HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-03-02, Page 7114 1141111111
P. Isis
1111111010 Woe
Mi. at Seiniende
et ette
41* 001141
,the stir*
end VOL
WI* ot
11011, fd.rt* ,Or
**We bY . Tat
sea MOM thr* tateielan in
seletiantse Ira* * thet
ifg greet Ws Whea It* zoo
▪ sat Vickentn,
W W114 0,4114%11111, Ey Meer% 101=3-,
a,eteed, Vein . wilt be POeldhe ks an into
inensettre Vebernise ism** the.„Wittler:
Of oteltreei both the motor Ina
litlek Ire m.4.9ostY, vA4.0000.b.y
- welblonnatt• SeOtelt. "W. I** .421.1re
le oorsiternetien la the
Ot COMP** IlY Proretteitt4 verY
Ilanter Peettine; fle We* fame in the
•••100olie room,;,ottlinlY .werk with Yirtt
neediets. *bitting a letoetting While
' ; *Wag the nivkiten 1401 stt need
net be Oddest 'that thl* innOttations Wase
r net letiked .1111014 allY
„ ether Mensibtre. ' is*
AT 1140 '
nieet .peetillar po,ellme that
4t Tang WhSS rtatengY Wen a
breech sat Isrentilia .eases etelethillg,Itt Vers
..elletSfor WS100, . Mintage% e .Thertlia ,the
Arlit ',Nee ennetineta:thlt tOr paatitnesehrs.
'hal' kept 'es retfOrd eit :her '10Yeest ithresS0
Whieli eitesnoreseased
To. prove her atetentent,;alle Prodeel
tt. hot*. WhiCitahe*ateredevera :
the nuntlaitS. setae/S:1110 IeVets ban
aloWeeletiPOOS her datingslitit Oath -
vett hY.„-,Ibis 'thatStite'Sdefendent .ned
ed her 142367IttiteSia,telateeitS yeeser:.
Salttable6 The --'cleillegee sellOsoistained
Wert* 'Oat et•.eintuitelieres abotit
ki,64 telteStea'eletaIe4,,;,094.90%"-aranehrtY,'
San fot.--.4e014.10*- • •
lik.;Teaw,v,a-radosilt,'.,iniout: the
WitalthY.•:NOWSTOrks • YandertaltsIturillYs
A- laterite: PaahrO0',114'sVoidhg
Peeliles '4113
VerY7feesSIteOpiertiVer,Seas;tilibs:Me- lett
beithers traVele saes' •WerlSeSs 'teriteS,
ntit'•erletilitt•if S• Mitts ,HOSieserierninnas
bellite0qh tint ereePs
esseetreted. hat: en; the "Sirt,:k1t ,itTeht
neelvetalanSMOOntitins•-• lite: le l'anlidst
teatitt101;,11„,eelter).1010.111?:- It''4U1.10 alehe
Dann endsteStinOthees - in
srltetailki* AO Asiz htS OWn Conking and
leateeeWeele,' WO4hellia eseloa.e.y-feran
wrr,tici0;*.AV Ng.
„trent shOsde
awls tonne, 'ctiltiVatoo. hie ;Own 'fruit and
vegetebleits Minos bias otailladt, and
makee hia Meie' breat14. Ot-Pelirath,:hcIng
so notated.; -he: Oelteett"geetVes',:tolZ la%
haat periedlealC: or 'OeWSP6MOS3s Athl'at
the:stank Bina :he never ,,sende ,ana: :TO
all PractlaatspOrposes be AS:eut' Off from
Hie World, -
• ' Anether!aieW Ynrh Men Iladit 00'1-
16r; Peatitlie'in geeing' h'eVeshttle tgod,10„
couldpeeiiiblY live on, stfa"s,WaS.41.1SVitSie
slimes hat had lived in 'the•OnitedStatee
toe the; itifit totlY Oates ,M111011111 he
Weet--aa inventoe end a man et mettne,
he Iteeithe belief that ne amid sti,apititil-
*Ike hill life that he cedld add. wttheUt
eating, • • , • a
Fecal* ceesiderable time his only PIM.
lahment sv4 a little wine, and scene -
tittles a little honey it. He -declared
thatlits biding had Meele.,(him spiritta-
elly and mentally ponsItterablY‘ the ete,
nerieroof 'MOM thonght
-that by Otelonged stbainende ;from food
be would be' able to solve ',the mesteriee
Mat Are -new -beyond- the kaith of Minna'.
Intelligences He ,also thought that he
died in tine 'arate.his atalted eidstence
would, go on in some otber form. MI
wha knew min.', including.his son, who
H a phyeicion, dettare that he was- far
from being Mean% •
One tittle he had the tad to .eat none,
but BUM fruits end vegetables as grew
la. the sum; alterWards 'he bea'Sed to
drink water. Gradually leaCet dowh Lis
supply of vegetables, and .tstis only very
small quantities Of rice, and even then
he did. not seem to suffer from any phy-
sical lacoilvenrence. At last, hbwever,
be staeved hiniself to death as a result
of this-teen/ill pastime. -• -
Many people have . heard of Senor
Yturnies. whose great pastime is spend-
ing his lite hi dodging the sun. His
(meat tear that a ear of stratigs'difliglit
or breath". Of fresh air, should stelke
his body. Even tn nis palatal villa at
Chalet everything is closed, curealned,
end shuttered. The apartrnents are
darkened and heavily draned. His ma -
mauves to avoid sunlight are most ex-
traoedineey in their character.
The ,great French millionaire, M. Le -
bat*, was net long ago the defendant
* case in ' width his yacia's creW
deleted Money fOf toed. Whelt Lis
yaeht, ter. Frasquita, errived at Cowes
after a tang cruise it Was in it deplore
able erinditien. being entirely out ot pro.
visions, while the men had had no wag-
es for some lime; in feet, there was not
.enough money -to pay the pilot's fee.
The ciiptain. was perfeetly penniless,
while the crew luid nothing to eat and
no meetly to bey food with, although
the•captaiti'lied seVeetil. times conimunt•
exited with M.• Lebaudy, Afterwardls
a *hipping agent advenceir the money
on the power of attothey Obtained from
the eeptaln, who wes
• e
II maw bee W
*stn. W
her Heed
*4 *We 10116111 id %Or We
virse 1104;
11110. 40e1011111
mew Sem
. .
fst: Sew la Meet Illessekelga
Shatitht Akethettel.
The sother,'); the hOutielt414, Sisk into
her rocking:Mar, and folded her tired,
Patient bends in bee Ian, *St ndpe
snatit have in move for *ix hour,' she
said In the tattier of the letally, in, *lime
hinds ithe Jhad ,Inet. pieced a tatteazine
he lied Minted ler vain,
"I'Ve clOne itotaing but 004 trot.
44.Y tenth a wow te Ines' Wander it
eRry Mosher In ilda lend Is expeetett lc
know where everything, 14.0 0411 altd,
I believe it las the asualgustom," said
it She dessett't knowt" -
her husband.' dreamily,. elteadY RtOre
thanstiel/ 'knot ,011_ X-raYes
It'e a nor eestOM," sea the
mother, Wearile. Atte IODIC' I bor.
Wetheis Wherfee har., %hither,
weereedid, Iskeve suy dravingesenelle
"h1011ters'what. Uinta etat slOrte with .1W
m11401010' %tether, where's nit
lord garter' lhlether, Where dida'00
PU texteyeaairlOS -,,attliat
triaglisine 'wessalset• iitOry ha, Mak Who
butt it lesti"" • . • :
The, leaves, Of :c.no. Inaglizioa,reatIesk.
,4110, the latitef.sT.Isee WM hidden behind
Obit: .es". '
belleire they': thilde "mgee. WAY
ot' 419.WhigrIrVilerestlingS Ste ,that rife
noter :even Seen rthe mother Went OM
stalling' it spite Of liar' Wetniges,"Bie they
• Metheers ,Cente, a •bOrtil-seh40 Strnat
the lute& Of :the ;steirK. ;• thid.1°: are in:
titt '.60111 htirree-hie 60',10,,,10V14,•!lipa 1.1-0
;.11eaV, gleVee. .1)0 you
intOw •whete thek are?"' °
-_`,:,4`,Gcl's,iteala his seCond drawer an the
Whir* thee htlenet). he left:them in
'the ,04fied the mother,
:Witliatit, a, ',000.0.0crit '','Iteettatiera
haven't. -S Sett youltkibOV why don't yOu
in the Poekets of:year aid coat that
you: 'Wort) On thatienit':drive With;.$01:le
tentee the, other nightfo . , ,
. There-WM', .aound: of i'lliterying feet
overhead; and sthen .tt 1'0541 Whoop.
rGot all right, maniere' ,
Ihefathetee face appeared. ahcive
magasines •
"USTes. eVer 0000r.to you that you
give. the Madly same Slight reason to -
think yott• itatre en Inexhaustible fond of,
wisdom: as lle°e'Intrettu et Interims
tiOn lit regad erticles lost, strayed
nr stelenr he eaten, in a carehdly inn
partial tone.
Meat of
Wilts VIM
Whit cadd Weft beett More brtitsllY
inconaiderste than the errestgessitila for
the norriege of Omen Clearl04*, set* Of
King George lit; This Nom*, blet
11, wes selected es **and for UM King
et Eitglind, ller life at Milvidentarg,
writes Leda Win* (4WD% In the Low
don Deily Chrontele, had llakRaio Wen,
of the .simplest. Site dressed "en MI*
de ehambre every day except NtintlaY.
*heti A* Pia 04 her hest Own and
droVe, tent Id* Mach etal. Sta,, Tile AM.
basSotior sent to demand her hand hey.
, arrived, she wtis told nothing of hia,
liRiinagen 1,41 *OW 144
Oils "Os Cs**
Eightelse Mans* NO* *
Rea* Of twellapl,
eitle attwot tee
neer soirboroup,
try ot t nat414iiit 11* veal%
OW *MO V*I***a Ar* the
'11, Alward ***1 Om "Smock
tot !Ant,"
s,.„,,,„„ Solo IAA net initsr.
rho* dhiney hoc co the,
604 thott we it, boamelk
.44 ontokiwtto
iSioniisht StisapohOoki 414wori
lbousiedvidirtgod. No
9r NO 11,0:
soft Watot
wait *wool.
1 '' that are 64 leak** Rio secret ef ' hall, ler Pa
atetely ltomos et Britain' time, bega the it leekleltdOtri 464
*vitt tePther tiler twiny lout Yoe*, We us* Pot wok.
0 it ntest lawman csb employed, to thellete ceeetett trot
Hat 'MAIM worid, EAY4 i sure, end :petty AM SPuttrue vilth* ti. '
ItAtite, 1 upon the workte mutt wet Wool
44 01011.41 Xi ManY Ole the gement. erne*, The -feet la, it le ea
wee t- elost
he bed eery neerly ellnabled On • *
band* that, Oa the Pee*ID6Dtv
telniniug the WWI% mar* closolift
eatolaliiiient was still greater on Mafia*
that NOW centamed * MO
Thy child. „Picking- the child inn *
elect -it to ithe gouge stahon, where. Oaf
Meting Me Wenner iri which he discov.
oral, itt Mt* Me- baby home.
The Pare. ses011 dieeOvered vfne thre
Mather AVM. end, plaetal ker undet *r.
' r.„'st. Her tale el woe so wiirk_ed
day/Otitis.* ibet night fer the the, „feelings ef the tintglahate
"Mind what yen raY, ne faitea pita 04ehergea her, weeks, enerwaritthe
l'entent.*" Wee Wiirttillgsot ber er magistrate, sowed a letter from-, '14
ea brether. 'Atter dinner, at Which s seeekimeonin lardiatent
wee natorallystrety shys She !Wield the lemma, who, hivin% read IM 144r$
elthenla . table and two 1.10.4ipeper. the, • ritiehAlehhohnee.
c1441tn: OreP4"4 4 '.*444ing' beg.' -beak had •been tenchedi End in lila letter • ,
tatt er .6461r1 ,661406e, 4,4110114, taltea to the. msostrete,,ho. oltered, his heat eViii4 *0004 ket,Vss•
naa l'exitants tit 'Nes. etre relite stAngle4 .0,4; tem ,,to ,wehtsh,,,enot whom. *Telistrierhe. The •Itteittettlr 'Wan 1."4"go'
!Orl'4:1' '44 hOr'' • lin had Mal in Me liewSpaPar. Hemeant °is' A silver: groat Of Reward. tiles -brag.
Pl*Itacershe_Ade !IwttLaS9-,enit hclarecedr°64tr,,hteliefal.111,,r1Y„k.''ilrbk eh(kosaincited.iStante t4).duarlars°1,1ct 'wilolthnt PY"Si711r*?.;,1:itineti".1.14111hgehet-
Pre''''nw kue 4111"444m°e' wrd* Oat the •peeettge •Celtallites,Ot. end le '&0104 with, 'wonneentl'.P9*0111
4 Pe"tirtit• pargre••°9t'll,t411"4(itY'lliell4d'' -the 'Wealea, witOtAnOugh 'had net .settietthinf thfi$10g...*pkv,oring 'those
jag ilia Mite, creeel Or 1,4010endit,'Whieh eon., :yet te wisest, . xilet heat 'Wien y Mad dogs.
st Often Anneal' to her. nottralta,- Sae. The worsen wee keno, •Thes Minas Ametig the. Many' memorials
Pretsied ter inv:intilledtate degartnest, .iroposel wee -matte :and she accepted. 'Veinal* :OrilitS to ,V4Y4sr
Pletided 'ter .'1116-reaPitOetere 0. eitleeta. teke attete Te Brittele Cabaret)* She Went '110044416 the veil Is#AV Wit" W4S
'Tiering ;Ids tilase'slie reit v thea .Were merriest' 464 9°41 '4"' 4°1°114'1°' 8*
111 1"91410411 "1'3 vcr71 114441444e Stialset WIttele to teener*
.,v,440441, Hobart lento once ante, beeteutte Vete, Iteepateeg tor eitelt
Itra olsott toe beta, tWeAmoded sword csee ot made tus Weis 'air**
wielded. wita each deavily effect aloycle. eetertetaelegke %ere aee .ettlein
MEW h101144Afght (DIV wane the 11 erlying principles Wielett form a nut.
* Molnar which tlettied al the eereet Wats 'undo' Jai many forme,
of tioe 011el'hurn ltea Meppinesa * weaned potweielon,
to .otle tinles through neettY 'very lerae inckent 4t Is Independent
nation)* deeeendanle 14 et PitvtntAittigolt totlood; otlitt
hi Id lita, Who note It do gal* ;OW AV* are devoid tif it, tkillinsi tha
Badly. luellty of bele& Olt to, 1* hitPee
To brook kit Mlle, tom .It'hicit Wits isle sold Ate t meagre eittelenea earl -
tacit Marl Hebert Vtate. at the hattle iso hilt * enlorfnernt ot lite, it
'00e111111., tea 'been, ,Vreeet"60. :ever t.ned. la Write 14.11nale Pthin, t
Since at penally- Ceetle ballot fietntla et' 1104 Weald. 4t4 tee the ehenite• 604
Me1)006elle " Amithee ;Meet lntreidiati chence of lite would anew,. etteure*60",
ece,ot, eeteeee, doe .„, • *Asset, koheektspleee Min end heretntlet
,kt•to:.tiaiops LEH r•N, • • .tilhoilit gout*, tiottryottrutylt*,tilowtart)voti; .ttsi4P1t4R,„' :
orite to luNe teas '421 ever?eda, and 24 hours alter she neet ,Sants4 te Inin*by he liageSees
the Peer erathe little•gardert et Medical The boy had Aeo adopted;, :but tile, Vottels Gillett "Drake, Of Etialt and' Ate
herbs, trait and floisrers, which She' eunt. mother, to be. completely happy. Mutt hey. , AV DeeltIM311 Abbey also- ere Ate,
vatedhereelf MO the beneilt°eit the Pena have her WA with her, so hook, ta 'drum .which.aocoMPAOlcd. the great I*, 'see
Abe Atteratarde irstrodueed the sane *upon:nigh she went 10 steralt.of her Nal hero 1SO, tio, VOttteeilleetlletb,11,11%; ,Sad Fate of Cate Wherei ihe Dellante ttl
Pl'aotieo--itt Itfiw; 004: litehround. * .: offspring. She Itad no difficulty tivilpd. ii` cocoanut cuP numinee 44 "A`r,,..,,_" _,,,41.`"
peso praeri rielat seksaa' ' ' Ing the infant. and wittflier precious given hY (ZOOM etitabeth.to slit' s'youkvi the Restoration Heed to
_ ,1,-- -.--.•,--- - . - ---- . , burden she left Livelool lest Sattirday and alas Os silver gilt standing dish Inu Feast.
eifibeeed e eerrletiaceoeSielg to Iforwatit; far a new hone in he very ter',weet, eeeer. At KleOhelleY 1140% the Norfolk
the 1•43161' Yacht being nearly &Wed on when by the time sbe reliehee It 'She wut seat ot Lord-Kitnlierley, ere InetlY vain. In the Parte of Ow grandfathers theee
the: eeffet. 'et Nalleay. The. Ductios of have, travelled nearly 12,000 miles tor eine memeriels et oln deye, aotebly the WAS 11 Cafe thAt was tho resort of the
ItiditsPOeeds isnt sClierioltes herself ' rd . iicaultvstataa gevellloomultay. of oishesitsaytilairti tNyvaass
Aricaeter .41111 ,flamtiton, sent tO conduct tier Child. , Aiteer hllt Of ille SWerde Whierattle hted-
, the Prilleeee Of gnglentl, were tient. Ittnch ,shm'a ancestor, 84' $°Iin W°444°u"'
weye aeet4 to eatlent thle 11$.
the Holden Age ot every nation it
Ws been aouttat eftet ea the key to ne..
lamed emcee*, and lust in. proportiOn
each nation Itaa 101; 1014 °II tn/$ tlhe4 140RIDVXD PALMS ItOYAL
MY nee ft musk in the Settle,a1 greatneas . •
d of power.
.As• lia the animal world, the differ*
eneis`blitWeen the traded and the 011-
IMIllediete Wavering to
Itul. nee and fo duty. te hew
insit is aconiredi.sand that grOWss .11e liees
anti* every ether. Mutiny, eager la the.
hang., The aniquil depende upon the
eontlittiel guidence of mttia, wliereue the
quality once acquired is 'preetisett
man without any, goading firemswithout,
and beceoles in itself a pleaairess_
To.no unebles tor curb, any pa% eitsear.
solves must always involve humillinfo
and dieeppetatmeiaL If ItenPillese Ohs
sists in whet we ere, then lt becomett an*
parent 'Mat we must. continued all our
newer/. .„
The splexultd. aehlevenlents of the jib
CAMS ,OA,111 TO OE louse* IN
. HQW, IS itimmi HAND' SHAPED?.
A Few Simple Rules by..,WhIch 'Yell
Can Reveal Nature.
Palmietry is &aided into two beanches
--chlrognatay, the study 01 aharacter
shy the .generar shape and prOpertiois
Of thel-h4d, and 'the older, chiromarto,y,
the reading of the lines and euriaces of
the palm.
That the hand indicates the charaeter
is a matter of every -day experierme,
'though sdrne„doubt the relation hf the
various lines to the events of one's fife
deepite most convincing evidence to the
contrary. /
To read charactersistics in the hand la
,not a dinicutt matter, and, the study is
interesting and profitable." Hem are Me
principal types:- , . 1
Large hands arethe hands of people
fond tif very fine work, or intent epon
the minuttle of life; they generally write
a small hand; are great Sticklers for eti-
quette; are easily offended by little
breaches of courtesy.
Small hands show the -opposite. Their
-owners write a large hand, look at
thIngs in a broad, quickly satisfied man-
ner, are easily pleased. and slowly
offended, are not forld ef delicate work,
and prefer the bustle of life to its smaller
The soft' hand Is ihat of the poetic
temperarpentl one ruled by magination,
nerves or the senses. Hen e it is more
frequently a woman's han .
-,1f soft to flabbinese these characteris-
tics Bee increased till they beeinne lazi-
ness, Selfishness, heartlessness. These
are often the hands of the traitor and
The hard hand denotes a prallical and
generally imaginative nature. If the
hardness -4s - not exaggerated it is the
sign of 11 straightforward disposition,
fond of activity and even hard work.
An exceedingly hard hand will show
lack of intelligence, brutality and indif-
ference to pain in others as well as id
one's self:
If tile palm is- thin, skinny and nar-
row it iedicates timidity, meanness and
poverty of intellect; also a lack of
energy. ,
A very thick palm, in a son, hand,
senstrality, material instincts, over-con-
lidence and selfishness.
A very thick palm In a hard hand with
short fingers is that of the unskilled, un-
ambitious laborer; with a bad ihumb
the brutal criminal. .
A very hollow palm invariably/ denotes
failure in life.
1'06 ileror fierVe 114611/ent for the
anterteatselaimed, and he described the
Mee Moat cruel ones seid Met
theught It Wits absinths:Mid that, a
gialt hien. should allow ;his crew, and
• Wesel to get 'lino Mete a. -Condition.
'Mr:•4011n Hope ,Hodnett, a Breoklyn
laWyer, pleibeibes thd. fed that he 0
"Duke ,of York! Of the IltelSe Len.
bitter." and ;is by right' heir to "the
throne: of England., Ile clalmsi to he :n
King :SdWited'ii..place. Ile attys.' that bis
fitudiy, •beitig Boman Cathelles were die'
teinehfSeelefet1691, and. the'estidas trans.
tereed to the House of Hanover: Ile,
sityS Met lie:W111 Slam a diteelon, bu
will 'net ebrne to. England 'for 'Mae t
&nether akeilliar ,mbilitle is that of
Andreas Dondee;',barber. Ile
was ieen ' Wandering about Barnet tot
brig SON tied he Watt Witelied by
peliedeOnattible. Tlie '.0erfettibleswatelied
WM tient the liedgeroWS With &Star of
geleeete inateritb, and Uteri: proceed 16
sitteill,.ti1Ittor, with Oath lie shaved Mt
adjacent milestone. All tile nine heheet
iip ,OatiVertbillOrt With fMaginaty
ettillarketC He ha§ nOW /011 Onpeetunithel
for tfattiging.inhls, pitethrie In the Herb
ferdeltird)Contity Myffilin;
, THE OfISAT onoett AND nun
4twthg. '
hhit tight,. Who recently tiled in -the
Hospitaiwas oile of itto most
IntereetiOB llehrett-ite. eettle -Mentheiter
streets. Ile wee en Arinclitenc Who sold
Witedightat add had the catkins pas.
filr * titan la ptAition„, of leaf*,
hag foreign lingimptea, He adopted the
itilitab of Joh Light. K./cot-40%40 to
hi& Arrileitian nem& Ritt -Setuity earit.
mg* suffloved tor all, his Wants, .
tits leisure Wite feet "ter *UMW, *bin
Wald 'heat a linguist Of eery. retteirkable
trittalnitienK, .avell thorn:uglily .tem
versant With titbit EitrOPtint letuttlegte.
Ineluding Ithealen. Atia yaw. vtb,r, woo
utt: with .sekgrit and Otte% Ort,
, Vatt pawn was the aomthite Of 8011
tilled1611004 the gee* sew, *foe DM
▪ thiltellts aterieWhat * tragedy. Due.
Istir yoitth she wit,* betiattlfol 'Wee'
at •hithtliVtiS of Operetta Oh*
,Ithe became enorritottily Orb, et*
gt haat/. st. clOttiett hereon** Mese
peak Ow stnigint Whett$ hymn& w pee
earal and gold pres ntesi to Sir PhillpSe Royal, Met Moribund region
in the healt, ot Paris eo inatinet with
tee life Of he past. Now thee are
(Wielded s at Agincourt and a roSarai ot
wattled quite well anti beeed the cont.
GPM Perhaps: see remembered the sap, hreetintOURAn :Itgur7h---CaEPSee'171RESS-1.0eft ti-; est ttnlicle:ntY 7nW:1174 rineafisippyt Veal k)e:r.'Ved o the relization of this truth. I hove Velour; but, alas, ity,s the Pares °erre-
114rPsfebord in er Cabin, with tbe dooe `"•*"' ir At L Hal In Iteenire, le is earY ranese Are uttquestionably largely due tog to open ihe doors of the Grand
log attribisted to Henrietta Mee*, the
Wire ot Charies L. Who was also 'nearly When m LentioSnigiL e time age, miss week 'wood, jet eehleh the Rteek Prince; heard on every hand that this nation is spgrolent of the Pa Vall.,Omette, with
*wrecked on her etas:sing, "Les reines Mary Copeland, of Cltago, New Zealand, °n the .1t le which enrY
ttay sleep; at Oetutr8h Hag one riviti one*: the haPeleet in the world, and yet the Twat,. banat °Weal; lie rich aasndt
ne Went pp," • I- the whole s ret of Mir education Iles 111 the gide el the wor will not le
Terrible Scene Enacted in a London
Musk Hall.
There vitas a scene of wild ekeiternent
at the Canterbury Music Hall, London,
the other night, when a lion made a
Sadden- and savage attack upon a gill
One of the attractions in the pro-.
gramme is a (taupe of forest -bred lions,
exhibited by Herr Print, who is assisted
by a girl.
An eye -witness said later that Herr
Prinz entered the cage as %Huai wtth the
gill tamer.
"Immediatelyee he said, "a large lion
sde.ed hold of the gires dress en Ile
moittle She, Maine( a piece of meat kern
a tray in the cage, coexed him ott.
eenOther 'large lion, evidently Jealeus
beeause he had been given no meat,
saddenly sprang in the giees 'back and
knooked her down.
"She shrieked Weft, and then Seemed
wits wont to ke his rest, at NaPba the outlive on of self-centrol. It has
went with relatives 1,6 St. Clement Dante lien the ancestral Yorkshire seat of the developed on the one hind, a disalpilne
Church, in the Strand. The• otber '
pierce. neither will it be the resort ot the
Arrleing in LOndohl at about 3 *lock, 66Y and witty; it is angle)? the head -
ailing travelled ainee ig, she was Iner Quarters of the Corporation of uissters.
by the Xing in the garden of SL James's The hassles.* are those dreedful Per-
lealace. Attempting to kneel, sine was mile dug embody the terrors of the law.
canght by the enthuelaette he:March, They carry out the orderinge of the
who, embraced her kindly and °eerie coat helm they are Dot overwhelming -
carried, tier Opiates. That very even. ly, popular that class of citizen that
ing the Wedding ceremony took Mao. shortness of means Bad length of expels,
Herace Walpole vet.ltae' (of the new diture bring face to face with his cre-
Queen: "She rooks, very sensible, cheer. ditors before a presiding Judge. The
fut and fa remarkably genteel" (that tax, halliffs, then, wilt people in permanence
erne epithet *Ube period). this old x.estaurant. Is it not significant
tier tiara of dianonds wes very pret4 if the changing spirit of the time, the
ty, her -stomacher aumptuous, her Via. utter descent of this Palace of the Car -
hit velvet Mantle and ermine so heavY dinal into the abyss of things forgot-
that her clothes were ,, dragged almost ten?
down to her waist. The wedding over Fee away, indeed, are the days when
and supper not being ready., the Open Its shady court rang with the noise and
sat dowillaind obhgingly played and gossip of - •
sang to eller ,harpeschord. Vie royal * A ICING'S ENTOURAGE.
party never separated ftlf betweeen 3
in the ,morning, no slight heal for a Even -a half a century ago the Parisian
bride of 117 who Mid employed the few found the Palais Royal an excellent
erica in which to disport himself, and
moments she passed in ,,ber room after
her- arriVal in trying on her wedding to lose a great quantity of cash, as
gown and the rest of her trousseau. knife, fork end.. dagger, once the pro- es sudden gust of passion or a spell et gainbling dens abopuded. Since then
'When first she caught sight of the pa- perty of Owen Glendower, the famous anises'? I remember two Italian maids Narious have been the proieets to re -
lace she became very nervous, and, be- Welsh chieftain: Lord De Utak and Dud la Southern Italy having one day a vice' suscirate the Palace, to bring back the
ing told that she was to be married that
evening, she, In fact,
Mettealksv,theliVAS, Or• ware within recent se teeeteee. wee% has (Naively a male
she was married to the curate of ,St.
Ment Danes, whom anti) her visit to the
-church -she had never met. Miss Cope-
land Is heiress to a coneiderable fortune.
The curate of St, Clement Danes .10 the
Rev..William, Earle, et native of Ballyna-
hole,' County Wexford, Ireland"; wite is
'4}3. years 'old, Dobtett tells us' that ln
1901 he, gesurned the title end baronetey
Of Straglethorpe County, Lincoln, which
was believed to have beconte eitinct in
1697. Hls right to the digney hue 'not
yet been established and vreeorded at tbe
Herald's College.
career of the Rev. Wil tuti Earle may
Among the intereel events in the
be mentioned his can Mature for the
vicarate of the Parish of Oterkenwell in
1898, when he imported an` element ei
humor into an citherwise portentously
solemn contest by issuing a bill in-
scribed :
"Vote for Earle, BA., M.A., 13.D.
Irishman. Gentleman. Private 'means.
Sixteen yeare' 0.xperionce."
In his address to the 10,00a electors el
Clerkenwell, Mr. Earle appeared 'to the
Romen Catholics "because I am Irish,"
to foreigners "bemuse theyslave Ire-
land," to Nonconformists "because I
have • stated in nty pamphlets on re.
unkin that they are the salt of the earth
and the light of the world," ia the Jews
"because mY love for the Children ef
Promise is well known."
He is exceedingly popular he his
„Strand parish, and the couple were en-
thusiastidally pelted with confetti tie
they drove away from. the church.
years, lel in the world's history, and a slums.
A MASSIVE FOUR-POSTER tar unselfish confederation ef othere
which prteeminently distingashes that
wiskih the, bettetitul and IR-fatee Queen
-Seote oecupted tor a few nights; and great race.
at, Eizergh Castle the Strickland's. proud- REASON OF JAPAN'S SUCCESS,
ly exhibit• a magnificeut ceuriterPalle Boys and girls are brought up to shed
and toilet Cover cd the richest white satin no tears, to utter no swans, fov
embroidered ,by the hands of Queen aimple reason that In so doing they
would be woUnding the senSibility
mum " our husbands kiss your wale
s A War Waller* skid to an English -
in pub! o and beat them in private. Ja-
panese husbande beat them, in publiC
and kiss them in private."
CalinnesS and compeer° are the out-
come of this %elf -centred, and the equi-
librium is not overthrowit in moments
ot unexpected vexation or disapint-
To those who Nave not acquired this
habit, how many bad moments succeed
(*twine Parr during a vieit she paid
ta the castle as a young girl.
ir The centre of tbe pattern, on both
counterpane and toilet coyerea a medal-
lion surrOunded by wreath qf relieve'
ilowers wrought in belated silks and
bullion; a spread, eagle in bold relief,
gaged vvith the Imperial crown, forms
the middle, at each .corner is a dragon
glowing with-Ptleple, crimson end. gold.
The colors are almost as fresh and vi-
vid to -day as when they left the hands
et Catharine centuries ago.
At Rug, near Bala, are preserved a
The Duchess of tfarnilton, one of the
beautiful Miss Cunnings, smiling at tier
fears,' Charlene seilde."You may laugh
-you !ewe been married' twice -but to
me it Is no joke." lt is pleasant to think
that after being so highly tried Char -
lotto's married life proved' perfectly hap-
Verr different was the arrival ot
Catherine ef Bragstnza, who, when first
deen by Charles II., was laid up with a
cough and a little fever in bed. Ile
was not favorably impressed by his
new concert, and reMarked as much to
his attendants.
Elizabeth Farnese, who married the
King of Spain, son of Louis XIV. cf
France, as his second wife, celebrated
her arrival in Spain by quarrelling with
and summarily dismissing the lady in
evening sent _to receive 'her, the famous
Princesse des Ursine, who had rttled the
late Queen, and by whom she herself
had been chosen as successor. Eliza-
Leth's future life was passed in slavish
attendance on her husband that she
might seeure her influence over him and
prevent any State affairs being „trans -
sidled without knowledge. Twenty min-
utes only of the day and night was she
permitted to be alone. Elizabeth was
ah ardent sportewoman and followed the
Ring even at the chase; the rest of her
existence.weli passed in It routine of ar-
duous etipuette end monotony.
George IV.'s reception of his bride,
Caroline of Brunswick. le well known -
bow elle blue eyed, bouncing, buxom
girl was implored by Lord Malmesbury
lo be very particular about her person
and her toilet; how the Prince pretend-
er! to be overcome at their (lest meeting
and called for a dram of brandy, and
how the Princess afterward deelared
that he was drunk on her wedding
night. Not much ehatice of happiness
Until quite recently very little liberty
was accorded to princesses. Queen
Charlotte, even after her marriage, was
for several years tn thraldom to the
Dowager Princess of Wales and denied
all diversion and` pleasure. She told
Miss Burney that even her jewels had
ceased- to dazzle and interest her. "Re-
lieve Me," she said. "It Is the pleasure
of a week, a fortnight at Most, and ihen
returns no more."
nnd ohe which caused her bitter tears,
Was Me determination of her mother -in -
low that Charlotte Wield wear her jew-
els when she reeeteed the sacrament for
the first time atter rate became Queen.
She had promised her own mother nev-
ei to do this -it was an act of humil-
ity whielt had been strictly inculcated
IswoOn, The .people in the hall cried -'00 her; and It proceeded from the same
t, and A scene Almoet ot panic follow- devotional impulse which caus d King
ed. Wotrien fainted, mid there %vas a
general hitt:for the eleeet%
'11101 the cutialit slovely fell „an the
sight of the lion, with open mouth.
standing on ins eielfrrie4 Chest, whieh ft
OlesVed eavagelea W ' le Ilete' Prinz was
doing his best to at it oft.
"it, was a term to seerie. I rushed
round to the etage doer. and learned
that, the prier woman nibs badly torn.
There was a Mtge crowd of ,Matious en.
Milreta wailing to hetir Ms Aews, tor
ilie sroung *Unlit fe a great favorite
with the ottapie of Canterbury.'
'Lett- 'Menefee ntrottred-ilittstho Vienne
tittalgh SUlfering eeverela ,trera totoo bad
lacerations, Was progressing favorably.
A special playground for children is
provided' on the Canadian Partite Hall.
way Company's. new Stearnet Ellilteeee
O t 'fettled. It tOrialete of a wide Speee
bit deck set *pert tor their exeltisiVe
Hetet trees toe been planted in pots,
And beepa ,nit sand and Another's of
>tiektits sod *Macke PrOvided, 80 that the
younpfera, may enjoy theroaelves Wel
at they WOW at the seaside: parentA
wekothe the Itutevation et a fella
rem devising ell sods ot gathei fOr thO
edification Of thole Pang eintirgeS4-410
llght leek Ott * Wig ItiViVile.
George to take oft his cretvn hen be
}Melt a the altar auring the corona-
The courtship of Queen Vlotoria brings
Oe into pleasantee atmosphere. On
Prinee Albert's first visit to England site
liked and appreciated hint at once. and
his tastee agreed with hers. "Every
erace had been shoareted by tenure on
(his (alarming boy," says 13aron Stock -
Mar of him at this time. The Baron
judged him eriticelly. calmly and impale
tielly until .he tinnily became his most
ettnetted and devoted friend and adviser.
e'Queerk-Victorict bee -vomit% inet at
Wet itileelaSeirilla.of the Object of their
fieelettlinattee, arid When the deetired im.
press1011 had been produced, the young
,111te Setond Sir Galahad, was
!sent away to ittseet and fit himself y
study and carotin education for his great
position. On his Mum to Midland the
Otteen. wrilett."Albeisea beauty is mold
striking, end he is Most amiable and
Wieftattetteetil Sheet. triaekiet1110."
sreling couple weed genuinely In
leo, and the (Nem informed Lord Mel-
bourne that the cOnnuest heari
was •COrtmlete. So tortoni. to dignified.
ao studIono and so excellent a youne
Ma Wtoit use elenlent of poetry
ands f int0 his love imakinrr
litat by: inn of etiquette the propneal
fiteelt to etete !Mel the teeing
tittetert. toe maidenly fneihesly 1.1,0P
Seinen bareessed et Me prospect
Teacher Travels With Illm Five Years
' and Then Abandons Ilim.
A schoolboy named Szepsan disap-
peared from his 'home in an Austrian
town in 1901, at the age of 14, and all
search for him proved futile until the
other day, when tte was found in the
Town of Nendein, in the principality of
ley tuts a magnificentetwo-handed sword, lent quarrel. They nearly came to
which was eine worn by Robert Dud- blows, as they screamed and gestieulat.
ley, Earl of Leicester and the Earl eu, livid with rage. I endeavored to oi the entwines wee to turn the great
Pembroke Is very proud of the suit ot malice peace without success. An hour building into an encampment of sport -
later I met them leaving the house. a headquarters for all the athletic so-
cieties of France. Apparently the idea
has net borne fruit any more than
the suggestton to establish- an American
exhibition, whore 011 that pedalled to
the products of tee New World would
be on show to the Parisian.
There was something a little shocking
le turning a public monnment to pure
commerchal uses, even though we were
sirriciltedsledt AanntericAamneripolainnelphloes_iitel rulnivinong
example of how it should be 'done -in
public catering. Perhaps this is why
thie attempt at regenerietion appears to
have lied no more sucCesa than the
other. No: the Petals Royal lett•alone
III Its glory, to Its memories, to its Wile-
sterss The footfall of the rare tourist,
ordinately as tiny boby, in order to be or of the Parisian malsing a "short cut."
teens, is a small drinking cup of Scotch lilted out of its cradle, she befit over the Is the only music of, the outer world
rsicite given by Mary Queen of Scots ad baby for tour hours and held it there, that reverberated through its historic
a parting gift to her friend and host, and never in after years did the child galleries. True. there are the shops,
t °neve that it could get its way by this /1110'4' merchandise has sometimes signs
resort of infancy. of degeneration In It, too: true, there is
Sett -control would make excessive the Colonial Mee, that has something
(Ming and drinking impossible; would ery hopeful hl 11, 1151 the symbol of en
curb unruly muskets and still inordinate edvancing empire: but these are the sole
expressions of anger or of unseemly
tnerriment. It. is the lever which resit -
tales the whole being and makes 11 of use
t itn.9 possessor. It is interwoven wile
all qualities which make man useful and
giNeaoLone can be really happy who has
that greatest of physical curses, bon -
steel ill -health; but if each one gave a
little petits to ascertain what keeps hirn
in good health, we could go a long way
towards ensuritig its possession. Over-
eating le undoubtedly to -day one of the
causes of much unnecessary suffering,
and if we each determined how much
fuod-or, rattier, how little food- was
necessary to 'our well-being, we should
nut have to search far and wide for
new fads, but we should quietly pursue
the regime which we found successful.
If this Is true in Me matter of food it
Is more so in the matter of drink. 1 ant
naturally especially interested in thie
phase of our social habits. but clearly
see that the evil begins end ends with
want of self-control.
The entire absence of self-control It
our slum population is one of the mast
salient characterletics. If the children
ore angry or hurt, they howl withoet
ceasing. If the women are vexed they
will cuff and shake a child unmerciful-
ly. A man gets sick of his work, and
even in these hard times without thought
he "chucks It," although starvation
starer; him in the face.
But if self-control in action Is the
secret of happiness, the same quality in
thought is easential. Jealousy, undue
worry, anger, and evil passion, are an
qualities born in thought and matured
in action. and the self-control required
Is to make oneself turn from such at
(Are and command lite presence of nob-
ler thinge. Content. which the very
1,19Pflee of happiness, Is, after all, but
the outcome of enntrol. TII learn '
do without" is 011P of the fundamentai
principles of happinei 9.
We hear now -o -days a great deal
about the "simple life," but the radical
naletake appears to be that there la no
intrinsic value In simplicity. as there
:a nn splendid duty in striving after hap -
pine -ea Both ought to be the outcome
sf e sinceee deem to help othere. -
London Answere.
life and laughter of other days to its now
silent colonnades. The most atlarctive
ruisset and gilt armor which his remote
predecessor, William, Earl of Pembroke,
wore when commanding the Engliah ar-
my at the battle of St. Quentin.
Better known, and of exceptional inter-
est, is the ancient glass goblet known
the world over as the
"Where are you going?" 1 asked. '
"To the chemist, gracious lady," they
answered, "to have our blood drawl', as
passion is dangerous in the hot wea-
What happiness is there for any
housetiold when the master or mistress
loses sethoontrol, and scenes take place.
which bears the legend: "When this cup which must lower them In their own es -
shall break and fall, farewell the luck ; timation when Sober ehought returns?
of Edenhall " and which hes been eo But self-control must be tau ht early,
and it is only too rarely look upon as
a cardinal principle in education.
I remember reading in the late Mrs.
[tooth's life that she saw this so clearly
that when o of her children cried in -
long traisured by the Musgraves. A
similar heirloom is the "Luck of Mun-
caeter," a quaint enamelled glass vase,
presented by Henry VI. to Sir John Pen-
rilgton when he aheitered the King at
Muncaster, atter the battle of Heatiain
ir 14133; while in the drawing -room of
Worthington Hall, the seat of the Cur -
Sir Henry Lurwen.
It has been discovered that he v. as At Hesieyside, Guebant, Is a very rez
kidnapped by a school mistress named markeble memorlaffiht past eenturies In
I3uehl, who had a strong affection for the form of a formifiable spur, six inch -
her pupil. She took him with her on es long, which, we are told, the "lady
tour through Belgium, and afterward to ot the family used to serve upon a dish
Italy, Constantinople and Jerusalem, to her husband and eons, as a hint that
finally abandoning him, at the age a the domestic larder needed replenish -
19, in Nendeln. ing." At Coleshill House is a was ini-
When drst questioned Szepsan enee- age of an infant, the last hope of the
geticaliy denied his identity, and at- Pleydells. which Is credited with remark -
tempted to escape from his father, W110 able influence over the fortunes e4 the
came to claim him. On being exam- Rouveries; and at Matten otritiee fildiaenytisceaei
Ined by a judge, bowever, he confessed.
and gave details of his wanderings, with
Buehl, who, he said, supplied hint with Serpent.
of Sockburne
money and false papers, and mule all
arrangements tor their journeys. He
was placed by her at different limes in
conveats at Rome, Constantinople and
Szepsan's disappearance has been the
subject of numberless interpellations 'n
the Relchsrath, and his return 1105
caused geneeal asLonislunent.
the Socburne falchion,
sword with whloh Conyers
Is said to have slain the
Oeer rise Million Children are Getting
The number of Publis schools in Ja-
pan Is al present 2,138, in which 5,-
(034,099 children etre taught by 108,360
teachers. Ninety-three and twenty-three
hundredths per cede ot all children cf
a hoot age go to these seheols. In
187.4 29 per cent. of school age Children
went to the Public schools, in '1883 51
per cent.. and in 1893 59 per cent. A
rnpid increase In attendance is noted af-
ter the Chinese war. The percentage
et attendance of boys compared with
that of girls -was 40 to 15 in 11313; the
difference now ie only 7 per cent. The
attendance at the varloes commercial,
and industrial schools was as follows:
In 1901, 36,000; In 1902. 95,000 -Le., only
Le41 less than the number in the inter-
mediate sehools. The university tor wo-
men held its commencement exercises
reeently. 86 graduates reeking the so.
called needemy diploma and 132 the un.
Iversity diploma.
"I ,don't mind folks berrowing." said
Miss ligilges, ptaintively, lo an old friend
who was paying her 4 visit, "but fete
.got art twee trying Woman -for tt neigh-
bor just now. She harmer; such queer
things .I'm most out of patience with
"Shears and bromes and the floureale
ter Gad ironiniaboard. I AVOW." said
the guest, who had known life in a court.
try town.
"aterey me. I don't count nuch things."
eald Miss llodgese "Mir my best um.
Heat% nor iny carving -knife. I can Melte
chin to get on without 'etri for a While
any time. Rid when tete Nate over in
horrow my diary We other day, eo's she
enuld keep element of the Weather and
her henei esgs and to on till her MM.
hand cline tack !rent California, ow
faving green him hera put' down hit
ovptitSiS3 and eighte go'n SW' enti:4
ropy her record in frotri ntv Welt in tie
right place ---1 declare I called It Rio op
He Is a Total Abstainer and Also a Foe
of Tobacco.
France's new President, M. Fallieres,
differs from all his predece9sors In °Mee
In that he is not only a total abstainer
but also a foe of tobacco. President
Loubet loves his pipe, as did the late
President Faure. But Failieres Is averse
to tobacco in any shape or form, and,
while he makes excellent wine, wlech
he sells and gives away, he neVer
&talcs. On the other hand, he is pas-
sionately fond of music. for which Lou -
bet has as little ear as had Faure,
Grevy, Marahal MacMahon and Thiers.
He is as fated a shot as President Loubet,
and an infinitely better one titan poor
President Fallieres, who is on agnos-
tic, is deeply attached to his umbrella,
which accompantes him on all and every
occasion, and which will from now on
become a favorite subject for lereneh
pattern caricaturists. __The only other
rule)/ who has ever bdan given to um-
brellas was King Louis Philippe. who
was rarely seen without one, and en
whose hands It took the place of Kith
seeptre and &mord. Yet, in spite of this
analogy of tastea it was Fallieres who,
as Premier, was reeponsible for the ex-
pulsion from Prance of King I 011i9 Phi-
lippe's grandson, the lute Count of Paris,
and of the Duke of Orleans.
M. Fallieres Is married. and the (ample
Mee two children, a son practising at
the Paris bar, and an unmariled daugh-
ter. Madame Fallieres is des.cribed as
ekindrie.se personified. The worthy lady
Is a pattern housekeeper, and It la even
Bald that she titl not above pnying an
ormsfethel visit to -the nearest market.
she in extremely charitable." 11. FM -
item has alwaya been extremely aeon
sible to Wien), IA well known for his
hostile:ally, and, altogether, has the mak-
ing of as capable and popular a Presi-
dent tig M. Loubet ha; atiown himself
during tiL9 seven years' term of Oka
- 1
Tho Maechuria Daily Report, the
Japanese paper pUblished In New-
Chtvang, Manchuria, reeently said ate
Whiny: "We repeot that every Inch et
elatteliefrie ander lapencee oceupnlion
eote hart been holighl for a deer price
lta blood ofia mho,. Hence Japan is ite
teeitifnate owner. Chino has feriae.,
atterainty over it by onee making.
mice to speak, a present of it (I) Russia.'
airy swallows that do not make a suna
iner of preeperity.
THE FATE OF vuoun,
which, as the Cute de thartres, gave
fest and refreshtnent tu the great of the
earth, is not only syint,olical of the ruin
ot the Palace, but, al lite great restaur-
ant. People are less gastronomical than
of yore, or they dine I11 ClUbti rattier
than in the resturant. The history uf
ihe great eating houses of Paris is a
history of change and decay. Ilegard
Tortoni's, completely gone; the Maison
d'Or, converted into a "brasserie,"
flaunting its striped awning In the face
ol its aristocratic vis -a -via; the Cafe An-
glais, ope of the tow survivals of ,he
brave old Ulnae. Again the Cafe d•Or-
say is a changed creature, inside and
Nor does -the spirit of demolition or
Innovation slay here. Take the cabar-
ets, • the queer scandalous cabarets.
whore they sang and danced and amus-
ed the arand dieted and their bowie.
els Imitators by all manner of eccentri-
cities. 'They are doomed and all disap-
pearing one by one, Today it Is the
old "Pere Lunette," the resole of stage
brigands and tweets. Apaches. which
is under sentence of death; to -morrow
they whisper that the list for the tum-
brils will include the "Angel Gabriel,"
e very unlovely and unangellc angel,
but a picturesque personality, whose
acquaintance Is not without peril for
the unguided visitor& Tho truth is,
high dining and high rioting march to-
gether. When one gees the other re-
ceives notice to quit. Public morality
le the better, no doubt, atill.---.
BONNIE $01.41iN1);;..:
ham OP ammo mom ion
119041 la Going on to the Ifialderele.
Lowleadc ot Auld
The death. rate et Wimpy AO
tab the lowest, on Monts
Leith is thinking of trying einigratinn
with some or Its uneingtoyett.
The Glasgow corporation is offering
to supply eleotriotty for „power pUrpoeut
at ;Id, per unit.
Since the New Year 29 taint 'stoat.
ctoo‘uipancetpoisiortittacte itbstunitm)oregistered, whit a.
witul tin? 190ders 'Moist eiplgit peones domeilt
5 4 p was 161611 a d araase
174 vompeted wan 1904.
The average atteratance at tite IS
booed aching* In OtailgeW lust year was
90 511. The .grant eernad was 466:711*.
-t) the 19111 ult. a draft of the
Be tenets Scotttah tittles left M
liduldliat.CIstalon, tan) station en route or
Tim polleaVet4atics for Aberdeen shiew
that during thespast year thete Was a
matted decrease -et crepe in the clay
compared wIth 1904:
Plans have prepared by the Comilla
stoners of M. Werke-. and reablio
Buildings tor the entorgernent of the
head poStegfice in Ayr.
The statue of Alexender and•Aties.
phalus, altueted in St. Andrew' Squeee,
Edinburgh, opposite the Melville Monti?'
ment, Is to be shifted to Nitiolson Square
LIAnOnakther3 retitritht ut?tr. dtbaiseasiladat"e Mae 1..etsigin.t
of g500 was done by tire In .
fiat of Logte Spinning • Mill, Dundee,
There' wee a good deal of atonement
before all the women. workers were get
to the outside.
Sir Archibald Alison, Bart., the dea
linguished general, celebrated his 96th -
birthday on the tlat ulL, harlots been
torn at Edinburgh, 3a*Ullea 91. NW!
He was the elder son of a itte sheriff •
et Lanarkshire,- the author of the "His-
tory of Europe.'
The funeral of Mr. lamed Robertson,
the tete Deputy Town Clerk ot Edln.
burgh, took Meets a teve days ago te
Mornineside cemetery. Tnere was allege
attendance of mourners, Including sew
eral members of the Town Council and
the heads of members of various city
departments. s,.
torte infirmiiry was opened ales_
A handsome addition to 101444 YIe.
before a large gathering of ladies anar
gentlemen, by Lady Blyswood.
addition conststs of a now ward pavit-
lion, four storeys in height, giving ac-
commodation for eighteen beds on each
floor. and an extension of the nurses'
home. comprising thirty-seven Winon-
a' be& and six parlore. 'rhe cost was
430(1r1 f the oldest religious sects in
scotland does not permit its members
le avail thermtelves of the franottlae.
This Ifi ihe Reformed Presbyterians or
Macmillanites, they are sometimes'
called. who date from the Revolution of
less, when they refused to join the Nis -
bona' church because the Solemn League
and Covenant was no longer considered
SW sal 0.cit MARK OF BEAUTY.
Among the Padaungs from the !Caren -
re and Shun States. restently inverted
by the Prince and Princeee of Wales.
the 9won neck Is esteemed so great
marl( of beauty that extraordinary palms
are taken ln acquire IL Ao early as pose
ethic lit the life of the female infant,
hem rods, about a third of an inch flues
diameter. are coned around the nerteetr sof
ere ridded to periodically go me to
ihe neck In conntent ettaie of tem tuts is
The longer the nett the greater ete,ort
beauty. and some ot the Pedalliess ts
carried from twenty 10 twetileall• •
• --
1:nough to Cover the United Statee Quer-
ter of a Mite Deep.
'rhe largest maes* of ice In the world
le probably the one which fills up nearly
the whole of the interior of Greenland,
where It has accumulated since be
the dawn of history, It la betteve
now form a block about 600,000 square
miles in area, and averaging a mile and
a halt in thickness, According to these
stratifies, the lump of ice ts larger in
volume than the whole body of water
in the elediterraneen; and there is
enough of it to cover the whole of the
United Kingdom of Cireat Britain and
Ireland with a layer about eeven mitre
Wets. If it were cut Into two coneen
lent slabs and built up equally upon the
entire surface of "gallant lime V*11103"
11 wouid form a pito more than 120
miles hielt. There 14 IN enough in
Greenland to bury the entire area f
the United Matra a quarter et a mlle
Second (to dualist, who, on confront.
g hie adversary, hen auddenly grown
le, rind is only just prevented from
eme "Trete eourage, man. I knosv
r opponent is going In fire In the
).tthiellist.• "That's just what 1111110,8
aid. Ile ouch a noteriously Dad
Wealth', Freuenwisman iessiDeet -Owe a
F.eachman 63, .„
The Marquise de la Roche-Fontesillte,
of Paris, is a woman of expensive
tastes. When elle married in 1388 she
had a fortune of *195,000 Lid her father,
since that date, has been generous in the
matter of presents. She spent so wildly
that her relatives intervened. 101101/100 -
ed a farially council and got the remains
of her fortune put into the bands of the
fesurt of Chancery. She hu applied tor
leave to manage her own affairs, and
the case is now under consideration.
'rho other day it Cfltilb out that the
principal consequence of Judicial inter-
ference was Met, instead of paying
cash for her expensive reprices, she has
been getting Into debt. She owes her
coachman 33.000, and is 011 the books of
various fashierut restaurants to Ihe
tune of 83,500.
When anwell recently she decorated
her bed with costly ort tads, renewed
three times a day. at a cost of 3500 per
diem. Judgnient has been reserved until
Me end of next week.
Crime to Save Reputation of a Family -
Feared Insanity.
A young man named 1.a Margueresse
has been arrested at Larked. France,
tor drov,ning hie younger bruthers.
Joeeph arid Francoie. the bodies were
found In the river fluently, and 11 Wits
geherally supposed Mel had fallen in
while playing on me bank. el the tun.
brat the behavior of the eldest brother
was ao extraorviinary that the selspielOrts
e parents *era" *mused, and they
ques oned him closet:yr.
Ho admitted thmeving the boys Into
the ritier, and rued he did so beta. „trtp
Feaneois was an Idiot. He WOO maim
he added, that Jorieph inlget grow up au
imbecile also, and that a stigma wrield
always be atiochest to the ratrnee.
Francois sank immediately. het Jetelett
swam ashore. 1119 brother puilted
Dace end held ItIm under water Ohl*
wait dead. When the ntave of the Oxie
fossion spread the pollee taut COM
cult, in saving IA Maggeresse Own en
angry crowd, who wanted to lyiten MM.
The proprietor of an hotel. heortig
the whereabouts of a guest tiled bled de.
camped from his celabliabblerns
going through tho jar:natty eat, pitying
hie bill, cent him st nolo: "Mr."40,„
Deor Str,.- Will you tend areettnt 0 Your
bill and oblige?" To %Seth Obi efaline
quent replied --"Tho onment fa V* *-
yours respeethilly."