The Goderich Star, 1906-05-18, Page 1a Newsisper In tb*County of Huron, and Tligt,e0pERICil STAR is the largos g alligaZeAuslity, Quantity* circulation •••••••••••*Hoseemeeeeeseeme•mmoilk :••••••••••••••....11, T110 4309Ricil FrAit NO 1!"11:0" circulation than any other Islewaripor • I in this sectiOn of the county' of Huron :••••••••••••••••••••••eeeseeesegooseeeeet wmrcsremw,014.vaarro, 90, cicYcrx•rx-y- =.171,407. (30DeRICIL, ONT,r FRIDAY. MAX 1906. NICENCt. ' Agth'in accounts of ir4letclo,,*, tirw 11,1 • corPO4.0soilcitg(i. interet aii,4vve0, th'e rAte of POUR (4), PER. ciENT per anntigh Money Ott ba lyithitrrnyli any 41/111a, The. governMent stutherigett mate Oicept dellosite. THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY GODBRICII OBBICE WW1% SMAT AND SWARE L, M -GR, 1/4 WANTS. irt ENERAL SERVANT WANTED.-APPIY to Mrs. A. &milder's. IRL WANTED.-Fer %ulestie work, at 1.." the Balmoral Cate, 11 erd Blot*. §'ERVANT WANTED. -Good girl for _gen- eral housework. No Washing. APP1Y BECKETT, Nelson atreet. NVANTED-At once.a Good General Ser- vant. Apply te (DR,) Wurrgor. The CrescenL MWO GIRLS WANTED. -Cook arid Kit- chenmaid. Apply Mail. 11..1, FARR. Bil- ks Hotel. - — ANTED 0001) STEADY BOY. -15 or 16 Years old, to help coachman. Apply to E . ATriutte f IRL WANTED. - For up-etairs work. - 1..11 Apply to Mrs. Xing. K a- Edward Goderich. POR SALE OR TO LET. 1.),ASTUBE.-16 or 20 head of Ittle can be X given pasture for the summer months. For partIculars.apply or address WEsLEY W. MEER. BenM111GT, Ont. . M-IOR SALK-Building lots on Market street, X nearCarnerrie Library. A most desirable location. Apply to Mr.. J.H.Williams. TRAWBERY PLANTS FOR SALE. - The undersigned hae tor sale good sorts at reasonable prices. C. WARCUP, Hayfield Road. 1;SOR SALIC,-Three Small awninge which X were on old Drug Store. These are all new. Cheap. H. W. TnomisoN. 11[3ASTURE.-From June lst pasture for Oat - IL Ile and Horses on Fildgewood Park pro- perty. FOP terms, eto., apply te Twines API.- LIAN, at the Farm House. MIOR SALE.-14Briek Story Dwelling, with half an acre of ground, good stables, fruit trees, ate, Situated in the village of Salt ford. An excelleneohanee tor a comfort,. able home. Apply on the premises to Mits. etlyrueRitt. . QIIINCILES, LUMBER, ETC. -X, XX and ;:") XXX' ShingThs, Cedar -Poste-avid-Phank.- Also Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, etc., etc. THE GODERICH LUMBER CO.,Limited. ,--- PRCIE.ERTY FOR SALE:- The desirable property on Elgin Avenue, Goderich., invned and occupied by Dr.. WhitelY. Good hottest and two-thirds of an acre of land, with choice fruits. The house le heated by hot water and has all modern improvements. A bargain for any person wanting first-clats Pro- perty, at a moderate prim,. Apply to or tuidress DR. 'WHITELY, Goderich. 1 )t.A.PERS ,FOlt SALE. - Several hundred 1 copies of ola nowspapent for Sale. - just the' thing when you are hoUseeleaniag. Apply at S'rAR OFFICE ROPBSSION'Al. A u°', . Batik of NW11001RB (itc. I 8, tanker ' leer Eiteset and Senora 1. e°Ls. AocTioNeoRING GrEinitiv RECKETT,' General Atetionee; 900 Hatnilton Street Goderith..,Pi Ct. Box l&S. Fatna, farm stook, an( all other salsa will receive special attention. I will1MY Item em tire stock of Illotisehold Forniture,And will pay mot dash prices. Let zee know what you have to sell int:Myna°, or cell and Pea whaf. I can sell you. - GEORGE DEOKETT. CurlositY Shop, Goderich. COURT OF REVISION. NOTICE OF COURT OF REVLSTON. -- • TOWNSHIP OF GODEI-tiOL TAKE NOTICE that the Court of Rovision of the Township of Goderich will hold its first :kitting in the Township Hall, golmesville, for the purpoise of hearing appeals tgainet the Assessment Roll of the Township for the year 1909, on Saturday. TEE 26T0 DAT OF MAT, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. All parties interest- ed are requested to 'Attend. NIXON STURDY, Township Clerk. Goderieb, May 7th, 1900, NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION. , TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. Tang Ronan that the Court et Revision of the Townehip of Colborne will hold its fleet att. Ong. in the Town Hall for the purpose °Meer - Mg appeals against the AssessiaIent. Roll of the Township for the year 1916, oa Saturday. THE 261s3 mil' or MAY, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon. AU parties interested are requetted tri attend. lee W. MoDONAGEL • Township Clerk. Carlow, May 1st, 190f1. DOG TAX NOTICE. aaroTicE. Bylaw No. 0, 1906, of the Town of Goderich requires; amongst other regulations that on or brf ere the first, day, of May 1900, all dogs shall be registered and licensed 'in the ofilce of the Collector of Taxes, and shall wear a tag as sup- plied by the Collector. , The fee for such registration Is one dollar for each dog and two dollars for each bitch, and this pays the municipal tax upon much dog ur doge tor the ye,ar 19191. IL IR one of the duties of the town con, etables to enforce this bylaw bp prosecutions before the Police Magistrate. • M. O. JOHNSTON, Town Clerk. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. 1 ISSOLUTION OF' PARTNERSHIP. -No- 1 tire Is hereby given that the co -partnership heretofore exieting between the undersigned ae Furniture Dealers and Gndertakere at God- erieb, Ont, under the 11rm name of Beckett & Staunton, will be dissolved my the lst day of June next. The butinesa will herettfter be carried on by H. B. Beckett. All outstanding ilt•Volints must bo settled before that date, or 'tiny wilt he placed in other hands for collo°. lion. fix Mr. Staunton is leaving for Alberta. H. B. BECKETT JOHN STAUNTON. NOT CE OF COURT OF' REVISION. -TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD. Stedi,pg 90 CA1141* KM) Offlae, - TORONTO lecotectrated be Omelet act at the Pozelnien Partiationt to repave Deposita ' Hijahest ceireot rate ef intereit• paid in oor ioperioni on deposits of $t ana upwcirds, Interest paid and compounded POUR TIMES 4 ygo.R. Drafts bought toad 'cold. A General Banking Business trensacted. GODERICID BRANCH : JEFFREYOlanager. wo ;Ito. *MAW' DATaa113:' ywit gone by Gofleriett woo ohnottityloo)oatorvntra Pa'a 00111,410 fAl4uft 04 010 first Ittlyclutt for Itotsu veers the import- Itht aVelat -bah, been allowed tq tepee in- ohoewity. 4ore intereat and eta ergyah0414110 exhibited bY our °Kix- ena generaliy.. Why not have the 7471,7oe aptiblic meeting without delay mot digital* the Metier f The present dete la npoo too early to aet, and It 'OW 0001,)011 and citizens will act °other promptly 4 Teal big day arid anY vleitere wooid be assured. ()on oN °on Oumv.-The daily pas Perapf Wednesday had this despatch trona Ohatilian -Chatham. May 15-- Yekterday Ohief of Pollee Gundry, of Goderieh, and a companiob, rode through Blenheim en route to Ridge - town In an auto bearing no numherc 'Complaint was made to the Blenheim police. who 'phoned Ridgetown, where the auto was held tor instructions froni Blenheim, when the identity of the offenders wa.s learned. Trial was conducted over the 'phone between the two towns, and the parties allowed to go after paying costa. Nor Earoueat Gums Coittn.-"Out OODER1Cii MARKETS. Tim week wee a quiet Ono, shipping tran- sactione being few, and prices, :with tho ex- ception ot peas, unchanged. Reports from West Huron are that tho seeding Was a suc- cessful one, the preparations for the roots more extenrive than usual, and that as a rule ell fruit tree/. large atd small, have budded well, and that with the exceptien of fall wheat. in spota only, ;the signs are favorable for the farm - The rainfall yesterday morning was a heavy one, and was all that was needed to put the ground in good condition. and give the spring stain crops a splendid etort. W. 13urrow% & Son last weeke shipped e. oar of wheat to Clinton, and one of bnckwheat to New York. Current wholesale prices oorreeted , .1.4P to noon of Thuredag.) Fall wheat, standard $0 73 to 73 E jpring wheat, standard Flour, per cwt.. patent 2 50 to 2 50 Flour, per cwt., family 2 25 to 2 26 Bran, per ton 19 00 to 19 00 Shorts, per ton 20 00 to 20 00 Screenings, per ton....... .18 00 to 18 00 Oats 0 31 to 0 35 Barley I 0 43 to Peas 0 73 to 0 73 Rye 0 48 to 0 48 Buckwheat, per bushel 0 48 to 0 48 Ha 50 1 5 00 Bn ter, per lb........ ......... la to 0 17 Eggs, (fresh) per dozen 0 13 to 0 li Wood, per cord 6 00 to 6 00 Cattle, export t 60 to 4 75 Cattle, ordinary and butchers' 9 50 to 4 75 Lambs, spring 4 00 to 5 00 Sheep, fat gliwt) 8 50 to 4 00 Hogs. Uve weight 7 00 to 7 00 Hogs,..deessed-....•........isr,u I. • • 8 75 to 9 99 Hams, per lb 0 lIrti" "Ill 2aeon, long dear 0 14 to 0 14 Hidee 7 00 to 7 '25 Sheep 'skins 0 70 to 0 90 Tallow, rand,ered ,........._. • 0 01 to 0 04 Chickens -barnyard. chicks, per lb 0 10 to 0 11 a ' *rate fed 0 II to 0 12 Beef, fore iquarters 4 50 to 5 50 Beef. hind quarters 11 00 to 7 00 Potatoes 0 45 to 0 60 Cattle atid Hogs in, Toronto. TARE Nara= that the Court of Revision of the Townehip of Ashfield will hold its first 011- t,:ln jln the Town Hall for the purpase of hearing o eala -ngrittett -the-Antsesernent-Roli of.. the ownship for the year 1900, on Saturday, rug MIL DAY OP MAY, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Ali mulles interested are requested to attend. 'Tnos. G. Amax. ToWnship Clerk. Dungannon, May 10th, 1913,41 CARD OF THANKS. caw oe THANKS. I wish to thank my customers and friends for their past trade and kindly expressions of regret that I have disposed of my hardware business. I expect to leave town June6th, and in the interval will be at the old stand the whole of Saturdays and Mondays and part of eitch week until leave. Any account" owing eheuld be settled either by cdeh or If not due bv note maturing at time ori$4fially agreed upon when geode Wore taken. his action ia absolutely necessary, and it is to be hoped i•iteh and all concerned will bake prompt pro- vision and not wait to be called upon, as I pre- fer doing my own collecting, other wise them will nocetaarily be extra expente. M. W. HowELL. ICE FOR SALE ataienE ortos.-Ice Merchants. leo sold and delivered promptly In small or large lets. We make a specialty of treason orders. !ARV° your orders at office, first door watt of Square, West street, or at residence. William .treet, Ooderieh. Telephone 24. of nearly 14,000 immigrants who have come under our attention since tbe first of this year, not ten per cent. of them have been women and girls," said an officer of the Ontario Immi- gration Office in Toronto. "I think I woold be safe in saying that they did notnutnber more than eight per cent,' he con t inued,"and needy all the gentle sex were married wotnen 0,t that," be added. This goes to shoW that in the west the men are unable to find wives Most of the women and girls wer from London. and have come out with their husbands aud fathers. Quite number of the Scotchmen were mar ried men, but they, with few excep tions, left their wives and daughters home, promising to bring them, ou later. BUtLDING OPERATIONEL-The brick IMPERATIVE PUBLIC NOTICE. Accounts Must be Settled. With the purchasing of Mt. Howell's stock I purpose openTng a complete new set of books, and all accounts now owing me must be settled' before June ist, as after that date the books will be handed to a solicitor tor collection. Goli • ern yourself acc'ordinkly. CHAS. C. LEE. PUBLIC NOTICE. BUSINESS CHANGE, Mr. L. p. Augustine having beught out the interest of Mr. Jonathan Miller in the East Street Livery. the bosinees will hereafter be carried on under the name of Walker & Augustine. A continuance of public pat- ronage crolicited. Everything will he kept up to the highest stan- dard, and satiefaction guaranteed. REAL ESTATE AGENTS -a rot; NG & ROBERTSON, Me4 'ESTATE ]1. AND INSURANCE AGENTS. For selling, buying Or enntIne• town and farm kl.:17inrie,Fgt:urr houirts4tra". 01'0°. MEDICAL TEN -PAGES Mit14111104. Os ffotln. loulsuith oar Advenee-411,60 BottOOT. flareantga a'OB -au Welit UNTQA ate 21 rural school sectienswithan aseessment $fij0.000 or over, which must pay s, salary of 1,000 In 1007; 111 sections easemed Moen $100.000 end PAO®. whieb taUllt PoSt SOO salary t aeetiona ea - soma between '5100,000 end 41140,000, Mat pay $440 t nine sections, as- Ateiraati between g40- .000 and* $100.0091 whicu Meet pay WO. There are ion Mel echool aections. These %litres are fornitffietl by Immeater 'Tom, and aro intereetingeashoWingthe working out of the ineW ubu Scheel Aet, A Ilan ACCIDAINT.-14ast Friday. Alex, Young. Of Kintall, while driso Ing_ into town, was neaving the bridge at Dunlop'e Hill, when whistle of tiome kind 414 frightenA the artimela 'They started. away with *1-01 speed ae to throve Mr, 'Thong violently out of Wit vehicle. His forehead struck on the ground and with such force as to render bim insensible, in which state he remained for 4 codsiderable time. He was taken to the residence of his brother on the 8th non, of Col- borne. and le noW doing well, and get - Mug on nicely, a,nd is expected to be around again as usual before the week passes away. ANNUAL Mamma OF MUSICAL So - a WALKER & AUGUSTINE. layers have commenced the big stor for R. Parsons, and diggers are Fir paring to get out the foundation fo the big store to be built for Hodgen Bros -The brick house being built Bruce street by Col. Young, is bein roofed in, and the dwelling bein erected by Wm, Lee on Montreal s is nearing completion. -The Rapti church has nearly all the stone wor of the basement up, and the door door frames and windOw frames are position. -Mrs. R. 13. Smith shingi the dining room of her dwelling las week ; H. Black has started the ere tion of a dwelling on Toronto stree and Geo. M. Elliott is putting up esidence corner of Bayfiela clod 'B tannia Roads. -Mr. VVallis has p in it stone foundation for a dwelli on his loacorner of Victoria andPicto streets, and A. 13. Dayison is putti up a couple of dwellings on Big Avenue. THE H. & 0. RAILWAY SCHEME. - the Commons Railway Committee la Monday a bill was reported extendi the titne tor thp, conetruction of t Huron and Ontario Railway a authorizing ,also the construction two branch lines. The main line Gprojected from Port Perry to (..io rich, touching Beeton, Shelbur Durliain, and Walkerton, with bran es to Meaforel, Owen Sound, Kin dine and Wingham. It was expla ed by Alexander Smith, the compan solicitor, that sections are now un contract from Port Perry to Uxbri and from Toronto Junction to Edgel The branches asked for in the pres bill are pt•ojected to run from P Perry to Oshawa or Whitby, and fr Goderich to Sarnia and Winds The former passed and the latter restricted from Onderich to Park and Strathroy. The Manitoulin North Shore Railway Company w given two years' extension of tim build from Sudbury to little Curt. and from Meaford to Owen Sou The Algonta Central Railway given power to amalgamate w other roads. BETTER FISHERIES PROTEcTIO e - t. et 8, in ed c - t, a ri- ut ng in In st limvouto.-The sotto walls of. the eleVator are nOW wIthth about 19 feet, of a Wail, WWII Wane that three weeka wilt likely sea thelast bar - rev? Lgemeut rforead op ita wallik>and it may be mentlohetti that IllEtly tone of binding iron *re yet to be 11100te rated in the cement, The tiotehed., the nmehtoery wilt then be built of pressed cement bricks), eo that our people *ill likely see the new elevator being given its ffillabing tottehee es Dotottuon Day eatnee round. The last of the outilde staffolding le now placed. and all that will be needed willA he that far the brick worh and *clef. It la eitid that all the tuachinery and requisites for finishing tbe building will be ready wheo wonted. ONE MUNDRED YEARS Ow.- On Tuesday, Itith of Mey, Ifirsalbabertson, widow of the late Edward Roberoton, of this town, reached her 100th year, the old lady having beeo born in Wexford, Ireland, on the 15th day of Maw, 1800. She ham uow entered her second century a privilege, even in Bible times, patriarchs, were not permated to reach. Although Mrs. Robertson was not over strong on the 100th celebratiou of her natal day, she was able to be around, and commenced her, 101st year with joy and gladneae, and lived the day as became a patri- arch wko had reached the century mark. When three aears old she crossed the Atlantic with her parents ; ten years later recrossed, but did not remain on the Green Isle long, and re- turned to Canada again the same year, settling with her family In Elizabeth- town, in Leeds and Gt•eenville. In 1825 she married Edward Robertson, of the same place, and lived there 40 years, anti in 1805 moved to Goderich, where she now lives with her daugh- ter, Mrs. (Capt.) Wylie, being now one of the old residents of Goderich. Mrs. Robertson had three tasters and one brother, but they have all gone before, and 11 children, eight of whom are still living. The are ()apt. Edward, of Sarnia ; 01apt. W. M., of Port Elgin ; Samuel, of Lucknow; George of Chi- cago; Alfred, of Duluth, and John. of Goderich, and Mesdames James Wil- lis, of Springside, Ass., ana Captain Peter Wylie, of Goderich. Ton STAR congratulates Mrs. Robertson on har passing her 100th birthday. and hopes her remaining days may be continu- ously happy ones. eatarr.-The annual meeting of the Goderteh Musical Society will be held next Monday eyenipig. 21st inst., at the Town Hall, at 8 o clock. The usual business of the annual meeting -the reading of reports and the election of officers for the next year -will be transacted, together with any other matters that may be brought forward in the interest of the fl:ociety, or of the town band, which is under the managerpent of the Society. The members of the present executive would like to see a large attendance of citizens at this meeting and a lively interest manifested in the affairs of the band. Every citizen is welcome 'to attend and to have his say. Let there be a goosa turnout. Remember the date -next Monday evening. Faorr FAminto.-Alex. Riach, rep- Weekly' Sun Offleb, Tuesday, May 15. REyIEW OF CATTLE MARKET. The spring trade in Outario's exporters has proved more sapisfsetory to feeders than it, has to llealore. emnber of drovers were on the Toronto markets this week with cattle which they had bought a month ago, when prospecta Beamed rather brighter than they do now. In some oases; these drovers say they paid over five cents ME cattle that they cannot get beyond $4.80 for today. There is little doubt, too, that the statements made are substantially •correet, and that drovers have lost on the cattle they bought in advance for May delivery. On the other hand, the num who fed these cattle have little to cora. plain of, having reolized about a cent to a cent and a quarter over what they paid for the animals as feedens last fall. .3 tut now the Toronto market is dulLit being difficult to got up to $5.15, even for the very finest offerings, but that figure comperes well with the price paid last yeer, when the con- dition of the Old Country market now and then is taken Into accounL While cattle are selling at a dollar a hundredweight less. dressed weight In England, than they were at this time in 19(15, the price of export animabs on the hoof here is only about 0.5e. less now than It was twelve months since. On tho whole there does not teem any lin- 1nediate prospect of inueh improvement In prices. If an advance is to occur at all, the probabilities seem to point to its coming just before our Western ranchers commence to ceme off the grass. One thing that seems reasonably certain is that therse who are buying feeding cattle at $1.50 to WA cannot expect to get more than for thom next fall. Last fall exporters sold in Toronto at below $4.5eAnd judging by reports as to the extent to which American farmers are preparing to graze thie year, and tho pro. bable output from our own West, better re- turns cannot be Molted for next season. Hogg are 10c. lower in Toronto this week, the Wm. Davies Co, quoting hogs off ears in T$8are75nttoota,at8:7.30; fed and watered In Toronto at between $7 and $7.10, and at country points at Park, Blackwell & Co. emote off cars in To- ronto at $7.30, with fats and lights 25e. loss. At the Junction yesterday select hogs fed and watered sold at $7; lights at 56.75; BOWE{ at $4 to to, and, stags at 52.50 to 5.3.50 per hundredweight. While hog prices have declined in .thie Pro- vince, the price has nor kept place with the decline in bacon in the Old t'ountry. Thurs- day's oablegrata tho Trade Bulletin reports %docile° of 4% per long awt. In the price of bacon in London last week, and (tanadian emitters say their advicee 9110W a decline of Es in three weeks, On the present basis of <hog Prices in Toronto packers say lemon thould sell at 60 to 61s. in London, to enable them to break even. As a matter of tact, the very best price quoted in yesterday's cablegram from the Chnadian Associated Preas was 60%., and the prime ranged from that down to 53e, with the market depressed oven at that figure. To INTENDING BUILDERS We have constantly in stock a large supply of Cement Bricks for sale. " Call and get prices. THE GODERICH CEMENT BRICK Co. GODEMCH --- pits. EMMERSON & TURNBULL. A, T. EMMERSON, 111. D. W. EL Ttencrent„ M. 13. I Offices 102 faeces, Hamilton St. Pik"- ResMence NI Night, calla for the firm of firs, Emmersen and Turnbull will be answered either from their office, Hamilton street, or from Dr. Turnbella residence, Nelson (greet. -- I )11. A. 11. MACKLIN, M. B. flursiletta Sufgewr. Oipeelat Attention to e ye, oar, nose and throat. (Aldo and ToilldenC0 01.G Bank a Montreal. opposite Post °Mee, tt en street. Sedation.. Telephoto No. UR. DENT1STOla CE. SALE, L. 11 S. 0, D. Bit MeLean's . Block, GOdiribli. Dr, Turnbnlire old stand. At Dungannen Wedndidayr afternoona W. E. KELLY WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE tanuants GODERICH. ONT. ---- ALL KINDS OF COAL Enquire my prices for cash before purchasing this sea- son. Have also a quantity of Hard Wood. ng he nd of de- ne. ch- ROBT. ELLIOTT, rhone No. 70 South St. resenting M. I. Davidson, fruit grow- ers, of Burlington, was in town last week. and planted over seven acree.of fruit orchard for Mr. Wm. Boltonaon Maitland Road. (the old race track), with pears, plums, cherries, peaches, black currants, raspberries, strawber. ries and sinailar fruite. Mr. Bolton will also go extensively into garden vegetables, and now has twenty-four sash hot beda at work, so that he will have every facility for keeping up with the earliest in the seasons. His investment is one that 'should bring him good returns, and THE STAR hopes his euterprise will be abundantly successful. Mr. Mach, who is an experiehead nursery rnan and horticulturist, looked carefully over the ground and its location here, and has formed good opinions of the 'possibilities of successful fruit and garden farming around Cioderich. AN INTERESTING DECIsION.-Ohlef car- in- y's der dge ay. mit ort ono or. Was and ere e to en t nd. Ottawa dispatch of May 13th said: "A was ith HARRISON'S Tarts Short, limed PrettrY Cream Puff] Kisses Cream Rollt Maranguen Lady Fingers Macarotine Brandy Snaps Ig•tyall ratanladT the beat =We in any , Realism, loydn trade ln Woken" cakes' arta lama oweettig. Give hfia an order and your flaBidant1On W111 be towered. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Pasture -Wesley W. Reber Slaughtee Sate -c. C. Leo Floor Oilcloth -W. A. McKim Great Wall Paper Sale -Geo. Porter.... Cotton Hese-J. H. Colborne For Salo -Mrs. J. H. W1111ains Strawberry Plants for Salo -C. Warcup Servant Wanted -Mrs. A. Saunders Card of Thanks -M. W. Howell . . _ Dissolution of Partnership -Beckett; & Staunton We aro Very Particular --P, 'T. Dean ... Got My Figures -C. J. Harper . The Popular Hosiery Store -D. Millar Co For Saturday'e Trade -W. C. Prldham . For Victoria Dayr-461. T, Ry ...... Men Grow Ittch-J, 113. Hawkins Dog Tap -M. 0. Johnston, Clerk Active Accounta- Standard Loan ... Parasol Specials- Hodgena Bros . . Seed orn (SpecIall-A. .1. ('ooper Hamm:Eike Wpociall-.1. 13. Hawkina. Auction Sale -George Beckett ROY N. HARRISON Kingston Street - Godericli •••Islioadd.••••••• THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA RANDOLPH MACDONALD, D. M. STEWART, President. General Manager. A General Bankitig 'Business Transacted SAVING$ DEPARTMENT it(JUR IDLE MOW0V-Coh earti interest and yet be aa much nt your call if itt venue pocket or some tither insecure place. vett can have tins pfifteiteit iltiY day with intetest for tbe actual tithe it was on deposit. TNTMEST omrommtur, four times a year. $LOO opens so ottottot. gook, 1 0, o'CONNettl, Mitolger* Jordot !Oak • Ertel Town'Toplcs. Additional local matte,r on page 10. Wateb for the "Jerry front Kerry" street parade at 4 o'clock this after. noon. Knox Bros. will In a few da_ys open %It 10 tho livery business on Novgate street. Dr, Macklitahas gob° to Ohicage for a. month's study ot the latest tillage in his apeetot work and surgery. tiltonet (federal). No, 32, O. 0. F., will attend divine service in Victoria street Methodist church on Sunday, June 10th. The Chown not beino ready to pro - coed with the charge of bigamy against Jasper Brindly, the case was remand- ed to the 22nd inst. Charles Wells has had some nice early vegetables, and his peach •arch- ard looks as if it would bring forth fruit in abundance this year. Granolithic walk is talked of In very section of the towu, and it now looks ES though all the leading streets will be properly paved before the au- tumn leaves fade. This week THE STAR is comprlsed of ten utammoth pages, and every page will be found of particular interest. It will well repay our patrons to care- fully read the adyertisements, Page 1 6 10 5 5 4 5 5 10 1 10 Justice Meredith has granted an order quashing the bylaw prohibiting the sale of liquor in Oakville. The grounds for the order ere:T(1) That copies of the bylaw were not posted up at four or more public places in the municipality, as required by statute, and that such neglect affected the re- sult of the election ; (2) that voters en- tered more than once on the voters' Het voted In all the polling sub-divie- ions where their notices appeared ; (3) that there are no wards in the town, and no elector was entitled to vote more than once; (4) that no printed directions for the guidance of voters were posted up, as required by statute; (5) that none of the deputy returning officers made or subscribed before the clerk of the municipality his solemn declaration that the voters' list and poll book were used, or that the en- tries therein w,ere made as required ,by statute. ANOTHER ONE Folt FLOODY.-An N.— The Toronto papers of Saturday last announced that in pursuance of his aggressive policy for the pro- tection of the fisheries of the Province, Hon. Dr. Reaume has decided upon the employment of a number of fast grucoline launches on centers where poaching is frequent and pertiistent. One snch launch re- cently purchased at 0ananoque at a cost of 8800 is now in Toronto harbor. Her preliminary tests developed high speed. She will be further tested on the hay and lake, and In a day or two a decision will he reached as to whether she will be placed on Lake Erie or Lake Ht. Clair, each of which will be patrolled by a gasoline launch this season. A launch will also he purchased ainmet immediately for the Georgian Bay, and before the season is far advanced there will be two fast launches on that hay. The Gilphie, the present fishery cruiser on Georgian Bay, is too big and too slow for the work, and has failed to make captures on morn than one occasion because her size prevented her going in among the .inshore islands and getting at poachers working there. An offer of $1,500 has been received tor the Gilphie, and she will probably be sold to the private parties wanting to buy at that price. It *le also propotted to put a fast gasoline launch on Lake Nipissing next season. A PALATiAL STORE. The meche.n- large distillery plant was seized on Friday afternoon near North Wake- field, Que., by officet Floody of the in- land revenue department, assisted by Dr. Freeland and officer Slattery of the local staff. The plant was opera- ted hy Joseph Brossard, and it was stated at Hull yesterday. that it was the most complete and ecientific outfit ever captured in Canada. In the dis- tillery were found two barrels of whis- key, eight large hogsheads of fer- mented mash, a large quantity of corn, potatoes, yeast and other ar- ticles. The distiller used a gasoline stove for boiling, the game being fed hy naphtha from two large reservoirs. Two force pumps were used for cooling purposes." It was Inepector Floody, of Toronto, a well known Huron Old Boy, who worked up the cam against Brossard, he having been in the vicin- ity of the prisoner's home for some time disguised as a laborer. AsSESSMENT OF 1900. -An exami- SPECIAL NOTICE. NOtleen ander this heading to non -ad vertie. ern w111 he charged 10 &an a running Miele nonpariel typo, 12 linen to the Melt ; M yearly eontract advertisern whose eAvertleing ap- pears In the same mane, 6 cents a line ; to those who make a yearly eontraet under this heading, and do not otherwise advertise, 8 canto a line. The official lists of militia canape for the coming summer. published last Satuiday, places the Mud Bruce and 133rd Huron Regiments in the camp which will assemble on June 18th. Wm. Anstey, who Is a well known local poultry fancier, prefers the Min- oroas, and GS a woof of their excellence he showed Tnit STAR four eggs which averaged one-quarter of a pound each. Today " Jerry from Kerry " will visit Goderich onoe more, and the popular cotnedy will no doubt be as welcome as ever, The street parade will take place at 4 p. instead of at noon. Brief Iowa Topics. Ohm. O. Leo. WII0 recentlY pop chased the Hoare') $10,000 hardware etock. this week annotItices on page 0 of Tufo STAR a great two weeks elaughter sato. Speelal 'ikttention to directed to what ho has to say from the fact that the advertisement is net onlY the largest. but probably the most attraotive that bee over appear- ed any newepaper in the county of Huron. There are a few worn places on the granolithio walke where the water lies after a rain. Although at present only the merest fraction of OM inch, it will deepen and a few years more mav make spots deep enough to become in- convenient. Knowing this,the thought strikes One that it might be wise to avoid this by giving all newly laid walks- a fall of ball aa inch* and thua prevent future troubles in this direc- tion. Are You One ? in accordance with the warning given in THE STAR a month ago, a list of 'all subscribers in arrears Is being made out and put into an agency for collectIou. This means that the lull credit rate of $1.50 per year will be charged. You may save your share of this trouble and expense It you square up before June I, but after that date it will be too late, and you must settle with the agency. PUBS. THE STAR. Thomas Welsh, a laborer *residing on Huron street, Exeter, committed suicide by htsnging himself in his cellar last Monday morning. The body waa found at noon by two little daughters. His knees were almost touching the floor when found. He had been worrying of late over many matters. one of which Is supposed to be a loss of $300 claimed to have been taken from the house. He leaves a family of six daughters and two sons. Organizer W. E. Finch, of the 0. 0. 0. F., left Friday morning for Sea - forth, where he will put In a few weeks. While in Ooderich he obtained 31 applications for membership in the Order. At the last regular meeting of Goderich Council, No. 157, he installed the following officers for the term ending Deo. 31st, 1000 : Prelate, Mrs. George Bissett ; Marshall, H. H. Pol- ley ; Warden, Miss Florence Dietrioh ; Secretary, James Knuckle ; Guard, Richard Oke; Organist , Miss McColl. Profitable publicity can beet be ob- tained by using a paper that reaches the homes of the people. Tun STAR guarantees circulation, which is open for inspection and verification by all patrons. In the list of second year successful students ,at the Guelph 0. A. C., just published, are the names of Mr, 0. G. Sulkeld, of Ooderich, 12; Mr. F. Middle- ton, Clinton, at, and Mr, N. M. Batten- tyne, Stratford, 43. It has now been decided that the Huron Regiment shall go into camp on the 18th of June, so that all our young men who want to join the regi- ment should report to Col. Young or Capt. Win. Gundry. New Books at the Public Ubrary. "Ccontanlos and IndattElal Htstorp ' American Mon of Lettere, Wash.ington Ir- ving. American Mon of Letters, Longfellow. Sharp Eyes Earth's Earliest Ages. "In Memoriam." (Tennyson./ A World Without a Child. The Story of a Trapper, The Myetery of June 13,11, Rose the River. , When it was Park. . SL Cuthbert's'. Nedra. On Firing Line. KathdrIne Lauderdale. Sandy. Old Gordon Graham. History of Our Own TIWOH, thy.) on the Field of Glory. The SL Lawrence. Terence O'Rourke. By Plke and Dyke. Young Colonists. Little Masterpieces. My Friend the Chaffeur. nation of the assessment rolls for 1900 shows as follows : @gq.itAqi § eig,c4NE1- ics have taken poseession of the two lots south of Proudfoot, Hays &Blair's law Aire, on the Square, and have started the foundation for a palatial store to he occupied by Hodgene Bros. before the holly comee again. It will have a width of 38 feet In front and 44 feet at the back, with a depth of 90 feet, and from Re peculiar shape will be for a part lighted from 3 sides. It will he praztically double the size of the store now occupien by the firm, eo the immenne Ho s apace added for ti theit. busineso use vill make the store one of the target; . Western Ontario. The building will tie of brick on con- crete foundation, and the baaement will be used for oil clothe and lino- ; I nd tin ackin goods Local Notices. Hawkins' HardwareStore in resplen- dent vvith a display of beauttfal hammocks. Thwart) soiling meddle at the low clearing prices. finno Conn.- •A. full stock of the choicest verbatim Al Seed Corn. Also the Ogilvie Gook Book. A ear load of Victor Hog Food and all kinds of field root needs. Priests very loWont. A. J. Coortin. An opportnnity to see yourseleeti as °there WM yeti, cae others; an you your. mitten Mg thorn, described tn a hemorena and entertaining manner by jtev. E. J. Stobo, Ja. In the Lecture room of the Public library on the evenine tile 21th inst., in h smelter learn -nu "Workets,Shirtrers and Jerkera. The ladies of the Beptiet h and canategation will onto aueptraa- Public Librant Lecture room fs, o'clock Thurralay ovening,then now° Meta nisi Burnam; tete, ,a,gd.,,tdin,, • AA to. tea etette Dart e atone act -mates rntsh memo. We copy the 1'01 (*lag referenem to 'Rev. FL gtotro dere, which wilt be caves 00 tto evsos 0 the Nth hat., ander ittletUspLets of the a dusty!), from the o bletern- t % a graebic, humor. • deunestiee Met kinds of ammeter we meat with every da ' afr. Stole) can toil a two aim goat se' 4. lettuce, rece v ng a for atorage and tor furnaces. The plan of the ground floor in not etearly designed jont yet. The offices, how- ever, will be placed at the rear end of the store, and It is likely a row of steel pillara will rnn down the centre, but nothing more luta been deter hied ne yet. The front will be made t of five large plate glees lightn, makin it one of the beat lighted dry goods attires in the Dominion. In addition to the largeleinuso of t e act rendera the treaty lite Hewn will he placed in t e erson liable to a fine of from tf20 to idea\ ' • IT3siN 1 1 wmAim. , a 0 - !!! 15 r. . a ;1- a a opulatioo. 4A16. (Jostle Met's., The above list is ready for distribu- tion to the public with the exception of the last two, which will be on the shelves ehortly. • C. P. R. Construction Notes. Gundry Bros'. two -seated automo- bile arrived in town on Tuesday, W. H. Gundry having driven it up from Walkerville. It le a substantial and otnfortable rig, and Will no doubt be very popular during the summer. Mrs. D. Hay. Lighthouse etreet, fell down yeaterclay niorning while house cleaning, the result being a fractOrti-of the left thigh just above the knee Joint. The fracture was quickly met, and Mrs.Hay is progressing favorably, Dr. Rollins, of Exeter, an honored and highly reapected ex -Warden of the county of Huron, was banqueted and presented with a gold seal, gold - headed cane and pipe, previous to his departure for the West. Warden Speakman occupied the chair, and the whole affair was befitting the occasion and the loss of such a good citizen. Dr, Rollins, who will likely locate at Saekatoon, Raid there were two con- ditions on which he might return to Exeter, extreme poverty or independ- ent wealth ; the one because he knew that in their kindness they would care for him ; the other because there was no better place on earth In which to live. He left for his new home on Friday. The members of the Public School Board drove round the schools on Fri- day evening. made a thoroegh in- spection of thetn, and noted repairic and improvements thought to be need- ed during the coining holiday vaca- tion. Messrs. Haled & Llummell received and put In operation their new con- crete mixer this week, and the ma- chine seems to give excellent satitifitc. tion. The firm are to be congratulat- ed, and will doubtless find plenty of room for it. Brophey, the photographer, has en. larged his premises by adding an en- larged "printing" department. 14e now has the eunshine at all hours of tinselly for this particular part of hit artistic work, probably the best to be found anywhere. If it's a big job of printing or a Fonall Joh, THE STAR. has the facilities for doing that as well as fot• the timeli- er ones. We want work that requires particular attention, and in doing It we guarantee that it shall be the best quality and at a reasonable price. Around the Harbor. The owner of the cold hoist is in town fixing the lifter for the season's work. The Goderich Harbor Lumber 'Miff Co, made some big Shipmente of lum- ber the past week. Guelph, May 11. -On Wednesday the Guelph & Goderich Railway track - laying gang reached Elmira, and yes- terday a few Guelph friends of Divi- sional Engineer Macklin had the prIvi- lege of accompanying hint on the first trip over the road to that village from this city. The party comprised, be. sides Mr. Macklin, ills Honor Judge Chadwick, A. M. MacK innon, Mastet. In Chambers, Ald. Macdonald, Dr. O'Reilly, 13, Sinner, E. V. Thomson end McIntosh. It is ellpeeted_the road will be ballasted and in rompleto working order as far as Elmira for the running of passenger trains in time for the Toronto Exhibitlfm. The eontractor still has a gang fill- ing in the big alide a few hundred feet weld nf the Dunlop hill bridge, A number of men are building erib work at the foot of Attrill's bank, it few feet east of the north abutment, of the river bridge, Fair progress im being made an the two abutments for the south side of the R. 11. track bridge al the foot of Waterloo street. The track to carry the Iron fot. the Maitland river bridge is being fixed, to be ready for the train that will carry the stringers, and the ma- chinery for lifting theni into ponition It is expected that the bridge will show up well by Domittion Day, -Ir.' -4 2 r, - is PENALTIF,R. -Lirptor dealers Wcruld do well to pay attention t o t he new net. The penalties are heavy, and if hotelmen violate the law and are mulcted in large flnea they will have themselves to blame. For the first offence a fine of not Moo than PO and not more than $100 ; formerly the minimutn fine wae 520. Serond offenee, $100 fine and not more than 5200; third offence, $200 and not more than $400. Attention in called to the tieing of falee labels on liquor bottlea. Hot - den in case goods must not he refilled, and the inspector in empowered to teat ail II uore. Violation of this; The heavy rain of vemtertlay morn- ing brought to view very many low spots on streets and gravel walks. A bout forty feet on the south side of l'rafeigier etreet, in front of Wm. Holland's property, was like. a pond, and should have a few loads of gravel or cinders. Otiorge Acheson has made a !dee boulevard in front. of his handsome residence on North street, and the ground in front of the Methodist church opposite is being leveled. J. Bogle, Trafalgar street, has Kiwi great- ly improved hie property by ereitting lt)'clitell(fiwnleIrrdain on 'Hetet-day and Sun- day helped the grasp; along, improving the parke very nitich, and litul the edges of the eight blocks of the tiquitre not been trodden down by thOtni OW' ritizens who care not for the beauty of the town, the grans would have been prettier than ever. Tuesday was an ideal ',Trine day; it was warm and fair, the roads and walks were dry and without dust, tto that driving, walking and biryrling were never more pleasant, and front mindown to near midnight the tem- perature was that of sunny Italy. No wonder stinunki visitors are already heArP•lady informs that on Sunday four at five renpectable youths opened a gate of a reeidenee on 1,Vaterloo St „ walked in and each took a tulip from a bed there growing. Thirty days in fail wool(' not be too nitteh for such an offence, for our town will never be beautiful while Flitch pet t y t hieves are allowed to roam al large. There Was a lovely bed of blooming hytteint hs ttt one of t he residences on 1 he Crenent 'Tttentlity night , \Veil . nendny morning all the whit one., had been stolett, and the heti of flowers deetroyed. It would he 11 kindly aet for thole. who k now t he t itlef t o report the Net., no that 'the P. may serve him or her with cold Justice Jas. I,. Orant, of the Customs De• pertinent, wan in Anhfleld the past few dart attending the funeral Or )1 1•4 delighter, the late Mrs. McDonald, of that township, who paseed away on Huntley, after a two weeks {linens fol lowing childbirth. I). Boyd. an old time reoident of A eh fleld,drove out to to IC Intell to attend the funeral. The_Dredging Company got orders Tneeday evening to start on the dredging contract and a start yeas made just off the harbor entrance on Wednesday. The outside breakwater contractors, Battle St Conlon, will be in Ooderick next week, and then the work will be restarted. The plant was fitted out and painted the past week,so as to to he ready for n. start when the Order COMM The Goderich Lumber Co. has orders ibn its hooks for nine car loads of lum- ber to he shipped at once, and orders era coming In by every mail. The Co. Is also shipping largely from their Stokes Bav mills, and made a sale at that point this week, that will be figured by tens of thousands. Sarnia Observer : " The Star -Cole line has decided to change the name of the faniiliar side -wheel passenger steamer Darius Cole to the Huron. and when the boat titans on her new Geor- gian Bay -Soo route in a few weeks that is the mune she will bear. Capt. Byron Armstrong. former master of the Arundell, will Sall the Huron this Heaton, and Capt. W. J. Adams, who was mate of the Arundell for several years, becotues master of that boat." Viewed The Great Ruins. Through the kindness of al realootace McPhee, of Loyal, we are permitted to publish the following extract from a letter she has received from Mina Clara Teweley, who le now in Oak- land, Cal. It will be read with inter est here by Huron people : "We visited the ruins nome few days ago. The eight which met our eyes surpassed any possible imagination. M Ilea and miler( of enmities! walls and skeleton frame -work; picturenque and grand,yet awful. It is entirely beyond •Jeacription. The u ff et 1 n gs, ago n len and heart aches that prevailed during those dap; of anguieh, no tongue can ever tell, To iten bodies (+erred and torn, drawn from the debris, wan heert rending. Parente looking for their children, and rhildren looking In vain for parents. In some parte of the city the odor can aearcely bn to- lerated, an it him been impottaible to dincover all of the remains; wit hitt much a thne,of thorn" poor unfortunatea who were cruehed beneath the falling buildings, at that terrible moment What damage the earthquake left un- done the fire which immediately fol- lowed, rertainly eompleted '‘We wandered all day among the ruing of that one,e magnifleent city, and at evening cloned OUT eyee and tried to realize if It were true, what that day Wo had beheld. "Ilopkann A rt !mai tute, the walla a whie.h enclosed Americaa bent and moot valued eollection of beautiful n.rt, lien low in ruinn, nave for one Ione (+Immo, wbich markt; the plaeo of that onee magnificent eta tau re. Thin is the fate of many the -mean& of just ouch valuable buildings. "We picked from the ruins many at -- Helen which will In later dap bo trea- mired relies of the moat terrible dhow - tea recooded in history." eideWill tat light the basement, and in the roof and other parte to light the building. There will be large,lighLairy work mottle upstaira at the beak. and carpota, enrtaine, ete.. will occupy the front part of the floor, Of ermree this in only a aynopnin of what we fluty ex- pect, for as the atructnre progresses, ImproVementa will ;suggest thorned yes and ae Joseph Wbitely and the Hod - gene Brae. aro men of goathetulitlye qualities, ail good ideae that are avail- able will no doubt he worked into Ilodgene Broca' new store. 1) 100. Every bartender munt pay a licence fee of $2, and is aubjeet to a fine of not lege than $10, and not more than $20, or imprinonment for not more than one month, for every day or portion of a day he la without a licenee. Whore the hotelkeeper In no- tified not to give liquor to a certain peroon, under the att. and dieregards the notice, he renders hinutelf liable to a fine of (PO, and the person giving ouch notice may recover for personal wrong riot less than $20 nor more then $500. EDITORIAL COMMENT. WHEN you hear a tremendous big noise in the direction of Hamilton in a week or so, don't he alarmed -it will not be another San Francisco upheav- al, only the Mountain City rejoicing with Sherring, the Marathon winner, over his victory. CAPT. Iltstusing's wine and tobacco list for that Arctic cruise makes inter- esting reading for the W. C. T. U. The Leurier flovernment did better for that, crowd than they did for the soldier boys who were sent to South Af Hem with Borden'e dog biscuits and rotten canned muff, Tins poor old Globe must feel cheap when it contrasts the present Ontario tiovernment and the weldor) ot the Legislature which has Just ended, with the wrangling and discontented squad who are rebelling against the leader- ship and ineaparity of the once much belauded and halo-beerested 0. W. Rota. Pagcrroe, the machine hugger, and Alf. Jury, the one-time labor leader, of Toronto, both of whom have been itt thp public expense in Europe as alleged repreaen tati Yes of Canada, are fighting like Kilkenny cats and nailing each other names that honest men would resent. Jury intimated that he wanted to "get in 00 the ground flour " of the North Atlantic reading Co. graft, which he remarked was "a good gold mine Of course Preston would not stand for that, and the We. :Air now in Otte •va to tell their veralons to a Parliamentary - - - - Seaforth Expooitor lo not pleas- ed with the weekly Ottawa letter which appears in THE STAR, of which it nil yn : " Purporting to he a weekly review of the proceedings in Parlia- ment, it Is actually a fulsome lauda- bull. who sold bin prect lee in (1(otlerieh Opponition, and oyetematic abuse and bletowei Standard Dr. .1. L. Turn lion of the leading membern of the a short t ime ago, with the intent irm "1 1 Ill inrepresentation of t he Government and their eupporters " Well, the let- tere are not written or publlehed to going to st wemern eity, has thangN1 his mind and 'decided to remain In On, carat, and han lorated in Liatowel Or. Ttirn bu I I, beoid es having the ex ;writ, gained from large pract ie.. for RP rid perms, hem had nn ext 1`1191 VP post graduate couree t he Mt gest It t Ain of glirope and Ameriert. lie han spent two yearn in Nampa, one year in Edinburgh and London , n d one year in Berlin,(lermany rind V lenna,titirIng the latter year taking up speeially diseasen of women, rhildren and ab- dominal nurgery. Bosnian thin he hen 'Mont aome meetly; at different timeo in the hoopitalo of Chicago, New York Johna Hooking' hospital, Liana More f, " pleane our contemporary (we 1:votild t lank loon of them if they were), but If 011r friend will gi ve nom° samplea of the (*barge Ile makea we'll look into t he matter and correct It if true. For Victoria Day. Grand Trunk have mado rate of ingie fare for round trip good going May 23rd and 24th, returning until May 25th, between ail station's In Can. adaa_also to Sesta &kip end Buffato, N. Y., Detroit and rt. Horan, Miele Call on ogehts for ticket% i• •