HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-02-09, Page 2Phdm GfgAmdsra Y as Frvsb %MW use- rttimcN able elv i 6-0 pey,aae and speech- " of a beblla gine them were fbero fres d. L&Mwti"y we license ; but [eMailp. dee-, theme. pwwwkq often which wore ea• pected to ra meaflv obomes asp, IeaaIf so or, aWWI ri,he to the pwpalw Meda, sad, to fine ;:% M P ib i cot e a1�w die iota" "tx r s&l 44 "t wvsh �stiLor murA tadTtrBal gwa wbc►we an esdlwg. .Issiwael with td* at {rats t on p wr Mbowe�The ee meant be let drown gently int* the btmM of the pe••ple. The whole w eat d'e fa A= Piave weeds and uto- pus thtw" instead : '• Irlearty. Equality, Fraterah))s" ,star all Rasa sad ch.sch- doog. Dere is tempted to ray, Would that the Freacb pesple might /r"mserise them - *elves into Alert!! ' for there is au chance of their. Ise ass ass , "Ims-Item into it. Titre i. ow goseti" coaoec tod a it► tYo. swereavent which deans& arten,i,.f, and that is The social Qrsessei..s. In this, per- haps, lie thereat problem sad peril of our time. The higher sed 1•toer classes, f.r- m.erly far very always nppn-J, have n•.w eolme Bearer to each other, at lea -t Ily the «cvelopmeot of c„aeww r•gbra in the tat - 1, r. They gaw allied coafrosr.j : and the 0-mvier to of an Obalomate ante fatal Cond:co. In this state Df shin".. u M of 1 .e uru.o.t Imp.rtanre to diabum t them both, a. for as ptrasibld, "f uwn a.nsabl« real irritating pro Judiccr, and, in this crew, up u,u.l expresv out npinwe, that many, things are mood ,i tap little gaDfiratiuO and i,( a very danger nem teaJtney. It la smgised lit Inoch that u written up„& the present eon lotion of the t!eprtlived distance, that ibis coaWu,o is use 109 to'bc ila•.es allow* tbru,,-v, rich rm- pluyrrr and "rasping capltallrte, But I. 0.a. .. trlie I Lot w 1--h at if. The cwthaol world has bores fur a lose time is a state of compantite peace. Population ha. rapidly Increased. Laborjrr have m,tlttulied, and production, bast.- ourgruw•a demand: The conseq•,encs baa ►ecu a compression monolog them f„r wolf&. They have ultdrrAtd one another. Wages Sats fallen to the hard Ide-suppullIng point. %%'hose f.ult is this, i Nobody*#. ahno we can are. It sem no, Doe's fault directly and immed,ately. Remotely. one may pay, the condition of the suffering classes is 0% Ing to oppe°wtwe goweramenta, to unequal institutions, to this entaal of "- tat" sad rmmcsse accumulations in few hand/, to easermwta nstiulval delete sad come- -quest b"ry taxes. But all t' is was the heritage of the past, the fixed order of *nci- Vey, and It could bot be changed is a no- ar*t, No doubt, freer iautatiuM. axte*- fled rugrdge, and the ouhatilutiw u[ fes and freehold for rent and loose, would have gi- ves a options to the individual oa"ko d the people. And yet we do nut Bee testis, (me in- aututwns Bbd a chase* for all, lake our owe, will 01"gettber prevent the e"aniag ,:own of wsgq- Whose fault, them,', iti we repast. . Is It Abs fault of the Laborer i lie baa does but what all mea do *hes euuwn"ty a in oxcsesrould it for less. Is it the fault of Ibe eniAo ere the capitalist} lie could not bele it. US neighboring estate or maoufa-- . Jury to employing workmen at a Iran price tela& be, they undersell him, and be cement go ". Generosity bare is out of thequee- ties fa all ordinary cases: for it world soon Bake 1d* employe► • bankrupt, and then be must *top at any rate, sod hie eaten would bale we woes", t' is out of his power, we reptlalt N Wiest the descent of wager. No : hen is serious coma Spon Cha world 6.. -a.:-v wr..d , - ..e sew IT- a immedi- alaly ►e°poaaibW;'wbich presses heavily upon A OMPioyar and laborer together,--wbieb PNO@wtm dO Owes difficult Brod eoafomndonC paoNwa that corer togaged the atleauoi of tabid. Bad which modern society most Jobe►wish all sobriety and earnestness to "re. F.aseperatios, strife, bloodshed, wl;; not help the care, but only make it worse. Violating* in offered, plans an proposed, with match e°afidewe ; and ID this grant tit* - Un of Ib* cable, we are tempted to feet r I( we sodd twist nothing that comes in the bat%" of help. We' confess that we do not very well uaknland some tbingi that'the Projections say, sod that we cannot think that solver things are feasible. We do not understand, for instance, what is meant Imy ' the rigbl to labor," or by " every inaa's rirlf 1* the soil," or to " a protected home- sgod.s Ad we canout see how men, gen- erally, are to be persuaded to I"vs their rpnte ad independent family state, and to do ed and live in Immenom hotels or board- ing-houses, called " communilice," or "Pba- !&&stories." Bug if there be any pecaticable or plausible device for Yelr•, that will de no great harm, however visionary it rime, let it be tried -by those w -ho are willing to try it ; tet it, in the same of humanity, be tried. [TO BE COl1CLC*Rn ix ova f"xT.] A. lemur■�'o ABreast team a ir.-Bar- tbalomew O'Flabertie, V ig Makq, Music Modify, •ted dealer in dried •pp'r, from l)ubltre, rn" the pubile afurtnsuen l►at he h■* opened a shop sea Pig Alloy, No. 12, where be earned a The busies" of asking I"co cape, repackiog pork, and setting Lea,/ eTaga order dsnfks,'auept w kat falls down and lere mks. Hem joeki" wW far. nest may be supplied with Cause "'Prom"' old saddles, *"Alio-bottwe, cored all other legeubla oo td* *e.wt"1 wAn*. `y 1 f 1lrovinew Parfidin lit, tAGISLATIVR (XW.*4CIL. Teetdy, J4&owy St. The prewml&two of prtnio". lite Rf 001bacy ibe Glenview General tame dew sl sklstllli"r ad sere hi* M bat rdatosee to the pfrilnoom", swoon Itds M Isomer Caisse. Ile Ls laWkmy ibe Mind, A menage was n misetAfrom W LtsWauee Assembly, m- ing The oommrmo" of the Council t so &Moyes, for • repeal of the Navigation lAwa. The Amnesty BCL aas read a first lime. The Owns* to Her Maj sty to ref- erence ass the Navigation Law oft w" eoeeo Jewel must comwurreJ is, sad a meoosse seat to the !loud* Df Ases smy to acquo,al them thereof. Theymot addree* of both bougies W40 #beef aJopl*J, &ad the Ilan. Mr. Leslie otatei thine bite $btelleaty w„old reset" the &Wmoo td* taut Jay at ase o clock. musicians, let rob. 1619. Ile Eaeelleoey abe Gevatum Gone" at. rived of the Legislative Council Cbemlbw, ihi• P. lf., at 3 o'clock, died gave bol ammat 1„ toe Ata 1, Bill. i3mier•I pe.".One were presoated. February i. Tho House went into Committees of the Wh •le Pro On hill tM.rrpontife Mining and Joint Stork I;ompanieo-the bill was agreed in, ordered to be presented a third time on W -day next. The lion" adjouretd. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Tuesday, January 93. Twraty-four petition• wort brought up slid laid coo the table, and a number of peti- ,ioni referred. Mr. De Wilt, from tb*sun. ding C-lomiotee on C"tiogeociee, reported w Ute opinion of the co.wmittee that all let- tere, eorrespondeace, and papers forwarded by member►, and chargeable against td* tonlifetine,es of the looms•, Ought to be -•seed thr.m,"h the nlfee thereof. Agreed L4 by the house upon division. A message wait received from the L asgis- lative Cou,•col agreeing to the addrem as the NsviCalion Later. ON motion of the' Hon. Mr. Hincko. the add►eve to bol Ex- cellency from 'be coencil, to transmit to her Unjesly the joint &"rase as the Nees- eation Laws -was ai»ed to. Mr. Jebis introduced a bill to contend the Nutanal Act. To be read a second tome on Monday next. Alae to authorise to a eer- Leo■ txwot, the attachumat of the salaries Of pnblk elkere for debt. To be read a se- cond time oo Monday. 1" answer to Mr. Cleanliness, Tie Hew. Inspector General stated, that till the gov- rum"t bad closed the t orrespondence Dow being tarried on with the Impend: Covero- ment, it would be impoa•ible for govern- ment to propose anything relative to the Quebec and Halifax Railroad ; that it was not possible in the present state of the pro- vincial finances, to grant money for docks at Quebec, nnr for a road between the city o(Queb Lake St. John. In ass to the same gentleness, Mr. [ArOntaioe stated (as we understand,) that Sovernmcnt proposed to introduce so sew bills for silkier the census in Canada East ; for to repeal the Act 9, cap. lift, by which the cost of administering justice its Canada West wits charged on the consolidated rev- enue ; nor for devoting the funds proceed- ing from the Jesuits Estates, to purposes other than those to which they are now ap- plied. v" motwu "r td*.. namwtn, two taus were read a first time. The first to repeal the Municipal act for Caasda West, and se- cond to provide a general taw for the eree- tion of Municipalities in Canada West. - The first to be read a trecond time on that night (Tuesday) fortnight, the resod of that day week. On motion df Mr. Richards, the bill to simplify the transfer of real property was read a first time ; second reading 1216 Feb- ruary. If •newer to Mr. Scott, Mr. Hiscks, sta- ted, that government would not introduce any bill to cbange the currency laws, for to establish a bank of issue. There was a bill aider consideration relative to the crus of debentures. Ur. BalJwin brought down the papers or- dered the other day, re(ausre to the diomu- ral of Dr. Park, also a number of papers containing correspondence wiui the impe- rial government relative to the tariff, rail- wavar flee., ordered to be printed. Tbe examoatsun of witnesses in Mr. TsaoitWt's case, then was proceeded with. Mr. Notmaf moved a postponement of the further consideration of this question smile the next day, in order that members might bare as oppurtuaity of carefully considering the evidence from first to last. He might probably produce further testimony tomor- row, to which Mr. Vansittart desired as opp,wtaaity of replying. Cul. Primes sugire/ted that Mr. Va&oit- tart aboulJ be beard at once in compliance with bis r.egoedt to be allowed to address td* heave. No objection having holes male, Mr. Vsssittut aroee to address ilia house. Col. Proven reeommeaded the firing of all td* documents which had been produced by Mr. Varuittart as part of their case. Mr. Nul*rm� s motion for postponing the fnrtber cunsisersIe! of the cap till There - my next, wow tile* renewed, and carried sessimously. The house then aljouroed at 10 o'clock, P. M. Wanted Immediately a Parcel Be bol 1 I. -or skiffs, crooked decked egtrlrbiK old gum F. ternary 1, 1839. biggest, and such like garden ota`tle of &bin In the Ileum* of Actionably, nothing tri yefrs Rrewile. Quail traps fabricat.d and particular invill"t ,•ccorreed. After seer '. reneveted, "iso goof posturing far brer.l- couti•e bol-on••.e, Mr. Nnumn• moved, that try once", or exchanged for ed* Lie sum in. furtb_r couawlers,Ion of Mr. Vasoat. In the (Gads. I tan's ea■w b' seal*tnunal till Mnodsy next, A IarRr(q seedy ofmtiesnd ham,l breee""If which was &Tred la. The [louse then d• i by the graces or single RIII or less. 1'. to -h j, ,intd, at a gaa•u, to moves o cloek. • to idea, bimbo wsul, solver th,mbwo, her"1- C a�R ,1. t. KI.F'.t'TIO.d. p t vane'y oil ut tie malKla,:,-IW ;.rat kny"s, herd. T"w Holes, eoo.e Mr. Diurese r'un,to.l pteral resoletoOm Rreeno, Blvd terltll►Ose to be beirlerwd for frau t :e Conal C ensem,ed P;,.7clsom Cum - tasselled tames and st,(t soap. 11 --rad Yowr, ""ll""' Its the efR•el ,hat the Ilunora►Ie J. ilei . @boiling+ res, I►" logetbw Welk 11. Ce .w.un werk-ly elected, " "Present Nese =9L& "nod slant, and secs, woo. she,.,w m of C%wowall to this present Pani - J lire end e+�IW e." lbs -4, caslbrd ow I deft at lj+0a rhillinge Per, jard, hath "cones" Mr. filling" gave entice Ib.at he would, emry Other "we ow wf pebf a Maewrittwe cod on Friday "its, lag ll» of Ministers, if they WWII&* isa;►GMef' *l Wit aornMal value. Meme taken say step* to product the bridel. All tried* wf sa die work dune with McCort tag of Lake Champlain, by ed* ("obrg r ey mead clients Fair", amarlvg which are two wwbg of lid lotto Ratlwy Company, -thereby violating the exiethg trealied, which guarantee to British F' relwmw of the#Mt IrAlweoelvr, aN • h sebjeets.ad Jr. the cots•*. of the Udgod twt►dlr. with 100 IM for we h 0 Ibis . for e jre riavrds• thaw, the useintcmlpted daviCalrud of td* wrttbdoo, Thee pal" *is ot,lw bfO:'e evil w All► « lakss. Tlen nagoiry to to be m+do. with • e1°'e to IM fetwJucllw of •►111 to ttM- t*fd'e f•ll'y, w -ti, w .*Get" Ow. fa�s little r,.fifilea a ,wog weeIck wow ' oak ve rtes y tett the wale" of Ibe St. L,wrows with Like (7tampleib, twul" sad Nelloor .Prone. so pop sexampoto pro qd ewe, with "as -Issas of Mr. Illtarw'od (Tareftell is 1Ms►mem s�! * of the Jibe kind. the of Mi. Allan \fr'lob, teeb op the motion, to SAC; 11. I thio Him" should o•t,for ehr rygaoes (sly. a revs mea w • ohs, *= tc•iae`e. t�na ewwl (euarw few" twee A. M. M cix B M. Two two at simply but sloe who are we 1 eere•d 00 th* rhe "mendmes, , wo" a tl 'Wt@ed, ed Inoy mad opfieso m •U .a was pal and earned by art of tl"we#. cooing eorwf, Mad *,bee bweemmwbir, a large td*] •nty. e4ewldMb*ts of W. lboam n"I - A Cho JoM•e , of we wbe an rm and asAM"bel•a gf psd"u'te. •/ - t Add"= M the Eisv a&wo Lsww Blvd island. densis =mom be paa"wd. e 1 te a2 thedn i tuna r&* by telt. W aatw 117. Cdpl" of t\o PvJI jab tf M ►at wtlWawa, slvj L°'kl Nell M lhet ban Room lv y weel4 U"newt the "Old"* rice s° attic neatest tilt felt. CbstiTlve rust go / d~ ~ rte �At! �fl ar w.tLte M,"" carr e( Resits y N•lt tiv Ase« °1 we dslj •east at delle of t' d•ssom ; Ibe nano to II•r Msjesly'r i*er"fati! of Nut" .user oha dwdddo de wiisi ti/ [ of ad* Rectitude" tri ibe loo. MsMber hr ►..she to be *pest to pwbl:o Wepw"gieo far ibe Coluafoo. Oxf,rJ, iNl., • lM trade eedrse "/"& shapyiy M ss the mast of fine, Its, Ow esteem of Mt. tll/le ter ibe Hou/" IR ear, wish w alome utbor Mem►dlg a PeT `Pbie Beer 1Gc a weal 1010 CM4WM eilb WY..h>, to Clio- peva~ ealre a gge, M+*u woo r ke robe released rnY she wed*, wbbb ff,,, �-" 4 *[d of the Iia both otrK wbe■ the ttant►ssu w" Psrf y dere ehw aV tY/Tt asrsae eider i►1'itpade*Bty of "Ping •igreve M U. it ad* /•�rll sl.olt� of the e�tbtb w►r(1 a large tott>jtlbtty_M to 1�,,.� , °�alv1 �bN adm.t til Cauda. swrid, to be t. lit. ed at teed Knew as Rdseletiome fiuwplvq u' •/ to m.•rtow. Ibis, u ��• wM iMmeel- :eke liswte ebe" adj,wcaj M as, gmrly hew the djp=aYetr* teraie r core u/ The fallowtef Bills wtm fohdsttM." ply the s Ab !ii�# &e'th. i r*tittiwotaitg. _ - -_ Yg. Retwo-ag Of Me M- ear eamm al 60 tae%• •fesat serat ! to alstto :-Bill for ibe Ltonilotioa o/ Aotbns in "'rtsasg. sem r�:>ilirlmMaliea. [► �y ry sti tl!" !st1•� • ° Upper Coda ; &11 fur the Cunslructoom o/ arbieh ~� aeeiilr 6. tis AOerested I THE NtW ELECTION BiLL. ssoly ruck ns may, to go told out/ rn Aprons to Mtll-dams u Upper Cassia ; aid ate#"" �°Oss release would at w line sear ; refvrsnce to each ruts before it L resoed" PPe resod 10 ,he it. Lawrntsce it =.(ssem*.• ' ( tl re bays bees at a Conmderible passed to k stns ,11 ►«,Y. the P'lu1's Apprestices bill. mise bdgb ; tint am worn& it whisk ., Is 1, mha I lower bill, sad ►ere "gaud p TM setomd r"at" of the following bill's all times PMVGUS " r still assets by which rhe I oureeltes of the soeistawe of /time alnd W. Ay MBH ~y seas r "[tiMd"baag. wen t ismopgr ss 1d* I 1 wtedidsteso without predscurg rnttewwt Pea• paned :•law o/ Petsat• Iwo I&- ptdnste of tee creat wolf w blushed. As sow given of w all Bone$• my ; but M ps,ld e{tm4 attorasty, counsel, vgtioet, •cul Monday neat ; Law of Leri- are Blvd. Mer go pati get British I" we could well make it sad nests td* delve* Brit, to 111b February. vessel, coming to the'R iawnime is nslo"g soNw.] •r *ny party belief in eachcapactl! y,uu- The other orders of the day, Iseloding the •u►en to reeve d►s, to irirya daring itio 1'1tN, "AO act to repeal certain Aorta ndovelioo a1 any ter, oMtetis O"/e w *"Uri- Retiproeity Bi R, wen rhes pmtpooed. and ahippsf wows, wb4o tin PA" of Blvd tiaw y rLauveraMll N diti"•(Iti me N Beth s thsrtin mentioned election. and aha i•s*redia,e aim of (r•igire is F.e aniseed, towels the llonse djdrwnd &, half -pact test .'clock. whence a e rg. eeep�P s(pesduew r Bent b 1d* dares sod reduce late ase Act, tit* Several dem. Ikfao* the gmalahmtitslve e! Friday, Febaury f. SL IAwmaw bw Ibis office of divorce them prss- sb�"s" wPbviseione now in f. -reds for the sketws, whish are to be derived from �f The lioness met at the cooled Year. ducts tbromeb %be Erie Case is New York.- " hbetio" d Met.be•/ to ►"Iding of k"titi(d eogogo situate wuhia the Thai the "wipliea laws have likewise had & -precast the PeoPk of this Promisee in td* ruling to count ytndy salbi+ Mr. Sherwood seco*dod by Me- HoseYd mer ieleaae" isgrw ea the import lids of Legislative Aapo"y tbnof.' 1, of the clq► moved rem leave to bring is a ►ill to ended a►e pianissimo; ohat is han w el of lis. S! I. currency, (or see*. xssrimg ) the Usury Listed. The bill was read a free posed %bet Caddi" impwan�* r brig Sections I. �M &11 Acte now is force or upwards, over ►Bd alive all Bnamel uarti sad the second rediage& [ fw ibe slot e( me bees to the LfCola- ad chs g ecdw*d der sable Jrt/presedt llntisti Vemrla "tiny usmm list time Asos"y. rite, blvd bsior a the voter* qe�r the loth instant. Havamk sad ether fareigs para, boreLobi"m- &1 and saisi rtrpled Peso o-8 dorms at ILed ss M S. Provision tial, iO Lower ('anal., td* M. Tbumpa,n brought in a bill to divide ase Part their tier o Aawiw bet- laws ,is aktd*► Mo tb, be (we the jou Ler te New Toth, 8heriiafr the several Distrect/ Isbell M u"(se" sd* semss the ToraMp of Cacuea. 1Yesn the of td* wont a( selectivity Assents* Casale to C whoa be Ohs r 1094 Reternis[ Ofkero for income and Mr. Smote (Two 31dwnUinr) brsaght i• Beed'• t J @hall. within the liar* afonsns4 have come a 8111 for the Improvemedl ,.( the River restrictions imposed by tied Nawipliea Lw. et/tsd ova which their authority may extend, to bum by shi est two iaben,soe% K ►y Douche": sono ld readingon Thureda next. th.y would here impermd &beat y the So. Law- and that Registrars of C"unties shall act is deals*, Marrogw r cool reel of wrrtegt, ! rcacs is frreoes bMtves weliese eeoY have bees a similar capacity in their respective colie- 31. Descri; the q*Wigk.atiw of *&DOW. Mr. Christie brought in • bill for the trial readily precured. That this Heads it" o1 --I use. far eases sr towns be &wdslluws f»rbal,J of iMpachm*nta by the Legislative Ambient- with Owk a&tishogisa. that a Ball woo yaw*- 3. to Upper Canada, the high tDeriQ to My. Second reading this day fortnight. dsseed into Jibe How of Comments* deride this be est a Returning(#corm for tits" property,th limb • doodlingliberties, boosted S /et meseg, Mr. Smith ( Durham) is committee of the `8"'aioe of ttio Imperial Pwliamwat for the Re- within lJse him is ar IIbeceeet, of td* a%Msl and solicits, whole, brought in • 6111 to amend the art for peal of the Navigation Lewis, and those Handle low- and ISO Regbtnn fu. the coup- vale of LS 11a li a I turree) (eq,ul lu £S td*" -nlatiom of weights and measures in 1eg "f Ol'ioiuts that the proviomme Of that Ball ties" sudor) over awl "Owe a1! castled, rests, Upper Canada. arc calculated to remove theme restrictions from 4 and 8. In ease of incapacity of any kr.. primitive the same a see n " 3o. Ih. Dart nun • on the its& d this Provieee is wow 8hent or Rrgtatrier, from sickness, mbeeuce, 32. Provides that , e enquired whether it was the proprietors of dwll- nff•nag, owes booby Any that Year Myeaay death, or being •member of td* Legislative ug ►sure en Out to be dtagwligej by ear. intention of minidws to introduce any sem. es' be graciously pleaded tere000 mad the /"► Council, the Governor Grtweral w disposal Pan for the payment of the late D,."•t I of the h 1 of ere lm sal Pwl►meu. 7 PPo raid arc«swetaeee, maeY u ibe dwei,rfif ler Pea per another Returning Officer. we.* met be huuee having bees vrsrtal by a &enamt held - Councils is Lower Canada. A ,d this Hew would further humbly pray, that qualified by being as elector of the place, ,air a dew. Mr. Lafontaine statal ministers had "o Year Majesty will bet graciously pleased to ss- and a coasewl ►erid•lvcs dune lM • seeA intention. ,hostile the Governor of this Province ra permit [ M 33. Q .dlofies Iacocca to vote, it bo, re/1. On the gnwtion of concurrence being pmt, Foreign Vemeis to davigate the St. Lawreace codes,, 12 months. A'pemlly of'ee1 £So dhC within the l,m.0 w liberties of the a direneeinn arae between several bonuraI above Quabee, under obese restrictions am His i to be tocurrcd by seting watbout ""Col Ieml- City or town. during the pruandin it ►k members. Excellency may o* his wisdom see fit w loops". ifications. mouths, do oeempy, dew hats occupied, a Mr, B.ulltan then moved an amen.imest. I The Hoo. Mr. Cyky row to props" &@ I 0. The following Ventures are excluded dwell,at-houne, Ice„ or part or puts of Which was lost am a division; ayes 20, way/ aawaJmea:, the words of which we did sol catch, from serving all Re, urging Olfcere, Deputy OW64 fur te l sch he .hall b.v* really paid, 33.. I but which were to the effect that from nes the se Retuning Officers, Electisse ('herb or ear Poll ad rent, the muse of £I I 2m 2til currency I al the Resolouw brought forward by Mr. Clerk* '. i.e. Mauberm o' the Executive or The original moti^m was then put sad Hoechst, the Imperial Parliament, shoeld the Ad- (Missiles £IO rterbng)• hili sh„p, office, Legislative Council og Aooe"ly ; say Miss- d„e, to confer a vote %ak*s uetupisd q g Carried ►y s you of 33 to 9. deer he adnyted n uccorltaee with ,he Resole- torte► Priest, et Ptlr,atsl � ties, would be Laid to behefo that we neo ' w ,,or rebttso" Tea- of reeid*nro. Mr. Tltnmpdom brought i* • hill to amend e6t tee e6er, .tb• Judges of Su due the set of incorporation of the Go" Bask. Free Nay.gadinn ,w ,he S,. Lwrroee, as vha [ pone , Cireint dd if. Teoaite out to his disqualified b Mr. TaeM moved an &dJrOti• to bid Ex- g"'t`st bond eye Province could ebta fro td* Ihntcct Courts ; or Members of Pa rememt certain cirenmaunt•re, or agreeme ose " to college• for a return of the amdist oftlalige "1Other cunni wbo Way Mro served a the •renes" items- tbe,r dwel sag billions. ry,w6r.eu b. wished il10 he odder- 7 deed that the oiecuoo formers tie' rl in td* dialely portending the •motto*. P-erdty 33, OLC orn.•rs of dwell a levied on certain articles tmport°d from the p` r toy [ g. provided D,J fear Banish uahru would All ire greatest beea to for each senitys by @lie► persons, i30. the -is b her Maj tet'■ G ra: un.aei ilrprd United Slates affected by ills proposed All- Canada, mad freedom al the Bt Lawrence tidy 7. Exempts the following rte" from 1 1 eiproetly Bill. a seaea. ry ceseidersuod if suchp&rh niente, I erpwauws, llrc., nus to he ebereby Mr. L.aerie moved Ger an address respect. sl,omld cel be occorded, protection or Registralr sg, sed Tows M tett► Assets! ,loal�6.tif. Ing the gnagtiry of lumber shoppedfret, The Hoe- Mr. Sherwood seconded the ewtiw Registrars, or Tuw• Clrk■, or Assets 3G. Where laolde are ►uuale Verily with. d Mr. Ca sun ; vix Physfe'mw Bal 3urlro.oa ; Mtl- on one court end Partly within another, the Quebec in 11338. Cayley, and tspranwst his d Of Pr that term . Postmasters este es" of age Y Pe I Mr. Sherwood (Toronto) a eased if it 1d* country stood is pontsusot Deed of prone- • reaoee J huller t.. vete on the part lying wil4n td* gq or upwards ; pera«.a sell•b have prowt,sealy county for which theelecsof detail bebtld. emu intended ,o introduce say measure to °tie ,o bet ems rnaessfsetrrer cyeses he rid, extend ilia the jurisdiction of the Deriaiom was the opinions of the people in the Upper Piemead as retarsia i Ohre". 37. When hods are pertly within add .mace; led w be believed of a gest msjsstity u 8. Subjects pert"" d•ly geabliod, and Courts of Upper Canada. partly wub*tat amity or to#, ibe v01ar aMlt the Lower Province aide. 'turning to serve, to a penalty £50. vote only he the cis Mr. Baldwin replied that it was sM, y lir town within the �f Hoo. Mr. 1lealra row, and id • very sew- 9. Duty of lioturntog Of.:ers. The pro- dwelling, thereof r wholly within ibe On motion of Mr, Wilson LM hoose PF nesse yet metro of fact speech, supported the elamateon to be roads withis eight days, J eeived the report of the enmmittwe of the motion of the Has. Inspector General. [ Y heeu or -liberties ui tete coy or Iowa. PK after receipt of wont, and at levet a No days Joint gonaet@, r tenant a tummnr,, whole oDpaying jurOM in Upper Caressed. Mr. Egan raw, sed it a long end able Speech- before the day of Nosusauun. Place of A dieettgsioo an M•. Vanoittart'e case spoke of the Timber Trude, the staple trade, u Ehettioa to be testral, and eonwrraeo, to may molt; prnytdrst that each iwJlridwl pari was then postponed till Monday, and the he expressed it, of the Province, explaining haw of the prop rty his u( the yearl vdtie of u was m red b the reetdctioes of the laws of 1d* great Buoy of Electors. hour of upso- L't Is 311 if in The camint onl house sdjovrncd at a quarter to 7 o'clock. ry r is Nomination to be betweru the hour@ .•f ! T. I so 1�) Nsvly &bbltoon, by which f The were o cal to R rt m a tiny or tows. Sh•►ebuldars in iaeor- Mo�u•r, Jesary 49. dtsrl doubt" the value d tee nftide, its sed/•- 11 A. M. dead ! P. l[. Proclamation lu be r The customary routine business hailing beef licence e( the absence of the competitiou wbieh Posted to co"ptcuolw situation, lk Pee. SeniorPot&lcrempeu,eo rt aeeweti" excepted 1& - . d spnwdnf is the usual mance►, would follow the Senior rngingt partner to rote p Is&Je. Sir. Inspector General Hieeks, reoodod opening of the waters of the ally fav ""gleet, £23. {tie., belo*rsoC to any partgers►ip. y St. lAwrance to loonies ships. 1}e also alluded 10 and 11. Returning Often shall be /0. No vote to be refaced, except by the Me, Auoreey General Baldwin, moved for the w the trade in ice. a successfully carried an is sworn, kc. Penalty fur re6etin� to take ease*%, of ell tlr eddrdatee. eased of the day (t the Hew revolts itself ilv- ed, ad ad in which. Gado. to the ems of oath. £lo. Retuning ()icer to "'ppoint 11. Oatha aYall be take b le'rComminae d the w►ote, a tah0 iw esti- frees admission to the ships of every, eo"try, all h. 91 . Clerk, n assist obio is ibe buto- J else 'sster eitlLerasuea the Renletdone Of td* Idd��eseee/r w"ld anesesdsdsy compete. He coaelfdd by if required. o..vrml, wbetettom 10 draw tip all Admen mm calling fir td* protection, afforded before 18-44, Bess of the election. Penny for refaval Its No persons to wo'e excrptsag Brlloh Her Majesty file the Repeal of the Navigation me for the freedom d the St. Lawneoee, £ 10. subjreu y Mrtb or ateralrsislwu, crawl coed Laws. on fu w the Bt. Lawrence was eetsended. Hem, Mr. City toy rose im•reply, observing It asst 13. Easel the datl of Returning /ball have attained the fulls a or fl years. The eLro. L J. Papia.1 objected tie the that the Repeal of the Navigation IAwe Officer on t9e day of election. If a poll be 13. Penalty on on Oabi'd el&aer residential foreign rcenfle I'* te notried Pee e4 7 9 permitted wog. ti"a from the Governor Gas". which v►otslJ, teeordir�f to the Ilan. Giem- legally demanded, Aeroni*g Officer to In £10. The proof ofse"lificative go fall tleman reduce the freight of timber 1 1 r [rant the ase ales; a penalty of £200.- o Mr. eiseke o St.fo the *kjby Dec ea the 4 1 Pe 'IUB Poll to be in each ward in an cit or pod the voter. No same a ct rngo memo Bess Member for Br. Mf•ria, y amtgessifg foot would still be ild against the trade, " 1 T that once aC the nam• electitro, soder • that Cha Hoe. Geeti m e emu ad Diego any the protection would raise the price to 3J. town ; in each township w counties. In y penalty of £10. dmetsdmeds while the Hs"r sew in C@ ifte, Mr, fission" aid that all the protection tuwnebipp, at lir near the place lart town - when the classes a the Reodeiisas wgeld ko Canadd ever P ahs Meetio was held, and ,n towns, in the 33. No Amur o g fraudulently Cly ,under Yid, world be abrogated b► a P g property a order le gat* a Tsu, Ilse., under separately consolidated. Mr. Highs• undo* w" reducsou of freights. He was aware glint most convenient place in each ward ; no [ a valid of £10; bot td* eseveya me tei"'[I "hes pal ofd carried. did Mr. Tiempwa »- British ship-ow&ars wt" aver" to ap Pell to be hold ata tavern, and each elec- be valid seTWtMI"s. gvii ad to act "cbs4 as. change, but be did sot believe they wort tor to vote in the ward or township is which 15. No aromatic shall.ote. Mr. Hiseko. is a few words explained the two- right -and the certain) del Cwt meek w bin geahfiesune tnay gas ailwu ; penalty o! rifts which induced big notice. fid vomited bis [ 1 f I8. Allows fiat u" o/ u lit hese t u but themselves, to employing£10 incurred by a violation of this proviso, "Meter u teems why ,All prgee@i asmsdlaset tf she sees. ¢ e' J certain ea/es. lbbir ewn•ehi yin the carrying trade. He iS• DBT of opesiog of poll to be proelslm- comber for Haroilwe, moved " Friday tight. P Y [ 17. Requires the candidate totieiare contended that Bniiah gAv eoubl eoBv ed from wAa busungr. Not Ino than nx �g qd via: That the rreolatiee be referred ro as eke- De Q testify that be is visited at law committee for fssnher loweeti tion, sad fw the fret bt cheaper than American chi end daps to ellepre between the day of nomina- eeggmmay p [ Pe Ve' moo and the b of ollio,, and not more of prolparty of the value of 0500 ttarlia9. examioot o0 of eride*ee; sad that • ,@par/ might did do Is New fork, and would do " berg ;than un T P free of all rents, chargee b., eked to Bdd be made theme, be. dkc., should got be were there only sufficient competitioe. At a description of the property forma lite adopted. Ile oboe alleded to entails sharers- b the grant of a proctection of his per 19. Poll ie not Io be held no Saturdays~ alifieotion. A wilful) f r lips odds b mems lies. saeuben es Frill"' or an of the following holidays : New 9" y tis* etatemtat a° y ! uprated, a wheat, which many l ercoul ex- 7 g T be coo@tdered a mitdememaor. there, u IA'rffystect that • re-uctiou is farm d peettrd. he di1 not nee how people coeur b Year's day, the Epiphany, Corpus hdalt, /8. The declaration nay be roluntwifr the e. repudiated that d n pr.tucstou ens takingid- do bGoJ. En land would not im ysriah Ci°°d Friday, The Aseenasofx Corpus Christi, place, ofd that that tourfry wow likely die so aid- herself for the sake W ldmad buten would St. Peter and St. Paul's day, the code beforehand, or after wbo date of the test period to repro, at Least a pan- r bar fav- •Iwdv/ be e the cheapest market; and ld tom, or on Christmas day. 'j'Ye�l tip wont; but coo Tech declaration deed be meds mu lout tie peeey: sad stated that he hod petition from this Ileum@ would alter bar' days to be the awe throughout the polling by any candidate, unless required of him seethe asst she speech . e Peel o bio ouraih Pe g om or before the day of fo*tenatiou, lid be- au which the Had. Member for Hasmihes, impsrial policy. All we asked for masa fair of the township/ in s e,wnty, or wsrJe to • fOr* d dl shall have been who y the oaf. emu not is td* Hew " Fri- 6eW ad oo favour sad he wu rfeetl city • to be three days ; to be convect'tiy* p° !tinted; whole s° Ve e ►egoored, the candidate we mese noes tit - ly dight, had allotted to tions bwativo of the /oro Caad a would be enabled to compete n"Itsms 13mntfwy or holidays UtarreM ; the )) Ve before at any bate durfth 1d* sl*etiee, fgliag n bear of pwet"etiea viYieh w "rd• with ally people i• this warld-gi�tf w the � •elitist Its eoMMmita u 9 A. M., sub day, before the ee4matios of ibe »tor*. dally fees me in England. bot that be (Mr. fed a(°e" et 4 P. M. M Hiseltal believed the epee"► a em ito a P»ti Trade of ibe St. Lawresew and our Depict- d*1 4• 13. Return* Officer to a ales De 19. R°t°rso he per of m if,@ee to ►• e"tnry itnprsdnieo. Teen, gaiet over Ibevtstae island waters would shame the Baltic. [ ►POI PI+ eoosernton or the pace from the dao of ly for each polling place, lei Upper Cana- their talking OISCO to The day molt after the gr"ndr as on she «mess al ingadseifg hu Col. Gugy aid his was is !steer of" dem Township Clerkst• Met Depot'b ; umou &athe(after eecaeies, the EIou. castle- • Repeal of the Navigation Laws" but Btd* failing them by a►soeoe, @itknee*, or deet►, final closing of the election; invested with mea reed the Reaeiatioe which we embiaw- reasons of the bog. gentleman opposite i fall ng the r or Collector Mw/ M a opted Power to ewseer.la specialists, fief. PROPOSED RESOLUTION ON WHiCH which had failed to tosvises him. ilia .led pry Deputy, to d i%� Poll 50' Special constables to be scows, d TOD FOUND AN ADDRESS TO HER I view/ were for throwing open the St. Law. Pe Tr pPe "graved by Any eanJidau. MAJESTY FOR THE REPEAL OF THE rose* without repedi*ung protection. C k' at. Reti,rnosg officer or his Deputies NAVIGATION LAWS. Mr. Scott' of B tewe. mad be was from 19, 19, and ICO. Returning Officer to ir@ue seal bead the rmreetler of srlgo Romanticist, As the spisies of Commitw, that big wand* for holding td* polls to Bath of 62. Battery •oe*mltltd, dorm election a hamblo Address be predicted tie Her Moss the every of the oody sed having ►Oce his lhepli". Mode ss( »cording tlw ruled. tire, wiw6io two wul" •f the este• wben sent by the inhabitants "their repee*esta- such a l'biG or 11 r l7rucie" Majny, w orrn Her. Msjeay of the In ease of death, eitkrt•oe, or absence of � loviow loyal" of the live to look after their invor"ls, he might Deputy Retortion OlSeer, Pull Clerk ma ldm, or and of their dg°ere atucbmwat teHw fine'. P tit. shall &eased an �) be se Dosed to bow'•oM*tY(lvr of the m*t- discharge M• duties, list appoint anatMr prse�j ea K- twrsee add Gof' amt. To repnwrt to Her ter Tb• bon. gestlwge" spy o for a I-9 Poll Clerk. granted asaalt. Majesty that this Haw IFels it to be a duty in- time in favor of fns navigation, uslgg dome- 91. Poll Clerk and Deputy Rete"dg M. Mbere eCUMOI whom Lethally W e*mboat impea it eke the earloeet apponaiy to lar arguments to 1&* bio. member for Otte- P° y corruption shall be pray stl, Jet loos their ase Her M - Officer to like sa oath that the Pull Book h yer vincet the oe mbj-na of ere sea eouety. Hs w" opposed to pre/se• cantata a true and exact record of Ill. emus' add be ibtape►{a'm(b..0 tlecgod dm- pOepk of this Prodtasee " rho etbj.es t f M tion d%d aid 161 Cam*diam should look not that Parham t. Repeal of obs Small, Navigation Liters which ' rote" given, 6efe» rMuninC (#tier dd pro - were ex to Her M& to a Bal for tMmeeh" s&d targets away every titled D "•ions oection. Penelt of £b0 �' Pati" »°citing r Tian a bribe Accessi thety ' so iat Addrer 7 P 1 to be subject to • P"alt of from sc3 te Im. . ttbetaele. that did not condtxe w geteor owe u- fissm the two Hosssg of the Profiseial Pasrlia= for aoRlset o(doty by rd* Deputy Return - Miami J mess is td* meal, of Jul 1817, remain u- ,creat; even ifwe had proteetib", we could bb. Votes corruptly given to be .Watch July, i%R (Meer, and Zito by the Pull Clark. doeged; that. drfy if removing the pr""t ro- not protect our lone of freutle, from smug- 22. Returning Officer tball return to the off the poll book. twrituou ou the em n,1 of Foedi SAi Ch sod ser shoold still be q i•d with M Fatertaoda*"i not to be Mtrinhed s'larow ggna p ``,, PN place of nomination o% the day oppoontd to oleetou by fey e*mdldste, or ►y day ping, would, to the episief of uses* Hseee, w g"dl Manfeetured if tbe U. S. After for claiming the elecuo and themPea other highly ialariesss to the Crryieg Trak of the txP*tistisfq the sup°nority *(the lumber [ n' is Parsee. with rettat to rd the •IeeU°e St. Lawrence; that, in order u neem this iretergt "w tide other i" meets of the oectore, aotertsim tti• Otago of of the party K ry Ctsda, be the rgeeral poll, kc. No pwoos u be eon- i7.for*igsei as,� , Trade. the Provide*. , inks w ou the seated by Colvebdd an m &adtrag that b em o"ges 4hd l wlered dolt' elected utskse lM witness of ibe septi* Rst"m Older r his al td* protection, weligel was ibe* esjsyed fir Pave Illarigatton sad Frse Trade "td* De" er PoiI Clerk, N Posta" scald Colonial ptssdsmoa is The Markets of Garde Anel iookw -to "torsed. tip Britain, i*e°md • enfold debt fw M: essetrre. eaes•t ►vd of eon*oesom with the Mother 23. In case of any missing poll "a. p•wa*el ted pleee of pelt •nod ea the mb slots of a 4" of Mrip rtiMab. ease 23. buts of the Mother count, did cast "! eioetene, er wnhie two mJen of awn► Iceland y mote of which w off *new we had w■ from iefaif to day, Matti to of adjourned rate from day t. p� ted Bost of 1 Ttatsep.ri kasn bene 'eft [re T day, steel ibe whole are hutted ; t rte. ectewially r'dssewl: tbeti owseg w the iilfic.l- sa&Mod, we Mfg►t to coos than eowtwet sen of djse"ment to bio p►eelsis"i ". Party fags, a"irm, w sladbdk amt) tin dseod.a tell Na ties 1 ed* tl1. Iwo. -set- with the enlightened gum" of pr°' to be "cod at strcA election, nor tritkia d e trig" [ vided that •eeh mod "W do" not assumed like g*se, :he gr.w length 1 oho'a/see, add cele 1d* U"ie.. the day a ferwtonted for the return of the sent. ddlg P►reedsef u. eligbw nw@e.( iseencee, fivlgha o" likely "t ■e. "ieilo►G*nsral Blake (allowed of 91 1ddlMure to be ex•cated, Blvd tits, W. N* Party �A ribbon. or bbW. to all fumes n remove higher at Quebec, time a New .Lr *time Bide. He tgld tMt he eo"•idttwd c t to be retuned with wont. York. hat that the preened odrmsf ibe Ne op be osel witbiim a Y&* lied. sea . Peril" items tAws is a« "yr ts lei I the Ane - ab Repeal of the Navie mu"a Laws d for- 23. Is cats sty poll books shall be less, �w far Pre• do far O.Oo cation IS "lv td* two rss*tw Mete f *to than Bey preese- stylet r/gVtsytsi, td* DsV"y Rgksarumg sx�, un be s lip &mem hoe sales" w &PM t*eseteg�mre M =Met* est Raglalvl eyed* Code. He e"f000W Ofcar sad Poll CIer4 obtll athad PWIL lly q O e am Jweatjs. Asanfiege *'free. eels sM"� ttio (aeUr tA*t M ha 1 ones bets* in favor o/ proteeuoa, aPolv the R•twreweg Ofe*r, OW M'oelvwrlvd [I . To►ets"* etwlilv tie . of the hr of Now Teri. bat at for omgom bel bid view/ wove completely altered me m oath by him toueh*C the baMbw of ff dege"yb& Mae da U*ieW Stslw; "bay m td* of the inv*mig*usg t►e sebjgt. He alluded to voted n W Bred : the GRBMramtioo to be a"- the %sees, Rotes, Indonteve, be.. reiatme Voismd /tser, ahipPiy an m pg the Toot cveytmg trade from td* Ito»- mmemd to lM RM"re is -Ma of m"e► poll *- to coy ol"ues, to be really of . to rood r 0awy aq;iiaeg a1 Pwtrn oboe my booties of td* W"y wets\ would iseviubly beck : mteber d rotes t►" meee►tatosd to be P"ntobed ti rmPnastrcett is tbi" .1 w .db"A w mbom • mrwwld isogon .d 6eipt. Peso our doere se "Mor way to Great Sri- be included be eeM "p Tse oft actio tethers at Maj Ahoy fair not I*"e than tb" le *mow" i t � qty, rteg, ' »' lila, wen ser waters o to ass % an if I he some d bees taboo feed* more" Iters. sem i. lied* T A pen Amwk&f aleee' ear veer° shwa hest am a•miy be prge*rN r Ewe"o her Te M ga g. Off lrlley would be to *pea pelf Lock, Om neglect of this, i)opsty R• iii. t7M►t; be . "Mice tAie,A*g, 4 M /1 wamwmei•b wow ofimjse Bad *"bank ones. out Part*, remove ell melrktiam 0" Sao- Ir*i"g Osnr to Oster s penalty °( (&Meow misutered gnlat teensy. - - MOW%" w tsm of timet them at Cs.ele,, Interco, end we need not fear a impaneling sot asewd.) 61 . Cities Blvd TOW" a" M fills. (w e td* sehw Mod. the ►spevssr r d am+lled to !rota Ibst Mother Country. !a. Retermt Olcer vsaahs a fild* . epos", of td* C7*aatin r sly se oM Rg"M twine go td* pmt M Ihas Ailing Mr. Slake hmd al dew", a Meussw stun l° be subject to d penalty of retie. I R,jiage to w►ie\ t he. 4R0 Meplelei .+ • • ....se dp.-Onopwsa... - . . . - • -