HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-03-09, Page 3. WC .1"
Tim uOrARICti STAR has * 1.0X0r
iCirculatIon than any other Nevirepaper
In till* *talon 0! the county ot Huron
I ;
*130 Eau , !left- el. And 41,131.er Sikieethoo will earn inter*
kekieg advant3ge the •
or 1-)rposir
son, gotopoo, foe tedr heeltle. t expleininglhepleoindetall..
The .00veralnint. antliOrizes ink toNuceptflopqpips
, „
Gopsimx Opflo .z-r-CORt. STRMT,
A:111) %PA: ITORTON‘ MGR-.
LOne.erast weeeLsonteedbigre tee
treien the, Karbet Ma* Milt and Men,
aitiyte Ice tHeuee, naLogglugachain. ,Finder
Wid be reWarded00.10Aving it. at alai; Ed-
ward Rotel.
-rx-ntavrED. t„„uhed honed for
v v summer. Apply Mrs. Smith, OM Spa. -
dine Ave.. Toronto.
AY WAIED--te in the market
dud)* irt wont for _the pgreketse of
y. Farmers WhO have goea quality' Mould
IX/ gib me with as tittle away as possible. --
exit lutes, near the Furniture FeeterY,
'11ETANTED To RE:RT.-Five or ten acres ot
VY well cultivated kindeaultable km gard-
ening. Clive location and terms. A dress E.,
care STAR 0111164
CLIRti WANTED. -For General Housework,
ez...a no washlug.,Apply at this office.
WAIZED.-tonizpaggie ability to take
-Tem (fAigtlx Commeerthst 1 a rdi ,
10 Tease twit Arcade, Toronto, Ont.
C11111. WANTED. -Apply to Mrs. King.
Edward Hotel. eroderloh.
NATE PAY SALARY.-Twe to six dollar);
• tier darapither 00w -introducing our
"New fowl freetraining;rapIdadvancoment:
olleertualty sure. PlICHOLS COMPANY, Lim -
Dad. Toronto. (Mention this paPer./
(100D OatL WANTED.-Forgeneralwork.
• 4._.11 .ApplYatauron liouse.
is possible that room accommodation,
wit our witbaut board. will be required f et
the week of march MO. tot delegates to the R.
W. Provincial Grand Orange Loop of otttario
VVest. kTitate citizens who hey° owoommode,
den will center a favorby communicating with
the eheirmait 711r. A. N. Todd, or leaving par-
ticulars at TA Swin Moe.
(-SALE FOR SALE, -Sire, Durham ; dam,
ve_i Jersey, Apply at STAR Moe.
k9V1—,;,VE-114.13Ver IrEroTtnte'rviva:
easca. 00 na e
FOR SALE. -Several useful
.Annhoue'LEIllo use ex cats for sale, ;Devil as a
Challengejleater, good as =We HardwOod
Table. two Sideboarde, several Doors. Sofas,
andotherartleimi. Reason for Felling, no room
for thrills. Apply at STAR Office.
XXX Shingles,' Cedar Posets and Plank.
Ilendook and Hardwood Lumber, °tee
etc. THE GODERI1711 LUMBER CO.,Linitted.
VOROPERTY FOR SALE.- The desirable
.L. -property on Elgin Avenue, Goderick,
oweed and oecufsd by Dr. WI:1E0kb%. GoW
Muse and two -t of an acre of land, with
choice e house Is heated by hat
water and has alimodern improvements. A
bargain for any person wanting first-class pro
petty at, a moderate pritse. Apply to or address
DR. WHITELY, Goderich.
1111sAPEFtS FOR SALE. - Several hundred
.11. melee of old newspapers for sale. Juno the
thingwhen yen are houseeleaning. Apply at
sa_ tsaJeftnserst Wat eledertiree Stook Fetid, Of
gfre Taw, BitURR°"10V9tIllpeZ
We have ,constantly in aback a large
enpply of Cement Bricks foreale.
Call and get prineas
\ Ur. E. KELLY
dee 18 hereby given that an apolication
will be made to the Legislative Assembly of.
the Proviece of Oritatio,at its next seeelon, for
• Aot toenable the Minicipalityorthe Town
of Goderich to guarantee the bonds. ef a com-
pany to lio teemed and known as the Maitland
River Power Company, for the purpose of de-
veloping water power on the 'Maitland River
near Goderieh and transmitting electric power
therefrom, in an amount not more than
5160,000 In the aggregate, provided tho electors
of the said town shall first approve of tho
bylaw therefor.
Dated at Ooderich this 6th day of FebruarY,
Dwirmsort & GARROW,
SoliOiters for Town of Goderich.
TIOs ROPERTY FOH SALE. -A eomfor able
.1 frame dwelling on Kama St., with mod-
ern conVeniences, stable and driving house.
coinmedious frame dwelling 'on South and
Platen streets, with good riohle.
A frame &Yelling on Keay's street.
On Bruce fats
Eesex Eits
Meidreal St,
Britannt4 Road,
Cedar Street and
Huron Road.
A Farb/ two miles from Carlow, 200 amen ;
neriegbpildino, water, orchard and timber
Farm in West Wawenosh. 3 milefr from Au-
burn ;200 acres, good buildingeiand water.
Fannin Colborne, Lake Shore, 4 nalhas from
Ooderich, 100 acres.
Farm on Hayfield Road, miles from Goderloh,
80 Odes.
Farm: onauron Road. one Odle from Goderieh.
Per further information amity to
Real Eetate and Inaurance Agents.
.11e Lodge of_OritArio West -J. Hs Scott, Walk-
erton, •Rs W. °maid Mastsit ; WID• Led,
OlikangeBell. Torodte, R. W. GrAnd SeeretarY ;
John'Heivitt, 11. W. Grand Treasurer. 234 Sea-
to_n Fared, Toronto Next meeting of, the R.
W. Orand Ledo)) will beheld inGoderieh„ Ont.,
OP the Oec'end W0000.10111 March. 19Ce.
ciomnuan, ottr.
our =an tee learns you Telegraphy, Rail-
way, Express. Telegraph and Ticket Account,
ing. The new and complete eystem whichs I
have. been teaching gives a thorough know-
ledge in all book-keeping. Ladies' receive $40
and mere por isionth.
A. E. MATHESON, Principal,
-Office. G. W. Therason & Son's Music Store
*oitroidery Sale-itedavoit Brae
Rey Wenteleeeiges. %Wee
Weeded te legetr-Ice*eate Stan, entktelit
eleetel lsetelsi . .
chola faut4,44eave leirtieEdene,4 Meet t
Wrettlit nneelatitt tieeelaltietleasirfante '
Atir 001AltaZinf. Iterenerenti..,...10tos,
Zveretblerefor treee--Veletfe44•LeL....,••L
POOleve !Veer. KyalsighreePrett,Teeleee.
eettelettenelertatenerdetterU Aelereeeeet
teireferieeeleeetteat'Xstate Attenteraelatee „,
• liii4f4WA4;••••1•II ••1'1••• ..... • 0 • • • •••
11060434110 Iiii6-„eteeleelell- Velbento 4
eerleigfte *Inge eeee-Wee. ekeree,..,4
eileeektedee.--,Jelee. Woatteraid..,, 3
VY004143114 Vested Free -Pret 14,Seteue1a. s
Now winnow -Iv -A- 1110041 . .... • • 8
Foie -Dig Material -4r H. VaW1410S. . .. s ,
-Certificate ef Deereiteetanderd Lean :- I
ohamplop Phetas teemed eettexi-e.
lionthee 1
ret Viro Fence (medallic'
Furnished lieuse Wen0d-iirs.iiraithI
Kitcheft (Arta Waoiteol Hotel Renard.
Ideal Wire Fetille-,UOW0U'a aaniware- 8
Calf For Male -Star • o • .• 3
12i For external we only, is a positive cure
tor spinal disease, hip disease. inflorninatoil
rheumatism, lame back, lambago. sore throe%
weak and eore lungs, bruises, sprains, etlff
joints, rupture and all kindred diseased. It has
also been found a cure for throat affection ie
horses. None genuine without having the
trade mark on labels and wrappers and A.
MoLetinan's Liniment, Goderich, Ont., stamped
on wax seal on each bottle. Manufactured
only by EvegissuA PlieLENNArl, Solo Paten-
tee and proprietress, Gederieh. Ont.
Tudors for Pulpwood Gonoossioll
Notices under Ude heading to non-advertie-
.0r$ win be charged -40 cents a running line in
impanel type. ie Dees to the inch; to Male
caetmet eslrettlatire wnose advertIaing op -
Pears in the earee &Wile, 6 center!. linetto
time who ut eke a yearly contriwt under this
headline and do not otherwise advertise, 8
mato aline.
-: APA11.00 ROW THATIllataik gianattlW
it'S Vvit0 000444 by the Oeinnallifin,
leterlal AwitoehttItut ,Of Tqr00t0,,":00
Monday, 'Wt. to reolit any off,orte 0
the terenvel le , the 9000 eee.Yeeiee
li et X Pe le .
leieilifrat fiellfitire: Ik Vette telt-t4e
Whine the kpovting.,,eletoo0 obtaios
control inunoral; ettleehtlefie art,n
intreehned,,e0 thet the looney of the
Peetde ite thoeteelretiMetailleen 'Ie. 1,eleet
neon fee et.Perpeee not. eentehiPiletre
Irethe establiohroent of the faitat, , ,
tIonsge On wirWisr„,-4700 wpoit
Meetarte HPlitalm Datti, of Olinton, anli
iTolut Sparrow. of Varna. Wilt 4841
ahip a ear lead of heavy drnught
horses to the Weet, the Omer. going
to leirdengeldate, sod thelatter tO
women,. They °TO each oxpert la en,
of good horeee, and have been ancniteas
,tul breedem, 80 their eeleetione tear
be depended on as all being iletted4ollt
Mids. Most of theae entreat -IS *PO, Vette
Would stook, and should Melte Veld.
able additions to the I/reedit* or tItt#
for West. We hope the geettleMall
may meet with the succese they tals
THE 0. P. R. ---"Nob a pick ill,heard
along the track," la the way a daily
visitor to Macdermott's bank Ptatt it
yesterday, when viewing that part of
the scene befOrehina called the 01. P. It.
traek. To one not in the secrets th6
scene Is unexplainable, for the est
week was e. grand one foal'. out- Dor
work', plenty of MAE were &vat able
for the work and the necesaltiee of
the ease and 'the time limit gelled for
action. yet nevertheless, the only
moving things on, or overd. e Werke,
thntahould be a. moving pano of
men, were a number of crows.
VtrHY NOT P -On the enggestion
Mr. J. II. Worsen. who 'will attend
the annual meeting of the Grand
pouncil of Canadian Home 0Irclee in
Toronto next week, invitatione have.
been prepared on behalf of the Towo
Council and Board of Trade to hold
the annual session of UM in Goderich.
There is no reason why this should not
be accepted. The Council numbere be-
tween SOO and 400 people, but the re-'
sponse made to the requett for
accomodation for the Grand 'Orange
Lodge, which meets here next week,
assures plenty 'of accommodation for
either body. Friend Worsen should
be successful in his invitation.
Washington despatch of March fird
said: The House Committee on Foreign
Local Notices.
Taub° az Son use the hew Medi*/
011tbalmnsactreteette In making all examine -
none. tit the Britian Hotel on WellneSday,
Thursday and Friday, Martel le. lb ond 18th.
J. B. Hawkins reports heavy Bator
of Page Wire Fence, Coiled Spring wire mut
Fenolno-PlateriaL keep§ o lull Itteasof
Hardware, and his larks* 4re alWays right.
The eocial urider tile auspices of
Knox Church Y. P. 6. C. R, announced to be
held in the Lecture Room on the 9th Inet., has
been postponed to the Ifith inst.. at 8 o'clock.
Admission ton cents.
Gentlemen who are bald or have
In hairshouldeall on Pref. Dorenwend, at
otel Bedford, Goderioh, on Thursday. Mareh
lid, and see his wonderful devices Toupees
and Wigs worn pn ever 75,000 heads. Explan-
ations and demonstrations free. Privateapart-
wenn); at hotel. Don't fail to ma his new in-
vention. patented all ever the world.
Remember the date of Tauber &
son's viatt to Goderich, and if your oyes
bother you ie any way make it a point to
consult them, at British Hotel on WodnesdaY,
Thuisday and Friday, March 14, 15., and leth.
We didn't win the hockey trophy
thhi season, but Goderich AM hoe the champ -
length, for Artistic Photo work, and will retain
it against all comers. BE/fp/um/ will "show you
the goods " any tinie you call. New ideas
every week.
J. W. Weatherald,still sells Doctor
Greene's Duproved Sarsaparilla, three bottles
for only 51.50. 1 haye also secured the agener
for the " Vinlex' and "Eldredge " Sowing
Machine., either of which arc guaranteed to
give satistaetion. Call and see them at my
store. next door to Proudfoot, Ilays & Blair
law °Mee, the Square. Goderich. 2t -e. o,
Headaches 0E0 the result of eye
etrain; proper fitting glasseardlLgive perma-
nent relief. If you are troubled that way con-
sult Taub(' & Son at the Britieh Hotel, God -
°doh. on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
March, IL, 15 and 16th.
ELIENDERS will be received by the under -
A. Signed up to and including
Slur the right to cut pulpwood on certain areaa
laihutary to the Montreal River, in the District
•vf NIPIrsing. the Nepigon River, tn Ole Dietriet
)of Thunder Bay, the Rainy Lake. the Wabi-
amen River and the Lake of the Woods,' ait in
the District of Rainy River. Tenderers should
-Mate the amount they are prepared to Pay
as bonus in additiou to such dues an may be
fixed from time to time for therIght to operate
A pulp ar pulp aud paper. inaustrgr. oe the areas
' referred to. Seccesetal tenderers be re-
vered ta erect mills on the territories and to
manufacture the wood pulp th tr-Provinee of
Parties snaking tenders will be required to
eloposh, with their tender) a marked Cheque,
payable to the Treasurer of Ontarie, tor ten per
Aent. of the amount of their tender, to be for-
feited in event of their not entering into
Agreements to carry out conditions, on. The
highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
For particulars as to description of territory,
•capital required to be inveeted, etc., apply to
the undersigned.
Minister of Lands and Mines, Toronto, Ont.
__--r •
trEOICETT, General Auetieneer
,c X 108 Stamilton Itreet Gesterfela P. O. Box
1 ' anti% farm sto k, alid,all other &des will
reetilite some Mon Ion. I Will buy your an.
tiro eteck of,lieudOold Foram% and wiliipoty
Mot mufit WIT lot tile Itnew What yea ave
ta '01110 any ne. or csil and am what tan
nen y DISCIETP, Curimity
• Shan, taints
p.,,_SALIO, L. a. to. D. a., MejLeates
111110h. tioderich. Turnbeire old
BIB/00.N Hands Oodettch Onte---Ther
, trughly tatted and Modernised. hong)
or the tragellet And termer.. Bed dollars daY
!newer be fellnd Anywhere. N.J.
ShlY" treertettoro
ik. ____,............,..._,.........
R2ty-dADAMS, teacher of Piano, ote
, Ilaannksegfu!loontreal Block, cor;
ner 'Nest &let d
Oil W. WILLMOTT, (Honors certificate
.1. Trinity College, London, Eng.) Organist
mad Choirmaster of Knox church, Goderioh,
Umber of Plano. Organ, Singing, Theory and
Harmony. Studio, at Mrs. McDonald's, St.
David's street, two doors west of Victoria St.
•Church. 92-3 moc.
-"Yam prepared to give lessons during the
winter months in Drawing, and Painting In
)011 and Water Colors. Samples of the work
-can beacon At Col. Young's office, awl Thom.
son's Music store.
Classes started at once. Private lessons 51
each. In class $5 a quarter
Handsome Chess Table is now on view at
Mr. Kelly'e. The top is entirely hand work, by
(Moodie HARGITT,
'Cambria Read. Goderich, (Goldthorpe Row).
'The above is for sale.
ill .,. Obeid tritoetied tolry *du .06. 4
iiiseetnprott ighetaadaule exetelotity.
endthswitromixpettbetatetal felblin 0(
Is teepttnontrlioikeitelli .
IA . P614 tO : evety department IA tb* 1111
k 140014 ene tegetieel 'Attendee Witt
witetrooterk, and. We hops te Merit d reir
rk, *Knit& thetraVellingptititieo k
1 BELL 6. 4014NSTON *
iiivenner lit Ili* 0101,
0.4000,I*001 *0.
A. T. Entsntesow, M. D.
W. S. To10113tru, M. II.
gown Xuptc.s.
I A MARcH 190,
0,sterbor0 Cagigas the Intently*
te VinnapionatilP. bY Six Holbh '
Morkatilier4f ToOD., rubuoimitim.
Icwip ag*awas.-1009 qe00.30
I :.,q,'S.STO,
litithty evening of last week our
higat herltey teatn;elkbe Veeerheeett
thet eity Itt tho f the -Miele for
lholniernaedloteolianiPlonaltip, When
haif thne wao eailed the wore woe ono
.each anti tbo roma bore :brought the
Wipe*, or erne eitixene ta. a high
onlY, however,. to he dashed, to
the other eatretne by tbeftenteolosibti
:10.04 in favor of the Iitt*Ioebers.,;
Many retteolle Were given for title ien-
„_fitvOrablo Own,. but the getee here Olt
ellentiditY night woold seem to give the
tealtilleteethe Wet town won. Feeling
het OUr boye bad done well to get In-
o the tinalta a Immo nember of lovere
Of the strenteme Sport met them tbe
litatien On their return BatardaY eight*
and received them with music, cheer -
Ike and an oyeter supPer, a deaerved
04knowledgnaent of their splendid
A SUDDEN DRATR.-On Friday even-
ing Thotna,s Lowe, while sitting at
table for the evening meal, fell from
his chair, and before medical' aid ar-
rived passed away. The deceased
lived with bis brother-in-law, E. R.
Watson, Nelson street, and had been
unable to leave the how for some
months, as he was severely afflicted
with paralysis. He came to his reln-
tives here about a year ago, suffering
from the infliction, hut the attack was
such a severe one that recovery was
imPossible. The deceased gentleman
belonged to the Woodmen of the
World, and his'rernains were taken to
London by the early train on Monday,
to be interred in the family plot in
that city, by members of the society.
Mr. Watson accompenied the remains
to London.
Offices, Hamilton St. Residence 121
Offices 102
Night calls for the firm uf Drs, Emmerson
ond Turnbull will be answered either from
'their °Mee, Hamilton street, er from Dr.
Tiwribull's residence, Nelson etreet.
atan andanSnron. Seeelal attention to
.v13,1'3°,10:2 mg.teoatt 0,1410Lanll_pristigne
'West entreat, Ooderich. 'Telephone PICZ c°'
Wheat has not chahged in thin market 81nee
Wav last, theugh in the same period In Chica-
go there was it fall et ten cents. Qats are
atm dropping and apparently the end is net
Mega will be shipped tomorrow, they have
been bought at latt week's quotation».
Butter) and eggs aro unehanged In price.
wed the latter arenow plentifuL Minitel° mar-
ketsare lower.
Berretve & Son shipped 1,000 bushel(' of
tc, Clinton on Wednesday.
. Andrew& will ship hogs today, Mewed
• ,e:rrent, whelre'r Fnere rtrolee
op to onion of rattrtalav.)
an *seat, iltendard ... 40 et to 75
a int Wheat, iota:Ward
V; gee OWL, patent
oar, per Cwt.. family
nranialper ton
Shoren never. topenr ten
luckwheat, per imehel
The Feterhoro teant arrived at 1.20
oo Tnesday for the return and final
Mee, and. their Biro aud superior
Weight were wally noticeable even be-
fOre theY got on the ice. The house,
was a record one, notwitbstanding
the admiterion fee was doubled, and
the eudienee included several Peter -
110,r0 adbeeents and a large number of
people frora adjoining towns and out
tier country. The.game started off
well, Goderloh scoring in less than
half a minute, and when the first huff
ended it was 4 to 0 in favor of our
boys, a score which, es may be expect-
ed, brought thee excitement up to
fetter heat. But during the treaond
•half tfie visitors took a new grip and
tuttnaged to HOMO four goals to the
locals OIRly one, making the gaMe a
winter -Goclerich, te 4, but leaylug
our boys 6 goals behind on the round.
and thus winniug the trophy` for the
Easterners. The game was noticeable
for the many sensational rushes, and
la described by experts as probably
the fastest game 'seen in Western On-
tario this season. The visitor's are
certainly a swift lot of eketers, and
several of their men are es clever as
could be wished for in such a strenu-
ous game, but their reputation for a
tendency to roughness is certainly not
undeserved. Cavanaugh, their right
wing, seemed inclined to rough it
whenever an opportunity arose, lint
theseharp eye of Referee Muir quickly
detected him and he was sent to dec-
orate the penalty box sometimes for
periods of two minutes. Graham also
started' a mier-up with Wiggins, by
striking him over the legs with, his
stick, for wbich Wiggins immediately
handed back a souvenir.
Affaira decided to make a faverable
report On the bill fratnecl by Secretary
of State Root for the reorganization
of the Consular service pg,actically aa
It passed the Senate, but these twelve
Clot/Wien Consulates are abolished by
the House committee : Ontario -Am -
hamburg, Brockville,Chathans,Btode-
rich, Guelph, London, Teterboro,
Stratford, Wallaceburg, St. Thomas.
Quebec-Standbridge and Greenville.
In connection -with the above it may
he mentioned that a bill to re -organize
the consular service in 'Ontario and
Quebec has been passed end will be the
law of the land when eigned by the
President, and that a bill or amend-
ment, has been passed by the lower
house and sent to the upper, before
which it has to come. The lsill for rem-
gan ization gives considerable power to
the secretary, forit apparently contains
no litnitations, therefore it may mean
the closing up of a score of Consulates,
or Riney mean a few changes but no
erasing of Consulates. The action of
the upper house on the amendment
passed by Oongress will likely guide
the action of the Department, and
should it be hurled by the Senate,
there will likely be little disturbance
in the Ontario and Quebec branches of
the Consular eervice. The reason
assigned for the disturbance of tionsu-
lar agencies, is that the governtnent is
not receiving from them sufficient
money to pay their running expenses.
TELs. -The London Advertiser gives
the following which should have an
application to Goderich and be of in-
terest to the people of this town: "The
new hotel to he built by the Grand
Trunk at London will be the first link
in a chain of hotels which will provide
accommodation for that Company's
patteengers wherevee a Grand Trunk
locomotive pokes its nose, It is said
to be the intention of the Company to
lead its competitors a iner•ry whirl,
andit will begin by providing the finest
hostelries everywhere for the acoom-
modation of its patrone. Thue the com-
pany hopes to get in the good books of
the traveling public,and also to ingra-
tiate itself with'the different impor-
tant munielpalities with which it has
IN THE DAYS on '66. -In this issue
of Tun STAR we give our readers a
graphic and very interesting account
of scenes in Goderich 40 years ago,
when the whole gountry was ex-
pecting the invasion of our shores by
the Fenian hordes who then were
planning tbeir mad raid into Canada,
as n, means of venting their hatred
against Great Britain. Mr. Wright,
the author, who has several times
given to the puldic interesting remit].
iscencee of days gone by, has mule
this recital so vivict and realistic that
it deserves a place in the historic an-
nals of the county town, and we have
no doubt there are -hundreds of thorie
who now read it who will 001 it out
and file it away that it may he read by
them again and again as the events Of
ihose brave days of old are recalled.
Extra copies Of THE STAR are avail-
able to all who wish.
2 70 to 2 70
2 25 pe 2 as
19 00 Os 19
20 00 to 20
18 00 to 18
0 31 tt) 0 la
parations are practically completed
for the meeting of R. W. Grand
Orange Lodge delegates next week,
arid the kettertil reporta from outside
points tato the effect that there w
be a moot reptenentative attendance.
The hotela Will Ise able to' aecommo-
41910 at 'rook, while private citizens
have already agreed to take over 100,
and it in expected this will run to at
least 150,making total of 400, so that
it is certein ample accommodation will
be provided. The first delegates will ar-
rive oreTuesday on the 11 a. m. and
1.20 p. m. trains, and the big contin.
0 tst 0 gent on the following trains up to 1.20
p.m. Wednesday. !Several reception
committees, with a central office to
Which to report, have been appointed,
so that, the work of billeting will be
carried out att a system which should
mare() satiettetort and successful.
Baeh delegate wit be presented with
a handsome gold eaf sextrlet badge
with pendant, on Which is a splendid
0110tO tif the Court House and Park.
With Lilo %verde: "Court House, Dad -
aid), the healthiest and prettiest
toWri in Catuida." On Wednesday
tWeitittic there will bp a public meeting
it1 the opera Items° "for the purpose
6 to 6 01 Of tlietti g the lofty principles of
se ttl, o is °ratlike m, and layirtg before the
E to li 50 Otter public the broad aims of
14'"'"" 0' titution." It h) expected cul-
-"- teatti Will be, delivered he, the Grand
'Mae of Ontario Weat end British
eArtree Peet Grebe Mutters, the
oflicere of the Grand Lodfe,
ra. Seats will be reserAtet1 or
there will be no adttdes on
3 E tg
per o ..... .......... ..... 4 0 110
44ttit4 °IC"' ................... 1013 ta t
Ito an now gti
"r"riablbt area • ottg 0
0 is 0 20
Lost ter lb
beep, iv owe % tit
Ova weight 11 75 te 0 00
r b 0 teat 0 la
fit 011$ Meer.- ........... g 4 g 08
ShOtin 08 a o to 80
o 04
Tagew, randere ee • eke,. ,„„„ 0 te, es
teitekbartebarneare to 010
tketa. bet ib
mem. ear
f,tro tratittete.
" atrate fed
leeks, nee b
oa oaintera
.ro aim COIA Oft 00
TAXATIVII DitOMCi ;Quinine preee
Tableta Drnigiste refand money if it
retie Went& 'R. W. ihNtre4 11100141*. bkik
0404dt tit*.
sceNes ergAcreu IN ODDERIcti
ow the Citlzen-Soldlery, Prepared to Defend the
Old Town.
During the Fenian inverdon of '00
probably at no place in POW& did
the excitement become more intense
than at the town of Goderich, there
beingverioris retteons for tide state of
affair% as it Wile fully looked upon by
the Government authorities at Ottawa
that it would most likely be selected
as an objeotive point by the Fenten tue
ganization And their blonde as a most
advantageous locality for their &pre-
Therefore, in view of this expeoted
danger, it weedecided to beim a bettel.
ion of volunteer militia, eomposed of
artillery, rifles and infantry, quartered
in the town.
Added to this three wee the Britislt
gunboat Cherub, recently arrived ft•om
England with fifty bluejacket!) on
The penalties, although' not numer-
ous. were mostly for shushing and
tripping, for which the visitors were
the chief offendera.
Referee Muir was prompt. to detect
any attempt at untair playing and
banded out penalties to the offenders
with juetice. OP/aides were numerous
and hard to detect through the close
checking of both sides. It is general-
ly conceded that W. W. Muir is one of
the squarest and most impartial ref-
erees In this business. There were no
accidents to mar tbe ganie, hut the
speed of the fleet half was too much
for Morgan, of the Peterboroa, who
retired just before the finish of the
baOlft; the Goderith forward line Mc -
Ivor and McDonald on the wings were
in fine form and Made many brilliant
rushes. Wiggins and McGaw in centre
ice also played an exceptionally good
game, and had the ice (teen faster
would have shown some excellent
combination work. Meteor in goal
was a favorite and cleared nicely.
Canapbell at point put up his steady
game and relieved withlgood judgment.
Carr Harris retained his reputation in
end-to-end t•ushes and brook:m.1p,, non:.
attempt at team work by the visitors.
Peterbore 141.
Gnat Mirror
Crowley Carr Harris
Witoroft MeGaw
Right wing A,Whiciglitivnekr
Referee -W. W. Muir, Toronto.
Penalty Timekeeper -Charles Welsh, Strat-
Theekeepers-Goderich. Charles 11. Humber;
Peterbore, Wm. Stroud.
Goal Umpires -W. .1. Thompson, Mitchell;
A. Sheppard. Clinton.
While regretting tide failure of our
boys to land the trophy, it is fair to
say that they have played hockey for
the honor of the game, that our sevens
never contained a professional player
or a non-resident, and that except un-
der the most trying cireurnstances,
when they had to meet extreme rowdy
playing, they played a gentlemanly
game. It must be remembered also
that the team was late in organizing
through some trouble about the rink,
and that during the season when
practice should have been the order of
the day, members were ronflned to
their homes through accidents or the
free use of their opponents' sticka. To
get into the final is alwaye an honor.
but to get into It, under the trials and
difficulties faced by 011r boys makes it
epecial honor, for which they de-
serve the thanks of all lovers of the
exciting game.
The annual service in Knox Church
for sailors and fishermen will be held
next Sunday evening.
Twenty-two new members- were re-
ceived into full communion at the pre-
paratory service imEnox Ohurah, last
Friday evening-ttVelvaon professicin
of their faith, and ten by certificate
from other churches.
The Wotnern's Auxiliary of St.
George's met in the school room on
Monday afternoon and started the
Lenten sewing session, and the Girls'
Auxitiary met in the evening and
commenced their Lenten work. The
Auxiliaries will meet every Monday
during Lettbr
The handsome new North street Me-
thodist church will be dedicated to
the worship of God on Sunday, March
1Sth. Rev. A. Carman, D. D., Gene-
ral Superintendent of the Methodist
church, will preach morning and even-
ing, and the Raciv. Joseph Philp, D. D.,
President of the London Conference,
will preach in the afternoon at 8 o'-
clock. On Monday evening there
will be a grand supper and entertain-
ment, at which excellent musical ta-
lent will take part. The opening ser-
vices will be continued on the follow-
ing Sunday, March 26th, when Rev.
Jasper Wilson M.A., chairman of the
Windsor Distrlet n,nd former pastor,
will preach morning and evening. In
the afternoon ot three o'clock there
will be intereeting services in connec-
tion w I th the Sunday School, et, which
Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Clinton, and Rev.
J. a Reid, of Nile, will speak.
the MD obeeeted to Mon that score,
for the heelth and happinese of the
donor WWI quietly but alneerely ex -
'pressed in final benediction before
deoppine off to sleep.
9160150 11101.0 PITS.
The Sunday following these °vestal
the "reveille" omitted ell over the
toWn for the men to fall in at the gen-
etal museering place on the Square.
Prom here they wore 'marched down
West etreet anal halted in front of the
Canada Omer building, Arms wore
piled, and in their places picks, spades
and shovels were dietributed, and the
men set to work digging a trench
front the top of Herber hill to the
lighthouset being sunk between two
and three feet deep, with the addition
of the earth thrown out it made an
excellent cover for the use of the rifles.
At the conclusion of this duty. duce
eentry posts were established in posi-
tions which conunanded an uninter-
rupted view of the lake. The first of
these formed the guard room in the
huilding known In those days aS Hand&
Bakery ; the seeoud at the corner of
"The Rookery," the then resideece of
the late D. H. Lize,rs, and the third at
the Lighthouse point near where the
Russian gun is now mounted.
During the night the aentries at
-these pests- wereorderect to signal oath
other by rolling out every hour,
" Number one, all's well," "Numbet
two, all's well," " Number three, alit;
well," the object being to keep each
other in touch as to what, was going
on, besides the assurance that 1141 long
as they kept 'Mutable out in this uran-
ner Woe sufficient evidence. that they
were all wide awake and attending to
their duties.
MONDAV, March Isrin-Auction sale
of farm stock at lot 20, con. 6, West
Witwanosh, property of Giro. SMYTH.
JOHN PunviS, Auctioneer.
FRIDAY, March 3oth.-Auctioit stele of
pure bred registered abort horns and
gr.sde cattle, con. 1, Godericb tp. Jos.
errever 8„ rtroprietor T, GLINPRY (Me,
MoNDAV, March rath.-Anction sale
of farm stock and implements, con. 6,
Gorierfch tp, , t mile from Porter's Hill.
Ono, Cox, proprietor. T. ()MIMI!, auct-
TtlEsnA.V, March eoth.-Mr, John MR-
ty will sell by public auction at the pre
mines, pt. Lot re, con 3, Wort WRIVa-
nosh, a so -acre farm, farm teak and
impletnentn. THOMAS OUNDRV, Auc-
Wernmentv, March 2tet. Mrs. Mar-
garet Malloy will tell by public auction
a 50-nere farm, fartn stock, implements
and houcehold furniture. Rverything
must be dieposed of,ag family are moving
to the Northwest.
When Trothe Ann examine your
eyes. you get the benefit of over 3:1 years' ex -
potence, rine that (write for A great deal.
At the 1011011 Hotel, Wortnemllky, Thum/lay
luni Friday, March IL 111 and 10th.
An exchange says: "Soule adverti-
terra aro like invalide who wait until
one foot le in the greve, then ceriatilt
a doctor end demand instant eure for
getters of folly. Ttle tinle toedwietise
a leurinets le when it le young end ac-
tive. wilee We a edge of "Mot hog or
elle." The time ter quit advertising is
*heti von want to q.lit buorness.°
Front a photo taken in Sarnia in 18&1.
tweed, under the commend oreaptein
Huntly, R. N„ and several other offic-
ers ; two hig Armstrong guns and the
usual complement of rifles, cutlasses,
etc., for the men, comprising her
Year. R.Wriint:or. Runner tip, Score,
1897 3 0
'1823 Listowell 4 10
lit wFraoritmterinwile
Frontenao National 4 • 2
3 - i
1001 London Belleville
St. George's Port Hope le 8
1902 Poterboro (hat 7 0
1132 171
Stratford MM
h00.5 Paris indrilrthnoresi
Vie. Harbor Berlin 9- 0
14 8
Peterboro Goderleh
j;letowell won on Waterloos dleguallfleatIon.
There was also a provincial.gunboat,
named the Prince Alfred, manned by
men from the flag ship Aurora lying
at Quebec, which was kept constantly
cruising, principally between Sarnia
and Windsor, with headquarters at
Drilling and parading by the land
fot•ce was steadily kept up day by
day, while sentries were stationed t
night, at prominent points of obeeev.
NVhat with manual earn else early it;
the morning, battalion movements
from 10 to 12, and company drill in the
afternoon, the men soon became toter -
ably familiar with a soldier's dales,
such as the use of the rifle, bayonet ex •
ercise and how to maieh pr•opet I y,
coupled with Arica military diecip-
line made them IL fairly effective
.A the time the Ferdans were eross-
ing at, Fort Erie, ttn the memorable
second of June, the eon -unending of-
ficer, Maine A. M. Ross, received ot
telegram from Ottawa while the t
were engaged in their ()volutions on
the Court House Square.
The battalion wee al once brought to
a halt, the men 'denoting to attention,
while the important dispatch was
communicated to them, From It It
was leiti•neci that the country wns nl.
ready invaded anti war actually going
The Major. in a few serious and
patt•lotic words, ruldr•esetel presient
on the gravity of the situation, can -
This evening the Tectunsehn and the
osemites will content for the charn-
pionehip_of the Town Hockey League
in the West street rink. The pretty
trophy cup in on exhibition at Hum-
ber's, and the game in likely to be the
belt local event of tho seamen. Ad-
mission 10a for ladies and 15c f or
Toronto, Mareh 7. -The pareonnel of
the All-Star teams has practically been
decided upon, the position of centre
for the easterners and of point for the
westerners still remaining to be filled.
Gross, of Berlin, was nnable to play
owing to a broken rib. The tenure
will line-up ati follows ;
Tyner goal A rdtgrh
point ueo
Forbes cover point Hamber
TW1sits rover Gould
Edmunds centre
Rug right wing Bloomfield
loft wing Rid path
Valr, Whitcroft, Chariton and Carr -
Harris are amonleat the likely onea
fOr the unfilled posItiona.
Peterboro, March 7. a 'Ware wan
great jubilation in Teterboro when
the final retied( of the hockey game in
Godprieb became known, and the en -
theatre, et knew no bounde. There was
great elk eing, ringing; of helln and
other untreitestations of delight. The
boys, on their return to -night, will be
tendered a mender welcome by the
A fast and exciting game of hockey
mar played in the Went etreet rink
last Pride, evening when the Totem -
OW defeated the Clinton juniors in an
eitlaibition game by 11 to I. Why not
hate 00derich represented in the Jun -
ler 0.11 A. next year ?
1JeataA :414.
laspoztion, and lust dropped into t
*look et/ the IA% Wein.
On receiving tide Setisfeeteer 101
Intereathi Intelligattee lifaegr
intraMett bee (MOO tOiStiter
baatetled ottal:t0 tha dock to oilcan
floelol gallon thegetitlereett tra beards
It is altnoet needlees to say they were.
moet cordially reedited bY the ellietlee
stubbed party and Itlet Walt thlthgellos
mous hospitality thet Anntrleittle SRO
So justly celehrated for thawarld °Veer
eu the evening they Weee enterterte
ed to an impottaet dinner by' Afa
Ross and:the offieees cot the garrliOns
the utmost harmeney prevailing, ninny
kind words being tnuttudlY exPeeesea*
For quite a Moe the whole town
bad been kept in a high state Of ear
eiteoaent and Warta, ba when lt be,
came generally known that it Wee
only a friendly visit of a party of
Americen gendinners on a raisalett
peace, the feeling of unrest abated
and matters resumed their normal
Serious as tho whole thing looked.
and in fact really was, it bad a Most
ludicrous side to it, which came to
light later on. •
On board the General Dix was a
most witty correspondent of a Chi-
cago paper, who in writing up the
visit to Goderith, stated amongst other
intureating things that some time be-
fore they reached the harbor they
could observe apparently au uninutal
state of commotion in existences men
in uniform. both mounted and on foot,
could be seen galloping and running
about hither and thither in a great
auto of excitement, while vigilant
sentries tromped to and fro on
their acaustouted beats. Much con-
jeeture was expressed by ail on board
at this peculiar state of affaira, won-
dering what could have called forth
stroll an appearance of warlike condi-
tions, which of comae eottld not be -ex-
plained until the boat reached the
A trumonous COEDGesPON,DENT.
An atuusing incident occurred ono
night atm- nine o'clock, wide!) Wan
the limited hour foriinyone remaining
oat without being subject to military
letv. Long after title hour hod elapsed
it well known Dublin tuirrister at-
tempted to pass by the guard house
without conformin/ to the established
rule, and when t vigilant sentry
gave the regulation challenge of "Who
goes there a" be refused to give the
necessary answer entitling him to pase
on. consequently the call was given,
"Guard turn out I" when much to lila
surprise and dirtiest he MLA surrounded
and marched in to durance vile, using
all- the time expressions which were
anything bo t complimentary to the
militia in greneral and the artielea of
war in pet ticular,Which pet•tnitted
gentleman to be treated in Ruch an
outrageous manner. However, there
he wee and in spite of his protests WaS
compelled to remain till the morning,
until good-netured "Batty." the officer
of the day, was moet graciously pleas-
ed to allow him his liberty.
Not many days after these prepara-
tions had been Inade and just at the din -
tier hour, the whole town was thrown
o consternation by the violent ring-
ing f the fire hell, followed at once by
the hind t•epot t of the big gun at Port
sentriee on duty along the bank
oRforrsttshe' Mice had sighted a suspicious
looking steamer about four miles up
the coast, opposite to where the Point
Pat•tti I/nested, and heading for
tioderich. At the old Huron Hotel,
situated on K Menton ktreet,t hero Lvov
billeted 111)0113. t hlt•tv men, it ale° being
the headquarter!) of most of the ()Riv-
ers. Of comae, at dint plaee great, ex-
ci ternent pr•evailed, every man jump-
ing from the table to rearh hitt rifle
and pouch of ball cartridges, and rush-
ed out helter-skelter, knocking over
every thing w h ich i Inputted h is progress
to reaeh the street, and then starting
offon the double bound for the rifle pit.
The streets were SO erowded with ex -
cited people that It became quite diffi-
cult lot 'nothing progress, while the nc-
t ions of many of 01..111 C/411 better he
imagined than described.
In concluding his vivid description
of all he saw and more than he really
heard, he went on to say that "0.1
the geng plank being thrown out
'Gen.' Ross, in command of the force
stationed in the town, stepped for-
ward to shake hands with Gen. Sher-
man, remaiking at the game time. In
the most earnest manner, ' General
Shernia,n, I am under lasting obliga-
tions to you, air, for not firing a salute
when you entered the harbor ; for had
you done so the whole of my command
would ha.ve immediately taken to the
w clods."
The paper containing this most ex-
traodinary aral amusing etatement
forwarded to the writer nf this narra-
tive by some unknown plectron. It
might' have been tho coneepondent
hinrself for all I know to the contrary.
However'. his rernarkesoon got abroad
aud were generally tlisoussed at the
street corners and other popular meet-
ing places, only One opielon being ex:
pressed. that tiro party who wrote
that letter was a remarkable clover
fellow, and it was acknowledged to be
a most interesting joke.
In duo time the paper reached the
Major himself, who by no means look-
ed upon it in that light. He was not
built that way ; probably the race
from which he sprang had sotnething
to do with this little peculiarity, for he
took the matter very seriously and at
once wrote to Gen. Ord at Detroit,
calling hie attention to the article and
requesting his version of the effete.. In
reply Gen. Ord stated that to the best
of his knowledge 1,0 such converriatidre--
ever took place, and regretting very
touch that the ineident should have
mused him any annoyance.
On reaching the top .,3 the hank
(overlooking the lake the Rtispicioue
looking vessel was plainly In Right,
hnving mune much clomer shire the
alarm wee first given, and SA he very
blackest, of smoke wns booming Been
her funnel, it was only too evident
I she was indeed a stranger, ag all the
tioning them not to stray far awity "gem -eon, mg gee, thee were
Isriboluee ry qiiIi(a)wr t esrem,inae ti it; e4y9 igi
reqhired foe fuel. Small its th19 i
RON in/rning wood, 00/11 not ), et being
called to the front, for art No service. (lent Won, however, It added to her
The Affair at Fort Erie having long stispieionn appearance.
become a matter of history, renders It The men distributed themselves in
quite unneceseary to refer to it here at such poeition9 as emthied them the
an y len g th. more readily to witteli .•Ionely 1 be
The Fenians were driven Intel( liy rt. movements of the vessel, while 1111111'
united force of regulars and militia, her of them. without. roni•
but not until a number of gallant Illelleed loading their rifilem.
young fianadiann hini offered op their A tiER/011/4 TIME,
lives Its a marrillee to 1 heir emintry.
1 1 W119 110W It 111091 /1 11 160,14 tool
Several days after that incident (Tit iral Dins), an the sten mer gradually
Major Itone reeei veil e second if euputch approaehed the piern, and when onee
informing him that a sumpleinum look; in au, harbor 3 he deck appeared
lug y easel, supposed to have severs' crowded with people. a iiri as she toorhed
hundred nrmed men lin hoard, had t he wharf (mite a number 11f the men
left Chleago with the intention of hert eonstantly pointing their londed
landing at or In the vicinity of (toil,. rif es at her, expecting every instant
rich, and ordering hen to keep his that one -000110g was going to happen
men well in hand both hy day and which would determine what setion
Wile I mleed Fiftti011e Il.tWn. an it ed to know hist what should be dom.,
Lim "Rivers would take, as ti»i,11). poem
really looked that in WSJ'S of pennef ill the rirel/Ille111.11(.1111 I/Pi III.4 NCI A1'1'10118
defile, the hat tenon had now IL IMILI- 1004,11V ft, W en WI pfuudim.
peet ahead of 3 he looked for active
1.11(INAIA (,1, A 1, %RM.
Previous to being diet/timed from
parade It wax arranged that given
signale %amid he made in raising otn
alarm in ease tiny minpiciotin (111'
entilnialleen nhnifld oecnr. Thene con. board the ship bate,. sat 1..fnet y e
slated of firing the big Ktinnian gun, [drama loon 00010 have heen ninde.whert
Which hed heen placed on I he ex t reme it safe 0 sny mon) gra v coma,
point of what In now the [limbo,. Park, queneen would NUrItiV
At t stage of the proeeedingn he
min119 of the tnen were undergoing A
neVere strain, for loid .1 Indifitry
rifle been d ineharged.ei het by n rr id en r
or ot herw the th Mg might have be•
come general, while no dui11.1 it would
have been veturned 111(.11
and the mitring of the town fire ',ell. Greet relief wile experieneed, however,
After thin warning from Ot tawn. wit the ehip glided quietly tip to the
extra precautions were taken to guard
against ourprieeti both by land and
water, a heavy rattle Main wan stretch-
ed aeroso the mouth of the harbor,
while mall hoatn with partlest of
armed men were engaged patrolling
both river and lake.
The battalion war) aleo ordered for
duty both by day and night at Meld
hivoneeking on the beautiful groundn
of the old Canada Company, over.
looking Lotto Huron and the Mait-
land river. No tents were served out
to the men to Meer) in, neither did
the deelre them, all being perfeetly
, ing pe .r matt ,
tens soon Made frint, to her mooring)),
As soon its pnesi hie Ma jor Hose called
for sorgenfIC4 /4113111i, 1110 ruethig
them to go down t he vc‘)sel and in•
vent igate the ()hornet et and the obieet
of her m 1 t meet wit leen saving
haw everyone connected w i th the pro-
ceedingo looked anximisly for the ton •
geant'll return. and it was only when
the nature of his report, herame known
that I he mon heearno thoroughly tr
hems' of their armlet y.
ORY. fill KUM AN ALIO FIT II,. ter %rue
The steamer proved to lie ho Amer -
eat ailed to otreMil themeel yen out on ie„, revenue rut ter (tenera I Dix, with
the ernes), with their rifler) and sixty It OMOIN.S of very prominent naval
roundo of hall cartridge beeide them „
alleern 011 hoard, inehitl•
I 81 tarr heavena for their sole
shelter. Chief of the 1'1)400 Staten A ern), ; Gen,
Aftet• several years had ehmsed since
the above took place, Gen. Sherman,
accompanied by his Aide, Col. Bacon,
arrived from Washington and became
guests at my house, tho Point Fenn.
(letting an inkling of their intended
visit, the whole house co-operated
with one in giving the distinguished
soldier A fitting reeeption,
A 1 pootectesed an historic brass can-
ner). formerly used on board the mail
boat City of Chatham, plying between
tido town and Detroit, and borrowing
the St ars and Stripes from the Ameri-
fray' Consul in town, it and tho British
Ensign were suspended together from
the baleony over the main entrance to
• arrival It was found that
• rnber of the American guests
qt. onhui
had met the General befoce,. while
Rome very pretty eyrdren were the
sons and dalightevrV of his old com-
rades, nevem' in teeestIng scones tak-
ing 'deep lei Ire raised them in his
arms to embrace them.
Watelking my opportunity to find
him direengagred, reetieeted a few
minutes convermat ion with hlm, which
he cheerfully granted rne.
Introducing my Ron Tom, we walked
over to the bank of the lake, and there
in one nf the Rummer houses*, quietly
hy onreelves, related to him the
whole of the Penin.n episode which had
(wowed during his visit to Gederich
several years previous, in which he
%V DM 0 very prominent figure, but of
which he had never heard of.
fieneral Iletened with great at-
tention to t hp whole of the interesting
etory, and when It eILMLI to the correo-
pendent's striking narrative it brought
from him peals of laughter, which for
Rome t he could not suppresn. In
proffering nre his thanks for the enter-
lel/mien( I 110(1 afforded him, he re-
marked, soldier as he was, it mu,
Willy would he t•ernembered MN one of
he ised jokes he had ever listened 30,
and his leasing recolleetion of this
vIntt won d be kept green in his mem-
ory for many yearn to mate.
conelitrion, permit line te day, this
narrntive of inip. mein!, find I trust in-
teresting incidenta, i written en my
()mitt ibution eelehrnting the fortieth
ritiniversnry of "The Call to Arms "
doting the trottblenome timen of the
Fenian invasion, toul further an a re-
mit -Aar to tee few rernainInig eeriaiwit".
I hove left, of the rapid flighref time.
and alim to itoknowiedge the many
eiensing seem -fat ions we bad together,
lidded to deep 8011911 of gratitude
that 1 ain atilt spared t o reeord t hom.
Pre/1. 'V eta. A Reociation.
tioderieh, Mareh 9th, 1900.
eie -
Add it i, nal local tAtter pageo 4.
5 and S.
am re a y ing fienerni Sherman. Commander -in
At the, late (late, in comtnon I,'e Ott!. Of 1 he Ordinance Depai
to a departed and most popular 'oOrt ntioned at Detroit, and a number of
IlMiee (Adel, 1 meat not OW ; otherg ; 0190 about fifty uolformed
mention hie generosity In fine* eieg I men belonging to the naval corset -0,
tire men every night with a doWire their arms and areoutremen to; hangin
in rneka giving her the appearance o
e regular ehip of war. The party were
'morning from tho upper taloa. wiener
they had 170ef1 engaged in a tour of
pail of new milk, containing a daelt
very euperior flavoring, WWI) e0U14
hardly have been either Mittlieg
but. ail the Saone, "MI feW01.
1 4 -
Yt tn. In Oath -wish, on Friday. March 8tal,
to Mr and Mot. Arthur C. Yule, a tat
Finnescow ()wretch. Ori nelniCIST, March
rth. tone Mnry A. Arrnilago, meet or tho late
Wm. Ihrcherv. In her GOth year.
For an Impaired Appetite.
1,,,en of appetite oiwaya reoulte from
f art ity digestion. All that la needed is
a few doqes of Cleunbetiallee Stom-
ach and Liver Tabletl.„. They
virrorato the gtontatiottengtheit the
digmtion end eivo yoit it*
like a wolf. These _tahltita * **
a gentle laxative. Veit b
wi bn,