HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-03-30, Page 1eene - TUE 00 A * inthoCentAt$4 nitro% awl lanir400t QuiditYf Quantity,. gradation I 0111 .J.•••••••••,,,, ITile OODERICII circulation than say other Piaroopapar la this section ot gamt.Y of nut** .000004140. rX13SiEM 0I170; x4,37,4 wzrwav„Axtxm c:zor W3%334 C$OVVIVX 03ft =1;7 GODERICH4 ONT,, -FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 190, , :Y°4 14410 0.104'0 040, 'Which la to•hk 11$44 Ott * eert*ill ',POW*/ ifit*XcLIA*4it duriegthri wain Pet104 1411?*44/4VOPtill,X,•Pr the Te•Of REP04;SIT plane,whiett-IpeOleelrou mntharaw leer %%0 et • norassry time, together with the interest • 'that ha,* aecieMIlatedo ' Call fir Write AA' Or laeOlel!t entitleel "a0MAtarditlitl Reilltit" . Thia Oegierietiteltli elethOrIgfie tig tta Accept depeelte.' .1111, STANDARD LQAW COMPANY NoiTH OrR14rt 'AND: '821.TAILO--—. W. La HORTON; V140R. 0 LOST.-,-Dutinte" famed: ,Lodge Lee Bieer'Ple, With triangle,. itud mortuary erablien lit centre. Finder will be reparcle4 letteleg teetettatften effete, , (PIXY bOST.2,Derthe Ot March 1404,`In Gederieh, eurfr et money ia au 10 hlUtt-audgaborheed pf SO, The hi were folded. Finder wilt, he handsomelY ree Worded, ite repirmee, setae te WEN Oratt WANTS; " OARDEI05. WANTEDaaThree or four dwitrders'ean be 0,000=440d, with rd and emnferelble Teems In a quiet horn% centraliy,located. ApPly to THE STAR office". "VirANT120,-Girla for, Welton work and to essealr at Woking, ot WIWI Bedford. °arteriole . . , W AgiMtir".- 1112'1111,hi.u'or dins Ave., Toronto. • WANTED.-7Applid BIM; *MIA l...1fIting Edward Ifotel, 0 erith. . a-AOOD cunt, WANVED.-For general work, Apply at Herne House. POR SALE OR TO' LET. §ODA, waTER FouNTAIN FOR SALE.- First class Soda Fountain cheap, at.H. W. 11014SON'e Drugaitore, 14010E BUILDING LOT. part of the Toms elVicestlots Mu -Meath.' Apply to owner, F. eolateefregthig,qa .gast St. one of the L. STAHIAICED, Eitacetteet. . CALF FOR le -A splendid epeolitten.of the Durhate-Jereey type, red in color. Apply at THE STAN office. fT10 BENT.-FUrnished ,house On Britannia JL Road,- retidence of Mr. John Bain. De- eirable location. Get particulars at TUX STAR IGIURNISHED ROOM RENT. -Not very X far from the equare. Reasonable rental. Apply at Tun area oMm. A nTicLks FOR SA,LE.-Several useful hopsehold articles for sale, such as a Chalice& Heater, good as new; Hardwood Table, two Sideboards, eeveral Doors, Sofas, and other articles. Reason for selling, no room for them Apply at STAR Office. §1414GLES, LUMBER, ET0.-X, XX and XXX 1Sbingles. Cedar Posts and Plank. o Ifeealciok and Hardwood Lumber, eto., eta THE GODF,RICH LUMBER CO.,,Limited. ROPERTY FOR SALE.-- Who „desirable • property on Elgin Avenue, Stoderich, owned aud occupied by Dr. Whitely. Good houseand two-thirds of an, acre ef land. with choice fruits. The honso Is .heated by hot water and has 411 medern itnprovements. bargain for,any portion wanting firstscMgs pro. Wit,01 tartirrr Pi! to or re:Meese MiloAPERS /FOR Shade - Several hunched ,11 coples of old nowepapers for sale. Just the thing when you are houseeleaning. Apply at STAR OFFICE' Itifir ADAMR•tes.ther_Plana. Btuakh: OtXek1/4"4. sot .01/Viit 1444 iktnerei W, 'WILLMOTT (110110re oertlfieSte. Teltlitae• tiollete4endon. ENO Dnethiet ita Chi:8101*Na 0 X chttlehiCtedeAk03. teacher. oe Piene4t0egetts 'Silleartee•; Theory or RTATII4eletaV(74:4A0 itt4.4 Itr tett • tett: 'Ch rchi, 9,2.31aes. uorpuRtop, Autumn. Oate adefuletel outs eent. sbeing the ebellge la the 00041 11110the ealh Week WM OPet Of themelleet weeks tante wma Mar - 'Act ter retard. " in thelive stink leeeket hogs hire° adeaticed te10.704endelie'lleMgher, expert cattle aro TOY re1.104 N.70aker.. MA all ether glades aro statIenarr• In au other fano and dairy prof:Inch ne, change& teak elarn. CV/Teat gikotelatte prince corrected sea,to acme ,of Thursday -4 l'wheat.- standerd., $0 73 to 73 erinW Wheat,- %rd....-. s 'a to 73 nevi per emit; tent. ...... ,2 70 tp it Til Flow, per,owt., ay..... - .0.194 200 NW 129 '' A.AifiAL....,__DTICE saw -11.A Per ten..:, ' ...., 18 00 18 00 o•ilerea-r1141f. a' kbn ..... . 22 (4 2Q Q° 0 34 tt 0 31 NOTICE. TO CREDITOREJ. i ley-, De Tea Marla OP THE rteVATE op 814R. PeeS s.... .......... ........, ........ 0 75 to fa eanAT °Samar'. Lars or rue Tom/wenn, ot. Lige ..- 0 18 to AS Aelitetkto,lle eVt Conalv or Hueort.Wreeve, FweltWittlIkt. Peg tdiXa:,- r..,,,,....,...,..,„, ...,.....,051)to 200 0.48 to as. l*NcorEAPErjoit is.' hernbir giVen pretau.toto reyiseA Utt43,r frePlb?)Ibp,4„" '4"`",,,,," a elle 3,111 E14)1t,attlts:z4,9',.°10,70t.thtrillaivoribretils,',,a1.4* tatti,m4i4t.trilt oat, e'', Mater. '......:.....",, •':**..."::•“44 M°° a: A5 005° Cat e, ordlnary..and butohirs; .,3 00 te 4 00 dietbrior Octet the 81st cow of Dee(40 oe! _ 1441. pozqe„ ,,, 4 Rielte00(10. lia,vreet,veleargthit 0 05 60 0 5i, 8 00 to 8 60 6 60 to 0 03 :deo' .dr989.. ed. 7 50.te 8 00 8 75 to 0 00 Pee lb. , . '.......... .. 0 10 to 0 10 Bacon, bug cl-Mir,... . ....... 0 it to V 14 Ta11811°°oPw'enkrette. ;ed. r." 0 01 to 0 OA 0 70 to 0 80 Chickens--hatnyard chicks, per lb 001070 troo 00010,06 " -met fed Ecareseke,Ypea' rPelrbi Ducks., ,per lb Beef, Pere geartere 4° (1'66) tt 90 5° 601a Boot Woe quartero 0 00 to 0 60 A. ',Mit required okor. before the lift da Of 011: A., 1)._1900_, to send litt porst,"p d, or delieer te_a.x. Roberto, Dutiganno net 'or 'Henry • HaYelen, Pert 'Albert, On the. eixocutors of .thietstote ot the said d etheed,the Dillparticalars of their elating, a statottiettet ,their aedount •and the eaten Of 'their seeuelties (Many), held„hy thetn. • . And further take tattle° that, atter said Iset mentioned date. the We Executors will pro. coed dtetribute the •aesetelef the decrneed .aMeng the. Natio entitled thereto, herring re. ,gard'enlY te the dolma tq whieh notice shall eaVe thiat beeargtven. tuaLthat the maid Exe- outere will not be 'Melo for the said assets or any part thereeta ta any persone of whop° claims notice shall net have boeurnaelved by them et the- thue of such distribution. Dateibas Goderich, this 23rd day of Maroh. A 1). 1008. PRODDIMOT, Have 'ad BLnin. Solicitere for Exeoutora. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, vanitoPERTY FOR SALEa-A conifer able • frame dwelling on Essex ea., with mod- ern conveniences, stable and driving house. A commodious frame dwelling on South and Pioton streets. with good stable. A fretne dwelling on ICeity'e street. VACANT LOTS On Brace 18t. Eeeex St. Mmitreal Britannia Road. Cedar Street and Huron Road. A Farm two toiles from Carlow, 200 acres ; ectiothuthhngs, water, orchard and timber Farm In Weld Wawanosh., 3 mike from Au- burn ; 200 tweet. geg Puildingoland water. Farm in Colborne, ke Shore, 4 miles from Goderielt, 100 aeres. Farm on Hayfield Road, 4 miles from Goderieb. SO aorene Farm on Thumn Ftoad. ono mile trom Goaerich. I. or further informetion apply to YOUNG & ROBERTSON, Realleetate and Ineurance Agents. AUCTION -ERRING elt_EORGE BECKETT, General Auctioneer il)f 900 Hamilton Street 0i:dead'. P..0. Box 183. Ferrm, farm stock. and all other sales will receive special attontien. I will butr your en- tire etock of Household Furniture, and will pay spot caeh prices. Let me know what you have to Rollin any lino, or call end pee what 1 can eel' you. - GEORGE BECKETT, Curiosity Shop, Goderich. DENTISTRY. `'" PUBLIC NOTICE. A NNUAL MEETINell.-The annual meet- ing of the Godericit Curling and Skating lotion will beheld in Da Holmes' °Moe, nrt House. GoderIch.' on Mondziy evening; April eth, at 8 o'clock, for the electioe of direc- tors ana other general businesa WM. CAMP' DELL, Secretary. 1900. SPECIAL .ANNOUNCEMENT 1900. of the C. R Routley Decorating Co -Toronto. • Their full line of samples are now in the hoods of their agent, Mr. A. Snazel, who will send the same to your reeidence for inspection. These papers are seld at Toronto 'prices. Drop a eardtoMr. Snazel or leave weed at his re- sidonce, Quebec. street. Paper Hanging and De - °orating guaranteed . NOTIGE.RE ACCOUNTS. All account; against the want° of the late James Craigio, also edi accOunts owing the estate must be settled before April Intrd next. No olaima which have not beep eoceived that time will be recognized. and !lily accounts duo the estate not then paid will be handed into court forcolleetion. , • J. W. Oman:414_ • Executor. West St. - Malan Zolla . . . 86161106 Is in town for' a ehort time. Her readings cOver all affairs of life. Consultation strictly confidential. Call and be -convinced Hotel Bedford. Room 5. —Hours to a. m. to 10 p. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. • Page Anneal Meetleg-,Wm. Campbell, See— 1 Soda Fountain For Sale -I -L -W. Thomson 1 Auction Sale -A, B. Wyatt 1 Auction sale -Goo. Beckett 1 At the Opera House (locab-Po.ullue Ham- mond Co 1 Why Not Got tho Best -J. I. Case Co8 Boarders Wanted -Apply Star Office 1 Oold Pin Lost -Star Office 1 Money Lost -Star Office 1 Millinery -W. A. McKim 8 Can You Do Suois-J. n. Ramona 8 Bargains for Saturday --J. H, Colborne For Little Shavers (special notice) --J, B Hawkins 1 Almost at Raster Season (special notiee1- F. Brophey 1 Mystery Tea (special noticei-MoGillivrav Mission Band 1 Paper Whinging and Decorating (special notioo)- C, Routley Co Ready for Spring -J. BroPheY & Sou 5 Furnaces -MAL Pinder , Good Dressers -W. C. Pridham 6 Spring Term -Central Businees College... 4 Our Spring Showing -Wm. Sharman 5 New ociods tor Easter -la Millar Co Notice to Creditors-Proudfoot, !lays & 1 Foneing-C„ C. Lee 8 Certificates of Deposit -Standard Loan Co 1 At the Opera House -Pauline Hammond 8 Millieery Opening-Miag Donagh 8 Handsome French Organdies -Hodgens Bros 8 Now Open -Sovereign Bank OTICE TO FARMERS iso feeders nee Clydesdale Stook Food, of Toronto. Every pound guaranteed or money refunded, try it. For sate by W. Btuutows &C SON. ,TO . INTENDING BUILDERS We have constantly in stock a large supply of Cement Bricks for sale. Call and get prices. THE GODE RICH CEMENT ERICK Co. GODERICH e'"1 E. SALE, L. 1). S. D. D. S., MoLeanaa eioderich. Dr. Turnbulre old stand. • HOTELS. treat HURON HOTEL, Goderloh Ont. -Thor mighty refitted and modernised. A home fgethetraveller and farmer. Best deflate. day matter/0 be fitund anywhere. N. J. MORRIE- SHY. Promieter. 1‘4110741PAIPVIIKAY Ttlg "-;z4zaszs,,,Airi in ___ 0 COLBORNE HOTEL 1 tau & JOHNSTON, PROM LIJ xl 1 4 Thre old established hostelry will be i4 klikept op to a high standard of excellettcy. and the petronagoof the general publie ‘ 4 is resipectfally solicited. fu7acial and renewed attention will It IIt mos, and tee hope ta moat a fair be id to every .department of tho 4 Abaco of the tmvelling public. k BELL gr. JOHNSTON f?, PAO it 111 42rtitraMIS ,t,!4t1117,4• AVARgi MEDICAL D ne. EMMEIlsoN ft TURNBULL. A, T. Hemmen:, 111. w. 8. Torment'. M. B. ; Offices 102 °Mee% Hamilton St. Phee'el Residence 121 Night eats for the firm of Dm, Emmernon and latatibell will bo answeted either from their Oillee, Hamilton street, or from Dr. T0,01111'4 resIdenceateelson divot. ere riit. A. itt, MACHIAS, M B. reieletan end Surgeon. Special attention M oeiNettr, nektand threat. °Mee and residence Oid Beek of maltreat, someone Pest Moo. Wetit greet. Goderieh. To -Rehab° No. lel W. E. KELLY WATCHMAKER, JNIVELLICR fiAND OPTICIAN. ISSUER OF parcaliOn magrismed 000101101I. ONT. GODEFsICH TEL, SCHOOL GODER1CH, ONT. Our small fee learne you TolegraPilY. way, Bxprees. Telegraph and Ticket Account- ing. The new and complete eystem which I have been teaching gimes a thorough know- ledge in all book.keeping. Ladies' receive sto and more per month. A. E. MATHESON, Principal, Office. G. W. Thomson & Son's -Muria Store O P1100. Croltrron'S Fri. day-olintou will try tbe experluieut comity solo end et0,01r4110,4 tOr whielt IWO will be offered in Wises, No entrance fee, no &Inge for *Ohl amino atimbution, Tho town oval .havo a largo gathertnit that day Ana Jet AS hope 04 wooressfut PUBLIC 1.48DARY.-e-The Board met. Sattirday for regular Interness, The Book committee were enipoWered, PlAreheAP A of Inadre %Omitted by theM. and to ask for tenders tor tho tonne from the local dealers. Tbe 11. brarian was instrueted to PrgegYtt Prleted elips on which readere„,W,Ill De requested to enter the titles or nookS they may wishlosee On the abelveff. Sir 4110011RAFIBSWOrth'ii "Self Edueater" watt„,ordered to be purchased fpr the Matting room An° account of, $1 for tie' poste from the Goderich Planing was ordered to be paid. The librarian's report for Pelarteary showed recelyitstff $10.39 from sale of cards. cateloguee and from finee.and au issue for the motith of Ma books. Bowratso.-The committee of the Western BoWling Association have requested the Goderieh Bowling Club to send a representatiye to apt on the committee of the assoelation. The letter says that " In order that the work ha hand (that of arranging for the reception of the old country bowl- ers) Is properly done, it Is moat inv portant that yuu appoint a represen- tative who will take an motive interest and attend the meetings. It is un- necessary for me to draw your Eaten. tiou to the importance attached to this matter. The partrfrom the Old Land, which will consist Zof some 85 gentlemen and 15 ladies, will be a mat influential company and one which Canad,a might, feel proud to welcome." ANOTHER Bmex.-An advt. on this page announces the opening in Gode- rich of a branch of the Sovereign Bank of Canada, which will be located in the Jordan block, in the store just vacated by H. W. Thomson, druggist. Mr. 11.T. Rance, of Clinton, who will be acting manager for the present. and Mr. F. (). Boultbee, of the Toronto branch, RFC in town attending to the necessary arrangements. This is one of the most progressive financial in- stitutions in ClanaAa, having now over 60 branches, and within a few weeke will take rank as the fifth largest bank in Canada. Mr. Rance is well known all over Eluroa,„,and the head office would make no mistake if they place him in charge 8f their Goderich office permanently. Mr. E.V. Campion will be accountant, and Mr. Buckland, of Arthur, Ont., ledger keeper, AN INTERESTING ()ABE FOR FAR- mEas,-In the ease of John Martin against Robert Cowan, before Justice SPECIAL NOTICE. Notices under tide heading to non -advertis- ers will bo charged 10 cents a running lino in nonpariel type. 12 lines to the inch ; to yearly contract advertisers whose advertining ap- pears in the same lame, 0 cents a line ; to these who make a yearly contract under thie heading. and do not otherw advertiee, centa a line. Tenders for Pulpwood Concession rrIENDICtta will be received by the under. 1 signed up to and including THE EIGHTEENTH' DAY OF APRIL, NEXT for the rend, to mit Millwood on certain aroaa trito_utary to the Moitre,a1 River, in the Drat of elleiesing, the Ne Won River, In the D striet of Thunder Bay, t eRattro Lake. the ele- goon Rivet and the Lellte of tho Woods, all In the District of Rainy Revel% Tenderers should sttato the amount thee' are prepared to PaY 11/3 bonne In itddittem tit teeth dues an may be need from time to thno,,fer tho right to operate a pulp or Delp and pfelei Industry on the arena referred tot Sueoemanl tindarreine will be re- quired to erect mille on t torims and to manufacture the -weedy u p Previtice of Ontario, Parties making tondo* R be Winked to delimit, with their tenat,r a marked Cheque, paye.ble to the Treaeurer of Mewl°, for ten per omit ot the amount of sitter tender, to be for. felled in event of their net entering into egteeinneta to carr o conditione, etc. Tito mit or milt term r neceasartly accepted. For loartIcall As to daeription of territory. p 1 Mello to be Invested, etd. aPPIS1 te the Undersigned. HON. F. 00011,RANle, Minister of Lamas anti Minna, Toronto, Ont. Local Notices. For little shavers or big shavers the Black Diamond Bager.-J. B. PiAWRINR. The Daughters of the Empire intend holding their annual Daffodil Tea in the last week of April, In aid of the Hospital fund. Particulars later. Henceforth all passengers travelling on Canadian Pacific Railway purchasing tickets from their local agenL will ee fur- nished with a ticket entitling thorn to free bus to 114 depot. Madame Zella,, palmist, is at the Hetet Bedford. If you aro not a believer in the philosophy of paunistry, you will do well CO consult her. Madame Bella reade your life like an open book, and gives information on all affain. She is a cultured lady, a charming convereationallet. and her readings will de you much good. Consult her at Room No.5. Noun; 10 a. na. to 10 p. ru. Remember the dates of Di iss Dono,gh's Millinery opening, Saturday, March 3ist, and Apeil 2nd and ard. On Thursday, April 5th, the Mc- Gillivray Miesion Rand will hold a " Mystery Tea" in the lecture room of Knox church, ad- mission, including tea, 10 canto. Candy tables, at which choice confections will 'he sold, and musical program during the evening. We're almost at the Raster season, and visione of new hats and ribbona, drosses and gentlemen'e wear, are engrossing the mind. Don't forget that Brophey s photos put thew) In a shape that will allow your Blonde at a distance to see how well you look. A special meeting will he held in the Salvation Army Barracks on Thureday night, April Oth, at 8 o'clock, consleting of children's drilla, recitationn, duetts, Hinging mualcal AC - 100110118 with the violin and guitar, making a very interesting programme, After which refreshments will be served. Every ono cor- dially invited to attend. MONDAY, Arum OTH. -The conclud- ing entertainment In the Popular Course will be given on Monday, April 9th, when Durno, the great magician, will appear at Victoria Opera tioutle, Durno in a minder In his line and is re- puted as necond Hermann, and his achieve- ments 111 mystery and magic have created n sensation wherever he has gone. Thim will be an event which no one nhould mien. At the Opera House next week. The Pauline Ilammond Oa open their engage- nient In Goderloh on Monday night next for threo nights, with the strong five act bill, "T'ho Man from Frisco," with hitch Ape - batten between acts, including moving Mo. truce and illuetrated songs. Thin company 001008 reconlInended, and will no doubt maito a geed imprainion among the theatre goers of Goderioh, MIrw Hammond at once fella into the good graces of her nudionee and the supporting cast IP never found wanting In their respective roles. Seats are now 011 sale at leidd's Hoek Store. seo the great ePecialtY of tho Perry Hem, acrobats. Madame Zella, smientific palmist, is giving readinge at the WWI Bedford this week. in delineating character, reading tho past and future. Madame Zellael readings rue a rovela OM to those who have hitherto not believed thet paimietry could bo reduced to an exact science. It, will pay you to consult her. Room Magee, at Toronto last week, the jury brought in certain findings which re- sulted in the plaintiff's action beingdie- missed with costs. Both the plaintiff and defendant come from the town- ship of Scarboro, where they are both well known,and the action was of con- siderable interest to the farmers of Scarlaoro, the court room being crowd- ed. The plaintiff, Mr. Martin, was in charge of a cutting box, and the de- fenda,nt, Mr. Cowan, was in charge of am engine which operated the corn cutting machine. The plaintiff lest two fingers in the machine, and, claiming that the defendant started the ma- chine in operation without any warn- ing, sued for $2,000 damagee for the loss of two fingers. The defendant contended that the' accident arose through the plaintiff's0Wil carelessness. Conaiderable evidence was given as to the custom in regard to giving warn- ing. On the findings of the jury, Jus- tice Magee dismissed the action with costa This case is of further interest in view of the fact that there is now before the Legislature a bill respecting stationary engines. ADVERTISING GODERICH.-Quite a THE SOVEPLIGN BANii incospomiey1 ,Ao or Earkko;tot NOW OM Mt Et,I$INESS Acettures of Corporations, redivides's and Easiness, Men gotieited eoutteous treatment extended to on st open§ ateollitt. Interest &edited foot tittree A etee TICallee,JOttilft Mock 11. '1%, RANO% Atting ltao AUCTION SALES FRIDAY', Aptil 6th, 1906, auction sale of farra stock and Implements, at Lot 2. con. /., W. D., Ashfield. Everything must be disposed of as the farm has been staid. MRA. r11031AS BLARE, Proprietrees. TH08. OnsnatiV, Auctioneer. TullanAY, AVM, 3rtie, at 2.3o o'clock. -Auction sale of several hundred nails of Well Paper. No reserve. Becketre Curiosity Slide, lItiffilltOn se. Aram Attn. -Ptirm atock, on loe 1, con. 1, W. D., Ashfield, al o'clock .p. m. Everything will be sold without reserve. Frank Willie, proprietor; Thoa. °unary. auctioneer. Toxenav, APRIL tont -Tticecutora' stile of village properly and household effects, under will of late Margaret 9ra- .hain, at Port Albert, at t o'clock p: m. Protelfoot, Heys & Malt, solicitors for &etcetera ; Thomas Gtutdry, auctioneer. Tiltradnav, April 5. -Village property turd horialeheld effects belonging to estate of kite Margaret anthem, in Pott Albert. Stieet 0,eittbk.. Taw. Gtonmv, nue- ilcacer, PhOtfordO'r, /Lave & BLAIR, *anchors for tater-03re, Apri1 Oh, at 1 p. 15. sheep.- Auction sale el valuable resi- dence and household furoiture, the pre- tty ef A. O. Wyatt, corn of Huron tied and Nevin street. B. Wyatt, Wet, 01to. Ste.irrrr, letteer. telliW141111,10 Otrittlo., SA IA 411418. UK INIPH011e111.1t1F This how% you? tiotwIthstOullOg the vary ino,, *rid cothorttaaton VI Offer/4 with Otla Pretaist* pkttirea ;CO Iodine Olt otir subliOrkbers *0 POP uPe them sire StIll olintersil ltultdced *pm are la art*" eal'Ilatitilt , nearly one thousetnI dighirs, These must pay uPtefore AIRY 1St, or find themorvoi ht-trouhto with- * nctlloctor, whose chow* will ha added. Yeti him had the paper, the ontmay omit and wo need It. This warning.'" peremptory and avhilos eve* Otte /Ming One dollar or upward'. We are treat- inft,011 (let a move on and " Pay that thou owest," TRANItel-,At the regular tneeting of the Daughters of the Empire a very heerty vote of, thanks was tendered the beck Sicoie Worits, of Brantford, through their agent, Mr. 0. 0. T.,ee, for theit handsome donation to the Hos- pital of a Happy Thought. Range. The chapter wishes to aeknOwledge also with laearty thanks the receipt of $5 handed in as a, d.onation to the Hos- pital fund from the Leeburn Literary Society. a very kindly act. KINDLY CIONGRATOLATtONO. - The capable and energetic mayor of South- ampton, Llent.-Col. Beleher, who was the fleet to make the suggestion of holding the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge meeting in Goderioh, has the vim and youth of the most proglessive head of any corporation, in Ontario. In a letter to our 1.1r. Tpdd, he says: Mr DEAR Tden,-dougratulations on tho marked swans that attended your agleam, and the result to all who thared in the gather- ing. Godorich to ell right. I find that your toIvn Iwo at -owed from its slumber% vied as a giant who awakes and (Makes himself, has girded on the whole armour and determined to vanquish and conquer. I knew it in the old dayo, and k w the people; and whtle they adapted the elves to the then conditions, the present,generation has caught the spirit of the times and marehed eoldre to the front with every prospect of loading in onward march. I caught emu° inspiration aud em de- termined to eet up a formidable rival on the shores of joke Huron. If tho people would only follow I would Iced you a lively dance. A VETERA.N STOOKMAN.-W hen Al- bert Mitchell, of Benmiller,went West a couple of weeks ago with a carload of beavy horses, he took with him W. L. Ferguson's grey shire stallion, En- field Masterman, which will be dis- posed of in the Western Provinces. Mr. Ferguson, it is said, will retire from the hif.fte business and devote his time to his farm. There isno man in this part of Huron county who has done more in the last 30 yearn for the breedifig of heavy horses than has Mr. Ferguson, and to his enterprise and courage may be attributed much of the good reputation which this county enjoys for its good horses. Mr. Fer- guson deserves the rest he will now have from a business which has many risks in it, and THE STAR, with tnany friends, will hope the old veteran has some substantial reward for -his long seorvio.ceLDGE 'S COURT. -On VVednes. .0. number of cards and lettere have been received by the committee from dele- gates from distant points to the Grand Orange Lodge in Goderich, compli- menting the town on its attractiveness and the kindly nature of our people. These echoes of the past are a retninder that Goderich has not been placed for some time before the outside world in any way that would bring future profitable benefit. Probably one of the most happy thoughts of the local committee was when badges were secured with a pendant representing the Court House and Park. The sou- venir cost conaiderable money, hut the value of "walking advertisements" cannot he overestimated. While hundreds of them were given away, there are many applicationa for these souvenirs coming in, but the limited funds will not permit of a duplicate order. It does seem that it would be wise were the town to secure histori- cal and up-to-date souvenirs for distri- bution to the outaide world. On this occasion there was nothing, outside business places, except what the local Orangemen furnished free to advertise Goderich, and they certainly deserve credit considering the limited funds at their disposal. There were people here from Fort William to Windsor, and although the time of the year was unfavorable to nee Ooderich in all its beauty, the impression has been most favorable, and it is indeed pleasing to know that the old town will reap beneflt as a result of the visitome pres- ence here. A Moment. TREAT.- The Trustees of North etreet Methodist church placed the music loving public under a The iloar4 of Trade, Theco ot the Board ot Trade bold tte re 010 meeting In tto Town Hail on $1 day oventog last, ahnott every me being present, anti a hvety sineas.like interest per. VikdinR the prOCeedlegp.s Nine AeW members were reported and elected, the inenthership now reaching nearly 70. with a prospect 01 about 24 more. . Tbe secretary reported quite a, num. bevof counnunications, some of which were as follows; Acknovviedgment from the Min. later of Education of receipt of pea, tion regarding the proposed Normal Schools. 2. The following kindly acknowl. edgment from the Supremo Circle of the Canadian Order of Home Circles t Toronto, March 32. 1900. James Mitchell, Esti. Secretary Board at Trodo,Cioderieb, Intstatint,-1 her toacknowledgo witty thanks thetev Ranee of the Board of Trade of the town of enalerloh to the Supremo Cirele of our Oiler klirWitttirtIt "Althea= tair_ pElto t;9741; vine° and myWconsulared, atul resmurion expressing apprceistlen of the in- irvitt=itt Meat that einntinetatwas did not mama uo this year in going rut far weet Godorich. Tito next meeting will he hold In the city of Toronto, but perhaps et Home future time a propositiou to go to Cloderleh may racet with favor. Tome very truly, J. M. roma, Sup. Si30. 3. Several replies to lettere of en- quiry regarding p•roposed new indus- tries, which Included a steel working plant, to employ 100 hands, a large publishiug house, a fence manufactory and an iron manufacturing industry, In each of these arrangements were made for the continuance of the cor- respondence with a view to reaching such negotiationa as would allow the subtnission of a definite proposition to the electors. Several' other letters were reported by the secretary, to which he:was awaiting reply. A letter from Mr. George liadrIll, secretary of the Montrenl Board of Trade, announced the cancelling of the proposed conference of Canadian Boards of Trades which it was intend- ed should be held in that eity, prepar- atory to the meeting of the Sixth Olon- gross of Chambers of (loturnerce of the Empire, in London, Eng., in June next, owing to want of time. This was filed. The matter of the enlaegement of the postotRoe building here and the im- provement of the loterior arrange- ments was discussed. and the Presi- dent and Secretary itnpowered to pre- pare a petition to the Government therefor. It was also decided to forward a pe- tition to the U. S. Secretary pf State, asking that the consulate at Lille port be not closed, its was intimated in the public press recently. Inasmuch as the work of the secretary's office has entailed u. large amount of correspondence and, labor, without any re- muneration, it was unanimously agreed, on motion of Messre. R. S. Williams and C. C. Lee, that a grant of $25 be tnade him for past services. The Council then adjourned. day Geo. Reid was brought up for sentence for stealing a ring and a pair of mitts from resi- dents of the township of Grey. 6ince the remand for sentence was made, the prisoner has been charged with stealing a Buffalo robe from D. Mc- Lellan, of Ashileld, and when before the Judge on Wednesday he asked for speedy trial, and pleaded guilty to tivat charge. He was else charged- witb obtaining one dollar by threats from R. M. Connell, of Ashfield, but he pleaded not guilty to the charge. The County Attorney asked leave to withdraw the charge, and the court consenting, Reid was remanded to the 4th prox. for sentence on the three 'charges to which he had pleaded rot ilty. The reason for the postponement of sentence is to enable the authorities to find out, If possible, Reid's previous record. SUDDEN DAATH. -A telegram was received from Winnipeg on Thursday cif last week, announcing the death of James Elliott, a one time well known resident of Goderich township and Goderich town, hut up to the time of our going to press no further news has been received, except that the denth was a sudden one. The deceesed, with his family, had been in the Northwest some years. but had re -visited the old township since his settletnent in the Prairie Province. He was a much liked man, and had a large circle of Mende in town and the good old townehip, all of whom heard with sorrow his unexpected death. He leaves a widow and one son, Lorne, and one danghter. Miss Reta, and five brothers -Gabriel and William, Goderich township ; John, Dungannon ; and Robert and Thos., of los Angeles. and four sisters --Mrs, Robert MeLean, Goderich ; Mesdarnee John and James (lox. Goderich town - del); and Mrs. John McLean, of Dungannon. The telegram announc- ing the death stated that the inter- ment would take place at Winnipeg. AROUND TDB HARBOR. -The iron steamers Turret Chief and Turret Court are being prepared for an earl y start on the opening of navigation. - This week things are looking up all round the dock; preparationm were being made for a general start at the elevator, the maehinery at the lumber mill is being repaired and added to, and other work stirring. The last few weeks nearly 200,000 eenient bricka have been brought to the elevator from the factory on the beach. They will he used for the erection of the machinery and weighing flak. The river opened up again on Monday all along the town front. There was but little rise in the river, so the ice wits not hacked up much, Rod the river !Mande were only just fringed with lee blocks]. The south' nide did not give way, 00 it IR ntill solid, but the north side wan ROM clear through the rush, and there wee a clear pass- age from the new plate; all along At. trill's banks to the lake. The rush seemed to make no impreesion oh the recently erected Mere for the new bridge, and as far an can he wen the HAM break up of the Maitland this year did no damage to any of the re- cently erected C. P. R. works.- Con- tractor Tromanhauser added to his staff yesterday, and the cement pillars and wails rose a hit yesterday. It is expected the men will work contin- ndusly at the cement until the eleva- tor le ready for closing In.- -The Har- bor Lumber Co. has added a log loader and a jigger to their mill machinery. the improvemente coating in the neighborhood of one thoimand dollars. -On account of the illness of al r.Marl- ton work on the new tug Wag almost traepentled the put few days. -A few hande started yesterday to prepare fdr Work on the 0.P.R. track title aide of the harbor and river. obligations tee thetn by the entertain- ment provided in connection with the new church opening services last Mon- day evening, and those who wore de- terred from going by the very unfa- vorable weather missed a treat not often available bere. Ae organint, Mr. W. H. Hewlett. of the Centenary Methodist church, Hamilton.has more than a provincial reputation, and in the generous progratn of 15 numbers, nine of which were on the organ, he gave a variety and quality that left nothing to be denired. Rig eelections included ouch ever welcome standards an the overture to " Tell," Brietenbach'e "'Fantasy Pastorale arid Tempest in the Alps." Von Flotnw's overture from "Straddle," and the hreaehless attention given to his play- ing vette a striking testimony to its excellence. Mrs. Flora McIver -Craig was the soloist with five numbers, and there can be no doubt of the place she has won In the pavane of her audience. Of graceful and attractive personality, with a rich and sympathetic yoke, she singe with ate ease and Alatinetion of enunelation !that were delightful. While each number was a gam, a vete don of -Jesus, Lover of My Soul," by Macdougall, was aomething to remem- ber, and "My Ain Countrie.” which has been sung here many times. was never more sweetly and pathetically rendered. In the vocal utimbers Mr. Ilewlett'a organ aceompanimenh eras Petrifies* and added much to the en. joyment of eAch. The recital all through was of a character tbatdeserv. ed erOWded houge. „ ROO Town Topics. The esnrioising tonunittee of the INir board ere OA work this week ;ma are meetingeicellent suceese. Oatey HeMlink bnye a 0 room. eittwo *tory brick dwelling for eale. Aandisect. totobellt.e for this week. but cell Read tho first page adYertitieraents Tatioularly this week. Every week hero some announcement of deep utereat tereetnebody. erTauhleyttobwrosulgs4fuplolrocfbarzorastoaebou ututaat *Umber of citizens having lost gonsid- bas dropped in value. Read the supplement to this week's STAB. It contain° several eolunans of OnrresPondence, legal notes, industrial rereafodrirang1n China. and other interesting Those who have visited Madam Zella at the Bedford have expressed their entire satisfaction. Her reading of the past have been true and she tells you of numerous things of the future. Richard Orapp, ono of the London firemen killed In the 0, T. It. collision near Sarnia last week, was a nephew by marriage of Mr. Adam Poster, town. He Was married to a brother's daughter, who with four small chil- dren survive. J. H. Ward, West street, last week secured a hatch of 87 Barred Rook and White Rook chicks, snaking a total of 100. Mr. Ward has two machines go - Ing all the time. This is lila that 'ma- son and he expects to make the ven- ture pay well. Mr. P. T. Dean, our well known gro cer, is branching out In his trade, and will shortly open out a stook in Mitch- ell, In addition to carrying on his lato einess here. An attempt was made to tax him as a transient trader there, but the charge was withdrawn. We notice by the Southampton Bea- con that Editor Rumble was called away to Galt and Stratford, aud that Mayor Belcher assumed the editorial chair. Although His Worahip is full of the "strike out and go ahead" char- acter, his pan did not reach the libel- lous sphere. News was received this week by Mrs. Alice (U. A.) Humber, of the death of her uncle, David Ainey, Kingston. A notice was received at the same Gnu:. front the executors of her uncle's will stating that Mrs. Hum- ber was a legatee under that will. AMONG THE CHURCHES. In Victoria street church next Sun- day, the mermons will be preached in the morning by Rev. Dr. Rogerson, General Secretary, and In the eve- ning. by Rev, G. H. Cabbledick. Both services will be of special interest and good rnusic.has been• prepared, Rev. W. D. Magee, of Clinton, and Rev. H. W. Wifght of the Baptist church, town, exchanged pulpits last Sunday, and the former wee most kindly received by hie oid friends here, and by the large audience which at- tended the gospel tempermice meeting on Sunday afternoon. A week from next Sunday, April 8, special evangelistic ttervices will begin In North utreet Methodist church, R. Me Hardy, of Toronto, will preach and assist the pastor throughout these meetings. Mr. McHardy has excellent testimonials as to his ability .as a preacher and fillet:FAH as an evangelist. The services next Sunday in the new North street Methodist church will be of special interest. In the morning the Rev. G. H. Uobbledick, M. A., B. D., pastor of the Central Methodist church, Woodetock, will preach. Rev. Mr, Cobbledick is a very thoughtful and able preacher. In the evening the Rem. James Henderson, D. D., of' To- ronto. Aesoc late Missiohary Secretary of the Methodiet church, will occupy the pulpit. Dr. Henderson in recog- nized as one of the foremost pulpit orators in Canadian Methodism. The choir will render epecial music. Mr. 11. M. Carson will sing a 8010 at the evening service. Everyone cordially weicauietl. The Southampton Beacon stye : "Ikon Todd, of THE GODERICII STAR, helped to make the gathering of the Orange brethrem in Goderich one of. the best there bas been. Orangeville will haveto get a move on to do as well. When will we have the Grand Lodge mvirdtmSaoyuothraumpton ? It Is up to you. Organizer Fineh, of ilittnilton, ar- rived le *town last week to canvass for the local Council' of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends. The gentle- man has been at organizing Imeiness for 15 years, aud has been very RUC- cessful, and now, while the straight life companies are under Ruch a heavy fire, should be more successful than evTerbe Winnipeg Five Prose. of March 15th, says: "Wm. Sloan, M, P., Uomox- Atlin, British Columbia, Hecured six- teen blocks of Regina property last week, paying therefor $100,000." •Mr. Sloan is an old Senforth holt, who is now one of the leading capitalists of the Pacific Province. He epent Sun- day week in Seaforth with his mother and sister. The dedication services of the new North street Methodint church wore continued on Sunday, and, AM an- nounced by the pastor, the tniesionat y services next Sunday will be a vont Me- ntion of the dedication. The church held a good congregation in the morn- ing, and was well filled In the evening, and all the member.; were pleneed see their one-time pastor, Rev, Jaaper Wilson, M. A. The musical program watt a long one, there being three. hytnns, two anthems and tw o nelec- tione by the organiet, and all these were well rendered. At the morning service Rev. Joseph Elliott read the lesson, and the pastor made announce- ments and the opening prayer. In hie announcementn Mr, Hazen made a fraternal reference to the presence of Mr. Wilnon, the eongregatione. one - Cane much loved pastor, which vvan later nicely replied to by Mr. Wileon, who taking Nairn worth; to Timothy, " W.hich is the chute+ of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth," preaohed an admirable eeranwi, that wan attentively liatened to. The reverend gentleman has not lost any of hin old-time fire, hie language wan atget,mteilarr itlp:iretilnveernyt, teofrheelautv•heo, /41aluinn mg Smart alvettyit gives the greatest value on earth. pleaning voice vibrating through every part of the large editioe. In the afternoon t h children gathered In the baeement and march- ed from the4r elana roomn into the church, and occupied the centre seate. the junioro Bitting in front. There wan ;medal mimic for the occasion, and intereating wkly.:leen were de• livered by Revs. W. E. Kerr, of Clin- ton and J. 0. Reid. of Nile. The evening service was equally In- teresting with the others, and Rev. Mr. Wilson again delivered moat meellent and profitnble dleeourse. The gross reneipte from subscriptiOne and collections for the tWo Standar) were about $1225, and from the hot supper about $325, to which will be added the proceed° of the organ recital,' so that the balance of debt un- provided for will not be,a burden to the congregation. TUB MAITIANO 'MVO; 0Qp, The Promoters of the allt SOSO* Are Oettlug On Tuesday last the MAYOR Oft three of the Coutaelliere vfha .ere' available at the 0030)---Melonli 04A* Iowa. Young and /Math met by rettilegt the following prornotera of the Mait- land k'ower Co., in the Cloud IOW room of the Court lionset Dr. UnIniest 3. T. Goldthorpe, James clerk. X, McIntosh, W. L. Horton, 11, MeRwan, and a lumber at other gen. tlemen whom/ere present, Dr. Holmes, as spakesMen for the promoters. Raid they wished to inform- ally Mimes with tho members of the Council some plan hy Which the Council would agree to **knit to tho ratepayers a bylaw to guarantee the bonds of Otto company to the amount of $150,000. They were' quite willing, even desirous, to have the town's intereats fully protected. any way that would not entail onerous conditions on the company. The town's assisource In this way was necessary to elle floatingof the scheme, US the other $100,000 worth of stook could not be -sold without ft. lie argued that the town was now paging about $5,000 per year for coal for the water and light plants. anti by heving their power supplied by the company a large saving would be effected. While the company had the report of Mr. V. M. Roberts, 0. P. R. engineer, whielt was very encouraging. nothing would be done unless another expert whom they would bring hero would counter", Mr.'Roberts' report In every particular. In the general disoussiou Mayor Tilt said he felt that the promoters should first, have the $100,0011 subscribed. anti then come to the town, otherwise the bylaw would not carry. He did not consider that the town should be asked to assume so large a liability without the balance ot the stook being first sub- sorihed. He would look at this as though it was a request to a private individual to loan money on a more. - gage- Tbe question WWI pretty generally discuesed, Mr. Dickinson, the town so- licitot, being sent for, and finally it was agreed that the directors should have a draft bylaw prepared and sub. MR it to another meeting for further consideration. On Wednesday an engineer repre- senting a Detroit company was in town, and discussed with the directors 11 steel and concrete dam which his cotnpany build% and Which it Is claimed has many adeantages over the ordinary rook and earth dam. So far as he had examined the Power Company's proposal, he was of opinion the work could be easily carried out. and would undoubtedly prove a._pay•L ing Investment in the sale of power. , GRAIN TRADE IS JOLTED. Chief Justice Palconbridge Gives Judgment on the Method of Buy- . Robert Durnin was apprehended in Kincardine on Wednesday and brought to tioderich yeaterday 00 a charge of theft, the charge tieing the stealing of itie own clothes. 'ehe defendant was boarding at the King Edward hotel, and is said to have moved les clothes away without perinksion of the land- lord while owing a board hill, which under the kw h. a theft. It ita said there may be othee charges preferred against Durnin. On Monday and Tuesday one could paddle a canoe on Trafalgar street itnd float along nicely. School Kirk and boys had a most delightful time for themeolves, but doubtleos there 'were very many consequent eufferers. The walks on this stleet should receive the sincere consideration and action of the powers that be, In the past, Tea. falgar street Mtn been neglected, pro• bably because attention has not been called to Me wretched state. On Wedneeday morning I). McLeod, Jr., and Jobn McLeod were charged by 10. W. Smith, an engineer in the etnploy of Pigott & Co., with having used threatening language to hint, the eald Smith, The case lasted till 11 p. m„, five will -tease.; being examined on each side. In the end tho police mag- istrate found the charge proven, and placed D., jr. under bonds of $100 for one year, and allowed John to go un- der nuspended sentence. the defend- ant.; In each case haying to pay costs. Meeting Calendar colt c. 0,P . newel moothat of 0: In nolo Waffles day cement Initiation er otinaidatos and nowt intraday. toll full. W. B. McLean, of Heneall, IlliR in- vented and patented an adjustable heat conveying, heat regulating, dust and tire proof stovepipe thimble. Riots been thoroughly tented and has proved a complete litICCORR. Is a most per- fect contrivance and ean be used on any stove pipe. It is fire 'woof and eaves cutting extra holes In walls, eeilings and carpets. lie has also In- vented a machine that will (Alp, cut and preps. from 200 to MO complete nets of register. a day. Owen Sound Tintea On and after the first of April the WPII known hos- telry at the corner of Hemp.. tind Union streets, known AN the Queen Hotel, pnesee into the hands of the Owen Sound Hotel Conipany,the same company that owns and operates the 801(1011 House. At a meeting held on Monday evening It Wilk derided to have the houne renovated and refitted from top to bottom, nod to appoint Mr. Aaron Read an manager. Mr. Read In no atranger to the public, having lived for ninny year* In Owen Hound and for It time (wecupled the chief magistrate'a chair at the coon - en hoard, tom most (rancid' huel exz. Tim resume month), maltine tho 0eao. ge 'hetet) of tee extetnea. InAtaw wet he ol atrtzlitome of ra wan , Brom St , on Thtt Aprli Gth. Marine Matters. Detroit, March 24. The measure now being eonsidered nt Ottawa, re. mitring all captaina and mitten in Can- tuflan veaneln should be Ifritieh sub- jecta, will, if panned, and a aimilar on thin aide of the III1P is provoked. will result, clissistrounly for many t'an- adian ranntern and TRW% as the ratio of Canadians employed on I% S. ves- neln Amerlearia employed on Cana- dian boon; in ten to one. Mr. Juntire Aileen handed out judg- ment on Saturday in the milt of Chan. Robertann, engineer, against the Nor- thern Navigation Conti:any for dam- age& for wrongful dinanienal. The judgment awarde Robertson $550 69. and ordered the navigation rotnpany to pay conta of action. Robertson MID Ing and Selling Grain. Toronto Telegram. Chief Justice Falconbridgia this morning handed out a judgment of national interest to this grain pro. clueing country. "It just means that it turna the whole grain trade upside down," said Mr. Featherstone Aylesworth, who, with Mr, J. H. Moss, appeared for the plaintiff, the Northern Elevator Com- pany of Winnipeg. William Ptoud- foot, K. (1., appeared for the defend. ante, the Lake Huron and Manitoba Milling Co., of Goderich. The action ls based on the alleged conversion by the defendant of 10,- 000 bushels of wheat, part of a cargo of 95,000 bushels shipped by the plaintiff. The real dispute was as to the price of wheat. The action was dismissed without costs. In April, 1003. the defendants wrote to the plaintiffs tor wheat. In May the plaintiffs replied that they could supply them "on a basis of 3 over New York for One hard, and 12e. over for One Northern e. 1. Georgian Bay or Buffalo." Is There A Metheld ? The Chief .lustice says: "The plaintiff elahns that in atating Its willingnese to deal on the basis of three over New York July, it waa sug- gesting the adoption in selling to the defendant of a well.established and clearly defined method of dealing. The plaintiff asked me to find that there exist in the grain trade on this continent a clearly defined and well- underntood usage by which what Is known an cash wheat, is sold on a ba- sis of future wheat of R stated month on one of the eetabliehed produce ex- changes. and that when a vendor of wtsh wheat agrees to sell the same to a purchaser of three over New York July, the trannaction involves a sale by the vendor of the cash wheat and and a counter Rale by the °purchaser of the New York July wheat to the vendor of the (-ash wheat, and that the purchaser of the cash wheat shall pay to the vendor three cents a bushel more than the vendor payn him for the New York July wheat.. "The plaintiff further oaks me to find that in a contract of this character it cash wheat to deliver the New York t he duty of the purchaser to.fithth: July w hea t to the vendor, th. ough the perchaser's own broker or by giving the vendor an order to toy In t he New York July wheat, as one or other of these ways is essential in ot•der to flx the price of the cash wheat. nod that there is no other re- cognized method of fixing the price of rant; wheat but by the delivery of the New York July wheat. Not Known In Toronto. "The plaintiff claim that the con- tract wan made with reference to such cuetott. or usage. The defendant re. Iles on the phrane used in Ito telegram of May Zird, •Price fixed, date of ship- ment or sooner.' In the employ of the eompanr 1 • V "10 order that the plaintiff shall nucceed, it beeomen necessary to read Into thin contract the alleged eustona that in a sale nueh as this there is an implied term that the defendant In cettlement for the cash wheat must aupply the July option. A custom to he binding tenet he Universe'. The alleged custom here wee stated to be universal, brit that expression Weit qualified by the statement that Mr. Crowe, manager of the Northern Ele. vator Company, meant NeW York, Winnipeg. Chicago and mitmespolie, It wan not contended that it IneltIded Toronto. ;me in fact Mr. Crowe de. elined defendan tea propetaltf011 to Ohl* trate at Toronto OD the groutid that ao Toronto people were net fetreiliet Witte that arse of trade. chief engineer of the City ot Co line: - Weald up to and Including I 1, WO( claimed to have heen engaged by them to continue In the eompany iterviee I,n 1005, but inetead that110 was dismieered, and at a sermon When opportunitien necuring other em- ployment wore greatly reduced. - it io to be born° in mind that itt thin cage defendants appear as millet* and not as warehousemen or Speen* • 'atom," Additional local matter will ha found on page 8,