HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-04-06, Page 1s
TiSiC34 PIPX%Ca.
HE °apex=
eltouietlen then any other Newspaper
In this section ot t he County et Huron
=zoloremtooanau cook wHE otov
- irne oiWcer4 °of -P
'EA,TANOAltP, LOAN -.00P41,V
at, GOderictl4 aim -in every way ta. pro,tect the' lotereata of
their clients,. andalteMplayeee are§triCPY,f9r.-' •7-
bidded f4 impart atti, iritormatimt .
camera% the hoOltfois
. of .16 4epositor
WI -writ fer our lit0a,boolrlOt r‘titlead 4Soloe kr4in# rPhitio"
The ,(101411i0104 -itutherlosoo to icopt leimaks,
, ,
.0>glOgg. .1VRTif STItA4T.
189,1i4iPsg,' )74 1:1011T01,41013„;
n One urging the Week weal" glee et .4u
'Oilly lletireahle asillite in; Wei eilitalrF
Andlenif en Ntenisle. . %
' .f:'F..Andrtaen ehiptod hOgsen MendAY ond
0400 VS; -1,11044aYs POO, ettlemente Oleg OS
, ':Qtt4)44/.. usotthr°4"' oe4asSaPtindtlikbeerle''S'Ait10.br 41t114(40;°41440
, ,,
,ear eade ta,t09 saalettoWn. . '
' ' ,c'sineat *4403001e J*41,004'464
' _._ ,.. Iti1 04 4001 et 0.1trotimb)
' 'Pell *beats aientlent, ... .. 40 73. to 13
' ' 'tijorilig, wheat, atelleati.7:......, CI Td to 23
'Mtn Per oWN.,patellP,,,,,,,,,2 UM' 2 71:()
' Fieerr Per Ovine tarniiy... ..... 2 2q. ta 2 .4
Bran. -Mr. ten........,.. .. , .. ,', .. ,,..18 t4k 'tell 10 00
Slug% 'inir ton. . . . .. -2i1 00 te Win
1,1111ge,..ver +;44,..„............:4a us to 18
te ..., '011i tO gi
4Id to 0 13
EIT..,01Seterder ettipeseik to be On NoTxpwroomnotts.
• , 1,, -
:1....E0AL# NOTICE
10i 0, .04. • • I, •} ...... 13 to
..... 4.• • 41. 41. • Q 48 to 0 48
Ueltleheat, Per ....... 0 48 to 0 4$
1 Vitt:
• AER,Alat Ifee-440404. ......
°oat iler Card
tittle export .. 25 to 60
4 00 tre 50
Cattle: orftegeliniiiititelniriC,, so to oc
10014, per lb . • 0 0,1 to 0 di
She9P, (art/ ......... Oft to 8 60
FINts. two yenta. 60 to 0 00
nett% dressed 8 13, to 9 09
Jraffles Or .„ 0 16 to 0 le
Wnic.010ar , 0 11 tO 0 It
Hidee ., • 7 60 hi 8 00
Sheep saps 0 70 te 0 80
UMW,. tenatired 0 04 TO 0 01
uninkens-sbarhyal4 'illiCtiVali4-16 0 ee to 0 OS
" eserete ted elta 0 0
Gleeoe, Per 1 .. . . . .. 4 to o
Turkeve./lb Le to
Deeks; per 1 114.1 te 0 1
licteattati quarters.. nu to 6 60
Beet. hind. ... . 00 te 30
• Cattle and Hogs at Toronto.
Satt,tattice. Taestlay Evening, April 3.
Rog prim:el:lave taken a aeoided teem dnr-
ing the past weok. Park. Stockwell & tio„
who wore quoting ore PATS at $7.25 late week,
gnote WO in the sand! way this week, 'The
ing $6. to $2 at cotintry points, Tho pro-
WillitlartaYlee Co. report that they are pay.
diction trtaly made that tee $8 mask wil.
be reached before the summer is far advanced,
No particular change IH reported irk the cat-
tle market so far as exporters are concerned.
at least.
At the Junction yesterde.y the best export-
ers old at $6.26. with poorer ones down to
$1.76, the bulk foing at 6140 to $5.10; export
bulls sold from 3.60 to $4.25.
Picked butchers+ cattle sold cis high as 65.10,
while good ones fetched 61.60 to $4.90; medium,
$4.26 to $4 60; common, $3 60 to $4; butchering
cows, e3 to $1, and canning duff, 82.25 to
Feeders sold at $i to 460; stookers, $3 to
$3.75, and veal calves, $4 to $7.
Milkers and springers fetched $40 to $51 each.
. reet.orinthekne gliberbe00
tall troln lady's Milft ot tOtetle Marten pr;,,. Is Tug Magega- oa gum EtirATI4 or 11.4e,
vmeerwu &coo:leave at SUR Ol000; G.61114,1,1PARA14, LATE OF TIIIITHIVflelMe or
, Aefigilt1,0,11; gtattloungr OF taterf,WMOW.
' Wil414TS;4 ' P;x4rAklx0. •
Neetest hetltbralysm oureuant to revised
oard and comfortable reents in a -quiet bottle; estate of tho said Margaret Gmhate. who
.aanniln w,sisinn...,-Thrce or, .teur. Stetutee or ,Datane, taunt 1:19. that alt
noarders tan be tweettnnedated wan. Croditers.. and °there elainta against
ocaroy.104,04, Apply wrimskrAR•0000. died en owattent the else otaY Deeettleer.
. • A.D,190.1. are kteruted on OF ere. the Jilth
cricaL tus. 'th 0T,1010re Of e °stout ot the old de.
60°r‘sP1.111,,„,,WAllTF,Da4tor general sssee their 8° °P0109 (it An10, held by theta,
' *attlelYae Lowest Hinffie, ' f" " And farther take notice tluit after said last
' greTit°046d4togitttat•°tIragotf:Vtl% alleged'
'rtOc.'§A 13,PR TO Lea. lonowt the parties -entitled thereto, ba in
AtITS)0,-tairle tor kitchen work Ana to Oar' Vt. April; ae nee. to soh Int post. roe
, fano 0.6 cooking, at . Hotol Eedferd, pold,„ Or dellVer 110borts,Bangannotl,
Ulto,, or Henet don. Port Albert. Ont..
, ing &Ward Hotel 1de h ng. litetteitt!olatirracaucloia !gun; ol
ord entr to e claims to which notivee 021
SALF,---Geod HeaYg Ilaree en,ars°'44111,1i'irotl'gValrfOrtig eitatlVetet:
JO for sele cheap. Amer to is BEAN. tr b f to f h
eta s not ea shall not taw boon retelved by
them at the Erike of math distribution.
Dated ao Goddrieb, this 2iird day of March,
A, D. 1900 ,
Solicitoo3 for Executors.
Oretion GOderich.
- .anct: 6 e 1 1 ar, Woodebod, aMolcetro0umsea,
6 ' OR SALE. - Brickhouste, eleven
7;44), orchard, lot 877, St, Andrew's area,
Terme ease. APPlY to Sorm neosezy, St.
David street.
CAROME HBILDING LOT* pest ot the Toms
estate, fronting oa East St, one of tho PUBLIC NOTICE.
abbicestlotsin Goderich. Apple to owner, F.,
Seantegges'Ilkust street. tf
1110 BEN'T.:-.Purnished, house on Britannia.
Road, residenee of Id,r. John 13ain. De-
sirable location. Getpartieularo at Tug Smut.
°Mee. •
.411TICLE4 FOE SALE...Several neetut
hoesehoel articles tor sale. such es a.
Challenge Heater, good as new' Sardwood;
Table, two sideboards, several Doors, Sofas,
atd other arholes. Beason for selling, no 1401LI.
80r 0101IL Aeply S'raft
XXX Shingles, Ceder Posts and Plank.
e Elenalook and HMAVood Lumber, eta,.
eto. THE GODERETHIER 00„Limited.
PROPERTY FOR SALE.- The desirable.
property on Elgin Avenue, Goderielt.
ownedand, occupied by Dr. whitely. Good
house mattwo-thirds 01 at acre of boot witb.
choice fruits. The house is heated -by. hot.
water And has all modern huprovement%
bargain for any..porson wanting iirst.olass pro-
perty at a moderate price. Apply t,o or address?'
DR. WHITELY, Goderi6h. -
rERR' FOR eALN. - Several hundred:
cfmtes of eld newepapetsfor sale. Just the,
t tag when.you are 2}eumeeleaniug. Apply at
Imes ItOPNETv FOE SA14E.-A cornier able,
'framirdefellabg ESsex St., with tribd-
ern convenienees, stable and driving house.
.A commodious frame dwelling on South anct
Pleton streets, with good stable.
A frame dwelliog on Keay's street,.
On Bruce St.
Essex St:
MOntreal St.
Britannia Road.
Codar Street and
Huron Road.
• A Faent two miles from Carlow, 200 agree : se -
eerier buildings, water, orchard and timber
Farm In West Wawanosh. 3 miles from Au -
hum ; 200 aeres, good buildingeland Water.
Farm in Colborne, Lake Shore, miles tron-s.
Gotlerieb, 100 acres,
Farman Hayfield Road'y 4 miles from Goderich,„
80 soros,
Farm on Huron Road. one mile from Goderiah.
Per further information apply to
Reel Retitle and lnsurauce Agents.
gri.EolvaN BECKETT. General Auctioneer
ior 000 Hamllton Street Goderieb. P. 0. Box
183. Fetish form stook, and all other sales will
receleeepeelal attention. will bay your en-
tire stook of Household Furniture, and will pay-
g'steraritMgeirt4.-14012? knoll" silveli'Artulbgae
Fell you. - GEORGIE BECKETT, Curioeity
Shop, Goderieh.
re• SPAVAXVI, THE .tegolcw..c.v.fori
tate even:as:66W affertC3CC7A ibr'S
Tide old established' hostelry will he
kept up to a high standard of eacellenoy,
and the patronage of the general publio
is reepebtfully solicited.
Special and personal attention will
be paid to every department of the
bneirmes, and tvo hopo to merit a fair
share of the travelling publie.
Dos. VsemEn8ON & TUANBULL.
4. T. Emiegseos, M. )).
W. S. TURNInnt., M. B.
°Mos. Hamilton SG 'Phones 0Rfaretrg 121
Steht calla tor the firm uf Drs, Emmerson
and Worthen will be answered either front
their 011100, Hatnilton dreet, or from Dr.
Turnbull'e residence, Nelson street.
T111. A. MACXLIN, M. 13.
Prysliiian and Surgeon. special attention to
10.41,1MIttio alointrocit. Office anisl residfeanco
West street. Gederior. ''Polgairttne Nr101. cc'
-1-'.11-07;571371Cir3.-T:guno et. e.
autos/Mgt Itatrdkstepttneal Block. cor-
„FritIVII5=i_rhotttr,Ing.i° 4flaeAttI,
ana utfeirthaster of Knot ()hutch, Gonerfoh,
WOW et mato. organ,. einaing,Theory and,
Harniony. Sheikh_ at Mrs. MoDonald a, St.
Dolan. areas two doors west of Victorin St.
Chnreh. 024 moe.
• /1,13ALIO,, L. D. S, D. D. Bs macaws
• Meek, cleft**. Dr. Titration old.
bayon not agree that THU STAR a
big 'dollar's worth P
gsientifis Palmist
Ile in town for a short time.
Rer readings cover an affair. of life.
• Consultation striotly confidential.
Call and he convinced. . . .
Hotel Bedford. Room B.
—Hours 10 a. m. to 10 p.
A NNUAL MEETING. -Tho annual meet-
-L-11 ingot the Goderich Curling and Skating
Association will be held In Dr. Holmes' wilco,
Court Houee, Goderich, on Monday evening,
Apritigh, at &o'clock. for tho election of direc-
tors and other general business. Wm. Claw -
Hsu., SeeretarY.
of ale C. B. Bentley Decorating Co..Toronto.
Their full line of sareples are now in the
hands of their agent, Mr. A. Snazel, who will
send tbe same to your reeidencerforinweection.
Those papers aro sold at Toronto priecte. Drop
a card to Mr. Snazel or leave word at his TH.
sidonce. Quebec street. Pup& Hanging and De-
corating guaranteed .
We have constantly in stock a large
supply of Cement Bricks for sale.
Call and get prices.
oonERron. - oNT.
Our (Wall fee 'learns you Telegraphy. Rail-
way, Expreett Telegraph and Ticket Account-
ing: The new and complete eystem which I
have been teaching gives thorough know-
ledge in all book-keopine. Ladiee' receive HO
and more per month.
A. E. MATHX6SON, Prinoipal,
Office. G. W. Thomeon & Son's MOM° Store
Tenders for Pulpwood Ooneession
MENDERS Will be received by the under.
A eigned up to and int:ending
for the right to out pulpwood on certain arena
tributary to the Montreal River, in the Distsict
toi NTIAtootrf. 13h: Natgoirailii; trayel timeDtvitrig
goon River and rite Lake of the all In
the District of Rainy River. Tenderere should
tante the amount they aro prepared to pay
as bonus In addition to such dues as may be
Axed from time W thne for the right to operate
11, pulp or .pulp and paper indeetry on the areas
referred to. Eituccesoful toraderere will be re.
mitred &tercet mills on the torritoriee and to
Manufacture the wood pulp In the Province of
Parties making tenders will be reqeired to
deposit with their totder a marked Cheque,
payable to the 'Treasurer of Ontario, for ton per
cent. of the amount of their tender. to be for-
feited In event of theironnet.oentering i_pto
tggre<iirtiti ttil,), car:ler litotcnecod%antay ent:copiede.
For parneulars as.to description of territory,
capitol required to be invested, etc., apply to
tho undersigned.
minister of Lanes and Minos, Toronto, Ont.
Enquire mv prices for cash
before purchasing this sea-
pn. Have also a quantity
oUlard Wood.
hone No. 70 South St.
Incorpopaied by Ad of Pollathed
AteOluits et Corporations, Individuals and nosiness Mon noliteted
COW NNW* treatment oftended to all
# $s opens an steeount. tutereat credited four times a year
OPPICe---Jorett Motif
ItAllcU, Acting 14:minor
Easter Millinery -W. A. McKim 8
Wire Te Dowd -J. 13. Hawkins
Bicycle and Repair Works -John Yule- 8
Something Now Bipedal notteel-F. J.
.7. Pridham 1
Lost -Apply Star Office 1
A Little Rod Wagon (special notinel-J
Hawkins 1
Horse For Sale -P. T. Dean 1
Best Silk Bargain-Hodgens IVOR. . 8
%wipe Stock -J. 33. Colborne 4
Ite Wonderful -W. C. Pridhem 5
Don't Forget -P. T. Dean 6
Easter Rates (reader) -Canadian Pacific
Railway 1
Property for Sale -Carey & Hamlink„4
For wint of a Horse-Ny. C. Goode-- 4
Dureo, The Magician-9pera HOU80, 8
All Kinds of Coal-Robt. Elliott 1
House For Saks-Jno. Moseley 1
The Officers -Standard Loan 1
Single Fare for Easter -G. T. Railway 6
Notices under this heading to non-advertJs•
ers will be charged 10 cents a running line in
nonpariel type. 12 lines to the Int* to yearly
contract advertisers whose advertiaing ap-
pears In the same lame, 6 cents a line to
those who make a yearly contract under the('
heading, and do not otherwise advertise, 8
cent( a line.
Local Notices.
Get a little red wagon for the boy at
Ha wkins' Hard ware.
Madame Zella, scientific palmist, is
giving readings at the Hotel Bedford this week
in delineating character, reading the past and
future. Madame Zone's readings are a revela-
tion to those who have hitherto not believed
that palmistry could be reduced to an exact
RCIOSP.O. It Will pay you to consult her. ROOM 6,
MoNDAY, APRIL itrIL-The conclud-
ing entertaintnent in the Premier course will be
given on Monday, April 9th, when Dern°, the
great magician, will appear at Victoria opera
House. Durno is a master pa his line and is re-
puted as R second Hermann, and 'his echieve-
ments 112 mystery and ttuigic have created a
sensation wherever he hat( goue. This will be
an event which no one sbould mist.
Get Your Seats Early. -The plan
for the concluding engagement In the Popular
Entertainment course will bo open at ladd's
Book Store for subscribers on Friday and Sa-
turday' of this week; for the public( on Mon-
day. 'rho appearance of Durno, the Magicieu,
on Monday evening will be greeted by ono of
the largest houses of the amnion. and 8094$
ehould be monied early. Don't miss seeing
Durno the Magician next Monday evening in
his wonderful program of magic, mystery and
Something New. -The famous Pic-
cadilly brand of Readyto-Wear Clothing. We
have been forced by the demand made on UR
for a firetclass, up-to-date suit of clothes to
at &price that ought to nearly out in two the
prime that readrmado goods aro sold at today.
We have visited the leading wholesale centres
in thie line and have come to the conelualon
that the Piccadilly brand of clothing is the
only ono that (tan give the above remits. They
We made by ono of the largest and most re-
liable manufacturers in Canada, which Is a
finarn.tevoefgvheeirspc000rirnei t ss
orders wfthout extra cost.- Pro -puss, the
meeting Calendar.
Reguier meeting of the Town Council this
(Friday) evening.
Regular meeting of Invernose Camp, S.O.S ,
next Friday evening, Apr11 18.
Regular meeting of Maitland Lodge No. 83,
A. F. and A. M., next Tuesday evening.
Regular meeting of Godori oh Cour.oil,No 157,
C. 0. C. F.. next Thursday evening.
Annual meeting of tho Lawn Bowling Asso-
clatter) in Go. Clerk Lane's office tomorrow
(Saturday) evening.
Annual mooting of the Curling and Slotting
Rink Association 1.1 Dr. Holmen' office on Mon-
day evening. April Oth.
Meeting et Hotel Bedford this; (Fridavl oven•
ing to organize the Lacrostle Club for the Nen.
8011 of 1903.
A 6pecinf meeting of the Daughters of the
Empire vviII be hold ie tilt Law Library of the
COUIT HOUPO on Monday next at 0.15 p. m. The
meenbere aro specially reqnested to attend
Moonr..-- in ttoderieli, on March 12th, to Mr.
end Mrs. Walter T. Moore, Wolfe street, a son.
ItteGAw.!--tin March 170, to Mr. and Mrs O.
McGaw, a daughter.
AN/maser,. -in Goderich, on Monday. April
2nd, Rachel Andernon. relict of the late Alex.
ndereon, aud mother of Elea H. Park. aged 80
yLears. Interment took place at KInotrdine.
Tablets. Druggists refund money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Groyees signature
is on each box 25c.
John Alexander Howie has been de-
posed from his feadderehip in the
°hutch of Zion City, being accused of
eXtravagance, hypocrisy, mierepre-
eetitationa, exaggerationa, tyraurty, In-
justtce, and the teaching of polygamy.
It has taken quite a time for the duper;
of this man to find out his true char -
meter, bet it is evident their blindneen
hate been removed at, last. I nefdentally
the tending nevespapere of the conti-
nent have been justified in the attitude
kiley, have taken against Howie/ and his
teatifings. When the man went to
York ho rolled out reams of itu-
pr ion against the newspapers and
t Moo who make them, and made
exhibition of bin -itself veriena
yit. Still he retained the confidence
bin followers, a fact that linpresses
With tIfe truth of the old saw that
totabal can he Otte emee, ai
stionotiutoi—Totetitoisrt N..
ctotIg&mrsr041:411t1,00:0.1v0Toseest Thouerortutell. :am
111"t in the Court MAW*. 0004* an
Vride*nestk.20th Wet>, to recelleind
effinfiner Applications fox hotel licanaes
for the ensologyear. Who neW eollede
Ole Of feee Will he in Sorm this Isar.
emmnencing May 1. The aunt rerielYed,
by the teten, 0.3.1te,ohAre of theliconaea
!Oner6tadbeertileewb 13eraleb".thne amo"tutritevilli nbtle.
considerably Mere, being”. VTR One,
half the total fee) for each license is -
Come. b\tting of the
00u0tY Court Wee' heldilla the COUrt
Mere Q11 Ttle$4144". 111$ Honor .,Tudge
Iva -presiding.- -Thfr-ouircase- Wed
wan Vienty vs.. Orr, au aetion to re-
cover damages for in$urlen caused. It
wan claimed, by 04m:eyeless driving of
a htl$ hy clefetulant'e ent_ployee, It
appeal% that niaintift, a Misa Fleuty.
W,ftl$0 With others, driving 'in a. beleglre
and thet the buggy 'and Ws oollidIng,
cauSed the' lojories. for which daMeg.
es were claimed. Al the conclusion Of
the trial, hia Honor reserved judg-
ment. W. Proudfoot, H. for plain-
tiff; E.L, Dickinson for defendant.
Afastontar...-The folloWing from
the Colborne Express of March 20
has a local interest here because the
deceased who is held in such bigh re-
membrance was a sister of Mee. G.
Noble, West street, town :
MEMORIAL TO MISS Elsgrartiogn..,..-Tbe gree
dude nurses of the Buffalo, N, 1(.4 Heinee-
parade Hospital ere ratting a funa to effile.w
IrRiltO"UPIIPthintenPdlotant,1 4111114446 mJelx4115)1631,40t°
singer. The eum of a1.000 will be raised; of
wheel about $94)0 has already beencontrIbtaect
Miss Snotsinger, whet:was the dowihtcr of Our
esteemed townsman. Mr, N. n. Snettunger, cw•
deared herself to all those who,Rassed through
their course of training at the BPIIPItel tiering
her nineteen years connection witti the
tution. and all aro showing tangible proof of
their very great esteem for her breentributisir
freely and generously to the memorial.
FOR THIRTY DATEL-On Fridayltobt.
Durnin, who had been apprehended
in Kincardine on Wednesday for
stealing his baggage from the King
Edward hotel without having paid his
board bill, was charged before P. M.
Humber with the offence; be was ale°
charged with stealing a razor from
the store of 5. B. Hawkine, He was
sent to a higher court, and on Satur-
day was brought before His Honor
Judge Holt for election. He electe
to be tried by His Honor withou a
jury, pleaded guilty to both char es,
and the court, taking a merciful v w
of the offences, sent the prisoner to
the county jail for 30,days with hard
Fred. R. Parnell. of St. Catherines
who is registrar of the Grand Black
sant out ' over the signattire or V
UuRII•IMM ' Woolotirr pm tem tor *
gene* onfore Of the ternperance.
Workersof East and West How% to
be held in the flethcalisk. church'
Winghsan. at Itio'clOric a, tr).. on Mon,
day,. April Wit. EVery church P.nd
teraneraneo eoolOt3"' Is tvsplested to
A. GOD, TFATIX0;10.1...-4110 f011oW.
bight* saMple of ivhat Pridbami the
Wier, Aally t'eceivea in hie' verve*
pondence, thie particular one 1101*
Ileell Vent frOta 04 ontaide point about
200 mile* frOm tioderich ;
114 yealig,.. 2_,./4"3 VI RigglaiVilin/ikilare",4
trat,17_14And'And Tot lins."'").1teoltg mu If '"x•
OnftwerntrraWelleeff#11 agyinpr or
It°64114144,1r18.'" tlitith Itittitelltegef mledri
ftpirtiauthoomonori.41,r,Qtrog..1% wmira4.11,
Oanadien Pacing liaillvety is now die-
triheting Reaming packages of flower
Seed% tO be used in ornamenting the
etations and office ground', of the
syetem from ocean to ocean. The em-
ployees are encouraged to take eat in-
terest In groWing flowers and there is
much friendly rivelry 'between the
stations, each trying tb make a hand -
sinner showing then the others. He
who rides on the 0. P, R. In the flower
season. and takes note of the eurrpund-
Inge of the station% great and etnall,
Will readily agree that the result is
well Worth the money expended.
St. Igo LOAD. -ThOse who happened
io he at Stokes Bay on the morning
of March 24th, saw the largest load
of saw logs that ever passed through
that place. It was hauled by Pete
and Ned, the Goderich Lumber Co's
best team, driven by the head team.
ster, Prank Lerosche, The logs were
located at McIvor's bush, by William
Gardiner, formerly of Goderich, but
now manager for the Co. at Stokes
lay, and Waiter Elliot, their head
loader. From there they were hauled
a distance of two miles over a rolling
country to the dump at Stokes .1 -Ay
snit' without the least difficulty, On
arriving there it was scaled by Roy
Thomson. and measured 8,1M feet
sound timber. This is a sample of the
tim1.1;aruzned by the Co. on the Bruce
. - .
meeting of. those interested in the
Maitland River Power Co. was held on
Wednesday, when the company was
organized by the election of the fol-
lowing directorate: President, Dr. W.
J. R. Holmes ; vice president, W. L.
Horton ; manager, J. T. Goldthorpe ;
eecretary, J. Et. McEwan ; treasurer,
J. E. Runtball ; directors. Jas. Clark
Chapter of Ontario West, in a letter and Jas. A. McIntosh.. At a meeting
to Mr. A. M. Torte], -dated Mareb 29th. of the ditectors it was decided to en -
says : gage the engineering specialist, H.
Von Theon, of Detroit, who was Imre
"Enclosed I hand you a letter of thanks to
bo handed to the Noole Grand (Worshipful last week. as noted in Tens STAR, at a
Masterl of the Lodge of Oddfellows in your fee of $500, to report fully on the
town. I was instructed to do this by the Grand
Black Chapter of Ontario West. Not knowing
schetne as already outlined to the
tiphielownri:aooldetEhiechNi takinedtlythiatkolodygoue otot Obed
as; Lown Council, and if the report 18 fa-
rable the week will be pushed to a
the message.
"I have attended Prov. 'sines/Sr finish, and if it is unfavorable then it
I never /and a better time t n I had le Gom9
-111 mill be immediately dropped, The
each, dole it is very beautiful plaoe. You geetteman who is to examine the
and your committee aro Go be congratulated Flans and positions and reportthereon
open the efforts you put forth to make us s said to be one of the hest known
feel at home. Now ono user° request, will
you kindly mail me one Of the papere of God- cower engineers on this continent,and
and Grend Black Chapter meetitigs,and groat Y est power sc ernes in the U. . and
elicit giving an account of tho Grand Lot fte beenengard on some of the great -
EXPERT EVIDENCE. -At a banquet
iels, the advertising agent 'Of one of
Court, Turret Chief and the Paliki, the leading railroads in tbe United
having their full crews working on States, said : "I don't take this occa-
them, so th4 they were all in good sion and this demonetration RS a per -
sailing order. -The new tug is now sonal tribute to myself except in a
practicaily ready for her baptism, and very small part. AS I look upon it,
she will slide into the water in a dad it is a tribute to an ideal. It vvas t he
or two. She will then be flnishe , ideal of advertising that brought out
with iron wheel house, as soon as pos- this demonetrittion. Advertising un-
sible.-On Monday the iron steamer derlies success in any business on this
Turret Chief finished unlo ing at the
? earth except thieving and burglary.
Western Flour Mills' elev •`Jr. -Mur -
Evelyn, were out yesterday and set a Twhitehulouatilawn
ray Bros„ the owners 1 the tug yithf000untoadttvioerotisfionrghisioabinuatan.
nese, and the railroads havediscovered
gang of nets, so that we should have
fresh flsh next Monday or Tuesday. that advertising is the advance agent
it. My claim has been for a long time
GOOD ENCOURAGEMENT. - Messrs. of the commerce of the world, and
G. M, Elliott, W. T. Murney and J. II bad it not been for advertising, our
Hawkins, who are the canvassing commerce would not have been PR.
tended nearly as far as has been the
committee for the fall fair, report case. Thousands and thousauds of
that they are t•eceiving a very grati- dollars have come here beeause the
fying response in their canvass for people in other countries have read
subscript ions and membership anionget railroad advertising and found what
the merchants and business men of good machines were made here."
the town. They already have a large
list of substantial special prizes and C. P. IL NOTES. -Things are getting
generous subscriptions and they feel en the move along tho proposed route
sure the prize list will be one that of the U. P. R. on this side of the river.
will deserve the best efforts of farmers Below the look -out the pile drivers
and stockmen, and bring the entries will be ready for work tomorrow, and
up to sornething like those of the east of it it derrick is being placed for
palmy days. The early etart made in raising the cement for the abutments
the canvass this year shows a deter- for the bridges across and on this side
minatien to make the fair one worthy of the Maitland. North of the river
of the county town. - there ls no move whatever. The en -
TEMPERANCE MIZETINGS.-The audi- gineers have been working around the
ence at tbe gospel temperance meeting. Big Mill salt block, and here things
seem to have been settled; for the past
the week things looked lively at the
given in his honor recently Mr. Dan -
harbor, the three iron boats, Turret
last Sunday was somewhat smaller two days gangs of men and eight or
than usual, the inviting weather prob- nine teams have been at work lovver-
ably tempting many to indulge in a
stroll in the afternoon. Rev. A. E. M. Ing that part of Harbor Hill where the
Cara will cross to and from the C. P. R.
Thomson was the speaker, and he gave station. From tbe lowering of the
a forcible and argumentative condern. hill lt looks as though a good slice of
nation el: the drink traffic. Miss Nellie the northwest corner of the salt block
Colborne sang a very fine solo, and
James Mitchell performed the duties will have to be removed, or else the
, „ cars will run through the building, for
of chairman. On Monday 0, Pion° which there in apparently plenty of
meeting was held in Temperance Hank roorn. The cut at the Harbor Hill
at which addresses were delivered by gives one a fair idea of how the cars
Mr. Thomson and Rev. W. H. Gra- will reach the station, and a walk from
ham, who each gave good addresses that point along the line to the river
in support of the temperanee cause. will show what engineering can tie
Mr, G. M. Elliott wee chairman. The when a company wants to build a rail -
usual meeting will be held next Sun- road. -The stable belonging to Babb's
dav afternoon, the natne of the epeak-
uotel was moved thin week to ite new
er being announced in the different position went of its old stand, and it Is
churches next Sunday morning. expected the hotel will be on the move
INDEBTED TO TRU RueonirEft.-The at the end of next week.
following extract from an article in A BRAN -mono W„rsitnenlide_tt.ciiaTphnea t
the Seaforth Expositor, called forth Imam'. March 14 :
by a referenee in a Toronto paper to -A quiet but very interesting event
some of the speakern in the Leglelar took place 013 Tuesday, March
ture, le reproduced bore As a hint 27th, at the renidence of Mr.
which fiM other seetions, Goderich for and Mrs. W. E. Duncan, 133 Park
inntance " Few outside the charmed avenue, this city, when their
eireles really know how greatly public sister Metta Olapsattle, youngent
men are frequently indebted to news- ciaugLer of Mr. and M ro. Joseph Clap -
paper editorn and reporter° for the eattle, of Cainaville, wan united in
very creditable manner in which they the holy bondn of matrimony to Mr,
are made to appear before the public. Albert S. Reld. Phm. , Dawson,
Many of the speeehee and letters Y. T., formerly of Brantford, In the
which appear In the newepapers are presence of a. few immediate friendn,
made not only readable but nensible The cerernony took place at high noon,
through the intervention of the ed- the dining.room being beautifully der -
i tor's or reporter's pencil. If many of orated with flowero and paling. Rev.
the productionn appeared In print as Mr. Collins. of Caineallie officiated.
they are written or spoken they wotild fatter -an adjournment was made to the
be very ridiculous Weed, tint when dining.roone, where a tasty dejeuner
drestaed up by the editor or reporter was enjoyed. The prosentn were beau,
they are often Meritorious. The ori- tiful and costly. MIPS Clepsattle al.
ginal contains hut the raw material, ways took a very active part in clench
the ideas, and the editor or reporter and kindred work, and will be missed
seizes on them, dreeses them up and hy-„her numerous frlendn. Mr. Reid
placen them in their proper connec• will be remembered hero an taking a
Mon, and the remit la a passable and prominent part In athletica In connec-
useful production. A emnewhat vol- Hon with the Y. M. C. A. some ten
unninotte writer ae tvell cla a ready years ago. He wao very popular and
speaker once fold the writer of this a has o host of local frienda. The happy
gond joke on himeelt Ile shill he had couple left on the 4.10 train for Handl-
been having big argument with Mr. ton And Toronto, after which they will
So -and -So, and tvhat do you think he continuo their journey leiettrely to the
RAM to IllOP Said,, 1I eatolot uuder- Yukon, where Mr. Reid In conclueting
stand how a man who talks such in• a la • o business. He in bristlier of
fernal Immense as yen do ean write Ur. bort Reid, of this eity." The
such good knees.' Mr. Slo.and.So had old.time friends of the groom in Glade -
the printin Aloe:
not been initiated p1t0,the eteteta of raincdhhiskilUbvliodine,in good wishes to him
*0100 MQVIR,r.N& ileavadok
of 4th, **pa '14 'X fhainey eak
the following opretinna of the 00VPM.
T00114 10 the Government aware that
doseph rhitoo, the president of
the oToronto Lite," is a prisoner on
the charge of misusing 'Muds? That
%WO other tlirectore et the cofone037
have diseredited thealselves by their
evidence at ble trial P Also. „the
(*rho have IlhOWIt art atteentIllindeds
nese tInd fotgetiffinelle. tiatla• ineolPPA,
tilge with competent work? Ilea the
GoVernment thought of annointioft
soMe reliable. competent parson to
take eharge of the company affairs?'
fittefnes Ortagog,-Hr. R, chariel
4101.ean, of London, and Mr, M.
Campbell, manager of the Stratford
branch Of the Merchants' Bank of
TOanada. arervisiting the- forn gen.
tleman's old home. the residence of
Mre„ A. P. McLean, Hilitein Road,
where Charlie (as we better know him)
spent his boyhood daye and eollowed
the same business as that of his father
and older brothere. Some eighteen
menthe ago he retired from the
Stratford business which he cons
ducted with hip brothers, to enter
into ' elnillitr concern in London,
where he has been most eucceseful t
but is still climbing for the top of the.
ladder, and with his partner, Mr. A.M.
Campbell, is about to engage in the
eetni-ready clothing and .gentai funs.
fishing business on a still larger ;settle
in Montreal. Mr. Catnpbell is a St.
Thomas boy, who has had 2Jt years as-
sociation with the Merchants' Bank in
St. Thomas, London, Luen.n and else-
where, and for the last three and a
half yawn he has been manager at
Stratford, Mr. Campbell has been
one of that city's most successful bank
man:were, and it was with some re-
gret he sent In his resignation sever-
ing his connection with the bank.
His steeling merit, kindly manner,
ability and uprightnees have won him
a host of friends, both in blueness and
social Mettles, who will watch with in-
terest the prosperity of the two gen-
tiemen in their new undertaking. Suc-
cess to them I
Public School Board.
The regular meeting of the Public
School Board was held Monday even-
ing; present, Messrs. W. Achseon,
chairman, 0. F. Carey, J. R. Oraigie,
J. W. Crotgio. R. H. Outt. B. 0. ?jun-
nines and A. D. McLean. The secre-
tary's montlity statetnent was read
and, filed as follow*.
MoEwan estate, ooal $14 30
.1. W. Vanatter, ront. .... 20 00
Mies Dunlop, teaching 60
Jno. Butler, supplies.
C building fence
2.1.. Porter, etattonery
onthly pay roll 422 87
PriSevionely paid , . 898 26
600 62
March 31st, 1900. Total to date 51407 77
The principal's rephrt was read and
adopted as follows: Boys on roll, 220;
girls, 237; total, 466; average attend-
ance -boys 105, girls 108; total, 303.
Percentage of attendance, 84.
A communication from the Pro-
vincial Association of the School
Trustees of Ontario was read and filed,
and one from the- Toronto Junction
School Board, asking for informa.tion
about the Kelsey furnace, was refer-
red to the secretary, principal and
Principal ° Tigert applied for the
usual annual increase. Moved by B.C.
MunnIngs,,seconded by A.I). McLean,
that the principal's aalary he increased
to 5000. Carried.
Accounte were read from George
Morrow, teaming, 811 The Star, print•
ing, 58.75 ; The -Lumber Co., lumber,
54.60 ; The Signal, printing, 53.77 :
Mclilwen estate, wood, 53, and being
certified were ordered to be paid.
Chairman Cutt, of the Management
committee,reported that they thought
Miss Robertson's claim for 520.09 for
holidays should be paid when the
holidays come, and thiq wns agreed
to on motion, the secretary to notify
Miss Robertson of the resolution.
Chairman J. It. Cralgie, of Lire Con-
tingent committee, reported that he
had not sold the shed on the North
side of the Central school playground
and that the water pipe at St. An-
drew's ward school needed repairing.
Board then adjourned.
The regular meeting of the A.Y.P.A.
of St. George's church will he held in
the schoolroom at 8 o'clock on Tues-
day. Rev. Thornier Hicks, of Dungan-
non, will give an addi errs. There will
also be a program. Silver collection.
Frederic. T. Egener will preside at
the organ in Knox Churrh next Sun-
day, Mr, Wilmott being away for a few
days. Mr, Egener will also sing In the
evening and the choir will render
the beautiful anthem, "Come (Into
Rev. Dr. Carman left Toronto on
Monday lost for Japan, where Ile will
join Rev. Dr. Sutherland, who pre-
ceded him a few weekn ago, anti inven-
tigate the missionary nituation for the
purpose of reporting at the General
Conference next fail. The trip of these
officials of the Methodist Church of
Confute assumee particular Importance
owing to a project to federate with
the minnionn of United States Method-
ist ehurches operating in the name
field Dr. Carman will lentn't Van•
eouver on April 9th hy the Empreen
of Japan, anti return notne time in
Evangelist R. Itictlardy, of Toronto,
will begin a nerleo of Evangelintic ner-
view; In North St. Methodiet church
on Sunday next. There will he meet-
ings every night next week except
Sattirday. Mr. Mcflardy le an excel-
lent preacher and eucceitsful evange-
list. There will he good Ringing. A
e.ordlal welcome will he given to all.
Itching. blind, bleeding, protruding
pllea. Druggists aro authorized to re-
fund money If PAZO OINTMENT faila
to cure In 0 to 14 day& 50e.
TUn9DA V, APRII, IOTIL.skitrectitore'
calm of village propeny and household
effects, under win of late Mar Ares Oto•
ham at Port Albert, at I o'c otk p. m
I Prot;dfoot, Hays & Soli ors for
1 exectitors ; Thomas Guridry, etiotmr.
0041000111111,0014 t'epresented
the big delegation representing On.
tario municipalities whichwill wait on
the Government 1417001RO nextWed.
nesday to urge the development of
electrical power at Niagara by the
Province all *public enterprise, There
is:every Indication that the delegation
will be record one In point of num-
betn and influence, theintereat aroused
by the report of the Electrical Power
CommissiOn just mado known. spread-
ing far beyond the several municipal.
Itie* which undertook the enquiry two
year() ago. There is no larger quo.
tloo 'before the people a tilts Province
today. andlt is eminently desfrabIe
that the county town of Huron should
take an interest In the proceedinge
which now indicate the beginning of a
new era In kite industrial prosperiby of
Ontario. The invitetion to eend
delegate yeas simply filed at the last
meeting of the Conned -let it be
promptly complied with tonight, gen-
ANDERSON.-Elarolci, the font' year
old son of Mr. Wes. Anderson, Bruce
street, passed away on Sunday. The
little fellow had suffered for some time
from indigestion and stomach trouble.
The funeral took place ou Tuesday to
Dungaunon cemetery, Rev. Jas. A.
Anderson officiating at the honse.
MOLIVAIL-It was with deep regret
that her =startup Goderiolt friends
learned of the death last Sunday at
Port Elgin, of Flossie Shiels, wife of
Mr. Hfilyard McLean, of that place.
The lady was -Married to her now be-
reft husband only last Septetnber, and
the sudden summons will be deeply
felt by relatives and friends. Mrs. Mc-
Lean was, the eecond daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Shiele, formerly of
Goderich, end the sympathy of their
afaridenadme johteloren.go out to them in their
ANDERSON. -Mrs. Rachael Ander-
son', widow of the late Alexander
Anderson, died at the residence of her
son-in-law, Mr, H. Park, South street,
on Monday, old age being the cause,
the deceased having reached 80 yetkra.
Rev. G. N. Hazen, pastor of the No'ith
street Methodist church, held service
at the house on Tuesday evening and
on Wednesday morning, and the re-
mains left by the early train Wed-
nesday for KIncardintit where the in-
terment took place the same day. The
bearere in Gocierich were Rev.
Mr.Hazen and Metiers. Joseph White-
ly, J. W. Vanatter and Geo. Harris,
NOLAN.-M re. Nolan, widow of the
late Peter Nolan, died In St. Joseph,
Alicia, on Thursday, March 2flth, from
the infirmities of old age. The de-
ceased lady. who was in her 80th year,
had been far from well for some time,
so that her death was not unexpected.
By her desire the remains were
brought to the old home to be placed
at:rest beside those of her family who
had gone before, and on Monday they
were cotnmitted to mother earth in
Colborne It. C. cemetery, the funeral
taking place from the G. T. R. station
on the arrival of tbe 10.40 it. tn, train.
Deceased's sons Edward, of St, Joseph,
and John, of 'Minneapolis, and her
sons-in-law, Capt , W. Macgregor, of
Windsor, and H. Holmes, of Acton,
accompanied the retnains to (lode -
rich. The deceased lady was, with her
late husband. a long time resident of
the old town, and 30 or 90 years since
there were but few residents who did
not know the Nolans.
'CrtAnm-There tiled in Brantford on
Saturday, Annie Deeveri, beloved wife
of George Crabb. The deceased, who
died after an Illness of ten days,
leaves beside her husband, a daughter,
aged 5 years, and many relatives In
this section. The remains were
brought to Goderich for interment Ill
Maitland cemetery, the funeral taking
place froei the remidence of deeeaseti's
sieter, Mrs. •Albert Lusk, East street,
on Monday afternoon, the burial set,
vice being performed by Iiev. Mr.
Graham, pastor of Victoria street Me-
thodist church. The deceased lady
was a resident of Dungannon until
her marriage, when Mr. and Mrs.
Crabb lived in town for some time,
afterwards moving to Brentford,
where she passed away. Mesdames
Jingles Hardy and Lusk, of town, are
deceased's sisters, and other relatives
reside In the neighborhood of Dun-
gannon. The many Mende of Mr.
Geo. Orabb eympathize with him in
hie sore bereavement. Mr. Crithlin
iiptio daughter will, reinnin with her
aunt, Mrs. Carroll, In London, and he
himeelf will return to Brantford for
the present.
A meeting tosorgat ze for the eotn-
Ins( lacrosse net -won will beheld at the
Bedford Hotel thla (Friday) evening,
and all lovere of the sport are eordlaily
invited to attend. Let there he a good
turn out.
A t a meeting called for the purpoee
of organizing it G. U. 1. football club
for the coming lawmen, the fellowing
officers were elected : Hon, preeident,
Mr. Strong ; hon. vice•pronldent, Mr.
Field t president, Mr. Roberteon : 001-
rotary- trPanti rer, Wm, J. T. Tay !or ;
manager, Mr. Robertnon eaptain, W.
.1. T. Taylor. Conimil tee A. Bovee.
A. Anderson, G. Stratton, Mr. Foster,
W. Matheson.
County Council Committees.
The Rotel arid Bridge committee of
the County Council met the It and B.
committee of the county of Perth in
Miu.heit on Tueeday, and the joint
cogynIttee opened tentlens for t he two
hrldgeo, each Dixie feet, on the holm
dary line, and awarded the eminent
work for the two to Heninworth t'o„
of Ethel, at $4.25 per ;vets!, and the
nuperntructuree to A. tic Co., of
Mitchell, for 13520 for the two. The
committees thought that Iwo more
bridgen, ono 40 feet and the other 52
feet. were needed. and Engineer Atm
ley WEIS inotructed to have specillea.
Bonn tnade for threw etrnettitee. to be
preaented to the Councils at the .11111P
The Houne of Refuge eommit tee met
In Clinton on Tneedn y and andited the
accone,In Pimp last audit. The num-
ber of Inmaten on the roll wan 92. The
incpector reported that the old team
had been cold and a new team rut,
ehitned, the difference being 5100. rbe
[`COMM tee considered the bill before
the Angerribily. called the House of
Refuge Act, and with the exception of
the deuce defiling with the innpeetion
of the inntitutionn, approved Ile prin-
ciples. The committee &H&c! that
mime property owned by he° of
the itunaten he rented er sold, and
then adjourned to meet again the lira
Tueoday in June.
Many ohade trona In town -coulee
. Pridikyt. April Ia.
Newt Pridayx halos* othlio 1$011. -
day, Taro RA" would' oiltearspot.
chow and aviverifseiri MI send itt
their nems itelne ehangea 90
adcartlaomenta eerller than nook
and thus assist the tittle in psi* •
-off work. for the daY.
Brief Taws; TOplOS. '
has a new delivery wagon.
tardrevitawroe datore. north. neat HoWlfiee
'50Thot huitsveleesilisn.tnyheedtabeesat rethoLvOtaentITt • t
is about time demote antimalesteenkertss, ,
The chniee walks in the Mufti:louse
Park aro being grachtedy coMpleteds
to the satisfaction of pedestrians) gen,
"Talhive' Ooderich Engine and Bicycle
Go, have ehipped an engine to Toner -
moray and brick machines to Port
Arthur and Ottawa.
A person named Stubbs, eheeged be-
fore the police magistrate on Wednes-
day with disorderly condUet on Vic-
toria street, was fined la2 and costs.
Me. Thos. Ginn, Godericts townehip,
who owns a modern plant for the
manufactuee of maple stolen). delivered
in town some splendid samples yester-
day. -
The Daughters of the Eropire were
very pleased this week to' receive a
donation of Ale tlowards the Hospital
fund flora George J. Ferguson. of
The County Board of Criminal Audit;
held the quarterly audit in the County
cAotutopronnelyor's Loaffluicoonttihoiat awalk.wasCoinunatt.y
Auditor Hudson, of the Provincial
Auditors' stair, Is still examining the
accounts of Goderieh township. It ie
understood that this examination goes
back twenty years.
Saturday'e TorontO Globe contained
a good part of Mr. J. J. Wright's
etory of the days of '00, and the por-
trait of the author. which appeared In
Tun Smelt a few weeks ago.
A letter frown Fred R. Parnell, St.
Catharines, Who is the Provincial
Registrar, speaks In eulogistic tonna
officers taken
of a photo of ttey Gips. intd. slialialootaChapter
A sociable evening' was spent in the
Oddfellowse Hall last Friday evening
hy a number of our young people. A
number wore also present from the
eurrounding townships, Port Albert
and Kingsbridge.
At a epeeist meeting of the Colle-
gips° Institute board on Tuesday, Mr.
Merritt's resignation was accepted on
models of J ueige DOYle and Sherif? Rey -
olds, The Board then adjourned to
meet again on Thurstlity.
Robert Elliott has purchased 18
acmes of hardwood thnber in Colborne
from Andrew Young, 4/1 miles front
Goderich, con Oth con. and will con-
vert it into wood and lumber. In the
meantime, he has tapped 200 mania
trews for maple syrup and sugar.
Canada is glad to weicoute• the Ger-
man settlers who are coming to this
country in large numbers. The Ger-
man element in any locality is
always ;lure to be quiet, industrione.
kindly and progressive -qualities that
spell suecess in any new country.
Among the changes announced in
the Canadian Gazette last Saturday
were the following : 83rd (Huron)
Regiment -Lieut. J. 0. 8, Vareoe- is
permitted to resign his commission.
Provisional Lieutenants G. Stewart
and IL J. Pringle are permitted to
The epring warblers are here. Mr.
John Brophe met a band of robin red
tireaste terloo street early
Tuesday morning. They were con-
veying glad tidings and looking for
food, and Mr. Brophey declares the
sight one of the prettiest he bae wit -
(tensed In many a day.
James Reynold 1, of Goderich, was
on a visit to his parents at Detroit,
and while there purchased a pacing
four year old mare. by Ashland Wil-
kes, which is likely to prove one of the
hest for speed. He also brought home
for W. I,V. Ferran, of Clinton, the
splendid entire horse. The Pope. by
Argot Wilkee, six years old, which is
said to be a splendid opecimen.
At the Spring Assizen at Guelph on
Monday lion. Sir Wes. Muiock, Clhief
Justice of the Exchequer Division, ut-
tered words of warning to parents in
reference to the training of children.
In addressing the fury, His Lordship
reviewed the three criminal casen be-
fore hint, and partleularly urged the
necessity of parents and guardians
pitying stricter regard to the bringing
upoonf wtheedirncohsdilidlyre,
"Geo. Reid, who had
been remanded for nentence on three
charges of t heft. wan brought up for
sentence, and His Honor Judge Doyle
sent hint to the penitentiary for two
years and one month, with hard labor.
At the opening of the court it" was
shown that the prisoner wan an old
offender. he !teeing undergone sen-
tences at Kingloon. the Central Pri-
son and In a penitentiary across the
"AP management of the Sovereign
Bank did not make any mistake in
transferring Mr. E. V. Campion to the
Ooderich branch /IR accountant. He
Is a native of Ooderieh, non of the late
Edmund Campion. K. C., and has the
stuip and biteinese energy for future
ROICPPAH, His t own rind country friends
at 0 pleaced to have Mr. Campion back
to the old town, while incidentally his
preeenee here will not he to the disad-
ve,rnhtaogernitlythient tterveoerneeigginatfelandlato of
the year will be held tonight at the
se 0. I. Clinton %sell he represented
by their hent epealtere, and H. Taylor
and W. Cantelon will make strong
pair tor rpm own nehool. The progiarn
:14vi olore opf start leatrialacreleynlingteirrise?tdineertn
numbers by M laves Mona Waltero and
Finher, Messrs. Pote, Carson, Belcher
end Merritt. A email fee will he
charged, proceeds to pay off debt on
"I'll'°h°eItirietrtrYe'r of the Goderich Musi-
cal Society acknowledges the receipt
of a clueless for 807.tal, being the
net proceedn of the recent perform -
:sneer. by the Goderich MInstreln in aid
of the Munical Society funds. Thie
atthstantial addition to the funds Win
Ilt4 gepat help to tbe eociety 113 the
work of maintaining the Regimental
Band, nnd the mentbern of the Min.
steel Company deeerve the thanks of
the whole town foe theirgenerona and
P".11o4hicni'YP.luir,61KGIffngcrtstto.n street, is raft!
for apring and slumber inteillete.
Since hits last announcement he has
added an upright boiler atit
lathe, IMOD 1110tVet Slibitt101 014 *MA
other modern devices, to seeetesfully‘
handle the varlets) intricato WO that)
nranoterit''shwatTiit7erite°r hate salhid°114.01)6e. teen*"
to many in torso, as the deviee Wilt
sharpen any mower knife to „lierfaro
tion. Mr. WO s loastat
itn,hode tipashtbope, title; uelketta* ntial liste
& Ver'Y ellift Or
• "i•