as et their
ape at entry.
Of course there are many oases
Where the new rates. as applied to
older members. seem a hardship. and
it is not easy to auswor the charge
that this increase Is a distinct break-
ing of the contract made with these
members, At 9 meeting held in Zion
Conigregattonal church, Toronto, on
Maeday la, a rm°personal
examples of_stthegdifeat tanyaco ie the
amounts which would be pad under
the old and new rotes were given,
roostby Rev. Wm. Burns, athetic of all bwho sthat made
"I nen 78 years aid. My earning
power has left me sMee 13 years apo.
when I was superannuated from the
ministryy Now I flud my assessment
on the $2,000 1 carry increased froth
$0 to $18 a month. I cannot pay it,
and I appeal to you to Suggest some-
thing that will help we. I only want
to he able to live in a straight, true
One speaker said that for 22 years.
be had been a mernber, Paging in
$218.70 foe himself and $108.25 for his
wife on $500 polioles. In the next ten
years, he said, he would have to pay
$370 more on the former and $375 on
the latter. There were ninny other
personal examples offered, claimintr
that rates had doubled oe trebled.
he officers present in defence of the
ance made fin Mulch last asserted
t it had been sought to make the
rease properly proportional for the
FRUIT A-TIVES MUTED TED WAWA.these has done nothing, and the clerk
was to have prepared a draft -is it
The clerk said the work was only
partly done, not completed.
2. Q.-Wbat about the photogra-
phic views whioh were to be offered to
the White Star line for banging in
their boats, so as to advertise Gode-
rich-had they been written to, in an-
swer to their request ?
The clerk said he had written Mr.
Bielman. of the Company, but had re-
ceived no acknowledgement. He was
instructed to write to them again.
3. Then Ooun. Blair put in a sug-
gestion that if the Board of Trade
were furnished with some funds for
the purpose they might issue in pam-
phlet form some details as to hotels
and boarding houses, rates, places to
rent and other information which
would be useful in bringing visitors to
Goderich, but this met with no action.
John 8. Platt complained that he
had been overcharged $1.60 a year for
awn service, and had cut it off three
years ago. His request to be allowed
the overcharge amounting to $4,80
tvas granted.
The secretary of the W. 0. T. U.
wrote calling attention to the persist-
ent violation of the town bylaw
against spitting on the sidewalks,
and asked that it be stopped.
It was admitted that this wart
the policeman's duty, and the
rlerk was instructed to inform the
Union that the law would he strictly
enforced, and to notify the policemen
in writing thai they must attend to
the matter.
A request from Miss A. I.,Spence to
have the. shade trees on corner Vic-
toria and Anglesea streets pruned led
to an agreement that the street in-
spector have this work done wherever
1. W. Oraigie requested to he allow-
ed the $5 paid for a lot in the ceme-
tery some years ago, as several
others in a different part of the
ground had been purchased since.
A request for assistance in the way
of a load of wood was sent to Special
Relief committee with power.
The American Asaeciittion of Water-
works invited the corporation to
heroine members and send a delegate
to their convention at Boston. The
Water and Light committee will con-
Coun.Blair thought that even agree-
ing with some of the things said by
Coun. Blair, this was an unwise way
to deal with the proposal. If the pro-
visions of the power bill were so fav-
orable to the town, then they should
aid the company so that they might
get the the benefit of that assistance.
Dr. Holmes took strong exception to
Ooun. Elliott's statements, which he
thought were illogical and inconsis-
tent. For instance, what would be
the use of asking their engineer to
come here if a Government report was
so much more reliable ; but let the
Council get the Government report,
hy all beans, and Mr. yon Schon
would be hrought here by the Com-
pany whenever the bylaw was ready
for discussion. Both the doctor and
Coun. Blair thought Elliott Mistaken
in his interpretation of the new act.
artcn Echo: A roost unfortun-
ate cidt?nt occurred last week in the
sa ill of the Katier Lumber Co.,
b)r Leh James Millar. a son of Wal-
ter loons', delle has been operating the
Winle raw, lost (very Angier on Ifs.
w.apearrs that of somemner
ba slipped slid lost hitt balance. silt. In
facet clone nearly falling .over the sloe,
salt u
tI cont
t 'with the,
Wtutputting oit his hand to Rave um
has suffered very
c4tNide -
ably sine. It is worthy of #son
ttotice�) that he Lost ii BOW Ott D10 left
hand at the mate stiw' latae year.
It is probable that another protest
meeting will shortly be held.
Mr. James Hales, Dominion Coun-
cillor, in an interview with the Toron-
to Telegram, said : "The Royal Temp-
lars, like other societies, charged in-
sufficient rates for many year's. We
are simply following the example set
by others everywhere. Wo must
charge what it costs or we shall have
insufficient money to meet the debt.
Our rates are not excessive. They are
as a matter of fact, 15 per cent. lower
than the rate called for by the Ontario
Government, for members under 55
years of age. Any society which
charges less than it costs to run it,
must go on the rocks."
4. Q. -Has anything been done to
complete the consolidation of the town
bylaws. and their publication ? Mr.
Campbell was entrusted with this
work some time ago and was paid for
it -how much? Does anyone know ?
No one knew apparently, nor in what
state the work was left, and the en-
quiry, can't something be done to
complete it? found no answer.
6. Q. -Has anything been done to
fix the bridge hill?
Coun. Young answered, No, and
added "it certainly' ',e 7i tbatgeeous
0. Q.-Coun.•Clark wanted to know
if the list of water, takers asked for
from the treasurer had been sent in ?
Answer -No.
7. Q. -Col. Young, as chairman of
'Public Works, you have charge of the
changing of these offi,es-what.has
been done about finishing them?
The P. W. committee will look into
t he complaint of H.MaPhee regarding
the condition of Napier street.
A hill of the Goderich Planing Mill,
$114.50changesf infor rtheerial TowtlppplHaid wd orms she
pro% ed to the extent cif paying $100
on account.
The clerk reported that three peti-
(ions for granolitbic sidewalks bad
been received and more were in pro-
gress Theee were (1.) West side of
Victoria street, (2.) east side of statue,
and (3.) south side of Lighthouse
Coun. Young was silent, but the
clerk said the frames and tables had
been ordered, and someone 'added,
"They'll be ready next year."
8. Q.-Coun. 8allows-Well seine
people never finish anything but the
hymns they sing. What about the re-
pairing of the watchman's clock? That
has been discussed several times and
referred to the committee.
Co. Young said nothing had been
done, be thought the work would be
too expensive.
9. Q -What about the new posts at
the dock? Chairman Young - The
timber was put there today, 1 think.
10. 2 -What has been done to curry
out the street repairs and cleaning
agreed to -bats all this been attended
to? The chairman thought it was
nearly all completed, but more direct
questions brought out several places
unattended to, and repairs to the road
grader and the lack- of another toalo
were given as the explanation.
Elliott insisted that he was right as
he had read the bill carefully, and if
the power scheme was so promising
as the promoters said that it was, then
it was time the town took hold of it,
and not sirnply,act as endorsers for this
company who did not propose to put
any money' into the scheme.
Coun. Blair finally moved that the
Council meet as a committee of the
whole on Tuesday evening with, the
town solicitor and the representatives
of the Power Co.,and prepare a bylaw,
without, however, binding the town
in any way until the Government re-
port is received. If that report is not
favorable, then the whole matter is
dropped without any expense to the
town. C
Coun. Hallows seconded this, but
Coun. Elliott renewed bis motion as
an amendment, adding that the clerk
write the Government commission and
ask:for a full report at the earliest
possible date.
The mayor asked for a seconder to
the amendment, but the rest of the
Council appeared to have no opinion
on the matter, or if tbey had any, did
not care to express it, and the motion
was declared carried without the for-
mality of a vote.
Then Hallows moved that after each
meeting the clerk prepare and hand
to each chairman a list of the matters
referred to his committee, and that
the chairman report thereon at sub-
sequent tweeting. This was agreed to.
On Blair's suggestion the chairman
of P. W. committee was empowered
to engage some additional help to
enable caretaker Watt to keep up
with the many things needing his
Hallows called attention to the dirty
condition of some back yards acid the
litter of paper which was allowed W
blow out 00 to the streets. \Vhat
were the policemen doing sines they
had notified all parties to clean up ?
The clerk brought in and read a
report handed in today by Constable
Phalen, which seemed to show nearly
every back yard around the Square in
good condition, hut the many ram-
ments male thereon showed not a few
discrepancies. and the alleged Board
of Health carne in for some criticistn,
hut Coun. Young insisted that the
board acted only when their attention
was palled to a matter by the Town
Other matters discussed across this
tables were hiring McKinnon's roller to
level down some of the streets and
walks, the remounting of the cannon
now lying around Inose, and the re-
moving of the trees In the centre of
Victoria Park, which were considered
in the way. The disposition of these
questions was somewhat indefinite
and the Council adjourned at 11.45
OBSTINATE rocs i D s.
The Mind That Stick,
The Ind That. Torn To
The diad That End W
D.,0 Ors • told tblt ttasaos le asatte .a
trout bow. bat •a tits And rap ret 11 to to Y9w
demi* earl sit a bends tl
Dr. Wood's
Pine Syrup.
that are Whitt olid stay whit(, fronded
by a Coektrel et 4, Poston strain.
S. C. BRAWN I.11ii(IORNS •
The famous R. S, Thompson lhaglett
BAR.Reill ROCKS(ditect,
linseed ltoeka lieadt4 •t a rtn7,let
Sufi Orpington eggs. Pepin Duck eggs
• I'itlC9ii tISlttt '-
J. I, BROOKS. {3catn#flats•.
It .ass Omaha Colder > Das-iW, 400
Maud,. Palma ix the C►«h Uoi rta.w, or ray
attonlu* rot the Timis or Imap. firs. (bit-
almw. 42 Gamma llama Toronto. wrlt.•t "1
with toast* z+oo to Ib. woad.rfat hoed Dr.
Weed's Mew Pipe Pomp Ina dols for ray
boatload sad two 'hiking. It is • wondsrfd
mediela.,15 is to Balm .ad motions to • di.
Owing rouali. We a0 none without • bottle
of 15 In the brims."
Don, wont • aabstltetS far Dr. Wood's
Norw.y Pia* arca 15 to Ind UP to • Yellow
wrapper, libels pin. tress the trade park. sad
prise 23 mos ea all deanes.
Temperance Column.
(Contributed iby mess Department of Oode•
r. T,
Under the above heading the follow-
ing, by Rev. John F. Hill, D. D.,
appears in the editorial columns of the
Kansas City World:
The young man who drinks strong
liquor is like the commander of a for-
tified city who deliberately admits a
known enemy- within its walls.
Drink is more hostile and more dead-
ly than, any army. It has sent more
men to destruction and death than
have all the armies of the world.
There is nothing in it. You cannot
gain by it; you may lose everything
-health, position, reputation, self-re-
spect, manhood, soul.
The first drink admits a demon that
every successive drink strengthens
until some day it may he strong
enough to dominate and glut its raven-
ous appetite with our brain and blood.
Don't deceive yourself about your
strength. You know nothing about
that until the test comes, and then it
often is too late. You may never be
sure you have the strength to resist
until you have asserted that strength
by resistance.
To resist once or twice, or a dozen
times dons not prove a strength to re-
sist always, It can he proved only by
constant and unfailing resistance.
Any man can resist sometimes. The
only man who can have absolute con-
fidence in his power to resist is be who
never drinks at all. It you have the
strength, use it. Assert it now. One
drink more may be too much. Be
strong right now. It is your best
Strong young man! If you can to-
day mock at the assertion that one
drink is too touch, some day you may
thintc the same of ten drinks, and later
DI' twenty. And when that day comes
the strength that could not resist one
drink, before appetite was fat tned,will
be 88 a tit raw in a whirlwind.
If you have not the strength end
sense to stop chinking right now.
when will you have it? Will contin-
ued yielding give you added strength
or better sense?
When the raveled nerves of a dis-
ordered stotnach, and toe flaccid tis-
sues of asoftening brain demand whis-
key, will you, who could not resist
when strength and sense were whole
and craving was unknown -will you
be better able to resist then ?
Going May 23rd and 24th
Return Limit, May 25th
'SWOP/ n
Between all stations in Canada),
also in Detroit and Port Huron.
Michigan f Niagara Falls, and
Buffalo N. Y.
For Tickets and full information, can en
Town Ticket Agent
Office Houro-C.30 •.m to 9.00 pan.
J. STRAITON, Depot Ticket Agent.
Address J. D. McDONALD, Dist. Pas-
senger Ag't., Room 3o8, Union
Station, TORON'ro. o:
It was nearly 11 o'clock, and Ooun.
Elliott excusing himself for leaving
owing to other matters, the proceed-
ings became somewhat irregular in an
effort to get through the many mat-
ters which it was said remained for
Ooun. Blair made his promised mo-
tion to amend the water bylaw by
charging $3 for the Brat lawn service
and $2 for each additional one, this to
he only where water services were in
the house. and this was agreed to.
Then Blair spoke of the publication
in the local press of the assessment
roll, which he said had been favorably
suggested by members of Council,
so es to allow of appeals' by anyone
desiring to do so, and to meot objec-
tions or complaints which were being
made about town. An estimate of
the cost oi' this at $uer column,
which was only a nominal charge,
*Mild tl3SAE a total cost of say $85.
The mayor said he favored this him-
self. and the Only suggestion from the
other members Was by Coun. Clark,
who thought this should he done after
the Court Of Revision had corrected
the roll. The matter was then agreed
to, the clerk to have authority to get
the copy prepared at once, as the lint
should appear in the next week's is-
Then Coun. Salto= formed himself
into fin Interrogation committee, and
series In a s
1e es of questions which
showed is distressing rfto t
a t nt of con-
fusion and inaction in the manage.
Water and Light: Iteeommending
(1.) That clerk write W..1. Morrow
that water bylaw cannot be varied to
grant his request for water service.
(2) That One blower installed at
ureter works be paid for. (3.) That
Miss Reynett'e complaint regarding
water rats cannot be granted. (4
That engineer be asked to make es-
timate of cost and number of lamps to
light Inside of Sgeare,and be instruct-
ed to have Harbor street lighted from
the dock past the railway works. (b.)
That Mciilwan Bros' tender for coail
be accepted. (0.) That the Square he
lighted according to engineer's report.
The report was amended by making
the tender for Coal subject t0 receipt
and approvai of satanic carload, and
referring lightingg Of Square to en-
gineer and W. & L. 01)1515lttee.
On motion Of COOS. ftl)ltit1 and
Goldthorpe the engineer was asked to
prepare and aebmit an estlf)tato for
fighting town Block.
Cometcry and Poker t 11e+(;orametrti.
ing 11.) That the oitl 'post needles
on the Square the removed, and 15
benches On flim sands repine° them,,
w.) TINttth,t aoiok hntttee itttbell atber
arkbe f tpsired t althitiortoinotKtetite
stove for i sma; (3:) 'ThfttA't niters 110
asked for Maltase attar elalOVal of olio
fence nt;'tesilpf IIarlarrl'ftrk. (4.) TWO
a reeds )t 16 b /AVM for tbtl con
wielintt Of *wee eetnailtt nit
We Are Very Particular
We always insist on -and always get -first quality in
We are mighty' hard people to suit, but the harder it is to
suit us, the easier It is to please you.
The quality. of the following goods is sure to please
Davies Horse Radish - - per bottle 100
Quaker Puffed Rice - - per package e 100
Hlentz Tomato Soup - - - per
Forest City Tomato Catsup, par bottle So
Try a l0c package of Gusto, the new food.
A toy for the children in
every package.
Cor. Montreal St. and Square. Ooderlob, Ontario.
P i
$840 SOP MKN
G imported boric Serge,
single breasted :gacque Iuitg1;
wall trimmed, tut iu latest style
and will give e era goodweari
wr°would ble good,buying atZ8. .:
On Silo SATURDAY 40120
$8430 Tweed
Suite $6.25
Nice grey 'treed with light
stripe, Making an exceptionally
good, dressy, up-to-date` suit,
finished with good linings and
centre vent, pants cut meal=
width in legs, sizes 36 to 4o.
When ottr store closes Sat-
urday flight there should not be
one of these Suits left, because
we are giving you genuine bargains, and should be taken
advantage of by those who believe in true economy,
New Hardware Store
I have opened out a new stock of Hardware in the Dunlop
Block, two doors west of The Star office, and solicit a share
of your patronage. We have a good supply of
stent of the town's busineas. Conn.
Young, art chairman of the P. AV. cow.
'Witte°. alis principally under crosa-
'0onttnittbtioil, the eltre0tions and an-
ti*eLl Wing sthnlit es ialktetet
3. Whitt About the polio o veto -
Intl t e? The t lttiltltitti"e to forrnatate
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Garden Tools Paints Oils Dry Colors Putty
Brushes Shelf and Heavy Hardware Nails
Barn Door Tracks and Hangers Ropes
Forks and all other lines
Call and see us
Sole Agent fo
Your patronage solicited
J. Nicholson
1t is not an abstruse question of
piety, or ethics, or morality ; It is a
simple question of common sense and
beai h.
One does not need to become a
drunkard In the gutter to he injured
by whiskey. It is poison even In small
Few physicians prescribe it any
longer for any purpose, except. In
hopeless cases to dull the sense at the
approach of death. No physician of
learning and honor administers It to
the young in any ease.
When impure, as most of the com-
mercial whiskey is, it is full of un-
known dangers. When pure It is
more dangerous still.
it is sometimes given to pupa to
stunt their growth and turn them in-
po freaks.' The young Irian hoping
for the highest possible mental and
physical development should think
seriously of thin when tempted to put
himself in the place of the pup.
Young man, don't drink.
Refuse the first drink, or, if you
have taken that and more, assert
your strength now and refuse to take
another, and the spirits of all dearest
to you cm earth or in heaven will lean
and listen and smile.
Take it, and devils will laugh and
leer and mock.
Quench your thirst with the first
and your wit will he pure, your %via -
dont sound.
Spell Whiskey, Brandy, Beer, Runt,
Wine and all other Intoxicants In four
lett ern -BIER. -N. S. W. Son of Tem-
Milverton Sun : The 0. T. R. Co.
have issued posters warning the pub -
lin that cows found running at large
upon their property will be impounded
and the owners proseeuted. Owners
of cattle should remember that while
stock may run at large upon the high-
way, the owner of the same is respon-
cible for any damage done hy same
trespassing on private property, whe-
ther such property be fenced or not.
Why Do Women Suffer
Such pain. and endure the torture of
neryona headache when 25e. Wye a
v few drora
tiro like Ner dine? A
Dere c k
in (sweetened water brings unfailing
relief. You feel better at Otfre, you're
braced sip, invigorated, hea.4 be goes
away after one dose. Tits o caaional
ruse of Nerviline prevents ity) cation
and etamatih disorders -k& a up
health and strength. Eve . mnan
needs Nervilitio end 6llould t too.
Itt 2&. bottles etetlfwit4re, '
s P EX our 0pt1Gai BusinOSs
OETOUI.Y.--Pnrrnelee'a Vegetable Pills
clear the stomach and howela of bili-
ous matter, cantle the exeret ry venseln
to throw off impurities from the blood
into the bowels and expel the deleteri-
ous mans from the body. Theydo thia
without pain or ineonvenience to the
patient, who opeedily rnallzea their
good offices ae soon an they hegin to
take effect. They have strong recom-
mendatione from all kinds of people.
Levi Trick, Goderich township.{
. had
a had runaway the other day.Ile was
rolling a piece of land. and dropped
the linos in order to remove a atone
cit of the way, when the team got
frightened and ran away. Before they
were stopped they had {torso through
three fences, disabled badi3tlone of the
horses, and left tion roller in tin iln-
aorktble condition.
Bicycle and
Repair Works
The best makes of Bicycles, new and second
hand, at close prices.
We have the famous Cleveland, Rambler and nearly all makes of
second hand machines.
All parts of Bicycles can he had here.
Enameling and repairing of every description on short notice.
Electric Light Wiring and all supplies sold and installed.
Our new stearal plant has induced us to put inmoderu
device, which is the most perfect to be found anywhere.
Bring your 1,awn Mowers here if you want them sharpened correct.
Bicycles, Repairs, Electric Light Supplies.
Careful and Correct Fitting.
First-class Lenses and Frames.
Square Prices.
' P.44.
Q j•oart
OLFGAItlo AMADEUS MOZART, though but 36 years old at
his death, left a name second only to Bach'a. He wan born
in 1766 and died in 1791. He war the first " Infant prodigy"
of the musical world and his career proven the necoasity of having good
music in the home for the making of a musician.
When the merest child, Mozart would always be found at the clavier
picking out sweet little melodies. When four he was placed under a
teacher and even then composed short pk:ea which astonished his
parents and instructor. At seven he played so wonderfull9 that he
made a concert tour of Europe. Before he was ten ho had written six
sonatas, one composition for full orchestra, and an oratorio. At twelve
he wielded the conductor's baton. Of his many compocitione the
most popular are his opera, "The Magic Flute," and hia "Re-
quiem'' the latter suns by some friends and himself as his eyes closed
in death.
As a pianist Mozart was the originator of the concert tout, and as
great in Itis day as Paderewski in ours. But, like Bach, he was handi-
capped by the Instrument he used -the clavier. Bow wonderful had
been his music if he could only have played upon
tiRt Aril. urn(
wit„ all his powers he aid r
iot five,:
Imagine the pure tecuty
ty f
hfiULT,11C3, SINGfiOlEIhmakea it the most perfect piano
in the *otld.
mdlTid fyt tto es of "Matte D65 E!.. bibles. In baairlot corm, ilhutratue, marl se
!rM The Bill Pipe 1 ' b., trotted, Guelph, Ont.,,
Spring Millinery
The styles for Ladies' Headwear
for Spring and Summer of =• 1906
are now ready, and we invite Ladies to call and inspect.
You will find many things to please you, and the prices will as
usual be reasonable.
Miss Cameron,
Hamilton Street,
Plumbing, Hot Water Heating,
Eave 'Troughing, Roofing, etc.
Ready for Spring . . .
In history you may go hack, hut for up-to-date Furniture in all
lines we have the latest on the market.
We are ready for Spring, and Si there is anything you want, this
store can supply you from the very cheapest article to the most costly.
The Leading Undertakers and Embalmers ' West Street, Goderich
pay- Night and day calls will receive personal and prompt attention.
'Phone iso. arCRidence-Elgin Avenue.
A Plant Bargain
Will produce more fruit, fresh unit green, than you and your friends can eat,
and Iota to sell.
The very choicert, newest, and most lienly varieties at less than one-third price
6 (RAPES, one each, Campbell's Rarly, the new tack, Concord, black.
Wor,ten, fancy black, Moore's early, choice early black, Niagara, white,
Lindley, reel.
I i CURRANTS, 1 each, Red Cross, new; London Market, near', Cherry red,
Che npion, the standard black.
25 RASPBERRY, either Loudan or Ring, new fancy reds.
25 RASPBERRY, Columbian, )(easy cropping purple canner.
25 RASPBERRY, Cumberland, mammoth cropping blcrkcap.
50 STRAWBERRY, Senator Dunlop, the king of canners.
50 STRAWBERRY, Pride of Michigan, new. The record f)j six(, quality, crop.
so President, new fancy late berry.
Safely packed and shipped when ready to plant for $8.75. CUA this tdvt.,
out. May not appear again. Order now. Yon can get the sante value else-
where for double the price. Send for complete list tri planta, pt.tiatoesi &e.
Strawberry Planta, special low prlcea.
ELDORADO POTATO. The great En:.lieh 1'citato at'oitttely bliJtiit awl di'm's
a...ce roof, such nn enormous cropper that it hag Bold C Daae 1t, at E? �, fot'i44
Pper lb, tettep�y tittrs'
itul, Q,tlso for one ib, (Inc potato fr $ago. 11.x;1: yN�+' '�% l'
n one
6i lbs,
it mecum
to a grower
with same work, an) no rut. Send for Ilse, Cotth141a� 3B;O14k�-i"�6tet}�i
checbs paid, press opinions from I pa erat &c., �°tit tli1k
rie most wonderful potato of all times.. NOW iYr ht & tllt
Pare reed sold only by up. Pelee $t Or ib. Attu Ole ethintri'.�
S I'` I3R. t�lrxot>~�r4t
fYieitiile>reatw ailtl1Nln>rti'rlt�wti,'