HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-03-16, Page 1ItIvzo;:44c. MIllorgaVt404,V4r OTP Ina30 CrtrO caP :ROO TAIV:1443), LOAN tOMSNT We ',ain't* plettietl. to rectilie the. *content .4 cOrporations, Oro*, ''•atul,indirlibisis.' We give prtitnet.'SirVieg, good fiellititte fiftd iff*111;Itt4 $01 Oeuslatent with safe '4'114 5000-rysttivo, 1).40,4px, • oi or wilie for gee littiebetaltlet:eetitied t‘pome Cardinal retiatal , „ The Oin?011ettlent• alltheriXeens tia'acceptAlopesIte, opgiocu iDoofcgt--,POR. NORta STR.BET ,$QUA ,- L. liORTON, mot. (Int outelarlaief Yet Sotentlet. eitiotsve Arno y applying, at tie. N'ft4Dast Street, ' 'Tgo NV"4-14T 0.--GOliftort.Aitoban, at coakAag.. okr,f4.9. Otkiet1013., ' • „ ANT130.',--. Jaeger fiiiiiishee fe. rtnneter., APitir kttl,19It t14440". a:0# Jay,. TerOntit. ' • - ' • littiNr13.41.411 d titatiOatle frit_the;Parelaltite' et katalerst ae4noris - aqua. Should timatrtit tfeaVdtb '.118 '660 ati 1.1iS BaTa641.011,V the Rtieetutee tleterye. o ono,: ;. , • , liittrANXEDI 111-11_3ENTIFirs ()TAM peres of eat. •kIrti, Adogareatidi teStria. lAgli•tisegat care sou °Inca ' • , littitPegitiehrx ripefa ott,remyrieto..eoreencrtewore. Nee APP Y at RUM) Roma. PQR SALE OR TO LET. qn MOD BUlLIIING LOT. part of the Toms estop, fronting on Rest St., ore of the 00'1110I-Siu0„.00Prich. Apply to owner, ee L. Senereome, emit street tf CiALE EPR 13A1411). -Sire. Barham ; dam, IL/ Jersey. Apply at SZ4rt 01110e. RENTt•nrcIr 080 'or three yeara, Mr. J.- Samuel 51eMath'srarin, Lot 10, Con. 4, nodetiew conteinine 80 scree, Apply to Tito& Olneney. or to 'Wm. MoMern. VURNISORD ROOM TOIINT.'-ilot vez. A.pply at l'ait BtAit 00100. tar from tho Square. tenable rent A RTICLES FOR SALE, -Several useful Ack., honsehold articles ler sale, such as a Challenge- Batter, good its new 1 Hardwood Table, two Siiteboards, several Deere. Sofas, and other articles, Reason tor selling, no room tor them. Apply at Start . AlIiINGIES, LUMBER, ItTC.-E, XX and XXX Shipgles„ Cedar Pests and Plank. e fletidook and_Horiltvood Lumber, ete., eta 'THE 00DaRlpH Lyrae.= CO,,Limited. . • patOttEBTY FOR SALL= 'Fite desirable PreiffirtY OP lagin Avenue, -Goderich, owned and oconpied tiy Dr, Whitely. Good house and two -thirds -of an acre of land, 'with °hole° fruits. The hewn, is heated by hot water and hae niodern imithertiments. A hrirgain tor ene person wanting first-class, pre - ter 4'10J2traiSroitreii.APP12 tO Or sitlfte . . , 11131mitPlat8' POD. RAM 13everal hundred coplos of old nowepagers for sale. Juet the glistgicro h0118001ORRIRK. Apply at LEOAL Noricp PPLICATION TO. PAULIAMENT.-No- Me 1N hereby given that .cni application bo made to the Legisiative Alesemeiy ot the Province et Oritarto,at itspoit session, for ad Act toenablo the Munteipedite of the Town of Goderieh t/0 guarantee tho bonds of a com- pany tabeformed and known oath° Maitland River rower Compeer'. for the eurpose of de- veloping water power on the Iklaitland River nearkloderich-and transmittiog eleetrio power therefrom, in arl amOUnt not mete than 5160,000 the tiggreotp. provided the electors ot the said town Shall flea approve of tno bylaw 'therefor. Bated Goilerieh this 6th day of February, 10XL • Iliereareoe es °Ammer, solicitors for Towa of Goderieh. REAL ESTATE AGENTS PRPPERTY Fon SALE. -A Ctomfor able frame derelling on Essex St., with Mod- ena conveniences, stable and driving house. A commodious frame dwelling on South and Pletam streets, with,good stable. A frame dwelling on Eetty's etreet • VACANT LOTS On Bruce St. Essex St. Mcmtroal St. Britannia Road. • Cedtw Street and Huron Road. A Farm Liu:tittles from Carlow, 200 acres ; su- perior but:Ultima. water, orchard and timber Jet. ' In West Witwanosh. 3 Miles from An- bu ; 200 acres, good buildingeland water. Fermin Colborne, lake Shore, 4 miles bum Goderieh, 100 acres. Fannon Bayileld Road, 4 miles from Goderieh. 80 acres. Farm on Ilneon Bond. ono mile from Goderich. - For further information apply to YotING 8c coiteTtTSON, noel Petite and Insurance Agenta. AupioNgggiNG GEOME.BECKETT. General ,AnctIoneer HaMilton4reet Gederien, r. O. Box 183, ,Fitrin, ferias and,an other selea feceivaspogirl often ion. will buy Ow en- theistock orMetteehold Furniture, Mid 1,111 pny east cash Prices. • Let Me/move what /AP btao to eon in aniline, 0_0031 and .pee what ean )711:11-114"t:" m eb. OliETT, Visrlealtr • • " 'DENTISTRY. (-3 F.38ALE,A... D. S. D. D. S.. Meloanb • DiCadtv tioderich. pr. Turnhnire ola stand. , P.?0TIGL 4,vousra. .41110,,ce4Unt4 agalnlitqlte. °date Of the late ,Jannts priest°, eine attepunta 'WW1* th9 /tate laust,'he settled 'hefOre 100. 00Xt. claims, Which Isere ;not:bees reeeivea ttisneatillhe eoxiiMisees end enyeacceunte tattatastate ant then peat, will „rim handed 0 Mitt fee 18010CHOO. Fir,orritung. gxectItOr, West se ,;t•ri 4.000)K. er* BrlicY4Br 4ultite ,on• wegewaar, 44141 ,at Sham, API. _oil, a 1.40t aten._,_ e_ _ erns ip, total deer ineste roue old. 1444aZdri iiiitbOr0e, 6 years 2 healiTarrmitliti_Celte. rising I year old. - Iowa in be One about time ot sale testitereeisy yeareold, In good order, gage. thin 2 yore rid, 7 ideltere. vs years old. 2 Steers, r 1 year old. I breed Seft% 8 store Pigs, la Pigs, 2 meatne old. ,,,i3Verrtiting advertised must he disposed of us'ulle PO/1)13'SW has'rented the farm. Terms : Wawa mouths' credit' on furnishing aPpreved., Joint mites, A eiscount of per cont. StralitUt allorleater caste Benexerea WItutiN, Proprid- ler 1T/10e. atiNIMTtAuetioneer. *TICE TO PARMERS Se feeders use tIlydesdalepdelt Food. of Toronto, Every pound guaran or money eeteinded., try IL For gale by .Runitows & Son, TO INTENDING BUILDERS We have constantly in stock a large mmply of Cement Bricks for sale. C.all and get prices. THE GODERICH CEMENT BRICK Co. GODEPICH ,W. E. KELLY WATCIIMARER, JEWELLER • AND OPTICIAN. WIER oF MARRIAGE iloENSFE GODERI013. I • - GODERICH TEL. SCHOOL OGDEN/CH, ONT. NOW ,A1WgRTISIMUNTS. Atrkloi****411,Flt 4.* PR*. te Inlet -Wee MeetMla .S....e1 feteete„_ __fleet eleetlettalueenes It Wooten e . . A? Hawn itookt and Whim isnaciatnetiont, ',Ptak W. Thetutten X ttt.tgto Peetheinneeesi. ':Otend OPettleg--W.Aelteson, t3Q,4 ' O1)iriiirta tiltl411910, 004007l A IF.,,,,446,4,4444,4144444;444.444/4144•4, 1304441. Et4(444$t40 00604 4.• 444-44,4.'4.41.4441. Wellitieor itecelie 11940i...wide -re. OA fieptuitaumbo, are :Reid (.6);t0Pial notleolc- , rret,PMAIIYOML”..sql /...,14444 .$01".S0t1SFV110reitiO3''''11.137344:;:fai7e.,,, • Netice Accounts...I, Xi5leiVieretale4ielith a nearer 8 Sertipil and 14010 Tereri-,-Stalt- ... . 1 • Our 10011 Sal0S---W, MeElita .1lefere Deettle-c, sg, too_ . „ 8 Yard, 'Wk13),Pritits-gedgenti nros, 8 Chei Building x,ot-r Stohleker 1 , ' Ottrumrill fee learns you Telegraphy, Rail - "way, Expecte, Telegraph and Ticket Aeconnt- ing. The now and complete systent which I have been teaching gives a thorough know- ledge itt all book-keeping. Ladies' receive MO -and more per Month. A. X. MATHESON, Principal, 'Office. G. W. Thomson & Son's Music Store Traders fur Pulpwood Concession Nonac,) imam, thts heading to nonatilvertis- SPECIAL. NOTICE. erteaul be percale° cage a running line bl naltpariel,tr.00.121fueS tO the bah ; to Yearly coittact aavotilsers whose advertising 11P- peittil"bi, the mac issue, cents a Ono ; Dern Who make a yearly. ce Mutat under tele 'meet*, land tlo not ottiornise advertise:8 cede &line Lool NotIceit. 7iVe cannot afford to sell Wdll Paper 'at coat and pay tor advertising it, This 18 yourlast notice; 'Aron want a few of thp ear- fleins got to now. Koos & .The Meek Diattiond Renew glees, a ose shave withont disooratert. rough0416- t skip, trritation orlosa armee. Sole ten er luto guarantee. J. R. /lawkins, the /lard - ware M Tomorrow will be St. Patrick'a Doti tho glorious 1th of Ireland. Now for epilog! and with It t newest rendes ana antait fecal in Artie o Photo. Brephey getd these all as soon as they aro rivellable. CMI and see.. 'AS next were will be red letter week for the good friends of North Street Methodist Church, we would like to help you to aderathe interior et your beautiful edidco by supplying wYoirloitvig !Iranrge'l Buts18ott,,t.Biree:Arr.1 Thomson & Son, Papules duffle Store. Ladies Look Younger. -Which is the desire of one and all. Take the trouble of visit- ing Prof. Domini -end% private rooms at Hotel Bedford, ,Goderieh. on Thursday. March 22nd and seo the many beautiful inventions in Styles of Bunten Hair Coverings, Wigs, ' Bangs, Switches, eta. and inspect hk new patent area tune 3, W. Weatherald still sells Doctor Greene's Improved Sarsaparilla, three botthys for only $1.80. I have also sneurod the agency foe the " Vindox" and " Eldredge " Sewing Machine., either of which aro guaranteed to give satisfaction. Call and see them at my store. neat Oder to Proudfoot. Hays & law oflIce, theSquare, Goderich. 2t -e. o. w. A hot supper will he served in the Lecture Room ot the now North street Metho- dist church on Monday evening. March 19th, from, 0 to 8 o'elobk. An mamma programme %ditto given after supper in the auditorium of the church, consisting of vocal and instru. mental music and addresses. The Rev,,,Joseph Pimp, President of the Conference. and Rev. )3,1L Manning, chairman of Goderich District, will give adthusses. Several local aninleers will else' be prevents Miss ARNIM% H. M. Carson, C. Li. Humber, T. Egoner, II. N. Merritt and A. Sutherland will give solos and tho choir of the churl% will render choruses. C. Pennington will give a cornet sole. Admis- sion to supper and concert, 60 cents ; children 12 years end under, 26oente. ritENDERS will be received by the under. 1 tripled up to and including THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF APRIL NEXT for the right to cut pulpwood on ceitain areas tributary to the Montreal River, in the District of Emig:sing, the Nepigon River, in the District ot Thunder Bay, the Rainy taka the Wabl- goon }Over and tb.e Late of the Woods, all in the District of Rainy Tenaorera should 'ettato the amount they aro prepared to pay tot boarte in addition to such dues de may be Axed erom time tatime for the right to opemte o Pull). or puip.and•paper Weeny on the mean referred to. Successful tundorors Wilt be re- quired memo milts on the territories and to manui acture the wood pulp in the Province of Ontari Parties+ making tenders will be required to depoillt with their tender a marked Cheque, Parable abate Trersurer ot Ontario, for ton per cent, of the amount of their tender. to be for- feited in . event of thqir not entering into mats to carry out conditions, etc. Tbe ffirealtut or any tender not necessarily accepted. For partioulars tes to description of territory, capital required to be invested, ote, apply to the undetsI;ted. $Mi. P. COPITE4NE. Minisber of Land,' and Minos, Toronto, Ont.. BOTEI.S. EH WWI:0TM GoderiehOnt.---Thor 1 ongideredttedind modernised. A IMMO orthe traveller eta Danner. Best dollar a, dale arise to belated AnyWhere. N. J. MOR EY, Proprietor. rilesitrA110160:111H zerfAr/17411,41111 Coll13014.11E )101"EL it . SALL* 0001611TON. estoes. * 'b tflabid estitistiehed hognare win be 4 kerattritoft high titandardottinelleney. bi reiVei---11 and thsfnatMlunreet tbe genteel public 1.. ill , fillir no cited, ei. Sail,s4p. Oa *motel attention *trreteititVislitlotontlt9: iair k mutro 0 Moran g gazelle+ 1 egLL 4, J'0171N SION ; keet0.040.404410,01041041PAYA*A0P4101 e4,....4 -1....-4.4•444e,,4- , ....,..-1...• .. m' tnc.!. totoratio4x *.vtinuttizt. t'.*10#170sctit. Wi TtO1149014 154 ORIC03,, Itabllttituflts. '*-69Prallteedeiroe Night relief* ihe /tint of Dasilants arid 'auttnattt witt,,,ha *savored tither their tooter, Atinsinatt _fittest& ,ov vont Tarntralra rimideneth Natant strew. 4,42144444445,,,, WARM., M. . .,-,-,-,- a e kttentiors eye.oarvt and rett Cetfaldreitidtairet sea Beek of Hee 000010 Pent flelcee wasteuest, OtfiiteriCh4 t eteolloalt NANO& gown gawks. A BAD 13PSICT.-On Tuesday after- noon Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Giscbler and Miss Mohring. all of Benmiller. were driving to town in a buggy, and when near the 0. T. R. overhead beidge a train on the track underneath fright- ened the horse, which with a start tried to turn round. Mr. Gischler jumped out and tried to grasp the anitnare head, but the horse got away and knocked him down, and the buggy passed over him, and the quick turn by the animal threw the ladies out with great force. Mr. Gischler was badly injured about the face, his nose being broken, and it is thought this was caused bys a buggy wheel passing over his face. Mrs. Gischier yeas badly shaken up and is still in a tserious condition, though it is thought she received no internal injury, Miss Yfohring received a severe cut over the eye, vshich required five stitabes, and although the cut may leave a scar, it is hoped the eye's sight will not be affected by the wound. The injured are at the residence of Mr. Biehop, Brock street, and their many friends in Colborne and our citizens generally will hope all may soon be fully reco- vered from tbeir painful experience. OBITIIARY.-The Marshalltown, Ia., papers of Feb. 24 contain notices of the death of an uncle of our townsman, Dr. W. F. Clark. The Times -Republican said: David D. Clark, a reeident of this city for thirty years or niore, and at one time in business here, died at the Center House at 7:80 Friday night of paralysis, with which he has been suffering for about a year. Mr. Clark came here inane years ago, and at one time was engaged in the meat buse nese in company with the late Oscar Blaney. Daring more recent years he had been a cattle buyer Fle was 70 years of age, and a native of Canada. He was the youngest son of David Clark, and a nephew of Sir James Clark, who for many years, was phy- olden to Her Majesty, the late Queen Victoria. Mr. Clark wag a widower. and is survived by one brother, W. S. Clark, of Goderich, Ont., who 'MIS heme at 'the time of hie deaeh. The burial will be in Riverside, beside the body of the deceased's wife, the Masonic fraternity of Oh; city being in charge. Rev. C. W. McCord will conduct the prayer service. The D.C. Wilber undertaking parlors, where the body' has been taken, will be open to friends from 8:20 to 4 Sunday after- noon. TED COUNTY' COUNCILS Anr.-The Government hill to change the forma, CIODERICH MARKETS. .All osecalo have been at a stand still the past week. and at present) the signs of a rise are not In view. Cattle for export seem firmer, bUt there has been no definite rise, though a few leolated of- fers above oUr quotatione have been made for futUre deliVerY• Bogs have been bought at our quotations for deltvort on MondaY• Efgn Aro down, hither:is unehanged, and penmen so scarce that it cannOt be correctly quoted. .1. F. Audrey's will altly tattle on Saturday and hogs on Monday, both goina to 'reroute W. Butroige Itz got thipped Mat week 8.000 Minimiser data to Tillsonburg and 1,000 bushele of wheatte Clinton. eitrrerd Wholesale prices corrected up to soot of Thursday.) Fall wheat, itatidatd g0 74 to 75 g wheat, standard-. ...... 0 74 to: 75 our, per , &leg. „ 2 70 to 2 'to 01,1r. per , 2 25 to 2 25 Bran, per ten 00 to 10 00 Shorts, per ton . 20 00 to 20 18 00 to 18 aerometers, per ton Oats 0 el to 0 i Barley a 0 to 0 43 Peas 0 73 to 0 73 LOckwhritto Per intsitel ye .. . 0 03 to 0 48 0 48 to 0 48 a 40 to 7 00 0 18 th 0 20 ▪ itre'pest 1/?Por down ....... 0 14 to 0 15 ... 4 tX) to 5 50 et le, P6exrpocr„ 4 23 to 4 60 Cattle, ordinary and butchers' $ ao to 4 00 0 0,5 to 0 51 Laelbs. per lir nem rat es 8 00 to 3 60 0 OD tO 0 CO Bogs, dresSed 8 75 to 9 00 Hams, ner lb.. . .... . ...... 0 la to 0 111 thlOhlt 014 to 0 14 es .. ..... ......... 7 50 to 8 010 Sheep ^0 70 to 0 .1 iakens,-bern chicits,pronh 0 to )2 rmiorlt„.. „el to iot 0 td 10 Tooker*, per Geese per 3 digr° Bete dreamless. . o 210 a 4 to 50 Dne4 pert .. neer. ISM 600t0 060 Cattle and Bogs at Toronto. The WeeIcli# flab. TtleAday Exporters am trittee lattice Ms week, notee ireinestuentati. an $41 at the Junction yesterday. vow, however. was an extreme pride. the bulk eelling telletete the mese SI it306ft %lug aura Wan 43.75 Metal FLOr pftkodlitte tatteberitut esttlett.som gefoiedtritz/V.041*.30"6"1114110.6 tilliftedr fittisteiret111 tostis,seree otanteson 11303 te Sega, Dfr eoWe Wow& losetnatte,sett amuse stuff 1$2 112 at • 'Hat ttinrkettalttpresebt In a soutewhitt liar ‘'wndltiort. ean_it dtfactut to tett Mortinea isestutiadd, Peeing* my 4-1tri atitth,1 *begtrikriteIrthwkitmeitgatb4tire° Ione at etiowe tee toe ice enotett et In bett% Y Wide B tht and anodise AG, Iodated ,Preks Ittlibiat Under thew trrenav ataeree pokers are natatine totter ta, down Mom sea Miran as bare seceree a rtmai_extrer.ant as Okt Mowry tibias the reesel nunkee *Arline**, and Mr Us** ligete the erectile teases , te t,efrottiteltlir Mfteeed. , Whole, ebaWhectS statrieerhe eon emcee lee e Write awes host esentet snuff ties tad mnnestat kest. t *of. 004 *el We* Intik $fic Off fee t *011,411144 wiAgria, -stump,* 0,004,-40116 e lkotkey, Oil Mold* Tors Sisehelorti, *Mb. playwi thili! etreet Rink, under. the 'anepicee tit t IfoopitaL The caet etebarae. Welt gtratalltOe alutt thew will be lotti Of 'tusk euti . the ceettuneit WM)* see* than funny, Aft an 'event 4or uormirlitua, natrlei oeficbt -to be the regent. Mel WIII 00 49140 40art 0,11904, 1)&1)9400 frOM leltiehthe bete Iota. foUrrottoraherreilb 'POIMION gtiiTbregifie., The ',44tbo latates fee 10417 brought down to the Deminielt Mouse MOndaYliet IOW *beet 100.8,0001.000s 4-149At thi4 prinoipal iteme of expenclitutv Appear the fellowingl •Wingtaln. nubile binning-. 141%28R deld, barber etich, harbor, ,. 1000 lintalline, baleen. %tete river estea lartrea, whitet repairs ...... Lehi 41eriller TOKENS.-eTceday. (1):claitet Mr. and Mrs. Ilugh Campbell leaVO for their oeW hotne In WintliPetf.• where Iffe. Campbell will join tile staff of the new mill the Western Oalta' mitt Fleur Mills Co. are erecting. De - fore 'leaving Goderich the fellow-ema, ployees Of Mr. Campbell in the Will here presented both*hins and iffra. with handsome goidauounted brellas, and, their little daughter El. caner was rementhered vtlth a hand. .som seuvenie spoon "L'he worthY, eoup e take with th t e sincere. good wishea of many' f alta Pratt heartily Join , ORITITAPAY. The to ,Triencis Of 'Mrs. Thomas ta_ittee 'Sands) wete grieved, though n our. prised, to hear on aldnday last that ahe had died in Colorado City, Where for a couple of years she had been living with her husband and family in the hope that the might once raore re- ain her tvontedlibealth. The Change, ugh benefluial for a time, was net pernsaumat, and when she returned here on the death of her father, the late Areh. Salads, her appearance WM not such as to inspire strong hepee. The body reached here on Menden IP 011arge of her husband, and Was tagen to.the resilience cif deceased's brother, Mr. John Sands, Gloucester Terrace, front whence the funeral took plece On Thursday afternoon, interment taking place in Colborne cereepery. Rev. Janies Hamilton Was the officiat- ing clergyman, and the pall bearers were Col. Young, Messrs. R. R. Sal - lows. James Wilson, James Mitchell, Angus McKinnon and D. Stoddart. To the sorrowing husband and, two children the sincere sympethy of many friends goes out in the loss of a loving wife and mother. TitfrOMNO ORAN E WOO AtteMitaee, Ofdeleatelf '1* Mcatiux, , \ 014,40,40E4 Of the •Qrauga fArrook ,Of Ontatie t, tiololok loot 00 tong -rioigeo**,,,,s.0, mow". beltOrnadit:,*.gteat. Ole. in' tite tett**. Plithetelst Were WOE ptaditat -40 tint' 144/10eib batog the, borolcrorittaisir ttio ataft, Woo crotedetl roo. it Pettee was befOtt. • When the idea, et, hOldiegtheannuel meeting in 15ittderlels. it weanereethotightthat -*Sprigs' tils* Wei3la elttiO$ ft4 the h4000 Onle. and it wesi the )itry and wituresee Pr. Ode couvt that the', exeenimoda ion 'for • the visiting ....,'Qrangereen. A ew reerobeee of the, sndee arrived In towtr on Monday, &Very train on Tuesday .hrOnght in good detit4Mente, and:large partiee cantos „la by the first two triune on Wedneedity. The 1,20 on that day teiliittnet'ity the local committees ofihe crept 10dgea and the Victoria efe and 'demo band After receiving the *M- eta at tbe 'station a proceasiou was IRK littont160 .lbit fact ! • that *boo trratweltekboto. eat, Aug off .1telete'll' yoke. mut Ateperating .0burcia from the •state,G4nadiatuthett. :,bitert. tieing, ;What Fr AOCO" 444' IttO. • 4ndiether tonhtrlealtad telt.° The speaker, Who eleinitti to 'he• * Boron!, AROUNG THE HARBOR. Notes of _tti. • „Various Industries Which Betoken a :Brisk Season. The Ocean House will soon be on the move towards the lake, and Capt. Babb will have a tine crew for the trip. Although Dyment's lumber yard is well stocked with pine, it is expected a large addition will be made to the stock soon after the opening of ntiyi- gation. The Cement Brick Manufacturing Company is preparing for a big sea- on's work, for from cities and towns comes the report that, there is a great scarcit3r of beicks. The Harbor Lumber Company has logs to Begin the season on, and a raft of over a million feet at Stokes Bay, so there is a prospect of an early start and a long season's work. At the works for the outside beeak- water there are few signs of activity, but it is known that preparations are being made for an early start, and or- ders are expected any day to put the tug Blake in commission. Although there are not many signs areund for the building of an iron tug, it will not he many weeks before the Marlton Iron Ship Building Co. will be a well known Goderich indus- try on Mariton's island. It is expected the new tug being built by the Marlton Dredging Com- pany will be launched in a few dee% So far it has no name, but how would e Hyman" do ? It is easily pronounced and short, and would be a compliment to a. well known western Cabinet Minister. Hitherto we have had but one fish company, the Dominion, doing busi- ness at the harbor. The Nittgaea Fails Fish Company will start this spring giving opposition, and it is to be hoped the fight will attract the fish to thee port, for they have been scarce enough the past. few years. The Big Mill, now known as the Western Canada Flour Mills Company, leads the industries in the employpaent of men and in the great value of its output, and We shiprnents of from ten to fifteen fully loaded cars daily keeps this part of the harbor .on the hum from early Monday morning till mid- night Saturday every week. One can't tell what will be done to the hnrbor, but that the entrance from near the breakwater to the checkwater should be dredged to a depth of 22 feet there can be no Oration, and thit inside the main portion of the harbor should be dredged to an equal depth. It must not be forgotten that many pieces of timber floated from the breakwater cribs. and tbat there may be other loose logs around, and it 8A a duty incumbent on the authorities to see that such hindranees to navigation do not atop or injure heavy laden ships when teetering this port. A ivaik around tbe harbor these days will give one an idea of the army of nien teat will be requit- ed in a few "days to kart eontinue to a finieh the many works started and projected along the harbor front. and to keep the herbor industries going. Met comae the elevator, With its foundation and 25 feet of cement wenn built, =refolding for another 80 feet in positions, and piles of manu- factured lumber ready for the ern* pletion of the scaffolding and Ulf easea in which the cement walls tire built. lf cement comes forward regularly the structure ehould he tfinished be- fore the roses bloom, for it is raid pll of the machinery required for tbe elevator is ordered, and the bricka re- quired for the upper or machinery floor are ready at the cement brick works. tion of County Councils was given to the Legislature on Monday last, and Hon. Mr. Monteith introducing it explained that It proVided for the selexeentetlor. of each mullielpality in the COuneil on the bturis of one repre- sentative for each 4000 votem. The total number of County Councillors in the Province would thus he increased ftem MO to 815. The largest part of this iintreaSe Would be in the larger toWiagralabere deputy reeves Would be elected. tinder the present eyetem County ,CoUneillors are elected by efeetoraldielelons, 'Within the coUnty, and not by OM individual Theriew bill proVides practical- ly for a return to the old order Of electing County Councils, cenoisthig • reetee and deputy referee from each Mnitilelpillty. The bat& of represen- tation italtOwetier, increased from MO td LOW: Every, town, village or town- ship Wilt he represented by its reeve. If the" etinnielpality hat More than 1,000 vetere Oil tile Vetere list Mal oot more than Z000, then it dhall also be rettreattited in the County Council by rt &lefty cert. Similarly. for each 1,000 * Kiang voter/ it shall have itteith depety reeve. Itt cage of ah dial Of voteltill the Oaths* ef A then of those present the 'in his alfeetten thu dolga"' the municipal! ty which for log year bad the greatest movement, 4411 have a 'eliding vote, . , JOHN HEWITT, Treasurer, Toronto. eSuccesaor to the late E. F, CLARKE.) formed, and the Orangemen marched to the meeting hall, the Opera House. The processioo was It long 'one. It contained grey heads, rniddle aged men and many just out of their teens, all of whont were a credit to the in- stitutien. They Were of all classes - the horny handed son of the farm, the professional tnan, the clergyman and the business man. No wonder the in- stitunon prospers, for its cosireopolitan charactee and steady adherence to principles flatlet ever keep it in the van- guard of those societies that stand up and fight for equal righte to all. In the evening the Opera House was crovrded. triejor portion of the audience b composed of those who are outsid ethe Oerange fold, many ,s of those pr sent bein ladies, for whom seats were reserve in the gallery. The hall was nicely decorated with buntieg, bannets and flagseand dur- ing the evening several speakers spoke of the excellency of this feature. For some time before the opening of the meeting the fife and drum band played outside the hall and was listened to by an immense crowd, The chair Was taken by Lieut. -Col. Scott, the Grand Master of Ontario West, who made an excellent presiding officer. The meet- ing was a fairly enthusiastic one throughout, but at that point of Mr. Ganaey's speech where he referred to the personal attack of the Signal the cheerieg was iturnense. Of course the leading feature of the meeting was the appearance of Mr. Gamey, but his appearance as an Orangeman was a surprise to many, ns up this way the people knew but little of that gentle- man. But when he commenced the audience was eager and attentive, and as he spoke of the " disgraceful per- sonal attack of the Signal," many present %Pondered if the editor of that journal knew the kind of man he was attacking, Aft a pleader for his rights and a vindicator of his conduct Mr. Gamey was magnificent, and no one left the hall on VVednestley night in doubt as to his ability to bold his own against all 1118 enemies. As was ex. peeted, the member for Manitoulin spoke on the prospeets ,of Now On- tario and also of the old, and his ad- dress, in well chosen sentences, ore- torically delivered, won for him a place in the hearts of all ptresent, for his presentment of the mineral and lutnber wealth of the north, and of Ontario's duty In opening up that part of the Provioce, was a rare intellect- ual and geogiaphical treat. After having seen Mr. Gamey and heard bim speak on New Ontario, one can many understand who so many peo- ple go a long distance to see Gamey, lot lay rbirtbt turaPsrea tr, ountry tgliet.MoTst,r. lit/ t Avr. Hen entl wAgell d(7414; of an Troteetante to watch tilat fOrther alnendinentit Were Made tO the /1. S. 'Act. gio. ReOlten, el the ()wage Sen. ti el, Mode * strong Plets for that 'aPp4PeadinliticnegaltnortitsaPnadecathwer.tnarnteedw _to the historical itide of protestuntione tie Said We were tace to face with a reat otruggie in this conntry, and wid that the large funds of the Qua, lute labor& will be used to dominate this patt of the country in the sante Manner that an Italian can dominate the new provinces. Bro. Hocken !mid t4e /Protestant church had no argent. Uttion-POiltically. so the work must he done hy tbe Orange Association or one of the same character, the °Vanilla - tion to he nonpartizan In Charaetete Bro. Gamey the next speaker Wile entheedastleady received. He said he would try not to offend any one, then turned te the personal Items in the Signal. He tbought he had , a right to be in GoderIch, though he would not like to he with him (the Signal Editor) considering the company be (the editor) had kept the past few year% Mr. Gamey mild his pliblie life might be attacked. but his private life he would not like to put on le_par with the (local) member for West Huron. Ater a few sentences in favor of the Orange, the speaker turn - cd tO the new land and gave a bril- liant address on Its future prospects. The Grand Master of British Ani - erica, Bro. Sproule, eupported most of the points made by previous speak- ers, especially Bro. Garney's great epeech on Ontario, and said he was glad to be In Ooderich, and pleased at the magnificent attendance at the rneeting. He spoke in a deprecatory manner of the Signal's treatment of Mr. Gamey, who was the guest of a leading citizen of the town, and tben congratulated the local brethren on their skill in their preparations and thanked the public for their grand re- ception. He Bald this was an age of societies, and pointed out the ben- efits of the Orange Order, which he claimed aimed at freedom of religion, freedom of the Press and Protestant religion. The Grand Master spoke briefly on the religious questions now agitating France, and concluded an excellent speech amid applause., Bros. John Hewitt, of Toronto, E.T. Essery, of London. and Rev. Wm. Lowe, Bret London, delivered capital adde eases on the high aims of Orange - ism. welt itreboo probate, au gizg iirow Meeting Calendar. The regular monthly matting ot the Baugh. tore ot the Emigre will be held In the Law Li- brary of the tourt Mune Monday next, at 4.15 p. m. Regular meeting of ToWn Couacil this Fri- day evening. teenier meeting of Invernem Camp, No. Ge S. 0.0.. next VrIday evening, nee encentet mettine of (Bunn Chanter. No. 30, it. A. 12., nest Tuesday evening. Born. Lllit,-- la Ociletich,on eicnday. Mane 12, to Mr. aka atm 0. Joe, a awe. Died. tetteentenv, a In (Iodate, tee taste= Match 101.1h 19C9. Teleerets . eslisbury, 6311terte:e0e, Suedstelferch tub, ta Mess titer% wereeta et mart filature, nedeletere WV Wetter efied inottbelnfiest euelanne' HO. & littOrigly Emptied It 1. LettAtt•Gotitstah, on Tarsidael Pot& *woo Hilo /Khoo 9, and the tarot ma of gr. and me* mo. Deering the evening Bro. E. Miller, of Kincardine, and 'W. II. Saunders, "The second Sir Wilfrid," and a good itnitatione wing several solos, the latter giving an excellent Irish story, He was joined by the whole audience when he sang " The Maple Leaf For Ever." The meeting closed in thiCeffeediel loyal manner. A condensed report of the Grand Lodge proceedings will appear in The Star next week. • THE SPRING ASS'? ES., . No Criatiail VaMill*, but a llood SIZNI , " • I,ktat Of CIO: ActleaS, - The Jut? /Agog of tbo apilog tent) Of the lligli ,Coort rig Jestice evened On Tuesday afternoon before illeriovel- ithip. Itotb Mr, •Ituitieo Al, eilue, an,a' ot Vora wore nei etiteinal teeees Ott the reeved there we* nil 'groin' lin% 00 the civil eitsee commenced at once, ' N'aogle te. Ouille, awl -Pigott et al v.1, Tint -Imperial Content (le., limited, were adieurned till next tieneluIT sIt- Ling ot the court, eouesel commuting. The first -named was au option to re. recover belance of payment on a eon. tract to build a cement pier en the Meltleud, on lot of No. 5. Militlaud block, Mullett. and the second was to reeever anon due for empty cement hap returned to the Cement Co. Mr. Proudfoot asked that Hamilton ye, Stretton be puton the non -jury list, but Air. illokbason asked thee it. be ad- leurned and produced affidatidta ebow- lug that some of his witnesses could not attend. His Lordship directed that the eatie he adJrairned to the County Court sitting on Mane 13th Ilext. Mr. Johnston, of Thomson, Tilley et 'Johnston. Toronto, for defendant in The Goderich Engine and Bleyle Coi vs. Montle% applied to have suit placed ou the non -jury list, claiming that there were two leading points in it arid 'that they were both leizal ones Which should be decided by the eourt. Promifoot.x.O., controsheld that there were two main questions, and that as the evidence on these points edven by the parties to ehe sale wee contrary, the case ahould go to a jury to settle the question of fact, and His Lordship eo decided. Township of MeEillop vs. Pigeon et al, an action to recover $1160 for non. fulfillment of contract to dig a drain, the stun being made up of a peuaity of $5 per day' for not finishing the work. The plaintiff toevhship also asked for an order of the Court, com- pelling defendants to complete tbe con- tract. The defendants pleaded that there were 1800 yards of earth more to be excavated than the epecifica- tions called for and that the town- ehip engineer hnd made a mistake in his estimate, The drain case was continued all Wednesday, and at conclusion on it,,,sk Thursday mornieg age:lent was re- served until a re rt is made by an independent engin er. Brief Town Topics. Gamey was here this week. Quite .a number of robins reached town front the south on Monday. A small broach with a photo centre has been left at THE office and awaits an owner. The Goderich Engine and Bicycle Go. has shipped a cement brick mak- ing machine to Moose Jaw. N. W. T., and engines to Keewatin and Tober- moray. Robert Durnin was chawred by Al- bert Picot, on Monday, with assault, and P. M. Humber adjudged the de- fendant guilty, and fined him one dol. lar and costs. The 10,40 a. m. train came in as tuned on Tuesday with one passenger car. It had many Orangemen, Jury- men and witnesses ati paesengere and had it not been for the baggage car many passengers must have been left behtnd. Rev. James A. Anderson addressed the gospel tetnperanee meeting last Sunday afternoon, and there was the genial good attendance of Interested hearers. Next Sunday afternoon the meeting will be withdrawn in defer- ence to the special opening services of the North street Methodist church. Rev. Wm. Lowe, of East London, Gr. Chap. of the Orange Grand Lodge, conducted service at St. George's church Wednesday evening. Rev. M. Turnbull was in Woodstock to take the Wednesday evening service, and will take all the eervices at Petrone on Sunday, Rev. Canon Craig, of Pe - trona, taking the services in St, George'n next Sundny. On Tuesday George Reid, who had been committed from Brussels for theft, was brought before His Honor Judge Doyle on two indictment% the first charging him with otealing a pair of fur gauntlete from a Mr. Cardiff, and the second with stealing a ring and bracelet from M leo Rachael Smit h. Reid eleeted to be tried by His Honor without a jury, and pleaded not guilty to each of the indictments, end his trinl wad net down for Monday next, 10th inst. After the chairmane: addrese Rev. Mr. Larker, of Toronto, wee intro- duced. He was proud to heiong to the organization which had the open Bible ea its book, and held to the word of God and the principles of the Pro- testent faith, a faith which our fath- ers, Luther,Latimer and other% plant- ed in good old England. The Rev. Bro., after saying be was a believer In ins - petite federation, said be was glad to notice arevival of intellectual Protege antigen, for it meant to read, to know, to understand and make ourselves ac- quainted with those things; that we should know to preserve "equal eighth to all." Past Grand Master Parkhill wan pleased tee be prevent at Grand Lodge, He attended his flint Grand Lodge in Brantford in 1805', and had attended eoet'y Grand Lodge since. and hoped to he present at 40 more. He had of. ten heard that at the present time there Was no deed for Orangeisne hut geld that if we look around we will ace that we need It now. He epoke of the Scbool hill, drawn up by an alien, for the lieir Provinces, Alberni and Sas- kettibevran. and drew attention to the hiShop's letter in the latter directing 1110 jaeople to vote against all Equal Rights candidates. He directed atten- tion tO the fact that thisre was an agi- tation for separate High Schools, and hoped the Government wduld not al- low such sehools, and concluded by stating that If we want equal rights We Mutt vote for those candidata; who Support thetse principles. P. O. D. M. lerrnyn, of Wier - ton. beano idea of heireg present 21 beers before. He WAS horn nn Orangeman andexpeeted to he one all Ids life. AlthmUli not owe/sting to be Wird on be WO IdWitys epared te teleilge birnself Oran o - son Ent t k. irarkbillIn. that gentlentan'e frdtest The tioderich Engine Co. vs. Men- zios was commenced on Thursday morniog. It le an action to remover the price of machinery less the value of the old machinery put into a yacht owned by defendant, who hill rezeident of Toronto, the amount at risk being about _00,000. A jury wan diemensed with, His Lordship, after looking over the pleadings, so deciding. The de- fendant claimed that the VC(4801 was never delivered, because it was not ac- cepted by a Mr. St. John; that it was not delivered at the proper titne, and he asked $1,800 as a penalty for such delay, and it was also claimed that the vessel wasnot finished. The plaintiff company in anewer eald that the yacht was delivered in August to the defendant, that there was no agree- ment regarding penalties for delay; that the defendant imitated on the cabin work and boiler being given to parties nominated by himself ; that any delayef there was any,was caused by these sub -contractors not complet- ing their contracts In time, and that the vessel was practically finished when handed over. Case not concluded. WINTOR 4PORT.C. TheTecunitieblieckeY teens Wills° fo Clinton on TtletalnY afternoon( next to ?lay theteauttbere. filet/000e Mal *Calle are invitett 10 go down.' eild if nano* aro left w tit tilltutt x.ewito bleuglay be Will be "Ma to wake seraugoutento therefor, The teasert abould not, papa without ' the ennual frame between the British and the Dedford. Arrangement* are being made for the Match. next *IA when the band will probably': tteAti attendance. Definite entionticement‘ will be given by posters. • Ceesiderahle Interest Watt 'ititeitat et. the West street ritik last WedneettlaV " evening. When the ladies! hoekeY. teams of Hewitt and Ooderielt mole.% an excellent and exeltiOff ffinoe" half.tinte tbe score wax oue ettelkerul in the second batit_Odilerielt *Korea another, winning MO game. Mile Petty, or the vialtors. watt the sully , one penalized, nnti foe the henut Warn Missert McDonald and Babb were the stars. Sandy Bawden, Of Ilensoll. re. fereed tho game, and the line up was: weep, Ooderleb, Hu tc ison vs The Grand Trunk Railway, an mince to recover $150, the value of a horse killed, 8500 for damage to harness aed $1000 for personal injuries, was Balled out ef court, the eolatium being $150, tho price of the horse killed, and the costs In the case. Although the 0. T. R. settled the case, in their defence they contended that und er 10 V ie to le a, C bap. 27, Sect. 21, and Hallway Act of 1003, Sec. 242, they were not liable. The anoldent that caused the suit happen- ed at the yard of t Ooderich Har- bor Lumber Coe and was mewed by the train frightening the team, when the horses ran againnt the en- gine, which pulled them along a. abort distance, killing one of them. The plaintiff was considerately shaken up and bruised by the accident. Mr. Wm. Brophey, who has been with the Grand Trunk on tendon building since the burning of the Or- gan factory, has been promoted to the foremanehip of the work. Mr. Brophey served his apprenticeship at cabinet making with the late Dan. Gordon, and is a first clang rneehanir, reliable and induntrioun. THR STAR and Mr. Bropheyea many Goderieh f Hen& congratulate him on his well deserved promotion. Ile is at prenent erecting a new etation at Mount Forest. This evening the Y. P. fi C. of Knox eburch will hold " a pie social," and if you want an evening of plean- urn and fun you will attend. The printer announcements contain thin bit of rhyme aa a auggeation of the pre - gramme : We've baked the pins you all like beat, And aro willing now te stead the test , Tne proof of the pudding is in the eating. And the pies WA sot ve there in no beating. rie we hope :mule eatery one come round. And est the best tees ever browned, And While Home Missions MI their t Yon also tho inner man may MI The beautiful new North Ht. Motho- diet Church will be dedicated to the worehip and cerviee of God on Sundny next. March 18th. The Rev, Albert Carman. D. D. General Superinteed- ent of the Methodist church. will item+ at 11 m. and at 7 p. m. and conduct the dedicatory service; the Rev. Joseph Philip. 13. D., president of the London Conference, wit! preach at 3 p. tn. and /mist in the service of dedication. Several visiting mink:tore are expected, who will also take pare in the beautiful and impreelsive ser - vim% There will be special music at ail those services under the leadership of Mr. A, Roy Adheres, Special colleet- ionn and subscriptions well taken In aid of tho Melding Fund. Evers/ ono wilt be cordially welcomed, TO CURE A COLO let 01413 DAV Take LAXATIVE BROM° QVIIII tee Tablet& Druggists refund triOner it 0 falls to cure. Yl. W. Ordyeaititiptietdro is on each hoe. 2,1e, MI" 84=nd 94 acAlt° It Vox " Fite cegOitipeint " Dem ortmisoo 'OW centre ''' Kate bb • Int rk wing Mollr?04110 " I.Uongoubh right " ."remse lateutem " Bucbanan lever Jesstehtulloteda The return mate% will hesilayed at Henson on Monday Or Tue ay next. ALL-NirntiT vs. 4.1,rAtitar. This mueh anticipated gain° came off in the Mutual street rink, Toronto, on Saturday evening, and resulted In a win for the Easterners by 8 to 2. thoUgh one of the reports saye the score does not tlo justice to the alMoet equally good play on both sides. Sonia of the commente of the salty press have a local tuterest for Goderieh. Thus Yee Mail and Empire. Whne looked like an oven break seen do- nde noel oequeltElidly relieved by big t arr. veiled into°, run -away affair, with the ono - MUT 1' KIR01,14aUK 0113,114rril wee a little slow in relieving and one could p itim but Heald. The latter had in startinTo but once ho got under way no the trick o skating age/agar bee the big PI - low down to a eclonee,and WARR ropeatoilly. IYhitoroft and„Carolltirria, the two inter- mediates, titarred Homo for their roSPOutivo teams. Not bad for intermediates. Toronto World. When Heather aml Con,rtarrin met it was cakte of tireek and Greek. It Whet:conned Carrekirria time intoratedi, ide players, some 'formate teams should have been playing junior titig year. ,After the glum the_All-Eitare wore banqueted at the King tialwarduotel. 'About two dozen 110WR and very Mesmeric, hoar wasepent. " Tile winners wore prevented with suit casco and the lames with gold cuff links witlt the pieyere initiate on. Toronto News. At lieveral junctures Clould stopped Carr. Barrie' foretble rushes Ina way that eurpriged everybody. Whiteroft met Carr -Harris do. maniitratell amply that their hati not been everustimated; that they wore (Mite equal to the senior col:weeny in which they found theinsolves placed whittle:tit is e mar- vellously Ono stlek handler and comports biesseit with a groat deal ot Jaciapoot. whilo Corr,Darris hot about and did stunts that it would' bollifIlcult for many men his ;deo to aucomplittli. THE TECUMSEIVI TAKE Trut SILVER. - WARE. • On Monday evening, in West St, Rink, the dnal game in the Town League to decide who should bold the elivercup bung up by Manager Craigie, was played off between the leaders of Groupies I and 2 -the Yosetultes and Tecumseh. At half tline the score seood three all, and at the finish 0 to 4 in favor of the Tecumsehe. The game, was fast arid seine good playine was done by both teams. The paualties were few, perhaps not 1114 many as there should have been, but Referee D. McDonald was too good peened to enforse the ruleti evidentlf thinking The following cages ore still to come before the Court: Sturgeon vs. The Port Burwell Irish Co., an action tn recover darnagee for the death of ten son, George Sturgeon, who, the plaintiff complained, was taken nut to lift note on ea merrily day and iota hin life by being washed overboard. In the Divisional Court at Torontoon Monday, W. E. Middleton, fordefendants, appealed from the order of Britton,J., of Mareh 5, diemineing an appeal by defendante from order of Minter In Chambers, refuel ng to change the venue in a negligence ac- tion under Lord Camphelle act, from Goderieh to either Siincoe or tit. Tho- mas. Held that court eould not inter- fere and appeal disminned with coots to plaintiff in any event. Draper ye. Willie is an action for se- duction. Bruce vs. The Dominion Fish Com- pany, sues the Company for $1,000 for sick and hoepital expellees and ota tier- ing eaused by having to sleep in a house affected with vermin. Byer% who wag engaged by the defendant company at $35 per mon th and board and lodging, Malmo that the house man buggy, that their tilting canned blood poisoning, and so affected him that he waa tenable to nieep, and wan finally foreed to go to a hospital for treat tnen t. Manson ye. Imndohoroitgli on ne. tion to recover on a prominnory note. AUCTION SALES Fat nein M arch 3one Auction sole of pure bred reginterell short horns owl grade cattle, con. 1, Goderich tp. Jos CoLwin.l., proprietor. T. tteenn y, aim tioneer. TURRTAV, March welt - Mr John Has- ty will eel! by public anrtion ot the pre ntioeo, pt. Lot 14, con. 3, N. Woe Wawa• noah, n smacre farm, form Mock and implement% T111011 AR (3t' N DTI v , aur. tioneer. Wemeresnav, March reit Mra. Mar- garet Malloy will ten by public anction a so -acre farm, farm stock, Implemental and household furniture Everything most be disposed ofeas fondly are tnoving to the Northwest. Tonere v, March 20th. A urt ton ;tale of farm, farm deck and iniplemento.pro. mts. of John lining, lot 14, ron. 3, Went WRINK20311. TIMM AR OTTN OR V, A Uct i(YR• eer, TorSMAY, March 27114- A mg on stile of farm stock and implements, pruperte of William Briniey, ira L tt 1.11 , that the Ice was Lila place or hookey players, not up amortg the ladies. Ota tbe Tocumeetoe side 14. Belcher was lie seer, and his long lifte from goal to goal and endeo-end resalies led the lookern-on to see in hien la coming Senior. For the Yosemite% Oordie MeDonald did some good work in car- rying the puck horn end to ond, but the star of the evening was "Big Nick" in hie tepectacular corkscrew ruahes, which would ;mike Carr -Harris feel ashamed. Nick said he couldn't help it, It wu.s the suit he wore. Altogether both teams NhOWell tonne clever stick - handling and that they understood how to play the game. The following wan tho line up: Yonoinitoo Tecumseh*. McLeod (Rad McDonald Videan Point ?Dyke Nteblegon Cover- pelt t Itiolehor iN McDonald Centre N. dumbed M c Len n ltover H. oluan MAK B. meereath R. Carey Cl. h °Donald R. wing I. Mratton Referee - Dan n le McDonald. (tool Um pireo- Pomo, Hort ond Hopper. Timokeopers Mose, Suet and Lewitt. Harriston, elarcla 12. ---An the renult of the protest whish was decided In Harrigtonei favor,. the first of the home -and -home games with Winghana for the championship of the Northern League WKS played here tenight. Eloth teams were out to win. The game tarted MY quite brinkly, the thet half heing ono each. The eecond half wan very fast hockey, Winglettin scoring two In eight minute% when the loathe woke up. The eonsational molten of Ward and Higginbotham were feat - meg, McQueen In goal made some al- most itopossible stops. Referee Me - 1 eor, of Underfelt, was moat impartial in his derision% and dealt Mat Item:Li- nen to both sides, for EillaOr offerecee. During the lant 11 minutes tho excite- ment WW1 intense. FlarrithOn scorink three goaln in that lime by McDowell and W aril . C P. R. Conatruction Notes. Hamilton Spectator: "M. A. Pigott has the contract for 45 runes of tho tinelph-Goderich line. whieh it le ex- pected, will be completed by Augest nest, The line front Guelph to Guelph Junction, which molten the con- nection with the C. P. R., is owned by (inelph. A well known eitizen teed toils), that he thought the heat wrty for 11,1 milton to get a connection with the c P. It. was for a local company 1,, bolid from Hamilton to Guelph .1 unetion. The C. P. rt.. be nald, would hardly build from the junction to Hamilton, when Onelph owno por- tem of the other line Hamilton Spectator of Wednesday Serretary Mtitlf, of the Board of trado, han sent to Prealdent Shaugh. nesey, of the C. P. FL, the reeolutIon panne() by the Dotard of Trade deicing the company to build a line hem Guelph to Hamilton. "I think." «aid Mr. teen "that thin would be n great thing for Hamilton. It would give us conneetion with a (Harlot which is not favored ao far ao Hamilton In con - evened . It in deeirable to have a through eonnection with the C. p. berate:0 Heat would put ue tonal with Cb eommunity which in not eerVed ot precept, but it in also denirahlo that we should havo te road to Galt and that dietriet." It in believed that the WORM nevsr have built the eetertsion from ttootph Guderich bad it not been the Intention to make the tatter poet .11,111-„ borne, half a mile eolith of Shepparditon. on Lake Huron an Important one for I3verytbing to he sold as he is leaving the western traffic. form T11011vie GittrtmOV, Auctioneer. Should the C.P.O. bat Mind thee** . fPnIDA V MA ncri aird A melon tale of tennion anked for theta Is anotheto Mein, farm envie anti inipleceents. lot proprmition to build fore Ilsonliton to 15,con 2 Went Wawanoab. MATTniaW Gauerich by another htllitibt htlh 0144 Toone. erolseieter- TI100. Otrtftwot, promoters &moot itt a toeitiedi tolito Auctioneer. details.