The Goderich Star, 1906-04-13, Page 5APRIL 13, e on teresiteessewetereestesetweeersewere EAST hest s mGLOVES tOJ Wl .t ,FN. attes-correct colors end styles, Perrino, Tatilulets, Bouillon*, ,°lace. Swede and WA* NM. Priem 090. 25e, $1.O14 slats 004 *LAO. SPRINT COATS, T;afliet [them ld4tt"atnd $ length COO. very griteetel and skits,[, at ktghtAittingMtldiulpoecetylora,eels" se$, It$7sate,$*0t10andf2,00 SPRINQI AND SUMMER OIRESS .000»s. newest A.44111044 pouts, weaves, h't'ent:b Tweed t$uitipgs‘ 4414)0ab1e greys.. greens. mauves. EIwUQIZ COV'ERINO• Igo other Ogre equal* our special quotations in •iiuobeums. Scotch X.inoleutust extra duality. 4 yard* wide, in black; floral, or scroll patterns, ail direct irritant front Ineleltfeetus ere Regular C[1 AOc apo 00 atytid eft per etfineie y(4td ..... ,.. , ., TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, SHEET.INOS.. in tills department we have found; stock by, fait' too large, and have Marked very :snbetautiel Vetiactlons for sale, hargaius'Eaater • week in all ualities, SFaJ2Igdadeid plain yards, in yany s we gideoq sp special l. Al T4RUOS.. ' The selection in ilrtfesels, Yelvet,Tape8try and Wool Rugs, sizes 3x0, Bsee, 8x4, &eh SiX4}, is better than we .hew ever shown in any former eseasori. $utterie-P-atterna for Aril all in stock. - eisywsseititieWieseheweitieci IESON tbe Gob lcb %tat. Teextee H* CAL,. 11. FRIDAY. APRIL 13, 1900 THE TOWN COUNCIL., Interesting proceedings at the Meet- ing Last Friday Evening. The Council began its session at 8.30, having waited the arrival of Couns. Young and Clark, some time being epent in discussing tenders for coal. OFFIOERs' REPORTS. Engineer Kelly reported be had tried to got Mr. Pigott to agree to some reasonable settlement of water and sewer dispute. but without avail, and the only thing left was to shut off the water. He supplemented this with n, vebbal statement that Mr. Proudfoot baa just informed him that they Would "do something in a few days, and the matter was allowed to test on that. statement. Mr. Kelly also reported that the C. P. R. changes at the harbor would require moving tele water main near the pumping station to keep it at pro per de th,for,whieh the company had offered to pay all the expense, which\ be considered a reasonable offer if work is properly done. He also ad- vised the purchase of a shut off valve to. protect the plant in case of a leak or break. Mr.n Roberts, O. P. R. engineer, ineer appeared on behalf of the copwhcompany.any. urged that the work be done by and under the supervision of the town, so as to ensure their satisfaction, and the company would pay all necessary ex- pense, including the hiring of any ex- pert help needed. Mr. Kelly strongly demurred against having this work put on to him or his department, the company are responsible int it and should do the work. A half hour's discussion ended in a sort of under- standing that in some way an agree- ment would be reached before com- mencing the work next week. A letter frorn the secretary of tbe Fire Co. asked the purchase' of one rubber bat and three pairs of boots for men in the company. There was an enquiry as to what was done with the old hoots and no one appearing to know, Coun. Blair demurred to the request unless it was shown the boots were really needed. The mayor is to enquire as to this. � The town solicitor reported addition- al loans made from .sinking funds,: amounting to $11,250 principal and .$490.50 interest. all closed with the Standard Loan Company. These were approved and the commission ordered. paid in accordance with a previous resolution. COMDMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS. Letters frpm the Guelph and Toron- to City Councils asked co-operation in sending delegates to join the other municipalities which will wait on the Provincial Government on Wednesday to urge Government development of electric power at Niagara. No one favored this, Coun. Goldthorpe saying he was against it„ and with a chorus of "File it," the matter dropped.) P. M. Humber wrote that he had no cow, and therefore should not bo charged for one on his water rate, and the engineer will enquire and report. A letter from a Mr. Tremaine want- ing to sell a smoke consumer brought out the remark that answers to en- quiries previously made were against such devices, and nothing will he done. A complaint from W. R. Robertson of a flooded cellar on Newgate street will be dealt with by P. W. commit- tee. Harry Clucas, while here recently, learned that the stand pipe needed painting, and wrote proposing to come here on a day agreed on to inspect the pipe and give price for putting it in repair. Engineer Kelly is to report on the matter. An enquiry from A. Saunders why the granolithic walk ordered on Cam- bria street months ago had not been proceeded with, brought out the in- formation that the contract was let last fall, but the contractor had failed to appear. A petition asking for another walk on east aide of Victoria street was sup- ported by J. H. Worrell and William THREE Trying Times in A. WOMAN'S LIFE W HEN MILB'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS err alma* an absolute necesdty towards her future health. The that when abs le Sue budding felm cid, hood into the full bloom of womanhood. The second period that meditates a epeeist drain on the *ream 1. during prey t...we- Thal third fwd the ane moat liable to leave heartand ttonb1ee isdudes"change of lifer' In all three periods Milburn'- Heart and Nerve Pills will prove of wonderful value to tide over the time. Mrs, James Ring, Cornwall, Ont., writes: "I was troubled vary much with heart trouble—the cause being to a treat extent ddetoeehaneeof life. " flume beentaldnsyour. Heart and Nery Pills for some time, and mean to continue doing •o, aa I can truthfully Lay they are the bed remedy I have ever used for building up the *yetam. You are at liberty to use this statement for the benefit of other ex aerers." Price 50ceata per box or three boxes for $1.28. all dealers or The T. Hilburn Oo.. limited, Toronto. Ont. Holland, staking that the town pay 40 per cent. of the coat, and the Mayor 'eferred to the difficulty of that ques- on which was now before the com- k letee. Then as the petition did not at'`e the completion of the walk up to the point already granted in a former petition, it wits sent back to the pro- moters to have it thus completed. COMMITTEE REPORTS. Water and Light: Recommend (1) That J.H.Worsell be allowed a second water service, he to pay half cost of installing and schedule rates. (2.) That the McPhail street light be replaced on incandescent system, providing sufficient lights be taken to warrant trensfdrmer being retained. (3.) That light pole on Harbor Hill be ,moved, the G. and G. Ry. to pay all costs. (4.) That the tender of C. J. Harper for lead pipe, at 85.72 per cwt. for one ton f. o. b. Goderich, be accepted. (5.) That 100 tons slack coal be pur- chased from F. B. Holmes at $3.50 per ton delivered in Waterworks shed. (0.) That engineer's report on moving water main be adopted, also his re- port on arrears due from Pigott & Co. (7.) That employes of P. W. depart- ment level .up floor of westerly coal shed, (8.) That tenders be asked for construction of cement floor in coal shed. (8,) That in view of unsettled condition of coal market no action be taken on present tenders, but that new tenders be asked for as soon as strike is settled. Finance : That tender of B. H. Townsend for printing auditors' re- port be accepted, he to sign proper contract. (2.) That following accounts be paid: D. J. Currie, $1; M. W. How- ell, $20.20, $1.43 and $5.09; T,H. Haw- kins, $17.12; Nat. Carbon Co.. $14 ; Goderich Engine Works, $2.10; Ste- vens Manufacturing Co.. $8; Wilmer Smith, $L35: G. W. Black, 810.50 ; J. W. Black, $17.50. CURED HIS WIFE of LA GRIPPE Quebec Man tells how the Great Con- sumptive Preventative was an *Il -rotund Benefit "My wife took La Grippe when she was in Ottawa,"says R. N. Dalfoe of Northfield Farm, Que., in an interview. "She got a bottle of Psycbine and atter using it for a few days she was quite well. 1 took a cold and am csifig it and adds get[ ng all right. 1 think Psychine is one of the best tonics on the market today." There you have the wbote matter In a natchelfl. Lx Grippe and colds are among the freertnuxrts a consorniftlen. This man had one, bis *de !Addle other. Peychine cot only cored beth set it lttu'lt them up so that their bodies are strong enoa:gh to resist disease. All seeds of ecreseiitistioa are Lidice by .rr..aar+r•••It PSLYOEII 1 N E Geri sestme1 Sleeve 50c. Per Bottle Likalet a assts St wind [tele a ll dwstrgleter It 'I', Ar MAK Doikei. 'i itiw h• listable of After Su owing For 10 Year With Pais As tt. e Book lie Was Completely Curled AO " rutlFtaa4i se ' •ft if'ruit-44#0+1 M curter d� tiled(][ iurritiktit t kldnoy11 when. otter '4044404a flatly. The proof that 4QFruit-ativs" is the greatest kidney elite known to science is deulonstrated by these tablet* ,shoving all hail[, ii the back -,making the kidneys 1 eaitiiy—aud curing chronic constipation. nve.A$tWW, r'.Q., June xotb,nos, X have initelt pleasure in testifying to the great good which re. Fruita- trvea"'have done me. I was a constant sufferer fromeevcre eoustipation and severe pain to the hack for the Nat ten. years. I tried many kinds of till said tablets and physleia,i'eniedieines bat the relief was only- temporary: nlytemporary, Not long ago I tried "Fruit-a-tivea" and new I ant entirely well, no pain, no watt, nation and my stomach and bowels act natur&lly. I cannot eery eirouleli praise of •flruit eWyss', they are agrand me(& icine, rnildsafruitiu their action and easy to take. (Signed} , 11. Mweeneeekttr. ]High Ct astable. '. Do you know that every drop a£' blood in'your body goes to the kidneys to get rid of Wine of the impnxities ii When the bowels don't move regularly, the blood takes up poisons in the bowels and carries them to the kidneys. Then the kidneys get overworked–r-inflamed. Then comes the pain in the back--headaches--constant desire to urinate--nervousness--sleeplessness, ft Fruit-a-tives acts directly' on the Kidneys --cleans, heals and strengthens..them--makes the liver give up more bile to move the bowels regularly—and stimulates the glands of the skin to increased action. These rid the system of all poisons and every trace of Kidney Disease disappears. Pruit-a-tives have cured hundreds of casco of Kidney Disease by stimulating and healing the Kidneys At an druggists or sent postpaid on receipt of price—. se. a box or 6boxes fox ,lase Iltlmlutsrtd by F UlT-A-T1ES LITEMID, attars ed this, and while the clerk tried to put the motion en shape, Coun. Blair asked if they knew where this would land them. Coun. Elliott thought it would be all right, the town would get the money some way. and Messrs. Proudfoot and Hays had said they would toe the scratch and pay their share if this was passed. Coun. Gold- thorpe said the town would have to pay perhaps $12,00 in round figures. The Mayor said be did not think the Connell ' could carry out such a mo- tion, and Colin. Blair called attention to the local improvement bylaw jest passed which would not harmonize with the motion. the And soargument went on, and 6 finally the matter was laid over, pend- ing the report of the P. W. commit- tee, who are supposed to be at work on the problem, Council then adjourned. -Public Works: That M.O. Johnston, clerk. be appointed street inspector and have general supervision of the streets and sidewalks, and the con- struction and engineering of the ce- ment sidewalks, etc., under the direc- tion of the Council, at a salary of $200 per annum extra (2,) That up to 500 suitable shade trees be procured for streets and park purposes, and that tenders for first class trees only. lt) That the Council take up the matter of per centages to be allowed on gra- notithic walks. Coun. Blair objected to the appoint- ment of the clerk as a street inspec- tor; would not object to giving bins more pay, but bis duties were quite enough now to keep him in the office all day without adding work that would take hint to all parts of the town when people would he calling at the office to see him. The assessor and collector certainly did not require to be occupied all the year, and there were the policemen who were not do- ing work for the pay they received who could well be put in charge of the streets. Coun. Elliott gave the clerk great praise for his services and took "great pleasure" in supporting the increase, while Chairman Young said the com- mittee felt there was no one else cap- able of inspecting tbesidewatks, and it would be better for. the clerk's health to get out a bit on that work. The Mayor and Conn. Blair each thought the matter might stand till the ques- tion regarding the policemen's duties was settled. Councillor Clark also thought the committee's recom- mendation a gond one. be- cause of the clerk's ability. and it would be beneficial to his health to get out a bit. Conn. Elliott called • Motion," " motion," and Councillors Sallowa and Blair asked to have the recommendation laid over. The con- vereation not conforming to parlia- mentary rules, Coun. Elliott. wanted everybody to arise and address the Mayor, but His Worship said the rule brut not been in force this year, and finally the motion was carried, Sal - lows and Blair voting nay.their amendment to lay over to ing defeated in a reverse vote. The local improvement hylate was given its third -reusing and adopted. Tbn iserasse club was given permis- sion to use tits Agricultural Park for practice, add part of the main building as [[dressing room. they to he respon- sible for any damage done. A tromplrtint regarding the aide walk og, SL Andrew'n Street., and the driving of a wearer's s tva.gon on the sidewalk, rasa won'tisrst atttttattiata, anal then Qum, Ssliows sblf t ion a retvi of the toed a ,� tt �p ng Lord's Dsy L`•ill MilebefoteParliament, wlhirls was adopted: • WATCHING FOR THE NEW IMMIGRANTS. Legislators Join the triad Hustle for Scotch immigrants in dray Dawn. Toronto, April 5.—Union Station was the scene of an exciting drama last night, in which two hundred im- migrants and several Provinciaj legis- lators, including Hon. Adain Beck, in his dressing -gown, 'tis said, were the principals. There is a great demand among farmers all over the Province for effi- cient help. Scotch immigrants tire preferred. Seventy-two Scotchmen were included among the 200 arrivals. Leeislators have the interest of con- stituents in mind and there lies the solution of last night's excitement. were 'being forwarded to Toronto. There were eager questions as to when the train would arrive, and it is cer tain to meet with an enthusiastic re- ception from the legislators. "These innmigrante, are simply a God -send to the farmers of Ontario," declared Mr. Tucker. "So many et our young men and past help have gone West this spring that the condis dation would be very serious were we not able, to fill their places. More Distributing Points. "I am strongly of the opinion," ob- served Air. F. G. Macdiarmid,"" that the Government should establish other distributing pointy besides Toronto. In the West officers should be station- ed at St. Thomas, Chatham, London, Woodstock, Stratford and Brantford. In this way the farmers in these local- ities could look the arrivals over and' have the opportunity of snaking their own selections. As it is the fellows near by and close to Toronto have the advantage of first choice over the other s. The application system does not alleviate this injustice to any ex- tent. You can see in this rush that it is practically impossible for the officer in charge to fill his applications first. As n matter of fact, tbose on the spot get first choice and the outsider gots what is left," Mr. Macdiarrnid expressed hie in- tention of directing the attention of the Minister of Agriculture to the ad- visability of creating other distribdst- ing agencies throughout the Province for the next few weeks. Out of bed, down to the station, hustled the provincial dignitaries in a wild scramble to corral the pick of the immigrants, only to find that the member for Centre Bruce had caught the early worm. Want Canny Scots. Mr. Tutt, the officer in charge, ex- plains much of the intriguing. "The Scottish immigrant is by far the hest clasq we secure," he declared, "and there's about 30 applicants for every Scotchman who arrives. Why? I cannot say more than that they have 'generally proved themselves strapping, industrious and thrifty fel- lows. ion can't find a Scotcbman who doesn't know how to milk a cow and handle horses." In any event the arrival from the land of Burns Is the most eagerly sought after, and when Mr. Tutu's es- timate of seven demands for every immigrant of any nationality is taken into consideration, some idea of the wild rush for these sons of Scotia can he grasped. Hugh Clark on Hand. Major Hugh Clark, of Centre Bruce, is reported to have made his appear- ance long before daybreak, corralled a score of the finest specimens, barri- caded them in a room and mounted guard himself over them till they were apportioned to his constituency. '• Hugh Clark took a mean adc'atynt- age," plaintively declared Mr.I'hilip if: Bowyer, F est Kent, this mornin . For hours he haunted the station platforms, grabhing any and every passing pedestrian and dragging hila under the lamp light for inapertion. He boarded every inrorning train the night, long and careered through the cars, looking for men in hilts." Scramble Begins. Long Before the factory whistles be gen to blow. Mr. Tucker, Wellington West, arrived out of breath. Mr. Macdiarutid says he hadn't waited to complete dreesiflg and came down in his atippera. He found Major ('lark sitting on guard at the door, nt least an he deelarea, but got Inlay in selec- tions from those that crafty Scot had passed over. Hon. Adam Beck came down on an early car in his dressing gown, at least Mr. Downey says that's what it looked like, and instantly got busy. Among his finds was a smart tanking R ynun n horseman from Nottingham, who grim to the Beck stabl�a at London this af- ternoon. e teatthy from the shadows stole the tall, leen form of Mr, Devitt. He had been suertaptltlnuely skirting the eta - tion for strayed members of the party, and had two in tow. They went on obediently to hie constituency. Mr. Duff: Slmene. hroke In excited- ly. dreg ing an elderly arrival. • hook f" a declared, delightedly, ad- dresxing hi envious rolleaRues. - Heel the real things lie's got a cprig of leather in itis bonnet 1" Oettitryg Ready for Neat Party. Mr Hyssop, Fant Iluron; d'.row- ; Little, (arrlwell ; Oallagber. 1 Nvety, bfiddlemtx : Mnnt- Lamhttrn : elarreellen, lens - others were among (be pita- els. and strove ane with the e ens' the rmainirary mete Tat[ a©nounrcd that he I it $veal a telegram stating thIi ped Melted at Seiler. Coon. 1 ;Boit; tnovteal that act al- lowance be rustle on Cost of tittilditur granol'tfhia walks, the town to y au, per cent. eta Mk feet walks, and 2 per 'mania C a toot Walks, this to be ett- aroaetiets [['nett apply to will Sidewalks [which haps Ilett (NC4nititt-.tcteijs tesla. 061tuitoepe pototly e:. I'1' f a reaiste peter nett* lie* at nwiiCN Wit+. Many Women Suffer UNTOLD AGONY FROM KIDNEY TROUBLE. Very often they think It is from .ocalled " Female Disease." There it lees female trouble than they think- Women suffer from backache. sleeplessness, nervousness, irritability, and • dragging -down feeling in the loins. So do mm, and they do not have "female trouble." Why. then, blame all your trouble to Female Disease? With healthy kidney., few women will ever have "feriae dear -dere" ,The kidneys are es closely oonnected with all the internal organs. that when the kidneys go wrong, everything goes wrong. Mneh distress would be saved if women would only take DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Celitersilt. il1lh ;tTalty, A, well Irma% reuiettut Af i)utdok patio +away Olt April ht. .Alit. Rtatby WjlliR lu, at the advanced age Ot fie year+ itis early yiar were spent in $in itfDii, Jaulwriva, whole he was bairn leis the sixth sou of the tete Rowtland kVfllitri, , sane Of the leltdug harristeia a Wend, end, ' The latter kept hit sl Vs* tint. when [belt were fi [reel, in 18`*, Ii tlecietel to Castle to t,`anada with his family%aRu4 settled slug[ farm, near St. .Thotptwl later well ep efi4lt(Id Judge Of that Middleaex ;district Of thooe days. 'Fleas the des Ceload agent his ICbo(atdays vial Mrs Wright who taught stie 1 in Lon. don, and slating hiisehtlolntatea were Jiidge leichardetpt Wh s [Died the leads et of the Northwest tebellien of ISA Kul the late ChlefeTttstieeThettl,Robins On. lits afterwardsstudisd the dreg" Slet profeeseelt under the lett i)octor aalter. of L.ondan, and went to Hain, �iiton,and tater started. a. drug heftiness in Stratford, He was. Married to the late Augusta li. 11 114410411. at Pees - Ott, in 3I i1 shin beigg the second daughter of Huron's first sheriff. 14xbde in the Classic City he acted as eletrk to the late Cat. Daly* who was thea tlaecity's Police J l'., and as the railway Was building there bad quite tt Hutu ser of Cases atfOng the railway employees, Mr, WiIIilttne was Divi• sten, (.curt Clerk,among hitt haliffs Whig the bite Thomas-Mceerthy. sti Weil remller(Mt in. Stratford, and the late Wut.Green, who died in Ooderich in January of ttlia year. Stratford's now pioneer citiiepr P. R. Jarvis, was lits near neighbor, and both wore eennected With St. Jatnes' oburch In its early days under the late Oanon Patterson. In 185 the deceased camis to this township with his family, and settled in Dunlop. He was a quiet man and did not visit among his neighbors, but in 1877 the -Township Council appointed him their auditor. and annually, with one exception, he held the post until 1890, when the in- firmities of age overtood him. He was the D. R. O. of ward 4 for the township from 1887 to 1002, the Con- servative Government having him as D. R. O. from Vet to 1890 for ward 4, Colborne. The many voters bo met always got a warm shake of his hand when he handed them their ballots, and for him the electors have a pleas- ing recollection as one who tried to discharge his duty faithfully to the contending candidates. Since the sud- den death of his beloved wife to July of last year, and previously, ho had been in feeble health; ho gradually sank and took hie bed for the pat six months and was faithfully nursed by his sons and brother Rowland, Ho passed away rather suddenly on Sun- day evening. His funeral on Wed- nesday saw a large turn out of neigh - hors and friends, and a nuinber of the township past reeves and councillor's and some of the present ones.. The rector of SLGeorge's, Rev,Mark Turn - at stated Intervale. Price 50 cents per box or three boxes for $1.21. on dealer. or sent direct on receipt of prioe. The Doan Kidney Pill O. Toronto, Ont. Mrs. Rudolph and family, of Seta - forth. were nearly asphyxiated by coal gay frorn the furnace on Tuesday night. All the occupants of the house were more or leas affected. C7 Ai. erOR2d.. Bear, tee Afie tiled'kJNN�afe A Beig/i B�of tiro CL/� �t:c•G441-1 Much ioterest in being manifested by Mitchell people in the inveatigatlon now hhing made into the York Loan & Savings Cm. on account of many of their young people being ctnrkholdorn in the rotten concern. The lettere are needle young women who in vested every dollar of their earnings. Keep the Bowels Regular. 11 your bowels didn't move tor n ween you would be pmat.rated. If more than one day got -a by you he- roine languid. blond geta [cute breath horribly offensive, you feel sick all over. To remedy this take Dr. Hamil- ton's Pilin which regulate the bowels and cure eonstipatinn. Taken at night you are well by morning. They purify and cleanse the aystein, prevent head- (whe, hillouaneaa and trek stomach. P p eret and certain are Dr. Hamil- ton s amil-ton's Pills of Mandrakeand Butternut; 21x•. per hos, or five for 81, at all deal. era. Cot HATS NECKWEAR EAR CLOTHING buil, conducted the funeral services; and at the house gavb an impres- sive address on the reaurreetintl of our bodies end daily duty as Christ- ians each day. "Rock of Apes," a faavorite hymn of the deceased's. clos- ing the service at. the house. Tbo pall hearers were hie flue sono who acted as pall beaters for their late mother, and his grandson, Harry T. Williams. Tho remains were laid to rest in Colborne Pinewood Cemetery to await the anal call, iTbe do- ceased's son Quintile now in Petos- key, Michigan, was recently appointed in the P.O, state of that town, and was unable to attend the funeral. One trial of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator will convince you that It has no equal as a worm tnediclee. Buy a bottle and see If it does not please you. THE "LORNE" REMEMBER We build beddese good wagon Ploughs of all kindle Betrowe, Reitan, Manure Spreaders, Scuffters. Wheelbarrows. Etc., Etc. Always pleased to mail you our catalogue. The Wilkinson Plough Co. LIMITED TORONTO - CANADA Spring Millinery The styles for "Ladies' Headwear for Spring and Summer of 1906 are now ready, and we invite Ladies to call I and inspect. You will find many things to please you, and the prices will as usual be reasonable. The many Mende of the family north of (Worker will regret to learn of the death of Mie. Thomaa Barnby, at I ti Lennox street, Toronto, form- erly of Ashfield, whirl) took place on Sunday evening. April lat. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching. blind, bleeding,. prates:sling plica. IDruggistn aro anabortred to re- fund money if PAPA OiN$'MENT fella to r-ttro in 0 to 14 dnyo, Gee. Tito (sk`ate`s New Errs Is not very generana when it nays : "Dick Itbn- lime. c .00tabte, Gatelerlcb, woe in town on private. not ofl'reial [ushers, on i Friday. lie ie a. pretty astute chap. Is I the patine Punters, arse has C.treitlertsMe indinenco, Whistle we are sorry to [last. Es 6xtreiteid on the wrong site." Miss Cameron, Hamilton Street, Ooderich. Bicycle and Repair Works KINGSTON STREET, GODRRICH. The best makes of Bicycles, new and second hand, at close prices. We have the famous Cleveland, Rambler and nearly all [hakes of second band machines. All parts of Bicycles can be had here. Enameling and repairing of every description on short notice. Electric Light Wiring and all supplies sold and installed. Our new eteam plant has induced us to put in a modern LAWN MOWER SHARPENING device, which is the most perfect to be found anywhere. Bring your Lawn Mowers here if you want theta sbarpened correct. JOHN YULE, Bicycles, Repairs, Electric Light Supplies. ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE PAGE FENCING THE BEST 1S THE CHEAPEST When you buy a knife for instance, you consider the quality of the steel in the blade. The biggest and heaviest knife is not necessarily the best. Now there is just an much difference in the quality and strength of steel in fence wire as Resides the extra strength and superior workmanship, PAGF: eNtee are dip- ped in special white paint, wh.ch on top of the best of galvanising. will len Kt hen the life of wire for years. And, Mao, this white coating mattes note there is in a knife blade or min h snore nightly. rater. The Page Co. nae Owing to the great a hig% carbon steel j strength and elasticity of wire, which though it P A C P. fencing, one - costs you but little mare, third leas poets aro re- in fifty per cent. (yo%) ems" 'v �t mitred, thus redta,ng the stranger than wire Mother 4 ost of the fencing. fences. The lightest PAS; E As you get in PACE fence ie asstrong asthe EFS( FS ono -half heaviest of other makes moro fence strength. Notice the lock in PAGE greater protection ❑calcis[ "EMPIRE" VENCE you THE LOCK IN PAGE rust, better workmanship, may have noticed aleo that •'EMPIRE" PENC E0 better appearance, ur., others are imitating -- lens porde, can you afford ft. That is a good recommend for it. to tier other fences, even though s out [inial Where we lead otherq follow. buy them for one-half the price of lho All SAGE wire Iv "COILED." not PAGE! But, really Ours cost you crimped. little. 1f any more. ese Get prices before placing your order for Fence t,.tes or t awe Ernce. s°L°ERECTED BY ANO J. B. HAWKINS, Ooderich. 40> HATS IHATS THE KI'4O (000II111h) THE 13ORSALINp (hail, f ) We are sole agents for the above "greatly de. manded" HATS 00000 0100 NECKWEAR THE CRESCENT BRAND of German and Swiss Silks Very rich Very handsome PRICES 5oc MEN'S AND .BOYS' CLOTHING If you fail to see our Spring Clothing, you will fail seeing some of the nicest Clothing ever offered in Goderich. Our Clothing is reliable—they fit well and give to the wearer justifiable pride in his appearance. Our Prices are easy $8, $10 and $12 buys an excellent up-to-date Snit. $12, $15 and $18 in 2oth Century Brand. Well you must see them to appreciate their goodness. Bring your boys here Sanford's Boy's Clothing is the best, that's what our customers tell us. If you want what is best in Men's Wear you must visit this store. tiNBllNt1MMINFt. 4 car he ,���11 piano delight• MR. PPANiI JENNiNGS. Musical Director Grand Opera Houses Toronto "1 airs pleased to say that the Bell Piano 1 purchased from you some time ago ren• tinges to give best of satisfaction. 1 ata delighted *111, Its sweetness and depth of tone, and cannot say too a:orh in its praise." Writ* Ira for Pre. $ooklet '• H " con. teliting photos of leading musical celebrities. ? The Ben Pisan 8 Organ Co.. tftsitee. Gettelpsah 0;n WALTER C. PRIDHAM THE SIDAR A splendid full jewelled Watch in a nickle jointed case for only $7.5o Money refunded if not satisfactory H. Park JEWELER ANI) OP'rICIAN ftLGTRI6 WIRING I,et us wire your house in house cleaning time. Now is the time to do it. ELECTRICITY is cheaper than Coal Oil CHAS. J. HARPER, West Street Ooderich Ready for Spring • • FURNITURE, FURNITURE d In history yeti may go lee k, h,it for up -to late Furniture limes we have the Latest ors the market. We are ready for eprrnl,', ane if there is anything yon want, this store can supply you from the sery teeepest ,1 rt:cletn the most costly, CALL AND SEE 11S. In BROPHEY & SON The Leading Undertakers and Embalmers West Street, Goderich star NIght nal day calla will receive t.erennsl and prompt attention. 'Ph ne a rn. Residence Elgin Avenue. A Plant Bargain 243 F=RUIT PLANTS FOR $2.75 Will terxluee ranee frau frrgh ani green than con and VOW frtendscnn eat, and o,tn The very chrnrrat newest and moat haute vane't', of is rs than .me -third price, 6 (GRAPES, one each l impftell-a Parc the new hl..ck. Concord, binrk. ,.fen fan v ' :... b N9 .,re's earl r, . heirs earls t,l14 itisagara, shite, Candice reel S • e .1t tri l .o -et 12 CURRANTS, , o het new London Market. new ;Cherry red. Champion, the of enc;e.•,1• /Au k 23 RASPBERRY, either I-on,l'n er King, nein tones rad.. 25 RASPBERRY, 5 .•'uneven heavy cr•spinug purple tonne,. 25 RASPIIP.RRY. C una'wtlan.t, mammoth crag;, inf; bt s kcsap. SO STRAWBE1RY, 5-nat•tr i)tanlop, the Lino Of canner, 50 STRAWBERRY, ,'mete of Afirhi;gan, new, The rer.,rd for site, gnality, trop so Pre e'en 5, flew f vi, 5, lute Ice try. pat ked and ahtppe-+ t when ready to out. Islay not appear again. Order now eotiero fret ,9..ut,ic tke pipe Send for cer Strawberry Plants, speclnl low prices. ELDORADO iOTATO The great nn It a ease t:rrv.f s' h an oet,rrrno,:a rrsrppzi abet i Rete f! 7t+, for one 1t,, Oro [waste for' 5150. cru,preel in 'ese scar ;Ail nes it naesns to with amine work, and no pit. [send far tie (bee iaid l react °pluto s frntn 41 petre is [Sae eve* wonderful potato of sib tie ea. pare reed cold only t,v nae Prkee SI pee Members Camelia 5i ;5. Cut this edit. n ati the rame value else. i -t of plants, patntarn. &e. ere:seem tette and des. Mee tate nt Seem far re tee pit i'a One V.GtOtedt 2.105tarz1 tce sell„ 4upx+'tdtoes, e+Itese to vet that tt )s z.4tt: tIt:l ezet tan*. 44 t)'ps trig. Jct