HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-05-04, Page 1it is ;
ging •,
r, ff et
THE cooeittcti STAR, Ists *lop*
icirculation than any othor ISTswirpopair
in this sectIon. ot the CoutotY et tfunto
• wrokofornolovroofw,40,..***041404000•4•0000
AN 00100
pays liberal rate * Interest , the. •
i, whieh ,001440 per depositor pet hie &lintel' Cet
volt tenipetstille whits awaiting petzillUtent
' A
' P.141 4;';f9r.P.,..r'ftv 0.yr: unloiszoid4.e.notioom:$01to 0441.0.41 volotg”
iis;o4t, #uttior4e4 de04401‘..
SQUARE W:U011,141411
.44e7eVie. -tAt OpAebnlet 1.197 an
peal .Servan
otePPIX, fitMlretrr, Godo
1111. WAND. -2,40xe work,-
411Yo'rion,7,- ;4'-';";+. to Pt .41,Wark.
:eatitika.fer .1‘0110010104 0 'Prianter or
0 011111E0f genet Will lie ;•ceereet se
mm10010040 10 tho 6th eat +Went steteete
• Befereueee end, 0000000 in ral,dita bujkUng
Itiee rpeeirect with applicateoth Info14100.
7,,AaM00 dOti 101aM. mate be by
neg.- Wet. 114,00, ark.
Dedett011: 4arlIVAr4 )90- '
OK *#40. oivTo LIT.
14Z-Niti* hone° on Yietoria
1Y nclit°11t A494000 X011A-41telf et STAtt
OTd FOR EIALE-Tivo largo betiding lots.
p•figon;f4Weedw eituatedan.ArtMa-
dreg! 981.tabloeflOalltao APP1Y 104. "1feterel
emtw,Arther Mee*
lady. 010074 Also ugair one barnese.050.
.014 W nfed. 0,„,,„ hy.
Sell together or Appara ly Catt bo seen at
dale& Celboran 4900. BottIrdoY. 1 to
VOR SAArig. eelletelt louse. eleven rooms
ese and o.e I, ear, wooesheci, smokehouse.
etable, outlined, 104877, street.
Terme 400IS: Apply eta exts MDSELV, bt-
David etreet,
nrstnzs,"4untnint...ETO.—x, kx Rua
xxx Shingle* Cedar Pot e arid Plank.
ellemlook and Ihttelwood Leather, eta.
eta Te116 GODERICIL LUMBER CO.,Limited.
1110110PERTY Flat.. SALE.. The desirable
.1: property on leen Avenue, Goderich, The largo !rata° dwelling, 11 etories high,
owned an occupied by D. WIlltely. Good containing all modern improvements, bath.
0 se ond; two-thirds Oen acre of land, with furnace etc. The property is now rented at 11
lots . ts, dile- house is heated by hoe per month. It confetti's eleven roma and b h,
wateretalehde all Atodets) improtenienee A. closet and otl_ cellar; also 0, good barn and
y perso Weeitipg fIrseelatie pro- driving she . There aro two eta with t
DX tiXt Orlderieb.
plat a a‘gonderato jrIce. Apply 10 or address property. --It ig situeted in a good pelt of the
', l town where property can be rented all the
AVERS- FOR BAIA '•-Seve4,1 Modred Terme: ?.5 Per cent. of the purchase money
•copiee of bld dewepapers for sale. Jed the to be paid at time of sale or within one vreek.
th whervoit WO houseoleening. Apply at Tho balance may remain on mortgage with
BT OFF1019 interest at 8 per cent per annum.
It you are looking far a geed investment
11030.. ESTATE AGENTS have a look at title pfoperty before tho sale. It
le conzeniently duetted to factory and is
only about five minutee' walk from the Square.
DUNI:tat ItioLgop, proprietor, Tuba. GUIvreav,
tCU POR $413
n11140110 ee Merchants,, lea sold
and'deliveretiptOteptly Mama or lavge
lete We Make teepeolitIty of &aeon elders,
VoJeetirOrdersistefilee, toltdeer %with of `
eiCtreeWeet duet; Sleet Yee coulee, Willign
tioderieb, Tatephotto
.Seette-Of OK.
-TePA eeceleed 61 Mesabi: Proud.
ys 54,1)11gr, Barristers, ma. Qaderich.
Cetteelq; for the pawl:aloe +of eilebte theree or
tag •Pohl ,111R Cella 'Stock iu The IleIntosh
r Mach e ometunt, Lindted, On OX0 101
Alltentletwebell be mailed ea handed
to thettaid *manta eoceived by_theto on or be.
f ere'EtedaY. the- 18th day or May, A. D. 11106,
isar1-n0 Metter received atter that date will be
Re The putichatatemiee shall be paid in
Meth tneol nettce of the aceeptenee of the ten-
& The Sale yfili be subject to a retterved
Price -end theffignest, tender iu "metes. of the
reamed prioe ehallIto amiopeed. •
- The-Venffirrierthe Weeettberand tee snob a
treatise aed sollinges ouch,
HATO attlathist thie$Oth day of April, A. attic!, expert 4 25 to 4,75
D.1900. attle, ordhouy and bun:hoes' 3 52 to 4 60
'sr.:IOWAN & ToWmits. Lambe, sPring 4 00 to 00
Sarnia, Ont. Sheep, tat (owt). ............ 3 60 to 4 00
Solicitors tor- Howl, live weight 7 10 to 7 10
- Aurae tionernert. Hogs, (hosed 8 78 to 9 00
Executrix. flame, per lb 0 18 to 0 16
Bacon, Jong ........ 0 14 to 9 le
Hides , 7 00 to 725
Sheers skins 0 70 to 09)
Tallow rendered . . . mos to 0 01
Obletens-bernyaid.chleia, . 0 08 o oo
" --orate fed 0 Ift to 011
Beef, fore quarters 4, 50 to 0 60
Reef, hind quarters ft 00 to 7 00
Petatoes ' 0 10 to 0 46
Cattle and Hogs at Toronto.
Sun Office. Tueeday evening. May 1.
A sligbeadvance has occurred in hog prices
during the put week, the Davies po.
quoting. at 0740 on board cars at count
inte.47.3.5 fed and watered In Toronto, a
7.60 off care in Toronto. Park, Blackwe tit
Co. quote the same prices as last week. 'T ere
was large run of hogs at today's market To-
ronto, and quality was good on the ale,
there being noticeably few of the t ak fat
typo. At the Junction yesterday select hogs
sold at $7.15, lights 88.90, sows $4, to 85, and
stags $2.50 to 83.50 These prices are all on the
Inds of IftiLand watered.
There 'was it, heavy run et the Toronto Cat.
tie Market today, 75 cars being brought in,
some containing 1,550 head of eattle, 138 sheep,
737 hogs. and 235 calves. Prices prevailed
about the same ae the preoeffing day at the
Junction. - Select importers wero bringing
p..20, and choice butchers sold as high as
85. Prices were firm and trade was lively.
u tor: ,,111,1,.mneg tahsattitgir si
lty as thoy v(il:foulliu Oct.por.
Prlcos for exPortors aro, ouyors ray, running
higher than the Old Conntly mszkets would
viarraut. Select ex -porters were selling at
$4,85 to 15.28; medium, 04.75 to $4.85; export
cows. $4 to $6.50.
tift?..10 ;NOT
. QO gRIClig '9NT., FRIDAY# MAY 4t, 190,
vow x.';',-Afg, 4. ,13, Hoy- 00ot TOWit TOPICIa
kllane has= diepoesti. ot blik tivr4w 4* Mr. W. V. ttosiat; Troutior ;4m%
i 't, N. .
4)/0404. ,Irmitx $44.sty.tbp*.i0440 to 1r. R, P. Paulin. is moting ler the tow* Water lerYlee%
444'ii erPc't°' the 110,01d/400e Sirs Venlig. to mom" C. 0, F.. visited 'Panganaou_
of Dashstmal; who tikes ipessession Ont Thefintll BOtteive Mit R. Re% of the
tom or stouttAtot Wee VeLude
lltled;bithlY ste M1 up to -date hest. knit torldayt
nets . man" an4 1104 been hi, '=the hattl, timing ittaidett of this 000.160Yisit.
Weretileineest for *Moe /OM teeetitir titer of the Migh Wirt of dusttee next
selling mit at thoittwood. 40.tclie tlinMond&vetfeernetnt,
eeransectet -.. VIT. he Velided in Whigilliell ling was there. end 111 . e 001141411111 4alidln't VattiPinil
bookie**, Mr, Mrs, PaUl 0 obd hf
iAms/leetese:root en otine
LL iil DSOF ...4 f,wil,wutbeistoop104 to lied.. riling' on Centbria Read fOr hfri T.
, richt aud. while Ws regtet to 1000 Me, + 2
.4.t.117.tr.,......rakm... gink104 400Y 00 1106111elie 011131telt .0 MO .v4. ; - Vozw,r,,T44t. woolc, Atm (iithedni)
FM4144014 tO' htieW that he and hie 0tlght Maetio saysi his hens era
fl(iutre /Ay prices for cash fatally 'Will CentlIttle to make Ooderieh kee infi, ell thole fine rerord for 'g ReyttOlde wee celled to Rest York by
their home. ' A l' Mit,. 111 five ,retke,he kikif Kithere4 the death Of her father, ThemeaTiond,
bet0Te vurcha$Ite 'this sea- vp,nuo, zioivoti zio Heard held
_ 741 egg tforPst..116 4"41 As. fax..,ndlt the Ytwir Pleneer 11041011Ra lived lOng.
ioil* . Have ---01:50 a quantity us. veOlar monthly meeting sele SIctiits work,
eTtnebirut tritottliTini‘i --e' ‘orgetittue 70:01144t:erIblizir'igo'nf 1.1.°44110,110.71ibtraigisociti:
of Hard Wood s .(1471teelintl°471reealitel' ptTohfetk.tIrlizette7fr4Ph; other day whieb 111,011111re404/k11114, 90,httylrlit hong eie at the time of
the 116We Hinilithr eOf Education for A number of sheds and storshoosee the Maeltenide Retteilloo, in the sun'
VOA Odell rillPertent of theareeilllt have= been ereeted on the Ono 0.401 preeiton of which he took an active
eapended by the Is a a 1(1 On Van Every property on Brock and part. The old petriarch was escorted
Phone No. 70 South St. books and, Per I 0 cl 1 0 el ii• dorh* totorle street!, tecently purchased by to Geo Acre by= ea large emeewee .et
. Old Teeyallete. lend Was laid at rest
meld the sorrow of residents of
the ridbig.
ligormi.-1.14.'Tor013to papist" ot.
Yetiterdey 40.0404111641. the death of Mr.;
fleetlitliviietterld inenefter Of the
Demininia AMU. Of ,TOrinitO, Witn was
1070111111 on a 'We .:ite reeedens.
Untie :Ats. Ilrongh was personally
known, to many lit, .004004,, tieing a
A0* thie JO". HteiltOlk, Atid
brother of Utak Megionald BOA Me.
DrOttith. The Oen/Whir tenon
,tlye* „,bare„ the liiintAthY• ot Iluto7
frientit tne sad event
• aoutRicu MARKETS.
, oats are I Melt higher, through Meal de.
:bawl, rirt latkiereterainti ere Miniterod.
vole maga .900 on Monday. * dee of
likee eint other meatershowedlittbefilteration.
Slitter f(2,11. te 17 to 13. and Ogiffi eit%bect oat
e014. 4
___ J. F., Andratei inispeoa * ceelead of hare WI'
Warant0 OD g011t107,. me,ortee paid be.thit $7.10.
W.Buterows & Bon enipped lath week 0,009
bashele of berlOy to Palm(rston.
Current whottitate wires correetlid
up to nootti,of,21ricradatl.)
Fall ,wheat, standard_ „. ....... $0 73 to 73
Elgring wheat, statulmet 73 t 79
Flour: per Melor t may .1 60 te. 2 60
2 25 to 2 25
SeeeelAnge, Per too 18 09 to 18 00
Batley 0 44 to 0 44.
0 '13 to 0
Peas 0 73 to 075
ILI% w,heat. Der bushel 048to 01
0 48 to 0
Hay ., . 7 00 to 7
Brla iftItt Peive7lir crireideiit;h." " .. . 8 II tt,41 a 1.2
5 09 to 800
Brim per ton
Shorts pee ten
Mo. Dutstette McLean will sell by publio
mettle* et _the promises, corner Nelsoteetreet
and (Ambled, Reed, 005011011 on SATURDAY,
MAY 12th. '00. commencing at 1 _o'clock
For solling,e'bnying ar renting towe and farm
ProPertt. -Fire aM1 Lifte Innuendo. ' Office.
North side, Court Ranee Square,
gEOrtBEC208liamilten Street Goderiell, P. O. Box
salt KETT..Ge•seal Auctioneer
Fe.rte, nom steels, and all other sales will
receive special streaker. I Will buy your on -
tire stack of lieusehold Furniture, and will pay
vet cash vetoes. Let mo know what yott have
to sell in any (Inc. or call ,and see what I can
seli you. - GEOEGE BECKETT, Curioeitto
Shop, Goderioh.
HURON, HOTEL. Goderlch Ont.-
hmougbly Refitted and modernized. A
home or thehaVeller and farmer. Best $1.60
a dal betel to'be found anywhere. -N. 5,31011-.
MEV; Proprietor.
' •
14040:412Kdereile ticleavw.o.r.es,Aspyik_
PBELL. & JOHNEn-ort. PROP& i,
til Tide DM tstiiltetiod heeeetee will be
kept up to a hisli standard of excellency,
4 kiand tho pattemitee of the general pubno 0 le eeepectfully solicited.
Special and peinonal attention will q
I110° Pahl to every department of the fbusincsd. 55.)e, anhope to merit a fah
thereof the travelling public,
%ow stemesszsattss daftwisvAlmsr.
Dttki. E31:61ERSON & TURNBULL.
W. S. ToRNIUmi, M. D.
Peva element that the Court of Revision of
the Townthip of Colborne will hold its first eit.
ting in the Town Hell for the purpose of hear.
ing appeals mminst the Assessment Roll of the
Townthip for the year 1990, on Saturday, TOE
20TH DAY OF MAY. at 10 0'01013k 11 the forenoon.
All parties interested aro requested to attend.
Township Clerk.
Carlow, May Itte 1008.
Accounts Must be Settled.
With the purchasing of Mr.
Howell's stock 1 purpose opening
a Complete new set of books, and
all accOunts now owing me Must
be settled before June ist, as after
that date the books will be handed
to a solicitor for collection. Gov-
ern yourself accordingly.
Offices 102
ittAtiltou T3100081 Residence 121
Night collator the firm et Drs. Emmerson
fold- Tentleill.WMbe answered either from
thele 'Mete Hantliton street, or from the
eurebtare realdettee, Nelson tared.
Tiott. A. IL 1.1401tLiee M. B.
Frirdektil (int00a. tripeolal attention to
,tee, ear, totemand throat. Office and residence
Id IMO Of Mentettal, opposite Post Office,
sot street. Gederieb. Telephone No. 102.
a). SAI.E
Slock, Getlerith. Or. Ternbulles old
IlO '63)4110, totelier of Piano, oo
.t.,,gitBatk Of Montreal Block, coe
Ohl SOO*
. '
Mr. L. B. Augustine having
bought out the interest of Mr.
Jonathan Miller in the East Street
Livery, the business will hereafter
be carried on tinder the !tame of
Walker & Auguetine.
A continuance of public pat-
ronage solicited. Everything will
be kept up to the highest stan-
dard, and satisfaction guaranteed.
We have constantly in stock aelarge
(amply of Ceraent Bricks for sale.
Call and get prices,
eristaist—S. T. swot hit Viee-President-W. K. comae Req.
NWIARMENOkoappieft rs1
sortz4 a 1'4341' .itak n. FAQ.. Itona6N• " PE cm' 8
General tianking Business Transaeted.
Savings Departteerit.
R. JEFFREY, Manager.
If Yeti knit* IOW to spend nes also mot, yea aro ea the rhtlit
tettetherealth end cowatt.
Sewing le ettle hatitt-sentene eptiellegednit a ;toed deal more
eittembeer Aesitylsee *Want at this Bankis fhb best ale When/
yeabr-ux Wei frwm die stamina, habit.,
WeeMbelPyottraMottattoirelt braddlasinteria 10 (1
;41Z OPEtt Att ACCOM in OUR
OtedetU ; Illite*ehr Jo, A, OVONNALU iettioWe.
1 Page
Fresh and Kept So -P. T. Dean
For Critical Men -W. C. Pridham. ..,6
Central Business College—Elliott 65 Mc-
Lachlan 4
Bargain Days—J, R. Colborne „ 4
Passenger Accommodation —Northern
Navigation Co 4
Groat Salo of Watches—H. Park 5
Excellent Roadster for Sale -Rev. A. Mil.
ler 1
Not How Cheap but flow Good -Beckett
& Staunton 4
Lots for Sale—A Rottman' w ...... 1
Sale 61 Stook—Proudfoot, Hays & Blair.. 1
Caroots Direct from the Maker—Hodgens
Bros 8
Beckett. Advt.—(local notioe)-0. Boolcott 1
Auction Salo of Dwelling -Duncan Mo
Mod 1
Ice Merchants—Omit:do Bros 1
Black Peau de Sole Silk -W. A. MoRim, 8
Pays Liberal Rate of Interest—Standard
Sold Oat—J. B. Hawkins 8
lien T W Q aCeMentit Were Otsei t Doty Englue vo. ,
-digger lot, /*4 reatidoi Dthirkefrsr? v°--msnerrce: GI: ftitHtirodliet laet Oliern. NuOtrtori of
WOO; and another from the Ooderie wl'eficheroda "ad pruung,thnoatar°°getar hoeg
Stet, fot printing j2,000 Wipe, $7.8Q. "
The ,r4hrstrian's avert for Marish °coy:L*0 ttliliwhaaedalitn ttloeweroro6Inlito.bere' °I
showed recelpte of 10.72 from cards,
catelegiles and Ottess and a circulation Wm. Sherelenee ebbe illant will
of hopes and magazines to the number have se talk on " ultless eltoe.a " next
Of 1691. A nuMbee of Beaty books Week, 'Ms change of advt. batting teen
end some of Wilkie Collins' novels re. received_after the forms had gone to
ported as worn out were ordered to be Prete'. HO Will tell you all about shoe
repiaced, and a set of Thackeray's were.
Works to be purchased. The Goderich Organ Co. made a
Prom sa0 Dttinits POES IIP. -A new eltipment of organs to Quebec,
tariff for drinks was adopted by the la.rgst ehipment a Its Manufactures
ato Wellington, Neve Zealand. and
hotels of town and went into force on many Ontario shipments ,also during
Wednesday last. It itet tit,follows: the present week.
nat Imirsa:— Reports from Goderich township and
Straight barrel whiskey •Ine. 3 for 25o Colborne are that many fields of fall
Ituperial,Seagoell.Corey'd or Good -180. 2 for 250
rhara & Worts n wheat have been plowed up on
All Sealed Scotch uins me a tore% account of being winter or epring
Brandy and Rum Re 2 forgo killed, but north and east fair wheat
fields are reported to be looking well.
Noticeunder this heading to non -advertis-
ers will be charged 10 cents a running lino in
nonpariel type, 12 lines to the inch; to yearly
contract advertisers whose advertising ap-
in the samb Issue, 0 caneto
; a lino;
aro?. who make a yearly tiontraot underthie
heading. and do not otherwise advertise, 8
mita is line. •
Local Notices.
hundreds of people to the Cnrimit Shop,
Beckett's advertisement hOught
among them many new faces, who aro well
pletteed with the bargains scoured. Probably
the most delighted are those who continuo to
secure the greatest bargains to be found any-
where in town.
gown wiipics.
introWd Wines
Dor Wines
John Collins
Bott p n
Bott ed Ale, quarts 200. "
Bottled Domestic Boer, pints... 100. "
Bottled Imported Beer, Mete 26e. "
Lagerand Ale in pints, delivered to
rooms 160. 2 for 230
womuniottsdneigrhwit Moat hay• • • • • • ........... 100
" two feed e• 20o
Team, with or without hay 160
" two feeds • 330
" all day 40o
" one night •60e
Oats, per gallon leo
ay, the 26111 A.pril, being the 871h an-
niversary of the institution of Odd -
fellowship on this continent, Huron
Lodge, No.'62, L 0. 0. F., celebrated
it by attending the North atrret Me-
thodist chnrch on Sunday morning.
The members marched to the church
102 strong, making a very fine proces-
sion. The visitors were placed in the
central seats of the edifice, and beard
an excellent society serinene Bro. Rev.
G.N. Haeen, B.A., being the preacher.
There was the usual umeical program,
including a well rendered Anthem.
The morning lesson was the 20t11 chap-
ter of let Samuel, and the text, that
ever fruitful theme, where Oddfellow-
ship is concerned, Jonathan's coven-
ant with David. The Rev. Bro. com-
menced by welcoming the large
num bee presen t and congratulating
the local lodge on its peosperity the
past year, and the great good it had,
been able to do in assisting those in
distress,attending the sick and helping
the widow and the orphan. The prea-
cher dre-w attention to the beauty of
the characters of Jonathan and David,
end said.covenants of such a nature,
if united with fraternities, could not
but he good for mankind. The Rev.
gentleman complimented those who
had joined the brotherhood, but re-
minded them that outsitie of the Bro-
therhood of Christ their work would
not be lasting. Al the conclusion of
the service the brethren marched back
to the Hall, a large number of people
waiting on the Square' to see the pa-
rade. In the lodge room the Noble
Grand thanked the members for their
Large attendance at the anniversary
service and invited the visiting bre.
thren to the regular weekly meeting.
A vote of thanks to the minister for
his excellent sermon, the choir fertile
musical prpgramme presented, and
the treeteee for the use of the church,
was cerried. and the meeting waa then
...Mo. 2 for 26o
060.2 for eso
; 10e. 9 for 26o
150. straight
10e. "
IlvatnwEnt...--A very pretty wed-
ding vvas solemnized at the borne of
Mr. John Johnston,Paltnerston street,
on Wednesday, April With, when bis
daughter, Dora Frances, was united in
marriage •to James Oousins, Rev. M.
Turnbull, of St. George's, officiating
In the presence of only the near
relatives and friends of the eon -
treating parties. After congratu-
lations had been heartily bestowed
upon the newly married couple, a
sutriptuous wedding dinner svas served,
aftee which the evening was epent in
musie and games. The bride was very
becomingly dressed in a costume of
bitteseloth with white elik waist. The
bride has only been a resident of God.
erich for a little over a year, coming
here from Dungannon. The groom
was formerly a resident or Astiffeld,
hut is favorably knoWn in town. Both
havoinany friends in town, who along
with their many friends around'Dun-
gannote will wish them many year; of
happiness throughout their wedded
life. Mr. stnd Mrs. Cousins will reside
on Pahneston street. -0014
TUE 110Anti TRADV.-The tnonth-
ly Meeting of the Council of the
13oard 01 Wade was held last Monday
-.evening, Peet. 0.A.Nairn in the chair.
A utirehro Of conitttunications were
read by the secretery,some relating to
proposed industrial ehangee, and these
will be filed or ected upon further to)
the details Mate Wartant. The Prose
dent and Secretary made report of the A spirited dieeuesion arose over cer-
visit Teat week, of }.),Inspector Camp. rain recommendations of the Sabbath
hells regarding r repented changes and School Oomenittee In regard to teach -
improvement* t1 the 12. O. bore, and leg. Them) suggestol that (10111161351
co esporiderico with tho Dept. and Scriptural ii-nowiedgo no present -
of Public Vritks at Ottawa was auth- ed in relation With modern scholarship
mired, Preadent and Seeretary anti present day thought and life. A.
wefenntheri d to peepare synopsis debate arose as to what modern
Of 0101040st `al situation in Ooderiel scholership taught, end whether it
for Tsubliertti in "flersadts Abroad,'1 *as allied with higher Machin. The
rs new publi tion which Is to rippear triejority etwelidered that such a r0.
mortally f1ii for d 'stab*. commendation was not imitable in eon.
am, &Med, tesolution animated election with a Sunday sehool report,
bY the loetil hr «h of the Lord's Hey and opened We Important afield of de-
Alliettee with reference to the bill bate for hasty concideration.--Accord.
IOW Won" Pat ittreent, Was approved ingly tit* lot onunendati0•
with Sterne tint geto /Ma will hii signed ea. 4 teacher training ';,ntn ,r011
hY the Preeld t, And Secretary and fitritredi sitia POO WM be asked for
&emitted* t Mittititets Of 3tletlett. from i the AssiemblY for a itunittler
ThoDotokilt 0410infird, ichoot hi the flynOit fit Deti.
The meeting in the lecture room of
the North street Methodist church last
Monday evening, under the auspices
of the Lord's Day Alliance, was not
as well attended as it should have
been, but those present heard an ex-
cellent address from Rev. J. C. Reid,
of Nile, which was much appreciated.
A summary of Mr. Reid's address is
unavoidably held over until next week.
Mr. J. H. Ward, Wiest street, had
another incubator hatch of chicks last
week, the result being 84 birds from
90 eggs. He now has about 850 chick-
ens'and some of them will be ready
for the market in a week or two.
Mr. J.H. Medd, V.S., of Dungannon,
on Tuesday delivered a team of heavy
draughts, six yeara old, to buyer Jae,
AlcOluske§, for a handsome figure.
One was by Eastfield Chunk, and the
and the other by Biaisdon
John Sterling, who lives on the Lon-
don road, near Clinton. lost his house
and contents from fire on Wednesday
evening 'of last week. The family
were vielting a neighbor, and cannot
account for the cause. The loss will
be considerable.
It having been stated that the Royal
Insurance (lo. had slx and one-half
millions loss in the an Francisco di a-
358101', the °employ send out notice to
their agents that their loss will be but
$3,500,000, and this will be all met out
of the general fund.
The foundation for the new Baptist
church, to he elected opposite the Pub-
lic Library, tent be ready for the joists
next week, the contractorteReld & Co.
being well Ahead with the work. The
church will he of brick and will occu-
py the lot corner of Montreal and Mar-
ket streets, at ono time belonging to
the Vivian estate. The building will
he 50 feet by 60 feet, with a basement;
the front will be of Aitken pressed
brick, the balance of Benruiller make,
and the church will have a pretty ap-
pearance. It is proposed to lay the
foundation stone on Victoria Day, for
which service due preparations are
being made.
This body met at Brantford this
week, on Tuesday and Wednesday,
about 300 ministers being present.
Arnongut the matters of general inter-
est acted upon was Sunday school
work. The report of the committee
nhowed a. marked decrease in the num-
ber of pupils attending the echools in
the Synod. The enrolirnent was 4,000
testi than seven years ago. The report
cited no eause, but strongly condemn-
ed the prevalent practie.e of using in-
discriminate lesson helps in Sabbath
schools, it being contended that in
many instances these were detritnens
tal in that they were improperly pre-
pared. and had a tendency to wpm. -
snide the use of the Bible.
An able tiddrees was delieered by
Rev. J. 0. Robinson, Toronto, General
Beeretkry of Babbath echool work,
who deltit with the decline of attend-
ance. urged prompt effort to inerease
the enrollment, and outlined methods
th moire higher efficiency,
Alfred Dodds, of Colborne, who is
considerable of a, bee -cultivator, re-
ports the past winter as having been St, Catharines,on Seturday afternoon,
very favorable for the little hotleY oneee tem oldest newspaper men of the
matters, and out of 55 hives put away
last fall he finds 51 in good condition Proginceen the person of Mr.E.Holmee,
end ready for tho season's work.
James McVicar has the cement
foundation tor the new cottage on
Trafalgar street completed. The build-
ing will be brick veneer, and the
frame work will be proceeded with as
rapidly as possible, and the owner,
Mrs. O'Neil expects to occupy it this
Thomas Crawford's bill to reorganize
the York Loan and Savings Company
Is likely to he left over until the next
session of the Legislature. It is said
that the Government is not favorable
to the hill. Its object is ' the election
of a body from the shareholders of
the company to look after its affairs.
A Chicogo dispatch of Thursday last
said: "Tho board of appeals of the
American Trotting Association today
expelled J. F. flennesay, of Saginaw,
Mich.. and Thomas and W. 11, Mc-
Lean, of Luoknow, Ont., and the mare
Marjorie Wilkes, it being charged
that the horse had been campaigning
under the name of Sweet Reale."
The Toronto Star the other day
published a report, that Chief Justice
Meredith had resigned to accept the
position of chairman of the now Rail-
way Commission, and that W. Proud -
foot, K. 0., of Goderich, wee slated to
succeed him. The report, according
to subsequent statements, appears to
be premature, if not wholly incorrect.
The Crimean cannon still rests on
the gt•asa on Victoria Park. It would
be a great improvement to the park
anda credit to the town if the gun
was mounted on a gun carriage of
some kind. And what about the
other cannons -that on West street,
near the rink, and the other two on
Harbor bank -can they not all he
properly mounted and placed?
The tree so long at the corner of the
Square and Colborne street was cut
dowo on Tuesday, to the regret of
many who have watched that maple
develop. Its cutting down, however,
was it necessity from a lameness point
of view, as its large size darkened the
interior of the Bank of Commerce.and
almost shrouded that part of the
building situated on Colborne.
Mr. T. W. Wilmott, who ha n been
organist and choir leader of Knox
church fpr some months, has resigned
that position and accepted it similar
one in St. Paul's Episcopal church,
Dunnville. Last Sunday he presided
at his new post and met with a very
kindly reception, his playing giving
every satisfaction. The Dunnville peo-
ple are placing a new organ in their
church, and Air. Wilmet will take
charge of its that:illation. THE STAR
joins his friends in the wish that Mr.
Wilmott will find his new field tho-
roughly satisfactory.
Otturotorrn. - Mr. Deluge Drum -
=child, at one titne the well koown and
popular manager of the Bank of Mom
(real here, but latterly manager of the
branch office at Pluton. Ont., died on
Sunday evening at the reaidence of
his brotherdn-law, Ikfr, Ocorge Burn,
manager of the Bank of Ottawa, at
Ottawa. Mr. Drummend had been Ill
for over obi months, and three months
ago retired from the banking Matinees
on account of his ill -health. The body
waa takento Toronto for interment in
the Necropolis on Wednesday. Aid.
Geo.B.MoMurrich, of Toronto, and Mr.
A.H.Siine,ofMontreal, are brothereen-
law of the &mewed. There aro many
here who remember the into Mr.Drum-
mond With Pleasure. and who will re-
gret hie call to the great hereafter in
the prime of an motive life.
Co.ers.-On Wednesday afternoon,
SAVA Jane Sallow% beloved wife of
Isaac Coats, passed to hoe rest, aged
45 yeare and 8 naonths. The deceased
lady had been ill for nearly it year,
but had only been seriously so for
about a week. Her death (mused a
wave of sympathy to spread through
town and township for the bereaved
husband and two daughters, and her
many other relatives. The funeral
took place on Friday afternoon, from
the family residence, Trafalgar street,
the interment taking place in Col-
borne cemetery. Church service at
the house and at the grave was con-
ducted by Rev. W. H. Graham, pastor
of, Vittoria street Methodist church,
and the pall bearers were John Tan.
cote and deceased's relatives, Messrs.
Long, of Winghttne and James Hog-
garth, A. MoDenald, Thomas Hawk-
ins and D. II. Ross, of town. The
service at the house was hugely at-
tended, and it long line of carriages
followed to the city of the dead.
Hoemitte-There died at Ids home,
10fItTC*41014‘ Tots%
9i Yeas tis tevicitweit,
.COUNCIL Tance thoutlt is What it Is reftreitiltted
. tO he, it wool be it diesionte to turn 11
Heide eillteliebtt Milting te Ceitilter
the Orietilithle WIk Problem.
'mid memos attiniTown Conn-
ell Watt held Is Monday evening* igt
the merahers , present except Court.
-0144tat." The meeting WAS called to
bear the legal OPItilOil of the town *O.
liettor on the question ft3 to granoli.
lithio sidewalks referred by the Coun-
cil at its previous meeting, tho follow.
ing being bit advice r •
• n,Jetuatee,. Ess„„.Town Clerk. Cloderiehe
- Been Stn. -.1 have conaidcred the questions
et:brained or me. foe en epittion. 'remit Pin. be
noel* under tnetrovlsioo tabu Com lau
out ea an: anirma Ivo vote ort
fourths ot metews ot Osman
avenue w atom prosentlen they choose et
the cestot conatrootion or aow is, to he eon.
steueld MI the total improvement Om, aed
nese t o :noway los Ire le' PeY it 0Iit or thoIN
ficebr funds. I tit edso mat tue Voutwu
eati by milimilar load, assume a emportism of
tee caster epteatectiott ot stilowsuite already
rdoom they wet limo 40 0400bl 1000 0to
0l444 R0 to all oltu,re peiiis4)to.tenta titer, but tu
lomat of doturethautt toweling a rs tor tDo
formerly of the Clin too New Era,in his
83rd year. His illness had only been
acute for it couple of weeks. In the
early fifties Mr.Hohnes was associated
with his brother in the publication of
the Brantford Courier., subsequently
being employed on the staff of The
Globe and Hamilton Times. For set?.
eral yeats he held the position of As-
sistant librarian at the Parliameut
buildings, Toronto. For the last few
years; be has been living retired at St.
Catberines, A widow, three daugh-
ters and two sons, survive him at St.
Catherine% In addition to these hie
eldest son, Robert, is still publisher of
the Clinton New Era. Another son
Is Canadian emigration agent at St.
Paul, Minn., while Mrs. 0. 1 Farr,
Brantford, Mrs, II. B. Chant, Clinton,
and Mrs. ft. G. Etnet•son, Lit 'Gentile
are also daughters. He was a member
ot the Methodist church. The late
Mr.Holmes will be kindly remembered
by many old friends in Huron.
ACHESON. -Mr. John Acheson, who
Asti sby tee. OM se este:, itawholo g the
Women's Institute Meetings.
The official list of Women's Ineti-
tete meetings, published thin week,
containe the following in this: county
In Division No. 0;
20 -Exeter, Town Hall, South
Huron, June'20.
2I-Bayfleld, Town Hall, 14, Huron,
June 21.
22-01inton, Council Chamber, W.
Huron, June A,
23-Holmetreille, Wilston'n Hall, W.
Huron (evening), June 23.
24 -Ripley, Centre Bruce, June 2.5.
25 -Kincardine, O. Bruce. June 20.
20-Elthel, Township East
Huron, June 27.
ja27ne-orrie, Town Hall, East Huron.
28-Fotdwich. Poreeteret Hall, Fe
HUP0111, June O.
Speakers and sulticta s Miss Agnes
14(101111. ElaMilton, rinciples of Clank-
ing" Memonstratlotun. -Meats ; Oom-
position and Cooking," "Pond in as
Relation to the Body," "Domestic
Science," "'The Sanitary Home," The
Nitcd1 of the Homo or tho Present
Day,' "Labor Problems cif the House-
hold," "The Home t Its Furniohingo
and Decorations." A. Plain Talk with
Housekeeper'," Mrs. V. W. Watts,
Clinton, "Houle Nursing," "Accidents
Mid Einetirenelea," "Happinees in the
Home "Senate Women's
111105," "The Beth, Fresh Air, and
Wrgreffoo,',* Hear. Of the liands„
+ma Miro'. "Uinta for the WOMitil j Tait arku is 6 leader tied &et all
Who Vurk, Ithe news.
inapt to amend be by aw movie et; for tee
payment oroot. y in any way altering t o
0111113 property benefited to the whole
opecialuttet for the whole cod ef conetructiott,
'the dibentbotheare entited and welts
inekt3onre terms itthe bylaw, aeon tap
fluAY Wit OY 8ughtremaining en.
el an. enders ne1et t,e
town iteelf
that:weer 01 tbe de Mures, having invade
the sinking fund there n, but that (.100$ hat -
lathe prinelple, es ally es tho atuktog fund
a only be haves *Men them siloolal rattle
RwetIVitiktikliegtZtir 7iritErti,°1o9:
pet% bylaw reel iust tho dos ro et ounell
to team all zteyete on an p110111 footMle with
regard to future poymente In teapot of
Fidowalks, endipethen
priding that tee teen
would mourn° end pa mth proportioe as time
deedo uon, but hw o
the original balewo
unitteroa. and the property owners dill liable
tot o special rate thereby Unposed. I think it
would not bo propee to weenie any propertton
ot the anew of ovum web have not paid.
That would be diseritulnatien against those
who have.
Yours truly,
The whole question was discussed at
some length, and then Com% Elliott
and Goldthorpe offered the following
"That the town pay; Lae following
percentage of all granolithie sidewalks
in the town of Ooderich, constructed
after the passlog of this resolution,
namely; On a four foot walk, 20 per
cent., and for each additional foot in
width an additional five per cent. up
to but not exceeding 40 per cent. That
the above percentage shall be allowed
on all future payments by owners on
walks already conetruoted, who are
not now 'receiving a percentage."
This was carried and after sonte in.
formal talk on other matlet•s the
Council adjourned.
The Power Co's. Propose'.
Tho special meeting of the Council
called for Wednesday evening was
attended by but three members be.
sides the Mayor, Couns. Clark, Sae
Iowa and Young being absent. Dr.
Holmes, J. E. Rumball, J. A. McIn-
tosh, U. A. Nairn, A. Saunders, and
R. S. Williams were present in the in -
tet -est of the proposed power scheme,
and a lumber of other citizens as p04'-
tators. Mayor Tilt at 830, after re-
gretting the absence of the other
tneushere of the Council, which would
prevent any action being taken, in-
vited the representatives of the Com-
pany to make their statement. .
down, but if not Whitt pnendisdi ft
would lie it illieteter tO the tOwn to he
tled up in it.
Celan. Bihar astid, Ur, fileitie pool.
tioll Wee exactly what he would have
eitntessed blinselfk *mite thought the
Mutter ibeeld be nose deferred tilt this
other Councillors were present. Idtfut
security...would the OW* bars; what
amount or stock, and what Its Cie%
would 0* Sold:bow weula the Share*
ispeettlotied. Hy lending' ite
domatien this amount the tem;
,would Certainly iltipair itssown credit,
mid all these mettere should be Made
clear before it does so. What linersclid
haeltivohave yell?
Dr, Holmes spoke at some length, In
substence as follows : They expected
the amendment empowering num lee
palities to give aid to outside enter-
prises to pass the Legislature in a few
days, Atty. Gen. Foy having expres-
sed himself as favoring it. The propo-
sition now made to the town was the
best thing ever offered to any ()outwit
of the town, it would not cost the
town one cent, and for application to
Its own plant was particularly good,
The engineer's report showed that for
an expendittive of 5300,000 in round
figures 2,350 electrical bore power
could be developed 011 it 24 hours see.
vice for 10 monthe in tho year, and it
small steatu plant for auxiliary work
would supply this fot• the other two
nionths, more than enough for all the
indtettries in the town. The dispottal
of all title power at once was perhaps
not certain, hut, it would be here for
other itichietrice. The capital cost of
this development was not greater per
borse power than that required to put
Niagara power into Hamilton and
London, so that these places would
have no atiyantage over us. The
Company ask the town to guarantee
$150.000 of their bonds at 4i per cent
interest, In return for which the
Company will enter into 411 agree.
went to eupply all the power needed
for the town piantn, evert up to 25 per
cent more than is at present needed,
putting in the neccestetry inotorte for
57,100 per annutn, which in thought to
be about what these mit the town
now. If the Ineuranee underwrite' 5i
t•equired that steam he kept up In the
town power houne, the wen pa n y
would sUpply the coal free, and woull
want to be allowed to tem the town
plant to supplement their own at
any time when required. They would
require to have a ettb-atation for dis-
tributing theit• power, and thin they
would ercot near the town power
house, and doubt Ione the t wo vould be
managed more cheaply by the joint
otaftn, They now naked that. an agree-
ment and bylaw be prepared and Pllb-
Matted to 1111. eieetorn without delay,
no that the work might be done tido
year, Ile wanted that every poind
guarantee for the proteetion of the
town he embodied, and thought 1 he
Council °tweet at once inetruet their
aolicitor to minter with Mr. Proudfoot,
who would net, for the Gutman)+, end
prepare the bylaw and agreemi•nt at
had been ill for many weeks, passed
away on Monday morning full of years
and honors, after a well lived life. He
bad been ill since New Year, for over
two months of which period he had
been confined to his bed, during which
time ho gradually declined, until Mon •
day tnorning,when he joined the great
majority. The late John Acheson was
a familiar figure in West Hut•on,heing
known far and wide, his business acti-
vities In this town having made him
known to nearly all of our reeidents
of the Inat half century. Although an
active man of business, deceased lent
a hand in municipn.1 mattern,itet•v ing at
the Town Council and an is member of
the Collegiate Institute Hoard for man y
years. The funeral took place front
his late residence, Cambria React. on
Wednesday afternoon, to Maitland
cemetery, in prenence of many rein.
dye* friends and acqualntancou. Rey.
G. N. Hazen, B. A., pantor of the
North street Methodlot ohurch,waa the
officiating minister, and the pall hear-
ers were Monroe. J. H. Colborne, Jno.
Kernighan, E. Downing, Joeeph
Whitely, Itobt. McLean and .1, C.Mar-
tin. Mahe, floral offerings were placed
on the casket, a carriage being needed
to convey them to the grave. The lam
John Acheson was born in Ireland and
011110. with hia parents, to Canada
about 04 years since, when a nettle -
meta was made in Goderich townnhip,
whore he lived till he moved to thin
town to start in mercantile life, and
became one of the foremost dry goods
merchanto of the cent -sty, flaying
made is competency'the dereneed re-
tired in favor of his only eon, and
from that time relinquisbed mereantile
life. He is aurvived by a widow and
7 children -I on, Jno. T., of Morden,
Man., and 0 daughters : Mrs. (Reve
Jett:tenon, Chesley I Men. (Rev.) Hoe
lingrake. Wooditock, and M Moen Liz,
see, Laura, Ethel and Irene. He is
ai00 survived hy four brother(); tieorae.
Robert, "William and Edward, and 2
eleterss Meedames H. Ford and W.
Crooks. The Collegiate I mei t st closed
at 2.39 p.m. to allow tho tenet:ore to
attend tbe obaequieseand the Collegiate
Inetitute Board attended the funeral
In a body, Deceased's son, John T..
of Morden, reached town on Monday
evening shortly after his father had
peaked away. The 'widow. children
and many other relatives have the
sympathy of our people In their be-
De; liner rilplied, none et *Wr-rra --
expect with the toem"s guarantee to
be aide to go into the money market
and Interest capitalists, hot we estre
minty do not intend to build the Werke,.
for we could not do It.
A. Nairn expTained that antY
were ;imply promoters who wade en.
&nuke to float the nelteme with the
town's. guarantee, mad this Erlinitniiit
salol "yes" to, lie again urged teat
the Council should now inetritet Mete
solicitor to prepare the bylaw Ana
agreement, but the Mayor and Cowls
Olair eaid this could net be done with
ooly three Members of Council pre.
sent. The conservation was kept Up
mail further on these lines and about
10.30 an informal adjournment took
Tho' following Is in brief palate
made in the report, as a result of Mr.
von Salon's: observations and calcula.
1. The available ten month power
flow is about 876 cubit) second feet,
and the available power head ter de-
velopment 78 feet.
2. This will give a continuous lee
hour poever output of 2350 electric
horse power, which can be developed
at it total cost, of $220,000,by providing
an auxiliary power plant or supple-
mental flow frotn storage during the
Iwo low flow months of the year.
3. The total watershed whieh is tri-
butary to end shove the Bleat/hole
comprises about 000 square miles, as
measured from prove:total maps.
4. The fall In the river from Bens
miller to Piper's is 112 feet, divided as
DonmillAeto !limekiln)°, 10,000 feet. , 85 ft.,
Blookhole he lower end of Oxbow bend,
8.009 feet .. 10 ft.
From the bond to Pipet's, 19,000 feet 32 ft.
Total 11211.
5. To develop this power the report
reeommends a reservoir dam across
the 'river and valley at the upper end
of tbe Oxbow bend to a height of 05
feet, and diverting the flow norms the
peninsular to the lower end of the
bend and there delivering it ton power
house °recited at the east Ode of the
dyer at the foot of tho high bank,thits
giving the total fall at which
would he available during the months
of an ordinary di y year.
6, The value of the power service
is given as $01.848
of light service $13,400
Total $75,250
7. The opet;ating expenses are put
The first draft of tho OeleAegroups
was made at a meeting of the District
Committee hold in Toronto lent week.
Seventy-six eliths and 15 groove time
looked after In the intermediate, and
56 clubs and 12 groups In the junior.
Last year there were only five inter-
mediate Sections. Goderteh is In the
intermediate :tering as followas No. 2-
Alerte of St. Mary's, London, Sham-
rocks of Brantford. Bearers of Sem
forth, Mitchell, Woodstock, liltitort6
of Goaerleh. Convener -41. M. Sack-
ecin, of Seriforth. Meet at. St. Mary's.
Generating plant. 58.810
Distributing plant 7,400
Offiee ....... 2,500
Total ..... ..$18,210
In another column tve print is letter
from Mr. J. E. Tom, I. P. S., on this
subject, which is worthy tho thought-
ful and practical consideration of
every citizen of Hoderich. It has of-
ten been Bold that if Nature had done
leen to make thla town attractive, its
citizens would totem done more 118
their part. We are too apt to rest
natisfled with the many natural ad-
vantages our town 11011, and take little
interest in auppletnenting these with
civic efforts, such as those Mr. Torn
refine to, It Is true there has of re-
cent years been a marked improve-
ment, in the beautifying of private
residences, but any work done by our
municipal authorities has been of the
usual haphazard • and unsystematic
In some cities this work is being
carried on by what are known as
M tt n lc pal 1 tit pro vetnen t organizations,
formed by citizens who aid in the
work Pectin patriotic motives. TUE
STAR ilaS in the paid urged the placing
of the control of etir streetand parka
under an elective corn tit lesion, com-
posed of tnen who would be willing to
give Nome time and thought to the
work of systematically beautifying
the town, and carrying on the work
Iran year to year WO might, be found
advisable. Mr, Toin'e euggeotion that
Is public meeting he held to consider
the bent mount of inaugurating and
encouraging the work, in a etep in the
right direction which we tvould like to
840 cat ried out.
On the Invitation of the mayor,
Meenrn. J. E. Run:bail, .I.A. aleintonle
R. 91, Williatrue A. Saunders ,ind J 11.
Colborne spoke in eupport of t he pro.
poeition, Mr, Smuttiera putting in the
proviso that the emnpnny should ()rat
show they had eolid financial harking,
which he underatood they eould do.
Meettrn. Williamn and Colborne re-
garded the proponition 0 ennuring the
one thing always needed for the en.
roeragement of manufacturern here,
cheap power.
Conn . Biel r exprenaed regret and die.
appointment that Mr. von Hellen, the
connulting engineer, wan not prenent,
an he had rertatnly under:stood he Wan
to be tan opinion the mayor coincided
with), and he thmtght the Connell,
after making themaelvee bonder with
the reportehould have theopportnnbly
ot anking the engineer a number of
questions which he only meld annwer
He could not commit himself to the
scheme without thin opportunity. lin
would like alno to know how le the
balance of the money to be provided ;
will the town's guarantee take effort
only after the b. -Ilene(' le arteally es.
minded ; does the r2112,1100 reprenamt
actual coot of comae tict ion, one of the
objectionn urged on the street being
that the townie routrantee MeV be
enough to complete the work. Then
8113 per horne power has heon quoted
ay the price at which power ennid he
itupplied -how ter W111 this efriable na
tee etomete with other points which
supplied with Niagara power 1/
cheraW le of such great import.
It Is to be regretted that the diecue-
Dion of this matter Mat Wednesday
evening before the Town Council did
not reach a more Rath:factory atage.
The abeence of the coneulting en-
gineer 55 85 a disappointment, but the
prornotera gay they vy Ill have him
here whenever thP bylaw is ready for
dinetinalon. With three of the Mx
membero of the Connell absent, the
dinetteelon multi hardly have turned
otherwise than it did, tho t0 lotting no
quorum to warrant any nueh act ion ftfl
inetructionn to the town solicitor. But
in this connection 14 18 ptoper to point
out 4 hat with two member.) of the
Coo neil permonally interested aa direr -
tore of the proposed scheme, there la
ground for he opinion that they will
50014' cliffieulty In fully discharg-
ing their rentemelitility to the town
while at the $mene time looking after
their own interentn as promotern,
Dr. Holniee pointn out that the town
ean still further a atiqf y heel, an to the
good features of the sehemo (if there la
any doubt) by getting a report from
Mr riesstent, who Is the atteintant coll-
.:letting engineer of the Ontario Power
Comminsion, and who has been here
looking over the propene). Without
meting any reflection on the very full
report of Mr. von Schen, the Detroit
enstineer empinyed by the company,
and who ia motor Welly nn authority
on ouch matter% it may be Geld that
tho Connell ;Mould In come way have
hie etatementn confirmed by an lode -
pendent and fully capable authotity.
An was pointed out by corm. Elliott.
the guaranteeing of Quell an amount is
o very heavy undertaking for the
town, whieh will seriouely impair its
eredit, and Owen. Blair well summed
up the matter whet: he said that If the
neherne wan as represented it would be
a disaster to turn it down. tor leek of
aninehnit information, and If not no
reprenented it would Ise tt disaster to
the town to make the proposed agree.
ment. While ere appreciate the do.
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