The Goderich Star, 1906-03-16, Page 24� *I it, woo&. He W" Amed almd INC RAKCHIN THE STM Of om 411111fty. so" 'A a Wis W l"M J& a � MU faiw* IN, el - opt $,Ilia po"M Jamwer". ICIED USE" OF 34 4W of Ww 1"Jilwroti, thitt lo"ed oo"W 1W 044ft vaut 00 CW& Aws 44 (W 4 owtv CJAM* lvewiow bilitilioly NA wa ii 4&� V, 4'r, Wk4 30 AQW 44MA *S kit* �A VIrtue. anid,-Worth'Ao Malmed I—ay ii I "ism JZL*d. TM peopw VA" 010 11 r, 11 Or WOWS, O"t 0-oftoit to 4 CAP WROV* fro& Vatic$ CA* I& "10 1001114 0"Milm ww" 1*9 10 "Mint Unk "ilim amw wd* 11160 1111"Ok* *s, U*1110"31 In 0" At, low# MW$"!# XA" AV* pro 1", 00, 01 WWar, W%W *fA OMAN CoWard Rldlicul 101114, 1 1 ft* SMAt *VWW ill W illft-� 00 Itif" P1q4%W"­ *00-iolm"'A*4 Pk"W** 1P 11, - 11 .. . I � 11 ­ ­­­ I i so* W it is zo oiiwa -a J00i, 1boy 44 Ali amig at the o4ow4wo, u4r& row SU4 the $wellil *Ift JtA1$Rrk It Abe .00 Wail, #0 #400 by 114 A11411M at stl"w or *4 ­ lit toll wuosoover iihall, $41 W I& 13M14�r ox PUS 96' twy UA y"r WM# over 11140009, twu W fitil. sovow � "HOW, *144 b 99* 1116 c9oft, witok OR cormUr to 114, di4ii� UO WO111111000A 49 9014 14 40 YWW414 Mlial"alown #044ceut 444 t& W art no, wit inilurio4wr than 9004 Of "-Y' 444, �*o overod W4 ft mum tum W" oplaboul lismoi. known. TheOtamthAW V* 0, 4914 ot ain dpigtr 2: 0 tit*, W4 whow.va *hall, r4y -Fliou tool" 11tit out L�..i .00.0ely, 9=0104 .y. W16 suit to 4" 404got 40 to, 494 W*# oogo o. 1110 4044t W14 (WAr* prodWeii 14 � 04*449 to Tb# U.Mil of ills a1WV09Y 0.4d Oust, *W with,11, qW.,ow" of ilisiew, V of boll -of 110 Q r CIPIA 1114 APW XOPMA pgar me roots. -World's *Uwly of shroAd, ond wo larp amialift ("I Just AS #4. Winds do,' TO* $.or(* 44 0. it viill'sooa be that workli's gr4a; pl"w-lom wom plitilitti 94r Way 4now liat 1111mm V to' #kN Aortil low, Cansoo, WcoMPAW 4 edged tool "AAW's In V* iotkW 49 ft o4w 421. WO ell Q" Igiolf. Jagrioti thou wee *# Witt Is otiv umittim oro"t. Tt4 W�Xvw Ovpw throyst-t vftt Wo 1W #A "cliolt 1114 A "M4 I* op wtApoll 40. , 4no woro ;,nov wol"o 6064w, Ow %ten Ilia it *04006W AM�r 34 . 0 4. ORIV A# In We wbiole World', r4- tar UnQW111i It#* mfuloraw, 140Y impprI40t At thwiimw otvototl to I 14W 0 Thox paw it* W.4vr twoty, Wilk am Ili P wo jyj sh, us''Agalast 4110, AQ Pmzilellt IV 140, cowboy,$, tell Me fro Jobe 19004 fin'1140 *WY Of bW- q1pittylga Wilt$ 41111000aOt A A ppw at *p_wk imay, Ixt WQ4 111'a wicica ustvaot 44111m, , Wit's 41111k, 0*910o J� 0 tuoh, *, Istiq should ally Mon. Maim low–, #A Rwky AT fightly Jo Cot ki lietil 0,04, to "Vvy bw out hag tUry,;, 'Problibly 4vo 1hoUW4 V0 444A 4nown.biling, 04 0110, -Which fear, so long 44 they, ObOy 04- rol" Ot 'IV 4410" ICT 0, at" thm Qyr and, Utdemtly. draw WilrAPAI u :a sqx iait� At Is' Afw 000*' 14t. 40 b-oquo bar$ itialiamo of the U# -fe The or IK1,III byglo"*%,bul RAU'r Alitutt fi* Trout upso, or% it b Only twenty mactlpngl, IALyr Up -A, *14 1 0 li, A at *1 i - At *4050 it JAV Cow 1 4=14ft- , fAk''t kevor- very )g lnworws .!Oil 11911004 I, Z �, beeft lowere4 b U*4 I TAA story, -at Uw diliolopoent tN �moro, yuU%�.' To, tnom a, A .0 414 W V, -9 409 orth44C 141614, it's *4 41kagoro "OlAc. It AVPIO-ro'" 4Q suite iW itrat discovered 14010 esti aild 'Abe 160 4, coury'11w. #W Ark, for tile C fAnoidl y .0 , . m nickol, witall.4 of, Sm-clw", 014 a ALRUMW Of 00mls. who Wn" 0 A= I Pima, IM I , 9 tam r a10 -tie An, the NOrI4W0lI`­9k 4 age 0 most IntorooLm "WOR 0011, Mom liato"u�%ii 1114A or I* 14110 04W �4010 mom .344919 With, life C4040; U. -,, - - o*A I wt4 that, 01tax, IlksWaltil with llis Assury, 49 any'", ig- Its dwovey. In Sir an *4 _a*q 40041541114111 040441101141 Ito pontsittl* lvely cheap. T10 OW tie If , , )s 44,akiout 40,00 -hog$ "try. *A Train �W lind is vitkb, alihop -be is worlb - ore 6w 49, IbA Qrft� moft 0 lie Ants Jhjj*,I pec ty to (to, wcare; otric "At , -, Ili- tho, 'World tom T*,,o Ono of lour 4%*. Hit bow OYSIOM44, Iiikyo all jokovil to ''Ah"ge died-Au4`001to - - 4frAo � 1 '*Q qWQuous. tr Ill* are, meli*_oly inongwnts at It 'e"Allop JAL r4ftw 1% thip tft-6% ibulthplit Mi0ftblet but not pr join,tito* 1W -to the pro - XV Pilo, A efire or 1604 klict.r1s, JIM( I*' wr nd rAnadlan t� bogtjhali� is 1011 t gone,* OMIT ifsoaite'4�1i�S.Aoo to -,were 'not, specf� ex -diet 'Flo, Aft. �froaj 0#0 1 ago:Vvii W of irowtips 040 was aloppoituAl it 4*4 blis wife, polosizild atPr. wilmOW14 140y, 0011)Wi taShed aoup� ally too wetrM,,� The w4dor uIn 0,*p"Vto pisso butler and A.J*L"-40r, le ally Willi Imilglit,, They werit Tayaris:ayf snorwifor e .111941i tiall a "M4*014 tAry"'cif n ig *ba( lho�y saw. Joistj w4o -We': 'TA oLN 14"tho. 0 there pa motlity leXasit411044 01, 1 14 pit 14 1001 4 tit, hor, roach, 0i 00fig 0110 Xkb b J�eaafyi$ af.�Jt they, *Ppor aU% W� but, -of Ilia oattoft slit fafly for tbott'at� 09 i 0 r, ulth 4 of, 114, Ppre etand IS, "fresstlgg�, Intl; ll)e" hs"Art Itiolf I tit it, (he only avido 'still ill liddy OP64 4p A try dirlhood was W' umtcL4o;,'w, ert Avr; igirthood. wat, ada140Y slyei, thii I t J0.JoUr qqAlSL an oora�. but MO Witilt.,Mr�'llQbIliso a 4 kur, Imatipor foilmolp. &.4,;chat 00M.0, r , Ila try, of X= in rpm .;no CdOg 904 befol, And tfiet'goVerl at A6eal wo All tan by, which, O;Ifkgt, ft t9j(t� 13 We am u vir I ut, IIS, not upon. se tAve, walueu, or lugatap 00 would be � ally to ))JsmQ'tbom .1) - tis Artiu"44ow MW to to. 0 ShQW you. 44001b 0 V ;AX , Ciot dq, *Ver� bow Movt t Othill toturg. At Itutl ft�. ho�:r Surface, w to Alto them Not 1b,4s thei, jbei,f toeir I tomperglurc eglk that slriX4 ae#111 1UPOOr h � ', � '' -f t� , hr � 0: the And, at. Ar4t�, 6 tordg Wli� 11YAO, see Into the Aim, aiksto 'ff' 0 Wa'htt�6" 4 atiVer'litif �bloodr r1toy', Wei flod ffefion. The tot in -AQ.r 4fiakot 14qelt. Tliq deivOtfOuL.Of 4, due, SCaraiely.­aay top lik n lie red "S"D On C NT,40MPTJ put 41 Imp, to stripes THE eone otifte mucoutr tletie eat 4t, A. molord 1 M0101"O aI at 'n 'of $sfe agast sued Sudy a Ina AIR* heoOpro more than 414 Oft p4rt,Jli O'or Vt Ous owi foTADU 1110i "IN �Adl:moxi With. 404*8,00 hese intovio 40it '10 liad �fhanr hevcids 04,.Or Vt os rhi i'that oil _bQ MU 'of Ituttij Arokot J44 to the Other, D oohNs" 4110111111100 A"O aiIthcoa and i.141101ftin ttrms..QIf examined end I"040A to proveht*,tho"14- *at PUj�asej. 0 what, inw a(dionq were, ;P d 0140 1paco�.kfigk 4d 11W acialtnali *JIM igues. The, VII'milave valerla4w oait* At thp il*oivated ft ths -aud, Oo (1, 'Nis 0 tbQ-J'StalJJQ tlottlualion, of' Texas fever 004: - Or' U adto take a N 14 civer4eweil,. Ono riot as a Obut Unta"ded 91 1 s#O, ilultgror la,pro, her goorp W#lf the. and they up the nows"Pta W o,11)4.me tho, offond6k. Not one I T rses VP fully oil eattle traux the UnIte4l i OM of 1� t, jot 40obIR QxPosurg Q A. *I ene,of our In ffrolost* got, one rittf; IpMogtoo -look, the dOyol Moak of lh#�Gtqqk rAIA1 WeR Xv �was Am P. ment of It, - uric �ongtar If P.-Peyot,-Mr. R. an apparently atiolo, cold -to, 0 1, OeXA 1, a moiff� pearIM:Man orillif day..Illti, Most, tirpo S- to Lgtlt *11s Made ofIM) I 1K To they ;selitfi ofal blp,q oplop, wrrd , ever Seen Ito; The Idle for A bull, and 110; 'homas 101orpeft, iirxdl� live aggravatiow, ot'a ll.ftenk cotorg4., A Ifilm, W that �Jired, #uporbr �boyai (Lao . iiiiiiand "far* is 0 no to 4equitInte, rotifus a high ptide t .108,At Cal sty evqy,�yeifr. sit, a og od tbifro aaMjho 4re Coittijo The then 104,4, t a. S iijorkt'.1a of NV40 �Stfbjo(it to colds Is 90A 111 WA91i I life.. I 4114A. re, favorab y with'a ititii Iiine hard a (I services Of a Sp9cl Wallo, worttl 'While. 40y W, 0st. 'nor r IiL#TA I SIC ming scene '01cmel Moo eltOrs pir a I— , 4, Ul Q15 Vt Ili V.1.01aft* Of 001. libiblog'aW the proper all I Aliff 6 , I. �(9 drive Ift. Insane. 6 1114 1111tad 520, The favor a I illyal is thtt $hort am. but there oe ang ng to I;Iond, fare thwilliAmod etes of all vs. o11to, parlt of. hifta 0 el Pollees Angus -arid Galkiways. Tpo. 'best 16, bury, Suit or94 P, at �4fpqrof to ineet the-xiggincles 41 %® sSta I 14R :was[, an onq y. hat -Abe m ter' aro the best safeguards. 10 WQA I All 01111 worked ental breeolits oorot� from - E1191044" d Cif W45'r Ital, Of' 1110i 6ON lit 91 who 108T. thato Lora Some ant of 4,Wo marlo.; Aoli All, 4. on � who 4 any;.q, he -140 as tho. thog".40 f trunNtIon froM one season to another speo allyi of I tot, a Mcgoill,' OrL Old­Njolc's, cap 0 is..gradl[41, kind tha modification Qk rAlstoo Ito Joe log tov t10 nba lbein "em, per. , Thep, ., e cIla$ AD marpes. -the silantes6t P, qqoo derivatl4ii but tho3t am not ftao,16r tTna 'taua a", colt 0 clothing stiould t Corresp AN A 09011010 At" _Pa 9 Woo thi� 1� Ir 4 '16M or? orhooby. Which has 40,0 Caw he, apoorrja ftlgbttW cad C ""at breeds, ly so. Interesting, and perhaps mc)1* A PART or., 104fg graded. all N -a relloble. Cdbalti!a war(J,;wAIc1Jr Jos boil abut ft Is W41 to keip, this atuall clearly D. irtiji0q, da, y notlesi r dock' on 14 -t At THE BLESSINGS OF GOL Mc tomptalkill T Deal a-, England. fiftei �Aylfmals are ' I I'We�qan Make fro va come so,fwn 11001 War. fil alfaft. �oi Is sgJI to bd often er 14rpi bt (he wOr4: kobolid in knitid'. - spaiiii people talk tis it' the said grass tocs�. and 'the saultaq riepmjl W noOver like men are 0,00h, that the Aa�tldalf �apftw, In the 0WIcal Era, Dr. Robert'Pater Hou -killed uW"ATIONAL LMSON,. Qfe4j a orygaa, gnom b*d -up, the mole ciet� must be' or, eill 4PIrtt. 0 hen it, eight, dQYS _aiker loading ;�Olgh' thieves In Joint; thut.cqld I$ a blessing w t I -poun � A to at Supply You r, loarlt a1, the, lind', did p w6fit'dVen hole �Z COXagai to endure it. He points out t.W.4 From whot'class� of Of"S616yaL Tho40,borsoit Will bjl�g .1 a d a '6etlillr ago " d ka WhIle- the Old- while 'the '6TI 'glopl., I Tile <Alia� that its uirea gra- ckMARCO 10, BrItAlut. .4WU.p r peoplo, did' us., ear�ll th0% Wh did. he Y 4 :40' fiance can to acq AM W.W dadl y tit�- 0111h PoirAot 110141 f illo Wei I best RuoWn no tttr.ea%r� to rglsO 'than I fy the ore- may bol'that (too t '"it � dul tiot" got 1 0 6 of the e'they Nick explonaticim yAJahtr4AJ§ Ily,it began.early in the season. Aili "Wit. t. 161 A West Patriot; C. I t 'llialho of Ik w4s'not Alliftbleat (or It= ly Was na, fault of the men from does'rnot believe In coddljno the body TI IanU V been hoar.4 61 I)ut $or 'Ode �Ore,� ' ra(t, SAt- isoloo potbral cefiso even 144 while chance has favored A a b_9 that, oulal those,, pry, Bkis.ba Atmour of to %a to them for,..tho ooTar Ohlo Better keep the blood tolk First Quarterly. Review. them, Into I age, who were �Aoailstoiried qtr Ron 1414 , The,'reql $Oct'rapipehrs Willi W1011111'reno, I " file World, and in cirou . nt by outdoor exeivAse Golden Text,' Mail. 4. lXestis!� hat porallela, can,.' y04 ru be- cattle king of the British North�,*`,f� He mialsl.l� 'most1tygtortgus ptetimen'90 Croq. in a ramdr�610 he "Orle.ans. of �,,40�,08 . 80t WV, they showed an says he, '!so that it heavicir oldthing (w4n Ashing and lnilill 8,6011) carloa. 8 0 a a a a appreciation or. tliq situation, a -falkb Ili should rea ly be neede4 I a b y QUESTIONS FOR SENIOR SCHOLAR$." lVotalos in year, and he has no abou 20^0 oy are y the Lesiloxi � Vlf�, -A Pay It, �fheqt- better'thbin' the PerabOrcuts. earl of a art it Icks the. rUt0rir*'",4 4,qegrea�or courage in not req0tret Its epounibraqce too Lessons 1, 11% and III deal with the Ili:- in his yards, He hati a big trade with Umbsi�are cleaner. gji4lheY 111IM'botte for ca f a risking their money in what was Much." a,kho SO,, be A r then of JesAI. What two 0 ft � day.? 'Von ro�ajf any other Manitoba, British Columbia and laska. 1 rent tO ar Very questionable venture, requisites Graduakilpbaths, with friction, Ito left Ferl d Ilia Infant Chrlit­ 007 6 .4 C a4 the beginning of.,thh Moncll�e 'did it re.. -hardea the body very thile tm thal the Canadians appeared to. ladir. us, will OW wits 9 ad[, 19 U4, tie - no i ) SOW 440, Wait, iscovery be got $1,M upiece,at, W— have.1i 14fla to i tthat,,- r; it I For it nkUst be remeyebered-Anat wliefi especially hoft '-folloWed,by vigo us, T1 gee -where be son for steers, and as much as - 4 d the Cana at A gound for beet qa the hoot. tave. 11 011; it ausl firl, Coo 01101), rr* L.;onp4 Was exercises In' graded teMpertfloires. "I at 611, that baq Oro tin I �,to boil b.that I formed Ilk 18N. a, 8 not%hat it hnow a man," says he, "who is always that 95 ad to . . . . . r praper tt tom r respective fleas, JI n opeirnaum, and in the F he is tit -day. The disooVerlog which astir, qnd,who wears not even or shirt, Ora a a, and began )lie 6 1116 In lani is theva'for us I fact (16MOI y olowltig up. -k to It St ve Only ogson Vill.--rJesusls Power to For- er Ows Open .0 a drive' A low years after*aras anotherchem- a iper dompany'adthe naul" .,I�kbates nit the year ropad, day- and night, no 10-)f iiante stub nickel Its im0pipto a h d t, I boon b blue.1tans and blouse, all the Wool, Allowed ty hadlon year round, Re has his wind syn , 10DOt d at- the. at a be Ir the tarly boy a Them graze. on government lands. on and ran so at 1 a pro rle, at -so. much per acte. 'He boars� fter I 'Plekel., made. As a -f "at, Took, Email !his savings Into cattle, and let I.' th a q at JaciA.010t, 13411" kg a team about fo� ii� day, or so. Later love.-WhOt is -the Jorglyeaess, of sins? Ist, discoverod� anotborApetal.xible d to mine copper, not n W&IS Iflyk - h had was forme, Are,snel thoitughly enjoys It. of Jesus Is . oyded In the gospel? What ' _OffoliS6 be.r4m4de more monsy he bought morA Of ill e, bgrges§ the, borso­.Up, With A*- WhOrIas'the r not beent isolated , beforej- and -bacialf - Ihis is an%ixtreme ase, it shQkWs,h6w libeli this throNy, upon the intellee. io�dlaok the I and, to make a long, story shorli, cther.horso f lie samb age whlaili­k" IIq hidden- quOtles It w4 -i called k6 old er ore, which at first was cast aside as phe can inur� 1imself to Gold." t114hV4 . I $to 0 of Ohlof AgIst the cattle, "OV, ictf The story of how` the 11slag" of tAo cop the boy lesus? 441 Upon his 'm fiat(dii!W i6ve entf� Against t e '90v* HE IS NOW A MILLIONAIRE lot -for thereasion already explained, 0, Dr, Peter. expresses the 'conviction Oro, lai W6"Ou"n ihor brakes an 1110:00,18 go US, thless, became the product of most chb 141lon, to ills guardian liarealts? .4n what vrookoatW Go&. It leAus hog Te right they p eAse, to portion, what nd richl. It ng: a -I�ahsl4 wItgon so up, I W sb A inter months, are, not �o well und role* ",a the tour men In the, story was In his a ce In Calgary that III be told latef In this' series. as value, and how -from this small begin. that the subjects -of ventilation and *at- tak ros*t Is -th6 boy Jesus -example for must'hii Nt In W at and is grow g richer a holding tight to -the reIns. The 'put ng KOBOLD BECAME COBALT at great Canadian Industry grew icig, which 4a lmportqnt factors In the Pre �boya (dnd,glrlb) totday? % at the Ott tDom utv,add Lesson$ IV4 , and VT �detil with the which the rat oral Is now Totting., Said In 4 1 . P pat orns for us it o, ImItid.j.? led With this man on tattle Bhort time they are ready, tar gon stood alf they Might be, and beattribukei tini ever4s winateldil Ig of eral use," known I with the beglonh La.s4oa IX.--4osus Tels Who Ate lie: r0ugh of the Illness during,the inclement Prc c% a i no o to beatitudes are "There has never been such a couatpi f Would say -that the Canada. cow.. mining town should A V is ra Q �144'Vuhllc Ministry o"OsUG- In Who Blessed,�-How many part of the year to- the 16al air and fool was .10kits -47 Ored Too What does the term mean? Can for money making as this. Ali we bor 16 a far more ardarly German claim— may appear 4 little gra filassAr, - I atisies, to which the baneful fifects - of sa3 V 1.7 tit r -Orcooding a boglrk� YOU. his' P'mcifican brothqr, He lacks the ple. st)rAnge; but sudli Soo= to, be the, fact. HOW a Young Alan Enlivened indoor life, Orb'.. miiitily due. According 08013 ning? What bact boon hI4 rovicos pre, Among the etirliest-name associated at 'a Is world. That an Ontario I unples of -men or we. havehad to do has been to Wit, tho'cat- a Social that ift men., in thN1bl(,, what seew%ta,'you tale tie out on the prairie and let tholai groW to ariess of out VolittersMan. and Gathering. t!i lit cbrielitJons ftiflel be reversed Thi 0'4 Parallon for ids litq's W%rFki How IV41 'Spoeimons 0 humility. PentKiage, week, Into gold. The climate Is SUOIX-1hat.they dashes Into the settlements to with.. ths'pr6duction. of tit -6 wiser to camp out Aria be nrve Hossey Vivian, of Swansea, Theie wa-a a social gathering'at flit end It Would lie tested.. atw. litiving epin proared hanger, - meiieffulnesgi call food. out of doors EL11 the your routio shootl, up the towns. '.The -systehl �tt Sir* Henry' abi h4drt, peacemakers? and the. grass fattens them almcist,:�nk in the summm� shade. and quipped Jor thii WOVX2 DoQs. God Iritual motMted police Which prevails through, Wales. - He guectieded in producing residencb of llfr� Wiggles%trorth one ev� basic in the winter sun and to stay home aorntit *0 -tigii;cia begroro Ptever. p a -to be well as iffain. I arp now shipping sta� i out, Canada: results- In good wIckel from Norwegian -ores, but only, in ening last week, and topong those who Ojai* -1 Leson X-The'Tengue'ancl thwTayn. Sent wait a ypqng man -with a , "As to veotilation," he says, "It'alia ties giom-Altem A opportunity 15:�oqft. .1 . fhe� Ob r, titles.* All Wait wits general- -wera pre, What. are being everywhere kept. Iwo U In oll Khdif� to, Ua' actions to Liverpool, Which have never t4st,91 rOa over6onle, and especially is lie, thl toiis, theima0vts a6athat earn. They are grass fed. and - their 4armors ara'regiiltii0y vlalte(l and as 0 iy kno n about I true at night. Oiar� bedrooms shoul s Lis precoM9. wds'tliat S. forehead. of marvollbusly..'cloveloped neve, iNat olls ettle �Aoj -to the.usio'ol frivolous, at pr Sly intmislied.' lot of I at n xo, Was Sed in, it, ftat� bumps a delicate teoor volce,'and' -a d 'lie toj Wo Ibleft; are vigoroil. We -Over I'S r It 0 ies profaho language, upon 1116 age., -deedt he general, order. In both I g I b 'gathering was Wbll ventiltitei One-third of our lives Is'Awbaring a gontlenigaly hobAff What flesh is hard enough to stand the Voy 4 it necktie. As�lha #if a at* Lvro,qbo� 0 e Josiph brilliar . bra spenC An' -them. ' A . be(*oom witlor' Lotson otory at' Camaen, purely of a social character, the com- CD -and, southern exposure Is probably best-, 111 r litoof thi:t man who uses "Not as well as grain-feid sicialir' ask. and coutitry is sup t , of Ilia bar n -start ti�fa aed !604%� Inne eflor ta, ft Y anILI work up the Xicket ore discov,. piny sat about the room an chaIrs, star- all walike bow Igor Axii k itt 114. you eyer bear anyvat; mAke tili ed 1. vvestem. parts of the United %ales. N, J, to Wfutee, Aod # is vL.cheer afid godsenii. an Ci - cry at Lancaster -Gap, Pa. Wharton ed ificantly at jho pictures, ancl'thouitht have vv� earn "Perhaps not," was the, reply. qkt thr�iit -I will Pay u back tot, that',.? It Is death Ubel � life. It, will ou ogbnS, afhis Ovartort Give Q know bf what.Vivian was doing -things about each other's clothes. Fin- IN Cold __ApsrjA of Von. the cost less to agise and they are and the white plWe U0414flilk L*Wsom It 'VHY HAill BECOMES GRAY. but worked on,tL process of his own. tie ally, during tioontittued lull In the can-' a coldbr-edto do Text, otmob pt1hose, 108900s. s N cannot ludc'there."' As We need the shide worth alore money to us." j1ov� tons a'Wolith of a,very voishtion, the s�ounj man clearambis rei Lessons VIVUlid VITA deal,with seviteal "What can you get -for a'good isteer- The colgr of, the hair depends on lit- produced eed the sun in winter. - Ilia poor prot fit by, our what tie gtanulf � �41hlbh s f tit u faincy thro t,,pulled 11s a a down, and sold, hi Summer, We n thi wroug Mr. Burns?" een I foot, which was held mirdtiest In what.rot000t wast 4 Und price, and could not ter,uged on Ifiat for oneral odlflcotlba�'- er a, powerful mv 'Wh heeze three sa!A tour -year-old, fit for the market, halr a examined Which 'should be more stimulating M After a �onsfderallon of the account. 'The AtStof thsarmotai seenon does'd dogAlways Sir "log �09 d4str1ed 10, Lesson VII &,typical III bring 840 here," ii�ns the reply.,., ordsotpe. Sdinetimes 41to'hair may be- this colitin4lit was at the Cotinfinial in Units?' A wasian heroic etzil h, a U'the y6ar,,the author eta. L60sr JJfeJr Whaj� Wai'tbe Wizot the foot that the respirotoryorA oil "What will it sell for in CO Rvpw.n-sqquhrd - T lit I a white in'4 Wolitt *76,,Whonattkilds kOde fetimnlakel young man actually turned p a as' he F pse at 4esus In working ol ITS brunt of the win. OU mr"Seventy-five or eighty." It COSIS 1119t 116.1 a ury that when he was 45 y6ar§ � -old were exhibited as oil losilles. Wharfoh realizad. his temerity, but, the conipAny Itan's mostly 4tandAhe low"rly 4tv J16j."doft Lesson Vill, thow, us the re about $30 in got It there, for we -must hfi',beard, tufoOd' �)Vhltel in two - d#ks. priodu0ed the OW sped. lhe r6pe thus thr6wa, to dig4h9ei. ',T4e doctor believes tfiat ter sidii of I let the "a. gelid it 2,00 Miles by rat). and - then fbig took placb,, �h fit I I Imadtir ow this eagerly gr th J.Neo value plaq -w an at we must look- to the circulation to fierp by 36SUS 0i o was ped fly hd A1112t !t "bout thirty their assistance. I( , of qqttf- The. itbably the itoro8s the Atlantic Ocean. Tb6 -lie 0 %vo witlidut any Special c000. years, �or- datIJ flit discovery of Mai "What ldnd,of a dogt" inquired a oral- I..q otitila our Prophylaxis. "After a atut bls'r most W64 at Ine a up to '& j�gt I Ambtloa' b& wh handle such cattle 6xiiect.to.o0ao OW M&Yrpby$IL -fj� h lie cold is ona tontractict, however. b6 - V: 0 , hoWelri$ll, 6OyT6ki Of Ilble$0, are at Sudbury. ty girl In. blue stilt. I i6oPlo Is; rather ilia., ��7 or 88 a bead," in 11fo, fDdA prodptes� the Olt 44 good 'gates. of lint 'JOwft to Ito a n TO yOUeg Vll*t soUldt bo itiz tie ojp a 0 'much do such a The gtoiy -of 1ho discovery slid the de. 10h, any kind explained the Ita tna nimals welgli?j it '.Ould usulatly 'take P1006. -As I We, d. the cirou 10 'Velopment of the aAhwsloty goe% Ib6' W of �"I Ittiva, shipped any which nickel 'deposits In JU6 aan. d,sOld'Ahat the hsir'150 Ale ar�a Turkish. both may te. Out 11110 A I he . iialet help it?" ob- fri '�'n Text. of SWbory distKots hag, ma!Ay of 1bib nec� "it it because diflocs," V V with isdirivirlods in a, pho.' oviifaged one toll each, and We sell'hdn- c 0 tAgg tiled Avith 0idll phyliblet 91tore con *ssary alentents of tolutitim' �Tho bra served a smart young cleric, with.,a tali $"tot out*, -to jlredg which Wei I I I Mic gtOy- 4P #00 of thisa lossdils, b 66e 4ay I and orbil. Lai3alle �, pris 6 ih 1,000 . I)oundl. ti;%' me c$, at It I to "(lot fte Was- first discovered In a cutting on the collar and a Wealc smile, who was a lit - or a On rom 0101f: -ploovidt atchtl main line of the C. P.: 11. about tie'lealons of thesudden notorlaq Of Ilia HEALTH HINTLETS. s, Thd,paje of Sth beasts Ore en Irely gross To that the differ pior tho'hair be-, �Co*�S aground? 41toffifon Of Out. Young man, Ltd!s 0"'tour .01t But,will not the Stock busildoss 0 j?; 04 ilkik Olt 1 90, 1 underttai villes northwest of Sudbury, Y�ihore wb�, that Sermon - prea d falt off? id that the runclieg' 'a � A bad cold may be averted by glg$$ and Murray Mine, now -tandit., The story, But the owner of the conundrum 'both and. a rub down with '0� whom 0$ 0,41 tUJl$J t6-1:00ts fire being cut up. lhto f4trAdP :o man by the name at, Motcli6ficott WIS sly. rThell a Tat VoMkyli warm eau at OiAph (if lbe discovefY, as it is still told Fjy frowyled sever. should, 'It. The' 0 W49 W, ehiflito otil 10a What , tittelp o� r6lor gievom I de, cologne itfk�ir it. Whlskey, may , hot Wit U4111 I he ' thd case With t� that Ilia rout r4496h 19 bdoodge,sr4all thalpWple of Sudbory and r4pper Cliff with groy hair and, a Jol-black asif 'A the. hfile'do0our the us it the ther-SpIrit 151ft v4s; hi��4*44 P� 0 40h0*h0*, o0r, uveoattow? . With w1fat doubt%) ad obtainable. kmaflf� pore and shapit Vi­,Mft oug 4yuble'164W dofK� once, Hq *0 $�*Xtot. of e, 1*4 aqulr�., 14 as da, rehnarkt&- what) have vsaifiethi% tit it &takk ra Ing Will -V� a stlpendary. me My husband, had a. sllp a At aM Aly less to suppoiitbnd Ilia Was, CalthwAS toll, Sereg of %Vlld, gi dlslrlai� He W list t, "Pains in.the head brought on 11 'or" h"V", llch'44by �Ccur, )fit IS, the tKoUght of this.pova Who tii,thb root a It*; Sombllm�l alvo the 11,oldon, Text of oaah.,,ot soilte rogUlts, Of sidr- frato for'JITe udbury a 0 wodf:a nightcho. hat Is, my, tc 1 Qa In c( tile fairktIS the Same lOn rin *about ah., . btfaot� 00611 foid 91 rombl11% In.1116 Woods, and ace liusband d ona alglit, when t-0 nervous attobits i to blill. thes.0 lessom. tpoat tho 00140t 1 14, M Nvirew: we have now abol I ;v'b repitw­tha ;rill --hd.fOf&t -to out It dri-my hus- .,lh4t I IV 01 for, wdo�'. cattIo in thurvicinity. ixg bedogo 001tisIli Amgnt� %1aVI%1f tied to fe.IUM to his was is, Ing the bro*r tight with a ank hankicer, dArt Oft iN as circulated thd,Fe lie, der 14 s0,l*Abeva,. fos I� t sfixoo!�POOP14 Oro ourlouts�- 'oVanloOlIV have I thent to Wayne, � I n t his nighoop TIONS on lNullAWDiATO WOO ting poRY was oym� bond (tigot-to. U . on-anii too.,$ a halp to herVes yl -siaid, oithell Ar hamlok In Ilia' he chewed It'd ir I up-tho'dog Old- and oed �aa Thak. to w1fat kind, of cl =#AW ve ItIlOt aftiktoning sindk? You 0 1 �.hair Oro drdyi., Id Id at; Well an;proVentiVe Of t"Ifiklea, on(I *stoilifli SCHOLAM. " 111 9416411 itY., a, rAped'' out., b0d and tr 110't' alt. nafflo'it �'A or t r All so iwisted around big Toot- after Washing, 11 h,lUke Whrin *IL,*t *4 Coo, titi at Soloia Gontritl 0* It cot to ralse corn. %,e tpould ba d4no,,WI (In 0111011lent cregm vlothi 61 ro�% 'he$ water, At 4X9 �J do 11 a 0 W� tho alfh 0 1W o -that I had fa 6, 1 a start rpole the Wit With an upwar eta j,,tho stiotloat, it wit 4 6 oh of n q lus ft 4i"Alke, det®olt A114 most, i;ygte b big klofe," 0 Is nowl tnadd at wboaL oUtword ., 010110M The, fitfta QJr .9 and r0iigli -, wboat 7tt itinds Or, TYW,for the cheeks alway sit 1, "Hold Who§o liffid logii,-t 41 to d and flit, cultid 9 nOVIng t eM,M Oil Outward dlreafidry� ilnxiously inquired s etirlool 0 ayll'blost tAtO411011 to 110 ScOull, Ilia 1�4 licreotTyp 9. �Jofitll: tho� 0ts also move the A ftr ,4 "OK *4010, GRAZE ON THE STUBBLE. man'hoall the fife, an CALL- UP g a m q0tw0d.dIfedtion, but, infilft ost!$ 4witviam ith a1,101. 061arse, Wrill frigidly topliod the l[he carnarS of ftau 9 a was WAttell IQW.11on'Aboat 113 1, fliab S )I S I it L A WO 041010A litind to Ilia t, Calm Arcipped 144% In Of 10toni, 411(1 QtApeN0% to,,Ijie Jo. f1e9d It than sell it. I ROW 0, a a 10 wilo Man%ly tried Ilia 116011 mil r Inquired a Ineek little wo. ft QVS�l tile r dark lines that it a0d e d, Alli the t0�4�11�' liacatkSomw all way ye*$' 101Iter .4. Ivily WIleat. . - �7 Oka With % 4 sitmi ovid lie Tod- them on *hot ID14, "'Ottir 110 Was st womm' all$ aq wisily t1hA1 1111 -thi� Aq# 14 t Clio e'aia bui The ly,,p, fat� tile. bruie, -#0! SOMO Mealeffitil qua. ocited lit 3481 lit Wt womm a y enthlfik�Xng so, IuIM. 'Jitles. k go b I Is do from its a 10PUCIVS1 tit lia donta ti 4 yd th it oty,the eof beet Itiliff. That be hod .904ra euvoit by ilttlgitlatso Anyone h4:Vtag, 1110 461* lo v0slkt Afte blovM04 N1nd relter by grating a heto Of, hormpactislit, aftnig, taft1litbij6h IW04110 the Wrwqlty. of I'llittli paii it�vgql VIVIngl, (T �Vdtic 0611ki e V n r: ano PJSeJn$Z It 0 uA it41 fAud Wioillj. 16 alroose i -Vt Sig 141"16'.10f. 44a wlign, tile V10141% Is us dct.il 6 lot SIM(* Ill but, It 'low is d toll' I It gota"1104A United Stal0q. b '111& to I t h led.; hogit Will brilig 86veral, teolei 614 Wit YOU094111411 11111 or V6t4in it (it �10119 a00 Iblo. 11400 Will the ilodr. * , $9 '9414 other nam id -)OR tot Ifthd Wid 166 Vol* IP4011111 Iftoo AUT, Coyli"161 liq&," J- Jk YAR(I W V," 1111A r IQ 'Wo "kVlfy r does & 11bg 'kir * di - - $1 - 40 'to Urum IQ am a Nfloy telb, All 21 11to Wit wilig 'to; Ahe mlt'I%Ur (If JA"1VJ#!t I t" wa *� most ot, 4)w from An it Tht Coup* ibiote b"h% all, '116f %6%ftoi�ll \ , le"Al � vivolt 'All tug soubg wita this, W,�, bmu lit W 10t ThW niat thi(VtOlIkeg 1101* 0 "Ito d' 440JI'v wo, 140. lon, f ol A raA live bull Ilk,, 1Ir ills lito' un lit 61 two �mq Wt *vm 110 'alt PkeNing ilnUp',' 6a6 at "Me to 0"14 no'A'SUItyi f�njg, #Wh scaft'itiat you, hu 'Vt Air ft& IMOVAIng 010t, Into EAWft , lull Con Ith It. thtel& (ily 4$d hio A"ftt it, ugh� _.nily, V146 . I I . 1. r' rilard-the Lrollm Stalo, I litwit 1,,ft 11116 00m, M 0, p"test againav vlot elckofflic tam, h1ver. NVlli% IkN III,, viniod5d flit to*D1kt J%'6S D6 *n, Alto \ **6 Will V-Sise Lt"' UIAll In flit UM Oft VW Afid then -i, FAN all tKirld W46eAt tit h# tfill , \,Vm Old DO WAIn, 1118 WQrR At It 6101, bl, glooth b, it 4-tlf- ­ (kW*JVftri JQK tildp& WWWAhl DIM 1119 116110 of Any st*ti, (Ind tind 110VA Aft*Ved'O WM60 OlMal like, this. dfWt­t6 Enland" bild"b'" Aoft6d womi, Ufffl#T look leWilli 10 VW10 the J?t � � dittive ids 101ifig, A so Weil? no# loirg; 81" w too talturA of w" thou"110. 61 noras at.thtum No M311Y, 1XINIRRI, m"Ithk tur" *M(Wl 1b.04 ego, 0whita owr * y %hrounk n111A vftrr*�t W%*M hquLo. And 61 ill it w I W11111111 0i 16M 114A, niffir vow fty *404114 1,�, the Jit(*fty Of 101111* 4b t OtW11011 ift Abe 3OW' 0'rAft 1hraAgh tho dt**W %4 MW WAX 1401,00 06; AMR&W upoiliksts tid, n deft V Oft, thr owyf mov" of wAdk* %Vi4w, rw i twig �ft Wme, *,Kft thop ftf. "Itr "41, toll *Omf Iffileo 111iiii Wifft, Iftal-PAI: ays NMI V#(M& 16 11111 fftfhUI0tkI (410f it)awa, NOr 06 MW ft MW *"t* Ard1In6`1(K*1ft . The vw 111i 0W 016who . It" At* bit"idid RAD TO W it" Vemsitifing artiolly koot 10*0 16 J*901bia. tht'. bltolft 4 tm Ne*, "Vel'itt I rN"J7 I b"s 1K iflolt I*" Pt"l AM 111(4 *nIM&W 'Mity-Oft, Soo 4(fly b6yt T*k At t%JSJ*d IV# oUr U"I I& 4Wlifit, this J1*- bft TW "Otifift 46' tottil" �Volat 'a U* 19 -im ot A00i aw Awkut, lit V41 W lit 411 im Ohio* 441ef*--W how it to&t All am y6ur a* solt. Whitt IW4 00 tmt ivy vo M46044 U%y did M 0A 14 lit bf~Z ft' 16 AM Wd pr6'#&U* WAO *11ft, ""y 16 N y� I Old 014" bibet th*061604 0$w Ili11VIVOININk lho but4tM** , tt* "i ifff J61 WM W JM% " 'hr&h? "Alia' 4M .*t W" AWY C # vat Ahot: *W9 104 ttay fun, Ill; WAY" so �flftl .61 kit *1100 Was hfriw WVW N"I*yt " ~ ft, #1 & Imft at* *yd" 111119t ftho until 1 4*40"M 000V � : "A", "W" boft M 4461. $40" swit" fKft W% Ito" 44 t do #AOL Mt Pill i's 6" "ItAnlit tro Im 3%4* 0* uv% m, b"ft &"bg 111 1#4 ill vill liotillis, AU114 ft; o of I"% AMOIRM U lhft* On **A *Ww to ftft a **Ubdiitet tft w4whit in aw, VA- WIM6 VW rau)m *at' 114ft Flow *U* "04 V44 *Muk htyo do** *A 11% 0*100, pkw 0" uscic Sea" WW brew ba Ti* it~ *A'