The Goderich Star, 1906-03-09, Page 10
" 74,
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ilia CI IC
2 argillati011 than soy other Newspopor
this section of the ,Colont$ of Huron
'sr r'
*hey. cidi
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feietffirded,:aaffekktbeelitaktielM Mtettat
411611. Sientage 44 the, •
plen,;.'(5til,nr send for Mir Iittle-,1),0414,4404#0,lie Awe,
. Via sOthorlx:egi us tn AleOrpt depOsits,
. ,
.sTopA,,m) LpAw COMPANY •
Nolval puEzT
4-vtr $040 w: To ITORTON: MoR.
liMir ROONO n
cilit44N Week, somewhere .
heyta Ice /muse, a. MfeChain. Finear:
, twee/01W: Writ Mill end° Mur.,
WIll;to reW.artied ftr41011/ A 4:4 lart••
Ward Hotoll. • ,
-• • • •4-•
torlritcheamork andro'
assist At Otto •Walt.' at• WWI liedfordo
• Orlell..
o . ,
IVANTSD. - itazAttz furnished Melee tor
' spanner. Ap Y l'ofra. Smith, 044 Spa.
dina Ave., Torento. .
,.., •
AY WANTED. -I W111 eein the raarkee
during, thiromonte for e eerceilm. or
ay, Fervent. whe bave Roost ealitY shade
constaeme with see little dela as poSsibie.-
egantas DOES. near the Finmiture FROMM
Gefiprietz. • \
w*I.ITED TO RENT.-Fiveor ten acres of
well oult4valed land, suitablis for gard-
ening'. enr,eloCation ahd UsrMe. Addreas E.,
care SOB GIP%
ifallifo WANTED, -For General Ilousework,
14../I no washIng.-eApply at this office.
virArhiig-i-,i&onvavidgicestz. Tax,
COMInattolAt, ,FENDER CO.,
10 onge treat e, Toronto,. Ont.
WANTER-Apiy to Mrs. King,
tor King 1fdward Hotel, oderleh.
NIUE PAY siALARY.-Tato•to donate
TY _per. agy—either ses,•-introduting our
',Now Idea"; freotrainitzg ; rapid:advancement
eppertunity sure. NICHOLS COM-PANY,
itod..Toronto. (Mention this paper.)
0,t5oD GIRL WANTED. -For general work.
Applgatliuron House.
poasible that room accommodation,
with our without board. will be required for
the week °Lindell 1403.for delegates to the Ft-
' W. PitudnetialOmod Orange Looge of Ontario
Wen. privatezeitizens who hey° accommoda-
tioa ceder a favor bYcommunicatiner with
the chairman Mr. A. M. Todd, or leaving par -
Oculars at, Tlizo &rose office.
nALIP FOR SALE. -Sire, Durham ; dam,
kJ Jersey- Apply at STau Office.
FVIINISECED Ri)031 TteltiENT.-Not very
fru from the Square. Realionable rentaL
Applyne T1114 STAR °Oleo. '
A RTICLES FOR SALE. -Several wieful
houtufizold articles for sale, such aa a
Chailenge, Heater, good ea now ; Hardweod
Table., Me Sideboards, 'amoral Doom, Sofas,
and otherartioles. Ronson for selling, no roorn
for them. ' Apply at STAR Oahe.
XXX iihIngles,' Cedar Pakte. and Blank.
so. Heeslock and Ilerdwood Lumber, eta,
ljelittAliERTY FOR SALR- The desirable
JL preperty on Elgin Arcane, Goderich,
-ownedanel-moupied .by Dr. _Whitely, good
beam a,nd two-thirds of an acre of land. with
choice Dints. The houso-ts heated by hat
water and has all modern improvements. A
bargain tor any person wanting firegrolaes pm.
party at a moderate tale°. Apply to or addrees
DR. YVHITELY, Goderieh.
APERB FOR SALE. - Several hundred
. colfibe of me newspapera for eale. Jose the
t ng_when You are housecleaning. Apply at
()Awl To $'.0.11.4E11$
lee fileder0 tose Medesdale Stook FoOe, Of
1:44 ;Pre VeineCitrO.Verntittitl
TO , ikTENDING skilLoeRs
We belie )constanely in stock a large
Repply Of Cement Bricke for sale;
Call and get prices. '
kir. E. KELLY
- tice le hereby given that an apolication
be made to the LeglelatIve Assembly of.
the Province of Ontario,,at its next session, for
an Act toenable the Municipality of the Town
of heoderich to guarantee the bonde. ef a com-
pany to bo formed and known as the Maitland
River Power Company, for the purpose of de-
veloping water power on the Maitland River
near Goderieh and transmitting electric power
therefrom, in an amount not more than
315000 ia the aggregate. provided the electors
of the said town shall first approve of the
bYlaw therefor.
Dated at Ooderich this 6th day of FebruarT,
DIeltiNseN & DARROW,
Solititors for Town ot Goderioh.
il0DROPERTY FOR SAL.E.-. conifer able
frame dWolUng on Estiox t., with mod.
ern conVenionees, stable and dr1 ng house.
A commodious frame dwelling 'on South and
Photon streets, with good stable.
A frame dwelling on Keay's street.
On Bruce K.
Irsetex Sto
Men trete St.
Britannia Road.
Ceder Street and
Huron Road.
A Fenn two macs from Carlow, 200 acres ;
tOZIOy bpildingo, water. orchard and timber
Farm in West Warvanorb. 3 miles from Au-
burn ; 200 acres. good bundingsland water.
Fermin Colborne, Lake Shore, 4 miles from
Goderioh, 100 Retort.
Parra Hayfield Road, 4 miles from Goderich,
Farm milkmen Road. one relic from Goderich.
Per farther hirmation aptly to
Real tato and Inenrance Agents.
Our small fee learns you Telegraphy. Rail-
way, Express. Telegraph and Ticket Account-
ing. Tho new and complete system which I
have been tem:thing gives a thorough know-
ledge in all book.keopine. Ladies' receive 540
und more Per mouth.
A. B. MATHESON, Principal.
4MIce, G. W. Thomson & Music Store
NEW iiiMeEiRTitilifdANTS
• • .
lbettoldery Selfr.ilodasnallrea
,y Weetteee-ehtset, Het* e
Went** eitteott ffige of tirAIFOFF1.04
V.ttalaUlite4elteelektging0,1Weriol. 1
WWI& 46.eatelekneelemi7eneeft;'
Heir feeselee4ttele, leteenWeed•otteretote
Hieseyteletefer LeffieePeleeleetel4,-.4....te
Pretateel'alit leemeebeetrriiift:Telibee fit
40,11101044A*01.10401.4-.4,11. Arer..AgOnt
Ciedoriek itsatI4ifate Agene$,,,,Osrek!,8i
Special** ,fer Thle.WOck..,41WAieitaree 4
SpringtigtotlitittO joyeeWere• Oefuleeeeet
lill010111ntleae411W) Weetherelkes • . ot 1 "
New MillinerW.A.10,540 0
yeueteg goter41-4.13, rtearkles...,...s
PPPOahrTlitenderil Lone.
C amplon PkolOS itipeeta neticelro4. 11.
........... •
nig Selo teigWire Fence (special nee
- tkeeleel• wide§ ..
Furnished Ilettse Ilreeted-Mri. Smithi
'*itekatt Girls W6eted Voilfetdo
Neel Wit0 Felieetiewelro Norawaro,, a
calf For We -Star 00400.. .
Ali For external UM only. is a positive cure
for spinal disease, hip disease. inflammatory
rheumatism, lame back, lumbago; Pore throat.
weak and sore lungs, bruises, sprains, stiff
Joints, rapture and az kindred diseases. It Nes
also been found a cure for throat affection
horses. None gelatine without having the
trade mark on labels and wrappers and E. A,
McLennane Linitnent, Goderieb, Ont., stamped
on wax seal on each, bottle. Manufactured
only by BurnENIA McLarreetr, Sole Paten -
20e gga proprieuess. Goderich. Ont.
Jab Lodge ofOnterio Virest--J,11sSeott, Walk-
erton. lege Rs W. Grand Mager -, WIT1. Lee,
Ohengeleffie Toronto, R. W. Grand Secretion, ;
John HOWIE% R. W. Grand Treamwer, 234 nea-
ten Aram, Toronto. Next meeting of the R.
eirend Lodge wet beholden Galore:it, Ont.,
on tee ftecend wedneeday Iti muroh. 1006.
Tudor& for Pulpwood Concession
sielleNDEfte win be received by the under-
signed up to and including
Naives under tele beedlig non•advertita
, ere win be ()bargee 40 cents a running line in
nonpareil typo. 10 Linea to tee hull; to yearly
contract advortleers° vibes° advertising aee
nana in. the Oaten Aattuo. 6 omits ro line; to
those who make a yearn? cearaet udder tide
heading. and do ao_t otherwise adveetise, 8
ciente One.
Local Notices.
Taube & Son use the new eleetrie
urehalmometromope in making all examine-
tit:meat the Bruise Hotel on Wednesday.
Theesday end FridaY, March 14,15 end Nth.
J. B. Hawkine reports heavy sales
of Pogo Wire Fence. Coiled Spring Wiro and
Fencing Material Ho keepa a full lino of
Hardware. end his orb:104re always right.
The social under the auspices of
Knox church Y. P, )6, C. E., annottacO4 te be
held In the Lecture Room on the 9tis Met., has
been postponed to the 16411 Ind., at 8 o'clook.
Admission ten cents.
Gentlemen who are bald or have
tbin hair shoulacall on Prot. Doremveed,
Hotel Bedford, Cioderieh, on Thursday, March
22nd ees.ed see his wonderfuldovicos in Toupees
and Wigs worn on over 75.000 heads. Explan-
ations and demonstrations tree. Prtvateeparte
meets at hotel. Don't fail te eeo his now in-
vention. patented all ever the world.
Remember the date of Taub° &
Son's visit to Gnderich, and if , your eyes
bother yoa in any way make it a point to
consult them, at BNB* Hotel on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, Mac* 14, 15. and 16111.
We didn't win the hockey trophy
this season, but 12lodench still has tho champ-
ionship for Artistic Photo work. and will retain
it against all comers. /3gornicv will "show you
the goods ' any time you call. New ideas
every week.
J. W. Weatheraldaftill sells Doctor
Greene's Improved Sarsaparilla, three bottles
tor only *ea, 1 have also secured the agency
for the Vinlex" and " Eldredge Sowing
Machines, either of which are guaranteed to
gtVe 9atisfaalon. Call and see them at my
store, next door to Proudfoot, Hays Blair a
law °Mee, the Square. Ooderteh. 2t -e. o, w.
Headaches are the result of eye
strain; proper fitting glosses Will give perma
nent relief. If you aro troubled that way con
suit Taube & Son at the British Hotel, God
erioh, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
March, 11, 15 and 16th.
(WAY, MARCH 9,, 1906,
A 111111.14 arTiliati,
War lie .fidaria*.$4,104
',tee Vta* appointed .hy Clime* )4(la
laterial 4,01ioeiation TOrOato,
Alooday hot, to reek* any aifOrta
n the removal tho QuVer*
went • of reatrietiolue tiger; +Melte
falifiiirs, It .W*0 fait:Oat
*hen, 'the sporting_ -eleraelit ittetailitt
eentVet elelesbeetlf0 SRO OftelA
intrieftilettee0 that the tricilleY of Ote.
people Ith WOO nireWliiiraliCelil WOK
IleKiee a Purpose not contemplated
in the efaaffilliellMent flealaitee
'tor the right to cut pulpwood on certahi areas
ztributary to the Montreal River, In tho District
.oef Nipissing, the Nepigon Biter. in the District
..e41 Thunder Bay, the Rainy Lake, the Wahl -
Avon River and the Lake of the Woods,' all in
the Districhof Haley Raver, Tendelfers should
nittate the amount tea ere etcetera ta-trair-
. aa bonne in addition to such dues as may be'
fixed from time to time for the•rIght to operate
41. pulp 00 pulp and paper industry on the areas
referred to. Successful tenderer» will he re.
•quired area on the territories and to
manufacture the wood pulp in tV,`,2Province of
Parties making tenders will be required to
eleposit with their tender a marked Cheque,
payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, for ten per;
scent. of the amount of their tender, to be for-
. felted in event of their not entering into
lifglregr rirb414 ct:Vot?irltotc19t=titytte....pLV.
0 le DKUILETT, Gen ral Auctioneer
Hamilton etreet 0 Mich. P.O. Box
OM etoek, and al other Wee win
receive al intention., I 1,0 11 buy your en.
Wei gee otxtruseledd Ferndale, and win pay
root eAsopriees. Lebmclknew what youebave
GO 114)11 in arty line, at cal end estiewhat .1 mu
sell you. -- (MORON ECKEPr, Onelositv
Shop, Otslerleh.
Vor particulars as to deecription of territory,
-capital required to be invested, eta., apply to
• the undereigned.
Minister of Lands and Mines, Toronto, Ont.
C• ittic. 4ed 116. D. 'D. S., Mclean's
.811SA" Let Dr, 'rnrnbun's old
TIE HOTKL, OoderIch Ont. -Thee
ftor tkebtlialegnsin Moneinen_11 t'r ranel_lb
stgrprogeng anywhere. ee. edOltelita
teriiiiwArtwilata 40 -Az
' . kit. St dflitflarrerat ofteeta .. *1,
.10! .404,14,...........,...................e.:“.............., 011
' ' tiitt Old ektAibiltit ' hotter v will ht.
healthy** web efendatdoteSeellegry,
'ffitallte prettiest() bf the genteel 101the
61)ffiera Inlil ttet4011 ill*
ilitild., 16 tv nt department et the 4
einem:ea weiterae to Matte* oar ,.
/sweetest naTtiltearttat..
LL tti, JOH:N8T014 it
Ailie,AtimeAr,o,r4t.4* ''
---,,..-- --- ----,.,-,.=,....
_ • -
.A.ROY ADAMS, teacher of Pjan etc.
. Stedleo.t Bank of Montreal Bio:k. cor-
•ner West Str e and Square.
Iry W. wiLLMOTT. (Honors certificate
J.. Trinity College, London, Eng.) Organiet
and Choirmaster of Kuox Chereh, Goderieb,
teacher ef Piano, organ, Singing, Theory and
Harmony. Studio, at Mrs. McDonald s, St.
David's street, two doom west of Victoria St.
Church. 92-3 rooe.
am prepared to give lessons dfirtng tho
winter months in Drawing, and Painting in
Oil and Water Colors. Samples of the work
*an be seen at Col. Young'e office, and Thom -
eon's Musk) store.
Classes started at once. Private melons el.
oach. In 0499 $5 a quarter
Handsome Chess Table ie now on view at
IVir. Tho ton is entirely band work, by
Cambria Road, Goderich, (Ooldthorpee Row).
The above is for Rale.
This PO
To= .)3411.cs.
fO4 Tkig TROPHY.
Patifthaisa tke intermR41,0
• te QtaniplenahiP lOt 0404114
. . of last week our
lo011mekey teiselliti*Ve teterbOttfil
14 that 'city ill WO the Simla Int
, •
the intertnedlateelaiunt4eaship, Whin
halt time wa* called the *core we* one
each", and the nevi* bore tionight, the
hoPea of nog citizen* to a high
Pitch*. onlir, °waver. to• debited. to
*MOO ifon nutWg0T1,-4•Teikarik .the other eXtreme by the Renee ehaelhtt
ldesere„ Uplwaini Batt, of ()Linton* and Id to ..ii in favor of the "liftrionitera,
*To4n. SPOAToorg of Varna. each Wany raaft6115) Were feltell for tide un.
ship a ear of heavy diatight fg:filciVentr%,111:,*totreort°11re_Llieer(?gt
her804 to the weal, the former'• going -reo, on0,4,50. cieon won? reeling
that *Soya bed -done well to get in.
tco filiala a large Mitnher 1.0vellf
of the strenuous snort Met them gt the
Station on their return liatordaii oidtai
ind reteived them with music,•cheer.
to Virden, gam, and thelatter to `Wit..
wanesa. They are Oath eVertiltuf
of good horses, Ana have been aneeess,
tol breeders, so their eeieetione_piar
be depended on ge ali being pen *Me
7138416- MOO of the** unlialiela ere eeffe
istorod stock, and altOuld Wake, 14114* rnliMnaonwdledangne°Yert g oartPletegira deepgeleargeddid
able additions to the breedieg of the ork.
far West. We hope the gantlet:Mut
Way Meet With the success they de- The Peterhoro team arrived at 1.20
serve. on Tuesday for the return and dual
THE 0., P. R. -"Not a pick irk,Iteard gtlykri"rizth Wereancl eestheillry nicrtitilubdle neuvPenegbekn:
along the track," is the way a dany fore they oot on the ice, The house
visityor to Macdermott's bank PO it VIA a• r000rd _one, notwithstanding
tne eximission me was doubled, and
yesterday! when viewing that_part of the ematen„ lookaod s,„rm peter.
tile scene beforehim called the (J.P. lt,
acme is unexplainable, for the past. I — threortr ;Ids jar a large nember of
o ning towns and out
traek. To one not in the secrettthtf. rien"gcriaeri
a tge colantry, The game started off
week. was a grand one for oat -door well, Goderich snoring in less than
work, plenty of men were available
a half a minute, and when the first half
for the work Ana the necessitiffil Oa ended it was 4 to o In foyer a our
the ease and'the time limit -called for
action, yet nevertheless, the oulY ed, brought the peciternent up to
heys. a score w-bleh, 68 'may be expect -
Moving things on, or over, the work% fe/er heat. But during the seeond
thatehould be a moving panorama of hh f the visitors took a new grip and
men, Were a number of crows, managed to more four goals to the
WRY NoT ?-0n the enggestion iff lobate only one. making the game a
Mr. J. H. Worse% wlio will attend win for 0oderich, 5 to 4, but leayiug
our boys 6 goals behind on the round,
the annual meeting of the Grand ana tho wleeing the trophy foe the
Council of Canadian Home (-enrolee in Uttsterners. The game was noticeable
Toronto next week, inatatiOne hare for the many sensational rushes, and
been prepared on behalf of the Town la described by experts as probably
Council and -Board of Trade to hold the fleetest game seen in Western On -
the annual seeelon of 1907 Goderiat. tate° this season. The visitors are
There is no reason why this should not certainly a swift lot of skaters, aud
be accepted. The Council numbers be- several of their men are es clever as
tween SOO and 400 people, but the re- could be wished for In such it strenu-
spoose made to the request for otts game, but their reputation for a
accomodation for the Grand 'Orange tendency to roughness is certainly not
Lodge, which meets here next week, undeseryed. Cavanaugh, their right
assures plenty Of accommodation for wing, seemed inclined to rough it
either body. Friend Worsell ehould whenever an opportunity arose, but
be successful in his invitation. the sharp eye of fteferee Muir quickly
TJ. S. CONSULATES TO CLOSE.- detected him and he was sent to dec-
orate the penalty box sometimes for
Washington despatch of March 8rd periods of two nunutes. Graham also
said: The House Commieteeon Foreign started a mix-up with Wiggins, by
Affairs decided to make a faverable striking him over the lege with his
report c'in the bill framed by Secretary stick, for which Wiggins immediately
of State Root for the reoeganizatiou handed back a souvenir.
of the Consular service peactically as The penalties, although not numer-
it passed the Senate, hut these twelve ous, were mostly for slaehing and
Canadian Consulates are aholiehed by tripping, for whicla the visitors wore
the House committee Ontario ---Am- the chief offenders.
herstburg, Brockville, Chatham, Gode- Referee Muir was prompt to detect
rich, Guelph, London, Peterleoro, any attempt at untair playing and
Stratford, Wallaceburg, St. Thomas. handed gut penalties to the offenders
Quebec--Stanclbridge and Greenville. with juetice. Offsides were numerous
In connection with the above it may and hard to detect through the close
he mentioned that a bill to re -organize checking of both sides. It is general -
this consular service in Ontario and ly conceded that W. W. Muir is One of
Quebec has been passed tend will be the the squarest and most impartial ref.
la.w of the land when signed by Abe erees in title business. There were no
ePresident, anti that a bill or amend= accidents to mar tbe game, but- the
ment has been passed by the lower *peed of the first half was too much
house and sent to the upper, befoee for Morgan, of the Peterboros, who
which it has to come. The bill for reor- retired just before the finish of the
ganizetion gives considerable power to half.
the secretary, forl t apparently contains On the Goderlah forward line M e-
nOell imitations, therefore it may mean Ivor and McDonald on the wings were
the closing up of a score of Consulates, In fine form and made many brilliant
or it may mean a few changes but no rushes. Wiggins and McGaw in centre
closing of Consulates. The action of ice also played an exceptionally good
the upper house on the amendment game, and had the ice been faster
passed by Oongrees will likely guide would have shown seine excellent
the action of the Department, and combination work. McIver in goal
should it be buried by the Senate, was a favorite and cleared nicely.
there will likely be little disturbance Canapbell at point put up his steady
in the Ontario and Quebec branches of game and relieved withlgoodjudgment.
the Consular service. The reason Carr Harris retained bis reputation in
assigned for the disturbance of Consu- end-tob-eonrodior.tiates and broke up any
lac agencies, is that the government is atteinpt at team Giolrk by the visitors.
not receiving from them sufficient Peter
Point Wert* (5l.
money to pay their running expenses. Waeson
Rover Carr Herne
Witt:wort H. M eClaw
The annual service in Knox Church Morgan Left wing
Right wing A. Idelvor
for sailors and fishermen will. be held Cavanagh
Reteree-W. W. Muir, Toronto
next Sunday evening. Penalty Timokeeper-Charien Wolf*. Stmt. -
Twenty -two new members were re- reg. „ _ r, „, H. Humber;
ceived into full communion at the pre- pc toTaroe:P1,74%7"ggtar
paratory service in Knox Church, last Goal Umpires -W. J. Thompson, Mitchell:
Friday evening -twelve on profession A. Filieppard, Clinton.
of their faith, and ten by certificate While regretting title failure of our
from other churches. boys to land tbe trophy, it is fair to
of se. say that they have played hockey for
Tint Women's Auxiliary
George's met in the school room on the honor of the game, that our sevens
never contained a professional player
Mondlay afternoon and started the
-resident, and that except un -
Lenten sewing session, and the Girls' or n non
dor the most trying ciremnstances,
Auxileary met in the evening and
when they had to meet extreme rowdy
commenced their Lenten work. The
Auxiliaries will meet every Monday playing, they played a gentlemanly
game. lt must be remembered also
during Lent.
that the team was late in organizing
The handsome new North street Me- through some trouble about the rink,
thodist church will be dedicated to and that during the season when
the worship of God on Sunday, March practice should have been the order of
18th. Rev. A. Carman, D. DI Gene- tbe day, members were confined to
ral Superintendent of the Methodist their hontes through accidents or the
church, will preach morning and even- free nee of their opponents' sticks. To
ing, and the Rev. Joseph Philp. D. D„ et into the final Is always an honor.
President. of the London Conference, gut to get into it under the trial++ and
will preach in the afternoon at o'- difficulties faced by our boys makes it
clock. On Monday evening there a special honor, l'or which they de-
w ill be a grand sapper and entertain- serve the thanks of all lovers of the
men t, at which excellent musical ta- exciting game.
lent will take part. The opening see.
vices will be continued on the follow- neranmEDIATie meconn.
Yaw. Winner. Winner op. Poore.
ing Sunday, March 250. when Rev.
Wilson Al A chairman of the MOM Frontooac 3
A SUDDEN DEATI1.-On Friday even-
ing Thomas Lowe, while sitting at
table for the evening meal, fell from
hie chair, and before medical aid ar-
rived passed away. The deceased
lived with his brother-in-law, E. R,
Wati3on, Neleon stree and +ad been
unable to leave the house for some
months, as he was severely afflicted
_with paralysis. He came to his rela-
tives here about a year ago, suffering;
from the inflictiom but the attack was
such a severe one that recovery was
impossible. The deceased gentleman
belonged to the Woodmen of the
World, and his remaens were taken to
London by the early train on Monday,
to be interred in the faultily plot in
that city, by mentbers of the society.
Mr. Watson accompanied the remains
to London.
GI T. R. To Bump CHAIN OF Ho -
W. 8. Teitninna.., M. B.
Offices, Hamilton Pt. ' Residence 121
'Pho mei °file" 1°2
Night °Mhz tor the firm of Drs. Emmerson
and Turnbull win be answered either from
their office, Hamilton street, or from Dr.
Turnbull's residence. Neleon street.
1)11. A. II. mACKL1N, M. rs.
letyetelan and surgeon. Special attention to
oye, oar, 0060 and throat. Ofiles and reeidence
OM Bank of Montreal. opposite Post Office.
woo Goderieh. Telephone No. 162.
wheat has not changed in this market ranee
rear but, though in the same period in chime
es there was a fall of ten •donts. Oats ate
4111 dropping and Apparently the end is not
ga 111 be shipped tom trove they have
been° bouvvght at Mee week's rluotations
Batter and eggs aro uncbanged tn price.
soul the latter aro now plentifuL Outside raar-
Iwzrows lower.
vni Son ehtpped Logo bughole of
enteet to Clinton on Wedneeday.
.3. F. Andrews will ship hogs today, inetead
Cermet wholesale erre* corrected
esp to fuent of 2'hursdawl
soralliogl°74664740111?taittatirirlatiard:' .. :1°0 77 44 ttO 7785
2 70 to 2 70
Mein'. leer -cwt., patent...
game, per owt, family ..., 2 25 to 25
Than pet ton .....
Screen ngs, per ten
fackwneet, per 0 48 tb 0 48
20 00 to 20 00
IS 00 to, IS 00
0 to 0 al
0 13 It 4.1
6 73 to 0 73
0 48 10 0 43
Hero* per lb. ...050tt 700
0 18 20
ifreeb) Tildstin
VriA 0 14 tO 0 Id
4 mu) gi carried out On a syStern whic (Mould
V eAR$ A(10.
tlow the Citizen Soldiery PrepAred to Defend the
Old Town.
During the Fenian invatteon of '60
probably at Do plane in gaugdo, did
the gutter -trent become. more intense
then at the town or Goderich. there
being* various reasons for this state
affairs, as It was fully looked upon
the Government authorities at Ottaw
that it would most likely be ()elected
as an objective point by the Fenian or-
ganize.tion and their friends as a most
advantageous locality for their depre-
Therefore, in view of this expected
danger, it wasdecided to have a heard -
ion of volunteer militia. domposed of
artillery, rifles land infantry, quartered
in the town.
'Added to this torce was the British
musboat Cherub, recently arrived from
England with fifty bluejackets on
TEL8.-The London Advertiser gives
the following which should have an
application to Goderich and be of in-
terest to the people of this town: "The
new hotel to he built by the Grand
Trunk ab London will be the first link
in a chain of hotels which will provide
accommodation for that Company's
passengers tviaereeer a Grand Trunk
locomotive pokes ite nose. It is said
to be the intention of the Company to
lead its competitors a merry whirl,
andit will begin by providing the finest
hostelries everywhere for the accom-
modation of its patrons. Thus the com-
pany hopes to get in the good books of
the traveling public,and also to ingra-
tiate itself with the different impor-
tant munielpalities with which it has
IN 'THE DAYS OF 136. -in this issue
of Tate STAR we give our readers a
graphic and very interesting account
of scenes in Goderich 40 years ago,
when the whole country was ex-
pecting the invasion of our shores by
the Fenian hordes who then were
planning their mad raid into Caniule,
as a means of venting their hatred
against Great Britain. Mr. Wright,
the author, who has several times
given to the puldie interesting remin-
iscences of days gone by, has made
this recital so vivid and realistic that
it deserves a place in the historic an-
nals of the county town, and we have
no doubt there are hundreds of thorse
who now read it who will cut it out
and Melt away that it may be read by
them again and again as the events Of
those brave days of old are recalled.
Extra copies of THE STAR are avail-
able to all who wish.
parations are practically completed
for the meeting of R. W. Grand
Orange Lodge delegates next week,
and the general reports from outside
points is•to the effeet that there will
be a most representative attendance.
The hotels will be able to accommo-
date ZO people. while priyate citizens
have already agreed to take over ion,
and it bi expected this will run to at
least 150,making a total of 400, no that,
It is tertnin ample accomModation will
be provided. The first delegates' will ar-
tier) orrTuesday on the 11 a. m. and
1.20 p. m. trains, and the big contin•
gent on the falowing trains up to 1.2o
p.m. Wednecday. Several reception
committees, with a central office to
which to reporit, have been appointed,
so that the work of billetin svill he
the Men objected to it on that score,
for the henith and happiness of the
donor wag guletly but sincerely ex -
reseed in a final benediotion hetet.°
roppiny off to sleep.
The Sunday. following these events'
the " reveille' eounded all 0013C the
town for the men to fall in. at the gen-
mueeerleg place on the Square.
Front heee they were 'marched down
West street and halted In front of the
°aurae, buildinge Arms were
piled, and in their Owes picks, grades
and shovels were distributed; and the
men eet to work digging a trench
from the top of Harbor bill to the
lighthouse; bang sunk between two
and three feet deep, with the addition
of the earth thrown out it made an
excellent cover for the use of the rifles.
At the conclusion of this duty, three
sentry poste were establiehed in Meet -
thesis which commanded ftn uninter-
rupted view of the lake. The first of
these formed the guard room in the
building known in those tines as Hands'
Bakery ; tho seeoud at the corner of
" The Rookery," the then residence of
the late D. H. Lizers, and the third at
the Lighthouse point near where the
Russian gun is now mounted.
During the night the sentries at
these posts wove ordered to signal each
other by veiling out every_ hour,
fs Number one, all's well," "Number
two, all's well," " Number three, Mrs
well," the object being to keep each
other in touch as to what was going
on, besides the assuranee that as long
as they kept ehouting out in this man-
ner waa sufliffient evidence that they
were all wide awake and attending to
their ditties.
attle.ordlnori ...... Sig oe Dach , delegate will be presented with
rove satisfactory and sneceneful.
Caine: smart .
egia wel2t
Plaiete. IA Wort
I dratted
0 to) 0 fle
3 00 te 3 50
If 1 ta
°A lb.
nom, efe:iii:::: .... . . ifit° ° "
RI 0 14
R110113 Oltina , ......... 1/ it rig 313
"vtht.±AlVirt chiam"" 3g to 3 0
14 pet lh 0741 ttf;
l*k.,y„, Per
Pat perlb 0 00 ti3 411
oat*, tere plotters— 4,00 to 6 se
Deo. MIA etienteta.•..*, ............. U. 6 so
TO Mgt A oNa DAV .
Tako tAXATrttig MOO
Titbletos Dititilitu.sionalintYhty HO,
tO en% Grillfe** tihrhathth
;mew, ' .. 601 o
• handeellne gold leaf scerlet badge
With pendant, on which is a splendid
nhoto et the Court Rouse and Park,
With the worde: "Colort Hence, (+A-
erial, the healthieet and prettleat
town in Canada." (en Wedneeday
•oreelling there will he a public meeting
in the Opera House "for tbe purpone
of Weans *rig the lofty principles of
m, and laying before the
pubile the broad alms of
(Avalon." ft in expected ad.
lledelive,red by the Grand
of Ontario West and &Web
tit Past Orallut Masters, the
officers of the Grand Lodge,
ors. Beats will be reserved for
there will be no adniission
' • .*
the I
. -..,-, \ ,
asper , .
Windsor District and a Meitner pastor,
will preach mooning and evening. In
the afternoon at theee o'clock there
will be interesting services in connec-
tion with the Sunday School, at which
Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Clinton, and Rev.
.1. C. Reid, of Nile, will «peak.
MONDAY, March init.-Auction sale
of farm stock at lot 20, con. 6, West
Wawanoeh, property of Geo. Sreven.
10nri PUIWIS, Auctioneer.
Fatonev, IViarch eoth.-Auction sale of
pure bred registered short horns and
grade cattle, con. z, Goderich tp. JOS.
COitatELL, proprietor. T. GUNDRY, auc-
MONDAY, March teth.--Auction sale
of farm stock and implements, con, 6,
Goderlch tp., x mile from Porter's Hill.
GEO. COX, proprietor. GUMMY, nude
TUESDAY, March aoth,-Mr. John Has-
ty will aell by public auction at the pre
ledges, pt. Lot re, con. 3, West Wawa -
nosh, a so-ncre farm, form eldelt and
implements. Tnolues GUNDILV, Auc-
Wenteennev, March Stet. Mar-
garet Malloy will gen by public auction
a eceacre farm, farm dock, impletnents
and household furniture. Everything
must be disposed of,aa family are moving
to the Northwest.
When 'Mahe & firm examine your
you got the benefit ot over SA yeart?
rtonee. and that collets for a great dod.
At the British Hotel, Nvedneralay. Thumday
and Priday, March 14. IS and 10111.
An exchange aays: "Borne adverti-
sers are Ilke -invalids who waft until
one foot is in the grave, then consult
a doctor and demand (natant cure fol.
years of folly. TB(' tittle to inavertise
a business is when it is `TrtItict antf tte.
tivo. when it's a efts* of "root hog or
die." The time to quit tultrettleing
when you want to gait business."
Lletovrell Waterloo
Frontenao Netional
1 London Belleville
1901 SL Oeorge's Port HON,
1003 Peterboro Oalt
Paris Marlboros
.fiXill Stratford 1ff Mined
1905 Via. Harbor Berlin
ISN Peterboro Goderich
vi..latoweli won on lArater1oon dIdanal
From a photo taken lo Sarnia in 1300.
hoard, under the command of Captain
Huntly, R. N., and several other otlie.
era ; two big Armstrong gune and the
newt! cotnplement of rifles, cettleases,
etc., for the men, comprising her
There was also a provinciaLgunboat,
natned the Prinee Alfred, manned by
men from the flag ship Aurora lying
at Quebec, which was kept constantly
crulaIng, mencipally between Sarnia
and Windsor, with headquarters at
4 10
4 2
3- I
1; (7
13 It
9 s
Inspection* and bet dropped in tel.
*look, at the ola‘ town.
On receiving thiS satiafactory sold
intereetirell . Rows
eurantOrl , 0 efts tege bete, and
hastened aneer130. the dock,to maim*
social call on the g.cnthemen heard"
It Is almost needles* to eay they Vforft
most cordially received, bar the Odin*
guished party and met with that. gaol
erous hospitality Oat A,„ Melees* at*
so justly celeprated tOr the, World ov
in the oven fig they were exhort*
ea to au important dinner by If or
Ross and:the officers lot the' garriagna
the utmost harmony prevalliogi ralle7
kind words being Mutual)). exlv *
For quite a thee the whele
bed been kept in a high state a 4/Xe
()Reorient and alarm. but whenjt he.
came generally known that 11T was
only G friendly visit of a party of
American gentlemen on a Mission ot
peace, the feeling of unrest abated
and matters resumed their normal
Serious as the whole thing looked,
and in foot really was, It had a most.
Ludicrous aide to which came to
ligOhnt labtoerrtrd011,the General Dix was a
most witty cortvspondent of a ()hie
cage paper, who in writing up Cho
visit to Goderich, stated eencetetat ether
interesting things that some time be-
fore they reached the harbor tney
could observe apparently an unttsual
state of commotion in existence, men
In uniform, both mounted and on foot,
could be seen galloping and running
about hither and thither in a great
state of excitement, while vigilant
sentries trtunped to and fro on
their accuetotned beats. Much con-
jecture was expressed by all on board
at this peculiar state of affairs, won-
dering what could have called forth
such an appearance of warlike condi-
tions, which of course could not be ex-
plained until the boat reached the
In concludIug his vivid description
of all bel saw and more than he really
heard, he went on to say that "ors
the gang plank being, thrown out
'Gene Ross, In command of the force
stationed In the town, stepped for-
ward to shake hands with Gen. Shoe•
man, rental king at the same time, in
the most earnest manner, ' General
Sherman, I am under lasting obliga-
tions to you, sir, for not firing a salute
when you entered the harbor ; for had
you done so the whole of my command
would have immediately taken to the
woToldiem.p"aper containing this most ex-
t raodinary mad amusing statement wee
forwarded to the Writer of this narrate
the by (mine unknown person. it
might have been the correspondent
himself for all I know to the contrary.
HOwever, his remarkpecion got abroad
and were generally Illscussed at the
street corners and other popular meet-,
I ng places, only one opinion being exe
pressed, that the party who wrote
that letter was a remarkable clever
fellow, and it was acknowledged to be
a most interesting joke,,
An amusing incident oecurred ono
night after nine o'clock, whieh 01418
the limited hour foranyone remaining
out without being subject to military
lew. Long after this hour had elapsed
.0. well known Dublin harriater at-
tempted to pees by the guard house
without conforming to the established
rule, and when the vigilant sentry
gave the regulation challenge of "Who
goes there ?" ho refused to give the
necessary answer entitling him to pass
on. consequently the• call waa given,
" Guard turn out i" when much to his
surprise and digust-he was surrouuded
and marched in to durance, vile, using
all the time expressions which were
anything tnst c.omplimentary to the
militia in general antrilie articles of
war in pet Helder, which permitted a
gentleman to be treated in auch an
outrageous Milliner. HoWe vete there
he was, and in spite of his protests was
compelled to remain till the morning,
until good-netured "Battey' the officer
of tho day, was most graciously pleas-
ed to allow hint his liberty.
Drilling and parading by the land
force was steadily kept. up day by
day, while sentries were stationed at
night at prominent points of oDserv-
What with manual exetelee ettrly in
the [limning. battalion movements
front 10 to 12, and company drill in the
afternoon, the men soon becturet`tolee-
ably familiar with ft taddietee thither,
touch as the use of the rifle, bayonet ex•
ercise and how to march properl y,
coupled with sti ict, military discip-
line made them a fairly effective
1M roRTA NT mum ()PTA w
At the tirne the Fenian* wore cross-
ing En. Fort Erie, on the memorable
second of June, the eommanding of-
fieer, Malor A. M. Ftoss, received a
telegram from Ottawa. vvhile the men
were engaged in their evolutions on
the Court House Square.
The battalion was at once brought to
a halt, the men Htanding to attention,
while the important dispatch was
communicated to them. From IL it
Wits learned that the canonry was al-
ready invaded and war actually going
The Major, in a few serious and
patriotic words, addressed all present
on the gravity of the situation, cau-
tioning them not to stray far away
from their quarters, as it wiui impos-
sible to say how 90011 they might be
called to the front for artive Hervice.
The affair at Fort. Brio having long
become a mittter of history, renders it
quite unnecessary to refer to it here tit
any length.
The Fenians were driven bark I,y
united force of regulars and militia,
but not until a number of gallant,
young Canadians had offered up 1 bel r
liven as It sacrifice to I heir (se' nt ry.
Several days after this Incident
Nfajor Ross received a tiecond despatch
informinpr him that a suspicious look-
ing vessel, supposed to have several
hundred armed men on hoard, had
left Chiang° with the intention of
landing at or In the vicinity of Gede.
rich, and (meeting alm to keep his
men well in hand both by (lay and
Thin was indeed serious 110W9, rim it
really looked that in plaee pt./y.141d
the battalion had now a 11109 -
pert ahead (if t looked for active
This evening the Tecumseh() and the
Yosemitee will contest for the cham-
pionship_of the Town Hockey League
in the West street rink. The pretty
trophy cup la on exhibition at Hum-
betes, and the game in likely to he the
beet local event of the season. Ad-
mission 10e for ladles and 150 for
Tieronto, March 7. -The personnel of
theAll-Star teatne has practically been
decided upon, the position of rentre
fer the easternera end of point for t he
westerners still remaining to be filled.
Gross, of Berlin, WM unable to play
owing to a broken rib. The teams
will line-up an follows :
Tyner goat A rdt
eee, cover point
Hynes rover
mar rtEttwalga
Vale, Whitoroft, Charlton and Our -
Harris are amongat the likely ones
tor the unfilled positiona.
Peterlkoro, hfareh - There wan
great jubilation in Peterboro when
the final result of the hoekey game In
Goderich became known, and the en-
thusiasm tneW no bounds'. There vine
great cheering. ringing of bona and
other mertifestatIons of delight. The
boys. on their return fonight, will be
tendered a moroster welcome by the
A fast and exciting game of hockey
wag Idayed lo the West street rink
last Friday evening, when the Terum-
seh* defeated the 011aton joniers in an
ethibltion game by 11 to 1. Why not
hMe Gederich represented In the Jun -
10t. 0. 11. A. next year
MIONA144 Al.M11.
Previous to being dismissed from
parade it was arranged that given
hignitIn would he made in raising an
alarm in rase any suspicious eir-
cumstanees should ()emir. Theee con-
sisted of firing the big Rtissian gun.
which had been placed oe t he extreme
point of whet le now the Harbor Park,
and the ringing of the town tlre hell.
After thia warning from Ot move.
extra preenntione worn taken to guard
against stirprines both by land and
water, a heavy (table retain 0,39 stretch. As Anon as possi hie elajor Roo) called
Pres. Vete, Aesociation.
ed acrone the mouth of the harbor, for a sergeant's guard. Instructing
while email heats with part lee of them logo down to t VP.R01 anti in- Oiclerich, Mareh Oth, 1000.
armed men were engaged patrolling vete Igaie the charaeter and the 'object
of her miesion. I t goon Wi111,111, 4aying
Not many days after these prepara-
tions had been made anti juat at the din•
nor hour, the whole town was thrown
Into consternation by the violent ring-
ing of the fire hell, followed et once by
the loud report of the big gun at Fort
The sentries 00 duty along the bank
of the lake had sighted a sueplcious
looking steamer about four elites up
the coast, opposite to where the Point
Farm ie located, and heading for
Uoderich. At the old Huron Hotel,
situated on 0 I ngston street , here were
billeted about. thirty torn, it also being
the headquarters of most a the offic-
ers. Of course, at this plitee great ex-
citement prevailed, every man jump-
ing from the table to reach him rifle
and pouch of ball cartridges, and rush-
ed out helter-skelter, knocking over
everything' which impeded his progress
to reach the street, and then etarting
off on the double bound for the rifie pit.
The streets were so crowded with ex-
cited people that it hecatne gulte diffi-
cult in making progress, while the ac-
tions of many of them enlf better be
imagined than described.
In due time the paper reached the
Major himself, white by no means look-
ed upon it in that light. He was not
built that, • way ; probably the rade
from which he sprang had something
to do with thin little peculiariby, for he
,took the matter very seriously and at
once wrote to Uen. Ord at Detroit,
calling his attention to the article and
requesting his vetsion of the (Mahe In
reply Oen. Ord 'stated that to the best
of his knocvfedge no such convereation
teas place, and regretting very
much that the Incident should have
caused him any annoyance.
On reaching the top of the bank
overlooking the lake the suspicious
looking vessel was plainly in sight,
having eome much dinner &nee the
alarm was first, given, and 04 the very
blackest of smoke was issuing from
her funnel, it wan only too evident
9110 WILH indeed a stranger, as all the
coasting steamers at that lime Wero
still burning wood, rind not yet toeing
reqiiired for fuel. Small an this inci-
dent WILS, however. it added to her
stispleious appearance,
The men distributed themseives in
seal positions its enabled them the
more readily to watch closely the
movements of the vessel, while a num-
ber of them, without milers, com-
ineticed loading their rillee.
I t Was M1W 0 most anxious and
critical time, 01.9 the at earner gradually
approached the piers, and when once
In the harbor t he deck appeared
crowded with people, and as she toweled
the wharf quite a number of thr men
kept constantly pointing t heir 101nled
rifles at, her, expecting every instant
that something was going h) hapjoen
which would determine what action
the 'office' s would Mice, 01.9 no one Po0T11
ed to know just what shouhl be /IOW.,
After several years had elapsed since
the above took plaee, Gen. Sherman,
accompanied by his Aide, Col. Bacon,
arrived from Washington and became
gueste at my house, the Point Farm.
(letting an inkling of their intended
visit, the whole house co-operated
with me in giving the distinguished
soldier a. fitting reception.
A9 I possessed an historic brass can-
non, formerly used on board the neall
boat City of Chatham, plying between
the. town and Detroit, and borrowing
the Stars and Stripes from the Arneri-
lean Consul In town, it and the British
Ensign wire suspended together from
the balcony over the main entrance to
the house.
On his arrival it was found that -
quite a number of the American guests
had met the General before. while
501110 very pretty children were the
sons and daughters of his old com-
rades, several interesting Kenos tak-
ing place as he raised them in his
amnia to embrace them,
Watehing my opportunity to find
him dinengaged, I requested a few
minutes conversation with him, whine
he cheerfully granted me.
I n t rod ucing in y son Tom, we vit
over to the hank of the lake, and
In one of the etinanner Nelsen, qu
by ourselves, I related to hint o
whole of the Fenian episode which had
()retired during his vialt to ()Medal
several years previous+, in which he
tyro a very prominent figure, but of
which he had never heard of.
The General lietened with great ea-
ten' ion to) the whole of the interesting
'dory, and when it came to the corres-
pondent's stri k I na. narrative it brought
from hint peals of laughter, which for
901110 time he emild not suppress. In
proffering nue his thenks for the enter-
tainment 1 had afforded him, he re-
marked, 41t1 soldier as he was, it cer-
minty would be remembered aN ono of
the hest jek en he bad ever listened to,
the circumstances being 90 A0110014 and plenging recollection of this
looking na well as visit would he kept green in Ins mem-
At tide stage of t proeoeili ng4 he ory for many years to eOnle,
minda of the men were undergoing 0
t110641, neVere strnin, for had a, solitary
rifle been discharged,eit het bv serident
or otherwise. he II t ing might have he-
roine generali while no, olooutot if %cook(
hare been returned lov the oleo 0P11
betted the 1411111 ham r.
planntions rotolll have heen made, w hen
it In Mae to say misit gra VP 001150-
(111,.11CPP W011151 surely !Hive followed.
()rent relief wne experieneed, however.
when the shin glided quietly op to t he
dock and, Go :wing n. tette overturned,
Wits noon itiado fast to her moorings.
In conclusion, pel mit ate to say, this
mosso ire of important, and I truet in-
termit ing ineldento, is written as tny
vont, I MI thin In relebra t ing the fortieth
anniversary of "The Vail to Arms"
during the troublesome times of the
Fenian Invasion, and further as a re-
minder to the few remaining comrades
1 have left, of the rapid flight`of time,
end alto to acknowledge the many
pleasing associations 070 had together.
added to ot deep sense of gratitude
t he t I am spared to record them.
both river and lake.
The battalion was also ordered for hnw PvEnTn'n° "'""""u'll 'or" Ow Pr"- addit i.. Meal matter on pagen 4,
eeedings looked anxiously for the set- 5 and g•
duty both+y day and ntribt at night
the nature of his report heeame known
of the old Uanada Compan over• Born.
genii t'e retnrit. and it was only when
hivonaekirg on the bean Hid green&
that the 1110T1 became thorou hl
looking loke Huron and t e Malt -
I ieved of their anxiety.
land river. No tenta were cerved nut
to the men to sleet) in. neither did ogs. SligntlIAN AND ST‘Gli' 1401,51),
they desire them, all being perfectly The etearner proved to be the Amer -
satisfied in otretell themeelveo out On
wan revenee cutter Demirel Dix, with
the ernes, with their rifler) and sixty It noomber of very prominent naval
and military officers on board. Melo&
Ing fh•noral Shorntati, Conintander•in
Chief of t he 1'1/1441 Sitttimq Army; Oen.
Old* of the Ordinance Department,
stationed at Detroit. and a niimlier 4)f
4), here ; 11120 about fifty uniformed
men helongin to the nrival SorYleo,
rounds of hall cartridge beside them
and the (tarry heaven() for their nolo,
fjbAeir thin late date, in common jute lee
to a departed rind !poet populav Court
House offIcial. I must not no te
mention bin generonity turn ing
the men every night Witil ft .ict t heir arms an aceontrementa hanging
pall of new milk, containing a diehi ea' in racks giving her the appearance of
hardly have been either teatMear,n vulva) from the upper lakes, whore
A 'prettier nhip of war. The party were
hey tr been engaged in re tour of
00 iv. In Ocslerleb. on Friday, March fled,
to sir 'And Mrs. Arthur C. Yule, a tun.
reeteetow • in motor -lett, on Faraday, MOO
eh. MM. Mary A. drrrararm, relict or rno owe
111. ttreetfon. In hor Catli veer.
For an Imperired Appetite. of appetite alitVar tremits from
faulty digestion. Ail that is needed is
a few &eve of ellettaberlaWil Steele
aeh and Liver Tableto. The$i
vitznrate tite stomach* strengthen Met
digestion and giyo vou apPatitef
iiko a wolf. Theso tablets On _Mb 04
ofitio era by 441110
' !On,
A tgetilIllieftilaia!