HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-02-02, Page 341g pl, sad Will be arb>r y w
aaisted Sad OaJ
first- P..L,AMTAxe Paum
caer.et--Altera TEl1PLRATURE - N O 'I• I (; L 1) u 11 1) L` +1+ 1 HORNLiGTUA AND WELLE6LLT
kd/4dssd@C Ivan is ills amen d oar kebl* very lengthened dvtale, ,n who,b a number Oftka asasril 4% Jrarrryat Uadarickarson- I- Il lJ r 1r l U S _
.bill,,. We are $sham that lease aro cadre of very IN • ecbte, eoutafals solkir would by o 04-rwrrresng 7'Aweemed ►-wiM LL parson• an hr tasessssd cot OF THE: SECUND VOLLME OF THIO HESE Townships we at preorat i, tied" ,a
Lung fti j a "mors.ei.a, e/m mod sand *ander. f, s'y ` T the %.",&Stan 1►wr,u, awl n•w ivy a very
to swasnd will r tlTe pwe►aragvir bovfuS anything wdo with JOURNAL OF EDUCATION doobdol claim. Dy veglres ter o irmisat, tae
!d p . Lwtllm..b let awe were delivered, the Sliautenal
Dwrat M Haar, .srh vie uW to M ret with Leg. - Wind. (E'a■tAar. a NOTE OF HAND rYtad by Jvdtr anti re. mutde--.* a retiredly r avis -hs. w,earnd.
SdJrw i. alas tr to his Eiteelleaey's speteh, is& III. .I)a f1.& AMOW. Ale,aeder 1C.Ipets"k, in of vol of Lures NCB,Yk, N•r b.° it gate uteri be re}ld"# mise•, mw
a *up •serf Diortst is Upper Cared.--4*t we I ova earned by a n.nj.,nry of 4e to 18 2•• •• 6 13 N. W. thew mtoera se tb `realer Paul d ,6e awuval u( amid Nulr U PER CANADA the career of sus Hams tweluvy we. brue t
bsae •made of bur rude to Lure tact• sad we 3.... 15 Id a all y p.id.
rbe bel..n l'arbarruyl I. ItyM:. Our /.eve tL. Msg-
real of the Proe. eJ;ng• C•w,et• sella! 4....16 2•J `i EDFIT L) BV ,ao.,a W Qe.rter Nrrawa.at l.u_rnch, - ,►r,e
am strove eW alaulr that ems neither k JOHN KILY.\1'RI('l riyhuatwu w ,w Aawrxby, rlefinee tks/itif
of nmuPr.e bur!oers, ,pica u pnseounj 5••••25 9tl ALEX.\YDIR KILPATRIC[.
aur.►. d nor la".aariafed, .rets by ILe •' Mie.- a.,.. 14 29 •• I.
Csiburur, Fill. 2r.d, 1-19. 5211 TUE REV. LGERTON KVER60.l. [It D. i &asst d dive r w Tb iy, ,iam lrte,l..,a-
aH d tL the Rsaiss." Amid a watching •aJ et,uunv, giving notice of n,ultnar, Ike. Sec. 7.... 13 23 •' --- -
If the country, war to be enriched b mach 8... I8 26 '• snow. s r t r m__ visual .L'PLail71t11n.t]T w rich 1 d.aa I— Ius, ■ lek-aer I.,,hr .Yfyre,, w.a d,a. ell,
deteaeug ,M wigl,fr Je*yslr.u,o d the 1 I,1 Olt I AN I J ivy is Jury, fn47, ,u r.vt.e fist Chiu., .viJ I. au-*
rover• and latireiPs4fw u high fro«r, we lailbug and gniLbbng, captious oppouuJe, 9 ... IU 16 North. AIitlISTED BY Al R. J. GEO. 11OIN:JNS. 1 wtilled to for -
sW be equally faithfet u lop led bare the little, ; we would ro se a monument con nct 1U.... 9 4 Pur. TO TRAVELLERS. D 1t_
P P" 1u U .... 3 14
Pavy, 6,061 sycamore. wimch Peculiarly prevail slid severally, to Fir Allan iticNab, Cul. 1.1 ... 4 11 See lb. r 1{E Svibeeriltes gating leaned that writ• i Jus,ras! t:4aW„s I t Juar Ill, 1841.
/ tHE Cusducton d the q/ Assn, .,ot H to rheas that the 7..ws
beer, and whir hams dew own ,u imp"iks the Prince usd LOUIS J. Pa ,,,,. Tbase .re 14....25 30 •• CbsdY. known and coiamudimua 'CAVERN puryt»e to conuSYe its e
15....18 25 Wc.i. Sa.w. pubheauuu i..r the •hip* of hlutslhjWs sed WLik.iry ae►w
PsorpSnty of Heron 'has tea Powerful ispeiy the heroes of the time-wuwtmg oppoostws• 16....16 20 S. W. Fair. STAND. a the Township of Hay, tld atilea, year 1849. la fi,nm will Iia quaff. fastest w reeer.i.) t., fun, foot u( the Huron U,rt►kt•
d th. ' pLedly Cooysst' 1. .bon, sus bene 17...,16 2l N. W . snow. fro". (ru.ILt..:4 u" the J.uaduu lioA-', lalel► oc tsro, in order to secure w the •ubrcu,be[$ In I
dewvmised to shit anai chielly b [base grant We bops the country will prti t by the iB.... 10 16 North. Cloudy. occupied by Mr, James Gordon, begs leave Iii tLe Advantage of 19,tesp-pir in 4he ylacs til Us the ace W ldrrc0. ld3tl, the Act viae
pithy pointed remarks of the 1lusurably „ to le lmals to him frn•s,:r and U.s travvl.0 Nw'I,Uk PO11e e. pawl, crectfrg ,Le Ilurun Di.trD s, (tot
19....19 18 Fau.
Iwa•iPirw d pop.(at tight mad sstve l juaTiw, r ler .:.13 29 tlmuw. y C L, fee hint ',Irma the ('eadactary esus mad { Var. Clap. t0). By the 33x1 e/au,q stew
which have have the theme d aur advocacy I Bomber lAr l.rl I. —__ o ubl.c in general, tial hs Lae opened .0 cluellY a fourfold .*.t its wi,w. 1. Au ,x,..,. - right. were ,.fat,:i.h,d, as remerveld [or
l ...ld 29 N'ru. Fa. r. Ins co t:,t prcurser Lr the au'uWwodall"' .tion w ,Le yris"Oes, sod
through life The arms and •plea which we '1'OOCRSUBSCR1sER8-$AYENOTICE 22....if s7 Sonlb, Cloudy. tit hare;,.,. And a, be istRais lar, con- 'fu,eSy.tru,tilCua,m,.uk5,,, .,•kiuUppeto- and d•u•!the Lur•L ,Ih ler flu unel).tries, and sLe
have ■itharto occupied is waging am sawon►y 93 ...20 2ti Fair. duct it o" the sm,:nt respectable rine. .Ja t- The ti.laic,i,o,,., ubli a _fou w
The hrat yru tithe !!aeon Signal is sow ,,,, 3 •' Souw. P P" q a J,divel,util iLe U•tr.cL of Ilurun (afar fr-
wo in, .bet, be, beoorforth,occupied wilt *Rich coal S4..
and we trust tbu use SrbSeribere r 25...,"33 44 " ,now .A 1 to ,Pars netas,•r I ibnur acre ex--erfav its ' *studs reia sous Sad dutila W Tru.,,c,. PurYts i taro /Isle 1 lute two a "of .. TL.• clause
eaayn d ► literary w =will mature u may re- mtni,teno. to she comfort of tho,e who mud School Tewh,n• A Tile ;,apart nee ail' i. as lura. ul -inti isle it enacted, sn ,
Will consider our aeeeri,iee, ■od save a the 26•• • •21 21 N. W. Snow. ma • Uua:xn L:m, he • Lu l \fou, -1 3cl.eul luStrutl;uu iter i
mh Gam the benw d for assent. Aud wiille : 27....19 2d seeth. Cloudy. y P' belies n said ' ' oQr" um cl.0.1 • W U, tiwat he filrvit inn ul ' '1' as va cry fdlsrs w►v, of the ter, rilory
Lfeeble of aY further intimation. And a we ,vii lain a aharc of the public fw r. ry. 4 Tbt im-
ths iahaWtusa d this Diann ea[iame to 1 28....21 31 ! fu !fs serliiesrrd J tit said (:oral
i cru aware of the difficult d elfin cash of I)AA'lll til \. I yultu.ee and great w gauges d a tlauronL:,, •i'K 9
Pon of with their eamtemesoe, and their ! ! s Z 29... 29 35 East Snow. t uJ lar,tia, viae .,:• • .• tSsea•Ai • f is
~tom' yrt'w*t, elf ,home who find it convenient w pay 30....18 12 North. Fair. N. B. -There is Road S:4: •n uu ;Ile,
(a,rlsuou, Cun,auu. Scholl edacotiva to t.,e , S J Y Y /C
age as they seem a lllimg to do at prewar, we I is may kind d merchoutable fire, produce. are P (I leau,slers and others may ' s0veraf classes Of net rrdwtrums l,e ulttwa.- ra irii fy V0491 VANS to tact MVI tlser y
31.... U l7 S. L ucmi ter, "m
Wdlstudytenad"Seraelre* earful, sndYv Y Pr !11,anofthe•mou,h I. I. ,r.i"lid oDtYcr neces,ar attention bri:.y' Wk.kthouljecfewbiebhast gjvra''a..ver.rfluruda'y'f,he a..id'u4mafy, .hall beat-
qut t►ax WaiaeSo h eodratorlag to de gitaiM regeested to deli.er the same to hit. Robert _- - -- - - - - ___ ,! to their hu ber; i U. G. ( I to the Flat Vulrme a This Journal willow to : tamed ty _ust mese,, pstt of thy bald lar-
Ellu Colborne Ira, Gudencb, or at ,b• Ston 'of Lost
1 pool I o get Yf, snottier Veils& jrtt d that 8e- fended ov w D„tnv L ; I. rd that at any Coa-
the ill e,teet d oRir .pp.aeeiviea sod abilities H t It O N DISTRICT' G eneb, Jost. _ith, 1 i43. 011f vont \'olivae well Ire SCHIWL ARCIIITEC- sekir.ni ld,.0 •LL*tqut at to lite murrey of
J1ewA Gilnieer t Co. ___
Arad should ow exertions in behalf d ,heir is. ..- _. - A(iRi(:ULTl 1k,AL 66ci i- rr. + - __ - . _- - - -- '- - - 'I UAL; for tire clacwlKuwt d and ;mpruvemeu, !low avid taur0 til luwusIs ,, u eforesart, 1L
wase be feeble• they eh.11, at least have Ase TwosbMsel the BotldaA4 Society were I a . tit Which the C'oaducturs bare already prorurrd ;.bail dad Man w lawlt,l lar as J for the
redeeaia edit be .ball be faithful. sow w Bawd. avenin_ la•, at I t1 T STRAYED. .viral 1:0grue;u;s, aa9 have takes steps Lo ru. J
tq y- r ! preu.wats d epig AMI fol Oeseral !media of'this. ♦fes. aE
k Guftrasa/ "villear-t iiuvcrruu, ter perrun
We ►ave a oateral ",it* for wmagliog or 51j sad 55 Per reel.1 Tire price d moan is I3et,ety sill ►ir held at the roe ile- _1 I PLrr ,,Len; °Yd m dee cuerse vii ,he ynr• ASW6ey ! a,JW.Llaltrin tho veruu.v OL of t hu Pro -
Y { parpcw to give esgnvlap L( ail the Leet ASW! FY
hviy as suave. It we know our own mind, rising notwithstanding the gold -digging mania let is,IheTownal'G th,onT(IF.TIDAY,All'%UT the lith of May last, trop the aue*uvliab:*PL.\N$OFSCIlOO'-11uCSE.w, rinse, by sad with the adv:ca and tuumeat
a Moe d a-makird slid a barred of injustice, are .d C ld"i I. ,! o t'•irtrent5 d*.v u( F. braar , is t9, at pre waar ofJOHlsf LINDSAY ;'`o, 20 (with acc,.mpanyir; explanatcun-,) wl,.ul ,ave of tier JJajeary's Executive Cou,.vil for toe
rhe Imdog feature. d it, sed ever have bees.--
_ 19 ti el•.rk seen. few the ELP '1-INN of Huran Rw•+, 'I'vwwLip of Guldentb, a sero rerammervled by Sellout au,.,unt.,s is ,he afl:ir• t4riau/, to divide the said sew Dia
to Txa ILDrroa or Term rsoas■ ,LvisAL. OPPICt BBARZkois live. kc. for ler dark btuas MA"'4hr.e yearn old, %Id, a wi46bwnsg 8.aes; sed also, if pwible. Ea... gnat knits, two tabutive, under back seemed
And ars cquJ w knew * o r wntose swhe Late, present year. I shit.• A•jr un the 1.IehcaJ. an' o•,d arcate growing.Ntheatrics oi i-inasolCommwSebarl-!tied w,tb such liwft, as may Le cxprdieal.”
beam ►ear aegeaia[ed with' oar wnuugs, sad Sir, -At a llretiuY ee the Commiun d lLe R, G, CUNiNfiflAM-P. i tiu:d toot and a heavy mace and tail. The ,*saes w4arh have been adapari and rre*v.: By Ilia,abote tl.,nse, the antiaprted disi-
were Lha beat yedges d them• have w rev ;rwing , Godericb Tot 1 _'1b.l;ceacc S.rey, held at life PfKretery, H. D. .d. S. i i""If.etur putthav it her b, low Lundl,o ant amended by also l:dacauomal Cuurwi.•,es d flet • sisai of the Ilurun U,.tntt was cuntevpla-
them given of credit for a lots* Share u1 Lbew I house of alt. George Houses. on aloaday evening iiaderi* Illot Jan. 1849. a'" suppudes she may have s•rryed m that dire•- Mair"Y's Privy Coascft is E:agland. 'flee I,t- ted i act, a. 1: a to a sabtPs or Nursing too
[rut: Ltt:o^ver wLl rerto:e her to for ow-ncr grawtsis will exceed 'c er,.,ber t..e mrwaSe N
gRiahuea Rat we (Rive e4 niaa►,od mec'a bet- the :2nd last, the lot, Resolution was 4444 - - -- - -- syr yeao, anti xce that salve be wgth al Lab• .ad \VJ.c.lry are to Ilia range re.erled,—
pet„ uauiissal ' eJ : POAITi ONE.ML,Y'9'. ill ;live S005lafoluatrur, as will lived to her ' tLJL h mclLdud in The AVellte tun
ter then we laws ay air Of Lbru,. 4001 f aw/t xnptfon price of Ise vo:utme. Y R
Irw equally t P• dle•evt b Sir. George C.x reeoitded fAocerl. still tas:elve f=t as reward.
bund of o lice , r call a•ron u oat u;- 7by lir. tt. Another of j et til rhe Second Volume will be, ' strict Uy tine Act 8, L -,c. chap. 7, wbwb
Jean Bisalt, sed R -stoat, That thtl Edit, rt d ASI)Ml` R SsIS of lfrtttlati• - G""cnt k, 18Sh Jan., I9{9. 50 1oea,o:ain soy msdff ca was which ua be nada act describe IEd finits t•f all eouauM "
10mbIO" ; we do Dorsey a fs.t pur:ior of ,be fa the Scholl law in cooaeaioa with its present 1 dtslrelr), It was dune by s NusNahe, or
,hv Huron Sial, said vii the Ilm:on Gauer -and 1 RA 'FURS POST -OFFICE. yrovaums. through the ina,lvertence or lee jket of ►Ms
(s4 a nor aamPoai:,ua, ted whir we see ase HURON DISTRICT, Y virtue of . ' -• • : r ,
ONIMM a few uses stera,p,iug to defmad or Pp. Mootreal TemperS..ee Auvataate, be respectf illy , . A tl.ild and promiue, t ul ct of ter Second y
To fPil: .wait nt Fiut . , 1y t:.cn i.fcwbar sur t::c Cuucs of ,.Yn,n, Ill.
PtvSo their klbw-men, the pat[ client, •pprr- requested to prLli:h stir Report of time COWABil FQli i, laancd W of 1 er Ji: r 'r Huron Val
OF LETTERS remmiu:°s in the Strait- r Vulun.e will be, 'lie rspauuw W th; uwaas Dunlop, mil Levitical is only is tae sahtdrfe
Ire for the at year. J`- y 1 al Poai-Uliee a to :id January, IS49 :- aec:m,ary fir carrying ,tit,, •III -CL pt.rwww to
[saw, esti we drat iI road asapndaT-)y. le (Ser, Pa Di:triet Court, end to me dir-LteJ stains! . Pw,.ic:f w,.I du.6ctias sh•,rl: Le umie b tfu , re Ibat ser, sic smaeltifent being natio to
,a cavity kind d Opposition we ,lupi the follow• REPORT lho Lit do ..aid 'fet.rm"nu of G win llaroil Ai4tw,.•C, Vearite 11cF:d,les, %V :San I -•q Sls,are f,.r tLe e.sab:i.L. eat d CUaISION rcP44 the riYbt.
ins word* d Byron as evil smote, Uf ILe COmmiltee of Lbe Oodrrich Total Absti- Ion it the soil of Jc vh'Ij Callow , i hive , Ass.' -rroa, Widam NIC"figsu, \1 ill.ani SCII,OC L L1BaAR1LS; sad uu tLe -ctioa of Thy, 7 Will. 4iii. clap. 118, (am*atrd to
apace Sor,rt for [he year iiia, Aode•so•, (t.,bert :Newa.i, Janes
Y ! . .doped of `seised .sJ taken im F.Ileiiulron. Perk Iwrt 1111i., h-,--. R.L't do W'ul'.Lrerenn, _\Itunler tibuo'si►ort ver sur , chs ac sgeo a Wised. kieltnd is
bspbyrthe nmbleeaLn6iar `oar
" Who eesgmen me ,hall find a stubbrrn foe •' dee Aon.vervary Mraung, .!1,. Jar. 1, 1841. ' rnmLer o"alOU the
N1ortlx.wdo of ,11 "1' onIne ,,.,u l aherine 1',•r nGefd, J.aea
We have welitim.s nzrenrd this suffaeeled your Curmtwrt,e is prreewinz their Report d street. Lad• Let nasiber feflr, on the Rat Baas:-}, .14,of a !'..'e:l, Jarues she b will d given i0 mi Journal, together with Piave of tact as relief t.•, to ILe sunk til
atrwtaWeSpirit, but %ben we reflect that it ias the proceedfogs of the Society for the put year, aide of AVeIllDgtoa Privet In the tussis of Ba:>tativa, ROSert P,ke, J.,hq -ahs best and eb,apea rn:,de,a of procuring them ' able )loran District, which a casual reader
g : state, that their I,bsiar, have not been at- "'o hope til.•, w tii,d room fa Lis Second of the act might [look referred to the land
vnilatal► esus arokSsed is d.leoee ufrighq sur ; wy.t!.er fnitlw. TLro I;;h thaw exertion•.s 'Itprt _ahieh ,.:,his 1.:.atl offer for isle vie Cuv.ey, \\-iL,s:a llwr:, '1 himntli
t d Er'atui,.tr, the 24th do) of N•,vemher Dext, ('s-11, .Mu rt Hichaila,u, Josepa i n L,r some accounts and naticeo of ,he ss life earth nng4 behind Noith i astbope,
feel eaapanu,R easy is the *sive. We twr- auQ ,bone of tA• friei,d• eC l.ie cause.--e:rtly,thF at this, hrALP eh Y1 V`elov'k no••s, at the Cgltrt : (%rny, sera- Scow, C'aµt. Asea. systems tit yubGc in,auoctio0 and ednv w"' , (Hdrtin District) but It duels dr( :-for telling
safety do approve d [be principle of adinual.hing proopec:s of the Society Stem to Le zterJily, Dew, Joi.a Scott, Cal . Al aw%emcate of utter mnairi,., bah Earopeas that triangular to of la'd f, ii Geed h
,bough slowly sdwsndrrg 'n dila reepeeu, viz, ilosM.t:c Ih^ Lm .sot (+,t)cnrh • u 1 .\,nems*. u Weil as for son, articles of Pel + 7
is MTs; sad wet- tl,e habits and di"itroa of lar the increase ..f ,heir numbers, aid is the fa•o' . J. McDON1 AL111, herff if. D. I Mmamore-'James Schmy, Daaicl m;-cellsoeoa literature, suet. as w"dl be s e tial, • the 8. Vict ellmp. `J,9. see : S. 1845 and to
Societe Is" rugged ■od.uo,nalow* than they are, nese o ,ion tithe t.he, Doo li er, Peter S;Stir., John G y
P D' .9notowe Km' f Du,•,ero, Chorke Etrmthdn, John eaterr•iutag and uutiocuve w young persona.- referable a';kd7 to The Town.hip of Arthur,
we ore persuaded that Cenile sad hamr.e meaas Wo have held ilia Public Meetings during the Goderieb, 13th Aygsd, 1148. t 3.,29 i tier [ty Jasoea 'Piney, J.niea I BRit the eJucaiional w.utr of Upper Coatis will -wbtch the lful for sere District til Pell,
wend teas bruutTicirw t ro reauls tine. crimi_ Year, wiricb r• .,[ted is the addition of 40 u:em•• DerndQ„re. J. 11. Tot lug. H. ; ";at coal -a" Attention, mod determine the do* but affect or tomb' To prevent fer-
berm to the Society ; be firs w:,ic f 19 hive ' JotttrA CTLs waT, I Graiiw•. Jobs '1'h.n, so Character of Journal et Eioi.tion. !
al Lradeocica-sur, fort i, cenau.!y It- mwt yaurd by prira,e epplieation to ,he 3rereary ; A- i p a. George The Cow actors res dsll tail on' Ile il.>rth, Act 9.
Hower. Juba Watt, John 1 Pee a and ectal stat;'Vic(: chs'. d7. (18461.wu pa.sed, which
pswerfal Of all argemesrs to a man who is Cape. 16 Coombe aof the Society fill we remove to other' GAIN HAwtirov. Kell,, Iluz'i Willson, John mbLcia the confiamed a0J active ee uperativa of I1mKlaree that the. territoryto the nsrtA,
tole d naSosisg. But moeh experience has puts of the Province; 7 have withdrawo ; 13 ' QJ' The above Sale of Lauds is postpomw I ;„Y, Prtrr Ra tale James District-Superintesdenu, Clergymen, and other
taught we that we most steal w,th mankind as sur have been expelled ; and I tins died ..'oring the until the Rt day of February, 13.19. Leua4aa,, Richard N'ernse:! Aatr,u ' School uf`ert and Ir,nl. of Education io Pru ;-(cut then heretuft»eindttdellyll the Wei -
fipJ ,hem, sed sot u ,he Year. The aggregate number of members in JO'I N McDON ALD, t aiwldea, Jermiah Woods. Patrick cunmg S,:d forwawiug subscriptions. 1\u yart . Au tun or Simeon D;altiet;) a'•rmuld I+elosL
Y earl! to l . And goo, .'a l'i g at prewar is 13 i. Sheriff I1. D. I A(rllew, Juhp \Vwter, llennch I of the Subscriptions, will be applied to remvoe- Iu the Moron District. lyf this territory,
then is cenaialy more :nth than poem is the ' 10reporting the state Of the Treuurer's Ac. Strcar►r•s Obiter; Got MR
i nu the hSosr of editing dr• Jonraa:: but ,be ; the block of Lend to the north of the Lo jam
followingCastries. eoont, we have ` Mean, TLwaas \Vamaky, jive° wLule will be ex
p.eSsure i■ esyvn , that the So. 20,b November. 184_ 43tJ lleLetaeftoa, Joon pend: d ,e de(nyaog eapewea (;n the Brll sur t .e District o/ Peel l [urea
I c.ep is nearly clear of deb,, bud have *vel on . - i A, P. ltiICHL , P. lI. i°evinced in eonuex _ )4 i,i'publicadon. f part, -and this Block to the exit at of two
"Thu konre Liserlf dSoule mast. is ewe, . hands • few numbers d Anti-Il.echus for Sate. I JO!eCA CA6LOWAT, 1. Titans: -Fire .per norm. Ia ed• Pvwnshipo Is irked, and It to platted to lite
Aid maks iron, ndiette, tboo;h not from low.,, your Commitee to watahinA+ the oyeralious 17. '1 x-' - - Vallee ; and so sic will Imo LAS* for weal of .liurningron and Slrayburaujb and
ead bull we are diyuwJ to be chariLa:.le, Sad if the ' rtfects d iniad piing triols, river .Ifo fs GAsit HAstLToiv TO ME RC p•7 ANTS. des► than as year. t G ooneila tcrdwmg la tete south of Minlo-(This last tuwmN,ip
record she death* of at [emit ax persons, d.:erdy ; Q rTbe above sale of )sada is poet — i use coPY for the Tre,tees tit each Schon) Qrc-
Retses d titre* wait eely be civil &&If sbhgieg, to diankeasess, in this locality during Use year ; ed until the llntda of X i !°n lion is their Dis:gct, or w, osmb,r, cul les, is in the AVerlinatun District, as well Fs:
ad mind their Own 69.ir., SaJ deal lastly Wilk --Ali ,.f whom might have been awfml members T W 1, 1849% Umso Oily, will be supplied •t three er, m a and
tire present, as Ale nun jton and Marybe. .
JOHN iA t ANTED. z )
III* great mar of Ibtekiag said ssl6inkiog that , of civil Society, and have lung lived as a blessing elm- LD+ _ 1 sloe pens per eropY for ,ha year. t14 said AYel:esle7
LI; co.nmaoify, Sud to their fsmilit•, had it slut Sherif H. D} Q'All Caminomica:ioo* to be addresied.tr I BI net JOAN J. IL LINTOP/. -
are Bader their influence, it,” we w at kpep the f 00OBUSILELS eleso TtHudgins,I j 3
lr•ra ter ih•vr ,otear;uerae habits. 'r:ua ►w Ie • -nGal►1''e U►nC& fiupmarLTs % 1 O vv g Nr. E:ducauos Office, . . '
Heron Signal word, of their i - tt 1 mothy Feed, for which the ,all letterout cuuta:sigg reo,tttaneem, amu.tmbe ,Tittles .'7th, It1ttl ---
aro a 1••O sa c We het •peaks luu•lly ar y the-uuu o: Golrnch Jamuaty Lttitb, 1849.' d31J Subscribers will a hi err rt ` I PERIODICALS. wall odcwor to render it be -b siselill sad toter- and more p.rucululy lar the- heads d 4auilieo, -- --- -- -_--_--'
—y_• W9 ( price In Cah, pus(.paid. 1 (.IiI1:Ifa.
taisisg. and warns them in ilia most powerful, sad Pa. r . Lban and other Is ) is the market. • Complete "it of" the First Volume well be RE PUBLICAT#)N OF THE
t'aetie. ase! we should hope, rjedsa/ Language, to : SHERIFFS SLI LE $IJC!!A\ANi it (iULD1E. foesisbeJ to parties wishing to obtain it, at Fire
- -- beware how they tread, or allow their children to ' ' : C xsmlesius jlorettssfe. Sh;Uisp per ropy. • LONDON QUARTERLY • REVIEW,
Q Capital da tread, tater our the Pak. d the destroyer.— IIUR0.'ti Di:7TRICT, virtue of a , Vittoria Block, Hing et. EMCArlae Ocstr, t BDINBCRG.1 REVIEW,
Ooar•sw paairioa m Rhe E,eelkoey the' Would you with to nee that darling chill till a To )Pit: rit of 47 , . Hamilton tfltb Ike. 1848. 4Alf —to, December, Ir9•t9. ( 48 FOREIGN QUAR'li-ERLY REVIEW,
C••• yfdw to the Heaurablr Ibe Legio•! drunker Jim it ave ! if not, teach him from the Il• ygtsed sett of I1,Byw
r Alajrsly'r IEunm - - 11V Fii'fJ1I1.: yWI M REVIEW, usd
Iatia Caswell, anti sa Lbe flo.enble the Legis-, . very dawn of reason, both by precept and crone- i - - - - .. - _ -. r -_-- I DLAC$AA'CJV11T8 ED1N'(i 'JIAG AZINE
Zeteratte District Courts to me direcbcd of amst _
Istive Aasambl ie for the Abduion d pati a is comma hatred for all that can intoxi• lIM Lends and Te: e,nents f Tuv.umab • +t1F. above Periodicals aro reprinted in
!. praymill carp, u • common be•eruge of life. -NOTICE. 3 . • I P
CapitalPsaiahawst, are sow y;mgat theSigpet Io the peoweaiosdtheu,tenevolent acdxlf- Charles ut the suit of p.lie.t k1'is; 1 late New lurk, imtsteilalaly an their ar-
OMce foe ogeotwrrs--all then doarTowns-peo- Seyina IaSors, your Committee have met with seized :d taken it. Execution, as he:ooe- i 11% next stings -f the DIVISION ! aival.by the Briprb *teaumv-, In a benuti-
ple• wine eaterta,s.corroet nervosa of the value some diseo°neemeaa, but not more then might Ir.e to the said Th„mam Charier, )sot nwn. 1 COURT twill be beid at the gaol, God- 1u1 •leut pay . p fine white Eapirr, east are
d haaaa Lk; .e1 an wtisbtd Leat the death reasonably be expected' Their minds base hero her three, on the North aide of Elf I street. cl:ch, un Sa'urday the 3,d of Feb:uar) r • faithful..;n,.ftbcuyiginals-Blaosruods
paned by ,he apathy o(v,me, die drlinqueores ter Lnt ruar:m•r uu,iibcr L.nc Ihuu- r d anti n,rxt. A. F.•lIUKGAN,3 t _ _ a .tlagu:ise teing an watt fge•stnotleof the
ptsetty might lie saperceded by alar re•ettisz, d other. Slid the opposition d others ; bar when three in the townrof G ,derich rn;t :inisj ?" Catrk 1st Division Qerrf. W.A000N3 AND ,b - E:.ti"burg•h edlt.o".
Sad a ega:ly efficient omale of restraining and they consider that the now number betwecu ltd SLEIGHS. Tlie wldu-d,Mread fart f these rp!eedid
Z Y ohm -quarter til an acre til' Land; c t:,c •amo CoAwiti, laal., 9mi 1199. 48 XO. i EAST STREET, Pettodteab seudrra it rated ems Iu ray much
peeiSbiag crime, are earnestly rrgeeated to call and 20U -aha: ,he vaso*• and habits d *oeiesy more or love with ler Q ttl,tie•ra on t!t- s'id " -
and Spperd tbru Ames to LLs.e It tatd•ee- generally are agamet t'rre-tSat long establish Lit ercete N Lich, I ►hall at)cr1or aside at.. T _ - - XZ"LT Or1POatTm Tell PXXSBTTAMA.N in thtlr Praise. As literary urgat.s, they
^P°r vd habits are hard to avereome-and that career- , GoDxa'ca, 20th December, lit9. tarCttta, eland far In. ta6cs of soy wash of • n-
rwean without drlaY, as a wedenLa.d the Claes- one temptations are presented to lead ,hese who ILL Cuurt House in the torts of Goder:ch, o
Lees is to be brought before Puritanical am. weft• once addicted to the vice, back again to on aa`urday the t5th day of Nutember r i LIE undersigned bifvier been appointed bj rMR 1 6sbwnbeM b,•ge ifate to inforw "'lar •lam w ptiblirbed, w h le the pall -
their JL t;cul com lextun i.f each is tusrkrd vi a
,heir former habits; ; they cease to wonder, and nest, at the hour of 13 u'c''ock D•wn. Ilia Excs:!ecc;, tie Govc:cor Gsueyal, a his friends and the eksi at IarQe, that P T
mwdartly. And u copies d this plows sea
,"y,nce that tiers are w many alive to the cause, J. McDONALD, - _'heri Jl. D. - •.:,seri* Superintendentbe is, sowPrepared tar -c. * e orders for `l'9`ty, cau,:u„r, and forbaraaoe not often
eh tai migmbre* in almost every town oed 'and that out of a nest a •umber• there have Srcr:.Ir"r's I rfift • Ds District,
w d Common Sattend to lusted In works ul a party character.
Vit .bth is L'ors f+ tea Huron Disrnet, wdl Le ready to ahead 10 LUMBER OR I-IGIiT” Al .1G(i(1NLY
trust ishabiteate of Culler Lower
hewill chew, by Dap 1s for the oppo hien manifested, ihieis! Gwlcr cE, ','I it :1 Peru>t, 1313. # 3W30 . all eonespoodeoce coaae:I0J with tae duties which rhall be manufeoturrd of. N:e beat ; They emLrrts the view• ,•f tLe iLrev
Indication ^ ma•erial•, and by ex ieneed wurkuien, ,great parties rte Ewgtand-Whi(, Tun, r
the lenient d eigatuea. that elan ,■ tW sa-? M re it t all of the growing cute d the Society. I itou-aT EUAS. d bta o sue, at bs hoax iu East 3tree , 1'(f ar,d Rad.cal-Blucku•oo.t aid the Lost..
Were ,t nskisR, all wesld bill willing to let a c,• , . C.Werieh. 0I'' ilvrroors and Drags made to order; ' Quxrite4y ,we Tory . the wM, 6r A jft-
mate Dimv;et we are sot bebuand any P6W= r •• dk a Natural dad4." without distarbiag its I Tmoafs Ceftatrs, S i C1IARLEJ FLE:I'GJIF.R. f loupth Caatin., Wooded. CC
d our fellow toksists, in our unset d N• I e rte moateas with biller \ LF:X.\ \ DkR Al EI.A'IN7, vrety, Whig ; and Lbe"Azestmiask , }[af isal.
ttimpag eba g piling or ugrY ffi The above sale ail Lauda is
many and matey. I mate. Sopporttd DY easy d the ioreWgeot, . PDwtF-d _ --` -- r-' - _ - , G,,derirh , •The Fu,zrita (ieu, lerfy it puccly htcrat),
I respectable Sod sue t altl the irst day d Febrary. ITite, ,Feb• ,), 1318. 2lf
a. ► M bw7 are willing to bear, JUHN 111cDOyALD. GO DFA"CH, FOU iDRI-. been` devuled principally to cr../ci.trs va
------ ; opposition, and believe, that, instead of tsyuring f *__—"--- - --- — foreign Continental Works.
it will only Iced to advance the iste d the I Sheriff If. lis irAUII:S LOOK HERE. The rites til 1he,Re its are lays l4au
CT Na &62W alka6wled the receipt d , ' Swamrrr's (yr►rcc, Gwaucr, THE Subscriber* im raending theaks to the V M
ly r D anew. The SoeeaSowhieb bats etang p attecded November Il at, 1949 JL public for the liberal etssss of patronage - „r, -third of t:w•e of the Foreign e, i tea, ad
las dilating herGamhe prary motion o nts, vz.' their efforts. seined with the Slaw ,g pre Iowan [key hwe'/ajnyed *race eaaveaeiq basin", AIN eattmei•e st.ek u! Fail 'wild 1VIDIer tAh;iw they aro Cgaally •Rip Vt ufT, ,hey
Aa met 'o aothwise the promotion d loeopsv eft to as tocr, .s oar otherwise favored tows, RoaaaT ELLte, — Beg to intimate that they fiery sow 9 know usd I 1 DRE: -`11:E S of the ,nos•. limbsooable I affud all that advantage to 140 Atupns,t.
Seed Roel and Bridge C•ompsoies, is Upper inti, a to eestiseW and increased exertion I. are making t0 order a loge &~Iwatnt of Cook- I colors and Patrons; Kivu a IarQe aaao.tamet over the English reader.
Canada' teem that formal of latemPennee aid vice. rx regi Parlour, rod box Storrs los h cater I , i 7'E:IK:vi:1. .
Signed by order la behalf nfthe Committee. Tworas CsAaLna, D 8 P. if fancy dress (u.•,,s. Freorh-worked t
"As Attlw bettor giving et7eet, with,• this GEORGE -MILLER, Preaideat (17'rbe alrove sale , I Lands to post a• ire antes• lasing mall esus gs,*nwt rrasctaiass, I (;apes, CA;ars. Kwffn. hlotful, t3hawle, Yam- i r'ATraaT To rte Ji AL,h n ADrANCa,
Pn tandhe rade, usher article nwlly connected with
Pwvite, te. Tremry between flow A1Sjesty ami' J.coo L.i f 0 9eenury• 1 ed until the first tar of April, 1219. the trete, Which they will be happy to sril on the I tell,, (;limits, lace•, Glover, llur,rrT, Utes For any one of the four Reviews, $:11,41110 DIT .
ileS4ew e% ( ,u -lanes• -•The folbwiag JOHN klclNt' ALD. I taxi rpaeonable terms for cash. I ( •p+r, Ribbun•. 8hoe:, &c. bac., all of tile, For Any two do do 5,tm
Lhe United s atSo d Amerip, for the eDPI@bss• poroses were dely elected o ce•beifier* for the .,
tieu sed sarrieder d certain, offraders,•• Dai R•l 1949: t.hertli H. U. f G. sod
i rov bents made exteeeive depart. I cert' baa quaidv end n th0 owl redtrCed't Fur any three do do 13,04
`-CsarPl • Orn(x Galina uoaead im lice* - Fur sll lour of tire tievirws.... tl.W
(Ieo,ax Mftus. Preaidpol ar improvements in The iaiob;ng depart. prices, by i Fut'Ut,,I,,,d,, afallaxiue._.. 3,1PJ •'
repealeenou \ear tbarein vas James Belau. Vic; President. i Jansaryl3l►,T841/ 5ttd meat Of ietredmetsos THOMASGIL.Nwult&CO.
N 01,117-aeha machinery, an now enabled to Fur IIlaeLwoud and'he J ft%.tewz, lu•t•u- '
"As Act
' 4444--- _ .__ . --- - - _ -- ( !. G•,den,b, Nur. IA, 184N. 4J
I* f
tmenad, and to emend. caaaetittete old re4ety I Ta[awu P. Drsatm,e. 8eertarve Qf.,;sfr. } execute m9 orders with which the me be' CLCLUING.
latestAw, the orretel astalory prowi,iaa'. Civr lgeowz 6euege Shay' I ayv" s gff1C Bf f4ub% }entnaed fair the wpr,lYcf thnaMmgymmebu„e, - 4444 - - - .
Cox. Jobs CaapbeY, Adm* Cassabas. )obis, I . Four top;rs of an) ter all td the :hole
,ase is levee, for the regulation d Elsetiot or Proctor, William Malaolni, James Elliott, Put- HURON DISTRICT, ()1' virttfe of etgrw and Few mdfs gronag and every ether die•' --. . 'MU D. __u_ _ _ . I sox" %chem scut lV erne utltlrpr via Ivry.
I nor ss ruPrwseut the people of 'his far"InCu' rick McNaughton, -Martin McLeanen ia, and Jr B enptios d machinery, on the most scientific and fnenl tit too rv; near eub.cnptwa fair th'!e-
ra the Legislatiea Assembly therrof, mob ls.u►aw. %'s Wit: writ of f'ierl economical priacipku,and with Ilse greatest fact- ON the "Briar It of Isle lla►o , e fiteeti tee f; orvL t a✓y :l.r,vei"M yr.ti.i..
Ooderielt, Jac. i. 18tA Evades, issued out .•f Her Mejr sty's Hores iq and diep*Ieh. v wNev aurlb , f Gudere! , o casv of Lu,.:. j" l.ewii.u,. a s,,,1 sos.vN, jtat,ais
le sat axt we ab011 oEer some remarks m District Court, and to m! din Cie 1 a ain,t , The •abwslben world elan inform the Pattie
m1° - - -- a that a the lowest cash ice wit! in folure be it Jr 1•,.n,vr an., F -wee. Tho,wear is re r'.ir,t Le is...., n, .,I c L',_ silliest !fives.',
sew >tla _ _ Vw. - the Lands and Te se f l tm of Richard Dvr- t uedled t . burr rte rt t cSar w arta lar tlur ,-I-*lv . '11.r r..,.., use Afraid '•
TO 1, FT, , lington, et the suitt.f Ro:fett Park: 1 bac!• oh.rzed Zoodotn.eaiervredst,i.eireweaA- q I' P D'' ! Ply j t'r•^ ) )
i HAT Ila edSo ee two-story beuse, • Site sed and lak^n in ExecuLon, Lot alit her If-h;neat, their Or"@ bodweuS rant neeeme,ily ►emoc_ Lila" fru:. the ptmkwd.tou of tt.c be done I r'.rKv. a Tw.aisa•Luf, ly hitmmbido
[T ova bavS t\a week gives part of a •ride 1 T bre ,roe eauemey fivt,.l Tney w.ek also SubtenLer. I.
h"n u,e aw••u-1, to am irves.n„•,% t_ilts k!, _ -
frea „ Ciri,dt the Stromboat Torres, bill" 'ng '. John ter in the meresl'f Cwicemioe, E. U. in oM, yet oil thaw ' Y LU
SCAN wile"3rd, wad trsoeesal,....1,J by 11a Dem- the T-Woesip of l;olborne, ensWnil•g 100 1e mueroewt. will Poraud mmed.a 1 AsLGoL D.cerlvhTrr l•'i{!, _ BE::•41itf N. ' µt te•tx ic.o'r..'. i.r.w) fiwry rv..••r-s4
Crisis d Yntaeal is ttsa Odd Wield isms. W a erg* .ed well ad,plsd te lbs ase of scram; which lands I shall oBer for sale at end wttlr shade sa. y 4
Now." It r st d for a rsepeeubit ranm?--b&vir a respective drbtw. or racy will be - - ---- --„ . . - r I. Va w rW ten i sus iiw .r. It mti
1 g I*gr rdas and Icll,rr, rt r
Dew*wfrl artieke of fruit the Court 11sur, in the town •Q llodarxh, plaeeJ in the iLSnds of ,tors Ger collection I v
esebord well sress mei s exceReat to :r es d e7 ( T I C Ada N. B.—The yrriMFr „r L....e• it d Ir
i►tumg►s *adexPlrsaeaa whie►So twClrady jig. earieoe on lialurdS the 2Sth day of Y we ober vrifbem frn►er ewiee• n tsuvttcd ivy to• IOus i'wr tJl:ar t►
d•ceriPlieaS jw Is.oximiry to the h,r• y+ iii►
oily tet pagad' [bot Periodical. 710 ,oma(.. b.ar dGeden.h eakesom the wiles efrlse ohm. Next, at the hnnr rf 19 o'clock woon. O. -TILLER & Ca, Il h'ROY DlyTftiCt It.nl G SOc1c o•r.u/ t.,41 m.v li awe lanai c'r p th4s TKnbt
dm will be gives is the sell two neasbm dye' 1.w'r *ad m the pespnnt•t 0 i:: ' ,,,, stsoNQ J. MGIK)Ni 'ILD, Sherr fl, D, Gmdenek, Ike. 15th. 18iei, l o '
Jf I rI '"V-6ast
ers•l.aadwa coasts at}beo•eap,od, is orifi wMl venue. 8saatrrslbncx. - - -- "" -- - -- IIE: lievearb, L.aa m•e,ln ! 16a Ni.d Ia Iiw Lettyelo., G.
bnpw sur readeru w,Y give u • au•by t i .Till: g ' f tssa.i wlm•ubate. I "
I" wraw, eit►ea for vas w atser+ ySoru, So may Goderfes, 14th Angular', 1348. 1 3,W J O I I Ni J . = L 1 PI T O N , win i . k, ploep ■t Ib, Itriti h It! w . ,r,sw
be agsaad wpm& For farther p*ruerlota wpsl to HA-rURD.\Y Ufa 2i tit i ,sa,.1 is : e w" • ' W iu •.f ase it.cl,irl t I,eg [Ali NTKA,
--- - . JACOR WILSON. M o T a m T ! / • L t e, lr.... a""t ,bill k,r,t.d i lavas I.. Z
RonmsT P.amc, T , . P. M. t h .
[Tweherortae;wsdtksint nmbrrdtbe 9d C r _' Fabs ry, IW 59 (iNr11114, Rt mel' IgP.Cg s Betw lr L'p order, i utr?r'.. & Let 4%a .,w.i w %114 1 ler
RtcetsaT, DAROPOO AAUCO110"10MLIM - T119M.LS I::Ui), ,r.sa,c61liku ar.ami Lima l:I•J 4`.tit, ism.:.
reloam d the laormsl d EJreai.w. it r •will , O T I B . [P TM abtve saki O( ,,ads ,. , •inertly .urw yeliwlca.• w., OL Jr%tsv.ev. ..e. a'
puff" gviorle at shoots Don pw•rw 3TRATFORD. Gedw.th, Jae. 21.4. IW. i
t+P•, sad .etastaiaiag : maw lbs ares s( F.b+q. Hill. - I .. _ _ _ _ . a . I M L „• rui)t.
meek that r ahseblr and iatertaisg at lb i rTHE Hwas Divisions ltimltmod Raaiay. I JOfIN !IIeDONALD. J . If 1- L' W A R T, , _ _- - _ IXON1.AR/1 ::11ITT k r i,_
gmsr *%brat d wbraft n ve them j Y 81nowd H. D. ALE: AN l-:1: W1 AINS.J.>L /'rCl.At, t, i t +, i ......{ . v\', '4
■P•e••t. w• well iTi+ovkP Priwv vie, .c y. ander-, w.mnawr's Orrifew Goommar. I-MRITIPY AVD B\RR11TI'PR at ' t
i mesdesdsteek. Rita Law, 8.,hulnr to (;Mnrcry Cetvr I prr nir" Irltltt ,iN'IN.' /!' Qf Av sol a•..fibers rn Can.od way arr.rr•l'
ernaisly wish Ae !)saw mM saseaoe w Ida
tticb Naeea,asr, IBM. 47rd . • 1 I r
One ft bred 0-b-111 u • • (4 .a w. er. sc ►w aw..a.t a. sic. So, tS' T "
sMeDakisg. 7rrse halo eye betMtltesyvlmt °rOgh , ( swd). shier, AC . ORsa N'rlf Wee. t. AF/'iCf: AT OODERlC:I, . u.,icu..
I teleoa.ey nod . rice tlVs Ike One Mesw`ah bred Dwhav Ads. s Y»n sic. G , LnrfM,, ii tte4 tdt, 'Im. by a sl Ssulei tooden fie the mesa, willwraorfr.d of Pse po .. H U R U N D 1 i11'B l C 1 .+.'ply 4a. QR. f -oft, 1
MtaYtntusssiae, Aad t►ietessr ivy M ser , S•eawary.gr y y trmq lafl a the Nat 1 pet the EEnt day ofItia above April, 18.19 t net; Nov. 91 q. d - 1 -U - • • -:•• • . a
•bpedeass111r.upmapal;d"y,wewdw te rf j p ! i)R. P A. MCIMUCALL, - - - __ - S e
M op nim f 3tb JOI l ti Ale DO \ A l.Dv
M Sheriff IL D. A. li ybabiramte d lbs taww os liedspott wlS I 1 I% iii 1 • t a
page e m a a f, Ara Ar=e tllhmst of haw .,t t 1 •etas. A I dT Y be ronsuired at a'I hueM, at w T s se Pwrliartnt Ln sn =*-AP s.l Lal 11" . C U .1 .N l: i. 6 Y. a * b
this liwsntrlr'g l/ C'uV V E1.1 Nl l Wit..
iJanmauea w t R O, CVRIMtiPllAllfE, 9se. 4Jrtwel► Genttvlly r 1 IfriGAA HotA; La,crTac'r ,
°fie f3a lt<It1f31allwy.8819 i JMuar•1MN, 1841. t J G,Scrteh.8wpl.11N,1@4& l 3} ,carr%Nr.. 'wn.,La,1tl1 . >y 1(
Jose, It L'. uVUi.RICtI
r have
.11 J jgla
bill,,, I
I 1 179 11
pa .. i
li°si •
is .
av wR
J , i ..'. -
- . 1A
,. go , www. , .... W.,'}'+ ...r _ -
,, ,, _ _...d IliE•..
aiWy, v
:. ,"" ,' ,.'_l_':r._-1_ k i. L.._ . ,_.i+. v "rY ,L<._,..— .e a leP.i<'r-_.. .. "-„,r tIK { , 7'°',.,. u. .