HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-02-09, Page 4N-O'!`t'C "T`AlIC1tT'-141OyTTCE: PPM DiX I. REPORT Of Me Committee of Me WAtte, ea the Report of As Quainter ea Read. oral Briittsr- lir. Rushee to the Chair. M 37. Report adopted• M. Report adopted. 110. Report adopted. 40. Report adopted, 41, 48, 43. Reports adopted. 44. Report adopted. 45• Repot &do pied. 88. Report adopted• 1 63. iteport adapted. 123-1. Moved by Mr. Van Egmont, That a .urn 01 money ; not exceeding Len, be granted, to mako the a^proaches to the Sable Bridge, on the (toad between McGillivray and Biddutph. --Carried. 2. Moved by Mr. Gibbon., seconded by. Mr. Chalk -That the item for £3 15,., W transmitted to the Audtlur. as it comes ander the By -Law for Local Iwi.rovernen'a, and lodged in this report tea artier ofemilence.-Carnett. JAMES RANKIN. C7wi,was. APPENDIX 11 BY.ssiI.d Lim of Treasurer's Abstract of -3ccorot, a..PubtJ tile Quarter fart.% Meth .March, 1848. £ s. To balance. amount from last Abstract,, 813 6 'leo fine, J. McLeod, by Statute 52, Ger'. 3, chap. 6, sect. 4. To Gots imposed by Magi.' rate', To amount .4 arrears of Taxes pard •,n nrtone Lands daring the Quarter, Te b.laoee dos Treasurer, 1846. Jan. 1. fur d. 0 '!^ 0 n 14 10 el 31 11 570 14 11450 1 Pahl3..eri' Clerk of the Peace. Coroner, G. McLeod, Gaol, W. Read, salary and support of Prisoners, Gaol Surgeon. salary, and Medicine, Clerk of the Distrtct Council. Treasurer, * year's eatery, Councillors, Auditors, Township Superintendent efSe:.oa'.s Township Clerk., Medical Comat Inquests, Constables, Ruade and Bridger, Wild Land &sateament fur Rub, Militia exempt money, Education assessment on land. of the Canada Company, Wolf Scalp certificate, Receiver General, fine of McLeod, Stones for Gaol, Cleaning Gaol chimnici, Transport of Luoaties to Asylum, Carriage Of apparels, r Stationary, Postage', Printing, • . w interest, • Returned Tax 4-5 of Id.:843, 4!1 441 3*t • £ r. d. 18 7 11 139 18 '7 i 9 a 5 60 7 la 13 4 15 150 0 6e 17 10' 0 11 10 fi7 0 6 0 14 0 103 7 140 17 14 10 THE Subscriber in reiterates his etoeem tasks to his customers for the liberal pstrsacage bestowed on kis slice ba WITS! to Godsi$r , washes to 14(or11 them that he bait diespeeed of the bueuese to JAMES DONALDSON. All lbwe in- debted to him by Note or Bouk account, will please cell and settle the acme before the twestietb day of February, as all Note end Book accounts remaining useettl.d at - ter that date will Lo given to a Lawyer fur collection. ?SOMAS WATKINS. God.ri:h, Jan. 12, 1849. 49 I)tt. P. A. MCDOUGALL, C1N be consulted at all boors, at the British Head, (Lencawnta's- ) Goderich, Sept. 13th, 1848. 33- 1318. Aug. 6. o • t O • l 6 O i U 0 . O ; 53• 1 0 409 6 '1 i ro 0 20 0 0 12 0 0 O 10 0 13 0 • 0 Acheroti Onicm, Goderick, ins! October, 1548. 0 5 0 O 2 6 1;{ 15 3 4 3 10 2t7 13 Ai L peewee iodobted to RILSWIFini k SMART. Ittroegb tis s1 the t3ubacrtber. aro requested to oettla /heir accounts iswedutl either with him or with Mt. George Freer, Guderltk, and rase .011111. 1. K. (JOODING. Goderich, 8th Sept., 111481 11S 1 A DV ER'1'ISEMENT THE Subscribers in aeknowled tog the liberal patronage which they bare re- eeired during then residence in Goderich, would respectfully request the immediate settlement of all aceouats due to the firm, se they close their books from this date. - Alteration to tau Dolce will saws sat.. T. GILMOUR k CO. Oo,;erieh, 8th Sept., 1848. 3211 l-Pr 1 IT1f1AT Imodwo i ...-hoop Wow. MMsisa. A w 8tesieb at Teeera, b.teop'g t. WtlpN re ad. sad •ae+tb oeeeptd by «r, 1. mu. 11, to lase aid wit .d.pts4 r dm lass of a r.epcctatsl. Moult -Wiwi • Mp ire and erebasd well "ticked with eaeelleat fears to to edli• genu. deeeriptbaa- les pnleisity t. the bar- . boar of 4J.dsrsa► os SWOON" of Ms mem tion NMI ea the ~imam Wean* Mat a tieo(d tmatisea se bo woopi6d, it will be let ou rep.• ..able term., either be ewer mor. years. as may b. .greed epos- 7lrr embesparticelars wooly to JACOB WILSON. Goderist. 2.4 Fats.aq. !K3. 39 1O11N J• E. LINTON, R O T a a t FROLIC, Commissioner Queen's Bench, AND CONVEYANCER, STRATFORD. DR. District Superintendent of Comuoou Schools, in Account Current with Huron District CR. E s.18487sec Tss uslops. ' A Godench, 47 :193t to 12 20 To amount in hand at last audit, £1450 2 • 830 19 4! " Jame* Paid Nairn, Qac and Ross, • " John Bell, William Begg, Edward Templeton, Edward Lusk, Peter Cole, P. Gallagher, a Robert Long, e' Mathew Gibson, • Barnard Ward. Richard Currie, " John McDonald, " William and Templeton, o W. D. Moore, ler Jolin AicLearin. a Donald McDonald, ie Robert Beard, • t Thomas Taylor, it ,t .t 1. • u u {. 1 • I. „ 1 £830 19 43. u M li a J u 64 .1 1. .1 I. James Izard, l'etcr McLellan, James Trow, Andrew Amoss, Andrew Amos., Alexander McGregor, G. Metgban, James Sbeldan, 1I. Hamilton, R. Henley, - R. Cana, Wm. McDonald, Ann Drury, Robert O.baldeston, • Premium Books, Sationary ani charge., Amount expended 'by 'District Treas'Jrer,out of District Grant for nts Salary, Balance in District Superintend •- ent's hand., 2 do. 3 du. 6 do. 6 do. 7 do. 9 do. 1 "Colborne, s NeGilltvny, 3 110- 2 do... itaeley, 3 do. 2 Pucka -smith,, 3 do. 4 do. itephtn, J.borno and' Hay, 1 4. Easlhope,i , i. k aathnpe,, 2 do. ; 3 do. ) 4 do. 1 iva'f,rJ, • 1 ilanshard, 2 do. 2 Jewel., 4 do. 1 .lcKtllop, do. \sbfield, lullett, 5. d. 18 tj 19 2 16 1 18 8; 12 L 11 91 33 3 113„ 10 I1 3 10 11 3 92 .18 17 t! 15 1 93 35 19 it 16 19 63 8 9 '9 18 17 23 13 17 23 It 9 '1%1 M «t of the HWWNB rtes, 4' RAyM*!LL b towltaNp of _ tiles, bole Lake Ably mike ebe e Guderitb, u wow in full op.rstl.e; Clad be to prepared to fulItl order. for pts. et *ow saws Lumber, to any extent yd of wry dl. mentions, en tbo moat reaeoeible terra, w ILLIA N•WIT1lERe. Kincardine, 6011 Oct., 1848. 40 -44444.044•01144m......- DISSOLUTION ..04.,,..,x_ DISSOLUTION OF QOPARTMER'4IP. x111114 C ip heretofore immune between the matt wised (loader the firm, of Gooding and L sr, Isakoep- ere,) 11 this day dissolved sauteed mut- tient. J. K. GOODINO, J. LANCASTER. 'rbs business wi11 b. continued, and all outstesuliog accounts due by ad to the firm will be settled by the undersigned. J. LANCASTEIL G , lcrich, 5th Sept., 11118. 311f PR0SP1:CTUS OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. MR. AND MRS. MOODIE, Farina ,IMIE L'diters of the Vet -roma Manama will t2 g An devote all dont talent' to prodsce a aaetel enrertainiog, and cheap Periodical, ter the Caaa- dias People ; which may afford amusement to both old and yoeag. Sketches and Tali.. in sets, .u4 prose, Moral Essay, Statistic. of 11.e Colony, Scrape of Useful Information, Reviews of sew Work., and well selected andel.s from the meat popular authors of the day, will form the page* of the Magaaise. 0 The k:,btorifeel confident that the iodesesd..t and ruing country to whose .ervice they are 17 7 0* proud to dedicate their talents, will cheerfully 11 6 4 lend its support to alimonies their adieus and 12 5 93 h400urable usdertakiag. The low pries at 12 5 21 which the Penodical is placed, is a order that 9 8 7} every renis within the l'uleey who cam reed, and duaiose for moral and meatal i , 26 8 13 may beconn a wb.entrer and pitta's/111m work• 8 8 7 The V.croaia Ma ,vja wdl co.taia twny • 7 10 103 four pages 111each number printed .a new type, 20 18 8f1and upon good paper : and will form at the end 11 17 71 of the Tree a seat Volomse, of 298 pages, ts- 15 7 10 gether with Tule Page sad 'index. 13 19 I It will he tamed Monthly, • se lbs 26 8 1 j First a September, from the once of JOSETII 7 19 41 WILSON, Front•street, JlellevJle-the Pub. lithe, and sole Proprietor, to whom all .tdwnfee •the Magsaine, .tad letters to the Editors, moot 11 13 73 be addressed. (post-paid.) The termer of sab- 'scription-ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM - inrai.5re to be paid in mleaisa- 134 13 9 Goderich, March 3, 1848. 5 103 3 33 830 19 41 GEORGE FRASER. j editors , T. B. WOODLIFF, S PAY ATTENTION!? AND LAI resolved pay year debts, a, rite subscriber .bat all Notes and Book seculars dire to born and remaieiog unsettled. will, peai- tiee'.y, on the 15th .f Joie nrrt, be handed o.er 10 •- ' in so Attorney for -,collection. It is eertaioly. o STATEMENT V T of Accounts due by the Huron District, Showing the amount of Principali with sonic reluctance that he has adopted this , 3 4j v FORSA -LE. a re.olithoa ., be has no desire to incur additional and Interest owing up to October, 1st, 1b48. GEORGE FRASFIR, t Auditors. T. B. WOODLIFF, S Aeorroai ;bird, Goderich, ra;bird, 1843. • C1as'Jl.d List of "rroswrei s Abstract of .9ctousta audited fur the Quarter ending 30th, June. To arrears of taxes paid on various Lands during the Quarter. To arreare of taxes paid by Canada Com• pany as per Schedule, To Advanced by Canada Company on account o.' taxes, on their Land for 1818, To Encs by Magistrates, during the Quarter, Tu balance duo the Treasurer, • •1848 1848. £ 0.. d. 51 811} 285 1 6 500 0 0 1 15 0 23016.71 1 83 By balance duo Treasurer last Quarter, Coroners, Gaoler's balance of Salary, Law ebpense, order of Sessions tog. Strachan, Esq., Conveyance of Lunatics to Asylum, Office Rent, indigent witness in case of Smith, District Councillors, Treasurers 3 years salary, District :'lock, Auditors, Surveyor, Supenntondant of Schwa, Postage', Insurance of Gaol, 100Fuel and It of Council_ room, Roads and Bridger, Wild Land assessments for Roads Bridges, Contingent exprnsos for conveyance of prisoner Smith, to Gaol, laterite, GEORGE FR:ASHER, T. B. WOODLIFF, S Amtrak's Orttelt, God/rick, Jody 1348: C'tosnJted fist of Treasurer'. Abstract of .lcceu,ts. audit am s Quarter ending 30th September, 164£ !. J. £ 570 14 431 b 13 n 116 3 1 6 0 .0 10 0 0 15 0 0 e 0 0 518 9 1 50 0 0 I ,18 15 10 0 82 0 2 10 12 6 15 0 5 0 225 4 7t 5 ,'60 6 19 £1069.1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 of 0 10 Auditor". 1848. t48- To cash receival, fines front Magis- trate), Dn. for tors during 11.e Quarter, Received from Gose, mrnt, nn a.- erone, eriminal a lmin;atra't••n of Justice, for 3 year foiling 11.1 December. 1847. Saline* due Treasur,, r, Ry bahnee last Q'laster, Township t'lerks, ('on,tahles, Cosveyanee el persons 4t Gaol, t'emage of parcels. Lewdevlo Wild Id Rd x, Ceuncdhw. fee.. District Clerk ue account, Overcharge on as seoeats, Carpeatcr work on Gaol, ircrniektn`e to Geo1, Gaoler on account, Tses.eora } year MadamReturned us 4 5 for 1943, 5 in n 50 111 1 r - 250 12 111 , • £440 M 931 230 6 P. 16 0 d. 71 0 2 9 2 0 108 11 7 6 5 0 17 6 10 0 10 0 Io 0 9 t 13 9 9 1 2 10 0 4 60 0 O 0 O 0 6 6 10 £446 10 93 GEORGE FRAME R, 2 frr,ry. T. H WooDI.lF'F. ` 00's f1r'ree a 41•41•401, 9.i pete4e., 1844• 1343 Bops r Nalon or Pharr WITH amnia CosTzacretn. 34 Canada Company Balance, Interest to date, Hillary Ilorton, amount of Debenture, Interest to date, William Hicks Interest to date, Gunn and Brown, Iptere.t to date, Henry Hyndman, (allowance for Constables) Inte4reat to date, surveyor General's Office, for Diagrams, 6c. Interest to date, Dr. Dunlop, Balance of disbursements, Interest to dare, G. Hagstaff, Balance of Printing, kc• Intertest to date, John Kelton, Order of Council, , Interest to date, Michael Gibson, Order of Sessions, overodgd ` A.ssMolant, Samuel Goody, Order of Sessions, overcharged AgayblMpehc, James Smith, Constable order of Senions, Interest :o date, William Wells, Town. Clerk Willtsme, 1844. - Interest to date, John Hunter, Balance, interest to date, Joseph Wheatley, Interest to do's, David Don, Balance order of Council for Salary, interest to date, Henry Reed, Interest to date, Robert Ellis, Order of Seeslon,. Interest to date, William Reed, interest to date, itobert Gibbons, Interest to date, J. Rowsell, Interest to dire, John McDonald, sheriff interest to date, - Daniel Lizars. Interest to date, S. Rastell, order of Sessions, Wm. Brown, carriage of parcels, Judith O. Donnell. James Watson, order of Sentone, interest l0 date, BY AUTHORITY. Shfriff's Salt of %antro. iitRON DISTRICT, t BV virtue of four To Wit : s writs of Fieri Ferias, issued out of Her Majestj s Court of Queen's Beech, and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of Jutta Ann Kippen and Amato" W. Kippen at the respective eons of Roes Robertson, Robert Moderwelt, John Strachan, genrl.mes, one, etc. aid lames Clouting ; and oleo by virtue of two write of Fieri Facial, issued out of Her Majesty's Huron district Court. end to me directed against the Land. ►fid Ten - 'meats of Julia Ann Kipple and 3l mates W. Ktopple at the respective suits Robert Parke and Joshua Callaway. 1 bow soioed and taken in Execution the fnllewing ,-ry petty as belong; to Arnett., W. Lippe nnu of the above endants a part or troy of Block G. i the Towodip of :.4. honk., Western D riaton, Hove Di.triet. containing tete hundred sem of Lead ; which Lands I .hall Dine feesass et the Court /Inure, in lbs town b o. Toeeday the 00th day of 4 at the Boer of 12 o'clock neem. J. McDONALD, Obwir U. D. Seism". Orrice, Bedewed. 11411 December. 1848. 1 rid PltirRarah. s.• 1200 19 '1 d; 8 4 4 6 39.15 35 15 '7 10 9 2 5 8 1. 4 15 ti 2 100 109 12 2 30 1415 6 47 13 9 153 6 103 15 67 10 9 133 13 4 313 17 7 4 10 1 617 8 'THE BRICK COTTAGE and Lal rain- expense to t;,o.e who are slid ening lob -bet it --._ --t mar No. 562,4o t .e Town of Gwieeieh, 1•I • easing, that necessity u . merciless mcater, borossra. TOTAL tn io the pessesaiou Henri O' pf \ell, ,•red is the present stasce, his reluctance meet 4nformerly ow rented tc Mr. James Orr. The Cot- yield w saeesity• ROBERT r1ODERWELL. Goderich, 15th June, 1548. 90.0 is d 71 6 1382 4 s 11 ej 9 11 1 8 8 5 11 1 7i 6 11 7 • 1 41 2 Sage i; very conveniently arranged, and we!! d•ourted for a small family. hes a •pai'ious !wood shed, stable, Le., gond well of. s•atrri 8'abe garden contains leveret choice fruit ;trees, and the whole enclosed with a strong 611 picket fence. Only a portion of rho money would be required dowr.,-the retnaioder to 8 Tree annual instalments. Apply to William Rattcnbury of the Clin- l3 ton Arms, or to BENJ. PARSONS. •1 Goderich, August 94, 1818, 30tf 13 s R I A -T7- CHMEX-T I 17 y DISTRICT OF HURON, t BY virtue of 8 " T. JF -it: a writof ' Attatcbment issued out of Idler Majesty'. O p. Baron District Court, and to me duetted 4 tagsiost the eatite real as wen as personal 4 !of Henry Elliott, an absconding or conceal. 'ed debtor, at the salt of George Brown the 3 'Elder, for the sum of fifteen pounds ten ;shillings; I have relied all the estate read 73 is well as personal of the "aid Hecry Elliott, and unless the said lla.iry Elliott,, :return within the -jurisdiction of the said Court, and put in flail to the raid action 1 within three calender month!, or cruse the .1 aid Claim to be di•chr.rged, all the estate 4 real, and personal ct the said Henry Elliott, or so much thereof as may be necessary. 2 will be held liable for the payment, benefit and satisfaction of the said Claim. J. McDONALD, • Sherif Jlrron District. 2 161 it Snnnrri.Omca, 2 48 19 3 9 'f9 2 9 II 14 8 a 2 9 18 8 7 2 8 4 10 104 10 1 .141 `310 14 14..4 90 14 0•e 16 8 i la 7 49 19 4I 7 13 ittisiwt AMID WHEREAS JOHN BiGNALL, Shaw• * intendant of Common Schools of the Huron Dialrtel, has absconded with a targe sum of Public Money, the above Reward !will be paid to any e apprehending the on raid JOHN RIGNALL and- recovering the .amount stolen ; or the reward•witl bs in preportton,to the amount recovered. The money, Tkree Iivadred and forty-eight ponds, n•aa an 910 notes of the Bank of Montreal. The above John Bignall is a remarkably courtlarge man, with court Alaimo, about 6 feet 3 inches 1n heigtb ; very round in his shoulders, haughty to his address, and about 50 years of age ; hair straight and tnclisted to grey, whiskers white. Any information respecting the above, to be (awarded 'o GEORGE BROWN, Treasurer Baton Die frier, Goderich, Ch W. UlfGoderich, Oct. 17, 1848. Ulf Goderieb, 47th October, 1848. 40-3m 9 15 1 ATTACHMENT. !HURON DISTRICT, BY' virtue of a 137 19 a;' To Wit : writ of Al- -tachment issued out of the District Court, 333 •1 3 of the District of Huron. and to me direct - 1 - -d against the estate, real as well ar'person- •7 4 ,al, of henry Elliott, an absconding or con - 10 1 1ceded debtor at the reit er James Elliott, for the sum of twenty three pouds oten sMl-- 7 • 7 1 131,ngs,-I have seized and taken all the 1617 6 7 estate real a well a al well as personof the said Henry Elliott, and unless the said Henry Elliott return within theurisdiction ,f the said Court, and put in hail to the lection within three calendar months or tause the same to be discharged, all the sal and personal estate of the said Henry Elliott, or so much thereof a may be emcee. airy, will be held liable for the paayment, ieneft and satisfaction of the said claims. J. McDONALD, SArrid H. D. Snearre'.Orrice,th "tine.St Goderich, 28ne. 1848. 444d 5 1 2i 72111.14 4 6 43 9 4 73 -FOR SALE, - VALUAB.E FARM iN COLBORNE. APARD' or portion of BLOCK G. is the towrabip of Colborne, Western Mer- men, Harem District, et -intestate! TWO i1UNDtED ACRES OF LAND, with 25 acres cleared and in good nodes teases in rerir. Thera is a good Frame Hosed [Cottage style], neon the eremite*, 35 by 32 !et ; also, a Frame Barn 50 by 35, and Teo Frame Sheds, each 50 feet long, with e Log Farm House in tolerable repair. - Tiers are three mooing streams 01 water ttrough the Lot ; two of which are in the leering - Y smell orehareabout the Frame Ulnae, and a first rate Well lathe cellar. The price of this desirable property is £660 currency. For particulars apply to Beier.. STRACHAN k 1.17ARS, Sotteltore, West -street. Gods/riots, Macitt 21, 1848.' 711 (ennis:RICH, C, W. 30M Noon/ ter, 1849. VOli RALE by time lub.enbwr., 1 13ARRELI4 OF LAKE HURON HERRINGS, Q%" Por winch Praise' will be takes ie psymeet. M. s. SEYMOUR 1111 CO. NOTICE. A1.1. peruses ere hereby esetieoed ageism pereOmisg or hewer asyt►tag se de with a NOTE 0►' HAND granted by Jen. and Alesaeder Kilpatrick, in favor of James McBride, w the greeter pan of the omnia* of and Now a already paid. JOHN K1LrA'f'RICE, ALEXANDER KiLPATRICK. Colborne, Feb. Zed, 1642 520 0oseasew, 281h •Qsember, 1848 THE aadersignea hevieg `twee appointed by Ms E.eellesey, the Oevernor (lesersl, ■ "Reis aeps,i.Ndent of Common Scheele le the (fors. DMrkt, will he reedy to strew! to all ierrespesil.s.0 e...reted with the duties rhis "Sire, as isle bass Is Fist 8tt.et, udeneh CHARLES FL*1'CHFR STRATFORD HOTEL. ISAAC MAY, informs his friends sod the public, that he has taken the BRICK , TAVERN, lately la the occupation of Mr. Brews, at the Feast end of Stratford, where nothing shall be wanting on his part to pro- mote the comfort and convenience of his guests. 1,,M. flatters himself that his selection of Wino and Liquors is equal to any in the country, and his Stabling department is of the most enmplete description. Stratford, 28th April, 1848. ,>1M Last Call ! Last Call ! Last Call I Apersons indebted to D. MANLET Co., or to ISAAC C. SHANTZ, w8Uhave an npportan,ty of paying the respective aeateaate to Wit•uas Cowry. on the 4th and Sob sf 0.- teber next, et the HURON HOTEL, (.date►, after which time the Bet /twill esti opts ell de- faulters, es further time cannot be given. WILLIAM COSSET. Timothy Seed, taken is payment at die high- est Market Priee. ler September, 1848. 16 STRAY OX. STRAYED from the Subscriber Lot Ns. 18, 3rd Conwell"" of Wawasaab, a Black OX nine years old, blind of the off eye with a gimhlet hole in each born. - Strayed from the owner about the girt of April last. A liberal reward will be gives to any person giving information of said Ox where he can be found. JOHN GRATTAN. Wawanask, Noe. 11081848. 4211 NOTICE. THE Hero% District Aguelteasw l /ss. win dtap.ee by pnvats ale, Or dee sadat- sentieewd stock, rm. Oee thorough R bred Derham tn. (e One t bred Devious 1 , jwinteald Br.1.4 towline fel the same, wiR be reeetwd I the: Seereta►y, a be WO et Se Pea Office, addressed to him, etpp s. Tesnd y IgM 1101 at 11 e'el.ek, A. NU R. O. Cb1RltR/lNL .. O.Iwtsb, ekbleeeglla I8M►