Huron Signal, 1849-02-23, Page 2sA
THE RECTORIES. gnssv.-t►e eepe•lteag d the lami Pols crestal Property," ss household furniture, amount• should look apsp it as teotkug bet a false- Canadian Yorks►ire at big back like Mr.
meat Is all ttsiwom-@4iar, ad " it will reygtr• mo*sa, flood°, a►aatels debts due from sol- 99. Ovwpl" of taxa eolleeted to ire to- rood- Norman, or a W tterloo like Mr. Ferro. -
rrem lbs Pcapls'n a'lisas•c, 1849. no Small is tett" w year jars no keep w oat •not alebtors, whether w account of cos- war& reducsg the tax" for the most year. At this moment then was some dolor- *an, aotAimg would slam 1 before rim. The
"This Rectorial (road u the fruit of i•- of dsOculty. My (smear D••petch may tract. mote, hod or morgage, public •toe►a 40. Collator Secy ree*es the taxon costo a the galleries, and the speaker 'Creates of the Ilona of Assembly neem us
lot lice the most apparent and astoundtag; have replied the suspect~ of the eoioamts, or debentures, aod'stocks to wonted coup- pari of a lot am certain cosdrtioma. wind the Hoose to order, The ranges"inir- are not wavy
of nee -merle a s thyt tlkru
n ban been eommrUd in defiasee of rig►Ic have
to mak° trap, terrilortal fund d•shir s°- rat.oas whetbor (;nadtap or pqt, and also 41. Ines" the Collector cannot obtain used ►J the Aon. gentlemen was r+eeOdinR an not many of them.-t7fs-
h asst sacred and inviolable; and It has Cure to the F.sghsh Chante►, or is would be each portion of the capital of Incorporated eke pays -at of nay itap6°a he wball make lit uspa (ismspb►y. SiLA. McNab rtiw.
wntiea its true character sad /esd•ncy u
espadlsnt" in my oPI __ to it" • •pori- eempauter, as shall not be invested in nal sut► to theg e�aet, a" be es"ted wtlh the •ted = w bbd sVd 6404% as td111 bear ' .
the history of the papular cor•metioss a has M pill for the Miertt►ro of the Mau likely baton. The term "Properly," to include aworl. [e Witho t did pat willsferiving o{lcO(iglrw4,14 ,
created, and with the blood of our cittaene to be meet troobleeesae : ibat m, ler lselaeer both real and perapma(. 4i Dmay ibeeclad the ati fo g /roweling never
haunt the ibis
(Mr.Iltiitw- '
it has abed" 1 would giro a tribe to 'be Preebytermoo- 6. Example the following properly- agtitet may i.oHMier ndoml*g el atod. never 1 At gi enew,imet 6 tee ` .0
M M°lbdmte-Mt Clown prot,erty. plea d wonMp, eoNo mg to PmT oeor wino by kiseel4tetod. mepdeoo dMtap4a•e►J� lilt IgM.
hlamy of our readers may ask what 1. a tb*Roma• Catthe rt "^^
Rectory 1 A Rector, to our dictionaries psrueusrlr to the British Wensyams, our gee, court houses and other public build- 43. Ilow tai whip warrant shall b. ase- 811warai amber idled o* t►o rnpabr to A II R 0 N S NAL .
faithful allies ! ! !-This u a true type of logo, the penitentiary; industrial farms, cuted. have them cleared. Messrs. Blake and
i. described as ,-a Clergyman who ba. the tM (blooul tlwste" when unchecked y poor Rouses, ice., public hbnnn: all ettxka 44. Mode o(preeeodisg against any She- Drummead said a pot do sot clear the
can slid charge of a Pariah ('hutch:" -n
Rectory s "the benefice o/ . R meter: tAe teed +espos*bb tent laue•s. Sir 1oAa, held in behalf of the Province, or op behalf ►i� or High Bailiff refuoieg or taogleettag to gal{ory. Mr. iise a ii@foted o• the reels- �TRIDAY, fCtR1JART 9[.
Rector. living, rights, •mol r u@ites of s simulated so doubt and aided by Doctgt of soy literary or Charitable iaatilaliop: the pay ever m0*ies levied b him- nor beier elected, is order that the llouse
itation, • Rg, r's aired � Parsonage." Siraebas and if.e Compact, accomplieheJ capital stock and p*tsonal estate of the 46. Every Treasurer and Chamleerlal0. should not be controlled by a mob. The
im Ike National Church of Par sod e."The this unrighteous daigs. Felt y ssre* Rea- eharter•da banks so long u they are re- estsn*g apple the duties. of his office, shall Speaker ordered the gallorles la be cleared. "ll'I'M Of PARTI 'll.
Becton form severally a rebgiou• carp ra- tones were established unksowm to the quoted by law to have a tax cpoe their give eaeonty (or the dor performesee of The ladies who were present vaulted into Thr history of eatioos is e
parliament or the people, and to the very mount; sod the personal properly of every them. the body of the house. A fight was got 1 creAr a reeerd °lobe
tion, food pssorse pccu'iar eccles.s+tical P• D nit adbickerie @ofcoodictis arties,who
pnwen end prirrleges out only neer all the teeth of the Royal pledge ■@ Riven by Lord person to the cxlvpt of three hundred 48. Collectors to give similar sonority. up by two Individuals, i* which those ID ja oo 9 6 P
inhabitants, an, but neer all other religious the Goderlclt, that so set of this kind should be pounds. 47. The taxation levied shall be by ali- the immediate eeighboorbood @so I id very overstrained with the raw-rnakfsg department
Pr@ehen within the r parish. The inion- attempted. beton obutsing the aJviee of 6. Provides that stock of • company Ila- anate of the annual req irsd by each Town- much disposed to bks part. The Speaker of oarioesl •dein, •tad whose ground of eaten•
tions of the Bruiah G vrrnmept to rn'rsfl 'bo (+nidus Representatives. This rob- bee to taxation on oar capital shall not else ship, kc when the ptweods ell abort of shouted order, order, is vain; and asked don is not the wtil or woe of the people who
the, curse of a Stale ('11 pitch upon all the befit of the public property to rubserve the taxed under this law. I or exceed the es{ to, the deficiency to be several lima if he should not leave ilio pay them, but a lovenfsmiprrmaey over each oil,.
1'oloniev a tun nbronns: apd it I. nutnnoD• interests of a leonine, -ibis foal and rroach• 7. That every perm shall be assssad I ins& up D the sea deducted from the chair ;but was told by Mean. Baldwin „� tklnl fa perewst erp•rty aggrandizemeat
that tis every ane of them where there it a►ous p'.ot against list ngnis end liberties on the Township, &r., wherein he recede•, taxation 01the Dext year. and Voter that he must Formals. In the -4111 •uakitiw for power. And in looking
Ser -
any tin every of intelligence and re rtt, there uf(anads-wax Dot known annul the spring where the aeseeaaunt a made fur all lands, 48. Rolle to be returned by the Cillec- me -to lime, several members and the Ser- P° gat
I. a deadly strife aging betaren the ('oto
of 1838, after Su John Colborne bad been liw., owned by him within such Township lots, and limountie pard over before the lot gent at -Arms had clambered pate the galle- I the political hist•ry of any given country, oho
Tiigta and their Robots upon then all imps.• removed from the government of the Upper Lw., and that lands owned by a person n• I day August in each year. ry apd himad•d one of the eitpbalanlm down, meet isterestiag leal°re ia, it is, the fort, ,hat
rant question. The ron 0if all al Art Province, n►, like a er mina', had Heaped w/ing in the 'Powpebip Eco., where the 1 49. A Collector way recoiwe taxes upon and led him through the hens*. Shortly tbia,pewcr er eapwmmT a Ib* certain, sempen•
tart Geo. 111 chap. S1, it is freely adm•tted, from the officer@ of Justice. For this vio- same is situate, may be assesfed in the lands of non-residents, if tendered to him after, the galleries were elated, olid the ry properly e(brb p*tiw. They neem to pea•
gave power to the frown to estabGah and lent and traitorous infraction of the .rights name of it a ow•nrr or occupant. wttbtn the it" of hu colleMio•. Hera gat will closed doom for about 40 new it alternately m if ey mend eestnet. 'iia
enlow Rec:aries In Upper Canada; but the of a whole people -than deed of darkness 8. Defines rhe -lands of nun -residents. 50. to 63. Relate to the eslllpg of hada minutes, when it adjourrtcd. gewmawat of I"? a the appeaitioe to-mer-
enlow having early U evinced their a; but th- sod infamy -all cnncened deserve yet to 9. Sets forth that any Wso* shall be an- owned by nos -residents, for the payment of Fa kAy,-Feb. 16. row, sad thus f
peoplebe impeached, and to be rest to a Papal sassed in the Township Eu., where he re- taxes; after due notice by advertisement, The Ilnnss of Avaembly, to -day, after prrprMt wneg6sg w rept ip
ed he sooty to the pland of the national P so much u( the land to be sold as wall at the expense of the people, who, ra reality,
I'paP Tter anon¢ the ipstitu►ions of this Colony for life. As d to crown the infamy rides for all personal property owned by i W., some routine, resumed the debate oe the
dung cul any, the Sovereign, in answer to of thorn aAair, Sir John, when professedly him, and placed under his control as true- defray the debt, and the Sheriff or high rebellion losses, which was cotlimued fill 'might regard their >rivvlega?j pyi.g u'Mu
the remopetances of the 'people, not only reriewic- the sets of his administration, (in ter. guardian, executor or administrator. I Bailiff to be empowered to give a dad to nearly 4 o'clock, when the (louse was chief•istereat m Ili- arruggfe. All power is del -
held his right ce sof the and endow Ree the ewm. M delivered to the Parttament of 10, All incorporated companies liable to the purchaser. a cleared ofstrangers. The Sergent -a: Arms rooted by the people, ad these diersntises of
toric• in abeyance for about 50 years, but U. C on the 14th January, 1836, on the I taxation shall Le ■sPePsed upon their real I 63. the former owner of steeh eat ate may then left the House, and shortly returned parties gee lady take place through the enowni,
eye of his departure from the province,) and personal proper 1. I redeem it by paying the sum for which the with the boo. member from Kisgetos (A1 r. I «at lent, ae?sieseeses of the people. ller.-e
e mmunicated len Official Message to the D• P was purchased from the Sheriff
Lieutenant Governor that he would not makes nwalluaon whatever to the establish- 11. Taira levied during the protest year , property pan J. A. McDonald), in Cualcdy by Mr. Smith it world be a
meat of the Rectories, but discourses thus to be considered taxes for. the year ending ' with 10 per cost interest, per annum, added of Froolenge. goeatl00 of dilpicall adu;on,
oake.any step in this matter without can. 1 whether the instability of the public mind or the
Pulting our local Parliament ! The follow• to our representatives :-"At this impor• 31st December, 1849, -all future taxes to I thereto. Rumour ascribes the affair in a hostile
Ing t+an extract from that official Despatch 'ant and favourable crisis, whether the In. be levied for the calendar year, and to car- 64. On the receipt of ouch proceeds the message sent by Air. McDoeald to Mr. delagsencies of the penin to whom the Po+rr
from the then Colonial Secretary, Lord terrato ofthe Parent State or the Panest respond with it. CountyTreasorer to pay them over to the Solicitor General Blake. is confided, •h"uld be taxed with the grrs;er
(;derich, to the Lieut. Gweronr of Upper wishes of the colony be consulted, the to. 12: Assessors may divine their locality Township,. Village, ice., claiming tbean. The House is still filling with closed amount of these chaageaof the political rollers,
Canada. Sir John Colborne -dated 8th Per
ial Government cannot fail to deem it into assessment districts, not exceeding the j 65. A penalty of £45 to be incurred by doors. It wonlJ be difficult to make ec brrgo the
Nov., 1332: so essential duty to watch over and seal- I number of Assessors. , Assessors or Collector@ making uDjupt __
'eusl protect our institutions and cherish 13. Between the let Feb. and tel April, assessments or collections. might if that the tau of mea y. i• ithi to net
to With respect to the charge of shearing 1 D 1 P t i Tea WA rea ELe f o r Corse epolu right ifthey plat, knew rM way. dot this bene -
an undue reference to the Teachers of Re- the attachment of all clunes to the I to each year, the poseeeor a all maks imqui• F,6. Sheriff or High Iki6ff a each a Mr. �Vatu reported the following Resnlu-
P Crown ! ! !" This wan a rift ` climax to r as to lrxable inhabitants and their pro- penalty not exceeding £50 for •breach of R fug ignorance'l -this prey
to the
is the art marl ,.
liginn belopgin� to the Established Church 6 y I eons from tele County n( Waterfbo Cpla• Is
of this country, it is so utterly at variance the monstrous "Rings which a and oth- pert y. duty, directed anby this Act. tested Election Cntimittee: log. 'leaves them • prey a the fere t a . do.
with the whole course of policy which it hag ers had committed against half a million of 14. The assessment roll abate be prcpar- 67, 68 and period
are the the act hallion 1 Resolced,-That at the last Election are to i of chose who have an e o and • rn
been the object of my Despatches to your Peaceful and loyal •objects. It a the lap- ed in the manner following,-tbe first cu- clauses, the period let which the act shall held for the County of Waterloo, 1409 afire to impose on them. Tbs changeofa Govern.
self to prescribe that I cannot pence to College of fa:tbinenras and inrincenty :- lama to contain the natio of all the taxa- eommencq and the power to amend or re- votes were Potted and recorded for Jamal went or a I,egi.lature can artily result from as
repel it in any former manner. ills Me*. the cast and humbug of a weak, reckless, his inhabitants -of each Township Uc.; the peal during the present session.
and unprincipled ruler. encored the quantity of land to be a•seaeed Webster, E*goirc, and 110T Adam impression on IM public mind, that nM existing
ty has studiously abstained from the exer-q 7 I - Johnston -Fergenon,-F.sq.. s �ti.ere- government is acting wrong, and therefore, the
cue of his undoubted prerogative of endow- Hope at length flickered in its socket against each person; the third the full rs• , V upon the rata Jam s- We!��Fvkras, b
P [ when the fact concerning the Rect-,rift Incof such land, the fourth, the full To fODlllpQl QYltamptt. p" T secret of political her%s b to produce this im-
ing literary or religious corporations until g Age+oder Dingwall FOrdyre, the Re• pontoon. to eo@eer is a e►angs of omrrnmrnt
he aboulJ obtain ice advice of the Repro- beeeme�knows to the coustrry in the March of the personal property owned by ouch turnip Officer, proclaimed as beta due g
o► April following: Sir Francis then assum- person after dednelin all just debts owing HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. q ' D [ y ed'eeled, than thedr'aetrdpartyarrey thermefve.
Penlatives of the Canadian People for his P [ fK [ 1' R elected. .
guidance in this respect !' ed the reins of Government and drove like by him, and the sem of £300,• exemp'ed WrDNReDAT, Jac. 31, 1849. 2. Resolred,--That of 688 Tnteg polled t in Systematic hesidilp to the p•rrnment. l:r-
a madman :-the last nr of hope vanished from taxation, as provided by clause 5; the CLrRGT axalialtae AND xrCTOOtpa.
The above Despatch appeared when the f for Mr Webster to the Townships of Ben- try device sad arntagem are seed-e•ery, ar.
tide of public indignation against tiro ma- from the public mind :-the Rebellion of fifth where any resident male inhabitant Mr. Yolrtau had a petition to present, uncle, Glene'¢, Holland, NornianJr, Elect, mgemevt mind every wrphism mire rrspioyed-
ct inations of the Church and State party 1837 followed ; and the Colony was almost shall be liable to road tax, hereinafter men- on which he craved permission to saya wont, and Arthur, in the sand County, ,165 { mialakeor huh'-ferm.dhad risen near) to its hei ht, and it was lost to t9e Empire. Statesmen should tinned. pmpoeven .
y q few words. It ora • pd4ti0n aff}7►ing only wrrc •olid -the remaimnR b•13 votes seiatd wisA n►�ty, end ersg;anted earn to
extensively published throughout the Pro- learn wisdom from these melancholy facts, -15. A.Trustee ice., alkali be assessed for' Dot the bumble petitioners alone, but the recorded for Alt, Webster, were invalid: the .
winces, and tended to calm the public mind, The Rectories embrace about 25,COO property held in trust, owe., in a separate I whole people sol Canada.° Tho people of pasties tendering the votes thus declared leorioulillfre
monstrosity, nod direct Woelroo3, misrepersenu-
it appeared afterwards however, that this acres of the choicest lards in tilt prorioce ! line from his individual assessment, deduct- Canada look to this' Parliament to settle invalid, havin .ro title : this fact in 69 in 'ion, and unwarrssrabfe deductions, the pint er-
document was only �" a delusion and a besides Town and Park Lou of great valor.. � ing the debts and the £300 preciously the great and important question whether malities appeals on the face of the poll I tort, present failings and t•t•re iniquities d tile
entire." Sir John Colborne was then in We give nee fact only to evidence of their mentioned. I the Caroadian people are to enjoy religious books. I ruling Parry are all huddled together, sed pre-
communication with the Colonial Secre. volae. The Rector of London, by perms i 16. Re.atry to non-resident landn. freedom to the came extent that thwJ enjoy 3. Rrsdred,-That the petitioner, Adam seo:ed before the people'u •fretful mea of con.
tory as to the best mode of establishing the eioD n( The present Parlament at its eat I 17. Protides that all real ^red personal I civil liberty. The real question must ' be Johnston Fer wson, Esquire, having ■
Rectories, and the des lcli • ared one session ! actually sold the one half of his property liable to taxation shall be eatimat y' [ 9 [ q g fusion, corruption. and impe•d'ug desailnien.-
pa ppm y decided, whether isvtduous distinctions are majority of legal votes on the poll breaks at
as "a DTecoy-Duck " the mon clererl to Rectory in town lots at pub!:c auction, and ' ed by the ArsesPor at its full value, as the• The public Filial! becomes appalled with the eon-
y - to be made amongst the differept religious i the last Election for the County of Water -
the ole. This would not have derived from the sale „f of opwards of would apprise the same in payment of a temptation °(the horrible picture -the Adminis•
pep denominations, by affording • portion of � loo, ass duly elected.
been believed had not a Secret Despatch !. £7000 Cly ! ! !-I. e., 038,000 of the public just debt due from a solvent debtor. Church State supanrt to one. whist it is 4. Resolved, -That the farts connected oration becomes unpopular• and a change of
-written one five months afterwards 6th PfOP°[t7 were btenliy given over to Bishop 18: Allows a non liable to assessment
y , ( pe ' Church
from another (Hear hear). This 'with the, last EThatp for the Count) of government is the result. TM mriwr.v odyn_
April, 1833,) from the name Secretary to Stnchas tbrongh Parson Crooyn of Lou- to male oath as to the amount of personal great question must shortly come up, how- Waterton, especially the conduct of the cated whoa is power, air eondemenl when net
the same Governor, which accidental) door the present incumbent of that Rectory, property owned or held in taut by him.
y exer much bop. members might desire to Deputy Returning Officers for the Towel- of power ; and the policy which wuoid flare en-
eame to li h opened the eyes of the by a sheer oversight and blunder of nor I 19: The assessment rolls'lo be completed t it off it must be inlet and a solemn ships of Waterloo, holland, Sullivan, and
g t+ Pe 1 put r well the t°notry last Werk, it, ol,is week,'repre.
Colonists to the deep and desperate ►reach- Repreectitatives,-under what stipulation, on or before the est of April; to be exposed decision on It, arrited at. The interests of I Arthur, are such as demand the serious
Pry both of the Colonial Office and of the if est' we know not. This fact is sufficient I in some public situation twenty days. _) the country require that this question, of- consideration of the house, rested u involving g iia rain ! Io the ehave political
Provincial Government. "a followingof itself to open the eyes of the people, and 20. Tile assessors shall meet, and re• history of Britain in our swan times, we linen
letting u it does the tranquility of the Pro- I 5. Resolved, -That the.petitioe of A. T.
document exhibits a measure of ofiittal learoute every upnght mind to exert all vt,e the Acseepmnt roll at the request of wince, must be fairly met. and at once set ' Fergusson, Esq., is not, frivolous
or vexa• been entertained with (be avarggs*sa of the
perfidy, when com osrsd with the other, possible amd moral ri.cans to arrest the pro- any party feeling himself aggrieved; the I at rest for ever. In his (Mr. N',,) opinion tioue, wise nes sdvecatlog sod spposiog oke mine
which we can find no language adequate to [rens of this baa and Iniquitous design to person complaining to make affidavit or the subject could not be more fairly and 6. Resolved, -That the defeace of James rrwaserea altenaariy, for at local l elf a dozen
thrusa Stale Church with all ran deemnrsl • rove that be has been wrongly assevsed.
condemn. P property brought under the attention of the Webster, Esq., is not frivolous or vexatious. times, and being equally weeessR+l each time is
FIOT*ACT FROM TBE Sxca6T DEaTATep.- izipg influences, neon the penile of this 21 Adxlavits to be made before one or
ruin Colon tort the conatr therefore House than at the precept time. 1Va have Op motion of Mr. Norman, the Clerk of ca
politic sympathy with there Saeh
Lord Godeneh therein write to Sit Juke [ 1 - J more of the Assessors; t]e affidavit to be on our Statute Book an Act of Parliament the Crown iD Chancery attended the Honest anomalies ds not rs°elt form the •neill$Noes in
Colborne thus:- sustain'lhe heads of their friends in power, lodged with the Town or City Clerk. False
in demanding redress of this mr bt wrong, Act, Wim a former day, called the people
pro- and amended therWeWaterloo return, by era- the public mid, but
" 1 have considered with great attention [ [ 1 8+ awear:ng to be perjury. Act, Which is a disgrace to any people pro- ing the nave of Mr. Webster, and iwert- P from wool d i'uelkgeees in
'he observations contained in your private by getting up Witioe* from ewer, leplahtro 4$, The Assessors or a majority of them the eat mem •f the
p fesaioq to enjoy civil and religious liberty. log that of Mr. Ferqueaon. P peeper. Thev ir,t neti•e-
letter, of February16th, and the ro t- numerously signed, and let the errand be spall sign the assessment roll, and Certify
p DO° Dleeoplemt would be felt throughout the Mr. Fergaasoe then took the oath enol IF seek to better their et>eff,tion--theyfeel kris -
tions which result from them. • • I made that the Rectories be entirely •bol- that the name is correct. land so Ion as endowments continue to be his seat. I the are of the iron fie
quite concur with you in thinkingthat the lobed :-that %liar proceeds when sold be 23. Rolls certified to be delivered to the [ r Pte°a ger of poverty: they
talented, and noUl religion was eft to be Several of the Deputy Returning Officers desire ehomige, oat rimy are enable to use tltraigb
greatest benefits to the Church -of England aPPhd to Educational or other general COLOI or Cit Clerf, as the case may be.
R 7 7 leu orted b the free-will offeringof the. are ordered to appear at the her of the ,he ga
could be derived from applying a portion, PDrpoaa ; and that, the Clergy of the En- 24. An Assessor neglecting any of the people, and voluntary contributions, .the House of Assemto answer ,fnr t1 it I derrin phiatry sod ami! deviation with which the
at least, of the funds under the controul glish Church, as far as suppgrt from the dolt+s required of him, to be subject to a only way in which the Religion of the Re- conduct at the election. This will caure gogue get n cibe
°' their nostrum. We
of the ,Executive government in the butld- civil government is Concerned, be put upon penalty of £25. deemer ought to be maintained. (Hear some fun to the publte. if not to the parties. 1 Believe that A°wr•er riolnvegaot, or St... , or
log of Rectories and Churches: and, i could the same footing with the Ministers of all 25. Rose shall be examined by the Coon- hear.) This gnesti n must be met, despite ---
other depominatioer-that i let all be anomalous the conduct of men may be-Ae'1re•er
add, in preparing, as far as may be, for , ro- °. ty or City Council, for the purpose of as- any efioft that might be made to shirk it.- POLITICAL STATE OF CANADA. much of the nAomwork may be apparent is t4eir
fiubla .occupation, that mo!crate portio left as they ought to be to the support of certaining whether the valuations iD iBe reminded loo. member on this rade of
of land which you propose to assign in sack their respective churches or congregation. Townships, Eco.• bear a just relation to the the House esiall that the were ant Urrrs CANADA. The table given below eendoet, there is behind ihol a amwork •deeper,
Township or Parish for increasing the fit. The adoptiop of this wise and most equita- valuation in all the Townships, Esc. The y' 1 shows the laical state of Canada. Twin Reber principle of activa-a ►eefiq.. And in
beeprinciple,aril not nal alta the recent there by thou witcoph
the under ns The itimtirr of which we have been treatise.
lure comfort if not the c0mpletoe malote• 1 1 P Council to have power ►o increase or standing and with conviction that this great ty thea eunefitueseies have returned Lillie- g, we
Fiance of the Rectories ! ! ! With this hostile spirit between the (twittered and pro- diminish the aggregate valuations of real apd erytpg evil througha ,t the farad, should
rel members to the present Parliament,- frel satisfied that the selecting reality, is thew
vioty, it appears to me that it would be scribed denominations, but it will promote estatg in any Township, Village, or Ward, be taken up and discuseed and respect had The aggregate number of their inhabitants who those who ore doped, is essential -
the p till y and urefultte.o of the churches by adding and deducting Pilch sumo upon to public opinion, which desires no Stalo is 483,949. The remaining 18 cone ttfuen- fy Ib* wise ! The quack impose$ on the people
themselves, and will relieve the admmistra- the hundred, as in their opinion may be Shurch in Canada. Fortunately then is cies have returned 19 Tor members -while _
edetary work, by assigning a portion of the P J 1 beasse M profits the dna
food for the ment of @stories (generally) lies from the embarrassment invariably coo- considered necessary to produce a just re- y their aate pnpuiatinn is only !33,658. si des' y e �e �O
pay (g J) Do established church, and he (Mr. N.) pksaBn lM imposition Deere* they expect to
-I say, a portion of this sum, because 1 am tequent upon the meeting of Seeetariso lation between all the valuations in the trusted we never should have. Civil liber- if has Mn often everted chat IAC mind of
red 10 think, that it would be `expedient demands upon the revenue of the country. County or City: but they shall in no ease t the people of Canada enjoy ►o the fuGat Upper Canada ie almost equally divided: but be benefit led by bin presariptiomt And tbas it
with a view to prevent jealousy, and at It will remove eke r"of of the evil. reduce the amount of the aggregrEte taloa- ezteptlhey pne@ett • Py$lem of Govern- these figures spew the very contrary. Two is is tele pohlial eooAia of the world. The
D [ The friends of Reform now demand ;full tions in all the Townships, Etc. below the men founded on the immutable principles to one of the inhabitam!0 have returned Alae*-horets nada* end malign the plats-kold-
tempts ■t interfering with (be grntorial P + +
feed, s A some of it might, for instance, lefties at the bands of their friends in aggregate amount therecf as made by the of justice, and it should be so with regard Liberal members. Tile average number ers-ularepsesent their meti•en and ie'eatinP,
the taestion of ttestion*. Assessor. to religious institutions also, for so loo as represented by each member is 17,417.- exaggerate he applied to churches for ohs- Presbyters- power-uponA � [ p g ggente their Wooden and urricatore their
anti, some for Roman Catholic chapels, and The twenty -Ave years War or Religious 26. The Collector's roll to be made by endowments were given to 'haff a dozen The average number represented by each measure•, and is short, employ every species of
come for the Methodist -particularly that Lt►•rty must now be brought to a close by the County or City Clerk, after the corroc- churches while others were degraded. time Reform member is 24015 -while the aver.
portion of them who may be to connection an honorable peace. led and revised assessment roll. [ • s number represented b each Tor Tteem- Praeuettble falsehood and d*plieity, to persuade
y peo pee never would D• copbptod. (ileal ffy y the People with the Wesleyan Methodists of this conn- The Executive wants to know what is 27, The County Clerk will not down on bear.) The hail. member contended by bar is 13,560• Eight Constitaeencies-Ila- Pope that they are mugtvened, itid op -
try.'• • I am well aware that in the public oplost sew upon those questions. ouch Roll,, the sum.ordered to be levied by radio the petition of the'eleven tons and muton, Prescott, Kingntnn, London Nag. Pressed: mind obs people, ever ready to follow any
excution of thio duty, you will bave 07' A tweeting of the friend• of religi- the Munteipal Council, under the bead daughters of the late Joseph Gnffia of era, Brockville, Russell, $not Cornwall con. man or body of riles, who will extend the hope
to steer a difficult course, and that it will ous equality should, the►eforet be held in County Rate, which column shall chow the the Township of Flamboro', Gore District, tarn a population of 40,239, and return 8 of brokering their eosditioa; ave uscoosciosuly.
require no small tact to determt b what every township in the Province ; the whole whole sum for which any Township, Etc., members to Parliament, while Middlesex
M T comptaistng that the lands which their fath- Mt wltb Mtfverbeet inleaeiona, induced to done*
should be lull out in divistone ; e KercntarJ shall be taxed for Count purposes. or had bought and coltivated, bad been sad Waterloo have each a populatioD larger m aha wi,a see dnww.
practical means these impo t , �bjaeu 7 P P"
tae be best obtained." $tJ Treasurer should be appoisted ; a nom- 98• Taxes for special purposes or Parti- than %Il the eight.
We find no tranaelinn beatingso exact mitt°• of active, intelligent plan @board be velar localities, to be not down in a ape_ seised and Wellinappropgton
a the endowment [ Beth More ben olio (eslnrwg mi( lbs political
of the We1Go oe plan Rectory.-&- Lnwna CANADA.-Aceordin¢ t0 the esti- p°
ehoien to visit every •rotor with petitions, rats eo,umn. y_- mate of the population for 1849 -each of drama in every eiviliad ee*atry, where tbeeen-
an analogy to than foul plot against tM owitier.
religious Itbertiett of the Province as thg to both Ho't•ts of Parliament. (or Pigns 29, The County Clerk to deliver the the 42 members represents 18+4.93. Of "'tmi"'o res°piwptbe rigAtsesd ietere•t• nftbo
gtort ; •ama obtained sbanld all be mare- Collector's rolls to the clerks of the Town- TOrsDAT, FwbrDary 13. these, 35 members have been returned se People. Tbo t ia* d
owtadling of as honest eoastryasa boy two l'ses*s psait polities s Com.
wity'dharpers. Under the highest professions d to tee Seervta► ew a Elan *17 ; the �1� tic., on or -before the 104 Joao, 4e The pro►neted dtec•eaioe is the ace de the Liberal and T n the Tory interest.- ads, h•w$wer, r su esfaftl06 a Oil umibrr
nplm►er of naves 1. old thus be counted, ever year. Va*eiltart was this day b"llit to a elaim, Tlw Llitrs rep eaeat a population sof ettatsetet,swd angry fr>ash•r a@4mi{deasb. bo
and friendship and honor they Aeovoce him and 1 7
be -
escape. Brr Jahn and Lard Goderieb •nay and the whole should beappe idea to one 30. Towsnhipt Village or Town Clerk, elle► some ameadanu, w►ieA wen Mo- 695,468 -and the Tor one 79 068.
written uw,ow, havu Ave or ax names to ester local taxes upon the rol.s. lived. Mr. Notman's regulation, that an 7 T r lievvisesg off nimbolt*era. We at not ecsedy cure
he elated In the same category, for they W [ P° Total Liberal Canetit- liras is theaomraesm i
have ewindleed the Canadian Pepto of t1i on The 06rwe eboet, to forty either a tow*- 31. if any portion of a -Town or City address M presented to ►w F.:eollemeT the veeeiey�sCancda, 183,911 y ag that Erma eeilt run
most valued rights, and, as yet, bay* •sea- ship petition, or part of a large p•fitios from sball be taxed for any special purpose by Governor general for Mr. Vassttbrt a to- Do. do. Lo'Mr Cooda, 695.269 1,179,186 Aloe --0 -bet we de befi*ve that when as evil
Let n• eempnn tam language of the the CO11nty, Ruheg, or Dwtnel.� its Council, the Clerk shall specify n the moval from the oAce of inspector of Li- 911,716 '"'Aa kry great, the 'Merwitit of removing it
pad- compact for the District of Brook, was r becomes very
two Despatches from the latter to Ilio for Ir you waeT moTlc•, oPLT Age tea R. Collectors Roll, the amounts with which ae♦ earned ► a vote of 44 to il. Tortes, U. anode, 438,658 7 apparent, sad thessacieas to reline
each lot is chargeable. y De. Lower Canada, 72.M ft4w4 this removarwiR lis very great an.. The eav-
"we' 94. The taxa ander this Act f" M livid The mottos being made, that this Hone
in November. 1832 -He says, TH6 INEW AWRESSMENT I iLL reepiwe itagltnte a Committee of t►• whole. only of the penttst evil Is Cweda, deriag the
If TNR PUBLIC DP@PATC", _ equally and In proportion to the assessed it is thus evident that while the members
'Me charge of showing undue preference Tmm ties land mad Equi. volts of taxable real and personal property, to take up Mr. I.a(ootiae's resolutions of great th I i revs of iii "►khan M*teilde was m
const b8 L•beral to 48 Tories, bang •little
isticmotfy'sg for war liege•. great ilial in even autteted utsstksa egd SymD•
0o the e►•rR of the Established ChueeA of We boor received a ee r( than Bill, t•- 93. In addition to all other brei then mon than law to ole, the poptlaUon which PI @hell be a capitation tax of seven shills Mr. Nsmwow (Torowto) rewind an the Reform m*mben represent is very thy is F.orepe, and emwq•- try teald net foil
England it Canada is oe goetodroolformally
tie,- tfaiueed by tit* Hon. F. Hr.ctu. and ley a p' "[a sooedswnt. that tha qualities ke t red 1early j sr to one over tbe4briet. Al the We+piait rserreira of thew e.,s
true, that i cannot Pau" formally to repot systematic of it before oar food@". 'lib• lei:pemeq upon toll. males odder 60 and 9 the
v Ie two
and Ever 21 years of age, for a Road tax, feerlseu days, shoe) t view that tth vane head of the Cosetituemeiw stands the C*ts- wen m6�evisg under it. That government, -• wax
that charge. prove is a Seto forth test it m ex set to which sea ha id in labcor on the rends at of the eonetry ebeole M heard on the
& r i. ears frtcapT DY►ATA pprado • e�eal and just system of J t dna Middlesex (sot auwartby the name) ase sf the tl#tMtttsemalew evesrdgd is tM on-
oweIn April 1"3 -Hc says :- Awwtwt for M pa *bell rates as the B iia of the tit *t. ]K pna*ted by Mr. Netmas-with to 41,- ab •f 1006101106, aJ the as•cie (s its az ..
gmtl Or LOefl r- T- et
1 Pau en•eitr With woe •f to't►sbeil.lin Tow"Wp Councils list., may direct. Ia- A etenwy do6alo which lasted J
•ion 9e1 -set h Montreal to more
q g pn1°•• l the re ear d t►o nit T►e neo- hnsy°fir twee is rendered lees remark b the extnor-
of the Reetnries fnr tM exclusive besefh of "cc. d, R•pPale Amb is fatwe. digest ppeonniea exempt. V• pp►►tt a has two when. At the enol toss& y
the clergy of this. Fetablisked church of En 9. Stales that for all pnrpooe , for whish 34. M-4 Collector open lWaiving bilis mpaken for the tine wen Mecaro. d'mprJ race ta wbleli i; w, drives fres pew
Col. Gogy, the onager geNral of the Props%
tend : and I wish you to &war*. rl Ne, roll, eh•II pneesl to eoncet, for that pwr- ioeke. NoMea and Paica ; •set it Cel. ev, oM the re l p«id06 lienor *cc aprea
` Pat°°i lora( sed linnet totes an a stall ►• lewieid. Ge and lair Allan MseNai� who regFeeoeta the weighty Csstit,retkfy
from the public loads, their eempst& main• all ssdo sad personal prwperty, whether P"°e calling at least once upon the par- h of Sh•rimmoke, with its populetiswd 11100 M Opoaition The film ataim& °f a pohlieat
lewasee " t owned by f M"AoaM N eevpevuose *bell loss taxed. MONTwsAL Tlnrsday, Feb. 15. it is well th al Calends beasupplietd ibis gip- partisan, which die Chaeta Metadra sramad
1. are PD*LIC Da.ravcr► be IfabM to tasstt•r-wNb tM aeoptieps 93• TARO@ ff net paid within row tout '1'` Rosea nmawad the emwo&ntios of ileum* with swhisg but • f eta , tbroegh w igmen"4( iws n-
ix a after the first demand, to be levied g°
is NewPmhrr 1N4. -Fee aye -Ne Hep to only. geeiAed M asNhor elswa. 1 h Mr. She wad's motion to postpone for or what might be sot have Mat ie cent, lrosgbt a' isw wick Ili*
eetaNieA veli soami ear can*, or Resta- I 1. De9wae Ion weld "Lwsd" ee easssisg datnea and gain, ra days the eewrlderatios of the rebellion wrath •geiptthe Peru. Hew gratis Oblast
[ V^*a 96. Six days' notice of ouch -I@ to be loom*. A atormy deieto Oaseee I is the be be feelings who* be rineo and retlsets (sestrl•tlwd ?be nal grwad
Fliers. will ewer be takes by the Crown to , the (plead IttM� �d ole N�t� arcesed opo• .care. M dispute wife jW go Tory ree-
Upper Canada without consulting the local i or aired a ams► etnd of s -6- s, he., [ ease" of which Mr. Blab applied the term that IM old 0aramtaf Coaaos he rep►erats,
97. S•vple i to Ire reformed to the owpw or". otid misyd&j"lwiWrpacpb. Died the
oxev • 'Ateco N Flev M.jl..ey, rebel to t►e geatlotttecw w the opposite i@ a .erteew btydasd pad blT•apeo�/ pert Poi [ " uaiecs 040Wed N etben, flee. of Comedo-cpd that it went/ tote ffrseo 4 Ps y
ilex IN pie ewp'y DWrA Tell The word° 'Raul and tial b*sebaa. y m rib tilrwded m As f2o06r•sr Mwwml per'
to ALOI 18A3 -He gage, artuelly-•• Sir I Propwty." togs
wify tbo onto. IA. persons removing and g u tregrectheSan A. McNAa said that if the bon, ran- Sherbrooke* to make up an average °eneu- ••silly. s=hod is a gsarromomt W" regiale-
jobs. pee and 1 at- plying c diepence 4. DON two "Perveoal EjtUta" and " Por pay as assessed, •ball be still liable foe the tlemio applted the term rebel to him : be looney In population. if Col. Gully had a tiro tklego a asperity our log frim wry Nre►