The Goderich Star, 1906-05-11, Page 6duitor•ation
tho prp�rtI�n
Y1001P4 0
liatLinnbilalti Pildradisetegbostweleallil 01 illie Meat iseelladi Ilier IL 1411"4
W aseild alma 4 Oat :roiertimilth ara eitarotiestaa. ier iii ilia
, hid liaisierasi bet of fifenmetille lie *lei" a leek
a lean irithert
Creak: bellanaiM to tati."1"."41aernel"eatiesiell
uur ' uwM t.It
Tlitt stergarsuias::iormilbes paapee, *g Ill* ks joist ta be -ormed or two hien
*MVO Or brattim ,olf$i*wite01101
WM its imi�j
giu hate SO Mir bitiliv*,4110t$214,14 Yeartaad Larry "Thil4":"41444"96tur theillakiella' 14'44-$144144344/
.Ir efraetiOalitte SaMY's * tila 4,trastioat alterinOtia Weight of SO; pOuntles The
0011: 310bOdir would Ivor sl,m4A idol tti4 larneasireale illepbaltat tire
%tat eleardee be had ealfired at 10441 0401 to *May the Market With i'VerY tot
&pitied 01 this PrP41.10114 ttnil ea* the incearritet, as Ulf lettiortlY Is 'whet le
CheaCe 10 Stant lb* beittd et Ma ttelle, ' known as aelat Malt lbet te, ttlekit of
Re ile4 Mid. a WWI WIMP Of bia animals- that have died from mitOrel
helengirdetf end was Mane to Iteeletie P4t1001 be the Web, mar-ry ot ta.M1 Piers
,Kiti Wang 0 ilenteasee. tor Hal laerelatat WI eseltUrate ago. Citinalie tittal Other
401:0444,0+000),(4." gotiotivforif . . . . .
away Withettt the knewledge Of MOSS to 'Very torn ptire swilitato derk intitillis
intd *Olenitdat PrOttlieed to elairit 130 iegtieneea mum tbe cOler O1 the 1Vory
-Spike 'WM Might be: ebtad, Whets the The letter, heWeVer. is ania 4 *arrest
ctlotnea vol. - itYPEitte rit eseepe, end then be laUnekiii Siirtie-gg 01 ihe nistrit Ws* aUdeleillY broaea discolereBott thitt mtt be removed by
ROFUSI111111,IVTIE Artrorc,WIL
E 1$f_ttf
Finest Climate
In Canada
,in Canada for
"Rfrtta SeeraterY.
Heard ei Trettle,
For altOrMetION About It.
' .1401uteiTilaistlett tbla Palter
„ere as .Ett1TENEE SER5ION3.
Only WeettrieSS •tatilsweeten. rest.
Taareverkeie U 'Wrong is to repeat it.
' Whelartia'10V0 to hist no 11.1e la fowl.
Souls ere *bet eerneftted by soft saw -
X011 •rte,Ver bitil truth by losing the
' $trelght lacing will not cure crooked
Delight is never bitin; in flight trim
„ dkitY.
• „flotilla of, hip come from roots in
There are, 00 riches where the heart
'&fl geld tin rest.
Ile Seals .birriSell to -night who sins
against the light.
Only through personal character
4421l0$ iternittnent civilization.
tio .callrlot /metro] the output of his
- lite Who does not guard Ito inlets.
, • A' Man is often best. known fel' the
IbInfiS he thinks he keeps to himself.
There Is no virtue in the good turn
that you itope to turn into a good trade.
An imperfect deed of right. is better
than the ;nest templet° analysis of it.
It takes the gold a long time to learn
• net to pray to he delivered from -the
The best life is, that which Immediately
' 414 Implicitly obeys the best tt knows.
'repering,off a bad imbit is often only
the whittlitig or the kindling for a now
• start,
^ SoMe men think they are flying to
lety whep they taro only fleeing from
tilo chores.
, ,s • y • The Mali WhO lets greed block up the
Wirtdowa of his soul always talks about
„ • ' this as a dark old world. ,
,r You, muirtot measure your fidelity to
Your. friend by - the facility with winch
' • , • . you find fault With him.
It is worthwhile to remember that it
is a good deal easier to learn a thing
than it is to forget It.
YOU may 011,q a million with your
ratitillood; but yoo cannot redeem it
With many millions, When once it Is
•, There Is only one man tin earth who
Ulnas that a holy tone is a heavenly
. tiThe and that is this man whe,is snaking
' the . noise.
•• • Some Men °meet- fhld anything they
• ean stick to Milli they getrin the slough
, • Of despond.
- ,
Baby's Own Tablets Is the very best
meditine in • the world for curing the
Minor alltnente of -babies Mai young
children. It le the best because bus ab-
solutely harittless. It is the hest be-
cense. it never tubs to effect a eure, A
feW doses relieves and cures constipa-
tion, indigestion, cone, diarrhoea and
eitliple Meets, It breaks up colds -thus
'Ora -tatting emtip-expels worms and
, brings tattling without bare. Not one
.porticle of. opiate or poisonoita soothing
MO is in this medicine. , Mrs. Hugh R.
Denten, ScOletitown. N. R., says
*We Alseti-Deby's Own Tablets and have
e1ValY4 found them e, entistactory
medicine." You can get the Tablets
from any Medicine dealer or by malt at
5 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine CO., Brookville, Ont.
Verrie*eiert Pei:team en Kai% Other With
• Iloiiow Bullets.
• Pertain have' been ezabled by tile in-
vention ot st hollow bullet to "Imill" tor
duels Under the realistic condition of
Shooting it 'aed being Malt by, a living
a *MOO of Mactieing ot an inaninutte
beget, whleit does not fire beet':
Dr. Tielellera is the inveotor, and lie
. • hal.; beetled rt elub Celled, "La Stickle
V.0UL an Platelet," Forty of the
teat "'shots" in l'airia fired in pates et
tine another 0110 Morning last tveelt hi
Ibis 3ardin 'de Pieria.
atlittliela firet1Siala has weal recoal.
ed. COMMentlent Feats and Mr, Wiw
ens eatit made s ores, and in the
.., larlh; „__ ,, by 4 allOrtte lit trier, in, front Of ltia farePing- Elifilate, beWever, streets the
' 'ThSt, remaritiible mon* KW tY ,gt Kat WaV eetueDy Slicettea inn ,e1 repeStiOlY tel idol*, and the oleatier Wee aubstenee to It 'Very great degree. rep,
so,. Ali AittliSINO 61:ORY. WitO 4,0411ingly devised the wonder, fully onetien it, en month)/ the wooderiist ,ot suelt a Mauro, 'that lt.Wits eitieY to be, tiering acalle herd and brittles and in
w * istslop Toot Advard0ge atKirgr* Id& 44144° • befwe N'Ilic11- lititty°1 the 'atral Of 110w the PreSent le'linlerer* lieVe an angrY 10014 Mel taken, VOWS, ether .edisea IMMO-Sing the liability tet
. naiad illeMVIveo, had 1000 ealefi lriase pygo of ple. potent poWere Oland ilia rla ha, CR4041101. ' errivett "from the portlier% part of Coe
Winchester Cantedret whleb, agepna Lqred the Eligliall, tOrgetie-Ireteede Save Throne, reigbr eame day ,in tho War , , ***,.....„.„, , tral Attica is expoeed los the sea
Ma 10 an *Mot statement, is In petit Ino.00.00oaalOn41-10Pso trita the 110werli halite be SecrallY .dePa$ed, „' or 00044 '' ' " ' , r ' thrCingh,04 It 4 !WV' iOtirn9Y 4g1 Volute*
el tiecolellOg a rain, Wes .the scene of style eL hiS Petit*, ha dattl better goato" of --it ?Mattered Very tittle welettestind 4 egarall,attal Tann eitrvvo .404x0' Um desert, and bessto Ott bound
'5"14° (11114r:e 441t4 earlYg as qtrs. rortit"taltir7 *ale Uvel "ttit !I:4 new
Pb4r4131) 17° P)44111111tilthIllrtfi lir lj:III41 "UV ij!'") 1 4/%' . rtPrA ITlitlie ka 1)41tfill °aged:rig,
'tearer fell. amt the tileeklah chronielere don.
Ito. on erie laeit 7, 1107, 41 can 0 , _ At 00o nos 0 ° I.'" who would not *tow OSeti •-••0 qv( , suDDIAD READ, Tins .. _P Pg. 14- _ .. . ..-..
Kill Wang, A Wise Man natielly gets 'll tne Slirtme May eplieer to tee tinnu-
lb t 4 the eell Se ta the feet that 10 fact, the Ortentto pe on had be_en, Mit Qf the Wet, end it beheeVed th,e Diva ,„ ' natal, 11, May reveal lo the expert the
the ungottirWilllera Rufus was inter. arelM4 the world, coon% Oil with Intl maker of premium Wide to foreswear lila ''' ' prefartee of disease Winne, or may
led in ttal Oethedrili, -William et mat. English:and Areerlean tentbeeele*, ti,n4, allegiance to the forttines et t,1 Sling enerritousia reduce the value ef the tusk
MesbUry, betaaver, reilletantly confessed dlaeoVered 4 thettsand Ws- 00maeOlo,a Chang, now On the dowroytted grade, ,sleg leas ovnEo or MALE by rendering:4 unsuitable for some par-
t tot it woomprobably 'have tidlen in any ,with Ids cOUnary'a backward ,Poaliton -10 an 01 4 liv t tieular clue Of Work. •
Au atusitla atory is told about the Perhella he 1144 t;ise learned that pear the centidence of that renlaricable ‘wo. TROURLIHS RV DODO'S KW-
• , "(broil it int er t constrUctiOna lit
Men Wheee word was really tikW 14 the ' .--- piElt NEW,*
building of The stnieture, twenty Year, Old China would never amount to a Viet provinces of the Moira, .
previously, on- the Site tit the- Si Intanntit- ter-beortle-began-to• - Startling as this- - autiolMeettlettr- - " -•••,- ' -tc" -"-- z"-- .--/
Catlaedmi. The King greatett the Elisio recognize the 'truth, and think less of
cp as much wood from the Forest of their gads and their dead ancestors, oc•
ilecapage 08 he could Out in four days cupying their fakes mese wah the pre.
and nights. The Bishop gathered lo,,, sent MO 1UtUre eariditiens.
gether a small untly Of men and Mit Solite people may even be ea unchari.
down ihe whole foresti • teble as 'to nuestion the genuine nature
..........--4.--.,-, of Kai Wang's desire to lead his people
CRIPPLING SCIATICA. in better Wales, birt it must be remem-
so enfornihril WAS d Press having outlived his itsettillaesa /11 the 4104 Of Ille tterreW street. crack and split, Smite at 'the IVorir That
hered that the Mongolian race does al -
A Sure and Certain Way to Cure This tnest everything from file Opposite
Terrible Torture. standpoint token by Christian nations,
and, seen through Chinese spectacles,
There is Just one sure, scientific cure
reline, headaches you must drive the br, it 0 mn Waal ka1:14ng:t h eh 8P wr °pc el dr 1 dodir lemieowrobeaslinethnvdeed That
for sciatica, rheumatism. lumbago, slew
pain .from your blood and nerves with -
Dr. Williams' Pink. Liniments hideous ho. could by degrees smother
never mire nerve and blood eits.eases.. the ileSO. for worship. I.arry had
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike ttglipederVktitrre I ritt-a tLu r y0,1 %/0t,. rafigannzilal nog,
straight at the cause because they ae-
believed the Celestials adored ugliness
tunny. make new blood. Through the
blood They conquer the painful poison, rneri,
tretttlyert11110114I?mrie rersgheipaeldusbeor
soothe the nerves., loosen the muscles
(Mend produced a masterpiece of
and bantsh every' ache and pain.
hideciter •deformity, before. which all
Thos. 3. -Eisen,. Walkerton, Ont., says;
"When I began using Dr. Williams' dtherrrtioneters must hide tbeir dimin-
Pink Pills I had been off work for three tailed heads in %awe, the Chinese em -
months. The cords of my right . leg P,ire Would rise op as a man and plunge
were all drawn up and I could only tieePer. into their idolatry because of it.
Itmp along with the aid of a suck. Tha "'Islet -Larry •had long since concltided
Only thet.p..,IMlive Ahe Flowery Kingdom
pain, I suffered was terribie.
those who have been afflicted with sel- was about as •toUgh a specimen of the
Mica can understand the misery I was genus helm, when It came to argu-
in bath day and night. I Their six MVO, es -could be found.
boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills be- tit now turned.the search -light of his
fore they helped me, but after that intellect. upon The elucidation of the new
every day saw an" improvement, and by problem, and in his most diplomatic
the Moo I had used fliteen boxes, ev- manner besought Kai Wang to relieve
ery vestige of the pain had disappeared. the suspense by which he was well-nigh
I have no hesitation in pronouncing Dr. overwhelmed.
Williams' Pink Pills the best medicine Thus. aditired, the master •mechanic of
In the world for &elation." the idol manufactory broke the meter -
Every dose of Dr. Williams' Plnk Pills. bus silence that had brooded over him
mites rich, pure, health -giving blood. siace Larry's homecoming, and pro -
That Is why. they cure headaches and ceeeted. to emir out - tale that 'might
backaches, Indigestion, Ichtney and have Made Munchausen blush for
liver troubles, anemia, heart, paipita- envy.
bon, and the ills that afflict women . Larry knew how to sift the sand for
only. But be sure you -Vet the genuine ehMing particles of Precious. gold, even
FM with the full name. "Dr. Williams' --as might ,on experienced Ballerel, miner,
Pink Pills for Pale People," on the and. by thus.Avre.7.eng to plain English
wavelike- around each -box. Imitations
are worthless -often dangerous. , All the magnificent court language which
medicine dealers sell these pills or. you the ac,complished. Kai Wang dispensed
cen get them by mail at 50 cents a box by the yard, the result might be sum -
Dr, Williams' Medleine
The rued up hrk/fly as follows :
Kal,Wang had a -visitor during his
or six boxes for $2.50 by toriting
Co., roekvflle, Miscue.
This in itself was not so strange, for
there. was seldom an hour of the day
that the front office of the god -maker
Wall not occupied by some representa-
tive of. a Chinese trading company de-
sirous of- holding a monopoly of II cer-
tain brand of brass or china deity in
.tavorite Iiitiong the communities of
their section-irideed, many a time since
Larry's secret advent under that hospi-
table roof a clash had occurred between
rival elalinants, and once it hod even
been ueceasary to -call in the imperial
police to quell the disturbance, which
threetentel to wreck the stock in trade
01 Kai Wang, and have the offenders
haled before the yamen, or court of
Fancy this thing in the presence of
Such an assemblage of gods as the mo$t
temous joss house in all C.hine could
not boa el; evidently there are times
when reverence Is due the graven
image, and others when the great joss
only represents so much money in-
vested in more or less precious metal.
This visitor who dropped in upon
Rat Wang was no ordinary individual;
he Mae not to spend his hoarded taels
tor a .monstrosity that was warranted
to seare 011 lesser devils from out his
doMicife„ if °properly propititeied.
When Kat Wang .first mentioned the
fact that his caller was a Russian,
Larry's ears became more than ever
alert, and his . nostrils (MOW much
after the manner of the thoroughbred
watshorse as it scents the well reinem-
bered odor ef battle smoke,
tee!. then, after his recent experience
In the Forbidden taly of Peking, a
Russian acted upon Lerry as the sight
of a head is said to influence the valiant
Irishmen who Visit Donnybrook Fair;
fie hod OVerpowerIne their° to hit
Instinctively he' knew who this Rm.
sten wee, and thought he could 'sus.
peat the motilie of his visit.
Occurrences in the Land That Reigns
Sulereare in the Commercial
It is understood that a deet of Amore
can warships will visit Portsmouth tnis
Mr. Kelr Hardie recently entertained
ilia Labor party and others to dinner
In the House of Commons. ,
The Socialists have been utterly rout-
ed at the Edmonton DIstrlat Council
siection by the Moaerates.
Clubs have been totalled at Tilbury
and North Woolwich ,exclusively for
the use of Japanese sailors.
The King has consented to open the
new building of the Hearts of Oak
benefit Society on Salurday, May '20.
Fitly thousand tons of coal, believed
to bet for the use of London gasworks,
will shortly be shipped to London from
As the result of swallowing a hall
palmy about month ago, Ilerestord
Di ake, a little boy of eight, died in the
thistol Indemary.
•Itotherhain Borough Cc -tune declined
ay twenty votes be nine to reMstate
Miss Turner, the pupil teacher who re;
hised to take Off her enpegement ling.
A tradeaman named Whitehouse wee
fined for obstruetion at Rowley. Whale'
tie wen served with a' summons Ito PK.
hibited' it in his shop window for our
dam, causing further Oka:tattoo.
Ai West Mersea a Roman \Vote)).
tower Which was discovered Sortie Utile
(Maas belng brolten up and the Massive,
brIelta of which .11 b cotimelsed are be-
ing used for borders: for gardens end
men tor the metalling garden paths.
Postage on tellers from this ea:Intro,
to the Bechuanaland and ithodesie has
teen redueed to Id. the half ounee, IAA
at present no neduction will be Miele
for lettere travelling in the opposite .di.
Thank *dune he turned up just an
hone Um late, since the valuable dope-
Ments, signed and sealed by ihe
wretalted Emperor in due fashion, were
being snugly depoMted in the safe of
the British demurs oince at filet Men. lency. Perhaps this night there Will Manufactured or °bated with loath
tied thne. come to my humble abode a swartn of ham had the inevitable ellett of
So nuleh tor the sleuthhounds of Pe- miserable vermin who livesby the knife;
11111 but What heed have 1 to teat' when My To the price Of the raw niaterial.
final mutat abet ea other " over the king. .... to
-It• bud Ittitert ahem -as long- to track watch- .drrtr never sleeps-lhe electric
heart. Willie.allavora gogatesatudsoeue . e ion.
padded blouses and gloats+, Mr. %Vienna .0,,XT.."10 the articles lett in train on tarry to the house _of Kat Wang in eurrent 'which Charges every window BILLIAIID-BALL IVORY.
shot in bia battened fetich Oat. The s"" a„ E. ail t, 'Railway, livid& are Canton as Avis eonstuned In her joui . and door se that rio man darea Seek (1nfor instenee, In 1870 the price wes $250
Maid is ItaitilleMl. OM) call be ua(al eels now being sOld by ittletten, are sel'aft MY (rola London through the Suez entranCe tivlee. But as lot YOU, my.
Quiet, erteind India and the Straits of illustrious brother, pertmee it Is even
might seem, wee. as 4 • Wang ..k.„.. e,..,..,,, _ ei.„,, ,,t, ller and well knew, but the fOrertntlier Q the -sose ‘,•,°4°. ,A 4',",, Woman 7, .,_,
supreme dentand 41 in whlob the astute She Messes die Day She 'VIM* Heard ' - TwO hundred antrthirty 'won't), =-
Russian leg by graduated stageSeitplayed at a bee factory at Long Eaton,
When he believed the prpper time ' eI e. 1' nle ' • near Nottingham, gugland, Italie a re"
Hundreds lEmployed In English Victory'
• " 'Haat Odd Grieve -We*
had errked tO spring his Mine, he _did " alewmerions Ont. Ma/ 7S'41/001°I)^" MutarICablilegrt 4etvtrefeietor - is aseenteter s
so with a considerable dispitat Or, lare- The owe reported' below is attumer of - -PPOs Y a e tr,
, .
He informed the merchant that Os' Oodd's Kidoey Pills corning to Me remise c t lc I lit
o ipmintipPser, or in whieh there are several orn m n ei
-"' int many thalSanda tn asa•-s-s ''"' trees end the worimeople complain
Piton had been aroused cencerrillt$ his ef ,wesh, ,suffering women, tars, sd. inligettothteuyea.rebunlounetnog, tgehili ceaYuseseda whtnevo:
1°7411S -the" WA8 "en Sakt he 'bad Miner, Of Ws Oasis, says r--,
Embress, and coneerned In en atterngt brought on Hiroo& nif akineys failing mot to see to an his work ea a windy
arreyed ageinst Their real Severely:4 "For more man tbree years I euttered,.. wfliftdi!ranoenhee4
. treat weakness and female ' trOuh"' is nearly band and it is impossible for
old Itnbeenti:deeeillawreaavelgt 11111
been In league with thesat whO Wet*
that had been made some tinie in the to ass properly. I was bothered with a day.
last moon to smuggle, the prisoner van- pain to the email of lays boa, head -
insurrection egallast th4 antiloritraseThe grievance is not a new mke. In
away, so that he could hetet an apace, diZity spells,
Kai Wang's experience as an aldej4 me ,
- depression, loss01sieelleehloclirUtrniAlt 1898 it was raised, and a pen of the
great English tighter, GOMM' tadnese f n
and a 'terrible dragging -sensation as if, selieteher the trees should be cut slown_
ratepayers was taken, on the question
Gotaion, during the horious Tel -Ping fastened nod .1ahla- The vote was In favor of the Vees be -
in such weighty matters. I tried doctors and took 1111 nds of
c nes,n
rebellion, had made hint an authoritg mot i , but ahing aeoped to do
had been harboring one of the base con -nut any good. Then a neighbor told the
Finally, it was also suspected that he
spirators, a dangerous aireign of Dadd's Kidney Pills atid advised me
who would set an china by the feniiatit, stoixtrioxteshemi. aml denidoreelyancudredafty,r taking
allowed his own sweet will, and whore ,, . ,
the authorlUes desired to stappress,
Wang prove his loyalty to the Queen
smother, cause to diaappear. . ,
Then came the demand-welad nei . .- ' ' . . ..
Dowager by delivering up The -body of,
this, pernicious mischief maker,- to- TUSKS BY THE ACRE AT DIG BTEAltl-
gether with what seditious documents
About this time it may be assumed .
he might perchance have upon his per, SHIP DOCKS --
son, so that the seeds of rebellito . ....s.
might not, be scattered broadcast •anel '.
bring about serious disnaters7 ' " ....- One Piece that ' Weighed Over 200
there was a smile that was childlike Pounds -Otranto' Affects the
One of the sights ot London is the
felt greatly flattered at the discovery
and bland upon the elisguised features Goods.
of the little wearer of the yellow jacket.Larry could appreciate a joke, and he .
that he was an object of so much aolict• great ivory flea at the Louden docks,
Great Be
de to this high and mighty represen- where, previous .to and during the peri-
of the ar. The. recallec. .°"1 ales,
ivory may be seeu llterally
tion of the precious papers that reprised by the acre, for the tusks, are. laid out
In lets on the • floor .of one of the great
814114W within the 444s414te °O1-0, p • ' h rs For week,s15revious to The
gave hirn till raore solid sullefactfoii. WuroarehaTeses. for 1/beechen by Intending
hysically; but his work could actual sale the special sten of the ivory
pleased, p
they might do with him as they''
not be diaturbed; :he felt very much es d:,them according to the sizeand
partment hes been, busy preparing
did- Bismarck when his coem4
ies at home 1,11be various aOnsignments and arrang-
to disturb him, even to boggle quality and classing there into the vars
threats. "They may hang s
but t am tontent lf the rope will. Zis Ifry ions graciet, ettch of which is h have tome
patelcular use for which it especialty.
bind united Germany closerlifsmt:.-111"e' adapted.
to the admiration of a patriot:loving Tilbs ,--
Tbere is practically no . waste in the
Prussian throne," he boldly declared,
people. smallest manuifacturing of. articles from won%
-the yawning trap was too : evident, ,but carefully preserved 0 be u se
mine malaise., . rt: le-albavings
mup is not thrown away,
Kei _Wang refused to eommit,IMasell
and he was ready to meet the wrier- lro.n Inc
gency; indeed, long ago be had dis. have a market =value for use ,in inlaid
work. Consemiently the lots in an ivory
He solemnly declared his enemies had Sal
counted this very climax.
some rival house desired eee by no means consist of tusks and
prevaricated;bit great and ever-growing tions of tusks alone, but include the
Lo injure
srecidue from
trade in . the' favorite forty-five cash MANY PriEVIOUS SALES.
family gods which, thanks to him, had ,
been placed at such a low figure that it ""Yet, s purchase the particuler class
was now possible for each and every that they require for their otvn individual
household to have •one or a dozen of industry and subsequently return what
these beauties in every roans' In most °thee' material would he waste
to he resold to menufaeturers of a di!-
actions were ever opea and above- terent class of goods.
board to all men -he had of late been
honored by the presence undett hts root
. Though there is "no waste," oddly
of a powerful, though slightly eeeem,st enough the most important considera-
tric mandarin from one of the provittees 11ase n .,hew mesh wastewill a certain lot ro-
Lion, from a buyers. 'point of view, ts
" p
about Kwangsi, who, was More deeply duce in the comae of transtormitig it
concerned with, regard to the roti -
• into his own particular line? 110(8. a
of a cargo of household gods which he tot that would be dear be One would be
ii: gift to another, and vice' versa. The
most valaiable class ol ivory is that
suitable for making billiard bails. To
conform to the requirements, the tusk
must be perfectly sound and solid, with.
001 the slightest suspicion of a crack or
flaw, and moreover, taey roust measure
nuly a trine more Man' the regulation
size billiard bail or they will cut to
Waste, from the manufacturers' piant of
view. On the arrival of a consignment
et unworked elephent ivory from, abroad
the firdt preparation for the sale floor
consists ot e thorough cleaning of the
interior or hollow part, of the tusk.
This is done by metals of wads attached
10 long sticks. The exact length' of the
hollow is thereby revealed, and in addl.
thin cracks ana flaws that cannot be
Observed on, the exterior are at time.;
&closed. Soundness is the one thhag
that sways every class of buyer; flawe
mean waste; waste means resale at A
lower figure per pound.
The increasing scarcity, combined
with the Increased demand for Oneida
could retail at 11 profit le the villages in
his jurisdiction, than in any change of
dynasty; indeed, it was quite irtunater-
ira in his section who reigned, since one
ruler cost them in tithws. and taxes just
es much as another, and theyhad never
been fully recognized sloce the "long-
haired" rebels everted' the southern
Tim Russian being unable. to accom-
plish his purpose either by cajolery oe,
threat, finally retreated in disgust, but
Kai Wang never for a moment su.s-
peeled that in so doing he Wive up the'
Russians are not built Met wayeethey
seem to possess: some of the persistent
qualities that mark the pursuit day and
night of the gaunt, gray wolf 01 111(1 Si-
berian steppes, once upon tact trail of
The leader of Cossacks was Sure to be
heard from again, not would tie leave,
the habitation of Kai Wang unwatched.
"You have returned - the newsis
commUniented speedily tO His Eacel-
leopard eitins, a how and arroatta,
cr°1 hut the 111°w 011 the 1/311 "It portable o bootmakces plVorm, whet% up (the China Sen. In this re•
time you sought the proteellen YOUr
the 111100 of Orta' ih0 nnalealaril$ re- And sovetai bottles ot ehatimagn wet they bear 501110 reternblence to gag win throw about yott,"
ateral fietoleal treallnitt. To get rid of tho Vogue or Nils ‘Yliltlt softie ot our own waratertul detectives Which was a gentle way of
„,th, 0,,,t111114°P,,,Ist t4„t,,,It,,111,uns,„"_111,0S Li atilt eontinues at the Rion lInton lareeee woe eetsitine so ratieh thne in pursuing that 101 wait* doubted his nbility to
•"‘"" """ mi house the mita of a hItTitin has auggest• tin tots' Mutts, and quibbling over bout out longer egalast the etabined
°deed' target Were' (Mite til,:iUMINI•tell the niestes pro 1,1)4' n Paltrie that concern only their fanaes of the opposition, and would he
1.,)r the raising Of lade appetterata orm mongoose. an animal, %emelt hed efteedtt: swatting th the eases that the criminal relieved it Larry were hie to take ble
't) are.'
°114'40(1 th° 1441°P's Pibe° leathes this uttermost •parts of the earth tour*. into hi,s. Own ds,
• Ninp4 ANK DOG'S MEAT.,
teinuthable thargo was kuttdo
. ogoinst husband ilta other day at 910
Ntaticitmo, (lention)', Police Court. Iti
per litinclreilsWeight,avhereaa In 1005 the
101; Allowed to remain. ,
Two years ago the subject was revilv,
ed, but nothing was done to remedY
the grievance, and now the Urban Db.
hid Council has again been approached
with the view• of having the trees felled.
Some of the councillorsay that if
blinds were fitted to the factory the
waving oi the trees would be- harmless
Th the -workpeople.
The -best paid clergy in Siberia get
about $600 a year, while the poorer
clergy have often to beg for their bread.
They have much to do. There is always
O service between fou r and live in the
morning. There are two other services
in the day. There must be a service on
the birth of a child and at the death of
anyone in the parish. , All new build-,
MO. schoolhouses, bridges, and bogs
must he blessed; children begtnning- at
a school term are blessed, and to- ttlue
01 pestilence or peril there must be con-
tinuous Knee. All priests must fast
226 days in the year, and monastic'
priests are, never to eat meaL A priest
cannot indulge in theatre -going, drink-
ing, card -playing, or dancing.
Some persons have periodical attacks
of Canadjain cholera, dysentery or di-
arrhoea, MA have to use great precau-
tions to avoid tye disease. Change cf
water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure
to bring on the attacks. To such persons
we would recommend Dr. 1. D. Kellogg's
Dysentery Cordial as being the best
medicine in the market for all summer
-complaints. It a few drops wee taken
in water when the symptoms e no-
ticed no further trouble will be experi-
- -
Wife: "Never mind if you haye failed,
dear. I have $1,000 saved up from the
pin -money that you have given me fronr
,time 'To 'time: Husband (joyfolly):
"You make me feel easier. What a
help !" Wife: "Help! I should say so.
Why, on this money I can keep up my
wardrobe for a year or two to come.'
In Heart Disease It W- orks Like Magic
-"For years my greatest enemy was
organic Heart Disease. From uneasi-
ness and palpitation It developed into
abnormal action, Thumping, fluttering
and choking sensations. Dr. Agnew's
Cure for the Heart gave instant relief,
and the bad symptoms have entirely
disappeared. It is a v,,onder-worker."
-Rev. L. S. Dana, Pittsburg, Pa. -155
Lady Caller: "Is Mrs. Newcoma at
home?" Irish Maidservant: "Walt a
minute, mum, till I get a look at you.
you've a big nose and a scar near the
right eye, elm imat."
inaltges sup Is emu TINA 02242 Napa
tar is best whoa ued in the eulight Imp
Rey Sunlight Sup ma folb* aletedeels
Minnie; "What /muds these beggars
are 1 I met a blind mun who said,
'Please give nte a penny, beautiful
lady." manne : "yes, he said that to
WM° you think he really was blind."
The Kinks and Twists in Rheumatics
(tugged Road. - For 4 years the wife
ol a welaknown Toronto physician was
on crutchee from rthetimatism Scourge,
and not until she began using Setith
American Rheumatic Cure could She get
• mintite's perentment relief from pain.
Four bottles Cured her. Write for con-
firmation if yOu're eceptical.-154
Wife (wearily): aildom,ines work Is
never don." talsband (struggling with
• buttoniess shirt collar): "That's Just
what I thought."
Sento elesa Of leery Wag sold for $835.• itnets 0s, met ememes esee y8, in
In btill; WOO averages about 1100,000 par taw tit..Eatrortia,- the tbag roue, tt as se
ton. Ea011.10t ettrettlity Welished and din** alrahritsem d=stagelakte
ti*41.1politi wee atone
similar plague, tree they ()ismer that he is ft TAMP • "Viii," deetated the sapient and A ,
Tavisteelt ltural District e.oull MVO nta,t0,01 at aka Neve. taise, ,wbat tubuor inerubeIN (4"146;aerot9ta,-iiirkr84101•:::
'laving reeeived front it lady a Maim: voted individual. • abrewd little mandarin, "I shall have to ssitit°
f/t 11/C 1/55 °I‘ 4 u1:4' dilling'P The dipiontatte representative 'front slap by the light et the meon; but re- rut refit is tit 7
a"a1r4tC. 4 a ‘.°1Talltit° ta itiguki3 thIQ t rep Union Kat Wang hid antang Ills Wan • I (,?nit• Itettltilecaildsost 41:111ous.Kat! beTon:dt1121,.1511-ou-,2-11k Bii:eatir. iirtt4o*ree-itifa°::
,vte waa gfonteit a c?,,paahlioli order.. As eetritiared With the \ Iris, fernier., .0,10 nutel, andlostota ot •Istailutil ,,gu.,
'fellows as a stirtrwd, uPto•delo lean ei
. !ilir4ciley that, int ono ,Ufn,',',ISIOR $110 tletUi • deVil; he Vat" around the buM4 ttp and oven, it necessary:1e aid end abet . , t , ,, _ , , . ,,
1 1 OVettOninitc ft kOrri,* BOCI liVin 611
elle tra3 11 cat itagn* faciit, Ott wrevit, .§"olgo tizOn men rraut te'l'ien' zit thi5 1,)rogtliitig to sobloct mot a dotrxi Wes .her in the mad design .ot entering Melo% the met illta neattek*t- . egathsk ille-' ','. 7 Itating your own way is semetinies
stomb000 w "".7•2:Luncione titat is useless as well ea
10tisiali 14ko *162tut d NO 'itdd 0411N110' crilleVirt In the Abertiara.' distriet favo, Mach az a ligidwettlitt boxer intlillit wliptii angels rear to tread -the Mit ' tit, and ' ,
rat aro plow to coo
lotto W hog itlottoot.
ery or**34. '
Oko IOW Olt los $
asettmc. *or ozporl0000
prollselag work*, Slow bIeltoot ,
claol fi Rille *toot illocrioslostto
lot patroai luat bocooglik loo to tit,
polo& wloore wo ore v*0440414*
ouitkorlstoo. Tko oirroot style tiotatlow .
ory. tlktatril ylasktott-J ilato,cs
buil atThe Nookshopp"' 41141 oar ow
,orairiagI 494 er1t104441.
lo worth *allot oat Plait extrooloo •
kblekoOrodo Wedding StatiOnory110 tOra '
out at oloilniblo odor.%
In *Woo tor priocapleaso plate probable
Wait Tyrell & Co.
7 and 9 10az kitceet , East* Throat%
Two thousand designs eultable for all classes ol•eworit such M
Chureltes, Seltools, Stores, Salts. &so special dotting for Muses, RR,
chens, DiAlateltooms, etc Nothing bas ever been devised to equal Ped-
lar% SWel ceilings for eirkn Houses, Cheap ea lath and plaster and will,
aever creek or tali oit
Avoid Accidents by Using --
Pedlar's Steel Ceilinks.
Made to fit any size room and can he nailed on by any mechanic.
Shipped trOln warehotbes minted an ready to apply.
"Trait°11!.. tift1LIPI'rU:
„ • • • Osh.swa, Ont., Canada
Head Office and Works.
In Western Canada zilzread‘
a* bouts h.,'
Sukstobowns, only it roils* tom two maws" 0.,PIX dt ct.T.P.'.1
'Astbr:Lit 11 11 U
, ,
r-- -1 :
"Before my marriage I thought they illsern:stlasaHletieel."ID:AIT:segt11614.51,,saAs47""161"ausarepubealit:"Eltilial:474)g
-Do you think two can live as cheaply
as one?"
4k:111:d:ward I tound they had to."
It is the perpetual effort to attain the
ideal -That enlarges the whole life. The
moment the ambition -begins to -wane;
or tends tp become sordid or selfish, the
individual begins to shrivel.
LAfy 01,11 SORES, petal and di:lobo(
wilt not lingo tent; aftortreatment with eavar's
Corot* bon boon begun: Also, cream* blood
with weaver'. Syrup.
Willie: "It's always in damp places
where mushrooms grow, isn't it, papa?"
Papa: "Yes, my boy." "Is that the rea-
son they look like umbrellas, paper'
ero can I get some of Holloway's
Corn Cure? I was entirely cured of my
corns by this remedy and I wish some
more of it for my friends. So writes
Mr. W. Brown, Chicago.
Wise: "Haven't you got a job yet?"
Potter: "No; I'm still availing for some-
thing to turn up." Wise; "Huhl Your
sleeves are what you need to turn up.'
The Great Serpent of All Diseases. -
Kidney disease May well be called the
"boa constricter" disease, unsuspecting
and unrelenting. it gets the victim in.
its coils and gradually tightens till life
I; crushed out, but the gra South
American Kidney Cure treatment has
pioved its power over thesmonster,and
no matter how firmly enmeshed. it will
.release, heal and cure. -158
dence and take the sap out of you.
Do you understand?" said the teacher.
"I twig," said the boy, and then the
regular order Of business proceeded.
Prevent Disorder. - At first symp-
toms of internal disorder, Parmelee's
vegetable Pills should be resorted to
immediately. Two or three of these
salutary pellets, token before going to
bed, followed by doses of One or two
pills for two or three nights in succes*
slots will serve as a preventive of attacks
ot dyspepsia and ail the discomforts
which follow in the train of that fell
disord r The means are aim le when
e .
the way is known.
Humility often exists more strongly
in the imagination than fl reality.
Building castles In the air, requires
little in the Way of capital' -Investment
girl deliberately lets a young „Make the hest use of What you have
kat no, in oki4 god etohmuse BotrteerwpflPard0 (:91' what may pegs!.
pnittaptSS1Cte ishtletnrov4fotrhhim to transfer hls
Continual fault finding creates &slit-
isfaetion without bringing any satts
Parents bey Mother Graves' Wotan 1°°,„,t°,tY re -5°11s
Externiiilatot I:Matted 'they, knew it is rd'IteneS qUalitY 'Which IWO'
gate riiMiciab par the ehaaren and an duces a starap 'Mat is at distinct es it
The verOrigdoer !Mighty bugs the do.
WO ever inspires vvith such' a thing luston that forgiveness Will follow dia.
tear, Mote bore only contempt Aor witten. ednenitOef tillite Ott lean* tedY: -Are ?ion not anh,tithrt to he cove y. •
Itelt Ot '1 11,1. VO DOIntgtit 1$ teeSh rat the beet theate tt,4' L'6,e,ggar„,a! Relauty has a convincing way of Mak.
"4 '"'"" "4' ." "4* thst ill Influence felt without Much ef-
effeettlel Oftener 01- wOrnia. Is pleasant,
Mta. BrYard. ,ttlio ti .dOntifittitaltell, earned dailitr by cirri horse grenvit outtitzifig *mime it ,t„itk Imo thw golur ,
ttanil Waek:ttlit LerlarttiVjnq OrnnitAt; he tvezn Nottinghain lot 000,1, shaerod %bun tar gig e I
snid het* busharitt htul !alit her to &hart the corporation's tu'AV ITIMONATIVII*
t/.. °111/tbs I*21kar` tat tabt Is tort, but it is riot always lasting.
Out: ttovn I;er to, Vigliten her, hostiles ecittritets nt lids MI thtt litaldh, end dRIt linelt,-pitaitt Without an exchange !hilt -05110, may weep mar OM APtit WtTlIgksrarr ofwyoejt 'teititirggrviDthtiogtelttioTvitettgit cal!!
e,I hi! !A= tl:itlt and thartimpc4 unix. na 8.,Itutdu),1 to•-tetulbrAto bow, dance oft to 'hiS antagehlgt and' then senettlary tit -110 walled 011kY Dt Ming
6 "Wg•II be bad It:cd tlttnttitt' IlN4 it is`ti.,m741 ItaI !r bo , til6wal bkvanSe. the cavelcd Ogger. where lime devils, of elttek Vlig§ &too deep deem in the attire of disease two
I1 1 111 si I suzaWd th.t, altd had innity waS baulk?, iipe, wound up UM Cattbly Otter of the , ,„,
' 1Ce •414g b -Cr. *UPS TO larn 'MOO, • Hy degrees film Illts'Sitia eat& tintoot Boman- et thaw all„ prinra,..f 16A„:,‘"""„,.S",,,Y Hold this .head high in the midst (t't
•Odtialv eta 10U‘tki 14. amind Wang good tellowa anti bravest ot nit lov,) OS, -ottiti '14-macge8h1 ,iivrvwe ti'Lt vc.",o adversity. no that elheta May not ail.
IU Wel Girt Preterit Stikkkr isw tis ihoutt Itle$ivatierof ustertaining lust Larry was ireprovinw-a halo mem V
atitt ut
vett end Mt you back to gond health.. versely
I� 1 Etivil4$04. where to ,aympathles lay 10 the diplea Stiltly Orientat tiethod's he„ea d • it'at nature's %raided lielltmant, gentle,
A uroetklu4 1r4kw d nOttie Willie that Wag on *toter* the giVe odds the most' seductive flab
bu grin Atm initgodiing;, uover fang,
* IL*IfiVIF cettego.;cjt,w4openit,setiortm 11.4o•N Or to! Powliavy Ero7re&4 and That tore: withte lipt..had ever vane in' otti. t. 41,, ,,,,,,..,4, „„,-.1-• ,,,..,-,:a. , at.,,,.."!,,, : ,
re,,ented ty7.1:1-Iftrig Ti'; hang and the, tact ,willt-the tilartieY stone.- • • . , iket %at': 1-74-111. emu -ulutilc,,...,enn.‘74101 liztimit Amu totittd, lankt .1t?l Jtotit rho.
at VPrrselillti4 Varitc* A 11111 IttnIA 1.4'/12 -"•-fir il 4, Whatever lht putveyor to ithe•Ivor, tOlittl' of tod iiiver oil., *low. o 1,,,n, rn,, toz so) ean make a fortune
.13."3"e 11.4 "11'11' °V°T tty4 "41.5 klrl° '''Iltri4rItarc.tosottott,titt I'litik Iling'''141"114t* 0•tt" °c111.116114 Doblie ,kkettntel, ' ettift' a "nga . that in a Sliert tate re Seldeta ebles la then,.
,o0 h,r,;,,,proulev, wan eicl prorossts 0 ihit la welt *lid.* Ctitia peromc thought ot thIR bout avowal, Ist. ;Made :etitywit .why ,se6tti,e mniukitt is, ti tgmh , htatosuf, ot 'mow eom woe.
. ot the ost rittpit in the' villege, awl .0
, witti. ler pgiAldttatalrl, , nstopathiets , lity, slate the. 'Centres* an sum, nor iltd tAatry doutA that ,nliel
Mit tilallil A tottnight rip 4 'clzaii;y1 fiVott'd It* ttolAknst *Into ItIO Ilei),' the, litte for ,ittbut eft% Dela Rat.' ot totouch value le caoeo ot -„.
(.7,vd Sig Mt, Pc -11k'ss'ao /01'34,1 tier. ylt.rirf. IMO? tInfati WM Ills tritthithe talittlitis WillifIX Wit/WO 'Alt hi tbtis.4.klk• 0..a. ...„--.0. --Li. -,..-.... ,.....-:..1...' iigt"t
' .1Kitt le'ftiQed in tht ittlitmll a Iht rtin. gVessivO PAO); . led 'brItut itrtna Llti Went ehulkos (44 'tk146, "/" bc.terattilekatutomaanapt
, and .fhlr,tty iti 0, hea4,113ires.. gitorpht,t tone ,01 the wont, was dead a•i:t. cgeNt Nice of VC Xark'S WitloW at he find Wert '",'"14 ,mt,vw„wr3fc. _144 u4kum,'"Vt4A-intr`
lilt 'IhItt AO WO expelled, 'Crying ut. tuttnraling inart. inthltatt relationt with il eittornitlish great thiti.0 Or that .11fteRYI,ZORVII*41F.
baly, the girt 11! 11 upstairs to her thO AviAto,54011 flii*, ' Iltta '11111.."It „
"cont, opftt&I no dortnitoty *iiidnw., llidrkit knee tt.16IIR ioetZ64 nt ren4ll11, EfirtSt tied aft% mood min. ivittl Pa,isveo 146 free. liampk.. -
*oiined (0'.beitig ,killeIT instantly the ttprrAertlative et the l'rltler Snaky, tveek. tot- naught. 'Itmagh kW-dais:Mg („
!,14on the •tavetgett 0 the •trattlyard, . tounkl bintlelt . toinFlied -la iptv. to Show firtV" haste, to the ‘niattrt if de.. ' total. It Non% ,
. %who atg wit ferbIrklett "by Inc imlier. - ' , coming', the Iittm ihnK_Avits ,noilt ._
ituthatillit Oka *ft 4404 Inta beet • 1110 bodged kink!, in %Mt tart •ctitt0 reltitv tn Makilt a thongs la IV* Otiose. ' -roiriiat.,.. Oa*.
Maj. I* *it *kw Vial *Nal* - te .011114* '( .• -. '•01*.aiwiSt,ti. * it- at, * '
•e. t,, , .,
• • mute touat kr A TAVE.11N.
11.11K °RI, it t
.7,•cr.kravikst 441,44.4
IN „---
unrrert-waneer of Fontider'a Shares
fur sale at 28 eines per share, per value
, IL00. Putty paid and nonetssessable. Seat
taw= market. PROPERTY. 40 saes
Patented Mane Lends. Pet Tltle.
BOOKLET " BUllons Sn Cobalt" free on
The 8 S. Nesbitt Cie,,
euteureties Lilo 8211 dug. Toronto.
Tbes oritsi Place in the tottntry where'
he police, Nutt biltlfirss Is etinduated
at a nubile house is at BIolIelui. Nor,.
far *00 yea** and thes brewertg tkilf
t0181(14'Vto charge. the authorities for
Whern thrOugh it4 t 'NOM ret tie* 00titt hot*
*atm la
hiktiiat Aid it Ow,.
,witrytvii dm*,
by daahat =et .114h
tit loll hal bon golil on
1 itilide01 tligeStiva.orgini, prigtan BIWA I. hOlo, tea fOr• .0e0aPa 00. and
114 way into Ott Wad, tht ')thatt to*. 't011Wt6-te5 Ott,. 100104 their nitt tlitittA-
is .td get . 'mapoison out at lett-NOWA 'tee* or Ogivt4
MOMS,' end te therhugttlY as POSibl44
Polo* May roan disaster,' Parmelee's . a...a..4+04pj.4.4.14
vegetable Pills will ,be two, •ok toot!' entOte Ma. .
veloot told, ettettivet medicine In ike.
oitt Ofe littradt* with. They ,iitwortalt.' 'I'ha e‘iltago9 tAralk .titanted Iklut 004
40004 his Spr
and *Ott •perraitiaild 'Cig14' atildidia 'at Sitphenbi* iktiptoobsts too
at Mit* ti't* at Ott' trot.. 16 bt taken again by Itaieftletet. The
-~ -
The death has just occurred at West-
bury Workhouse, Wiltshire, England, of
a forty -six-year oid baby. The child
was born in Westbury, and at the age "?
cf twelve months its further develop- ,
ment, beth physically and mentally,
Was arrested. Throughout its life naves
attired in baby's frock clothes, and con- ,
timed to act and play, and had to to
red and taken care of, precisely as ase
Church bells arp necessary .to remind
spme people that they have religion.
Housekeeper : "Do you love chil-
dren?" Applicarit ,"It all depends on
the ,wages. ma'am! ,
Merchant,: "Your former employer
tells me you were the quickest clerk in
the place." Applicant for situation
(doubtfully): "Yea Sir?" Merchant!
"Ile says you cotild put, the beeks into
the safe, lock up, and start for home in
just 4 trifle over a minute and twenty
A Wide sphere of Utefulness. - The
consumption (11 Dr. Thetas' Eciectrio
Oi has grown to great proportions.
Notwithstanding the Met that it has
now been on the market for over thir-
ty-one years, tie prosperity b as great
as•ever, and the demand for It in that
period has very greatly increased. It
is beneficial in all countries, and wher.
ever introduced tresh supplies are con-
stantly asked kr.
Mrs. "Is Mrs. Swagger at
home?" Servant: "No, ma'am; she went
out th call on you." Mrs. flitiy: "How
very fortunate for us both."
E81, IIMETS rally
soya 'aka oat laa' Ittatiaiite
Pottelotiz, 310$1k (Pik WI,
Ural. Outer, rat 111
Ont.. bra written' fee
X bikerviriCheati
' kad,
Mkt -
M.. aJvIsJilia*. try 1)e.1
* AMLViU, owl t/wi *mat* blitt
thity imilaas4 kma attP111 fOt
rbm.iIl.m. aaa was b.Itw81 gni/4Y%
Ws *gm *WI •Arifitlfd f* a �t weldor,
1*1 i***Iii****4bwrtUy ********4 040.
I 11100
NO. '
. "tt