Huron Signal, 1849-02-09, Page 3I be
it of
I to
.hall 000 la • 0.a.1J or errs ass poewedy
~ tkg Iowa.
Mesa Jieber.etswu.
Cages td tilt Act shall bet apt 1
tarMMK Oma... 4 e. Depalees al
ogee Mogan.
FL_ Act way be ..Mid M ,.posed is
Tut REw rout TIoM LAW.
1t ire Met time m..kiad are at times ea nisch
insisted in tart paper d iaprovemrmt by the
mews bad m.sedve.tsrte 1 their
se ley or by their ester warment. iak.ow-
ledge. We sirs, to a my .eidembl• ':teat,
the wits Males of "spriest.. Or ('•envie•
• eoemessis when tMmneedi•g one nope, .ed
o r sloe 1 repairs , of 4,scevereee, ex-
plorer w legislates elms, es its legitimate
.rock a leads, all the wiriest, Mats. mageodo s,
immeeveemesse sad bleeders 1 .11 other chairs
the ems hied tat have poi bo(see it. Aad
ea leskteg seer the new Act for revitalise" the
election of rembeee 1 Partoawet, we at oremeth, bat it owes its .users, am ee tot
whirr. ata as ernes and Masers . its
sod far mesh nisi is valuable in
the sew Deers Law w. art
war sbllgu.ea• " the i.igeitie. perpetrated at
the Mm Dieu..• is the esasir.4Oared and
Worries It will be area by the Iedi•g femme*
1 to INN, se gives is seedier corms, that u
t'fepet Career the Mee Eerier. fes tie tir-he-
meg see M he es eller Referee, Aims fes
to Cities wed mese . the Regimen, are to be
R.enied iters fes thew reupsuve casettes
are that to Tswrrhip Clera for the tiro* be-
teg owls be the Poll Clerks i. thew ..• Tows.
ripe Toss r.rtwte win re-
hire s11 fats , whether Radical se
Tory, from the mirth 4 .ppmatieg Mashes or
extreme partisans u take earl. 1 thelia..,
asd ur1M lie • the peri., ageism the
tarsiers iulli.g •.d i" beiges,
of all fetter Vansimart.. Boares away whole.
eras repines far the pipe' esdeotia(.t1.
Erhsetiees, there are ,enviers etriegest .tales
to permit the metre .lrriw Owed boar
Dela, .ad the teaderio".free ries. The .his reeks. i•ig.ity is eertaialy
the gr.wridfie.1ty w tie .Melt the framers WI
Electra Laws have tlw._Y*ter, and admits
the resent &11 is issee.e.roplia*J cod ern
.ttiety derma• a the point theta ally el its me -
demean, yet we geestioe, ee eh, if the iniquity
will be entirely pteye.led. It is themes that
the difficulty 1 carrying or weekie1 mit ay
pri•eiple, whether is legislation or waterer
other department sr hews. affairs, is just pro- to to rely which that priscipk
bean to the eebo.di•g (pin .f Troth sad
Justice, or. in other wends, to the prszimity to
the hers . eaten. Is meet countries of the ci-
vilized weed the iJoe`refreschis., or rather the
law -making privilege M • sad • to the
principles of comers seer aid justice. sad
beset its malts form the ge stent civil halberts
which society endure,. Perim' over the aro-
lets trampling despotisms . the R...m.. Auto-
crat lied the Dey 1 Algiers. we may (latee at
the ►.edhary legislative powers 1 the British
Peerage asps, of the extreme eztnv5enties .
rebellion spinet nature: the peeiahment of
which may be sees is the reelta of the Lawn of
Email sed P
• , the ilkgirmate re-
sters . Church .ad Stam. the
4 to Lardraprisu.l,.0 • bent ef other abewii.
seer.... The properly yselrjfrries in oilers,
whether is Britain et is Curds, is • .(,rear.
repereesfatieh •r the same hereditary prhe-
eiple erred by the Peerage, std the evil se the
punishment 1 it is eaaikaed in the eerier dif-
ficulty std error of prevesting bribery mad
, pontos votes Now the rarer we approach
se the bred priseipk . error justice, the
, fewer ofthese difficulties wig mow. sod the es-
o ie will they be oveteee•. And certainly then
taw Crafty whkh ewes.. grenter faetlttiee
far e•"bii.bisg the Elective franchise .pee . m-
e i• which would at oser be popular, ,re, simple,
.sed sheen beyeed the reach of corruption.
There is • very otmereas, asd, we premien.,
• my ,erectable cleat. neo is Canada, who
are eligible a serve se Jaron ia their repetitive
cosmic•. Their sad integrity are
recovarld u the Met that Jaron sre "opposed to
be capable leomprebeedieg the nemesia es mad
special pleadings, and , .sed cress-
, and legal q.ibblihp of the "Lean.
ed Ceeseil,"-mad is the supportio, that they
are bertha the reach . bribery. We shall, at
Irma. take them u ■ Mir avenge specimen of he-
ws Wisp ; asd certainly nobody will affirm
that • ter who is properly4.lified to archerge
to deeply iep.restott duties . • Jam, ..d to
sit is Pageant en the life of his fellow -etas, is
ismessp.erat a vete fes a eeeber .4 Ptd ams.,.
Oar•kint 10 pw%•io" the petty yawn .
Cori, as the hoses 1 to 14eeuies Fnsclti.e,
is not merely le errs a remise . the
..R&..g.. However desirable seek ea exIee:ee
may he, demi are ..he, .eo•identie.• which
.bald Rag one esggrtiee to
the stlostiow 1 rem The Ern .f
these is the pwt.oti•. 1 .puree• delle ..d the
fasdiry with wed the mimesis( te ib. • -
is to a sissy sunk( a eheiaa, Ily .•knieg
to the Ae..wmr R.1, h Cert el to Pelee
eat tet mei Nil "Myth 4s 10 0.5 potty
Mem, elf' Womb awl Alphasa me At
msigii !i
sr ii .Tit i Si lao for regulating
.e0tw• word be short ted mtas►1
tem ranee Mid to &amity. tea to revepties,
e nd the .ra(l. ( .art err. sad 9••lfiee-
t.e.estmedaot as m •(.triose, "meld to
e rred We hope to fir Mog sere' to m•
• sew Liretw law lbws implrbd
The dame 0*a1M Os.eaelle. Ica dealle4
tat J. R. Castles V the legal Mester for
Cenwsll. The Amaem, HIR hi riveter] the
■ oyd treat. Mr. 1allwia a. ia►eao..4 • ow
M...ipl Coronas/oft ell, w•rg•iwug the
right prfssiple. W. shall mei•e its sweat sod
pi' Fir is mor mu
EPP" essehe ase doe to Mas Tlesisee-
ha lee!. Gamete tar eery esl..bls
parlaeestery pawn.
>fioc 7allL
W. r• d tteppte liber lie hm .ii.o wiei.b
.sibs pewee Itself tube bee berg mamba
the wady and 'saint*. deither
blase' w
sem lnivWels ef ►r eras trei•e,
err be to Met that she COMM Lao gives hoe
both • pbyeieal ad a tse.ed e.aaitenee, sod is
eereresee of the irreparable ...,.etre be-
tween tet., .o word sapper de ,.send feet
to he that each .f them e•aslltstier reetetmd
o rderer' sad celuva*les of eat drsnipeita
best ,dspid a tutees setaea, sad hest sskmM
tad to tepee the health se *elm the!se.
ties 1 the other. It r alerted that the welfare
of the eer,tt,uou dopesds almost eagle -
steely spec the healthy ,elle 1 the physical
system, bet tet! converse 1 this peepemtie as
o r w estiirlMdy estsbtlebd-.s ether words
to health 4 to glad drpre& arm ape the
radiates el the body Thai the verities 1 the
body der epos it health. the mild. You was
raise spa .hong, healthy, darer* body, Wd•pe•-
deetly rarer, bet yore einem Wraps kcal.Ity
durable .isd, isleprsde•tly of the health el the
body. When we look abroad epos the wrier
'ribose( Livia( ensures which (,whit the earth,
ere .n a.seashed to fled that the family
a( all ethers, be object is by lay the greatest a -
sore* •f sicker, sad .efferieg, of debility sad
&sere, sad eye . premature death. Wo ere
aware that sermon car..s may he far
*ha promisee, bet we an pse.sid that the
meet productive este is min i(aerae11 and r(-
lect of the laws spot which health Lpre Ts
all who are aeguaisted with the wean 1 dr a-
irs beisg, or who .ndenisd gambles of the
physiology of mu, the- Marfa! aroset 1 henna
Tiering t 'ppm ws.derfsl-is fact, the
weeder will be that the unmet is not mesh
(teeter Ib.. it actually is. elles wo rounder the
eeadect .4104*..... family, sed sew how arch
farther they have departed from t6. Ire 1 their
aware then say o•her titbit of satinets. The hive
laws. nature .re the Miro of 0.d. 11. law ef
Gad re be'rimed with imp,aly. H• aster
ivies perpeoes eadeed we with • misty.(pew-
ere, both physical wad mental, for the indictor
sed eeltiestio■ of which we are
jest as repoosible ea w, are for wry spiritual pri-
erg. whkh we erp.y. 11 Lao lin bee re-
marked that them is a its teem'- to mea always
to 6y to extremities. and perhaps lbs remark is
seldom mon fully illustrated this obis dame
creation regarding the' 'mensal deur sad tem-
poral ■meermes's of .e.kied. tae pert(s
seem to think and raaixtei0 that every thug is
erne".which has rt a direct beans, epos reli-
gion, std would therefore, wish ss to walk the
elude Mersey of life wnpt up in arterity sad
muffled 1■ gloom --while smother party sera to
think that all thinking is ,Assn-t4st thew is
rthi.g better for • rasa than that he sherd eat
and cis sk and esjoy the goodall hie Mbar, -
other words, that muaol isdaipsse, sod
the gntificstios of the animal appetites eosin -
tete eke chief good
New both parties am astray, wad set era Uy
is iposea.,ds oppose
s'ties to the laws of.
their muerte. With reference us lbs first -if the
Crete bad intended nese as ea eaele•imly reli-
giose being, he wield have gime hies es ether
keii.p, realties, r pm.peesitles thea Hee,
Wonder, .ad Veesn'imi,-b4t he W .de ed
him with power" ofpm•ptires, which bring him
tato mere inenedare i.tie.ey with he "rearm
•ad restate .eater's' enation, gad expose' his
stied by the .cc.mdatiou of atter k.ewkdge.
He has ..dewed bio with pr•peneitiea, ober
legitimate gratifiestios yields Mach carport
sod ..wowss to his earthly happier, He bas
given big the powers 1 reason asd refeeuoe,
'stabling him to permit,* the re:ario• between the
effect tad the seri whish Mr predated it -be
calculate ; wad es make the meet
✓ atable lied the meet profitable application l
It is ksowldge-sed.bove a11, Tr superior
all, He has givee hien mend sad religiose mead
intent ale*M'ed ..d iomrded to exercise a es.
teems c.roasamd ear all his ether ..seal pithy
ties and de.urrs Relit might to he n t.bwd
that every ase 1 the dorms asd feeder., u jest
as aweh the workmanship 1 the Create r any
re 1 the religious et morel ,minas*,, sad is
istesded bas fes the pe.destien 1 aper.
n ese, aid we may drool gas being heW rem
poser* for the ase r abase to which every or
ef them may be subeected. Aad it has pleased
God i• his Infinite wisdom asd ,.wises" sot to
defer the pveishmeet 1 these 'Sorties@ . the
laws 1 oar mature, "• fete» thy of
lest we should forget or segleet them, and there -
n or lass the happiness which he ad
derived fes es is the pre.e.t stem of rimers.
He as established lees i■ er very malsrc,
which render the psi meso it.mdi•te. The
l.divid.el rhe pampers his appetites, .a
persevere" is missal ied.lgesce, who 11... the
life of as epicure, Rud anima the ealtintiee
his intellectual, moral wad religiose valid's. is
i• the first plea Ramified positively y the terse
of satiety, mad the disagreeable and
Irtkiag am5etiees which .two apaay eteeriva
imaivoser 1 the •siesl oppetirea He . is the
tieeeed plow punished serimtively, by tk. dr 1
parer eajoyet whisk .pelage rise ellea.
emir 1 the higher pow, 1 sso's alae 0r
istelketal sada metal bring . asd he is egesied
eldest aimed us, tat ekerisg. that help tape
which whiter gives be 4.1 the mei abseil ds
nm aid troubles of this world, and Ile the
the.ghte is reeve. The peress wit seri all
or most .f his um• w study ad u memoirist(
kwewidge from beak., ws might app.* weeld
esj.y • remarkable ,,Favor. 4 happiasse ; asd,
••'(,pard wick i , or the debeas ee,
the a,ppeUttis is comet Ta \app oss 4the pried u rawly Areal w seismal
Isiwrl► is rad pysised eat (,metol. 714
feMsity se the thietk sg emts in iodises ani, .ed
to misery resettled hem bls e.iems p••eta is
ugly physical , me That W h•ppfsees..aped
• to hsa 1 to
demi, the
rmu_ala,is smatiwim
demi, the same degree that .4.4 i esperre e
eleser, while the pa ihmest 1 wsyna•iag
4a laws 1w name •n i.iwier to wetly I►e
tau mike. Net air ower, the laws
hie set ere, asd a does air posies wet is
k9K•re-•wore no awgwmia. of +.e
laws elle pea .id imamate, . (frim Cooter her
gime him anmt'10g saw Sum tm is1./cmtud Re has gives him as animal bade
ted aienal appetite*. whore me jsets le ewe IM
Sill of hour ..d as tremewy se be road
sod r+ears.d. as *be i.e/e5. 8rt thio Wed
ed these appetites apse ea errteled air eared
..►--•+. a re+ . r.+ e.•
.++--a+Y - • -tea•-s-s
.s1. wmode.and fish, r .ad, w.... e.• BY THIS MOItNING'$ MAiL NOTICE.
•tag x MO li.r his prim may W. the
anima 1 h40 pbp» l eel seem i.. vi.liti•s .ibis lissna- - rklwl, Fe. sell. 1441
Caresses iNeseM*. sod oil *resew b. peal- HOUSE OF AMSEMMLY.
.d by berly Assess sr i. ,shies, -•/.oboe Me.Tis.b Frbrwry 3.
y,,meths, .err. The .atm properties 1 Ta Hour we. rsrnlveJ lal.t a .tomtit•
premeten emir eared pees( erre...1nodi- Is» oI eke whole to corer, the following •
els habit, .rises ism the .eglre either pays- r.eolut'ue, u.*no.lueeJ by Mr. Merritt, That P
eel coruarles, and it may simply be prr.rstrd '1 1. upedat t1, pr m I 4.r Ds. fre..d-
/ she 1uMbe
rrrber Let on ad • weather
AFIRE ARM& die i... the yam
r WanISM, tyros .e by preenspreenst. be repaired. d
they ds or anti .ad ere the IArtfeks .w . ay . el
m tem
bei TWO' dal 1 M.rch art, 1e will be
wider the eerier,, 1Belhy them to pay E:a-
errlr,n of rata and bet teff- of all kind*,
Mn sante of that sir pe•fy .L
iaick 10. rot- •egei.ldee, Inn', swede, anuu.le, hides, wo.•L
reetenaed nay pees( mw lwprrir.dew- better, chemo, tallow, h. ter, railed and
ti•s hes remitted ire the Mot that they peerti- fresh meats, ores of all kind*, the growth ler
d a Tarp Aare of the unreal p.pea.lties end prdttdioo of the United States of .Ionise,
the seine! .pints, and di preadult nrds 1 Iib into Coach, shall he',Imotid aithuul duty
to which they w.,. .ab/eeted a ymi*h, either 'nW the .aid United Slates.
by de pride er piety 1 'bole pane" see /amdl-
meeMtr, tSbwat t.ho •(Fr•.aa t.eic4)J meetemd1.kean •e,setnd
•••• at cam, • •••••1•••• Ns.' 1•416e repletion, till it reported te the Pro
throe pnpe..itteo, wit" •1•••W nikee .(seal Government that the Amerman Con.
rye ►seta 1041• twgslstd sod ererel'et- (seas hail paae.J the: Howl pert ly ti 11. Af-
1a .tress ee..titet.eua tine attempt io slowworms- ter a long deLate, the •menti ueet was put
fnl, wad the temporary .sera.*, hke the assert pard lost by a large m jurlly.
et tie .cher-My te dee wick the "...Lag Dr. I)4itzoon then moved In sir ke one
pram, osis words. to •sisal comet till its .aero! w olds of the motion, which WOO !wt
1d , d1" "eV
artificial barrier with resistless This view, Mr. Laurin nada a.Jar links,. dao tort,
fry. -and the mays motion wit. r•rrie.l,
4 seam's Mute will peraps explain the teen- The committee then rove and reported
mat urinaly Ise array leaned mon. 8e main progress. The prineoeil epc.kerm were, for
who bare had the beret leve• • rehires ex- the motion. 1I. -.-r•. M•rrel, Pennwalt',
ample -ye., eve. Clergymem'. eh Idre."d.nio-
(uishia, rba.iag themselves ..d
bossing grief sad grey hairs t• their porn", by
the extra wildness wad immorality 1.heir con-
duct. 1t in pnaik that heirs were, eve. is
her wildest fr.r, an 1. trained .ed modified,
sod regulated is her amine by jrdicions treat.
meet •.d erdti.arioa. hat it is que.tioaeble
it either the 1.teals. . the Crcaior, or the
well -'rein( .f the ...etre rem be promoted by
forcible .tempt ".Neth or a.nibilete;vett nor
worn parer or .ppetite.. Ald till 'melt timr
as ea.kind are able to .ader.taad their whole
✓ ature, .ad willrg to adopt their systems of
✓ atios to ilr.e My et Ina 4..r that m.nki.d
will rams jest the ere aee.leta beteg. diet
they ails ue-day.
ri- The Municipal Creed met es Torrey,
bet oats( to oar •hence from Teen during
the first three iys el the week, we h•,e bee.
rare M attend the Cornell Rose, further th.•
merely to take a gloom at the bythe feces 1..or
Dkstrici Legislators, end to obtain • cordial
shake 1 the heed lfriesdsblp. We u.dentand
that little Thee Rao cosmos metra bowiem
has, es yet, her ebeect•d to their sage deliber-
ative. : butes rhyme of much importance are
a he discussed, .a will e.4'.,o, " (smith nor
readers with .a abstract.( the in
ser aril. The only 'Ling of as extra descrie-
r. whisk car brought forward, was a kssb-
ab4e erasure of • rather Imbrium election farcy
is de Tewssbip 1 Biddelpl. We have been
promised • detail . the facts aid
of the ease, .ed if famished in doe time, .e will
weave them iota a narrative for the am.temest
and difir uee.• ,'the weal it communicated to the three -rimy
mom Madeline belonging to Mr. John Coy, and Joshua Calloway,
Holmes.•., Egan, Cameron, (Kent,) Notman,
Hincks, Wilson, Flint. Robinson. Waten-
hall. and NeLson sewed 11. Mo.•re. Ste-
vensotti Letctnr re, and S.,,.tI, of Frontenac.
_ I
Mond y, Feb. b.
The Hour .n. -t the. .11.• at half pact ten
o'rlo. k, and unmet lately adjourned till 34
e York, shim the Sp. alter again took the
t;re.•r4 religions were received and read.
Mr. Neiman moved the nr.lrr of the day
for .Inkit._. the n,n,ndth+ on the Waterloo
rower -led .1. e'I, n, when the following gen-
tlemen were mimed :-'snare. Laurin, la-, ('sn.eren (Re. 1.) Waeaball,
1Y iitr Wit. o,.n-..w. 1'..- -. Nebo n, 13avageau,
McFarland and Murtiron.
1.. lleIYTOSH, Geatni.h.
0 derieh. rob. f.:0• s. lid
11.1!'1' OF 1.I:Ts-EMS
D EMMAIlrI NO I. 1h. Mr Ogee at Stratford
10 imp IS las Yebreary, 1W!
Allier. Wm. Wo.,
Bert, Wes 2 Hidst., Mats Mn.
Bells.►. Abe..•Hey, Wm
Arecae, Theo. Hickey, W.
Asir, 3.h. J••wea, A.n.eel
('ro.l•y, Mn. K•...-dv. Deer
Campbell. Mr. Moll., 3.,.. .
Carr.. Jaime Melloah, Joh.
Ceolter, Joh. 11. Fatidea, l'nah
Carrell, We. Prnrrr, Jese,Ar
Care►, Joke Member, J.he
thereon, Ahroham Ryas. Stoned• r, George Rtiey. John
1.p.. Ceeerg. Reei,ey. War*
D.rinw, John S'.,sk.dd. \Itch el
Elgar, Jame, Seeenellte, Adan
Edward.. George, Jacob
FttxgerraW, John, J"ha
)'nr'en., Wm. \ John •
Fennel. Slimed Wile,. Jetta,
.«d. J..nes Wilkin., Joho
G1\'art. Wdtarr, T1s .
47117:: Jrt.. 2 o Zimmerman, Chris''*.
lido, Geer le
A. F. SICKLE, Psslaw.tet.
Stratford, Feb. 1. 1849 •
Annual General Meeting of Ai*
• Sot••ete will be held .t the Ilrtrnn lin-
tel in the Town ofG•dcr;ch, on TUESDAY
the thirteenth day of February. 1849, at
13 .i ct'rk n.«tn, for the ELECTION of
OFFICE -BEARERS, k^- kc. for the
present year.
Secretary, 11. D..(. S.
G.derich, 314 Jan. 1819. 61,4
We un,lcrstand that air. W. H. Boulton-
intend,. to leave for Montreal shortly, to
take hit seat ie Parliament. We are i. --
formed that Mr. John Halyard Cameron
will not his scat to the Howie Reath, StrTtff's Sale of Lanes.
hying rn^,.-rout that hie election for Corn-
wall weg.l, seven day■ notice on of HURON DIS'RIc T, BY Y virtue of a
the pelting day/. having been given instead
of eiphr. Mr- Cameron, we believe, he. no T. Nit wnt of F•err
intent nn of attempting a re-elec1t0n.-T4s 'Foc,as, wooed out of 1 er Meje0y's Huron
Clete. District Court, and to me directed against
the Lands and Tenements of Girls Hanel-
• Avorwcs Frac to Fit.otror.-hut mi ht ton at the suet of Joshua Callow.v, 1 h tiret seined and taken m Execution, Park Lot
Oboe( twel.e ,.•clock, • fire hr ke est in Brock number rent., no the North aide 04 Mrlbonrne
Si . in the twn-story atone house occupied by otlret. and Lot number forty, on the East
Mr. Robert Allan, ricer: and having destoyed site of Wellington street In the town of
the .bole o(the beiNiug i• we -eh it originated. Albert, which Linde i shall offer Lor isle on
it estMasnirated to the other buildings mi (he -S turday, the 35th day of November next,
right and'1e6: "the east it tinseled and bend at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at tbeCuutt
Ilatee in the town of G..dcrich. ....-
to the groond the two-story .'one hose.. Mr. J. McDON.1LD, Skerid 111. D.
Richardson, merchant tailor, oee.pied by him 8.nt,irv. Omen,
•ed Sir. Clarkewrigh•, hatter and (order. Oa Goderich, 13th A'.gu+f, 11148. # 31119
Q7- W..11 altestos to the Meeting of initiated by Mr. Willard, shoemaker, Mr. Pee -
the Huron District Agricultural Soc*ety body engraver, and other (, which it en- Q-1' The above rale of Lure is postpaid
which is advertised for Tuceday 6r.t tho ,irely cemented. Mr. Allen lost everything_ until the first d.y d February, 1849. -
13th mist., to M held in the Iluron Hotel. books, papers, &c. -with the exceptimi.• kw JOAN McDONA1.D,
Sheriff H. D.
Also to the Meeting of the Stratford Agri- patens he had is w dark. Ili• wife aid •finer- Beam►►', 07rmCa, G•,oReew,
Cultural Society to be held in the Farmer. i■ -law, eervant and two rye, barely escaped 20th November, 1844. S 4.7"1
Ise on Saturday the 17th rate. These withtheir lives. Oise of his bin., who dept is
meetug• are for the purpo.. of electing the attic &tory, was obliged to be takee out of Joswoa Ca LLow•A T,
tb. window. Mr. Allis le (awed: -*be beer. ass.
(Jess Bearers for to present year -sad we G.v17" H.v . pale
Wel haee heard, fes r£51p, wad '6e .leek fes
trust that all who (steed to :ive by farming £000. Hi. far, will le Q 'heah'.re /.air of Lands. ir.flo.tpos-
will wee, sot only lair duty, but also their pd until the first day of AIWA,"$49.
hundred pounds. Mr. Coy a in•erd fir 1£60(1, J1/HN Mci3ONALD.
/tercet in attending such meetings, and in and Mr. Richerdwo• is probably insured. ' Mr.. ,abenITll. 1).
gwing both their countenance _and support Clarkwright is not inured, bar[ eared the moot of • Si otn. °crier.,
to these Societies. Huron is destined to be Lia goods. Jaaoery 29th, 1949. S. 531.1
the foremost Agricultural District io Upper It is not known how the ire .righted; it is
t'aneta, and suthing is beuer cak.lated to rippnredtto have communicated front a peva - SIIER/FJ• 'S SALE
give x1 impetus to Agricultural este-gone piste in the shop. -Argas.. ,
iYualuaio. ..ill.,., RY virtue of a
Gave/. Har,LTO..
than these Soe"tiee,
- ftIa1ricb, •- To Wit: writ of Fieri
83 W. (osmoses, of eke Meatier) pppers February the bilk ; t Gndetieh' by the f'rreiasr ifs.eld out of Ilvr M.jretj • Huron
that the Dann el Pad is likely to become a Rev, 3', -. Willens, Jame. 11a•ket E•q., .,(' Th.tri. t Crnmrt, and to not directed again.'
reality. W•will talk .boss it ext week. Caladunia to Moa 1otcy ( the lands and 'renemrnts-• ofh Thoma.
*West 11s. hter of the late E IwaN 'Gaynor, Charles ■t the suit of Robert Ellis; 1 have
Fs of alis ave incised and taken in Execution, es belone-
We have . received • di•gr.s C"1117 of TI
the proposed Dierict of Peel. Ireland. g y - Ing to the said Thomas Charier, Lot. -
ber three, on the North nide of Ke -t street,
LJ Rauvao, i. Oar tut WO neglected is - -_ nes Litt running wonder. On. thou -and and
To All whom it way Concern!! three w the town of G.Hier'.:h, cnntaining
acknowledge the receipt of ■ wowge-letter, from oncernnne-quarter of an acre of Land be t he same
Mr. A. F. Mickkia*d Mr. A. Sutherland,y IfBStilmaeAfw teq.ea• ill rhe' INDF.RT- more or les. with the Badding. oi'the 11•1JStratfrd. We her ,also t. express, sot our T ED TO HiM by NOTE or BOOK AC- Lot erected; which I .hal(f4Yer for pate at
retire, (for that u, kind 1 beggarly word) CO/ ',VT, to - the Court House in the WAD n( (iuda•nrh,
Mt eel is . *. Petr Ra40rtr•, Esq., of Bellrille, CALL, A \ D PAY UPon Sa• urdav the 25th day of November
not so mach fes his more, (ere had almost said On orlefore the FiRST D 1Y OF MA RCII, next, at the hear of 12 n'einek ...W1/1„,.. p
. passe. h, hi• rifer"et t
bh., next. Amy Accounts UNPAID alter that date J. MrDONALD, :Slier/ H. D.
.ill be Simotrt'e Orrtc«,
PUT OUT FOR COGf.ECTIO.V, Gtrlerch,2l.tAugust, 184x.. ait3Q,
,,the pure spirit 1 Ayrshire l asestn wed mill- _
arty 1 real friendship; ..d vauk we reed it, the as his Libili ties meet be discharged by them. 1 Roamer ELI.,,
would sot be tree) bet for kg letter. it breathes
., 1.7.411001
SI)eiff'9 Sok of Cosh. '
HURON DISTRICT, t f;Y ,Imre of e
Tr WO: s writ e1 FSrr4
t.rciva, Issued rel cf Iter Maj.nly'. Duren
Ihunet Court. nod 1s ee ds.ewe I agara.4*
the !mails .era Teasene.0 4 Richard Der-
hngl,•n, at •bas sari ail It *hers Park: 1 hair
•meed and '.ken in Y.ateettem, Lel nnmhw
tour 1n the eeeenth Curreee.erwy E. 1). M
the T..we,sl.ip rel Colborne,•R ler
c ter: a bleb Lend. 1 .hall elFer lair ewer' et
the l'eurt Ilse, it the Iowa m f ti.dMak,
un SaiurJay, the 251h clay et Neseu,lwie
twat at Ih,• hour ,.f 13 •'s hick nrrnn.
J. Mrl)ON.11.1k, .Wrrr N. 1J.
r'ne..u►-G (»tett,
0.dean, I4th Avila., ILot 35.19
R Paeaa,
1141111. 1)awa MOTOR.
a r. Th. .h n..,Id of Lamle is pie lee:ea
uaul the Met u* Fe4r..rt . 1849.
JOII.\ %l.•DOV %LI).
Sorted 11. Il.
Kameret', • itrH r, (i.,nrat,N- I
21 i1 V ,teeite•r, lets. ) 43•.1
ef-Th.• Meter side ' I Londe 1e lwatpemeJ
until the first Jar of .\pre.. ISN..
PAIN 11, DON \Li).
btn/ tib. 4).
Nezalrr a t lace, (,.lwrn1671 I
January 1Ltl,, 1819.
i M PORTA N'l'
r1'HE 8uborribe, hams( leased then well
known acrd TAVERN
:''AND, 1• the Tuwnehep of Ilav, 19 mitre
(ro•oG deri.-h nn the L'.ndou Road, lately
uernpied by Mr. James Citroen, begs leave
to inimale to late friends and 11.e traveling
public in general, that he has opened an
Inn on the prettier for the .. thou
.1 travellers. .ind as he intend. to con-
duct it on the most re, .-*table prinr•plee
.n4 to spare neither labour nor •x; ens. to
ministering 1•o the comfort of rho.. who
may pause's. hon, he ht.prs to mcrnl and
obtain a Share of the public f.,or.
N. B. -There is good Stablerg on the
premi•ee, and teamsters and others ase
depend on every a y attention being
pard to their horsey, D. G.
Godenc h, Jen. 21 t h, 1948. 51 t f
AROUT toe 12th of Slay last, (anew the
prrmi.t. of JOHN LINDSAY Ten. :4
lieron Rw', T..ivn•I.ip of Go.kneh, -.
dark brown M.1RE three years old, sill a
white hiar on the forehead. end one white
'hind loot and a heavy mane and tail. The
propitetor purchased her below Louth's and
pumper she may hare r•rayeJ to that dwee-
lloe: who.*or w I:1 rem. e her to the raw nee
nes glee much as will lead to her
,eenverT, will reeelve OS Sr reward.
G..derich, 1811) Jan., 1819. 591
"Light of other days./ came e'er es, .ad we bop' this be .ullcie.t nude'.
ems thos16t 1 the tale. "Rla.asrg asp„ k'„ JAME9 CAMPBELL. Twnr.s Cosa'
Wail.- We ..ver bk. 'o'•e i. Bost sad Shad lakes.
■ posted, and heck Mr. R. MUGS
expect to be visited with • "bawd"is6i.ties. M U; P E R 1 (1 R R T U D Mil K H E Sheriff H. D.
1 resters et ee very remote pro.. 4w►arries Orrice.Gemlike. -.r I
Fehr, eves rho• Goderie6, Feb. ith, 1849. rib-1ITT The sire.. .+I. f Len Is p.atpnaed
we should he i until the int day of Fehrn.rv. It.4')
JOHN Mcr)t)Y.11.1).
e a .e*e -lett* keie Mr. H
Saitr, Stratford. THE Suhrrrilwr hereby intimate., that he Ro.R.T ELLIS,
will SELL by priest' Mrrain hi. well re.
Orders for the Signal kava hewn received know. Hone, YOUNG COEUR DE LION.- T«n.s.s Cwsar.o.
He is a very ripener 'nitre! e f French Camel. -n i tatpnn•
Nel(tllop ; John Rawcliffe Umbras W. !lemon, Granville Ray. hewer Canada, (well- ua y, t• nes. rel .
JOHN WINO,WINO,Al41.11,from John Laidlaw and Donald Mclitosh, (1 /" I' above stale
i' 0 ' .s .•I L E . November 21et,
f . t. n
an Blood, --or'-d by the celebrated. Horse 1 Mr td til the :est da f A I 131')
L Perris and Co,. Toronto ; Dr. A
asd J. Philip. Earl.. London • W.
Steely ; Joh. B.ggart, Jere Smiley
wonosb ; Alers.der Bra4Aoot Tuck
eth • ales
nese of A.i.l Mepk.ruent E of F,44eat Mir his prime, and has already obtained • e'k•
fel the fdlewi.g hot, via, Joh. Parker, John artiy tat rendre .11 ("1h"rsrn-
She.a, W. Herter. Hear? Dana, W. 'preery. Hrelent' will he rid no ent' Term,MaithermI, Aletand.r Swett, H. Hamilton, 1 ti''rs prnprieir aeon .treed t.
le (stare. 'Abseil .ne thnd of the Prise
he required is Awed. mod foe the emeisiwder
Me earths credit mi approved wearily will
Apply to dee.. Rogers, Twerealtip rib
a,. Here. Deeteidt.
. 9*b Fe►. ied. 9-32
knew,. to be the best Comedies Mow in the . tem I1. D.
Protiote,) frim .e rxrellent, pore Canadian =.writ t)rtrcn
t reedy/ Mare, owned by Mr. neva of LeverCesar Lmnry lith, I1Y► ) held
asd Joh. Cooper.
al' O. MI.Jay graft we Lectured
ea Education le 1 f5Ke `e.1 0r to Mr.
Toylr'c Mehoot henna Tows lap 1 Ua-
WJreieh, T.6. it, 1849.
To TWO w TM Moa* Waal_
84,-1a mimeses be rims whish
~Mans is peer last lame, IM Beged
reads by W. T. 16. Jenne a my behalf for the
hall.. 1 /.ftnia..ei.*s 0 Mesbtiea, 1 be"
to mem that I Menem m l lit hese ot bis .f
14.1 tsar se . prima heak std eller 1st rem
his cos v elg fat as, it .#"-i'.drr•
het..,. .a, lbse he umdd.+nd las o esp-
ying* whasa.r, ea he tell es pet la tis eartw t
1 W M. yew d't .oret.
ALFRED w onto
1r i
to , .41
On Matt
The E.hihit
i• the tirserel
day at she h••tr
-III tekr pros
Y. 8 -The
newt *4 Tee e'
IH...., 5.h Feb.
RATFORD As,eslronl ..djly,
of teethes 011.e Rare,
41 at the Frames Ir . Ntn.Mid,
ay, the 17111 Iistant.
. 8EED9, le.. as advmetired
-111.'1. wig take else. same
TIN E11.TMmyr e1t'ss•
its the i al.ibitie. la over.
N7161TTEEamrrgmrwwl to
A M.
MITH, hest 8 A- 11,
a 14. n
1 0900 1r1;S'IIEl,•1 good clean T
y meth )teed, 1,.r .her the
Ssirnbar, will pay II htyher pew* e. Cash.
'as soy ether ab •gery r• the mark:''.
!(Jl'IIANAN it Ir11.I)h4
Vtelswia H''wk. K•,.g eh.
Hemdl••. tt9th D-.. 1441. # 48')
THF. *ext Noun_.. • f the DIVISi
COURT wit M. he .f at the r...4, Ci •J
eneh, os Sa.mday tie 3rd 1 reMs,r)
mixt. A. Y. Me IIR i.I V.
C1krk 1 IJ,.e.a. Char I.
fitrdaneh. J u . / 48
THE S.b•eriben is returning tanks *n the
public sot the Hateful where of peonage
they have enj•yed since hueine..,
Reg to intimate thee they have now see I..nd tied
are mmkieg to order a large a►•nrtme,rl al Cook -
tag, parlour, rod box stoves plough cruses,
610 grater, fanning mill e•'tingr,amut machines,
»ed every other article eerily coneectd with
the trade, which they will be happy fi sell on the
most reasonable terma fir ears.
0. M. & Co., hitting made emeeriw alters-
tiouand improvements in the finirhine depo-
nent r4 *heir e.t.bli.hmer.+, hi the intro -femme.
et se if -,chow machinery, 11,- mew en./dr., to.
.•.r rote Al orlon they mar be
rnonetr.l for the supply c( thr..hiog machetes,
grist and .aw mil!, gearing and every ether die-
eriptioe 1 machinery, no the most se -beatific and
'coe..rniral priuciple,,and with the greatest fact.
iy .ed disp.tch.
The setocribers wneldelan inane the public
that se the lowest tach price will in future M
charged 44,r ell geode manuftetord at their estab-
lishment*. their -fedi* burner. must aeeessarn!
become extremely limited. They would else
request, the* all ind.ptd to them either by
note or .e•ro'nt, will en,ne forward immediately
and male their mpeetive d.-hte, or they will be
yl»red In the hands of an attorney for collection
withest further *mice. -
G. MiI.I•ER & Co.,
Ooderieh, Dee. 15.6, 1848.
J. S T E W A R.T
1.4w, N••h.-iIor in Chnneery, Cotten, -
:infer, kr., Office N'ert 8*rst•t,
G.elerich, March Lei 1848. • by
01.4 11', CH4.'CLRY. AND
Jae, 1R48 OOD ilICIL
N ellen.iv..t..ik of Pell and Winter
(DRESSES of the most faphroaabfe
rehire and patrons; also a large a.rottrrwnt
f (eery firer goods Preneh-worked
Caere, Cellar*, K'•6., Metre. Shawl., M411 -
idles', Cloaks, Lar.•, 411....'.., 115-t. rt, 1)ree4
Cape, Ribbon., Shire, bee. Le., an of she
very best q,rality and •t the ar»t /W ISC.J
petiole, y
T114tl'!1'II ,\IOUR
Oe0pl.b. Noe. lei 1*4414. 4J
ON the B.•a.-h of I.ake Mune. eigblee n
ours s ,rlh ' f Goideneh, • ease .4 Look -
.•.k•. g glut -ea Ana Frame.. The . w... r ,■ roe
eemet.. l t., prove progeny p..y charge. an1
rem...te them fluor lee 101.eeer.lo,. el 11.e
1)UNC.\N Mr1.P:NA'(.
Assed4. D •••em,be.-■ e..q neer. - Nth
*'HE Bewitch l.,.* esemieg 4 the temiety
1 .is r. rem tit the Width II•..I em
*ireisp\ ibo y)rh it'set tw i .^Lek,
fide unJ-r,
1011AB KY11d,
t4-rr mar'
ri•4,T14448. at
I'rf0il0C4AI torw4 1rtr..• frbr
1."PH.p aha► torero of t6• Fera llitdeeje\ whN armee AT W)OtRIIII,
PYh.mest hN en \r1 t. keel,.
wire the sail Iowa. HURON t t ti T K 1 t: :c•
.derv:(, J•ly CAk, tet• 'riot Nov. 11, 2. et
to pmt
o ,tylei
i.•.• and
II. err