Huron Signal, 1849-02-16, Page 1TSN 1ISIL1a.1N$0t8 t IN VOLUME II. L'I'RA ASSORTMENT OF ! LL AND WINTER GOODS ! ! PUS Drberibers have jnrt received from thoNew Vert and Montreal Mlarketst the largest Block of Marchand se ,Inch hof yet been brought into the liuron Distort. Asti ae the purchases were !Bede perrunally by oew n( the Firm, the quality of the goods me as superior as the ynentity Is ex. tame* -"yr.uapt payments trod . smell refhs," M the met. *heel) taey have adopted, sad the public may depend upon "TILE GREATEST POSSIBLE GOOD Td TIIE GR?ATL.YT POSSIBLE NbatBEI1. •t GODERiCH, HURON DISTRICT, (C. W.) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, l819. 1,500,000 ACRES 01: LAND FOR SALF, IN CANADA WEST. •PILE CANADA COMPANY have for 1- disposal, about 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND di.p.recd throughout most of the Townships in Upper Canada -nearly 500, - beteg meted wash every di -rrtptlon of 000 Ames are situated to the Hume Ttact, toads se their establishment, et the very -well Irma n as one of the meet fertile parts lowed remunerating prices. Their Stork of the Prot ince-it has trebled fie, popeea- cnnsuts of every mammy -ref men'• and lion in fie* years, aid now tomatou up. wnmei s Clothing; Ilats. Cape, gannets, went' of 20,000 Inhabitance. . Bente, Shoes. Ilardwere, Cr.ckrry, eked 'I'hc -LANDS ere offered by say of diet, Bridles, Ilaberdaelt•ry and Groceries 1, i:.1 S k , . fur Tea ) ears, or Jor of ever* description. Intendtne pert -batters Sale, C .1 S 11 1) 0 If ' -the pl4i .,fa One day as he Sen•ath e'h gen see epGeited to ca:l and (marine • he them ,, - ,,r fifth Cask, aid Ike balance ie instal- Sat sunk in deep despair. selves. otents being done .pray trifle. An aged Pilgrim parsd him hi. THOMAS GIi.M(OUR 1...00. The Rents payable 1st February each Who maria ht• face of cam. God.sich. Nhiees. IL 184n. 41 year, ■re about .e ILtereet at Six Per --- (;ett,u ron the rice of the Let:d. Upcn moat All Minstrel. yet that e'er 1 saw, GROCERIES. of11.eLot.,whe•nI,E.1SED, NOalONEY Are fullofcame andglee: Bal thou art sad stet wee -begone ! _- - IS REQUIRED DOWN-wbd.t upon 1140 1 marvel whence is b•' THE 9nK s h vibe• would tall p•rtie.lar •others, according to locality, one, two, or J0ttt!1. THE HERMIT OF WARKWORT!I• [cermet-nen ream nee t era] The brothers straa their paths divide, O'er Scottish hills to range Aad Nidi them.rlves is quaint diesel's, Aad oft Ibeirdress they change. 8ir Bertram clad in gown of gray, Most like a Palmer peer, To halls and curbs winders round, Aod begs from dor to door. Some!:mesa Mimerel's garb he wean, With pipes.° sweet and shrill And wends a every tower sod lows : O'er every dale and hill. att.nrinn to their rv'en*nn Stuck n/ three year. Rent, most be pail in advance, Father. I Pets.. an Arad Lord. GROCERIES. se they flatter thet.wlves -hut tt:ese paymecta of I free chat the quality and variety r.f their Teas. I from further Calle until end, 3rd or 4th Yea Nagar. Coffee, Tobacco. &• . eke. &e., will hit ht. term of Leese.. hea rii6mricst ecommcodetiun tie intendirg The right to d'URCII).Sl) the FREE - remelt 1101.1) dune( the term, le 'metered to the N. B -Groceries of ere*descriptinn Leanne ata fixed sum named in Leave, and will be hold for eash or produce, ata miler, oil allowance a male according to antici• lino of, at least, 15 per rent. below termer patoJ pavmen:, pricesLots of 1,..!., and any further info:ma- T1!05 G1 L'•MOUR St. CO. Goderirh, Nor 16, 1845. 42 TAILORING R$FABLISllVV1.;:i T. SPR/Nr; dr SUMMER F.4ft!Ill' Va',for 1843 non can be obtalaed, (by application, If by : Ater punt•.paid i et the Cue!sreet's Om -mare, Fu from t!1' abode edema. Toronlu and (;oderick ; of It. MIMS*LL, .1apkudel, Colborne Dutnct ; Dr. As late 1 chased te ere., an alms, Whose grief afflicts my mind : His only child is street mese, And fain 1 would her find. Cheer op. my son : perchance (he said) Some rid.or• 1 may bead _ For oft when human hopes have fail'J, Then heavenly corer,rt-a near. - Behind yon hill. so steep and high, Dowe in n lowly glen, There stands a ensile fair and strong. Al tree, Grelpk, or J. C. W. DALT, Loci., Ner.lford, 11t,ron District. ' AFULLvariety of the newoet and meet (i rdench, March 17, 1S4$.., : 7 improved STRING A+D St.•>IfIFR FAS!! Imes for 1848, have b.f'n received by theiMARBLE FACTORY. 1CiORV' .nb.ertber, who will promptly attend 10 the$OGTH WATER .YT., GALT. orders of all who may favour him with their t A. NA /SMITE[. [' H. Mc:;t'LWCH' continues' to MIS- nracttare IIEADSTONES, MONII- Gnderieh 19th April, 1049. I MENTS. OBELISKS, TOMB TOPS, FARM FOR SALE:. &e., in Marhle and Frce•ton(e as cheap a any in the Province, all wurk wast ranted to order. memo charge will be reside. Prices' Z.Q BE BOLD by private htrg• ^• Get if.. 1 of MarbTo Ileadatonee from 10 to 50 Jolley-; 23. on the 5th ('onee••rnn of esved I of Freestone from 6 to 30 delimit ; Menu- renuiaing en acre•. 20 of which is eleard•d and I meats &c., from 50 dollars upwards. - seeder eel:keine: tea acres are newly ender- W mitten communication. addrusei to the brushed mid ready for elupplag. The (and is of .seelknt seethe and well watered. There is a', underetgned contaih: g the Inacriptiene, good sub.tanti.l loc Dwelling iiouse ea it. aad I and at what price, to Marble.or Freestone, one screed' seperier!reit trees inbrarusg condi- will bo punctually attended to. 1 unr.. And u the proprietor i. Armrest of enter- D. 11. McCUE.LOC Il. ing into other beeinees, he will diaper el it on halt, Noy. 8th, 1848• mT 42103 - nderute terms. One•helf of the price will he . _ -- -- REQUIRED DOWN. and the other half is 1 ,n.talmeetw. 83 -For fonher pertiralars, spree at dim O.Tice, A H 0 P. E , .r to the Proprietoree Ilse prem'••.. RESPECTFULLY'begs Ware to return • GEORGE FI.LIOTT,Jonrnr. as his sincere 'banks to uumcroue friends Geder,ch. 131b net • 1848. 37if and the p.tbl:c generally, for -the liberal pat- ronage heretofore received, -and tamer... thein that he has REMOVED hie TAI- L() It I N G ESTABi.iSIINIENT from THE Suberr her b'rrchy intimates teat he L'^hth••uecstreet to L.i street, next dour has now on terms of Icare and part to James $.seat, Car, enter," and a few i nwoenLip, the (shire management of the. doors west of theGoderich Foundry. %hire1 Goderich Milts, and that h• ti pregame to, cu all orders will, bo promptly executed ; and' pay cal) for any (pan' ty of cord mercfi.nt- i esatomen may depend on hating their gar- I able Wheat at the Paid Mi!Ie; provided the' Isents made up to the woes ut.pruicd and saute be delivered there in time for intimate- (ahmuab!o sty ie. tore before the clome of the nanig**Unn. :ri A full variety of the newest )'all WM. PiPER. and Winter FASHIONS for 1848-9 jests. GOFaten MILLS, received. D- September ell), 1848. 39t1 Guderich, Oct 27, 1348. 39 NOTICE. patronage. three ramal REMOVAL. CASH FOR WHEAT. CASH FOR SAW -LOGS AND SAWING DONE. ON SHARE!. ' earl] at the willat a h HF. Subscriber p. T nu lack Cherry ' k Mille Ib for Good R Croderte Saw -Loge, end will saw any other descrip• tion of good Saw -Logs for any parties on shares. he. WM. PiPER. Gone Reel MILLS, September 5ih,.1848. 3211 HA. DR'A RE. THF. Sub.cnber wishes to inform his Customers, and the iohabttante of Stratford and vicinity, that he tweeds car rying nn b..ine.s on c!READY Y SYSTEM." And that after the first alar of Jancary, t e49 he will give no credit. He will pay the highest price for produce of all kande, Biark Salts &c• Ile begs to return hos •theere thanks to his Customers for their liberal Patronage, and hopes still to receive a S5*re. TiiOMAS M. DAI.Y. Nut. !9th, 1848. 44tf DR. GEORGE HARVEY, Messier of the Royal ?Mage of Surgeons, L'Visbrlgi.- HAVING pnctitred bis prof.s•wn for reyeral years to the Promote of Nona Scotia, takes leave respectfully to nfer his professional servicee to the mbabitanta of Goderich and ea vtcteity. Residence in the cottage lately occupied by Mrs. Montgomery. Goderieh, Nov. lath, 1848. 41 VALUABLE LOT OF LAND FOR SAI.E. LOT 8, Lake Shoes, towtasbip of Ash- field, coetaining ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY- TWO ACRES, THOMAS' GILM:UR las, CO., have. Stratford largely increased their fusser .tock of tomtit sad Ornamental Cutlery, Hardware Jappaned Woe., sad so. ready to supply their customers am. Abe public generally, with the latent • in ever,' de - *enrollee of knives., Forks. Spono., Trays Locks, Hinges, Screws, and all other Arai cies of lfadware at reduced prices. They have also on hand a good assort- ment of ROPES, TWINES ANDCORDAGE e4 various glees and q'ralities; also several patter* et IRperlar Carpeting. A Imp *apply of Salt from the cheapest market. Apples of the very best quality in barrel.. Pi. 11. -Th. terms are iaeariaily Cask er Afrrehanf.$Ne Prdefree, and no abate - meat from the price asked. Goderich, Nov. Ira 1848. - 411 .1. K. GOOD - NEER, WILL attend SALES in any7 •rt of the District, on reasonable T mP. Ap- ply at the Reified Hotel. Godetieb, 1481 Sept. 1848. i3 - D WA•TMON, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, A•YaTea le magma., $ARa•tITTCT, 1st. OPTICS iM TBC MA8i[ST SQUARE, GODERIC11. Tee. IMS. e About cho evening flour, Melhnoght 1 heard a l.a3y'. voice „Lamenting in the tower. And when 1 asked what harm had hap'd, What Lady sick there lay? - ,Tey rudely drove me C•rxn the gate, - A.d bade me wend away. • The tidings caught Sir BertramiiSe; He thaek'd hiss for his tele And moon he hafted o'er the hills, And Boos he reach's] the vale. Within tint miles of the lttriy's' Vllage of Poet Albeit, in which there is • Grist M,Il, a Sew Mill, and en Oat Mill. The lent is bnnndedon the west by the !Amend cm the soot by a cut rood, -.ad ie well watered. Q7' Fos par ieulars, apply -.41 by letter post paid -to DAVID CLARK, Esq. CLassteoNr, 14th Dee. 1118. . 45tf DR. HAMILTON, SURGE(Jrf. wa•? ITaanT, • Thea rimming near those lowly towers Whirl) peed is dale so he.. Aad memoir down bearde the gate, Ilia pipes he 'gan to blow. _ Sir Porter, is thy lard at borne To hear a min,'rel's sot t Or may I crime a lodg'ng her.. Without offence or wrong ? 81,' Lord. he mid, is not at home To hear a Mi■atr.l'e sone And ,hould I lend thee lodgiag here, • My li(f wou'daot be long. He plied again ro soft a atra. n : thech pow-er sweet 'meads impart Ile wt.n the churlish reeler's ear, And mora his auiborn heart. Alln••ret, herald, thou plwv'et no Offer*: • Fier entrance lieu •hnuld'•1 win : Bu•, alit! 1 am ,worn urea the raid, To let no etnng•r Yet. Minstrel. in yen tieing cliff Thoul't and a ttheltrr.,g cave: And here then shalt my supper ,bare, And there there thy-lwlei--g here. • All day he vim h•siae the rate And,pipe' both1 ad sed clear ; • All night he ,sats round the walls. In hopes his love to hien The first night as he !limit watch'). All at the midnight hour, He plainle heard h•s Laiy's voice Lamenting in the lower.- The ower.^The second sight the mann shone clear... And gilt the spangled dew ; He low his Lad► through the grata view. 'twits transient el l 8 M t The *bird niche, wratied eve he slept 'Till neer 16e mdrninr When. staring .p, he eria't hie sword, And to the critic hy'J. When. In 1 h. raw • 111d2•t of ropes Dcpeodingfrnm the wall: And o'er the mote was newly laid A poplar strong and fell. And seen he saw 111 love descend Wrspt Ina tartan pl.id; Assisted by asu'dy youth 1. Highten8 garb y-elet. Amst'd, rnwfnn.4. 1 et the sight. 11e lay unarm' and still Aad seem he low :hem ems the stream. And mevat the seigbb'ring hill. QabearJ, unknown Ball within, The yo.thfol couple fly Bet what can '!rape the Inner'sken : Or shun his piercing eye ? Wish anent imps he fellows close Palsied the flying pair. And SSW bee hart, epo., his arm Wile familiar air. Theeks, *le Teeth. she often.sil My t • them w.11 ham w n,y For ewe what write beat the' ereetn,'J r Fee mar what dangers rue 1 And ever shall my grateful heart Tl.v services •epee Bir Bertram would en further Item let cried, Vile traitor, may ' • Vile awls.•. yieldthat Lady op ! Aod yeiek his word he drew. 'Thermometer torn din rmddee rage, Awl at Sir Bertram flew. With mortal hate their eig.srtrs• arm* (lave twee, • ve.geful blow : 8.1 R.vinan'•stressi., Med preved•d, eked laid the Mutase low. 1)w. taster, die !-.A deadly throat Awed. sash lenses wort Ah! sea law Idabel knew kis vets•, And reeled beeeeib butswerd. 0 ,top, she cried, 0 atop thy arm 1 -- Thou J«t thy brother slay !- Ano here the hermit pao►'J and ,rpt 11:s tongs* so more could my. At length he cried, ys lovely parr, !low 'hall I tell the resi 1 - E'er 1 could aloe my piercing sword, It fell, aol pt•bb'd her breast. t`. -ort thee thn-lf that hapless youth 7 Ah ! cruel ate 1 :hey mall. The Hermit nYpt, anal en did they : They 0igt.'4 ; Ire huag his head. O Mind and j.aless rage, h• cried, What estes from Thee flew The Hermit pawed; they silent mear■'d ; Ile wept, Aad they were woe. Al. 1 when 1 heard my brotbrr'i aatae, Awl saw my lady bleed, 1 rav'ih I wept, i curramy arm, That wrought the fatal decd. In vein i clasp'd her to my breast. And clne'J the ghastly wnund 1n Oslo 1 premed 1. s bleed -ere curpee. And ria',: it from the ground. • Mir Mother. alas ! stake tempt more : 11. precious life was amen. She kindly strove to moth my pais, Regardiesg of her ow o. • Bert -sin. she mail he comforted, And litre so think nn me him we in heaven that spin„ prove. P: high hese was no to be ! retiree'. rhe ...l, 1 still was true ; Thou noly halel my heart _ May'we hereafter meet in bites \V • now, ales I ma `t•part. Forthee I left me feiber'a hall, And flew to the relief; When, to ! near Chivot's fatal hills I maks Seotti•b chief. • L -r% Maleelm'e tan. whose pro:reed love • 1 haJ refired wi;► seem : !!r s!ew my mend., and seix'd oe ms l'pes that filial morn : Ant in then dreary hetet walls He kept me- Mese cent'. a'd : And fondly sued and warmly pre»'d, To wia mita hie m ud. Each rising mere iseresed my pale. Each night ineless'd my kat; When, wanderng is th s northers garb, `• Thy brother -forted me here. . 11e quickly f rm'J this brave design To Oct me, raptce, free Ar.d en the moot h:. horses wait Ty'd to a ceighb•r.ng tree. Then hest*, my !ore, escape away, And for thyself prevel • • And comet.mei badly thank on her, • Who ehou:d have been thy bide. Teem, peering comfort en my boat Even with her latest breath. She gime one parting fend embrace, And etca'd her eyes in death.• in wild amaze, in speechless woe, 1)evoid of eras l esy : Ti.•n sudden, •11 in frantic mood, 1 meant myself to :my : relne up in fe•inu. huts, . • I reix'd the Moody brand : A sturdy arm here interpb•'d. And wrrnch'J it from any hand. A ernal, that from the re'tle came, Itad mias'd their lovely wird ; ,Aad ►e:..c.g me, to pri+tic hare, Aod deep in duntreod barr'd. It chine's] that on that ve•y Morn Their chief was prian.er teen Lord Percy had us loon eschang'd, And &trove to soothe .,y pain. And seen them hemmed dear remains To England were cenerm'd And there within their silent tomb,. With holy rites were laid.. For me. I lnath'd my wretched life, • And long to end it thought: Till rime, and books. and holy men, Had better counsels weight. Ther raised my Mart to that nore pewee, I Whence heavenly comfort tines They taught me to deepiae the world, And calmly bear its woes. No more the sieve of humor pr:dr. Vain hopee end w.diaeare : 1 merk'n ,nw'd to .pend my life In penitenye and prayer. The bold Sir Bertram sow no more, Impetuous'. haughty. wilt Bret poor and hnmhle Benedict, -Now lowly, patient. mill: My !and* 1 gir• to feed the peer, And .se4 alt.,. raise And here. • lonely Anehoret, i came to end my days. This !weft tegoes,•r'd vale I chore. There rocks and harming grove : For 0r, tumid.. that rwermurinz stream My love was wont to rove. My noble friend .pr'en'd my choice . Tht.Meet retest h. gave . And here 1 eared her heente oe form, • And seorp'd thio holy *see. fell Aria win'•rs, all fnrlorn, My life i'ie hnimed here : Aod daily o'er thio .rniptar'd saint 1 drop the ;.ee(ve tear. Arad thee. dear Mather e1 my heart. Se a,'Mrl sat an tree. The sed ofthy bite Bull makes my bosom r w ! Yet rant anpity'd pseud my life , Fer.akea w reran!. Th. Ferry end his nn''• eons Weald grecs my lowly err. Oh she great Eerl Gam roils of state, And cornflower. pornp M enw•r, Weald gladly seek my little emit, To speed the trenq.il hese. Bat tenet% wf lits Is leegth of w«: 1 lied to mown kis fell • 1 lied,. mean hie godlike sews. And Mamie end failew.n all a But thou the hoeoet• of thy rare. Loyd youth, shalt now r.sr're : And raise Amaro the Peres, meet. Mery 'harems ti an before. Ile rea.'d: and nn the lovely pa -r Hie choicest blewing,!a, l: While they with thanks •I pitying team 11:s mewl.fel tale re; a.1.. • And now what present •cone to teke Teri a.► the g•ind .:1 n e : A' d. r.'Jee by to, sage educe, To Seetiaud they retire. Mean time their ousts such hymn:mor,-1 At Relies stately ball. Earl Neville ant M. prom!, arum Now ti adly pardon all S!:e snpp'aet at h.r' e.thew•s throne The loyal grace t'0 ler'J : Torr:l the hor.oursot his rites The Perry was grtar'dr The•yoiithful Earl .2'l mere end more Ad•nir'J habeau:eona dame : Nine noble .nes to him she bore, All worthyof their name. • King ilerry Vf. Anne 1440. •I N i•:I.VE AND Idyl PEN. P. al IRE !+n Ur THIS TESTI. NUMBER 2. eonsc"•ntion', In the dt'Ieace of their sys- tem. But they must allow es to he sincere 1, 0, ted coneciratten•, We cannot• get ,*Cr, net ••rend. aver away form the convie- n .n, that it is a wetter. which, Instead of m extende.', shnu'd he r xtinguishrd air ta.t as p•'•nb:e. We bclieso that it is a err rt' to Tiernan Lem re, -that it Is a !eft se le men es n an. What it is to man es en a Mott, we 1I sot now ark; whether it f••ni ani cl.nhes tam w.•ll, whether it males aim cou.f..rtable, whether Ie allows him to be juyuns snit •pettier er bow often it vu is I int w-th eit:f.es, glebe* him with w:,und•, roods blond-h,•unds to pursue him eke a dog or a '.s,,if. we wilt r.ota.k. Ila• man slavery i• a. wrung to the muter( that t•.kh• effect. upon. 1t nustake• and mal - Ireat. that nature There elands a human bring ; mac his starter enlnvate his facut- tii s ae he wotl,l those of his child ? By ro n cans ; it will never do ; be 'route be no lergef a slave. Slavery, then, denies to this nat•ire its toherent tight', denies its Fro- g -fee., commands it to mop, to stand stilly. -• ;:: not, diem not, fires tot permit it to rise. Why, let me ask any man, the etoutest dctend.r of this system, -Would From the Christian F.seminec volt think it right 10 enslave the poorest, meanest, most miserable, moat imbecile TI!F. CRISIS OF FREEDOM IN THE white man that lives intim next cottage !- OLD \WORLD• AND TIIE NEW.. Woo'd you thank rt right, right before God, to actze hem er boy Mm and sell him, and his wife end his daft's, and their posterity for ever after, into hnpelees bondage ? The Anrwcr is, No. The eus•cientipus. of all the world rays, No. What then? Can the comp'emoa of a skin -whitened by • Northern elle, bronzed by an Indian clime. or blackened boeeath the heats of Africa - mike all this stupeadous difference between right end wrong,- make,thet to be just un- der one shade of co:or, which under anoth- er would - be iafiattety unjust ? Is this , the ethics t f tete .'ave system, -that a brand or • chain upon a white skin it a hei- ami. wrong. to make all the world cry'out with tradigsali .n, Aad that a brand or a chain upon a coloured akin is a righteous and law- .tanderd before the eves cf men. A'., let' fol mark tied badge? men '•hnxr the solea cf tl.e son of G,1, and Thie ie the strong ground of the "Free live." "ay Ince, _1g love like his, "let Soil" argument. but th,s is not all. Th. tl.rm rate cue another,^ Let this spirit wrong Ohre pie works out bad effects. - eater int) our farms +ire .work -hops and Not as ties 'nary` dreamer', not as mere manefeetnrice. Let errelnpore feel it to -moralizers, do wi protest against the slave . wares their brethren areund them, and by ay'te:n ; but se political economists, as tote scr'4e them. Lit the racrednes• • of patriot c tiseay se 11$o0e who wish to see humanity be felt and wort -zee beneath upon their territories the most .vivo o es the. burdens of toil. I.it nen theruoelveli and prii.nerure growth efwt4f. 1f there toil as beneath tate great Ta.kn'aeter'eeye. were a Upas -tree which could be intro - !.^t affection hrlp men, lett m love of ono dueed into Ca'iforsia std New Mexico, to another he!7 teeth eve: t:ley will be 6elpe 1. l lar:o of hid and rtlitt there may be, -rho good heart wia 6y,J.ihem c.ot ; but perhaps n.. -one -pile. Hero a J..:at-AGA ietete.t, tht'e .ot 0 .idea an en.ergency,-a library [cn'lTInrFt FROM 1,1.11 La!T.] For none:vOl,'se do net look to see ger• ear.:c changes in society far help. We do not look for en: estdden wrench of the word from its settied habi'udec. Tho relief of society from all its' he»y burdens trust be gradual.. Lr't a new spirit come Into the world, and, with):it any tical/et changes, it will make the w:urle nes-. l.et gorernmenti lccl th•c:r majestic, solemn, parental relation to the people - Let all parttalelegiatattnn, htsq.!oi , rtcil'ge•, Ana unjust erunop ,lies be done away, and let all men have a fair ch: nee of competence, comfort aol happi- nese. Let education t:.+ amp's provided for. and let pore re! g3t;n lift up its gloriogs spreaa.s fatal blight through •11 the land, 'alio would perm( Is be planted there! - Slavery Is that Ups -tree. it is a blight to industry. main g it a degradation ; it I. • h'yltt to the very coil. exheuetiog its fer- • rasa nit -scone a reverent and Lamble Oita, it i. a blight to the general education gather:eg ta_etber in the hnnee of God ; of the white race, from the nece•aary spars- buteew•ays a k:;idiy luo1.ine after the wel- nese of that chaos cf the population ; it is fare of all. everywhere a loving heart ; this I a bligl.t to the whole eternal activity and is tee gtend panacea fur the ills aol d.arae mechanical genie+ and commercial proe- of ar,t:ety. parity of any people. 1Vhy,soneof the In fast, the cais? rf 'tee' proa'ot dieters* etropgest rlea 1. r the oreopacy of sa sew rs that very :reflect which ie our.boae1 t.- soil ., teat the old is worn out. It is Sieves d, net die 1'f eervatiaa, a'r stand este, we kaon, that the t,rrid zone cannot in any fear of it. Ter Areas an.ser!. de net be cultivate 1 bI any but bl'ek men. Sup- 81arte. 0Tr did thee* of th • M:,!d!, Agee.- pose it were true. ie that an torment far Miry are end sere earn..f •r by their ma. ', medico th••m slaves ? Il it we dunbt if It len. But now greater f:yb!.ain 'hoe come - be owe. We do ant Lelteve th•r' is soy and teen are reit 1•. take c':- of thcm•cices; mon in welch wile men eannot be smelt - see throreh thio free aree.e, tele irep.•r', -t' mated. and areuatrmed to toil Are the and tranat:tn state of 1So frac pfinriele,' people of Brazil and Hiadostan and Siam mletakes have ateien, pack es meg aro a:- i black men ? Anil even if the burning line ways liable to commit when last t r their liftmen the compler'nes of men Mt they ap- cwe guidance. - This r.vy f.r lJ of onpreee• , preach it, Is that. wo repeat, any reason dented free activity, while it has e; eeee too ter malting trim slaves ! Do the free And - some a path .f.sr"entcrpriee end aec:':r:ula-: fleece elements, as t' sty aweep around, write t...'. le conducting mati'udea down:vatJ, Blare upon the brow which they lave on the wee of. stinted faze and crusherg [ darkened ? .1 toil, toward. tee Gates oldest.); and this' Now, complexion is net the hrand of the very free ami, the self guile :c:', w•le c's I ecrvitude even in the rlavchelder's estimr- the world has onueet and r':cris,0d, has tion. it is donna -rote the •lave meat..', brought it to t!::s tri r!bie cri.:e ;-to thio ` even though her childeen be almost as tl sir i 1 r n but maiter. n ores trecTt n terr.5lo erisc, re repeat, w..en volctr.ic int t.r. It u net oat , tr egg k • abysses are suddenly opening thca•e:area acb.lrar y enac n , that wives alace.- in the great eeo'ree c1 cis,l zttioe, an: It is ' local law." And it •eeine to nit that clog le ae•d a Sinai da are eweening over it would have barn much water 1 n the slave - *he fare r.f the loo::d, end ('aria::.n mule" holder to have •ai Ithit the law established and Charletgr.•tem:es and Leah starve- a relatir,n, rather theme lettere -.-a cerleie tion ere ahrit k.ri through the gloom, sa:d reit: m bet zero lien oral the slave, like the the wlnle bulygff ell, eatablis:s d• seci••ty. ,i .1 .e:elem. either than property in man. from the Casyan Sea to the •inters of the .t he:attar, le•r.'e to lei roeerty- 1 commodity, Atlart;e, :s t..mbl.ag for 1'. strurgbolde of chem. I, e'uplernent ! Univerasi human as- ."ah:lily CO order. And now we say, the vire cries out upon it with a`.horreec. - en.rg e. of 1h.. a'n•, freed):n mint and 'iehe idea is net tenable. uo'; oleraele, hard- y, ill fins•::t • ray ,, I' escape and reit f, Aad ly euneeivable. No, it .s a relStton eat41- heater or.:^r and stebt:ity. And sur, once , !ieh• d by arbitrary, particular, local law. -w mote, we sac, tit. text Lt tette, the text The alaselioldt f to Ft.•ppel by •II 'latent written in GuJ's bend of riadum, from 1 law from arguirg that be has just as good a which help is to he p'ea.•hed, re time :- right to carry his eluve• to the new territory 'Brethren. ye sive c.l:•d to latecir : mite as to carry Lia leuree or hie 1l"ugh or hie use sot I: betty for an oeca•.on 1„ t he 6•sh," cut t..n-cull. -to the lea or and se: ah and bru'al in Ant here is the t•cuble. if the planter 'tinea'. -but 'dry tete 'erre ono •ao. heir ." were f.rbrd.!rn by the government to carry - ie the nest^! • i OFT alacu.r.; r7 we re- a cer'.rn Inaehn u fir pecking t•otlno to the marked thtt there a .'ro certain q•teettons new territories, becarse tt wa• known to in- _ eleeh deeply 'gets e. •t h,'cn •. 11 to So. 1 •r•• the Iahne. duubllees then he would be dee.'. a part o1 t'..; .rest Ill s•n.nt in „F.odn,I. BO tt ra a teiy different ked isf . men's nods •hi' h r... -,•!e the .3 deeiv.l• „lfmr,• that be.tam.• et being ror►.4len to iced world. Ale/ 1. teen ere d- nae .ung r it v 'm. -I Inc. there. West is the diger- .411 more Geetlnar fa 1h,'n.elve■. N.D. •. v e • 1 N by •'e.• lb.. lacer prob.b.tion. or amid are dems.d;ng it f .r the ,!ase. We ha, - Vie pr p eel of it, bark, n such • pe- ohs,4 come. ■oa the who:. meld has e tie w tho•• . nu booty ! 1' I... •r eve 1 e..nvt,ttue tis: a fees year.. to • r. w Tit er of at. a led. .I.r. sy w a•nr• ly ►rust. Shia WAIT, ewe suha'rt. Brat at the ;••Bent mesterei the ,, n.,tmo s 1 • sameretint to eke tpl. of dens•n•l here he. taken • parte. Jar eels.. ib. 8.4,:h. 'PS.y .•', •'Yon pe Abe ne e A d.lerminatten has very pl.In'y a in ft .1.•' ly the 11•iri•avn•1 Law'. Yue las ,l ser ft.eti to fair nation, wtthtp.s few ,moth'• e►•raete•. Tim .ay that se Ass. sm. ag past, that there shall •3e so torh•-r I•s,en Asa meetem sat bee lbvl it *anent be toter - mon of the slave sya'.m upon our t.r,tt••rv. amid. T►•'. •e ea..' he had m.e. W We bel eve, that. off H,oely, the battle 1 ► ca.wut •.i.s•i• to tku.' r,,, nu, ow. p•' free sell is ahe•4e f•t,glit, and tete eict'•ry we are $•evilly re wile to t► • heating woe. We re ,tic at tt, I. Sari se re- our po-tt tie and • er ato misat ; to their j tier at 'my public. •ynt w ,mer 'armory. 'n motet vial an raeellewt. besorabl Whether re are baht or air, et. the im ao.1 ('brta•ito ewe. But we seat stay, a ;alley of am whole heart is t , sty, W. the frill to act nuts,. W-• bate tab••a ("VIIGid for rt n.w fru•'• 1 ,.von this tali ter of ••ave. ry. IV"1S's rejiice st ir, an,' we give thanks ; It is ibey t1.t have rawest th.mea'v•.• re but it i• n t spoil of nab:nenr•s to ens a •w ewe • • res* p ••'tine. Pre**.it by • fellow-eitizens of the Son'hern 31'.,..,- ...km fr'm the Nor h, earl ,.d..,3 free 1 We respect many of them.,whem vie k•ew wheal. rim hz 1 teeth,. god lad on ret an me We believe them to he potf.etly •-n.•re and neat statesman of cher ewe 1' *y hew fee ? .taken -wee is arches, all. ay Bloch Specie Officio, -tw , ball"! rf K' -a Geo a r Cash) ,AULg red tYe , s ERs • le. -r •r a vaMitt 5. de' ba OF an t 'Who w a