HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-02-16, Page 1crlq:',1rr I 0 a 1 T org4etIon than any other Nefiscolme !nth,. se4tion et the County of Huron eeeeeegoiseeeeeseeeseeeeseeeee • CeaTifiCATES Qr omosiT , . ate thrl hest rerntef i'lheat eget. thieeetteePt /thesitt certihcatevorre Owed by __;_. L__, ' , T.Il STAVRARD WO ,votrAisTy . ,, , ,, 10,4 interest. iii pig 419 lideet,44411M1611,th the thin the Oney retwaius on depoeite,-the longer the thug the ititger pe Tato Petteeet, , Cell Or Witt en Met little becklat entitled (ionte Colima , Points," ,,, _ . , The Covernment authorizes wito itcceptilepolutit. ; . , Gcamaen Ormeg ;—COR ' matrit RP AND SQUARg -7-- 11$14.'14. lloiTO—N", ivitT, *ANTS* Gag 1441.114 ging: 11, Weasel' wilt Wing at house on Light, pRESBouseetreet. take In f**10-ILD FOR, ADOPTION.. --The Childron's Societ.y for the ColintY et 11,11r On have a brightintant bey ot ton menthe tua for adoption. Portioulars May be Obtained on application to Jaime MrremetTa President, STAR Office 160liericho MEETINGS. • TaliT WORIFPFULORAND ORANGE TaldgertfOn oWest,--J. SOotWallt. • Qiittt . OraniLleaster Wm. lee, 10.=e -u, 'Toronto, It. w aurae% elettretarY ; elm pewit& 11. W, wand wreasurer, 234 Sea. It....6ttvet,....Woronto. Next meeting of the R. W. -10106i Ameji0 'Will be held inGederich, Ont., on the Second Weinteeda in March. 1906. HOTELS. VXXIO, PZIARTa =0317ColifWa),:13M Car THE CIC)1:rV'T GOMOOtt 0141%1 MAY, FEBRUARY 16* %906. SPEGIAto 14013441 Z•lelices r.eder tele hirnelleif istaratrettle era willlatetaWaedlOcente* atleeteg nee to llogintralitYPN hetet te, the tesiiate ettulr oeutratot ..ative,44ara 'w/icaw aclottuttetter POW** 011, PIT9-41 1,64.14114 Wain gat tit Welt wineereatere peer ctoetelltt Meier talah hieteieta aria Pet ethetWite *de ettiret. , tweet rennet; • • IMO Nehleere aleitahnt We Pr' Skillet!, Hockey rffickeatotheeenect Mead ield IOW Bleneete ett aleheithe ReetetWetlie. : Sehohlere Pilette:Tuner for Om aciatenew aeff Otherkarrived ie taw% milers lop at 11. W. Teansortes Pretreat. WM re* two rnompt accentios. ,Tot. rerliape yon have 'open those latest ' Melees lie Are Peetee wheat Dropbeyie show - Ina at hie Beata It AO% You Wtli eettaillev De behind:the ereeeesion, unless You get le entekhr,", They're eertertlett. cAn Room WANTED.. -Anyone oouteMp, lethiR going Wefit in ths slain , wish! to share in a cox ter Me carrying ot g ee or stock, ban boseeeMmodeted. 04 OP oa too ...tO STAR intim TREMEN WAN'TED,-The Goderioh Fire Brigade desire three neW members tO vamps:lesion the eerdPanY. Men within the flre limits desirod, WhO MuSt. be ander the age of 32 years. Applicatione, may to, sent to Jobe. BROPHEY. Secretary. or ne new be Von Per - Banally at the store, West street. OY WANTED.,'To learn the art of Print, tog. Good mauling for a geed boy. Par. 'enters at TWA ST.idifliint____________ lispic PAY"StY.-Tvetit to six dollars per clay -either sex-intreaaelog out - --- "Now Idea"; free trainieg ;rapid advancement opportunity sure. NICHOLS COPAN Y, Lim- ited, Toronto. (Mention this paper.) trt_OOD oinLETTANTED.-For getteralwork. 4,..X Apply at nron House. tr. HURONHOTEL, Goderigh Otte -Thor yr th7terellefiletrtvent Cinler 131 Ist°41141 erg; °Moto be found anywhere. J. ORRIae SEY, Proprietor. T H E eVegi7XV49, II COLBORNE HOTEL BELL & JOHNSTON. PROPS V• This old established hostelry will be kept up to a high etandard of excellency. , WIand tho patronage of the general public, 41 a_ IS respectfully solieited. Ili. upeCiai and personal attention will ki ,ii, be paid to every department of the k buainens. and we htipe to merit a fair tk BELL & JOHNSTON k share ef the travelling public% WO ialPariar..W.V41.4FAliretiPM* &TO fflas Teed Arl.W.401034, 0044.tITAT0.4be ittheral Ineettult Alcee, favorable, to Ole Moody& HORItal, *44 for Vrttlax evenjogi .014**t draw ou 0004 mil, and tItettt *ea not a logo gat14- 0404 at thhedlePrIted. OM OP Tileedar (WOWS.; /NW Wee 'e oterldereiste disie ellietien about point* connected. with% the foetitution. but tho only hang* Outdo Was tbato tbe: glue trustont elected. TheYearete Judgeetto la and He% O. A. lahien Cheek*: • Mayor Melasomeld• Meet Teeetne Blliette &MIAS ho.. XelOtoith and, tto Hod ne The W. O. Wili held st parlor "concett teext Mot omelet, Our nate, at the home of eles. etnewey, 'Britannia, -Road. Good program au tefriehmente. Commencee. at 31. Admission 16 owes. Everebede welcome. There vrtll be social under the en- tre' itt al&jr.g):oitartraPjl.we clioe:V°. Rood„ on Frldey evening-, °nth:1234 There will he a good program and releasbusents bawled. wje013,1 ACColittIODATION WANTED. -1t Jleh is possible that room accommodation, with our witimitt board. will be required for the week of 31aroh 14th, for delegates to the R, W. Provincial Grand Orange Lome of Ontario West. Private oltitens who have aceornmoda. Hon will confer a fayorircommunioating with the chairman, Mr. A . Todd. or leaving par- ticulars at Tng BTAII.Ci CO. ___. j.....,' ,.,,,,,„'IOR ....!.....1g.,21‘..:„..„.,,„.,...,............................1.0 LET. --h, &Kum FOR SALE).-deveral useful 21,._ household articles tor -sale, such as a challenge Heater, good tve new; Hardwood Table. two cupboards, and Other articles. Rea- son for telling. no room for them. Apply at teTAR °Mee. . "imARM FOR SAJ.E.-Being lot 22 on the a _IV Maitland concession, Goderich Township, 112 acres of land ; there is a frame house, kitchen and woodshed. bank barn and frame horse stable and driving house, 50 noree seeded in grass, four acres of fall wheat, 2 acres of orchard, with rail and wire fence, school on ..t....he farm, church en tho opposite gide of the Laad. Atmly on the larm or Goderich P. O. ete. MONK, etne7 halleAR Ms. 1.--'''''.41,7B13, LU3133 tER, TO. -X. XX aud . XXX Shingles, Cedar Posta and Plank. A so Hernleck and Hardwood Lumber, etc„ etc. THE GODERICH LUMBER CO.,Lirnited. etetROPERTY FOR SALE.- The deeirable a ownea and occuffied by Dr. Whi ly. Go J- property on Elgin AvenuellOoderioh, house and two-thirds of an sore of and. with choice fruits. The house is heated by hot water and has all modern improvements. A bargain for e,ny son wanting first-class pro- rty at a modem rico. Apply to or address R. WHITELY, erich. APERS FOR SA.L.E. - Several hundred &copies of old newspapers for sale. Just the wean aro housecleaning. Apply at MEDICAL ,oursx Xupto. Tun MINSTIVET09.-Not even stand- ing room was expected to be available at the Opera House last evening to wit- nerut the first performance of the God - erica' Minstrel Co. Every seat was sold within a few Lours, and the Clem- panydecided to give a second perfortn- ance this Friday evening, when those not,eble to hear them last night would haye an opportunity. There is little doubt that the "show" will be worthy its enthusiastic patronage. BOARD OF TRADE. - The annual meeting of the Board of Trade will be beld in the Town Council chamber on Monday evening next, Feb. 13, for re- ceiving the annual report, electing officers and transacting general bust- ness. Every merchant and busineee man in the town is earnestly invited to attend. The ennual report is ex- pected to be of unusual interest, and in view of the possibilities for trade during the present year there should be a very general response to the board's invitation and a hearty co- operation amongst the business men of the town. A GRAND Sticense.-The oyster sup- bRhi. KMMERSON & TURNBULL A. T. Eartiettsolv, M. D. W. S. 'PQRNIMI,L, M. B. j Offices 102 Offices, Hamilton St. 'Ph°11"1 Residence 101 Night calls for the firm of Dra, EmMernOn and Turnbull will be answered either from their office, Hamilton street, or trom Dr. Turnbulles residence, Nelson street. O§Orge SOPA 04 .107 ott ,40na.ny. morning, aloe 0, inng tutiesik beteg. which ahe bad been confined to her bed. tor ATOP tWO iaare,, Who foetal took place ouWacb, War and was etclueltell private 00entilde laffilefle havinsabeen poet 1,13 Mk . itiWete,, 91h2Ye61 tfitile,..a.r6t Sattoslay oyepinit twee it erg:awl:ma Underlie and Stratferds the Wthaera . The *unto meeting wan bald' °D.: INTISR SPORTS. I itighlrtotnatIttodWaabotmeatE,CathiltziligIhttotanmA10:017 esalthe Wan the secretary of tbe Sebool The Public. Libraryo uToncmcdivithtuoortveyttorntt4mtlinet Wog .1111,4n. in the couteets between '6119i, matan, 44:1,,,m, the 'Winners lot districts. the (Neu of 0;,,xt bay bar Om ye01.3 1000. iwi Only ettente hence in theSe piay oft and um games there la no pleeing te t 0 UP.. ttart cc 141,,, Sae% ,1,41 potor allfillenteleit is a fight for ,goals from or the North ettelet Metheribrt chiirch, ;dart to finish. Barry WOO? was nendatithel ilerelee ea the hurtle and at *been; his i ury eit tbrageeent pone le the grave, and Wore. W. R. Babette Peireehtblet T aPPeert'atlee• Cahtallata #90,,T, opocelt, geo, and 'win, Acheto, {1100 no en Otlfforing front a ti;43$04,,D10,4wareur#0.!14 vrtm gouona wero foot, was preeente so that the ooir of Oral* alethew in place of Harry Change in the tearn was the preeenee hieGane The ice was heavy, and 'at times the puoit seemed immovable, end it is claimed that this feature was much against the hest players, so wits a disadvantage to eladerieb. The game was refereed by Mr. Mahe of Toronto. the gentleman who rote. reed the ganie between Gloderieh and London, and heagain showed his im- partiality and his ability to run a hockey gatue. As soon as the puck moved- it flew towards the Stratford goal, and thnugh the visitors fought with great vigor, it was soon driVen into their net amid the applause of the lookers on. It was face.d ftgain, and again found a resting place in the visitors' net, and for three times more it joueneyed there again before' time was called for the first half. the score Wng 5 to 0 10 favor of our boys. When the second half had been etarted a few minutes, it wa.s seen that Strat- ford was playing a defensive game, evidently with the intention of -keep. ing their opponents' score down, but their tactics did not keep the home team from sooting. for the second half ended in favor of Goderich with 3 to 0, tbus giving the game to our boys with a score of 8 to 0. Strange to relate the score was the SUMO last year when the two clubs played in Goderich as ing were the paver% ThSetraf°ttioirt17- winners of their districts. Godorloh. L.Da. naltdpolbeivoir goal Rat Rankin IL Cootie idwarigrgisin. McGaw centre A. McCallum covI:oll,nponrint ankh' F. Baker McIver right wing It. Hamilton left wing W. Engem McDonald London Free Press, Wednesday "The defeat of the Stratford inter- mediates at Goderich Monday night did not come in the natere of a sur- prise to the followers of the game. The sailors are a strong septette and particularly on their own ice. as wit- ness their victory In Goderich over the Woodstock team of last seasoum, team which we have expressed our opinion before as being superior to ahy in the senior or intermediate series either last season or this season. The lead of eight goals in the filen game will be difficult for the Stratford team ts overtake and in all probability the round will go to Goderich. Vehile the Western Ontario en thtlelast s would be pleased to see the "husky" chaps from the lake shore return with the silverware, it is doubtful if they will get further than the second round. In all probithility their next opponents will he Berlin, and right there they have their hands full, meeting as they do it team perfect in team work, a quality the Goderich seven are totally lacking. Still it may be that their clever individual work and weight which has often stooh them in good stead will carry thein oNS into the finals, where they axe certain to meet Peterhorn. Thefl'oronto Star sizes up the two as follows: "Goderich is reported to have an extremely fast intermediate seven. They will have to have gomething more than 'ex- tremely fast' to put the kibosh over Peterboro." Let us hope they can." Einorrn Own MAE PtiehiletaWhest ‘aaCKAYS-.•Dalliel 0. fileiCe.y. our Here lope hint from the Seaforth Ent.: ktiOwn citizen, died early Yestees Pesitar Whiter lo not Witletelt a parallel Ire therffillg at ble reeidence, Lieboon 14 should -Olfaction, with exempL7 patience Gtodericb ; The Collegiate Inetittitek tate:„tmfgr, cAnalltS41, 1110,1:41ti; ana P0410 eleh.00l struct their secre es to fOrnitilr the Ind theugh the disperse wee apparen papees wIth, at least, suramary report* over a year since, he carried out his of the proceedings of their mtieUngte. tangelos high constable at e'Very ses- These institutions absorb more than 'Siteti rif the 'High Court of jutdiee and half the revenue of the town and atill Bestdonti of the Peace held during the three-fonrths of the ratepayers havens). year. Thelate Mr. McKay, knowing idea of when or where the Meeting! hie tomplaInt must 'soon have a fatM are held or how the money intriiiited terudnation, resigned. his poeition as to them is ezipended or in what Man- Chief, at the January session of the nee their business is transactk4, e Otiunty Council, and his departure so are sure that a little more light fro seen after shows that he Was exnevt- thetie Important bodies would be vert fug the last call. Although suffering acceptable to the people. It would. in eeverely, the deceased waa able to also, perhaps, cause the people to take be around until this week, end was up a tnore lively intekest in the, schools. town laat week, when he visited those JUDGE'S QIUMSNAL 0017RT.-0111 Sat- ceunty offieials whom he had known urday j. Luker, wbo was sent up from SO teeny yeara. Ile had held the pos. inatiornheoyf OThraliefsseirtr seemthse dweatyhoftorfathsehllastes. Usborne some two weeks since OP a charge of steeling a berets and buggy, The lato chief, who was born in Clod- FL A. 11. MACKLIN, M. B. hysician and Surgeon. Special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office and rosidenoe Old Bank of Montreal. opposite Post Office, !Nest street. Goderich. Telephone No. 162. 'Se • • , . • • • PROFESSIONAL ROY ADAMS, teacher of Piano, etc. . Studio,t Bank of Montreallilock. cor- ner West Streit and Sqqare. firt W. WILLMOTT, (Honors Certifieate Trinity College. London, Eng.) Organist and*Choirmaster of Kuox Church, Goderloh, teacher ot Piano. Organ, „Singing, Theory and Harmony. Studio, at Mrs. McDonald R, David's street, two doors west of Victoria St. Church. 92-3 mos. per and ball given under the auspices we' of the local 0,0.F. in the Oddfello Hall on Thursday evening of last week, was a graud success. A most delicious supper was served from 0 to 8.30, to which those present did ample justice. It was ahout 9.30 when the the tables were ail cleared and the da,ncing started, and it was kept up unceasingly until 4.30 a. m. Among those present were some from Port Albert, Dungannon, Benmiller and Bayfleld and hosts from the surround- ing townships. The cemmittee were kept busy during the evening attend- ing to the comfort of their guests and should receive the thanks of all. The receipt totalled in the neighborhood of $75. The besiest man during the evening was Bro. Thos. Burrows, C.R. This was the first affair of the kited undertaken by the C. 0. F., and the wish has been expressed that it may not be the last. Tien CARNivAL.-There was a fairly good attendance, at the carniyal in the West street Rink on Friday eyen- The Officers Mid Centnelttee fey the Pear 1.0154 are as follows t thiairman, Jr H. Tom Secretary. II J. Naftel; freeetwer. J. Kernighati; Boots Conn mittee--Megsrs. Kerniglaelfie Kidd, Strang. Tigert and Reed; Room- Mesers. Robertson, Tigert and Stra.ne; Finattee--Mesere, Tont. O'Connell and the Mayor, The folluwing accounts were orders ed to be peed 0. J. Hexpere plumbing and electe in light fixing% S.S.00 t town trearairer, water ro.te, $22.t do, electric e33.75; S. Marehall, London Free Prate, $3; MiSS Skimmings, News -Record, Sly George Porter, Ma- lmo° clue on magazines' and newspa- pers, $85,00; Signal, 1.000 readers card% $4.50. Total, $181.14. The Librarlan reported receipt° dur- ing January from salt) of cards and eatalogues and from fines of.$10.51, and a circuit:aeon of 1821 books. The request of Mr. Duff time his eat- ery be 'increased to $2.5 per month re- ceived conaiderable discussion, and finally the salnry was fixed r.t. po per tuonth for present yeer. 'rhe annual report to be tient to tbe Education De. pertinent is in pa.rt as follows : and was detained in jail for examinee erieh, was well known in Western don as to his mental condition, was Ontario, hie position as Chief constable ler 1 n g I n g him in contact with again before the court, the doctoro who bad examined him having contr.- ail the cities and towns, and fled that though suffering from a, In Huron his long thsidence severe nervous disease his mentel ene and long connection with his father's pacity was not affected. From the business, and afterwards with that of evidence it appeared the prieoner took McKay Brothers, at the old store on West street, made him knewn to all away a horse and buggy, and later left the buggy in a field a short die- at this end of the county. His stately ta,nce frotn the owner's farm, and Walk, though he was over three score turned the horse loose on the toad at yematreteahnddtaeyns, wsafslhniostionahlbeles,s,upantod thhies the same point. At the end ef the 1 hearing the court allowed defendant dfleiasthhdswailhldbessgreugarinetttaendsebsy hTohsets doe! to go on suspended sentence. The de- fendant, who appeared to be severely ceased gentleman, who was a widower, -R leD131 Le I : a °I fn t ' i :)t hwe ng t lot! sn, afflicted with "filt. Vitus dance," then isefavTessrstitsrtesc: sena left the court. eh_ and a brother and sister in Toronto. No. 1 Co Aent AT SUPPER. --.444,e members of No. I Company, rd • Laid at Rest. Huron Regiment, had an oyster sup - On Fridarafternoon the remains of per on Friday evening in the Iroquois; the late James Reid. whose demise Club room, North street. There was a was noted in our last issue, were laid good attendance and all present hearti- at rest in Maitland cemetery in the ly enjoyed the excellent meal placed presence of many triends and acqu- before them. Wheu the cloth wae aintances. •The service at the house removed a very nice programme wee and at the geave was performed by presented by the chairman, Lieut. Rey. Jas. A. A.nderson, pastor of Knox Colonel Young, who etarted the pre- church, and the pall bearers were ceedings by delivering an appropriate Messrs. Jas. Buchanan, sen., John address. Among the other, numbers. Kernighan, A. Sterling, Jno. McEvoy, were two vocal solos by G. L. Parsons, Mi. Shultz and Jno. Shaw. The metn- a gramophone selection by Wm. Bill- hers of Mr. Reid's family deeire to ex- ott, vocal solos by Harry Sturdy and C. press their sincere thanks to many ft. Clair. and a stump speech by Geo. friends and neighbors for the kindness Dunlop. The supper was the first of and sympathy shown during Mr, be kind, and was totten ug with the Reid's Illness and at the funeral. ART LESSONS I am prepared to give lessons during the winter months in Drawing, and PaintMg in 01.1 and Water Colors. Samples of the work can be seen at Col. Young's office, and Thom - son's Musio store. Classes started at onde. Private lessor s $1 each. In tease 13.6 a quarter Handsome Chess Table is now on view at Mr. Kelly's. The top is entirely hand work, by GEORGE HARGITT, Cambria Road, Goderioh, (Goldthorpe's Row). LEGAL NOTICE The above Is for sale. APPLICATION TO PAILLIAMENT.-No- wi be made to the Legislative Aaserubly of tioo is hereby given that an application the Province of Ontario, at its next session, for an Act to enable the MeniOpseity of the Town of Goderich to guarantee the bonds of a coin- , rtitngrtilobwe !to rigind pea Itinortrilleasputh40Mts,de galled veroping water power ch the Maitland River near Goderich and tranemitting eleotric power therefrom, in an amount not SnOre than 6150,000 In the aggregate, provided the electors of the said town shall iirst approve of the bylaw therefor. -Dated at GoderIch this 6th day of Februare, 1906. DiCIONBON 8c GAnnoW, 4 Solicitors tor Town of Goderich. .— _ REAL ESTATE AGENTS TR?OODERICH REAL EsTATE AND NSURANCE AGENCY Iron ems 2 1 storey brick and cement 10 roomed Dwell- ing. Large stab ,le 6 lots, finely situated on Key EitreeL $3000. A snap. 2 storey frame 9 roomed Dwelling, 2 Iota, situated on South St, nearly new. $1200. 2 storey brick 8 roomed Dwelling, 4 acres, eolith end of town, suitable for retired farmer. Taxes very low. $250C. 2 storey brick Store. Baker's Oven and Photo - ph Gallery. Situated on Main street, Filth, $1500. Lot n St, George's CreReent, Frontage 70 ft. $1000. 9 three sere Lots, well wooded, on lake front. 2 miler) from ooderieh. Fine beach. Boot, Hui location for sun:inter cottages. $200eaoh. 65 acres good Pasture Land, 2 tones from God - mitt. Splendid chance for anyone wishing to go Into dairying. $1400. 100 acre Farm, finely situated, good befitting% fruit, good supply water. 2 miles from town. 134600. Two I acre Lots, near co. m. IL Station, Money tAt Loan five por conL CanaT Flank Commerce Building HAMLINK 1-11110 ROPERTY FOR SALE. -A mentor able .1L- Dante dwelling on Essex St. with mod- ern conyenieuces, stable and driving house. A commodious frame dwelling on South and Platte streets, with good stable. A frame dwelling on Xcee's street. VACANT LOTS gn I3ruce AUCTIONEERING EORGE BECKETT. General Auctioneer 906 Hamilton Street Goderich, P. 0. Box 1 . Farm, farm stook, and all other sales will receive special attention. I will buy your en- tire stook of Household Furniture, and will pay spot cull prices. Let me know what yen have to soli in any line, or call and see what I can sell you. - GEORGE BECKETT, Curionity Shop, Goderioh. ONTAMO UMW/An/Rai . two, oilg,rigio. • wee.renn.. The Speech Frecn the ThfOlei livered Yeaterday Spectate Tun teenearen &rens The °Marie Lettbrieffere Wee 01)04 • yesterday afternoon With the Wirral asepti:olonhontiroesm,anthde tTitehrfoOnlievelewitgatie lines the Government's proexam Per the session. DENTISTRY. rl E. SALE, L. 11 S. D. D. S., McLean's Block, Goderioh. Dr. Turnbull's old stand. GODERICH MARKETS. Current wholesale prices corrected up to noon of Thursday.) tdea of dra.eving t e mem ere of the Cie together, and its success was so great as to ensure an annual supper for No. 1 Company. POSTAL REGULATIONS. -The Post - office Depaxtenent publishes noLices The interment of the remains of the 'late Thonsas Amy took place in Mait- land cemetery lest Friday.afternoon, the pall bearers being his four sons, Charles, Albert, Thomas and Willinne Rev. G. N. Hazen, M. A. pastor of plirtarTts. Bulanoo on hand Jug. I, 1903 $ 203 37 Legislative grant ..... .... • . . . 106 44 Town grant (175 00 Inunty grant .... .. . , ............ 15 00 Readers carda, linos, oto . 71 11 Interest on hank deposit limit of lecture room .. . Electric hot refund • • .... Balance from Carnegie grant Total nXrENorrunteS Rent, light and homing Salaam) . Books (not Batton) Booka Motion) ..... . . . 21 08 Magazines, newapapore, oto 86 26 Ginumlithic walk „ . . . 61 33 Furniture . , 44 62 Itteuranec premluine . 29 35 Balance due tiontractor and sundries79 47 Balance on hand, Deo. 31, 12a5 .... 173 23 The galleriea were crowded while, the floOr of the home was well ailed - Interest was udded to the cereMony by the Introdection of the new mem- bers Ron. Frank Cochrane. Minieter of L:enda and Macs, and Mr. F. J. B. Pease. Premier Whitney was one of Mr. Cochrane's sponsors, and bath members received ovations as they were introduced Mr. Speaker and Gentleman of the Legislative Aasenvhlr. I take great pleasure in meeting you again as representatives of the Pro. vince in parliament assembled. Our , very earueet thauks are once ntore due to Almighty God for the bountiful btu -vest of the year that has paseed, which even excels the one which called for our gratittule last year. With Chia harvest the market conditions have been as sucheo maintain the prosperity winch our ferment have enjoyed in re- cent years. Tins has been noticeable in the dairying industry, the output of which has been very large. The evidences of steadily increasing enter- prise and actleity on the pitet of our people, which hey° been apparent for several years past, are to be seen on all eides at the present time, and afford good reason for congratulation and thankfulness. 2(01 9 04 TO 60 $1113-i3 fil 326 39 212 60 87 CI the effect that all mail matter enclosed ea ea transparent envelopes, having the grave, and there was a large number address on the enclosure, is to be of old neighbors from Goderich town - treated as non -transmissible by naall ship present at the obsequies. in Canada, and the same regulation applies to matter In envelopes having Brief Town Topics. a transparent front portion corning the address. Aetention is drawn to The shade trees in Godei ich should tbe fact that the stamps used for pre- have a systametic pruning. paying postage on post cards or unen- There were many falls on Wednes- closed cards mailed to other countries day, the eide-walks being exceedingly as.printed matter must be plaeed on slippery. the front or address side. The postal The owner of a linen cuff with but - administration of the Commonwealth ton, picked up on the street, can have of Australia has given notice that the the same. by applying at STA.R office. rates of postage on post -cards sent th Street Methodist church, con- ducted seryiee at. the hause and at the ing. The ice was very good, which made the occasion a pleasant one for both skaters and lookers on, as there were opportunities for fancy skating. The judges were W. E. Kelly, A. McIver and Thos. W. Nairn, and their awards were practically unanimously approved by those present. There. were quite a variety.of costumes, most of them being original, but ibe old cavalier suits and Japanese and other costumes that appeared annually for the last decade failed to show up. It is impossible to give list of the costumes worn by the skaters, as so few of them handed in the mune of the character they represented. There were about seventy-five in character, and as, almost withput ex ception, they were good skaters, thei costumes showed up to advantage The winners were Miss L. Lawson lady's fancy, ns Little Bo Peep ; Mis Mabel McDonald, girl's fancy, as Indian Princess: Miss Dora Chisholm ladies' and girl's comic, as Kaffir Girl Geo. Yule, gent's fancy, as C. M.R.S. A Neil McAuley, boys' fancy as Arabia Boy; and C. 'W. Bali, genes end boy comic. as Fat Man. The Marine Ban was present and tzave a nice pr gramme to the satisfaction of th skaters. THE NEW ELEVATOR. -The wee ending last Saturday was a bad o for outside work, particularly whe mortar or cement vsere to be used, Fall wheat, standard 10 74 to 75 Spring wheat, standard ..... 0 74 to 73 Flour, per ovrt., . 2 70 to 2 70 Flour, per cwt., family 2 25 to 2 25 19 00 to 19 00 20 00 to 20 18 00 to 1 0 34 to 0 0 to 0 73 to 0 48 to sael St. Moutreal St. Britannia Road. Cedar Street and Duren Road. A Farm two miles from Carlow, 200 amen ; sn- ootier bending's, 3vater, orchard and timber lot. Farm in West Wawanosh. 3 miles from Au- burn ; 200 &tree, good bundingsland water. Fenn Cffiborne, Lake Shore, 4 1311188 from Bran, per ton Shorts, per ton Screenings, per ton Oats Barley Peas Rye Buckwheat, per bushel 0 48 to Hay 6 50 to Butter per ib 0 18 to ggs, Oreeht per dozen . 0 15 to Wood, per cord 4 00 to Cattle, export 4 25 to Cattle. ordinary and butchers' 3 00 to 0 05 to 00 to 7 00 to 8 73 to 0 16 to 0 14 to 7 30 to 0 70 to 0 04 to Lamba, per lb Sheep, fat (owt) Hogs, weight Hogs, dressed Hama, per lb n, long dear des , Sheep skins Tallow, rendered Chickons-barnyard chloks, per lb 0 07 to " -orate fed 0 08 to Turkeys, per lb Goose, por lb netts per lb Goderlell, 11)0 acre& Farm Ori Mated Road, 4 miles from Goderksh, 160 aelefs.^ Fenn on Huron Rosa. one mile front Goderich. Pot ['Other Information osprey to hOUNG & ROBEIRTSON, Real Estate and Insurance Agents - 124 to 0 07 to 113) 6 00 to 43 73 48 48 00 20 17 30 30 00 • • s' o- ne re so Totalb .„ ..... . . „. .11113 28 Num er of volumes purchase dur- ing t•ettr, 144; in Library, 4827; issued, 12;214. 00 14 00 80 01 08 10 10 eet, eore quarters... 60 Beef. hind Quarters 50 Toronto Cattle and Hog Markets. Sun Office, Tuesday Evening, Feb. 13. Cattle prices both In Toronto and In the Old Country are now emetically the saM0 an last year at this time. Last year best exporters were $5 in the middle of February anot Cana- dian beef was selling in London at 100 to tlo a pound and at Liverpool from Do to 114. To- day tho aamo price prevails for best export- ers /erectly the 1%1110 jorlee fa quoted for Cann n beef in LiYerpool. Canadian beef in Lon on is now a little higher than last year. being quoted the sante as in Liverpool. The Toronto Market hoe not changed ma- terially thin week, although there has been a slight reduction in prices. Ftecelpts Iwo been much heavier than last week, and this has been followed by a senlo- what. weaker feeling. The beat figure obtained for exrtere this wook waii $6, 0.0 compared with 05 Ina wook, and there has also been wea ening In stuff tit kuVer grade. The Ooderich Planing Mills' Co's. from Australia to Canada bave been fhestory, that hed been closed a week reduced from one and a half pence to tor stock -taking, got steam up again one penny each for single post cards, and from threepence to twopence for on Wednesday. reply post -cards, from Jan. lst. A re- The season so far has not been antis - duction has been made on the rates of factory for dealers in sleighs and cut - postage on parcels sent frotu Canada ters, as the sales of these vehicles have to Dutch Guiana. The rates varies not been up to expectations. from 38 cents for one pound to $1.80 Messrs. Carey St Hamlink have sold for 11 'pounds. A convention has been the le story frame dwelling on Elgin arranged between the postal adminis- avenue, belonging to tbe estate of the trations of Canadaand Trindad for the late Mrs. Reid, to J. H. Wigintnan, of direct exchange of parcels by parcel post. The limit of vveight for a single Westfield, for $1500. Mrs. Swift, Trafalgar street, met parcel is seven pounds. Parcel mails with an accident which might have for Trincied are made up at St. John, N. 13. been tnore serious. In failing the lady was severely Menace but fortunate- INTERVIICWING TEE GOVERNMENT. ly no bones were broken. -The delegation consisting of Warden 3 no. Beacom's wagon lost a wheel Around The Harbor. RObert Clark started cutting ice on Monday, commencing in the center of the harbor where it was about nine inches thick,and he made a freed start. A large quantity of long cedar posts have arrived at the dock to be used along the C. P. H. track, where they will be driven, to support the track along weich the cars will run. The machine shop heitig erected on Marlton's island is nearing a finish, as far ILS tete outside is concerned, but its fitting up will take some little time. 'ehe machinery. however, for its equiputeut, is already at hand, and it is Understood that but. little time will be lost in getting things in order. It may be said the machine shop is somewhat. of an experiment, under- taken by our shipbuilder with a view of testing the poesibilities of Ood• erich as a location for the building of iron yeesels,and it is unaerstood that on the completion of the sbop, it tug to he built of fton wir be started. The tug being built on the island ior the Marlton Dredging Co. is now completely framed, and her lines 'show hov be as pretty a. craft as any ever built by her designer, William Merl - tone She will have a new coni• pound engine, now being-conetructed by the redbrick Engine and Bicycle Co., at their works, and her deck house wilt be built of iron. Apparent• ly she will be strung and speedy, and it is expected she will be ready for her trial trip pally in April, tut all her machinery and fittinge are being pumhed. ahead, and her boiler itt already on the ground. 'rhe (lielerich Leather Co. is not shipping large quantities these days, though enquiries are corning In freely, the trouble being the rise in price of all soft. woods. To judge what We prospects are, we may state that a northern firer, who last fall sold vete taln lines of betnioeir at $19 per M.. now r ef use ntly offer less th,tit $15 for t Hattie lines, and it is said t het pine has made even a, bigger eimp. wood, ite yet, lets not joined in the ittivanne, hut holders are expecting it lo reap some benefit front the 1 'me in softie The want. of snow, it is ceicti- lateel, will cut down the rut and deli- very, se aompared with last, year, by about 50 per cent, which may enmity account for the rime ii) mats, but that t here ean he 1111), great rise hi harde is donbtfill, for large Ntor kw were car• ried over, among them being that of the eloderi eh Harbor Mill Co., said tally one million, live hundred thou- sand feet. The past year has been the most succeesful in the hiatory of the Agri- cultural College front the standpoint of the number of students, the number of farm viaitors and the amount of work dote,. For tbe first time in its career, the total number of students of all classes exceeded 1,000. The Maccioneld Institute has appar- ently taken arm hold on the apprecia- tion of the public, and farmers' daugh- ters have come to its halls in numbers that prorniee a very bright future for the institution. You will be asked to ' provide funde for Inc:teasing teaching facilities of the College in various de- partatente. The pan year has shown it largo increase over previoue years in the number of immigrants settling in Ontario. Preparations at e being made to receive and settle a larger number during the present year who will be directed to the forms of the Province. With increased facilities and an im- proved system, it is confidently ex- pected that the immigration end colon- isation work of this Government will reash the highest mark yet attained. The funds approptimed axe being used solely to omelet ln pr•ov Id i ng farm and &innate: help. Since the last -meeting of the Legis- Mture. His Excelleney Earl °rev, Gov- ernor-General of Cauada, accompanied hy elnuntese Grciv and their estimable fitnely, have vielted several sections of the Prey Mae, an& the seat of gov- ernment, has been honored hy their presence tin two nceasions. The people of the Province have noted with Bp tis - Motion the great interest takea, by Ills Excellency in all matters affecting their welfare and happiness. The ex- tensive experience gained by His Ex- cellency in the various public positions which he has occupied renders his opinions on such questions tel, the greatest poesible value ; while tbe -- threat manifested by the Countees in all movements of a philanthropic and social nature, has been s. source of trivet satisfaction. that no advance was mule on th work on the new elevator, but t zero spell did not prevent the carpe ters from continuing their labors. may be said, however, that the cense work is practically gnished to th point where thi bies on tbe south ei start, and there is 18 feet of scaffoldi above tbat point ready for the wo men to build upwards. It will be membered that the Routh side of t etructure is partly open, that is, it h 12 pillars, but last week the f ram for 11 smaller ones (one between e of the others) were placed in positi and itt the -fleet break in the weat tbey will be filled in. The addition these pillars will make the block lo more oompact, though apparen they were not needed for strength, the twelve originally built are atm enough to carty any weight that co be put on them. In each of the ad pillars there will be two iron ro and cts there are three in each of others there will be 48 iron eods, enough, supposing t could be properly braced, to supp the upper wall without the cern One feature of the building must be missed, that is the Iturnenee qu thy of iron in the structure, there ing scores of tons of ti inch sq iron rods alrencly in the walls, every two feet another course veil placed, and as each rod la interioc with the next, the whole building be a succession of strong iron fra that cannot be tnoved by wind or ter. The main leg will he built I covered) a steel strecture jnet ou the elevatote the face of wbich vol needle flesh with the face of the d thus making the maebinery eas handle and giving the lee a far gre reach. The advanta.ges of this grea reach will be better understood it is temeMbered that it fs propos bend boats Of 300,000 bushels eap whicaa With o r average death of ter, will ne e of greater bread balm tha hose that now sten. our la So far the new Hui pt greased fairly well ; it loo then* it will tasint all Ore, sten MeV by enrthquakete and las Intig the pyramids of Egypt. linuse in now well Miyane the briek work le conee te be hoped that ail t reedy to push it to s at be n - It nt de ng rk- re- he as es ach on, her of ok tly for ded the nrh hey ort en L not an- be - Wire and I he ked will mes wee n (or Wide 11 be ock, Y ater ter when ed to acity. eoli- th of m on Ming kn d un - t an The ed so fried. bingo finith The quotations for hogs today are tho same its lot week in all cases but csse. The William Davies Compeer quote 100 higher. Their fi- gures today are: 16.85 delivered at country points, $6.60 fed and watered tho Toronto market, ena fiti.86 oft ears at Torenree Davies day that although teceipta hay° n light the tendency of the tnarket wilt be ownward on tho strength of their cable advice from the okt Country." Park, Macke:Ten & Co.., this morning quote select heal off cars at 16.75 and 250 off for second rates. Harris is paying $0.50 for, I6o. 1 hog% fed and vratered at tete market this morning. nod 10.23 for fate and llghte,,,,, Tho micas geoted bes Darns proValled at the Junetion market YosteadaY. "PUBLIC NOTICE. leTOTIctil TO DEDT0118. –At; Dr, J. Li. Turn- -LA may be hewing town ony day. ho wleheli tO be publielLtnown that hia books u rti in cigage_01 Mr. . Jane. who can 110 aeon titre °Mewl of Eramernonti& Turn- bull. bib Meese Is damned More 611 MIAMI to all demented than to place them at Mute) in the bends of his legel agents. Mr. June has been Wen tau diseretionary ran in deeding with the adeennet, and It is that they will botiCtittd Without amine e Dstee Nelson Goderieh, Fe 14, 1006, MICE TO FARMERS Toren Evety penile guaranteed or money tals,tesicts nee ohclowasic sock R00% of retail *auras For IMO by W. BeRnOwa & SON. TO INTENDING BUILDERS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Page 4•••••• Girl Wanted -Mt% Xing t We haire cenettintty in stock a large Gar Rooni Wanted-Eitor Often I supply Of Cettient Miele for rale. Ihniegeleeds-e.11, Colbeiret 4 Ultima get prieee. tern Itnicker* and Men's Pante-W. fe. a Pridham TWOODellICH C***EMENT ERICK CO. Drees 00016-43. Miller St Co 4 0013EM014 February fialo..W. Achaten deem ..... ,6 Child ler Adepeot --O. A. BOtietY ..... -•• 1 Drotailiakillig--Mlag ft. Wylie - t Notlite to flebtorli-- fir. Mk 'fdrobil11 1 fletit eaten Meal 00048-110dgtinafiros, 8 toga nA itt Reel Eetatte-Carey ee luta. sik,.............. Meek (entre* ealte..-44 A. feeleibt te After elfeeksrakifereel. efs ranking 1 CottriestesetIkticaltAltanobirolioartite, 1 W. U. ItELLY *.A.01111tAittli. Attla orrrotmvo tietIttt mitirtmet tmeeete • esz. laft$IV11641/1101139t1106ktitiffiEltisoormr 41 „ Spackman, County Councillor McKen- while passiv along West Street on W INS Tite ROUND, The hockey team on Wednesday evening played the final genie in the second round with Stratford intertne- diatee in that city. 13y agreement they put up ft mainly defensive game, and the Neon; of 5 to 4 in favor of Stratford shows our boys sticeeeded in their intention.and saved the round by 12 to 5. It is conceded on ell hands that tbe game WWI one of the hest of the season, and though penal- ties were intlicted they were about evenly divided, A Stratford despatch to the city press is evidently intended to let the Clessic City team down eas- ily, but a sentence or two may be quoted here: The canto wive cleanly oontosted, both teams being about evenly matched, but tho visitors had the more weight. The Oodorloh forward lino was alightly disorganized on tho largo sheet of leo. They showed little combine Oen, which might be all right on a 510,01 rink, but their passing WWI miserably poor. rho Goderich defence was heavy and hard 3,0 pass and in the latter period played close in on goal - The Wyandottes end Vietoria hock- ey teams played a game of hoekey on Wednesday night, the latter winning by the score of (3 to 2. The Wynn- dottes attribute their defeat to the small and poorly lighted rink, and the work of the referee. A feature of the game, says one of the losing team, was the dazzling rushes of Monkey Bill and Punch Wells. zie and Treasurer Dr. Holmes, inter- Monday. he wagon was loaded viewed many of the cabinet ministers with cement bricks, and the axle while in Toronto last week. In the broke off near the huh. matter of the change in the constitu- The Goderich Planino Mill Com - tion of County Councils, nothing pany's works were closed down tacit was done, as the Premier said the cabi- week for stock taking. though quite a net had decided on the change pro- number of the employees were finish - posed. In the matter ofobarges made ing contracts in different parts of the by outside High schools for pupils of town. this county attending them, the mem- It has been discovered that the most Act will he so amended as to prevent successful means of starting a balky horse is to lift one of its feet and with hers of the delegation believe that the the matter of the poor house difficulty, shoe several titnee. This has been a stone or eomething hard, strike the any future trouble on this point. In they also believe they were successful, Proven many a time and invariably for although the minister objects has the desired effect. to the appointment of so many in- spectors, he was in sympathy with Quite a number of citizens have al - their views, so that the delegation was ready their summer supply of ice quite successful. While in Toronto stored away. The cakes are from '7 to Dr. Holmes interviewed the Provin- 9 inches thick, clear and gelid. &me cial Board of Health as to providing a were cut from thet rather large pond place for patients euffering from diph- or lake near the brick yard in Gode• rich towable theria and other like diseasee, and the • ' doctor w es told that the proper Mr. E. Zoellner, of Sheppardton, wan method wan to select a proper building assisting in the killing of a beef, when and take it. The doctor also inter- the tackle became loose and struck viewed the Attorney General on the him On the head, necessitating mail - necessity of municipalities having the cal attention to a ruptured blood ves- power to guarantee bonds of a cont. sel. Dr. Whitely reports; that he will patty, when the said guarantee is sup- soon be all right again. ported by the votes of property own- The five-year old daughter of Mr. J. ern, without being put to the trouble Wilson, Quebec street, underwent a and expense of a epecial Act and it Is critical operation on Wednenday. Rhe understood the Municipal Act will be bad been suffering from pleurisy and amended in this direction and the complications followed, requiting in town thug saved $150, which it would empyonia. • A portion of two ribs was otherwise have th pay. removed and the pus taken away. The operation was performed by Drs. Meeting Calendar. Whitely and Turnbull, and t he patient is doing well. Ropier meettr.g of the Town Connell this officers were elected at Clinton for Last Tuesday evening the following Regular meeting of Huron Chapter No.110, IL A M., next Tuesday evening. " *0 the. btetk in the weathr rornes, C. P. R. Construction Notes. No further addition hits been made to the trestle work Started at, the end of the south abutment of the proposed Maitland river bridge, the %%etre of the proper poles being apparently the There is a rumor current that work will he stopped on the raised track on tiquaw leland until the bridge slums the river nt that point. whieh If tree, means that the steel will soon be placed on the piers. Men hnve been engaged for some days rip -rapping one of the piers for the Maitland river bridge. To rip -rap a pier neerns to he potting a hig pile of large heavy stones all round the hone, to keep the CUrrent from undermining IL, and if such is the purpose they are making a good job of it. fitratford Herald "Mayor Ferguson has received on intimation thnt. the Railway Conantinnion tine Engineer P. A. Petertion, of the (1. 1'. ii„ will shortly visit Htratford to go over tbe route of the Guelph-Ooderieh line from Linwood to Ingersoll where It passes throogh thin eity, It in under- stood that the mntter of roml crimelnga. G. T. R. erosHinga. subways, Pie , will he thoroughly gone Into by the Com- m Melon and Mr. Peterson. It wan thought that the Commionlon would he here yeaterday, but they had not arrived up to nenn today. It in felt that thin vita in a nitre nign that the road will be built in the npring." The' Milverton Hun trays: "Col. Mc- Crae, of Guelph, on behalf of the Guelph and Ooderich Rellway Coe at- tended the village council tneeting Monday evening and araced for an ex• tension of one yeer fnr the rompletion ot the ;Tied through the munielpality, tbe n of the inal rate , 1005. It uncil are ueat, m- olding the road NA croon ng Ain street ht completed by the first of :lithe, loon, te enable them to proceed with the eonntruction of the cetnent aide - walk% whir+ they purnote putting down on both aides of the street. The aidewalka. at present. arff In deplm rahle condition and the coutn:R do not think it advisable to delay the int. provenvants any longer than titygtat'7. (Fri ity3 evening. Jubilee Precepto No. 101 : -Sir K te. cotnunanunithmaemethienrg gx1t1oamrdonoLyTroadveno iiring:rrownob_ JDo.hpn S; c jaarime Lets, niKvenrery: Co.nPno"iii7W.mi !ataxy 10. Cantelon, Regiatrar; hon. earns. Library of tho Court Gonne, I'dontlay next at Treagurer David Barr and John Bull- Ths regular monthly mooting of tho Baugh. t.16. NI Commi. lice. ard, Lecturers; Albert Anderson and Wro. Ford, Censora; J.H.Camphell and tern of the Empire will be boid In the Law Annual meeting of tho County Graf? Mack A. M. Todd. Std. Bearerm David Barr, on 'Monday, roh. 20th, at °clock a. tn. Purseivant. The county meeting will be held at Wingham next Tuendity. Chapter et Huron and Perth, at W nghain. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY ., The Bruce Mines Spentator env; ; The marvellous advance In timber Take LAXATIVE BRO?if0 Quinine prices of recent yearn in ntrikingly Tableta. Druggists refund money if it illustrated in a deal which wan closed falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Saturday, for the tranefer of timber berth 109 In the Georgian Bay din- ts on each box. 25c. trieL V, *. Gilehrist,of Alpena,Mich., TEE GOOLTECE STAB iS it winner Bold the timber to E, B. Pose, of and leads in all linen. Ban oity, for $450,000. The tract emn- tains upwards of 100,000,000 feet of The Algoma Conservator Rapt 1- white pine. This identical tract wan "Capt imetand has sold his eteamer in the metket three yenta ego at 'The Telegram,' wilich Will mil in $200,000, in that ehort apaeo of time connection With the Caribou and Malls le bits afore than dente -ell in value. hon. but will run on the eolith side of Foss, it is shad, will he able to make the Island and make regular ealla at a bandanna profit before he tete go of Providence Bay." the tinge% 1 You will he pioneer! to learn that the operation of the first section of the Temiskitteing and Northern On- tario Railway for the past year has been satisfactory --the income being largely in excess of the expense of 0P - ?letting -and that the construction of thee extension of this road hits been proceeded with in the most energetic manner. The growing importance and value of the mineral intereets of the Pro- vince call for the most careful consid- eration and manngement, and neces- snry amendments to the mining law will he submitted to you foe your con- sideration. Since am last session an agreement has heen arrived at with the Domin- ion Government for the negotation, on equitable terms, of a treaty with the Indians who matey large portions ot t he province not now unrler treaty. Among the measures to be subntit- eel to you for your conelderation in eddition to the nmendments of the mining law above mentioned, will be the bills respeeting count y councils rempeeting the Department of Lands and :eines ; amending and consolidat- ing t he Liquor License Act ; etnendlog the Volunteer Land Orates Aet revising and amend- ing the Railway Act, the Street Itai I wily Act, and the Electric Hallway Act ; amending the Agricultural and Art F4 AO; amending anti eonnolidating the meyeral nets relating to eompanies; revising and amending the ace; relat- ing to piddle vehools, and the acts re- aperthig the Department of Educe, t to : revere ing 3 he I' n vereity of Tor - on to, and amending the Supplemen- ter)." Itesumne ,%ct, ISM, providing for t lie taxation of rallwayn AMONO THE CliCRaHCS. Iteyivel *freakier have been in pro- gress in Victoria mtt eet NI et hodist chervil for the past four weeks, under the leadership of 3 he pastor, Itev. IL Mahan), who luta 'been ably and faithfully a:misted by his congrega- tion. The mervicea have grown in spirit Intl intereat and prover, and there has been a gnu if ylne resin ,iise to the earnest Invitations to aerripl arilvation through JeAlls Christ nyitl wake it 11110110 avoWid of in 1 1 tin, Nearly people have primoutieed for the new life, and the spiritual energies tirld aspirations 111 tlic 01111 griTilt inn have been quickened as a revolt of these apveitil wet Viet... The 1 '1'heext 1,iordiunt y poseibilitiee which meetings ewitinite tins week, and .1,11 the flit 11, tnay hove in store with Sunday morning n'' 83 (1. t*"...1""'" referenee to eleetrie power, are still lierViel, will lie 113.01, whill those mt,",.thig i„..,,,,..tpti attentim) on the wishing to join the 1'011301 will he pal I, I 1 t f . •i -1-11 ill,. Haul p,netioll men. It. enrolitn1 and publiclv received, end is expected that ,tie report. of 1 Ile coua- unite 111 the (.mm1111113.11 service inissioriera appointed to enquire Into which will follow, and ret,ort upon h vdrioilic and elect' lc 'Illie gospel tempernnee meet ing last piover in the Province will be laid he - Sumter rafternoini, addressed by lt,•8. , f•,,,,,, voi) 1,,,,for,, 33,1. 01,,,,,,,, of fb, gen_ The bylaw, an submitte torn, called for the co pied road two yearn from ate of fication, namely Ma eh 11 ita underatood that, the c willing to neeerle to thio r „I. leant% "The Mack knight." sion A trutem of information has called Otit nn nticlielics ilio..0 I 4,yond 1 ipi.,, ,.„11,0,1. whi,•1, will no donee, the posmilile repaei 1 y of t he hall. .N1 r. le, ,e greet view, a, , et. mem, en,. Heetor's address was a clouvicterts1 10 snlerat ion of thin very important one, full of himior 3111.1 pathos, ani tarmac In a rg um en t for 1 he tempera nce came. The singing, eneer ale 10,1,1e,, ,,,,,,, ,,1111,,,t i commission wAn nrp.linted to report Shin of MT. K. 4'. ilelehel, ('011141 he wimherl for. 1,, the evening ! "t"'n e "'hen"' feu the management building W n.t4 not lorge (mooch for the . 'resent 0, in the rootn Ana sl end o one Methodist. rlittrrh, slid thert.. I 00, 1 orkler Whirl) t'lle slit() l'nlyeraity is tbe number; who florknd I hit lietpalo'1,1,•; !lir, grents).:11:tti.Po'fijiihntel r::orrt(13131 hi I:4:i L31 rilr ee:-• sereiren Were rondnel 041 by VV , II. Orithato, el r. Heel or preitehing I Pvet."(1 sh"rtle• the Nerilion front kninit :41. 7 13n \ion. Von V611 he glad to lean) that the day evening the Tempel:anis, flail , reven IWO of I he province are largely was again etawdrel te hoer another k in eurnsn nf the eatituates and more temperance add roan from 1 he colined than 3:0fficient to meet the provincial orator, and In thls 115 in the rii her expenditure during the year. aervicen, he held t he ,looe at I en I i on ttf I The publie iverotintn will be laid Ina h ri ie nee t o 3110 eIlli. Hall fOt 0 V,ei ?M. V, nit 03)11..1(1er:ilium at. the it, 'not been that Mr. Dertor was engaged t 4, 118'1111.0 1.1f4.•WhOre! the ceoopoo mere•to nee I .eagne would have retrained hini for Tlienthly night, tins ws,ctirter cut hhIniti,,,,,thlii,,sset,t)v thhe,iseeurn:,•1,1,1vne,811,::). MI „of meetinge might ha. f. no “p penfflocriltnwityinef Itinring hini. However, the comm.:tee. intend having him bhneeal: hogima:n nt all eauly date. w hen an the neeottinosdxattis.ions soffi sityl I twijohn :wipe thingto he made to arranan for fteen'ilal wholubehler et 14Tv.1:5:,,, (11 btol ul‘flitric.ial itiirrtiel. ati Mang °Unto Mira Ka turah Brown will sing &Selo. quest ion. 1 11 the month of (letribor last, a Mr.liector preaelied in Victor ia. ntreet and govstmeent of the I•nivessitir of • eatlieet moment, and the estimates ft,i. the emning yoar will also be sub- mit ted for your approval at an early dat.. Mr. Thome.; Hantingn, evhooe die- nilnnal an lirenno inepeetor for the city of Toronto wan resented an eruel Remote of the voile ayetem, has been given a fat job ao lospector of public he ings by the Ot tawa Governmen If Thomaa wan the inoffennlve strictly neutral ofileial which we. Maimed. the Ot woe permit; haye mad a en Lome, ea they never aim at warding that kind of a Man. 't1.! • •