The Goderich Star, 1906-03-09, Page 11'y • .1 Y FRU NI II FOUR SOILS WO 10014111111 4.1$41111. $400/4 iblianarsolle,, toe itibeitiglee IN* if , C0040.4140Y4 140$0010# *Oa liaatad Ole* die *Ittaatte %On el winnow itensarlefila abated a bare leo ther Ova Yews' eito. Now thert sieutudiln 11.0 ec thie . isappeare Wet Is not wlitipoed * • etstest; What WU Waked 11130* al Owe . luxury of .000104 trtivide 01004410111. flett *Anne Of an eleettioei toy tor tbrissaues- meat 01 'Warier& ie• Yeelotieldeed We, lefie eteutte• iltekientriewt Atli'llsotidase Neele114 411. ORO* Of ' tOO thincrd ' 11014 the Nem* Oi thir Wirers, nests. mit It vtifereoid reeds -ter tarty And ;We Oenvenitince Of ',1941.00001.:1, ' . , . • •gN - , No 'longer Ire Ittto•PrO4C" 1264rit.:*4 e;elvtdoh .seeple nette tet' -touch dotard • WIllt Eames ' Olutful. Th. ' 119,01PuataA 4104 fOr shoos mul is30000140 buOtiatiii •Stik y4vo ihttsuitc cousiri,004;0000 ;ask eXelrings *Ws, Wern Ono siV. ether dingermi the Ilbetpe-of.eoepett", ,•Ohreletett berg* lew 13'140 deridiet'llt the, lene ind tellerg*-10.'On4. eee Aged*. Ot iha 1144 ittatittifO,tha'711);st, OXPORAVOI,Y OMIMPed OentmeretellY-. eonsideredk• 'deck , e'en, glebe- neY elthebtetettiat,4 lee'Wordel Otara thaa,D.O0Sta tat Mefuittrof•proten, tiem, end" bowleg eteehretteenielidoqe.ad? Naletageeefeentliellnlie: ,theeeltigkeee, lee011, , tellehr Latta): rthe, world *QM -- thirvaidit'otitut- Atitiritie-•enVerdint • er with ".timedrede Pircengere• 'thcY .A4 ,Iellgei*,./Xedltanev.ratiY*,tutheartt Ore 64, WO.* the dleabledeCtuiateler • Unebris „, fare agree „,-, 14" • " $1111e• IS EVER:LOST, InfOrillatfort of at*iva,ran".110 ,Plen now With absolute eterienendse, if novo, the.mintnee at legit en' tbe •.hgtir,,-, Wt. Hogemarne Of ;the North 41017)3011; steaneeelp leaser W1.140011.; 'es,tet got Into Wirelees touch With CaPe .Bace on 4 rodent triP NeW Yoel4eleilegrapbett agents that-t,IMY Plight eXpectehlet, at tee line's dealt itt lietteken; atett Odr.tOM tvect 'deys and' lief. eitte .the.r4. Them eke few hours, OW Me :trip bt wirelees .Snip be", stutibleeeseeson When she is not iti conultlenteettett,With ce,her shin me land stetlon. - Atter 'r ifte WeStbound linee gets eueef 1'4,004 Om station at Poldhu,•ori,the west of Cottle 'wall, she Is sure Steele to 'etc* im ether, ship With news. ,Then .She takes aboard the electrical haeireer at the cap.e Pace Matien, about 1,$00 intlee. front Sandy Hook. Before She dropet Cane /lace she- gets Sable, ,Island, ott Neva Scotia. Thep she eignins NantaCkett and, successively, Cape . Cad, Segapon, tick, LI., Babylon, and. einally Sea &ate. Thus, in theefog regien, ships can always lind hand 'Matte* and through lhem can notify one another cif petit that Mae lie in the Urge of traVel. „- NOTICE:TO A.VOID.DANGER. -; Whoa equipped 'oak shert tance plants a liner peadleally may e -e" in touch with all the Vearld ashore even when three daye Md. bent New York. When she la fitted -venire long distance redelver she can Nei ,thk, pulee of. two . ese continents Valle MidWaylietween them. There have been mem. nestancen where wireless messagesehave caused a liner to shift her pours° • to the southward to avoid bergs paSsed ; by other liners. A ' - ohange el course of•inetier hales degree maY pereet a ship' to aefold heaVy. wea- ther that Is the rule iw wiatese In eagle. --Iffiltiffiesraffenffiiny tWititlirial'a that have themselves beek poiindad by sea and gale have told' °theist bound into) the storm la time to eaableethem to avoid it altogether. ., DAILY PApERS. • One thousand messages, commercial and personal, ha#e been _sera , trete one ship to another ahd to -shore statiens art one trite:ea the 'busy 8eason. - This means en expenditure , by the, paesengers of more than $2;000. On a etteent trill to New York from Hatnnurg the Amerika sent 700 despritthes. to ship, and- shore. The first' wireless • deny published at sea was a mere pinball -let of a few pages. It wakthe precarsor of the Cun- ard Bulletin, the first turbine edi- lion .1 which, printed aboard the Car- man • , consisted 0'111114y pages. More - than half_ of which Was 'filled with ad- vertising. Every Important ship of the Cunard fleet publishes this daily while at sea. The first paper got out on the Mediterranean route appeared recently on the Caronia. The Cunard paper is edited by the purser, who sometimes sits up till] 2 in the morning passing the fin - el proofs. • N.. I') • ' 1PA _SAILOR AltinIr A vow "oar 11011101111 II 00 INIPtitAlk NI WI *NW *NIG 4setee el eel illeiiked #10# cos moo* st oho cookooki, so.rytestfrorgo-4114* 10010114 gat Ota00114 Illiidenese $90 001 Sibittiar at NNW Dar MS* 4 Ociogi dna 'Unelneley ;Nord it Oki Nova try' rki Mee* ad !Wets" * a book NA linos, • 14, tha IOU Of 1St Ifila_,***;04 th'41." JO A= atill '1 On WO Peelle at 'TWO ettina US, Dr. Printaess_11, 01414110000.4 eitt$e saad, hilt litlenbeied, 14 iik, IWO Heiken phystoten. *et Pat preristimati 'mosso arss show ii tsirsw; AO it FEATS° ''6ItEEN • slogoat 4$5001140.441011000001110041.10 POW AM 1011,04401.0 liar TWO! IMO Writ al SW Isto .sortagitag it *IDS 011441004. Tha tom/Amble bet rowdy eilidalln* Lb* POW* Ot Wed* r tba Med Of Of et tletarter riobettly row hew **CO. *Akers 0/91aY killed tow newel ego, 'writ live eneeeseilia With* #101,04 =ND MetlUtee, toindit 904* Ole teeny fest* Ot elleetotenlen• eften. Itolleet Of 'WW1* 44•41 littitt.ima the* ',$p ' Mrs. Fealty AR= dlad IA DIO WOION 0* Ns ISM 04‘i tis# ot yew. _ atraVille a IONS* et treat heart AVM* tatfirlatffilie #U$POr* Alexindlitt Vow). knOwn • 'To a- nerfi *Pecialisi slwe X.01)04 WO Sir tows* liii4 ot liti VW . , Min* OWL IA fotst rece0 L'releated, a tY$411 angellan 04044,1* * Navy tin too linter , tor Misi * r,ORe.. weirdly shy a, Idiot' Of boot% Wee a Jadatt *An Atizairitt:,T, .at" .iitsinit it promiritut busittess in Vault in eroding 4-110. tot, VI* cltieso A algect stkOdOt lot her preitii Omstailmeett of betnE Wined pt ** utiiikant t.* latio01." tor p*****1*Eldra latiNg tarlatan/oratory TOW,* lor roli,0004., ..... , ‘4. F0044 .1 porno*. was, ; ' At on many pad/Writ eViltdit niant'etrengerit A iirsid *N. talifeting 1,44400,114,44, • .. , ` it ta net Many year* slittatAlth. wilier Sy 104 k Dublink bee ', been heedesekta 'and' Skientaaaakalas *le '''' et la, now s year:VW It* halteattlarY Winua, puha)* the Wastt ahOt 0 1014k 4.60001444 11,, inninianto.reo4tr IIKI -.4940 'Our IOW .64004 oi the Os/ isr 1#00. 'or 40,01444 lit hOrd eelet OUR- litt14% ' *KW Nite AK 'visa*/ v_erY weat Wert 04 Irian 'Iltit ton* 40* littera stair ' aude 00.4,-tIMMIR tan. et th1 tiwget *t homi -00,0011eu- to chiral** Sane for the prOuto. 44"0:PatL"t 41* *14 'nL$4411"'t4t MulP *att__OltOnitantr Or Shar-1.04644* 1041****1 thilY WOO,' actually bee t OVA *doll Ma *040p . , ' , .. - Since that Uri* ehe • been Under wee awe las a, top, 0yhare rover ea, ot thou wont they' nand get 'est% Thomas illgtonet lora Netiottelisit tall, Caret illa WOO ef nete-itetelee end leo ARK. le lenjeay, not eieggiiirs,"-iandeld While bia Whits afre lellUld Windt*, Whet, 4130Cliaideil i. 001lieeted sNOttile.V.Ide isli, sup AmERIGAN ,KIND oustati,i,4., .44 "Ira' rt0t4" PI. b°/14441''' Vatanate Of bli, Wthe'llor4 -et t4ik C,04. In * 'Slagle 4.Y, . ehot tweittY ateir wet Milan* Co . ielin MP Nolo tr. ' ' . ree efts o Toilet aps oikoo onnittatouir *OAP *04 init. TUX IPIR1011,0101 coupook• thoo'four., out Caak thtt$ **400$001 Tolist !!**P# $4ir lorkki# 3.0* bp* #o wort wsk, V*** 01 spNuOirr 01xingnit. siwit, mitt sit theit TOM= Kota rit/tt,t It001 '0004 !Sit *viol pokitso ,ot Vita al tar f04040thi Usti, gitk ;04 Ws vihe. ht 0400414 atmotiONt You katta 1/D akt. fta*" " 0000 sop, r,;eutovie, you oluShing ii#Lt teed anti tor f!rir " SAVE S1L1NLIGIIT SOAP (OUPCYN sitimmffor.s.40•4. - tnsitt,, ' , . ', mean wor. bzui ast4z 4'4111Clt '441,1i Meal with. mi many Mak riett It ilialt 'rho latt Na analleti Wee tounti Ord In 'hod' ' ' 1 . . . Fat fn '#4100 Bellantrthlt :Oar atAla ken low is a .40044. ."0144 %et tit ot Aim ill, Whig to .400 #4 git4 at his ,hotel at Tokura .04 the 26th, Olt, has been -Oven to kelt Wan. frent 1 - DIDN't KNOW Iltif4der rs,0 NvAg,,, ot too* * liall tle• 44 01414, CellialClialte 104 deteldnie reline WeMent *MIS Metall., . ' ' ' ' that '. ord, . I Watt 0440k hltltaP . .1.141,4 , , 'To g FIRST 11S/04. * ' 1014440'u* toll' Old Yet With. A Ali tit 040,1ilf leriOnlitedi telelgatehlUetied, fat tor .. le Abilisey 'Mb), *OM Utle 4 i 0 eh 1/01) ii4 IBS PS% h a MP 4,!-1,16k $40/0 drst !411..tolvic t.'hsve44vh,,sr 1:74,,,o,4 no, in„ Ito poe,E0N-ssoornsio .4,,.,..., . Itrirse,amorrurenk.itrod"edowititt uetwite 0014110, '1%•' , , , Cdttee-Influence Front the 41.10.44, ot• too D1000104 hteve, strugg4ed ter ,emuke 40 anathialetedt $st afteW * LOrd WoleMlitidM Ofdt M.M0114.1t1 A 14004 Clun0 Wit/ 10444; WV CANADIAN AND TINE meson* ee her nedy ante pte Innen mg fro*. to his own pm* y Lialtast.CultOdy Cetirt, Vbell 0, MeV* . 'W‘Nlfgri4 Qt the* TOMO OW StArth 111 It% the eltot4 eritt few demi earlier adr A4bis lientedy I theirt soul we, mei eau amoie flee* tie wits one itw c*** oust most • , #0 cooka sockte et the Dutton* Welt. what Engusbatin see3 en our tha deeter'a 0014100$ 1.0010, -MOO e ' Ae elee ' Inlet 00ellie Meet aeitallehing niearffil NW* *elicitor 'Cerke• UM* Pliee at MOOni tetenenamp, pay and eleltisew•snakmelli t. ,441:rage,y'po'olvyt,eflY• ego ee 'Olen Made. netebly motelt whit* chiren0;. Alnittowiti the PrdliAdMIO of • South. n'Tn6 "c°44-"'ni`lnel /34 T1- vt-gi" ,enlerteit r ,...___,„.^0Illettre,ein, the service; 1002 Voce 4,,„bout, c '400' Yettre 14;10 et bia -brather*M. wt IditaDertUOlto Air The difference between Canadians and teeauebeenn IL, belnie-the lira Use -ea -.4 b feetilt en, .4.1vei' weeeeotLY tiee Nee Lmlweeti itite eeelee aielt Rourke Wile aredeehly the eldest It net An) 1 d It , e • er cans aro MOS cgree, wr elleMP in theSPeaardj, Itaelletiesetast',10 ceteeen, Ind ,Etotitui wares, Mt., Tultord and 004 ttriwire itioltutity the oldest solicitor in Ire,. Jahn A, Hobson in he London chem. WIllelt 'Wet nen*, ConIeruMgC AM," encee kne hemLardeeene ot, Alexendele, Toe ni.etelt covered three derit. eeen lano% having beer aanfittea e MEM fele. The auperb self-confldence of the ellheorekoedtbotteritteradisontekelibeduesyy utdada ge when ha uailtatu outeluute; eteepeutur 540111,4 at a bundro, abroad the licensed obtrusiveness of birde,rtee.et,_the profession as Cute le Me average) American, woman, as sliti walkg eine "b, Pid*Oented etenvOy Men Until he rettete o d:Y at tale% yards' dee. eat :311 tat" Year lesaii little. 0Yer stxty yeare. ago Ry hypnotic suggestion ,Pr.'F' e ad 04 eeeneees ,eehne m the tor- tlko Oh axle a eat' et Pflelds. ro BOOOlideld- street, Monntrottlofter. ehildraa, the pepetual derail% Of cerlhaotimepettw!otitiottraufrOVainelit ill ,Illitta Heath she 00,,,weg,ene wok tityei,t;tr :..4pIt.ilhIlthoeearbiii4Iti.weit. ,w'plertithpnottot cltry disothrteuaht adhl, 04.40, On the third -Jelin, Seat, shot his 'Wife threare the characteristics are less marked in Cain while reWerentle ereetde Seitest, a signalman MOO conversation Into alOry-te Inge- Ilea eil Meth ettellY. Her headaelies were te- , Oa than in the States. In fact, Canaan tievad, and Atte CIOCter heti beeerae -14- 5Cs 7f40!,,t'-41nant4uPrill:1451:4i,;m4041:°14,(thrraa,r4w.; rdlit, "cactho'14011/01edsherlii!iftettYluidetrereaP114.rirlidt re'etk Wilifeth- Wafthreve°181reeetilutdaddistikehenerge*froblptli presents as yet a sub-Amerlcan. verities! miller- Vitae, the hyffilefic Self whteh uP• gibed, eyb4 le b F 9' e0611 sense-. loons. po • Wer than 885 hit the Mark, a adat•I tall weallan- The wonlan esealled 'with of civilization, though in some waye petiteetat 'net .euggestion. . P ...,-,,,,„ (... 11,!;:i.,A;/1„1 it ton wheel' the tined achlevetnent whielli We believe, eller iffe, although a terrIbice POPE rapidly assimilating to the States. t Sodaenly the persontility cif 06 Iteeitie- "sref.44;;•04;"903,,thi; v1114008, einem tete neveieDeen aPproaehed and will pro..., weund waa inflieted in her. neck. In .Phystcally the Canaffian scene* to be heed girl changed as the doctor speae !tee - he te :Net ;gt heel)* never tie beaten, s ' whiCh the bullet lodged., He had asked a sturdier sleek of heavier builds elowee With 'her., The .hody of Miss: Beauchamp, uf .L %We' hi, aterene ,I. bane SallOrellelle 0 ,uet,elitanding fear- Another memorable match -Wee HI' hie. wite tor money and she' refused At' moving, and less nervous than the wae eliva, Whit en 'Intelligence wine** some!, he...the eeetnee et h a en wale a brween Dr, Carver and Mr. Scott, 00 ' A setlerithell was eatteed In Steebefell American Thls is particulurl a 'II - *peke Of the herniliar tips - Beauchamp ede v , , h cable to the women, Whose moYemPePi clean-shaven facet 6tanle wall relative. W om haa broken 500 Blase bailee preen Dublin, by a middle.aged sa she, denying any snare in her.. out of his unireegk he might Lies for e, wah fla mallY silaceSSive abets- On Inan drawing treln his Pocket a razor. and conversation aro quieter, avnd wal:t WHEN SALLY CAME. r, Of aro without the hanied look In the eyes which marks so Many Americans. The colder climate may exercise aome mod - orating influence, but probably the chief explanation of the.se differences Iles in the fact that, most Canadians are coun- try -born and bred; there are few lorge cities, and even the dwellers in the cities keep up a moret constant contact with country life, eountry squlre ot. no ,particular parts; this occasion, out or 9,950 ellete, Dr. and, in the presence of ,a. [WM Carver mede a ecore of 9,737 hits, while Peeple, iiiillatiag k wound in Ids t at, MIMitee In hie comeany Tina was the third soul, the frealdeh but Wild a taut thing whighe calling itself "Sally," was and you Will seen fali under the spell as opponent was only two belle behind lie then threw the razor Under a seat of hie strong peratenalitylitid recOgaleet htra- As a test of endurance this teat and ran off In the direction of Grafton to burdett Miss Beauchanipe; staid like “,e, he is , was almost as remarkable as an exhile, street, followed by a police conetable "Satly" was aa lively and vtvacious es `"“" e -,,, , Miss Beauchatm was sad and reseryed. NII,ORDINARY MAN. She 'despised Miss Beauchamp ali one For half a teetiary he has held his who went about "mooning," who read stupid, old beeks, who studied languages tongue, -and no one knows how te. hold in %hooting are credited to an American The death of Mr. William Fry, sr., of eewboy,"Captain"Flardy, who is certainly Dublin, Is announced. By his demise ,e_ it better; but wheri be speaks every Werd and science. SallY knew ne fore'el" tella. No words earried sucia weiaht as the kind of man one woutd WM to. keep the solicitor's profession loses one of JIB longue, spelled badly and misunderetood "Jack" Fisher's ate the Hague Peace Con. on amiable terma with. Here are some oldeet and most respeeted members difficult words. In her a playful and ference; and when, he told MS Colleagues of the testi -bf fills deadly Ithet Os per- and the leading Dublin charidee one of malicious imp was awake, without acbe what would hapPial if he caught the ot- formed not long ago at a meefing of the their most earnest and whole -hearted or pain, a tireless wanderer. fleets and creWs ' of any submarine Lincoln (Nebraska) Gun Club. At a dis- supporters. Mr. Fry had attained the Long portions of Miss Beauchamp's boats tryiag to Wedelns ships they knew lance of fifteen yards, Governor Savage Levet age -of almost 84, hewing been born _time were uneccountably lest to her. She well enough that,'hil woUld do IL in held an ordinary visiting -card between et Athlone in 1882. would awake to herself, dusty with a, the Navy his slightest word is an in- anger and thumb while Hardy sent a I Mr. Robert MeFeeter, a wealthy far - long country walk -Sally felted walking flexible hove When one, for instance, bullet clean through the • centre of it. , mer near Limarady, died suddenly -and havini a lighted, cigarette in her he wanted a shin under his command Another:card, held at the eame distance, while attending to his farming pursuits. itton of wonderful. skilL SOME ASTOUNDING FEATS* wile captured him. He was found to be 'a plasterer named William Johnson, and had -teen drinking heavily. STAFF OF PRINTERS. Two regular printers are employed on each ship equipped with long distance receivers, and when there is very im- portant news and much of it steveards are impressed in service 11.9 compositors. In war tittles extras sire issued in sheet form and folded la the regular edition. The only other dcean paper is the At- lantla Daily News, pUblished aboard the Harnburg-American liner Anierika. There are two editions of the •News, one Eng- lish and one German. The editor le a German -American newspaper man with shore experience on twe contipents. The News is only two months old, but five of its ten pages are filled with *invents°. merits. It is somewhat sUggestive of a r.ewspaper, of a littie Arilerlean city. It is distributed free to ail ealain passen- gers by te newsboy 10 the uniform of a Hansburgekmerican sailer. PARLIAMENTARY COMPLIMENTS. Round -about Ways of Sayisid Wbat You Mean, No meniber of the Health Parliament fa ettnelded to say bluntly and directly that another iv drunk but he may hint at the fact,in periphrase, as when Mr. Gladstarie, realying to the uneantien- tient! speech of Diecieirst, renittrked: The right honorable gentleraeri has evi- dently lied (Mess to soutces" of inspire - then that are nel open 10 nle." A Violent scene IMS been caused in lite Parliament of Vieteria, Atistralia, by a labor mem- ber saying Of a legal ealleegin: "The ha/a:treble and learned gentlentan was Fht0 co' s; to the .bar and he has 'since ifeeetittly without belt* calleeb" he angry' banister retorted; "You tea- drinklitee Ettentually-both with- drew ,and .ttpelogized. Sir Riehard Jebh, when profeeSor ot Greek` at Glasgow university, usedi ward* the end of his lecture. to he some- what trembled by the, boisterOUS "reugil Of the Mess In moral philetelfhy &hove elasvrOom, when ,e, a Well-kfideeti teeturer ,41titeidd with tile /I peroration. On one. esetakin 4 /deb ef plaster 'MI On ',Iebb's• head and", he nufet. ly ternerked"16 hie eittsee *It ft obViotre genthelleri, that My ',rebuses do pot tont 1 • i'\ii, INIvittIt 011iali:11°Vit let TIM k .1 , ' W g at , ,, r anion 6 ;.ft"! eie'llinnin ,f **tett% P: II e TIP thellteet to tied AR . opponent it few doe before the, polling began, After s kW Tillinnee" 'frieriply COnversetion, the obvtouis retintrirwir midei °Well,. only the heid Men rittr "Obf 1,1100e .110141` wits Thtekertra,cotirteous reply as tney elmintlienda, and porteste.' ' ` BRIT% iiiROMR, • Alfred.- lielt,„the *Mitt Aftdefin •Inflang fringe_ lee OW he tei *het eaten then tioelibleller. • Ralf the tithes ift tooth MHO* belong to tam ineindkig the' •falt- titbit* Wealth of IIIiiiherlafa- diatilitild tuillattl-,,, The liggreglith•OU hitt Weelth dentot be,:leteted. Ind 'it retlede *41111116 0Mbist it at ILeittentistink Ills yearly :ffieffete le $(4#00,000e WWI ititeaft Mak he, ger 114.1,0vety, Annalist' hit lifili etr* POI Otilsat latt *i,,,*## * 4***, , ' hand --Sally eyed cigarettes. Her purse was pierced by a bullet,. and four other Early in the afternoon he was discover- budele were sent through the hole made ed in an unconscious state by one or his be the first one. • , I ewn Workmen In his barn irr the farm nUts into the- air, one after the other,' The Governor then flung a handful of , Yard. He was at once taken to Ids re- sidence, but deceased never recovered every nut being shattered before it , consciousness. The late Mr. McFeeter prominent Unionist, and dook reached: the ground. As a crowning per-, Was a fonnance half -a -dozen hazeI-nuts were 1 lively interest in North Derry politico. Placed on the ends of as many skewers The C.olonmel magistrates remanded James Connell and his mother on and arranged, halo -fashion, roupd the charge git killing the latter's husband. head of a man standing tutenty yards The wofnen named Curran and Hanel - away. Within ten seconds Hardy fired sis, shots, every ono of which removed ton, who had also been arrested, turned King's evidence and swore that the Con- e nut without disturbing the skewer to which it was attached. 'mills beat the old man, threw him en the bed, and struck him until he was 1111 Such feats remind us of that truly I amazhag feat credited to Chevalier Ira I out and bleeding. He died soon after - Paine. One day when he was practis-1 wards. The mother and son cleared trig with his revolver at a target twenty ' eway the blood marks, and the soh to go on a e,ertakedity to a certain place would be empty, for Selly had luncbed, And the eaptaltredeclared ehat he could not possibly. get ready, "Tell-," was the' answer, that..11 he is stet ready to leave for - the day named I will have him lowed' There." The MOP, wents And yet this hian adafnant can be a perfect courtier. When Admiral Ger- vais was visiting.. Peortentouth some, time ago the late Queen sent for Fisher, and said, "Sir John, I, am anxieus 'that you Should be specially nice to Admiral Ger- vais, as he was so very kind ta me at (amine . . "Madam," answered the gallant ad- miral,. "Lewitt kiss him, if your Ma- jesty wishes it."' Never, probe*, has a naval officer crowded so much hard work into a life- time as Sir John, For flaY Years he hue rarely been In bad after FIVE O'CLOCK:IN THE MORNING, and from that !Jeer nearry naidnight his day has been, and is, one almost unbroken round of work. As a Fleet -commander Sir John has probably 'not alval; indeed, his skill in directing' the, meet complicated and daring evolutions is at once a marvel rind a mystery te. the world's admirals, while his achiVement ln raising the Mediterranean Fleet from ten eleven - knot standard ice a fourteen -knot stand- ard within a yeer and a half was an - ether product of bis master mind. In spite ef his stern insistence on dis- cipline and hard ,work, Sir John is one of the most popular men in our Navy. -"Jack" mity tremble before ltim, but he is very fond of him fall the same -and he enows that his affection is reciprocated. HOW TIGERS KILL THEIR PREY. -- Always Make Attack•Upon the Flank al an Atiineal. royally at her expense. Findinglhat Miss Beauchamp had the nervous fears common to girl students, eally would send her an envelope ef spiders, and would threaten mice and snakes to follow. Small wonder that Miss Beauchamp writes to Dr. Prince, "No one has the slightest -control over this devil that P e sesses me save you. You- won't leave me to its mercy?" Poor Miss Beauchamp's Joie Is not yet told. In 1899 a fourth personality wass thrust upon her, and afteeeVards realiz- ed Itself- as distinct soul -that or en. average woman of good, -health, selilSh and self -concentrated. ambitious and tempered, and sworn enemy to Sally. each being aware of the other'S exist. once. Perhaps the °rewiring nightmare cf Dr. Prince's book is the passage which 'destribes "Miss Beauchamp" as fitfully seized by Sally and No. IV., each struggling for the muscular steering gear. MATTERS ARE IMPROVED. To bewilder still' further the observer cf these possessions, Miss Beauchamp (No. 1) became deeply religious, with a great desire for the life of a convent- s desire most repellant to her other per- sonalities. Dr. Prince is able to bring his wild Fiery to something like the happy corn elusion which should be demanded by those who have read of Miss Beau - champ's trials. He claims to have amalgamated the first and fourth of these personalities. Froth January, 1905, "the real Miss Beauchamp has been in continuous ex- istence." Her health, physical and men- tal, is good, and she has no hallucina- teens. Sally has been squeezed out af consciousness. But Dr. Prince's last words ore, "The problem still remains: How far and for how long can MisS Beancharnp be proteotedr WINDMILL GIVES NOTICE. In Holland, births, marriages and deaths, instead of being recorded in newspapers, are indicated by windmills. When a miller gets married he stops his mill with the arms of the wheel in • slanting position and with the sails unfurled. His friends and guests fre- quently do likewise with their mills, in taken of the esremony. To indicate a I have taken considerable trouble to find' out how tigers kill large game, writes an assistant controller of forests at Perah to the London Field. Scene time ago I was asked to come and see a full . grown bullock that had been killed by a tiger. On examining it I fonnd the animal had its neck broken and there were dlaW marks on the neck and shoulder, but nowhere else. There was no doubt that the tiger had jumped at the bell and landed on the shoulder and Wheh the bell turned his head to t tett a wheel is stopped with the arms gore the tiger he MUst have put his claw iti a slanting position, but at a more out end with a eudden jerk broken the acute angle than for a mcwriage, and neck. the two upper sails unfurled. Should On another occasion I went to see a 'a miller die the sails of les mill are all Young buffalo which had been killed by furled, and the wheel Is turned round a tiger and found the same thin had end, the arms form an uprighl cross, in which position they are left until an ler the funeral has taken place. RELIC OF SCOTLAND'S KINGS. An old cushion on which the Crown happened. There Were sirriller mar s on the nose and Mee on the near shoulder, which elettley inditaled that this animal had been killed' in the same lefty. Ma- lays who .have actually seen a tiger killing a buffalo told me they saw the same thing happen, also that In drag- s an , A BLUEBOTTLE FLY threateend to do tor the women if they told what had happened. Coal consumers of all classes In the North of Ireland will welcome the greet settled- on the white part of the target Progress the North Antrizn Mining Syn- -a tiny speck barely visible even to keen eyesight. "Just watch me move that dicate, Limited are still making in con- ity," said Paine to a friend who was neetIon with the sinking of the two pits, looking on; and, raising his reeolver, he and equipment of their coal mines fer despatehed a bullet which hit that fly m en output of 1,000 tons of coal per day. the middle of his back. After such a feat as this one is gene le from 150 to 200 tons, which Is being I The present comnany's monthly output prepared to hear of the marksmark whoi freely sold. Night and day men are make§ light of signing his name with employed to push on the work with ell bullets fired at a board, what time he ' glides to and fro on his tricycle; or ef M. Bordeverry, Who, equipped with a number of repeating rifles, plays opera selections with his bullete on the key- toard of a piano. We must not, however, forget -the marvellous feats of Mr. W. Winans, the finest revolver -shot in the world, who thinks nothing of sending a score of consecutive bullets into a , bull's-eys not st. large as the palm of one's hand at a distance of sixteen yards. Mr, Winans will place his watch on a table, put a glass ball on it, and shatter the ball with a bullet fired twenty yards away with- out touching the watch -glass; he will shoot a piece of sugar from between your finger and thumb without graz- mg your skin. if you have a mind to mako the experiment: ore if you hold up your v isiting-card edge -wise he will cut it In halves with a bullet from the opposite end of a large room. NO WHEAT FAMINE. Artificial Production of Nitrates Will Enlarge the Grain Supply. There is no danger of a wheat famine in the future if science can achieve What it olaims. Slr William Ramsay, reviewing the attempts made recently to put an aptifici- al. Aylesbury, where she had been con- al production of nitrates from the ut- fined for more than twelve years, she mosphere on a commercial basis, shows expressed her desire to be placed under in the London Times the high value of the Army'a care. As soon as the neces- sary. details have been arranged Mrs. Mealdn will be released and sent to one cf the many conntry honies of the Sal - speed. and a large number of hands be- ing employed for that purnose 01 the two shrifts. It Is honed that the coal will be reached at a very early date. GIVE CHANCE TO REPORT. British Home Office Has Agreed to a New Criminal System. 'A new 'movement- in the direction of criminal reformation has been initiated "by the British Home Office, acting with the Salvation Army. Tis Is a movement to give to' the very worst class of crim- inal a chance of repentance and of a neWwellafere told that the idea Is based up- cr. the theory that crime Is a disease, and thal short sentences and a change et surroundings are necessary for the ne generation of the "patient." riecently the Salvation Army were notified by the Governor of Aylesbury prison that tho authorities would be glad to hand over to their care a Mrs. Mary Meakin, who wee convicted of murder committed under the Influence of a lit of Jealousy. The Home Office took the initiative in the matter but Intimated that there would be no financial grant by the Government for the care of the woman. Mrs. Bramwell Booth at once decided fo accept the offer, and when an racial of the Army was sent M see the woman this scientific work In relation to the en- larging of the world's; supply of wheat. More than flve years ago, he recalls, Sir William Cookes, uttered a warning %titian Amy,. cf Scotland rested was reeently Enlaced ging off a heavy carcase such as buffalo in the jewel room at Edinburgh stle. or bull he gels niost of the weight across was inereasing so rapidly that the sup - note that the population of the world ere prepared to take 'charge of all the' The Salvation Army it is announced The cushion has been pre,sented to Me his shoulder. ply of wheat would shortly not be suf- criminate that the Home Office will re - nation by Sir Patrick Keith Murree'', This must be fairly correet, as I have (Went to feed it, but before we were +It lease regardless of the offence. Bari, of Ochtertyre, Crieff. It has been often followed a kill, and the marks left the grip of actual dearth the cliemat # would allp In and postpone the day 1 it, the possession of the Keith Mum( indieated that only a portion of the ant- COFFEE DRINKING---"*".. WilliaM Keith !Hurray, eighth Baronet, famine. Sir William Ramsay proceeds ta ex- The United States le the greatest cof- ratnilY slued the marriage 01 the tete S t mal was trailing along the ground. I have known a hill grown bull which ten to the heiress of the last of the Keith plain how the chemist has been doing tee drinicer in the world, according to men Could riot Move dragged for two as was prophesied, first Allowing that statistics just Issued by the trade. The MartSchats, and who thereby beeame miles by a (Wesel's heavy jungle, where miler of Dunnottar Castle and Ravel- mete of trees and steemp had to be gone the a.ir over each square mile of the report shows an enormous Increase In earth a surface contains enough nitrogen the cultivation and consumption of this ston House, near Edinburgh. It was, through. In do case have I seen the pug sent In lune last to the King's Rembrart- marks facing the wrotig way except in a free state to afford plant food for stimulant. The world's, production (1 eer in Edinburgh, who, on recelVing over Sixty years of the world's consump- coffee In 1904 amounted to 2,299.270,000. A when Mopping to feeds which proves he non if it were only Combined, and its pounds. of %MIMI 900,879,000 pounds i r certlfleitte or authentielty from Sir Pate ' must card a potelen of the anitnal over rIcet KWh Murray, lodged the ought%) with Me regalia. . I 4.401.1...e.••••• TRE PRESIDENT PAYS. The President of the Uritted States, The old idea of .6 tiger killing largo game 'by blow:trent kr patv Is nen- sense: besides. Witt collalti a tiger never facets his prey but attacks him on who retives a salary of $50,000 a year the flank. unless /barged. Another cur - must pay for all' the toed consumed ai lous fact that may seem very like a fairy tale Is that Uger does riot seem the White House; and the rtepense.s of petting up an elaborate State dinner are not small. Cigars and wines the President buys', and they MUM be of the beet. He has to maittlain his nein eqUiln age. The Government, however, allows him a valet, and also st eierk, who epees' till big letters. Aii other -personal see. vents mist he engaged by the meek!' atid atishtes et the White Ihnlee. OLOR.ST pPincs. The oldest °glee under the that of lord high atewart, which was In existents before the time of Edward the ,Contesaori Indeed, Solna atithotitlea *ay that it res Ilistilitted by Otte in 757. it long 'Period this °Meld Was Wend OnlY, td King. end trio tined asta tor sera beteidilary certain noble nunlike. to mind a small lamp being tied over a kill about ten feet high but will corrie and feed. I have, known three occasions when this has been tried, and each time a tiger haft Wine teed upon the car- Ca39. MILITARY MINERAL. When stich a One takea plate in time of peace, the ceitatanial le eXactly the 'Mlle tel Weuld ha ill carnp or MI the hattleflled. A gart-eartiage forms an Itn- .provisett.ltearite(the drums are muffled out of respect' te,the dead comrade. and ell Om* ere carried reversed, to show that the Mittonly ,iieputed to perform thee Of the e far the time being. the aad tiEketZt Upon the forebear - 44•44444444.444141 to the Cue Of a cavalry officer being ined Iffiteeie that that hat' PrOdlited Mitt the goradeskle and burled The *arid% dialten4 ismelliktion,atitti- tin tr lion digger Was uttiversittiy woot. 0,8 torAmmil pttobtortiN,„ ti'fithtsturrhorstigiet:ledintrohttntdanetthe, 10,006,006 Watt grind, 10,906,epOt Atri. With At the eatititithert 67,00t000, thn driver* In the the wrilutts Is tired Wit the *OM tine% IdatiId bast • istut of grit to the' enemy they tire mite , 040 #itiq Ad, on the defend/to ^ te, .1LIS value would be about 4500.000,000 ($2,- 500,000,000) If it were fn the form of salt- petre. One of the ettempts to cause nitrogen and oxygen to combine and furnish rib trates is being made 111 NOrWay, where worko are being erected which will pros duce large amounts of nitrate of calci- um for direct use as manure. Thls nature of calcium may be brought to market in one of three forms -first, In a fused elate, in which it contrary; *3.5 per cent of nitrogen; second, ln crystals, and, third, as a basic salt, which forms dry powder, not turning moist on exposure to the air. The present sources of combined nit- rogen are limited. ft fa doubtful tif tfie deposits; now obtainable from the eaatern alooes of the Andes will last beyond 1050, and if wheat le to he grown in sue fielent quanlitles to supply food for the westeen nationa the artificial produe- non of nitrates is an abeolute necessity. Its achievement prevents the threaten- ed suppression of the wheat .eafera hy the rice eatere and maintains the su- premacy of western "May 1 wake thebaby, Mamma?" asked five-year-old Johnny. "1,Vby. tehel do yetz Want te Wake her for?" ticked Me rdefher. °I want to see 0 the ten dre load enough to drown the melee of Iny MAO •deutte," 'Vied the Men ItiVesti, gillet. • nearly nye-fifths, was consumed in the United Statee. Germany came next, with a consumption of 396,205100 pounds; Frence, with consumption ef 107152,000 pounds, Belgium, with 125.- 411.000: Austritallunnerv. with 108.6e7. - Mk Holland. with ,28.930.000; the United Kingdom. with eite?83,000, and Canada with 0,189,000. THE THRIFTY GERMANS. Scoree of Germans who settle in Lone den get the bareat wagesebut somehow tney Manage to live decently, and even h. save Money. The London Daily Tele- graph tells of young German who came to London nine years ego and ee- cured a jutdor clerkship In the city tit Iris, a week. Hie wages increneed by sieve 1141);eS, but even so, he has not 5 A yet reaehed the figure of RI les. Never - Melees, without any tunistanc,e from any one, he has managed in that period to bank close on A120, and has Just moved to a better lodging, and "furnished a room quite MeV" out of six months' Savings. "See hero, sir," eatlaimed the suce,ess. tut mandeeturer to Mr. Adam UPP. the dilatory bookkeeper, "you are not an at tentive to hu_sineac ae you might be. Naw, it has Men my rule in life to be At My deck eArile and late. and---" "Me, too," Interrilpied kir. Upp; "r.ome ifeate I get them eariy and sometimes pate.° MILLIONAIRES AND OTHERS. Nowhere in Canadian cities does one see the profusion of luxury and wide visible ill New York or Chicago; though most persons seem to live In fair cam- Mrt, there Is no class of millionaires dominating "society" and making the form and pace for servile imitation among the less wealthy classes. Hunting (In the American sense of shooting) and flshing, with their accompaniments of camping out, play a large part In the national life, sport. not having degener- Med Into the merely ganabling and spec- tatorial habits. Altogether the Canadian lives a healthier life, even busy cities like Toronto and Montreal conduct their business life more quietly than cities eorresponding calibre in the United States. WILL COME FROM STATES, At .the same time lt Is evident that Canadian lite is approximating more and more to that of her powerful neighbor and, 11 the rapid manufacturing growth which she anticipates takes place, the qualities and defects, industrial and political, of the United States will atso be those of Canada. For it is not merely a ease of imitation and of common needs and growth; If Canada is really destined to quick development it will be achieved by a large influx of American capital and labor, inventive and organ- izing energy. What is already happen- ing makes this manifest. DMUS THAT CONSTRUCT PRLSONs. The Hornbills Have a Curious Habit 01 Hatching Their Young. Among the hornbills of Southern Asia, the Malayan Islands and Central and Southerd Africa most of the species have a curious habit of hatching their young in the walled -up hollow of the tree chosen for the nest. The birds have !manse blils and horny crests. The mother bird, the Scientific Amer- ican states, is walled up by her mate and remains imprisoned until the eggs are hatched, and in some species until the young birds are able to fly, Mean- while the mother has become tempor- arily incapable of flight, as she has moulted, or at least shed all her wing feathers, during her captivity. But the !nate Is Indefatigable in providing for his family, and is said to work so hard that he Is reduced almost to a skeleton at the end of the brooding season. According to the theory of many na- tives, the female Is imprisoned to pre- vent her neglecting her duty of brood- ing, and if she has been unfaithful or negligent her mate closes the little win- dow of her cell and abandons her to a painful death by suffocation. The true story, perhaps, is this: The female walls herself in so that sho can- not fall from the nest after losing her feathers, and also to protect herself from enemies. This version is less poeti- cal than the other, but It is probably nearer the truth. It Is supported by the etalement that the female, liberates her- self as soon as the yopng birds are well grown, so that her prison is less formid- able than It appears. MOST SOVEREIGNS SMOKE. Even the Pope Indulges In the Luxury of an Odd Cigar. FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND herwa OP INTERBOT PROM DM RANKS AND oaks. tfir.11401. Mat le Going ea is Cu Dighton:1i and Lowlands el Auld Scotia. Mrs. Nicol, the wife of an Aberdeen resteuraut keeper, hu 4ilvett birth 1,0 triplet& Mr. James Anderson, retired Manta lactUrer of Kilestay, died at. his resi- dence in Coal Wynd tew daya age. Mr, James Robby one of the °Weak and most respected guartie 00 the Highland Hallway, has thed inverneee. Alter an egitetton of over ten years the Island et nerneru, Lewis, kW been connected by telegeph to the notiniand. cteath is announced et Inverness et Lady Macpherson, widow of the late teemed Sir Herbert MeopherSon, V. C. Shipbuilding in Dundee le so brit* that one of the firms are to weriChight ehitta. This will be All Innovation In Dundee shipyard& The smallest school in Scotland N ut (Antall, Invernesehire, where a certified teacher la in charge of four pupils, the children of a ploughman. The death occurred at Ids residence, St. John's Terrace, Mannolield, Aber- deen, of Rev. Alexander Essen, M. A., late schoolmaster, perish of Birse, in his 81st oar. The annual returns of the burgh of Elgin show that during 1905 there were 258 births, against 276 in 1901, 90 mar- riges against 88, and 181 deaths against 19e. An Aberdeen trawler, working oft the coast of Morocco, as an experiment, for three weeks, toelc on board a catch et Gish which realiked £1,700 in Billingsgate market. During the twelve months ended 31st Decetnber lust, 38,869 passengers left the Clyde tor places out of Europe. Of these 26,039 were bound for the Unitted States and 12,817 for Canada. A hole nearly six feet deep and a yard wide gppeared, as the result pf a sub- sidence, on the North , Britisit Railway, oast of Joppa, nehr Edinburgh, over whioti all the London expresses pass. There has been created in Corstorphino parish church, as a memorial to the late Dr. Alex. Matthew, a stained glass wine dow. It waa gifted by friends and par- Ishloners as a token of the esteem In which the late doctor was hold by all classes. Though no definite announcement 'has yet been made, it is generally assunaed that Lord Elgin, now that he has talon the responsibllittes of office in the now Cabinet as Calcutta! Secretary will re- sign his position as chairman of She Scottish Churches Commiasion. Mr, William Duncan, who was tor many years sub -editor of the Newcastle Daily Chronicile, died in Newcastle rec- ently. Mr. Duncan was born at. Ab er- deen sixty-nine years ago, and -wns educated at the Aberdeen Grammar School and Marko:Mal College. The death -occurred at his residence hi Regent Terrace, Edinburgh, of Rev. Dr. J. P. (Moog, who tor some years act- ed as interim professor of Biblical criti- cism at Aberdeen University. Rev. Pats on 3, Oloag was native of Perth, where. tin was born or May 17, 1823. From a mass of interesting matter con- cerning the smoking habits of the rulers el the world, collected by a former diplo- mat in Washington, it appears that while King Edward and the Auatrian Emper- or prefer cigars, the Kaiser and the ( 7.ar are devotees of the cigarette. The Sultan of Turkey, In spite ol the popular idea to the contrary. Is a non- smoker, rind the King of tho Belgians contents njenself with a cigarette if he cannot ImTulge In hls favorite briar pipe. it is Raid that the King of Portugal emokes forty cigar"; n dny, and he has been declared In be the most Inveterate smoker of n11 the crowned heads. Pope Pam X. occasionally smoker; a cigar, With the exception nf the Queen rf Holland, the Kele of Bavaria and the Sultan, every reigning monarch Le ad- dicted to the uce of tobacco. SLANDER KILLS BMDEGROOM. Mother -In -Law Write Incessant Lettere Reflecting on Daughter. A man named Luppin, of Berlin, Ger- m:my, hnn committed euleide through Filet at the receipt et annonymens let- tere containing standees on hitt young bride, whom he had only 'recently mar- ried. The bride's mother had strongly ob- jected to the wedding, but wan primed- eo to be present at the ceremony. iln- mediately afterword the lettere began to nrrive at the rate of several a day, each containing the word acounntions against the bride. They were hAthWed to have been written by Luppin's mo- ther-in-law, who, it la said, had °sped- ofl to he in her daughter's place at the wedding. Luppin became metope and i,:epreeteel 1 v the enntinutill slandere en hiSt Mite. tind shot himeelf. teetring a totter /im- planting the ream of his sukide. • '000,4000,00 foe 00004010, eidAM#44CRAlet 00 "won has more than 4 CasUiti Or ad. cidental relation in the falling. ter," wild d welidnown deteetivit lo writer. "A lowitgeount area On, weather map ought to be a *4001"-• tor hiettlegreleUre utofity Olt the Part, et ittft mr°11illeehrIntlinit Ceiregnelr9,104tUertteod.bearT14. (tendert and eentvenleace an atmospherie pressure of nearly !theca pounds to the square 41.4ne lives 'Mt Ms now Itria'Wlittsle°1eited,14aaYnd emir, dwutt"Ilitus int4Mildthe valteys, to a little rnore; bat any could, erabla variation. In either direction from the accustomed means Ls likely to Seri- ously disturb -one's mental anti moral, us well as physical, equilibrium. "It is known that exhilaration co es from ascendIng a inauntain-provid ono doesn't climb toe high. It known that a little relaxation of the everinstiog preeeure exerted by mites ot super -imposed atmosphere is Me to men with weak lungs, but death to those with weak hearts. The effect en (hi mind and morals is just as great and lust as Obvious. The mechanism that preserves 'a incites mental balance ti delicately adjusted. A little variation in pressure, or a trifling excess or dello lency in the amount of oxygen, nitro, gen, ozone, carbon dioxide, or nny °the' element or Impurity in the air that sus, Nina life, may °twee a man to beriava in a manner that would be quite Mine& sible under strictly normal conditions." The results of the year's work of the - Edinburgh Savinge 'lank show thai there has been a merited advance in branches of the bank's operations. The.. amount nt the credit of 86,280 depositor'. AM Investors Is now £3,656,842, and the , total funds of the bank reach 13,711,851. the highest point yet reached. Mr, J. 11 Black. lecturing M a Gins rnw Inshrenee society, mentioned the most remarkable esee pe of modern tImes-the men who got out of the train , or. the Mehl of the Trty bridge &mete, ft- run after his hat, and who bv loslnu: the train In consequenee was the sole survivor. Mr. Black calls that a million , to one chance. Lieut. -Col. J. M. Campbell, of theJ Prd Renfrew Volunteers, died recently at Caton. Newlands, after a very short illnees. The deceased officer, who was en enthitalestle volunteer, was a well- known writer In Oiasaow. He took a prominent part in football legislation In Rentlend In the amateur days. The Clyde shipbuilding annual returns will show that Clyde firma have bonen ell recorda, both In output and In ordere placed. The (nitwit for the twelve o,nnthe was 550,000 tons, as against 418.000 a year ago. SCOTLAND'S BIRTH RATE. Average Per Penally is Four as Com- pared to Four and a llall Once. According to the report"; to the Itegin- Mar-General of Scotland the average Scottish family nowadaye included only four children as against four and one half a generation ago. And what In per- haps even more remarkable is the fact that this loss Is observed among the countryman's family, not among the dwellers In the towns. Two generations back the average family was still larger. The statistics also showing that the shep- herd and the game-teeeper are among the healthiest and the longeat.-lived (1 men. Compared with them the residente of the towns (1. young. The reason for this believe' to be In the open air life of "he shepherds. The decrease in the birth rate Is even more remarkable when talcen in con- neeeion with the statistics upon the nub- ject of marriage. It appears that 298,- 664 marriages have been registered dur- ing tho last decade, and of this number 39,216 is In excess of the marringea of the decade previous. All of these things are regarded as evidence; of a higher standard of comfort demanded by the younger generation, the proportien ef malee marrying between the ages el twenty and twenty-flve was relatiVely greater than in the preview decadee, while the proportion of thone marrted under twenty and over forty wan rela- tively lose. From all of thia the Reale- trar-Oeneral concludes Met the average number of births per marriage 10 • o rharkedly decreasing that It zesty nn - slimed that there is a true failing off In the fertility of marriage. STILL HANGS ON. "Ever notice queried the man who oaks questions on the installment plan. "Did 1 ever noticore;hat?" queried the enriy of the other pert. "That when a man nays he's tired 11 living he Lg luet on careful to avoid ac. es before7" conUnued the party Aldenla cif the prelude. ,,A, a ' \ N \itia. - BISMARCK THEIR COD. Tribe of South American Indians Woe. a ship Germsn's Picture. A missionary who recently returned from South America discovered on the route to Orutotutotagosta tribe of fete tsh redskins worshipping Bismack as a god. Last year, when the drouglit threatened , their harveet, they offered up prayers' to their usual idols, but an to no avail. Their chef, having seen at an °Migrated farmers' hut the picture of the Iron Chancellor cut out from an illustrated Gerrnan paper, asked the far- mer to make him a present of the print, which request was willingly agreed to. Thereupon the Indians brought the pic- ture in great procession to their temple, end, strange to say, a Welcome rain watered the lands of the tribe. Since that- Ume the deity of the chadcollot, whom the indlans call Bimbarko, Cs firmly established, and all kinds of rep.• tiles are offered up to hina in sacrifice. "••••••••44.4•1 EARN CASH In Your Leisure Time If you could start at once In a busi- ness which would add a good round sum to your present larning*--W1111- ltnilialtINGI A DOI-LAR-wouktn't you do it? Well, we are willing to start you in a profitable business and we don't aak you ne put up any kind of dollar, Our propoeition is this i We will ship you the Chatham Incubator and Brooder, freight prepaid, and You Pay No Cash Until After 1906 Harvemt. Poultry raising pays. People who tell you that there is no money in raising ohicks may have tried to make money In the bueiness by u sing setting hens as butchers, and t bey might as well have tried locatee a gold mine, in the cabbage patch. Tete business via Nan is -to lay eggs. A• a hatcher and brooder she is out-. classed. That's the busieess of tbe Chatham Ineubstor and Yrooder, and they do It perfectly and successfully. The poultry business, properly con- ducted, pays far better than any other business for the amount of time and inoney Invested. Thousands of poultry -esteem -men and women all over Canada and Ike United States-ezave proved to their unmated/se that tit Is profitable to raise decks with tbe tts. 1-- as eggs 2--41te Egg, Ita, 11-1111 Eggs CHATHA1VI INCUBATOR AND BROODER. nut trill toper cont,,,sliiatcn. h out otklega. ebb wflutialy stawsisple witesney Int later tnd 7g0Arbuya. AlOklatn. VITOn. "Mkoticst batch came off. C',J(nt Crn Vatit.46711W8471:61; yolt itteubater. and it J so jaeare to eprIne. I am %eve btatnisnrilithelicirn.0"- ttotrilra_.# cs 1.".:11.'3.. • 1,V. Ler! uunnnuo. Ont." W21.414.11knbiti77411rglialendastinl; operatat4 see paw needs about 10 minutest atteetion every day. zt. MOO'S JAir. AWL* z Tile Chatham Incubator and Brooder • is honestly constructed. Tbere Is no a humbug about It. Every inch of roaterial is thoroughly tested, the machine is built on right principles, the insuhttion is perfect, thermometer reliable. med the workmanship the bast. Tins Chatham Ineubater and Brooder is simple as weU as scientific in eke- struetion-a woman or girl can operetta the machine In their leisure neententa. -You pay es no mill until after tgo6 harvest. Send us your naine anti address on a post card to -day. We yin sue* Yon etecktafteitas out dtsttibuting evatediteulge eet aran- &ire itesisie Wienictis owe tacitness's*, n.o.asectreat Ball ALAMO, AddlAilli all cOtteilnOadallai,b0 Marti gait tits Manson Camobell Coot/woo' No, 33. enAlltAlt, CANAOt ractArtis it ousts.* OsrtmittoP,t4 1,:etorudsoottauOrg%;1174 intottor aa a daa::1' 71411:40nt Othe tete eel , 1 • ••• 0 • Sew... s•-•