HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-04-20, Page 111 circa/idiot* than *Mom in till* soction tho Countifot num* TX:XXO XCIX.4.Z 1•113317ireV.kaanira t:CH:in 1::rtsi DERICH, QNT0 RI AY* APRI,L 20t pleTreliVreNTRTIOAne WItttideale. ines. urriarria.okyouro. re ill 0. yowl" AtiviotteTio, TAR' $,TAIIIARD LOAN': colo.Axy *60. t. Aso. tt, -4resitors tonshler the-nisch/0.st '•fibertli le; cointnit. It, When deString adrice or inIoLnestiOn reftelAng thrit tatO. d , 'Pee anniints nta Meaty ban be witlAra,om lAtranY Ogle without -0°0'0e, ' „ . 01 erWfite far OUr little h904.0t gOtitled "Setae ;cerdilesi Whits" Vint f.101ornintait"mittioritoii 4to a9ctipt itoposits. ,„ oriA,Axo Ovnca 7, -CM PPIerkg STAXZT . , §4vAgs, ..v4 I-IORTON, s it t -OST OR POUP'ith D$T„ Sable „MUM liet,vaitut South street and Ifttrel, Hetet: H4rallfen 'street,. -Ott Miredel evening, Alikli 12111,-F1040C Will Ile rewarded on returning same tfaares Hotel. , „ , WANTS. AltraWrh.h.-ocod steraar bOY.itior 10 years V V WI to bole eotrentaara , Apple to is. O. • A'rriliMe ' , IRL WANVIDFA for Meta bollseWer , A ply Mean. W. Teem - war, corner E1t,, Day mul, toted& gits., 1-4 • itv, Thrt.a. exolliurt? nttunk n vint40 tno °fifty Shop, , attest. Amply persona Ir.tor ton ,narthatyul• Ittehiln WANTED. e'er Jt.: couple witlitwe children. harlot, and. bed- rock)]. with two bode and tele et. batbreora fer eumbier menthe. Etate. Pali% sew 102, Rode- ric% , , tt ' WANTED'. tor ilpOtaica wdrk.- Asp io E.dvo,o1 - VOR..SAI..E. OR TO LET'. FOR,street tind &Catania Bead. Apply to S. garde -The Property on corner South A. IWO, Goderich. Fort SALE. -5, Small Safe. in good condition, aheaP. APPIY to H. W. Tool& • sost..Mrtiggicit, " Lets Die late Mrs. McKinnon. West street, • FOR r- 999, Goderieb, property of ' amble let. largo house, and good stable and carriage home. ApplY tO Picot/Meow. liars St Braun, 1110111SALF. - Brick house, eleven rooms and 0 e liar. woogshed, smokehouse. PtiAbte, orchard, lob 877. 6, Andrew's street. Terms easy`, 'Apply to Jong Mostrnr, St. ,Darid ktreet, A n'erenEs F011. SALE ---Several useful .11a. bonsehold articles ter side, such an a • Challenge' Heater, good as now : Hardwood , tiVO Sidobbards, several Doors, Sofas; and other artioles, Reason for selling, no room for thelu. Apply at STAR Mee. 6 (: .§laciatoLles, LUMBER; ETC. -X. XX and XXX Shingles. Cedar Posts and Plank. so Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, eta., etc. THE GODERIUH LUMBER 00..Limited. nsiROPERTY FOR SALE.- Tho desirable property on Elgin Avenue, Goderieh, owsied and occupied by Dr, 'ittely. Good holm arldtwo-thirds of au acre of land, with choice fralte. The house is heated by hot water and bee all modem Improvements. A bargain tor any personAvantinglirst-olass pro- perty' at a 'Moderate price. Apply to or'address DR, WHITELY. Goderich. 1310APERS FOR SALE. - Several hundred JL copies of old newspapers for sale. Just the thbig•When 'you are houneeleaning. Apply at STAM OFFICE AvorioN SALES AUglayr*j00041144 7.11,440. ?an OD WS, D. ATOONIEN will soli be public auetion, the ltvery stab* oposite_tho,C011gorno HOW. Godericit,"bn SATURDAY, APRIL eine cane meaning at I o'clock OOP': ;five yeartold driving tonre. sired by eteneyt Oue,„year-ta,gelditigs,.arivers; 1 throo.roar. uld aolOtnst Siteck by- siosess. ogee '240,e, aam b Starniy;•1 eitoyear.old driver' pen4, nevelt Yeare Old, breken to ivititilo ant au% ' 4girtUrgrt tz-b=r,w, ...; seeonn-hand Wagon s 1 reap waged, mutely neW eeveria second -heed, leurelee: V noW cutters ; 2 seem:id-hand cotters; 1 •setdou. bit) driving barium ; 2 mete tingle harnesa, romerle nelva Mottle pilaw, now ; cook stove, 1 second-hand Deering meiVer; 1 pulpor, new; 1 pallier, leconitand ; a largo number of good rawhide w ps and other articles too meneroes to mention. Ternue-All soma of 210 nod under, cash ; ever that entount 0 monthe credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount at the rate of 0 per cent. par annuM allowed tor cub on credit amounts. D.310. BAIK.E4 Proprietor., Troia GUNDIM, elletion- eer. At the same tirne*and pltnie will be offered tor sale the barn on Elgin Avenue, known as the Garrow barn. It Is re good structure. Terms Dune months on approved security. REAL ESTATE AGENTS yoUNG &ROBERTS0N, seaL ESTATE ND INSURANCE AGENTS. For soling,_buying or renting town and farm. y._011,7n Bull Life Insurance. Mee. ant , rtHouso Sentare. . ACCTIONERRING el_MORGEI BECEMTT, General Auctioneer kji- Hantilton Street Goderich. P. 0, Box 181 Varm, farm Omit, and all other sales will receive special attention. I wM billy your en- tire steek of Household Furniture, and will pay spot cash prices. Let nie know What you have, to sell in any line. or can and see what I can sell rine, - GEORGE BECKETT, Curiosity Shop, Goderteb. HOTELS. rrille HURON HOTEL. Goderich Ont.- yhoroughly refitted and modernized. A homelor the traveller and !armor. Best dollar a day hotel to be found anywhere. -1.7. MOB. RISEY, proprietor. cfleesgreitrAreelr THE eN747.e.Me'eaestaff, CaBORNE HOTEL ?I BELL & JOHNsToN. PROP& kept.ettit8tablatilr'Llt7 'VA be t';)4 /111 and the pat _ago of the general publri; is ecepeetfullysolici epeeist arid personal attention win t4 be paid to every department of the busbies», and Wes hope to merit 41. fair k share of the tratelling public. tr10 BELL & JOHNSTON pi Row arittivrAireets agoszards>476 •;7$1._ MEDICAL Das. EMMERSON TURNBULL. as T. EststglisCria, M. D. W. S. TURNBULL, M. B. „„ Offices 102 Offices, Hamilton SL • 'Ph""°"1 Residence 121 Night calla for the firm Dry, Emmerson and Turnbull will be anewered either from their office, Hamilton strmt, or from , Dr. Turobnll's residence, Nekton street. - A_U/CWIRRAA 1,40Julniaffilasl? F U R Mt JAMES EAGLESON Will sell by public auction. at 1Ss residence, East street, Gode- rieli. on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th, com- menting at one o'clock sharp ;. All his household furniture and furnishings consisting ef pictures, carpets, curtains blinds ; 1 Art Garland base burner and ifinen 1 coal cook stove and pipes. nem 1 sideboard 0 dining chars; kitehen (Maim 1 ann chair 4 reeking chairs ; 2 Parlor tableig 1 extension Mble; -1 easel; 1 largo picture •• 2 iron oed- stends; 2 commodes ; 1 oak bedroom suite ; 1 toilet net ; 2 kitchen tablea ; 1 eaten Chair 1 stepladder; 3 lamps; 1 hall lamp; 1 hall reek"; 1 wash tub; 1 wash board ; 1 boiler. 3 granite kettles; 1 gra.nite pail; 1 tea kettle; 4 flatirons; 1 Luke; 1 hoe; 3 largo 'creeks • 4 small crocks ; 4 dozen' presort° Calls ,• t carpet stretcher ; springs, niattressen and numerous other ar, doles. Most of the furniture was bought new vrithin the past two years. Everything must be civisposed of, as Mr. Eagleson is leaving Gan/rich. Terme-Cash. JAMES EAGLESON, proprietor. Trio°. Otrivonv.....sinetioneer. 'sPOOIAL., NOTICZ IMO ,r tithi letedieg 4041411Yeetile ill he e,httegod 40 fentli runIf ton ittoe 04101400.. Itafre O. the eieln to Teeple etreet eeiVettiatee avhiaae • ef.Iretngliff 140 La sseW 1941141,3'11444 Una 0;4 these who rage *Verb' 04444 lairafittkie hiweligg.40, fie 110 'Otherwise eihrottf404i,q eentartible. , vt.Vr,* ' 11.ogair Notices. ,Baby"Driat PhOtO Stuatft, 31,444dRA. APrUPO, *twit the thgc, • St; See. that Pine 000,10 Snap In oUr wiedeveattiol.Y lee, Per 'Wet twOr for Wia-alis T4044437,041lrilif Writ. OA p_Or has e.' ear 'Wail at OgilVie.SHOY01_4/001101101.1 ffinte in $ Mid gardett Wean 411 kladsk Maio sate of „cod roost/Moats. Ice I feel leer Robert Clark in- . ouzo Waged Panel* that ho haste° °nought° supply thele Veneto foe the :mascot of 1908. PleaSe leave Were 490000. ' The Selling out 'tale ob hardware smelt Hawkines continues with utiahsto0 tem. The' toluene odors have benelitted Many, 'Weare infortiled bewevce, thateevend hardwaret Men *retrying to buy the?. stook on bioessoulgthey vent:eel etawams will be out ot bin114100a4444f1A - • - • One of the .greatest chances for bar- gaina *now goods this Stem halt ever seen. Pricea completelysono, Shew reennt upStaltli AWL deNntgaillt. 14 'trill last for 10 d.ers, .coinmenee on Eiattilds,Y,4Prilffiet. at *O'clock. Everything to be' solo Se4 circulars for full p_artiotilar Qao, Beckerr, 'Curiosity Shop, Hamilton StreeP. GoderlOh. . GODERICH MARKETS. Cereals aro at but week's prices, there baying been (inlet markets without a change. Hogs hare dropped 10 cents. cattle unobang- ed,and spring taints) aro worth front 21 to 15. A. J. Cooper muc Shipping ono car of peas and nye oars of oats to eastern markets yeater, day. Current wholesale Ertees corrected up 40 1100// Of ThUrada0 Fall wheat. standard .20 7910 73 0 73. to 73. 2 * to 2 30 ,, 25 to- 2-26• Bran, Per ton 19 00 to 19 00 Shorts, ,per ton 20 00 to 20 eeniniss, per ton ......... 18.00 to.18_ 0 31 to 0 Barley Peas Rye Buckwheat. per bushel Barter. per lb E.ggs, (fresh) per dozen Wood, per cord C Hie ex ort Cattle, o ary and butchers' .... 3 53 to Lambs, spring 4 00 to Sheep, fat ....... • • ; • • • • 3 2 t° Hogs, live weig t 0 to 90 Hdge, dressed 8 75 to Hams, per lb 0 10 to Bacon, long clear. 0 14 to Hides 7 00 to 0 70 to Talloiv, rendered 0 1 to Chickens -barnyard chicks, per lb 0 to -orate foil 0 10 to Beef, fore quarters . , 4 60 to Beef. hind eliarters fl 00 to Potatoes . 0 40 to A UCTION SALE cuis 1)WELLING HOUSE, „CIL TIM= LOTS. A.NDA QUANTITY OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MRS. ANOUS NIGHoLSON Will sell by public auction at the premises. Cameron street. God - °rich, on SATURDAY, APRIL 23th, '06, com- mencing at 2 o'clock sharp; The property, consisting of a comfortable frame dwelling. containing parlor. sitting room, 8 bedrooms. kitohen, ete., and 3 lots.viz. 1178. 1179 and 1180. There Is a good well and a first-class orchard of about 30 trees. The laud la good for a garden. There will also be Sold at the same time and place a quantity of household furniture, consisting of parlor, sitting room, bedroom and kitchen thrnitnre. stoves. carpets and other articles too numqrous to mention. Terms on house and lots: -10 per cent of the purchase money to be paid at time of sale, balance to be paid within 30 days. Terms on furniture :-Cash. Everything must be dis- posed of, as Mrs. Nicholson is leaving Gode. rich. Bins. Anoos Nionoroort, proprietress. THOS. GUNDRY, auctioneer. TIM A. H. MACKLIN, M. D. Sielciatt and Eintn. Special attention to eye, Oar, abscond oat. Office and residence Old Bank of Montreal, Opttofdto Pest Gince. West street. Goderieh, 'Telephone Zits. 1M. PROPESSIONAL 1101t teleber of P.„ al no, eto. trontetuscilo,_ Ha_ nit,..eflidentreal Block. cor- nA., 5 aMa *Nrar veTtatAtoTV. diesom certificate 'flinitY College, ,_London. Eng ) Organist an ChoirmaSter Keen Ckritelt,,.Goderleh, rig.11 orPitine, organ._einging. Theory end or. EIMMO, at Mrs, Mellonald's, Bt. 1)arld's street, tWOdoots west of Victoria St. 92.3 moo. I DENTISTRY. .crltairr*,,. 8. a ed. • Meek, uoderieb. Dr. Turnbull's old PUBLIC NOTICE. zpopi.suootun Good Vrlday l•erttrtelt fkienilly rine iiiMek. Peek, .140 ell '00 1'40. ShOt0 440g% t,11* ,Oonteiltitl‘tit being the ot "(Ioderleb' OWOffh4f ‘tiOderich 0 43 to 0 43 0 73 to 0 73 0 48 to 0 48 0 18 to 0 48 7 00 to 7 60 0 18 to 0 19 0 12 to 0 13 5 oo 00 25 to 4 76 4 50 5 00 4 00 9 00 0 16 0 14 7 23 0 00 00 g 0 11 6 60 7 00 0 46 Own. rilleMen. he watch 'wog wen contested* the range* Wing aldandliOd yards, live shots et eaelt. end the 1`0, salt a• for the Goderleh team by,* polots, 0 following wig° the abont- ers And their scores; Mai, towIstrue. W. Chlrbohn, 11:t. Itindell, ..,,,Si 3. iolloam 4i1 . Newootarotr:.jr.. Fs li- Veattea. ao . leetbweinte„.., J ChIshatai .... . Oa V., Teouse.,,.. . ...., $Tailor.. e .. 0.0. *** a, NoiwooPielf. 'er..35 ,„ wauace 37 It, eded...,.....all 1_41 I., Sotat -.. ' '''' '" 'le Av..0 414,w4"...:::::" .-§ymoas... ..... ..rda- . keltri;‘,,x , Am-fleeing:4W 23 4. Porter le9:1 ••-- ee. Tote!. .... ,.. „Sal Total- '.. tal -MO TOE FALL Pam.- The boardY"of the Great North Western Exhibition met in the Town Hall on liith ind. aorl dealt with a miniber of mattere of mo, Went tei the Exhihition to be held here this fell: Seventeen ot the twenty-one Direotore were preeent and all heiketily. ditteeed4into the spirit of endeavor/rile to make the G.N.W. a success in I and the best 8 day fall fair in th Province. The collection committees reported very large increases in do. nations and an extra large ;mentor of epecial prizes promised by the citizens. This, with the fel00 epode' grant from the town, puts the society in a position La offer, au they have plumed a motion to do,flflp et cent, more In their prize list, and authorize payment ati soon MI possible of the prizes vvithlield in 1904. Special committee were appoleted to revise the prize lists and increase same aa ordered, and arrange for the print- ing ef the prize lists so as to bave game in etroulation as soon as possible. - Cattle and Hogs' at Toronto. Sun Oillee, Tuesday evening. April 17. Dealers in Torontc say that while there is no otange to report ta prices, the feeling in the market is weaker. This menus to be true of tho Old Country bacon markeL but is hardly in accordance with tho facts an far as live bogs are concerned. This is indicated by the Par, ment ,of 87.60 at London yesterday, ri price practically equal to the "oft cars" price quoted in Toronto. The ehortage in borne supplies of hogs is, as a matter of fact, we believe forcing packers to pay a good deal more than they would be if supplies were normal, and really more than the hogs me worth. The WoL4Davies Co. qiiettOotrtiucutt cars at Montt's, pointa at, $7; fed and watered in To. ronto at $7.25, ahd off cars In Toronto at $7.50, Park. Blackwell St Co. quote hogs off cars at $7,50 to 87.60, with fats and lights 2.5e. less. AT IT AGAIN KEEP COOL We are again in tbe Ies Put3INES9 and have a eplendid stock in store, which will be delivered to all parts of the town. Make your contracts now, or leave your order at the office on West Street. Careful attention to all orders, prompt delivery, and prices always right. CRAIGIE BROS, Phone 24. N OT ICE TO WATER TAKERS ON SUNDAY NEXT the supply of water for the Town will be drawn from the stand pipe, (while the main is being connected at foot of Harbor Hill) and all users of town water are cautioned to use it eparingly, or the supply will not be sufficient till it is again turned on. By order, J. B. KELLY, Engineer. TO INTENDING BUILDERS We have constantly in stock a large supply of Cement Bricks for sale. Call and get prices. THE GODERICH CEMENT BRICK Co. . GODERICH 190114 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT 1900. Of the 41 0. hostler' Derorathut cage:roam W. E. KELLY WATCHMAKER, JEWELLitit NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Page The Greatest Carpet and Curtain Stock -Hodgens Bros 8 How About Your Fencing -C. C. Lee 8 House Cleaning Time -Beckett & Staunton. New Wall Paper -Geo. Porter 8 Property for Sale -S. A. McColl Satisfying Shoes for Men -Wm. Sharman April Specials -W. A. McKim Lovely New Wash Goods -D. hillier Co Auction Sate of Horses 6c Cows, etc. -D. Mennen Auction Sete of Dwelling House- Mrs. Angus Nicholson Auction Sale of Household Furniture -Jas. Eagleson Some Good Northwest Properties -W. C. Goode 5 Buy Your Spring Suit Here-W.C. Pridham Women's Relocate -W. Acheson & son . 4 Opportunities tO visit California -O. T. R x To California and Return -G. T. Railwa • 5 A Coming Attraction (local) -Gordon & Bennett New Hardware $tore -J, Nicholson ..... 8 Ice (Special notice)-Robt. Clark Royal Mousehold Flour A. J. Cooper Safe for Sale -H. W. Thomson Muff Lost-Farr's Hotel Girl Wanted -H. W. Thomson. Castile Soap (Special notice) -if w. Thomson Selling Out (Special noticel-1, B. Hawkine. Int. at 4 per cent. per Annum -Standard Loan Notice To Water Takers -J. B. Big Mill Flour, Big Loaf Kind -Western Canada Flour Mills Co One of the Greatest Chances (Local notice) -Geo. Beckett Girl Wanted-Ge0. Beckett At it Ag-ain-Cmigie BIOS Boy Wanted -R. C. Attrill A STacem CONDEMNATION. - COM. plaint is made that anonymous letter -4 writing is being resorted to byclome person or persons to- injure or- annoy others whom they are not in accord with. The practice is one that was thus condensned in the soolety columns of a well known Toronto journal a couple of years ago, when the evil was somewhat prevalent there: AMR fl CFIVROMIS,* An interesting meeting in eillinac. ion with the Lord'e Allianct will 'held In the leetttre room or nowt envoi. On the 'ilerdeifire 140040; • 2ilrdr4li alc 04/4 "ddreal be liven one by Rov. Is AO 0 4,U4011:1 the 41'Teanaintfa oda TOWN. TOPicii, TbieWeek STALL adcartiselnents will ba found Intemsking aka prolltahle Leading. lintebers Morrow ae $01moton have reintsrlialseledrat14.thatairtiostilltoeptuatextrtodwerron tet: la patented. the other b. Ilev. $, 0,1, . The litaughters of the Binpire wish 7r4 °tei tOtt $41)0811:1 1131 '00 Iiiirth." Special music a.. I be very ftenerous donation of IMO to t Oil Ilindrancee to tile iiihr14 to then the Thimble Glob for thor provol . colievtiop low also be ;loop niti fond. oaten on behalf of the funds of the At the lest reitulat tnecting of God. Won Council, No, IR% Canadian or - The evangelistic servieeit In North der Or Chosen Friends, fifteen ,coodi. Street Methodist Church etre being daten Were initiated held every bight this week exeept Sat. The fine weather this weelt greatly urdaye Mr. Malardir AO Ole, -faith- Molted the attendance of farmers 111 Wand -fearless preacher of thniaospe o*a, Oa nIeuRbing and areditlf are and has had wide Ined successful ea- luring pushed all along the lines. ranee ; everreue ahould hear WM. Pulllpft,part of the fence down ID. la Fl°°4 alft"g t4t "oh beryl"' M. Ellie 'e reeldence, corner of ast • will PreaCh bott:::74tornillit and and (Umbria streets. la a great Itn- eveigna on atillaft..Y. On MohdaY provement to that neighborhOod. , evening_ next he you owe an address . upon "Popular Arriusements.' There %aline Bros. have ageln opened otit wm o meetfoo for prayer and in the co business and announce that feeleck in the 7ture room, wh eh will be °livered to all patte o Christian fellowelq Sonday worolog thy bi‘Ye' 714)13414- Idglqk stPrei The Vatter oentu anniveraary of tint Wwn' On Tuesday morning Wm. Rogers, he formation of the choir of Union by Constable Phalen be ore Fs.°11oardrgaedn. Oharch. Gederich township, was eele- of no residence, a trail, wa brated by a reunion at the mange, p end Bast etreet, on Friday evening last. ' sent to jail for 30 days with Forty present And past mem- har4 IE(bc'r. bers and their friends were Per MOO to IIVO without breathin aseembled and enjoeed together the is tibout as likely as a business eepetitiOn of Benne of the old thne glees, live without advertising. THE whiela surely had been Meet thorough. RIM STAR la the local paper that most ople read. Iy mastered from one book, since the Pe rendering lacked not in vigor or har- Recently auctioneer Beckett sold the romp. Ali of course Were not present, Wyatt property, on the corner of Hu. but a telegram froth Crystal City, ron Road and 'Photon street, to Thos. Manitoba. and letters from Sarnia Jewell, of Colborne, for 54150. The Tunnel and North Dakota, helped to household goods sold at good prices, remind thoge present that there were Conductor Ausebrook has Ituproved many who would have been present his property, corner of Nelson and hate it been possible. Church streets, by moving his fence. The Wee Easter Day services at St. He has ale° adopted a geed plan to George's were well attended, and the prevent the lazy ones cutting off me- oolleetions up to the average for thnt ners. day. The floral 'decorations were At a special tneeting of the Cones - simple but effective, the chancel. read. late Inet. Board held nn Monday. A. ing desk, pulpit Ana font beinil adorn- M. Meyer, specialist In mathemetics, ed witb plants and flowers. The aer- of Beamsville, was appointed to the vices were all choral, the programme teaching staff, vice Mr, Merritt, re- published last week being fully carried Big_ned. out, the instrumental accompaniment Hayfield correspondence Expositor : being supplemented by Messrs. Harold On Wednesday evening next, the re - and Reg. Blackstone with flute and nowned Goderich minstrel company cornet, and Frank Doty with violin, will give a grand concert In the town adding much to the beauty of the ser- hall, under the auspices of the Lake - vice. The ohoir acquitted themselves ei football club. very creditably indeed, and the entire Mr. J. Nicholson, who has had musical service fully justified the hi about eight years experience in the praise given Mr. Cuff and his faithful hardware business, has opened out for choir for the excellence of their rend- himself on West street, two doors ming of the church service. The rec. from THE STAR Office. His announce - tor, Rev. Mr. Turnbull, preached two ment will he found on page 8. excellent sermons appropriate to the 'On Tuesday last a citizen received glad festival which celebrates " The from New York City a 25 cent hag of Resurrection," the great fdundation or a fertilizing phosphate which he had the Christian faith. ordered, about three pounds, and had ST. GEORGE'S VESTRY. to pay one dollar express charges The annual vestry meeting of St. thereon. Some reformer should tackle George's church was held in the school- the express companies. M r. J. H. Ward while nn his wheel on room on Monday evening, and after tbe opening exercises the rector made the &ware Tuesday, turned to the lef the annual statement of the church. to pass a rig, but did not notice a se- cond Vehicle on the left side: the latter It showed an improvement iu church attendance, hoth Holy Communion, kvulled out hard, the result to Mr. regular and extra. services being more ard being a sudden throw, hutwe are pleased to learn without serlous largely attended than in the previous 2.e,mitn. At, " Is there anything more degrading than the resort to the anonymous? A dimy snake is an angel completed to tho individual who will me the anonymous means to injure another. 1 :11e lieVe there la a special punishment devised somewhere for the welter of the anonymous letter. The author, man or woman, more often Ng/ latter, is a mischievous reptile -the mean- est thing On earth. Poisonous, mischlet.makIng letters will do harm just as much 08 you allow them lode, not more. As to my opinion of prople who send thorn. well, 1 am so sorry for anyone who has Just that peculiar 'cake up that I cannot give an opinion. Every sneak- ing, low down, cowardly trick performed by a fellow man or woman shames us all, if we really fool our brotherhood. Over the thought ot the anonymous *tun. my blood tingles with pain and sorraw and regreu A brother or sis- ter of mine sent The more one lemma the lesson of the Master, not a mouthing of broth- erly love, but an identification of one's self with the rest of humanity, the more one will regret, the more impossible 'It will be to alb in udg- meet." OBITUARY. Devis.-Mrs. Patrick Davis, a for- me' well known resident of Goderlebt died at St. Francis' Home, Buffalo, where she had resided for the past three years. She hell been in good. health until a few days before, when she was attacked with pneumonia. Service was held in the chapel of the Home, IMRSI being celebrated. and the remains were brought here in charge of her son, P. M. Davie, arriving by by the 1.20 train on Monday, and in- terment took place in the R. C. ceme- tery, Colborne, where her husband, who died about eight years ago, is also buried. The late Mr. and Mrs. Davis were two of the oldest residents of Goderich, and were well known, Three sons and one daughter survive: P. M. o,nd Frank W., of Buffalo; John, who is at present out west, and Mrs. % tn. Murray, of Scrnia,. Xotun Twits. PRAISE FOR GODERICH TALENT. - Miss Maud Tilt took part in "The Festival of the Mies," in Massey Hall, Toronto, on Easter Monday, and among the comments by the city pa- pers appear the following : The News : Miss Maud Tiles singing of "The Light of the World," and "Love, the Peddlar, wan highly appreciabed. The Star ; The solos by Miss Maud Tilt vvere much appreciated. She has a One contralto volcomnusually clear and mellow, which prom. Ises even bettor things. ConancTioN.-A clerical slip in the paragraph in last week's issue refer- ring to the appointment of Mr. J. D. O'Connell, quoted the Sterling Bank inetead of the Sovereign. It is of the latter bank, which is now doing hesi- tant oPTRIAN. 1-.7:-.%---„,--ness in the Jordan hiock, corner 'Colborne street and the Square, th Mr. O'Connell is now manager. si ceeding Mr. H. T. Rance, of Clinto who Was acting manager for the ti being. ISSUER Or MARRIAGE LteENtileft Their fail line of simples are now In um handa.of their *rent, sir, A. Sextet. who win 1,-pral too SAMO tO pier reildenee rior lasneetion. Thetie paper* 'unsold at ornitto plicoq. Drop tt witatO Mr. Eficutiet et quer° Word at hie re- eldenee. Quebec' street. Paper Hanging and Do - candies attlaranteed. ALL KINDS OF COAL Enquire my prices for cash before purchasing this sea- son. Have also a quantity of Hard Wood. . ROBT. ELLIOTT, Phone No. 70 South St. of at 10- n, me I3UCHAN AN. -Ear y on Saturday morning last, Janet McKay, beloved wife of James Buchanan, sr., Church street, passed to her rest in the 08th year of her age. .She had been poorly for same time, but until two or three days before her death, a fatal ending was not anticipated, and it is thought the death of her son-in-law. the week before, hastened her demise. The news of her death was a sad surprise to large number of friends and acquaintances, for the serious turn in her illness which occurred the Wed- ne,sday before, was known to but few. The late Mrs. Buchanan was a lovable woman, her kindly nature and gener- ous disposition having endeared her to a large circle of friends and acquaintances. The funeral took platen on Easter Monday from the family residence, Murat street, in presence of a large number of people, Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, B. A., pastor of Knox church, conducting t he church nervice at the house and at the grave, The pall -bearers being brother elders of Mr. Buchanan, Messrs. A. Seen - dere, Jas. Mitchell, R. 0. Sallows, Win. Warnock, D. Stoddart and Oeo. Stewart. The late Mrs. Buchanan was horn in Scotland, and married her now bereaved partner at (Minton in the sixties, shortly atter moving to Goderich, where she lived till life end- ed. She leaves one brother, R. II. McKay, of Walkerton, and one slater Mrs. Campbell, of Alpena. The former was present at the funeral, but Mrs. Campbell was suffering from an injury that ptevented her attend- ing. Of children, seven survive her - 3 sons, Jameo, George. (Cuba) and Walter, isnd 4 daughters, - Mrs. Sharpe, Toronto, and Misses Alice, Emily and May at home. To these, and her bereaved husband the sym- pathy of the residents of thin part of Huron goes mit. The deceased was an attendant at Knox church for a very long palled, and her appearance at almost every eervice within its Walls, and her faith In the doctrine therein preached, made her one of the he surnmer. Two of them will take best known membero of that church the Lake Erie and QVIralan Bay route, in Huron. She lived a fairly long calling tioderich on u and down trips weekly, while the t Ird will run from Windaor K incardine, teaking three round tripe, calling at thin port six times, three up and three down, weekly. Now that the time for the arrIval of pageenger and Ineal freight 'steamers Is at hand, It would he well for the toWn to give the harbor front Ito an- nual spring cleaning, anal have the coal elevator shifted to one end, so an to give the parsengers a chance to get on and off the beam The dock needs the clean, and if the 0. T. R would reneW the decayed planke hetvveen the rails. the,front would he id a condi- titan less likely' to cringe accidente passengers and people who require to pass along the docks. To listens or PLOITIL-The North- western Miller of recent' date quotes the following circular lamed by the leading baker(' of Glasgow, Scotland. which is of interest to housekeepers and bakers : "After some experience of the use of flour which has been subjected to a process of artificially improving, its color, we are ohtlefled that for baking purpoemo it is not in any respect improved thereby, and wa prefer to have it in its natural state. With a view of enabling the merchants and millers to take up a position on the matter, we will, when Miying, give a preference to flour whleh can be guaranteed as not hav- ing n so treated." VILDINO OPKRATIONG.-The Oode- ch Planing Mill Co. are prepatsing the Maehine vvork tor a two-storey brick Veneered dwelling_on Toronto strett for Heel k __ae... Tire company has the coven er work for the large briek store to he Intik for Iticherd Parson/I, on the vacant lot on the elqttitre, t Millar 8a Coat. They are hui eg two 11,storey frame dwellin or Thoe.Bates; are erecting my frames on the old rain firePert AtiVesea street, n. 2 -storey k *ere dwelling on Nekton titittt#44)1, 16.g. Buchanan, jun., anti the.. nter work for o, Ipstor welling in St Andrew war . Stewart. The machinery at rks 'is kept cm the Move these the filtra keel Melly jo d small for iTpaire, arid r eta are int '17 employed It lot of maehine work to k p YONG11" WOMAN If Mt knew how t.0 *limed kes than mot, you WO Oh tho right road to womb end rarebit. &whet Is mitt tthablb-eninte es Stendifie -hut *good deel More ritalltable. swinge acconne MIS DOSS Is the hest aid to neap rea break atter owe the spending *WM , WO Will hall YOnetterionnt to gro*br addles totere,t to it EVERY THREE 'MONTHS $ ‘00 °:AkratukoNs tri'3uArT:Nr SOVEREIGN BANK Of CANADA, biirtiCh, 3. O. ofaiNalet.14 Matiotte. Ashitold. AeenthhT,.-Mr. john Webster fell sustaine anions in jories. Mit °Vet- the gangWakor his ham last Fri. we are pleased to car Gam. he is likely to mower. Psnaohat..-litr. Bela and Miss Alva, Stanley were the guests et their Os- ter, Mrs. Will Gardner. on Sunday,-. Miss Deckle Webster. of Olinton, vimiting her parents and friends in loucknow and vicinity. Outrun Ncrtse.md. number of the Younif People from this neighborhood attenoed tire entertainment given by the Ashfleld Auxiliary of the W.111.S., chinch. Good Reiday night. The programme WI* good, througheol, and the address given by Rev. J. or, Reid. of Nile, on' " rue Responsibility of the Church and individnals towards Missions." was particularly good and was much appreciated. Thruhrzhar..-The home of Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Buchanan, at Helen's, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Wednesday. April ilth, when theIrdeughter Vlo_fikeavini enitecl in marriage to Robert J. Webster of Ashlield. Rev. Mr. Craw, of St. 'He - 'ogee, performed the ceremony. The happy couple have taken up house- keePinR on their faro: here. We ex- tend t am our hearty congratultt- ti nd best wishes. year, and all the church funds showeci increases. The report was unani- Mrs. Colin Campbell, sect•etary of mously adopted. The financial state- the West Huron Women's Intititute. attended a meeting of the direct ore of mitt was presented by the wardens, Judge Holt explaining the items. The dav last. the organization at Clinton on Bator- receipte, including an overdraft of when arrangements were mad.' e for holding the minuet meeting $59.03, and a balance front 1005 of of „minty at Count" an Thursday, 53.90, amounted to $3051.82. The re- gular collections were $2108,85, extra Ftvw.1„7-ttehe,naot 1,2130hep a. ronci collections $450.40, Guilds, $104.501111 erich Minstrels $53.70, and Sinking Fund collections drove to Bayfield on Wednesday, and 5210,90. The expenditures were: Rec- that evening gaVe an entertainment tor's stipend and salaries, 51720 ; in the Town Hall, under the patronage church debt, principal 5300, interest of the 1. 0. F, The attendance was 21114.50, repairs 51,69.80 ; missionary not large, hut the program was a grants 5103.25; insurance $99.82, and good one, n,nd well carried out, nnd general expenses $494.45. The report the visit much appreeiated by the fra- was adopted. The election of wardens ternity and those present at the show, was adjourned to a meeting to be held Ba.seball and lacrosse clubs of the on St. Oeorge's Day. The following junior classes are around in great were elected sidemen for the year numbers. Complaint is tieing made 1900-07: Messrs. D. Naftel, .J. S. Platt, j" by many people of the many lists being Jas. Holland, Dr. Hayden, W, D. Tye, e rculated asking for cant' ibutions to ins. II. Tigert, E.Woodcock, Dr.',Sale, "help 01.1r Chat. and it Is aaserted W.L.Eliot,'F.F. Lawrence, Jas.Carrie, several of these are fictitious organi- F. Jordan. Judge Holt and W. L. zat ions, the money not being used for Eliot were elected delegates to the euch purposes. - The best plan is to be Synod. mitre who and what yott are contribut- ing to. Mr. Joseph Brophey, of Flrophey & The lighthouse lights were lighted Son, met with a mishap Friday after - for the season last week. noon. Along with Wm Tait he was "sizing up" a spirited young horse on MeEwan'o wagons are again em- the farm of Scarlet Williamn, Dunlop. ployed in carting the mill slabs up The strap to the halter had a broken town. snap on the end, and a oudden forcible Judged by the shipments of lumber move by the 'animal whipped the line git his right hand, the Znap otitaticie building operations must be throu running on full time. ploughing through the paint on an The steam barge Coaster nos neen • . angle. The wound required neveral mold by Mr. Doty, and Is expected to stitches, and although pdinful, will leave any dny for Leamington. not likely prove serious. The elevator is rising steadily and President W. 0. McTaggart, of the the large number of bands and teams Huron Old Hoye' Aasoriation, of Tor - new employed by the contt-actor ntakeo onto, and Mr. F. S. Hick, took advent - it look as if the building will be ready age of the Raster holiday season to for the reception of wheat on Domin- come up title way to make preliminary arrangemento for the annual excursion ion Day. to the old county, whieh will he held Engineer Brough was up from Lon. this year from J ul y 7 to 9. Two special don thie week in connection with the ti mins will eome tip, one going north outside breakwater and other Govern- t,o Lucknow vitt Oueiph, and the other ment work. While here he took corning to Goderich. The retttrn soundings around the new breakwater journey will begin at 7.30 on Monday and between it and the harbor en- evening, 80 that the excursioninta will trance, and his findings will no doubt have two dart and a half among their he immediately communicated to the old time friends. depar t men t. Cleorge Theil, of Tray, wan (-barged The tugs Evelyn and Two Mn.co and before C. Orech, J. P., at Zorich, on the gasoline fishing +oat Bruce are j, Tuenda with horse stealing, and at lifting; nearly every day, ss that there the en of the Case was sent to the Is no acarcite of floh for local con- June Seseione for trial, hall being somption. The lifte are not up to the accepted for his appearance at that old t I me standard in weight, hut court, County Attorney Meager, who were the fish as large 00 were those had been telephoned for, ronducted caught years ago there wear' not he the proaectition. The ease wan caused much difference in the weight. of the rY 1 a kind of horse trade. The plain - two periods. tiff was to trade with defendant after It ig now understood that there will a two vveeke trial and approval of the he three boats running hetween thin animal The defendant forthwith nob' ort and porta east and went during the horse ; the plaintiff not liking the animal he got. took it hack, hut multi not get his own, an defendant had sold it. niT.-We regret to record the death of Mrs. Wm. Lane, sr.. one of Ashfield's oldest residents, who died at the reeidence of her von, Jas. Lane, Lanes, Monday last, The funeral took place on Wednesday morning to Hac- kett% church, where service was con, ducted by Rev. W.A.Stuith, end from thence to Green Hill cemetery, where the remains were interred In the pre- sence of many relatives and friends of the deceased lady. The pall hearers were her grandsons W. P. Reed, Will .and. George Lane, Wen, 0, .and Rich- ard Gardner. and Hugh Lane. Mrs. Lane,who was in her ninety-first year, had a lerge carol° of friends. whose sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. PRESENTATION, -On Monday even- ing of last week upwards of fifty of the congregation of Zion church, to- gether With a number of neighbors who are of other denominations, ga- tltered at the home of Mr. Robt. Web - star, Ben. and a very pleasant evening was spea. The everting was so very wet that a great many could not come who would otherwise have been pre- sent, the occasion being to say fare- well to Mr. and Mrs. Webster ItS heighbors before they moved into Luoknow, which they did last Wed- nesday. Shortly after all were assent- hled Hev.Mrt Smith read the following address: To Mr. end Mrs. Robert Webster. DEAlt FRIENDS, -We, the members of ZIon church, as well as your friends and neighbors ot tho twelfth, have learned with sincerest re. gret that it Is your purpose to remove from our taidst. alit never a pleasant duty to soy "Ctood-bye" to those who by their Marling worth have endeared thinnaelves to us, and we feel that aa a neighbor among neighbors, n friend among blonds, and as a member of Zion church. wo one and all entertain fOr 700 tho deepest regret. This is why wo shall miss you and why our farewell to you becomes to you becomes a painful task. For many yoni,i you have both moved amongst us and by your -quiet, unobtrusive. Christ.W.n lives have won the highest. tribute man wins from him fellow MOM- con fictuuce in your integrity and Ululation ohmmeter. W o feel this Is the Mato, When yoor oonnoctIon with us In about to be severed, te translate our words into deed., and with this intent we ask you to accept those rockers as a slight token of tho esteem We feel yet cannot ado. quately express. We are gratified that rout removal is not to a groat distance and that frequently we MEV meet and OKOILIAIKO friend. ly greetings. AN you go out from our midst our best ,wishus and fervent pmyern will fol. low you to yoor home in latoknow, and when you have oath finished your earthly race may you be rewarded with an i101001101 OTOW0. Signed on behalf of members of Zion cherub and your friends and neighbors of the twelfth of A011114)14. --- Around the Harbor. SOL Pelosorm...4110 Maude Oirtitt. of 0.041", la spending her. roistethond‘v* aCtehtloZhisit*fovrm• te(leilretiaNitatleggi"iLt Moldwain* Goderich tOtfrohip., and Miss MaeDertuot; ot Dupgannuo# Trattotimiugganyi8whithAra rtroloeundidtotsart is spending Eastor Week lb ber le°ffie In ribrevro,fdr. J. Proudleve WIWI** snouwndinagy.-oktdcarualorntzgegattenhtereath, In Guelph. Smoot. IthroRT,-The following oi the report of the Easter examitiatietler held Delon S. S.. No. 174 .44ahtleg and West iiitawanosh Sr. V. -Kim* ()Irvin, Daley Ryan, Jr. Rpm, Stella Kirke. Luiri-litetherai-•- - Sr. IV - Wilfrid 11111olt. Nivirra, Lulu Dutikeld. Spray Belli% Flossie Elliott. LAMA McIntyre. tri. IV -Ratio Wilson. Lermard Dunkehil Charlie Whine, Norman Kirke. Sr. III -Ella &others. Carrie Read& Calvin Bailie. II elites Waiter Nixon, Emma Nixon. Oliver Kirke. Pt. - Edith Nixon, Emelt Me. Gratten. Pt. I - John Sproul. - Manta. A. Re.n.W.., 'reacher. °nutter' NarE4-At the yearly elec.' tIon of officers of Nile Ifpworth League, the following were elected: President, Mr. Chas, Girvin., 1st vice-pres., Mies „ Mabel Bailie; 2nd vice-pres., Miett Grace LInfield; 3rd vice-prea. Misa Mabel Homey; 4th vice -pees, Miss Minnie Curry; Rec-see., Clarence Dustow; Corr-seo., Mete Flo. Curry; mTripeass ugyrr, tiJeuaR, ydatoo.re-ILaili Ostsgtioadnalay% service(' were ones of special Interest. The morning service was taken by the Women's M. Society. It was the occasion of the socieeyu silver aunt- versary. A silver cellection was asked . for, and over 514 were received. In the afternoon there was an open see- ' Won of the Sabigith aehool in the midi. 'orient of the church. The pastor was present and addressed the lichee!, and a splendid Easter programme was given by the children. In the even- ing the pastor preached an excellent Easter sermon on the words, "If Otiriet be not rit4013, your faith is valn.'' Next Sabbath evening the subject will be ”The Sabbath." life, and for come time suffered se- verely from the complaint ehe was afflicted with, but ahe bore her cross bravely, and was aivrays the loving wife and mother. Sheppardton. tielieltAL.--Several of the farmers here have ntarted plowing. PERSONAL. -Mrs. Will Vr001130.11 and Mil'. Ales. Sill b spent several days with relatives in Croderieh last week. -Mrs. McLean of Lueknow vialted her father Mr. Dougherty teat week. -Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trott of London, who were recently married, are spending their honeymoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett and fdinfly.-Mies Ethel Me - Whinney returned from Stratford on Saturday after a six weeks visit with relatives there.-hfiss Lillie McLean, our teacher, in 'Tending the Easter hollidaye nt her home at Fantail. -Mtn. Jao. Tigert, of Goderich, Is visiting her relatives here at present. -Mrs. Wm. Graham Is ander the doe- tor's care at present. Born. onsx.-In ftedertell,e1 April Mb, at Mc residence et feaman, Weald% to Mr. and Bra - Oswald Ohm of ittlederilth Township. a deaths ter. Died. Fleertsmos.--10 OetIortrb, on Pattirday.ap. 14t8 OM, Janet McVay. beloved wife el Jarempottitutithr ra*Intedta YrArti. a watts subilie Loyal. P,ErtruniaL.-- Alias Buchanan. of God - oriel), Is spending a few der' with her sister, hire. J. Clark. -Mies Olive McPhee, of the 0. C. 1., 'Tent the Enster holidays with her parents here. 011ivgnitt.--Mr. Richard SilMmereal has purchased a line new Plaser.ey Har- ris hinder.--Oor genial etorekeeper, Mr. 0.1F. McPhee, will be calling on big ohl enetometo this week with his store on wheels.-- Mr. Audrew Omen has sold one of his horses to e local haver for %floe figure ; he tIppc-d the Wide. at 14120 lbs. It pays to raise the tight, hind of stock. , Mits. ,1 11 tegirrr Muit. iirrems. MM v°;4718m. Mts. Webster'n chute then presented her with a set of bread and butter plates, teapot and cream fug, while 111 iss Marion Mettle read the following: HEAR TRAMP.% - WO, 01010010b001 Of your H. Ft class, wish to show ton in some little 0100418.03 by thin token how wo VO3110 your do - voted attention to yotir class and your untir- ing efforts in our behalf When in the futUto you look upon Me memento, let it he a plea. sant token of the deepest love and reverence Of OM young hearts. and we sincerely hopn we niay all moot yoll In the bome whore part- ing Is no more. Signed by your clas,a),,,,, 04inonm. AMELIA HACKETT. FaLIA04 Jsrva Wnone. M snips! Ravine:. Mr. and Mrs. NVebster were taken quite by surprise, hut M r. NVebater was equal to the occasion, anal made quite a neat epeech in which he thank- ed those present,not only fur the beau- tifnl chairs, which he and his wife would value very highly, but for what he vstlued more highly still, viz., the kind feeling which was time shown and which was proof of the affection which exinted between them as neighbors anti frit -mita. lie said they hoped always to retain their eon- fidence and friendahip, and as they were not going very far away, they hoped to welcome one anal all to their home in Lunknow. Mrs. Webster also thanked them in a few well chosen worde and heartily (Kasai+. her hus- band's invitation that all 4,inetid come and visit them in their new home. Liinell wan then Served. Ito ladies having brought well filled haskete, and for mune time t he scene was very much like an enthusinat lc picnic. A ter lunch Mr. Wm. Hopi er tette called to the chair. and t hen npeeches. songs and reeitatienn Were ortler of the eveni,ng. Mr.'. Andrew and Mr, Will Ortrdner, who are favorites as eloett• tionints,responded heartily to he cells made upon them, and Mrs. NVeltster. whose yoke le still clear and sweet, nang two of her 11141 time nonga. Thr programtne wan long anti cloned by the company winging "When the Roll is Called up Yondet," and " Ood be with you till we meet agein " Al- though lin undercurren t of mad nruin Way felt heenuse of the meparation,yet a very enjoyable evening was went, arld it wan quite late when the good, bps were all spoken and the last guest departed. C. P. R. Construction Notes. The heavy rails for thin end of the C. P. R. track are being delivered at the dock; they are made by the Cana- dian Mille, Sault Ste. Marie. A large gang of men are rutting out a foundation on Macdermont'a bank for the abutment which will be built on the hill anuth of the 0. 1'. It. track for the overhead bridge, and another large force of men and team; are cutting Into tho hill below the lighthouse, and filling in on the beach Hate to make room for the new station and tracks. The change in the water main will he completed on Sunday hy making the new connections opponite the big mill c.alt block, and a notice to water takers has been lcsued In con- nection therewith. The trestle work from the top of the southern abutment along Squaw In- land la being built otouthward, and when completed It will he tined to place the superutructure of the Mait- land River R. R. bridge In posithm. The 0. T. It. trackmen are putting in a awitoh to connect with the 0. P. if... by which the ears of the 0. 1'. 0. will carry the Iron work far the bridge to a position from which it Can he raked hy crane on to the piers and abut- ments. It Is expected thet by the mid- dle of May the work of plikeing the bridge in position will be In fel{ r ration. ARNIM. ENERAL Nonts.s-Mrs. J. Tewsley, ham sold the farm on the gravel to l'orn Robinson. --0. Dicker is helping Ed. Halwlg at present. -Wm. Ilelwig Is working In Luelenow.-A. King has hired with his fathhr for the summer. Weomeo.--On Wednesday evening about 0.30 °Week, one of those happy events which Interest omits' eircles, took place at Me home of Mrs. Arthut, of this village, when her daughter Elizabeth became the wife of Mr. James Jackson. Rev, J. L. Small per - funned the cerensony 'in the presence of a. few friends. Both parties are well known, and many join in wishing; tnlizinalohnapyry j.ourney over the sea of PertsoNst. r . Lamprnan, of Essex, has engaged as elerk with W. T. Riddell. -51iss C.. Stewart vieited blends in Belgrave.-Joe. Irwin has rnenned hie ditties at Lacknow.-Miss Govenlock, of Seatferth, visited her friend, Miss (). Slater, recently. -C. Asquit h io home for the holidays.- Misti C. Slater has returned to her home in Seaforth for the holiday sea - Born -Hugh ROMP H.nd Ernest McKen- zie have gone to the west. Mrs. R080, son and mother, Mre, Tamales', are to follow them noon. -We are sorry to say that Mr. Heisvig still keeps poorly. --Mr. and Mho/ Faills and Miss Rena Patterson have returned home from the tioderich 0. 1. for the holidays, - John %Viltson spent twit week at Dun- gannon.- W, Jordan has been under the weather for tanne time. -Rev. 0, Paths has returned to his dutiee In the west. ---Miss Rose Youngblut, of Herman, visited friends here ono day last week. --Norman Beaver was visit- ing ft -lends here recently. -Miss Tenn. Sprung, of Markdale. is holidaying at her home on the Bane line. Sodom Dunyeanon. PI.RA10: NOTtt.-V7.,'-'''./tild say to therms par. ties who object r..'...afe Rents that appear In this correspond ridgi that our Rim, while tend. ROMA or neirs to TWA tiTA8, Mil he tot -flake a onto of anything that Is beneficial to the Ingo or cotnuninity. If any poriron does any. thing detrimental to Its Interest we will also retake a urge of K. This we purpose Carrying out without fear, favor or partiality. MOT. - Mr. R. IL tinoby, an old and honored roseiest of thin loeality.passed quietly away to his long test on Humlay. Doccused was on. gaged In the milling business hero for upwards of 40 year* Flu had been ailing for corn0 years, and gratitudly became won't) until death re- lieved Ipm. bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of all who know thou'. Ho leaves wife, t we sono and four daughterp.- George and Mrs West brook in Manitoba; Joo in l'ort Arthur: Mrs, Roach, Mrs. Klekley anti Miss Willow in Dungannon. Ptiitinorrst,.- neorge turwIn returnikl 'from Cosnolton, N. 1) , on Saturday, after disposing of his propetty there. -Ham. Young htul o business trio Iheknow Tuest;ay.--4,./51c.- Nalth spent Naster nL Heaforth.-J. O. Ward, J. P.. has hoen III for some limo, and Ms re- covery lo not 11•1 rapid as his many friends would wish. -51ra McNally and family are visiting nt her father's. Pert Albert. week. Trney DurnIn is home for the holidaytt from the Provineinl Nartnal at Elam - Ilton. Eddie and Dente Durole„ Oen Case, Ross Rutherford, Cora and John Roberta, Or - to,, 1,1(1 orviile Durnin and W. 1' eltnii.'1,1 from the (LC. I , Miss Minnie Intruln from 1 4iin;YION/0111.70 1AVVrrtinitkitigNIvrcirth"herfrtrre"tndRiprronTailit. and Mrs. Pentland. (Jesuits'. Jtvertsturi B. J. rawlord, B. Young awl .11.par ilittlhoni did a milling butdorso loot wools: In fart all our business men had rt good trade. The rash to Mr. Woltz. orn for millinery probably amounted for tho erowd t hero.- A deputation of ere of OUP Vii - lasers waited Ashtleld Council last Satur- day. a.klott assistance for &minters ..helr Mrs. Ttley succeeded getting pay for tho cellars rained. IIN all unite in petit/01;MP the P. IL to build a branch of their lino throotth here. tire believe a denotation to the different ,eunrik would be beneficial In this lino. Dr. NI odd purchaser' an exmllent aped. men of a horse (rpm Mr llentlemon this week. Another bunch of line horses !nursed thretliIii itnEft on Too -day far Jesters hle(*Ixe.ney.-Vernt ors are emnpialning of cattle hovers being waren Maybe wo tun 1101411ns' thew a little hie) Victor Whitley traded horses on Mon linty;ibur;whans rt.vh,ndonyre,,,iso.stheegivor.lsinagy.., fraa week the anotial tneetintt of the Epworth Ifturtrotenetetwnitstit hattel thine teholeeANIntehtimer.,011s4t ethourrtchish. .nsilintr year, !Ion Pres . J. W. Rohln. son; president, ( has. Tobbratt tat vice. MIr.1 Whyard , 2nd Vice, Won C. Pen_lland ; Srd Mtritri.z,,ti,Lrett.olii.nrmnic.slecverenta: ryormul, MitAra Laurette Math: assistant Organist, Alia toy West; representative to DIstriet Convention. Mr. J. Kilian h. After re ito had boon re. PRItrION A Wag itella Box, of eell'ed. the ad ro.n VV08 ro:td and ILresentell Stothers, retiring treasurer Hamilton, is spending a few days with, ItalkiseitjttAttitirrita7nnnl.t7:+bnevrignat learned of your her unele, Mr. Chan. liox. whiipnrewl f ht eo re,t 0 fit tawn JTamo 7:1 natyreft:tf Hystnsiest- Mr. (Mettler Stanlake etr,e ter ma tkeitovhdahl edit; olcofirrt on, nt flout!! coh:4 As a eititten yen have endeared yeur4n11 Metlusdist parsonage, he hecan.e n :on.nordrocw:oced. ed in the holy bonds of matrimony to inrnPrt%1:h„ti.; „ mil Mints LAMIlsitt Dearing. youngest dnugh- ready to give assiztaoco whaZovcr you bac T110 ter of Mr. Abraham [leafing, of see. oveyetenitr. ptihiyen itThireed,br:Igwe wagh/twpdant);ehreyrper;;Iti: sin, ,„,„„, 'tearing, while the ever truttio and direct yea wborovor youtibtl. work may draw yee. g, room wan ',supported by hie brat her. air. Neinon Staniake. Mr. and Mrs. manna ci.inci,tabiai. fsofricoirmrentLe.sevai.&tfzer..1...N._ _1'144; C. A Trtnnt^mvres. of Lea MEM Staniake left on the evening train for 1116, Toronto. They Intend lakinit up their recidenee In the hones reeently ea- Meeting Calendar. 0,111.11., ileuniar intirt2 o? Town Casten t1119 u'3" cotes] hy Mr Wm. Carrick. On their 1311/10 retort) a large reception wanhOld at the, Arlo ovortina. home of tho groom !invents., where very enjoyable evening wan spent. • 1 Goderleh Townehip Faisal Cuanor,3.-- Chris. Johnston it would be OS good lob to lilt CY has bought the farm oi his hroa,her, .1. tifl holoa reconti made tett B., SO acme, adjoining hie own on tho town by the water ram tAetilly Lake Shore. rind will now have ICA while they Were belt* hi acrea. a gond 0110t1 farra. He gots Thine Is a WO elle ;fawn,. 0( possession this Coining falL SeheeI. Bovine ftestino of 1:arehrt ec3ctal, T . east Mosaav (mentor?. I tivv lac -wear ramitics, of Invswg= ettrat:s oast PitIlay ovonirm. bij .; atei, 0 AreAda .