HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-02-09, Page 1to wet , • s• to eM-vel &A.11911 44 wows! 41410 'd l tw'soatit >4111ftVow ! iY•, born *rod 1%4 !VW Joon d allot• - Fal tare h a•'<' • • er r ars` f . '�a .a..••1400. go•1407. m'tAttiato: ges„fag,p,,.,b_ wa ar est mde ,y/• r1. " • 'mese t•latMr.essi�N err .l. It rsArt spy .r .dot mit err...%:K,t 1/•• a . .?►/arc% -w ••• • • .w. Mr •a ! , .ti •11sae 111, 't'; .e) e` .eel ,a al ,.•6041.14 • •, .t1"",f:;t. *Jig 11;s JS' '7' if •TIOMMI• ,cot r. Oa' areas l tacwr ) eel .„- • vtpa10.0161 est? i� Ir 'usage`' t- a' , . 1 . Il .e *OD ore a•'. + seer •nm Mee• grew •. •• 1 tont rag • 1 I a. sa ! rel*. w.ssGENT 4 .dl/hiis'4ND b1Hltfr iNTES s 6001181! Vert sad •Sklmessei Marists. rs boas Mot received from '" �r8kesiaf 11sMrtDw tebleY'b.m iibeetr Diaries IWalllba mode psertosses the tk • 1$8688e faApais it the quasi* me ex - i east POWis they have fdgM.� •.d the a t�! depend op* assuited Sithettliy n f istheir eatabbrbmealb si Ib. ver allagneratiag prices. ip Stock • ver P mei s and �ietlt�t N s, cJaM, tb..w - rdlb let rami re, Crdeko►y Sad - dies. ..beet sed Gveeerlea of erserrametriptims, • (vtmedi.g purchasers ars •dNfSd es eon sad eaestee for them- selves. THOMAS GiLMOUR k CO. Gedsrieb, Noe. IL 1140. 41 II CICERIES• • TAE Sayecribertt would tali particular •;Mtention to their exteoeive Stock o GROCERIES, as they flatter themselves tb•tth• gsahty and varkty of t!etr Teas tite�' Co}&c, Tobacco. kc• lite. ke., wit hti�il6Cieat Itecomeieodatiof to intending guar '4 't.:OICHn HURON DISTBIC'li, (c. R'.) Ie'KIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, I840. -- 1500000 ACRF e F LAND/ FOR SALE 1N CANADA west • PIM CANADA COMPANY have for -L disposal, about 1,501x000 ACRES OF LAND dispersed throughout( most of the Tows/Mips in Upper Casimir-asarl1 A00.- OQO Acres are siteated in the More, Track well know. as e•e of the utast fertile part/ of the Province -it has trebled its popula- llOS Io fere year., tad now contain* up- ward. of 90000 inhabitants. The LANDS ere offered by way of 1 L ASE, for Ten Fears, or for Safe,CaSH DOWJb=Gle pian el osue-flf h Ceel, and Eke io arses iw lealat- orate being done away t.ilL Tho Kent, pitiable 1st February each Year. ere about the Interest at Silt Per eunl.opon the price of the Land. Upon most nl t ho Lots, when L EASED, NO MONEY 18 REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the others, accordi•r to locality, Doe, two, or C tb:ee years Beat, most be paid in advance, -but these Pa oar wi:1 free the Settle- (rum further calls until 21.d, 3rd or 4th yea I of Lis term aLease. The tight to PURCHASE the FREE- HOLD Jur.ng the term, Is secured to tho n Leases st a gsed sum named ie Lease, a f. -Groceries or every deserptio wi'11 he sold for watt or produce, at a reduc lion 11, of leis', is pdr tent. below forme prices. THOS. Gt1.MOUR k CO• Goderlah, torr. 16, IE48. ^ 41 - an altuaance is male accordiag to 'elici- t' poled paymea:• Lints of Laode, and any further informa- tion can ba d,laisted. (bi application, if bj oil God rick of R. Stomata•, i.1ter .post•pahl) al the oara"T $Orncse, Tor.afo a TAILORING 1?!3TABL18HI ENT. E -q•, Arykodel, Colborne District ; Dr. /'111 17 � SUMMER FASAJOSS.for 1* A i dame, Cerlph, nr 1. C, W. DALT, Esq., `Jima,/ .r4d. Huron District. G�,derieh, March 1 ;, 18i8 AFULL variety of the et strand most Improved Brume Aso Sc.atRa Foss • ' - reale for IBA bare beet) received by the MARBLE I A C T O R Y, subscriber, who will prwsptty attend to the SOUTH WATER ST., GALT. orderi"lf all who may hvoor him with their patronage. H. dllet•ULf.00H matinees to mea - A• i\AZSM1T1f. D• erecters HEADSTONES, MONU- Godllrfeti lith April, JM4'3. e.7 _ MF.NTh. OBELISKS, TOMB TOP8, FARM FOR SALE. bee., id rind F,e *one, a. chap s. any in the al week warranted to or tie' cyder. will be maim' Prices BE 8f1T-D t.y printf barp'a. Le1 N. e. of harts_ y *,a 1s toss dollars; 13. ea the Sth Cu/newton of Goieneh. I<eeestoN ..ataiai.e 90 acres, !It et which to eteatti asd 104,4 -De m ss er•s.IJsstias : Re- teres' are emery Leder embed sad r j fo iht 1n . The i. H tam ,rail ••# •fT witnai i117&'l�i 5( frail treeless bevies e.sdt- will he ptanetwlly attended tr. ege.d .sMlaati•l tag Dentate; Hemp a it, a sad at what price, is Marble or Freestone, oa. sue •dollars • el.en- ■is spread. -- •buasaesd to the wporior rob t . i.a And es lbs prspn•atmr isclss.ssaarf ester- D. 11 Jlel ULLOCII. Mg ism ether bushels. he will digise .f .t ere Galt, Now. lith, T84$. 42ine modems terms. One-half of M price will be REQUIRED DOWN. and 'be triter half 1u R I, �1 O `r :1 I. . three egeal aural iavt•Iments. ET For farther paricalare, Berl yat this Olive, A II 0 P E ,- se 10 the Prepriitwe rte pyemtet. QESPECTFCLLY Legs :cave to return GEORIi ELLIOTT, Javier• 1` his sincere tbaoL'4 to Gumtrees friend. 60�risie i2th O.t.. 1848. Wil and the Pleb ienerally, for the lilt mal yet - ( s'Iv -alsd informs CAS FOR WHEAT. them that he has REMOVED his TAI- i.O R I NG ESTABLISHMENT from - nonage hereto ore tee ed, hereby intimates that he terms or lea.. sail part ow .gl�fae entire of the G. s,ieh Mills, and haat ire ie prepated to pal sash for any quantity of good merchant- able Wheat at the said Mile; provided the sea he delivered there in t�oae Cot manufac- ture before the close of the revigatton. WM. PIPER. G..saica September Sth, 1848. 3211 CASH FOR SAW -LOGS AN SAWING D4SNE ON SHARES. THC flehecriber will pay cash at the GodericIi Mills for Good Black Cherry Saw -Lags, tad win saw any other descrip tie* of good Saw -Logs for any parties o0 •biros. . WM. PIPER. GoOamcn Music, • September 8th. 1848. S 8911 HARDWARE. ip0tt-r . THE A1f11 OF WAREWORTH. - • (Om.ra.Va• /mY1 .lea a,a*T.3 The peat selievemeats of dry tae* They snag: their high commuted " How Wiest M u'cr ibs veno lint led his s.rtban bene. Mlasve Gaarala, Drat to Nomad, With aisisress Remo same Aad brim his Nsesse Castle wee AroeM'd the Percy Aire•. They stag, how is the Co•gsersr'a beet Load Witham sh.pp•J his yw.wn., Awd �a . fur prose lease haids With el her bode std teems. Pr Thee jserseyiiag t• she Hely Lend. Tien benvtly inert end dy'd Bet fret Ms Steer Cremes( woe, Rome Paysea Seldom'. pair. Thiry sag bow Amor'. beasteoestc;r, The Mss.'s sea Weasel wed. Lord J000caira, earwig fess, r'1 la priocrly Brabant br-J. Hew be the reser as 1, And how his sable Qac - 8tip foremost is their ceauyb asses With redid W ills bud sr-4We» dor Il.i.si.g .reed Applied the master'. snag : And deeds of arms and war Weems The tb.mr of every teepee. Now high heroie wen they rd1; Their perils pit recall When. to ! a damsel ywg hod (sw Step'd Grwe d A'N the hall G1�lathane street to East street, ;text door to James Bissett, Carenter, and •a few, doors weseof theGotierich Foundry wlrtre all orders will be promptly executed ; and customers may depend on hating their gar- ments made Lp in the most tmaroved and fas,i,wable style. O'A full variety of the newest Fall rod, Winter FASHIONS for 1848-9 jest received. ;, Goderich, Oct 27, 1818- NOTICIr• ri1HE Subscriber wishes to inform his 11 Costocuors, and the inhabitant, of Stratford and •ietotty, that he trends car- rying on 1 "A REA DY • PAY SYSTEM." And that after the first day of January, 1849 be will give �tedit. He will pay the highest price for produce of all kinds, Black'. Salts kc. Ile begs to return his sincere thanks to his Customcls for their liberal Paleoneee, and hopes still to receiro a Share. THOMAS M. DALY. T110MAS - OILS :LTA k CO., hate Stratford Nov. 891b, 1848. 44t1 1 largely itleressed their former .tock of GEORGE flees' and Ornamental Cutlery, Hardware DR. G ' HARVEY, 'apposed Ware, and are ready to "supply Alowtker . 'tie RotfwiC.U.ge of Surgeons, their coatettrerb .ed the poetic generally, �riisirergi• with the latest hspr10 ementr in every de- .cri on of knives', Forkt, Spoons, 'Trays Mrs, Serowe, and all other arti elm Hadware at reduced pricer. They have also on hand a good assort - mist of ROPES, TWINES AND CORDAGE el manias, sifts and qualities; also revers! pouffes of superior Carpeting. orae oepply of Halt from the cheapest Mylp.ail the vary best quality te barrel*. Ib •i...rt'tr. teres m e Muwisir y Glsk or A areheateiie Predate, std so Mist -t * G•g• ,a Lake Shore, township of Ash - ms.!'bi�lieprlse tstrbei, !J Mrd, eoa4i.i.g OJ.' b,18ow. le, tis. 4f" ti AV practiced bis profession for several years in the Province of Nora Scotts, takes leant respectfully to offer his eofesaroal services to the inhabitants OI ii.d..le► wad its viufntty. R.ei ruse is the cottage lately occupied by Mtn. Moattes.ery. GodwNb, Nov. lith, 1848. 41 VALUABLE LOT OF LAND FOR SALE. OI!IS UUNDRSD AND SEVF•NTY- J. H. G O O D I N G, w Two ACitiC9s • AUCTIONEER, Pert WILL slid SALI3S In soy pact of tb.' 5 Dislike, se twee osble Term.. Ap- set tartest ply at the Briti h Held. GdwM. Mil Dept. leas, til-• �TM tivTsoxy Sb. Bertram cosemeasly addreas'd Aed kneeling we her knee : . . Bir knight. the Indy of t:.y Inc. Jfath seat this gift te thee. Ties (.ttk she ,crew a glitterisg helot Well -plated mast' a fdJ, The ea4ss ***wrought of tampered .scala m The crest d emulated gold, Tiles twitting in Web * ,te►'d est.kiebt !le o'er the warlisrlistlg t Bs some fierce .ogle Ipmada her slag To guard her calker young. ?tree times they eyrie genii= their prey. Three tinies they neck retire Whai force enald used bis furious atrehre. Or meet his martial fir: : Mew gathering reed. on every per: The battle ng'd amain : And many a lady wept her lord That hoar untimely slain. ?tact and Meet is, great in arms, There x11 their eesrsge st'ee'd : Arid s!I the field was ere. 'd with dead, Aad all wi;b trimsoo flow 'J. At length the glory of the day The Scots relaetast yield. Apt, after wisderoos neer chews, They slowly quit the field. Alt pals, "Remodel nn their shield., And welteri*g is hi. /Oft. Lard Pastes kai .a ibex bleeding friend To W►na's fair carob/bort'. tY.li hest thou caned my daughter's love, iter father kindly said : Aad she herself shall drew thy wounds, Ari tend thee is thy bed. A menage went : aodauglttrr camel : Pair toasty seer appears : . Desiree me, said the aged chief. Y..one maidens have their fess. Cheer ■p my coo ; thou she, her eta So soon as thee cane' ride : And else shall acne that is her bowse : And she shall be thy bride. Sir Ber'eam at her risme retried : r bless'J,ilie I : hope supplied the •use's care. And hewed be giNrtly wooed. Ter .Tata alma. One early eons, while dewy amps Nog trembling on the tree. Sir Bertram front his nick -heal roes ; } r Sir ksigbt. A,y fed this. frit Asd yields to be thy bri4e. • Whew thin best peed ibis tmsi4.w gi:t 1Jti _sbscps.t brows are try'e. Yooag Bertram took the aiaiaiag halm. Aad thrice ha k►as'd the sew : Treat me, 1't/ piove this preview capes With defile ef settees fare. 4,.rd Posey. and `is harass held, Thee fie npos a day To scour the marrb,a, tato eeriest, Aod Scottish wroup Tipsy. Ter i 8.ghta the kills A thousand hone and mere : Brave W rddriagtew, tis' Irak in years, Th. Paler stsnd*rd bore. Twevd's Iirpid current .Doo t.ee-pw. Aad rage the borders round Doses ter trete steps of Tient:k s Their bogie -borne resound. - Aswbnalioeishrdea Hath heard eke I And rushes torrhle meet hi* fees So did the Detects rise. Attendant so their chief's command. A Maenad wartime watt : And now the fatal hoer drew e Of cruel, keen drbete. A 13 Advaeee believe 'ie rest : Lor4Pawce marked their galla' mien, Au i 111 sue tad •ddresa'd. Now, B,nram, peeve thy lady's helm Attract yes forward bawd: Dead re aliveitll rues shoe, Or peril theira.ty�lsasd. 1 ouog Bertram 8.1 MIA glad swami, And speed his est .ked, '• a Aad eallmg ea hit Lady's some, ' K.sb'd forth with widened • timeless of the tenors, Vil1sre .1 s le Owes , mad as Orsi ie whisk, lls111. The I lmtt * the eget by els liwbq nab as is wall r•taed. apply -if b letter • I'1 are. A brother he hail, in prase of youth. Of courage firm and tees : Asti ha#aM wad movie wtme way, tteespee bis woeads were say , All dry o'ef mons anti moor they rode, By many a Irately tower And'twas the dew -fall of the night E'er they drew seer her bower. Mat direr and dark the made weed, Tyat wet to shier se bright : .1nd long and loud Sir Bertram nerd E'er fee behel4 a Tight. ' At length hey *zed sane arse. With 'nice so shrill sad clear : What eight is this, that callow led. And knocks so boldly here 1 'Tis Bertram calls, thy lady's tete. Coot IMM his bed of care : All day I've riddee o'er moor sod moon, To see thy lady fr. r. Now nut alas! (the loudly shriet'd) Alae ! how may this lac' For silt long days are goneaad•p*si Since she tet est to thee, Sad terror seia'd Sir Bertram's heart, Aad ready was be to 1.1:: .. Wbea sew the drew -bridge '.sat let down. Arid gates were ,pee'd al;. { . Sia Jays, young kaiebt,'are past and gone. I• Sines the set set to thee : . And safe. if no sed IIITM hvd hep'd, Long mete thou wouw8\ber see. For when sheheard thy grievous donee. She tats her hair, sod cried. Alas 1 I've s:ai0 the emptiest knight, All tbro' say foolish pride ! Aad to atone fee my sad fault, Awl his dasr health renin, I'll gn myself, sad nurse my love, And smith hit bed'of loin. Then mounted she her milk -white steed One mem et break of day : And ten tall 1 with her To guard her on her way. Sad terror innate Rif iierwrem'eheart, Aad grief o'erwh.lm'd kis mind Treat me. Paid be, 1 neer will rest _ Tin 1 Jy lady fi.4. 'That eight he tlprwt 0 Neerees eve.: And sad with belling heart. Or e'er the dawning oldie day, Mie Weibel tai kyr denim. N.., ►asthrr, well *err ways divide. O'er Swinish bulb W rase ' D. t go amt►. east fats ge wv.e : A shines dress we'll change. I tease Aaehii earls bath seia'l my leve, \itedditorl ��5 bee *obis dna : seer Mei tread toolt.k g res.d Tin she'. risw'd ages -t p� As 'rhea • grove of mphag a{kp Tbe favid ligbteia1 read, : Se fiercely. 'mel the sppsing maks, Sir 8 J deas'ada This way asd that he drives the *eel. Aad keenly pavees dine Asd n,asy • rale and eo,sety height With furies, fore* he dew. New daa.g lest en every . "'L They beet Bur Bertram wadi Bot, dasetioos, he repels their ear, AM Jests forte missy • wend. The viper d his smile arm `\ lied well •nigb wee the idd ; Wh.., pae4e,ss,, fall o eleettiehsee. Asd clove his lifted shield. Asstker blow his temples took. A.d rs8 hie 8.lo to mats ; That bovssse0 frim. W 1•dy's gift ! ...r144Need bogs red the pos. ieedt<a.sa naw he champion fall DAVID CLARY, Req. Axid eh' asep.l phi: And sawn, m' soak faa.ds. he said, bete ease Ms pima beige. _ ' le idem $fstestaiyr teem its thew a the Inme r bel tresses the peek die ""i'r a iH ' ,e •, - =lac y - .r r .4wat` lo. sett? 't/1• . D 4 Caassiewrt, 1011 Des, Me. 4W jAaa1lrVak AND ATTOD1Rt AT I.A W , U HAMILTON, ammoroa n tma1tMb3 essiet erftr, lee. (enem i , ten 1111MICT SQUAiR>r 0O.& 81tC13. • 1e. , vilihealts Oh.tai,=r • t• SURGEON, want er44ttASV. A n Ti B R 1 r II., 0- • • ..._s...►' _. 5 'yWKI,YC AAI SIX PENCE .T Ynit r'D Or TYR 1SAR. '° �y,gf)�,�rrd.rsja•Z •A►i ER 1. Press eke U.nssb. Esarniaer. z pleasant 8 , !. and Iieant,G 1'dtip of Nor THE 'IIIR1$ OF PIIKEflt)M IN T11E ere trait' 'i• 1"Cr'1 to bhn..l. Nn toe Ye cam ,D WORLD AND TOMNE%V. 4'14 so mn,d tae nIi !'N , the of of [CONT1Nt'RD moss Ott 1.1,7.) 1 security , I property a those,* *Inch this viol -est epriP % 1 .. en'nrM is on IM woild. Th. g40i4i 0i4a1 air o re there t "owl 1Ile 'er 11'e have now presented the worst of the i even no 1,.... of *h-.. a'a terrine caisolii v. tune in !; rropa tut it is not the whm:c art I The Pari -i n flerel.*nt lest ea hi. family for the else. In gem,st, there are nn jut re ' me eniteltng-ruowr, not ker.W",g but, btdoro latioas vet established between man ard eke relurne, the dread raprrl may manus es roan. There it no jut regard to man ,s `trim Into the street, to confit and dead.. - man. And there Is no fair 01.representation i lo Paris and all through Prince. and alt of rights and Interestor end wines to the I Ie Inver Europe probably, sten are burying the rrpe.en gsten'e of overnment. 1Vidr lade Dain they e..n realise, in their Int10- sweeping entails absorb awl drink up th.• )Ives and g+►dens and secret pd.crs, to __- substance of some Count tie,. !leery taxes, p.tre for 11.. day that may be romfag.'11te s and res al "ml support y tinstK mal dialrryra lldas N inra.rnne and ta- to and rnneture Places and at.oMla� aruuee, c.tculablr. And all this, perbape, is but Jimmie the life out u f other*. lien lre t.- ; " 184. bel inning of six►use.." - nrooel by unjust limitation soil reatrictign , it; sateen, sew, art"we end prosper. onevery side. 9 heir faculties .•apt free- olle overwrt.en1 could rise like an exults dem. They have no frit chance to a urk tion Rom this blond stained ,oil, it were out whet own tetlfare. ' well. lint we do not believe tbaegorern- But now, according gotta thus fir, laving tracers are to be pulled down and both up presented, according to our honest cuuytc- i atom, in thin tart' and .ommsry manner. lion, the great crisis that has corse in the We distrust the capacity of the people o 1 world, and the great and int demand fur Europe, in their s, fest reef -gen relief,- looking,indeed, upon the prcnrif ternmtnt. Wo eonceirr, that, d the pro- movement in urope as the Insurrection of teas of tr ..I I.I rhaege through which they 10 *0nhy itself 'garnet wrong, -sec Yu cin were pesetag had brought them 10 repwbh- te way that we are ndtucattw far frrco r l.- can forme in a ccutory, it had been better. they than sudden nhef,fur moral ti rce rate• µre may M wrung i• thus opinion, and e.r- er than violence and mcthuhel. ,In Shue ta-DIv wo oiltbr 11 with the must profound prefer the lib ,tt method to the French. 1 bu,niltty upon a problem so rtupendotsa; sed method, English reforms to French retulu• we would to Ord that the eolutios tniekt be tiooe.• better than many wise men fear. Bot op The greet question ly I10e are lorg an 'thing is •cry plain. '1 hs common infar- tablistasd abuses to be remedied! (low arc ear,s Aero troy, our ours conditioar lhht it h " meats founded In roj• ages and in well fon the people of l:e'repe to try our trenched is wrong to be .It' byd ? There rat htreat experiment, io rae§ and ' are these who 'say.-" Oely immediate 'how!81lcse and u( no value. ?be drier• n anal uUer overthrow." There tea those who i eeex bet..e tithe Cases is imwen.e, ani al" set'," Let are not be soft-hearted in thisin table. In forbids all inference ostler ; let us hare. revolt, let us heretics- from one to the other. Wo had s eenthry ' illation, let us hate blood. Brod will come of preparatIoa for our (arm of gevrrn- - ' part, we du sot , melt. M. de Tocgoevitle vias the Srvt • agree with them- Thera r a rcasmug.l traveller from Erron* who had le. sasaetty about this matter, -stout-hearted or reek- t 10 pole( to the mtra.et}altly of our telyasbipw lows, we hardly know which to cal{ it. as the very *sere* and school of wpubli- •1 which seems to have been learned from the mown,. We heve a widef tiwud woes. ! late French writer., whet u..0 cu aboet 1,00. We been nom fetdecl 50d abondarst• " tion of 1739 as if they were blessed area- an i'. e. %%'e it are an is50 Md«eh• y the horrible atrocities of their vulu- view fur good, wird a, pear to reearJ these ►stn for toe pr0ssure asd peel of w over• days of frevai sed b:uul ere ast if they deserved eroweded population• 1'be pwpfa elf Bir to be ea000ltel and wade saints' da a in the rope, the meet, that is 110 test, err of the world's history. �Ve pre- •u:irat:e, mooed to making their own haw., test, filth the amiable and venerable Cara- and to the trm,teodoua power ei popsler deanbnand, against such reatloniugs, and ray 1 e,rotrol oyer the decided, laden! t!iink of the guillgttno ! lhiok .•f t!tat'too, seat:noraot. and preened in ten by poverty .aa) wend arid .t.eptnsisa, • hw of blood any Inn ors and mangled v,t�c jhemmed in 1)" narrow hien, ami exowdi.g 1ep• :. lest •method or Ing the world's ways 1 ehaoee of 8~1'11 seap•.-ho+ see they, ow the ' and manners, or o*lesrllog eta dieeasoa, In i instant, to time up and carry oe the gams. .hart, v -e mike a rIi•tintlii1. �T4ke." the + wnterprtre of set et 1 A.i yhe case n(s. i ty ufnat. Tigre is a man who, 1 da:tg••r, i1 sof '.11*, presses bemire spec during twenty of the �rty.)•ears of hie lapel ("0 rr (weety years hence 1610 it don ape. plunges into reckttes eacceseCs, toils ll Nie li mut motuenL lernth, throoeh all stets of vice and misery 1ieadw, groat changes were .already go - any J` cavo, linrin his a ay out to a pare and' int on in L`.' Europese system. The eu.ee hippy life. \Vould nota gradual course of i of the press and tea people naw (rowing better improvement. *111 be said, ,to the Pt tthat Brett confirm. *'more pauitenu.' ccery year. ( , ref eoo.t*(unser, were bespatter the attics cadyot improve so ; that they moat 1 order of the modern slay. Public op..ston proceetkby revolution.', by violent wrench• ``0t' a'lt'o. oia.tant sk........."7"•,!„771.7 uriee. 1'bm awa- lee off of great altrtare. We do not leo 1ke•leg A� F(� world waw fast e.si&. with him,-" So, nu ; think of the Net. piece it. We do not believe it. "pedally to to espreiseJ ip g , sad afar in ibis age of ed• cation and books and Br- tendency, was_ irresistible. it ever {•vire - blest, and of eamtu sy; ennnieatro*'WI"' . of *seine man m ghl adyeulurs prophecy, aart ship' and railways add telegraph,. 11.0, at vas, that in Irmo than • century popular any rate, It meet be admitted) that • this era- forms would prevail through Christendom. sorting * has a perilous look as to the (afore. 'Christian neves. t00; the friends of peace anal . ins hs adopted, it will malt the , ;i(e of .,ir•.Ianity, wore hupiag that the age of mor - men, it will precipitate the world, :An un- I al force had crone, and that pbrsinl vto• bounded violence, war, dieordee, ant misery. ieaee war sing ay.y. And now to Ths may be man's method ;kart we do rrot'world is fling track upon that barbarous r� believe that 'it is God's order. • sort. Aad to fight what batilc 1 The hit • It ie et=v forns,whn tit in oro quiet homy•. , Ile or npinio6 ; the battle. not for territory► ' three thou.aod miles o!. to loot with s eaten rut fur envoi -uncial a.lvantages, not foe no- - abe upon the emarehy and strife std bniaJ- trona! honor,-eeciional strifes these, coss- etted of Enrop.e. Cahill; we cin ealeotatc rativel' : tot the battle fur opinion,. • the cost and s3'n tin Ike :,ceonnt fur gene- eon'e't which :uay, array the hole oiler - names and ager, -rho aego'int that ro to be: ropeInto •ami and ,tread fbe flame of mottled by the blood and sinews of other' w nr; r the whole civilised trsrlal.- men--theseer+wet that trio 'se written in fieri'1phatbcr the Cause of freedom tisk Is W• and bfnody Imes on `lib."threl"idr and 1 gain grovel by Cie d' e coact a r pee,hape que nth•" wirart:et0nes than our own. Bol it it tamable. It mac be p+n ba k for many • otes a different ems, to rho -e ewe'"rthtamable.e , yew'. .11as I we do Mit faintly eonee:ve of dreadful eeonrge ie pasr:n!'. .1^d we Wert the horrors of eke wale-epr«Jung civil war. e admonished of the dt?eeenc" b the (echoes 1 It will be a sad a.htnf fist the world to art - of the Ini1 eltli;ranta to thip e000!rr, who, tae, -ter bate waded through teas of blood. whatever may bare been the "Ice "P°3- l to pini at the end only severer restriclt.asa mectinrs here, were trererfn:, fa the late; and perhaps military despotisms.., threatened er.i.. 'pty'pain5d anxf^tics for I le the thrower wren o1 ego rates o1 their privets and kindred at home. We roar power toe rushinr pr•polace, we must way. he total, that, in F.nm,e itself, the public I fills 0e with terror. We are adrrght•d M press, ant p'ub'ic meeting', vest club•, and doe keitY in the. overthrow of prOeenfona am chetting on the,grret en ! end at the threatened commits of all rase• terpr'•e. Bit nam do nut (rear the sigh that ! ernroent. It r.. fours 1 alarmingly. .. easy is Tis rirm by ten lb"w•fds .rr atrir ^r.aceful g achieve aneh Its. This li- hearths occr their danger• and d.•sulatiuo•• stent wr•nchlag .•f the whole order of civil Think of two thouse04 In ifuiet.an stain onf perhtt -:ins wr,100 ear !.1 ura.n amoral of stat bald, betted in one grace. Tl.ink of the 1 it. found. inn-, and amides 4010. e.•1 of all right or ten (h• .rgan.i in maria .b tt dotes in lin bawd. -this is not, to u., the nubt way the •era ts.-io Paris, that barely escaped ddeal:ng with ■ r•'.r.:cture s.' awf .1, s..a•.s- 18. `rasp of a nub, . rhi h, if trmmphant, I phiateJ, so cossetted with the whole labrie would nate Carried rapine end m,tnler of seine' y, mf biome -0, of e.oryrlay 111.. - through all 1,'t hc'liog,. Tbiok o1 the .1m1 the c ,nduci d 'those who have yea lhemeelves at the brad of thee ente 'p.tw .w.,ae,eer.pnK 6r:h,m4hnpewwh.l that 11e 1••fair.111,, L)vmuerauc Itrpvblue•• Psi- thing• will gni Kell. ll.'. ardente, was the I •u( Germany. elarrssel to t'.. peui'le N :be •-peer estnte r..ol nt uf.rur own it „mi..- 3antta eNtHnf Am.,'. ternary guides! They fou "Th. Cetmsn ,•poblie malt 0Onw •.i will 1 ht, unload. but g g snare., Oar task i. bat ro beef The path sed ft was ender Faison ieaiteyf. They roIsgh'; .h.rten it. As long s• p -a a i. test they reasoned. ani. -in a way m -re pa• res ern ett depr'vsd 0(er rent res promptly tis tient sod praercal, lasted. Oise veer u•• priseiples of ewe deelMcta••y M th. sea► of sire. soon telv.wh•re under Mrtl'•r pew /•d • free ,. and to'"'.1on.. limns 1•8..l . to usm• Defescs el o� qwbuwtrtutto• leas ,,settee by the w•1 .1 • Pl"c"'''''' e.p" ens^ • meet earsfnl •nil elaborate analyel., mimic" of er retry and le 4er elee.ions, we. ill wbronsh Iheeo vd. rm; of p 1 1be tr,. a e- tN f r from asi.i..7 other ant••. to aehtsve ear 40100 "'1,1r $.:7 fr„s„ rgbt dosin41.1."''. ip • ted•, Tr.Ih, )obi t;,-'01 -r•. n.e:lanottiieeb',t clow ..7:.N•e t.M wNe• stud .. the right in chew i 'TT 1lrealy the task. d r• est " The Vudeeralia',".•.'be 81,n,ertal Sulking and deteeeained r.pebBeea.•nc g.ttia7 pap' f II et., and Mwfifens sort 3t,...... d li e,. • lentos i• and the ,nate Papers oitbal neliod, ••-e• ditcher sed thicker • she. iv rhe .nsdier. loth:- labors o h 6ilde.o la.Y►m brl•.gl.g t. *be dowel to lis repslstie w : asd'r tee y eel fitted with the most sage 0sd 41►118er dr reg - )ea tirdi,dagteat sea is •setwt 4.11,.5, manes coolish fishery, tlw talents dea party Sal .0.15ge u,i ,n the p chant wow,: plater lsea tuna kr ILA, It Ia ass &am mot/rely de- mew ahsns Willa s.s be tre l� .1 saw r'* is a "a&gnate. „Lima to a pimple, j eased the 001111101/11er001111101/11kat of tis titer Tweed, free wselsrtiN tied by all will owl oar eeed. .7eeln we Trete ilei. a t tcrew, kWh' t/etepad.t tsed d thea r "g ' thy t o prsa?dbirthet a,w• it •i ` • I MR! • J - „Mwl.ef. • M .a'tt ) •w••, i over the ,M•_r mile/ sed cunei. will ant shed a•v Wend es lest s• of N ass. .w was NIA mot ,pay gra est ab.st5' y tweed reit .. li F • smoltePlii loo Limp., sod urehey • Ms* SPesi OiDtR . to .b )c • rf•w,, e aJ 7 .3 . 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