HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-03-30, Page 8Tb • u of a Mose cougLoa' -SOW 1,011) &OEM over tore 30 11 or mao aIso it, out tab I to B Ion i the yak the engh 111 Ji CUB Mere (real throi Tt 110,0 tu 51 lead: of si from and haw they they boa ft00C lend Ti mon now 144 State eo to tory haw earl° one new a ue they P3113 rigat Cara each, er tt as et Emetic visite reach way used bridg alma nate Set read end 1 has / yet t a01354 cm e ti tot Only IOWA lion that, the f Merle gnat thrift Or. a HEIR OF SLNTLEIC awARIS .soist Ait*Kffiitfit449;WAfri C4IAP1IiR XXXVALkWttiutt.4.2 :attalote" tor wedding brawitia/i, have ittl,OPPOlillullt Of., -100 "'Jr AtVed44.14ellertalitlY ga* ling Mirth but artiiing the, 4000101 •Aaid$,-210.11eu,,,Y* vaulf they isostay gumbos they made Ntenunotterk'l ttewe'your Itrea8r0, upmu h*Pigaa " and tlie Ferndale* will lie 11 the 'Court , The ,raowlylu 404 pat, were ututui. .$0 tett' dtqa Rot '.0ow-tqtr's TI,9#'40§! „10 hatent upon teeh othrr p,tieSd„ wee4V ' inueh merritnenti 'Otte, tligligh ble3r 'ma ft).11;' 4'4V,A4•1.4*1 "Ibiktlit'''13144t...' Mt Owl If. Agit had gat 4..taim r 100447. bend, and for the dist, UM la. Ai. Week wet. .tilt than 4114 :44,14 forget to ba rYiticiar. and was `e°2/tent‘ 'Wfall,,,Y.SW)trere earli.conialind :,:VoiriaiTtemoke4.,olowora-, 4160tike Ihreileta . Ira *Oppressed 4. sigh.bo bv lontratigh old; As Lent • 704'4, moo 0144 *tter Pe" a vest' taiga ter .tnterittioing that y ntetilly.1 0he ;111i:h. Zir 111.%, ,Norsh , wouldn't iblq SOP' og 101040 ff att,a poet, .iieep In tale way 414”144" °.4Y"4/44tr 1)44Y. tIntleed.,'IliglirgakfttSt We tenet all bear ;Quit int titegr 4141 been iktigreeter suogeSS them had ,ltvhataver filaY he. Sympathke Wit0 hell; ishidreit guests,' with Ma usual been 3.'04 0000 deeVY4,41; ,euteytooeot bridesmattla and po to tbe ars oil with., ever 10 Men)" taOlv st0eg speeshes. • • tlfulds ;YAltl u1 'ear 'ent trho. hook. cbridn and trig* • heatI. 41110401! Iwo a aleas: .4 nt_1101,1" 4,40aOrndallternji Auctiteues-itt ottentati, .00 he t Make- kne„,a4ilt_80 • Cyril thirriettiO!,the dOeRae4 he W447., _Walt '• LP, 1811101Vilei,spolte NOrittrattnsiu#' *Wag .W0 ba,"train and hadlt,„1 a, and .100getl. ber,was 'worth se.,.litelf thitiata Mins& lie.,slOPPect 0011' .deelared, ult 40200 Set ,orationae',Uflfk a threet , hie" hand late (he breaSt you, Ii'; thank YOU:* Pocket . Ot Ads :heaulitally•litting Peek fatoy,-getodale, and, you, firtgi" arr Pettiltatien his °4:11 4fgeor,-42#01101444Iftetc.: • Jikst Perlect fat ,of elogulign. • ,: /V0.4"7glild'CYr1140111041lifiling -1'4fil '-throtigh-tliti-nieaCharii-Veroda inniratin-ellyelene. 1.VA Vizt_derin, g kept' watch. and guard over Ida .1000 tap.whel,her X.,b4d'ioritnttell ;Nei gnu na and it Was. net, Until GYrit huft 'glance 117.1114Plineentlif, • • .at.ide wateft and se 4. thift thate Wi v:thaVs *V404001** getting 'ehert 'that with a miff et will . atevous twinkle in ' I sha'rettlretorted CYrd. and Ale suppose you Went IterY.194 ire* it mitigingerly, front t.fitc:tyainitat itigutayi :mr„ flernet limed be wuntin .bookati • !"COA14',',IllUng.•00100 nItIllgrl k to wori eh? .-,;(4-011;,.°2.,k4.144„Y'obt44 alt,114714. 4; And Cyril had, tvettytt marked incre0 ron: .1,140 ..0/0pth .‘yyw: Of VeloreinUrntilredsoniettilliff lanai elvtligA., , ana Norah out of the, reran -tty,714 , She and Led Ferndale dtsa pe,ared,,,to ,(4.14407A"arZeric1;:aejid Roa;.' ";"trort;,',7, ftothet, for hallan hour, an • then the mune doWti,:taorah Attired in a 'lemmata gliallgett,''her mind,. or after Cyril Int (limas and a set of sables *which joild OP end own theightell ger04010 had yeedeged et the lest mo, - Ire 1.414.111intdea„ while ,Alaeit ,,had beenmei01 , chatting' With, tie AdernYnnui-ta yOu,,O itead, tee eves, and Norah clung to he curatc;'Wheereany'mdseem,to,emoY Alba the •litst.. moinent, when - thliegtrallgo,lliarrlagetOrd. and yrit standing beside the cab door, hid UW5' ,trOrtnitt k•.,arrived -Mier -Mut' Lord iFerndale hands an :•Otrr,P: 4:.'Peting$4 Ileothniig )x, spi Jiha' h -gaited inere'loveir tharft sneirieirdierl ''.‘Pthe Court, Thuratio tate Ilreiat o1. rial, weeit.“ riot, 410 givo,us Yrea tilli,r)Vinhmeas,"1„,"2; Then Norah tore herielf away, 06.1 itlg Part '4" 01— put her tently and tenderly into the cab 103 ,x1":4141 aquaeS• ! andlackand Lord Feendale having flat) Itt:iMett She stet telt ne if elle were a handful of rico over their aim auttlas nloving.,- '89dip atraalfai (101100°S their drove oft,- Norsk leaning forWard tinattin.•?enalt 'was with a Mtn% She lieard an-dwitving her bona nnin the cab turned "/°'-.4frys,11 '1C/41%1° • InUrn)Ur '"ftlY l'itre the corn, and carried 'them out of sight, •1140„t, -,A' walked tin IP the ary"Wi (41''d sujimd Le)erridierreerugoder eVetieldt4 elititantictord3..Pernditle,dreAlther arm e 411 4 logavred, . •and sweetest „girl. in Chrlstendeint ,..wititee..,letenawvneer sftessys tigm tAnd. the best end .wannest.neartea iticaordear-MikdrieCtrieoth mtelpt the 10, syr'ot, or -not yory poor o* income' .Mc eetd. "Yea hAew abet Lord ell is wie4 te.pely Mit to the pic Wee. 1 tun Relabies7 And there are AWAY 01 OoloOdetions itt hand. No, 1 lir, 'think its shad ke-.4/011 leitoteldr °Do you Ittleire, I eat not set glad 0$ I Ought to bet 1 tent *soy rIupifl pcuvMg InYtelf mite* nt' ecortoelY and intinagenterit. /tut neVer tokid; at •any rtile,' we shalt hate le he ettrend, supOeser. " "Well-eYetiPhe sto, and at-Onee *telt to leak '4641 OS folitney of 'Atie morrow., andTtiehirer5lart.lcsat"istevilit'1144$1461Antre!'ittt4M4Y6,' sunny • watering, place WA Abe Oath ,of the statien. Shelter). been To=lt ixid .17.:47101Tat4telfili ,414, net erritel • ''Sentitelgit.unth hiain gtoko"14*,trmy at ntila /Pe- Urt:or the lei eti' ere Nvo gang to fellideler SS tilt. Nortilt,. 'With Snide. -*Ten are Terlf MYSterlovs'in Intir intivoitenisl. Orr, depend, , repited .cyro, hOW, here i the Court ,brolignarti VOURIyou ruifid *laying at the fottirte or,Would yeti prefer le go on 10 fern, dale!'aNiihman.PuzzledbY his Mate. but ept her, promisee .01.14'refratti . froM ,doeslions. , crihentri into Liget: what You ittm to. OP: she lepilett,•and, be pot. his Stijl r.Otind: her and laseca.hOr'; • They retiehect the. Cipirt. and, stie,viam wilittsdrprisa, at the eight" .1114,,'FerrideleS and ,Atagire who. With, Mr; Petherik, Wert allotMe4 in lbe htI evidently aniclotiely .awaiting their Or. • „ • , • ,• "WO, what dees it all tear she mo cilitined-. tail she. 1100 AO Lady ,Perntlidei or, With a.little ,Crtet.deljght, nisitty art n...tton all hero-whyare we beret: • flag iho earlcomeINACkf , tor. Penierigke surelp LC yetttlgolt. Mean tit keep:Me-lathe darld ••,,'"Inat for a moment, my, deer young; ft ,latlilwrit-re4Poritiette,thitta.7:ititin-eettft ot llevelltterment, , should be PMY.100 ti '.ghtd enlighteri you .in respret to thla ,441fleeetriyatery;.•bUt I'M AS war in itie . ark.** you are. A meW is , ye, received a eenliztUnteatiort from the ,g. Ogriti:,‘","" 'Riley had moved into ,tha ftv :drawingAratuti, tlOs 1.1mgt Alnate stood In ,flur'eentra. of the, grpeet Melting from O. One ;other. lordship bee Writteniakithig that he hos invited yo* .4' onfi'mr.Horoo Odour good triendstere ▪ dinner 'toidght, and that he hopes to y the pleasure of meeting them. Ille'netti.irertOliett inc title Morning, and Ir Centel :lett that oil nothinuntoreV' 4 '. 'Nora „shunted Silent and open-eyed, V "44 . orY eilliaterfOUSI! said Lady. rem. . it ficitti one to the other. dale witb ktfq fit), 0:1C1';1 "Itztl;,:' "I; - e 0 g ma (la' pain; an appearance Or not, I hope the .dt der win be all right for Mese young 'collie, Mist; be terribly hungry. Como • longlt,..- dear, • there is barely time. to dreaS And she carried Nerab off. s,• ' siT0 be continued). :spoistn.. , TONIC." „Wthiallts' PAIS Make Mob, .• Alett'.11ettithOltillto-illooili.. ' 'Cold Winter months,close continemilintAn 'over. eated, badly ven- ERNE THEPOL , A .0041401 Wit 11010iit aintartL won*. tott thsto Mani responded Jack, loyany„ • . - loviteble'pewquiener., Voraii. lei • as it ' l'aea bless them hothi" saki Lady , iji,. :114.01)10g. „et ' her heart etatid he Ferndale; With a stdr, and she ran In and . heardAli:OVettilie little choral), up to her own room that she might eh- : ltilliii Seit...;siniVe Volet the 'curette per- leY the "good cry" she had fully tie. , 'tertneCthe ..eirellopy; she telt GYrit'S served. . -: :dor .batactioti:-103fir 44'11e tilIPPed the' , The two men went to the smoking- *pleih '',''ring 'or gold'i 'lama her finger. Deem, and:nixed themselves e soda and Illehtlettlittig.tipoo hih,ami; they led' MO brandy, and talked over the strange hie* 4:art:beak' to -Alit vestry,. . tory of the young _couple and • the stir - NO ,*1.10!, 134.9.:110161,4...c;01murtnui, in prise Which awaited one of them; ;bin her '-est4;',ag!..011,,a e HaSed ber eYes, to, presently Jack, grew very silent arid hWaliyiy,, .,,hent, is, fiend to wee tier,. thoUghtp.d, end Lord Ferndale, .noticing titiVtiout•reenttato out tt . haul upon bte 8, -saki: ariii„, ,,,iiiiirig ,....--,-, ,,- ' , i .. i44, Denny for your thoughts, Wesley." hittl 11t'' er he sat, omit- t thing yele 'lack ralead. Ms hoed, and there wits e ,'• are tree 'open miy,„'priellegel" :end Pave Rimeattleas 01 148 ititrettaOine, IP! Norahh ':',.ttita-sottusitt...,preaented '011Actutilt face.. .7'..+A: penny40.-My • IhtidghtaT Youshally Toward : tar otolg,, bier have there for nothing. eat sten. In Lord Perodate, Melting her iirf roil a glieSa." • . :, . . ..,.. .. :"Ood bites you, my deal',• 'Yeti weren't thinking ot the young: nd , ,,,,,,yell :and ,Abe.,tiali you ,hie teenle*Yintr hue . %vita tee BMW) • HA' ..tl: Ai ‘r.ntipp$,,r.V. We ell Avisti*ouf Mat," said Lord Peradate. "Let Inc 5a,, krIlyretty, ;lune .ttremaxy :hue Were you thinking of that scoundrel, Ing,. he threee tied been get- Guildford Berton?" - his,luogoomod tong in lhe.. "Well.4yes, partly," said Jack. "To tell ..,.. .. • • you. the truth, I was thinking of some ialtonSedcWith rilY.,/.00014 ser- re 30. ,,..1 was asking mYeelf a ones- ortilOg," ,he, Aaltti tnikino 0 fon that Os "worried me a great deal ,wtth the, outgby yuyee, lately. I was wandering at the memo ti • *-4*: :mono. ','''41:11 $01t„61E104 Where •tllet Young gui Cyril was a please"r",- -,' '' . , ' ' POSectA. have iiill off with °add be. The ,,,,,,,:ierhitl. lite nap - Stlestiett 'Met bothers _nie is! jitherii.,111. orafr-Aven-Cy Iptar 0 'ik-r/t0 peoca-Smithra--,— .— ,... • I ;Avi4(1,110,-owittti euverk.d it quiody .u.geoco• ..,,southl" said Lord Ferndale. wiOl Aut.,,jutttoy buyer As tee.tuebed te "Ah, yes. Hidden ttway somewhere, li Norah..' ' ' '''; ' . 7 -- - ' ...,. , .,<, ., -,,,- . - tatilpese. Perhaps,. here in Loudon -ant •_.„,,.. ere 't 11 nu iii46.i,, liiy, bay:ilia tally,. nu te nser. us. 111 be hound, and he illetV0tilitiltieretV.eild turned ..retti, Ilift Slinfled, that fellow Guildford . Berton "• North Aid Aet..tiotitteljt,e_oreefuldoe,„..or, knowsJ' r Slirlied. alifi so, Ira. have t titirl,, -"lilt._ -Said :neck, grittily, es he lit ubtottiv.-10,b14..bumag. 4 dossod 'twin,. antetter clgar, "Yes, I think Mr. 001111- .the,',.litle .she',-,Iiiitt :horde!, -04,1: ,hetuii toed Berton IttiOiva..• , •1111SVNIVAP ter erl 01.0001:,. ' ' '.,-..'. . ''thenttrittd..4eldru lila Iterhitieula'tWO'or CluitYlEil'xxXiX. . , • threolnuOS- : - , " . - . Nino days later ;.0$1411 nod Norah were. aWill. von..4r,,,--t " haiSaltlt addressing walking ,altnig 'Mc ,parade at Torquey„, ,Norall,:.bet looking, at t' 14 ._ ' •- it ts Salmi' entl aunshine el Oils Hrittligh• r Cive it to ine,', he ',, id. Unfelt*. bid Minks when Abe rest Of &abaci Is with deivtletig eyes., haVe- soma. mi. cowering befejl! the wintry Mast .and ,liut import*400':4,ropra..,fga tt Wit as/ tileSe ttve yeittig,1100P10- Walked aelll-tn (bern. 11 flcilt.brA,sUre AOC to ha. loft Orin .,06.der too 'aright, rays of ging sot. tom' . tiaut ho 'tiaott' thei lenvoloDe from . sauntering tio slowly as if the month, . ins pocket, 'itightsa. kertillettlev and trtra Pine loSia00 of Noveltiberi • - fastened .11A6, edirchibe ,tigerirelY., • . Nine- days Or4per eat happiness .Ivill he ettl tireut eelbrettlit Of re4. work rairaglast nod 11 000 nine daYS , tier, Atit gloried at ,Itheltit.who Nandi bettleat Ix r and Wes , oPowoottYi• *tot .$0,40y. •'• glanbeil tis `Okla tia even hie Most' hands, , passionate of JOVers, could desiM ' 111,, • 'Then '11‘ Weet ,,i)ark to .Tho ortio deedt it v. *Att Uxo Nerall WhO watelitti' vi44ettl Avlitt 44.0ralattt.htill "tut er utiotteset). father, uor the Nash ilyfIlg uni IvNer tied Ofttot!irookno re and WearY, beside the sickbed.' Of rrnlgt 1110 41.11 and crushcd by thie fear l; • e, erton, who wal,,ed. springy, step, And oreet Medi but lUlte es, digerentliorallv with the roWof health 031 her eliehltS, and the light of happiness to Or eyes ha she leahed %ten lier bus - hand's - " Mad Pat 0063 ask the why. 1 tettRi' you. to go hack th the Court so sudden. ty, tlearesir Cyril "NO: she replied, turning:tier lavely tlyeS imbh brat •trualtoit,r. ta0oitt I? tidal •obeilletice meltitS .aalting net norattone. .It you dOn't Wish to 101 me Why wa:aro lug th(n) to.raorraw, witr-mteit, tinututta sattstiollt Cyrit,..titens happentd le be 40 tu: tOgot theAtiolueut-,bent dowtibo, 0440 for, bend very low.outt nOlt redliPS, ret cI 11. td *-4060" � Voted Hair to Nal or Net Oro tr e' •roo '1Nattil4 I *ler OdShtlettd WU I 80 Marrird Ott ilugot, now t LihlIw I 11 no,patntui to yint td there, deateStr pralt'lliatight ler alaraellt, 1. Allateitttionts**In the later4 in life ahOp, nod In the whom - sap the 4- .of...tvgn :the •strongest, - The blood hegaines clogged _with impurities, the IliVerp.issilinggelt.S.tehkgAguill ----ItCltLyoerawweekaime nnt us Ted tta when you Vent to bed; you el and • IMO y le, the •'oondition tbensinds of .peeltle 'every spring; 11 m444140 *Olt 'ilniesit the blow is for. Itheil :by 'a. good • ionic --by Dr. Willtains' ,pinit These .01118 net AMY banish this leafing, %falba "the 1110reiserlous ailments ',Molt usually tot,. low rhetneatiain,- '.nerVous debility, '.atiaeatice indigestion and Iskiney trott- ' le. -,ea.-;1.,•WilitaMS'.. Pulle• are' -An Died nitilted near, .• rich; , red bleed. Every tlrotreVnew blood helps ttt strengthen the overworked nerves.' Overcomes ,wealineas and Jirlyea the germi „of dis- trton the body, A thorough tteatreent gives you :Vint and energy, to resist the torrid teat „or tint eetningsurn. MO': Mr. Meek A. Meuse, Sluice Point, N. S., says; was So completely run gown., that I °mild heftily work. ae- cided,lo try, Dr. Willianes Pink Pills, as I -OW -heard: MOO highly spoken-. of, Ana:* lerthoites worked a great Change 'my column / I um feeling ea_Ptial :0 0,-Sottoor titiattgpit VsartoTti'ditia„wet. ‘p'ecaontoorei, 11 Is , mistake 'to take Purgatives. in the spring„. Nature calls for 4 thede eine 10...build'urt, the wasted focco-pue, :vutOes .ttnly weaken: It is a ettedicino. ttet en the bleed, not one tO* act on 1116;-loWels.'-whiele -necessary: i/r; W41101101' 'Pink Pills ere a blood 'veal - eine -Ahoy make pure, rich, red blood; and strengthen every orlon of the body. Sekt 164 011 Medieine' dealers er by mall 5d, tents. a hes or boxes•tor ROM: the, Or...', Withal& hteilleine Old; are 3w Pritect, perhaps• NIT headache Meat., OW- loMet -Every -dose • , ,AlVila$S. !LEASE, "My . husband.** Is an inventor, you Inflow." ".$0's Mine." "Mdse. \Viitit ha' he inventee , , ' out Iota .at ltaY Olialaver tire sti ofia • WE Ai31 rAktittraft, with the diem teerse ealled " tett*O,Y*441 edbgla° Tabd Mlen'a ttiti ifakfdint. VOModk tOf• DIACOOnary trda. tiitilvageor :Ina:gap:cm 13 Wilile (agit ttve)-;#1 guess, they think up .o Craven tbat nitt dead.' , Mellaina-e"Why Ser , NVillie*-"Cos I Ain't said my pretve for a NVOek" • • 11 Vittet1 dligAt .of Catarrh Taint ap• Ply Or, Agneuin Catarrhal 1,owder with, out delay, it will save you sit -tiering, heat pit quieldy'whether you liawSbeen sieve .,0410 ntenth Or Oily '•ears. .11 rellareS told the head and ettlaillial 'tenant its in t ttoo. 1,1intAtrt ,of 14stiee tor tht Dottlinten Of Canada enders', it. • hoz 441,, !ivistitgli..41.4i;:i WAS 'StrY grow 10 hive if* Phiertrill you ,o8 log that shall RA tither ,sorry w Quint tonliarNtv‘ will be 'cavil** t may tor inse dit eitchir, , • --- .0 Cyril who Aral I0- 12301h1'fli. h t gra • My. triendly, end tittle us 11,4* Chit again apetiatiy es yeal..have turretiden. 1411 hat mote" ao ' Norah toughed n don know that 11 would be whit t too IttlIniide with. Joris and T. Mit% fi ways tlelAirlil WO/ doir ero. Dont they ariy Thal protestionot 810 should keep te the* twit riots? t ply •$.-coelW tick tells thew, ;You would grow laity . ierontentra. ,yottoe taiw prudent era, beteralitif., end cl* laughed. „ *When ere gains to bet% hotti lte4Ohlif, della' oskisl, tiCitting to Mink Statlecinftit lin In hit tarc• rosily her MI, ciiit:t IMI yen how oimi I its ildi/ibirlirc 1131 at um economical Jilt': AM41 hog* think I shall ieRe Irani* * -long* ou folod!-- end I Mout 11 mIty Mall'. Shall he- . we be 'city posel t sera if shalt be Cyril Mond. Mai tom tromliMI11 • ilsileote prod kr tem, OOOOOOO ...4.944.16114CA144411;(14 04 44 41•4 4,444 4 v 4 v44(146.44•4 v g • eke- ait .. , 0 -ZNOttGlit, (kayo n a ear. itty Immo lifo Is to. ttiesee4-""tiut $eut4 huStang .seens 0 tidbit ytot bre au huge), 11154311,- -1'', btit-110 els0 Settlin to think. that V 01 lit le- be 5411411104 'Willi • eligel`e. rObe4" • • • Neteekdlays thollierS do not' da.ce kellittitext With ,htlirsiti rz!iSs tor oil ,purgellt es,, nor no ,,iboy 'give thrai pelsonout ophitet in> tleS "tf EXTREME GASES tit rim ustittvs AMOY two flinfilit WNW COW . -7. A Oalittitt 04.4 died.* feW 'Ya4ro: :Ago. Allehitrante COlioy, rotor of Stortliktonomil lly 11:•*" 4i 41,)*°tVbeiiiQ. i'D.'tx:w1L.011)141 onfe's'aurac,4"144, 'AVOW.* 1:1.4liewtil°144(41***Isd stillieleoen"41442:1:1161,1: sub*" of :tatsifiess. 4110 tuatara titt. 'ail Yalu Julfw 44,Poly touraeloa pow altentios 'What vivo agemblod to bear ha Prelati' enirituanue, whicn na iineueneggtgiliy . 1011* Weitatariled sa thesawordS tell 'On ,Plistrect to ox Ilietr ceiti.."4- re .404 tequect4 10 444 Olnroll Gougruagy. leads to the 1.4stdo 7fistehist Who ' took we Ain thiSfetile'iltd Lolly Med 4 *La 04 41%0 Pe • was taus histruMentat la,' ,Jfetting • Oa eVenks that preceded, halVitood 04, eighoen mouths* nerd lehoe, 1110. SUM 3 follower" the death Of hia EXcallet 0,6,004 end r •teue 04 -oppertutlitY , O , General Sir °fords C91101.4 ' Aitai The, great Mergheot had been a, Yeang' Ali*, *re of the Moot:weird end w 1 : .thanking, :him for. being ,,out ot the;heet, on:this date. Fehrtiary. 17, mi. ..... - 01041 ever..liodi° ,,, • , . tt. These eirattinittincee, the. Archdeac 'clerk` Onet.". 'fle had been led *stray* ann- -nerfUl Wt. At the time Of the traded , had .embereled his niggler's: olOney. Theit, ;he ,blmself: was fa hiAtit aryl atap-A, ..olitlitagitultrIeF4ettshir et;titwat44'Qtaieir40.„...Me1114-°(44 :;:rittit.. rtir :COCITOrt 1-!"44* 7" (bm- ' C:.9 he succeeded he would hatre.'n.M!,,,e ' itn; '40040404 Witff'S George, hunted grinitnol cil hig. daYse.alltlr, fut,tqfore. bet lterted Id Meet the Boer bre f robatay have AMU- deeper 16.0, '.4 '.44°,', 'tent Itte ' . Archetetteen '. . Mentioned 'r;ei 'et • crime. But ett.'•innatt.V...Polleenntit . ad fears )3,4 Imo nom to eutttotin Lor 1 ..tapped .bho, on the shoulder nelft, .40,,. .,_ George,, , , . .. .,,,, "T 9'14- iltilileVet j13116 1411t14111114'itbil/LdtWoVirE417':eleitelreillr iillh°1111i4,7114Well'ttlei....nt 'a4144:4; •P-illtu13'"..Pose‘' tiyt.'13'eaftirtied. '464"4i'luiterit!iPraPthel, Intifirowg14;:,;1;;;*i:14 •Igos rooar,gd from ;Prtiol, !Dv!' tnqF7. .. !!.. that ,in .itutitteat and thlaeSe" eePerg , : . 1. new ,atart, And • ' ' ltelt,'•:the ..Orgyart 'actuated .baoktiard -P.thartneUe".c:0.1"itt.itrir tin'leXlig'ePtte4$17'410:' '1414,4117.41.4111.:4:1:14'aik'Sbpialt"'!.-414tfite- *Urse4f ..,. th:'-'e4n*tantaillell-. ;I'SAI:litla° ,! $4(geS "rne4rneg'' AR'444tegellt 14P6t ihe morning ot4 February 21 net- 1 .4t,A who saves a rieh mots ,,manalOWttroin -D..6,.,•0„,,, ....,_,.:.,,.,„!„, ..,,,,,,,*:,,,.. ,_, III vt4g4nagfnmgb414:014 gill:4454f unx ell: ttlthlIntl):414401111(1f1.:. ''Itt6e41t4:14:144.'1°611''''t1)1:41 'it.'74'''.111•,44114y°!4:W."ow7;174i;IFIrlishil'eohnIfill'-"t;olinPil: 7.01:4144411J8464471te,711knilt reesonably esPeet MS diitt.trartl."`,' A e erp4rut„euttnelitagutyniviy.learslet if !afar MOM PlIttant.,Whotl Re l' '''''' Wbeit",,•kteelfltilrithe Cathedral, latigtt , _ „ 444411W4401"-1.4inIeS livA**" ' ''' . •theteMee., ottevaillogt service o , harass when): he has tanned to tonsign anco vil the, atigr , MIMI., With ' the flenedictio - While 'arreating a 44sperati,....liOnte;, -',.,n- -..*: , tieetige mini. *: at, •In ' • ' t 0 breaker, a Police:nun Was ,s0 P.Acittr 'Ott •0avo,r,landallt.',, ,OUSe" t' a aling. ' ,, Sir ' Cfoor . Pall ahelihteatinid to hreet144.astii, tel:UP 4r94:03:-°tIae';e fell Colley'C 1-4,:44':107:;01(7!atiItitii.:::4hi:400,1:4e; 'ein42:1106.'df:,'c : hiniQtts. thartilehne hnadlatcleYeerral;tratetor449.7,y4 146t46'.0.0°111:%, .t-':ggli:ii,:bl,,110.1111:1,,;f.0-.4r4qt'q'tioul.,10.,t1141., a burglar. , 'The latter italividuai had, seeVed gt.tin4 1!,, ',:Sourgo',GolleY • .„ Wigan: high to ' thes; iSalldleer:Ifertit;nbtit`wwithib leanuottmer°a'nvrilac;94hebree..Thh4e, it', 1%,,,,II:iitct! a'441.1.41baCihb:ILIoni4ltriote'r:01:DcAvill,:d:'4,'11:0;;4usi- pait, had hit oli a.scherne tO IMMO, VOMY: 444- 1001,4i .'braVex ' '04Wfilftt$ -,',goixtkoln, honestly; , When released, IOW ' gone abroad together, and hh. ,,,,eyeittu- 11111Y` rehiSelle. and; rifiliteads. ',• • ' , 'Scpt.cti .NVO:444*4" ‘,§ECOMP :SICK," 4,i,.kt whet. Woo ,probably the'. Very In tent ,,pf his ttopleapt ain:1 :dentli: ' spas ..6'ir George, ..ftli,paygilfe Ma rifinfedt, i Stantanegite.'", 44140 Wee.' V.. ,MgeliY, '0 With her . 'SColchtt, Or or-:tsa .04,,`,sight explipteltively, ',Seen'by.....a: domestic,' 531 tole. of Aberdeed,,,WhoSe,,,Mitery :trine With NilsnittY MA teen Ilta.beliaeliOld re ning to hot ',aelp, forandMil the sat dly„, Was ' retight4owk.-. tent, the pun . The ' teatimeiV; heweVerit 'tit tilt Smgeolgoohlwibeleffigoti'Omfeu Ottd:::eetno...,,,iwe Loatocisti, ,t‘8,,tIt'hl rut explanations recondite:Arid of Tog iaillotoplaic tenehltig; thatv•11.,"teUat ',suppro's 11.-- . ut . Sit: ,Geerga . C011itat. varlaS:. tin; lle'autnees to me, ,.mtiftznY,,stni,,geffi'Otherit, 'are less fierfeesing,iecthey„havatsit-the Mogi., partcbe,eti On: thellnee`.70:'What IS i1641414Aleh, tiOnOr stilutligettittr!wililitt,ctli-o(OseLAntric. a. ' Ind with. the:Allege** ot,aphilt*t: ti (flays. ytot Ate Sgotali gall-,,r,"seconfl iv41,11,.011,:-,tal.4111-efilettreary,: aditini00:4,,,itirkIW4rOlgelilloc'otr". t mend' having It tole itt inelevebeetp .t.Igi sir Georga .C61163,*. conies ' t'Ilina. girl' prouvrotkoentL.hthils:dweattlis itaii.f.;',..opTerteh-,.. of rt! SOn he efer net. at first. 'mow Who 'lb Military man With a .lible in his for' head' was ..until4. .told hint ' to .4004.1..0 Ilia_ Atr,reacidttg-,--.elfeete• phyetcat --- anc. s abical or the tircurosteoges-thatt.ogini rete to .litaty. with :the ,bare. diention .now of Malebo, , , -. • • , 11.04,4111. tito. IL A. coal*. Ottalyak' tattly- *lot Akar Yaw* til 04,11110 kir gra Gott rtiorallais Kiefolti 1/101111, *law*, Ont., Marilt. /Imo (SPeehtli-,". While all Coed knaves ' *4l. gisaneY ere the standard remedy tor awl, 48 MORI* Complaintat tt may suriniris ley • rill* PorkPle know MO cure such eite rOtte cases, as Stone in the .1fidoeys. ett this whet they Thave dentihript no, here OtteWei„. , Mr.' A. Z,1 cartei014 the Men Mired, is y, the,Ivelhittiown, proprietor p1 the Bijau :from on Metcalf Street, and Inan !Mer- v, NieW he says::ell haaw that 1 Intl/0'140d ma*rr,10, Stone fa be, the tftdnasa for /Me. Tier imeW that: .5,.."; beau:tea eausuiting. the b.01V 000011 An Ai* eite and trying' syery. mtedielne:, I could ilitnist of* t wait, unable get het* nd 4'1;1, `2",_*itnatt . '*go * ..frWid told , Podd's Xidney curs inc. As teat resert tried ',theirlalitt,they,hatre, • eUredi • • .• • " "4 =dd. TiOt 'ilnikono More:severe suf. • 4eringlfign- endures who has Shine 411 illabItaineekcitad feel the greatest gratitticla to Dodd% 11 the disettegi la of tne'104PAV$0'from •th.o.,•• ifgooro, *Add's., ut. curs 11. .• • . tie L Morley _ laps:dangly lona. 91. tvf 14011°441$i' and always liatf.a: pet dog SA' at .thig on Ins, lap whett,..Writiog, in Met *bitty. • • , n. fl Get foetent Rtdlet Irma .Pites.4-, "flne ga Omit. ‘.htitating diseesejelleyed, lea Id ndmittei hYns14111;00;-',Antlew's Ointineriti , entl .4 .00re in trein, three: 'to ..bight* a•,•, 'Thousands testify of . its -gooditesa-tvnott 11- fors;geSenui.,'Sint, Rheum +amt.. all skin 0 thseaSes, 11.3/04- are wilhont, kithitons oplicatia will ;genvirice. ',35*•‘Cente+.12•7 alty blosstuned hate rich "Itel'cl gone On cracking it would' niveielnive brought ead "118141T9" ran the etn in the Will 01 the -extburgo tar. "But that bobby who collareCeete belpett me On .the. way to forttlne; two t want am to enjoy himself.' , - There was a -discreet hushing -4 of the business when an. onertilettelY wenithy Mall of title died, and lett, a poueernan enbugh Money, to make him • • INDEPENDENT FOR • The nobleman had once been very re- mote from the }louse of Lolvite,Ale.' had been the faMily black sheep,t-oan -east, with whom his kindrett had .rettised to have anything to do. Watilleeingi homeless and pennliessi Omit tiara, trethe rt London one night, he had. 14a to throw himself over one ot thei4ridges; An alert young Pi:WOW-MO, -4OWevlar, had dragged him back. Taken before., a magistrate, he had refused, to his real name, and had been sent to PriSbiL Almost simultaneously with .hie., reletel„ , those who had stood hifmselfJ and the family title and possesx In rapid succession. He had ed trona suicide's fate that he Might •Aft. joy an the world doted give -and Ite re.' metribered the constable to .whbrirlieflav!, ed all. , Other folk owe debts of gratitude to palicemete-and pay Mem. "TO the oetutabIe Who arrested; the man Wel going to Marry, I give' and bequeath - This was an ltent 1110 Will Of A-hilent, Mut_ woman, cOthst IAA roamed as ti and enviea queen of higVSeidety., - When girl, she had become engaged to a handsome and fascittatIng Man. Blinded by 'Infatuation; she had deelined to' see any flaws in her idol. She Would assuredly have married hint, heti it not teen for the fact that'On the very ' dflY fixed tor the wedding -as he Was g.Oing into the church, indeede-a keeteeYed Pre 'Iceman had recognized the *would-be bridegroom as A "WANTED" SWINDLER.. pone lo buy aniathing that attrebted Click! and the handcuffs Were annuli_ ra :11111 tie-.4abon-Wintionrirte was70 e dently eeebsted nit end ler...011001 mean. IN tritin'thetwatit, et caned.* !dun dtgOasto pia/ 114-mtft 41. -.wins*** 01 bad mood, in, that ossek weavor'd t;erattko, ,..vaatbtaall* AMMO. should Ili rib fttdo6.1ktod with , Weaver.* syrup, tnaeo, q I • • - • " Lord Lansdowne, .the Linke of Aber.. torn, end Lerd Vettlent, .ure, the only t), PerSene, Who tiOld at , once English, $e?t11h, and resit peerages. Holintroxlsr. ',Xfg A • 04X11_,_•/M ,S• 4..ftstr to. 'art lot9Inatht /filfron 4,1 rad:Zs VeVolg frp:AW. fg*Logirflitid 1311 -' diseases lowerlos too vitst •te la- "Without 0. "r1V0:1. At all !drag :end gene,: MAYS whr the t,vorgot...0- gala (t!, •-:.:'*If41.01.4:At4ort7eitor'eWb:Liii:n.hgini:Ortii.AWer*vitte'6,40.41stritriteet a ,81.1gW • . e • . y Part tili:4 certain 1011011 0, . go r6aolvect ; .I.11. eLz,ittt ,o,iwilitwpc.Fop........_y: ,,..t..,:Ay,.,1411.g will, Offe •Ta4fee After EathIll,411-wi2hk: "le. , .3? . : ,. .sS8vt:1:1, ,er niu:;:i: Adit:botzitoit' h' °- i ii lai 4,:. ,, d To:401:1eu rs' $, t_ 0 6114tr Prvo st iiu, it, :,' "qd, provided.tIs'i:i lolbei: li ttiT( );., , ,, 6:14. pleasantat : b!.. pind, , Nol5i. . 4t1te: yeorl, , .,, r, 0.4t a, i x i sun 9Wflu cure all segns' 1 I. .t $.1. t h , aNt:0°P:101::.: : e . Int. 11T6z. 1 14° SP le trP' :°' en 16qitil)a.it SC: ;aitd414bPersvn .0, °Citheee dd' nausea,1‘'t etraceableC; I nd'111:demandeandhtlb°:.tlas thle seaalon of the British Parlternent for seats la. the. strangers gallery. • This -$4,0*-Intileation.of-thetpolitietcPawakett; Mg. 111 -.the country, and the hopes and hatereat WhierhaVe'aronsed. Never -be- /ore yeas It .needful foi, the Sneaker's secretary to heng:Mitaide.hie ofdee pia - a : '- '' isaited.; 'and; that father applicetion will bett4e:dein2,114w14h.foli worn nien.bers Unit all orders for 1110 gallery have beep already . Ildither tfor the . :public port: for -the ,membera is the House of COMmons large eout1041i16)14 atoned. tapleaciedellaoNovt.$)houullpeangt,asonsurt pontoons court, Is being revived. The ,inflititikeerindbrgx:m.n4lar ,awtattenerdeoc_me of IncoeuMpyb! ...eonlmon, outside the Ifou,se proper, croarded' end tineendertable, to a most. 1.4.itnisnstleovkasery..ot-dwenroeeritisaand.o.InhieinuF.airltyst bticoint% , buttonholed by oproplaining members, Ile : is Understood to .contemplate toe. frig one otthellienis.M.ithe library at the Alteritise,LottheMIMY imemberiteiliti want, a place, in 'which in write and smoke ia silence', and Cannot C present find one. "He, 110Wever 410W. Itrioars-,s,vhe it. 4 that doilies ooct 'glves'proof -..offatt identi ty Yet to ethers, until P.say Who 11 1. „conies 19,1hem Sir ReOrgo dhougry an utter stranger.'t: to ihony.at Oral), 'Moot, 'eVidentlyt killed in balthsztluiving It, tele in his forehead.' . • . last $epteniber; an a Shop'. at". BitittinlientOnto witfeh,t, bud 0000any given herself to hihi, her ltia Waal ..itaire •Whlapeted thet„there WO intuit:ling. with been a martyrdom of Shame and:Misery. nle at -the tOtnite0 "Itt• mtlitacy roan hav. A hard•working tradesman had 4"wife. ibg a bele Millie; forehead. 'allied -Ong to who was a drunkard. txtid a dangerthief. Many .heee beti ,Rineci, In =too, , times she pat' herself In danger 'Of :the , ..,1,.4„4,1i46.1Am,,mw,a., but he shielded her, although 'shA fisiertt, or 4 e ---, . , made tits Me riot worth living. • bad ,.,4 ...114,40 -.10,641051:,.4 -ht, 40,,=.L,on.024_, ased to love-lren. Ind ho teturthitt he :, _.._ q 'tilti°silbt,dylioallw°pteoicerel,:intliciWe:',WI:araSt44,071thisi:h4tri'villed°14n.' 11 tti.lvtlqiufwtlfortlokillt,citnaainenlitt:nsnic:01,ttlimiott,m4letli!in.'!i;t1;tkremisoetflyi,rehia6.131°,0p:mrtipirTO":(1ts' being brought op ag. hist r, wos?sent, 'to penal servitude.After that, her,frat, Itettitta_it ovjettl,t4,0'100eyontitiasotil,:tob.,6.to 'adhtiosp,:tr.,0M,4,..: hand wive a lOnety Meth hut,fl'et100 '0071(1;:, while: at :' breakfast.. with, . two manlitl 1:. 6. i rfl: eoUci i lbe :u '1Stbust 61 Vitdf°:04°1 ttti:;°; 11.!1`.: 44 11' W411Pirlia'10eMtnelnlaial le -61 i, tt t t.': )%f: 171Int (I: ',. ' ,Ptif:11141,111;t04"::e,t1L'In'ut;''ill'L.:1'-iftn"b4;innIttlitT161.i'"ehilitil..41011t(!iCe'eti.c.Th401::414C':e11$4f1 V erY probably flat% Alad',1tti`ger' Glaftt .0, iiiiitievflie:gent:tc ratist.':ifOnallPt 100", Iditifier."4- rooted 'Avegitirte ' .' - rt 40(.40; my, tomilmw.,3104000,A4t lab, - '(. . , ,hhiptire, thetriltit-OtWhic14 When :IlieVo 0:118ag 11 tietVer trete Indiai..1:..totw, gomo goo .;. f ' crotrisllettg011i- likei Pc,iv* ',Or'tt family natureObte: Midderf,antr'iin. • "Ilia ,befOre, thiS, ithiert„'*itieti Lair more - as,,a ',drattititic and ,. least' thrilling; looked4or. seilueef. ''ot oha- of ray trieitixo pea. • .,• '',,o,O' . 'v.,' '. ,' . ',', '' . ,, ,v, reinftil, and terribly:Intense Setting,' .of, ri*lie' Wadi 'teed* .4, tOt*i. ;the OthtS :orthis .daY,W Illotiater 311 Ma. ., , , ,.... tilditet. .k '. chetitz4t by 41141Y.4t .- . ,%3/ ro.tlie'oriltiouA•Ofreoix6141*‘ei g the poll can tell yott .,vihot of (he elialb ltrthe -141140p., of '-'hialub'e;, ::111u1etrt,:t , L illiOH: for:::.tiiikmxtt.;':41Atige.:0 'it gwrioto'qie'wffai Itoui,i,. 44:16:;t vcia , I to thtk , tioot, r..-1 Steeps in time 'to tend 11 your bio 1 1 ' " ' '10 et lottotitta lig-8,, Yle'filIPOSS11/11* 4 C . , ,, . ' , ; hi .tinCg4 tygded..„,„ , le brew , or th ., ',, . 0. ,,i'S Jifitipv*I8'heir tuttifottoolon.m, .ffilas .0110 reekeht' fatl,t.,be'tli. i'.,,,..'r tf:q4,1040tr'elill::tia7„i'irlii:;itb.. ;71%111 ift ksY: tYr ill' hi :I 0 .r i I:tH,,.1 al$1°4'4 Ne II:3:: : t inb:44(1Yrdatho if ;I: jvhvge' PI; ' 4 :t(?8i8; iiiit '1`.84.8. likely you •giliflitratidne,4 ''"'il' :t‘ ' ' Are tt.oking.4)„ it., It„tfity•ii011:."•11gTkgrtt:.:144,AIVatritottiggimft(7,111;:khe'Plei. *ear, 6 , toot,itii.t,d,fat Ltoodi:1n4osttri,ateenottfre 0 a -4t1 3d t,l.oItt.bvte•tttrleree . m'I Oahne.nteanthc Ul,tat is ',it Oktront Iitl,msein n, *d« ' • plosNot mi..: k $01. 4,/' yatorn • • T : L. ' fint.tlit(0016 oh the ,plet of AO other rotoi, iti Lai, to,,t 140, (.1 .t.ito is ,.:(16:atttiy, tobroolirtoyattirto= .11'tt,a,::0,407.stiri teett4,:: • " 4 'a" ''llieVer 't'tt,-i'i44114tvitiill,gittilg, , 0040 ,,,,,,ge6t6a .6. d ,..., v.ot) itk,tooe,ttrit:toy)it.-o.p. t.ollsti..m'il-Aivi.4":6 fl'IYi scilti t°r• "illit1N9. ON AkOtOttetlAlt0." An it40'imillti Stott Of. Atfaira in .South Wales: • . „ The Ilhyilniey, Valleita net the only bark Of 'South WalesWhere earthiriove.,. matittrate treeiing,,Serksits'idanit. At .Maesteg, in the heart. 'otihe colliery dial' (Kett ,sebattletlees are going . on Which dense !Meese*alert/4 and *Welt seem tO 2tiree4ten' the, dem:None-1r t0v0,,000)t. ,nerable 'Portion nI this ueoutetie.,40strn, CreViCee , suddenly '400404 In the .earth; and whole rows Of houtieS. have 'angeredalatOSt iirropareble'. 'damage. : ow.ontoto` have been sudeienty. vueitea. 0.c0llAt aouthinft robtrts, toio„ tbk gam. *rah31101 ditsif ,)010 1 eft ' "‘„ hill Ina mother lItta this Vial if it anent turatrat ihot !hp' rir,v elsoi lutely tete. Robi 's Own "t'ablits indrlconstitAlem. on dierchk,fe. rabble tereft. erk 0 ior4 b *tteilk otobildfikol. An ottam. 140111 dose wilt keen thiMren Mbi. It tom Pelichlend. l.C.., *Yet mt liayft 'found *roes "Okri TaW,ta ons,it. retied tor teething , trot**, trniklne to144, fre**. mat *her ilia ani they nate * EMU rm. tinily. 1 now elWare kens threw, * the house." Ask for the Tabtra* .1 volir torustoist or yrat tali lei them 13 ihtNoiftilit;Tlitl‘•115111751144,44ie a be:v.4:,*i 01.01.0140.444 `.11M* Moly oaletliort lo ).fra PrVAP • mai Oleo * trash**, women." Him ..*hoisedS 'Cho hooriera 45s et. mitt ler Pluealtrierlisetra:4 ott's Emulsion d Liver will II011441 miti fittell body wttro milk tot trim il to dO; it. litotV* riMulttion *hasty* tlie tome; *Iwo" ilatobb" and Ono, 13sorileiti1 hew the body i* wastim from taw, eithe kichildren Os. _ *mow * mow* I. lik Wit th tors ha the form label hien As moppet stover, &oldest Zinti. Mei yet tosY. strta NUE t4/1411• 14t. , nonsi MOR( 11.4P4R131iit *Am n't $ou afraid l/44Illale wilI run way talk tOttiebeityr %Vend? atilt tfroneho Dolt# site& flotilla' In WillIon Gulch ter * boot to ritheway with I, When 5 Olen tries to run may mot * to* ibikt ultra* doter,'" /WO' Unit 144 •Oillitt't Mond Itio leek t,! eilrl peon*, Whin * reatt 104* oothint eltet to boost of he bowls of big liberators. A servant may know MI 404to but damn% *tarot kola It. Erary &the 5 bora bort** -) M411 OW11134143 ilit* 11%111 of hie Moods. $4ree hem thscorailed, **Tetras i* WOK which shows tot tha toktotie kildie.14 %hat It flood. °Ittilbitr• aele the ftiodrifit tteuth, Neona hati ses ire as img fee ift041 odes Wok IS 60.1 la its rtigg "Aa astei. dig, sty eon., it as k&.uiLt aialiPeee. bet Mt pew hot poryinne it lice its aost~ 'poetise, 'Mete 11004401s, eoeld heat ithe Walla itiOthing M ibm night.• lito street taVentents • tiro showing 'by sunken. Patehes; •Ond Meta by pi WOO* ZorAl auies or work 'Oh a*Clintro ;-"h0914, JI*U, Meat sedotal Jer NNW, VerAites, Dininitit.--ons. etc. tWng hu tiirer been devieed to equel Pedlar's Steel Ceilings ler loon tassel, ,Chetip •ea liOn and, Plater raid will now crack or face off. AVOW MCI Lisin st Made to At fed lroin our see Our. co , you itoutIntr, . 11 . lings, r /10 **4 OW he *ow Ott by any iftechketo. 4alt roily •te apply. design*, ierhe 'tor it. It WrakAto IV& WM 4ef wear In- eta inetote Seed Office end Wtks r, voititia. wasiesovot, • PEOPL . 4t 40 /IRMO' it4 lekeearentat, elf Peeler' la Yeln1,41414101" Miner. * * abbililte eatst , W. filr*,..1*..*".4$talctito4trietoitia 'The *444.7 ft doyen *vow elig*r.lci gontsto a gierassres of fl got' apses. oost ' $S00:000: efts otontoxon*Abd0.-soo °goo opeeple, :so typi,r1Aor, - • sod we gag env soptloi% ItAUT 130040 0.114.0,40V111. elf740 r;',' 44, as, zees evotylOd9t it- Our dbandaat labinanar 11 ball b beet,. or esee -le eete, , be gee** 5153133 03 the heteseetwon --:.$1,*(:: , 'eettiliseesetpti *ozone tosiccesulehAss.'•: Welaviterest 0* WO* tar4W7"waa fieettita We aave *Ver,ieliieg we Oita. , • , 1611114factateereed4hanitateedhileiscaikaeaet SiodttierIcik• r =,... , ..,• ...i, .•014 troawto$7, . ,‘Notin..*1. 14**1**0.0., , -•1::IntleaotiOMO Plit411Rxte .tstesanitell %to r mg • IN ili co . Cu;i' • ff.r...ili. :.1!„ NO151040-17da" ' swot , ..0 a onootonelgootelsen .;gtolejemator '. otsilhoolklaaritooeSp , . . , f#01, ..*.k!e' 4, i*rickto**04: 4044. .• .. , .. ., ... • DAN. V.A. i=ioac 41F1fig0 XXIX , a ssitlfeliatt If A 'tsitoiration of aur eap.apiatk..pics4:dzsia ' ,Atoulos_ soto367.20.41.r4V 0 otevortigeg„thatvicturt for 01%:',". . gives eiliessurecetateiinie our Oaclutrviooeider.--,..Vetofitt luanyeui ',-- One ffeb."*Otlf**1 iinepti4t Am* wiitIniteue hew louell•SOwa're " owitikAlinautelaq,osiier., writletotteeto,' • ,._,„ _ INTERNAXIONA“11001( $000,e0. -01$00114)11* Immo U. l's I; .,Stranger (at the ticier)*,-"I;mn :DWI a lady Whose married:oinne I. have forgotten; but I knew' she lives., in this neighborhood. She is tr. woman easily , described,, and-perliaps you 'llmete -shigulariy, beautiful creature, . with, pint and Withe -botriplexton, sea.ehog, -ettre, lovely, eyes; and hair such ..aca 'goddess Might eavY."...Servant.-"Really; sir, 1 don't know—" Voice (from heed ot stairs) -"Jape, •tell the geritleman 111 Lc down A In • a minute:1i, . .; ORSORIATISM AND PARALYSIS. noir ***vote ksroo ouro„.. liost .,troo to readers of elite paper. iiried. only. A handier/me aiustratea troottso,\ '414traillilVitirAtgegatelVs: cirtt 4140 otos cum describkng tho InOdt linotfurltritat „tterileaut In: rtiv• e3 by Ok4141.7ATikititnifitrir laigbly in_ tta kruloo.4as 11" atu4F of tams driniaile?alltrirft4b jq roa graduate Or OM ihtivaralty of rt2Ou r. Bend. pOstai to -day and Y04 rocotavilltho,tdok fro* by turn. el:dross, * woo Drug Co 24 •Kilof t. Wan, 'grant° • - Slx•Year:Old: "I say, granny, I think you'd better atop maldng my trousers .Lot's of times to -day I wasn't sure Wile- ther I was going to school or coming - homer „ On* Pact is-fletter.0411-Tr-414* ireal alfiliTittlit5°"akt irotl'eatta rissole Tod tone el. woo tins ' NEEDLESS SAERIFICE. "1 wouid wade through blood for you, Luce," "That's no reason you should sten on my pre." "`Ht0 0C-Ople Badly Dent" bava in effect used these words in speaking of the curative qualities of ,S•otilli American Rheumatic Cure.: -"My legs were crip. Med"-"My hands Were dktorted''-,-"Mv Joints were .sWellett",....emy owe wars belt chnible"-I--"My pain was exelimilit-, in --ledridden fer years." This great reedy has been the heaVett-sent agent that worked 4 permanent ,eurere-ISCI . • ree Catarrh Ilemedy sign& Or the ear Ire 'tuber; id some 'OPOS o cCpFoto,. up. .'0apingt'Activities, Suildeno,1 a horstritvittittf.tit 61104,144 Swat,: lowed *11, and 10et.Thoun int:'4‘illg state 6P:I:It'Ph11111::.g44gs itts,r41.°Ie;:6.!utn°4144444°..!kwt:litIn$fi:. .1(44., Men Who have, at :MUCH solf-eacri, deo. aetplited their 4Wri. IMUS* arehet- !)000;p6 :it Otheir prlp* 11:#Tlt surely 01-3111311113343 t Welletf la" ggsitillitt*Ilhtt% 4'411 * • D Y rooto *.aloatoittortai ;t4olong 01 tood tadlroad, tiign 'VIM* Plita,'• Me Mi1, ili 511 kit& ot .Weatiter,, suhieet to- Irregular hOtera far .Mealt•and.00mpolled. to cat ell kinds of •. "Per yehre. I was timstantly iron!• , tied,with Indigestion, taitwett by tiding •heavy, fatty, ettirehii greasy, •:00011Y 400144 'toed, eiteh.''es one 111011 *teal. obi* Wined husitielk. . :General. giSsineant Relief ' No More Bad Breath . DOMESTIC .,BOOEKEEPIND . . , _ "And Whet!s'YotCreaion foiiii4rette-• lag the servant'e wages, pray;' her friend asked. . !!Beee.1#0. -NOWA! comPlaitted that raY dress and millinery' bills equalkt.f, the -0400d. :expenses, and 1 went.to show nit*, that they do not" ' Kook received $590,000 for its taw through Bluets recently. .7iNity% •si.A...T..m. •-, . galit4:50.:tter:eit;;;IootaT:•iittt:Isi.70.,hsa:.,14txxtoap:7343„0:jootnSo.:is.tle:1:1;70,:stfu:dlatillailogi,syrit. nabt.6,to. got,. a ataloS'''11.°14 PR°Stkil;'SneekOhlisteas-*:thiteamititnil-ii'areebinla",..anillerv ninandal, Obtatoont_yr- prig* 4400; *Mt .--60nall- IA. ato r 11 1.-1 1-1,40i ..s4:11, :,,,, or's.. 'An- t4,11tv_4:11.Attir DC o 14141 Yet the ooro'soettoiiihroirwort;,017ii; " • WAN1011001/101MIC1.11 Ileattirat.Torobto,tittewri, Quelcolt • narantsooniaiow iiiskoliois nil*, Ft Heti 11/1 S M 111*.ur teMs 'arid eiild zeropfriog.toet' v181E11101 nito4 nitbla 541 '•dala-;•' by our newly isiouitli Ilagaitia Woos' ot mono, 'promptly .ortOPYIss' 13211.,tt. Amy' *NO et% Write ro thoieristivi look -,nsoete, iirct -lakailhoko Q ' fir VIERrOVW 0. 0 • ' , • ' APPLE TREE*. totos 4010‘. writs us, et see out agent. near you, for prices. We havh the lareet,Stoeli -Of fruit tree., to he found Canada. , We nay , freight. Brown ,Orothere Company,. • 'Nurserymen, ,Linnted,. • trownts, Nurseries, :Ont. MAK WANTED' We wanti.a Man pi all SMail tewne In Canada, to show eta! sell farms, and other properties to amiantus, Who we tendlf',gOod ,sttlary, good position. Ilonestsr More necessary than: iniPori* once, If yob want a goott,posittim and are willing to learn the real-estate busi- ness and work raithfulte.lor us, we coo oiler ybo (Inc position, Write: ' Address:—.. NortTif AMERICAN LAND CO., Andrus Mhgettpells. Minn. iileeterellaeada Land Co talf*,..,, de ,Niern trutere. 'BrObitione Mane Impreteed farms: and Unto:Midi wheat:and; nob lands, wholesale Mt tert"inMdnitoba, Sitaltatehetelitti Al- 1,rI blride"133 SoMberit Oka titian VelleY; o. 0,; WheiM•Ittreit Oh Saskatchewan Plains at Ode per alit% •eaity fertile AM funs, ist" to Make S01t1nn3, the flue..st whcai land:; in` the World. • Reittesttlatis' lt)eated. ZelectiOnS, Made. 01,irtelttte., or oct,tor try Inforamtidti 46. kft),I+ttekt+i(ittitt•Ii1+)**Xt+X(4. 044I4k1 litilitit4,1IitautitAtiti 'Suit hateitltutiututttt'lituitAttwite- e .rats, 'iasooifttert Oooste`lkesios, LoMbttgAna alJtkteink,I*oo.senitido d trallkar4watraslas!Natitte a•ea UV. The WibOttle 040110‘17(70.1.T0041401kt AM 10, Y • ty 'Melt flt5h nr Audi% was teilloOtit lay 'tifetreglittlf..Pallt$4114 bourning sieriratione woottwit 133 itly MonUteli« romett 41e$10.Yed toy ir sot . *lot aneroneat°Aentto, the' for. work, * '..***Y+ My .41*Ltri44.' Min Was 5.3 Toddy and . too tam !;t was herd for•bit 10 dfaelvirge my owie.-1,22tatiaokatir "wl%lia't"Ptitiosterillt tient s.r ttga- MAO My attenti041 VIM 01101 to Otepec AtIS food by * IttentIntOr ad. and 1 tutted, to ler 'IL .S.itice then 3hare used CrapeNtits Itt needy. every Meal s.nd sometilneS between rtaRdia W4 ellitled „Alen here lIttle the*. 40., pre - are out hind iti. bur:tabeolee inul 1 llrud Ortiltr*Ntilit,Mightlf bendy tor It t"41°01ir 4114361*VhAlte tt. 10111t /1104, .gre NI114 ktts Made * we* bitib of Int 1 Mira no more Isirobie 01.1rara Irt not- any other sytnp 1 con *end lohir 6* I eiit COON** 3113J my '6orks,as. rleut14p aad t ty amthvaer's aratiefi.'rard irotRA44 Nam, ritvon by Creekvben, i t.tb._10001110 Or ' V BST. of la* Colieurre„ pro SW ' Iiiiatitoilittliit tit Merit at *If AWAI004C3C A SIM Milt 13NAIL* MI,. T TIM* AUB.C3tIPT1ON,' • • :.' •=....7Savt.911)031,03)r MAIM MISS ttAtlaW. 4 ' miltimtittittimialittrrstilixTii/r iltISISG WS 01100111.74 itia-07-at tili00411' COM.: • 0. Ott 5414 hit hi* ' " 337 Tit Ptdr4y lees seep he* ws 3 . 44 . v; $$$$$$ 1144441144444444114144,1444114444 4 *** V4100 4 4 4 44 4144444404444. 44, /I *VIC() 6 62 .- .? 4 • io,„ rt 10,0 will Son Witl tit ca 00 'Mk Will will tor treeInt wfll gra; . ado - ' Mtn Wet dred read end this ti4 mee like and UP' the ten 1 '11 td 1 AmI Uwe Stet mot 00114 who taro boa pusl sues the lose a h oeu irrii used goat east havi the the Ti acre aide and rolD Mg, 111111 oi the sire Stet the Hud Ti part - <HMI arni wen el mat 1 he the a1 vlthe Were mut bon wer the ther mat from