HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-02-23, Page 3• s- weeenderesty C74 War' Off RIO LE DEADLY C 0 B A Owl* treat DreelVt. H. S.. MC . epeesIt row The Ilitsmis tog al *a WM,. 4 'w A terrima itsgety _acorn* el Deattnesit WI* all titis WNW 10 BR Wiella WWI, No, 1 NAY get Fraley neorialsig, Frout bwatiful sookil elovisy. we iii3aY. istliort * sioclip.w., maryte, SitAirgy7. ** vsoic•W• oharftlttra, "St —4 5144101:114,40balea": Witr.7"ile iittrOiki""toorlwo onened 1st Ina Partiesebil Itintletsgis elturobo tbe *ltd. l'artt*w414%,__„, found speeng _.: PAU lAlliattnra at Orstanht Waldo/km, of the NM% Pialee TOMO*. TIntre$4). _Ow* *dolt usitAir. rearriaree A tee n' II* .."'"** 4W(tUini (4.att "Ylik* noon. The may baladefally drain/Pei Reeeffelte cia'allrew. ret "'ens, Plese-"aat• re Illatett4"11444eeed (Shy 4)Wart*"Corgluctor. eTatrittgirti", Mei <London Times says that 4 dletibt• WOrOlirk OR tiett DOW ist Me Douai made dot of the United nth and Niohn• sow emit Ihroligt Domthien 14 chug. ed eiheliti vauchee kw ilia correct. I brilliant tome, lannenni WSW& isse Low/worm, the repreaantative ka ot ii. 4rion 0 ciurty csrs* „rho itnow Male Of tbe haleWing *RAT ; A taw day* Peaked WM( Ittaa. itit Vitht3B4 en IN .Gehltral3 troill, tho %1st "riel a Ol*/* gave the etemi, 414 the trainInen r ulttl!. ago premier Witte 'Swirliest that ehe se. Beer end in the $4140111. The :correlates The Borg deeerationli ;Were most__ ea up to elm burning woos. 044 to, civet ponce were printiese en sitorrom141 Were- thr00114d With blindleatii Welting borate. We huge • vases each moo po ea the 41001,.. .1.410. house mt.0.5 twee With tender ithe0 IPA fern 1:0 (A '0°4' Ing fierceir inside awl the genies were fulrober et ProcitiMations. drawn up by 44410111100. eri.: B°4I(1443°TitCh $1114 Ge". Pfali'l ' TIM SESSKINS PROOHAMME. Pik* "'el/ °I the ra%inte*andettevriri lot heiduning le.' break IhrOligli.,) '19,fals a Slevie. Cana Witte. 40Classeesse-Y' The speech ROM Mb thr0fiet Wee 0.% ee"TaeFeeTe ;et- ie' -'et eree'm 'be:- wia, A gent; ikeeerdeti" g 4tCP sous ., neffilhors. Will the P*°P''" 14 mur". th,!......"' 4rntrnisetettlaetet6 ‘13n(e" 141t(1-intiheer° owl mei FOUND TUS VICrUil...9 sou, went to Dia poet omega. 04 round mr. ,poolott _ twd 4enuomen, of ibe &enter platferM Vile tewerielturtleterettemohli hp4lerrtly1404.r.thoteas4ccossweist Ito treTrt maict.o, Russian Terrorists T rn to C snide of Potassium. TIKVOLUTIONISTS ARTIMED. . deeps/eh horn St. Petersburg bays"; An important arrest of One Wilt ritace 114404414 laviehin Paevided With exple- Ors* and bombe, Who * believel wire planning en attetript On the life Ocivernor-Cstoerat Denbesoff, ot MoseOw, eras ;rattle here Olt Fridey evening just preview to their deperture ter Moscow. A seventh member ot flte lutrtY, kohl. dent, threw away 4 t1011111 and fseCaPell. Tint police 4leet inloo custody eight terrorists ftelOnging JO another group, at whose residence wets tatthal.eY4Bicle set pateusellen and other deadly dun* cabs officient, it is said, to kilt belt the population of St. Peteraburgi *Id thou - sancta ,ot revoluttfoiary proelemationa. ,,.1t -.4e suspected, that the terrorists, ta' roach peentinent neraens Imo Pi,opot violence, ere abOutoto try the Mere elthtle illea/te Peleens: by Minister filosoloff and Friace Urn- rows unmilitelotble coldettets of the fact, ,storiny scene followed between Cella .Witto,aint Durneveor„ Minister et the luierier. The, former ellbeeentently went to TearskoeSelo,r but plied., ob expected SuPPOrt from the fAer, 'It * eteled that Prinea Unison and several high °Metal of the Minfah? Ot Um la. leder, gn eahlitatfielelly (dated. nito Minister ot Anerter hao' instrilete4o been %Oh itei to maintain the pvc*per tho- TAMA J1094,14g4,,isx, foro,,Sq. otir. farmers Inte(e' ettiOYad 111.,ra' atene"e" _ The, arms .00.1fwe, .Cent years, -714tt.lsgt,beett,nothwahle_111 „ triBtilktVE ACTiVre, 1600.--; • , • the •detrihill illthJetrY, the output et - A deapeleh' item PateMberg Skeet "--.""' VhJett thift: verY Iattie. The twit' To officio messenger prints the ,R. V.S$101: ..,t46PLES •MtIR14$1.t_gi)' 41priseenge'4`'enad asettivaditiyiYo' n41-lct17450 IP8Itrt Nite'aur; Sulantery of .'violent pelitiettl crintea 40,a; A despateh front Fetersh01'0O1%.,„,_ pope, which:het% been apparent for fleiahrea_e0t.110illi)ht ltPe '11,144 WO" Caltht telheClarn 010 F°"igr4' several years past, are to be seen on alt .1Polage.,,0"4:monhe. erreactieordn.Ceolietielitate4ravellitlYrogettao,, tett atellicthaatre. 114,rmiumhe were daurs4litsetvatgetOinw at , e igesent3 ea a t *dulness; congratulation and terretists have,. been tittle% Tbeart.111.' Liotrdero ea Senialeye Tins a pears to gt("1. r0h$C41 or °ludo St.: Plitcraurit..UosetA14' 040A0.4+' he the'laat retaliatiOn for ti.nalltart .1414110.1, ". Novgorod,' Yana, "Waf,, eseoution$ in .0m -repression oft he - FOB .FAIIMERS': y:141,Eccg,. ileW, SanteriS, Kumhor SehatitePeli KaZahe tie revolt. Tints; Sigrt: "itild ether prineilnla 'The .goods- station at Oelfie_hee eeeh where oinciejs,•have been killed:, ,befrolS ransacked. and robbed of alOmoo Many ,atrod.,40i.lig',409,.xetiprgit'onot dynamite- rgiesiayeefeelals haVe been Mlirderred setzed ort. pest -Med, banks or Other State institutiOns attaehed. A of the crimes :Were cemmitted by Mare ban% . , DeePatehes tell of a graromar'aciMlar wounding reactionary teaphe.r at Khan. e, keg and the arrest at Berdteheft tet 15.yeareld lad having three. loaded bombs in tileePesSeeelon. ' :eta' There is eVidenee that a beneb explo. Wort whit% oeeurred' at Vilna :oa Feb. 12 was part of a general Plia, with rarnificattene ibrepghont the craptre, aimed preventiag tile Partieipation of the moderate patties in the election, and . the cltief of .the eecrel, police here has sent orders to the geedarriterie alathe cities to do everything possible le gilard against similar attempts. Details of the explosion at Vilna show that, six local reVolutionists were on their way to blow up a cleb-house where., moderates were in session, when one of the former slipped On the ley sidewalk and exploded a bomb. The Cearevitch, the first battleship af the Russian Far Eastern fleet to return to European Russia, has arrived at Mau. Legislate.% AsselablY ) take great pleasure •itt 'Meting (1/1, Sonnies repreSentatives ot the PrOvilleo lit Parliantelt4 Qt4f' vOrX efiroest Walks aro: eme knore doe Atroighty Oett tor .the bountiful ,hartfeet of the, year thst has passed.. who'll even 'teceele the one Mot called for our gratitude NO year, With tilts harvest'. the market censillimia havo • POLICE INCITING ,LIFIDEII. Tbenntet, year hae been the most suc- cessful in the history of the Agricultural Cc/liege from the atandpoint of the num- her -0t---atudeutat-the outher -of larro Wetter% and the amount et work dime. BMA). COSSACKS. For the first boo in its career. the total number 'of stodents of all classes ex. A. despatch frnm St. Fetersberg ersee I ceeded arto thottsand, Tim Macdonald Fifty eciticated Esthonian DorPat, institute -has apparently talcen firm hold Meet of them landowner% -have tele- on the appreciation of the public, and greened pretest te the St. Petersbueg farmers' daughters ;have come to ite neWspapers. against Wholesale ruffians,' halls in nurribert that promise a very executione dtstricts where reVeilltieln bright future for the inetaution. You steles did not destroy property. will be asked to rovide Muds for in - it is Stated that over seventy alleged creasing the teao ing faellities revolutignaries have been shot at Fellin, college in various departments. where- no viofence had been committea. The past year hast shown a 1 rge in - At Lizenzuzen, in Wesenburg, twe wo- crease Over previous yeaes in the mine men and several children, who were ber of inunignuna settarig in Ontario: - Cowering in the cellar of a Mese, wero Preparatione are beffig made to receive shot in cold blood by Cossacks. and settle a larger nuenber during the Executions are now general in the present year, who will be directed la Dorpat district. Captain Von Stever, the tams of the Province. With in - the military "executioner," has been creased facilities and an improved sys- furnished with -a list of the condemned, tem, it is confidently expected that the and as fast us arrested they are placed immigration and colonization work of against a wall and shot -sometimes by this Government will reach .the highest a firing squad, sometimes by a single Mark yet attained. The funds appropre sohlier, and occasionally by the officer ated are being used solely to assist in providing farm and domestic help. in charge. ' At Mitau, Conrland, ten revolutIon- aries were shot this week. A wheel- house "aendunced" as a revolutionerY headquarters, was burned by soldiers, although it cost the Government thou - The St. Petersburg correspeadent of sands of pounds to build. lore itteivindows. Ise Wat , • look Owe, ea that ell in the rout had pie 'to beerv JP( the habit of keeping tires pracyeatlitytmalnimunweuhroorittlisslisie. w ot it: 40, tiko knetten only, The nareitte eldlidrele ail slept In the same reem. _ was supposed ett the inmates had At neon the. President andUte UMW: pilule their escape. laide, resting her hand lightly open hie At d o'cliselt the wails et the house fell left arm, .proceeded le the roaat rOfnat in, and atter a aeareh 4111011$ tile Mins, the ercheAira, Tendering tbe merph fram the bodies were discovered. Tha Orin Tannkatiser; 'flee bridal dress was a Oren were lociced to each other's vine magiducen% creation. of heavy Whine tlIict the altitila Or the Wife and chtldren point lace, chiffon, Minn. 0.010 eta were broken sud tho of the haaband silver, bread°. The rhAerhit Irehl entirely remaved, Vaal tha-gewn Vas developed -wee Steno and bia wife were AeStraine manulactenrett especially ler Miss ROW' 'and hut residing Iti tho DonlintOn vett, anti the desigu was destroyed a4 tor /shoat three years; Mont six etnen ese the neCesSary anarent et Mtn enentbee ago-' they pUrchaeed A house. tertel fOr the dress Watt made. ,Tne teen Henry Mitetsell, and had practical. own had a tong train 01 superb' alwer 1 paid ter it,. but during the, Peet feW reeade. ,The beclice was Made high aye altpreesed a desire to rennet te Withallt a collar, we's trimmed Willi Austria. This io seta to be due to Sortie - ram old point lace, and the elbow. eletlate Ming that marred about three months were finished With the same WOW Mee ego. Oa a pay night, during the ab - 'Weal, The sleeves just met the 100$ eenee Of her nest/and, bird. Stetka alt. White gloves. A volelninosts tulle Veil Iegect to" he'Ve been the victim ot an at- almtiet, completely enveleped the bride, tam ted asetant by a Newiattneliander PRESENTS NOT ON VIEW, saltat Nelson Alli401, ateigetVi re Wit Outr e in the Province of Nga.nh• Satunley Morning. , ARAM and aelethor be/ intered the ekl, Wei Is :Reported. ystior th4/4,19unt Mar' vtilit I bow OA SWIRL 0004 WIWI It is A mut u the ripe . cerntipondeot et RADOM: el The den Thus 54Y tillt elk Itio: Istg03:1* toidletat raikehioc:hiet DaVetiv'tearawagtet Winch leaksid atoPPed tha ilitritOr. London Sittadarettelear$Pliel.---"Neeeehaa Stlatala ,IalVa leen Ixertied thet tient'? Pala tlether Oen end, Leae,V1141 reacbed time of smother attack en a fe;., inieett010Pe Tko' SeacterY •Ot. 9:1%' W,atiem''thaniesiletVate:VOIC:,1‘44411114gt aga alenrannnlv04-etnnt 1114 NiefullUt leatuittert°111,11`isetel'illeis tClic'CrOICUltaeltaztrt,n4.A 6t411W4'i 41!"4" AdO,',1109e. A. W0004410 aereSS Lie Kiang Diver. No. leFs .of is re. The pcsitlon l'hineo t) tecamiq is* WO of the elevator ehaft Idea. .c:41441,4040,:ittitteigtr.10.1400,1,e' huitriOnroder141:letetuSt:isaYrer:erhaitnievi7ottptthrowoe :rug VoS)4411ciilie c flri a 1.111!OCtei1191-tUtttatt::?elle!set'ler°4Hie 4:tetwhe lualenelgt.wwWhheeh(Ishectwurilefealidn. ttetirtlpeet wmhaehrotiteat4010 woni tosiviect4p3': Q/N• t57OFothltOfilAlc3L17.11rt;',N:Sltrc:„1.1-14iii pr• etence et oupliressitul tt:za t'au* " 4:1017101B754(17:1:0,7t't.11:041 would It'ard:y KED ILKING'it NANO 'rds144174 tilsptltryhtoitl ulirarreirri,ltrInc_ters. ,r("lehlafingTote u,,I,Ajr.i.trcetbaCgeittrat,ITheeVej An leremplished Rowel illefotws 'date to asshilic ce 00W13 t o • Watt Alflitt Wod 144 'th°104 thati 'ckit."01)11)ved tkeir "n" Ziesrlices8tac •ercinet:Ilit dant egetialltRa"ere4slis'iTa;111 tillet, he the fereign, relttlentente from the Itleigtatorhood Hai Wpitels. • treutY ports Marto aro being made nattily to reenVer privilege3 granted to AN liPtItSIN'a A despasteh Own San Vraileleee says: sante quarters Japan bellevtd C, E. YoUng, an es tewitnele a the tee tavIew With equanimity the poseitelity cent riot in Shanghai, aerived aier ' 0I arinea intervention being neeessary Wednesday (nun Orient tm the since it would provide her with occasion steamer Dorie. Ile tells of tbe intenee tte4tkeehttatrtisomfronmuaCiliii.na what site failed to anti -foreign sentement Mot exists among the Chit/est; und predicts Mat an "In Shanghai twe additionol compare. uprieillg tette place witain the noel las of volunteers are being raised. 's tow menthe. Yount- says that ein Chi - reported that the municipal Council nese were killed In the riot in Shanghai (Avers strengthening the Sash police and that only the presence of the ter - force by 500 Men. Unfortenately it is at eign gunimatti at -Shanghai prevented ahie juncture that it lias been deoldrel tbe wholesale slaughter of Anterteatte :to reduce the British China squadron. and linglisbinen. Young represents e ON GUARD IN PEKIN. local firm, but 1xcause of the hobytiestotaten,se The Pekin correspondent of The Lon- wwuitah tiltliencilhlt431ftett, uttiSTewhatilIttsa." - aa-OnW' the enmity and, Intimate friend Were permitted to see the wedding pre. Mits. Among the hundreds metered 1:Or Miss Roosevelt are the fellowinge- Feesident Load of France, Maginacent gabelin tapestry, made expressly ler Miss Roosevelt; Emperor William of Germany, bracelet; the Emperecie of ets, pan, two beautifully chased vases of Sin ver and a piece of Japanese embredd. ery. Republic of Cuba, necklace of ,se- lected pearls; the Emperor of Austria, diamond and pearl pendant; the Em, press Dowager of China, dower cheet failed Watt rare articles; the King ot tie aly, Mosaic table depicting scenes in Italian life; Pope Pius X., Mosaic rep. resenting a great painting in the Vati- can; the King of Spain, pieces of anti- que jewellery. King Edward of Eng- land sent a gift, the character of which has not been disclosed. LEADING MARKETS BREAliSTUFFS. '/ Toronto, Feb. 20.--Wheat-Ontario No. 2 white 79c to 79%c, red 78%c to 79o, mixed 78c to 78%e, goose ,and spring 74c to 75c, at outside points., Wheat -Manitoba -No. 1 hard 89c, No. 1 -northern 86)ec, No. 2 northern 84c, No. 3 northern 82%c, at lake ports; O- ran quataltans 33ec more than these prices. Flour- Ontarto-Exporters bid $3.15, in buyers' bags, at outside points; high patents, at Toronto, bags included, quoted at $3.75; 90 per cent. patents 33.60; Manitoba first patents, 34.30 to $4.50; second patents, 34.10, bakers', $4. Millfeed - Bran, In bags, outside, 016.SO4 shorts, 316.50 to 317.50. . Oats -35c to 36% outside. Barley -No. 2 493ect, No. 3 to 4630, No. 3 43c to 43%c. Peas -790, outside. Rye -70% outside. Corn - Canadian, 43c, Chatham freights; American, No, 3 yellow, 400 to 49eac; mixed, 48y2o to 49c, at Toronto. Buckwheat -51%c to 52c, outside. extra 46e COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter -The market for choice stock continues fairly actice and steady. Creamery 24c to 250 elo solids ' 23c to -240 Dairy lb rolls, good to choice21c to 22e do large rolls 18c to 190 do medium 18c le 10o do tubs 200 to 21c do inferior 17c to 18e Cheese -Unchanged at 13%c for large and 13%c for twins. Eggs -Are quoted lower at 21c to 220. Storage are easier in sympathy at 150 to 16c. Poultry -Fat chickens, 10c to 110, thin 70 to 8ca fat bens 7eec to 8%c; thin 6c to 7c; ducks 12c to 13c, thin 6c to 8c; geese 10c to 110; turkeys 14c to 150, for choice small lots. Baled Hay -No. 1 is worth 38 per ton in car lots on track here, and No. 2 is weak at 86. Baled Straw -36 per ton for car lots on track here._ MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, Feb. 14.-Grain-eThe de- mand by cable for Manitoba spring wheat was very limited and trade was quiet. Oats -No. 2, 41c; No. 3, 40c; No. 4, 39c. Peas -790 f.o.b. per butetel. narley--Manitoba No. 3, 48%,e; No. t, 47c to 47%c. Corn -American mixed, 52%61 No. 3 yellow, 53c ex -track. Piety -Manitoba spring wheat patents, 34.60 to 34.70; strong bakers', $4.20; Win- ter wheat patents, $4.25 to $C50; straight reillers, $4 to 34.10; do in hags, 31.85 to 31.05; extra% stet to $1.15. Millfeed-Manitoba bran in bags, $19; shorts, $19 to 320 Per ton; Ontario bran In bulk, $14.50 to $15; shorts, 320; milled mouille„$21 to $24; straight grain moat% as to $27 per ton. Rolled Oats -Per bag, 31.90 to $1.05; 00t1111001, t1.30 to $1.40 per bag. Har -No, 1, $8 to $8.50; No. 2, 87 to $7.50; Clover, mixed, e6 to 36.50, and pure. clover, $5.50 tO $6 per ton in car lots. • Provistons-Heavy Canadian short cut pork, 321; light short cut, $20; American shOrt OUL $20; American clit clear fat beets, .$1.0 lo 820; compound lard. We to VA; Canadian pure lard, 11%o to 12o; kettle rendered, 12%0 to lee; henta. 100 te 1030. liceording to size; baton, UM; fresh itilled,hbattoir dreseed hogs, $10; tiontltry dressed, $8.75 to $9.50e alive, $7.26, selects and mixed lots. Eggs -Ne* laid, 23o to 24c; selects, RIC tO 21e; NO. 2 candled, 150 to 17c per &ten. EltItter-4heteest egetenery, 22%e; un- dergradeso 21%0 &AKA, to 20e. Chteete-ollierio, 18o to 13%41; Quebec, IMes, Asites.4irst pole, • secondas 114.76: thirds, $3.7,3; first pearls, $7. 3uyers stated that the bulk of the ex - portent' brought forward were little bet- ter than short -keeps. peelers did not rare to pay more thah $4.75 for ex- porters', save tn. casese where the ani- mals were of superior quality. .The nominal range to -day was $4.40 to $4.- 90 per cwt. Quite a number of mixed loads of ex - _porters' and butchers' were received. I ho sales of these were readily made. One lot brought 34.70 per cwt. . For 'straight butchers' heifers„ stall. fed and equal in quality to exporter?: fancy prices were paid. But these cat- tle easily rank above any others in the butchers' line. Some small select lots sold at $4.50 tO $4.75 per cwt. Grrel butchers', in loads, sold at $4 to 34.35. Cows were in demand to -day, and their values were firm. Good ories brought $3.50 to 33.60; common $2.50 to 83, and canners', 81.50 to $2 per cwt. The run of ehort-keep feeders wed larger than usual „, to -day. Buying in them was active and %tablas were steady, the top figures reaching $4.40 per cwt. Hogs are 'now quoted at $0.75 per owl for selects, and 36.50 for ligh13 end fats. The deliveries were small. and the packing houses are keenly compet- ing for supplies. REFERENCE TQ EARL GREY. Since the last meeting of the Legisia. ture, his Excellency Earl Grey, Gover- nor-General of Canada, accompanied by Countess Grey and their estiinable fam- ily, have visited several sections of the Province, and the seat of Government has been honored by their presence on two occasions, The neople of the Pro- vince ha:ve noted with satisfaction the great interest taken by his Excellency in all matters affecting their welfare an,i happiness. The extensive experience gained by his, Excellency in the various public positions virhIch he has occupied renders his opinions on such questions of the greatest possible value; while the interested manifested by the Countess Grey in all movements of a philanthro- pic and social nature has been a source of great satisfaction. IN NEWER ONTARIO. You will be pleased to learn that the operation of the first section of the Temislcaming and 'Northern Ontario Railway. for the past year has been very satisfactory -the income being largely in excess of the expenses of operation - and that the construction of the extension of this road has been proceeded with n the most energetic manner. The growing importance and value of the mineral interests of the Province call for the most careful consideraUon and management, and necessary amend- ments to the Mining law will be sub- mitted to you for your consideration. Since the last session, an agreement has been arrived at with the Dominion Government for the negotiation, on equitable terms, of a treaty with. the Indians who occupy large portions of the Province not now under treaty. AMENDMENTS TO LAW. # BIG JUMP IN TRADE. The Last Seven Months Bent all Previ- ous Records. An Ottawa despateh says: An aggre- gate foreign trade for seven months ex- ceeding that -of the whole of tses by 310,668,305 and the" whole. of 1896 by 392,015,417. The figures quoted above aro sufficiently striking, but if the past seven months be compared with the same period of the preceding year it gives a. betterment of $44,216,143, the figures of the former period being $323,- 616,803. The exports of domestic pro- duce Walled 3150,834,433, or a gain of 325,603,940 when compared with seven months of 1905. Exclusive of coin and bullion, the imports amounted to $156,1 25e,403, an increase of ,815,774,087. Ex, cess of exports for the seven months ever imports tor the same period was $9,828,962. Exports of all classes show considerable gains, but the most import- ant were animals and their produee, $4,- 498,735, and agriculture, $13,493,366. Shipments of meunfactured goods ex- hibit an improvement of $1,707,339. Siteigreve. who was anbite7e,nt.. liny'gtet•prieSeit,ed and committed to the Su. preinellourt; 110W: Ues in fall awaits THOUGHT TO BE AN ACCIDENT. Crete% ,Prosecuter Hearn stated that he believed there was nothing to indicate foul play. It was learned by Crown Proseeetpr Hearn that the whole family were preparing to leave.the country be- fore the trial came on, as the woman eePreeaeri a disinclination to appear in COWL to give her evidence. The furni- ture, ineluctIng the bedsteads, had been piled up in ono of the rooms, prepare - tory to departure, and the theory Is that they tied the mattresses on the floor near the kitchen stove, and a spark from the fire Waned the bedding. The fact that the ehildren were found clasped hs each other's arms is taken aa ev- dence that they were smothered while sleeping. -4 ALONE WITH A MADMAN ON SLED. Terrible Trip Taken by Sergeant of Mounted Pollee. A despatch from Edmoeton, Alberta, says : Sergt. Field, of the Royal North- West Mounted Police. has juet arriVed from the Fort Chippewa district with trapppr named Brown, who had become a raving maniac on account of the soli- tude of his surroundings, 'Me 400 -mile trip was made under most trying dffil- culties, owing to the fact that Brown was in such a condition that the police- man was obliged to strap him down to the dog sled. The madman refeused to eat, and Sergt. Field was obliged to force food into his mouth. For four days the Journey south was made es- pecially arduous because the madman continuously struggled to regain his liberty. At one time a blizzard overtook them and they were obliged to seek shelter under a huge pine tree, where they were snowed under for two days. TOOK MONEY AT PISTOL POINT. Belleville Highwityman Held Up Two Ladles in a Public Street. itaArgeistii• MIFFALO MARKET. A Madrid despatch says; 41., number, prontinent reoldents of various towns, who were ton willing to shoW eynipatilY with the iveddlng pf King Alfonso. etut Priogeea Exia. boo received with open rams a well-groomed, edueated men, speaking Spanesb with an English tie - cent. who prefessed to be it relative tf the .eattenbergs and an alde le Whit UdWard, Matey of those who entertained turn loaned him money. Wong HAM was Cardinal Sanctus, ot Tolede. The man Is an impostor, and tete beett fir - rested. MAIIRIED IN COURT. A Swedish Girl Saved From a Long Term in Jail. A despatch from Montreal says : A delightful romance stirred Westmount on Wednesday nlght when William Brown, a youth of little more than twen- ty years, publicly espoused a young Swedish girl, thereby rescuing his bride from the shadow of the prison bars and securing her with the subtler bonds uf matrimony. The girl, Hilda Sjoberg, a domestic of engaging countenance, had fallen from the path of rectitude by giv• ing way to the temptation of an evil moment and setting aside some of her tnistress' gewgaws. The result swas a trial and a conviction, but Just as Magis- trate McMahon was about to pronounce sentence the young man appeared are; offered to pay any fine that might be im- posed. As fining for such ottense was not within the reading of the law, the Magistrate paused. But the youth persisted, declared his love tor the maiden, and finally, on a hint from the court, offered to make the accused hip wife as soon as a license and a minister could be provided. The Magistrate thought that the domestic fireside might prove a more abiding corrective than the company of convicts, so he sus- pended sentence pending the fulfilment of the lover's pledge. The girl did not reject the offer, so time was given for preparation, and on Wednesday night at 7 o'clock in the court room 'Rev, E. Bushell made the twain one. The cere- mony was witnessed by an interested group of townspeople and officers at the Town Hall. Mr. Brown, the grooM, Is an electrician, well employed. A despatch from Belleville says : A daring hold-up occurred in this city on Saturday night about 10 o'clock. Two ladies, Mrs. F. Osborne and Miss Yates, were proceeding homeward on Bridge Street east, which is one of the thickly populated streets in the city, when a man confronted them and with a revol- ver pointed at them, demanded their money. The ladies were so terrified that they were unable to make any outcry, and both delivered their pocketbooks to their assailant. The man then hastily decamped, and although police were soon upon his trail, his whereabouts could not be discovered. The police are badly handicapped, as the ladies were unable to give a descripeion of the man. Among the measures to be submitted The affair has caused considerable ex - to you for your consideration, in addi- citement in the city, as the hold -Up. is tion to the amendments of the Mining the first which has occurred here for law, above mentioned, will be : Bills years. respecting County Councils; respecting - 4 the Department of Lands and Mines; amending and consolidating the Liquor License Act; amending the Volunteer Land Grants Act; revising and amend- ing the Railway Act, and the Electric ailway Act; amending the Agriculture and Arts Act, amending and consolida- ting the several Acts relating to com- panies; revising and amending the Acts relating to Public schools and the Act re.speeting the Department of Education; respecting the University of Toronto; and amending the Supplementary Reve- nue Act, 1899, providing for the taxation of railways. TOBACCO' CULTURE. Provincial Experiment Stetkni at Rath, ven'Will Make Experintente. A Torentndespiteb says fiernetnee son Monteith says the Departnteet Agrieulture will make trials this seaeon on the raising of varieties of tne tobacco plant ot the ekperimentat. station . at Ruthven in Essex county. The great difficulty in Canadian tobacco cuittire so far has been the curing of the leaf, eVen after it has been successfully raised lend picked, and to this end the GovernMent will also direct its attention, 60.000 AMERICANS. Thirty Per Cent. Increase in the MUM - oration Movement to Canada. A Winnipeg despatch says.: Theodore Knappen, secretary of the Western Can- adian Immigration Association, said on WednesdaY that sixty thousand Amore cans will find their way into Weetera Canada this year, an increase of thirty per cent. over last year. Prejudices against immigration to a country under a monarchical form of government have already disappeared. This is a result of the experiences of American settlers al- ready here, who find that the Govern- ment rests absolutely with the people. A QUEER CONCANTION. What An Analyst Found in "Com- munion Wine." The New York Sun of Wednesday publishes the following :-Health Com- misSioner Darlington told the Alder- men's Committee on Salaries and Officers on Tuesday that the adulteration of the food and drink sold in this city had be- come so general that ft had spread hi tee wines used in churches for commun. toe services. He informed the commit- tee that a few days ago he had analyzed a bottle bearing the label "Communion Wine," and found that it watt made 11 wood alcohol, hard cider and an analine coloring matter. After the meeting Dr. Darlington was asked if he had any rea- son to believe that the concoction he had examine,d was generally used in the ehurthes. -I don't know," he replied, "but I do knoW that tbe wine we exam- ined was an unwholesome, and even dangerous, mixtute." rtuifelos kb. 20.A -4 -Flour -Firm. Wheat .a.Spritig tiasettlek No. t Northern, 110,0, _carloads; Winter, nothing done. Prh'atittehl1/ steed -AND. yelloW, sel%41' as Orli; 4530„ Nts--,Steadyt No, 2; white, tli3g0 N6. 'Z Ile. Barley Weetetll store (plated at 45 to h2e. ltye.-41011;, Neo .2 in Mores 11X to 12,o Asked. .414440.1 ,-14tVti WilEAT ittAtti1gr, New Yorks reh. til-Athestt-Spot Ai** 11641B red, tittge etivatOrt 14o. t t let3to takild1 Ne. 1 Nditheist, 14,X45 LO,b. afloat ' CAtItite /.444.1111M Mehiftt. 14b. SO, ttetitteee opetted **di it the Weettew mittitet to -.101y. ELECTIC POWERS. The extraordinary possibilities which the future may have in. store with refer- ence to electrie power are still attract- ing increased attention on the part of scientific and practical men. It is ex - &feted that the report of the Commission- ers appointed to inquire into and report upon hydraulic and electric power In the Province will be laid before you before the close of the session. A mass of In- formation has been collected, which will, no doubt, be of great value in the future consideration of this very important question. THE UNIVERSITY. STARVED AMIDST WEALTo. Fatal Econonly of a Wornan worth a Million. A despatch (rein New York says: Miss Maria Corsa, 56 years old, whose for- tune is estimated at froM $600,000 to 31,000,000, is dead at her Wane in the (keine Mr dealt wag caused by star - seinen end exposure, due to ter life of seclusion and economy. Site lived en - Melly (Ilene in one teem of the Corsa restdente, denying hereelf even the nee, essarles of life and relasmg the warinth of a fite, Whitt Might have been built With coal which kid been in tho cellet for yearti, Miss COI% died Mendey tight after thirty -ea beers Of medical treettactiti which Watt provided by neighbors. On Sunday leteriliag the daughters of a neighbor" found her nu. conscious, and other neighbors took charge of the woman. Dr. Edward Co Podvin worked all day to restore her, but slei died without regaining tbff. relettetleet, Miss Corsa wet Mtn iff Pert MOMS. iter father attd 'mot* rot* btthi, did Kackoiidtker (Might% and with thee &hold% Vatentfitex, Der. Hetet hod nrigo wet stnent the *at tauttio itt nowt. ' ttfot trheelog Veva et rAttettottit top thou* total $24004 • : In the month of October last, a Com - Amur Is a part of Asiatic Russia, and mission was appointed to report upon has Siberia proper on its &tilt and a scheme for the management and gov- Chinese Manchuria on its south and ernment of the Universtly of Toronto in the room and stead of the one under west. Rs area is 173,552 square miles. but ils population is only about 50,000. which the' said University is now gov- erned and for other purposes. The re- II has been largely colonized by Cos - seeks and Siberians, It is very moun- tainous, but is finely timbered, and its fur product is important, while its val- leys are very fertile. KILLED FOURTEEN WOLVES. Ernent Appleton of. Kenora Makes a THE FAMINE IN SPAIN. Bands of Unemployed Pillaging Farms, Bakeries and Stores. A Madrid despatch says: The famine in the, Meridional Provinces again is grave. The intense cold of recent days has killed the sugar crop in the Prov- inces of Seville, Cadiz, Malaga and Gran- ada. Numerous bands of men unable to obtain work, are scouring the coun- try, pillaging farms, bakeries and pro- vision stores, and threaten to attack the land owners. Thousands are await- ing the commencement of Government famine works. which are indispensable to effect. any improvement in the fright- ful situation, the consequences of which cannot be measured if the conditions are prolonged. AIM TO CAPTURE AMUR PROVINCt The Chinese to Descend on Russian A U.SEFUL INSTITIITWund other tegam"'"A "v1 rffiregen froni the atinosphere, and con- vert it into :plant food. (Mira bacteria- - logist propagates In his laboratory and supplies in small bottles m11110118 of these 'nitrogen forming bacteria, which may be spread upon the seed beton+ tt sown, and Uwe introduce into the soil these nitrate -forming haeteria. A. crop of °lover will leave In the soil in the roots alone abnut fifty pounds of nitro gen per acre. Titus the plant food sup- plied to the soli by a crop of clover ir $10 PER ACRE IN ONE EAR, ONTARto AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND EXPERINIENTAL FARM. Great Work the College is Doing to Fit Boys and Girls tor Lite on the Farm. PAYMENT OF WAR DEBTS. Japan Will Not Be Fr- ee of Burden tor Twenty -Five Years. A despatch le London from Tokio says that the financial programme nt the Cabinet, which has passed the Lqwer House, will undoubtedly be endorsed by the Upper House. According to the progremme, the war debts, which will aggregate 3911,000,000 ln 1907, will Le completely paid off in 1930, during which interval there will be six opertdions of tonversion. The programme the domestic debts, now amounting to 3287,500,000, will be entirely discharged in 1942. MONTANA TO EDMONTON. The Great Northern Ilailway's Projected Line. Territory. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: The Slovo states that the Chinese are preparing to capture the whole Prov- ince of Amur, and that the Government ia alarmed, and contemplate.s the send- ing of a special army for the prov. trice's protection.. Tho Province of A Winnipeg despatch says: W. Rob- inson of New York, confidential agent of the Groat Northern Railroad, was here to -day en route to Toronto and New York. He has been quietly in the west preparatory to securing a charter for his company to bulld a line from Havre, Montana, to Edmonton, Alberta, via Medicine Hat, a distance of about 420 miles. The conipany now have nine branches touching the Canadian border. The latter may be the preliminary step 01 access to the great oil fields believed to be in northern Alberta. port of .the CoMmission Is expeoted shortly. You will be glad to learn that the revenues qf the Province are largely In excess efethe estimates and more than sufficient to meet the Provincial expen- diture during the year. The public aecounts will be laid be- fore you for yeur consideration at the earliest mornent, and the estimates for the coming year will also bo submitte for your approval at an early date. FAVOR OLD AGE PENSION. Britisb Premier and Chancellor Receive Delegsittott. ' A despateh from London says: While decliliing to make .ratii promites, Pre- mier Crinipbelntiarinerman and Chancel-. lot of the &chequer Asauith on Thurs- day declared thernSelves in entire sym- pathy With den -dation which called on (hetet tO advocate Die eitablishinent nf tiatioaril system et old age pensiono. the deputation urged that the scheme thresh, be ecextpreltensive- and ineluda all Ouzels, Mot or Women, who at the ege Of Slaty Should receive at lead A1.25 weekly pensiOn, and the money being feettla by Ineens of itneerial taxation. , The Prettier and the Chancellor of the illitelleittlee 00r/tying heartily depraved Of the SU Bona. The tally diffieults. at , they pointed out, waa the Mingle of waya and means. They :thong however, that teith greater *the viroittistration of the coun- fifitee it Would not be impossible Matey for Buell a beneficent SUICIDE IN EUROPE. :the College was established In 1874. Its objects were twofold: First to tratn young men in the science and art of improved husbandry, and, second, to cenduct expertnient and publish the re- sults. In 1875, the rresident said in his first report: "It is vident the must cursory observer 'f at Canade depencle, and will be oblig, i for many )ears to different putts el depend largely, if net exolusively , se her ed experiments In the °Murk). and analyzed the beets at dif- raw produce for her national wealth. And atnongst the various forms of raw !trent stages of grovsth. It is now known that we can grow ns good beets as in materiel none are so valueble as those any part ot the world. end men ore put - included under the head of Agriculture tfinetiok.IsiyiNinto tuhveerhu2l2idovingoic.of I-roduce. To the observant „sit„antreiseirnatitti atiunggar tibtri it is plain that the readiest peunds of segue Nvertl wade in Western increasing the national wealth is by in- onlerlo last 3enr Chemistry did it. creasing the quantity and quality of that Our Chemistry DepartMent lest year analyzed flour made from four different grades of %sheet grown in the North- west, There was a difference of many cents per bushel in the inarket value of these wheats, and yet, after analyzing the flour and having bread made from pitch of the different lots, it, was found that the fourth grade made bread just es good, just as palatable, just as much bread per bushel of flour, and just as nutritious as the higher grade, but 11 was not so bright In color. The result of this analysts will enable poor people or people in moderate circumstances, to get the best bread for their famillert at very much less than limy -have been paying. (7) Physics. - In this department are taught the principles of soil cultivation and soil drainage. All farm crops takt their food from the sotl in n watery so !union. When the land dries up no mom food can be taken; hence the necessity for a knowledge of how to confrere( Roe -moisture. 'This is ono of the most important questions that a farmer has te deal with, and experiments are being conducted in the Department of Physics all the time along these lines. (8) Botany. - In this department the subject of weeds and how7rn deatroy them, the question of fungous growth, -"---"-- and when and how to sproy exter minate them, the importance of growing grasses and clovers, and such things are taken up and discussed. (9) Entomology. - Again, millions of dollars are lost every year by insect de- predation. Only by studying the life history and habits of en insect can it be properly combatted. These are talight to the farmers' boys and and the farmer has the clover crene tops, and leaves to the good. This, if crectised on every farm, would mean millions each year to this Province. (6) Chendritry. - it was said a few years ago that sugar beets couht not he grown profitably in this Province. Our Department of Chemistry conduct - produce. But though plainly seen, It is not so easily accomplished. Precedent, prejudice and general conservatism stand in the way. Throughout the Pro- vince there is a powerful minority a intelligent, enterprising and successful farmers pursuing the improved system of cultivation; yet the great majority are depending solely in increased acreage for increased returns." That was thirty years ago, and the College, facing these conditions, with the opposition of the very class which it was intended to help, has grown steadily in favor with the people, until hew farmers themselves visit the Col- lege In June and December to the num- ber of nearly 40,000; and we had last year in attendance at the various College classes 1,004 STUDENTS. Natives Defeat Belgian Expedition - Sent to Punish Murderers. A Brussels despatch says: A Belgian expedition has been routed in Congo. The expedition was commanded by Com- mandant Pimpurniaux, and was sent against two native chiefs who were charged with the murder of two state agents. The rebellious natives now con- trol the forest of the Coolant comes - mons, and are attacking caravans and stopping trade. They are equipped with lines and ammunition stolen from a State factory. Another expedition is being organized. COPPER MINERS ALARMED. F.arthquake Shocks in Michigan Mines Many and Violent. • A Houghton, Mich., despatch says: Many miners are resigning their posi- tions in the copper mines in this vi- cinity owing to the cotitimied earth- quakes, or air blasts, which have now become so frequent and dangerous that the miners fear for their lives. Until last week no particular damage was done, when there commenced a aeries Of shocks, much more violent than at any lime in the past. Each day since then there have been numerous shocks. Good Bag. A despatch from Toronto says: Wolvee seem to be plentiful in the Rainy 'liver district this season, though circum- stances are not favorable to longevity there. In two days fourteen wolves were killed at Sabascosliwg Day, Lake of the Woods, by Ernest Appleton of Kenora, and the Treatury Department has received his application for bounties aggregating 8210, or 815 per head, the bonus thr the killing of wolves in un- organized districts. 4 WAGFS FOR IDLE EMPLOYES. Communal Court in Polish Cite Delivers Strange iudgment. RIG FIRE AT TimsoNnunn. Packing -house of Oat Mills Destroyed With all Its Contents. A derMatch from Tillsenburg says: HIS LEG TORN OFF. About 7.30 on Thursday night a tire started in the building adjoining the oat mills of the Tilimon C,ompany, which le utilized for packing the oatmeal and ether cereals. The contents of the build- ing were of such an inflammnble rut- A Prince Albert deepatch saya: Ar- turo that all efforts to control the fire Ihur S. Skead, aasiatant miller In the were of no avail and the building with it B. Company's mill here, met a hor- all the contents was com letely wiped rIble death on Thursday morning when out in about two hours. he dry kiln, at work alone in the basement, He elevator and oat mill were not in ured, evidently be,came entangled in the belt - the thick fire wall preventing the amen ing, and when found was lying on the from getting through to them. The loss floor with one leg torn from the body, but still alive. He was taken to the hos- will be many thousands of dolling. Kat, but died Immediately afterwards. A wife and child survive him. De- ceased's home wan in Winnipeg, whore his father resides. He le either the sec- ond or 'third of the family to me -et a violent death, his brother having been drowned two years ago. More than '1,20 teaohers visited the Col- lege and examined the workings of the different departments during' the past two years. ' In the begktning students were paid to attend the Institution, and there was practically no revenue from the Collogo or farm. In 1905, we turned into the Provincial Treasury as revenue from the College and farm 361,568.20. The work of the different departments is as follows: (1) Field Agriculture. - Teaching of students and experimenting with fleld crops is tlle work of this department. In Mr. Zavitz's report of last year the following paraghaph appears under the head of "Barley": "The resulta show that the Mandscheurt gave decidedely the greatest yield per acre of the Our RISING IN THE CONGO. varieties for the whole period of fifteen years, and also for the last five years. Erance Heads the List, With Denmark The Mandscheuri gave an average cf a Good Second. 9.3 bushels per acre per anntun over the common six -rowed barley in the aver - A Geneva despatch says: Figure% pub- age results for fifteen years. The aver- hshed by the Swiss Government show age area devoted to barley in Ontario that there has been 16,640 suicides in from 1862 to 1904 is given as 633,290 Switzerland in the last thirty-flve years. acres per annum. An increase of nine In the same period suicides in Germany bushels of barley per acre throughout have totalled 332,600, and in France, the province, would, therefore, amount 274,000. France has the highest per- t an increase of over five million bush- centage of any European country, the els of barley in Ontario annually. This Cgures being 239 per million inhabitants, increase at fifty cents per bushel would Denmark is next, with 234 pier million, amount to about two and a half million followed by Switzerland, 225; Germany, dollars. Two and a half million dollars 206; Austria, 158; Sweden, 147; Belgium, annually would pay the running expert - 124; Britain, 89; Italy, 60, and Holland, ses of about thirty agricultural colleges 56. like the one located at Guelph. The Mandscheuri barley was imported from Russia by the Ontario Agricultural Col - REDUCTION BY MAGNETS. lege In the spring of 1889. Not only has It' made a very excellent record at the College, but it has given high results tn the co-operative experiments through- out Ontario and has been grown In gen- eral cultivation very successfuilly during the pwd few years, In loolcing up the records of the Bureau of industries, we find that the average yield of barley throughout the Provinc,e for the period of ten years from 1895 to 1904, inclusive, la 29.3 bushels per acre; while that for the period of ten years from 1885 to 1894, inclusive, was 24 85 bufthein per acre. 'This shows an average annual crease of about New Scheme of Producing Iron Invent- ed in Sweden. An Ottawa despatch says: Mr. C. E. Sonturn, Canadian agent at Christiania, Norway, in a report to the Department rf Trade and Commerce, says that con- siderable attention has bean directed le or Invention of two Swedes, who have discovered a new method of producing iron ore. The ore is crushed into a fine dust, and then the iron la drawn nut by the aid of strong magnaten, after which it Is molded into brick form. Arthur S. Skead Meets a Shocking Death at Port Arthur. A deepatch from Warsaw says: Con- siderable comment here been =tied ty the judgment of the COrnmunal Court as Widzeweo, near Lode, ordering the- Coatet thread factOry tO pay the wages of 800 ereployes dining the ten tvecka the worke were closed, The factory ohut down Nov. 80, said ahortage of coal erns given cte the rede011 fer dotrig. The Court, its rendering juke. ment. wae not inch of coal but the high priee of coal which induchd the doting of the worko, atui (Mind that this wets not a good reaeon for Stepptinsli work, hence the brder for the payment of the waCee of the entilloVes. SAVED RV A BUSH. Toronto Man Flas Narrow Escape From Beeth at the Falls. A despatch from Niagara Fails, Ont., says: Edward Fenton, of 763 Queen Street, Toronte. had a narrow escape from death at the Fails on Thuraday. While walking along, the top of the Gorge. he slipped. on the Ice and fell over the edge. He neized a thombush width grew on the brink of the prod- pice, dad hung. heipleen. tile compan- ion, Harvey Whetmore, aino of Toren- thio,Ftoonotitotio,ffwbulos wovapsredereatwannduplettoita dpoivennen Of Gaiety. Fenton wee completely pros- trated by his experience. FI TEFL IN Tint con -- One Spartisb Deputy Used Piste. the Other Hia Cone. A despatch from Madrid naysan: ATqubuarsr: rel &recurred in the Corte,s day itietWeet De/suttee Segni and Dowd, 34/110c1 reth41 itylattetS,r r ftnveit% Isle cane. With were arrested. ' BULLETINS ARE PUBLISHED and sent broadcast to the farmers from our Entomological Department. (10) Poultry. -- Chickens used to sell anywhere on the market from 20 to 30 cents a piece. To -day they bring three times that amount, where they have • 0 been properly fed, killed and dressed. We have on trouble of disposing of our ( poultry here at from 12 to 15 cents a pound dressed, and our students are taught how to breed and feed so no to obtain these results. We have four dif- ferent styles of poultry houses to test the effects of heat and cold on the egg - laying proclivities; hence we find thee the coldest, and therefore the cheapest house, is the best, and that fresh air, is . essential to good egg production. (11) Macdonald Institute. - Three things are taught: Domestic, science, manual training and nature study. in dornestic science there were 360 girls In attendance last year, each one being obliged tn learn cooking, sewing and laundry work. In a Province where over 90 per cent of the women do their own housework, what a blessing it would be if they were all properly train- ed for their daily duties. Manual train- ing maires boys and girls handy In the use of simple tools, and nature study, which is really elementary agriculture. helps leathers to the extent that they may return and g1VP 10 their pupils tie education that will more nessofy lit 110,10 for the earning ot their daily bread. The Ccillege is then doing three things First, flitIng bnys and girls for their I fe work on the farm; .erond, by esperi- menting along different lines it is sros 1)negarthhey fsaereniiit;71grefirloi 11,11)0 sal °min den,' tatters?. fd.(1;111n In reference to the value of different 4% BUSHELS PER ACRE. for the letter, as compared with the for- mer period of ten years. !Wm these results does it noot appear tie though the introduction of the Mandscheurt barley by the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege has been worth to the Province ef Ontarf ithin the past ten years an an- nual ney value equal to more than farm crepe. term animels, and so forth; fifteen time the entire cost of the Col. and third. by the writing and publica- Inger Similar work is being done with lion of bulletins and reports, the farmer wheat and oats and peas and rye and eupplied In his own home with roll - grasses and clover and roots. able Information in reference to his bust - (21 Animal Husbendry. Here etu- ru/gg• dents are taught the comparative value el the different breeds of domestic ani- DISHONEST if eNKEE TRICK. male. and as it la Raid that 90 per cent. Ronk [mention of C-tanndlan of all the crops grown nn the farms nl 4"el"119 Ontario in fed th live stock, It will he Bacon in British Market. seen at a glance how intortent it 14 A dess-tatch from Ottawa says: Mr. P. to be able le toil a good feeder when II Ball, Commercial Agent at Birming- on(a3, StrairlYting. — The making of better, Trado and Commerce that it is stated ham, reports to the Department of hitter and better cheese and the breed- that at least one largo American Rrrn ing and feeding of better anitnels. The Is imitating ^.anadian Wiltshire bacon average cow In Ontario gives less than and putting the imitation on the Britialt 3,000 pounds nf per year The market as Canadian bacon. Ho quotes (Allege. by eareful selertion end proper frnm an interview with a large seller, feeding. h09 htlill up a grade herd whIch who declares that Canadian bacon now iv 1904, contained sixteen rows which h; so good when mired by the regUlar gaivme Hmoortrieentihtuatne.6_,000.1 eproeu nwdes aereec bsarne. h011Sest that they were nM afraid Us sell it as Canadian. but that he also got what handicapped by eevere climatic flabby, oll-fed bacon marked Canadian. This merchant edvised the branding et icoonntantrtlinenoc;0 eficienInnaot 90natowfeettheribmovoree the word Canadian on ail greides of cafe (mite. Students are given Instruc• bacon mado in Confide. tmen, tton in the wrowine of all kin& of frelt, COS vegetablee. end flnwera, and experiments '"xpenditure Erdrilfed !tn.. "seller In Itfarichtttlit. "netSILtitiPtietriterithilitteltitt ''tte Waa LOC6,400,000 e0 **Trustglitla FREIGHT SfRUCK SLEEPER Sevene Ponsengers Injured on he C. P. R. Experts. A Winnipeg despatch says' Became the engineer of a tvestbound freight evl. dently disregarded the flag /agnate eent out by tbe conductor of the second sec - lion of the Pacific Expreee, due in Win- nipeg from the eant on Thursday, rear -end colliaion took place at an earl hour In Me morning at 014110. a ;min or, the C. P. R. main lino 46 miles wes of Port William, in which six western ' era condueted with the small fruits and people and a reeldent of Battle C with rover rropa for the orcherd Enormo Web., were injured. They ere: MrS. eit Bacteriology - Nitrogen la ene nf Barbour, Snowlake, Man.; Mrs. the prineipal nee& of a plont. It Is A The to Rome. Calgary, Alta.; Mice Merely worth eommercintly about 20 cents a Wright, Oxbow, Stelae Father Getrdinera, pound The air et 60 per rent nitrogen, Aylesbury, Sask., aged 10 eastern Ella and yet planta ennnot ORO 11 in the form Gardiner, Aylesbury, Sask., ag 12 • p whieh it appeara In the rarnoephere. Yeam Melklab. Bettie Creek, t, fah.; tZArtain buten), If Introduced into the Mee. A. D. Cardinald, Dartingterd, so''i will wiirh nn tbr rnnto ef clover ) , C,,, 1.4br, ........ 4"-*‘ 111k,1 . 1/1,6 1,4 . $ • • twilit 2.501111, are -eel a • tt .1