HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-03-30, Page 5ev7e, "re reevere
strzaizztizei*masqv .TO
The •choice is varita ai4 immense ill the leery new-
est seng.lightweight fabrics1 heantifuterispfuve 'wools and
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Fashionable Grey Suiting
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weave.. Werentilk taffeta Eitilleger hiffon/3
elOthes &SVenomtetimpte Viut TWeefleePer 40, ill), 1$,
Ti gQvett coop
$hort, 1tt-14b11446,1coolie bocigo.. *lot strewed *
handsouie. fiteW said very SeSelelt sit•.**••+.4,.
id Oloves
D,Irect, tion 41f)414o14vett hula ieo.ng.et4TOWP30t4tut,Ereyi,
out% blaelee e4oinehistoaely*O4,eteVe:leec1eteeteee. OSeg, $le 045
vmok orggusii ise pattered Red •effeetse'ethich 'eta penneatieeele Ate
genaleitelyeletinitifee 449(titctieust, vori? neat and .lV4e1esate1„,,.
t• • IOC* .+1 94F
o cti.c
'Tug WAR OP J�
Another Rettlinkliant:Sleatch "by an
Old .Vetelleen-
Ethrolt,-44. reading, the de,
cola in Two Sztalt of the trolthIeifoole
times, in Goildrich in I880, eteleten by
J. J. -Weights, (and a better authority
I think caonot be found In Bfalerlob),
it brought say MIMI back to ceetain
things(• that happened, which Ikti,
'Wright dkrue touch upon. Not. be-
longing to any of theNolunteer Goole
nettles, I was enrolled in the Rome
teizer4a, a verY*Osponeible office when
we have a home to 'defend. Of coUnie
we did that .and went to the front
abet bet there are a few things
would. like to flay without touching on
Mr. letelght's account Of what oc-
curred. Mr.ViTright atteaks of the Hand
Guardhouse (by.the bye the Govern-
ment might get the sante house again,
for 1 tom it iriemptY), and he spealis
also of the sentries around the Point
OL. Beale, which is correct. I remem-
ber being wItb, the furthest out post
about daybreak, and a ground -hog
startkul along the bank near to where
the StxMnser Hotel is now, and we
started after him. I didn't shoot the
ground hog, but, the !sentry did, but of
course it did not alarm the garrison.
This 1 think was the only victim
during the war, at this place.
Being a Setae Guard, perhapeed
privileges otheraintcLuot.-Joyais seem
mg on the ramparts and save General
Shertnan's vessel sail into the harbor.
The harbor was different to what it is
now. 1 thought then, and think still.
that the General, or whoever was in
command, dared our men to see
what they Were made of or what they
would do, afid 1 thought then and I
think atilt that our men should have
put a shot across her bowa, and even
into her, unless she showed her flag,
for it is plainly stated in Mr. Wright's
account of the trouble tbat those on
beer(' of the resole' saw the excitement
of the people before they MIMI neer,
and yet they ran under oar guns till
near the entrance to the harbor with-
out a flag, then they ran up the Stars
and Stripes. Had they put up their
flag sooner they would have saved tbe
excitement that Mr. Wright speaks
about. -
I must say, sOmething about the
Hayfield Road scare. The word came
that, 1 think, serenisuspicious vessels
had left Port littron or some place,and
that they were bound for Some place,
supposed to be Goderich. So, knowing
the place that they could land easily,
namely, On the Brown farm, at that
tinter of doorse Mostly bush, myself
and a -neighborietartedi in the night
down to the pin.ce and elevated those
living on tbe bank of the lake, and
then those when: we alarmed started
for the Hayfield Road and alarmed the
settlers there. Our troops tramped
the Hayfield Road, and horsemen were
put on as far as Hayfield to give the
alarm If necessary. The excitement
was high, fox report said that one man
put a quantity of pancakes in a hollow
leg. I suppoae he intended to keep
them company, for it was not bard to
find a good hollow log in those good
days. Another party had got a new
stove, and they dug a hole and buried
it to save it, I suppose, from getting
broken. Another party started out to
fight the enemy with a pitchfork. I
can name tbese people, but it is not
necessary. I might say that all this
looks like fun and a good many might
take it est such, but for about six
week ,s when everything was at a
standstill and the pedpie in such ex-
citement, the fun was not apparent,
Pleasant as syrup, nothing equals it
as a worm medicine; the name fs
Motherettraves' Worm Exterminator.
The greatest worm' destroyer of the
age. •
Melnik's, Retie & Deichert have sold
their farm inVitanley towIptehip,known
as the Mayo farm, to R. J. Talbot for
$1000.00. , The farm contains about 80
ins wires LUNGS
But tireif Consumptive- Preven
tative brought Health eild Hopi.
—nessto his ,11001t
"Our doctor said theft was no cure for
3137 wifrieer Keleher 'lenge were effected,"
says Me. 1. th Vatter, of Pearl Street,
13 Get, "et wee a gad dimes.
Irattleattn ut befit, just seeding Out in
rk tear **reed short tiae• nut bermes
filleted finished the first bottled Payettine
therein ill her Sop tole* went away,
tint after hither NI* &Ante Mr.. Vitelter
Weise*. new treadtiee ad perfectly Well
ThatIlittat One a the many families
mb which Pitychlne'bha brostgbe hope,
heeds seed treppinetes it It k livingpreta
that Vela:hie cure* iticaletlitptiota Bet
tien't wait fift" Voestaiip (ion. Cinse lease ,
/*Grier* year Cotigh. your iTtooehiosi.
Vier et your Prieiteniate with the
'remedy time never faits
Per Si
ARO ” OlitAtiTIES.0
Weeterit lineintnut Man Much ituo
protaied W Ltb IsieW - Atlantic
Lidera, <
Montreal ilatilr Herald, Any* 7th, Iwo.
According to Mr. Alfred Alleyne
jonesepeesident of the .A.lberte. Agate-
eieff. TAO., the new teanaditin Patine
Railway A.tlentie steamships, the EM-
prese of, *Rain and tbe Empress ,of
Irelette; are two Of the Very -finest
Oblige .400, Mr,. longs who bee
spent thelaat two MMItlite in Europe,
•passed tbrongit Montreal en route
eat Xilat nights having apeived from
Liverpoolat Ralifax, on the 8rd inst.,
by the steetnaship „Tunisian, after a
sonieWbat reitigh"paseag. 0.
"SeLoref Said Mr. Jones to
The sdevalu, last night, "I too the
opportunity of tatting to Glasgow and
having a _good inspection of the Eso-
Presage. 'Bath are well on the way to
completion, although the Empress of
13ritain is much more advanced than
the Empress of Ireland, as she is ex-
pected to sail for Quebec:ion or about
May the first,
"katiafield Company, in charge of the
works, have the Britain 'in the waters
of the Clyde, and while they are one
of the biggest of the shipbuilding firms
in old Scotland, and have turned teut
many noted vessels, the two O. Fe II.
boats are steamships of which they
may be extremely proud. They •are
beauties. The Britain rides the wat-
er like a duck, and, in its interior'
finish, can compare with anything
afloat, or that. Galls from any port on
this side of the Atlantle.
"She has three series of staterooms,
and the third class accommodations
are equal to almost any of the second
class in the best ocean boats....in-fact,
in respect to the baths. closets, etc.,
elle is in a class by herself. This
struck me as being the feature of the
"Carrying 1,700 passengers, she is 569
feet long, 05 feet 0 inches Wide and
/0 feet from keel to boat deck. Stand
on St. James street and look at any
of the high,buildinga—that will give
you an idea of her height., 1,500 men
are busy at work, and will have her
ready by May, easily. The Ireland
sails in June."
Another feature that appealed to Mr.
Jones was the heating arrangements,
unique in these boats. Six, Thermo
heaters pump hot air into the roores—
just push a button and the room is
flooded with hot, dry air, a desider-
atum on a damp ocean voyage. All
the crews are ahnt off from the
Passengers Wan iron bulkhead.
The Tonic of Health
Must be more than a stimulant—
must be a food as well. There is one
medicine that is both a food and a
tonic—it aids digestion, promotes as-
eimilation, converts food into nutri-
ment that builds up nervea, blood,
brain and bone. That tonic is Perro-
zone. which contains exactly what a
run-down system needs. Peerozone
supplies oxygen to purify tke blood,
phosphorus to deyelop the brain, iron
to harden the muscles. Na wonder it
makes such vigorous men and women.
You'll eat. sleep, think and feel better
by Using Perrozone ; try it—now; hOc.
buys a box of fifty chocolate.coated
Perrozone tablets, at all dealers.
South Huron Temperance conven-
A largely attended conferencd of
representative temperance workers of
South Hittite met in Hensall on Mon-
day, 10th inst. Rev. Dr. Medd Was
appointed chairman, and Rev. J. A.
Yager, of Zurich, secretary. Mr. A.
T. teeoper, representative of the Do-
minion Alliance, was in attendance.
After some deliberation it was decided
to organize an Anti-13ar-reotin League
for the South Riding of Huron. Of-
ficera elected were, president, Rev. W.
Martin'Exeter; vice-president, Miss
Jennie Murray, of Itensall ; secretary,
E. P. Paulin, Dashwood: treasurer,
Mr. O'Brien, Chiselhurst. A vice-
president was also eledted from every
municipality, who shall be responsible
for the organizing of his municipality
with a 'view tO a Icieal option campaign.
The conference put . itself on ereeord
stroll:11# dieepproving of the present
(tuatara of the Mere of License Com-
misalierient of South eltiron, of holding
their rneetinge in hotels. A suitable
reeolution was primed usianintouely re -
leading tide matterand a copy will be
sent to all Duties Concerned. Other'
reatfitatintet referring to to local optioti?
MONeught's Anti -Trotting bill, etc.,
were Wee passed, and copies will be
Nene be the Menden' Of the Legislature
for this 'tiding, <Through both sessions
of the conference a keen, lively inter.
est Was iflMllkst. ,The township of
Stephen hits 111813'll6gOsed hotels and
the township of Uaborne only< one.
The temperance people of Stephen
will move upon license reduction right
PkIttlONet. AND Gitaraltm..—Mr. and
Mrs. George Swains celebrated their
china *Siding on March 12th. About
Invited guests sat doWtt to an dab.
orate supper, After. 'twiddle a pleasant
Won* was 'meets They' receiteal it
nice variety of metal thing se tosceus
of the restpeet atel geed will of their
friend8.-eNrs.13essttlif Webster return.
tel bailie lea Week front ft Visit to her
parents In goderinli
lantana M',s Annie 'tomer returned
to their home at Mills Green last leti-
doty, baring Vent ii week ?Hsiang
Mende ab Luchnow And vi ty,&4tes.
GeOrgeetirtkere of Endeetteed, %Pent
Etindey With her Otani ,4 Mr. and
Mrs. 3.Iliton4,4-Misslioseflaket. *be
Me beta smaltig.a feet Week!' With
heel grendinWeritet rebelled bah%
With nee mother on IdondaY.Miee
Mlle Oman** entertained ,Es. number
f hezLaneseille frletnieet her invite
ilesday eVening,-,,Peter entikhed
very etteetesittal Woo& he hest Wd-
day The seelghbeting
*to invited in for tilt
gieekkat Ulm k es.
Kew 440
-Catarrh ihtlikl
Ordinary catarrh
=Won of the
*Pelting' *10 Oft
to and flUllt the 1
the st▪ dolnukact"8"Ikt
talon sp _readato
lloae. Belebing
4thiiiatt ivoueraeln irototiroi
Al/d Pine theta
1.1 COastipation an
_The only vs
viktarth is,to co
stomach soothed
60,-140 tile:li
ened so it will giv
bfle tregulaurrveek;rythed
liuron's Largest and Leach°
Newspaper, and WA Advertising Medium—Sworn Circulation
VOL 47"8'44Q, 2405.
1411TC/11311 & TODD, Owners.
BY the Chinese Industrial Mission.
• sne ra Li'
'grill °Ways cure
the throat aucl,
the* inarvelions
cure indigestion
stomach—and e
iMpUtitien from
its Stimulating
ating action on
kidneys and sldn
Leave sprays,
powders s
Take "trult441v
-,-be careful of
catarrh will soon
the past.
One soc. ‘box
tives " will prov
ively these ta
catarrh—and evil
unmet good that
Iv continue the t
tne. a box or ft
' prepaid on receipt of p
gist shetrid not have th
Wzonixq APINIvE
day evening week,the
of their wedding, a
the friends of Mr. an
son took the house
brought with them
kinds and descriptio
of their 'high esteem.
some present was al
Mr. Calloway, of Mi
known railway man,
of Mr. Jackson. A
came from a distance
W. T. Dockrill, of t
onto, and A. J. Taylo
Milwaukee & St. P
the company had Sp
able evening, they le
hour, after wishing
Jackson all nia.nner
the future.
An American
Some doctors go s
that indigestion is
ease of America. T
national remedy for
that remedy is Dr.
which accelerate the
gastric glands and giv
gestive organs. The
kidneys and liver, die
the blood and thus
to every organ of t
and strength are fast
patient can eat and di
pleases. Try °Dr.
yourself -25c. per box
$1, at all dealers.
St. Hele
to many to celebrut
wedding, but this fo
to M. and Mrs. Hu
St. Helens, who wit
quaintances eelebrat
versary of their tnar
denee of Mr. Thom
Helens. A 'abort pr
aided, then followed
Mr. Craw, and the
singing " Auld. Lan
&este wee react b
who was chairma
Anderson were pee
ly Mollie chair an
dozen large photos
being in a large
were Made by Me
Clark, Murray and
Scotch songs were
hands. These wh t ewe songs
were Mr. MeGregoe, IteV. Mr, Craw,
Mr. Make and Miss Ella Taylor. A
dainty lunch was served. The pro-
gramme Closed by singing God Save
the Xing.
Tlie following observations regard-
ing the work of the Industrie'
Elvangelistio lefleston of Northern' In-
dia.; are from the pen of one who vi-
sited the headquarters:
I have been spending nearly three
weeks at this mission and am very
much impressed with the work which
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson and their help-
ers me doing. Particularly I will refer
to what I actually saw at this, the
headquarters of the tvork. Its bran -
thee at Debra ttrid Landeur I will not
so much iefer Lo, important as they
11(0 10 both places, Here at Pilibhit
there are seventy-five boys and twelve
families. The boys became orphans
in the terrible famines of '97 and 1900.
The special difficulties of such orphan-
ages are that it is hard to profitably
1111 tip the time of these waifs and
strays. The problem is solved here
along industrial lines, and it is solyed
well. The order observed In the Mis-
sion is first the spiritual, secondly the
industrial, thirdly the educational.
Spiritual efforts on behalf of these
needy lads are constant and intelli-
gent. Bible classes are held for them
every day at 6.331 in the morning,
even when it is bitterly cold, as It is
here in winter. They are gathered to-
gether iu the open verandah and in a
tent (no church 34et having been built)
and diligently instructed by Mr. and
Mrs. Lawson and their helpers, for• -an
hour. Other meetings of it similar
are held and the work han
is-sauolcybeen crowned with considera-
iA gracious visitation of the Spirit
of God,„ cheering greatly the workers,
e8.111e to their aid in August and Sep-
tember last, when a number of the
boys openly confessed the sins of the
past, and made teatitution to those
they had robbed; and the majority
1)1 these lads have persevered, cleaving
to Christ with purpose of heart.
Turning now to the inditstriol as-
pects of the Mission, 11 foutill these
Were varied, a good deal of work going
on in the grotirids, which «tee 23 11,Cre8
in extent. Carpentry occupies the at-
tentimiof some of the boys, who evi.
dently itre a credit to their inst ructor.
file vast forests of the neighbor-
hood insure that wood should ht.
.•11.stp and plentiful. There is it small
printing machine, from which excel-
lent work is turned out. A new cylin-
der press to do four times the work
a the present one has been purchased,
so hin department 18 rapidly entarg•
illy. Brick -making 18 also eat vied. on.
I also saw the boys doing some artistic
needlework,and they did it well. They
make their own clothes, no tailor be-
ing employed.
A simple education is given to the
They are taught It1)111an-Uts10,
Hindi. and how to read and write.
The Hindus and Mohammedans of the
eiry are most friendly. They recog-
nize the good being done by the Mis-
sion, If they cannot understand the
111101111S part of it they can easily
comprehend the industrial, for indeed
India has need for siieh a Mission. 11)
England "Back to the Land" is a good
1113,0. In India he would he doing
real service who could attritet into in.
dui -trial enterprises not a few of the
agriculturists, whose present number
is nine -tenths of the total population,
The ancient industries of the land
have been carried on century after
eisitury by methods which «limply
have repeated themselves without any
The artificers have been the porn, -
sites of the past, instead ot trying to
lie the pioneers of the flit tire. This
Mission aims at, tnodern methods of
produetion, itnd ultimately inay give
/1.31 object lesson to many. Very much,
too. does the Indian Christian com-
munity need Industrial Missions. At
present the converts of missions, cast
out by their own people, are looking
far too much to the missions them-
selves for support, and the CT'V 18 "Pllt
Ille into one of the priest's offiees. that
I may eat a piece of breitil." Much a
situation easily multiplies mere hire-
lings. The latter are likely to diminish
its industrial Misisiona increase.
It is gratifying to know that the
Lieut. -Governor of the United PrOr
V iFICeR, Sir James Digges dela Touche,
granted to the founders of the Mission
this estate on very favorable terms.
Amongst the present pressing needs
of the Silesian may be mentioned it
place of worship, vvhich coule also be
used for school purposes., n raw and
planing mill and a new dwelling bowie
for ladY workers. In view of these
and other inunediettrsteede,- 1 appeal
to the friends of the Mission, which I
e.ut convinced by ectual observation is
carried on by methods which unite
genuine spirituality and businesseike
common sense, to enable it by their
timely gifts to enlarge its usefulness.
J.P.T.HALLOWES, M.A. (Cambridge)
Pasta, the Union Church, Mus-
• snort°, U. P.
A 'tette% frees a missionary in the
lower United Provinces says:
" The conditions, especially on the
other side of the Betwa River, are ter-
rible. So ineny of the people (lame
and said to me that they were dying
of starvation, and I could see it was
true without being told. The poor
cattle are so thin, and the dogs are
Mouths ago large bands of people
with their cattle began to migrate.
They were able early to note signs of
famine. Early in December 1 made a
trip to the Hagar region where famine
nearly always exists, but found the
poorer classes had fled the place. No
deaths were then oecurring, but the
distress was great.
A year ago, the frosts, the heaviest
In 40 years, did groat damage. Then
the summer rams failed, and conse-
quently the summer crops. The win-
ter sowings were made with difficulty.
The showers that ought to have come
at Christmas failed, and the result is
that the crops that ought to be reaped
in March are withering. This moans
no crops till next summer's rains shall
have come, and the summer crops
shall have been sown and in Oetober
reaped. So months of suffering are
ahead, even If next summer's crops
should be it success, but we am not
sure of that. The provinces to suffer
most are hlajpittatia and the United
Provinces. The latter is 003 0300 pro-
The money sent us by a few friends
foe famine work has been used to get
ready the girls' barracks. Without.
this we could take in no girls nor %yid
ows. We have been thankful that the
distress thus far has not inade it nee-
cesary before to gather in the ehildren.
We had 310 111i0e ready and could not,
have rescued the girls. How glad we
should be if even yet the famine could
be stayed, hut now we know that it is
impossible, so we cry to our friends to
imite with us in prayer l( 31)1 in efforts
for the suffering ones. What is done,
should he done quiekly. Money may
be sent to the following secretaries
and treasurers 14 the Industrial Evan-
gelistic Mission : Mrs. 11. 8. Dyer,
Aldington, Ilythei, Kent, England ;
Mr. H. F. Kletzing, 151 Washington
St., Chicago, III„ E. S.; Alis Mary
Middleton. 711 Hayter St., Toronto,
Canada, or direct to the wt her.
.1. C. LAwstes,
Sept, I, E. Mission, U. P.,
Gospel Temperance.
The Gospel Temperance meeting
last Sunday afternoon was decidedly
in and two excellent address-
es were delivered. Itev. W. I). Magee,
of Clinton, was the first speaker, and
in the course of his remarks declared
that the liquor traffic is one of the
greatest, if not quite the gieittest, hin-
drances to the) spread of the gospel ;
that the gospel must be set against
the traffic to counteract its evil in-
thience, and to mould public opinion
it) favor of prohibition, and contended
that the linol victory will be achieved
by the force of this public ()pinion
embodied and expressed in the form
of authoritative public law, and thine
embodied and expressed its fast and as
far as it is formed.
Itev..Tasper Wilson, of Leamington,
the next speaker, said the liquor
traffic was in a much different posi-
tion to day from what it WAS 8, few
years ago. Then it c.arried on its de-
vastating work almost unmolested.
But the aggressiveness of the tem- l
peranee people in the past had put the '
traffic so unteli on the defensive, and
hreatened to such an extent the very
oundationit of its existence, that it
hoe resorted to unscrupulous ineons
O order to prevent its complete des-
truction ; and it is now endeavoring
1) make its blighting influenee felt In
.he legislatures of the hind. It is well
nown, continued the speaker, that
vlienever an effort hes been rnade to
enact legislation with it view to mo-
aning the destructive influence of this
vil the traffic wasrepregented In the
()Wiles of the parliament buildings,
and wherever there is lobbying there
Is money,
The tneetinf ust\st Sunday will be
addressed by tee. 1.L. E. M. ehorapson
of Merlin. Temperance meetInge will
oleo be held in the Temperance Hall
next Monday and Tuesday evenings
and will be addressed by Rev. Mr.
Thompson and others.
County Population.
County Clerk Lames return of the
population of the county, sent to the
Education Department for 111011,was as
follows, and for the sakeof comparison,
we publish that sent the previoua year.
It will be noticed that the loss of pop-
ulation Is, In the townships, MO, and
tho gains in the townti and villages
220, making the net loss froui last re
turns 470. The following ere the re.
turns :
Municipality. 11111343 1005
Ashiltild-----------20411 2911
Colborne tem 10711
Otniorioh Township..2391i lain
OrOY 20111 SOU
Howlek 3698 31171
Hulled .. .,.. 2E11 2721
111(alllo..... ... 2388 ago
alOrriti --------------22151 . 2304
Stanley .. .. • •• • 1043 21133
Stephan ... .... . 3755 3918
---------1072T1o,(131.111i01 2170
Tnrsherry .... .
nes Inn 12
Lisburne . . -.2(211 2)51
Ifs Wawattosh • (7,56 1710
VV. WaWl11101511 . 189) 2012
hayfield 5111 8111
Blyth . ORS 8,10 113
Brussels 1154 1224
Clinton ..... ,•2097 WO
Exeter.. ... _16'5 1417
Godetioli . . 4295 4040
Benson . 1/03 71/8
ticlIfortli 21.111 2177
Matthaei . n.11(1 2213
Wroxetez Ill 481 _2(/
511181. 50851 780 Mu)
Not decrease • .., ... ....... . „ 4711
t to
Legal Notes.
Sturgeon vs. Port Burwell Fish
Company :, -The questions 11,118were1!
by the jury were considered by Judge
;Magee at Osgoode Ilan on Saturday,
the 24th instant, wheii, after hearing
argument by the same eternise' who
were engaged on the trial, he held
that the answeis given by the jury
were not i•ufficient to entitle the plain-
tiff to a judgment, and lo, there-
fore, disrli•is ed the action with mists.
l'roceedings stayed thirty dityti.
are informed that the plaintiff intends
to forthwith appeal to a Divisional
Manson vs. Lands1 !rough : This
Willi 000 of the casets lef ?tver from the
Ooderieli Assizes and was tried before
Judge 51 agee at, Osgessle Ilall on 8,31111. -
day, the 21t1,. The 1(e13011 33118 brought
by the Plaintiff, it widow residing in
the township of 1 tirkersiiiith, to re.
cover the sum of otte thousand dollars
for money lent, as she alleged, to the
defendant. Th.. dei,.adatle did not
deny that he got he money, lint he
claimed that it woe a gift front ho
plaintiff to hOr «laughter, the defend-
ant's wife. Tito plaintiff denied 1 his.
The Judge held that the (18)1)9 (11 ploy.
ing that it wits a gift rested bei
femiant and that. he failed to 111) NO:
Judgment was granted plaintiff for
$1030.07. l'isteeedingie stayed thirty
(lays. W. Proudfoot, K. C. and IL .1
1). Cooke 1 liens/ell) for plaintiff. M.
0, Cameron, K.C., 3(11(1 .1. Killorati for
PIC11805 A L. ---Ne181)11 Stonlitte, who
spenb the winter months 111 Colling•
wood, Ontario, has retin lied home,
William Carrick, jr„ has 1/14M been en-
gaged to work with Charles Alsworth,
of Hay, for the summer. James Stet-
isiv left on Monday 60(11 ing for Motile
Creek, Sank. Hobert Sitmlere, of Exii
ter, entertained a number of his
fiVielillittligi.tt the home of Silos Stated:Lk...
with his gramophone oMd
n onay
• '
St. Helens.
ith 3)1)3 1. Ntrrics, A number of
young men f Mtn arirana here aro going
We.11 1118 spring. Th. . blrIllerfi around
here took ad VIM tage of the good sleigh
ing on Saturday, and a large quantity
of logs Were delivered here.
Piestsessm..- S. Philips attended 1),t'
funeral of his uncle, Mr. Shackleton of
Cr ewe, 1)11 -late rda . W. .1. and 14
1.5111, c. rs. 1'11111011 811e111
pleasant evening at A. Purilen's last
week. Mrs. W..I Kirshner/spent a few
days last week with her parents, M r.
and Mrs. Buckley. of Kingstividge.
J. Buckley took in the emwert at St.
A ugustine 1,11,1 Monday evening, and
reports a good time, Mrs. Taylor, of
the 101h, is improving slowly,. Mr, 1
and Mrs. Errington, of Glen R 11111,
spent Sunday at XVilliain Bray's
West Wawanosh. Mr. and Mist. 'r. I
Purden spent last Sunday at Stetter
GENERA L Nomus.--We had an am-
using sight oit Monday last wheu some
four or five tesets passed. t Itrotigh hero
drawing the old forge which stood on
the farm of Henry Sweet, on the
Maitland eoneesslon. By the time
they get It to Goderielt, its deaf luation,
they will have earned ita worth. -
Miss Waste Crooks 1158 gone to Clinfon
to commence the millinery bueiness
with Hodgens Bros. The choir of the
Methodist church are Invited out tor
Friday evening to spend the evening,
and we hope they will have a pleasant
There died In Saltford 1111 Tuesday,
the 1,1001 hist., Barbara Wells, widow
of the late J.isepli Frit zley, aged Sa
years and 11 mouths. 'Fbe deccitsed
Itidt, 'who died from old ago, was 9.
Canadian, having been born in illittik•
ham, Ont. Her death (teeprred
the residents., of her tan Itichard,
Sidtford, from whenee the (intend
(11.0reieliteSiiiiitefteti;:iti();');111.mitnimpi(st‘t'slereirieta7Yof (It)
large number of rel)ltives, friends mid
acquaint/Lewes. ('hute), servive at the
111/1180 and al he grave 1511.8 ronclucted
hy Rev, Mark Turnbull, rector of 741.
George's, anti the pall lestrers were
her six grandsons : B. NV.. James, Jo-
t.teph, NV. C„ 31 S. and V1•'illiert. The
ht' Mrs. itzley, who 11/111 110011 11111111
for 'tinny years, 50I14 111111 of the old-
est resideirits Itt the village, and, be-
ing nitwit esteemed by all 50110 knew
her, NV111 he deeply regtstt fed and
11111111 1111,1Sel3. 11(11' 141/11 Charlea, of
Nlotint Forest, 30118 present at the
1'17104115 11.. ..1/1,11108 Nixon, of Sett.
foi t13 33114 11111' 11,1,, week,
NIr. Fallin, of the NVest. is visiting his
p.trents twee. Rev. 'Mt, Small hits "e-
1 ornoti home roan Arthur, where he
ware visiting Albert 1•Cliox left last
Monday for Ottawa, to Nee his 1uso-
1 her, ttiol from iherei he goeee west.
Ile, bey( Knox is 4.83)(')J ('(3 home soon.
'Mrs. Joseph Iswson hat. Rita iitinod
from visit ing at Coderich. N. N1cLitr-
v wits in the village on Sunday.-- Mx.
Ilenthiream, from near Kiniturn, visit-
ed his annt, Mrs. Taman. Mr. N.
and Minn 11:3 it Ennis under
the parental roof. :14r. arid Mrs. Wal-
lace are visiting friends before going
10 the \5e.11.
Is 11 1., There Wi18 11 111111Ce
/1.1 111.111111d Th1n,,t3lAely night, some
from this noighlairhooll at fended the
funeral of the late Alex. Kirkpatrick,
of consul)... A few from hers took
in the side of Henry 55)11 I,(1'4', of Seitii•
inethill, on Thursday. 511. Knox has
a leicnesn.maker employed from Strat•
ford. A iiiiiiihei 3111111 the village at-
tended the wedding a Misq
1 111ii,,113.1,1, whi,
kli(i5'II ht.) 4,, t1,14 11401 1,, be her
home. and the 1114111y ,ktilmrt) friends
will j•iiti in wishing her 3 happy wed-
ded life The river here Itrolo• tip
Ago in (di Ttiostlay morning.
sick. Dr. Case-liCsrlinnw.aPlendance.—MISS.
PERSONAL.- termer,. b very
N. Curran to visiting in Dungannon.—
effille Haines was vieiting lee brother
Jim last week.--Mre.Nat-Pierce is Well
agaio, after being sick with hi grippe.
Derr. -On Thursday evening, at 10'
o'clock, Mr. Shackleton paseed away
after an Illness of short duintion, The
funeral service was conducted In the
church on Saturday, at 2p. in.. thence
to Dungannon for burial. Ills wife
and foate 90338 81.13V 1 ve biln- -Thutunk
and William, of Crowe; Albert, of Ed-
monton, Alberta. and Jonathan, of
Thessalon. The bereaved fatuity have
the sympethy of the people of the
PRESENTAT1()N. - ()n Thursday 3
Herniae` of the Crewe congregation
met at Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson'a
to present to them tokens of esteem
as an appreciation of their work
in the church and among the people.
(The address will be found in our Dun-
gannon noWitt En./ Rev. Mr. and Mrs.
Robinson made a brief reply, express-
ing their deep tippreciatIon of the
kindness of the Crewe congregation,
and appreciated what they had re-
eeived equally much OA 010 the Crewe
people their servicee, these little
things helping to hind pastor and
people in (+go)r friendship, and ex
teeded an invitation to the absent
011108, W11011.1 the stormy evening pre-
vented from being present, to come to
their home In numbers and «pend
„hot her kwening,or to visit them when
1'01111011 11101 on :Morph 10; all Proaont. Min.
111e8 of Pehruat y amounted on motion uf
anti (itt ley. 'I lie elerk WWI 11') 00.14)1 to look
till the kW 1.1) 1 oitrt !louse rent I also gravid
account for Mr. Pillow, and 10 HMO 4[1113?11110M
of boundary amount to viorit of heron toWir
zlito 'Vlie bylaw appointing the following
and pournikeeperii
l{: :
Pattiinitatorz J. Oordon, J, tionriett.Jr.J.
'nowt. T 1Itilliert, 1'1, Carey, W. Jortnigini, ,
Mr 11'1111.10y, (I. Ittaleritro. II. Hyatt, W. Mr•
(31)10(1, T. McIntyre, J. li.entiody, A. 1)5.1101', J.
A. Johnston, T, Johnaton, J. M. 33'1111,4, T.
sharkleton, Donlon, W. Richardson, W. D.
Mid AU, 31. Draper, .1, Crawford, J. Q11i1141, 53' Hi
ilawkirm T. ()mo), VV Mt,
tsitiell, rhos Dixon, „I 33 llos, led Flynn, Niro.
..1. Foley, J. 11. Dalton, ft,
standIsh, It. MelVlitittivf, J. It Maizo, T.
grain. It. llasy. J. Petrie, 11 DurnIn H. Wynn,
I( Davidson, J. L1o111-1 Park. J. Walkoin, T.
SI111111,1:N. 1. 1.11%11411111, .1. *Ceotir. 1.1. Twatislo) ,
criattor, It Joluision, if. P•inehote, w.
.3 Pierre, J. Dineen, II. NIeWliteney, T Me-
( T ()Connor, M. O'Connor, J. E. :lid
11(1111, N1.1111V111), 11101(nM
y, J. eKay,
MeLeati. J. McDonald, .1 Drennan, T. Oren
non, J. :Murphy, J
Latition, 13. II P, Moran, I) Alton, 5
,1,111111.1.r11. W. J. Doll. J. Shriller', 1, Cook, J.
Mien, W. Howl., A. Hackett, ft. N(xon, 33.11,
()ardour, N1. hl, Minim, D. Mullin, J 14(11,,. 33'
littehly, J. Began, P. Regan. J. Bowler, 0.
Kirke, D, Taylor, jr., J. riminritt, jr., .1. J,
howler. J. Cowan, J. griffin;id. O'Connor. IL
Drennan , , IC NIeLioinan. bleintyro. W.
Joiliwton. T, Johnotopt, D thorburn, 11'. .1,,3),),rtiin, J. . Thorburn. J. Dlue, .1 Bradley, D.
NIcKetone, R. Ilanditon, J. IC htelnielibt.
13. Itoxlinia, J. letriltiyi.oti, J. 1)),) '.on J
gay, I. Sandy, Dilutor°, A. McLean. .1.
K. Olitnore, McKenzie. P. cool:,
•r. 1Volooer, J. D. Gardner, le. A nd,roiiii. J,
need, .1. P. Andrew, Lorne 11,0bat or, M. Ilea
too, 1) Agnew, A. Melialritlid, 11, Doyle, J
Bork well, P'. M(11.1/1111/111. Me1/0181111, .1
110.1, I'. 010.011z,
Fenny Web•iter,
PEIts1r5 I. 511 (; KNI,:lt k 1. .101111 Nie1)01111401, A. NIchentino.. I; J
left lost %to(l( for Fort. 5511 1)115-1)11• ll• 1114. IL A. ( roil:: -I teem.. 33' .1."
1111,, \cher.. he will ongitgo in lite 1".1`„I,1,y11,1,?,;.;: (,,'„8,„"eloiri:)'.'". J"' M"11""Kki
dritying liusinens. NN Scott, of
lots gone to Beffalo, N. I).
Elder Gregory, ef St, 'Aleirvie, hits
linen holding roligions 111)11 111398 here.
Role.' I Athol, hits lawn got ling poor
health for soon' tintn. 11 10, Smith,
who Il.olo S1W1'1',1 40_1 ti.t.k of lit gritine,
rec..) '(11139 5511113 11ii811, sort of Mrs.
111144, 1 If tho NV in,411 op hoe, i4 in 11
orit hod oonilit frinn ilToot s n
kirk .1, .1. [twits. is get
ting the insteri,i1 in rood i new+ for
1)1 111)111139 lions° MI 1131' 1 11'W farm
which purelt,o,rui '40(1)3' tIiIIi ago
iss Jennie scoff, of liakoto, has re -
tortoni to state, after mirenifing
t wint et al 33,,' linin+ lIf lier parents
III or 110 1.11 al 1 1'11/1 Separittorx too
!IMO+ 11 11 111 1111. 1'4111/1111,11 ..old to (Into '1' u.
1 be iiiretew rot A.litteld. West 11'1,
Vl 11 1111.11 ( "11011110 /1 1111 1./1 m111,111Y 31/11.
(1 KNI.:It I., The WeI1.1 her keeps celd
yet, and there is considerable ice 1131
t he lake. 55',.,. !hi lev's side on
I ties(lit y W11.8 /I 1 1 1'111101' and very
good in ioes were ohlaineil,
l'EttsoN r.. 55111 Carey, has gone
to Nlitnittifia to 11 8' his fu-I,u. 11 that
Weide)0 count y. 54(49 1,1111 it, Gen
nel I has rot tolled fi ern I 11 11'1441 1. "Ji'I'4
1.111 11 I 111.d1 holm •.pottiling lI, %Onto, with
her tiro hers Mr. tool 5I,s John
couple of days in Myth
with rela I i y beet week. M hes Al ice
Hawkins, of Port Albert, Is the guest 1
of her siter, Sirs, 35111 1.roolitan, at
nrosont (1 1 1, Green. or Coderich,
IVAN a Sheppard t oti visitor iasi week.
it,.,,, John Melioniigh.
5 1'earaiin..1 Jaitilozott. 11'. .1. Mountain 11
N1,1101111111. 114 111, e,111. 9; 1%. He041.
Moved by McKenzie and Styli.. that 110 tie
110+ 1,0 1.111(1.11 ro 11111111 of 11 Done for
log1 ditch on Illubt of 3.52 )40 until [11411.11
1.1 1411,11011 14 111'1111 111104 by claimant. Carried.
l'hirclin az renown worn Innued IV ['road.
foot, legal expo/new 11/01i, Including riot venom
outlay, 5,1,14*); It. Melillo, roil, cohort., ean.a, e'y'
10, Si. T. Sandy, eenieiii. 11Io4, 51 50:J. Jobe. '/
.4110 root of private road, 14, A. MoDotuilld,/,;'
rop 11111. 0, 14, el. 11 3I,) 0150. rop, 03114 r4
S. 10. Ferr1.11, snow ronge.
3). 52, 1Vallitve, 11111,itt 9.11.,
.tii,.) 'oust as, rep. 2 1.1111 ort..00tt...14.142
1 .Sr1. Alboi, quarter pextetiet, d
I Iry 513 o-I,i 371:11 Z1('.1%I
'/1111 t
O31oei ti..104I, 1011 11004.1
5.13 Pr W. .1 l'reirai en, 'ending' In, Couto,
j 7^ic, A bylaw altering thc stilliK*40 labor
, zcalo will he Il,lUll at pelt mooting...April ii
0, Amex,
Canadian Registration Inettifficlent.
New York. %trek 2.4.—The Bee Hi
of he I 'ill ed States General 1 0 4•1
1444.1,4 ovorrtilinl yesterday a chit to 1,11.1
by 1 S of Now ort ..
regrading ihe admittance of 'ra,,,ii, in
11 `.1, into the United Statql. 1 1 55)4
111111111111nm] by the imeorte t 1, le-
/it,:ii11:::.mIts...i.waenrde IncippOrted rot s .4;
fis•t, giving the pertflig";eact: ,11"" t
nods, was submitted from • 1e•3 13,
1111111 Itorse Aesociat ion ,•1 Coe 0l.1.
I t was ruled that the pet 1 11
llrates 30e1e insuffloieni
horae free of duty, lis• I
311,1) istming the eet sot
recognized by the '1' y I
tn 6111
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
13eare the
Signature of
(Crowded Mit last week)
PEIRSONAL. — Mr. Crooke attended
the Orange nteeting in the county
town It week, --Mr. George Acheson
WM! in the county town as one of the
jurymen.—Mrs W. Mulholland., is in
Aylirser Width:II her daughter, Mra.
Draper.—Dr. W. Holmes called on his
mother 'Wit Setturday.--Mr. Wilson.
°Vaulter of the O. O. le., was in tbe
vicinity fOr it few days last week, and
took in derveral nen, members.—eire.
Leach atul Miss Annie Swann spent
Sender and Monday attending the
ON church opening in Goderich, and
itetieral *there drove up for the evening
Gheleatere -.The Womenes Yost!.
tatOMet Met Thursday at Mrs. Muer
horiander„ and teveral (tapers of in-
terest were given by the ladien.--W.
M. S, held theft silver annieereary on
Tuesday last, And had a g0611 Attend-
ance,. ing a very p dreamt and
PIOfita Its time together.—Otte night
let*n choir eV the MethOdiat
eburelt t a very pleasant dine
selthld 1.111 olland and &MHZ kllti
daring he eve log they presented her
With"it vmlv 0 uteolitie set tie it token
of th for her kfildeefee td
three, nit Viltitheelf tisideMit,
it the
lee MnItielistrile-M
th, Lori, Wt htittlit
11‘;'-‘1,0.Mtd, the tit
*la friend*.
d iseaee—that's why it's so dead certain
to cure. It stops the cough, prevents
that disgusting disoharge, clears
phiegm out of the throat in five min-
utes. Very pleasant, and safe, too'
get Catarrhozone from your druggie
Winghatn Advance :—Some of the
men who have been working on the
G. T. It. have -been annoying and teas-
ing Miss Maggie McLean, and County
Constable Phippen arrested it lot of
them the other day. They begged off
and promised to "be good." so they
Were allowed to go. Some boys
around town have been guilty of the
same triek, and should take the hint
and behave themselves.
A Mem(' Pu.L.—Dyspepsia is it foe
with which men are constantly grap-
pling but cannot exterminate. laub-
tined, and to all appearances van.
quisbed in one, it makes its appear-
ance in another direction. In - many
the digestive apparatus is as delicate
119 the mechanism of a :watch OT
scientific instrument in which even a
breath of air will make it Variation.
Virith such perisotie disorders of the
stomach ensue from the most trivial
mutes and cense much suffering. To
thee° Parthelee's Vegetable Pills are
recommended as mild awl *tree
Ton Seeders telephone is No. 71,
short dr Ion: ......di.:,...._tarsi e ; ring UM up if
you have an item of news or Went
some printing done.
TIM DAUM% DV41'E1'SIA.-46 olden
times it Was A peculiar , belief that de,
Memo thieved 'Invisibly- through the
ambient Inc. -iieckitig to enter into
men and trouble them. At the -urea.
ent doy the demon, dyspepals• is at
large in the tame way, seeking itabis
tatiott In thine ..tehrt by 'careless or Mt.
*Ito living Invite him. Anil price he
enters 111)31131 it le diffieitit tO dialaiga
Ice that finds bliu,It **possess.
ci4houhl know that A vailsot frietol
to da battle no him with „ the, (moon
tot is Forme 's, Womble' Illisi
Width iirs titer rAdy for 000 teistr. ,
Spring Millinery
The styles for Ladies' Headwear
for Spring and Summer of 1906
are now ready, and we invite Ladies to call and inspect.
usual be
J. B. B HAWKINS, Goderich.
rweailslofinnadblem.any things to please you, and the prices will as
Miss Cameron,
Hamilton Street,
to get your
Electric Wiring Fixtures,
Steel Ranges,
Coal Oil,
Granite and
ell Poo
Ready for Spring . . .
Exclusively used by
Teacher of Plano and Vlolirs
"When purchasing a piano for exclusive
use in my studio my choice was a "Bat" with
the illimitable quick repeating action. I am
very nuich pleased with U, the Nk oobeauti-
ful and the most de tient* child can use
the tinuf ootthe ut
Lail' • •
• •
• ., .1
In history you may go back, but for up-to-date Furniture in all
lines we have the latest on the market.
We are ready for Spring, and if there is anythinef.you want3 thig
store can supply you from the very cheapest article to the most cegtly.
Write us for Pre* Booklet "ft" etine,
Mining photos of leridlpg
Organ Co., 'mate& 011)
The Leadine Undertakers and embalmers %Vest Stretti thkelh
lir Night and day calls will *reeve personal alai Vrotapt faeltRiNtC4
'Phone ism itetideete,4101- .tliomOes,