HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-05-25, Page 4. ,
• 440oiilMiYtl
,„ .
't� .
14 *stood Ostia dsy't you
Aare plaaiir 0? ct?ttrw
'Is*lig*, ,11,01f Is ,it with
eitildrei?' Are they till*,
401cs0 00 not forget•
ATaat S1014140111*, Yon
tow itIlia the. bled' pars
1r rlcb, ,chid build* et! thea
Itioatil health' in every way.ExtrigrAv'
�. iiia i Iazaer.
ars tlx es ri••, ter4,004,01=44'
TIr*e* if.Ilampet.Ittea
" Y NICA1010
r.i►+rr•n.Mt �eur1
lick %tar.
Telieatlina cluck tl.
Yal.'3t", 148.1. 27, 1000
DRAIN AT tctNn.Rp1Nn '
a r
I1p,Jft Mt`all
coo, " .
Many people seem to be: better tow ib
u► at hticder—t.cpsup WOMEN IN THE HOME
of mr Oleins in the sprinq. !f you feet pl?ttr#
WOW* U0* Polsonersi UP CHILDREN AT SCHOOL don't seem to need a pbyo clan, just talc* * the
,ANDILvery two of our Sassafras Blood 6e Stomach *plusses.
day in the welt and
.70m Vale*
. 410ito
Xlnc atdi R T1Qvfow.
,sltrysar.oi4 d8ttghter of John
i.raitiatroni died On Sunday_ night,
14Pay Mk Mader eircyxnstutites whish
lrnlselled 04 lageOrd,..Crroner, to #.,old
cif incline. The ovideiwe of Mr.
Atiitattlug frits cur4boratct1 by hie
leifs Wed Wrocllit tet: 2lfa20 that the
eldid''went to bed apparently well at
10 O'clock lint duy nip ht. At 11,30 she
'cried and ilonipiitinedof mamma in her
I)r tt
lege. Scro wassent fora but the
t Mild died *little atter nildnight. The
doctor Testified that alien he arrived
the ,bctly Wad -3101d and ttler.0 Was
+every! .symptom et poison by etrych-
lane, 'jliep*auto knew of nothing tho
child could hgvt.caten whichcuulil hero
' produced such results. bet tlieir boy
testified to having ben pieces. of cake
UM the house. Several dogs have
been poi#oned ifi town. later*, and the
supposition is that the vooii child got
hold of Homo poisoned bread set out
for dogs.
Drs. 31o1)onald and . i icCrimman
testified tit bating 'retiroi it the stom•
ugh of the child and sent it to the of -
4rwaltl "t1 resolution to repeal
"ttndpentilgn.grab bill rushed
tli tt kr POTlit niatli<'e,.year ago in its
closing "hour's, WM) voted down last
90.94 icy *i trententiou.. majority, only
eight *there' Vette*.wittIdt>ti, while
:Said the, bill Was, ail right. Pet-
it *ma .106 1auc11 to expect that:,
nal ititu:e:tarted this tweets of their
IMO* tetiialtrY, tiny enneicietaable
Sr1`l40rtionofheInetlbere would now
give lt
would rather trust
110,004,,,daltar1atibilti, forgetting the grab
beforeOt99tbed4asteetion comes round,
or.t itt bomite`issue Might arise in the
din•ot tvhiich•.IIttle would he said or
tl1p„ 0Itt a jo eacceeafltlay carried out.
(; :electors. a it
#y L* their own fault and they
V. to; *Offer. Nene the less we
rm Ont.belief that it was one of
most disereclitable pieces of 10gie-
battop evee prtssed:by a Canadian Par-
'liitMeplt,atid'wee stamped as dishonest
by the very lack of candor and coin
neon buxinees decency with which it
wilts '.neakingly rushed through the
$ouse. ,Until• the method of its con-
coction 414Passing aro lustlfied, all
"" Y &rgutnent wand n pltertion as to' value Of
elerelees, expense of living, etc., are
ritrt of tho Immo.
11 tb l° cal t k t
County Offcie.ls• Salary. -
The report eat the Inspector of Legal
Olfloe.Ist Ontaarlo. for IHho year endueg
Dec..81, IOOd, 1.Amipngst tete emu
lslntrbr cat laid. before the
tttreLe the..followIn(qt{g
Ing to iEiittrowitaotu the table showing
thee° ietsit ar1d 001010rneuts of Count
Judicialofhicesby"counties, is of public
Salarynata by
ficial analyut.
A jury wast empanelled by Corona
record alio viewed the bat*, and
then adjourned to act again on the
2011i. when it is exfiected the official
analysis will bo pro treed,
The Reporter says ; "Air, and Mrs.
Artustrong are completely upset over
the sad affair and if it wits poison are
unable to account for the manner in
which the child received it, as they
have never had any kind of poison
around. There has been a good deal
of poison scattered around . the town
lately by someone who' seems to have
an antipathy towards doge, for a
largo nutuber have been poisoned. A
theory as to how the child conld.secure
potion has been advanced, that soma
miscreant had thrown poison around
for Mr. Armstrong'* dog and that it
may have been in such a form as that
the child might have picked It up and
token it. If it were true it is time
that acme action were taken to find
the guilty party.
Diseases of Women ,
When tho Kidneys Aro Weak it Is
Impossible for ,Any Woman to
be Happy or Healthy.
If the ggirls and women who are al -
handy suffering with what they sup-
pose is " female trouble," would look
to their kidneys they would soon find
the source of their III -health.
Tho kidneys -coo very ..closely allied
with the female Organs, and if the
vitality of the kidneys is in any way
impaired, great •suffering is sure to
No better medicine is known for the
kidneys than De. Hamilton's Pills of
Mandrake and Butternut; . they stim-
ulate and strengthen the kidneys and
therebyusaist tate otber-organs..ta-.da
natures work. Inst cat benefit and
certain cure are gtiaranteed in every
Sufferer. don't wait begin treat -
trent with Dr. Hamilton's Pills at
onee; they will euro you ae they did
141rs. A B. Uobarn, a well known resi-
dent of tho town of Portland. Read
her experience :
" For two years past 1 have been
sick and weals. My color was dull
and sallow, and 1 fait exhausted
and weary, ids if all my strength
were being eaten up with some
I trouble. I heard of Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills and decided'louse them.
The change in a few day,* was sur-
prising, They, regulated my kid-
neys and bowels and oured ail my
suffering ; today 1 am perfectly
werl: t
Every woman can take Dr. Ham-
ilton's Pills with safety and benefit.
Their oeeaelonal use keeps the system
in healthy; well regulated order. No
medicine more gentle or more prompt
in rersults. is the time to stet
Dr. Hamilton's NovPi11s. 25 cents per box,
or five boxes for $1, at all dent -
ere, or by mail froth„ N. 0. Polsen &
, Ca., Hartford, Conn., D. S. A., and
m week In tb* year men. It acts on the otomaeh, liver and 'lshiatitylai
TIREDand will do you good.
women siaai cLildrsa feel � IC contains no
poisons. It is not 4 secrete Dr**
OUTTh. -trot-- of bwinw the paration. It io only 50o, or 0 for $2.50, I)0. at agar,
Gams of home sod social life WHAT ABOUT THOSE OTHER PRIM NEEDS P
sod the taakQf study cause terrible stiffer. Disinfectants - Dye Stuffs - Furniture rela oh Mtae;
61 The Let us try to suit you. lnf
"Prwu a to Cn g 'W e Ce GOO DE, 1 1tl►f+►
.n le care �' mode of life in this s •
Local Agency of TAUDO dt SON. Lelia,* Or4.49i'M i 11tE )a
1Mp=a 1MMi» i
Van ead to
* e cellc#t' '
ether yproper•
get tree
tN ittST
ing trent heart and nerve Econ w.
k to the modern l ►� C(
i000 'hear* out the strongest system,
• shatters the nervi end weaken- tho heart.
Thefind lite s burden and other*
.ai early grsve. The *train on the ryetom
08,11161i i4sevouauaa*, palpitation of the heart.
iprostration, sleoplcisacw, faint
and diSIV ssppooile, skip beat*, weak and
pW.e..toothering and sinking
Ape to, 'Foe blood become. weak and
watery And **aka lily slaw decline.
Tho evening shales creep softly tier, the grana.
The bleefe *tondo massage bears the flowers.
Thebw8Bowarapturoii8, twltteree they pts*
, LCtholr gild flight` at doe°
t S : Of eunret Wier, .
Tho euns,E dyes (11 creamer all the western eky,
stat eeroiugta and , While hereaagd,thero a Uttlo star peeps, why. .
Warr in all deiced. Netting Coh'tented In it's bed orbital,
404 loolta to wainderat the glorious hues
(Mandeb LOW'
Tota). reeettel ;tor' ; xlant thW helm fond iit.ortlorlee come and so
ptro od'fiy gr*er� 01lovealonestbatweeowommenttoknow.
the merry voice,.tho buoyant step,
vices., . The happy oyes, tall of love's t+onder stow.
blow' to love's tendernlemortesever kept,
At *unset hour,
TolaL reedited for Ab whea-obeli Coeur goredcuesmeet again.
Peet 701111 aer.dom Froeittroar tell farrow, from tail strife and pain
.5110 o'er the .lt 11111 r river cusp Alton
Totalreoelpte be 90-. Thom forms, that 1105010,10111118(1 to qtraln
eiet'trom nil htaof. ' T000ur gladhear'ti+,
fl At Sunset holy»
-4,161m t F. DadotO.
Gaterleh May It, 1032
Total eninueemeuts. 10”
Broken Sleep--TircdNaxt--Mor'uing...
Steep not only teats' but build* yip
the body. Cat. • down the hours of
sumo Mid
aapyoo1Exdn doRe ihealth
i l ling1 then
(east8.'interest go to ttnatili, you grow
til 10 1' ;' To•rv"estott' sleep you roust get more
w -.Thea u4drz'tt.100, Pettily* strengtit,nlore nutritious blood.
rlus1ht*Who0 nr0llethakeyu 101p
1ot111d1y, glyOe,assurance. 'villi, Ambi•;
tion. No more morning weakness—in•
ste'td the fire of youth W111 run In your
veinik tttpplyying rlbundtrnatr of energy
' owl • vigor. W Itehery t tpttetlei tie
1118tatit effect of Ferroeanor try it. •
»sldt''ntt$.some of oureltritens Bayo
been joklug; vlth the Clinton New
Ertl, for that paper sayst "Mr. Walk-
hliehaw, pPOltottmmeo *'uetai;er', is to ha
ennttr.ttu *talon tho beautiful display,
of iuli.ps Ate ideate aeountl the poet•
ti tire. weleetley+ tnfrninie covered per-
1loraty'Dana ;,bindetteh examining them
trade the. remark that they roust ]cave
been 'transplatlted fttout a• hothouse,
,int they lied nothing like them in clod.
Melo. find they Were ',unitised an be.
log, assured that the hell* had beet. in
tint *round Wbeve they Wore all win.'
t1tA1. COMtitlijl+i' ', ter,-
fr>a1't1TAII. *MO'fhe;
tot,opol a tfnili le onr TitEr Ai1Vltllrrldll Tltrrrit ilILVAs,—
yeti Nems' di! the fmnlrrlr8�11.17 ,they were 'offered to,
tht' putttic, elfaylelee's Veholab1e Pella
beeeree 'opulet hetnnte et the fkdlit
f!e .r that ' t lf►brt theyr. nude loos' amus t res.'
o. *14,ter "It '006..1%0 retnt'tsttatr bait *0 +04 *1,d they
ham* 114114411 84M41 stow letup aWdtitig the ffl15t 1n1'd1cine8
festre lrawst• 1414' 118+1 In Itt$It ke of dyril* and
0.1111.61.." air wile .bi►ioiw* was, onniplalnts the liref'*nd
dMlWsiwri ki4tievts, rheutfmatic.% faker' ane agcy .
MASS the ltt`tlneat'rnbie oomplttatiolta 1 .
;whisk Melo alllineetxKlee rise.
W MiYAaVttight)t ,_ rlr:
biadts . fa AN '' •
eid.ow" it wenn' killer, (haste' '►%i3 lir
Krierllslnsl'rr nothinguals.it. 1r-
- scree la hot* and take it how ,
iihe slue 111 t a i:AfRi
Heart And Nerve
ere hulleatedor' all dip.ari•s ;,.rising' from
e weak and debilitated condition of the
heart or of the nerve centres. Mr*, Thoa.
Hall, Xeldonl Ont.. tea a "For the pant
two erthrei-years 1 have been troubled
with, nervouun-u and heart: failure, and
the doctor., failed to give tae any relief. I
decided att� I8nt to give Milburn'* B:eert and
be thout trio!, and
they oawoult twicet e a�
mueht here recommended thew to my
neighbors and friends,,
Milburn'* Heart and Nerve Pilri 50 eta.
per box or S for $1,9.0, all dealara, or The
T. Millburn flat, limited, Toronto, Oats.
,Brussels Post: Smoking care for
ladies (P) are one of the latest fads in
Old Country trains. At this rate it
will not be long before the constituent
elementsin true womanhood will have
to be sought for in vain in many guar.
Cora. Some argue that a woman
should have a right to conduct her-
self as a man. This may be right in
so far as the action woold be en-
nobling and elevating, but to pick up
all tbo bad practices and habits of the
sterner sex would soon remove 110man
from the noble sphere she is called
upon to fill among the ,Anglo Saxon
race. Missionaries are being sent to
India and other countries to inspire
,the down trodden women with larger
(conceptions of what are their rights un•
der the Gospel dispensation, but, the
example of the tobacco and snuff user
and drinkers of spirituous liquors will
never supply an object lesson that will
lift up the degenerate. There must
be some strength in the tobacco used
by those Old Country dames when a
railway corporation will go to the ex-
pense of fitting out cars specially for
their use.
Sell Your Cold For $1
You surely won't star at a dollar bill
to cure that horrid, snifeling cold? Go
to any druggist and get "Oaterrho-
zone" and your cold will ho a thing of
the past. There is alrnost witchery in
the swift way Oatarrhozone' kills
colds, But when you consider the
penetrating, healing and antiseptic
qualities of Catar'ho one perhaps its
not so wonderful. Certainly there is
no remedy half so prompt for colds
and catarrh its Oatai'rhozone, peruse
a substitute and inslat on having "Ca-
The most successful advertisers of
this country are the steady adver-
tisers; the --ren who plan campaigns in
great detail; the mon who have started
advertising in a modest way and have
increased their appropriations. These
men have never been foolhardy
enough to believe that they could
scale the heights of prosperity at a
single bound, or could count on past
adyertising to carry them along on
downy beds of ease through the pre-
sent. Advertising carries force as it
goes; stop it for time and you have
to make up for a loss of momentum.
The merchant or manufacturer who
drops his advertising during dull sea-
sons is dropping his oars in midstream
and lotting the current bear him baok-
warde. lotting_
STAN gives the best re-
sults to be found anywhere.
ri .
Not How CHEP, But
QUALITY should be the aim in PIRbT='`,'
and is remembered long after~;;
If a cough makes your nights sleep-
less and weary, it will w you a
good deal and with good cadse. To
dispel the worry and give yourself
rest try Bickle's Anti -Consumptive
Syrup, It exerts a soothing influence
on the air passages and allays the irri-
tation that leads to inflammation. It
will eubdue the most stubborn cough
or Maid, and eventually eradicate it
from the system, as a trod of it will
prove 10 you.
Ybur Worn Out Stomach.
What it needs is the strengthening
influence of Dr.Htunirton'a Prlle—they
work marvels where the otomaoh and
digestion 4iro poor. In one day the
appetite increasea and the whole
system is rapidly stt'engthoned. No
atoniach specialist could write a better
prescription than Dr. Hamilton's Pills
of Mandrake and Butternut. At all
dealers in a yellow box, pintoes 23o., or
five boxes for ono dollar.
.. , MAY, .27.14Ofr
e is forgotten.'
1 Sideboard, 14 x 21 mirror, 2 drawers, golden ou' fell, for 10,00
1 Sideboard, 14 x 2h mirror, 3 drawers, nice ii • posts, golden oak
1 Sideboard, 14 x 24 B, B. mirror, 3 drawers d jiitted, 'fn solid oak,
for 815.50 /.,,
I Sideboard, 10 x 28 13. B. mirror, 3 drawers bled. serpentine front,
heavy fluted posts in quartered golden oak rieb, for 820.00
1 Combination Sideboard and China Oahinef ! rt a $+ H• mirror,
cano$33.0py top0, beaded glass, small doors 4_; solid quarter oak.'
All calls prompty attend,
Phone 89 Residence—corne
la and Cafnbria Streets
It Is only duty and justice to encour-
age your bathe paper, extend to it the
nourishment to which it is entitled.
Pay your subscriptions promptly, and
send a few copies to your- relatives
and friends at a distance. They will
appreciate the favor and so will we.
a A.Ai `c:• x .
Heart do cal Kind You Hare Always Doi*
Signature .144.i •
The Windham Turf Association is
putting forth every effort to make the
races on Wednesday and Thursday,
June ,6th and 711), the most successful
meeting ever held in the town. It is
expected that some of the very boat
horses in Ontario will he there. The
three events for each day will make a
very attractive program.
EASTSNot only is Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio
Oil ,of Incomparable value in the house-
ho'dbut the horseman and farmer
will find it very serviceable in the farm
yard and on the cattle range, often
saving the services of a veterinary
surgeon. In injuries to stock and in
cases of cough and pain it can be used
with good effect.
In every respect The Brunswick carries
aa up-to-date stock of Pipes, Tobaccos,
Cigars and Smokers' Sundries. Variety
and Quality can only be found 'here.
When you want your wants supplied
come to the
It !afraid the prospects for a argo ape
pie crop are good this year. There is a
fine show of blossom, and coming a
little later than usual. it bas not been
alteoted-byth frost,•_-Dealereaayt_the
Indicattotrs pont to a large crop.
Canso' of Appendicitis.
A statistical study of cases of appen•
dicitis has been made by I)t'. Obaovel,
the medical inspector of the French
tirt4rr*. Ily far the Most valuable in-
ftlrnnittionbrought out by this inrrettI-
gation la the result of medical treat•
lr"ltiont for the disease. Altltouah there
hp a theory that there is no eutli thing
ined1101 treatment for Tipp.eudltitle,.
it is claimed that rnodleai treatment
Gurria Oil out of evelry, IOD: In 1202,008IA"
Heide watering from 1ppeoilieittt were
FWaved in the 11111ita0er ttotjfithta, of
rance, Ont of this nu1111)0r 189 Were
treated autording to the ,8trrglaic. rite;
and ISO remitted purely tfLdte3t beat,.
nrenl. Of the number operated titoit.
23 (1k'd, while (1111 b1 the 4' ,) not nit . ■
ted 1iPO n'tlotrt'e Were but three delithl.
1[)r. (Mantre'taalso 1nada nveatl tlttofl l
ta iiaitI out the eauso of appeugdte1tle.
Ile t'anlparrd the figures furnished by
theli'rerrcb array in the Metropolis tit ,
those iit yinitigierk 1111001 the
ineteenth Corps of theatupyiirb`ronce
sllorved it re"suet of one ri►fte to suety
thotroeoid, while the Nineteenth twlnvpe 'Vithtfi r
tht �e tiger 9 'w a loge t1116tit the year .the
Our biasses aro much larger
than they were a year ago. The
public have learned that this
is the best place in the Prov-
ince to obtain a Comtnercial
Education or Shorthand train-
ing. Students are entering
each week. All graduates get
good positions. Write now for
Stiff AgOny
ea cordial prate. Mr. II. A. McInnis.
Bridge, NA, bie for Bean's /Mao
1111a. mite! ue); "Por *sous three years
I have ettftrod Writ& tigen.v from pain across
rar hider" Wall le bad I could not stoop
ST heed I eanindtad ¬ated several doctors
treat me, bus reolliset noted. On the advice
• 814,11"., I Preettild a box of your ignoble,
ao equal for aorta= Of lddney trouble."
recta 133dney Pills are 60 emits per box or
Wee tprosite Oz. Can be procured at all
dtakairte‘will Im matted direct ea receipt of
Vico "IV 'The Doan .Eldney PM Co.. Toronto,
De pot some spurious substitute but be
As Muth IVNIA.Slaell Opel?
irlilsit011* et Tear taritit
Than Iota Hive SI* RlIkMehs
MIRratt 11401042 01mA* *Mt Mgt*
When $2044 Linditt wa *toy onto. *ky
Oak itirdittlisit,VAII Arta ui *kw wank
roppoomiptalieit Wit rash Mkt*
*NW IlittAlbiatMett Shot it temi
'Atari at a Woe Oat lets no offer thioa In Ladies" and Misses pl?.elor fiks,9,14
*C0°470 4e°t 11: olio 2°Ips,"*01t9o4140' Tuttri4eapiAt7"0 t:°:::toOtotkQt:KCA::::V::e6re::t):e7pbr::. 4414 g914
dor4ert lob of ',Oitrople Table Napitimb, altlinenke, little Over beg ire..gol4 Prices, 4
dozen Dollie5 A cents each or a for- 12 cents.- Colored borderg,
vidt. Vestings. Vhite Waistings. White Or ndies, White Indio 1.41400, White TAIWA3) 'White Gren41110/
White 3)ress 'Autos, cteaM. latstree, Were Vestingt: Colored Waistings, Colored Dress Lluena, Mercerize%
Check Zephyrs,. Sleek and White lifercerizt Sulting$, Mick Cotter% Grenadine Stripes, Min Ida* lidercer-
406 Suittngso. Black Press "Awns.
We _have Om Cargest and best Assorted stock of Corsets we ever carried. The prices are yse, soc, yac, 7e%
St, -At.sti and. ti so. D. St A, ,maltes are what we are selling. aud no other, becaupe D. & A. are the best ha
the market for the pricea asked. Every pair guarauterel to wear well and fit perfectly. If you clon't fillet
them as repreeentea =Ulm them and get your money back.
3 story brick etere.,_bakers even and photo -
Kea voituated Mato street.
Bower one lot and stable on Ligbthouse, street.
6 largo rooms. BM.
Mauro Pam. Mealy situated. Cloud- build-
ings. rrult. Good Supply of water. 2
MOW foam town. atm°.
2 one -quaver Imre lots near G. H. elation.
If stOrY Iraine house, 9 rooms. situated on Pic -
ton street., near oeuegiatoInstitutt. 51,800.
6 wires of land on bank of lake, near Inter-
natiouat, line eituation for market garden.
Nine roomed two story brick dwelling, with
orchard and four acres of land. Situated
on Bennett street
Frame 9 roamed store and dwelling, situated
ortEigin Ave. Inctline $900- Good chance
to go Into business.
Money to loan, 6 nor cent,.
CatiaT Bank CoMmerce Bending Ramseur
tlike Dunlop's Tires
tor wheeled vehicles)
mean Correct Fashions
Good Quality
First Class Workmanship
Reasonable Prices
What more can you ask ?
opposite the P.O.
Mordant Tailor.
2 Days In Detroit
Georgian Bay, Sault Bte Mario,
Port Arthur & Northwest.
11,13. Sailings May 7, 16, 25. June
4, 13, for Duluth.
Leave Collingwood 1.30 p. Owen
Sound 11 p.m. Tuesday, Thurs-
day and Saturday.
inside route) Monday and Thurs-
Lowest Freight Rates.
Tickets and inforthatIon from all Railway Agents.
Mgr., Collingwood. Traffic Mgrstiarnla.
'Phone 56
D. miLLAR Go. ,Phone 56
afirtritie-are,Voneaterellahe right
plate to make your purehases.
We have the best Groceries Jo town.
Our bottled and vanned .goods, 00Ur.
butter egg* and other stardea ate
noted tor their excellent qualities.
They make goval eating pobsible, and
that means good health.
year goods to patxr home, and Imre
you the trouble and incontenience Of
your carrying Mei% Craft ab our atore.
and leave your order tor what you
need, and Ont. boy will deliver your
goods eery promptly. We don't
chtOrgo eou extra. for this.
The Squire;
Mess Jaw
.10 THE
13.60 Sitsluason
- Prism Minn
- $4.20 Re. kiettleford
▪ Rad DKr
Joss ob. gee te whoa Until August 6'th.
Jilts 111th, " " August too.
emseht, or cries to 0. B. POSITIR, District
Peetenger agent, 71 Yong° et., Toronto.
Ladies' will find our Hosiery Stock is
everything that could be desired, both as re-
gards to quality, variety and price ; they conte
from the best Canadian mills and imported di-
rect from the leading manufacturers.
Ladies' Plain Cotton Hose, Royal Oak Brand, lisle finish and stainless
dye. 20c per pair.
Ladiee' Allover Lace Hose, fine lisle thread in black or tan, Royal
Oak Brand. Very special at 25c per pair.
Misses' Fine Lisle Ribbed Hose. black, Royal Oak Brand. Extra strong
We have the best Hose In the trade, 2 pairs for 25c
Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, with natural sole, Hermsdorf Dye, 15c
Lisle Lace Hose, black and tan, in very dainty openwork de -
Ladies' Fancy Cotton Hose with embroidered fronts, neat designs,
Hermsdorf Dye, 25c per pair.
signs, Hermsderf Dye, SOc per pair.
Ladies' White Hosiery n leadinsienture
We stock Children's Hosiery in all colors. Porrins' White Washing' Eid
Gloves, special 7-50 per pair. Perrins' Fanaous Gloves in all makes, $1.00 per
pair. Our stock.of Fabric Gloves is very complete. See our new imported' 2
ply Real Eider Yarn euitable for, shawar,-fascimttorreshozteretea-eter -
Millar's Popular Store
'rHE UODERICH STAR bp a Larger Circulation than
any other Newspaper in this Section of the County
of Huron. Shrewd Advertisers value Circulation -
malty of the, Meet tbe
, Now there Is just
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Woritramship,.PAGU EN ES, Aro Alp,
lop tithe best otguarinisingt vAillengthen
that& otivit* for years., And, *Woo thit
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Much,taera sightly.
Rah/ Iwo pawl 40.t
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It k niO9111.111A," woe PAWLS' *Ai *al
10441104 * SOW 1300.010.
alet WOOS 16,414 yew skew he Peels arm et rAwn. town.
J. IS. HAWKINS, Gollerld3
44441S 1.1014K 'IN -OAS
"43143013410 **He*
to tome tul ace rres regarding that'
11000 you are going to build.
if It is II.
We bet6titem to suit all places, dna
then/CESARE mum,.
everything up•tokleie.
/NG nuil all Wilde Of METAT41, WO=
(Imre in itetethen ntylo by goo*/ int,
4, good Melt ot RANGES, Ganke
etia Tinwete to choose/emu.
Oir, told Otiolitte always on
lung at
Faultless Shoes
Men who are particular about their Shoes, will
find Perfect Shoes here. Don't waste time going
from one store to another to find a Shoe you'll
like. Come here first arid save yourself trouble.
We have a long range of styles and prices,
The country's best Shoe Makers made our
Shoes on correct lasts from such good leather as
Vici Kid, Patent Colt, Russian Calf and Box
YOu can't turn round here without bumping
into good Shoes.
Get our Prices
Builder's and Farmer's Hardware
Paints Oils Glass
Garden and Farm Tools
Screen Doors and Windows
Refrigerators and Freezers
Coal Oil Stoves
Charcoal Irons Gasoline Stoves
Lawn Mowers Lawn Hose, etc. •
Eavetroughing Roofing - Plumbing
Hot Mr and Hot Water,litating,
toe Popo Paint a a *valley Atom of it.
Woreil's Cheap Hardware
and Stove Store
that** the Iteationi 'Irbil Talk Ott*. Mmte*Throngli