The Goderich Star, 1906-04-27, Page 47-517.7.1,141r, wig ',410141015114!3," *U plow*** th vats aro *a nor *wit! Worthier ifiehlasr POrta tt short fella and wiefal *Pa ,poolal ragidatiOna, Mining Palaat eoPyllaltt Iowa 4cro inettal. 0. qua cantalion GoVernillent nAt. as And British cOunuareiril *004 abroad** tide handyvolturw. r� WIIITNET trigit'OP PINO.10 OWNlik*fil atm IrtilltrWert4 • toYaeaVvimrut n Cp. aiiiistialtsMatOriandit,ths bialalait tinttaatt:',150.1.- Oas seek', Awe netteitassroodina or, uiswia*Mt41 �. lateethAlthertnets. • . , „ " IlrA'Stoottl*a too Catt, t Out! 'Vole* eel* NOSY**. temp etenaree,san at, fags _adareas ears,. .1eJ. usearie ye, will latinaeter, .3**Iva news estesOthesetis er POVeimisments oti mu, be 0410041 • '1400400E NOvietie$0. - "tattoo paporse& se +mho retest - Muted be ea Tont' tsets nt4140nOlitggc Sit hew, un that rideable to' Waft 404 a view mat n heentliteal A-WOrd Advertisers. Order that Tan StAis•noty be Is - time every Week We Must in- , ttcopy for 400ttea rehiring sn�t, later than Monday boon. row Whir With a newspaper ego ;moire the value of tiOtOi0 get- bl,g *peter, and what a Wheels It rthelved When advt. copy cranes i IAIf Advertillem will ttuiideit own hatted; they will eee that the CO el, Agit .-copy ina the snere .tine the 'itinters will. Inwe tti,net it'nyottroctivellieed It in as r;/` u peosthittin the weekk but as ell4theye, we Caned Inettielikep- fOgittt'the.,tnrrtht Wee tudlip dediu by, %tondo, neall. Gk1ta%tI ;oPHI Oal& fiA RIDta '.4intiL 27, 1000 .Tnts tie* N, foe Ontario—Nation- ' Al tewee: I it Ailjetitlhittlei Government seems to be otteteaPable of donut aemething for the -people utboto tberrengeBent• WE hear in tile Legislature proceed. infintreettent a:Stith:0r of the nanies of thedienibera for Eon ma, •SQOtb,ffe. hut bat. Huron any rem- ItnittnlettrW ' ' • Ttna'..:leOtttg' question before the piiopte is th6aeveloP- rnott 'Ot° ,electrtel powev !Under Gov- nt. No man has .!0) Hite great 'posh, rtMr. 'Beek, ma'am trreni lie :hoz ebtivetl, with a brod:grUPOt all the posidhilittee of publia4eVelopironit.liave Wen for hint hingtnirat100.int the People of on- ,. tale irrespective of politica ;•ii: bill .bea been passettt the Leg. the,Ineittneenf ,O9veto• loin' 401,100 the WOO *Web wee intlisninded " in t.lio hearing of the, YOOttief ehltrit0 'against the late dor. erinnent, to *Ole phblie ctiarltr, intd ' on PM theommendation of W. Goma thereoney will be given to the Sick -Children'. Honigtal•- Thi 1.'14 g"d innt.tomelte of it, and the only thing in the talitory . of the greet •, 1Proladalia an official mower to the question, "WOO did the ntenei con* tram?' VOEN T4* ifoot„ Mir 011Ytillrit( bouhlta erns business it knows where - Whereas it would appear tnore Inn impertinent for any con. teMpotihrrtO 'chime this paper with "tendency fallout, more than is * 4044100e." Obit* pew Bra , Monatttrais bas maw iteelithie itt.twestest ItionsiniMent. 10 la tea. tenter Stith that hi nudist:milk Witt telftl,Itettbelletintisitso to Penn tsierdreitie, t that we eautint say the well *Medi t$P00 wiPhic- AllIr neat itkredit to, The town le whlohit.IS piddisbed. MO Tau Pratt dees not travel in the is boast " clue. White* MOW heti* And remit of the Omuutlait 'humanee inquiry one., Wog eitablishrtt beyond question is the fetteraseletonem einf ,ofthe Ontertireent inapectlen, Vet it wat thi. iniiteetiOn on *filch the ptopl, Warn- Porpec .ted itt Pl4its to'hide Otelt:bottfhkentoe 01111040 Ount*Igek. Vire )1t1 Ofl t 1Mtit_ItO ha 106 Ity darltig theNe**I*10641`. tlgstlooW the transetient reveal.- sd there ooelA novo* hove Otellired in, OasmdItffiaybetritatiiittliaehthiqa: 'bave tiOkOifentrOdin tla etnititM bOt, ti'Pleht tPoo 11 tlitikark •Ploi**orib4 ;;,.. it lo 40* tottioltinsurattoothout thear, *olehotand notideAt 4ff4110,t4 orAM': Itt* la St; 1°,40-raWdeinutatent.;,' The Ismarettoetetanchileennt to 'have?, Utterly iNti Fed- to cheek, Men the tete triwoodaAtitio*bitill Hi** WousatitsInveltlitstiOn. ' ort*12t4tutdb000kot Cnn.'t eh thretene4 htts alrOttlY 'these MOM*, 1$ 1SOW; elldver. aterlai and ite WSW*, Sr. ritteit' etvAlt foi the semi ant Bit*ork. It 11 buostilitlitable and to kind: Jiteloy new, it -Itielarttist thia Ide*WKL hens .1 atteritia bona te the boy' 144*to *We till*MOrde: la wet few ite ftp SAM* fitA6110,0111 aI7 other ottaNar p Ueatiflfl,And this = Imo heti gawk morwitTallahlet b Its; whiategatioatet mod lsritte*Intaas.: rt. Omit ear ateweltAfaittareeitthIrit" saga wiweet thialmaistroosapea. siso mamma atoymailo infeenta. teas sham tem telotartwaltleattwalther at sos t i 111:41Itilha glOarmatiarreemeeteloom ot*ass- sto`'' li OUR OTTAWA, LiU , !!. ' , 1,10.1t8fOltSAVO IOWA sea bibitir- Weak" peeped* oft to Th. NOrtk Atioatk Cootioot 00,$;*; .alutueen for autopteffir, 40,00#70-41 P. /4. fillaffiti .*Oli . P -M.01 LOP . WS USY, Pri.4006 "Well loegtod loto In oeitled nowilttnui#es. at ' ; ,. an ;040,, On WOO pernIsiMS (IOWA, Oraiiit totMissadoce or TneAran. ' 'fOWN't4tOPORTIR - .- • - - Ottawa, April 2t. ils Vorth Atiantio Touting Coon Store 41 gmwilig ilAvu' P4141 g 234° ccItt'441 tut'71$ ^ Wonderful snap. v , • ,,: ,, fr011OY gOntillitaded,-14 °riot .Step Pittl'S e0otttlet with OWOevelVilellt goamend Lot for Stsoo-laya rent of $gper o -40itl, I ' 110 110VeriMiOt by Tios Peon*. hae, otter *oven years of ileeloded life, alto a well scored mortgage paying 8 yet giat , s ......... '' prrlabe4 AMA erpeilire, For vre*ke: Can ei4 get yorttentorst • c 'Amato' Saturday Meat. OppOOnmentheralisille NOM* alla hie diautera ere ',in, tile wind.liirerd persistently hnetett dealt thia scheme W•C• De ' . RI* :ay% onn , log every Miut elm fee 40Ver."4erti,.. in two conitulttmes heveveselutelY and will iv. ebtond that the Ontario fiov,, Mid the schemers babbitt it, pale by ' 'f,amnat— • aglow. or Tattlt*. 'Iliseigit. lea4eredaria, „44.,..,........,:. ernMenabaVe gone Oree ' to SOCK!** little Wei hero dragged aettala WM dtlort Woo deeided that tim Mining ta lightin spite of timer:040 minis. Red Crone Quality * Alway* the MOW ' Einguleitantaa atedSolinita ANI/Not as wen ' Olsnsalcatat,4 , w Oillwarttes Sonia", • • : ,ktichtlA of the Oilliefi 4,040+000 0041z. ttttit'alla slayers of the '00.verntlien6 15,900" a year. btit by jin inflow , Tb.e company wax toppeud; ,401r. Ammo to he rich :lit .preefous metale. .. yeat.etday 'the ,QOneeltiOn tglomi44 clause its drin 1440)164watt Obit:: ',;,' Vorresitgiadertte: Wax . Will not be threWo open to he acrium mune. Allot year the majority voted p p ' nen • „ . 1 • bled, for hr thcsc who get op-gerileat .tiOnt.iX tillotuttitt:01Caulflyloge fci money. The Clause againet low.beettit-; r, T.liv .. ,..__, -, 4 .1,,.,:,t. la Ole Olorliloft. nor 4914.41thet19 v.' Ifghlelo slieectveree Vias year uliv?, of correspontlent0ftala 4 Illg "r„6","e4" thtkagentenfltilthechildA gOnlitetnhert• dere and' deputy Ministers defended . . gecelva0 A talihon 'Lmill'A_rik ''..- ' li oVioo, soneh 'Of the ititeteat, 6114 'the CaPitalletit Of TOrnetO ,Anst and peotetdest the ethenteas loog. Under the ougoesoleo ogreat000toi, rf, le telonin the14iliilt. liiii: 'iiti Montreol. IMO:ea tbe WtilttleY *I- m they • 001114. By t,cmceeintent, paymente aggregating a million del.. N. — -- -- - .r.--i"".n '--"••-•-r'' Minletration trithee the announcement by contradiction, by obstruction. lam were made to tido company. ratat '. Iii*, ",.oilel.evol4lei# itttlie diet* . hat 'there) eup ,,d,l ,,, ,rielt-,ntining they stood between the contrae, year 10 said it spent $10.000. an d it re. i,, Willett ere OM rePeeeented by A, on& mil net olannaon at at talitors. *on the in. ependent in ulr- calved *88,000. All the,while deepest la .CorresPoritlennr AnYPeroen'otbii:' i by the itAntinee ' ono ... . . i . . .. y; . d reey _prevailed. The-lbargaln- 4. 11- 4inatt'WirillinkOcrItea:100,P,. :. bther led for and hr . people 0 Stratheona trout answering the CIO08" 00t, appear in th eta. Last week 1 said that .Eterele; tione of the •eaMMIttee. They could which were .0,apon 0- voted, lin lista of can* it , ., - , .9 it AllY: .0,1+ t ese.Un. as . e appotpriations which iv, 4.1. a IA ' - i, -,.• A k ittlei. bad nand, that - bo' boi A'40P; not check the relndtes and Werninits vessers or agents was furnished. NO prese444, lall,tion fo. :Jarttetj' to .4 Mere, fondness for -howler:le, tolis or the press even of their own MOW, examipati n $9100 made ao to the bona, Write un an ',we. ehall'he'gratita : nuiale to those skilledJo himidllOff PQ,. ceidineuC . ,On the Other hand it was hee was drawn around all Of tontin ' . ' . '7 "---'—t-T71-74,T.' that his Cabinet of atnatema Were, A Which ohjeated to the policy of eon, ones of the work done. In effect .a turnior rhavecabearr...annnees„,,.: i littelites. Those words have new hail inktaitethle to ellow'the facts to come ental Europe, exclusive of Eranest, Ateet , titertibigustifloadon. Theftendeebas lo light and afterwards defend and g Ala and Italy. In that area were . - ' 9hown bit courage, and puthied per. matotain the compact:. 240,000,000 people who had every le- "(mo-ntoP more at "Au" everi••• vs,tt. `'. At. Oa evening eltting on Fridaydocemerd to -emigration. in_geledin it be t this Ministry up in the reek •ur really Heves in the peepiel' and ite ti Vestet 'ins. e to stove hisresolution; taxation, fierce owlet and ealigiout: tends serve them with a daring lottaitueittigofilitultreio.ezro,e1balatti,dionalathime con- pvitiets=2;ett:twoolTere zoil=4.ea.: m.mm joi,,,*0111.0**koto„,slinio,,:, 0. new in the historY of ' rePrerenta" indent , and in a.' scat Mg speech he migrationragencies, interual and'OX-• ' fatttlinn''',Vtli,ebr. Witt iti4 tlia tive government? Hither.to ithas .bcen oborroa ..the many , iniquities of this ternal, were at work. And Ate every , Sjsetattettleto; ' ' deemed right enough i that, the Bro. . , ., .4 V1000 should. retain poetteesien of 'the 4181040efel plinider of the public funds. man.woman and child. who came Item that area for whatever motive, Hi.* . .'' ", • ' as been considered right epee& that • L a no man wou e OS 0 g , rockey. mates Mr. 011ter, tche Mittleter of the ki- r terioo started oitt bry Along defe ce of '*49titit-:Plii.W.;• 'aviator% muskegs and one companY. this mysteriond nOttee, labelled the Noith Atlantic, -RestiltoOit.:ef.er„Oneir:.lield10,49,.- thertine crop of the Province !bong antiolince4 that the Government had the whole business, and then su aunty gStml' company, received gg,. it bad seph roso 11,0„,404,044:14,414,e, blanketed alit he available Vthruiting )(gni got:ref thelerll4ConittY.Xelt buyers 1:03, OOrV011 130.00O Of cancellation of the tIle -he erveated by wealthr greund in Europe. It ' waa n t an lo, v.., i ,L.,. ,.+L , joi,:t ,...v. u„....,,i,:elvA a Contract. NO wonder he was derisito motion into a dosed nom. tk 1904 vu. vails.',0,,,ti.........0".)4544..17;444414,0, ,000 .:0,, bails that no mdf.reopeeting ,inni titian cares to admit Hutt be tO TY''citenred by the OPPositinh• .400 A millionaire or in. a fait way to Stripped of Mr. Foster's comments. 500,000 people left thew couhtries fop ' Wel MI Hie ..ettargel:nr,',,.6euetikaeYP America. . e Phillipe,is" ' et Preeenb,:k. 'free *Ant becemoone. Yet here is a Govern- the ease stands ea !carom : In .August, Light On its Operations -"*"' haying, been uderiitted to- hall- V.110 moot Ow -tends ott, a umititude of rotPo Ittr, 3. A. Smart. Deputy Minis- Nof till last session had/anything, nfireOtettt' n„....ndtt,'.Whkeh',..1410, R, „UPS been known about the' company. 'Ionia eVer tillaprOpeletY.,,,ineinclim, , Ilia Something leaked out,/through the dropptitg,,nt the, PreSenktiell' aetiona Auditor -General's re rt, apd when the contract was for, ifs product- tioawas refused. In the committees Me. Smart ref ed to , answer gees - Hens about t company, and was sus- tained by th*Liberals. Re said, how.; ever, that the company was composed of imp rUnt people, and had a capita,. I.ati n of $M0,600. But when the Am erthtives had got the cable eql t rd Stratheorta, it was learn „t at the company had E5,000 capital, 'while the incorporators were a parcel of solicitors' clerks. In other words, there never was it company at all un- til June, 1905. And again, the pretext for the bargain was that the laws of the several countries concerned prc.. hibited an immigration propaganda; whereas, one clause in the contract was that the law should not be broken. e- A Off torc-fievi4 .for- -TDis --WcL . . fotor...P1140400Etr47.100,010.4.010t04)4fm0Vvief0:0104,0fir 140.70trub04.0k vielriot Quilts itawivotrwitte. 44700frolea....,..140voserixollsileriottotrtt lebzeintit .0u1SUPPdforoiw, .sortikockos we bare, tried in every way ..possibia to • , maket prOlitahli,fOr asiC pattoste Mvety.yardpf . • every gammustrand ,everyl article .•thet,.1$ Offered' •het* le , ,thoroughlygood.aud,the hest tab* ItatitcoyWhera forOlt" ' Price 4W6,. have 000fhleogvio our .goOdoz !We_ "OPtn°414.t.uttr est 7p%mbrion4.Wr. *tit 4.. °:47or:rie4b;**41"41 ootronoisi41.: „, and w.hy have we kept on .surreeding for ainsoattwenty, - eve Y0)111401, tbe,NotoO ggreeP : • • 0 I. { Nvo.buY "`"4 °elk, g,9044 4 An ' , ' right -price. , BECX'JSE l We do not miarepeso % Ok-or tillafle • •(te be done. . Bu P We , sell -to olTerMe at c., rkeg •• . 4444 out •,•prke 00134,,, XtEc' 0,114y1 andl,onit4Oi c ' BB 0114 411,11 boy bore os oofelY Oa oo ooport., _. „ . ,,.,.. ,,, ,,„ ..,„.„ . ' 3,3E0AttS$ ,{ Wergitncl., illmIldi .1„.f, geode, o're not 411vt. *ext eiWor-U4'read - ovety nan,01,040o turn.:4,10,111,0; toi.:01417:r,a:pitl--it „or* Vt44, %%0 1), tw, atttin it , $of oteteef eYrit'•fotk you if '501 4F • • will 0. In. " • ' •4orno.16,*U00;•0,900irhat, Oor•'.11.ovrept - thieg4i7t,` yoo.4641%:$10oVt.0 bqyWe' will ti .0 pierourc,yo,slioWitow:Wlfuo . . 11 P110/101. 0i es01,1, eft r" teilsetiur , HON. ADAM SOCK. of Lencliito Chidanan of the Illegersultkilailower Commission. Mo•••••••.••••••••••••••• buyera feoro the most dealrable pieco. riest, declaring that 411 rieh of land known Wein North Alpe. berate, Chid Wealth will he taken Out. by and devoted CO the uses of the State. It is the most novel, moth tee°. lutionary step in the record of our p\:: - Utica, and the experiment Will attradt the eyes Of the world. ,• ,What'st, woes vtlth P There Will petted to reap fortunes ate they be a great outcry' from thittilwhil tv hint sown nothing. Thoth who o hoped to the a nutd beam at Cobalt Will not nett, This action of the GOteptatent Mining apeeniation. All who holier? throttle ell on the uptleincept pest of in thediVine tight Of the few to setta the fatness of the earth,.will view with germ this socittilitiO Inore by the °Math) Government. ,Thera it nothing in all tble. One qbetition alotfe ran:Mhos. Can the Whitney 'Govern. imago on, tioltil dean through, with this 'bold Undertaking P Can the Mkt. Itertt bo Made the mining precool/6 of the urea% • can lt be *evened as .tho. .roughly. and mined at aneceietnity, itt if had beettitiven over to forittthe- 'tenders P Can Men Omit* skilled and honest he *wain ontrannnelied con- trol Of this ntetel enteenthie, to that it MAY be pushed to the fullest oncost, Ana If polttiv$1 graft be 'wholly ex- tkalbdi If pull be *e1111"(1124"1/14t ate° ?)t:agattA'llonewe— cnn .,know 'hoototy when *ovate it? • wrie peril the orepotkent facet with g met tte. Idtligtrttr—hrsb* Lite handling et* Of Whit 4tteril IrrittTelt/gtit),1•14 Whitih: the fit.elity Of Arteitit Can.; be *hitched; and 'theondlYi the handling Of A property OnnOted to be net. *meaty wealthy, which, unless v bytainlost falanous Peturnawill 6 the laThertitrit' to ttat 45bhare .446 Ing t'm* biota. -Woo to.votto • RO the mines. It is hot lir. beginning_tide' Undertaking 'thet Mr« iwttltney,**4 his colleaguesshow their Ootd'itgeopot, ioliteppt the foot*, •ot It. They Will need the -WOO -MAC not ,thetkenPle at large tenet not forget that t,Ifeir.i.loty Id to°,tieis that thitrrevolotinuaryarptu rittlehbbli the pada:* 0.6vertiteterit gebt it Sabow. tre, Will be plenty?. Of lailtietiCe* itt Wnrk *eking t� Mine theetieceet • -this Onverlinirlit: venture- 4sten itO Wheel that* the. etatiattOtida itlitere Is no telling, whoot roe,. the Stateinitty undatsite. HO 'dispute eito ariati lin•Wera, the Dominion and , What, Pettit* Antilta sato tvidelt hite Weight te guistetbo export ist, eleetritity Itt•Nle‘ ,ftion* present 'Much t‘olteatit the paibile.- Out if the litatitalan fieterninent tett up tity oi't entire bite anYinterfiatienat watatirdesnatita. " that Will **voile t !Whitt* flo men. fres* hart,' 'Ont • VOA fOrgiviegthe or',•titatt •tlt.a 6 provide, they Wig plisastri Vended ter or the Interior, and Mr. W. T. R. Ethaten, Immigration Commissioner in London (two Siftonians) made an ar- fitugenteat with this North Atlantic Trading CompanY. This 'contract, :Signed In November, 1 was not ratified by Parliament or even by Or- deedn (30Uneild The eompany under- took tol"bring Canada to the atten- tion of people residing in continental Nueoneen countries and to furnisb. reliable information' about the coun- try to Imp:deers. Theconditions appended *ere : (1) an expenditure et TWO by the Gov- ernment for. such Imetigration Meta - tete as We company desired; (2) Par meta by the oVernment or certain ettienitanging &ten 17s, ed. to 25s. on all Immigrants front the coeutries- epecilled'ovee 12 ;team of age: (8) eer- thin Stipulations an to the financial standing Of the intakrants t (4) the hontbs tot* granted' only for agrieul- tlind Immigrants or dontestics; (5) the term tO'be tiVe years, atter the expir- ing of 'Which period It could be Can- celled by giving three Months' notice., Finally, the cOrtipany wee. not to viol- ate the laws. of countries in which 'it Operated, Mr. Sifted Ohl It Alone. %tie contract was entered 'Into, pledging the tountry to spading an Unlirnited Sum ot money for five years at boleti ,,Without notifying Parlitt tnenti arid apparently without Mr. eiftroes tellettgueti In the Cabinet be- ing informed alto eiletente.' On May 81,1032,,ft neW, contract was retitled by Ordecin.00tmeti, though Polio nont•.!q.40.8tia kept ignOrantef. 'Thi Wali4ated bolt to Jan. NIA .ant was into* ftworobletn the North At Untie Vrading Coropeny. it WO torrY' Ott Sostemat in and persisten propaganda Mnang atttithittnilits aa to too' odvontogeo• or voodo...4*0 1, . apealtiestiotre Intim& •Thetont rano th epelid-$11000a Year ittli4 VerdelICAttil the Oitettlition 0 oblate,. Theirontigiubta,itere atilt te- iidire-d t� Oita of theneyil • WOO time. Was ettttritV etltO tett. VOA' tzti..i 191. The Ateried ntAtOtlee Whibh. lonit itt Oren. to tallith:late ,the sofreetnetit wu Plif0t1 ovtiloovim* Thr compel* ..gaato get 36 for :every. person sin- genting feint continental urepe and applying In ilotlinlai th6.'ntote , eMigtatiOnthee- teeth* COrOpittlY. Attathetlelllast bitten oftlle Mw et. the ' *bleb the freninittiy Ope .jear, lattati We. Itententber-Vi, another Ottler.h1.0ottncii orm and *nether ;Contract woo e,0t Yowal**. 1 rsealtiut ootapany. two. that 41kf the Hi* ,1.. enseste ennaplaint with uteatiaXis. rlghttrMtintfnt3514t. *WI* * 1:0 war**POO sail *What t atm*l owl the Irrititt lows the pat10nt Hag. tia4Vi IT trY doottand itaasenwlv ir.ataeat'seqfd* and 41. rec010,Menthteleit 014114 b/01 Made blr_Ch`oWn .Attaltney- 001 to the Attiltne'verctteraiV-the-Proroncei Phillips On etheunt of Ads Oct asking tnat:Minidderitontt IgVen to aftelie$400,,,eVi4k3110 endu.Afjustice hate nOW.nen ly tnel - 1t ia voe• g neve, opinion that nothing • further will ,bp done , tyis now .pelein;ated Criminal eatia;" SharehOlderau4:, the, Toronto Life Co. &gall:1St whom loterim injunci: Hone bail been. *ehured have alto agreed tO•i1400,. evert the ,bniir Of the stock to the.. National Co., the lieuidatoreof ,theN'oritclqutity Loan & Savings 00e • ' , The National Trust kirortpatrt hand- edn1it the hillinving oinclat LegislatioAn ItLesclamlaWdeeleiktt'le progressi Eil'ihal' ;1/4,4114liglichnC7°111/1„bilieneit5.0f.vstIr°°,1::ditncititi;tiiirpste.ntitildt4: this week. AlemberatbsftereiTuwEtoan;edkterbt,oyortbbiyee titttileenzseatwedeittosedusealatert:iviv!...itian,iTlipt:xsev4poilltadtitt)e:s.tulutin. °toaftieltadlivoenrTteudeVoillyn hie actions wilt therefore, be diethn- avnidtthae IP.:truinudeeofAetthociatlei d4utiCierstilnadultghoet:mrs. sourer. boo., *alb banded.over pitalities, for which the pleasing occa,-. ,aboor iito Ammo nt,titock,n on which i all a. A resolution In which there was no party politics was adoltecton Wadi:wa- xily:3.g Thinviltwinasg arnskla ajade 8d4te Slits otbh ee Queen to visit this country. the aum Of. epproldmatein So. hitt been paid. .p.Theineltutinal parties have also released all their clams against the York County Lew & , Savings: companYnnd'eXiedthintldniee, and o transfer the„"liquichttor -.has -4faen On Wednesday idr.Lennoa• °Moab' aai 67644 les e IP/ iOalleneditl sum-tGad4afnot 4;137m5a0; After Mr. Ayiesworth. Simeon, tnoved : "That it is inexpe- haveaten,been Oer.to tlio Soul- dient that any member of the Doreen-. detor, m aims bf the. athangeMent ment or deputy head of ' a department ehe .L lest Plano OcarinanY Ilawfor prune should' act ,or ' Repeat as barrister, 4078 been te 1)444 et the, ilqui- couneel or advocate. In any action, chtrore, zip caws of thi,. comps y mit, or proceeding except when the in- terests of the Crowe are best ved,.in any court presided over by judges or a judge appointed by the Government, of Canada." Mr, Lennox explained that this was no abstract resolution, It was intended to be a pronouncement on the conduct of the Portmather-0- there). who eine actepting office bait continued to pram - Lice in the courts. Mr, 4.ylesworth draws his salary $7,000. a year as Minister and his indem- nity of $2,000 es a menther of Parliament_ Mr. Lennox holds that In accepting official duties and official salary he engages to give his time and efforts to the service of his country. But it tvas shown that thaPoettnatiter. General appeared in court at Toronto. 10 0110 Bait on the 12thof ffiarello,,in another on the 15th, iri it "Pi ' third On o ltith and again on the 201h. Co five other days last month Mr.Ayiersworth was on duty as counsel in itupottant cases. Duriug this time the Cabinet, of which he was a menthol; and the Mth onof Commons to which he had been elected, were sitting daily with - Out hint. Mr. Lennox ehoyved that it wm not In the Interest of justice that Minlaters should appear at. Pletulere before judge* who are appointed by themselvee, whOwt salary they regm lath, and *hoot they have power te promote. This led up to a dieettesiOn of lodges accepting conunlasiona to hold ennuities, when Mit. German asked Whethers_Cheneelltit Iloy4 and Chief JuetIce Beitonteldge whto not tit* of 11* mot upright judges in Canada. The reply tem that however - Vat OAP* thirtist hitif the people of made Would ylever White that the tionlevhivootleattOO who •-honost out on That wae the 'Mellen in which these length had been plated by MO. Aytesworth's• friends, We debate ,10. to be continued. A ree0intitin Was letrodueled on Vrio‘ day for &avant of $100,008 TOM the Othadith Ttetjeney for the *Ureter* by the San Feinotectt .tihntater. Mr. Borden warmly endorsed the nuititure. IT MAIOES QuIc SALES .Stores that deietihe their SOOdti 'the niespapeti Mike inkileit., Oleleer than thane who do not oak -rortise i4ople go to the edyertillett atOos , With the IMptetelott of the Aattdi ; PearttOthiY- atatnpea aim their sitetlteat they iniost;leat' witat osetwiht, whoa it •CotaSaiid Oil ! *tenth; At they tete titt-J6tOriO that' do ant adsattise, they liavc tite clerk tek. down 0._$600.0:111K *MA , too ion ow 41 *wet 41, ..tekhtenttOt three lOttivertislitglothe trelitatt, „holt, , the. *WOW Ages AdiWreette. *awls 1llogO4 *Saittait'.at • Tit* OUR O.:iato Otatteloailo ot ' biooeo ovay **AG are estimated he 'being „worth t e neigittiorhoi?d,Otailuem, ct.a..1moeliot•latiaki.A . • Bats*, 1P1 xiO4Y00 Hos 13 bust tura GeOrge, the eldest 'son of Robert -Olathe, merchant; of Constance, bad the misfortune to barb WO ity,..e burnt .wfth red-hot horse eboi• 'wee' uttiO boy was playing la theblastlistnitit shop, and When 'D. 'filhtheriand 'dee* out from the forge the thhe to Shape lt, George ran betWeentbe ?mei!, and the forge, theely,ing the injury inesir aerie& ineVe.' He was taken, lininedi. atetv to the doeter,,Whetleessed it 11 was feared ORES -folio* Would lose the sight of the eyo.r but •at present s it is doing bettite than Was .eitpeefed, ini he mut:mit a littl*.wita At. . , , A OUARANTETIO CURE FR ' PILES. ,• •, pliee.' Dirtigglite are atttborle ' re- Itching, blind, bleeding, protruding]to dfog fond meney if r.A.zoOINTffil4 facia to enrein e to 14 ditife,'' 600; " • . , • • „ STRAITOND eOer. spriotc.touo'40,608, on 41‘pat4tifi ‘Vby tiltonld you content yinit4 Self in the ordinary Wallts Of, lire *twit, you 'can•betterrour condition 6,y takiegitetwile itt this *011061/ give theroegb,,,,proathnkli education, and Moist our,,,fgraduates to good pealtiniut, illonnnotice rout course now. , , Writetar partiditiaro. 3"411101*14,1440 , 4StRiggif4r41_ • • • - fratl bTic s Pei ha nrq oven and Photo, Suestee an .1data street, vti • ,Elutla 0 'o tableeleitletibeesest r‘c roomil et.ato )tegi.s Plktb LPfiIeli egter: IShlCE• , 2 erwesaver to est estett. station. 11 tory 1raio trkilZat 41SePtV/t a aerett.ototee_ en bank vtle r, tot:: f00. arlset fes, •titno or stiirTtliuleit „ srft cc or:Ics4. tcatcq *taws !•Lfit stirs oth.liwellUnt.'stfuata R.Vtjalivitituaing°91°1494- GO*1441!u* ottey tolettno5 Per cent: ' ^- 0.4trutv Beek ConnuarceIntliding •:H.trigattlt • ' ,t 'Phone $ I d 0-1) -wearasp suits wi,,, haste just 0Poned Up a ahioment fient' one of the leading Canadian et . , ',ratteracturent, it . vesy` nue lot of . Ladies' Readyttowear wash Suits. a . 'Itere,sat oix:diffesse_tAkies to cheese troth. - ---.., •-• TH).4 -111,eRtSA, itlit .' • ,,, • •• made Of White Duck. The waist is made With alx large tucks in the front with the new sleeve. The skirt htts;seven gores,. tucked et each• seam, and neatly finished with: buttons, Speitial price $2,215 ttte Suit. • - - .. Tfla,1,41,444N SPIT .. . •, • , .Made.of3trielte Deck with entail black afpol.. ,The waist made 'with hex Pleat an& ticked front.' The skiff has panel ront. and has ta inch flounce and neeilY trirentql Wtth white strapiAng. Special price $ZSit the Snit. . TUE VERA SUIT uslu of OuCk"!'llt sutart tweed effects. The waist is made similar to the Lilian. The skirt has 'peva+ gores and neatly . trimmed' with strapping. Special price 3.50. thb•Stilt. Tlti Otter tit:Miters are equally es geodes ihe above. , • , We solicit an early rall, as•we are , enable to repeat any of the. numbers. - bar,!stoolc,ot is 110V9 COOlpftte in Print lawn, muslin, linen. ' 4" E-'00A,Y;t1O. fiE:10 •sateeti, mstre and silk, . • .:crititaieta•,,rgitta, at • AMES' Re/toy-To-WEAR WAI,KINO SKIRTS It•TS OPY011/10 haie an exceedingly smart stock of above In biack, nayy and tweeds, in the itesrdleets and styles. • , . . , evdty respect.The llotos'erick carries aauptoAleta, stock 'of P,ipeo ‘1*01)arros, • Cigars andSmokers' Sundries. Variety and Quality .the 9nly , be • found here. Whert yo01 went you; wants supplied . ottle to•the BRUNSWICK. '0.10AR STORE WEST REE14,.itongt/idu " GRANDInm RV-WuSST TO. California Rettirn. Coed going April 24th to May 4!th.• • and $7545i. doolt *Rot Juno 240 to tInly Itha ROOM, ifinItSept.-150. , Account pletienal Naireatieed bee- t" vontlohi'Sarf Francisco, . Maine, of. air direct rthite going , and' returning, ,and .terkon litdp • oVer piiIttOges °Aimed', , • Tor Tckethood tell information P. L'Avolettoeow.;- ., Towit tad. ;Agit( note* statitss4.8o'4nt to ItOrtit:em .STRAO0ii tiOiet'gfiefit. is - Address J. ftiteDONADOolat, Om% I eboger t., Station, .1tItosTo. , , •OP.SPECIAL 'INTIERRST, TO LADIES•.A.Ccogcliorr .Pleated Skirts in cream, navy atul black. Special price 56.50, . Special sizes end shades not in stdc4, to order in a few days time. •• Mjiiaro:Popifl Store !!PHONE Si: • ' 'PHONE 56 'YOUNG LADY CLERK WANTED. ' APPLY AT ONCE. r�erdipg tlint lIettse yea ere going to ton : 144AC) , fthate theta to snit '.ttlf-Orteeek and • . the VateroAlt)taiqat ,ror the BAT111.160w irtt hire everythitig , EAVETRODMITHI3,L ItinVZOO1- •1140: and ail itinds•of METAL Two :dentin fiWtklittectlfYla ,,tote mi - 004 Meek ItAlitaAg choirs, " • ' , 'and TiroOttratorttooattfmtn. CflAL OX4*riaOttioh000ttfort'o- t11144.4' „ ' • SATISFYING SHOES FOR MEN . Is there anything so utterly unsatisfactory as an nnsatisfactory Shoe ? It it fails to fit, you will always feel; it. If it hises its shape, you will always see it. If it lacks in style, it seems a con- stant reflection on your good taste. The Secret of Just Wright Shoes' Success, is the satisfaction of the wearer, perfect • satisfaction, which increases with every day's wear. In every pair of Just Wright Shoes there's ' satisfyink a, style and comfort, and Just Wright Quality has tset a new standard for Men's Shoes. WM.-StiARAAN g S PAINTS should he ed° on every house becauSe they are the best ' ' WI to the trade of paint making. , Ramsay's Patois are made to taw the, house with a • coat of pure IlitSeed Oil, turpentine' tifid cOrtit that will pro. ' tea the wood from hot stui or storm, as well as to beautify ' 11, keeping it bright and clean, .fiiroughout the tife-time of pare paint, lidedeo'cg Paints will not trailt* peel or scale, like other. paints, sone of 'which are offered at lower prtfes and some higher. Ramsay's Paints, wear. o .0)k/0AV%; AUNTS' ore may of application, became olter are 'aim* the geed old. fashioned pure ilotepd*ikpalpa teg011er Withiltcl5th(Ifybtde' -, tiff-peler *raging; The itanselander, the: halbert .i•gt inenitnniv; Itteteta noinsay,* 'Mateo beanie when •neresupy,:heASA de bit OWtt Work and 'do it . wen aqui kpktiop that IS 110 east ,applitationthat be boa 41111*1*11 inb at once.. ' . tat itamsaY's rainte,for thtrehllitY and laquity oa tke'oasteoine root 'Metieret any eyefy itouse., - • : , - COMO hi 04al get a Cotor Citit. • a I OodetIoli Norville** 0, • — Tow stAio Moil* so* mitt -7 11.