HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-04-20, Page 2'...LIGION IS Nit; T111: ashion Notes* traiseirtoriillisia 9,4 :erg ra:o.tubsieyourrssociembwilealle bee truldeatty004 how4 in letneastisuolee biroslyttlrg 404 *1214
=tette emte few Wow Ita teer oWn I disdo.(i'do a ....1i,,,.onto tor iho
. .6LEUVES Fplt ;01.00kple*
ox xolot soft ick die to Imo. bait." Etv eut*, I went to SW:0Na Street
"Wog, ptat cast bet year hie tlitit I Calera, . apd gtori7ead• tilertowtt to'
Veleettergi toptio. . Mewitwe 4,440e- liiiigiorfr,va rot 4414;teew '
- '-, .e4.0.-00
. *la it? Thet's .aaty your ' • Ititell4 deorin°1141"to toe* indweee4eletealjul rart WAartoh°101.1"dr
A ItiAltAtik OKLA**. xi a 'dor reit 4 • sir eit-elefees.. • A ,drateitatileer told thet other. "Whet sr* 'lair balk* Mad . 41114***01.r • , - '14 illails
, "It is Ina. 'What I raficoat 1:01tT.
rie, iff, 0:AkCiri: 'iii4Irtitlar.,, 14;:: : you Are riot 4:,:Keliglous. man ' Vniess do .0 010104 00.bAdsva ut4t 4 tbs.
rt :it 'tj,"4,4:- .311ForiVor Vt. . . Iron Am a Otovving Alan* 041, -doped, 0 nar eeStialteril, net oul
should hare ell the wow and -I ntfe%.bottrft atter 1 Wt."
thing, soyo4 ibil. 1 400 okr. it y Nina I sew the undertsk. . eribent.41*.:totd 4014,$wealau41 toodtecoollacnetiost iniPP.0011tutitot. 4$1;ridielmo;
01 . thuds it to eteed g00% guit Oa Wee atingle!' Vernal be reoorered a 100t• !tbe, :Telt thet_ii .writtea 0O000104044111
Yeltr Wile?*
der et di% UNA* are 10 ,
-art* etieee alai , 144" 900404 : • . wdAt bar flal9a hut !titit blow". -"MO.':
, . c;,, nie that -the:body bed been Ur . ,
-41110,0teie ICILLeiltalCal*PdtliTsr., .
tiov,Sersedil&lIK IOPtilAIIVIAIII ' ' PerXertellitio,04 W:ipitimtreti:vogmie411...s111421titleY.173uil
le VD • 4.4 better; not eeit. bine - Toni'. a er mit hog. ,, &vain
*It MSC! $446'41 1 110*
- - - --""--; • . " • • utInfOrtilindely tisitre *ma another Inen, Wender' tiwitt nnutY Pnrinnot brill* *a
better. am roster la Teeritlete.- • -' •
4.3c3kisciteagotai,.,:ipot, .12,4t,..:04.,y4::ir,#,,Immiport .07 ,o.sorgu: in.,icritio.i,imiNeizext... reP0tsobr .4Attletoq -$:t0x41, ow.: 7, Aetevtiee:iit4,11,14ye,theaeovSrliaiseot to'rilsotti:ni. ivnt 4411 :ell itisea14144:141114019T1141040..ert. :IL" -"S' 7d-e/"/IiilAtponiS117itiov:liriplio$14"10143ythilaarlineottted"1"iiIrtillNufrar•r'ied: i4agii al%::321111TIv ':- .o. r n'Antillt.r:*1441%..„ . r * 1 tYa.TIrlarroiPdg 414bret'adrni-tiiiiiiLt" *11 tiSi-417164,tiiV,801Winiy"; ,14baTc46betriubsiali:::t Silh*ertitY1):: te034%1101/141fre
go Jut ollytumg eleet apd it :14..eee at . his 44iith you •vall 'boa evecything. °What ilti yeat Meadr
, , .. .,11,, jot ,4 twy. „vim 44-4 ottiott 01400101:Atm: ;„,,,,..:11,teit!24.0:10,444,1.114:11.10tt ma ..bi worn, avbni, mattily Ito IN - a -" 14 tornia oat Olen Ito** have .4100 dead. 1.1atitn1 -There tea **Jaen uto nte.4, ‘bv,Ittii;obutest kmutwatte I _;:r„yos rt:.„; ,,._ ;1,Y-",_,, “,.; _ ,,, : ..,„ „yio.4.1„ It wi:._, .-4.1ittiii_ ,,;. ,,
taapains:42014, isC'' ' ' -; "44 al4 ia * fii..1,va4"441Y: ll'e've4"4° 4)11'. 114.1rm".• '1441°4 rir6 : d ' 14004.'*-atX el; th° /Mt .1g.4.49 Irta la 'ynitt 4v4t- hende. ' Who Imo* Dat• ' *1 peen. that yen would. 1:4''`belter Wi!er 41 . : i h ' Hsi miitOrt. 11 .Letriorotiot tre:orteilliogteltrTiat.tot=
14",'IleriZeratItilellet•af ,Ite bends and YOU tarvgi Palk, dartga: AO it 1n '4011"', a •Year ail long se he Vie *breed 0114 stein& Re wtildie tu-night, WhY esn't 84* 00 1tet 104 ItnecIgh Itra,41,:;*•Te al rb74:044141 .4r4 flitit'irviltrt71.044
',, ,.e,e*''"'""""""''"*. I,* mro o‘p.to &lomat. 0. irfth6-kett. :tglemil :,a;Ofdigve=1,1411 flallEtrtintlit-*440,11irvg,01:441712; EollAtous1,4.11600;t0tit'4Filri.tlitniiT,;,r,h044,.°°.=:,:144;i't iro,M1,tf..tfiltut7, ?b!",t447" . - . tva ;ler:6:1109ot , i.ill yot, 4.4 /lila ,„na . larlhl: trumitufgut hee, se= . , ,
COP /,,,iii,64.4_, or ..---7.1114_----ee '- --,,,,li 21:::Ve..,:Utter .P.....V 11141-419+,444 40.0 *wet! itotise.0„:,000 up ionar.),00A Anore • .,tt Unikattm. e Wiaile . "'s . ,, . . ''' 2 - ' . - , "It le se easy. i give you 4 htil4 fl V • . , . 7, • , • • : ' tierstAtoo.,, .:
** '114.441r."*..*".".1141'°17 241;Uithilt21:;4,1i7S1:1;littall1/4041FiatiV474-tig'4 tl'-g'417tf_,NT'llt 1.,°'4,2a.:11°!!14-i'14,1i-II•411L14-1.-.1-9.4.§14173ii '111;* it41:111:17.• w'elixittr:rgull:1:11:14(';,; '. - ii -1117:4"3;' irt'iotre'reoul'5:,ing9rtIniol.arrottirtttooslult.tesI redittlsri :41"v'ot4baheng:•"i'' ttottril*44d111**r ;07441*.":11**1*{:1500i etilditit:'ifil:IrL701': 7:$13:1411.64::ni:tilit544e'10.1'..:11°:litt,W,11-kirft::: Attlitl'7?41i, ..:''',ii'elille=0..-vit:: _bee:0.044,c:411.u,.:1e!rofteoe'.As4o.t7.4.1ktisiel.lr:a,.1.9.11:011,:awilt itt *:,,:.vo,toi,.'' .
'' ** '4' N'ai6"/ *MU" *: ei. Bad they 51410 graW*itellfare- : 'en°, .1" . tlh.7„-v74,74:-,-;;;.: 411
• Jr-tolzrNtrgiw.oeK' 41. ' *,,,,,400 ' Aok'IR04,--4 vro,;• 4,,,trAitho.*44.0wtahiinerg00-40.pil 1:410tV0 41rilt4d1181.;;!iiiti;': Mit -'4141- tittell: TiVail"alt.4 m•=:,•911,z4?.,..L10...g.r...40,1t,',X4.::40PI,P.-7_..."', ''',7,4.e.'11:.•4°' l': Y''',%'.11.3ligv‘z t :lastl:Prtittte410: aettalgirtrSH.: .,
• WIWI *40' 14441, ' OAP" Wu" -40.40ate• ta tut reavit• ,a1 a iPeeceetie, ertietar to , , wer im 1,, woe. , . saangled or Benefited blaetA' net 4r sof: rie„ nto nostrea ot, iloom vivo. Ion lo wood 44 ply: tertincaw, ond , /, woo*. .0. anything to mivo ., . ry , . , .. r 0, ‘ . , , aid, , u .6, 4.1 _ .
Tdee ara /nada PP aver sVal-th';' 144-4 uty , n1000 lett nie latt nirnOldgind yOu recehel le* 4 '''eat lar Ilia" • '' 'PA il. ' ..... ' ' •
' 164.6154141— 41,,,rai,i'vl;,itlie Minwtg." lientogsat 041;rAlowettl:- ,1.016ito. alizto.ogha 04 hoe Arid: rneueted ore Whiee tarl#4.-eu, •,, de.,thoottoroo: A in *0•,10,0' .:,,,,y04: owl, , awb4 ,tioll.ti. ; .-„:, • , ' ...,".' . . • At.Then'tvate 010,--X0;000,- 40CI t WIn tilll r4044 t$0100A.!., Otte, ar.e;,alass the et*
• • .r -:, ..,,...,..- 44.,,,..i..„...4:;-....,.,1. .0rowth * 'vv.', N... - . , O, ,,,‘.4 --, - too) .4,014.4 puce, , • .
. • mo /maw . • ..' ,-..,,' .7- -,,,ihtee.. :14,.....i,':07.,,,,, -.',0,/ WOO 00.00 in :Oar ,P4.4.9iit forM arq feeoiloMeedztroWnilthelyerphritlyetitorti.;014,11/de °Iti, ;I itiat entiainei tile .101kbotdotntlevi,1440404e3:04,1c.,0:41791e .1.;n1101:' that . n3' ardgo;;-, Peril' :Bar* 14.43*OrttPal!"-I' ...1b4;t' 4414.- 4, 41:. °I''' 4.'9ub-- e's• ' i?° !:1•''art'‘rea,"401Y-44arWlea,40°:-.44'°°-tar 4e4ItM11411674;1*/41t '
--"-Irt-iirti**0+:4414-0/4 ' ' 1144 ;Salaa de" 1"g44 4rii 1U44-444:,;'::.,-...--• :::`,.,jyy,.04$14 it4*ti, ovg$. al tbil:t.p*ty to itte whtie sleqeg Dia .4,,fteneeMine lc,•)34,11nagitteil 101* the: arn.' w itNno Antt nitmr.
tillktilCa*-r"-irHal"iii444; 41f4. 54* 31'4%i'iftr44114' A'41'4'.'"*. ''''..441.9'' '4*.n'ani4AH'''''inir'Y ta.:4.614Pel riluti:Iteritrvit'Zi.',r4riggyi_::.ttlteifrcgigigriv.. 'llgirS1.2:' ''',414!taisait.iniicti, 'And whot vont, ly°e't- 1 3"4: II*" 111""14144 'or* wh""4''''"''""enene4 '
.ks. : .. ,i4,,,.,,. .._ ,.,1,.......,- , ' ti,;01,b;*,voilfivtio'!"..A.' :111.0,.".41j1,1904v.'t ..,„9".• tle.r.„',..4t vitir*,...,,:i9ellr,": °It Ybloug, lier°.A'd Yort ilMillet14. Tbeftwail hwitst. 0 4.biheeltihti. :erg, auketlerolueei. aucat litet,,,aeiluar,,e1 intro..; ., hal*: i tho tho inQno wi4.140 cannot helieVe Mee ne,' altro, 'When 40aokAnnirt eherrieS,,tolaitera.-aint cornett.
roottoit.. !!""for,' -
le , or %0 sr , ,
. , Cot* 1,4141 -illia fLO Aeo *Age 4isrtoti; ',L A : ; $' ' and da-totten • geed, bUt..$44 ;41i. •
tulaire eeee hillt Whig* I Shell knee? !'.heef . i 004 -Cabbage,: . IV 1014: etteeetVela '
lat teat Would notentittAe:11erY1 1).4. everwarie.M.'whole wheat arportitc.::
• Um. r' ' 11(14'. illit•trifIcti':.j*--* i;t1114Pittlif4"r,:-111:et:07,:mn:::' :A .3./e.: rtaIrteVdeiti"VOItitriTilw44igoVnai. .-Pritq'tittirslha'rill';:t37441,1;irffit '0:1::!, Viritzt=?Hlir li:i'iiiiii"I'Y'7311' '44-0i.:.:11,1, -10,;.14):. .Iiii':::741-ettp...iielttyt:It4,-11ii .!;:riiii-- .igtiz YT e'einaiatie-elic•it7'27C-ara.,4:1LItl.t. mvoidt,1:17::1,00140,,,
W„, oi, tutito, 4:. ,, ',11.04.te AD" "Oeuse. Alia,t!'"tnwOrs'i0-anga g1), -T aP•malle,i- 1111-4rOnatt tal1114 oto Weil hold on tap!. notice at the heni ot lareiy are.ant•Akee..1?1:11d,1:, Iv1,0,,,0:;Pf„,p1thili4.t, al,:eiltr_t_!,•-
:'' L C - - '''' .'7'''''' V'Illlt °U1"*IRAIPit.theY'ttett"ci*"1114144:." . ;;:- ' ,.. ' ' ' ... '' ' . r ....3,' . Ilertvill WaS trirnMed Vili:nligl:'4014044riii:e'ii.. A:;*6•!rid14; ' r4(47eig:siarilln-st, At,,14* 111°'-' en-- tlegtliilitrItalet, 4tt ila;e:w9affreVintsir IS:. lig IX itr niiithgr11;,:, S'.',.: • '
!mid milky Mini:led haesoe they Vick OP ..:We' 40- not insaaare the iyou4Wit tgowth. opened ',by :Mrs,;, •Alitngtore: ..; ; - 1.','"igalik., one. beora'.01neh. et :toe • good, .
)114tOr. ;10 Warp Int"oltretniectgeet -0.41i0 Volort4.14.04"ottol:kittOtiiHaTOrlirtiO;km."'Ott. :4;Nylit '04,-4 10,,,,•• 7" : '
riltiiI4titga gait :14 ralt1•11:14014,0:., 4;411:41ivrg.O4.1Mot ctilanneolt1;311t lAMping oth the, flounces end eleeyes,:. pawned, ,,,, yerytturig: ,,,,,,,waft,,luxi.,,,,47,0734 "'it, ,te.iieritt',.tbinItinit, 0%4 but. on .74k,„:1.•.°"vi)°,7,1:1111111e07'456•...4., t oPflii' iko/ly' 41,`40,,tririvxgogrtligtt,','.t104•0.4/41.41.Y•ig•L'hitotih;c5.$4.to' 44,*..gr'er '
ntAcia :L.. At, - - 46. d , •' • -, - b ' _, - -• . - • • -- were heavily binged with the. gasseineW ride)* etrery..tright nitteree ea '04,9$•i,-.. lienhyvanhy 'with MR : ifilye'c erid .• :, ''-''' '; ', -; .'' ' ". - ' •''' ' '''' ' ' ''' - '-'''• ' -
, . ..§Str..-. 7* -49, P. . . w 0. tilier;.'-lre* 104- Ida knaWledife 0.,teria '
, , . , 1 ottlitireeted•Ine that 1'144 le Itteele 'Pro- etre- trere'Ma.eut iiiees' i • efitir,-',01 3 . : : : lit 4" ni)stairs-'. ,7, ' ',';.;;.- ; '; 7 , 00,110C40al•W W4i,lav:.-10,40001Y. ba• •
. .1.7....._,.-!„-.„,--,4-,-1 Only. us , , • , , orpOst,,,IV : t;r:WeCtOtIO,Et 'Pt,(10,POZIIIIMI wanting to "drese orel are so great:00. 168vel: rObberY aad• tdk;10,14eitecv.01, Atte .,:et_heY'ettilYeit .Iar- 'MIA Ill!Viliftilti••7i-iliey : '11V:think . you'd; hetter, ge iin , ie.-, IllIM :We' 'eel:WI...all 'do '0; ''.Pilt .11140rufnatOlt "
Th'04, nOsSiblottes* whim Stettlefillf "teatiOn.- 'Tfietteande Mt ar.reaVlor;. the ...-4-1e---'-']...-ef-''','^'.77":;vi.:- -,-..;:'• ---•!-_-_,,-- - - f-Ai-stc..tdal -la- 0 calla: AONY-04t. -' • ''' l' . rreiLiklhe wOrtil Were kt orretnOttf thot
'. * tt never' IllMita at ' Ita 'a .14.'6 tOt 110010,41..•,:lt:la ''tniii.Uft hY, litten tti-Of
Oft$11W • A NIIIIIT. LAItfl INTO 110.11E,N.,' '; alnerettalni.VraftolOnoy in Minion ad- it is in the wardrebe Of the dresses MI, Years 4 4411d-WhOWIttYelaMer ',Ultinerherne• "-`,‘,, er".4ititinkin,....,AhO bat, se..lattejerzlhe' fle_etecla toO'sta rto•Yeallt•niudtio": .- '' ' ' 1111i.:finetneeaHit,011ie ,deriliatteaf;410001.; '
flectrese Tension Is 4 hying; thing, A lutitintinift„,..,',;.4n. tia PAP It: is an al)* 4 wan allowance that they ought ' to ' feetn Mali te. Pond Ma StarvIng,e •,' ‘''' ' ,,.T.„,.. ,1,,..Pvq..,..“,.:".4,, aa.;. itheY.,:eallt, O ...TAP, QI4 Weaned went. oroalting daNyn, ap :4104 .„paritensi • at least, ea ii,iney
0 00#44.X.,, , , . . life, it 'mat' attwert-eVidenee growth, '..griVIttellert.le an OW. • . , be.• found, and later, when. a kw Veiled "Idy pear &MI,' What4feet .4aVe Offer* '-'9: '-'Wfr4t'' mi0f4r.I.PI-Ikr-•• 'an4 1,0a 'a9P1.0 vttlitatairtrS'i-leavotOR the' leve,t4e11 le -fie 'tee .eoinie ta thete*reairtg Meet, Intritt-ga 40
1211(111tite,Wa9rilb1:1';';14,1!444**-ej'e:*:.-- -..
unktooknotfoot44AgsLopme. . opioto, evil:, 04.40$ lb Sialleberde, elf. 'MO Ih°40i40" 'at 4411°1°, ' Tile.128.3t net he se PrOhlbitive. It also •would to eSo yOU,„ See, deeier:,- Yeti need not.: - 4414ect 4 70;iii'le' fietht et a- ranal°: 71111:: !-:;;)ta':1,1'..'.W.rtr..t.dartiriaSS aii': theY :
g • - . 1 , ef :141t.'1194-reentiotto 0 . C It' :. I, ones get upon the counters, they vvilt edr . .... ..,, , .- ,.,' : . .- . ., ''.' E •
'11*.'"$1,.kf.:.44.,004,4-4.01e1". • ' conduct ere but' yeeceeees et. grevon,...thingtarttlittoly. ini :AttiV soy/1Y- yraY v.. orth the' while of the home worker to have 'the .4iightest enroll that i :shah 40 ,•,•n14...P Ots WeY' uPsItitre, ' ' The POI!: etiteredikrhe..-tlectorkdreiVtin thce.biititis, strong :ova kly.: light .anct.. easily,- ,digeso‘
.000000.. li 04.0 04,41104. ro potting oh ..d.out loaves to..put ,00..liokt4e*'1341:',Vots titttc is on, Be eint esgerintald with all over lace aantiatiste ..rejeln, My ittishana.;'411t.',,ealt.:•Prar V: is ;Panoni, taY neglootea in bis qony.,,.. . Tice- They;)101W,tiliiireaSitadAnCligemiVinit-ta.,tieale. in'. the ..daytime,,,.leavior the,
,. d Otar:, tee% 4 fliel"frein. hi4 pecitet antr bliAtelie$.4. 04 Then ,aterietthaelp., ulitt principal; onahli'lho; work 1.4' Alnishe& . • •
4 being. if Me ,Ompheati ;novae .frofit Ireally1; eln'.•21/Illft„ Welted the better tne lace, the motifs -pinned- on In; tiltab 'alleire tele) need ter .Yottte 49.:60i".tOy: '11,°014,_r_C•91 •4 ialOid into, a .-file' 'IbtlettlE the natriathelletinte;c1*vediterreri' '• ' • . •,- . ; .,0 ta lehoteo, lop., per4004 !.110.,iitiya not.
.., ....... . • .. .110,1totot the poesittly tilla-,bigher fernie-, that , Yoli 'tgall3t go,. eat+ motifs. A Oaring Jacket cart -be 'nut, ot that 1 intry• neler:see him -ligttint'; ' .., :
kited tee eale e alive 10' the b
• li.telteyea:tte .4 ' ' LitneBiretatte„Ige,theed'oseo,".,• .. , • . triads '' theineetees - .401bowbet :laintlitir --: :-.-•
the fear al hell 10 the lova Oa 'tether 111100eiley2bY del, thai•childiellewhints o way ae .ta,add shapeliness, and thee, dear Mrs. flartell, ',,Yeur. husband , 14 le- SiPa•nant. Ile,'Iteld-, ItAllis• iips. '
over ,a11,, end aim to. th9. wider joy° ler are *Ind leneilitert,, childish Werdinesses When they Are sewed down, thablee can On rel.eaeette in to• Week's' Iiine.,4- :'.,Mtith- ,',41 '-tCieW nienlOtIMI:lhe Matt Ivae he, ","Sititttgo..•r. otita the cloo„tP1,1.:' -,,,L.`•tie was 'with .•.twcusnitstry or„.t000s. to try to '
khe •brothero in that Whore tarotWelt, ',Orin, 4, a -400w Mat - the shining ideal be _cot out under, and both the Urchin yoursegivitoi_i;vL1;:ta,lri-ilZiy'rt.,,Siikl .yvtt itigzhi.lxitgt,,,,‘, ;:c- .a6., e,.,,,., ralli,,,,,, tlypgir.).,..:.,.!; 1.."..r.:4.4, -:""" ',Pli' t4litr.ii.A411241.':arlit llir,';i1;:t .ectAitcg '
vv.../trlattVgrA nate or tat' eaties note mean 'that feltnta. elyingt : it, eilli„o7dallterions men,,eefines nearer, motits can be edged with gathered 'eae le oi e ,.,,, g,
Patio vettateare net ea Tereete,' 6. oars mean :that it .0omett. ever In higher, 'CVO '. Diedt :DM Clearer VIsIOn of. as lenalennes.. It a Wash leee ;la °11.96411 inform hith'' ''Fi)-v "Wei :400innou$,": Out, aewlie.iceBeryrBertoti -;-e. ., . :,..„.• ' ' I' 4'.'liteik-lini! tio..zipi.aeoe,set iti;,r 0.01,,, .0_, ,nn n)Annobe vithtti, itio., wiyiclual
..,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,
*(11.104 IV:001,14tootot40" ormiro ow4tera forms beeausoilt llees,.Ae. • • . ...41040.1ety* e0.•,tt teem actually farther tor A 101Endat1011. a°000d and servieeable 'fiirtheritiore0 will7see him enbienedlhe • ,,,Venteaellaelint. is:here. yertilb--teer .tteked sir AaPon.„Y.. 'et' he 20tpketi. liM li: capaeits: (which' con .neletitneti • only be'
1,1r,44sgrhm. .,,,,zirpor44.41.44..1 Nothing wettid be 'mare COMfortable IdVatitt 14,4t.e.Diligion. Mean net the lane jaeket le the result. seepie : ' ,- • . . ,,,e, , ttrdetVorste'. , : ..,,' ,,'.. ' - , - • , PaPer 111'0ot:toe tW4a, ' ••• • ••-• • • , •'' 10101441 Ankftetrittlenil ,A variety iti :diet •
Aolla 0"' o,;tair sietettule Meares than a religion MS' ets'into emillateell, put tb,e putting A clever thing was done by one yee. -
eo Much trouble, : deetor, and I Thank woe 'toile:00d bYeartethee eee..• , - , ...004 ,•011•441$,..rte,'•••. front the Men ,Whe, le .too.,•stelegyeteousee to ,a, .tew-tilitige
"I IS mere than -kind ei F.04 lelake .,,,,','Tteolity,tour hours . latee thie leleinit '150144011„Iir4 '' i ,arn. dyirtg, '3,,h41/0104ieller4ther(11*enotiia - 4ti, diet lhat •
, to intimataveilirelliOdig ntlit4101111ora
it IM.,.. ritsVntir:,:uleta.gno‘rii-Idorm,43Lbag'1E -11xlie.."!itellA.3thicie,n.nrre: lotinlOreiv5c..reug"°,..?Itif lehree miaow: AWahlo Mseactillorteedd altde°enP aee'ininl etb°170Itel°1 ..-ven So Much." .. „ , . , , , , • .,- ..... . L.:13010n • (Red' Ihfie Morning. Can ya. eel' tu 44,%. 'boo', Malt MY. ehrsee.' 0.Ati.', .0*C' the '.. bteiltontt.- 'to uclet-4 ' %sow to •
-is ,who ..v0 , taw) heart • (1)4 to ;law . `,OVM.„ •te.'„•:16%-iiiorellitenese..-te,-thot-enuattetheiattor-outio-nli Atli thoitoto _Ot 'nett ..wouldl_de.anyiiiiint,amotrejgepek eontei,:eit intee::to Merittfy„the hody tee , ort',Carei.-100 all:' bis 0chentes;4,4ittnes 4400 few, AincV4C4,3 in.4angar el. losing '
‘.0...,,*,roixt.ti, ..m.:„Itansetio ikoo. tor ooreseees,, . nue. teo *too tio.,boritt. ehede,:thee-Oritet ,Arehitect has planned a Picket. Some bands, whIch could 'be
seperated or used in enY oft, tuts. I am hoping' eor the dine When. ',Raving' *wed:: eu tfhticvep-,--i4tch. . lers • ' - - r'" . • 7 . •77-- :-/14,-POWer-40--- WS - ga_glitIkIda 0
chosen to match the collar leanotIlledeli: yoili will °nee 40104110-4 tree tvoMere stonily,. tiut owe 0 thirty rion-0 Caw ,',..„2111e 1 flit 011,01)110 Sir Allthel . Ma lise-4-Tenth.., ,,-..M arrlove -
„,• , . ,. , . . ,
tie la • lt0„:444-tint,-• shainieentir. eite. :the lebOr et ..tnelting new : ones... *pie :. . '• ',:c..*? ' ,"':: . , EENRY P. COPE. ' ' i t Ah I I Wonder hew' Many egenen preagelled-WIth.libelietengeinente;, 'The ,7,1•0erYi, th,td I. . wig:4P%. .Besay oa teltxop.•latinta.i. •.: ,... - ' - • ... , • • . '
: ilt 7 •-Xeetr : *OW eteetietea. the tottlet end' Wh itievaWeId sore over or '41#'!04,041 telltidei' .. .
el74. i.,z6iatur Phot-", . the Main parts. and the Tittle' aciti3 t
formed was lovely and cod under. 87., a happy love ;owes toe late? , placenta enother. motel, ealttliiniee tar. , : -
here are in the world wirtafe ehance, .4. oee,o,Inoo wee taken-1MM the' bed:,fintt ler Onvorholarrhalvaege;wotleitthite lethfiet. NO% 4 -
g 0 04$4, -7-TocisTies. Illit Sti NUT S011001i iv. -otj 06 .
.: ,. : . ..,.. ; Some of them are cut so .short and eo.
thari (*cigar collars, except for the slight
ilitrin'g anyway that they are little mere bearDra Capargheetrsoukeded Maio heendslewommeoillinctits. ton. Midi Ids Place... , .. , ttlyiev,,L,,avl ho4,0:7 blot. ,,toilect iv mi .own . _ IIEALTH NOTES, .. 4
at the bowed heed af Beryl Barton.; .. Darien .:Swallewed kite eereftnly ',toted
The' doctor mixed the draireht, arid ris weapon. I was a desperate men,. She
great, -stake ,.
A hunion.is nearly; always,catised. by •
wive moue,
'i Ott tia D. No. ea. o,o,p, length. under Me arm. i "Illen,-4i-*It you Were free, there is the OWL .The . eoler ..recedect trom 'hie, tontuthehtnYo,rit.to%Pulellul,°r- taco. Beryl bcidll
badly.ditting. ,fo.cdtvehr and •peinted/oed ,
eifiniir ',.ili tt dot ,A, eg iierlartro:' . FOLKS
. ,. One of the newest achievement& of lue
French manufacturer Is a laee 'atter someone, -who, OW think., could melte face,' the heert seemed ' tleceatle. beating,. add .reMoVealt Inessitre. freta, the htln.
weer'', boots esincially made, •
r , ea,htgaz.layegg; .. APRIL 22. terete*etiaD',0;60045.4600010605atilta . exact shade of "old lace," that wonder,. Mrs. Barton raised her eyes to his,and corpse,' • , '• - • - .,- , , ' _
Carefully areaughig, the . blinds and ilarton,, arid JO WM her 1.risked Much. len. When i+aitt. and Milentaration sup.
Ode, some apparatus may' he :0004 ta
i , ell Ai tall :nertiolitaris Clurry threed arid patteen Which fs' In the Yott llaPPY•t" . . ' ' ' .,,. ' " . ' arta to ell intents; James 13artonwet e I thd not knOW • that you- Were'.1oltinit a
deye -let . ever INTERNATIONAL LESSON, ,
e litanueldai7dithicjict,g:vp„amreo; ! 1,..agaritiodset‘obartum utrultithteu. We. tee- into. normal Potation.
gstm iv. Jesus, the Shiner's Friend. I eaerebefsechu lat'of things •
,..o.tEN'uoTtiao t.00ks. 15Q years. Set inte" blouses .of 'tinny hie "Yes; I belie athisteitet-a,Man." coVering tha, body with • a SOO-, Carp.
en na an insertion, lt Is 'charmingly. be- When Dr. Bawdiest Carp '.1eit 13eryl set 'himself lo, await the ' .cimeing ot Ltoobego.,....4.his. Is 'it meet- distressing .
eta. vlortem nrette.- • fui tone taken on by lace thin . has hue then tarried ItwaY;',, . . .. . : . •
...• awl •pahgui, • reelady. Intense Tate
the' kinds ot white when It comes to be• doctor as referr•ing tie himself, and hls "This is very sudden. Dr. •Earp. Nem
tie; the deer in answer AO a ring, -"^"- too thenkfut 'that my wife hae been..1:10
And AS& that poxier, Dr. Cern. . I am only
spared the; knowledge ot -this Iforror'the back." • A strong 11111Ment .01 bellte.
uttle.3:e 'neither tint' e ner Inclination to with itlibitity .teestoop or bend the beak,
n;experlenced, anti severe pain in ,re.
of What 4 known aellne-"Sinall of .
:- areeitive ti e 41.4 . Age*. e-
ft ' . .ilottlen Testi .'1.10‘05. ;GO. • • e..krtat4a141.11ned., tong agm.
LESSON WORD STUDIES. vv'.Alinfeltljt'Itif::°14%:'rjetircite*neortt st Yealf
Silt' th liff'ihat I remember best-
s oio.._ 14 a great. point to remember in the bue• of .exulting eatisfection. Beryl's &tate-
coining to the skin. This, bY the 'way, Barton; his handsome taaa wore A, la0k Beryl fiatton.• An hour later Im.hueried
Mg of laces, especially of filo ail over mmt that there Wes Senteona Who -could t ere...stood: on tlie'ateps, not -Berri, but
kind. There is no end of difference in maim her happy -Was aceepted by . the Sir Anthony Lynch. - •
.1t:;,-",1,(.t.4:,t1 t. t .,
-itiAKERS . g
' ludiesi
'.'-' ; used. ea . a. basis for .tliese mid '
. Are ' the things that used Ito happen
(Metre all over lace ean he. found with a the p.ossIbility ' of . there being anyone Self.. so she askettme tie:conee. I 4,E1 --A; which you. prepared for her. we are donna, chloroform, and alcohol is 'use.
sgoee_inygott..tt:grao:„ to-triorrow, . and I eaa MI to relieVe pain. . • ;
only hop.e that neither. of us will ever
.,..,\. . . : Note.0-The text ot the ilevleest Von, The,Miet .I 'Most can see-
vomingness. Once in a while even a selesattitiOtt egetient would not .pernatt Bartoe could ntit face the , ordeht her-
AMIENS ;: ' Between this lesson alti ibe late Mat •,.• Wiled Mather: looltad at ma certain dolness df tinge. Beside thedead. else. . And. so Beryl -**neybr knew Of 'the Piot .circillation, lad verY ellen cadged by the
footwear.' • :Socke,. if not changed tre-
cold. feet, as a rule, are due' to bad
_ Jim Barton 'Welt; we, wereArt the Orli- . .
,c'fir..':1,,'.., , wee.*
itt MattlieW'11. 0-10; Luke I.' ble Ithe
•ttst et a last message to JesUe, recorded
The nitMeter waS PreYltr, ao'
• • WoOntelrerin' Out lode,- , ' wh,„Ite and the more yellow varletiee it
looks greenish, though it is not when
by itself. • . ' ,-"Sir Anthony tynch.eegoing to call on Eitirfori did' net comee as there is a Jpeat .
a man on hoesebriek approached hite. "I run glad , oh the whote lhat Mrs.
As he walked Wards hie Own house .vereity together." • .
. .. , ,
Where you eon get this for a, mouse:. Beryl,.1 suegose.• It will be n geod job 'risk of infection. The.. peor tenoie dtea asonatrgunillytomnreeptbarrseed;:arsruilnatonhelifree.; quently,. and kept clean, are a cause of .
turued to -England with tier hutband -Coldness. Weollen socks, cork soles in-
be,placed the seeding by John the nap -
Otte •-tii*,,in church, when me an' Jim
,The. Pettple'S beetle wait bowed- Dr. Bowdon Carp had disappeared. side , the boats, and, thlelt, sUbstardiel
'411erk::f,'.'il t:',';e;ill.Ing.e-,"I would "rd'
' - Moies Smith " had been as good as ble !cale4e 13-21716thelirol II aW2.4'* man'
e7.4enititil the hIggest kind et joke you can always be sure of something hie when he gees abroad:" - ' , . -: -',. of digeitherta.7 • - •
Whe#,,olother leaked at- me. blouses are feats of elaborateness. There 6 ,e„„ • 4 ., tending from the hip-jeint ta the calf of
Scietiea constete of an 'intense pain axe
'Abend I,' IMMIfie bee; coming. and which inveriably attracts "Mor•ning, elocto.ri Italie you nein to
Blit .thliig4. got quiet ralher quick the- artistic eye. The elbow sleeves in -
..............-4—. \
:gseed.into the seenedarkness ...
tro REPEAL OLD SCOTS LAWS. the leg. yery otten due to consdpation,
is always a puff at the tole, as a rale, ex -I • --Ices; shes pteittlig up' nieetT, 'and rather Yell did- not wine. farther . than
otwe edrnomison,dacy risikor.". up. .
trig to Mill. . Slicep3. have TOMIY:inem ''stairra; rand . • . •. .
— and. will ' ditapPear with the Use Of 'a
'An' t404,Cerieis al:Onetime& When I think treniely short. Below this :is often put , will soon be bee'. old Self alport:
on a fandy lace band. a couple of inchell iTin glad to hear that. I EnTE InSt 'go- "
kgain*"in',Sivinitnin'' .with' the boys deep, and made like a cuff. fintehed
ee , - • Naval Enactments Against „"Inelet goactpurgetive, If due to co* or danm,
\ "Yet ; thie ts Jim ;Barton rigid \ , ' . iron" and Football. ''' Massage anereserceie well- do ankh tit
smell--bilider „plaeleter-nlong- -the bourse
tat wbon,-1 tot MI41440=3 again, - "Well,. let us get down again ; it is et tlimpain .will„efien give- great vette!.
r Va. hattAuc.h. tots ot run
4 ,44.sf t'lltitit'in MO ter Ma- siart ,ot the ;room
not -good to remeln . up .here. Ho* does irom a scheduinot; a BrIUSh Parlennen.
Entertainment „Is seldem to be had
':Dettree there by Jeries's run; . Mend with a narrow edge, and buttened ;oil ortnaltiee. . t am, ,4orrleeeel .t0
'abolish." -
"Very quietly. Of course, -we cannot tory Bill, but 126 pages, containing the Chapped Hends.-'-ln cold weather st-
eeped, tiny sentiment, It is a hap* ree names of obsolete Scottish Acts trod) ways carefully 'dry the bands after wash-
ThaV_nic, When I was awful sick ing; never allow the motsture to eva-
Titer `saltind at diff'rent leeling' comes
en- 044ther looke 'at ina Mks. Barton take it Ye
4 .Are'itte dOeter shook hls -bead, ... "It is; rind I hope her future. will in poratee this ig a ceuse of the trouble..
An."...avery :.t.late pa came around . the bottom. and an undersleeve °flee°
le worn, but not to the wrist Its of old. lease tor her." '
Si:me measure Matte up forethe uthappl- of Scotland wiehes to .repeal, 'supply ftt
1424 to 170.7, which the Lord Adrocate
once a lessen in the qcots dialect and with Miracle pintment, vateliner celd-
Bekire going - to' bed rub hands Well
lelfte,rither:'her hatide:.on my hue-
iloW soft. they, Wed 19 be-' elbow. where it fits pretty tight, ' 'Kw nes.e 'Of the past." . , • _ •
"Thank 'you," onsWered Sir Anthony; deed, dosvn to the, Onion of the :Partin- cream 'Itir glycerene. Those who cermet
'elikeyea. Vera tv,et and red, ' It just nicely cevers the band et .,' the MI amusing commentaey on life in
Scotland' in the Middle Agee, and,Till-
SOMetioteethe yintreseemed easlea other nretty eldeVe finish is a band . of "It Will net be ity teutt if it does not:. . . afford. medleaments-' Will find.a bit of
' • ‘ . .4.:...,:-...... the sleeve above the eleoW. The sleeve gear -ether kir years,' I runt:Mg out to ments,
contemplated ''ne longer exists, 9r by
mere lapse of time. We quote the more
be of vattie, liecatiie Me stele Of things' mutton fet ioncookee) Very effective.
Draw on an Old pair .of gloves after
"„teleinit. '4geessiall on her lace. lier eornplury, me?' • • . •
ilianks,'"1 shell' be glad 0 you can anointing. - _ , .. -
winter, oXeept just befere .going to bed.
"I mean that:Beryl and I have loved The Acts in .question have ceased to
• , THE WRONG . WORD. • • Is, cut in a d'een instead of a short puff, Japan in tefeerdays. ' We shall be mar- • • Celd 13aths.-The man er woman with
ineertion edged all around emit „and
When Mother lotiked 0 me. aides litm a cuff, but fastened itround "What do Yoit,mean ?" .. -
. , , , ried by specie' license, and she %Atte°. the' Metal • courage to continue cold
down before her inether. 1`.here tvas a Interesting title's.' with Me date i
trite forbodyne he the law.
104. -Of slauchter of Salmonde in tttbs through • the winter will Seldom
suffer kWh colds. Avoid hot Nati In
mother :',.. looked dotteCut li,er with a come to the Ceremony, as you are suelt teed
chandisie in the ratline and takis mons
142.4.-01 strangeris that sail; mer- A: hot bath epees the pores of the skin,
and if the body is afterwards exposed
, '
r, tit
an iiiiders
atebefe'etariteetotatid dealer's
VerSe . One of the Pintrisies.-Froin
veree 40 beleVe. we learn that the name
of Atte Phaiiiiee referred to watt Sheeny
tiMegh nothing more than may be
:gleaned teeM this 'eaten is ituctitm eon.
-coning the auto.: • •
Deeired hint-eitittattAn'liti"104 In-
SONTSIllizia‘Priene atiotnfertui%3r;egannTit
was InquIsitive to know this men heent
a closer persona! otiservation. Ills ine
vitation SeeMs to have been WhellY
patrMItting in the tipirlt in which 11„.
WAS extended, and may possibly haver
been given for llte Paridete el
the geed will ot, the coalmen people,
who tegardeteJestle tie a prephet, It Is
to be: noted /that the Pharisee treated
Attie -hi reSgeet AS equate -40d -
stilt les% 12$ an honored tripad.
Set down to fecitt...or, raorried at
tahte. 4 Otientels *Weevily sat erose.
togged when eating, but in Palefelile
the .Oreelt %Mien euStorn of reclin.
mg on sloping cobeliee• while the 'feed
was served, cm Et Smell. teble id
front of the couches, had become geeVe-
37. A wernan tvasi bribe any- sttittei ;waiting tor her to speak.
That is, whe. vena Well knee.% In, the .".14 it.•eight to tell things •that you have
city. it noterlduil sinful werutrt. _ Atari:fit eehoole", eneosked, setnewhat
Egypt, man rases or Ottaits ,1.•,,'"1411!t 'lltiless It can do someone good.
Alabaster ertige-u'Ai AlabaSMOM„ift I F
rare perforate end ointments were -..rilett, and %Mid not be telling Another's see
viticittlVd: °rat' lonflogntento°11:1(11ttei,ntiltde:"1:11'...'"194711;stilstriirlgleor'aciti, utit011Yit ts about
alabaster* Or ttlabastron, ram tn. lie some. errs ut oar jamil4„; so it is our
oat et. ail. vestela for, holding such SegreV
nueree, whererer made,. or ot voludeVer, tri; 041 nfarti,j telrhttilitheirs,ttflueite.; atsolitei doeemer
icete.At tho -toot uti;trliogt4twho.,,vittl:I.:ieitegiirt.14elriaho,aeutrluelettrneeiteis down
Plana and frattarates thrmilted ao APO'
*004 .
Iiieh;igsrsstil LaVirsOrs•
tal Firelniarauca Go.
, 1.,, .od lio'Ai•,4 tool ProPerty In-
'' ' ' -' l.tiee.d4 ,' ,
' Value of opirey Planted ' hp to
„ ...jed141,0r.'10011 At3•04140*Ota
.01illelelt, ig.:54)4440.4irtrita-r.t..n,
Votkon.• rrei 'ttebb4. 4tilphoi T. 0.1 T.
- trrater. Nice,- restottit. .tusieenon its„
0.4 .V. • ki. ,Ileyee, :,..SearatersoVreastu!
or,,, $iiiiiorth.l. 04 v '..1%; , Detueetet,
'rotor's.' Aliliv, V.; 94 ,C1*'1)04e, 'Qin*
, 'ton -r. OA, .I.i •*litt..• Oarlock P. O.:
J.,' Eitaiiji., ,peetiNltriatitl. Z 0,..; .11. 0.,
, ,Akieve,. witithroik•-,A14".,„“ 4, AMIE*,
, Atirls • isetehathatlV-i, -0,4t Ivo; Melnik!. '
'llettfortli,r. 1X;; eaeh 'the too,kotot.q
•nreit 'preterit to, 4!,ich they, *Mar,
AttlihOrrbi ,i,,,.: .4 . Yea. Itairasettlibtir
' '4*Inot . ','Pnrenitattor •Zithiondvitto; -3.1
' Itinettle4-Swifortliflt. Otelthe Var.
iottim- :,, . ,, , - ? •
•Ptittey ' ttoitteitt••• ban. pay assess4
' Morita anti ott,titatt code Tecattit-
' ad at W. Cleitle-Dlinten,„ Of ilik Ide.
;din; Ittair:',Valtiesi •OtOttnag SOO*
Oarithe '' : „. , , .. :,
' ye i)" ' 'e: ''''.*4 .: 't -1' - ',V r -
. . , ,, ,
And 'Ards
un the back with liny buttoris and loops. to Japan a y .
This is above the elbow frequently. • "Ahl ° you. diplontatic fellows de get
A pretty way of deeling wIth a silk or, about." 4 ,
linen blouse, which is supposed to go i ' .With a ntnelal zoo the two men went
with a • skirt to maten. Is to make the their different wayt, Sir-luithony to
short cuff turning up well above the el. feast his eyee opal the wentan he love
bew. The sleeve is left a little Wide st , above all others, And the (teeter to- an
intervime of a fae more littgleaftant, Ila'
titre. When he•reached home he rand
a gentleman awniting him,whose ;pelt
bore the name et Moses 8141414 .
."Now, 13r. Carpt I think I have ar.
riVed at the mid' of ray patience. 'I. hold
your bills :tor MX) odd. I do not wish
to do anything harsh,- lanunleas yen can
to remit helot), the et_give me -something more Deur prdmisee
lienowt1.1°w134ereen°111.1#itis finished with an edae. .1 muot proceed; to 'recover ray money,
The band dividee it, making both re short "1 arn sorrY. Mr. Stratti,' that I thaw
not been able- he lake ihe bills 1,41),, but
ond n long Tultr• ' . fee you to *cad now wont& be Ms.
Annther ftgvre IA that elatioretion. of
a black Inee blnuse nart worn ever a aS,etrw°Phsaeatidde ysrallerieoeVeTUYetVlig." '
white (bitten slip with ft yoke of White
tilsh tece ehowina above. Col re. h AA "Supposing -I vie's 'to Marry a, young
---0- -Pee- whim with A10,000 a' year. III hoe oWil
In the heavy corded kinds are Mime -
live mntiritad over white In, this' Way. right ?" ,
"Ah 1" t
"It cvould pay yoU , yery Much . der
be weft^ and get. geld In' ruff than he
.the risk of .a problenuttleat dteldend by
foreinglete Into bankrupley„"
. "And the clumees ?"' ' . .,'
"There are net chances; it is a .cer;
,.."Ilow long de 'you Wear,. • , ''
"Renew the bills for 4"iiiiiiitii anti i'm.
sign tor an eXtra 1460 by way . at in-
terest."- .. , ' - . '
' ,„ "You era eitber. very conildent, -doe-
rot; °tiro 111°IrnYie 4)371)0Werailittelnglintleltrierth4 .1 S"r4.1
Will do tt• - but, reveerriberi I than he
Baste elitne ha from SCh001 And sat
"I-1 congratulette you.".
an old frieed of Beryl's."
"I am afraid I cannot manage that, ,1424, --Of &tying at the fut ball. - to a cold atmosphere, pleurisy, bran -
ohms, imeumehia, nee likely' to result.
arrangements 1 mutt pi down to Ply. 1424.-A/tents heretuds and lollardis. , Aw Irritating eon& Is not always due
mouth tor 4 Weele Or ten days." later, tine meetings).
1424. -Cif wapyrischawingis (archery,
, to Wing a gold; it is wery often a habit
when sir Anthony Itad gone Dr: ,quhete pets (white peas) and behis. acquired during the period of baying
orie, and enema& is more of a net..
vow, reflex action. When you find
When I have seen atter the funeral '
Titievdon Carp nituliteeted his rage in a 1426. -Anent the sawing (sowing) of
tektite& -All hie, Mims Altel'e.-dleastet and, mende to inglignen.
1427. -Anent• 'Upper (leper) folk.
1436.-Tuletting the selling of sal- -try to check tbe inclination. and More
you are getting into the habit of con -
Mutiny coughing -a drY. sheet, cough
often than not the local irritation In '
your throat wiltdisappear rind the cough
variety of ways. Ile considered hfmseff
o the letle notIch nearest the- Wall elld
away train Altd tette. . : In' ttabble,t rOotre-Say Mat soirienmee
. Kissed Ids letdr-Or, kiesed Me* Or lie dotknet ItnoW anything I" deetareil
passitmatelY, 000-5,,,vito yes were,. wide with her
,St, .Stialie 'within' himself, saying,. trows.,,,'. rptio - osi word Imo lame out
Stfah, Were hid ihottgitts. with atreng entrasike ' _.
' A prophot,-15 0 aneleht attillorities -4-Vg "I ROO Iter tenet hatte learned
reed. the 'prophet. - Watt lle sal , her mother, smilinit
she is a sitirefrAive. tan imagine. ,. the. ; Illteit.titty.' the !nostril(' bah a urootttel
disdain of the .011410 -teas PhertSee At ttitio:wolk 'WM§ And Makes him say tut)
Ile etildetifillated thlla lo lila Owlt•rignm. things trree4attee her, trid sometimes he
a 4eitim no.voitig, stacum0-,..took secuts.toknow MOM, end' thet Very next
knew telt Weil that ,ho bed net*h&11 Art.; is Alt.tibmitir!„ said mother, , , .
vited'us, a litlend or; bottom', guosti;titut Ptoyeettly Deb* cum to IMiti school.
eiso Alia learieSsnesi with Willett he ',1111. Al .0 .hillY ettiVA:tighla. eller the 'othem,
-itinaiteritA Vern retreat lb this inlirty tun:104m were ratt.troya orpott,
'1',Slitibli?„'-eloto both' the absence #0,hd.ociostelv% . •
somittit IMA 4ehal4,..at116' '`.1.Wat AO *when ho ,coitira 'tithat
Vitarinfohl 1113 n\II 1/"" "4 'ti 14$ "tT111.1,1,tetietttlebintigtryiterisTit;
Can't. oil martryour 10$4044". '
, trwalitiPtidA7sit ii:!‘, nbedill:tit'Itillt,i'aiieel:t:eilottltittteirtulleagt:ea'eUetiViei ttellittePootitiii41041t, litstood:14):41it000ty: tittid'' his* tuo„ tut:Atitittirlikattleatpter anuaaw Isbehronzt recleorkvbeilt, Zeisiottagron'seoltdi, silobtot',,, ." •
1 IlllitteltocIsytrnthr ja egter,, thtlys.buet,
2 "fee the fondant ot noiy-4•Zutchi or 4
, Ttte Mat ttegtfen title in Ms iterieeas
1,114tV‘%„i..a-vil.-ajiier..-eetlettrinth,ilettitert;woztit: ,01. 4%0:04 ."inietztrei,..4,i496100,001000.1-t:ei,1466k146 litiv,tivorlitootreitaftivt:tiritliil,rethelevirengrinri zolt,,,,,hatti. ho. Flid, arle:tptirsilleil troolimt z,ts .Kplestio0,,ultyl;nogn,t*hg meamowhite yea bag batter stay. hdre rout variation thereof.
pent an The te-- i e t 4e hen le 41191 tho Verde' 1441 It Old 6- ' - ' - - ' - " tzt ' - - "'''''' 111° tif* °-1i rli§ 116 ' d' ' ') 8"41t* let t'S''' •SifilIPV° linIk' allez' °II' I • ,
tint the white underneath needs to lte
accordion plaited and noi. and the %vette
tn he rich and elahnrete
Crleired melee ere on Mille ripi bitntee. ,
and if one Is going tn inthilee In dry
eleening. It mekes pretty pA
kin else the cheaper lace edges. after
baying been tint through the platter.
t e t
h. aquED crtv.
Pcastints Discoyer Ancient Ruins In
The following netve has been eceeeied
the vialon el poses snot loornetT WTI ,coleur51:1-Thet-mr-Scottleman---beln2- In
In Me near IWO. Bat, one piece of the 'realm° ony Inglismen.
rascality Wetting tamed, he was quite 1475. -Of courtiS of guerre (war
re:gate:I 14ITIe.:ltheert17.cione to' his Sences 101 (by an extraordinary misprint
again he was rell) eager tor news, , given in the bill "1847"). -Of the execu-
"Wellv OICI,SIM (Mine and thed tears of clon ot the act anent the curnin Ea
"No ithe did OM tone; elle sent S'ir
. Courtls, -in sobre and quiet Wisa
regret, and .rePerdatiefiV'
11488540.4:ThThaatt Ithh,e8 Caannste7110:f Dunbar be
jeiTlIntioubaAtneveirth taAftgrottoapnllatoethillitliasuojaeyft, molutatiblei„theri_ext tom, days Do rtawdon Asnli",e,rit4iir;gitYunsitYngtot,litintiWsrt4e4iiida.htlin.,titris destroyit.
tit P6Shawnr' India' rwriv Arrthanistark ' thitvn on you 'Ave minutes att.tr the bMs Seotland be
the mon unheralt 4)044 greit baro_ritere „, x..0,11
guaed for Dararalw. Seon atter. his carp was a VerY MitY Matt. Ite Dahl "ti cloy1,601er t:enrstnriaortirlYAio*ri'li'd'r all °lir t°1/1" wofhlitt41;:preVitel:negd7}InArtegnWiceiQeltinitir:inleSiontfetit'inhael AtCmtheatisent odf
arrival at inalabad the AM,eer ls sald several Ittotto to Low", owl motto toot too ery g my am, , not tx easily perutufeut
Prinee inayetulla Ithatt annouilerg staitiota Sttebt. ` ' b.0,‘ hoi.otth inn,d0 to . , crown° (iviary's to James. 1..).
to have received n letter treM ynyAexibus arrangemente h011eb 'NS '•
that WWI° eOliblVtlatIllit VOild'''M he: 4-vehir,,,.. .1,,,ofore lott ttotiott re" e:,t'PPY et, tirn'od,.•ohd a tht• oe 11:72...4--4A;111tie ttheeeatfi'dieSttlIestislutil:leti.ot
^b°1111 lin.64testv° iteltv%tillcietTe hi°11t1tvetPella tiVaL' etatiewLi.""imit:ge,111,106111! duistyp.)37tbAngtde ,titilhe3(tekcuLlttinlo°f 011tiditizt6e7h8o,
ea:uttli:filuvieeer neatinesepoot amticiee:14,11,0thiutgse; 'ruw4(01 .wg:nutwa: tem. seemed io '00.,,,t,sTereeleiug riti4emult a goo:1104mpg. ,tot to koop the h6,1:10,0i, meet the tgrratis 4.0p.
been :despatelied BM teethrtathil ,twou hha how. u „this voiont, hog.. t ledge frern .
litotteerittct -Natal letian to gurird .ttie '• , eS cf.'itarrio's "t,ittle
"What 6. Marl you are, doolor I fly
loyal That's ()Botta.", •
4.• 11 two. Itottat*/ °hillitIg4114`°4 "I 14'Wtr Wow, lemos but the Sillratlrov 40 • I, 1610- haiittueling 'and apharell,
00i E.410000
When o wanttio'bett
to be bad in,
ow 11406' 440.,•Attp.04.. 1,,,..tittim,i,,zir of. vottoottti,, , , ,, ,.. . a ,;, ... . 041116 rattle, Willett, 011 fu bet eitiroid&'' Ile 'Wee alitteelo . -,elhetlie. herreni of intik Ald. :Me Otrattgo, totv'tilat M,tires
• . 45.` Pa' libS*11Alti 4" 44 Ine° ‘114 1 4O6 ii.lilciaiiiiii-"Y" ' 4 : :"•,"0"'" ''."104''' tIO-tArvisiteit:ttos. spot oott ,l0000. 'the „twos or ' 4.10 •Well't bite ' Aventy4Our tours, Aaltetv-ealled and teelt entraynattiee(eemlinatti‘S. DI- ,11.ardglid'Illik• 4::tiarte'01:::::;tAra.; ''iln7tA'11Stirli°111neb:'°'kt..Y'P-°t ;:hearitt44;11116:1111.
otest101014 6°11. 'Ar' lo) '''''°- ' ' . 4halaahaelatititithg)y at Ihtiii( • .4'4,4i • . 41011:4 Prat co bt vtiu 0.xttioguir rite, 0011berla. , Coot made ' m enroll ,rx, lime, ,,..?,,•_ , ,.. , • ,,, ., , , tit ,
Jolm th lei iit 11,44 Itr. ti..; a : , .: sot „visual, yvi, 4,c -it. ,,,,,„ ,,,, 4 4„ .1). Nom „our, The, ,00voreor...,' trowt oinitiatiOn and. *brit; dailiataire rigaite, lit IttOtherese et tee e:v m
ouaitotteet,•borinet tatty not•be beatturul,
'I, VOW% iltafit ;hi. VOPC'ilt 'miltk,*,tleit • -08'whiAlook'0Axi&;tohli'po ,,,,,,;',1,i' tit 44tge gity 'with shito ..golc4 telnk Alio Lite% • ettall be. ilea V01101'04 tifrt.,' et lho OtottlitqatOiViet101-.01 13e. tlatIt'S ' ,:'' '0401'10 141)*efilt. *hole. ' • :hut, 06100110g , her three its4 It .does„ *
,kovii Wet Sreete‘W • e -' . ' ,.1,ite Wt. Lulu e4:', ' tie iitieo" '-' W.. "1" "U. itlettiptielt Oh which tutihotty 0011 rolot. 1.1111grOvhtufttli a ttlehae' }tom Ito 'toile sehetite't hhtA:Illt °ha to•ersa ,ne 'Wto cent An logoro. to, soon shit redo tho eaepe. efee free lettre telds 'yeet In ilnd
Ari : Alle bead Witit,011,Atiou dhtst not. .. . \ ,YO ,, IA . iI*11 Vs', Tbo ,gtoy.btordtil . moon Thiti. am, Mellen 444 14' OM° t°04. era lrIllakeYe,- sr:4(4140 ttle,Ertwe litiqor .106 IMMO 'or 'sea,. sett Unice 'Of Diti, Dotes Iiii. night, goat v0.0 -
t .
. , • cm,16;siontytmetilwatitt,!0:11,;!:03'9.44-o!ov,;,1101.171147ttle.':,hol_111,idc: :„,;r1:01.1t11,110,,,,,.. .berti.t,mi,,ttet. 01.4013,1ii:,:itt,,,tpevtti,ktplioloboti.i. ti" vitwilTirititlikibt: 1 tt o‘_6'vti_ iti_o' •0:xt 1 ritzir. birortiv.,‘ 44,6b:ttit!liti_mtit_hfoeteStlitb.it)rofirt(V AoPt;tt6ettenYttittilitioftultietwril,:tiwt:4116..otlaletl,ottit,:ttotlbolYteieti.VI:otiitnilirrig,;ttn101145:., ::1,61Altititt;thsgult:Tatitirtue4h°111:whOlitatt, .11H00-4ti:tvatilil'.8.e,_74. .1' r..ttatt' ,:ehl,:..inat4i141, •Ititotitt't!etts. tlii,t;11:13110' yg:,,,Ic.ith',Iiii:ritiklitttitakunillt:saa°.:th:acttlit''$dii°11.01411.661111.1eutlottiftitrtditnna ' 6 ' * i' '''"'" 4", , , ,
• eee ' - ' - ii ti n yitql tElOst, 11101116 ' • ' -
**Ark (60 P*1,11d giti''014:1:teitrad..1:11411114114 10.4Ulitql- nOttf. *S.111t6.'4t1,%t.-6' • 1 Wog . wait Agewsk, 00 ,oritio 6011, were, teat he'the ,,,Viieer tor ' ' ' ttl" t . . tiet bed been 151%4 MI6 daY Ile reeented,JIlitiltifereltdiell that eut -lie ' bar shedaw§, • ,,;.,„...' 1414"14*--HIttg".14it!;. ..'
Alt :kind ot COAL, 00 tikittitritt torthnoultat'l,11ttiprirsi. 747341-ipi., "il'f'''‘' \t.fi. tidivtoriti: :told, its Mace. and Itial.1iliktrilinavtre hullo, •tvittlit iht;',:i7egiaew tat-iitet4:410,t, gati-eh lot ste ,Antbqby uu, , eee;:ortd....,yrees, meg : t roy, ,, who, bight bort . etivtibited, .,,ttieso
. ,,,E,v. the-trefietira et the 1.4111r Wog§ 'Some •
.. of .theso 'Markt tillanrtcs1N • , . ; alto ilho jitiek rik, 10 ;1" Iltt.' .'!t l'%'4uW' /°/It°1611`' ' ' ' - ' -, titittd* of vlatilloorwhvolito porthok Abbt bad been tfulettY• nuiftled, ‘V6 -• Te le' thelltite- of the hIlnd Mina Sap ; mine eit. fontidling Sadie Tsthelt
, , ,, ,.. ,,,,,,4„11i4,041010,1,101,,,,tuo,ti'"1:111httr4 her I 'Mit' • ' .. ' • ' • ' ' .', "'• • hi% klooecry' wes also regat'ao, ee ritVeritinelY. .15iirlitg the Meet 116, litek Oetiding'...,tctetotiY.0.011!..;0001r014t* die Message 'Man 'end volliim. ...Vroill ,,. 14400 t° Git°414"' '
_her' lot& 4 Thblo Ito -lotto loO4 Ott' ,• mat Amenity ite Amu. and. ho heq. tIlent taut • finite*. bid atter lie lad tells 10 eflitifillf ler .setem: , , ' . old, men, horatriolknItef,' to, YolttittrOS , View rittn,„ havee, *Otto of' fiction •
liatliat' '4 nArtiftei°14:1"t"'"oil.7.1.1a-riewe7iiiiit -lirifiliS10-0; 'Wyo. all/ illaW fill Itil4?..kleeS •goillet. la .7.,„„r"e7 e ' ''''`U.-- ii ,G einenti: th•ttort '': 7.'' satisfied ,hle 16011ter ield 1)litniett filillScif Tile liiN41d. :00-1m4. ' -tilt' 1100Pt'el).".14e:t* It' 111•6t' 1°11""' tilt* th• t?' Igttnt'le!* i4Intu'e '141g4 II*1' ii-Pl°1 '"4117 ride. lellielli
6, tt.1 iblik---- 404—' itTg: hiltrbl.Millq. ' '4446° WIth 1'611141114 lig ' '' " Itle" "et ''•‘6. VIDw 'llavIl 1,1%4' nitim. t A olli'lattd (IMO eatogieheihtit several' lin* ;tad •tbk titt. saw tte lit A able .nselltteefiebi all, d..,bbe. 'we, to• 10..ei,rdn: blind -Pt. (Voile' 0 .itiNt. ria biddikertb,,erti441.ttlin- , wletidillettallaii$46 -iimerteo ttg- tittil,Rir.ctrris 441641
•for the postman* ,iindylhtit She. fit'oro---vxv- h. I - . Ord dog , that' 'clot, arid Urn - te- ihe dOetete'e-. . Iterte : tellbli •hlte 104 • Old Ititneel t eliforeede eY bidet be + . .„ . , „ • . _ , - ,
11„esetel hie Irefi onil.tuid ottobittirmertt
. *tot prortitte...-ntnimetiti thua.mtecititi 't1 taaaailault:);"11X1,11114,.114040c1:44'11.44:1%, ii%\v't, co.--1.7-rsth' tog' blo'hitrairlo, be!desiittlelied ." 'Mew, Allem WIlliVe your gamer tee_ tittege7,. :_„f•titItil,.v...tmuertio.l.dm'i,,c,tiov. .Ttrittlx4401-: Thirleitir 4.ayrall.1!vogughmk.thryt4ilthlta*htahhtltexidghtt, •ototoardritilowtir llibadbteilrlathitzlnottoitteor061
li 1st lit ter. marks with ore to flalat , ' . . ' ' •. .' Verbal.* it *tuft, be,batter It I asked. ,,,,,,,,..iow:21,27700,,,,,„7, , 4 , , , twig. ,,,,, • 4 ' ci ' , too lit ,mts.. liortotd. of' Iltroffidg atiaai
The . ItatOWTalla '11% IttglialllStittillalim Ut000 dist. ,What,,ild. yod,inteill .*lorwm. '''' . ws.' . , oeit: ' With. ptetiet' ItheMedgiti, ttitiftiti by •talthettt, Lortdotit thkeitutt :
HAtieigtSi.,1"1. V"' 443441*:"*81114 01,117.. What/0 Ye' tljaint . Kr Wi'r4 tntIliftlintlit"e11411':91,;:gb'Ines'• 1/11.4.2(!elti%.'1::nlirat '':i.:i rttg:itth.011Z14:114. liZet,414:Ltilittlgt .
hee iiiheeited all bete Vied toorteY. sago tom 1.)t..•0404. *Wing 'hint to tfidet ttew moog oteety titive, emcee -lett tee: tatvuot latter t„,,,,,, , , . ..
Mustard Lotion...41a
did for rheumatism, sprains, etc. Mix
two °miens ot mustard with half a pint
ot spirits of w Ina and two drains of
catelphor. Let it stand three days ln
bottle caretelly eerked. then strain tt
oft, and keep closely corked ht a bottle
ready for use.
Take Care of Tont Syes.-Don't face
the fight when reading or Sewing. No
meter ifyiree eYes are ehaded, the re-
flex rays strike front your berth or from
your sewing yotir eyes. When your
bath is to ,the gam the rays rebound
aweY from Yoh, net tOward you.
tGood tor the Thrette-Eviley Morning.
briforadressirig, eponge tbe neck. throat
and cheet With eold water, and rub try
With a 1410 bath towel; net only will
this malte you teas liable to take cam,
but It Will broaden -Me cbest and 011
out the unsightly little helloWs. The
throet alete Will aeon become round and
"A Oneltereere" phYstelati;
"tieret eatcrid eel& IMMUritty
Otte to -her *Met. If bed fret way,
or US, Wallet htid. Men would
MIMS bonnet pea.
All Coat wet
, Seale*, !Nib** .1,041
I ten.
We 13 0 .
: re4r. Itlemr, tr'TroulltiotINti-41°11111kuPelittliers'juel(We Loik"ttn‘alove' Inels7'.1i-11•6141 .tuvhollttl_t-hettl'eltthittlit
*roan hoe ite e; 13; L, , Awe*, 1410 tilt, rfttlit 01 00 Inuil to Out: witt.ienevret: \Thto r say tenetreteille: •Ited
OWN side vi 111*Wilrer pt0.104 , SIN ingots% ot tbriet, le fOrgiee Oat her-ee knr , What 4 teettr I.Ittla your nob..
. : , , Tiol. ae.the 'aenttota• would, eette ta Un-, btea fare vies ?tertian:ft' to Weer.
avowed ta. .c., \ Ply. ;Hie civet, ht her 'heit0 pretiveit.t"Wheit alio aayt, %lye ma itt eteuter„
to .— • Ta t ilite ,le Mt Cate le metto 'Plate by sbe 7161% It: medal, Ibt,1 l.heleoottieS,e0hani 1'
''''''''''''' hevenne:1,theeltdisrinelic,ite4t.ottuh heutitti.fillti* kr, town., herr aid Botbig, ut wen
, Ihe,•yThet ant al Meet itith him,-- %ander. nItity, talrtatyaw •iyaen 'hit
• Inviota gtroR, toitttntly itittall •at ii.lo niti t"will tell bet alit •Ihe..timettlee.
i I, And sharing Itie &Mighty Writ work.* Mut he 41144e *Warr Meant
1 voncotisuemi, The Wait "iattl * tog tod beat made igale la Wm,. Mitt
.10 r. peel le rytatittl. es in revile 'Ng aaatitto way4 Wu *SW. to Ma shad
/he rd,*mtay trims lo trio ettet ai llat: ,
a itit ... - ,, ,
-' 50. ray fiellh fielh solved tlite-lhe
•onnt litith hat born Manifested 16
mole to annitera Into Op
of 3tattc, tad Mill nv)yr by *
ropentenro. And rfirvottast. . ,
-Peavi et siAelt I
rwathwyg Imo a
,ilia iptillmet.
flop, trit
teem he* t4/4,‘,..1 41i6 tretVilla tr
kr= 4ot con't
lase wohwil thia. Vie !mows
,, TIW. IlltalEst, , ,
coo ettztfiralklitli thurtit. Ire.
of le. we eAles47 Die root."
Drown. lealteliey. greet
SS II 401111 4 year. ' . , dos
. ,
h trli4tirt4 tam ut, vinti la vite-' him At the (k/IttV ilow Ittin :tor, .dt;)1 in the bunted bOdY; Itthototarettlitgps Mud Frier10-ePletiSe. he illint ta ltg.
lith- eel '
.r „ ,
., ,, Of artive iMPO thee* a 0 ' th 'Will treble tieW ata int* boy„ e em nying, ft tere 0
wee me meth:el. MP" It' 40::::titt thy: "r:rstke"snettonundt:rs 14o.": kiusi:itItings:ctr 'At.nthiln ,,It 1: keti° Ithiollyst: Yiriegiiielviittl). olmtlf:trlitrulegerW:eilliiitheeneetreligileltiltittetthrittlidv tittlet:wthoetsh:th:ombuisetkirrettelpFritnitkIntostliTrott:iitittlitle.
*Wrinit Willie tint sorn3 mere tiksi Met ,S,41i1 ift ildY w*Y. Or tetfightleeit your vaq deer .,,Ae Aloofly, I hews some
Me." feared NVIlliee mi guru wiimit 4tt thathiee,
• tightt tot a Itutbamtt Het l'ORDIS Pdtwodk terribtee Dwelt : to tornimmtcate. I Toy youtake ototta et yout. body ettlteryilf;v0. sou, t itiv hist fining la
"and whet do I Mae tit ittrr ingilleteet "levet b"Vit itt611 iftfifra". 11% Mb 44.14 i halt ictirmnadyetibthithe6101111MitheidlonitilGioth: 181:_lcorielutyltnitpiletton6educti:e"loi hwittin.htecoafegra. ritteilblatliti -arothdoltrofirlYe IgvItsh well ‘
*Wheteett your , beam' le. dead', t
It wat a the ehltittn'a itee'llette Mat Vow, fatheMmItilv left elf Ids monev id tog ettreLtrain 10 wife. ,, tetiY. In then' "1"1111' **A °I /1" titt41 Mineable* I teeL, 11, almost, bteilas
travelef, the eetetteited debititelie, and htititt to toot with him. if vou won
\mom wis aebbing Moly ivlille the the hands of trustee& ''Xiihr Wile it tO Itt doe course the anpointment vt4.01: the newton hypoottomiae, or ihe wo,
Vital030 itild lit VI1011 40 Alia Olt Atitital. tettict 41* trettfla at 104 MI AO keels* hag, WOW I*. CIO lifteltreed I limb)
"ito.:„ttet7:0, wil-10:nttihehIR:tciphytittgenitsmettAhloks,:•":eirtherttlrite511:1,611:11.10:"4:vrettarulltht"troli;eitla:hife:icp31,11e,,416:6411::: '',It!Id,114?Itikii61:741111:laidur:AttAtilY6inInf:rdwolei‘eVdn:111.7tE'l:rntttlf°°.t,telt:r th:::m:n.Pakiisit1111:: jois!!:
n•ss gtvts mom Ili A i 6 it r Mew. 'Ad% one ''''t the tedY'IIIIIrdisfia td
hateraly, boor, itt mg dist.** Auth *IL at the Child IOW * ttem*
/ ,
OW rake.
r) KWAl. hart a 1110 big Oleo ut pie, '11i;ou go aut. -Thet at III aey. ro at*
%Ito r la Mire APO * yeti" ea "tau Wig lel 'YOU that.
"I IMO Vilia env plc* ytIlvd Wont. alaY nut 01 Failthalt butt ityitehi we Wits
"Wan, MY as ta.lurim• Mita whet tat /km Aft holdIii4 *MI do . .
rat want: OW, th* hoimr$ m 4tvote., 'Ito ex.tertyto WIWI etleht "thrice* thet; find I
Miele mini**. II 'Maim*, ttyrit:Ie."
"I *ad eon* ni 00 tett that 14.401 •''v‘`elti Ws heyd Itnea to ut "'ion Merin Ift*:
111$" eelmo warm. AWN Is ISM* UN* dedttd.." '1 WoPi *Wood MysiC
..,..t. t • ‘,.., ',.. iv 1 P.1. i
' '
"vtlaa 4144,4 that ;OW* Willi
al lir 4441Orkirr. Aorterr
a dada iot Ito adialeig ioanstrew.
f ,
JattelitOALIEeet...10 ,.k