HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-05-18, Page 3RUSSIAN PARL AMENT
Inauguration of the National \Aseembly
Passed Off
„AsssThe Illallguration Of Rufeal41, trati011ai
eseeellitelY -011 Thliteday passed oft well
- two widely ettnireStX,g SOtalle
the White. marble hell ol St. Geerite X
file Winter Niue the cia tat4
it:14040 tit the dignity a itillmost,
Awe- id 44, *Wog display of military and
90141 %rodeo; 'to the Cutr's Viet
Klee* iteeekting• taent • 4000.0M e*
Vert of Suss** noilY, Then
Thelt'Preeeeded to their oimi dont)*
to the Tawida Paltsee,,.*Iteris ',her f*"
*formed, with entintsisittio clietwi, their
detert919111044. egiretteilet,,bY frOf
14ouroinizelf, returoing thankft fOr
his eleetion te. the Presidency Of it*
House, 'IQ support their Werk..tOr .010
Wellbohig Of the people 'oil two,,hates,
namely, respect, tor tho prerogative
tee. Conetitation, tAW .noCe311, Vr
oeompletipt rights ot the Patina
AlthoUg the Czar PaSeed MX' tents
in the eanitel of Thliredoy. Oan00/ b*
soid that he. Wentelomong tile people,
dieeMbarlted trent. hie yaebf the
palace Steps and- IR re,erabarked----nro
Thus he never eet entside
his homewerd R4117 M Peterhof.
trent gate Ctf Bee pa AM wherethefe
was a MagOilleent disPlaY Oftv_algee
therefinest guards repo, eldsk .Paremnti
in the brilliant -sunahine; wont, 'was
all the crowds outstay the 'barriers got
for waiting.
The pageant within ' the Hell .of St.
George, where the Czar addressed the
new delegates, woe- eempleteles-
ated by the presente of' the peasant =ni-
ters of the Dounia. The gathering or
bifiliant uniforms was greater than at
any time since the coronation Of Mae -
las II. Assembled in the centre as the
picture were the -highest clergy of the
THE wenn
liring te'V dMIS e3 14‘1M* CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS
u Mal fen heihla8 WOW' *a
Ma* gottilkileA
erkie Celt% &AO. *OW WS
„Wier ileirr PIO" If *SI
seadt Were**.
, 10 * • Albert Traxis, wbtle Pleeng toroth, me„y - naur Ott**
was direct by ,t bxesoomparion to touctilbuyea 044 outoulor export„.
tolretted 440 PIPo WW1 It* to400. Toronto_. 13rEt notnittel 41;
In 4 motroat was Writhing X 1404. $1.7 tu $1.7Xt irS hAt
OomParliores laughadt thinking he . wow-N*4 $ whitey' IttlOi0 1)10, 04
Wait playing tit Ito. 94 tuot 040- ay. outgo, No. mixed offered
14.)401010 P101t TX/rsdah wheat.pitterite ere ttletie$ *via bid in,.
On4 •Of 'the frelet *las ill* '1,01444ssse tate Brit. Wel* ere filA010d. At 2440 14'
- 9/Y4r lAigt '9147; Saidt !WM $414 TOrOlde, and Arent WOW itt
peers,. hearing cry, IMMO the btlY initaida, with MO ,NO.
on his knees &Most onnentOtalis. Toting thorn Mazdtobit offered „itts Itto Point
TreVit tengttel tetrANY t*9)1°9 gideferditit Ith 4530 bide NO. $ Nerthern
trot* teat, 40 the 'Alt eilerte te of:erect .et. ii$Xo 'pow goivar(4..*414
release' btra *aro intile end )411 rail* '
1.ear0Ing there 141 Llarley419. es„tre Offered 114,40
eraY One WAY t.dall.Vet hie On, ha ttpche on e 'no eat* ,Pertlends lee* there)
to Alle. engineer, and turned *War ...*b1,1., Withent bide.
the 'Man eperieet Oen?. WO% 444 Toks-No: t Velum- ,i)t--.790.
peeketisolle euS off' the tau' tort-' *hole oeo okik, pAfi 404 wipe, eellees
.401.P.• Before, ISr. Neal could sic 044t,
theb°Y44'441ElltIst'lge6 4eatt`'' Oata.,-No 2 *4444 itk6 .1)id
It 43' 1:19‘v tlt°1104•1145 Pita 1544 c°14.11,13 Otktaide, Mut their altered, art *go if ri
Ufa. ' pee Cent, 1)0414, ifilyere!
` 80 Rare. While kW Wells, lettered at
arid $00 bid cgt,t-Side#:
"41 TOO 1.015141113414 AT TO* CONTRY PNODUCE
gto4ro) itS Apples-Chi:dee Steck, to Per
hbl. and inter/Or ellalltieS, $3' to 4848,
Beane--Hend-pietred selling Att WO 4o
ONTARIO wirrss THE KING. $1,85, and pelisse 411.10 tio $1.75.
tbia 'Mead littchenr arat
the Wholow.
Ours el epring Chielien
net in= than ,Ot qUarter nit ell bleb
tat to as long epttra indleate eld
t the eitirt la ditileultolida 13 teete
ether sign of Old age.
Pe NOW eatt ne baked On the telt et
UtfACIT,11 litEelKeS, the Slow% *Vela IS reciliireet ftir
Dellted, Tediet.-of 01t, NIX ORA et 1314,1o! tItIlatelt:"fiiittP. 13g411r vitIT04
itood raneteNal atX*Itile )411 t921,o- Pella ota • %Urn eVer
*Avant Of Made Tellaberd, * fluoO " BABY eq0kett ahettlt en leetlea Unite ot
on OM* ate taletia4POIA ht1titrx 91 tittle JO nine. nfld theW Will be health.
Munn* altel One te400014 a Wargo -
*Oa at onott.
Wshko,,S4000. Oita the breati tut bolli
skies, ppeaad with the hilt MOOS- and
Otrtili4 lobator One Of the lbings
that, OM Ita Made CAllned 101;$1,M
et, edin lelatter oyill be nedeled
tee thie *Very. Melt .0)10 gunge et
better in 4 pi.% itthl ontt teibtesneen et
Chutney uuit 0114 tahlesPOOlt Or TOAdo
MOW& . Hos feW rOunds tx.cud
fried In bet fat end keep; BOA 110.-14eat
the MiXtUre„ bla_the_pen.144; tho leb3ter
ettoppact unaq *PO le Ow Sett White
?Pssle,"atts4O:s' teSultilki:4411. elbe°4e41.14ingigeiStleenild water; de net wring, Nat eqUeeZe and
etr' the rentehle Or =Med tougUe shake oat, arid hang up to dry, stretch-
Maye Wed in the Sante Manner. ing oceasherially 1010..orlgincit shape as
Deviled Sardiftee. - Serape and wipe, the skin grows drier.
then rell ettett sardine in a Mixture of
Miletarde WOreeeterentre sauce, anchovy
aellee and a little Melted bUtter, and'
lay geeh on a' elica ot toast in a hot °Von
ter five IninifieS, Serve immediately.
-Orilled. SariolineJ. Scrape them tree
fore skin and oil and wipe Ahern With
a clean clOth. Roll the sardines in melt-
ed butter, aprizilding with cayenne and
Salt, Cover them with some finely
Chopped parsley and chopped mush-
rooms. Wrap each earane in oiled
paper and put in the oven till hot. Serve
very hot on slices of toast.
In making orange dumplings mix to.
gather three cupfuls of grated bread -
crumbs, one-half cuptul of melted but-
ter, two-thirds of a cupful of sugar, a
pinch of salt, a heaping tablespoonful of
fic ur 'and the grated rind ot a large
orange, Moisten with yplks and whites
cf three eggs the yolks and whites et
three eggs well beaten, and the juice
et' the orange, strained. Stir well, and
lour the mikture into small buttered
cups; set them in a steamer and steam
for forty-five minutes. Serve with wldp-
ped cream faintly sweetened.
Strawberry Puffs. - Put one cup a
water, one-half cup of butter, one-
quarter oup of sugar, one-half level tea-
spoon of salt in a saucepan, and when
the mixture boils, add one cup of 8)061
(lour, beating vigorously al Ithe time.
When a smooth paste it made, turn A
into a bowl and set away to cool. Then
add,three unbeaten eggs, one at a time,
and beat hard after each addition, and
continue until the batter Ls smooth and
soft, Drop the batter in spoonfuls on
a lightly buttered pan, leaving an inch
or so between the puffs, and bake thir-
ty minutes in a rather quick &en. Cool,
split and 1111 with thick cream beaten,
sweetened and mixed with a few mashed
Celery Sandwiches - Chop the tender
part of celery quite fine. Have some
hard boiled eggs ready, mash them
(both yolks and whitee) with a fork; take
equal parts of eggs and celery, mix to-
gether and moisten with mayonnaise,
or melted butter to which has been ad-
aed a little prepared mustard and a
spoonful or two of vinegar. Spread up-
on thin slices of either white or brown
bread. Bread for sandwiches should e
at least orte day old. Grated cheese pre-
pared as above makes,a delicious sand-
wich. Cottage cheese is also good. A
little powdered sage and onion juice
helps the flavor of the latter.
' "'"*"'"""""*""'""^* Sago bid• Sao bid to ,sxrive Torouto ter
_Aitosi;kitiRE 390 in Stare, Tortint0.
' BtieliwIleate-WaCrelferect et .51X0 Ott
Hearty eencureence has been exprese- Honey -Strained honey quoted et 8%
ed th
hy ....,e Provinetal LegishitUte in len to 9c per Iii, and combs, 51a5 to $2 por
VOrlous. -*mations' extended by tbe- "zen-
ittalestiee the King and li.ueen to visit Hay -Cur lots of No. 1 thnothy are
HoPS-The rnarket Is dull at -14 to 170
PerileMent .of Caneda, Provincial As-
-SeMblies, and municipalities to thelr Per 5'
be forwarded by the Lteidenant- to, and No. at $7 to $7.50.
Straw -418.50 to $6 per ton.
there 13 ec hot MM.
To teSt the treelules,O Of eggs. Mahe /Wallet tith endatnh.
a telett011 or brine 111 tin proportion Vulgar plettne posteard4 are ft) fl/4
911 09040 et -Salt tO tIllOrt Wtetl's• debareedefrelit the Mafia,
end Mee ;hie la a _PIO di* or urtY.,.,111811 The London Street Railway tOlioti,o_14,
Met has a smooth,. ievol bottom. mat will *reuse its genital Star* 14 *out'
Ogge 61111e etionee to the bottom,. hon.
covivr Alklf
S'angt.tinary Fightina IS ttgerted
ItAPPENINGS FAWN %Oh A Durban aspatell soya: Serial;
%OIL wawa was rewived from, the OellaPellrier
ef the eelenial feree3 RfdaY MOIR,
91.9r1.9* UV. ZU113 imOi (War exneditien),
Crel thellatand eheng lriarchIng 1).41BY ViiISOOK
Teblgreplile. Brigs Frew Otte OW4 440 On the rebels tinder Chief 19,anbetita.
Whet Pain** of Moil
Stratford Iterao Show will Pi nelit eirt
atale Om will neat Psholl14 White 1.1teSe Ateln, eitfriCie tha gldOt 1"1"11
that ate Unlit 10 tat Will dee he the resident in ine vicet, ja Awl st.
tap. LaUrent, aged -
TO elean e,heannla skin, rub well wnu sc,eicatehowtui Will have 4 ceilliele,
Wet tPP,' And PIAt' 41:g11 t." tleeQPPIse filmier of railways who will be virtually
oi hoots in e weak oplittien qt ease ano a. &muster without tortf0110,
water, Then wash. out ht &OM waters The nohitothe thn ere Wats in Ilona-
triuntillegilverwaelittilte inlitc(gde6riattitigly vArntetirr:an' Qaietuhtfleorb24104,, tu ikn„,
Moose Jaw capitaliSta ere organizlog
a inswing company, copitelized at kllath5
000, that will employ sovorittlive men.
Alumni of Knox Cellege, Toronto, at
a tneeting voted in taVor ot the KOMI,
ot the calege to a new ette near the
Univerelly TornAto.
The contraet ter a netv time nfill cost -
Mg a qUarter ot a milliten dollars hos
en invtultept Kenoru, and
began inunedletely.
Hamilton has begun a crusade agaliast
the mosquito nuleance. Crude oil will
be used on tho stagnant poola whit%
they breed.
An inmate a the Lazaretto at Ira -
Cecile, New Brunswick, has been dis-
charged as Cured after being a member
of a leper colony for eighteen Years -
The Saskatchewan Legislature on
Wednesday extended an invitation tO the
King and Queell to visit the province
should they consent to come to Canada.
Hon. James Dunsinuir has been ap-
pointed Lieutenant -Governor of British
Columbia, and Sir Daniel MoMillan was
appolified for a second term in Mani-
Under seal of the confessional $1,695
was left at the Bishop's palace at Sher-
brooke for le Bankuo Nationale. The
amount was remove(' from a package of
bills while being transferred to the Eas-
tern Townships Bank on April
Premier Rutherford, of Alberta, de-
livere.d the first provincial budget on
Wednesday. The total appropriations
amount to $1,968,081, of which half a
million 19 for bridges and trails. The
premier estimates a surplus of a quarter I most every dey has ills of fever, during
of a million at the end of the fiscal year.iwhich his temperature rises to over 102
Canada. A resolutien to nys awe win quoted at $9.50 tO $10 on track, Toron-
Orthodox Church, in gorgeous gold can. Governor to his Excellency the Gover-
entails and mitres studded with dia. rear -General for tratianaission to the
toonds, while beside them stood tee Colonial Secretary's Offlee hi London. '
crimson -robed melinbers of the Imperi-
al choir.
But. all this display did not affect the
emotions of the 150 peasants whp were
ranged along the hall on. the left of the
throne. Some of them crossed them-
selves regularly during the lengthy pray-
ers which preceded the speech from the
throne, but none of them joined the vig-
orous and long -sustained applause,. by
the courtiers on the right of the throne,
end few joined in the deep obeisances
The supplementary estimates were
presented and proved to be an addition
a $662,8,50.46 to the main estimates of
85,625,543, the total estimated Provin-
chi] expenditure thus being $6,288,393.40.
wale the expenditure for 1905 was $5,-
396,016. The items for civil government
Accounted for 44648; legislation, $10,-
250; justice, $45,786; education, 3149,-
790; public institutions, $3,379; hospi-
tals and charities, $55,789; agriculture,
colonization, $3,100 (of which
made to the Czar when he returned $14'15O;
$3,000 is for the Salvation Army); pule
through the /hall to his apartments. tic buildings, including $100,000 tor ad -
His Majesty, although visibly nervous, ditional normal schools, $151,353; pub -
spoke with a steady vofce, which was lio works, $21,750; colonization roads,
well heard. He seemed to be thorough- 330,600; repairs, charges ' on Crown
ly relieved when the ceremony was
Petatoes-eOntarlo Mock, 75 to 850 pea
bag, and Eastern, 85 to090o-per bag on
Poultry -Turkeys, fresh killed, 17 to
18c; chickens, 14 to 15c; live ohtekens, 9
to 10o per lb.
But:ter-Pound rolls are ciliated at 17
to 18c; large rolls, 15 to 16e; good to
choice dairy kubs, 15 to 17c, and inferior
at 13 to 14o. Creamery prints sell at 19
to 20c, and solids at 18 to 190.
Eggs -Sales at liltec per dozen in case
lots. Splits, 13 to 13%e,
Cheese -The market is quiet, with
priedi unchanged. New are quoted at
11 to lleeci per lb.
over. lands and refunds, $69,219, and -miscel-
From quite early morning the streets laneous, $101,035, including automobile
law enforcement, $3,000; game protec-
were scenes of great animation. Houses
%sere decorated with flags, church bells tion, $4,000; expenses- entertainment ' of
rang, and Te Deums were sung through- Prince Arthur, $1,035.19; /gratuities,
out the city. The mornieg newspapers $10,000; William Sheering, Hamilton,
published special articles joyfully we. victor of 25 -mile Marathon race at
Coming the new era. Athens,, Greece, $500; town of Bernie,
THE UAW'S opEezie._ tewards expenses of experimental sew-
age- farni; $4,000; gr nt to British
Standing in front of' tne throne, th Medloal Aesociation (expenses), $5,000;
Czar read his message to the Douma. coV/PC'Zite•Trictoteil, main estimates,
It was as follows:
The supreme Providence which gave
mi the_ care. of our Fatherland moved
ne. to call to my assistance in legisla-
tive work elected representatives of the
people. In the expectation of 0 brilliant
future for Russia, I greet in your per-
sons the best men from the empire,
*hom I ordered my beloved subjects to
oose from among themselves.
A -difficult work lies before you. 1 I
trust that love for your Fatherland and
yodf earnest desire to serve it will in-
spire and 'unite you.
I should keep inviolate the institutions
v.hich 1 have granted, with the firm as-
surance that you will devote all your
sir ength to the service :of your country,
and especially to the needs of the "seas-
antry, which are so close to my heart,
and to the education of the people and
their economical welfare, remembering
that to the dignity and pro"sperity of the
.`:late, not only freedom, but order foun-
ded upon justice, are necessary.
I desire from my heart to see, my peo-
ple happy, arid hand down to my son an
empire secure, well organized, ahd en-
May God bless the work that lies Le -
fore me in unity with the council of the
empire and .the Imperial Douma. May
(his day be the day of the moral revival
c t Russia, and the day tor the renewal
of its highest forces.
Approach with solemnity' the label's
tor which I call you, and be worthy .,I
the responsibilities put upon you by the
Emperor and people. May God assist
Dressedohogs in car lots are' nominal.
Bacon, long clear, 12 tO leeeo per fb in
case lots; mess pork, $21 to $21.50; short
cut, $23.
Hams -Light to raediurri, 14% to 15c;
do,,heavy, 14e; rolls, 12 to 12%c; shoul-
ders, 11%c; backs, 15% to 160; breakfast
bacon, 15e.
Lard -Tierces, 11%c; tube, 11%ce pails,
Montreal-, May 15.- Qrairs-There are
no new developments in the local grain
39%e for No. 4 oats in store;
$3,100; wolf bounty, $2,000; Hydro-Elec- c,
40%c for No. 3, and 41%c for No. 2.
tric Commission, 310,000; Railway and ' .
Municipal Board expenses, 38,000; visit
Flour -The 'demand for flour continues
of English, Irish and Scotch Bowling
Association, 3400; towards payment I fairly good from all sources; the tone of
the market es steady, and prices show
commutation volunteer veterans' land I
no changees Manitoba ,ispring patents,
134.10. Winter wheat patents, $4.10 to
$4.40 to $4.60; strong bakers,' 34 to
grants, $50,000. The Medical faculty of
Queen's College for the promotion of i
special grant for public and separate i
t eu stmight rollers, 1,3.80 to $4; do,
medical education ,gets $50,000, and the . o,.....;
rri. bags 81.80 to $1.90e extra, 31.85 to
110 C01011141 trtiOn3 are
ward to intercept the ZultiS era savant
their Junction with the rebel knees.
Sanguinary * ospveted luunern•
The Oevernment has no knowledge
of the reported annihilation of o detach-
nt of mounted pollee by Zulus near
A, pew oilier vein O. flicat gat *A
Valk Mlle ft CAW MO Quo tu, *hog&
Wont! iteenstorried.
Anything irregular iitko 14 Iwo*,
;oge el' blater• lateo
Nover strike , eow, Never frpeat,,
rouglity to ler,
P(.1 geWIi; 014, 140, 10136S; $1111
uclimatieae, and bellevea tho repert then/ 0 little anger with the ken.
groundlr8a. Sugar Will help gentle eny cow tie'
Chief.Kula, who Is suspected of Meal. ts ineltned to be ilerittatia svm.
ketto end Wee Molly erreeted, Wes It -
Flared in lad at Pietermaritzburg on It pity% to be' ertilebla in the eel
friday. It Iv presumed that It was too stable,
arrol, 91 we chief lonleh led to tho Oetitteal, betted and (nada hate grad
riSIng of hts followete. Nattvea cap- bild edited te the OWeet 146MP:tell Mind
hired by the colenial terees Tort thet is ono of the beat foods fer CalVeSit, etdi
Order to render t e rebels irlIMUlle frelD Will geow like weeds.
vritish. mods, peeere battle they Idll Also sMall till pane or beeketel ter thf
to girl and eoneoet "medicine" from her eolvea. and Want and eeald petld
riors. More eolves die Mull aeOUre cutlet
Mi. W. F. Maalean's proposal to
abolish Increased indemnity to membere
of Parliament was brought up. The
discussion was. participate(' in by many
members on both Islam of the House,
including Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Mr.
Borden. The consensus of opinion was
that the public criticism of the indeuo
nity was unjustiflable. Sir Wilfrid
Laurier, however, spoke of the necessity
for either amending or removing the
m,easure gtVing a pension tO Ministers.
Only ex -Ministers who were in need of
the pension were entitled to the pen-
sion. Mr. Borden argued strongly In
favor of, the Indemnity of $2,500 for
members of Parliament. He reviewed
the increasing length of the sessions and
the .demands made on the members'
time, showing that if a member's time
and work for so long a session were not
worth 32,500 It was not worth a oent,
and he should not be re-elected. The
bill was finally voted down. The vote
was 167 to 9.
The reading lasted but three minutes
Ne reply was made to the Emperor's
ar'dress. When he had concluded the
,assemblage dispersed, the members of
the Douma making no sign of approval
WI disapproval of what they had listened
schools in counties is $6o,000. For re-
vision of etatutgs an item of $30,000 ap-
pears. Alexandra School, foe neer cot-
tage and t, alterations, gets 320,000.
the Ontario Agricultural College gets Ontario bran, in bags, $19.50 o ,
Ottawa Central Fair Association, for
$4,000 for a glass honse for insects, shorts, $20.50 to $21; milled mouillie,
dairy purposes, is granted 34,000, and
physics and botany. Cobalt will be $28 to $29 per ton. Provisions -Barrels,
civilized with a $4,000 lock-up, and the heavy Canada short cut pork, $22.50;
expenses of preliminary operations in ,fight short cut, $21.50; barrels, clear fat
the Gillies timber limit, including sur -I backs, $22.50; cempound lard, 7)4, to
veying, purchase of machinery, etc., are 7%e; Canadian pure lard, 11% to 12%c;
• h ms
provided for to the amount of $25,000.
Premier Whitney made an announce.
ment 'of the Government's policy with
reference to grants to railways. It had
31.45. There was no change in
teed market, business being quiet and
prices steady; Manitoba in bags, $18.5II
t $19• shorts, $20.50 to $21 per ion;
kettle -rendered, 12X o ,
13% to 15c; breakfast bacon, 16 to 17c;
Windsor bacon, 15 to 15%c; fresh killed
abattoir dressed hugs, $10.25; alive, $7.75
per 100 lbs. Eggs -New laid, 15% to 16c
per dozen. Butter -Choicest creamery,
18% to 18%.e. Cheese -Colored, 10% to
been decided, he said, to grant $3,000 111c. 14 •
per mile, for 25 miles, or 875,000 n a white,
to the Bruce Mines & Algoma Railway,
commencing thirteen miles north of
Bruce Mines. This was done to enable
the opening up of the copper mines in
the Bruce Mines district. A grant of
Duluth, May 15. -Wheat -No. 1 Nor-
thern, 810; No. 2 Nbrthem, 79c; May,
80%c; July, 80%,e; Sept., 78%e.
Minneapolis, May 15.- Wheat -May,
$5,000 a mile was to be made to the 870; July, 79%c; Sept., , , ,
Canada Central Railway Company, or hard, 81%c; No. 1 ISIorthern, 80%c; No.
any company which would do the work,1 2 Northern, 79%c. Flour -First patents,
for a railway from Little Current to a 34.10 to $4.20; second patents, $3.90 to
point thirteen miles from Sudbury,!$4; first clears, $3.50 to $3.60; esecond
where it wile' connect with a line al- 1 clears, $2.45 to $2.55. Bran in bulk,
ready laid, a distance of fifty-three ; $15.25 to $15.50.
1 At $5 000 per rnite the latter 1 Milwaukee, May 15. -Wheat-No. 1
a3 t 84c: No 2 Northern, 80
witch deetOrs ariloactilicin$ e Idren u tittle lianeeect end your genie(
tody with :Inch :ley anoint the war- Pally.
by drinking frem filthy patio where a
Lerr semitones is cuvRan. 13 ug471.115 than trOm MOS
TO0 Intleh minuet be eitid In favor of
nee Baptist Treasurer Loses Suit Case the farm cream separator. The tirgut
With 412,00. Maas tor do use are manY and' e04
caAseLYcononitilliMinag48.4.10d,e0003PattrortalctiYoe'i bAonscittlet, elusAivsecr.ub at the head of your herd
otooks and other securities, many of moans ultimate failure.
sebiell'are _said to be negotiable, was Some of your cows may be eating
stolen on Thursdey night front the High your mOney in feed and not even bt
Street Free Baptist Churc.h, where the giving Lack dm interest.
Messachusetts Association of Free Bap- Keep few good caws rather than many
Po'ofIrleongre.atest leak in the dairy bust-.
nUralCellounrcvehnestiohna. "Thbecesnuirciadstengbelitoan gaed
to llov. W. T. Tweet of Lewrence, the ness is the lack of a knowledge of es-
Treasurekof the organization, and the sential requireinents.
the securities are the property ot the as. Yeu cannot afford to use cheap salt
Sedation, Rev. Mr. Tweet left the ease in your butter.
trt an ante -room while he went to supper. Keep your cow's tilde °leen and fret
When he returned the suit piase hadi from barn yard Mho
disappeared and a raincoat belooging The wastes in dairying come from ap.
le Mr. Twort and containing about 3e0 parentiy slight causes.
in cash was also missing. The police Tho cow which will not eat abundant
were notified at once, but up to mid- ly win not produce liberally.
night the thief had not been apprehend- Keep your hands ooft with vestine
and you will not hurt the cow so much
iti with hard and horny ones.
The milk scale is as essential to dales
'TURKISH SULTAN DYING. education ak the keystone Is to the arch,
• — A good, properly kept cow stable haA
It Is Very Doubtful II Ile Will Live no offensive odor.
Many Months. Land plaeter should be used freely
A despatch from Constantinople to the le the stable to absorb odors.
Manchester, England, Guardian affirms Plan for plenty of soiling crops. Have
in explicit terms that, despite °Metal an abundance of sweet corn to follow
denials, the gravest apprehensions aro the peas and oats.
ycar and want to get out to pasture,
correspondent sitys Mut the Sultan al -
felt as to the health of Me Suiten. The They get uneasy at this time of the
but don't be In a hurry about it. La the
grass get a good start, and the ground
get good and herd before you let them 6
No person who ts affected with a
cough or consumption should be 11-
k -wed to rare for cows or milk.
Every Milker should wear a clean
moral suit, kept for that purpOse.
The hands should be washed before
milking, and the finger -nails out short
and kept clean.
We are all of us forgetful, so let me
whisper in your ear once more that
nobody ever Invented a strainer diat
would take impure matter out' of milk.
You must keep it out, or It never will
te out.
milk a cow quietly, expeditiously and
Perhaps we shall have patent milking
machines in their perfection, by and
by. In the meantime, a man who can
gently, Is still preferred by the cow her-
self and by ther-farmer as well.
wte g
If for no other reaeon, the dairy far-
mer should. have a separator because he
be .gr
trill p
The Special Committee of Parliament
on' the Government's Sunday observance
legislation received reports f rom the
transportation interests and representa-
tives of the Lord's Day Alliance, show-
ing that these parties found it impossible
to reach any common understanding
as to the provisions that the law should
contain. The railway representatives
reported that "the alliance were not pre-
pared to make any practical sugges-
tions, that it was no use prolonging the
conference, as no tangible results could
be obtained."
Rev. J. G. Shearer, on behalf of the
alliance, submitted a report, which
offered some further concessions to the
transportation interests. Teeese amend-
ments were as follows :
"t. Allowing all trains and vessels in
transit when the Lord's Day begins. -to
proceed to their destination.
"2. Loading and unloading merchan-
dise at intermediate points from passen-
ger boats or trains.
"3. Keeping track and yards free
from snow, ice and any other work re-
quired for the safety of the traffic.
"4. Loading and unloading of ocean
vessels when otherwise they would .te
unduly delayed beyond their sailing
date,, or in imminent danger of losing
one trip by closing of navigation.
"5. Work of yard crews, handling
freight during limited hours. The work
of canal employes during limited hours
might also be conceded. In view of buckeis of water on win and "Hod
brIc1( Oirough the window. The Mu -
some necessary Sunday work, it WEIS '
suggested that provision be made for
dents' objected to certain 1" rules laid
holiday on another day of the week 'for - - •
The MeV of spring cleaning is not a
pleasant one under any circumstances.
but when the hoese is made fresh and
neat with new eaper, paint or carpets, -
the housekeeper feels repaid for her
trouble. Fetw things are more discour-
aging than to go through the process of
cleaning when soiled wells and dingy
paint mar the effect of the work. With
a little planning and ingenuity one can
freshen up a room for sununer at sur-
piisingly little cost. The heavy carpets
ehich have done service all winter may
be replaced by cheap white straw, mat-
ting and a few bright rag tugs; dainty
muslin curtains are always available,
and they add greatly to the summer
rcom. The paints may be renewed for
a trifle, and if the paper hanging is done
at home it costs also but little. It is
not advisable for a woman to undertake
to paper unless the ceilings ace very low
as in the base in some old-fashioned
houses; but under her careful supervis-
en, an experienced person may do the
*ark quite satisfactorily. The most im-
portant point, and the one which- the
aniateur generally falls, is in the making
of the paste; If It is lumpy and not if
the proper consistency, the paper will
crack and curl off. To make a good
paste proceed exactly as ft PreParing
flour starch for clothes, only have it very
thin. Powdered borax the proportion
of a teaspoonful to a quart of flour, will
not only cause the paper to adhere more
closely to the wall, but Is also an excel-
lent disinfectant, and very healthful.
If one is troubled with bed -bugs, paper-
ing is a most advantageous time to ef-
fectually slay them; add carbolic acid In
liberal quantities to the paste; it is their
most deadly foe, and will rid the house
of them when other means fail.
Let the paste cool before using it;
have reedy a long board or table r n
which to spread the payer. ahpair onf
means a graol. of 8265,000, and the two
grants would therefore total $340,000.
The Preniier announced that he had
received a letter some time ago from
Toronto, in which that gentleman said Toronto, May 15. - Another fairly
President Loudon of the Unkversity of
he had desided to resign. Both the heavy run of stock was offering at the
Premier and the Hon. Mr. Ross spoke Western Cattle Market td -day.
warmly oof President Loudon's work foe
10. medium to good, $4.50 to 84.75; bulls
Export Cattle. - Choice, $4.90 to $5. -
BILLS PASSED: $3.50 to- 34; cows, $2.75 to 84.25.
Butcher Cattle - Pieced o s. 1.
the university.
The power bill was read a ihird time 84,80; good to choice, $4.40 to 34.60; fair eheere. some (leen V.. 11
and passed without discussion and 10 good, $3.75 to $4; common, $2.50 to whiteeasti brush for applying the poste.
without a vote. The. university bill, the 83; cows, 33 to $4, butts, $3.25 to $4; Match several strips of pnper nt a time.
mines act, the county Councils act, and 1 canners, $1.50 to 82. • and take them as they come: spread the
the education act were esitong many Stoctsere and Feeders - Short -keep L wife On 118 rapidly ne possitee With the
other measures read a third time. An feeders., 34.75 to 84.85; heavy feeders, brush, being very cnreful to moisten els
arnendment to the city of Toronto's bill 34.40 to 31.90; medium, $2.50 to $3.50; edges well, Begin at the top and press
giving the city power to sell teed in the bulls, $2 to $2.75; gond stockers run et the paper gently clownwerd against the
ttle market was defeated in commit- 83.75 to $4, light at 83.25 to 83.70; rough eon with a Henn cloth. If It le not
comnion 92 to 312.75, and bulls, 31.75 pioperly adjusted nt flrst it niny be loos-
ened. but It is best to hendle It as little
"11Prinsrtilliee. goods nut of doors, right
right side out. for three hours al night,
rind In the morning, when the moisture
has disappeared, it will look as well us
If a tenor hiel sponged It. .
When one discovers cm old ink ri.
rust spot on any tenement, RCIIIPOZP Ille
juice of half n lemon upon ii, rubbing
if. well in, Goer this thickly with salt
and lay out this part of the goods In
the brilliant eurdight. if the spots are
very old, two or three atempts may be
neCessary before one attains any suc-
The brown stains made by Iodine in
materials niay be removed by soaking
there In cold water fer half an hour
and then covering thiekly with sortie
Hay sprinkled with a lillie chloride . f
lime, left for an hour In a Mows, room.
\sill remove the unplensant smell r f
new paint.
When there are colored blouses to re
ironed, never use a very hot iron, ne it
injures the colors, making them loot(
dull nnd fnded. When ironing a Silk
House. put a piece of ehereeeloth river
the silk. This prevente the eilk Irma
getting that shining louk. that romps
from the isoninet of a very warm iron
placed directly on IL
When etaining a floor remember to
brush with the erten. and not neross II.
Tea slake ran he removed from linen
by ruhbing them wilb pure glycerine.
To make eplery (neap. ict It stand met-
ered with mid sell water for nhout an
hour before being served.
The unpleasant emelt from peeling
onions will entirely disappear from lee
bends by holding them in the smoke of
*a* blirnIn a brown paper.
An Unnerved meth's' of bleaching Pl.
monde ie to emit( them overnight In rield
water. Instead of the moral way of pler•
lag them In hotting water.
A &Melons flevor can iv given I,
Prince Arthur Sailed From Montreal on
Thursday Morning.
A Montreal despatch says s At day-
break on ThursdaY morning the Allan
Iluyal Mail steamer Virginian, flying the
Boyar Standard, sailed from this port
with Prince Arthur of Connaught, who
ltss completed a visit of over six weeks
in Canada, during which he has travel-
led seven nu:armed miles and visited
every province Of the Peminion. The
last day of the Prince's etay in Canada
wns occupied with a rehnd of visits.
IS; 'ng the esrly part of the dey he Nes-
it[e• a number of lire lone' institutions,
inrtuding the Dank of Montreal. l.ater
he Wag entertained at Luncheon at the
Hunt Club by Sir Montagu All*, and
In the afternoien he formally opened tho
Morse Show In the presence of a large
gathering of spectetors. After dining at
Sir Montagu Allan's, he paid Mu:Mei
visit to the Horse Show in the ,evening
and later was escorted to the Virginian.
The Prince expressed the utmost' grati-
fication at his reception, and his thanks
to the Canndian people for the waren
welcome he had met in every portion of
the Dominion.
The German Airribassadores ProMpt Re-
ply to Turkey.
Nor e
to 83c; July, 79%c aseed. Bye -No. 1,
61% to 62%c. Barley-Samnie, 40 to
54c. Corn -Cash, No. 3, 47% to 48c;
July, 45%e bid. ,
British imports increased during April
818,857,000; exports, 314,460,000.
Trials of the C.P.R. steamer Empress
of Ireland will Mee place in, a fortnight.
James E. Burke, a blacksmith, will
probably be the Democratic candidate
fur Governor of Vermont.
Besides stopping the sale of soda
water, cigars, ice cream, etc,, en Sun-
day, Mayor Reed of Portsmouth, Vir-
ginia, will not allow railway clerks to
work on that day.
Jacob Luckstone, chief clerk of the
registry department at the New York
general postothce, attempted suicide
here, after being questioned about Ole
loss of $2,000 from the mails.
Elizabeth Gates, 114 years, the oldest
person in Georgia, dred at Brunswick
on Tuesday, She had been married three
times anti leaves four children, 23
grandchildren, and 19 greangrand
children. •
The brokerage ilr-na of Harrison, Sny-
der & Co., of Pheadelphia, announced
that defalcation amounting to at least
$100,b00 had been committed try Edwin
Gteentield a confidential clerk. The
firm have filed u petition in bankruptcy.
Twenty-one students of Butler Col- the averuge of the last eight years could
lege. of Indianapolis, Inel., were MIA- produce a billion bushels. If only a
welded on Tuesday. They went to the quarter Is cultivated enough can be
home of Prof. 11. B. Moore, threw sever- grown to feed Great BeItefil end etIPPIY
home constraint ion. It was stated that
Prof. Mayor had , nut endeavored to
gather information, and did not know
what he was talking, ubout.
degrees. When the attacks, which are
very short, are over, he is completely
prostrated, hls temperature suddenly
falling below 97. He passes nearly the
whole of every day in hie harem, and
his adeisers scarcely dare speak to 111111
about affairs of State. He pays no at-
tention to the reinonstrances of his
physician, and refuses to take the reme-
dies that are peescribed for him. Ibra-
him Pastel, the Sultan's chief adviser,
dare not reveal 'to hje Niftiest,' the true
state of Ms health. it. isAotibtful whe-
ther he will live. more than flve or six
Saskatchewan Legislature Discuss His
A despatch from Regina says: ProL
Mayor's famous report on the resources
of the west *as discussed in the Legis-
lature on Friday, and u. resolution
ed declaring it to be nilsleatling and
damaging, and endorsing the condemna-
I,Ion it, had previously received frum
western official sources. The discussion
developed • the fact that while Prof.
Mayor had argued Canada could pro-
duce only 165,000,000 biestiele of wheat,
there are in Saskatchewan alone 73,-
000,000 acres uf excellent land, which on
down by OH, professor.
W'illiam Cox and his son-in-law,
William Carney, of Smithfield, Ohio,
quarrelled on Wednesday over the pos-
session of two cats. As Carney was
leaving the yard Cox seized a shotgun
and shot him dead. Ile then turned the
weapon on himself and fired the second
load into his breast, dying almost in -
the transportation einployes who had to
work on Sunday. and that double pay be
allowed for Sunday work."
The Grand Trunk Pacific. Branch
Lines Company announced that they
were willing to have un agreement as to
A desmiteh from toristantlnople says:
The arbitrary detention of a German
sidling ship, the Odesseus, by the Turk-
isl, authorities recently threatened fric-
tion between Turkey and anether Eu-
ropean power, but the energetM (Action
o' the German Ambassador quickly
;roved the difficulty. The Odysseus was
ioscherging her cargo at Chibilifiu when
the ea.s boarded by the atitherifies and
removed to itavtik, where she wee
prehored beneath the batteries, the Turks
!osier claiming that ihe vessel had to -
plosives on board, The Ambassador
orolested ergentlY. but unavailingly,
whereupon 'he look a few satiates (rani
ihe GerMan leaardehiP here, The Lore.
ey, boarded the Odyeseus, hoisted the
dtplernalle flag, and took the thin !torn
ilto guns of Ituvak to her dart. at
Chlbolciu. Where ti Vatell Wee kept
ever her while elie aompleted the
therm of her cargo. Oil retianing
the Erilbfiley the Ambassador 'found
A State Council. awalling with
tipoingic5 and exploriatiOne,,
Mr. E. Et. Parker Accidentally Killed
- Nemo f4lagnetawan.
A despatch from Magneinwan says :
E. B. Parker, a highly reepecled farmer,
and late bailiff of the Fifth Division
Court of this district, was accidentalle
killed about noon on Thursday, Mr.
Parker wee harrowing a field near his
residence, when his team ran away,
dragging him along the ground, caus-
ing injuries from which he died. His
daughter, witnessing the sad affair,
rushed to her feSser's assistance, and
surceeded ins extricating hires' After
raising himself up and smiling he fell
back and expired almost immediately.
Noirs tosort,
pe 'Woe 004 io
p vita noes.
.111**!, New frt.
ts $2.50.
Mitch cows - $31) etle each.
Calves - 3).ec to 6c per 15.
Sheep and Immbs - Export ewes are
quoted nt 85 to 85.25; bucks, $4 to
84e513: cullse.83.50 lo 84,4 grain -fed year-
ling lambs are unrhanged at $6.75 to
$7.25, and baenyards at 84.50 In $5.50,
rind geeing lambs are steady at te3 to
38 eaeh.
lines - $7 per cwt. for selects and $6.-
75 for lights ,and fats, fed and watered.
WHIMS 01 Otartirs' DAT affe D01f0 50
Mulberry Trehs. a
A Vain despatch sesta: This la the
eecond week of the extraordinary cold
weather that has prevailed in Japan.
Further damage has been done to the
mulberry trees, whieh will cause a
shortage In the silk supply. it is esti-
Mated that this shortage will amount 1.0
thillione of dollar%
M. Ota, the Japenese F,onsul at New
Chwang, has finally started for Mulcden
to prepara fOr the opening of that city
be foreign Wilde On lune 1.
A Harrowing Mishap Near Treherne,
A Treherne, Man., desputch says: Mr,
Reece, here with 0 mu. uf horses from
Omaha, suet a few and on Friday re -
these branches binding it not to divert
trade from Canadian to American chanistantly.
about three miles west of liere the ear
shipped the balance to Strasburg, hut
nets. They have also dropped the ap- GENERAL.
plications for proposed brunches to Hilo I m (1(1 I was &see vereti to In. 011 Itre. The car
ifax, St. John, and Calgary, to the pilot I I-.
A merlin of Bei:slim members • f
southern boundary of Nianitoba, and i , ''' nnee" ‘gviRs disPel.e7ed "1 10°11 ,
\NUS tO piece the ear un a sit•
1 \L-aS CUL Out, and with the engine a 111CP
from Fort William lo Toronto. l'his ' °' 1hP . t. Pe Prshurg .hief n Po ci .
I " a'' riwlhAerel it tile :mei: 1"ri itirenti:uhelcis wit'll
floe oi ..0.10111, ,..1.1.. 1.1., ...a. COIL -
bill stands till a later meeting of the! Germany has interested Itself In VW- 'be 41„/),
might become fully acquainted with the ' Laut•
liable coal cnncessinne on the island (If itntogx.t to the horses also had an end
The probable object Is to estab- , horses Nettled al lvi,) 1.11()U9und. -rp,, c,.,:.
LIIC110,1 011t, but it wee saved by the
committee, in order that the members!
measure In its new form, lish a naval base.
i.m 0 NeulniT:14IN sTia11111€7E-MILE LIMIT.
The piens flied by Messrs. Muckenze.
and Munn for lite constructiun uf thew _
proposed line between (n.urgian Day Vessels Seized off
of the C.P.11. wanted fuller information A despatch from North Sydney, ell.,
NON'a Scone Coast.
' elle 0;mi:retire was the death, in
and Montreal vi'ere discussed tenure the
Minister of BallWaYS. Mr. Drinkwatel,
ei'i'leiuneliel:lann7e '(1).;:rill.e.11(dianygsrt:;Irierns[ae'Yfri: of Aa
about the western end uf the pruposed says: Twu American fishing f,arrhso,,iseitie,ir•Isd,
lin ...r. -Id the western section wus held llw Flayrnate Copt Hogan. owned by the' I "II
CO' :',:',ICCOrd1T1g1). The entrance to 01- Atlantic Maritime Company,
ta ereeplanned te be made through one and the Pernik, Capt. Sesier, (Newel . l'i:',1,1;\,(.1,14,1r fie,,cri(i'nr111,1„1,/e'.,„11:,e) ‘1,a,''111,4,;,.111gio:,,e,:
of the finest parks and showing 13 les( 1 by Sy Ivantis Smith, Ghee:ester, were
crossings, Wag lald ()Vol'. The eltineler seized on Tuesday anernoon off cape 1, ,\,\ ill.1,11:1,r1 hr.:4;1:i: e.111,14.e8.,:r ven,,,irtit ,..i to:,I.,,,
intimated. howeloo, tout it cuuld nut be North 1.v the CoNerlinleIll cruiser ean• ' ne'' eer`1111.4 " 50'4111 tern) ..1 toe year,
npproved. The sta•111)11 between Mune , nda tole L140 Cust0014 pre!, eel i ve ,•ruis IT !I 1',2:1!:;!f:r'prIleinl::! 1:51,11,111 gicene: 1 trirleitiley r>.,,,[kiti-tiiisl
real and SI. AndreW's and betepenj Gladiator. 'Utley were brought tu this
IlawIcesbury and Oltawa were nppro!“.(1.1 sort" on Wedneedlni morning. Thg nue hurried ent of the perm' inetitutien.
The seetlen betneen liovekesbury and C431)1111114 nre eharged with fishing wills
th cane!, and his sufferings
St. Andrew', stands over In eerier Ihut hi thf. threr'nulf' lima. Thee are being ',Ifit,,,,,,[iii.itinil,.. ,ii.eruiesrl wile, 011 Ills wny to the
sn areengenient may he neide to keep detained here pending instructions from
north of Ihe L.Ilrillun end Grenville road . the Dominion Government.
"7”‘", ''..ktbesskirn milk will
riereft-sed In value tor feed-
sa. The. calves and the pigs •
may live it while fresh and warm,
when It Is not only more palatable but
Fevi farmers rerliea" the advantage
derived by having the farm teams well
matched for work at least. It ls always
desirable to have them colored- and
marked alike, but this is nut as neces-
eery as having them matched as re -
weeds size and disposition. A large
und small horse du not work well lin
eether neither do a fast and slow one.
III niated teams 110 not work as easily
together for either tearns or driver, net -
tiler do they do as good work.
In nearly all our farm work it ls desirable
fei a team 4o work straight ahead. This
ie particularly true in (killing grain,
planting of potatoes, or cultivating.
Even on a rnower or harvester one can
(te much more satisfactory work whett
bet horses work well together. Another
eeint that should not be overlooked in
nailing horses hi to get those that have
like mouths. A tender and a tough
bitted horse do nut make a mated team
either, any more than a small and
nage one.
These things may seem trivial, but
when one comes to work a team three
hundred days in a year ft makes a con,
selerable difference whether they &iv(
together and are easily handled or thc
ri verse. Usually one can mate up
ten rn If he keeps on the lookout with very
little extra expense. ft is well %torte
the cost. When one gets a pair ol
herees that are well meted and havi
the size and quality .that are desirable
in a team he ran not afford to part with
1Loirl, even If he if offered twenty-five
more than he thinks they are worth.
As a rule, It will pay best to keep thern
rind wear them out. Few farmers make
enything by rontinually changing horses
Get whet your work demands, being
eery elm! 40 get thorn heavy enough la
di their work eastly; without having
I., use up their nerve, arid then huld on
1i them. When one stops to consider
the days of hard work a well mated
%ming team will perferm before they
nre worn out. the purehase price does
riet cut much of a figure.
One point more. The really desirable
hired man will alwave take much bel-
ie, eare of a tenni Met he takes pride
in, than nn awleward rrusmated rale,
[Ind this also means dollara to their
A Young Russinn Jew Caught In an
A St. John, N.B., despatch says : His
neck pinned between the edges of the
elevator and the floor, a young Russian
Jew strangled to death within the course
of a very few minutee In a Dock Street
clothing estoblislinient a little after 6
o'clock on Tuesday evening. Nobody
saw the fatality, which occurred in the
clothing manufacturing lioua6 of David
Ashkins, No. 36 Dock Street. The dead
youth, on far as Need be learned. had
no relations in the city. Ile wan known
by no other name than that of Inman or
Hyman, and arrived about three weeks
ago from Warsaw, Poland.
0 • —
!elm Recompensed for ‘Loss of
As, Ong Kong despatch eaya : The
Vicelly of Canton has paid to the Amer.
lean Conmil at Clanton, Jilting G. Lay, the
pum of $60,000 ns indemnity for the
tlitookin bundle
ty of the MiSsiont
convervi, Ste
COIIVICI Wag tieing Moved Er0111 King-
ston Penitentiary to Hospital.
1-1Pfcire Parlialaelllary Cualt11111.,,,
(Ta /40'11'111111re Dr. Peillierferd, chief
vetertnari of the Agriculture Depert•
merit, made 11 statement of eoneiderable
inierest to dniry fernier's, It had not
teen ilernonetrnled. he said. that the
tuberculoses nnd ether tests were else-
lutely certnin In thee^ result,. There
tore, he did not (Approve of runking their
noplIention compuleory. In the
I.me he wes oinking experiment, ef hie
oWn on the mibjebi. brit for the eressrit
his niivice to Otrinere W114 to give their
animals plenty nf fresh nir. It had teem
shown that rood ventilation 51 US
Of the beet nieens of keeping herds fcce
fteplistag Adopfe NeW Graduated Stamp
Duty on Railway Tickets.
destiatch, kern Bolin °aye: The
litiehateg ort Tot,sdity adopted a new
telidine Meaner duty- on railway tickets,
tht .Invost bring tine and a neater
teldaNsild'Ore highest a Tiettetei cest-
iftO lett then Mew onto are not to bo
the personal proper -
WS and the claims of
It of the deetrurtion
ot property during the riotillg at Lien-
ehow 01 OttOber lats The mones will
he irensfitt'ed reesbyterlari Mis-
sal:at Settlement at ienchow.
Sample Examined Reported to be 111'm -
i -tams Deeper Boring.
A Manitou, Manitrioe rlespsish srivs
Indications Of oil on the. farm of n.
Lee, seven miles aouth of thie seen e,
Impressed the pent& that n stirvIde \\.11', )11 th60
sent to a Toronto expert, wh,, ilk re
pert elated that it e tis the higheet glialt-
ty of rel. A ornehine to go futile -1, eeen
with the boring iS PWOCINI 10 a fee
dive. LenO farm n terse,. One re'llr
the PernhIna mountains. end on ninny
adjoining forma there are mile:newel
CHARGE 01-47-11111:11DER.
Grorge McLean Arreeled at Rat Creek,
Doutil,FOTit.t.CKING E. P. B.
Work on the Line Itelween %fontreal and
Smith's Falls Conuttenced.
A despohit, from kingslob says 'I lie
eentrnet fer detilee ft:keine the 1'.11.11.
lie133e,in Ntorille.31 nod Smith's Valls
tin, heel, tet. find 100 wells hem already
ernmeenced. Air. lkinkwiller, Winclais•
ler. romininider, n1,1..1'3140 the wurk.
mid Ede/net Meets. SM1111.-1 F1111S,
art as pindmasier.
Strallienria, Senator Scott and Sir lohn
Carling Likely M Present III.
lholalh 11 raL'a ThO Tri-
1,noe underidands 11,10 InYlla
hen le the [eine will lei preeenled per
nortimedono, ronsisling of
I eril stratheone, senntnr nod
isir John (Arline. the teller 15`.0 111151111/
the King ;14 PrInee of \kale,
A despeteh ?rein Edinenbm, Alte
stye, A charge of murder tine heen pre
ferred egainet Geo. Vs' Met nen. reit,
prinion hi Mary Fortier. the 3 intin i3 o
%roan who eas found ileat mor lint
4 reel{ on Friday Mel win, hag
I held in custody by the pole e eince
Meet( coffee by rubbing a lump nt sugar- els !seen,* from the hrezpitel, I nd his
or the Mod 6I a lemon. In the ease of tee reliminnry hearing before Maeietrate
an orange may lake the place of tbc nde 00 T111"SdRy. The coroner jurv
Melean ae a party to the
T.09 =all of cookIna mat, ha remova vouna ototnan's death.
1 he Courtney East, Nese and South is
Chicago Fire inalirence Companies So
e (pewit, h fr en lueerre anye The
Thome ef eilnesd,o. slog Fire in.
411,1111`e 11111, In etin,,,a0 rsi all 10%9 dr
t,i., ri•ks. \int he advanced 25 per
nt or 1001a, le reimburee rompaniee
tinee suffered Ines in the San
I innenee fire.
A ilospalel, from Neleen, fl. C., snye
miry directien (11s-
,111,1 h., farina:1.110re 1111... 1 W1111
141.11110 411113,'. her/1/11.1 O.0111 the hiir-
roatidaig feeintry, east. wed and south.
all 0111‘v 1"111111'1‘ 1' 111 111'4P.1'1'i•
l'olos, Initt31 rant Mikes (poetry the
1,ss will be s et y great.
Stableman Perishes In a Fire Near
An oleos 3 &valet' ' itri
1•11,1,1y nighl. destneed the ',tube, et
the lialmoritl 1101,1 nt nntinenii Peint.
nem' here. Slo3 0114 11, ,hert,.11,
0111,1.'104n. clip.; hurtled I., ,10,1111.
\NUS Yleeping In the 1,113.1,,ft, nod. 14•111V
re en mieee.etes eendition. pr,,ba•
1,1v etnried (he fire in ettempting lo
light his 1.11i,•,
Detachment of Natal Mounted Ponce
Practically Wiped Out.
A Durban (16,4,0141i ear; . An un
confirmed repert current to the effect
that the rehelhoun Zulus have Knell
roily wiped out dettichnient of the
Netional Mounted Police near troth.
Saskeletiewan %Ion DInappeared
Horne Lant Fall. F NMES.
A desprilch from SIrn-idiurg. Susie., Potato web is similar hi its nature
e+,5s 01, Menday, elute 01-0/' vat MIMI. To kin its germs en the tub -
nee feinting he hie he .•rs, put a pound of formatin in fifteen
acroos 11 men's teen- en a 1,111ff nbout gallons id water and goal( the seed 11Q
three milea .,,,110 iris 1. en. rpon minutes, then cut and plant. Do not
trisestigetion he hem I is be that t
Adelph schnedi wh,, ,I,n.,1,1,enred from
hat horde in (a-1.1,er
reported the molder 1,, Cor 'nor floIllato
and (111 inquast e,'11, held on 1 uesday.
After hearing the ,i3idervie the jury
brouehl in the .1,11, I 1085 ,i,ef3,39,,,t
come 1,, Inn den11, hanging himself
owe, iemporeeis, insere.
VALI let MI to $31 en acre, in addhlen
to what th0 land provioualy prolUCta
erti on the new atool want at Wel- This Means'i,60 rents a ton minutely •
toad tog beak atarten. owAst Mot =NOUN
fhafetallog 18 Just as bad for a horst
tbat works hard as underfeeding.
It will be found proatahle to milk the
heifer lie long Os posmitile the nest year
her dairy life, giving her generuils
!coding to make rich blood. This will
ley the foundatior fur a profitable dairy
Scalited mOli with a teaspoonful
t,lack pepper in it, is a good remedy
SCOW'S 111 Call\ e.S. Scorched flour made
mlo pellet.; about as large as n hickory
nut, given each day, Is almost a perfect
specific 1..1 this troubleonnie disease.
Flegin eerie to tench the heifers to
%lend around In the stall at mileing
time, but remember that they don't
eriow at flrst what you are driving -I.
There is no use of getting yourself and
Mr heifer all wrought up over nothing.
e[iii don't like to stand around cry
e it when eomebody else says you
must, hut you eome to 0, after a bit,
rind COO that It is all right. Se Vein the
soak after cutting.
Manure placed on old land will in-
crease hay a ton an acre, and, there will
e more forage for cattle. There will
te eight or ten more bushels tif whelp
to the acre, ten to fifteen more Wails
of oats, eto. Flight to ten tons 03 Inas
num should tie spread on each sere, ei0
ern plooducin power on five areed