The Goderich Star, 1906-02-23, Page 5z
• 4 ;# • '
4 e
. opm* roma vb. at Tho
Russian Terrorists T rn to Cyanide. 114.11."1•1.1. ‘11"41r
oeoked taa
of Potassiiitn tegis
NW** Park, Toronto. TburadelY
be 404
e N. S., WE
' D0101111404
& despatcti from St, Petersburg owl".
important arrest -of fax soetot rave.,
PrOvided with exp.*,
and bombs, who it is Xtoved,
.• woo planning on atteropt on the life ef
Frevereter.feetleral Delltitteoft. 11.404:4W.
'WO tilente here on Friday etieteing just
preVieUg tie their aperture for OfeleeeW.
Menibee Ot the petty. te„ente
Sleet. threw May 4 torah and ceettped.
piellee glee Mole. into eustedg
temoriats enolher graut,
At whose residenee waa found Ayala e
Potmalutri oott• other deadly eller**
Ws ;sufficient, it is old, to kill hell the
population, of St Petersburg end then,
sands eif reVeletiffilary ,proolematione.
„ suspected that the terrorist.%
failing 10 reach prominent Perserts here
by open Vieleetee. are about ,to try the
Metre Subtle Means 4f ,petson.
. '64410ratils 1.1
visognecoo. of tur protostat, WIMP"
irk Wet worst.
Alko 1.40
Ilto Mot -
the %London Timm aye that 4, ditairo Wheetee OK if* 40er of the Itottlee Mt %Ler thet.oraUtgitertthittereptemonee, Itted4400014;
nos of the followinietvory A few dell POUSI 414" PIS" 14 Vinlitaterrielora Thrlietrai dee0r4tieltit Were meet tit -
°.4 1-'44" wae Ptinting 44 WQr4"1-Itier8 Vi With atter Mien Mid trof feel* 4047ele
MiMbele of proclamation*, drawn up . on.
00041. The OlKikr elt.
ed olAciat voucho for tha oavot":: ')34141t4 "D'e" 114 -***1 trerttre ,eidet "glom Ala t district .of Ohio.
4/1) i'rtr411eP WI" led tb4 lb* wfr-'n"r " Ii4dracts seeking 'berate. hilite %Veit istelt
and ,rora 'rrepaff ' ,pied e4ele a the *ante end two Mode
.64incleAilating'n4*.4.1,oe7e4p107coveitiitovirreaurderte. 0000-. Alex(' ejeepanta. `The' TE:E.000SErSuSlt14N; Powitarithrlo&l:rivils., ethenfocleodterliblames.`011.1711:Aordrt:illiittioereaeivegerrot fltAoWon4lirionitirett!
vabYtt,iltivitleint tdr r,thir9rfloi.oft olstoers11044 tollurlIni;mfortlow.419441 .04.4 ototeuva ::Qc the tireillr 11.1)44,1eallatttt:Oderet4rnor;
fere the!. evin OW.0. $
gaugstierable evt Mete eit the. *Le. 1,4; Meetrebly tee); place, so 11103,111 111 therrOont
sternly Settle letieWed bhtvro*-4 rmun' I take groat plio„sure In meeting yen' ,ix.403,e.04,6„. tin naereereoeteee ojeye, r)f, :it,
',Atte antl'ht. Dtiriaertat`,Mtrtatter ltb?' fig*K-Ox I'egre§entoltvf.S et the Peeellte4 eee
interlere Thre feriller ailbeetierttlet .0103;4' Parl*Ment 44ffit4bIedv. ' • „ ;,411P 91‘'‘."‘'."!,7 2 '2
TrglieS1(4ebSelgi bUt fpned J.'in obtain. -00, aory efrofot• thoptcs oro Ouzo Ae ejeork -the President mid ,the
"flecAe4 sul/Pal Iram- ;Ile 'Czar' It: LI more dun t0 Alreighlif 14(10e. reeling her ,hand, Open his
stated That Prince Utilitar and Lter-arP4 ,bountirov. harvest 0; the, Year "r^"''' lett itrin, proCeeded' ofit reolni
hIgh obletala or tile Mintstri nift Jne passed. whietx efeele excels ,one, that oie iltoostin .r0440.11,4g tue, 14001 Irom,
I"1"' re444ne ."1144: 1Qr 41°4416. 114444837.k 114 'Plinnimiiser. 'trey. bridal dreee. Wet6 'K
It te eoelliediletallY finned thae the Mlle berVeet, theillarket,t0 tOnseeteye ia'soiocenfi cremfon of heAvy, white; on,
Mintater or the rotettor haa Illetrael4 been mahlteht Illo:P„At(ksP°41. tto, PhInt lace, &Wen, Way, Wile and
the provincial ateleveritiee. to tereitill .wejete ,oue farmers have onto 'A* lit re' breeade, Tht3 nieleritd 'RPM.
No. forty
Of "Ion wire two
abiltdren, boy sod ft RAW
Ind tWeeoltelkel 11100041
et lint IMITHet iiiriot inak,
tairroundo, oceurronee. The Art
Wes diseitretid by, Corianctor (WW1.
who taro %Milan Dominion charliti
or *in of empty ors. The frighleer
g***3 the, alarnb and the trainulen rush-
ed up to the binning *Ming oil OW
pod on the door, The house WAO beetle
1011 Remelt inside, and the thanes were
Piet beginning to Wilt Wreath..
Aceording 10 nelgilhere.
berried ne the Menet the we hoct
naming stetted dewnstairs, The pee,
pie luati been tho habit of keeping area
in the Iiitellen only. TIM Parents and
children *It slept in the suite room.
It was supposed all the inmates had
ME% • their escape, ,
At .4, o'eloof the wails of Uie Wee Mt
in, and aticr"0- 6eerett among the ruins.
the betties were discovered, 'the eat-
dren. were totted in each other's arms
and ROO eliffits Jet the Wife- end children
were broken and that of the tellaband
flittrelY retie:Wed.
Stedta and tde wIfe Neer° Alletriella
'Oted lied boort residing In the Dominion
three years, Alvin
months ago they purchased a Melee
ROM ittetry'Mitehell, and had practical-
ly paid ler it. but dlering tee past feW
dare tepressed a deSire to return. te
AtiStria. Thie Is said to be dele to aerate
thing Mat Occurred aboUt three months'
egt). On a pay night,. during the ab-
Serieli of her lettsband, Mra, Steeta ta ali-
leged to have been the vIctieh Ot an at -
(Meted atealllt by a Neerfoundlander
natried Snelgrove, who was subeequent-
ly 'arrested and cermet:tiled to the Su -
prattle Court. e'ile now Hes in jail await-
ing trial,
CreVeli ,ProsecUtor Hearn stated, that
be bellevee there wafi nothing to indicate
foul play. It was • learned by Caewn
ProSectitor Ilearn that the whole family
were preparing to leaveethe country be-
fore the trial came on, as the woman
expresseO a disinclination to appear in
eeurt to glee her evidence. The furni-
ture, inehellng the bedsteads, had been
piled up in one of tlie mottle, Prepare.
tory to deearture, and the theory is that
they had the Mattresses •on the floor
near the kitchen stove, and a spark from
the fire igmled the bedding. tbe fact
that the cffildren were found clasped
In. each other's arms is taken ae ev-
dence that they were smothered while
fte Swedish Girl Saved From a Lonu,
A pelt
TE000Risi. Acuvz irovolt, leotee. The arreara Meeied.1115,060e ceet year4. Thle heeh, ;V ocahle In
deenateh Irmo Sr. Petcralnir0 .508
Age 00100 MereSeriger WM% the weekly
mimeo. of violent pelitiettl eriteee end
seizures_of.,borah8. exPtostIes and, wee,
pens. The record consistal inatrily of
tOOR entelneretign et' ORO Where .elm
terrorist", 'bare -been. eel neat
OlUde S Petoff4)10, Mes eNv. odosoi
NOIrgered, ,Vilita, Ware
Kew.Parflare, Kunio SehtlatePeli Keeene
TWA, Illga end ethee Orincieal MUM
Where tinplate have heen patrols
Steil en, bernhe. WeaPitOs and detlaMite
seteed post-odice, banks or ether
. State instetutioneatteclied. A ,nunlher
ef the Orinees were committed by mere
Despatelms tell of a gramme Scholar
weunding a reactionary leacher at Khar-
log( and the arrest at Berdieheff of a
15 -year -Old lad having three loaded
bombs Irt his pessesslon,
There As evideiace that o borne exploe
sion which occurred at . Vilna on Feb.
12 was part of a general plot, with
ramiftcanons threUghollt the enneire.
aimed at preventing tbe participation ot
the moderate pareles in the election, and
. the chief of .the secret police here has
sent orders to the gendarmerie of all the
cities to do everytning possible to guard
against similar attempts. Details' of the
explosion at Vilna show that six local
revolutionists were on their way to blow
up a elub-house where moderates were
in session, when one of the former
slipped en the toy sidewalk and exploded
a bomb,
The Czarevitch, the first battleship of
the RussIrrn Far Eastern fleet to return
to European Russia, -has arrived al
Libau. '
The St. Petersburg correspondent
Ufa flat incluetry, the otttpUt of
aridelt hale beint very. terge. eVee
roJs4bor Ntimg,a. iduritipnEo., dongfs, a steadily inereasal enter+
'Count Lanaadorfr(rtot the Foreign Minis* P40140* aittlieh -ttleve heee epearent ter'
A desnatelt ffiXte at, petefsbork of,yo, P060' +Md. ';i1OtivitY ohlha lear 01 niir
tere and Baren Roof, Were. dogged freep aolferel eeare popt4,, Or le he seep on all,
- 8leigh .413.00..Taxoln ontt, 'xxvosety 4401 te TyPeP:t.144Et Ittnatng
murdered on Saturday. This appears. in f.,(1,„,.,t, es„on ot" contre
he the lest of retaliation for the Military """"""41'-'0*
eXeeutione in the repression aft he- Bale OLLE4Fe
tic revelte
eanaceefea ane eaboad of se0,000,, many Oessful trt the htstory otAtiet AgrieUlturat
The getule, ettition, at rejga Iva been The (past year has eeou the most awn
rellway officials have been murdered. Cellege from the Standpelot of the Milne
bee of students, the nUneber of farm
Visitors, aod the orneunt werk.done.
. BRUTAL COSSACKS. ,For the Oret time itt its career, the teen
number of studeots ot all clarises
A despatch from St. Petersburg says: ceedea one thousand. The Macdonald
Fifty educated E,sthonian at Dorpat, InstRute-has appareolly teken firra hold
Most ot them landowners -have tele- on the appreciatton of the publio, and
graphed a protest to the St: Petersburg farmers' daughterre have come (0 lte
newspapers against etrholesale military halls in nembets that promise a very
executions in districts where revolution. brIgnt Mum for the institution. You
arie.s did not destroy property. will be asked to provide funds for in -
It is stated that aver seventy alleged creashig the teachtne facilities ot tho
revolutionaries have been shoe tit Fellin, college in various departments-.
where no viotence hail been committed. The past year has shown e large ire
At Lizenzuzen, In Wesenburg, two wo- crease over previous yeare in the num-
Men and several children, who were ber of immlgrante settling in Ontario.
cowering in the cellar of a house, were Preparations are beffig made to receive
shot in cold blood by Cossacks. , and settle a larger number during the
Farecutions are now general in the present year, who will be directed to
Dorpat district. Captain Von Stever, the farms of the Province. With in -
the military "executioner," has been creased facilities and an improved sys-
furnished with -a tisteof the condemned, tem, it is confldently expected that the
and as fast as arrested they are placed immigration and colonrzation work of
against a wall and shot -sometimes by this Government will reech .the highest
a aring squad, sometimes by a single mark yet attained. The funds appropri.
soldier, and occasionally by the officer ated are being used solely to assist in
in charge. providing farm and domestic help.
At Mitau, Courland, ten revolution- REFERENCE TO EARL GREY.
aries were shot this week. A school-
house "denounced" as a revolutionery Since the last meeting of the Legisla-
headquarters, was burned by soldiers, ture, his Excelleney Earl Grey, Gover-
although it cost the Government thou- nor -General of Canada, accompanied by
sands of pounds to build. Countess Grey and their estimable 'fam-
ily, have visited severai sections of the
winch Uwe, geom. WaS '1048
Mettlifactelitted especially ter Miss Moe-
valt, and the design was destroyed 44
eeoll as Rue neeeesaty anicffint lit nies
,terial. for the dress Wes Made. The
gown had a long tritin Ot superb' eilVer
breeade. The bodice was Made high
without a Collar, was trimmed With
rare Old peint lace, and the elbew sleeVee
Were linished With the same *my ins,
1(011. The Sleeves juet met the 101311.
White gloves. A voluminous Mlle Vell
almOst conipletely enveloped the bride.
Toronto, Feb. 20.--Wheat-Ontario No.
2 white 79c to 79jec, red 7834c to 790,
mixed 780 to 78%e, goose and spring
74c to 750, at outside points.
Wheat -Manitoba -No. 1 hard 89c, No.
1 northern 86eec, No. 2 northern 84e,
No. 3 northern 82%c, at lake ports:oat.
rail quotatians 3%c more than these
Flour -Ontario -Exporters bid $3.15,
in buyers' bags, at outside points; high
paterits, at Toronto, eags included,
quOted at $3.75; 90 per cent. patents
83.60; Manitoba first patents, $4.30 ei
84.50; second patents, $4.10, Names', $4.
Millfeed - Bran, tn bags, outside,
016.50; &Mete, $16.50 to $17.50.
Oats -35c to 36e, outside.
Barley -No. 2 49%e, No. 3 extra 46c
to 46%c, No. 3 43c to 43%c. al
Peas -79c, outside.
Rye -70c, outside.
Corn - Canadian, 43e, Chatham
freights; American, No. 3 yellow, 40c to
49%c; mixed, 48%c to 49c, at Toronto.
Buckwheat -51%c to 52c, outside.
Butter -The market for choice stock
continues fairly fiance and steady.
Cseamery 24c to 25o
to solids • 23c to -24c
Dairy lb rolls, good to choice21c to 22c
do largb rolls 18c to 19c
do medium 18c to 190
do tubs 200 to 210
do inferior 17c to 18e
Cheese -Unchanged at 13%c for large
and le%c for twins.
Eggs -Are quoted lower at 21c to 22c.
Storage are easier in sympathy at 15c
to 16c.
Poultry -Fat chIceens, 10c to 11c, thin
70 to 8c; fat hew 7eec to 8%c; thim6c to
'7c; ducks 12c to 130, thin 6c to 80; geese
10c to lic; turkeys 14c to 15c, for choice
small lots. .
Baled Hay -No. 1 Is worth $8 per ton
In car lotseon track here, and No: 2 is
weak at $6.
Baled Straw -$6 per ton for car lots
on track here.
Montreal, Feb. 14. -Grain --The de-
mand by cable tor Manitoba spring
wheat was very limited and trade was
Oats -No. 2, 41e; No. 3, 40c; No. 4, 390.
Peas -70e f.o.b. per bushel.
Barley -Manitoba No. 3, 48%c; No. .1,
47c to 4730.
Corn -American mixed, 52)ec; No. 3
yellow, 53c ex -track.
Flour -Manitoba spring wheat patents,
$4.60 to $4.70; strong bakers', UNA; win-
ter wheat patents, $4.25 to $4.50; straight
rollers, $4 to $4.10; do in bags, $1.85 to
51.95; extras, $1.65 to $1.75.
Indeed -Manitoba bran in bags, $19;
- shorts, e19 te 820 eer ton; Ontario bran
in bulk, $14.50 to $15; shorts, 820; milled
mouille, $21 to $24; straight grain
mount°, $25 to $27 per ton.
Rolled oats -Per bag, $1.90 to $1.95;
cornmeal, $1.30 to $1A0 per bag.
Hay -No. 1, 88 to 88,50; No. 2, $7 to
87.50; clover, mixed, e6 to 86.50, and
Mire clover, $5.50 to $6 per ton in car
Provisions -Heavy Canadian short cut
pork, $21; light short cut, $20: American
short Out, ite0; American cut clear fat
back, $19 to 820; compound lard. 6%c
to No; Canadian pure lard, lleet3 to
120; kettle rendered, 12%c to 130; hams,
190 10 IVA ticeording to size; bacon,
14eteel teeth killed, abattoir dressed hogs,
$10; country dressed, 88.75 to $9.50;
alive, $715, selecte and mixed kets.
Egge-e-Nettr latd, 230 to 24c; selects,
tO0 to 21c; NO. 2 candled, 15c to 17c per
Better -Choicest ereetnery, 22No; un-
ktergratlea, 2leere dairoe 19c to 20c.
Cheese -Ontario, 13c to 13%c; Quebec,
Aellee-Virst pots, 0151 seeonds,
$1.70; 'thirds, $3.75; first pearls, 87.
3uyers stated that the bulk of the ex-
porters' brought forward were little bet-
ter than shorekeeps. Dealers did not
care to pay more thah $4.75 for ex-
porters', save In casese where the ani-
mals were of superior quality. The
nominal range to -day was $4.40 to $4.-
90 per cwt.
Quite a number of emixed loads of ex-
porters' and butchers' were received.
1 he sales of these were readily made.
One lot brought $4.70 per cwt.
For straighte-butehersfesheifers, stall -
fed and equal in quality to exporter?!
fancy prices were paid. But these cat-
tle easily rank above any others in the
butchers' line. Some small select lots
sold at $4.50 to 84.75 per cwt. Grod
butchers', in loads, sold at $4 to $4.35.
Cows were in demand to -day, and their
sallies were firm. Good ones brought
83.50 to 83.60; common $2.50 to 83, and
canners, $1.50 to $2 per cwt.
The run of short -keep feeders wee
larger than usual s to -day. Buying
in them was fictive and valus3 were
steady, the top figures reaching $4.40
per cwt.
Hogs are now quoted at $6175 per
cwt for selects, and $6.50 for lighie and
fats. The deliveries were smail. and
the packing houses are keenly compet-
ing for supplies.
Seven Months Beat all Previ-
ous Records.
The Last
Only tbe family and Intimate friends
Were permitted to see the wedding pre.
Wets. Among the hundreds receiVed
by Miss Roosevelt are the bellowing: -
President Loubet of France, magretficent
gobelin tapestry, made expressly for
Miss Roosevelt; Emperor William at
Germany, bracelet; the Empereoe of ;O-
pen, two beautifully chased vases of ell -
ver and a piece of Japanese embrotd-
ery. Republic of Cuba, necklace of ee-
lected pearls; the Emperor of Austria,
diamond and pearl pendant; the Enn
press Dowager of China, dower oheet
filled with rare articles; the King of It.
aly, efosaic table depicting scenes in
Italian Me; Pope Plus X., Modal() rep-
resenting a great painting in the Vati-
can; the King of Spain, Pieces of ardi•
que jewellery. King Edward of Etig.
land sent a gift, the character of which
has not been disclosed,
Met Nation Anti"
pier** Abe C.Turn-
weettlail nOt. et
Oa $0,tariday, Ittorning
A. *other .130Y witated, 00 al*
*aloe oft taft„,`greligef 800 with bon-
d* of goOdit/which woes teka
thit Ocondofiloor,. Oat* iniPOolatt
Wee Allieone itesteeit Of piffling the rePai
which wing have, stoPPett theilarebar.
pulled thotattifir one. end, beeeming
el • Whink,the *looter VOntintied. ge
eON Kftee,fented leeVe. t and get out
tat Nirt-,,,Iloor. A wooden ami rterOree
the OPellitlie, Or the elevator 81ditt.bleett. pQrted,
ad this attempt, end he waS, caught and:
cartred uolo dhe arch, whero his Ilea,
wita 40404- One Wrie eyc.,,,withess
'or the aceident. When tie Iteeit EMMA.
;4, fieer minutes later he as quite dead.
utrage n the Province of Ngartho
wet is Reported.
The tOrropondent At Stounhat et Tho don Tiinc3 83Y3 t itin' ,Leaettnie
twiel4"*Iledlt li,1414441eril ofk4anteetiehaerr*Palltta8:r-elfuNone‘triSifica4r- 1;tts linipearnm: " rigclecretillaalk 444tfigth';
eign. misSion ot Nittiniting4 province or (terrecin Legitien hns obtained un 44*,
tiganhweion,, tho lett bank Of the Wire 'Rena geld htdtcry.
toe Klanif River. No tiria, of DIG is. re- The positten in thins, FS teeNlo.p
hcra et:id:4;1-1:r e;ttincitoptiTrit gt-i° x.ifyit:toet1), t
c /Inert. Viecroy yuair ;131li Nal, rn.ii1,0
pcerse,tentcyilukot tiaroopearbee,aweietAllteltyheicitrtvpotitt;,41:;
troign.;ttairytitudio:selkhove::iatt4iit rvyrse:ctvkicoutottirtid071,y, csetrindcluigiNve!ti itegistilerk11.alaurtei"ic'llithtiettlitif.‘,70.:301,
td mime openly unws thoy rea5on tor the cleopeteh Of Angle negro. r
thetot itto reio opproveo mew con. to Met erilly tioncyminkca with'
4uot. tu toreign eidnemeniti of eeeret toclettee, and the GOVerereent
treaty 09rts etterto vo wog Inatto wiettee tG remove. a dAngeretie Weripere
Dean Um' neighborhood or dint vapital. -
410tereiptIgynerte4recover priVileges grented tO
A despatch Oulu Sau Pr -melt -to says;
nit eoree Walters Japan is believed C. O. Young, an c!,e.wittiee's et the re
to snow with equanimity the poSeibility eerie etot in Shenglett. arrived her
et Mined intervention being neeessary Wednesday from the Orient un the
Niece It Meld previde her With 00easloti steamer Boric. Ile Wee et the iatenoe
to obtoin from Cittlia What elm failed to antetareign serail -nerd, that ext5ts
eknet from RUSela. emong the Chinese and predieta that an
e "In Stomped two additiOnal cOmpare uprisina will take place willeri the none
ies of volunteers aro being rased. 's few months. oung trays that 200- Chi.
reported that the municipal Council oese were Weed Ip the riot in Shanghai
favors strengthening the Sikh police end that only the presence ot the foe.
force by 500 men. Unfortunately. it Is al eign gunboate at telianglial prevented
this juncture that it has been decidee the ..vaelesete slaughter ei Anterieans
to reduce the British China squadron. and Enelialtmen. Young repreeents
ON GUARD IN PEleIN: local Orin, but because of the boycott no
The Pekin correspondent of The Lon- ‘tvvaltsh 1,1111.1,1ftl'h;hbalftest:: iturttedelshaticgiaa.'llY busines5
Province, and the seat of Government
has been honored by their presence on
two occasions. The oeople of the Pro-
vince have noted with satisfaction the
great interest taken by his Excellency
in all matters affecting their welfare and
happiness. The extensive experience
gained by his Excellency in the various
public positions which he has occupied
renders his opinions on such questione
of the greatest possible valsie; while the
interested manifested by the Countees
Grey in all movements of a philanthro-
pic and social nature has been a source
of great satisfablion:--4 • •
' *
Terrible Trip Taken by a Sergeant el
Mounted Police.
A despatch from Edmonton, Alberni,
says : Serge Field, of the Royal North-
West Mounted Police, has just arriVed
from the Fort Chippewa district with a
trapper named Brown. who had become
a ra.ving rnaniao on account of the soli-
tude of his surroundings. The 400 -mile
trip was made under most trying diffi-
culties, owing to the fact that Brown
was in such a condition that the police-
man was obliged to strap him down to
the dog sled. The madman Moused to
eat, and Sergt. Field was obliged to
force food into his mouth. For four
days the journey south was made es-
pecially arduous because the madman
continuously struggled to regain his
liberty. At one time a blizzard overtook
them and they were •obliged to seek
shelter under a huge pine tree, where
they were snowed under for two days.
Belleville Highwayman Held Up Two
Ladles In a Public Street:.
You will be pleased to learn that the
operation of the ferst section of the
Temiskaming and Northern Ontario
Railway for the past year has been very
satisfactory -the income being largely
hi excess of the expenses of operation -
and that the construction of the extension
of this road has been proceeded with n
the most energetic manner.
The growing importance and value of
the mineral interests of the Province
call for the most careful consideration
and management, and necessary amend -
clients to the Mining law will be sub-
mitted to you for your consideration.
Since the last session, an agreement
has been arrived at with the Dominion
Government for the negotiation, on
equitable terms, of a treaty with. the
Indians who occupy large portions of
the Province not now under treaty.
An Ottawa despatch says: An aggre-
gate foreign trade for seven months ex.
ceedlng that of the whole of 18e3 by
$10,668,305 and the whole. of 1896 by
$92,015,417. The figures quoted above
are sufficiently striking, but lf the past
seven months be compared with the
same period of the preceding year it
gives a betterment of $44,216,143, the
figures of the former period being $323,-
616,803. The exports of domestic pro-
duce totalled $150,834,433, or a gain of
$25,603,940 when compared with seven
months of 1905. Exclusive of coin and
bullion, the imports amounted to $156 -
2541,403, an increase of ,$15,7'74,987. EXP
cess of exports for the seven months
ever imports for the same period was
$9,828,962. Exports of all classes show
considerable gains, but the most import-
ant were animals and their produce, $4,-
498,735, and agriculture, $13,493,3‘6.
Shipments of maunfactured goods ex-
hibit an improvement of $1,707,339.
nightie, Feb. :A -Fleur -Firth. Vvheat
Mieettlede No. 1 Northerra
earloads, Winter, nothing dono.
rh-Darely steady; NO. 8 yellette 46xn;
No. t corn; 45Xe. Otto-o•Steady; No. 2
114,951 No.•2 mixed, aae„ Barley-.
WOisteril 10, Metre MOW at 45 to 52e.
ayo,,,-;toottt NO. '2 in dere, Ity, to 724
l'kw York, Feb, g0.. -Wheat -Spot
ateadr, NO. t reit, *Igo elevator; No. g
Lod, 92)in t6.b. atiold; No. 1 Northetrio
pultdh4 106 1.00, afloat
An Analyst Found in "Com-
munion Wine."
The New York Sun of Wednesday
publishes the following :-Health Com-
miseioner Darlington told the Alder-
men's Committee on Salaries and Officers
on Tuesday that the adulteration of tile
food and drink sold in this city had be-
come so general that it had spread to
We wines used in churches for commun-
ion servlees. He informe,d the commit-
tee that a few days.ego he had analyzed
a bottle bearing tbe-label "Communion
Wine," and found that it was made
wood alcohol, hard cider and an analine
coloring. matter. After the meeting Dr.
Darlington was asked he had any yea -
son to believe that the concoction he had
examinerl was gerierally used in the
elturches. don't know," he replied,
"but I do know thee the wine we exam-
ined was an unwholesome, and even
dangerous, tnixture."
swgiotE of KING'S NAME
AcOmplistied Itaseat Borrows
Afaney mg* Arid 144
A mood despatch, says litightter
ot prominent residento of varktitu (Owns,
who, %veto too willing to ottatit orttnOttlY.
with tho wedding of Wog /Wow aelet
Prineettel Eno, hero reeeived with open
arms • well.groomed, Otteelited Mere.
speaking Spanish with an Ertieltat 40 -
cent. who professed to be a relative at
Satteribergs end an aide te King
UdWard, Many et those who entertained
tam loaned him money. Arnentr• them
was Cardinal Sandia, of Telede. The
Mail to an impostor, and has been ate
Among the measures to be submitte.1
to you for your consideration, in addi-
tion to the amendments of the Mining
law, above mentioned, will be : Bills
respecting County Councils; respecting
the Department of Lands and Mines;
amending and consolidating the Liquor
License Act; amending the Volunteer
Land Grants Acis tevienig_ end amend-
ing the Railway Act, and the Electric
ailway Act; amending the Agriculture
and Arts Act, amending and consolida-
ting the several Acte relating to com-
panies; revising and amending the Acts
relating to Public schools and the Act
respecting the Department of Education;
respecting the University of Toronto;
and amending the Supplementary Reve-
nue Act, 1899, providing for the taxation
of railways.
'.alt,ritni rah, th. ttened
at the Weidern Market tee -day,
Term in Jail. "
A despatch from Montreal says A
delightful romance stirred Westmount
on Wednesday night when William
Brown, a youth cif little more than twen-
ty years, publicly espoused a young
Swedish girl, thereby reselling his bride
from the shadow of the prison bers and
securing her with the subtler bonds et
matrimony. Tt16 girl, Hilda Sjoberg, a
domestic of engaging countenance, had
fallen from the path of rectitude by gee
hag way to the temptation pt an evil
moment and setting aside some of her
Mistress' gewgaws. The result oeyas
trial and a conviction, but Just as Magis-
trate McMahon was about to pronounce
sentence the young man appeared anel
offered to pay any fine that might be im-
posed. As ening for such an offense
was not within the reading of the law,
the Magistrate paused. But tho youth
pensisted, declared his love) for the
maiden, and finally, on a hint from the
court, offered to make the accused his
wife as soon as a license and a minister
could be provided. The Magistrate
thought that the domestic fireside might
prove a more abiding corrective than
the company of convicts, so he sus-
pended sentence pending the fulfilment
of the lover's pledge. The girl did not
reject the offer, so time was given for
preparation, and on Wednesday night
at 7 o'clock In the court room Rev. E.
Bushell made the twain one. The cere-
mony was witnessed by. an interested
group of townspeople and officers at the
Town Hall. Mr. Brown, the groom, is
an electrician, well employed.
A despatch I rom Belleville says : A
daring hold-up occurred in this city en
Saturday night about 10 o'clock. Two
ladies, Mrs. F. Osborne and Miss Yates,
were proceeding homeward on Bridge
Street east, which is one of the thickly
populated streets in the city, when a
man confronted them and with a revol-
ver pointed at them, demanded their
money. The ladies were so terrified that
they were unable to make any outcry,
and both delivered their pocketbooks to
their assailant. The man then hastily
decamped, and although police were
soon upon his trail, his whereabouts
could not be discovered. The police are
badly handicapped, as the ladies were
unable to give a descripeion of the man.
The affair has caused considerable ex-
citement in the city, as the hold-up Is
the first which has occurred here for
Bands of Unemployed Pillaging Farms,
Bakeries and Stores.
A Madrid despatch says: The fatnine
In the, Meridional Provinces again is
grave. The intense cold of recent days
has killed the sugar crop in the Prov-
inces of Seville, Cadiz, Malaga and Gran-
ada. Numerous bands of men unable
to obtain work, are scouring the coun-
try, pillaging farms, bakeries and pro-
vision etores, and threaten to attack
the land owners. Thousands are await-
tng the commencement of Government
feinine works, which are indispensable
to effect any improvement In the fright-
ful situation, the consequences of which
cannot be measured if the conditions
are prolonged.
The extraordinary possibilities which
the future may have iss store with refer-
ence to electric power are still attract -
in Increased attention on the part of
Provincial Experiment Stollen at Ruth.
venWM Make Famed:Dents.
A Toronto despatch says ; Hon, Nel.
Son Monteith says the Department et
Agriculture will make trials this Beacon
on the ratsing of varieties of the Wham
plant of the experimental station at
Ruthven in Essex county. The great
dieloulty in Canadian tobacco cultnre so
tar has been the curing ot the letet, eVen
alter it has been succe.sefully raised and
picked, and to this end the Governmeet
will also dtreet its attention.
"On Wednesday AA attempt weo tfittilft
here by trUSted Derwin% 16
Muirdet* the 'eVretary of ttio VTeneh
Munkinal Connell whilo ho wen ctsleen.
The attempt Wee frustrated and tho to.
militant was amested. •
Thirty Per Cent. Increase In Me Inoue
oration hlovement to Canada.
A Winnipeg despatoh says.• Theodore
Knappen, secretary of the Wes' tern Can.
mean. Immigration Association, said on
Wednesday that sixty thousand Amore
cans will find their way into Western,
Canada this year, an increase of thirty
per cent. over last year. Prejudteee
against immigration to ncountry wider
a monarchical form of government have
already disimpeared. This Is a result of
the experiences of American settlers al-
ready here, who find that the Govern-
ment rests absolutely with the people.
Great Work the College Is Mine to Fll
Boys and Girls tor tale on
Japan Will Not Be Free of Burden for
Twenty -Five Years.
A ' despatch to London from Tokio
says that the financial programme nt
the Cabinet, which has passed the Lewer
How, will undoubtedly be endorsed by
the Upper House. According to the
programme, the war debts, whir: will
aggregate $911,000,000 tn 1907, ' Le
completely paid off in 1930, duel which
interval there will be six opera4ions
conversion. The programme shows that
the domestic debts, now amounting to
$287,500,000, will be entirely discharged
in 1942.
The Great Northern Rallway's Projected
A Winnipeg despatch saya: W. Rob-
inson of New York, confidential agent
of the Groat Northern Railroad, was
here to -day en route to Toronto and
New York. He has been quietly in the
west preparatory to securing a charter
for his company to build a line from
Havre, Montana, to Edmonton, Alberta,
via Medicine Hat, a distance of abeet
420 miles. Tbe company now have nine
branches touching the Canadian border.
The latter may be the preliminary step
el access to the great all fields believed
to be in northern Alberta.
scfentifle and practical men. It is ex- 4
pected that the report of the Commission- MM TO CAPTURE AMUR PROVINCE
ers appointed to inquire into and report —
on hydraulic and electric power in the The Chinese to Dese.end on Russian
Province will be laid before you before
the close of the session. A mass of in-
formation has been collected, which will.
The Slovo states that the Chinese are
no doubt, be of great value in the future
consideration of this very important Preparing to capture the whole Prov-
ince of Amur, and that the Government
is alarmed, and contemplates the send-
ing of a speseal army for the prov-
ince's protections The Province of
Amur Is a part of Asiatic Riissia, and
has Siberia proper on Its north and
Chinese Manchuria on Its south and
se sets es area is 173,552 square mem.
the room and stead of the one under
which the said University is now goy- but its population is only about 50,000.
erned and for other purposes. The re- It has been largely colonized by Cos -
port of .the Commission is expected sacks and Siberians. It ls very moun-
tninous, but is finely timbered, and ita
will be glad to learn that the fur product is important, while Its vet -
revenues gf the Province are largely In
excess of/the estimates and more than leys are very fertile.
sufficient to meet the Provincial expen- KILLED FOURTEEN WOLVES.
diture during the year. —
The public: accounts will be laid be- Ernent Appleton of Kenora Makes a
fore you for eour consideration at the Good Bag.
earliest moment, and the estimates for
tho coming year will also be submitte 1 A despatch from Toronto saya: Wolves
for your approval at an early date. erem to be plentiful in the Rainy River
---4--.. district this season, though circum-
stances are not favorable to longevity
there. In two days fourteen wolVea
FAVOR OLD AGE PENSION. were killed at Snbascoshwg Bay, Lake
— , ot the Woods, by Ernest Appleton of
Stith& Premier and Chancellor Receive Kenora, and the Treasury Department
Delegation. bas received hls application for bounties
aggregating $210, or 815 per head, the
A despatch from London says: While bonus for the killing of wolves in un.
utter Catembell-Bannerman and Chancel -
Pr°' organized dtatricis.
declining to make rasb promises,
Mr of the &chequer Asquith on Thum- WAGES FOR [PLC EMPLOYES.
day declared themselvea In entire sym- —
eathy With a deputation which called on Commune; Court In relish city Delivers
WM to tidvOcate the eatablIshment nf ,
A despatch from St. Petersburg says:
In the month of October last, a Com-
mission was appointed to report upon
a scheme for the management and gov-
•ernment of the University of Toronto in
Fatal Economy of a Woman Worth a
A despateh from New York says: Miss
Maria Corsa, 56 yeare old, whose for-
tune is estimated at from $600,000 to
$1,000,000, is dead at her home in the
Bronx. Her death was muted by star-
vation and expetsure, due to her life of
seclusion and ectenomy. She lived en -
Meier ramie in One MOM ot the Corsa
residence, denying herself even the nee.-
essarles ot life and refueing the warmth
of a flee, whieb Might have been Melt
With coal Which had been In the cellat
for yeaft. Mile Corea died hfondoy
night alter thirly-shr hours of tneditrit
treatment, which wasz provided by
neighbors. On Sunday rotting the
daughters of a neighbor fout4 her MO
censelous, and ether neighbors took
charge of the woman. Dr. tdward C.
Podvirt worked all day to testers her.
but ette died without regaining tett;
ecionsness, Miss Cdree Wee Wit, frii
Peet Matte. fler father arid MOW
woo both, Old Knickerbocker fonniles,
and %Pith the Ethetylere, VelentirteS, Bev
rhino lid4 AriggS Were mono gro got
tettlere Vorilharn.
Winnipeg Pant of Notation%
tiniates *tall $248.6*
Natives Defeat Belgian Expedition
Sent to Punish Murderers.
A Brussels despatch says: A Belgian
expedition has been routed in Congo.
The expedition was commanded by Com.
mandant PITTIpUrillatlX, and was sent
against two native chiefs who were
charged with the murder of two state
agents. The rebellious natives now con-
trol the forest of the Comani conces-
stone, and are attacking caravans and
stopping trade. They are equipped with
rifles and ammunition stolen from a
State factory. Another expedition is
being organized.
the Fume
The College was established in 11174.
Its objects were twofold: First to Wahl and the farmer hes the olover crop,
young men in the science and art et tops, and leaves to the good. This, it
unproved husbandry, and, second, to practised on every tarm, would mean
sults. In 1875, the President said in ins millions each Year to this Province.
(6) Chemistry. it was said few
Welted, experiments and publish the re -
first report: "It is evident to the most yeara ago that sugar beets could not
cursory observer that. Canada depends, be grown profitably in this Province.
and will be obliged for many %ears it) OW' Department of ertnistry condtict.
depend largely, if nut exclusively , on her ed °Xporiments In the different parte of
raw produce for her national wealth. Ontario, and analyzed the beets at dit-
And amongst the various forms of raw tiTeat stages of grawta• 11 Is flow known
material none aro so valutible as those that we can grow as good beets as in
nny part of the world. and men are put -
included under the head of Agrieulture
their money into Llie building st
Froduce. To the ubservant statesmen 1111g
sugar beet factorieg. Over 22,000,000
is plain that the readiest manner of
pounds of sager were made in Western
Increasing the national wealth is by in -
()Marin last y V(Ir 1:110M151 rY did U.
creasing the quantity and quality of that
Our Chemistry Department last year
analyzed flour made from four different
grades of wheat {crown in the North-
west. There was a difference of many
cents per bushel in the market value ef
these wheels, and yet, after analyzing
the flour and having bread made from
each of the different lots, it was found
that tlie fourth grade made bread just
as good, just as palatable, just as much
bread per bushel of flour, and just es
nutritious as the higher grade, but It
was not so bright in color. The result
of this analysis wal enable poor people
or people in moderate circumstances,
ts get the best bread for their families
at very much less than they httve been -
(7) Physics. - In this department art
taught the principles of soil cultivation
and soil drainage. Ail farm crops talcs
their food from the soil in a watery so
lution. When the land dries up no more
food can be taken; hence the necessin
for knowledge of how to conserv.
soil -moisture. This is one of the most
important questions that a farmer has
ts deal with, and experiments are being
conducted in the Department of Phystca
all the time along these lines.
(8) Botany. - In this departerisnt the
subject of weeds and hovilri destroy
them, the question of fungous grb-Wth,'''''e-'
and when and how to sproy to exter.
minate them, the importance of growing
grasses and clovers, and such things
are taken up and discussed.
(9) Entomology. - Again. millions of
dollars are lost every Year by insect de-
predation. Only by studying the life
history and habits of an insect can it be
properly combatted. These ore taught
to the fennel's' boys and
and other leguminous plants, tithe the
nitrogen from the atmosphere, and eon -
vent it into plant food. Oura bacterio-
legist propagates hie laboratory and
supplies in mall bottles millions of these
nitrogen forming bacteria, whtch may
be spread upon the geed before it ts
sown, and tlius introduce into the soil
these nitrate -forming baoteria. me
iif eloVer will teave in the soil In the
roots iilone about tifty pounds of nitro
gen per acre. Thus the plant food sure
plied to the soli by it orop of clover is
produce. But though plainly seen, it ls
not so easily accomplished. Precedent,
prejudice and general conservatism
stand in the way. Throughout the Pro-
vince there is a powerful minority cf
intelligent, enterprising and successful
farmers pursuing the Improeed system
of cultivation; yet the great majority are
depending solely In increased acreage
for increased returns." • -
That was thirty years ago, and the
College, facing these conditions, with
the opposition of the very class which
11 was Intended to help, has grown
steadily in favor with the people, until
now farmers themselves visit the Col-
lege in June and December to the num-
ber of nearly 40,000; and we had last
year in attendance at the various College
Earthquake Shocks In Michigan Mines
Many and Violent.
A Houghton, Mich. despatch says:
Many miners are redgning their posi-
tions in the copper mines in this vi-
cinity owing to the continued earth-
quakes, or air blasts, which have now
become so frequent and dangerous that
the miners fear for their lives. Until
last week no particular damage was
done, when there commenced a series
of shocks, much more violent than at
any lime In the past. Each day since
then there have been numerous shocks.
Strange odgment.
Stattedirti nyetem of old age pensions. .
More than i,20 teachers visited the Col-
lege and examined the workings of the
different departments during the past
two years.
In the beginning students were paid
te attend the Institution, and there was
practically no revenue from the College
or farm. In 1905, we turned Into the
Provincial Treasury as revenue from the
College and farm $61,588.20. The
work of the different departmenta is as
(11 Field Agriculture. - Teaching of
students and experimenting with field
°reps is Me work of this department.
In Mr. Zavitz's report of last year the
following paraghaph appears under the
head of "Barley". "The results show
that tho Mandschourt gave decidedely
the greatest yield per acre of the four
varieties for the whole period of fifteen
years, and also tor the last five years.
The Mandscheuri gave an average et
0.e bushels per acre ger annum over the
common six -rowed arley in the aver-
age results for fifteen years. The aver-
age area devoted to barley In Ontario
hone 1882 to 1904 Is_ given- as 633,290
acres per annum. An increase of nine
bushels of barley per acre throughout
the province, would, therefore, amount
ts an increase of over five million bush-
els of barley in Ontario annually. Thin
increase at flay cents per bushel would
amount to about two and a half million
dollars. Two and a half million dollars
annually would pay the running expen-
ses of about thirty agrictiltural colleges
like the ono located at Guelph. The
Mendscheuri barley was Imported from
Russia by the Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege In the spring of 1889. Not only has
It made a very excellent record at the
College, but It has given high results In
the co-operative experiments through-
out Ontario and has been grown In gen-
eral cultivation very succeasfullly during
the pant few years, In looking up the
records of the Bureau of Industries, we
find that the average yield of barley
throughout the Province for the period
of len years from 1895 to 1904, inclusive,
le 29.fl bushels per acre; while that kir
the period of ten years from 1885 to
1694, inclusive, was Z4 85 bushels per
acre. This shows an average annual In-
crease of about
France Heads the List, With Denmark
a Good Second.
A Geneva despatch says: Figurer% pub-
lished by the Swiss Government show
that there- has been 16,640 suicides. in
Switzerland in the last thirty-five years.
In the same period suicides in Germany
have totalled 332,600, and in France,
274,000. France has the highest per.
centage of any European country, the
figures being 239 per million inhabitants.
DenMark is next, with 234 per million,
followed by Switzerland, 225; Germany,
206; Austria, 158; Sweden, 147: Belgium,
124; Britain, 89; Italy, GO, and Holland,
Packing -house of Oat Mills Destroyed
Witti all Its Contents.
A despatch from Tillsonburg says: HIS LEG TORN OFF. for the latter, as compared with the for -
About 7.30 on Thursday night a fire
— mer period of ten years. From these
started in the building adjoining the oat
mIlls of the Tillson Company, which is Arthur S. Skead Meettt a ShocAing results does it noot appear ne though
utilized for packing the oatmeal and Death at Port Arthur.
barley by the Ontario Agricultural col- mentIng along different lines it is eri{•
ing the fernier, millions of (toilers ewe)
the Introduce Ion of the Mandsehruri
Ontarf !thin the past ten years an an- ear hy seciiring frnm them exert deb(
ether cereals. The contents of the build- e
Mg were of such an inflammeble run A Prince Albert denpateh gam Ar- lege has been worth to the Province of
lure that all efforts 1.0 control the fire Ihur S. Skead, asststant miller In the
nual ' ney value equal to more than In reference in the value of different
were of no avail and the building with 11. B. Company's mill here, met a hor- farm crone tam) animels, and se forth:
all the contents, was completely wined Miele death on Thursday morning when fifteen times the entire cost of the Col- end third. by the v. raing and puhlica-
out In about two hours. The dry kiln, at work alone in the basement. Ile lege?" Similar work Is being done with lion of 'meeting end. reports, the farmer
elevator and oM mIll were not Injured, evidently became entangled in the belt- wheat and oats and peas and rye and is impelled in leg ciwn home with rell.
froth getting through to them, The loss floor with one leg torn from the body, (2) Animal Husbandry. -- Here Mu- anhol8estnformation in reference to his bust -
the thick fire wall oreventing the flamee Ing and when found was lying on the gratifies and clover and mote.
will be many thousands of dollars.
i dal, but died immediately afterwards. et the different breeds nf domestic. am- . •
hut still alive. He was taken to the hos- dents are tonight the comparritive value
A wife and child survive him, De. mats. and as it la mud that fel per rent. .,., ... DISIIIONIEAT YANKEE, TRICK.
ceaserre home was in Winnipeg, where of all the crops grown on the farms ef '"'"no Rank Imitation of Cznedian
e nd or 'third of the family to meet a seen at a glance how imbortant it ie A &en
:art:: illoometrolttitsailwrisrakyest. mr. P.
his father resides. He la either the sec- Ontario le fed to live stock. It will be
violent death, his brother having been to he able to tell a gond feeder when II Ball, Commercial Agent at Birming-
drowned two yearn ago. 073,
seeeDalriyting. - The making of better Trado and Commerce that it Is stated
. ham, reporte to the Department of
A despatch 1 rom Nlagarn Palle. Ont. ,
Putter and better cheese and the breed- that at least ono large American firm
says: Edward Fenton, of 783 Queen
Street, Toronto, had a narrow escape FREIGHT SYRUCK SLEEPER ing and feeding of better animals. The is {meeting eanadian Wiltshire bacon
from death at the rails on Thursday. average eow In Ontario ffiVPA less than end putting the imitation on the Britleli
While walking along the top of the 3,000 pounds ef milk per year The niarket ag E.anadian bacon. Hp quotes
Gorge. he alipped on the ice and fell Sevene Pneeenoere tenured on he C. P.
R. Femme. College, by careful selection and proper from an interview with a large seller,
over the edge. He oeizert a thornbuah feeding, haa built up 0 grade herd which who declares that Canitdlan bacon now
which grew on the brink of the prem.
A Winnipeg deapntch saye; Becauae ir 1004, centaine4 eixteen enws which le go good when cured by the regular
glee, and hung. helplees. Hie crimper, -
the engineer of n westbound freight evt- gave more thee 6•00 imusee that they were not efreld tn
tn, took off his overcoat and let it down cio le int tlbyy dthiserecgoenrddeurclotrheorflathgesiziegeonanisd sces(unt. (4) Horticulture. -- elePginwein :Pe 'ROMP -
Ion, Hervey Whelmore, oleo of Tornn- sell It me CAnadlan. but Mat he also got
what handieapped hv severe elimatle flabby, oll-fed bacon marked Canadian.
to Fenton, who was drawn up to a place This merchant adviaed the branding et
Ptahceinceatecitxpornesalrbduurse dinayWin. 'coonriatirsw. 0 elltienInngoi eOrigrowf eeith,,abmovoree I ;II( le
Of Gaiety. Fenton wan completely pros. tnioipnegof frthoem the word r.anadian on all grades of
trattd by his experience,
rear -end eoillaion took place at an earl rate fruits. Students are given Inetruc- bacon mado tn renada.
COST Russia. O583,080,116e.
hootof,uFtrhoerIntcwthrielittimsmorn.nrInningwihaintioehflastlkixtno,iwa es.pwtoememe . bon in the wrowIng of all kinds of fleet. .
people and a resident of Battle Cree. ,Ivegeteblee. and flowers. and experiments
are et:inducted with the smell Meta and
with rover creme for the °refitted. Emormous Expenditure Ental4d by tte.
cent War In Manchuria.
.... ... .
Mteh., were Injured. They tiro; Mese ee Raeteriolooy - leltroaen in one of /
Barbour, Snowlake, Man.; Mee. 1 the prtneipal nor& ef a plant. a
A despatch from St. Peterebtre WM
‘Ivlorimuhe,t, orAxIbgoawry,suAult;n.p;juiherfleootihrdleirrnttrti, ,opoelemind .-6,;./17.errintly abeut 20 rents a
The Imperial F.ounce iternotieee MM. OM
, s k , a m 10 your pH • am eel pia nt3s1renisnnMot N'usre r1711n nIlliterntgOernM' Will eost Of ill, war Was
, y . Li 1 1
Gardener, Aylesbury Sask., aged 12 p which it appeara in the atmosphere. roubles ($903,111, • .
yearn: .4. Meahlb, Ba.flle Creek, kWh.; tell -lain bacteria. If introdueed into the double the cost of the fittr4oAtiltitti
Mrs. A. D. cardinold, nartingtord, Man. etie will wertt nn tee mote al Mover Wag
New Scheme of Producing Iron Invent-
ed In Sweden.
An Ottawa despatch says: Mr. C. E.
Sontum, Canadian agent at Christiania,
Norway. In a report to the Department
r Trade and Commerce, says that con-
siderable attention hag been dire,cied lo
er invention of two Swedes, who have
discovered a new method of producing
iron ore. The ore is crushed into a fine
dust, and then the Iran Is drawn out
by the aid of strong magnates, after
which it is molded into brick form.
and sent broadcast to the farmers from
our Entomological Department.
(10) Poultry. -- ChIckene used to sell
anywhere on the market from 20 to 30
cents a -piece, To -day they bring three
times that amount, where they have
been properly fed, killed end dressed.
We have on trouble of disposing of our
poultry here at from 12 to 15 cents a
pound dressed, and our atudents are
taught how to breed and feed so as to
obtain these results. We have four dif-
ferent styles of poultry houses to test
the effects of heat and cold on the egg -
laying proclivities; hence we find thtisN
the coldest, and therefore the ohecipest
house, 1s the best, and that fresh air, le
essential to good egg production.
(11) Macdonald institute. - Three
things are taught: Domestic science,
manual training and nature study. in
domestic extence there were 360 girls In
attendance last year. each one being
obliged te learn cooking, sewing and
laundry work. In a Province where
over 00 per cent of the women do their
own house.worlc, what a ble.ssIng it
would be If they were all properly train -
for their daily dution. Manual train-
ing makes boys and girls handy In {he
use of gimplo tools, and nature study,
which is really elementary agrinulture.
helpg teachers to the eetent that thee
may return and give to their pupils ee
Education that will more ewe/ et teem
for the earning nf their daily breed.
The College is then &mg three things -
First, Mling boys anti girls for their fe
work on the farm: second, by experi-
'the depUtatiOn urged that the scheme A despatch from Warsaw ova: Con -
should be eornpreheneive and include sIderable cnmment haa been Canoed y
all Citleell$, Men or women, who at tee the judgment of the Communal COurt
age of sixty should receive at least 81.25 at Widzeweo, near Lode, ordering the
weekly pension, and the money being Coaten thread factory to Pay the wages
found by means Of imperial taxation. of 800 emptOyea dtiting the WO *Peeks
, The Prettier arid the Chancellor of the the worko 'were closed. The fattetry
Of the ett Done. Tbe Maly difficulty coal neas given as the raostin for go
ptchegiter in „rePlying heartily approved shut down Nov. 30, iarindroandeetzgteigittedoef.
calTbd °it Ccwret'not lock of coal but
the high price of coal whieh Inanesal
the cloning of the week), Mad fOttful
that thls was not a geed reaserg
moping worte hPlOttO the Order for the
osyenent of the ways of the employes.
a. Wet
, they pointed out, wee the
Of waya and Meanie They
4 bowever, that With greater
: Ole administration of the coun-
Wes It wOuld net be impossible
money tor euth a beneficent
Toronto Man Hos Narrow Escape
Death at the Falls.
One SpanIsb Deputy tined Floe, the
Other His Cane.
A despatch from Madrid atone A guar.
rel ocecurred in the fortes Thura-
day between Deputtee Segui and Devoe
end the latter wa,4 Mt/IONA in the face.
retelieted, atrilcing ennor Soma with
114,5 eatie. Both were arrested.
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