The Goderich Star, 1906-04-06, Page 8HEADQUARTERS FOR
sort& ,
,45I amadaamonnimanwo
111131111111111111 MEI 0 I
An 11111111111111%
omit loni et
inotom moo owl mum 902 >tdi
mew eiseel eirei imiimeee
• .x1T;$21;781;141 SPecial Hot. HOMO end Citt1e tylo
1401112 111. or 6 In. apart - Stays le in. or 6 in. spare .
When you buy WOvert Wire Fencing, get full valuelor' your mOney by
purChasing one of Mit three brand§ of Galvanized Fencing :
• Alt No. 9 XX Railroad and Farm Fence, stays 12 or 24 inches aptft
gxtra,Beavy American Field and Hog Fence, No. 9 lateral wire, No. it
stays 12 inches apart.
Regular American Field and Hog Fence, No. 9 top and bottom laterals,
rest No. x2, stays No. 12 wire 12 inches apart.
In all the above fences the stays are all with the HINGE JOINT, IM-
Carry in stock the‘following styles •
All No. 9 XX R'y and Farm Fence.
6 wire! 36 M. high, 'TVs ta or 04111. apart I 8 wires 42111. htgh, Stays 12 or 24 in, apart
42 12 ,24 " 9 " 12 24 "
In the Extra Heavy.
8 Wires, 31 ie. high, etays re in. apart 39 hi. high, stays xr'i I. apart
" 45 " I 9 " ,45 " " 4t
In the Regular Field and flog.
6 wit es, 35 in. high, stays fa in. epart 9 'greet 4910• bigb4 6120 12 itt: apart
26 " " 12, to 4' 47 " " 22 148 es 32 og 22 " , rt 4. 55 .. 44
a 4s
Pam Hie above you see teat you have a hIg variety tO 0110011e #20$95 pleb
ranging from 25cper rod tO 80c. per rod. .
Besides .the above mentioned woycrx Fence, we .eartyn Ion tine; of
other WiteS. 4 and 2 point barbed No. 9 coiled sptioestetivand No. 9
Sat brace 'wire) No, ft and 13 uteaOirig Wire, No, ti1V.,„111. grldIa Oiled
and annealed wire, We _might say, to igive yoUt en, idea IleW tie wptoett
'Fence isselling, that we have had two agar 10als‘thiS Spting trniMmtiag
to 51040 rods, of which over 2%Ci60 tO(18 heycbeert sokl,aitittilk."rWe
invite you to call and 'see this Fence and be year:own Inglige;tuid-yott
ViAit agree 'the tante as on the others 110'6 done,thatitia the best Fence
onthe. market: We ItiflOW elf about thiailleece:0`-t,mtit, ,Cointrahy make
it froth. the If011 Oen. Up 't0 cottpietion,'...and,i vve2do ‘not tiesitatd to'
"gooratitee it to be the best' Fence On the mathot.'.
Cement.treetelbe 2,06E001N
Of vtlifell Vret hoe ulronlY '
fat stitu oirlOools. This Speak* for Iteelfeeatelhe Popularity of the tetattit. Oat
lost yeah! *1c of thliteeratiut *tallest* _ .
p •tun t 4, - have just-retelved eat large Stting eonstoii,
mead shavot,vonims othits, vals
43, • atipabit Atiat eltrrY atahlt
arerv &Seri want.. It 'OM* (111,15*111(1 *era lontek than inly tthtr tkitIt*ntit
oattlaii et Oleg ratlit taut ItlforutatIOtt ltddrt atylen Of pi% titingte
In nerterid Hardware w earrylthe Largest ,outl. Moot
Coniploto Stock in town..
piunibing, Heating, Tinsmitiiitig giVen, $fecig at.„\ ,
teution. Alt work promptly attended to. and fttlly guaranteed.
eaiite °las,
easter Reekletso,
easter Cards,
4n tho very Welt thingIt
Easter Postal Cards
sail, so
?omen DooKstoro
'SedurtleY. the 4sy scheduled. tor the
-first exhibit of millinery for spring
And simmer wort wits fine, fhOuglr
Tu. witrr
Sp Sinters Atiiiir Statistks.
The rePOrlt Of the 11iititrie•
Voweretuntnissimewhleh hasjuetheen
rowinistod, gives in listail the result of
to , thoesataitiation of the project by else.
mike ita rule to Invite lady uwildents tricot and hydsAulio engineer*, COn*
to inspect, their deeigne In head adorn,. 'traeto and (geonetallte. Tho con-
ment weroysidy pleased at the logo otrartion or 0. power plant And a,
* ' iteVee h
COPS all, e OM were thero tiO it ill Dllidillitodil, 58 Urgeil. 094 the fa.
IntInner WhO tteeeted their imago tratontliailon line by the Government,
many visitors to the openings. Tho lowing eareful estimates aregivert of
oXbialts Of hats. bonnet* ,aud. ttitn„ *, the eeeepf the work t .
tujege were generally eduneen. OP tee coot a development, trAnoonsoon
lotorlo Vero lege, attreetive Mel Mod, and dIsltibittiOn of a0#00011018e1)nwer,
orate -in price. The eteations 'woe ifig,OR,000.
the istest representatious _of the skill Oast of einne fou 09.90 IteteePawer.
of the old and the new world In design- g0.1;11,000.,
In fashioning rind tz•Irnflajflg hots awl f.,iiait of sante foe 100,O(XI,900 horse,
rnortii ws KNOW.
C. Nahnwas1a. Petiole over Sunday -
Win. Moo 11tit144ting relatives In Toledo,
Pre4 Criletio leftiefeterilae Wareing for MO"
)1189.1Se101. 91 Exeter. leandayed Code.
rid* r.
blirit ROOM TiMett hi visiting friends ill
CAOrge O. black loft for lffiteholl on Wed -
*um wawa soot Sande*, with friends in
4vet4tottila returned to his home, brzuktford.
E441&-41aoresterday on hor retur
44. n
bAbirlt4t Clinton. Sundayed with ids
Mita *Iblat on Monday on 0. three weeko
visit.ti, Went
rogatitynoort paid a business visit to Soo,
Or. ablip r movies business visit to Brunt-
sittltioth Drab* o0 Saturday afternOon ou
the fatally assamenoe, west tarot.
istrosed, of Clinton, Sundoyed at the
n residents, CIL David's street.
aserSituntle-N. of the Organ Co.. made a
aliitilmosi trip LO Toronto and Montreat this
th Omen left for Cobalt on Wednesday,
where be boo oonsiderabin interest in that
• vet land.
Mitie Vetter rho is teaching ..l. .1 near
fordon noonday.
thlo TOtOrn u bury,
bonnets, apillu4setlbr lite comment9.
heard from those who took th tho /Men*,
logs the old and the now WOK Artlate
evolved tome twondetful, shaPea
or the spring of IMO. As is usual In
Women's heitawcan much will be loft
to the individual taste of the wearer.
Ribbons, flowers and lace ingTOMM011e
.0010tit,toib nettleal and artificial, will
nave a f;ereat vo (tf all the itoWera
Pawee $11. .
The geet Pf POWer for manufactur-
ing purposes. it wati found, could he
sepplian_ for $11„ per horsepower per
year. eionUfeetitrie.tee placed this fair
price At $16 per boreepowerper
Vale •
It Wes also found by the commie -
slattern that it would he possible te ef-
fect reduction of at least tteenty-
the ease ja the c Ana it it own live per cent. n house j ng.
shades. Lilacs will be popular colors, of Toronto for ore lamps was at the
while flower hats le debiles% forget- rate of about Pa per year per lamp.
Me4U003 -violets and cowslips with The eonnuission found thatarc bumps
could be provided for about tt•gt
The etermilselou also eetimeted that
there would be a toying of $1,850,000
e* -h- e'ettr tile munieipalities tate-
4,100,4 /gives, pink$ tnei natural The last contract in e by the City
naturetfollage wilt he worn by MARV.
112 trielming tho prevailing colors e,re
axe, Oen bine al rose in Harkin4Y
tinue_tigut,illakteeprune hoes oba -rose
and pinks. tienerally 010.v/towns-Ed
tieetn, tO be old etele anti futhee of roses,
while natured moss and fitneere are net
forgotten. The spring hats display a
great change in materiel trent the old
forme. Owlote to the blocked lutt hav-
ing replated those mations Which
tortured the wearers throegh the
work of holding them on. We moot
not, however. Pees over picture hats,
for they are still very much a4fnired,
and being artistic will dill be worn by
many who love a. pretty ld becoining
During the exhibit days
anee PONAofts
parlor was largely attended, and from
noon till late ttio owner Mei Men91 48'
eistants were buoy ,ahowing noveltiee
in hate and trimmings and taking
orders for Easter delivery, Atnorig
the large numbers of spring creation.s
and a very attractive intb shaven was
one of thenew sailor's in a white
Intim braid With an all-round ,ban,
deau which gave it the correct aide
tilt, with loops of white ribbon fax a
trlinte-Tng. Tee toir
trimmed to ,the left back with high
who loop* Of the white ribbeno and
around the crown Was a gold dresden
baud which gave it a very stylish ap-
pearance. An attractive leghorn was
Untied at the back with the dark
shades of raspberry roses as a bandeau
trimming. The erown was entirely
enveloped in a pompadour ribben in
the lighter shades of raspberry.. A
toque of the sett grey shttdes with a
high side bandeau t. the brira wits of
grey pansies, shading to a pinlewith a
side trimming of black wings arid g. ray
matins which made it. very eireotive.
Particulaely attractive was a poInted
turban, with the brim and top of
ceown made of pansies and foliage;
around the crown was a band of violet
ribbon, the side bandeau was else
trimmed with ehe ribbon and alanekle.
A very handsoem black Ind in th
sailor effect, with a binding of silver
net, three plumes falling off the hack,
with a high back hendeau, was trim-
med with forget-meenete.
AT DI'Elbes :
the usual opening was not advertised,
but Miss Smith had ejarge.nenaber of
visitors to inspeet her contribution to
etylee in Easter naillinery. Sons
choice creations were shown, among
which we noticed a smart little suit
hat. of brown chip straw, in a becom-
ingly tilted shape, tri named with brown
velvet and wings and stuall pale green
flowers. A %Tay pretty toque with
brim being entirely made of violete
and tiny rose laudstop of the hat of
green foliage, and' simply triintned
With a bunch of deep creem roses and
foliage. Illeek hat of straw and so-
quin, with high rolling eatk, narrow
brim at right side of hat caught to
OrOWn evizh black flowers and large
osprey; bona at back trimmed with
loops Of black velvet ribbon. A num-
ber of pretty jaunty new eailor's trim-
naed with ribbon, flowers, quills or
rt=rhilt&e.nt unaay an Sunday with her
. en Xtollte to a tour of tho south-
, • bu anairti0tud Us Holed Doyle loft vestordaY
IVOlter litotes,
,NtratstrieePhilebliji rbiltinE in Toronto for
feet smoke wbile moor neve to engaged verb
/Mews in tile legbettive buildings,
' *sward MbeFareWn who had been visit-
, intiireeklatee in'ageotice towpshie. hitt for
th tentie,Portituron. on Wcauesany.
Aint.,- (ReV.) 'Turnbull and Atlas Shepherd,
North Atreet, Attended the annual meeting of
the Churchwomen% Auxiliary in Leaden this
Urs.ghighh With two of her children, loft
on Tuseday for Vegroville, Alberta, and, woe
xi'tcrl,rmt,PttlltltAs f0t 44/1 'roronto by Or, fathea
Mise Clara ElMthere, returned borne on'Atent
AO; ar wo,0% visit to zettltlyes in Dungan-
, non 'w ere she istytainiod tao wedding of nor
Micillaudo Sohnston of Platen street, has
Mehl IMMO after a 'throe menthe visit to
brother, Mr. and. Mrs. Samuel .A. Johnston.
" klitt ICITI.,„ff Milne Co., ot Sarnia. ,
anaes amain, an old time resident of Po&
Or 011VCL 45 riare, leatitititro this rkiookling
fatterlyeiAgad In ritarar constrtuictigi
*Orkin iehigan.
attack ,of %Me tto, which required an ope-
- May Drat who euffortier MO On
WOO 111 rotz hospital. lo progressing
and atlest sports was much improved.
• / .11014 =Quiet lit with her.
• fer, Beery Davenan, who has been with the
$444 010/01ke works forgo considerable
tieleom ho nap been a resident of Cieflorich
• W‘104t,'W, °Mlle takes the position of. engineer
blatant:Um* Year*. t yesteMay for coiling.
en.,tlet enieA notebewena. It is expected
' Oadsri during the season.
• set sbrill 4 leer *leveret cargoes of grain at
Titylorta Corner.
Nottte.-Roi. W. H. Graham prea-
thed. a fine nerionn here on Sunday to
a good congrettation.--illiss Lillian
'Wilecuitteacher in Oolherne, was home
lot a few days last week. -Thos. Bur -
mows, of tiOderidt, watt the guest of
O. 'Wilson last week.E. MeCahe, of
-Ocelerieh. Wee the gutted of Mr. John.
5100 on Sunday,
• HeimesvIlle.
Pansotrat..-1,. Alford spent it fow
daya around hero.-Mt...iffugferd, who
lately moved here, has moved back to
Oolborrtio--Mts. 'Mulholland returned
from Allutiat on Saturday. .-- Miss
WashhigtOg% of Clinton. and Mrs.
Unice,. Of Pete Eturen, spent Sunday
the gutite of Mr. and Mrs. Courtice.-
- MISS Maggie McPhail, of Porter's Hill,
Was the gueat of Miss Holdsworth the
paat woak.--Betbei League visited the
Lsague here One night last week and
spent a profitable time together.
POO Albert.
grattleallr all tiroforotonat dalmatian USIS 1)0
/At -Meson* Sepeantoptmitt by, their -ex•
rMelate And Mil a rot isnot, sons T.C6 Allen,
igaratIon, a otra,and he WM glyo you one to
Neerge,-*SerVice in the English
&lath on Good 'Friday at 8 o'clock p.
no,-.1ohti Quaid is getting a bored
wo#41 put down; Sohn Amax is doing
the job...4.311Mo ,HOSella Sehoenhalle
leAlre't alittfrelf to attorid the wedding
_zest leentittt, Mies Dorn Scbeiffer, ot.
ivertono--,Tbe propertyloadhOUSe-
b041 effeete of _
the late Mt*. Oro.
heat will be sold ot auction OR Tnere.
elaY next itt this place.
Tans ' Shot tread
trr , OrrIOR
Misses Cream Rello
" „Maranintell Ilditly Fitton;
..winsins primal, snaps
the ,toot uts49 In *MY
*MUMS the trees in WA**
ono Psooy ininionw. (lite ,hitu
eathifitedint Will .10
t scoot&
as usual held no public openiug, but
had pretty hats and choice trimmings
to show her patrons. While there is
no display In the cestotnary formal
Manner, there are enough Inede-Up
goods and such a collection of flowers
end other trimmings as give a cent-
plete idea of tvhab will be the °erect%
thing for 1900 spring and summer
fitehione. 'kites Chuneren had many
callers. and the order list shows a gen-
emus appreciation of her taste and
Akin in ladles' beadWear.
There, was 0. contitlitel stream of
visitors all afternoon atia evenlog, ard
genentladmiretIon of the many Waal,
ful designs shown. Miss "Goldthorpe
and her assistants had a busy tins
meeting the [UMW callers and explain-
ing the different styles and the endless
variety of beautiful eombinattorte 11)
trinatning. The hate were pretty, and
matay in 'number among them Was a
pretty violet hat with doped Molnar
plactine eta trimmed with osprey 'and
tubular braid; a ptetty red. tatti, With
flowers and foliage. hang °tuna a
favorite. The Meek setlein hat, with
dome crown, rolled high in hack with
short Meet, trIMMed With leather OS»
ProY n.wl 0140 PleeteCoattline, being a
dainty little hat. 'rho email sailor
hats anti those with high rolling backs
Wog very much in vogue. The store
was very prettily decorated With llOW,
ern and foliage, while the'drallinge of
silk Over -the titterers had A tory pretty
Does This InclOde
Lana for tho Veterans of '37.
lo tho =tor or the etoit en4 Empire.
111%-i notice that ROE, Mr. Hama
has brought in a hill re the services of
the Veterane of IWO. I regret he Wet
not inulteled those of 1837, for whom
the late Government had no sym-
pathy. ,
The iris rule for governing a 00n-
quere4 province, and the th•st reales%
uneducated settlere may have become
distresteful under changed eiroutn-
stoncee by the inflox of a highee and
better educated class of settlers, but
the remedy needed is not objection -
Ole force, but judicious measures. A
skilled soegeon sies to preserve an in-
jured Ilrob by proper remedies; an un-
skilled one amputates it. Civil war Ws
last extremity,. and Is a severer test of
true loyalty than that with a foreign
I hope the present Government, and
-many of -the- napeejudieed Opposition
with More enlarged Ideas, will recog-
'Mite the "Pioneer Veterans" of 1837.
Their recognition would not only be a
gratifying justice to them, but a pre-
ventive policy in vietv of the revolu-
tionary spirit of the age. Their num-
ber now is very small, and will be an-
nually decreasing.
Yours etc.,
A "Pioneer Veteran" of 1837, in my
91st year.
Toronto, March 12, 1900.
Ur. Haldane's able plea will have
the sympathetia approval of many
who still remember him in tbis coun-
ty. There ca.nite-hst few eurvivors
of those old days Of '37, but it would
• be a gracious act to aoknowledge their
services in the way he asks.
Settee:U. IttironTe-1-The following. Is
thwrepott of Nilo Public ,Scimal. for
E1171111. IA!!!
ettatel 'Ateilvettin 606, blithest ',14cIV
-out* 461 Ste etZt
Lorne Kirkpatrick 500. Vhila 'Young
502. 001310de 'Elrkpatrick 642. Jp.
111.-40ittied,, Olen telit Ileezirletbr
Yeeitig -0;ke !011ie* !delta 003, WortItY
Ryan. 653.1fartild liIc,Iiwitin 8.10, Er-
rtitsitelon 385, it. H. -Lloyd 'Yo • ng
18;:',VIrda MeWhiffney 40.1-#'' Vera Ti
fin290. 1.,-Ma1guer1te
Ort,I..14 Teacher%
Ginvanet Nome.- Joseph Mem;
has related James Nixon's house, and
Intends moving in, -Walter Gibson
haa tnoved into A. C. Jackson's house
ote,the. front street. --There will be a
ball at the hoteTherli-on PridalcAprili
Passmsa -O. Helwig has been on
the eick list, but is eotne better now. -
John Seboltz's bahy has been very
sick Tewsley, of the West,has
been renewing old acquaintances
around here. -40. Moore, of Goderieh,
was in our burg on Sunday. -George
Beadle -la visiting Mende at Summer -
bill. -George Youngblut, butcher, was
in Toronto this Week. --Joe Girvin has
secured a situation in Luckriow, and
leaves here May let.
Mutton NOTES -Rey. G. 0. Faltia,
of the West, preached in the Method.
let chute% on Sunday, giving a very
pointed and instruotive address. -The
people of the Methodist church • are
going to reorganize the Epwerth
League. -Rey. Mr. Smafl addressed
the ladies of the W. F. M. S. one af-
teteloon this week. -Rey. Mr. Nott, of
GoCericb, will give his lecture on
Palestine, illustrated by pictures 011
canvass, an Friday, April Oth, at eight
o'clock. Bee. 0. Faille Will sing, Rev.
Mr. Small will recite, and Westfield
choir willeiing; lunch will be served at
the close of program.
NOtwititifintillnit Ike; vell
eril matualealers we offered with
Lour promlum plefareo to Woe,
*0 OW ehinieflieerl o pa UP,
them we 0everet bot111414
wbo arc In arrears, aggregathot
nearly op* Sbotilaael dollar*.
Theses lattat pay up before MO
Ist Or find thenteelves troubIe
wIth a collector, whose ebar*ea
will be at44e4-
YOH IWO had the paper, the
money Is our* soul we need It.
Thlit worsting is peremptory eml
oPPlles to every one OW44 one
dollar Or upwards. We are treats
Imo you fairly. oet a move On and
"Pay that thou owest."
ArenatAt..-Mtas Maud *flown, of
eriche 44Xlit5elledifet Wtbb�rpi
Mt ROPER Row. -A numbs* ot
our rankle,* Att*Imlad gap** or
tut tato I4r. Willinies. of Puelop. ot
Wednesday J. ilittfris
egtert4100a * number of hut young
leistede eu Wet:Ines& atteritooOt
teen the Do Wel Create Soperators, the
grand prize-winnere at every_ exPOsitiOn held
during the past 45 years. -T.
Burru.-Webster.-On Meech Met,
to Mr. and Mrs. James Webster, a
l'Ensortee.-We are glad to eepert
that Jaynes Helm is almost recovered
front his recent severe illness and has
returned to bis home on the 12th cane
he heving been Visiting hie slater,
Mrs. Ralph Nixon, when taken ttick.
Robert Hunter hatil been filling his
place in Lanesville etore during hie
absence. -We are sorry to learn that
Mrs. Wm. Lane, sr., is eo ill at pretteat
that no hope entertained for her rel.
coverv.-Last week Mre. Us, Webeter;
Boundary road, received a message
saying that her daughter, Mrs. James
Reed, near Varna, wativery sick. She
at once mita to that place and the
latest reports are that Mrs. Reed is
much better. -We are glad to see Sam.
Reed home again from Ebenezer,
where he spent the greater part of the
'OnxT.-One more of the old pioneers
was called away on the 20th prole, in
Detroit, at the house of his daughter,
Mrs. John Cameron, viz., Hugh Me*
Donald, aged 93 years, a resident of
Ashfield for the peat yeave. Born
in Scotland, he followed sailing from
his boyhood, calling at almost every
port known to the British flag,' and
-foe yeara -after- eismiug to - Canada,
and after settling in the bush, put in,
many seasons sailing on the lakes.
Beloit of a kindly and intelligent dis-
position, he was a general favorite
with all the early settlers and beloved
by all for his sterling, upright and
Christian character. The remains were
brought hem Detroit and taken to hie
old home, and from thenee to Pine
River cemetery, followed by a very
large number of his old friends and
acquaintances. His wife predeceased
hint several years ago, and he leaves
behind of his family, Mrs. John Came-
ron and Miss Flora, of Detroit, and
Samuel and Daniel, of Bute, Montana.
A true friend, a kind parent and a sin.
core Christian has passed from among-
st us.
Pansortar...-Mr. -17rtley, of Strat-
ford, has been visiting friends here
thie e'week.-Messra. Geo. Dinsdale,
WilIlain McGregot and Donald Me -
Nevin left on Tuesday for Sitskatche-
vran.-Mr. Jas. Braille, who wedded a
lady in Essex county last Wednesday,
arriVed hotne :Saturday night with
lmiui bride.-1111ss Lottie Grassiek, who
has been 111 for sortie thee, is rapidly
Improving now and soon wilt be her
old self again. Her many friends. rei
jOiee with her in bee recovery.
Settees Itgeotre -The following Is
the .11erch nionth1 report fort 84 8.
No, 14. Stanley, I.ahIW8 are In order
of merit: Sen. Eifth.-A. W. Mtn,
etenclihtre__ N..Johnston. Jun.Vifth-
Eleanor 'IRMO, El. Gemmell. Stn.,
FourtheedItte :Carrot', jean Grassiek,
N. It. Jones. Jtau, Fourth. -Mabel
Melleath, itenaMel3catb, 14,ALFisher.
Sett. •Thied.e-Janet Logan. Junior
Gemmel, Oda Me,
Beath. Seconti.-,,Lolaitathwell, A. H.
,Tones, Oerouiell. Second,
Arita M. leo0O,,, hitt /tett/Weil. Vtest
molleath, Alex. binsbar-
trio, Wien Hoed. The hest outliers
in thetnontlaly opening nuttehes were:
ifflo Mary Johnston; Fourth,M. M.
Miter; Third, J. Kohl; Second, Lois
•BatIiwell. ,
Soorat.-On 1110 evening of the 80th
int. it pleasant time we, Omit in the,
bottle of Iffr. and Wag Thos. McKay,
the oceltaion being the celebration of
,their goldon Wedding. After pkttelt
big of nintiptuoustepadt, the tom*.
logo dress was read by Mr. lohneen,
inteleilAitte Med, itteRee.-it le vfith a
flitt ilettlArre.14bCtniCitil alth
gigiii.itt tile orastratiot# of roar ito en
'11 eilde *dark te eleAsere when we
Ie MeV ithoot/lei 15 50(1 JEW row. it 4224
ttet hait xbue Istititost AttbrkliOE
Ion 4 no 1151000(5(0 nos, thetrou hes
Settee* eel /Mee of married
aminotostwo net* the prtrilegg ot bop
grateintlat 701.1; 111)00,010 6O00144'
An the Met nate inrehtsht innate ilatkeitet
To thonght nue ta_n-aratihe ititerrritinitbalt
n'SnT.flty. *Ware lama whys *latitude to tha
UMW [Vet in nit on041400155Wk500 spate
&Arm* wetthiee tam wotuive been
ROO to steisonts time ter thernity,
WWiteet *10 (hat 260292401 lot , thfi' miouw
trot how without etwoinne in gen alir
actoilon' Tor Yol; OA *Ind Mat obliging might
.bewittnnwe Mai winner to h.1 in
1(0 591104111151.
Ws Waiiontn thttpeototitt %MU* &on*,
Vitt rithlud ofibttt lit IStfitit tvilt it *VW
14* tot jIoxielYs.. And 49 newt
kesitit w1s15512 $0122, 119.
b ingests*
40 bean lk
4toon't eilinirtlis in The *tow
yteN W. IVAN moony Ono Ins 40.
..sects FOR HATCHING.'
tern !Mx
• liritinTe WItAr4POTTES-.
.that are whits, anti stay white, *044
.hy Cockerel of A.: liastott -straint,
'roue% arid. lilt caw *pent • A#C.‘Entowri. tmormaNs
s con* of tlays last' week with the.'The fauxque. A. Thornpacm ringlet
drs, patents, Mr. awl 24r* Thetneeet tvi„,totelt
ow* Roma Rocks *ailed by, * ringlet
• ee-e-e-e-seeereseHe• eoclieiet. . •
• Crewe,
Prffl orphigtott eggs, Willi tin* eggs
True sr4ys.givois tho new* ',prices, right-
Piiao'rMJ E. Broholiot Mittel 04000,
icing In Irinittnor SAM HbOrW0till'iger*
NitaReO Ithltebbleedi ere Oteolleg
thi eek lei their fa ear (Hem
W Tit*
eels, and their '.fehroile here ; are ,
ton* to 100.12 them. , • • ,
GgerEfeer, Neregike•44aite-it iterither
attended an entertitinteefet,'elveet he
Q10.1;011001 ,house:here% eon/4414 MVP,
ly• of interesting ,Vieviatsee'liteatieettleY,!
is Mating ititetiath SherWoodet, And is
ev dently a ,httstleterevith; work.e., .
John Ktio*triele and '''.0t* P. Oro4or:
sold two fine harsesla Mt. 14cOinskeY#'
of Otulorieb# this week..-..Satit Ober -
wood luta bought & flee tneee. for
whIchhe no deitht ieaid a .gOett lignre
at present rates for horses,
.-fooular, Entortaintunt 6our64-
11410114 Opro Ow, hand
ARNO Evening, gid 11
SCHOOL REPORT. -Report for S. S.
No. 9, Ashfield, for March. Names in
order of naet•it. Continuation Class, -
Harold Treleaven 78 per cent.. Bailie
Statham 78, Finlay Reid 74, Worthy
Kilpatrick 71, *Isaac Stothers OS,
*Melvin Reed. IV.-Litura Fitzgerald
70 per cent., George Treleaven 705
-*Sam Finlay 67. &AM -Maggie Glen,
Willie Alton, Fanny Fitzgerald. Car-
man &others, Pearl Saunders, Wal-
lace Twamley, Mary Saunders,01104
Blake, Bert Rivers. Jr. III.- at.
Alton, George Saunders, 'Ernest Hall.
Sr. IL -George Glazier, Effie -John-
*gen, Mary Glazier, Eldin Twamley,
Jr. IL -Willie Glazier, Agnes Kearns,
Jeesie Stothers'Thomas Glen, Mary
Jones, Edith Johnston. ,Pt. L -Ida
Glazier, Willie Fitzgerald. No. on
roll 33. Average attendance 27.
Those marked* were absent for part
of exam:
PERSONAL -Mrs, Workman is at,
present a guest of het tester, Ilra. A.
MeGregnr.-Mr. and, Mrs. Nesbit, of
Plima, welted with the letter's mother
on Sunday.-Robt. Hewitt, jr., left for
his home at Marlette, Michigan, on
Monday. -A number from here attend-
ed a social evening at the residence
of Allan Bros. -Miss Maud Tyner and
Miss }Jessie McIlroy were the guests
of Mr. J. Scarlett this week
GENERAL NoTes.-Mr. Alf. Hewitt
is at present .huilding an addition to
his residence tn the form of a kitchen.
-The Huron promotion examinations
Will be held ,on Thursday and Fridal
of this week. --The shareholders of the
Leadhury Beef Ring have erected
the slaughter house on Mr. Isaac Mc -
Gary& farm. -A great many in this
neighborhood are bus), Making =Pie
ayrup, the run being good.
111 Itolsglry
IthathiAlt Wet WE
Ws tio* lsle, tIninire in *002
VeIlk MOM* *TOO* '
not Ott 291 swi
tliatkamil whsii
loset Irf Mehl iVilk
tit *int. futliittio.
tit! re Vaal*
91t1554wars* Wirethrt.
MV 555*220244 *MOM *s'4 htUelie,
1211 It It
wiru, Melt, &inn +Vac te
tisit,__Tt le tie 2206t2tiooktP6 VON, UN* 55
to tilt *mom ha055 ifi ;beaten&
uEa St TO Si* O.
hirer* tAioti* sok okt
TUE STAR AWN'S KNOB the fireeteet
valtte on eerth.
beadle 101 sea water. ittel warm our
You will tare to wash A let Or rrockli and
pan, b
skim milk for ho olives if you 1ieY0. SolePara-
tor, Over WOO Do TeaVainurehlues-ton utiles
an other.; cotnetnede*seld to dato. Came and
youretv:L Li, AeeVer.
Gnenuter. jorrnens.-Quite a num-
her from here Are leaving for the
Northwest thie apt:Mg.-Some oli the
farmers heve started plowing, -Don -
aid MeNevin, ottriiVOryman,baS added
two flue new buggies tolkia outfit. .
PEuetotfai: llltINTION.-Mrs. James
Medd returned home After visiting her
paren Is heree-aevattr.ltutherford and
Mr. J.G. Ward were Goderieh visitors
this week, --111r. and Mregitomas Smi-
ley called on Goderich friends this
week. -Alex. McCabe left on Tuesday
for Tcfrento.-elbe Conners arrived
here from Toronto on Tuesday, and
has engaged with j. Medd, our Veil. -
Ed. Heiwig, of Auburn, was a visitor
here, the other _day.
DAVIDSON-REED.--The lienae of
Mrs, R. Davidami, sr., was tile scene
of a, quiet but pretty tv,eddingon Wed-
nesday, March 28, when her daughter,
Miss Ella, was united in marriage to
Richard Reed, of West Wawanosh.
The bride looked exceedingly pretty 111
a green gown with oream silk blouse.
Rev. C. Rutherford performed the
ceremony, after which the company
sat down to a dainty dinner. the table
being decorated with pink and white
carnations. Mr. and Pars. Reed will
be at home to thele friends after the
15th of April.
D, URNO, theitapin
ADO MS' COrripank, in progra,rn of
Magic, Mystay and Fun
A TilOrVeihnitz couffibeetlete Of
.44 WON', VA'AerRa 00 W524
iitVerliee*I?00497YG TRICKS,
- RTC,, RTC,
Prices sc find, soc
Children 25C
Tan SWAB ia a leadet and gives ail
the news.
PLAN open At KIDD'S 1100E bTORE
for Subscribers, Friday and Saturday,
April 6th- and ella ; for the public, Mou-
day, April lath.
Single Fare
For -Easter
Wing April, 112%• 12, 14, 13 .fC 16th.
Returning until April 17th.
Between all- station's in Canada, atso
„ to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, N. Y.,
Detroit and Pt. Huron, Mich.
Reduced fares also in effect to St
,Paul, and Duluth, Minn.
iForsTickets and full information, call on
Town Ticket Agent
• wont% TO PAR1110141 onion mourn -map 4.111. to 9.00 p.m.
J. ST-RAITON, Depot Ticket Agent.
NISO feeders use Clydesdale Stook Food, of
Toronto. Every pound guars -aged or motleyOR
refunded, try it. Por saie by W. Bttillurite 64 J. H. McDONALD, Dist. Passenger Ag't.
Repair Works
The best makes of Bicycles, new and second
hand, at close prices.
We have the femous Cleveland,, Rambler and
second hand machines. \
All parts of Bicycles can be had here.
Enameling and repairing of every description
nearly all makes a
on short notice.
Electrie Light Wirieg and all suppliee sold and Metalled.
Our new steam platit bas induced us to put in a modeni
device, which is the most perfect to be founti anywhere*
Bring yeur Lawn Mowers here if you want them sharpened correct.
Bicycles, Repairs, tlectric Light Supplies.
,goo A Sling forryn, Atr. IrelMe-bitildert tbet the earice is low at the
_very time 'on want wire. Thin in not luferier but the best elms*,
' land High Verbon .eoil Spring Wire. *Joky. TIAe inice yrill tarter
be lower, and is sure to. aflysettee. Oar mice now in $1,5o per lee 0*i
We have 4 little too ninth of * few styles Of Page Wife Penee, lf
stele *mite eell, the prico sanely wib aine ill aild get 41, hargsim ;
little tool csall Will buy it, lois of
DID YOU tote Ant Unit lictigr,
ilOrn you in last Week'sadvertisement
d oubt you found that the cost of Painting
, your honso was much Isse .tbee yen ex,
peeked.' No peetiereektiee 'Am pehlt. 31,
pater hest to pautt with •
Elephant Ready-
*moo,MLXed Paint
Portland CeMege, Wood Bibtee'Pleeter.• White Reciet thee. 01$014,
Builders. elid Xleteter liardWere, Stezuotnt Wbite Ifead, 010, Vitr-
Ainlies, ving and Barbed Wire, tied everything tIon *13101 shoulAt1)0
fogad ittaStat.0144$ rfsktax,tare „Store
• , •
These are ReeeptiOn. Days in our
The new styles are interesting to
every wonaau. YOU- are welcome and
• respectfully invited to visit our rooms.
Detailed description would fail to convey any adequate
idea of the New Hats and Bonnets in their glory.
T,he stock has all the touches of careful preparation,
representing the very latest novelties of the leading fashion
centres. We are making a special feature of
with ample variety t� choose from. The choicest as a
matter of course will go first. The sooner you come now
the 'better.
WOM61118 JaPdlleSe 511K waists
We have a Jobber's Remnant of Pure Silk White Waists,
just 6o in the lot.
LOT L ---Pure Japanese Silk, but-
ton front, sixteetieucke atilL 725X plait
front, four Awake in back, detached
collar four tucks, full sleeves with
three tucks, and tuck cuffs. Value
at $2.50, the lot to clear at
each $1.85
LOT IL -Pure Japanese eilk,
white' front, 22 hem.sidtch tacks, with
Valencienes insertion, box plait, hem
stitch back, Valencienes lace collar,
'full sleeve with Valencienes and hem-
stitch cuff, good value at $3.50, A., ,
the lot to clear at each
No. 23.
t I Sad Doe& 'Weer on
Our t3est Silk Bargain.
90e Dress Silks,' 55c.
LAST January we had a big Silk..Sale, vvlien we sold Silks that'Were
worth 7se for 48e a yard,. Saturday we have a better„ bargain
. for you, or the saving is greater than hi January. A fe* weeks
ago we cleared a jobber's lot of fancy Shirt Waist 'Silks at a;price that ,
lets us sell 90C and $1.0o Silks for isc a yards", AU are good colors, good
, tittalitieso good patterns liad w Paid regular price* , 900 Or, SLOO 'Would
have 'been our price today; because we got the fot WOW vainet :you
can save 35 to 4o� per yard on a Silk Dress for sunixner: That's e**ti1i
to pay foe the making,
$00 Yard* Sommer Mike. suitable tot Shitb %lot sok, or *toot (Irmo. nooki Inalithet,
neat emelt designs in spades of green, blue, brown, rat etc. Made aria bought, to selt 00e to $1.00,
, flaturday morning yottr choke of this '
sse pryai4..
Guaranteed Silk Underskirts,
, Guaranteed Takao Silk Underskirts to sell for Ave dollar bill, go on solo
Saturday morning with the silk. They are tronaw. goods just in week'.
Perfect in fit, the newest style, aid guaranteed, by tb'e maker. A Silk Skirt adds
mnolt to the effect of * Summer Costume, and when, you con got k guaranteed
one for $5.11*, you should not let the opportunity poss. -
Locale*" IIIllt tinderackirfa mutt" boa gamut:44 Too* gond *Wit ptiteot SO% b1uct711** A
*at *Ott* on *Ole SetitrditY MOW*. /Ottr 44444* **4***4 44' 4
144140 net In took *Ads to order Itt & *We* time.
"•;f. '
4. 4