The Goderich Star, 1906-04-13, Page 6ANOMICIAVION Olt VIIIMIING *OM OP *NT WY/ IN HEI it VNIPON 401-1111111aik Put up In scaled load pokokitic to prosorvi Its mainly omens** guntlitlos 4K, Sin Mad '6100 Fer 01# , Ak 011, tirestille k 01011Virt A Miff VT. LOW We ORt.,000. Ttth STOWARD's SON MD AT WIFE'S •FEETt An Eno* Arden Tragedy Enacted ha Paris, Pram% • At. tmou Arden. tragedy came te '11Oht .10 Peen the other day when Jacettee ..liristiet returned otter three yeere'„abSettekl, end Q11 learning from his Wffie ttilit SIM hint niniarried, fell dead •AttLher 'feet. , , nriStet "fen oveay to Belgium with a. =We bat singer 'threo years ago. Ile lettit With IIIM 4580 of MS *enipleYer's •'ffinfleYt and left his penniless wife the IntrileA Of stIPPorittig two children. "---7Abhut It -yew -ago -she was- wormed that pee husband had been found dead, With+, hi throat cut, on the Belgian freptier near Lille, and her husband's paSimart end othet papers were handed to:Der, Slam ofterwarc-S IH. Gomel, a neigh- / b ir, asked her 16 be his wIfe, and they t ere merried and lived happily to- ietber, Wffile M. Courty was away from 'IMMO Alio 'other day there was O knock 4 at Ole door. Mme. Courty went to eee i who was there. end found a pale, thin / mon, with hair elinost white. Sefere ehe coUld ask what he wanted he fell dawn on his knees and asked her ,pardon. In bewilderment the wo. Matt gaited .1Vhat there was for pardon, and te then told her that he was Bids, set, her husband. Ile Saki that hts life with the music tall singer had been most unhappy, and . Mat ' soon after leaving home he had fallen• Into the hands of thieves, who robbed htm of his lust penny. For the last two dart he had eaten nothing. Moe, Courty gave him food, and tvhile he Was-tating.eelated the histerY Ad the past, two years. When she canie to the ecatteint of her marriage Brisset gave a Convulsive start, and fell dead at her feet. ?amt. Courty, who had unwittingly - -committed blieurty, will go through the Oderriage service a second tlme with M. r...fourty after they have both attended iBrisset's funeral. I' A SPRING TONIC. Weak, 11red end Depressed People Need a Tonle at This)/ Season to Put the 1310od Mold. Spring blood Is bad blood. Indoor life during Ole winter months is resporo table for weak, watery, impure blood. You need a tonic to build up the blood In the ePring just as much as It tree needs new sap to give it vitalifilafor the , surnmer. In the spring the bad blood shows itself in many weys. In some it breeds pimples and eruptions. In others It may be thrash _or.casional headaoheo, a variable appetite, perhaps • twinges of neuralgia, or rheumatism, • or a h1V feeling:3n The morffing and desire to avoid exertion. For these sluing ailments it is a tonic you need, and the greatest bloodonakIng, health- ' giving tonic In all life world Is Dr. Wil- Ilanue Pink Pills, Every dose helps to make new, rleh, red,. health -giving blood, -which readies every nerve and every organ in the body, Bringtng health, strength and energy to weak, detpondent, ailing men and women. Here is proof. Mrs, Chas. Blackburn, ,t0eaterd Station, ni, S., says: ."For the past ten -years Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pais is the only Medicine I have taken when I fotind I needed a medicine. Last spring I VMS feeling poorly, web weak, etnily tired and depressed. I got three boXes and they made me feel like a new person, These Pllis are the best Medicine I know of when the blood is mit of order." ThOtIsands Of people not actually sick „riot0 Sento in the spring, and to an ' these a box or two of Dr \Vtittanis' Pink Fills will bring new energy and new strength. To those NAM may be more seriously tieing, who are sutler- - hiff from any of the aliments tie to . bad blood• -a falr treatment with these pills Nvill brino new health and vitroity You can get these pills from any n,11 - eine dealer- On by mail from the Dr, baros''hledlrIno Co.. Brockville, Ont., at .,10 Conte a box or six boxes for S2.50 .101 IILISINESS. "You can hardly help helloing what liendsoffie rings Miss Flirt wears, can yeti?" "J‘lOi she hos such an ongtiging way ivenring intim" 11 to *town Everywhere. - There Is net ,o city, nowt or 'hamlet in Canada wheee Ot. Thomas' Eciectric 011 Is not knowne.wherefeer introduced it made a foothold tor Itself and maintained it. Selene° Inemhants may suggest same lAtierVatted.Vas cquafly benellelat. Such reettlinuendations should be .received Witit deuht. There is only one Electric Clit, and that is Dr. Thomas' Take no- thing eitte. 0 oro "Perhaps you don't Into nly style of dancing." $he iin evident distress): "There is rather' too ninth sameness alma it." Ile) "How may t vary fir She t "Suppose you treutl on my tell Nat (Mee 10 a VIM)." HEIMATrifil ,ANO PARALYSIS, ihelr complete haute cure. Past free to readers of this paper., Por ',Limited liattOti Itetaleouie Illustrated treatise. et. not tun 1c4t0ntan e ithetuoatim end Votolyste, uttit tests -actions for a cora. 14Clit $10MO COM cescriehia lbo mast surer:tail „treatleent th tlin World. re, (,v 1110 Inaintry azd color* 1041 70,* teedtC*1 men, tilghlv .tP'°r lTe w etAra s stein# "thoseIltstitten. %Ise preicrei 4* ./KracNOIA tlia Unive_raitY et wutio.t.„,00,1 .poAtsa tri.tiny and pate will tetellva the binge tree I. 1'. , las veto rise Co., do Ktilt IA. *OVA Tek0AtO. #‘6.66.66 WISE, Si?lotes eXpeetillY 11/414 Siefiste-Plieuf do 3o111 know. sho Ln 13i13'Oil the aoer:P HOW WO ORDSENO %HE opEkiti,„ 166 Care Is Taken ler Stlfegalted flt0 Treasure. The eaptain Of QM/ et, the nig tranee Allentio which carrle.s in RS etrenn Mein Millions of gold a year, while recently dlsetissing- tile subject with a Telierteis said: "Alter the geld. Werth perhaps half a rniiibofl or a million and which is peek. ea in sand loved saxes, strengthelled with enerinoua s of IrOn,,hae been placed in the bullion room, aeceea which fo only obtained throdgh the flooring -Of the salaam t alga- the receipt, and then beCotne responsible for lie safety, "Front this moment until I arrive at Liverpc01 the key never leaves MY pee. son, 11, begging suspended from MY neck inside my clothes by a piece oI ribbon. "Do 1 think it impassible for a thief to obtain access to the strong room? Fifty desperadoee, ahipptng h$ Passell' gers, Might, es you say, wait till we %Afore out in the open, and then. after murdering us all, help themselves to some of the gold-enot all, ft would be tote heevy-and then take to the boats. Yes, (My determined men might do this, But how are fifty criminals to as- semble in New 'York without the police becoming aware of their presence. Why, I should spot them before we starlet). Responsibilities for such treasures as I carry sharpen the wits. No, the money Is safe enough on the ocean. "I simply from habit keep my eyes open during the voyage till we reach the docks - not that my responsibility ceases even then. Should Me ship ar- rive on a Saturday or on- some holiday' the vessel is considered at sea, and not only is MI leave sternly refused, but the most extraordinary precautions • taken to prevent a surprise atteek from shore. "As soort as the officials from London -consisting generally of a few detec- tives, clerks of the stetunship company --arrive, the bullion room is opened, the boxes are removed in a strong net - each box being checked as it appears - placed on a trolley, and well guarded, hurried without a moments' delay to the bullion truck. When this is done and the word 'Ml right!' Is pronounced I heave a big Sigh of relief, for my respon- sibility then ceases. "The bullion truck, as • you perhapil know, is a barge-sliaped box, lined with solid plates of hen, about tour feet long by three feet high, Mid secured with several locks of the latest design. "When the gold Is to be carried by ran the bullion truck Is always sandwiched In between the edgine and the Conduc- tor's car, so that when the conductor has not got Ifis.eye on It the eneineer or flreman has." ' SAFETY FOR CHILDREN. Baby's Own Tablets is the only medi- cine that gives the mother the guarato tee of n government analyst that it contains no •poisonotis opiate and le nbsoltitely sate. This is worth much to every mother who cares for the fu - lure welfare of her child. ,The Tablets are good for the tenderest baby or for the well grown boy or girl, and cure the minor troubles that are inseparable from childhood. Mrs. W. J. Macintosh, Clam tiarbor, N. S., save: "I have used Paby's Own Tablets for constipation, vemiting and colds and have found mem a splendid medicine. I Mee the Tablets all the credit for the splendid health my little one now eajoys." The wise mother will always keep a box et these Tablets on hand. They can b P01 from any druggist or by mail from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook, ville, Out., at 25 Cents a box. ANYTHING WILL Da "When a man axes you foil advice," said Uncle Eben, "It generallyl don' mean nuflIn' eXcepv dat he's kind o' lonesome an' wants to be talked to." Do not let a cptd settle on your lungs. Resort to Sickle's. Anil-C.onsUmplive Syrup at the first Mitt -nation of irrIta. lion in the throat and prat:tent disease from lodging in the pulmonary ,organs, Neglected colds aro the cause of untold suffering throughout the country, 011 et which could heed been prevented PY the application of this simple but pow; erful medicine. The price, 25 cents, brings it within tho reach of all. • COMFOI1TING. We Mei Met the bad things other people know about us are more than eetniterbatanced by the good thhigs We know abeut ourselves. . • The Pastor's PilY.-A prominent pto-,•, tor os a Durham, Ont., church, wettest "I suffered intensely from Inflammatory Rheumatism. Just one bottle ot South American Rheumatic Cure healed Me. I pity those who stiffer so much and t'o not know how near they nee to a dere. I feel like proclaiming it &OM the, house•teps."-139 4 Wan TEE COWPUNCHERS, ' IOW 'CHAPTER III,,-04Penthutedl, 'Hillidkrd Harlon eteggettd alightly, then With lite eye* Mill Cited on .cyrli and Norah, who wens leaning over the terrace 10 Vahl trying to shlike the tLluMJ,Itegerly throat ug to Mem, Pet hiektkic 4W42's fitat* for 4 *net. then, as he tett into the (IOWA Pert Of Ibo OrOdi he turnet ".and forced hie WO through the Kepis with a desperate botste, even' atrikaiit at thein in 4 teen: dedi fOriella fashion. Seine shrank beck, Others struck at him in *turn arid ,swere at huin. but WI* his bead bent downje Matte HMO for higiseit, and reach ,ffie edge of the er9W4. 'With the Uncertain Staggering stens of a drunken man be went down the ane and entered the cottage. iie had len no light linithe rearm the flee inel Meat out; sii .w.s.s.dark---Tiefore-heAtrUck rn he telt Ifts Way 10 the eidebeard, found it brandy &canter, and. OM trembling hands, poured out a, glassful and drank 4t. Thenovith 4 nIT, as If the 4Iftrito ho4 gtvec hith power to realise the truth, he thing hands above his head and nursed Cyril, and even Norah herself. Al he was raving, in the very midst of the atefel stream of profanity, he etepped 41_01 SudderilY andilistented, Wbat hesrd Was only the distant sOund, of the crowd, but to his ears -it Wok to itself the Iffie.nese of n wall, 'a cry from a woman, and, with ashudder, he cowered ageinst the sideboard, and looked over bis shoulder with an ex- prosion, of sickening fear and dread on his white face, for -once agile' he geemed to see that vague, Indenneble gliade Which bore the faint outlines of /he murdered woman, and which had heented him now and again Whenever ter Vats over -tried eXcited. For a moment -that might have been a year - he steed cowering. bent alMost double; then the expression of his face changed to enfir of sinister cunning, and, still looking ;behind Mai, and moving his liPs„ though no words came, he stole on tip - tae toward the cupboard. How the Willy Brand* Is Pat ttto Ilaritess. On all eldes of the little' toWn lay tile gloat/tie SWeeD of outlined eclintry$, To find another railtuad to the northward - was to ride a itifildred and fifty miles 10 the Canadian PaetIle: to •flhd a railroad to the ,Southwerd meant as long a ride to the Northern Paeldc. On lite olge el theltaeff'a freighters' olitilt was reeking ready to [Mil Ced four days to ,a Cahn) hoe the 1.11U6 iloeldeS. Ten heinek led the Wing of laden wagon% ,beWtal Whielt trailed lite Meted cituckowit011. Ouipped tor steeping and. eeekingc Tor ihre welt no hotels on this route, , . The hOSO and bts two hcipeo woo wr011ing • &hi ill-fated' 1.10,Y, Ind enet.'00 fell a nes4 aeroSs101 back. Ate was needed *4 5)3 alkeheekr, und ho had to go. Ile tatipit, lite a hero possessed or area end the three men toned .on /toile la 14 tiEth hits the totem and in Iteett elate truth hit internaily Active At length Ids .nine comrade* 44initscl lath:their effilers, and the rebel' *WOW, had la gdUllb illetrt. Ito ley down arid Watt,dregited Oft hii eat' WWI 1111 Wita perzelved Win ntilhiag in Itt's• sort tol mutiny. lie rase and slid ,stitt; legged tiptli, oldountherod, outrate4 ffild 011igetiOrtillaa. Ito Surged Rita th6' ,toner Ilia a tiontslabolt .4114 therelthet tea te pnll the WM% bed, In the otn fiepa Of tearing sontething ma by the ,roole; If* lobe etrIng at Iterto obit *tow wound out into the nren rettritry, and in * 111110 While dipped actoto, A .04MileY. atel Met aae. t are' Melte things 10we pletwitl,to tiati -T-hre- 6 how's' later Cyril and Jack stood ftigether in the drawing -room. Lady and Norah had gone upstairs, presum- ably to bed, but really le sit and talk Of the Wonderful events of the day, and Lord Ferndale, declaring that he must elimavongtqmo, uleimeigar After all the excite. Meld, had. taken Mr. Petherick to the kin The flee friends stood looking at each other for a moment, then Cyril held out his hand. . 13 wleh I could tell you how I feel to- night, Jack," he said; "how happy I am, hew grateful to you all, to you and the Ferridales, 'and all these good people, with their simple, warm-hearted welcome. Please God, I will be worthy of their love, and keep Al But my darl- ing won't find it difficult to do that, tont she? Jack, I ask myself as I stand here thinking of the great good luck which has fallen to me, why I, of all men, ehould have been so fortunate and so blessed, 'and -and, Jack, it lmost frightens mel I can only say, from the bottom of my heart, that I am grateful - very, very gratefult-and, thank god, on add that I am at peace wittf all men." "Even Guildford Berton?" said Jack, getetly, Cyril started, and , a look of We crossed his face. - "hut, I had forgotten him," he said, BirnuTP111.t's only natural," rejoined ' Jack. "Rut I haven't, and as -1 have interfered so much in your affairs, you'd better let me finish up by disposing of that in- genious gentleman," and he began but' 10011113 up his coat. "What, ore you going to do?" asked cyrT110., :rgahvter,ly. "1m g'oing to call upon Mr. Berton: o uTodlight, for I've a shrewd suspicion that if I wait until the meening I shall not EMI him at home." "Rut -but why not let him alone? Why not let him go? Ah, 1 see! I'd almost forgotten." "Yes," said Jack, quietly and grintly, '1 Only want to ask Mr. Berton one question, and I Wend to have the an- swer. That question is, li.Vbere is Becca South?' If that tinswer Is satisfactory I should say you had better let Mr. Guild- ford Berton depart in peace." "In Heaven's name, yes!" responded CYli ldon't know that Heaven will have much to do with it." rejoined Jack, go- ing into the hall and asking for his coat 80(1 dBrIllittitei mine, too," said Cyril, quietly, to dhe footman. "You mom to go with me?" asked leek. "Can you ask me, my dear Miter hen Ferndale and Petherick shall go else," said Jack, and be went into the solokit+room and informed them et his Itur Altnost WI hOtit a word the four men wedt out. Jack only made one remark as Int looked up at the sky. "if It were not for the bonfire we ehould Want a lantern." Still In silence, Or speakingrts above a whisper, they went down'the lane, and Steed before the gate in the wait. • "Looked," said Jack, and he looked at Cyril. . , ("on put his strong shoulder to the deer, and with a Creak It fell back. Jack ; nodded approvingly. "All dark." he said. in 4 whisper, olla hat gone to bed or--fiown. No, the door's epee. Wait;.he added, on the threshold; "let tne go first; rit can it I want You, They eloted assent, and, still 111 by the glen of the bonfire, he pushed open the deer et the parlor. Almost In ari Matent be was tack With Wein, eayhig : ealltralli. g, but, with an expression on ins late width caused them to start for - '"Wilt --a light." he Said, in a vette that Hentled slightly. Lard Feendate struck- a llght, tind they 'entered 'the room. A, Waage, pungent sirtell Mlle Slit tO Meet theta and eittletit Stifled tbetit. cyrit, irlth se , foreboding Of tannething ova* remembered it. Jed; Ilt:a can 1k Itlidrld il 1114 and AS It8 rays tell upon Gun reed Dertarea' figure, lying WI in I thei NNW and halt on the door, Cyril , 'Titelf tibia Mtn, and leek torn open his tUeri - and laid 1 head 'upon his hteotorioirt ;Then he looked ,orattud et the NM, *nil *pate the one drool welt: roe a Moment Or two they stool speNtilres and inveldruekt then. with compripaol lip% lark owed dm deed mans Oat, etut took ttnift Th. Pori* Nana lel est , Cyril Wit termini. . -1-hey art Mine," liii akia, almost in; audibly. Me: handed ihent to Wm, and as be tOole there' sotrite,bing fed 4* the doer. lekt Pitted it 'iltbi 4nd Cyril Wahl 'elm+ der. extaanned. *My Nagthe ring AM& .And -;-My God, 3atitt-And h.e Is the letter stmla %het algid At ltsa Me and gese fa Ivor awl ka COYeetti hi* fate blt Wide. Act reee, • 01 41011 at my tnitwer atter all:A. he *IC "MeV Diet itttlett, restate*" to terattrutic anew. INN with a lever- lik atairitent and Skelloli ih2F 4t4I*1121 the grit pie* Stant MON le Mut; then after neritaira thought jaelc led Itte'.Wity the'erdell, teli0Wed hit the treilibling, old woman ttitaehlginaellOnt late .e.riete of Weer. 4aeit. *Moped before the Asp • Of loaves and Opened down. 1 044 nie 4 elide, telflAt" :be WO. hoarsely. LordFerndale brought one, and they atoOd round while Joeir worked: A ousPellats of a few iiiinutei that scented eetes, and then 1110 heard ide voice, solemn as a knell: • , have foliad the aneWer; It iselferele • • ,,a.. Two yore later the arthitla 'world was thrown into a. State Of eilettententIV a certain pieture in the AetideloY,'eShila- lion of that Selleion. _. ' It was B landscape --4 sthall- one,'bUt with -twoe.fientres, a-ladY „tinit, 0,,c1104, The lady was eeated under an apple tree in a MOO delightful orchard, eral the child was lying on its bacii,, vainly endeavoring to bite an apple at Meat three times, the size of ite,motith. • It was so fresh in treatment, so dean cetely painted, . that the nitlitelbettre were unenlinous in their AP,prehattecte .and praise, but the general pantie, sw cii know little and care lessfor -oomp ; Hoes were quite euetrat WW1 liehlt1 charnaed by the exquisite 'beatify of the Imth"Blitk ttrwedl'illetightilitlett14;00 .4'1Ut..1Ibik: yitTrn.gsteanrcl. iNt Iteswas found neceakiry to platss before it the proteeting 'ea and Policemen which only aPPear‘liefere the great event of the exhibition. Critics praised it, the peelers rhaPteglized' it, the public crowded to see It;'411.d for some days after that on which "the ex. Minion opened everybody Was task* whoand what the painter. Vittflq, NI' the name in Me catalogue was evIdeotly an assumed one, and told nothing. The mystery only heightened 1h pub - and at dinner parties and 14"the'pauses pc and artistic etniosity and ereetA of the dance one heard peeple sitying to each °Uteri • 'Have you seen the mother. and child In the apple orchard ? Splendid,' isn't kt Wonder who on earth the man fer The secret was very Well' kept -for nearly a month. At the end' of that time, however, the veil was 'lifted, for h famous critic, who was sharper than bis fellows, happened to Welt the gal; lery one afternoon, and fottridetlinneffil• flaorreCituntess ot Arrowdale 5%11414 be- , As he looked first at the Pidture and then at her she happened' to erniTe. New, the mother was not a portrait 'of Norah, but Cyril had perhaps- uncon- sciously bestowed upon the painted face a reflection, a hint of 'the -smIle which woo one of the charms With which Norah worked her spells, and the crttle divined the teeth. "Lady Arrowdale,", he old, growing red with the excitement of hie discov- ery, "your husband painted that pic- ture." "Oh, please don't tell. It was, 16 be 4 secret, and -and we have kept It so we"Ir" lti e.3, you have," returned the critic, who, of course, meant to rush 'MVOs soon as he could and proclaim hto im- portant find. "Yee, indeed, you have. I know Lord Arrowdale's *tut*pretty well, I think, but, though they are good, as I've said very often, they are nothing compared with this. It IS' such a sud. den jump. How do you Deem* for tt, Lady Arrowdale?" Norah smiled, Red looked at the pc - lure in silence, but tante one spoke kir her. "Permit die, Lady Arrowdate," Said Jack, who had etepped up and heard the little speech. "This picture Is So far arid away the best of my friend, Lord •Arrowdale, because he Mixed his colots with the oil of happiness, drew the or. chard by ,the light of love, and gave hts whole heart to the mother and the child. And now you know not only hotv AO- rowdale came to paint suott la picture, but why he calls it 'joy.' AM , 1 001 .. right, Lady Arrowdale?" And Norah, as she put her band on his arm, could only assent by .ti smile, which the critic afterwards declared made him feel as if the tears. were in his eyes as well base Eino.herS. SENTENCE SERMONS. - Struggle is the school ot'lirength. Faith is food as well ati Medicine - He who fears to leave U1014104 an. not Ond truth. The wealth of true love Will Mire tile love of wealth. A hard head is apt to be dull WithoUt Ole bright eyes of love. Personal righteousness Will be the source of any permanent reform. The life that is written, in blue ink does not turn to a permanent color. The keys of life are not *leen le those ieho cannot keep the door Of the lips. Reverence' reveals Me heart of every truth; superstition sees but the surface, ft takes more than the Stinday dress parade to make the Christian. Warder. When you have honey from the rock you will not went gluriete ;rem tu Verapaz end tzahal‘ Most of Inc for - flatterers, esti still belong to ftte,governalent, and wherere the prophets aafraid of losing is by, concession, by which a certain l i fie . fie people are losing When elij lire the usual method .01 seeming the UMber aerate of Wes are -cut, of a given peke When a man Is driftinig with ^the ler tree, or stipulated SUM IS litAPI for rhalt 111160 911111, hit* V !AIWA" lIdi GPO Only OM Seicr; .11aradelt, Ont.. APr; itlePeoltd). That Dodd% 'X wilt corm .11hetimatiera,, or any NW dletaute ret 011iing from tlietnsIstedd Kidneys Pt the tliPerienelt Of intlitif PI Itt*Ilet41001* tha titiu/t. ROW 00UntrY. Thskotints,or httill MO Motto ot *to ply*, a lair sample et the worit the great Canadian liktney RelliedY Is 11001$# had Sheliralttlant SO keel I Karl to utte slick "to Walk, had. pane to MY tuck and right hip, and I had na;vonz, tdrt in $loepinit. • - "I ^beg MOM' thin web Or An* dre44 M.YSelf Unary two montiumini „was fur nearly,three Weelot bald not lace niy right- shoe, elmy Istetner edvited 416, to try 044(rs KkIney POS, and did ita, Atter 'taint tbree faexea .emtid yam around 1414 lace up 'MY 4110ele and 40 my- tttot% SI* boxes eured. Mb ecappietely," ,Dwo ladog are the one Pee Ore kW ittek dneyee Melt Kidney ere. the, tanse-of-pinedenthe of Itheedlia the intffian famliy attffere fr9111, tip to Die preterit tiMe Witglatt PaYt Mr Peemisto ler Old A04 60ais 016004 111710 *a 1E44 howl to -day *England ot Sr. MallboliWS PrOPOR*5 44 tiat, 0.1001 At 04 ege Penitent' that It is tfitatbky refebbeg le beer that Cadbury Rens.. Llented, otentestleet *Rh their 00004 wOrice Velirtr410, neer ntinglatalit ainr OW* definite tie- renentreents lot the listablistanent of 4 13414444 Mad kr the bettelit 0! thiLc Makt de0140114* • Tha *ad Wilt be ettenerted by enlitft' b4tUotla by the. etiolnloY*4 toleYing _troM OK In 4 parnetit of their Wegolit'9n4 the UUpny will littY ttie nued Oenbite1,- 14044 4111 0941, MOW% erne lone are tO beeolint Paatable at the 'OSA Pt sixth 'etteent in role where arreniemente aro made Mr 44 aMploye to resiain in. Ow tervio .!Of itte compentetter nellsiOn at" " Th. MOM( of the allittni penston Vial be One per gent. oelhe tend emettot Pt the eMitloye'S Wag* in, Teepee", at 'Willett he hes Maila con1rO3111,10134. and wifl thet'efora d.pnd on ktg,tiv of sets • Thus, an employe who has been a itlerUbtt' of lita- Pensibn Mud for $0 yore,. will, on, atteintrig 41XIY be en tit1et't.O: a naltSlea -0(100 ,le480 ter every .4100 OV•104 '001'40 AMMO Wage. The COMPaDY ProPeaO intingurete the fund by unnertekingto pey over to 11 littl awn Of 46000; 11 Ls neltelied that e-e.eeeee,--eeeee, UP 'IMO Will. be SUITIcielit o' ,entitle alt_the existing rattle Abele OS to Patiaten he elite In respect of half -of %Or period or Serviee With tile comPellY taat aairatilot leaeretow leg7tarisay...out • owe to ow se temlet Orate erns* lieefereit siee14. thsege,tistre . men ceases** RentImitit setae asneuoi. • sier levee sae Os iraus *tors sa4 *KO* wilkevit iflier.e.thes4 we SOF. Ftsaistietiimilea41/WaltteodSF10100104,0491001lretilit* Seise roor rise :0441triewrom igosv ammo TBEZ 'fretwork; lioguttlEwt a•neleeleetersofeiortliataelee nese, Nit Pitch Max. We /We leroSef lialesafteer.raso picture for twkwIne". 'on* imaavgararvala+lairs wilt Writ. Pa WI* •rotw14 0,00/‘ yOts Otte en teessowde etaseturtkurrechur weeder, •wo w10 watt VW , Gene . . vote. . rtabeit "ice 10, 1.50,11th1IOAKV0551:000 CO., .P.i41.414454f idhle,r,f1,544 FOR SUER SURMARINES RISK or LOSING Ova WILL BE cavdtmle AiiptiCEO. lantrovelnelite 'pet ,Will Lessen De41113 10 Crews * Underwater . Safety Is the prlirpl.e'Whiell has been placed before all others in tbe designs 'of the eleven new siffinearines *Web figure in the COreent^idritistit naVal builds 1°8 PrograPtines„, WA the :London •Eie• olnstsmtz. eStvhef?Iltorutirtleg 406'1 b e in tieffeg v4OSSCeeels--1-to perils made manifest in, the series of fatal and all lidt fatal adcidnts of recent years' Itoughly_speMing, the. _neW_Judety princlpbes ttomprise the following 1. Greater buoyancy in an inert state to facilitate natural Hain to the atirface. under emergency onditions, ;2. Greater internal control AS far as keeping water out of the vessel under emergency conditions Is concerned. tt.ftiosons.st; 800gureawaboteartlroalcisilsangieontoa.tkeyision, so • that greater precau- These three points cover the chief causes 01 fatal accidents' to submarine trews. SUBMERSIBLE PRINCIPLE. ,The new boats will be, on the sub- mersible principle. When reduced to diving trim they Will possess much larger reserve at "buoyancy than •any exLsWnt type. This is rendered poissible by the great ine.rease of *power in the electric engine used for propulsion under water. When diving, the submersible is driven ahead, and steered downwards by her deflection rudders. She is thus forced -under by momentum. Imme- diately on stopping she 'rises to Um SUF face without any manipulation of her littlest or Miming tanks. Sy increasing the powers of flotation when in diving trim, a very much better chance will eidst Ot bringing the boat 'o the surffice in the event of a mishap when stabmerged. Another point by which greater se- curity will be attained is the improve- ment in the means of promptly closing all access to the interior of the boat. The need for this was one of the most tra- gic leseens of the fate of the A 8 at Ply- mouth last June. . SLIDING DOORS. In the new type it is proposed to sub- stitute sliding watertight doors in the top 01 1110 donning tower, which can be shut instantly by the pull of a lever placed by the side of the steersman. The Admiralty also have under con- sideration the possibility of improving Ole existing optical. arrangements In submarines. The peribope limits Me range of violent° an arc of the horizon Only. When the attention of the officer on observation duty .Is fixed on the ob- ject of alto& there Is a risk that he may emit to sweep the surrounding sea to make sure no 'other vessel is approath- Mg. This was the -cause of the loss Of the A 1 with all her are*, and also of the narrow escape of the A 9 a few weeks ago. The new submarines are credited with a surface speed of eighteen knots, a submerged speed ot ten knots, and ^ a radius of action, on tOtiondo working, of 600 miles. 'INACCESSIBLE FORESTS. Nearly ail of the northern and east- ern pert et Guatemala is covered with a dense tropical forest, conflating of mahogany, different kinds of cedar, thiele and Other herd woods. Along (dreams down which loge ean be float- eo much of the mahogany has been cut, but as yet very.lit„tle 01 1110 other weeds have been marketed. This is especial- ly tree 91 Abet deParitnents of Peten, streem he is like! td t nk that he be timber clh 0 Wen tract* It LI ft° streatil has cettged lo ROW. There's a lot of people se perfeetlY good they cannel gtve.,the rest Of us a Ohm even to be pretty good. Some people think 'that ftrat-elass piety Is tdmply fooling br Ay, for vo limes it is Stipulated that if a certain number of trees are etat during the semerttilpet Inun employee fitm such periods of 11 au employe teaves the convoy's service before attaining Remit* age be Will have returded `t..0 WM MI his awn at tn2tribx poatIreconanit, Wsknithilatirry,Pieill:dverileoreng dles before receiving in Deosions en teMount equal 10 his Mot Contributions wilt ab ifitivanexcflore wgiltbe, Oviontaideet:dh'istntreer;re.st, - A. Sure cure for Headache.-13Illous htadache, to which Woinen,ere more sub- ject than men,' become;so acute In some subjects that they are utterly pros - Dated. The stornoch tenses food, and tohretretaleireee constanttoartrodimatresbuseinwvet he* become mutiny secreted there. Par - melee's Vegtabln Pills are a speedy al- ternative, and in neutralizing the elects of the intrudIng, bile relieves the pres- sure an the nerves which cause the _headache. Try thein. _ If you think that honesty keeps the! majority of politicians poor you are en- t. titled to another think. A 1..",t1r4110 QUIET is ties bast of all Met, yipt will WA mats bons and mullets but overearim" al.Tey ALI drug and general atom. Si to spend." appear to be very fond I of your little playmate. It is pleasant tr. see such love among children." The Bigger Cine-"Yes,M; he's got er peeny P.alloway's Corn Cure le a spe,cifle ter the removal of corns and warts. We have neker heard of its falling to re- move even the worst kind. Honesty seems to be an ingredient that many a self-made mart neglected to mix in with the Test of his material. Sunlight Snap is better than otter soaps, abut isunligliesthwttoaaapestianddinfouthowsadirsoasligtions.ht way. '-tinCe.jcer-strange they didn't name the taby after its rich uncle. Bocker-No; he looked at it, and said he'd give them 0,000 not to. Di. Agnew's 'Catarrhal Powder -has proved a blessing to many a "man be- fore the public" In cases of hoarseness, bad throat, tonsilitis and catarrh. Some of the mom recent evidence of its efficacy comes from a well-known actor, whose bome is in New York City. He says: "I have never found anything to -equal this remedy for quick relief." 50 cents -137 Mrs. Crebshaw-"You seemed pleaeed that my doctor recommended a nve.mile walk every day." Crabshaw-"Yes, my dear; I *as afraid he would recommend en automobile." 6 ONE Or TIM BEST old tian rannedios toe all aid* Isteotionv, such as Eatems4 llingworm, Scald - Lead and similar sanctions Is Weay•eo Galata is as ointment that has brought relief to Oueenda IVIrs. Gramercy -I hear your husband setters from dyspepala. Mrs. Park- Nof exactly. You see, he has it, but:4' suffer from it. • To Those of Sedentary Occupation.- Men who follow sedentary occupations, which deprive them • of fresn air and exercise, are mord prone to disordees 0.1- the liver and kidneys than those who lead active, outdoor lives- The former will find in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills a restorative without question the most eMcacious on the market. They are easily procurable. easily taken, act expeditiously, and they are surprising - b cheap considering their excellence. RUSSIA'S FIXED POLICY. German Publicist Fiend" Arraigns the Csaes Government. Startling reports of the condition and future of Russian's 0,000,000 Jews were made the other day to the annual meet- ing of the Central Jewish Relief League, el leterlIri, Gereariny, by Dr. Paul Nathan, O well known Berlin publicist, who has returned from an extensive trip through Russia es the special emissary of Jew - 1311 philanthropists in England, America and Germany. to arrafige forth' distri- bution of the relief nind of $1,500,000 t raided titter the Massacres last, Autumn. Dr. Nathan rentin a horrifying pie- - lure of the plight and protpects of his 4o -religionists, and forecasts at any hour renetved 'massatres exceedirtg in extent end tensor all %Olen have egone before. au easy matter to get IMO to large tracts of land in Guatemala, os It is dis es:waged by the government. These concessions are not usually granted for a longer period Matt live years. Some - Ho len SL Petersburg Ilvith the firm theliCs studied polio for Inc solution et Tho ;Etteish question Is systematic arid murderous extetmlnatkin. De. Nathan read to the meeting a Circular eddreased lea Week to the gar- rison of Odessa, oiling upon tile sol- diers to "rise and crush the traitors who ore plating to upset the holy govern - Mont Of the Crest and substitute for it a Jewish ernpirei" Er. Nathan ebneltided with a pis. 81001110 appeal, to 1110money pilWers et the World to armst Russia's career as be/tower. The tinaneiers of the world Should end a halt to Thissie, tot only for hitatiudtarlan reagent, but for priactitid, reetene, ittleSitt's bank- ruptcy is on established Met. Information published at lictilta slates , that a tetteWed Mithreek Of the Rustien teVOlutiOrt ininniterd. The Central Tievehille060 EXttutive Committee tat distributing great quantities °terms arid ^ ammunition, paritettiltri,V Ott thit tietatlert thtt retelutiebiste lett mit !fight tin iiiittliett, Mit In Mien Vying dol. Mtn, Whleti *ill thiplisy the bombs as their printipal ittiirtintents of destrue- Oen. • Pitt Or the MOst 1.4netkithie features (ST the frieVertitit1 It.. the *termed,. moot, tvel of stntift benne* available for Use, 110 *Chen* Is 40 destitY the PerMan- tint IVO Of tallWays and tilt tektite** *tits eitntilteritotitdy in Mani' Aillertht parIs throuphort the Oddity. The prt)to teMlitt riniatters buttlY lOWIIS ttee Alta In be net gre .ot a. gtven Amami NAT HIq gOltll'401 "Wel, riette. hig haity's NUE , "Was you kneel with that .tapl had/. ,N11. Mel • ati," btrd class pane -agent tbe $11011 ton they trent be renewed e You get near the real vitiation ot 14/ man when you see him net apenny ih the offering while he eings, "Take InY 1110."t Otte el the great delitleneted of mol - ern womhip is that it presents Only one opportunity to walk up the aisle with the hew dry goods. The Men whe wards to make 'million in order to build ti hasptlitt oftentsatist ties himself with donatIng hit tildelethea 'When he hits Medd lita pile, 000000 Mt train, convictiOn that the usetan Govern- tthsteoeitt, Met sehy Altleik 41rit t meittettente Meets "ktileito Workmen engaged in the inettureettire of steatites in Lontoshire from o wood wow% te West Mean lXixWeett hat*, teen aftiieted :With * Mytteriotta diSeeSe, which in several eases htlectilfhinated in Vhat is Weal ***the yellow &Oho So ItieriY^ CON Of 1116000 nattered that the, Matter Win beetight 10 the 110113. et tw.\T ht, liege, thief otediodinspect- tor tio 110 fettery Deportment el 14 116016 Orate. $nspietoti eventettllY tristentli Open the wOod. and Prot. Ihkevey Gibe** no; Ittrfook the exeminetion 01 lishotidiket Throeexpetintenis ,PNVe 'het the wood col‘tains trt alkaloid Whidt stilt * t salter poison, lothoebit redoet stewing Of the heartbeat and tilminuttni or vigor itt Eit; tontrtetile halloo at the tort, - 1113 auggiated Mil the Ant pertitlea woM biting to Itte pereatring We. Met% Mestelitlhe 61110 Mad., yield the atodold I* varying QuattIO. ._erbith *a tato*** thatched** the flittlellew. Twci thousand designs suitable for oll classes of work such as Charehee. Schools, Stores, tialiv„ Mao special destgns for -Houses, KU- eniteevnerS*.c:11:09:10:olitu.iete, 'Nothing hes ever been devised to equal Ped- lar's Steel Celling.s' fer Farm Houses. Cheap as loth and plaster and will Avoid Accidents brUsing Pediar's Steel -Ceilings. , . made „to At any size room and can be .intiled 'on by any mechanic. Shipped from our warehouses painted all ready to. apply. - OUR CATALOGUE, NO: 44 C. DESCRIBES MANY DESIGNS. WRITE FOR IT. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. WRITE TO -DAY. maws.. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE ISSITIZAL, MILI ORM% 047. 1111111174. 4117. LONDON, Oitt MI Orals W. 423 Summit!. etalbarrea $t NI Sunda* 40011PICIt vasmouven, 5.0. , tweehard ' . Wang Yells Musa= 011KIM. ' Pander Head Office and Works. de • Oshavia, Ont., Canada In Western Canada 'pi lands et Saskatchewan, only s lanes from two railways, C.P.B.& G.T.r. Strom; soil, 90 per cent. plough lead, tipping meek, no slough; About 40 miles MIL or Indian Head. ftee 810.80 per nern. Writa for map and fell particulars. R. PAtsoNs:91 Wellesley Street, Taman. Canada. "Why am I like a pin?" asked Mr. Jones triumphantly of his wife. He ex- pected she was going to say: "Because you are so sharp." He was sorely dis- appointed when she replied: ' Because if you got lost, you wouldn't be worth looking fort" Pale, sickly children should use Mo- ther Graves' Worm Exterminator. Worms are one of the principal Causes of suffering in children and should he expelled trom tee system. "Hew is your son getting on with his work ?" "Beautifully 1" answered the father of the gilded youth. "He never troubles 0, and it never seems to tt•ouble him." Couldn't Estimate Its vatue-Dr. Ag- new's Cure for the Heart never falls. It relleves in 30 minutes, 0 cures. It is a beacon -light to lead you back to health. \V. II. Niusselman, of G.,A. 11., Weiss - port, Pa., says? "Two bottles of Dr. Agnew's Gun for the Heart entirely cured _me of palpitation and smothering srells. Us value cannot be estimated.' -139 POSTMEN ON SNOW -SHOES. Mountain Carriers Take Great Risks in Coloreds*. Strength and courage are needed by the men ' employed in delivering the mails in the Rocky Mountains. In win- ter the undertfficing is difficult and dangerous. Sometimes the carrier is swept away by a ,,enow-slide, and months roll by before the brave fellow and the mail -pouch are found. .About fifty of these mountain =viers risk their lives daily on the dangerous trails in Colorado, carrying the mails on snow. shoes to the most remote mining camps. Only hardy men of resource can do Ibis work, for twenty-five pounds of let- ters, papers, and packages become very heavy and burdensome in climbing lite maintains. These carriers know the peaks, passes, and trails as well as the city carriers do the streets and numbers or their districts. On reaching the summit the carrier straddles the pole, and, placing his snow- shoes close \together, begins his descent. One accustomed to the work will go down the mountains with the swiftness of the wind -a mile a mintite. But it is net so with the one who Is inexperienced, for out slips the guiding - TORONTO IAN TRI148 SOMETHING NEW .AND DI DE- LIGHTED. PULS WEE A BOY. Mr. M. N. Dafoe, Manager The Due - leu Broth Co., 29 Colborne St., Tor- onto, is telling his friends how ho found health after years of illness and pain. lie Ilya cit ham been a great offerer from 'dyspepsia for numy teem 1 have been treated Viotti dee. • '• tort and biro token Mo. M. 1.1. DATG* noorly all theiniver- timid remelts* with onlytemporitry relief, Reny atall, haSsinea using Anti -Pill X ata Oat anything the atone as whin a boy. I havebeen taking one Anti -Pill at bedtime for the peat thins months, and find thay regulate hp* owe** And bowels. My otd Um* 'NCO humoured, tio that may 111rts ari buoyant sod torepor hormaL JSSP.NIIIIIOI We neliepod tor experience laminduty betted to Orton credit et thia **WNW temeari Antaniir 1tette &DOM NM Dr. Leonttarat's ti,Pi)leor a Sample sr11L he este Mote The 0*.y Ont. Th. mods thrt. ftrod Mr. Thaw stSb7y*ottIki8l. $011 OLD VIRWNIR FARMS tootrootto orotttelo mt. LWOW Ma Pio tat opt tot OAT' tflattillelalt Itettulltalteletti,lealk 111.3. pole, up come the snow -shoes, and the unfortunate carrier, mail -bag and all, goes rolling dowse the mountains, in- stead of sliding down them. EXPLAINING IT. Mrs. Nagget-You don't love me as mak as you used to. Mr. Naggett-Think not? Mrs. Naggett-No. -You used to say 1 was worth my weight in gold and - Mr. Naggett-Well, you're not as stout as you were, you know. Ethel -That lovely Miss 1.ickington's feet are the smallest in lown, so they saY. Freddie -Well, her father's are the biggest on earth. "Keep Your Stomach in Good Working Order,and your general health will take care of itself." This is the advice of an eminent specialist on stomach troubles, and he "clinched" the advice by pre- scribing Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tab- lets as a wonder -worker in all phases al stomach disorders from the little "fer- ment" after eating to the chronic dys- pepsia. 35 cents. -136 "Many a marriage turns out a fail- ure," opined the philosopher, "mainly because the winning ways of the sweet- heart become the whining ways of the wife." Dear Mother Your Bula ems aro a mead Ciro k Fell awl Wester wselsw. catch coki Do you bow about 'a Cwh=tiCdeaslarso nay? It is said Cele, die Lela Tole. asd o to be the oelytcli.0 remedy for eV &suss el the Sir pampa' in Mame. his absoletely hares sod *mart to takre.lirerreameatoesreceyeeereormy iset,Thepriesir 25e. per beide, and dialers is maim 44 3T4 .11H I1,011 American Poultry Farm. w. Mend for Colot, Vigor, and Nosey nu -production. Onr Leghorril and Wyn.ndootti bens haverecorda of over 200 eggs per year. Eggs for Hatching from forty llree-I t Nue ol Barred sad White P.lyemosth Rocks .Shlts and IT Silver yandotts4 V3,3 And BroMn Leghorn!. 14/te 0017 lb, 15.00 per 30. 1113.0) per 1015mcorme Tor sy• an(711510,d Jers(711510, 80 years' ess plastids In reedit*. Circular and Prime Free F. n mtleiune a Wis, wawa. tit RHEUMATISM sr so, forte aaa *old perspiring UM positively nand Within Pa days, by one newly petentrA Begnetld Disc* or madly promptly rounded. trkt.dt,-riar 'tannic saarerooks, Quebec. muuele ONE TEAR AT 001.4501 FREE Wit rAY von rt,. us; win detail only your geMHpAna alma gond nenfts ortsrissiti awl Wurs heiti int nee 444Shill Melt AIM Peettlif $et 'MEM _Comblonddense Stork "aortal a tiowynonOwen. Nice ot ONS OSNE.A. POUND RATE 81.04 pstrita Prdpald and gastruitvid. $and no a trial oda* and k tor booklet No. 13 nitmg Lall patnolibitiabOtt Priiiiditile effete& THE DeSP,W ONEMI0m. 00., naliornimi cmtvautio, o. , . Farms for Sale. • lf you want to buy a farm In Ontario tend tor our litt ot over 0,000 titrinstor sale. . The 'Western Reid Estate Exchangt,Lui Londoil. - - STAMMERERS 'rho Atitott hiltitlited is the only sitetlacitl fee the Mirk Staintruering• h f�, the CathgEt not merely the itAilitto tuttlinsuret natural speedi. NM. plifett partleuiStt 'and 'reference* sent oft frights Aare$1, ThB :74011:110;16. GIVI*A100. IE•ion* *** awa