The Goderich Star, 1906-03-09, Page 9MARCH 196 .711V,91,11115$17-rairearT7516 wale ot IM aineweittee istaing 310 thalrenan had held the, Sew tins wind* *lint toed no taw else bad i.cbaes. The diseueelou heti brown* quite lively sad wenn. ¥ulutt mowing Nal- 0Wit of duplicating figural in order to drli emr, *A* the fisea mid the policemen 44.1 k." - D'Oior then *ter wer. $allovra to- ` Plied that he wanted the committee to Nu UV V the books for thenteelvea and • n axe pleased to VY goad. Ship= the past week awl the, is immenunmi deligh „... . „ We are 1440 aud Bee , • , ' • idea Iffeleat,'Ent • ditettora.eat enr a.. a, Bitiibroiderleot and Suiting's. B_ • Three -Quarter dies, teantifb1,411. ire' •• ••' nee the arrival Sluing shipment has arrwea during ty and beauty of the importations • 4 the Isitialltee of faedieteAstreeltart 0001. and, Vieth Teekte-,- '.O elalry neeeeitititala ot ta:**tr*. itreductAuual. - k and Colored Dress 'fahries OthSt Shirt Waist Suitings, New _,Novelty Wash (laada, -Organ,. hos. naudsolue and exquisitely *rpa rns,-Draperies and CariainS." ECTION WVIT Utt!' • • , yera polognatutos behaid to tat, the fact tliesetrible be 0tab '• . *so what thefiguree were, • In *nwer to Cun. Elliott*" retstret lot the igavor'gruling ottthe pow* of order, _114 Worship replied Xtokt Isfib Itheaddreett loathe mutton Wens Out uf orfier* but now thatt be bed made the exPeXuation, Coon!, Elliott Should let the Itiettsr retet tifl ibeteotureIttes deelr With it. No goodhsA 'been oomplisdiedby ell Vele telk, , • • At, tbilitpoint Mr. Relit. Elliott. WIM .11 ed waitedletiently *110;4010g Pr an P9Purtiani renewed hia refined of "1 're **-1114 Tr' 3?.:=1 vouft tqpet ti, the. Wou4 netled, pliel:Lbuittlt. ir44,iritx,:r4w, Or. tauiia Aud s 01.400 Ki.untototu c9n444., ing ha ownhusries. , • . • , • Venn, Elliatt•rettteted an behalf of Lewis, M. PAtbat AV deputation be apeinted logo cttawa atouce. and en cayOr t gi0ii a imgck gout pig in nthaOiltilliatee fee harhee impreYeinent trig cattadlitri- Pktytlicleinfi' iSsmforoot Thor Co"owlish - • 04000110,3P D. 3. *Roe.** Ilse sold 14 fere atar Haristelmo,,Ist I* Rub* art Niurdies fur Oa ettm ut 101190. 4144:40.144. lik)iuut)1# itrg, but it,d a Vary choice lot wjhgood tufild* I In It Mr. Murdlie bee segiti Soe comfortable home. X* AK. thaset Intende going tu Albet, wj)Lprobably 10eatit fa this *intet Where ittt m1 bist .00191 in, tendtaking up **rim treet ot lend. A clIkao4kiorib***** *Its Oho tIon to baa *s Coogh Iwo" taltutswtny, tonecientionsly illatend elandherlant COUgic ‘M. teilurnizfo:tr4a4tfeert utiOnot"30ortotlise biehotateie,:t Sonth,Peore $4, Chcago. *f Tem ago doting * Pain Piaiff • lit eOld ettata "Stuff twrbeetd, , • rtitet,ed My throat and Nee ftn..ebtripeilett ieS1, Wald nut *loads tux extriirnity tt, Mom tt4v1414a US? C01140 Vhntherhill0"! 064bililit toOk sevre" dpitea toot oee the efi0Paign. end I thank thle Anent* t 144 EtTv1.04 at relo:ix"04 e'W!ll‘ntleintitnii,°tiuotiiiitattitKedn'etyt tift, ItitI:eqrTettlY1 *°91.44 Vglrg 411*. opt, right, on telking tbrOugh that after/too' dend CoUld net bellfwo A Clinton Patter says X.• Atemi ha*, been nominated for the ition of Folice Maglatrate of town. hat imeh an offielat is touch needed wfll bo readily Omitted *04 blr. An, row* will perform the ogee thereof aatiefeeterily se anyone. Ws 013- pointmenC has bean recommended by the Conservattrea, and sloe that or Mr.' Thompoon for the mitten of Coroner. 111hs ;V14U1::11144944%; .41.44714::t.744"g°'*-4 -/4.0.114Y44TiLt HttiQ441°"Vii;461**12""iiftViti7474:114"::::":3114e311* TM TeVetat- as * nldkluo. for chronic etanitiStielt 014 'Mke* �s tiliPaPilia„ete.a *tea Ptatieribetir titia MOO* ter lint • ' . • inlatf Six 000ithe and ,telt '10004.17L-' otuts**4.,'1,04*Attg*". tu gig* ut,.emuotipOun, ut4 • . an; fleteletteti 'Iteedlielitte, .to 14(fatkenetldgefiliellee% fl At• Ott**. •* 011,Titri who no has tululfe4OPeOf 1SX4IstPTafigee0 in _1!uA 4t1.1.44. zr..1.1401,14 Ref WI Oa • r....i4114,10 flat%108,of 'rnmal• • attliani. Or o'gruit'Uver Tablets ta. ed veleta that thta vort of• the outer from laxative metals' ealoted e e brekwa,er built+ tati been 4 benefit, from 20 oul% .prist, su , hi* thine . , ' h les used these, tablet. extenert , . CoOn.Diair said the Work of pre - paging a statempt for tile Govern., i tb te svati tal upeu or aria hurry as Cann. and Iging that be work be CPO* arial to um ju gemooktt and 1 • THE TO* HOLD A LONG TABLE Wbtcb Winds With A !Woozy Co 01JNOIL ingeo' hi-m*4 ZINO. The change) masons and e • Nall building her a, very che • hie place fog t day night; an oue efforts t the room ou were later o heated con eray g carried on by tars in the Town - the Ceuncil Chem. and uncomforta. Won held last Pt:i- tem% clerk's vigor - sufficient heat for the old word stove isted.by a somewhat ray arising out of a disagreemei tween the members of the Special mittee on deibalng the duties of t lie. The town clock had stria, when the clerk an- nunced t • cal Improvement by law as the t order of business, but there was asty adjounrment and a rush to door which indicated "enough •ne night." mans' nicronas.. Sexto deem, of Maitland ceme- tery, re cladvising a renewal of the fen by substituting, say 30 fence antually, the pre rode of soot wo n fences being unfit for re- pairing Several other minor sug- gestion ere made: Referred to coin mittee Coll all u +to $1 c�lle eats) been ewe the vtal i Campbell reported a list of d taxes .for 1905, amounting and asked that the time for he again exteded..Enquiry ether the previous rolls bad tirned, brought out the an - o. and cannot properly be till launch settle the granolithic assessment question." The dis- cus • showed refusal by two legal ge men to pay for the walk in front of ir property,disputing the legality of r ate, and a long discussion as to e proportion ofesessment on the • us streets showed an amount of usiOni in ithistory that will cause LttPto . W. committee, whom the er was referred,some expenditure L1'. matter. e towsolicitor'sopinion regard- • iketgi the claim 01 Mrs. Evangeile and os. D. Hawley agaitist the proposed altering of grade of Harbor street, the ,'closing of Harbor Lane and extension of 'Water Lane. The sum ofthe letter is that the petitioners will receive due . , notice of the proposed change, which ca -n be effected only on the lines laid down by etatute, and that the petitio- ' .ners !nest look te the G. SzO. Ry. Co. for any compensation. Filed. A second letter notified the Council that the Maitlaud Power Co. were ap- pling to have the general act relating to power companies amended, by which the special act applied for by the town would not be necessary. Filed. / 000(unnaTtows AND PETITIONS. I. A letterfrom theGuelph dz Goderich Railway Co., supplemented by a per- onal explanation from Mr. V. M. Ro- berts, their engineer, asked the con- sent of the town to the Company's request to the Government for a lease ef • the water lots south of the harbor, to he used for terminal purposes by the Company. After sane .diticussion as to the rights of the town in the matter, including the pro- posed filtering basin on the beach, the W. and L. ancl P. W. committees were instrueted to confer with the Co's engineere.and report to Council. A. Snazel asked a rebate on his as- sessment for business tax in 1905, amounting to $6.25, as he had been in business but a few months. The col-, lectoe was instructed to make a re- bate, taking only 82 for the time in business. A petition Sent but by Buchner & Outin, of London, asking the Legis- lature to ineend theallunicipal Act so as to giva greater powers to Municipal Councils in the matter of licensing transient trailers. Approved. the bather betvveen 1 oti Plet'eald thereby injuring her Property rights in .said lot. She ailred that 141, Olerk be: Ortieted to remove h,_la low Aegee• and failing t� do so that tter town solitiztor inetruoted to take action to Prevent his cOritihning to occupy the said; Street. Referred to W.:committee. • • A Petition for alitranolithie aidewOlk on south side of Newgate street, be- tWen ••Afictraria, and Albeit atreeta, was approved, the clerk to make the necessary Measurements and report to 00lincil. Ae1rOuler from the solicitors of the Buren. aziOntario Ry. Co. gave notice of an application to amend the Co's ectaxising power to extend branchett +from Pert Ferry, to a lake port near WhithY or Oehawa,and from Goderich, town through, Huron, Middlesex, Lamhtort, Iknt and Emma to Sarnia add Windsor, 'Filed. lutposts costrrniae. Water fuel Light committee reeonl- mended (1) that owing to the elevatoit not being kn. operation, the G. T. ft. watetheate be rebated 20 per cent. for this year, to include their allowance for discount, on the company ereoting tank at the station, as requested by the Piro Underwriters, at tbef earliest opportunity this spring. (2) That the reel:de:at of the engineer for an injector be g -ranted. (3) That J. C. McIntosh's claim for rebate of water rate for cows be alowed. (4) That the Gloucester Terrace light ordered onTebruary 2nd be placed on the aro circuit. Adopted. The P. W. committee recommended that the granolithier walk on Nelson street be • built as petitioned for, the walk to be carried straight across the intersecting streets at foot of Hamil-, ton street. (2) That the manager of the Bell Telephone Co. be notified to at once remove all, wire clippings left ri„ the streets. by...,te-n- eompanYz-ena- ployeea. This report gave rise to another dis- cussion of where the crossing should be made at Hamilton and -Victoria streets. • Count Clark moved that the sidewalk be built only to Dr. Hunter's eortier, but eventually the report WAS adopted as read. mm The Finance committee recoend. ed that the chairman and elerk take up the matter of printing the auditors' report in pamphlet form, 200 or 300 • copies, and submit tenders. (2) That the following accounts be paid: Geo. Porter, $3.05; Morrow & Johnston, •2.50; R.E.T. Pringle, $1.40. Adopted. toent avenldrequare sanae t nun Ott showed, an ie. moved that' the matter be referred to Public: Vi7orko Committee, Mr. Robert Efliott, who,inad, gat no sa,tiefactien tn his request, again de- manded Abet the Couocit carry out whet had been claimed by them this evenbig,to treat all men alike,antEeav- itig the room the controversy over the deputation question cettuued. The mayor euggested that an the Minister of Public Works wee at his home in London eitoh. Saturday the suggestion Made by the Board of Trade to visit him there would be much Cheaper all4 as efteeth'e. Colin. Elliott could not agree with this -he wanted spree one to go down to Ottawa with the mernber say next Tuesday, as the House would meet on the 8th; and he moved that Mg. Wm. Proudfoot be sent at the toWn's ex- pense. After a lull of five minutes, Coma. Clark seconded this,but on a vote only these two voted yea, and the motion to refer to P. W. committee carried. The olerk held up the Local Im- provement bylaw, but witfli a chorus of "move wis adjourn" the session ended. The question' of the Elevator Co's request for a rebate of their business tax for 1905, owing to the elevatoi• having been in use only to July 1, was discussed, and as the company had paid the full tax of $450 on their pro- perty, it was decided on motion of Courts. Blair and Goldthorpe that theirbusiness tax of Sim for the whole year be remitted. The clerk reported that tenders for printing the auditors' report had been received, and being opened and read, the tender of B. H. Townsend at53c. per page for 200 copies and 67e. for 300 copies. was apparently approved, the committee to prepare the copy and superintend the printing. The Special committee reported that no action be taken on the claim of W. H. Burgess for compensation for being quarantined in the McLeod house on Hamilton street during the diphtheria case The aleck read a rc.elpt for the $10 doneted to the Free Sanitarium at Muskoka. The enreplitinte of Alex. Stirling and John Kernighan that they were chatged ftir a year's water rate when they had not used the water at all, it having been turned off by the town,' severe allowed if the engineer find the faeta tie teported. Arietbeeletter from Mr. E. !limiest complained that Robert Clark was erecting au ice house on the street a: the committee meeting, which was Chairman Elliott rose to explain why the committee had not reported on the matter of police regulations, and in doing so made over a half hour's speech, the sum of which was that the other members of the com- mittee did not see eye to eye with him on the question, and they had been unable to agree on a report. He read a long list of regulatiens for the gov- ernment of the police, which he had gathered from many sources, and he wanted tbese adopted as being about right. Fault had been found with the present police, but the P. M. had said they were all right, and the County Attorney said they carried out orders to his satisfaction. Be waschampion, ing these men against the fault found with them, and his investigation of the fees they had received during the year allowed a wide difference from the figures alleged by Come Sallows. The men were but poorly paid and shOuld be allowed these fees as an in- centive to do their beet work. He could net get the committee to agree with him at their meeting, mid he now moved that the old rule regarding the hours of duty he confirmed by the Council, and the rules he had drawn np be referred back to the committee. Coun. Blair said the whole address and the !notion were outof order, the committee had made no report on the Matter, therefore it was still before them, and the question before the Connell was the adoption of the recent- mendation regarding Burgess' Claim. Coon, Bellows said be must take ex. ception to the chairman's conduct at RHEUMATISM le My Practiee *44 iiWaffe meet gratifying results. WM Pre* Kietors Of this Medicine de not esitate to furniiit the formula Of e tablete to pbyielane; and belie* any, physielin con use therm tablet" and reeeduisend them without loss of sea respects . The formula' of Trutt -a -tine at certainly talagta" ficent one end in my e.xperieneene medicine over used brine has given sueli excellent results in eotertiPa- bon and stomach, and liver trouble 'Fridt-a-tives' has. That thee* tablets aet beneficially on .the kidneys and skin is beyond doubt and in many cases where the skin was sluggish and inactive andahe complexion had 'Pruit-a-tives' have given the meat plea -sing retuilts." DR. D. J. CoVertrae, member of the internal staff of the General Hospital, Ottawa, and who has extensive experience, states I have used ‘Fruit-a-tives' or 'Fruit Liver Tebletie with most beneficial results in obstinate constipation and biliousness, and found their action mild and non -irritating, and yet more curative than any medicine ever esed previously. I strongly recommend Trait-ftfives' to those suffering from these complaints." At an amnesia or sent postpaid oil receipt of price. 50e. a box or 6 bare. for 91.50. FRUIT-A-TIVB LIMITED, OTTAWL Zw&yu 001ECIN Sot *ow *in. Mt* $040. tosii umot von Aiwi *loa* P INT)R! vim The Arch -Fiend of the Age. •Neat war. more deadly than this Modern butchery.„ --but catarrh which leads to consumption and annually kith' more than famine and war cons - blued. tThe doctors now eucceesfully fight Oataerh with a. remedy that never fails-Catarrhozone, it's death to every type of catarrh. It deetroye every root and branch of the disease so thoroughly that a relapse need never be feared. If treaded with colds, nasal or throat, catarrh, or sub- jeet to bronchitis or asthma, use Catarrhozoneand you'lle be cured fo. ever. At a public meeting in Seaforth the electors decided by a majority of four or five not to have Main street, a, deci- sion which is generally considered ad. vanoing in the wrong direction. Lives in the Blood. Consequently it requires an internal treatment, line- that will restore the blood. and thereby relieye the copse of the pain. r' After years of experiment Dr. Ham- ilton succeeded io producins, remedy that quieltly' efFkr -rhet gout and all uric acid disorders. This marvellous cure has been given to the public as Dr. Hamilton's Man- drake and Butternut Pills, in every case they cure quickly. By toning the kidneys and liver Dr. Hamilton's Pills enure a clean, heal- thy body. The blood is restored to a normal, healthy condition, renewed •vigor is imparted to overworked or- gans. and thus the general health is built up, and no room is left for rheu- matism to creep in. • Discouraged sufferer, relief is at hand. Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and you will soon shake hands for good with your old enemy. Here is a sub- stantial proof: A Cripple's Story of Cure. ," This is a glad day for me," writes James E. Brownfield, from Midland, Ont., "because I can speak of my per- manent cure of rheumatism. I have been all through the aching doge and sleepless nights, have spent my money on worthless renaedies, and conse- quently in reconinaending Dr. Hamil- on's Pills I feel sure of their -merit. No remedy gave me such relief or did me so much good as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. My rheumatism they cured, and ever since my health has been perfect." When Dr. Hamilton's Pilis are to be bad in any drug etore, It's foolish to live on in misery and ill -health. You ought to get this medicine today and cure yourself. Price 25c. perbox, or five boxes for $I. At all dealers, or by mail froni N. C. Poison & co., Hartford, Conn., U. S. A., and. King- ston, Ont. (pliONOtillOtti t51.KEEN) °ire of the VOWS': of Bron- chial Diseases, *because it Jia s, theworst after-effects. The fitst gy.ptotrig are Chins 'it'd rem Cough, -Sorar and Inflamed .Ne apt liiil*-°v'enifA'n Gueed Pr"' Tht044 BUIS .10 _Aft Chest, Settefe ett P in 11 d Cho 14 it %AV' 4IttZlinottd, hP rue ti anyt ng aoli4t Night &Veit, Lusgitude,,,-should not be- neglected.• •Ira' "glthttL'irttiVinutliT 1'S(.11/JRffireventt and positively cures. LA Grip pet • dftlea putting his name to a folo pfitionogia, and Ursn1titis. t cannot ite cotisidered a veer , relitt 0.1 person. Ile mrty succeed TRW, tatri.T Lit PAR' rt nom sing the vino of the eta/anent • The Zurich Herald of last week says: "Saturday afternoen iisis the liveliest day in town for some time. Mr. H. C. Doan, V. S., informed the Herald that in driving West on the Zurich road he met 43 rigs coming into_ t village in the first mile out of town. Zurich is the busiest place of its size in Huron county. That Zurich will have railway connection in the not distant future is almost an assured fact, No less than three applications for railway charters through Hatton coun- ty will come before Parliament at the next session. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought 144 Bears 411.9.. Signatureof .4e The wicked editor of the Clinton Nett Era, in referring to a report made to Superintendent Putman at Toronto, thus slanders the good people of noble Ashfield township :-"Being a lecturer upon soil and subsoil, cattle and grain, and other things of a material ,nature, he does not delve further into the peculiar situation presented by a superabundance of bachelors, and a marked dearth of children. He simply makes the plain, bald statement. and lets it go at that. We don't know whether his statement is true or other- wise, but we are under the impression that there are more bachelors in Ash- fleld township than in any other in the county. And there is no good excuse for it, because Ashfleld has some of the finest girls to be found in Ontario. • Legal Notes From Huron. aw.; and Empires Legal Queries Department) O. Blyth -Qu. -I am a house- holder in a village and receive $10 annually from a mortgage on a farm. Can I be compelled to pay income tax? Ana - The income derived from mortgages is subject to taxation. There Is no exemption in such cases. But the incoine of a farmer "derived from his farm" is exempt. ••• F. 0.1'., Wroxeter. - Qu. -B had a sale of farm stook; A put a cow in foral se. The cow was sold; the purchaser now finds that one of her teats does not give milk. Can he return the cow and demand his money back? Anti -Where cattle or horses are sold at public auction without any "warranty" as to their souninesa, the purchaser buys them at his own risk. The general rule is that the purchaser of articles, tioldht public auction, must examine them himself. The aucti- oneer is not hound to point out their defects. W. R., Dasiwood--4112.--If a person dies worth $50,000, does the govern- ment charge a percentage on the whole amount, or only on the excess over $10,000? (2) If there are debts must they be deducted from the amount of the estate before the sue- e,ession duty can be charged? Ana. -No nuccesslon duty is collect- able from any estate which is under or does not exceed, $19,000. If the entate exceeds $10,000, after payment of debts. and Is liable to duty, the duty Is collected from 440 whole amount. Where the estate passes to a stranger 10 per cent. is collected. If it passes 40certain of the more distinct relatives of the deceased 6 per cent. only In collected. (2) The debts must be &- dude& and the duty la chargeable on the balance. See Succession Duty Act of 1005, Ibis too lengthy to give here. A. 0,, Clinten.-Qu.-During an in- vestigation A was intimidated and hutzed into. signing a statement of facts which purported tb give evidence relieving the Mideirde of an Institution front all blame. Ile now regrets hav- ing signed the statement. Gen he **palate It and bring an action again - t the parties for causing him to align it? , .whi HCaigncd, hot it in quite certain trotter,* g dt„02.1.46ist 006 por to" it,60,0„thit 44004 014 feitithwottomo tbOot 6 cannot Maintain an action for **low *Am De. te,, sac** icetestteetweetiTeemeh exeleet the partite *be fit- itit tablet MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS are mild, sine and safe, and area perfect regulator of the system. They gently unlock the secretions, clear away all effeto and waste matter from the system, and give tone and vitality to the whole intestinal treat, miring Comet's - tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dyspep- sia, Coated Tongue, Foal Breeth, Jame dice, Heartburn, and Water Brash. MIA R. S. Ogden, Woodstock, N.11,.. writes: "My husband and aura, have used Mil - buries Lexa-Liver Pills for a number of years. We think we cannot do without them. they are the only pMs we ever take." Price 25 cents or five bottler for $1.00, at all dealers or direct on receipt of prim" The T. Milburn Co., Limite4 Toroto; Ont. To Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan SPECIAL TRAINS FOR SETTLERS With live stook (mil arises, tram Toronto at 9.00 pm. EVERY TUESDAY DURING MARCH ANC, APRIL COLONIST CARS ATTACHED NO EXTRA CHARGE Settlers travelling -without live steak-hould me 1.15 p.m. train froco Toronto daily. TOURIST CARS on 'ruesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays leid sat urdays. Coat of slopping berths as (ollows- • Winnipeg - 111.00 Regina - $a.00 Mooso Jaw • 6.0e Calgary - 8.00 "Settlers' Outdo" and "Wstrn Canada • booklets of practical uso and interest to tiers, with mtos and full information fro. upon application to tioatost Canadian !oco, Agent, or _ write to C. It Foster, 1). P. A. C. P. ft. Torono. JOSEPH KIDD, C. P. R. Agent, GoderIch • The editor of a western paper has printed the following list of rates for puff": For telling the public that a man is a aucceseful citizen when every- • body knows he in lazy as a govern- ment mule. $2.80; referring to a de- ceased citizen as one •Who Is mourned by the entire community, when we know he will only be missed by a pekoe circle, $1.113; referring to some glli- vanting female as an eetimftble lady whom it Is a pleasure to meet, when any bueiness man In town would rather see the evil one corning, calling an ordinary pulpit pounder an eminent divine, 00 cents; nending a sinner to heaven, $5. Physicality Exhausted, Lacking 10 courage-otit of joint with everything-seaecely on speaking. term) with even fair health, Such low spirits are pitiable. Your brainfis fagged, vitality sto exhausted Vett eonetitution is well nigh ruined.'Whet you need is Verrozone, that great vitalizer end nutritive Mole. It'ir try Making flesh and blood, by infusing iron arid oxygen into the system, that Verrozone helm it termite Week epota, itletilla nett/ life info worirout organs -makes you feel like faeW. Perform* lifts ago from the old mad imparts resilience and buoyancy tO dill de. depressed. Ile manly, ruddy colored ellist aside weakliest and enter the happy life that cornea trent .„ttelti Vertnaoh. Fift tents htfle *beg any dent atme P .., GRANOTRUNk RAILWAY II SYSTEM 59661d1 OnWaij Kates to Billings, Mont., Denver, Colorado Springs, Salt Lake City, Nelson, Rossland, Van- couver, • Portland, Ore., San Francisco. Tickets CIA sale daily. Spoolal SOWS Train to North Wost Every Tuesday during March and April, special train with colonist sleeper will leave Tor- onto at 9 p. m, every Tuesday during March and April for Manitoba and North West. Passengers travelling without live stock should take express leaving Toronto 1.45 p. tn. Tha Short Lino to Leave home Thnrsday p. m. arriving in Cuba, Havana, early Monday morning direct con- nection. Tourist rates in effect. IS THE Pf.A WHOM VOL) CAN WIT ANYTHINQ YOU NSW IN TINWARE'' ORANITEWARE STOVES and RANCE'S COAL OIL and GASOLINE Quality, the Best Prices Right Let me figure on your PLUMBING, HEATING and TINSMITHING Satisfaction guaranteed W. R. PINDER 41M11 tax arrived stud we wonbl el; grft Plesatite stioviuff the *tow styles for Optng. 'Xita pattrOur shorett, euAltiog we hob over ShOW4 befre, and ibst IS selleg a good dal. We ano quite 100 of our SIG elftl. 412 Suite fee tueir"-they ere really hateltenles atidAin I/0044 te Cts:WWI the hig etal Th cletbleg trade. Our experieuee has taught us when to tin tee uNati thattewhy We Clain to bavOthe best valuta. Give us. the oppottunity of proving our Spring Hats hztve arrived, Cali and see the 6.1(ing tlat," BUILD UP For Tickets and full information, call on F. F. LAWRENCE, Town Ticket Agent ofnee Hou*'st-ftaci am to 9.00 pm J. STRAITON, Depot Ticket Agent. OR J. D. 14cDONALD, Dist. Passenger Ag't TORONTo. THE "LORNE" REMEMBER We build besidesa good wagon Pievette of en kinds, Narrows, Rafters, Matiure Spreaders, Stuffier., Wheelbarrows, Eta, Etc. Always pleased to moll you OW CA tell0(rU0. Tho Wilkinson Plough Co. LIMITED TORONTO - CANADA by taking our Tonics Beef, Iron & Wine 1 bottles for 75e Cod Liver Oil $1 bottle for 500 Syrup Hypophosphites $1 bottle soe S grg aP a4341E,1,- $1 bottle for 75c Any ot these will put you in good shape for the spring, at H. W. Thomson's DRUG STORE Every tlour Delayed IN CURING A COLD IS DANGEROUS. You hive often heard people mar "Its only • eold, • oiling cough," but manyo life history Would read different if, on the firri appearanne of a °Gogh, it had bean remedied with Dunlop's itoserp • TORONTO beeleeritIrateast triewarasatv dean to - Meal timelier fee all eetesteee, he as sei *hi tas sae /obit helixes/ Pelts tflrifod ?*f� fill* *94 seep. wad mete ceedition distireete a tut le l,pUttI�as • too.000 Rao Thee hi 10,114 Re Durztor newt, 1.44otowviatoalp Klatt Thom 11004416 ' park vox DR. WOOD'S NOR- WAY PINE SYRUP. r,. 4 1:.);* t. • '''t .1.14,4•14.1;JAIIA. .. r., ,' r;,,x7' • .;.4,„,,i..t: "1. ,1 '.'‘'.'s ',3• ''). '' .."2` ';i,, ' te, . ,. '1`.i„)N,11,;;,a... '''''.1P • t, HAS. J. HARPER West St. . GODERICH WHERE to get your Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wiring Fixture, Steel Ranges, Coal Oil, Granite and Tinware. Nickle Plated K ETTLES • Tea. at cut prices. We got 6 dozen of the above Kettles at a big dis. count from regular prices. We guarantee them to be the best Kettle made to day, and at the price we are selling them at they are big bargains. It is a pleasant, safe and effectual remedy, that may be oonildently relied upon as a specific: for Coughs and Colds of all kinds, Hoarsernese, Sore Throat, Pains In Chest, Asthma. Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough. Quinsy, and all alba tione of the Throat and Lungs. Mrs Stephen E. Strong. Berwick, N8.. writes: "I have used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for Asthma, and have fotmd 10 40 be a grand medicine. always giving quick relief. We would not b• without a bottle of 11 in the house." Dr. Woods Norway Pine Syrup 1. put up in • yellow wrapper. Three Pine Trees is the trade mark and the price 25 'ants at all dealers. Refuse substitutes. Demand Dr. Wood's and 180 11. The Brussels Post of last week says - For a tidy little village Anhorn van outdo the most of the piaces of that size in the capital cement eldowallo; put down Int season, Pointers of real value might be secured hy more p0. tendons places. It in a pity thtthe new 0. P. It. line did not 11311 It little neater the villege, but if the inountain will not go to Mohrtmet then Mohainet must go to the mountain. -- - Chamberlain's Liniment for Rheu- matism. Dinules Drake, a mall out kir AA °hold n v 111 , Conn., save : Ilia beltiin'. n'ii Palo Hahn in the ehampion of all liniments. The past. year I was troubled a great deal with rheinnat lam in nty shoulder. After trying neveral mires the stoiekeeper here reotn• mended thin remedy and it completely mired me" There In no use of anyone angering frorn that painful ailment, when thin liniment can he obtained for a small Faun. One application gives prompt relief, and Its continued tine for a short thne will oilstone a per- manent cure. For sale by Jas. IV 1 it/Orl They wail -last long, so get busk. Worsells' Cheap Hardware a d Stove Store Ftev. H. Newcomb, of Clinton, nays that during bin lengthened ministry, he hart officiated at double weitilingn, and double christenings, but not until last week did he have a double funeral. He wan called on to officiate at the burial of two Inmates of the House of Refuge; they were Interred nide by nide, one burial service answering for the term SPEX! We don't dub ourselves PROFESSOR but we know how to assist 'efective vision, if lenses will do it. Try us. Examination Fri Ii. PARK JEWELER AND OPTICIAN The greater the irritation In the throat the more distressing the cough becomes. Coughing is the effort of Nature to expel thin irritating sub. stance from the air parimges. Blekle'n Anti-Connumptive Syrup will heal the Inflamed parte, which exude nauenue, and restore them to a healthy Mate, the enugh disappearing under the curative effeete of the medicine. It is pleasant to the taate, and the prier. 21 cents, le within the reach of all Isaac lifetlavin, the well kno h( c4.‘ raiser of Leadbury, 1(teIC111605 Ile er ed In Seaforth to Luke Fortune, fef the pregresalvo f' th farmers oe It • Nu filtc'reloartert'4dv,arlorbwmilale"Ittliliteel;clii 511i'd er°rateaeLfipluilm,i("0°°°;14t cot": Limited $110. 1111111111111MMINIIMMIE1111 L. /.2) 7,>/i/4 riT$'•, A T11111 SCh001 has become the lead- ing Commercial school in the West, No similar institution is doing more to thoroughly equip young peoplg for responsible posttions. Our courses are thorough and practical, while the teaching is done by experienced In- structors. All gratin/nee get good positions. Von may enter at any time. Write for catalogue, ELLIOTT and bioLACHLAN, Principals 1 Smoking Comforts oniiw.miimmorisismosemossomissosiontiiimosoommii In every respect The Brunswick carries 1.1 upto-date stock of Pima, Tobaccos, Cigars and Smokers' Sundries. variety and Quality can onl) be found here. When you want your wants supplied come to the BRUNSWICK C.CAR STORE WEST STREET, - - GODERICH "The Star" is a Leader --sure. PAGE FENCING THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST When you buy a knife for instance, you Resides t ho extra strength and superior consider the quality of the steel in the workmanship, PAGE FENCES aro dip - blade. The biggest anti heaviest k fit• is not pod in ei. special white paint. wh ich on neeeswirily t he hest. Now I here is just as top of the hest of galvanizing, will lengthen much difference in the qii.i1;iy and sit ritgt h the life of wre for yenrs. And, also, this of steel in fence wiro as white voating makes wins there Is In a knife Illtde or mut it more sightly. a high carbon oteel razor. The Pogo Co. 1190 , strength and ela.sticity of Owing to the great wire. which though it P AO F. fencing, ono - .4 :10-` costs you het little more, i ...iiimm_,-- • . __ itthjuirr,d11,1°1 :tem 1341retisuttinagre thee- , ' 8"7, XII? (1133r I: 0.4.. of the fencing. is fifty per cnt. (o" ) l stronger than wire in 03 ,ir fences, The lightest P1)li za . , 4 An you get in PAGE 1' PI N C ES ono -half (once iv as strong as the henviegt of other an dies. moro 'tattoo ofrongth. Notice the lot k in PAGE. greater protection against EMPIRE" FENCE. You T 5*8. LOC 1.1. 1 N PAC.% E. rued, ty ter workmanship, may havrtnotiied also that ' • EMPIPIE.' FENCE'Sbettet appearance, uso others aro ImItatine183.3, ,'qt, can you afford ....._ U. That is a good recommend for it. to use other fnces, even though you could When) we lead other, follow. buy them for one-half the price of the All PAGE wire is "COILVD." not PAGE. ? ,Iiia, really oure cost you crimped. little. if any moro. 408 Get prices before placing your order for Fence Gates or Lawn Fence. SOLD AND ERECTED BY J. B. HAWKINS, Goderich. •woo'.? -110,0 ".• CANADAS POPU.AR INTIIIUMENTS 1. • I "•• Popular because they are good in every particular In Touch, Tone, Design and Wol. manninp. The Bell in the only piano with the Illimab!e QumIt Repeating Action. ly • O r" fber ten to but the et' tOliVit 1 a' •••