HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-03-02, Page 1"
144a.116' *
Tula A
roulationithen any other Newspaper
this section of the, County et then.
_Itatra,14111144, asivOrtro,
xotzoly,o,pogtkomt mouvy 14ot 1411,001 et a
ore tto*totto to opiot ed,Yaritagett Of We and Wilt be
, Pleelled itS/wIfn 7O/t SSW Ertl Intratigate. , •
g Witt f Ot .44 t$944 WitAtilt4 °10.20:4 Ota (14 60
• ;
'2V041t16" ;
,1* 00,V00/0/04 .11334tititl$145-14044 411/1P0-ilter
. . .
'4:44bux,6ft; 1.',4TOAT„tr RUVr
-$QT,T,ARA 1-1QP,VOis:12
.1:0T ClitirOliN
YE LOS es.011 -11444144sY -night. a et
- nearthe,. eqb,Street kikittinfr RIOXI iS
leg t atted 'Persian. Lewitt Geeletlee i Einabr
pletlee ',tee- itit.TIIA lita'alis,00A09,,, ,, `
calfansp,..,rneovounteta filecitel4 Tele
rittewhien hes. evillentlY etrayealver.,
eart4getwordat ble Wlleteelteute ell 1414'0,171,04f
to SOU Otelels.
1....;!:)$T on .Staday, Tele 2.501,,r t, ,4,04tbs.
, , ,-, ,
•,44.4,-....4.444. ,44•44;4,40.44..i4e4144%.,;444.-.044riiii4-.4-4.
:4-1ARD'ok TRANIfeeeldr, W.V. Peening.
le'i. r' wiskYV uriliMirrifill'gr$lintien411/Ar
VAUF,d Maxi • , d tee ,
Liverpool Lee Mt St Glebe Eke Insuratee
C0- Me. kt• F. Cli Y. Agent. tor it4i very Baba
faetotol adinstritaratof Ids leo. ,
, WANTg.
43_,' WA-lsT.1011.-Fot•iteneral Housework.
no wesliffiga-ApplY at this oilice
."-'--Al\ITETI.-A. man ',:.,k ability to take
charge of out Godeekls office. Adclra
Mt Clartarrtme Cosnegriclect, iturnen Co.,
16 Yenge Strot Arcade, ,Totente, get.
ri ith. WANTED. -Apply to Mrs. Xing.
keTKIng Baward Hotel, eitoderich.
Soviets- tot the County Of Purim
have a brigbt want boy of ton months old for
idefittop. Particulars May be obtained on
applIca on te JAMES MUMMA President.
care Slag` Offie,e, Goderiele
WANTE14,-The Goderich sire -
g Brigade desire three, new members to
1 vacancjesin the compriny. patia within tho
&el-limit/4 desired, who must be under tbe 020
OtSt-YeaTn• A•IngicatiOnn may be sent to Jos-
Baorenw. beoratary,_or he may be seen per-
sonally &tithe store; West -street.
TOOY WANTED. -To town the art ceprint-
1, Geed openieg for a good boYI Par-
ticulars 4 Tan San ,
NVE PAY SALARY... -Two to six dollare
"New NeWaftToVtirlogst3rxi-tpirdtract"rine.furOuti;
opportunity sure. NI&Itn.13 u0111P7NY, Lim-
ited, Taranto. (Mention this umber.)
.r1_00B 011eL WAlaTED.-Forgeneralwork.
/X Apply at Hurob House.
XL is poseibled that ream heconunodatione
vrithoUr wittigut board. will be required for
the week of March 14th. for delegates to the R.
W. Provincial Grand Orabge Loetre ot Ontario
, West. Private citizens whe have eccommoda-
Oen will confer 14 favor by communicating with
the chairman, Mt. A, De, Todd, or leaving par-
elleillate et/Tmeleeale offices. ,
.12 far frame the &mare. Reasonable rental -
Apply at TIM STAR Wilco.
A:TICLIES FOR SALE. --Several useful
household articles for sale, such as
Oda enge Heater, good as neve; Hardvfood
.Table, two Sideboards, seveael Trooris, Sofas,
and otherartieles. Ramon tor selling, no room.
fox, them, Apple at Stant:igloo,
XXX Shingles, Cedar Poste and Plank.
A Menne* and literdwood Lumber, eta,
ROIODEVIT FONALE.- The desirable
Jr property on a Avenue, Goderiele
owned IMA'oeoupted y Dr. Whitely. Good:
hi:pose Sie WilithIrdil Of an acre of land, with
cholas fraltes The house is boated by hot.
water and has ell tnodern improvements. A.
bargain tor anY pereen 'Wanting nrat-class pro-
peft-y rito Medina° price. Apply to or address\
AIL WeiMI TELT. Goderich.
-1014APEitet FOR SALE. - Several hundred
.1.7 copies of Old nowspapete for sale. Just tho
thingwhen you are housecleaning. Apply at.
Puitikdd NOTIOP.
)50! silsga.4 Ouallot
unalca issRsers.
Week Waite reaiarlottrlY ;Met 000 Or Alt
Allele of ferei 1440414010. Ilia Ct teals Ar9 At
teat Weeke %meatier"
Ernest 4tattle Were Weelog4 lege- Ilatehera
eliast ea el4544*, ,
Itifinder effetililite Of WAS Vent Ati 4044 end
' 0414""n°47u:lipt.11017.4tAlv:r*"4:4-79:11,7117:hin4ttlicv144tivet:Pheat"Aii:VuLla:40470:144140:::4"
dr0P9at011 W ger ,
Well. Stititheeldinetlit A .0.44e4tald Of littPet6
04100 TM/4149A keet41149)4 •'
,(44"144,P*4tev1-441111-0Re1414 Ott tri°441,411t0e0lirae44 44
Eelt Whieite Standages. .. . ... ,$0 14 te 74
Otne Wrlieetr etan .........e. 9 71,tet 7e
te per rava, peteu .; , . O. SO un 270
Our* Per 0144 timitr.......,.... 2 23 tO s 21
Brantc ma, '...................is ea to taco
suer vetoer. ......„ ., ....Kt 00, 40 lia 00
Sereeee„_, go$ per etili....'.....;... . .,...113 _00 irgrile
Barite? • g 4s te 3
%AIWA • 1,141.0 ,,, • .......... 11.• • 0 k • !P, • 0 Ztri-
Peat. .... ... ,,... ....... ............. il 73 te 3
llYit ors to e 18
B0614771104% Pen baehele 0 48 to, 0 4E
1141.....-•. • ,,• .• as- .... . e •• • &60, to 2 00
„Butter. 'poi. ili 0 113 to 0 Rol
rtc....,F.40....,. 0,4 to 015
welsper isords........„::)•.: 490 te ll00
Larainteper 14.................,0 05 to a
esatutI0O.roem$BOntfttrr•••6•6.11,0440,,h.e.rs- ),A 208 tow, all 1
Blunsiss ern eiwn.s, te 3 ao
Mggilk,:liti'g.w3oltIg" 8'75'il 0 Oa
sums.. per lb,.,........... .. 0 18 0 IA\
Stieg skies , • ' - "*"' ' .......... to 0
Tanopw,:atrorignd:rociear.... „.. ...... 0 IA tO 0 14
7 50 to 8
.,., .. „ 0111 to 0
.1:ndekelle-bereYardellbets, Per lh 0 or to e
ko -entre (eci
0 to 0 00
141 to. Illft
One to 0 ill
titSttZ g2S
taint -deckled_ to take ehasele Agra hese,
nrate for UM% hitreatild eat nar wellness ,to
zreBerao Ores.. who will in future conatiet t
MalklaTeelf Oliteeref and China TheY
rouree tretness expeoenee. or
repu Mariana affiffitioits that the !rood
rope en et nineteen be maintained.
beepeak for them centinuance 0.,f the
liberal laltionage that hey°. eccelved eating
hews; elghteen iota. ,
Forthe eonvonieno Of tame Who have au-
eeulate te Hilo. I wiu be found the resent
at the Old tend, , . OTT.
Ise feeders taro Cleeesdale !Reek Fcsitl,of
Ter= airy p_eund guareeneea or money
s Or Bete hY Wr Enluseeierstz
We have nensteutly iu stock a large
supply of Cement Bricks for side.
Call and get prices,
1-&. doe's hereby given that an apolicatiors
will be made to the Logeslative Aatembly of
the Province Of Gutted% at its next sessicm, tor
Aet to enable the Municipality of the Town
of Goderiehloguarantee the bonds of a com-
pany to be/cm:Led and known as the Maitland
River Pewee Company. for the purpose of de-
veloping water Power on the Maitland River
near Goderieh and tratismitting electric power'
therefrom, in an amount not more than.
050,0001a Ole aggregate. provided tho electors
Of the skid town shall first approve of tho
bylaw therefot.
Dated et Goderich thfs 6th day of February.
Diteristsost & °Agnew,
Solicitor's for Town of Goderloh.
13/tOPERTY „FOR SALE. -A comfor able
X frank° dwelling on lOweit St, with mod-
ern conveniences. stable and driving house.
Acomranafous frame dwelling 'on South and
Beton streets. with geed stable.
A nettle dWelling On Keay'e street
EMOX tat.
Mentniel St.
Britannia Road.
Cedard. treet and
Huron -Rood..
A Farm Wei -miles from Carlow, 20o acres au-
tezfor buildings, water, orehardaind timber
Fannin West *awanosh. 3 miles from Au-
' bens:WO texts, geed buildinmand water.
Farrah: Colborne. !Ake Shore, 4 miles frotn-
Pereira) Ilaseleti Road, 4 miles (rein Godetleh,
Farr& Ott HUrtnt MAL one mile from Ooderich.
Portafther infornistlon neply
IlealEstoterend Insuradce Agente
oitetrielooLliittaxn ORANGES
ef Ontar &West .11. Scott, Weis -
tow r..t. rt. w.oretni_sinaer ; wan. ree.,
Otto Bell Toone:sit. Wi Geand SeereterY 4
John 11 It, W. u rand Treariater, 231S
Wel 11:141,4nglihrilatt rir 41.11°: '8'
la n .
' on the pecond wednesday In March. 1900.
. ...--
QUORkZ BISS111:111, flenertil auctioneer
100 geseiltnii r/trett Roderith. P. 0. Box
„iferni, farta *rack, and nil -settler miles will
Vote soviet atter:dew I win buy your en.
t etse-k et Iratteohele Fbrniture, and will pay
liellhiatirlItie.or eel Kral eee whae I win
eitalt &Kett Lehrlikilow Wbet You lifile0
eell yew es GROnenS EORBTT, entiodtst
ellOW tradericb,
*Alt, Xt. 11,8. D. D. Et, McLean%
Meek, toetericn, Dr. Tanagere ted
ISSUER or .sisaerscat racearszs
CIODEItiort. - ONT. •
Our small fee learns you Telegraphy. Bali-
vray, Exprees, Telegraph and Ticket Account-
ing. The now ana Complete Frystem width I
have been toughing eves a thorough know-
ledge in all book-keeping. Ladies' receive 00
and mom per niontle
. .4., E. 14.4.TITES014. Principal, "
Office, G. W. Thomson & Sou's Music Store
For external eft only. is 11. positive care
for spinal disease, hip disease. inflainmato
rhen&atiansiame back. lumbago. ore tareci
weak and sore lunge, bruises, sprains, sti
jointS. meter° and all kindred diseases. It hes
also been found mein° for throat affection In
horses. None genuine without having the
trademark on labels and wrappers and E. .A.
McLennan's Liniment, Goderiebe _Ont.. stemped
on' wax seal on each bottle. Mennfactured
only' by Euensmia A. MoLENNast, Sole Paten-
tee and prqprietress, Godertch. Ont.
Tinders for Pulpwood Con000siou
eese. POr lb
Ducks, pet lb
Beefefore splatters
Beef. hind (Matter; •
Cattle and Hogs In Toronto.
. nun' 01fice, Tuesday evonjng, Feb. 27.
All was stated in The Sun last week, prices
then...pita for export; cattle wore higher than
last Week helped to boom prices, hut t s week
conditions seemed to warrant. The lyttit run
suppliea have been mere liberal'. an prices
ere ,about 15e. lower. A few lots were old
early yesterday morning atthe junction mar-
Icet at last Weekg priecia, some running up as
high as $5.25, but Mese thrives wore not main.
Wined. The general quotstfon for oxportere
now is from OLIO to 0, with the bulk going
from $4.75 to 090. Export biles sell from 0.50
to N.
Butchers' cattle are Ste0hEer thlEl week,
there being a brisk demand at slily ad -
050, and picked lots run up from 4.60 to
vaneed prices. Good stook sells from 4.25 to
075., One lot, equal to exporters tn qualitY.
was old at $1.80 this morning, Medium stook
le worth from $3.90 to $4.25, cenimon 0.50 to
$3.75. dry cows from $2.75 to *3.75, and can.
nerefrorn $2 to $2.50.
Thereevas a brisk demand. for stockers and
'ceders at the Toronto market Rile morning.
Stockers range from 53 up te nearly 0, while
short.keep feeders run up from 050 to 0.40,
or $1.50. as the outside figure.
Figures quoted for live hogs at the market
and packing houses thts morning are higher
than last week, but the market is reported
weak. .
Park, Blackwell & Co. this morning are
paying from $7 to $710.,for No. 1 hogs off cars
at Toronto, and Ole. lose -for second ratii. Lost
Tualiday•thta firm was paying only $6.15 for
tint class
Harris, at the market, Is paying $5.85 for
No. 1 kegs, fed find watered this morning, and
25c. less for fats And lights. At the Junction
yesterdaY the prices quoted by Harris were
rpENDERS will be received by the under-
sign9d up to and including
for the right to cut pulpwood on certain arena
tributary to the Montreal River, in the Distaiat
of laipissing, the Nepigon River, in the District
of Thunder Bay. the Rainy Lake. the Wabi-
goon River and the Lake of the Woods, all in
the District of Rainy River. Tenderers should
sttate the amount they aro prepared to Pay
ter bonus In addition to subh duos as may he
nxed from time to time for the right to operate
a pulp or pulp and paper industry on the areas
referred to. Successful tenderers will be re-
quited to erect milln on the territories and to
manufacture net wood pulp in the Province of
Ontario, , •
Partien braking tenders -will be required to
deposit with their tender a marked Cheqne,
payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, for ten per
cent. of the amount of their tender, to be for-
feited in event of their not entering into
agreements to carry out conditions, ete. The
highest or any tender not necessarile accepted.
lair particulars afl to description of territory.
capitol required to be invested, eta, apply to
the underalgned.
alinister of Lands and Mines, Toronto, Ont.
tekii ailittON ANOULts
At++ INitlittelidtti.
w. Tentrectr.
einetHenellteri Se. "It'fi""-'1 Ile/edemas' Eh
Nis* *matt& the Ann et britaltintetifira
Tunibult tilteWered either own
thee Wee, Itteetten ettiaet.., oe trent Dr.
Tambour* reudente,Neleori tititte
if. A. KMACiitter
neat% . 1414404 attglitten to
'owe afgreskteoce
lee hi ti•Stiiir
the*** ill4•44
nHURON HOTEL, Goderich Ont. -Thor
egrafiltatsm.dm.g.degirg011r',1 all°A;
Hones to bo found anywhere. e78. MORES:44-
MM, Proprietor.
CADVIMIls',4147,44P THE esAM-7;•<.N..,
bThis old established hostelry will be
kept up to a high standard of excellently,
4 and tho patronage of the general public /4
is reapectfully solicited.
tSpecial and personal attention will kl
Ibe paid te every department of the 4
businees, and we hope to metit a fair
ajuire of the travelling public.
A dtDAME4i, teacher of Plano, rte.
icsifiutntreal Block, con
nor flaitrAt Barr
m WIG OTT (Honors certificate
• Trinity Co ege, London. Reg4 Gegaldst
and Choirmaster of Krum Church, Ooaerich,
feather of Piano. Organ,singingsTheory and
Harmony. Studio, at este. McDonald P, SL
David's street, two doors west of Vintoria
Cherch. miwp
am prepared to_gitte lessons during the
winter reentbs In Drawing, and Painting in
Oil and Water Were Samples of the work
MA be Peen at COL streratee °Mew, and Thom.
son's Mwdectore.
Clesten started itt one°. Private 10801111
(Hell.' class,e3 a (Mance
Managerial Chem Table is noW on view at
Keinew The tools entirely, hand Work, by
GEOltete IdAltniTT,
Cambria Road, Gederich. (Goldthorpe'a Row).
The above fa for gale. /
Goderich noel Astate Agency -Carey &
Hamlink 4
Piano Tuner (special uoticel-Fred A Lewis I
Dog Lost -Star Office 1
Central Bus. College -Elliott & McLachlan 5
New Goods -1V. Acbeson & Son 6
Girl Wanted -triter Ofnoe
aleLemian'aLlatieent-E. A. 34cLennan1
Glove Lost.Ster Office .• 1
BustnessChange-G. M. Elliott._ 1
Corn (special notice) N. Dietrich & Son - 1
Spring Clothing -W. C. Prlehron . ... 5
Two Bargain Days -J. H. Colborne 4
'Undertvear Samples-Hodgens Bros . . 8
°Moe Man Wanted - Can. Commercial
Binder Co 1
Household Commodities -D. & Co4.
Fence, Fence, Fence -C. C. Lee 8
Certificate oi Dow:set-Standard Loan Co1
Card of Thanks -W. C. Pennington 1
Dog Found -Star °dice
A Sate Cough Medicine tor Children
Inbar/Jog eough medietue formhil-
dren ritteer lie Afreld to buy Chen:Mete
lain's Coegh Remedy. There is no
denger frotrt it and relief is tilwaye
take to follow. It is especintly vela -
able for colds, croup and whooping
eougb. For sale by Janos' Moon.
The work of building the tunnel
tatidee the Detroit ritrer nt Windsor
will errati ho under wiry. Tenders are
to' he openet1 00 March 8 Tot the
actual: constrtietterr. The Will
Ileve * length, including apptonehtei
of 1%800 feet, made up at foliose" s
West epprotreh in tunnel, it.,123 Otto
sifhitotieous pottier,* zaio:fciett east
approach of tunnel. iti00 teat total
length of tunnel, *bout 1,800 feet.
West Open aPprottilto 0610,1;540 feert
eltat Oen efiltretteh, abeint41,400 fetit),
total length of approscheti'4044feer.
The *rade in the trowel ott the De.
fruit aide wilt ha Spar rent. and ert
the lifitid*00.1140, Pet etnite
112:1444°4rtif:ABRIT. 414t1141:414:4407t."12:14. 4710'146:411;
letar,03411644 00044 0044 woe Of
unusual intereat., Moors. P., D. and
Sid Belcher and,fira. Syllib and 'Wee
taut* Drew sang a rmartettta Pao.
end foreebiladtlreirees wepa ries'
itVeted hi' Past. W.11. taraltrun_and
fklysilinteri Weightr rT4 .14/401/3.
MOM/lest On chair. Next Sundai
Ito/. t3l. R. flaxen Will -deliver the •ed%
draft* Meetinie iitt 4,15 p.. Att.
speciatinvitation eatenden yenng
following letter to „P. Plapectorst
1\,,axtoit000 „P4,4oKop'44...„
t,.,for,.00iong,', the proprier -Oar the
0,•;totalf Ornoetivand'Vbitut, 4100;
said ont fdelarre.-.1ifervotri'
the well known- ,grocere Of the
Bedford blocki. dootrot tO
gay Ilutt be does IMO inteltdrto leave
fauderiels_la rumor that be Would re,
Alava to Manitoba, being 41Wrifirt). but
WPI remain in the .old town ets,te.
tot him many Maude , will, hall With
enure. ,
ITO FOAM' TM. 44,130r.•410St
ile70 Marchilth. will be tbo .40tb anni.
t emery of the Valets ittsitteltin, end to
e„_ Obtoutentorate the. illeterie eVent in
Ilse been Isaue4 hY the PePthr AbeToten of aoderieb, TO* Swat will
'Minister , of . EAU nat1-04 / gout. •.publiala' * well written trecounti AVM
teen liChelarehlInt to the ' value of 'Ithe graPhie oen of Air* /t* / 1 e w 004
*MOO' for male teachera ends Med Of the events Whitili oulMinated in the
for female teachers will he &tante calling oUt of the loyal eithrens who
ad by the Minieter of Biltleatielt 'then forMed.the militia here. and the
to teachere holding at leest, 'Second '•establitabinent of &defensive linesiong
data prefer/atonal certificatee... 'There• thefront of Harbor HIM, Both young
i also granted from . the gaCtiopalti altil old residents of tOWn and cc/matey
11. rat Sebool Fund five cents. per mile Will Ond the article well worthy of
for travelling expeneea. The Neture perusal and preservation. aud any one
StIttly course gamete/ices ort the OM Wishing an extra copy Willi do well to
of April, and extends over a netted of lesit a or send in• their orders before
three months, It is desirable thet the Tneetley next.,
different portions of the Province n r
Shall she represeuted. and thot uot -,.4" sliTEREST TO VETERANS. - A
more than one teacber ehould come
from any county. Kindly give thie
as lunch publicity ae poseible, , and en- now under monsideration in w,hich ft is
deavor to get tbe best evallable toads* proposed' to take ovee all the veterans'
ers to apply. Applications should he clams for a cash corieideration of $60
received at. this Departtnent net litter each. This, It ts understood, will apply
than the 10th of March. . A 004, to clairna • that are held by oris
• Aeinanorairrva Comaretee. - The rad ointments utader the act.• Those
Mowing from the Oakville pa.) Who have purchased clams from vete-
rens for small amounts will be called
oh -to perform the settlenient duties
pleasure by tbe many frierds of our within,* certain thne or the claim will
Goderich boy mentioned : "Rev, LC. be cancelled. These are said to be two
Stewart, B.A„ of Mcporinie SensinarY, of the main features In e. hill which
preached two excellent sermous ter affects about 32,500 men wbo bat%
the Presbyterian brethren, here, Sun- been approved tor military seeable.
day, He is a young man, possibly 2t Hee. A. B. MacKay, without any
years of age, a Canadian hy birth, his authority under the act, while he was
native province being Ontario. He cematissioner of crown landeatccepted
has another.year's work at illcOornalo. the statute to cover about 40 Home
Last summer he bad work for a cburch ()dards at Olinton. There are 0 num-
on the Western side of the Rockies in ber of Home Guards in Hamiltonaind
Montana. He hi a very pleasing speaker these Were not recognised. A ques.
and possesses the qualities of a risin tion to be decided is, were the grants
young /minister. Both his sermon extended to the Clinton Home Guards
Sunday, were well organized and he as a means of strengthening the Libe-
iltustrations were apt. no is not at ral members in West Huron, or. was
all pretentious, but he is rt pleasing a mistake made 1) There is every in -
conversationalist, end eolid ha his con- diciation that the ruling of Mr. Mao-
victions. He is a good musician. He Kar will be upset and. the Clinton
like'd the eppearanewof Oakland very Home Guards thrown out. If this
much. He watt entertmned by Airs. should not be defeated there will be a
Smith and Mrs. W. W. Wilson." clamor for others to be let in. The
HYMENEAL. - A quiet but pretty matter is one the Government wishes
to get rid of as quickly as possible.
Up to date it has cost the prov/sce
oyer $2,000,000, and has eatisfied no -
'February 27th, at 7.30 a.m. when body. The act was the . projecl, of
-Catherine Dean, eldest dangl'iter of Hon. E. J. Davis, one of the a:embers
Mr.and Mrs.James Dean,of town, was of the Ross government."
united in the holy bonds of 'Matrialony SHIPPING OUT AlltERICAN SILVER. -
to Ernest G. Crowe of East Toronto.
The bride wore a. 'travelling suit-. of
blue ladies' cloth and white silk waist,
with bat to match, and was assisted
by Miss Minnie Sunni:ere, of East To-
ronto, who wore a blue suit with hat
to metch. The groom was assisted
by his brother Frank, of Belleville.
After the ceremony the bridal party
drove to the residence of the bride's
brother, Mr. Eugene Dean. lEi Luttrell
Ave., where a dainty wedding break-
fast was served. The bride and groom
left Toronto on the 1 p. tn. train,
arriving here at 7 p. in., when
a reception was held at theresiderice of
the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Crowe return to Toronto on Monday
CORRECTION. -Editor of Star, -Your
Toronto despatch to the liatnilton
Spectator last week said : 'SA bill ' Is
Messenger of Feb. 1st will be reed with
Notices under this heading to norradvertis.
ors will be charged 10 cents a running lino in
nonpariel typo, 12 lines to tho Inch; to yearly
contract advertisers whose advertising ap-
pears in the same issue, 6 cents a line ; to
those who make a yearly contract under this
heading, and do not otherwise advertise, 8
cents a line.
Local Notices.
CORN. -Have 1000 beeheis of good
American Corn for sale. Ni Druttucta &Sot/.
Mr. Fred A. Lewis, piano tuner, of
Berlin, expects to bo In Goderich in two or three
weeks from date.
Picturesqe Goderich, by Geo. F.
Harg1tt, on view at Mr. Smith's Art Store,
East street.
wedd ing was eolemnized in St. Jobn'a
church, East Toronto, on Tuesday,
. gonin Tupt.c.s.
tionary Engineers Association of On-
tario are in hopes that the present
Parliamentary session will see their
request granted for a law requiring all
stationary engineers to pass an exami-
nation for a certificate before being
allowed to run any engine over 50
horse power. They have made a long
and strong fight for this, and on the
argument of public safety alone pres-
ent a justifiable case.
be a grand exhibition in Clinton of
heavy draught, agricultural and road-
ster horses, brood mares, geldings.
families of four forthe teams, drivers,
saddle horses and ponies. Also Short-
horns, Polled Angus and Hereford
cattle, grades, fat cattle and dairy
cowe and seed spring grain. To end
with an auction sale of all kinds of
stock free to -everybody. No entrance
fees, no expense. Remember the
date, April 5th. Large and numerous
prizes are tieing offered. It is original
in every respect to the county of
Huron. Write secretary for prize
lists. -T. W. Shaw, Secretary.
UteLasv eve ASSEMBLY, -Yent erd ay
flve young men from the neighbor-
hood of Constance, in Hullett town-
ship. were brought before Judge Doyle
under the Speedy Trials Act, and elec-
ted to be tried by Ills Honor. They
were charged with unlawful anaembly,
and after consultation with their
friends, pleaded guilty. The Crown
:mid that at the hearing before P. M.
Humber in Seafotth, the defendants
were defended by Mr. Best. and that
tointiernan approved of the plea of
guilty. He then spoke of the offence
being a eerione one, but thought it
may have been committed unthink-
ingly. eorniggested that a light nen.
tenet; might he consistent with justice.
Tbe Court addreesed the defendantn
rin the seriousneee of the cue, and
Peitatal out that citizeinn mint not
only obey, but should „assist in enp-
porting the litive, lave/ which by their
Peeper entoecement had made Ewe
latid what ebe todw, the leading
account of the accident which occurred
at W. Levis' warehouse on Saturday,
Feb. 17th. is incorrect. You stated
that the three girls ran into the ware-
house,and seeing the platform moving,
jumped on it when it was two or
three feet, frotn the ground floor. As
one who knowe. repeat that this is
untrue. The platform was not moving
when the girls entered the place, and
they had no intention of getting on
the elevator until invited by Mr.Lavis
to haye a ride upstairs on it. The
girls got on the platform when it was
down on the floor,and wnen they were
almost to the ceiling the elevator tip-
ped, throwing the girls with great
force on the floor. all receiving a bad
shaking up, but especially Miss Kerr
and Miss Whitely, who received very
serious n I uries.-Oris Wiro Ksto
En. NOTE. -THE' STAR has again
asked Mr. Levis regarding the accident
and he says positively he was not
present, but was up town at Howell's
hardware store when the accident
oscurred and knew nothing of it till
he came back as Miss Whitely was be-
ing taken home.
Hackett left with his wife and family
on Monday for Charlton, New Ontario.
Mr. Hackett is quite taken up with
the future of that country. Charlton
is situated at the branith or outlet of
Long Lake, a body of water that is
navigable, and Mr. J. J. Kelly, who
also leaves shortly for the same place,
and is developing mining claims there,
will put on a pleasure boat and also
one for passenger and freight pur-
pose.. Mr. Hackett has located on a
160 acre farm within a mile and a half
from the village. The land is of a
marl clay loam, and is fairly well tim-
bered with sprucs, tamarack. balsam,
white wood, white birch, cedar and
poplar. This winter Mr. Hackett la
building ti reeidence in the village,
where he has sectfred two lots, and
will do all the clearing possible before
spring opens. There is a. lot of mining
claims in the neighborhood, Mr. Kelly
being interested in three which are
now in process of development. Huron
citizens will be much pleased to learn
of the future success of our Goderich
and Ashfleid friends.
Clahrenatte,4tuOther old,eititemitt
thettentorrot George Catnithelioleparr.
04 la Sattudaylagedild'yeatek
efteekWOWeeke illness. The ileteastk
on te the ;weird Ot Wife* death &
few weelorainee. WAS around perfolm.
lge ordinary duties, but front t tat
daY ueseemed and twe weeks
winee took to his bed, traYee tilletWe it
Again alive..!' In, early life the lato Mr,
Dathi'.'oell *ea a bard worlreVut for
many year* be lived retire . helug
well knotenswound the Town etteell
Olprinber, where he WRS often employ.
ed. The deceased had many friends
ht,:tbleneigbborhood, all of whore will
be sorry to lacer of his death`and
pathize with those who are lett to
mourn his Ceparture, The elturch
servicert et the house mid at tbe grave
wak performed by Bev. dert. A, Ander.
samurai the_pall bearere were tresest.s.
Thome!) MoKenzie, William Acheson.
James MoVlear, T. J. Wean, Thos.
Page and Capt. Noble.
Onasort.--James Oraigie, one of our
well known citizens, passed away on
Saturday after000n, aft& ix few days
nonfinement to tbe house, trorn an at-
tack of plume/mule. The deem:led.
who was in his Olst r ear, had been in
the fish end ice business for a long
period, but two years ago he sold out
the latter on account of failing
strength, the result of .ati Internal
complaint, and it Was the double nillic-
that caused his unexpected . demise,
The late Mr. Oralgie emu a well known
personality in Masonic and Orange
circles, and an honorary menaber
of the Sons of Scotland. In
the former he held office for
several years, having been elected
warden on several occasions in the
blue lodge in the Royal Arch Chapter
he held prominent offices many thine;
Of the Orange body he was a leading
member, holding office for several
consecutive years, and he was a Black
Knight of high standing. his mono be-
ing a prominent one among the lead -
Jag members of the higher branches of
the institution. The interinent took
place on Tuesday afternoon to Malt -
land ceinetery. It wao under the auspi-
ces of the Masons, though 'both bodies
turned out In goodly numbers, as a
mark of brotherly feeling. towards eaeh
other, and a strong testimony of re-
spect for the departed and of win-
pathy for those bereft of husband and
father. Church service at the house
and at the grave was performed by the
pastor of Knox church, Rev. James A.
Anderson, B. A., and the klasonic
service was read by W. Bro. P.M. Galt.
There were many friends and ac-
quaintances at the house and at the
grave, a very long line of carriages
following the remains to the cemetery.
Many beautiful floral oderings had
been placed on the casket by relatives
and friends. The day was one of the
stormiest of the season, nevertheless
there was a large gathering of fele
arcrand Bro. James Craigle'n last rest-
ing place in God's Acre when the re-
mains were laid away. The pall bear-
ers were Brothers be, M. Nicholson,
Lieut. -Col. W. Young, W. D. Tye, F.
G. Blair, E. Downing and Captain
A. Lawson. The deceased leaves to
mourn him a widow and six children -
three sons and three daughters ;
James, of Buffalo; John W. and Fred.,
of town; Mrs. W. A. Donk., of Stay -
nor ; Mrs. 0. W. Bussart, of Pittsburg,
Penn.. and Miss Alice, of town.
Brief Town Topics.
The circulation of THE STAR keeps
climbing upward.
Auditor Hudson is still lit work
examining the treasurer's, collector's
and assessor's accounts of Goderich
Carey .5.: real estate and
insurance agents, have a change of
advt. on page 4, where their announce-
ments will hereafter be found.
Cinder paths ere becoming more
popular, and it is a pity' the Court
House Park milks could not be com-
pleted during the cold weather.
Dr. Aladdin, who has been using
part of his house as an offlee, has this
week moved into his permanent quar-
ters in the old Bank ot Montt eal.
Judge Doyle, Sheriff Reynolds, Po-
lice Magistrate Iltiniher and Clerk of
the Peace Seeger drafted t) jut y
panel for thd coming June esslons of
the Peace.
Many town patronn contend that
egge slaotild be sold hy the pound, not
hy the dozen, If size is contridered,
there is reasonable ground for the eon -
tent ion.
Yesterday afternoon rin inspection
of the C. le It. werks showed that the
contractor Venn not iepresented by a
man on this end of the work, but why
quietness reigns could not he learner!.
The Huron Old Bort ef Toronto met
lathe K ing Ed ward Iwo Satsirday night
and decided to hold their minted excur-
eien to the old cotmt y on July 7th, The
returns from the recent at -hemp were
received and proved to I* vet y
The following are the arrangements
announced for getting ejffef the A me-
rioari silver nuisance: "the Canadian
banks are to ship ,United States silver
to the Bank of Montreal, the Domin-
ion -government, braving made arrange-
ments with the Batik of Montreal at
New York to receive all current Anse -
Olean silver from the various banke
its face value and credit the same to
the receiver general without 'charge to
the shipping bank. When the Finance
Department has received .advices of
the receipt of coin from the bank to
which it is shipped, instructions will
be issued for the payment to the hank
shipping the coin of an equivalent of
new Canadian silver from the office
of the nearest assistant receiver gene-
ral, All express charges on both ship-
ments of American and Canadian coin
will be paid by the Finance Depart-
ment. The banks will he allowed
three-eighths a one per cent for
handling the silver coin. Should any
bank be overburdened with Canadian
silver as a result of its effort to reduce
the quantity of American :diver in the
Donnnion the Finance Minister has
given his assurance that the nearest
assistant receiver general will relieve
the bank of the same. The instruction
from headquarters is to ship every
time flfty or a hundred dollare In
collected. This arrangement will be
appreciated by citizens generally a.nd
particularly those who have thought
enough of the question to realize that
every dollar of American silver in
circulation in Canada deprives the
etate of a profit of over forty-five
cents which it would make by putting
Canadian silver in circulation. Now
that the facilities are afforded for the
transfer of American silver to its
legitimate channel it is hoped that
the move will receive tbe support of
every citizen, and ES soon as there is
an accumulation, of American silver
have it deposited or exchanged at' the
hank and thus secure its deportation.
13th the R. W. Grand Black Chapter
of Ontario Went will convene In the
Odd fellowe hall, and the Grand Orange
Lodge on Wednesday, 14th, In Victoria
Opera 110118e. On Wednesday evening
there will be a public meeting, to which
everybody will be welcome. With
favorable weather there will be a very
large attendance of delegntee. The
detail work is well advanced. and it is
expected ample accommodation will
he provided fat the visitors. In anti-
cipation that tbe hotels may be taxed
beyond their capacity, a number of
citizens have riven THE Ekren their
minuet and the number they can ac-
cotnnindate. • Since this will be the
Met Ontario West meeting ever held
in Oodericie and representing as ft demi'
ever six hundred lodges. it is to be
hoped that oar business men and
defendants that Canadians who had to make the town attractive and create
nation in the world. Then. telling citizenn generally will do all they can
the same Intva should bo proud of a meet favorable impression of the old
their CO1Mtr34, And ehote it by obeying ' towo. It in underetooe the Town
them, he etentenced them to a line of Council will present an midrees of
lire della al41. including cost*, and of welcome, and it la to he hoped the
em over to keep the peace Board of Trade will also do so, setting
Ofir reealers will re. forth the man tolvantageit Of (lode-
tlid five deferidante, who are
And evidently, intelligent, were
alga by 1). M. itomber sane
since to the June Session; on
charges. tut to end the matter
the authoritiee wittalrow two
ehairres, and to the other they
*kitty. It is et pleasing end.
touhlesonio incident.
rieli an a menu aeturing mid shtpping
The Huron Tract Said to be Retro-
grading -Too Many Bachelors,
Too Pew Children and Not
Enough Perm Help.
Winter"' 4porffk Pelle* CO
On, Wednesday night Petorboro and Priday last WO* busy day at the
Vol's, Snood played to the send -finals police tourt.rour epee being broneht
at, the latter, plate. the Eastern tearn ' before the p. M. for adjudication,
winning by 0 to& Details of the game The fleet wager' ettenit ea* between
are not available at this writing, but
the Sailors with a few frienda lett by
the lli,t61,, treats yesterday. to play' the
Web et the finals with the Peterbaros,
who wills all heir% well, come to tied.
erieb for the dad ng game on Mon-
day evening next,
1111111ffaht 0, nonunion 2.
Perlin Feb; 23. --The firet of tho
Mite and limn° genies between these
tWO tnaille, for the honer of playing in
the finale, took piece, liere 0114014 the
Dutch Cotepanee` Winning by the
score of 0 to 2. The lee was covered
whit an inch of water In many places,
which prevented'what otherwise would
have been a beillient game, and short-
ly after the face-off the playere were
thoroughly eoeked. The contest waa
MU/repented with clever workjen the
part of both teams, notahly the end-
to-end rushes of Oarr-Harris, white]
worked the crowd Into a elate of great
anxiety an be neared the Dutehmen'e
nets, and ball it not heen for the cred-
itable Work of Ellie their lead would
ha,ve been meterially redueed. Me-
phisto MeIver. too, played hie usuat
brilliant game, and tials combined
with the splendid defence of We "Sail -
ore." °ply allowed one shot to enter
their goal in the second half. During
the first 20 minutes five goals were
piled up against Ole visitors, and
when plity commenced again they
wore determined to neve, but not be-
fore the Dutch haVallied one more.
The Goderich eo tightened, and
Cart -Harris; by erilliant reale land-
ed the puck hiss",eir nets, quickly fol-
lowed by a °river shot by WiggIne
which, after a nhort play, brought the
game to a finieb, with the Sailors: far
from discouraged, and confident of a
walk-ovee for then: In the return
match, as the report will indicate.
The attendance -moo -was the largest
at any of the Intermediate games, and
although the auditorium has a wipe
city of over 4,000, exult ement ran hieh
all through.
Toronto Star.
There is a grand opening for the
Salvation Army to dispose of their
first importation of marriageable
English girls en bloc. And ship them
up to Btsice and Huron and the Went
and north divielons of Middleeex, and
unless there is something radically
wrong rip that way bachelor farmers
should receive thern with open arms
and wedding rings.
"There are more bachelorn and few-
er children in Huron and Bruce men -
Gm and the north and west of Middle-
sex than in any other dialect of old
Ontario," is the rather startling state-
ment made by one of the Farmera'
Institute lecturers in hin report to
Supt. Putman. received today.
Being a lecturer upon trail and nub -
Boll and cattle and grain, and other
things of a tnaterial nature, he does
not delve further into the peculiar
situation presented by a ouperahtin-
dance of bachelors, a marked dearth
of children. He simply makes the
plain, bald statement, and tete it go at
Hon. Nelson Monteith, the Minister
of Agriculture wan rather astoninhed
when the matter Was brought to his
attention. but Major Hugh Clark,
n.f. P. P. for Center Bruce, feele his
county's disgrace keenly. He way Ina
seen in the library at the Leginlature
paddling around in a sea of scientific
works seeking for an explanation of
tho remissnese of the sturdy eettlers
in the peninsula.
The lecturer's report continuee that
hem; school section in Middlesex the
achools had been closed becauve there
was only one child of school age In the
The lecturer .., that a large mann
piste, Ana nos onenin m it nominee devoted to grating. The lack of farrn
recort. There will be fiddreteree Oran !fiber *as et iterions obstacle to mixed
the Celerity a amok Huron. the terming and a factor in the trawler-
OE:erotism of Huron mai Perth, (lode. motion, of "these farms' into gsazing
fical °sang° Lodgct, gto otombiy. Undo. The houses and be/tidings In
/ethers. The great balk of the dente three fartne WSII1 allowed to go to
Woe, tvb eh win be at Meet 300. Will 116160 ftml the Stallone and etehaEle
bar af norm In t e game distrietn are
In tow nr noon on tho itth, eniVerlIda
;44 \ ck. ,
. es.
tWo citizens, awl t ended In the defend*
ant Wog fined $1 tillia COEN* 45.00ther
eitiZell Was charged by Constable
Postiewaite with ti ping pro.
fano lauguago on WO ntablie POW*. '
The charge was proeen. and the WM. -
inflicted a penalty of $2. Inelnaing
J. P. Harrison, of Clinton. Wasellerits
edby Fred Davis, ot the Bedford, with
blackmail, in attempting to extort
money from biro. bythreetening prose -
cation. The case dttl not halt long. tor
at the conclusion of telepre Clerk
Watson's evidence the etendant
pleaded guilty. on the ady ce of his
couneel, and was sent for trial to tbe
Juno Sessions. Front the charge stud
the evidence it soppeare that Harris
wont to the central telephone office
and called up the plaintiff, and saYing
that he' was going to lay a charge
agninst him for selling liquor contrary
to law, said It would be better to eettle
the matter then, which he would do
for $10. The plaintiff said he did not
trantract suoh hardness over the phone,
and asked him to COGOLS over to tbe,
house, whi b he quiekly did, and re-
peated his offer, Mr. Davis then stating
that if he paid him the money he
would have no security that he would
not be prosecuted. Harrison then drew
op end !signed a statement that be
(liarrisotifbad not even been in the Bedr
ford. on receiving which the proprie-
tor quickly ejected the man. After
being apprehended on the charge the
defendant said that he had been forced
into melting the written statement,
and that be had not called Mr. Davis
up by telephone, iind it was the tele-
phooe elerk'il stateinent showing that
he bad celled up the plaintiff and had
offered to settle over the phone, that
eaused the collapse of the defense and
ended the mute till June.-Thie week a
change was made in the commitment,
it being made to rwid the next Court
of uompetent jurisdiction, and on
Tuesday Harrison was brought before
His Honor Judge Doyle for election.
He elected to be tried by Hie Honor
without jury, pleaded guilty, and then
the Crown Attorney asked for the
eentence of the court. In his address
Mr. Seager described the crime as a
bad one, and one from which hotel -
keepers should be proteeted. He ad-
mitted that defendent, tieing new to
Canada. and having a wife and child.
might iucline His Flonor to a merciful
eentence, but held that it was a crime
t t should, not go unpunished. Mr.
f$' ir, who appeared for Harr4son,
le de a strong plea for a suspended or
light sentence, using his client's abort
residenee in Canada and , the posi don
of his wife and child in urging mercy.
Judge Doyle was strong in hie denun-
ciatlob of the offence, which he held
to he a vile one, for even if hie charge
tigaieeet ehe plaintiff were tem. said
His Blictinr, it showed that he was
ready to commit perjury. After in-
forming the prisoner that the sentence
might. be one of seven years in the
penitentiary, he said he was going to
give him what he (the Judge) thought
a very light puniehment, and sent him
to the mundat jail for tate month with
hard labor. sAethe Judge tittered the
sentence the prisoner made a loud ap-
peal for mercy for his wife and child,
and as His Honor left the bench he
was heard to say. " You should have
thought of them before."
The famoue " Deutchers," with an
unbroken record, went down at last in
the game with Goderich hist Tuesday
night, the score being 13 to 5 in the
"Sailors" favor, and 4 goals ahead in
the round. Within five minutes of
the opening the puck was safely landed
in the Berlin goal, and our boys con-
tinued to find their way to that delsired
cage until they not only led in the
game rait in the round. and when the
shot was inade that placed then) ahead
a wild though pleasing scene followed,
every Goderiehito present cheering to
the full extent of their lungs. It was
a magnificent ovation and the win-
ners deserved It MI, for they played
against great odds (four goals behind)
anii with such push, science and unity
them and land them-
selves into the final for the Intermedi-
ate championship, There was grand
play on both sides, but our men out-
played the Berlfnertl in all round play,
and an has been so clearly shown they
ore the hest players among the 0.H.A.
Intermediates. There were many peo-
ple preeent from Berlin, and one man
who. it was said, had tvon 33800 the
night before on the Senior Berlin teatn,
put up 5:100 Goderich, anti they
were all taken, in fact, every dollar of-
fered against OoderIch was taken up.
The average betting; may be guessed
from the bets offered by one man.
5100 to 850 that Gocierich would win
the evening game, and $25 even that
Goderich would win the round. Gude-
rich is to he congratulated on admin-
istering such a decisive defeat to the
Dittehmen, who time far had a fanums
record, the Seniors and (Merril (hates
having won 18 games and net a single
defeat. The Iiailorti ran up t 001 Of
115 goals to their opponents 45. 1,how•
ing their FM perior "shooting "
and even If they do not capture the
coveted trophey, will " runners-up"
for 1006. Referee Milk, of Toronto,
was ernirently satisfactory to both
ILont,,on Freo Proirit
To the hockey "fans- of Western
°merle, whn are hoping to See t he
th Pee 0. 11. A. chanielonn come trt him
district this year, the defeet of Flerlitt
et Ooderich Tuesday night and the
entrance of the hike shere seven into
the finals will not lie weleome news.
Ntit that Berlin Is the Inoue popular
with hem. It. tnakes little difference
which wInn tho clip, so long an It is
won, hut at the frame t au( it im felt that
BerlIn would have had t ho better
(-hence against the winners (if the
Pet erboro•Parry Sound series.
Should the expeut fee decide on a iii111
den (loath game at wont" for the
honors., fioderleh's chance to go ()it
their perfot timbres In the hig dolor In
Strat ford field 1.0tulon, where
each time they were defeat ed, would
be worth little. Away from their eon
ice t hey hs ye never, despite their size
and more than ordinary alien y In
ntityle hentlehen Of the sporl proven to
he vory dangeroine Simuld, however,
home and home Ramie. tin derided up, in,
it iq "dollars to doughnuts" that the
silverware will form 0E1. of the sights
fot t he visitors to tioder-irti during the
next twelve months.
Yesterday Mr. W. W. Fisher, who
owns the Benntiller %Viet., Wyandotte
Poultry yeah], shipped by F(xpress 22
beautiful birds to J. Mnisonnetive, Mon.
treat. Mr. Fisher makes frequent
nhipments to distant points, and is an
expert in the poultry Imminent+.
The petit. two (layer Robe Clark had
large tariff employed cutting lee, ml
his lee housee are being filled as quickly
as poneible. The crystal hi being eut
between Marlton's Island and the flex-
hor Lumber Mill, hut it den't leek ns
if there will he enough at that paint
to fill Clerical houses.
The managers rif the Preshytet inn
church in 8 -IL Catherines had a spe•
cial ealiVaNn to mike 8400 to pay a
note at, the Bank of Com met era When
they wen t to the bank t hey found t lug t
the note had been paid by a friend,
who lef t word that hie name wart not
to he given out. The congregation.
voted thankn tn the unknown.
The Children's Aid feociety yenter-
day received a requent to procure a
honie for an Infant only a few wesso
old. Thin makea two cancel needing
adopt ion, the other being a hoy of ten
montho, and anyone wishing; either
eh:Iti, or willing to help find a home
for them, would greatly oblige by rtd-
dr eesinkc or calling on the preeident„
JatTlen 1 f Itchell, care of STAR OfTlee.
Vletoria Chnpter of the Women's
Handicraft Guild, which during the
winter months; have been holding their
cowing nesaione at the mem bent' homes;
met last Wednesday evening at the
renidence of Mien McPhernon, and were
handnoinely entertained, besiden enjoy-
ing a yery protnising progeamtne.
Next meeting will he at the re:rider:es
of him Capt. Baxter. Lighthoune
Ton STASI le Indebted to Mr. Obaa.
Wenn for a look through the Mut/teat.
ed Obristrr an PAlition of the
NOW Zealand, Newo. is profnsety
end handsomely Illustrated witheiewn
of native ceenery end hollda.y Mae:
and they certainly are a wide vontract
to those of Canada. The pipet is of
deep Interest and as All artistit pro-
duction mites, high rank. It WO beet
by Mr. Wells' &they. 'ate WM 194f re-
membered by old resident, Of float*
114-. . •
'rho !tense:II Observer refers to their
local lady hockey team followN :--
"()de lady Imekeyist /M. practiqing
up and are greditally gett ing
their ktagd. Ight. Their fear of the
In the evening th.Wtinptil chamber___
wait crowded to IlstrW'''to a champ el-
asssult made between two men ern-
ployed at t he Organ factory, and some
dozen veitnesses wet•e summoned, and
when the case Wee called the defend-
ant pleaded guilty and the expectant
crowd dispersed. Plaintiff asked the
P. M. to bind over the defendant, but,
the court said the efl9e was closed and
defendant could only he bound over by
another complaint being made. The
magistrate fined defendant 81 and
vests, hut allowed no fees to the wit -
Next Sabbath morning the Sacra-
nient of the Lord's Slipper will he dis-
pensed I 11 Knox eltu ride The prepara-
tory seryive will be held this (Friday)
evening at 8 when Rev. D. W.
S. Uttoiliat 1, 11 A., will preach; the
new hel 14 I11 be reeelved, and
carde dist, iliuted to intending court -
virility last Lent began, and ,
t he tisted set vices were held 'a: .4t.
George's and St. Peter's churchee.
The Lenten pester -al Issued by Hilitisrborspn,
Williams, or he Intemse of
Wil./4 read ns the sermon, by Rev. Mr.
nhull, on Sunday morning, and on
Wielliesdity he preeched in a similar
line. erten-Ong 1() seledenial and
devotion,' I t ore which should naark
t penitent 4048011.
The splendid new ehureh of the
Net th st1.44•L Met hfid hit congregation
will le. dedieated on Sunday, March
Wile by Rey. Cr Carman, goneral
supet intendent of the Methodist church,
and Ilev, Joirenh Philip, 13. D., of
Alymer, ptesident of the London con-
ference, On the frillowing Sunday,
maerfv:irrme8eiw. Hplitebtoe rcoonf.
ducted by Rev. Jasper WilsOn• M. (5)-•
North tatueet chureh. and in the after-
noon a iiethhat h seined rally take
Extensive preparations are be-
ing made for 1 hese aervices and other
gatherings in conn(CtiOrl with the
opening of he church. and the eongre-
puck in nteacilly dirruni,hing 1111 t hPy I ft/t t ion iv looking forward to a notable
don t squeal set frequently when 1 hey occasion in the hietory of the ehureh.
see It vowing their way- Th. -3,- hav,, A tea -inert ing will be held On onday
four very speed y ferwrit ils w hose shi 1e,t,verhitii.g.1111iiiireemti 1A0ti(hi. sto(twdice,rtth, e nAuspgoleoesdi
programme of mime an addresses
will be given
on goal nal well It»ed. rif the
forwards phis, splendid combination
The goal tender steps everything th:it
peeves' the weighty Thp gu.14
are getting Witte t he roles. and 114
up to them te chid lenge the I itteurnerti.
ate, 0. 1 1. A. team."
London Free Pries of Tuesday :
"For the fleet Limn in neV1.11 ye:1PN the
mentor championship Of the Ontarlii
Mickey A nste•Int iim leaves Toronto,
and for the first time in the hIstory of
the associat ion does the honor eome t o
the west. Berlin' H1111044 potmlar.
Indeed it is doubt fel if any club hag
enjoyed the wishee t he hockey
enthualaten as have the now fernoes
"Itutch Compri nee.- Of vottrae, it 1.
hardly to be expeeted that this feeling
should be abated hy the Toren to
"fano." Nor has it. A .1, ternat lc be-
littling, of the "Dutchmen's.' abilittA
an puck built of the calibre that rile
win otaken, CD y net It".4 A.Vert n
the fere of A reeortl equalled by few
teeing in the hinter y sf the (). . A.
Laid at Rest
Is this it frig. to keep
The larder leant.,
And leant,.
Prom fat et renlet n tat gheop I
1g It to toll the di•Ii
(10.1) and .1111
to fill
Tbs pint toe sera with nrh 1
tel It in fast nn 1.1( ore.
I roa'e 70 9".
Or ghow
A downy:mit Ionic nnt1 goner ?
Xo. it 1110 to dole
Thy .heat or wheat
And nirat
1 not the hungry cool.
ni to fest from ergo
From oal debate
And hate,
Te. eleciimoine thy Wei
ro •how n heart coital rent.
To isisrNe thy gin, .41111
Nat bin.
1n,1 that s to keep thy Lent, miss'
- en1," p111
Born .este" and by the
sowennv. nods. making ti variety
enney 'filth, to hie and/11 nese recognite
The remainn of the late Mai. Meek friend, while you
in your henteand
()wee arc sesn /kg eatt, of friar.
zstii, Mita ni• t(1701
And infinite. variety.
Jr.. A Ando•.on
finidem Jane h1(‘Ad
ne A.110014.
to Ara. -le oftasoctOpilow,„ gonna Aff
Else Mee etre Mach, cif the ollatielt Get%
neadca riecessery, fritift
Pot4 Met 1000. trlaton
02 Mrs. John witu6. nAYe foodoPorit4
unit 10 days, V311.10 41troxpoly.
vaurtuati.-ta Giteeitte ameallan (01,)
SIA, ISO& ontnotat rotteef ist the, re
ottatette**xe tlettera -
2itir._,Kee,jektGCLI eteleplik PA)11(1k ,
were interred In Mait land cetnetet v
Friday afternoon, In preqenec of a
rintriher of the deeeneed eld ft iende
Ser vier, at the honse and a 1 t he g ra v
was perfol ined 1:y Rev. Met k
reeter of St. Gore fee's, end the
bearers were, William Cox, Wm
Johnston, Wilmer fitnIth, 1). Reid,
Chao. Math, and Jno, Meleay of Kin.
If yon want the very bent on the
*Parket at the price of tire inferior,
' will he strisseribeir to Tan &ran.
'. •