HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-05-11, Page 3__ � ­_ ,.- V. -7 � - .. I I . �7, 41,11"I , , I I ., I ,, li� 1;, I - . � I ''. . 11 11 . . � ""r. 1, __ __ � . I . - _ , , , ; __ I '44" . I 1, W, - � . , ­ .. I I , , ­. a . --- , _k i . . . . . 1, - - ­ - - - - - ­ 11=011111 I ­ .. I . �­­ � . ' ! I I , " MAIN LM "I . 11 - 001" 11 1,19 1 � , t 0 � I . — I I I .,:, ua 3 1 �ATING U P - %"T "M """"I* 41, *Iiiiiil I , I # M, 74"I . 00" 0 1111101M = I C, .1. I *-*41 I I ' 3 " I ork Resumed ,In- SAn Fr4nIC1sC"W'5 11� TOO IWO- WAUNT0. I - I �! I I , I . V-04"44. Big ship Nardsa I I am. U. wthoilt,it tg!!v! 4's4w " 01:441=1V0116 "li! I ,. � , ', .*-"-..- . _0 I '. ='A ,.— " ly � t I -14 il% .� ..",._111111." 0 , , y , � I "I 4 , I * A,40"tm ft% S I "when 1 riolvlpidii a ru s1luAlau== W ,M,FftWVW WS., 004 lutnu=4491 tW UnQw , - 11. . , , oem, 0oor,UX0,QW, $AWA, 04 0 we, Am. gritoluell , - LW . U00 , � - r.,wout. led Va 11110M 111110rialio J4 IlAd 0=41-01 a termt *$a tA , ." C "aadimpt'v=09, � " , "'gity. " " W* Mist, 40" 1 11y. WbOFA "U*tw VW4 14004, 4G4 of up. the .*took In PN, 4(TL, - I in- —I.I., TM4X,1P9t1' # "MA, 1wit thav , 17,` ; . , - ­ , I ,�, � I - 1� . :P. �.. 11 I -Y, - " I 1, . . �_ I _,-, , � " "' t . , � I � I I _. ____ 0 1 - � � �A - - ---. to -,OWN _- -1 - r M! '0004 I 0 1 "M F, �1-- r 111 0111111 - I __ .. — - V. ___ 71iW? I " � ENT I's Ir I X0 I __ 00 4111111111110ft ..*. F� fARt r ,,O"" 'istio ,,rAlilgli OWNION V. rAnIAX I 0 NNED �*r , i "" 'N' 1W HAS , __ ) , I � r"W" 1"**. M 1511, ON, THE , do TbA vo , N, 0 -AM rMKO000*4 W Im I I -, W -014h - S CAT&WA I . " , r _��itt � rewler " W ; QA M-1tv . � $ "' r - i0orewykin Is Now, tho, P A , I #A om" 0.00", . . I ­ .,N"%, r I a � 111114, , I I . . TO OHM", 11111100nm 10 * 11 I I Jet AW In .. I . ot Russifto: 4 1 � .. , 14 to . � %0?f 112P"To� i , I 11 , iUVd4QJj4r lit .'W l� I . I I lu J. ­ — % *_ I , , -0 *1 - r Aulboal, # otw mtm�r W waowlh4. - - t 1; ""���� -A M ___!�__* . I on Av C =4 ;or. I 4, I 1 40 to ri- 1 . -V 1.1 , -­ ' ' ' ­ - kwidIng, in. the LJOWIA, ;W 09 MAKMI, VA ,P,Y ARM lilli'voriewl, V thillit W one U1110willArm N*4 V *y W�Mv* king ku �"V I494A* IPZ -Awr - - ­-­' ,4 . Rlti��Niii; io , 7t RY444 WIR IM" , ,r I OW, and I ,p �7 � thc�, so 4 4 . . ,,,I,, d34 A-,4 lb � co,Aitlopi wer4 vi�tM I'# The P.Nv Frr, ="pu�1011VT11`b`0 "Irklv%Q'4X� 404117 Zmar.""'WN; ­­ llt4 'IQ' t1w,401 X141 Itit, r rit, city, is gafli,g (,it lglorit Ili( , , unitiblo W. lc�* A"It" bor-t r4ultlii 4uring,thO 411, VA it lulljotnitlglg� MAN ()p MIGNIFMA,NT� PAR . wtio, IWO loi,dest.roy w0d `1hilf %U61ogworittakiliwii MWI 14100W 4A 410crtav im- T _ Wit MOM tligpl4ly,� austrIiiiisilt ox,th4r,mca sitte i , 41%to by _p � I I . . Ab,elng MUM- r 114sny'r � Uyeff b _� 9 im 10'"Son. to qViestiouttile bim* tho� IM40d. -tholk U , the V0011 coune, - o W104 InsAted 'Do I—= 11 � . , Vwr UIA4* i�6144 14i it w0,40W W, the r UP - 0 rotittlon I ' . . . - ,,, ".... �Jhls� Will depend up.on .1 -4, Ili* 0, � JW *at appolike wak. , 1*1ease, �Qlawbalt­ . and oln him. *,Ok toble orgolulet 'm GoAm k - , I t1i 00 eIr 1 4611 the, *4401 IAd in, his room elvilri fivW49110t, ull* � ,� CODR4. 004 Of the new immil � , . y r , firt U roww ti bilt 4 . 444 I 0�� �aglitln$t the Airl , . two Thox r". ' oil V* PIA111144,14,bo lAw W tho TIM CUIMIR814 WDR.- . Iwo . I rain of 460iininc, '06 won � I � - "' I . � 14,p _4 , - d" tit(* fill . a dellwy4d el" "rig W _ _ . 1%* bject of wtlt�h we- to 14, a to , ror I ' U � m4il,lon of I IIACO� 04'Will 10 PtIc*"Poota Abliby ir lmmedi� ProVini"'i"UM . � wiladiloW, V, Ito lty,� ctr ,,, lefty, ,'Thel goultralsoi* 4M ji6ilittoritil W-rd.k% 1*0� lk VO*64 Vt' 4WAR(lit #44 � Vla Pfflors founol, A Itting tn* %. vo 40110, r. Fitt Ir leilvhle Itilru 4 fr'els hili"d Up � Otter'() , OQ� ilto reloillse. , the boadst 11110100 boudit RrA A*% *t t4o 'Q( ,iittl, under ordifially � 4, 0 " = utt,� *4 zu.s., , . ghout #1 Well tilgro, vias Aq chiAnce, I( rthf# , .. . . I They, tQ4.VrAy,04 When ,- r gulautt . , . ,nk Issuo 'In IM A �141 . lit I , r.. 06 Q U 4IJ40''WIMA,ora, ani'lloo Jbit 4tJ#nd4n1# W 4CheVg4 0111MIA0,44. I fividuic in Lo for Some kittillif PILO , g 04 W#* treat 4 Or r tQ t of ralat I bIlk or that 100014 lu iiii,ularcriticy 444,4aprWit tho, OM 't it% Uot" a1w . CO on 0 - the To"llowl I .1 t I 01. co.po;etoln t W_ flt- U* butilro. Whil 4 ftirlog busins.". r � . ,_W thIt Lift $111111trio' r tpotlkliwlil . * tul, '4011=044 .0 go 2 -s Wit 'n pRuo" re,40,161",* .. , I , . � r I � I W . und ), onsloici .r .if. I I CEO 141,110". 10 Walt, r '4en, Iti. WA# ClurittollOU 110p VOMOAL Company Pro' Vieth" (q glie, the bielit V9404, 40 re Irt to IWAX. U I (a li. In .101, " $$IQ tUrat 40ygrIturieAL Ql'thill COU The Ito Ufa 0"A r 9 I I 11 . 14UST, 'JU -1 ftel;th�micriilrfi _N thqttt wig I'll, 14h Au 4 6 'A & Y. ,%UWJ , it I.Iber4l, Ik wAlli 1-0 I ` . , SE CAIiDLE . *T,lb'U"', ,1'7� C.Arcol't IQO IQ � r Sl*.O,WQ WI In wilikol tat roktllil� I ov , Who W43 fit #14 er 19010 t , r V V144 , , , �$, N11 over WW40 "I "1111114m, su,nt, ,t,Mr&, I for '9114 100", We 9 I'll 04,fillut'i't otrIA018nallefli Con"Itent opo" 41 Coatt"t With lItIell mop,, $ . I . . 4 province" r ', 1� llon r�bt 4 001 14%0 144 r % 4 0; a, V _ I& . We Arre .. A o Q e ft ot 111 ; _ this liIC.hema fitloWa PL# _ " §Iplagtiltif , ' M ,� $;ell 41'1ce# JUAV 'Alta, r3w. tli I I 8 IWO V I the roQlo, , . �rddlg -his Ono .. I � 'r"4VUcns'4S.W1 y4g&5E **&W- CQUA That 'we .1 � � tile *§Nr4 Mr. K A. NNIII el 0 "I � k`JQ aflot' 14 0 . I . WA 11 gia, 4 10A.Ugglit , ly jall.", r . . '... �A,$ it Witisgult furtuar 0 " -his; hen 111.11tteol It; .4 , I . I L . I - rid thlitAlte 4MMOP A tgo"t , OM Cotust *�, O 4 14 oi ProlkTo 1AW "SS. 011ol otter 1111billordity, alift(I'au'A at, Of 6110 lierior walster. . 1114,111,_W11. removed . I ; . , rt, the Uat"' I � � , I " 4 A440 I r = rNujW Oould-nott bet, V.011 p 4 I , r CoultriltiIet. reported a an atte 6aadle�."I�cfl­ , r rAZ . . ,,trip; to reconcile tW 0 u 141111W The new PrOmIll - I . _ EOING AWAY DEPRIS- -�, 041LOW, � seedbol�, I 4 I . . I W a iis"o that, � , . , 100.4 VIthout U this. , I I grottfid 101 Ort, NOVOOMA a - Wbi `L I � we - tbil,. .&raolt"­AlX� thilt , , � �iyrlliet� too, It' the' , I to 4111., simerig w ell tegtMt$, but th,e Empemr hltd no but, not Prominent tamo � ,'� , follow r tbQ roller W tho forcel � Ile .. t Itilisk )"esir, The RoRwA of, = 't cot"es from 0, 00W r ` , 'VIORCIty part -104 "islime,00, 0 aen, , rollaust" tosetAer , - Always , . ith Ho I% 94"y a . . � 414 to cenvince, him and � to "it" I - . used, will , . zWU,a ,, t.of the r , be T, � I _ . ' 'r.p4droliuM, � 14�j � ll'otlnit.�, 0%vok" I* " . proviAt", thet polverpmeot"''Quotor the" . RUMW or & r V& . Prov ael here . . � .With tuoi, aeculoik of"We, palloo, tq stro'st . ke urlit I lit b, r A . of or , el . ISO at 6 to 1, r 11 * . . . - A.0, A _ t ,,,,d r4_ I Ito 'It . _M nok lea44 tDoigmunot woq.00.1�_l .0 verill Itho .10, 101vilow, 11140110 project unsevraw." UAW ated. vy V r . � � I � I unill ,�Ilu W4110!` 0,,j .N,I1VAntA_,Ik1t able. men Without V* 04moriv % I ocr; tes"I 04, _ I To onsictiq ,thit, Ventiaill f% ded the . .1.14 o3ra. 1 O lit � . lwpwltlly�, , Nwpite wp� 1110 uarroT got(%,; , I r a t it it 1 � ,%. I . I .1 'd p. I my wisn", $lain Ite excell I .. J*l f , Velttcra& ',� r . , r r, - r 411W#y 4COMpilin . � , 1011 , Tp y " 41 t W -ho r4fuse I r 10W brouj;I1 ZVUIS� 41mosalimc, Capt. and dangerous. . � I ; rible , Inella$, or 1AU I PreSiAt 004910pit SuAraw, n . JA . , *"I- y to scritaure ;tie 41 , � . thr J9, pgyoblo.- ,Y4114' In t At'' n 4qu. W. ty. VN � ­".."-, , , ( a be conducted In rod , whieh .� r I . 4dr'rJLJ)rOlA", h4ver, lilreiko$ 1A:, 20, ber A, � 1: It .tit tbot,00rlil % 1111Y.4to . 01, $lot* itind bonds 00014 01 %tie P401. %at the lovertimp itr 11 r I ��, ". Ili, -Unio lwork, 044y'. 404 tq f4 ritim I I Q, not try �1 al that lthe CQUutrY cure, In 40 ... I r 1, . say(*, IlAes ,q; ,stml� � odra, . ilpg aWay'debris, ,I .0, 5 Per, cent. WeP714A 1114%; 4 , to CU1 � ; . . . , cougga irt Clean, L MUN. IA I ,'t; , "Iitlo)n� � , , r ,1, '094 Jo day, in re., any kind of Implement While the The isirldsh, Maiiisimle Ott Mllbl&bltl"l tg4e,sroulnern RallwaY Otill, gulk"Agigo orderly usillon an ,ws w Suptille the capIts I "I now tOyer riettrly _Wflon%, cf, ills, from, ill r ,,,,,,, ' I from the Ut of ?i I I A lix ould , .. r , 1. � ,4 .4 earfliqualig and, fire. . wltw ! I � at lins line to the 4WOU11% %11 Mot, Ri;a. These eV I !,! � ­��, dis r . � 'r colm W - coming, %brought the STOUIL0* Killed. the boolds � ­ , 4ned, ..of loupooi� IT not yet ran, ad uatv vow. of k f "0140,A04f t4cl farraerce,044 L only p a e,quitict anti compromise -1111 WITTE CO,%4F-'z DELUGE- _. III. im Irl9k4 Ttiai,wory _. hero Is grown two or 111M t Wait AFTIE . C , neys_ Is prooesoling'TA I , Ila r on '%W,,. the . r After the corn 110 I An", , � - . , . wai�k r Ji. U Clio 4111 , , . -Of . eder .04d IWO it A despatch I . 1 :­ r . h 'r. - It"In r 0 1% iiiin I 11114,10144: ,,, I S, �rom Plo runctrillburg, for Ave Are the tlVAO Too my people. We mus r _0 CATteril4n TIA- 01501". - I - gstrt the we TO extend . I . I I lacto r I ,,,, rr i � I a .. til,Stal-'eaftled, 04,14 .1hor Arepts, .Ali � . compallm 04111111000 Itoves . k �Te The St. Pete I � � ..... ..- -­ fitlg� J2l0Wl0W rUnIft Is Ill anquigh Netal. oays'. An outrage which Sly v,o fat er Bridge & tat I ma has, begun its work andl rsiburg correspondent of � . , tiors, Aro '011 aroN . r .. i � necessary," I ��z _,�;, ­ ­ ­_ --A t r AhOL 'W11014 "Oil 11 . g, iIn%JIr Anti cam In' Ithin which the b� 0011* then see whet change' am em. the London Daily Telegraph figart . � ", _� .. lumod:jxlsl0c!�_ _ 1�h - - sericlus- ZQnsgquo=-%­ hot 00011 It ---- - - - 01101fl- . g -U -W4 baw -11 - 1" - ft don - 0 , ,. -W -VOW 11gle"Ovor to -�boi �plowed - without Irre power ceimpsay Ittly obtain like w .7 . .."ft -U104", � _' liqAtiv, . Ilrit � S %tea to bridge the I Ther! Is little doubt -%vilarding the � , ; , lre , ' ' ' - itt' T r - � In Zululand. Mr. Stalutiomic, j; that serious trouble will toCe- I - �11- 1W Qi hicitioll "I ­ - - ­ jot'.4poriary;qUartera''and report -00 sent of the united diets I , rl� I 1-thor . g " , _ . _. Vos .. lit, t a mto I UQm­ much. and, und .... , is sinaw. desire to abandon the retirement of Premier Witte. He I , ; .in the city" *1 , 111, ba� ,.O v - at elicit -vitteer An& 0 r Its exceed eph . , tion, Tru$t .. I 1, . ' . r . s cit May� fuslignt. I liko to plow close to the Oora� and tst, Tg1strato at Mahlottiltint, ZWUI Nhg urcaucruthi methods a 111ye, I . I,- (I : ,Ara River between Fort Eric , tt. .'.4, , el. , iondrca. retail y Zulus While collect- at .rid invite a antooracy *is, resolved to make oeted, helot, r. . , klu 4 0. bitys ill . ., J*WtA- I lsq�o vithodrawals, r :P1 Vo I ' - �I, liability Is (jeep. the first time. I 11SO tbO fllx'sh"el - A � , I Qr& - .. � "( �Aigw qu 16Iv' cordial. healthy co.operatton, of his Sul) oes,. #rtel*., ft� � e: Ills. preAep - to, �malicr ,area, . In '41 .7 clite�.,Oil JAe Capadian Aiding �ultjva Ing taxis near that place. Mr. Stain-. � construction of, . I r I uro. new 15pa .%'6%WAr4r .QIX rIVS. .' , , tor for'llihii first and Si party including Mrs. $lain- Kittle River Yet- jects in the noble task of governing this another (Iqtcnnined stomd for existence, . I - , r e 1, iserill and 1 cral additions to the may, and in PrePlArsti011 for :11 #AcrbrWES STAR_T1N0,'W- city 14,421neor , .1, riot ' to a e ,� partly, 19'r qa^ow the second PlOwIrig, it ilia cam I t bunk in great The I teal, course In cost what It 111ce eight more quick- '�­ I 11 "O, , . . � Iho: 1prg�.s�'ftoitork% left. ua, fItly, suh;ditted A. 0OA0preh*Iv0 r Is ,,, I I .1 bank, the niagistrate's wife, a. lady ley Rallwal, Company'8 system country. possible consequi! I . '9fr 'the Wo large. It the . , ',r 'hitXdod arIQ j ,Viftl� t..U' the rieboarling . p �ha surface cull - 0 1 , st at -& per cent, per corn is over at It I It 4000 Ie, ,()all c,impanion arid some mounted police, Southern Ur tish Columbia. such circumstances wOul seem ton tic In 9 have been sent to MuscOw, I I �, maxiyp Starting U city. 14 .0 Ist 9vemb0r next, at. 10 M, I prefer 1. avatar. is recruited fir]"$ gull I .. - - , , ,.,, tb6 ,rjpjdfty�11os§No ut p� WQr1 . - ,the brO114011111 and ,,the extertmon of a- andl 'I . h eder were caught In an ambush by hostile To extend the time for the tompletiOn tile formation of a Cabinet ging the total there to 32. Thu con- , , L , I , , , Aider, .the ,01rcufa cuts being to In. in Trust. CQMPQU,Y I At at the fli'st plowing I run I a we a There is brin UAtion.1ron WOiloillL, R, r a - .." .. ""J'Stancia, At 1bur � woikf,� R,- Ilia purp. 011ie !a, who fired 4 volley at them. The of the Schomber und Aurora Railway from the populQr elements. � ,e of the Motto he plowing. nativit Ik Action is universal that the Doutrai Ito 11 ,',�..; - lT&""Q better ptotgetiOn against th- t ee tile Morton Trust again, driving CrOsSW8Y Of I nzie, and , - I , �mplbyed i i Wi this 0 Ono of tile g0licemcn Which is own105 by, 'M I a a opsiderablo talk of such a Ministry. Barmeeldo toast. In � . , I e4 ar(i new 0 ' _�qokthu man, , arant r for the proa- This has a tendency to level the ground triggistrate and rue- tied to a ' r . Company hold, ,as pecur]A3 ... r ,,,,,,, been inv 11 'i . I , � V -; 11 � .::: , - WIN - lit to - r . I �- I later weed seeds that wound9d. Mr. rize, I a const TER, stead of a dessert there Will be ructions. . .1--, , r � I t�` z I It._rfollwts . 4 a, Jaw sprgiall I of ore , _ � � vfricia Ithei,pleolled -socutitles4l being all and destroy an, tainbonk Mann. at$() to authO THE NEW PRIME MINIS7 I ." l� -� 'IT """ ZmAlnont -of 13 at . ASYLUM IS RUINED- �, It InaQ in the hill. if I use and ilia two Indies managed to reach Lien of the extension to Notta,wasaga ttersburg says,. No concillation is conceivable, no corn 11 , V, '. ­ the stuck an bonds of the A1901118, �bltlni, where the magistrate died R and Bowmanville A despatch from St. P" ppoindso, is possible between the,,Crbwtk 11� I No 14mage , we says, r I ayp = cultivator fall second or Mahlo �`L � �`, he 1?c Incorporate the 16-couver, Fraser The Official announcement that Premier �: ... ,�'T,"�rr # . 4 d6n� t4 tile A despatch from Stan Jose, Cut., 'entr&l and Manitoulin Railways, and �. I am careful not to run of W Wounds. ay Cant- and the nation. A conflIC01111 certain. I.. I I I t��, I new wisrshtils. belfig built o,t these fleet Hudsonl: of Los Angeles, whp the mortgage on the vessels of the cam- cross plowing Mahlabitini lies to the westward Of Valley, and Southern Rallw Witte's resignation had beau accepted, unavoidable, imminent. Even Coqnt r I , �-,�,.,:, for the Government, the crul- Atol�, , ... 1i balspecled the A,sylum, buildings, lit any, and ALSO One-half of thei,leollateral the shovels deep enough to do much the forests where Bambatda, the Insur. Pon),. could not now avert it. ­ _� , California And *Milwaulteb, ,and the has - rot printing. Light and coupled with tile s�otement that former �' r:, . . . ,ewykin Witte _�, ,; hip S6uth ' okota. Thi_s'eamer .A tie d clarei$ that all the buildings llecurltlqs' formerly held, being $1.209, erly the regent of the To enable the Puebla Minister of tile Interkit , Got satin that Count .1pr I I da. f ill r I - - gent chlef, form Alway, ode on Wed- Tile correspondent us I ,,', �� 0 W �6 eirriparably ruined. in his .ake Superior Corpora PLOW DEEP BUT ONCE �, Natal, who ling been1powe am would succeed him, Was m tie only retained no 1 I ,,��i"`!, � a In the 1144 I MD bolt 0 '4 after 6reytown district b initial power to . I , ­,­ ,. tQ it , Mrr,Jiu4son will lien out of $I( 'WO, $153,000 incorna printing u,,dir I m. Oorentyldn's , of 'Puebla, which was sv log� elevation 10 W, I ' ! lay, has eon ralsed-atid 'Fit ve Governor . )%,W, I do not believe In root a a a local authorities ,, ,,,.!any to engage in to I �r :r I 1. _"L. r b , _ � Is Iiefug re- V(-POt of $a,floo,oloo, and ,arm nesday. secure tbo now loan, Neither France, . . � ­ i0fited. work - also engaged recommended t Seely ereqtion at cOt- lowing. Nature provided the In in mout§ Inst the -eated ment. � I men iujA� .be bonds out of & tOtlil the first P past, has been hiding, and III LWAYS A the Premiership or amaze L?ngland, Austria, nor England WOuld .. �� - - RA2,QW of the stock at the said car- cam plant m it is asserted here that there seems to to enable Russia to ��.. � � 3 din root$, that they might to 'a were made tO He is not only regarded as a reactionist. . 114ng thesteimier Colurlibla, which was tages to accommot ate the patients Un moisture for the Picini. a 1 amendifients at hav subscribed I I tit modem structures, not as highly us poratiops out of a total Of 1110,00(),000- gather food and b S1 I 0 is n a I . I , Aurned on her side. s all of the available Le no dou t that he has succeeded in 011ninerson's bill to amend ,the rail* but tile general opinion is ilia h .. They loaned their I I formerly, arid Which will be affected by 'The Government had arranged that ,Ili, plant need , Inducing another tribe of Zulus tic lain Mr. 0 a � � . PLANS FOR REBUILDING. a, can be eree- y ground con- " act, the chief of which gives power equal to the task of facing the coming wug civil w 1 . - way 1110ney for a reorganization of the em- .. �' r , , neither fire nor earthquak in caso, of. necessity they phould be able plant food that ardinur ad ", " " , At a confertneg held on Tuesdoy n1lbt I led b It St t to pay In I in Ist of tains, and by prunin the recta, we tire the revolt. I I to the Railway Commission to compel crisis. Piro, but tile court camaralla, resolv I.." V V "a he whole $2,000, c ns or villages LO to employ it for their own Interests, r, I p , at Gen. Greelft ft,�a Ot - EARTHQUAKE.. May ,,, th 09D r AN UNRELENTING ENEMY. , . I ,olquitriterst plans or )D U�FFEMS* OF at there should be'no dis- depriving the plant a a large part of the railways in cities, tow the purpose at reb4ding the Ci y of San Francisco ,. latee. " plant food contained in the Contra of the GAS AT FORT FRANCES- connect their lines for breaking the promise Count Witte was � �� . , A , h from Stockton, Cal., says honor of the provincial guara M, Goremykin, Like now Premier, was � aid was disqussea.1 ILA despatell — transferring engines and cars from One ,­ *, . 'With Government _ ha b d the vi- row. it* exposed by Witte in 180, and since Authorized to muke. The Government , , , ;, .1 `� There Were present ,besides Gen r. ,fireely, cc iscovered that In - Workmen Boring for a Sewer Strike Q railway to another. A special Comm fees un. a, Russia, tile correspondent declares, "I , , , It is in good physical con ,etiring Prem - " " �'L 1 . 'dwalrd Devine, the Makeluma .gCOVERING SUBSIDY LANDS. it the ground J . , - '. � James D. Phelan, Dr. E cinity of Woodbridge, OB ratification will be ount of work do' Pocket. tee Will deal with the clauses bringing then tins been the r the for- is now being carried an by secret in r I � ', at has fallen twelve feet, the bed � If The Legislature dillon with the am, I Ill .. Mayor Schmitz, and Secretary Victor Riv Crib 4 above, well done, I have l(wed telephone tolls under the supervist011 relenting enemy. At (list time fluences, thi, Centre at which Is Gen. ,r,� � Lt I river having dropped from the ef- asked for the bargain between the Gov- a a '�oin ,he Railway commission. mor Minister at the Interior made a re- _ Metcalf, of the Department of Commerce the and patch says* Trepoill. Whose authority has continual- .,1_1 - . , , it was thou I ght Secretary fccts of the recent earthquake Ishock. ernment and the Grand unk Pacific practically all of the early weeds A Fort Frances des . and control of I St. Peters- `,-, r Unless lies been caused Tributes to the late lien.. Niel- White port to the Emperor to the effect that he quilted � 1; and Labor, 43 Mr. the stories of fainints and suffering I back As the waterway has overflowed fre- Railway Company wherell the latter prepared a good dust mulch.' adorable excitement ly gained since e.� urg for SWIM - . are will ban will oles are profoundly im- ,:�� � ;­ Melcalf might be able to carry ently, ,famers along the stream of over to the province 525,000 it rains sufficient to run the ground tO- here by the discovery of natural gas. were paid by Sir Wilfrid Laurier and ell were said to exist in certain Pro' Solo. . ,:, i ,,',:,/to Washingt to a comprehensive idea at qu _ again While boring tat test the soil prepare- R. L. Borden. untrue. Witte -then Min. I lomulic cir � the needs ist7tills.alty, And., the ideas of highly pleased with the change, since acres of'its subsidy land in the Rainy gbiller, I do not stir the grpund vinces were ore of tile Govern- �� 11 some of her leading men'that the dis- it can carry far more water than hith- River District, and be rellev-qd of Its ob- until the list plowing. I use the surface tory to putting In a sewer on Mowat CATTLE IMPORTS. .- r ased by ilia isclOs' i ,: .. and not endanger their lands. ligation to bring In settlers. A bill with cultivatqr for the just cultivation, and and Scott streets, workmen bored to the At the sitting of the Agricultural Ister of Finance--tilereupon produced Inc I'S policy, The a pointment, of ,r - No definite request erto 9 to prove that the Conditions unt WXle,s Successor �, �:- oussion iwas held. lain of action Anoftr Itoickdant, oill-4ho eartfiquake that intent, entitled, "An Act respecting do the work just as late in the Season depth of thirteen feet, and, noticing a committee Dr. Rutherford said that un. documenL e they had been Goirantykin as Ost total event since ' �11. was made, nor was any P1 is the drying up of the Tracy Lake in the Aid Heretofore Granted to theGrand as not to break'down too smell of gas, a match was applied, and less grantor precautions were talien to in the Int rior were As )r con- is rega ad as the tit ,�, , con When the Emper( � I I I I" I P it represented. . �,!"., ,a fully outlined. was introduced mucli ..;n3,cl I � ving the,ground Just as It burned with a clear flame for some existing regulations tile war. , , , the north-westem part of San Joacquin Trunk Pacific Railway," ,bl as and enforce the fronted M. Goremykin with this lie Is PRAYES . ourity. I by Hen. Dr, Resume, seconded by Hen. I level as pass a. ad of time. There is no doubt that g might be necessary to shut out Anlari- -_ I �: Loeked in separate cello in the city GREAT DESTITUTION. Mr. Monteith. By following out the old moth lignite coal can be found In great quan- can cattle. I" � . — I prison, 100 prisoners, whose crimes TO INVITE THE KING. laying corn by with the large shovel tities underlying the town site, as spect- L asked Dr. nuther- "I . Washington says: Mr. A'L. MacLaren BOOM IN MONTREAL. MED NEWS ITEMS ��_ "' r .r range Jrom,plain drunkenness to bru- A despatch from gall moved -That this cultivator, ridging the ground well up mens of coal have been found in several ford what was being done I-egarding . — CONDE . �,�'Q_ - In I tat murder, knelt in prayer when the The question of caring 'or the destitute Mr. McDou places. it is quite probable that the glanders, which Present Y ". ,. causing the Officilas Legislature notices with pleasure that around the corn, we not only out off the in San Francisco is roots, thus depriving the plant of a, t once make a sys- the extermination of ear Will be Record ill Build � I N , earthquake of April 18 shook the Hall 'n Council ' Ing Operations. . ,,, ow �� there great anxiety, as shown by the the House of Commons and the Senate I i Ttematt- search will a asked the Minister Of HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OR - MaJilistice frorp basement to tower top. ids have by resolution prayed I great amount of plant food, but cause r gas, and it it should had spread in certain parts of western s I - following telegram from neral Greely, of Cam ide A I done a Ong This year � s the ground to dry out from the s be found in quant lies it will add one .'a He at was being I ,:��: Sin,4ardenod Men; and women appeal Ili GLOBE. , 1� dated Friday, and recelvelyat the War I (t)huaeterAllujusfy, King Edward VIL and the hill .a well i I OA�10'11iure wlQ)IsO A Montreal despatch says ,��, �ed' to God ,for spare them. Their pray- 1, as on top. Often with ther feature to the development of For -ning the farmers and - ..,, . a only after it Department�- I I o.�m rot graciously extend to . I I ItIvIltion, the furdw In the � the line 01 war promise.,; fair to be a record for build 11 , ,era for ,deliverance cam is being ted,W or,ion al his Majesty's Empire the rid Frances as an industrial Contra. with regard to Orchasing Ing operations in Montreal. Since tile �: ; ­'. The number of destitu his k others atfarfdints ' h. e row is lower than the seat . to have '.'� ,,, -tppareot gjl.� ent, of �th ,C u into -at of January b Iding Perini that the r 'I 0, per. . came W I � I became . iggregating,*y to -day as ,onal vlsit�g - I I . horses which frequently (11 own and i�� . ,� The earth. Is enormous, I I of the corn plant. If a crust forms, i tile states. Mr;l,,,,, ,,,,,,,o,, 115 now buildings, the Telegropt&V Briefs From Our , r Ir ioiciuld do nothing for them. d the just reported 191,637 In San Francisco.] hat we enthusiastically endorse. Eastern Canada and m Issue ',�" quake had so twisted and warpe " Self most it was a Vol-) I � is estimated at $t,457,- .11 cell log a open- Apparently conservative estimates plac- the ion at the Canadian Parliament and the ground begins to crack, after ,RN CROP MOSTLY IN. MacLaren contended that A .. . , 'I other countries of Recent ', , , , ka that riot a door could b most earnestly hape[thel corn Is too high to permit using a WESTE irs bO?ghtJ-.li, while alterations have been made �,`� : ed destitute refugees at 40,000 in I in thts behalf, and r_.an&..befare it is I — serious mAtter ,when farim � f�'? ed fat nearly an hour. it Oak- that is orse_mUtiunta 119 cash expenditure. occurrence. I :,:I, "I never ,Want to witness such sights land and Berkley. How these errible gracious Majesty may-affordi-to well tasseled out, one horse hitched to The -6nadlan Northern Railwggy's Re- branches and other horses Coming IrOln I to the tune of 9184.' .1.1r, _. met Is a subject the people. of Canada the.opportunity any kind of a drag that will .brip�k Ihe port of Seeding Operations. sections Where glanders wel-e �Ild Put I The total now roaches $1,542,430. The . �., . again," said. Prison Matron Ryan of the conditions are. to be 1. .1 With their own hOrsCS OrL-1110 month of April collastitutes a record for CANADA. i Central Station- nsideration between they have so long desired of offering to 1hom- in 11 k � Prison who was on (vt -most earnest cc him personally the cordial assurances crust should be usedi says : The certainly would be more the., building department silictl Its Incep- I . I -o",. � duty when the tremble'eWme. "There Devine, finance committee and myself. I cut down an old lever harrow the A Winnipeg despatch (arms; they having London's tax rate will be 20% millb- ' �1, , , . ; imethinj like 80 nten and 22 While exertions of army to reduce aid of their unswerving loyalty and deep do- rroper width to go between the roWs, Canadidn Northern seeding report' for cautious if they knew of the gaeat doll-, ti.on f now buildings I I "I -11, b � ,per,,,,ld11aro1or , "', .. were sc r tes that in the older dis- ger they ran by buying such horses. lie .." r an expenditure of $871,- There will be u November sesslOn Of :-11 e women in the cells on the morning of to smallest possible limit had effected votion. put a piece of strap Iron on each sidelthe',we k I di 'a . Parliament. r ;� I :16s I "' "' 'p - 940. : � �, Ish he wort, ,is Opished, and from 75 the practice of III ��.',,_ . � the earthquake. In our departrimet important changes, yet solution,of situ- That we therefore express the w from the front to the back bar, thus recommended that I rung [rain . 11, atures bliarg- ation without enormous suffering aP- that his Majesty may be pleased to ac- preventing the end of the bar from to 90 per cent. is completed in the north- lowing thern to cents in Ile either stop- ------+— Another wire is being st � ,�,; I 1�­ there were abandoned ere vormuent . . , e,, with all manner of crimes, m fear& apossiIii1e. . While daily hoping Capt the invitation extended to him by r&tching the .hill of corn. I fixed the western part, and in the newer districts. ped altogether or,that tile Go A BUFFALO TRAGEDY, North Buy to Cobalt. ,Z � " �� -­� any of .+ � I , Toronto bakvm wtilb- a Iew. 'oxC0P_ I I , ,� oThey .. r - read. ' * --- - - , /",� . '��, w)iom I deenled hopelessly lost. t decreases in number 6f dealt- the Parliaiaent,' an,i conadrred In by all hitch about one toot -above the harrow, Rain has fallen, doing much good, and should take siops to advise* the public — aging , - �;­ �y Far-reaching the people of Canada. -eful as to purch horses Woman Was Shot Dawn on a Leading tions, have increased tile price of b �:"�-. , "i � �, cried and shrieked for mercy when the tute, am not confident. put on a pair of plow handles, and by In Battleford aistrict there Was a fall of to ,)a Cal N�.1 ouptry, I,- ��A,1� ,� _-Shlock ,earneq'��artd pleaded pitifully for extent of this disaster cannot be appre. VOTERS MUST BE CANADIANS. giving the teeth the desired slant, and snow, which was also at benefit. , At � coming train a foreign 0 Thoroughfare. . ,Six London hotel keepers have been � , . ,, . I � release. Not one cell coliald be opened, elated without personal observation.",, The Legal Committee reported Mr. pushing down on the handles Just Gladstone 50 per cent, is above ground. I givell three months to sell Out. . ,�,) � - to make the harrow run level are seeded in Kam-, ------- — A Buffalo, N, Y., despatch ssys� John ,� . ...116- ..., g .. ...... - ! McGarry's amendments to the munict- enough , About 9,000 acres Pa., enamored The Mu"Cl, pay roll at tile (.'.r()w.s ,." ., - ' � ). pill Act, the Qntarto Election Act, and I found it the best tool I ever tried for ,rid there are 3,000 acres yet to be cAPTAIN AND TWO MEN DROWNED. Korycrnski of Altoona, I Cant mines totalled 8142,0lifl- ­�,,' . . At St. - ,,, -L - 74 �� - fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, Oi. Ld udon in April tile, � were . ,I I ' : a.,c� of with Mrs. Francis Skrocka of tile saule Ne 8 - 25, .live, $7.50 for selects. the, Manhood Suffrage Registration breaking the crust. It not only breaks Jean 5,60D acres are un "ADING IMET Act, by adding to the I I the crust, but destroys a great many der cr9p, while 20.000 will be seeded . .1 ng a Leak In city, and who repulsed )its advances, lit Lo . arm of oath pros- be' around Emerson, Lowe Farm, Aciand, Tit@- Tug Clipper Spra and 22 marriages. I IL I U1 U1 � scribed to be taken before registration weeds, grasses, etc., that are just I shot arid killed tier on the street tit births, 4 deaths, cost '$LM,W) is to be ,�, ;�,, I — . No rain has fallen Georgian Bay. Broadway and Sweet avenue on Wed- i ,li. sineltur to istrict. ..: 'BUFFALO MARKET. the words, 'That you are not a citizen ginning to start. Dunrea and Minto. �. . - BREADSTUFFS. , � Buffalo, May 8. - Flour - Firm. or subject of any foreign country." The around Neepawil The growth In the A despatch from Owen Sound Says: n(-sday Afternoon, anti then shot hirn. � el.pcted in tile Cobalt ed Toronto, May 8.-FIQur - Ontario- Wheat - Nominal; one car No. 2 red committee was unanimously In favor of majority of districts is very rapid. Tile steamer Manitou brought In the seIf through tile iii-arl, Both died it" I Iner-easos In salaries to TOculltu civic . I No. the amendment, which is to prevent per- body of one of three victims of the first slantly. Mrs. Skruckn, with tier has-' oployees, amounting to $3o,utle were . , Steady; 90 per cent. patents sell at $3.10, sold at 89Y r the poultry - ------- 4— i left Altoona "" d of Control. ,,c, Corn-- Stronger; of the In selecting a location to children pas,ied by the Bear buyers' bi6gs, outside, for export. Mani- o yellow, 55y.c; No. 2 corn, 54y,c . oats sons who have become citizens disaster on the takes this season. The band and two 'the attentionA I � toba -_S4.3o to $ -Slronge No. 2 white, 37o, No. 2 United States returning to this countr, houses, it is desirable to place them ell KING EDWARD AT PARIS. body is that of Edward Fletcher, engin- Iwo weeks ago to avold Charlel Emmons a stone unas011, was �. .. A.50 for first putents�, ' r Sri elevation having a natural drainage -, which sank off (If the murderer. Who followed her o run down by a str;et car at Ottawa and " and $3.90 to $4 for seconds. mixed, 3�,%'c. Barley - Store lots simply for the purpose of voting. eer on tile tug Clippet , ,Oran quoted 47 to 52c. mittee also regarded favor- [twaY from the building. A dry, por. -_ Bubdard Islands early Monday this city. Wednesda afternoon lie met . - $21 bid, Toronto, $21 Asked Rye - Quiet; No. The cam a amendment to libel ous soil, such as a sandy or gravely Dined at the PaMcs of ,he Elyae. Will, I hv (A her on Broadwny, wKen the tragedy uc. killed on f7riduy. " to arrive Toronto, $17.75 asked, in bulk, 2 in store quoted 65c, carloads. ably Mr. MacKay' fur floating the steamer � law to make fair newsoaper reports of team is preferable to a clay soil. As President FaIlleres. Ing with tile loss Of the lives .- Capt. curred. The contract � outside. cc out all the crew of foul': �n given to the MerriliL 111� NEW YORK WHEAT MARKETS. public meetings, and the publication ofl.rlril�ghl and wiarnith Are es.ential to -h from Paris says: . Me -'rench River, Edward Fiet- ------- 4— Bavarian has bee ''I Wheat - Ontario - No. 2,xvillte, 81c the best ., ti King Ed ��"'�Irintosh, I New York. � u I.,.r - - , with poultry, the build. A despa , Robert Johnston, Wrecking Company of asked, outside, mixed Boy9c asked. utho Ize Government documents pri 1,n,gt snhould ,ace the South. A Ward -dined at tile Palace of the Elysee Cher. Cutler, engineer NO SUPPORT FROM GERMANY. BuLiding permits to the end of April . - barley vileged. south' % President Fallieres. ill d fireman. Wheat - Manitoba No. I northern New York, May 8 - Spot vator; wegIc' .no , if a direct southern ex-, (,n Thursdny With ay Id (� -ning she cleared from — total $3.343,108, tin increase of 1111,256,- 1 ... at 83y�c, Point Edward; No. 2 steady; No. 2 red, file nonlinal etc The President toasted the King, a ing:jMonlrs nday met offered No. 2 red, 93c f.o.b. afloat; No. I north- BILLS ADVANCED A STAGE. posure can not be obtained. The size, a Midland In command of Capt. Peter Turkey Need No( Fxpect It In Quarrel (21,.2 "I offered . at 82c,/Point Edward. Ron. Mr- Monteith's bill to amend the or the house will depknd almost entire- Your Majesty's frequent visits are to go Into %%'kill Britain. g trees daily inteirrupt , : ,c ern Duluth,, 89c f.o.b. afloat; No I precious pledge of the cordiality of the'Nicintosh, of French River'. I I ,,,,!qlers fellini ; � Oats - No. 2 white offered at 36Y e � bFirds to be kept.i" n for -tier new owners. Eld - balt. 11 outside, a5%c bid main line, 88y&c asked northern Manitoba, 88)/.c f.o.b. a&t. Act to prevent fraud in the manufacture ly on the numb r of I relations between France and England. i commissict telk6l'tipilic Communication to CO I I a bid. of cheese and butter, and Hart. Dr. It the birds are kept in flocks of forty Both are happy to sincerely act together d Fletcher of Cutler, was acting as A despatch from London says: Tile cc Immigrants have this 11 Toronto, 88 , -sday morning said :1 I Peas - Wyw bid, 80o asked, outside. Resume's bill respecting the recent lo -sixty, about flve square feet of floor I to,. civilization and pence." I :'T-glneer, Anti' Robert Juhnson, of Mid- Standard oil Thux """ "' I I LIVE STOCK' MARKET. agreement with the Grand Trunk Pacific sr ace should be alloted to each hen. The Albert BeallY. understands that Count Wollf-Mettor. Yen, to dit. abligil Toronto than in � ; � Barley - No. 2 52y,c asked, outside, I King Edward expressed the pleasurejand, as f1reman, %&,fill nan Ambassador,, has in- .. ., .it, pe to lastl%eur. I . C& bid f.o.b. inaln line, 51c bid'east. Toronto, May iI.-A fairly heavy run were read a second time. Hall. Mr. building should be high enough to an- lhlq visits to France had Afforded him, Midland, as cook. Between Byng Inlet n.ch, Lhe Gen a I . of cattle was offering at the Western Foy's measure to amend the Devolution I Able the attendant to avoid bumping addIng!-"I am suro the entente cor- And French River early Monday morn- fc,ruied the British Government that Tor. A now nurses' home fi�irljjle Wtirullpeg I ld,a�.e�fw,.,I.ldo more than anything else Ing it �mpt was support in I of Estates Act, Hon. Mr. Cockrane's bill hip head against the ceiling. ic boat began to leak so badly that I,py cannot rely oil German 0oneral Hos'pitai IS to be erected &U a 1. Market this morning. The best house for fifty or sixty fowls to ag made to beach tier, Ili,! event of a quarrel with Great Bri. cost of $60,000. I Export Cattle - About the best cattle respecting the Ontario and Minnesota peace." an sit( '. Butter - The market Is quoted un- on the market sold at $5.10 per cwt. Power Company, and Mr. McKay's bill It; 20 by 14 feet; front elevation, 6 feet; which was unsuccessful, and the crew lain. The DeForest Company ace negOtla" -_ ) � " Act respecting actions for back elevation, 5 feet, with double pitch 0 attempted to save themselves in,a small 0 1 for a bite for a wireless station at � .1 . I changed. Choice are quoted at U90 to $5.15, me- to amend the ling .11 ... Creamery . .... .. I .. .... .... 22c 0 23c dium to good at $4.50 to $4.75, bulls ;-t libel and slander passed the committee root of unequal sprin. The roof, If it Is yawl. which, however, was not In a . Haileybury. I I them, arid capsized. EXPLOSION IN SWEDEN do solids .... .... .. ...... 20C to 21c $�.50 to $4, and cows at $2.75 to $4.25. stage. Mr. Bradburn's measure respect- shin*led, should have not less than HON. pETFR WHITE DEAD. condition to hold )r Biggar says Hamilton will PM ,� I , Butcher Cattle - Picked lots, $4.75 to Ing the City of Peterborough, and Mr. one-third pitch. If roofing paper is used — They managed to reach the sunken — I May( .1 Dairy lb. rolls, good to choice 17ciolgr one-quarter pitch will Answer. in tile Close of an Active Business and P01111- tug, the deck -house of which was not NlIro-glycerine Factory Blown Up and Sent It suitable testimonial to Will Sher6 .. do large tolls - - - - . � .. .... 16c to 17c $5, good to choice, $4,40 to 84.655; fair Vraser's amendment to the Act to pro - and to front or south, wall there should be cut Life. thr below the water, and by climbing Four Killed. ling, tile Nial,utholl champion. 01,1' .... ...... 15c to 16c I -i good, $3.75 to $11; common, $2.50 to vent the waste of natural gas I �1� � do madium .... - provide for I.Ceil Iwo w1pd.ws about one toot on it saved themselves for a time. A I The G. T. 11. have a large gang at 1.p . � Cheese - Old is % quoted at 14C for $3 , cows, $3 to $4; bulls, $3 to $4; can the plugging of abandoned I P .. the all'is -oring down buildings 11 a and 14y2e for twins. ners, $1.50 to $2. wells, were read a third time. I . 8xI0 Inches is a good- A Pembroke despatch FMY-3: Hon. fishing boat was sighted, but could not A Stockholm, Sweden, despatch say", work in London it I "..., - I lar to use In a twelve-lightsasli, Peter White, M.P., of Pembroke. Speak- be attracted by their signals of distress. Every building of the dynamite 1860"Y III tile way (if the elevated tracks. 1. ggs - 16c for new -laid and 12C to Stockers and Feeders - Sbort-keep, MILITARY RAILWAY. 'zed one . evening i:car - Nit- " , �, ' s P .as Vinterviken belonging to Ili, a of ill � . � mtildna the ,h about 3 feel, 9 Inctleg er of the llougo of Commons from 189t About 7 o'clock Monday I one hundred and lifty member . ygis for splits. feeders are quoted at $4.75 to S,Iim Permissio - Pembroke Inch,. wide. A door to 1990, died at Clifton Springs, N Y.- L,.eatty started out on a raft made l -f ro-Glycerine Company wal; destroypd-11, w I; � it um n was given the b In 2 I " . Pvnnsylvuroa CtIllarial Association . 0, Poultry - Choice dry-plucloed turkeys, heavy feeders at $4.40 to $4.90, nuedi' Southern Railway Company to extend' '2'llgo' -fect'nuriverlbe' made in one of , tile on Thursday morning. a pull rack and a broken door, and Wednesday by till exploblon, the cause' mill,vi a trip through Ontario and thil C 16C 14) 20a; tat chickens 14c to 15c, thin at $2.50 to $3.50, bulls at $2 to $2 ' 7 5, Petawn, In order to connect ,,rid walls a' hich is not known. Four men were 1 ; to Ile, thin 7c Cood stockers run at 193.75 tb $4, If Its lin. to A also a small door In the West in June. ght a made his way to A small Island, one or w I I Joe to 12c; tat hens; 9 at $3.25 to $2,70, rough common tit with the new camping ground establish- Irani wall, for the fowls 10 Pass In and ------ 4— ,I the Bustards. where he remained killed. Mr. W. J. Moffatt, manager -a[ fill , to 80 ­ ' W by the Dominion Government. out of the building. ill he wag rescued ai)out thirty hours + P06,os - Ontario' firic. to 7�c par bag IS2 to $2.75, and bulls at $1.75 to $2.51). The roost platform should be placed VICTIMS OF DYNAMITE. Sonrue Conning Compwiy, died so($ �1'11� I a semi-dAllhouR condition, � out Of store; eastern, 70c to SW on track Milch Cows - Quotations are un- TREE CULTURE. litter in ficilly at litimilton, OF1 Friday, after I "I - -1 and 10c more out of store. changed at a range of $30 to $60 each Mr. Downey's bill to provide for the in the rear of the house, extending the Four Men Killed In New Brunswick by from hunger and exposure, by a fisher- TEN KILLED IN NVRECK. pneumonia. . Calves - Quoted unchanged at 3c to exemption of woodland Iots passed the v% hole length. The platform should be man named William Hazzard. A — hriet Illness front 11'': Baled Hay - $9.50 to $10 per ton for I committee, though tile Premier objected I About l,hr,, feet Wide and three feet Premature Explosion. sirareli for the others proved fruitless, 'r%%o Passenger Truing Collide Head-on Several hundred carpenters and Join. . �� - 6c per th. A, -i %vent (in strike at flatolhon on Fri- ,, I ,.V, No. I timothy fit coIr lots, on track, No , I " floor, and the perches should .: and Beatty was taken to the Bustord on Pennsylvania Railroad. Pr 1 2 selling at $7.0 per ton. a, Sheep and-Lainbs - They are quoted lo some of Its features. be placed about 8 or 10 Inches above A despatch from St. John, N. B,, says station I of the Dominion Fish Company, I day because the employers would riot I . Haled Straw - $5.50 to $6 per Ion . $05 to $5.50 for owes and $3.50 to BUTTER AND CHEESE. The nest should be placed , Word was received here on Wednesday given every possible A despatch from 111orrisl)urg. I'll., sign an rigroement covering the sees,)". I . for car lots on free , Ir here. . . $4 for bucks. Grainted lambs are lower Arooa- % here 1 $7.25, and spring lamb Mr. Monteith's Act. to prevent fraud the Platform. he was I a against the end of the house oppositelct the killing of four men on the care. snys Two paq%enger titlin!i vollidel. I The DOFalmon revenue amounts fur* the ,.. � a, $6.75 to in the manufacture of bulter and cheew .r 1110 roost to platform, to,) River near the Maine border, by I or WkIlulinsburg, 1pn monthq ended April 101h to 909.- � . I MONTREAL MARKETS. steady at $3 to 036. 4 was not opposed In any quartet, but Ili(* door or until, A rlanlll� explosion. Preparator�y to -----4 hend on in rultiff, np that and should be darkened. Several small 1 on Ifie llenrilivivarlin liallroad, at 10.45iitoii,159, ,Atlict, is 86,677,448 more than � -_ $7.15 per cwt. for I q at as I F " , boxes for shell, grit, beef scraps, Pie,,, 1, g -driving operations four GFT READY - FOR IQUAKF. o'clock thi4 evening. it I,i reportell ten lot, tile qauie period a year ago. ,:, - Quotations At this marl.pt , ,�y Hogs a number of the members Lit mitil'a I In or(, � �,;�t wp,re eaployptl In blowing out 're niany injurml. 11 Montreal, May S. - Cable offers unchanped at one n. Pa or w hard y Rifflele. for men �;Ople tire killed And __ hilifilIbbil Wheat -showed no. improve- selects and $6.90 for lights apd fats, led ill uties he was required to under- 'houid be placed against the walls about In a piece of dead water. While thaw, gays Man Who Made Forecalit of Bill- A census cA ilic three prairte provinces , e of lifi, or 18 Inches above the floor. if ce. - , tiny f,hvql(-u%n% from Ilunlington h0%0 ill tip tal(on a,, to both popullitioll 'trill ­ ment. Oats, No. 2, 41w; No. 3, 40,V.C; and watered. Ilt quan. Tart) in 4884. 11001`1 Acni to the scene of tile %'Tck agricult �A take. ment or wood floorg are uned, a dust. Ing dynt'11111P for tMn PlIrP0 w ure tit they stand on Sundav, No. ?h 39%e Peas 10c to 75c f.o.b. per — 6 ____4 -_ illy of it exploded, blowing rho work- 24ih June. , I � I A special to — + QPpointe'l .1, bushel. Gley, N;. 3 extra, 5oc afloat, ING TROOPS TO EGYPT- bath should be provided for the fowls. men to places Three of Ili(, dead man the New York Tribune I ' May, No. 4, 50. Corn. No. 3, mixed, RUSSIA PLAYING DEEP GAME. RUSH — --- were New'Brunswickers and one from from Middletown, N. N.. say8.- A ri H. F. slatIllews hai beell W;, No. 3 yelloiw�, 56y — S Maine. Two leave families. . earthquake that will ghake the under- assilitant superintendent of Ille (!.Pn. ,a ex -track. c . . Flour -,Wanitoba spring wheat Pat- No More News of the Demobilization Turkey's Claims Cause Great Britain to Horses will rest much better during pinning of all New Zenland is Predict- ,;()Mr., USEFUL IIINIS. sleeping, parlor and (lining car servic�. V, I , ' - . Take Action. ------+— — and 24th of thig h00tA Weat Ionger, unit becon"Ll with headquarters at Niontreal. . I ents, $4M to ftft strong bakers', $3. of the Army. . the night if cleaned up well during the oil between tile 22nd Brown �� go to $4.t(l; winter wheat patents, $4 to I A despatch from London says: The evening. I month by Uncle Horace Johnson, the a better color, It bought of it natural The Canadian Northern Rall%Nav , $4.25; straight .rollers $3.80 to $3.90, (10-, A despatch from St, Petersburg says: BOMB KILLS THE OWNER. I (:ginpnhv have filed lovatilln maps l,f I s Pie)*- ritish Government has chartered the In building Op the fertility of the soil, — Middle Iladdam wpa ther prophet. The lint rind darl,cried with c'"lo" ". . ' imptinled by sevorn proposed liner, front Stontroal to In bags, $1.75 to S1,9; extra. $1.40 10 Further intimations that Russia il shorks Are to be Ore(. Moves Will riot MI)III, It you I)iwv th'in ., . I. I Ing a deep game In the For East Is keyland Line steamer Cestrian to con- it,,,, is nothing so beneficial as braii Exploded In Forest of Vincennes- kno- pay. not) from I oranto to t ,,, W10. � )s to Egypt. She will be manure, Eighty to ninety per cent. (I phininfir and high windn According to I tweell tile loldn of 11 towel, %iighily I Georgian I milifeed - h4anitio'ba bran,, In bags, given In a circular AL11111, by the censer. Vey trOOl thorities as soon the nutrition of food Is returned to the their Russian injured. lihe Acer, And itie electrical discharilra ' �c putting then) oil *r in Ottawa - irts, $20.50 to $21 ship to all newspapers and periodicals I'lended over to the all be tin great that Mr. Johnqon urgog dinnitioned, betur ,title * GREAT 1`11111 %IN. 61&50 to $10,50; shi es she arrives at Liverpool from Bag- soil in manure. A Paris deqpotch says : A bomh ex will ' lu keep nl)ple,4 through till! 'A till I I I I pet, ton; Ontario bran. in bulk, $18-50 forrbidding file publiciltion of any news she left on April V5. A correspondent writes:-] have tried plosion occurred III the forest of \in�jlhe farmers not to tether cows; in Ilia a barrel, bore holes In the bolt("" rilry The Railors of the lbill,th neat to -$19.50, shorls $zo to $20.50; with regard to the demobillmilon cl Will Which part n field[, on those (totes. lip warrin b -rel, and 6101" fir' . I under \,41 $21 to $25; Straight the army and movements of troops 'In Members' of the House of Commons all the, different kinds of gra.lis that I connea at 2 o'clock on Thurridliv llfl..#' I (.Pprviiody to make for tile cellar do,'r ides of the tint , Prince l,oulm, whiell visited New V,rk � milled ' mouille Me anxious for Information regarding Russian nnmed �,Irw 1-1 . lintrorin it loot or 111orelt gh. . � Manchuria and the reorganization of (be could find aLn ly and combined, with noon, killing a %, lien tile first nol.- romeq, for the �,% hen boiling tough It ie:�It or tin (,Ill last fail, havo rent a ,;liver loving .up grain rnoullM, 8�Z to $27 per ton. ill shocks are likely to he �c- waler to the sailors ,)f "I " � $1.95 lei car military establishments In Siberia And tho probable course of events In the many of e. Tifferent kinds together, and dangeroi)AIV wounding a --11,11r, ,Inch or .qoda to tile the United Stales I 'il lots. Anglo-Turklah dispute on thei subjectnif And have finally adopted timothy and ion named Bousanoff. The 7 fowl rid( . I flitilled 041s - Per bag the Far Cast. it is gencrallt stipp,sted "Sri "I'll' ,orthiluake he I a r : , Jary, but they obtained red top, as I have found that they prom,eding through thn Woo it. pa,11 %ere enough to topple Over "`Inp 61 t ill make IL 1,nder And rook gantly, ti I hquadron. A lols, $111.05 to $410 in Shia the circular was incited by I a publIca- the T.b.h betun, %,,.(,rl( best together and will produce carrying a bomb with tbA evident Put � cloirch steeples and high chinin"". 1,nown that n UNITFID �; r AT E.S. I Comment - $1,30 to $1.40 per btg. b- little satisfaction 0 note " it I, noi g,-iierall� S wit tilimil bet- ; I ay - No. 1, ft tic. 2, $8; 6 , over Lien of tho news of the halt in wit n time on Tuesday, In alout ly, tons more. to the acre. pose of hiding them for ruturr, ic;e, 1,11rip finance gained congideratil I'l , 11 :ad, $6.50, arid purie clover, 8G. drawing the Russian army from Man. rplary at qUestill 1,y forecasting the Nizzard (if 1808. lailned %Nith flem8roll"'I 11 I r 1ho 'longshorenion'i %trike Iq requit- �J fill) rcpl� to an Intei'Pellation he said that In planting early potatoes Rome days While no doing tile bomb which S rio tel 1111111 v, herl , leallf"I , till a inel. I I I I Chetsd - Dealer$ offered only about c*rurla, and the despatch of the Novit- the irldsh claims on the Sinai Pentill. may be gained by cutting file seed And carried exploded, killing him inAtrinlij. ------- — %x,hon %%ti-hing aw­ , ,Ilf,hic,i add n, ing in great lost to United States ship- . , 1. 1000, to louc. slit "partition to Mortgollw. wh1r.h. t nded fir beyond Tabab, so '.ading It In a worm room until It Bouasnoff was struch bv frnilmenig fit Iew drops (if liffino,'" toqu tip ou altler, I ping. In ­ - ! . ,ad to bie general staff gull, exte %pro TRAcK LAYING ON G. T. P. art, free Illnebes, F�ald JudO llic` - . utter - Stiles were made t"1y at Abough SUPPOS tl)at a JoInt delimitation of the whole 'lacoralod. The v.hich roak"S 1,110 %k"rk jet( I rid 1 '40 o �, . . I I ,� ,secrets, were published evtn In otillcial callouses and the buds begin to atarl, the bomb and fearfully - - I (:lure, f ,.Ztolinnarove. Penn., when .12 � I hfiq not Yet been Px' r(.,)r thorough. eare granted on condl- . I lk to 15d. a lit 15%0 to Iilly,xi� papen, and are liable to seriously eirnbar. irpintler war; necessary. The British and to avold danger of freezing the remaining bomb a litie Firut Rolla Put DOWn at POrlaffe "leaf of Rvect or ro,4e a--inniull, liquor licon,.es %� ,, I Egg - Prices on Government, therefore, bad demandeda the danger In h rid- A ... q, � � Pa i 70c per bag. rass Minister Pokettkiff'il negidtlattans withdrawal of sced should tie crowded down IWO the unlined Owing to to Prairie, Man. ped ifill, )eIIY inipartil a delicious tIon that tie frm lunches be served. Ile ;:. � I.. ". .. - - alinift - We to I eelimilation And the brAtom of the furrow by slirippin Oil It, ling It. & op I gaid the liar In too big an attraction as I flo�iltlrs � PAme pM beans, $1.65 to : fit Pekin. )rurkIllh trorapo from Tabab pendin a I I It a - portage in Prairie, fl,,vor in it without the lunch countpra. ". d-plelted, $1.90 per _____4_ 1 ?. And covered with two Inches 0 partly A (1piipilteh from to top ,f uimpq. droqq.' It i9. 1 *11.70 pot bushel; hM . general settlement. The Porte hit ertia rotted manure before the earth is put feel of ill(, Grand T,l protect ttloat of rubber l,hePtIng I (; W. Roll, at Bay City, Texas, neel- ; 9 BY WOMEN. r,ad declined to agree to this, but vvan Man- so)";' Tile first fl bushel. SMUGMIN on. Planted in thin way the mercury No GARRISON NOW. on Tupgday. pr4, Pie.. vul, a tit- Auiall,�r thillillic dontalliv shot and hilled himself while . aVcr, In comb. -ha — lain being urged to agree to the Brit. . Tninh parige won laid here . � flone.V, - While 01 rid . 11 VANtfoll to i1pin degrees for a single ­_ ceremony nr olitontallon. Tile rr While ollol0th 11 lit � opeping. Reatihing under his pillow in to t4c: buokviihed, Iod to lie PLT Poll gilty.d4hil IlAdlea Were .Searched at ,IT view. n1i Ithout injuring them. Britain May Return Wial-flbl-Wfl 10, without 1'rnniteonlinental, linen eovor or dolly. , "trA, 16 to 7,1.,10,; buckwheat, report of (he Cnm- first liod on lho new ,rhe hair arid f,calp una%. hp Plenned hin qleep he pulled the trI919eF Of 1119 M I I Br6clitVilloo rce.qq in rtrowing the calf, whether 011"a. it will be remembered. turned tit 1,0o,;en tile halt rohl-volver. iiTho shot went through ilia I teelfrift, Ile added that ill() V. W ) sy,o to de Irwir, pbund. glander of the British "I'llipir Minerva, -r 'l I rwol� , I 00 rX rr $Uspegded , vft 444 0 1) y I A am - 1! I I � Al C4 ,P I I cows - k Illitle sent , r M 09 emy q � � W th 04 011b I Jut Im ­____ IX14 troy 'i , , , .4 I I. . Kfay.1,58yrito - C& JO 656 pefl, nim. A Bpa&vlIIb despalett rays : ThUM ) Invo-q1tigate the Alleged removal raised by hand or numed by the dam, deapatch sayw The rhin, Vortailo Iftnt summer / to eornpany fly a dry l4nit rah, rid entered his temple. P 11 ent fir -arp It re. A Shonabal , 7 the wentern ithe POP vifictroutily with F6014. and'PIIIOw 0 priest, 01 MaLc:on, MIleb., ,I I , -.9 dotionda very much on thp ( Wei . ,in, %%,pl. W-hic.11 love opened lip Yal I Xilaq 11plen ! tMovid Ih1l* day irifternoton Aft. KMO NOrtb of the frontier pill=. hold not rse regiment At JlraJJq Of tile town. oradinq wort un- bruqh thoroughly. This is eleaMinO Us! tea�her, sold I Maple, sftar - ,k lb too par gund. _NlVed, but the Grand Vizor �ad c0iverl during the winter and spring. It 170d by the Britigh (IovePil And thiq will he well an a Ionic white taildrig to another I �, A Windsor, a MtOrDs 1*41lrectOr, nVt the to,tn to At mu -qt he well eared ?or during Itho flmt was organ t "I hv I not itaing to . , "', 'Otis " Th � g heavy ;anada. artliVdl Of flio giadmer Alvemide from Informed (Ile BrIligh Ambar-soldtir V Brillith hsl� tier aken toot month, ruhV,,nC 1 %% ith a tough, that sho wag 11"V151 _ tu N.y.., slid Invited GS ladlo (;antionl[fteple Sit Niehoing O'Cormor. %inter, Or nri mat'" how Well brel ment arid we,; (ifflePri'd b.' Arlin r ' thp evinlre of Ilia distribution ijf sup- Iron rAmt muM be refo,­ Net, Other loacheral IMI161eq. she XNA tut prit.'k, $3401 11$1.it 6liart 3p er how well it miv bp fed a'A A venrlinr heen (liq It, Ileg V (,lit exalle 'uhoep uwrl,ll ­ - - I h. Fo4tv 0 1, o- %Vnrr.v 11 bee Ming % .� I trill � baU ogdellsbilfg, . eomml�,�,lon would I -bqn( &,-nnti fin rnmran &! , , It JA the intention to la� 14111nIt it, �j,_,%.,l twill,+ %,lit rontinued In laugh, finally 0 . 'g, 81 Dower, left P,r I'll'! 1, , ,2,. 1. 110-AZO1, birfetq dc to her privitote oplittint-111.5. all of w1larn thrit. a T01ttl finighed for ­ .14011. it will tint r,n­l, firor, Major H. are on a large rtale. Steel woo and then tvn c , i % 10 C 0 onquiro loto tho matter. rr ,in ).-nrdq h I-, and fliniqll by a hysterical. Doctors were allod V1111 mp-whil Ifit'i & to 11, Atelfted t I f�llj down in the yardq, And quite a remove gross Fitall I 4116i 4Aft weto 111116rougfiv Senr0ted and many des t.,TI)lGrj had been &.111.q fiall par4qffillifil-, It 19 the mistal-A land on April 2A. Great Brilam hilA could do nothing f6t 1161' UW sht 61111141, r , , �. - pvrd ihttr, 11'w'-0 W , , etifte Mted. One laft flad It 611T thtit if (N pt thp firAt winter that are Perini in garrl,;rarg thOre new. It 14 reporleirl'that mileage of cildings will ho put in. good ocrubbing in warm coapouds. I I 1top I - 1,9 they * ack. it will return 04, J�!;Ie lf,') 11yVe; la "r replato and repair the port to LhIllol. L traid , to AIA , ,Q � to olrticleg Confitc 01 I'l . I I I - ft. � - fturdbilf, handling any kind Of YOUnJ III , . *& 9, to AW; � ­ - ..A AM W I ­ I